#Tw covid 19
adulthoodisokay · 4 months
it's been over 4 years but the pandemic finally got me and let me tell you, i feel like total trash
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lettherebemonsters · 11 months
I've been feeling like absolute dogshit since yesterday and thanks to home tests, it looks like I caught Covid. Yay me.
Still need to get an official test done for work but man....I freaking hate this.
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very-uncorrect · 2 years
Introverts had to live through a world made for extroverts for their entire lives until quarantine hit and things flipped, and it was revealed that extroverts have a much harder time living in a world that works better for introverts than vice versa
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hi everyone, i am still on my break but my parents have both tested positive for covid (it’s mild) so any positive and healing thoughts/vibes would be much appreciated!
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talkfastromance4 · 2 years
Covid finally got me😔😔 explains why my fever kept going up and down, my body was fighting it hardcore.
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k1mch1-pancake · 2 years
just found out my dumbass brother caught covid bc he wasn't wearing his mask at school even though our mom begged him to bc she's immunocompromised + struggling with the effects of long haul covid + monitoring a bacterial lung infection + has underlying chronic disorders istg if she gets sick again bc of him im going straight home to beat the shit out of him bc that could legitimately be the thing that does her in and he knew this well and true but still decided to go ahead and unmask at school all because he felt like the odd one out for wearing one
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otteroflore · 2 years
Guess what yall i tested positive on day 11 of coughing and having a sore throat. I took three other tests throughout (ok one was expired tbh but only by a month and i took ut because my part er needed to go out and get more the next day).
My partner tested positive the day he felt sick and two more times after (his day 1 was my day 5); hes feeling better and i felt better then feel worse again.
It is possible i had some other virus at first and then he caught ‘vid and gave it to me on top of the earlier virus but it seems unlikely given i didnt really have any unique symptoms except my sinuses getting worse, which might be bc i stopped boiling water as a humidifier also. I should probably start that again. We got boosters again just before thanksgiving so they probably werent fully effective when we got exposed. Im glad we got them though, i didnt have a fever and my partner barely had one, things could be much worse. Im having trouble staying away from my cat and worrying about him getting sick.
Since i still dont have a job right now ill be able to quarantine for a while, i am pretty bored and tired, not really ip to doing much and ive been sleeping badly. Working on trying to get a doll video out by this weekend but not sure if ill make it.
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artemis-pendragon · 2 years
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CDC come study me like a bug challenge
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obl1tus · 4 months
So apparently I have COVID so that's fun! The test came back positive not even ten minutes after running it lmao. Apparently I can't have fun these days without being sick right after! Love my life 😅
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animal-crossing · 2 years
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f1-birb · 9 months
Birb I think I have covid :(
My test has a dark (like, REALLY dark) sample line but a faint kinda hard to see control line? So idk? But god I feel like I got hit by a bus :(
if you can, take another test (grim as I know they are) because it could just be another one of the seasonal dickheads but yeah, sounds like you might have it - or at least something - which really sucks
I hope it doesn't affect you too badly, I know when I had covid early on in the pandemic years I felt like shit for 3 days and it took a full week before I fully felt human, so I hope it's lesser symptoms for you and it goes away quickly
If there's anything I can provide in these trying times lmk
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theqhreator42 · 1 year
alright public health folks pack it up, I finally defeated COVID-19
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According to my government’s website, those who test positive for COVID and have symptoms should isolate for 5 days (from start of symptoms) and then mask indoors for 5 days after that. It’s not even mandatory…just recommended. Most people will just go on with business as usual 🙄
My symptoms started the day I tested positive. That means that today (Saturday), I can leave my house and mingle with others as long as I mask up?! 😷 Not a chance! I’m still testing positive and I’m not even symptom free!
We went from mandatory 14 day quarantine/isolation to “Meh, stay home if you want. We don’t really care. COVID is over” in less than three years 🤨
Until I test negative/am symptom free, I’m staying put.
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intersexfairy · 9 months
getting COVID multiple times does NOT decrease your risk of serious complications.
COVID is SERIOUS ILLNESS that can KILL you, even IF you're perfectly healthy beforehand.
you CANNOT rule out whether serious complications will happen to your our others.
if you're sick MASK UP, and STAY HOME whenever possible.
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one-time-i-dreamt · 2 years
Instead of coal, Santa gave the bad kids COVID and the next super wave of the pandemic started. He had to go on the news and reveal himself to apologize as the good kids also got crazy sick.
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destielmemenews · 3 months
The US military ran a secret propaganda campaign to encourage people in developing countries to not accept life-saving aid from China, including China's new vaccine.
Reuters article -> https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-covid-propaganda/
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"Reuters identified at least 300 accounts on X, formerly Twitter, that matched descriptions shared by former U.S. military officials familiar with the Philippines operation. Almost all were created in the summer of 2020 and centered on the slogan #Chinaangvirus – Tagalog for China is the virus."
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