#Twilight Town Gang
ghostbunnie · 11 months
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I see us in other people
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strawbyarts · 1 year
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roxette shenanigans (ft. hayner and pence)
requested by @chirithy564 - ☆
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zerorock41 · 2 months
Pence: So who would be your ideal partner?
Olette: Smart, focused, enthusiastic, willing to help me clean our home and raise our kids.
Hayner: And it's times like this I remember what a girl you are.
Olette: Alright chauvinist, let's hear your answer, who's your dream partner?
Hayner: Hmmm, someone cool, Badass, able to kick my ass.
Xion: (blows up a demon tower with a giant fireball)
Roxas: (tears through a huge group of heartless with a broken arm and laser beams)
Hayner: *blushes* Them. I like them.
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vampishdyke · 1 year
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it came to me in a dream
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sapphic-sasquatch · 6 months
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baby-xemnas · 1 year
I have a question: what kind of underwear do you think Saix, Axel, Roxas, Xion would wear or do you think the three of them would try to persuade Saix to wear matching underwear?
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Twilight Gang Reunion ♡
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This was honestly something I wanted to see in the credits after KH III. So all the data greetings I made on my page are pics of events I would've loved to see.
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regallibellbright · 2 years
I’ve been slowly thinking over the last… basically since Neo came out, that I’d probably want to do at least SOME TWEWY dolls at some point. It’s still a question which version of the original cast I’d go with - either version presents interesting challenges, I have SOME limits and would not want to do both, that is eleven dolls (with Eri) - but I’d sort of convinced myself away from the Wicked Twisters sans Beat and Neku because I’d feel the need to do all of them and Rindo’s coat is so elaborate and would be so difficult even simplifying for scale I’d sooner learn to weave.
Which was a shame, I’d think, because Shoka’s design looks like it’d be FUN.
And then sometime in the last couple weeks it occurred to me, the yarn I’ll be using for Roxas’s hair could easily also be used for Fret’s. But still, no. Rindo’s coat is up there with the Wayfinders’ everything, I’m not touching it.
And then yesterday I caught myself thinking about ways to do Rindo’s coat in crochet. Which I would absolutely not be doing, realistically I could probably manage it with advanced enough knitting after I do the other *deepest of sighs* NINE DOLLS, but crochet is just… no. No. I simplified out the leopard print on Lea’s pants why the HELL would I want to try something that has it in black and white along with like six other patterns?
But I can see which way my brain is going. It will not be soon. It will not be until I’ve finished SEVERAL other projects, and therefore probably not for over a year at least. But I think I should start planning for the fact that eventually there will probably be a Creative Urge that will eventually be the whole set of playable characters across both games. *
* What? Rhyme counts. Sure, she’s a pin and also a squirrel at the time but you DO control Rhyme.
I at least haven’t thought seriously about the Wayfinders. Yet. If I’m doing Rindo’s coat then the Wayfinders for Bro (for whom they are HIS favorite trio) seems like a matter of time no matter how implausible that sounds in yarn.
*Sigh* God help me.
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skunkbert · 4 months
DiZ: "I need to use this sleeping kid to destroy a gang of fucked up shadow people"
meanwhile, Roxas in Twilight Town:
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majorproblems77 · 5 months
LU Update! So welcome back to the analysis corner with me!
We have another LU update! Called Moving forward we see the heroes leave the town and make their way to the location that Sky found. With learning a little more about the team as a whole.
With 10 pages there's a lot of information to work through so I hope you are sitting comfortably
As always Linked universe (LU) belongs to @linkeduniverse and Jojo, I own none of the pictures I'm using and please give the original post some love. It's very well done and I love this comic so much.
You can find the comic here!
And as always there are spoilers abound for the most recent update!
Now sit back, grab some water and snacks and let's do this!
So before we get started im just gonna say that the brain cell is pinging around this lot so much that I'm bound to miss some stuff. But I shall try my best to get everything I wanna say said.
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It was only some of you, captain, dont forget that.
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(Oblatory look at my blorbo picture, he's so sweet. Blorbo blorbo blorbo)
Okay I'll behave this time
(No i won't)
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I can understand the concern from the captain, as a captain from the army during a time of war secrets are dangerous. He's probably thinking if Twilight has concealed this what else has he concealed.
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And then we get snarky wars again
I missed the snarky captain, he's wonderful.
Also the line about double duty, Come on captain, you know full well that patrol is an important part of a group dynamic like this.
This also confirms that the group have had encounters with monsters outside of what we've seen. As the line from wars about missing fights implies that they've fought a bunch of stuff. But we've only really seen wolfie in a fight back in the sunset arc.
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Twilight fondly mentioning Midna, I'm so proud of him.
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These two are the goddamn brothers ever and I love them dearly. Also, the knowledge we are about to be given about how this works is very exciting.
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The brothers ever
All of them
Twilight thinking Wild had more than two brain cells. I love him. And the hug? The hug gives me life.
Also the captain, the captain is a point to talk about here. This feels like an accusatory sentence. The "You dont say?"
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Me trying to figure out how time travel works in LU.
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Legend, why are you so grumpy about this? Like he looks angry to hear this.
Four thinking about the implications of this sentence. I can literally hear the brain cell bouncing as it pings from hero to hero as they try to figure out this time travel thing.
Wind is a small bean as well look at him. The youngest I love the eyes.
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Ahh, so thats the explanation. A spirit wolf that helped guide him on his journey which he trusted so much that he thought that the wolf he saw here was just another spirit until twi changed in front of him.
But this line from him is so sad. "Right after my resurrection" and "we both would have known the grave." This feels like as a person wild is at peace with it but doesn't want others to have to go through what he did. He's a chill dude and i love him for that to be honest.
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Meanwhile, my blorbo Sky is out here trying to get actual work done. This is 10/10 the sksw dousing experience if you've not played it. You just swing the sword around while it pings at you until you eventually find what you are looking for.
Fi is trying her best.
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Lads all of you need to remember that not all of you have had things that perform transformation magic. Im surprised (But also not surprised) That Time doesn't have anything to say about this. Like my man has used a tone of different transformation masks that change him into various different things and has one that turns him into a god.
The magic users ganging up on the non-magic users, like please behave.
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Ahh Time, Time is the disappointed old man that has to coral a bunch of kids. And Wild is like the most kid of them all. (Tell me why I'd love to know! :D) (Which makes sense if we take LU to be at most a few months after the end of his game. Wild would be 18 at most.)
the sort of conversation you dont want to involve yourself in Time trust me on this one.
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Feels bad for twi man he earned that title and to have it reduced to just some guy.
Wild is gonna get told off by Time if he ain't careful, that's his blood descendant right there and we all know he has a soft spot for him.
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This is important, because I'm pretty sure most of them did at one point.
Another thing that appears to be a constant amongst the team is the need to conceal an identity. Either from them or them to others.
I'm not versed in all of their games so I can't go into full details but these guys ain't the only ones. Pretty much all of them have. The spirit of courage does love secrets, doesn't it?
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Thats my blorbo and he's so sad help he
Blorbo blorbo blorbo
Give him a hug and reboot Fi and it'll be fine.
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To echo the words of Time.
Now this depends on what exactly Sky was dousing, was he dousing the portal, the helmet outside the portal? The postman even?
My money is on the helmet outside the portal, so that Dink came back into this timeline to retrieve it before leaving. But I may be incorrect on that account because Fi is able to track people as well as objects (Sksw would often have you tracking Zelda directly)
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I was wondering how they were going to do it. But with Twilight able to track it they'll be able to use a combination of dousing and him sniffing out Dink's scent to be able to find him no matter where he might be.
It's so distinct, twilight you know by saying that you're gonna have some of these guys asking questions. Just wait for the next campfire story time it's gonna come up.
I can see Wind and Twilight having a conversation like this.
"What does Dink smell like?" "What?" "You heard me."
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Oh he's so excited look at him!
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Oh four.
I wonder if we are gonna have a four and Twilight conversation about this, with four's past he's understandably worried about the use of dark magic in one of his friends.
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Oh come on legend lighten up, the child has never seen something like this before.
I'm glad Hyrule is coming in for his defence and all but 5 minutes ago Hyrule you were with Legend and saying to Wild that there's a load of items that do it.
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Why is wind just so wonderful?
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Look at him go!
Thats gotta be Wind, He's been so excited about this I can't see it being anyone else.
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Bark Bark!
Wolfie beloved.
Im here for more brotherly content from the team, they are wonderful.
Now lets go find us a Lizard, or iron knuckle or whatever he transforms into next.
And thats all from me! I loved this update and there was so much to unpack I know I've missed stuff! But I hope you enjoyed it! :)
(Also apologies for spelling mistakes I'm sick rn but wanted to get this done)
Have a great day!
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taintedcigs · 1 year
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reimagining twilight in the stranger things universe;
reader is the newbie of hawkins, quickly becoming a part of the gang and slowly discovering that the small town is not at all what it seems like. but still failing to realize that both vampire!eddie munson and werewolf!steve harrington are fascinated by the reader. ♡
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zapreportsblog · 1 year
❝my child❞
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✭ pairing : poly lost boys x reader
✭ fandom : the lost boys
✭ summary : (y/n) is a vampire and a member of the Lost Boys, a powerful gang of biker vampires who control Santa Carla's boardwalk. Despite her immortal nature, Y/N yearns for the impossible dream of having children, much like human women. Her fixation shifts to a lone traveler, whom she believes is destined to be the child of her and the Lost Boys, setting the stage for a unique and unconventional tale of desire and destiny in the vampire underworld.
✭ authors note : ooh aged down star here and I think ima start writing for something other then twilight because no offense twilights taking up my page 😂 I’m not just a twilight franchise writer, I write for various movies, tv shows and series
✭ the lost boys masterlist
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The Santa Carla boardwalk was bustling with life as (Y/N) walked hand in hand with her four vampire companions: Marko, Paul, Dwayne, and David. They were known as the Lost Boys, the notorious group of nocturnal creatures that ruled the night in this coastal town. For (Y/N), they were more than just companions; they were her mates, her official but unofficial husbands in the eyes of their vampiric society.
As they strolled among the neon lights, a sense of melancholy crept over her. Children ran by, laughter and joy emanating from their every move. Parents watched over them with love and pride, and the longing in (Y/N)'s heart deepened. She knew that as a vampire, she could never experience the joy of parenthood. Vampires couldn't reproduce, and that realization weighed heavily on her.
(Y/N) glanced at her boys beside her, their immortal beauty accentuated by the boardwalk lights. Their existence was eternal, but it was also devoid of the simple pleasures of human life. While they didn't age, they were forever frozen in time, unable to grow, change, or have children of their own. A pang of sadness washed over her as she wished for something she could never have.
Later that night, as they returned to their hidden lair deep in the cliffs overlooking the Pacific, (Y/N) nestled herself in the makeshift nest of blankets and pillows. She was wrapped up tightly, seeking comfort from the emotional storm brewing within her. Unbeknownst to her, the Lost Boys could feel her emotions, her sadness radiating like a palpable energy in the room.
Dwayne, always the most observant of the group, spoke up. "Did anyone else notice (Y/N) unusual behavior today on the boardwalk?" His voice was soft but laced with concern.
David, the leader of the Lost Boys, nodded. "Yes, I did. She seemed...distressed."
Marko and Paul exchanged glances, equally troubled by the apparent sadness in their mate's heart. "You think she's craving something?" Paul asked, voicing the thought that lingered in all their minds.
Dwayne sighed, running a hand through his dark hair. "It's possible. She was watching the children and their families."
David's eyes darkened as he considered the implications. They all knew that satisfying this desire wouldn't be easy. They couldn't simply snatch a random child, not only because it would be cruel but also because it would anger (Y/N) beyond measure.
"We need to find a way to make her happy," David said finally. "We owe it to her. She's given up so much to be with us."
Marko nodded in agreement. "Let's figure this out, together. (Y/N) deserves our best efforts."
Paul chimed in, determination in his voice. "We can't give her a child, but maybe we can find something else that will fill that void in her heart."
As the boys huddled together, their bond as strong as ever, they were united by a single goal: to bring happiness to the woman they cherished above all else, even if it meant navigating the complex emotions of parenthood they could never truly understand.
The night was still young, and only a few hours remained until the dreaded sunrise. The boys knew they had to act quickly to address the longing that had gripped their mate, (Y/N). With determined hearts, they mounted their motorcycles and rode down to Max's store on the boardwalk. The neon lights of Santa Carla painted the night in an eerie glow as they approached the familiar establishment.
Maria, Max's human employee, greeted them with a warm smile as they entered the store. "Hey, boys. Max is in his office."
The boys nodded in thanks and headed toward Max's office. They didn't waste any time with pleasantries when they walked in, their faces etched with worry and anxiety.
Max, reclined in his office chair, raised an eyebrow at their seemingly disrespectful entrance. "What's got you all so riled up?" he asked, his tone tinged with annoyance.
David stepped forward, his voice steady but full of concern. "Max, we need your advice and assistance. (Y/N) is going through something, and we don't know how to help her."
Max leaned back, his curiosity piqued. "Go on."
David took a deep breath and explained the situation. "Our mate wants a baby, Max. She's been feeling this emptiness, a desire that we can't fulfill. We can't just take someone's child; that's not who we are."
Max nodded thoughtfully, steepling his fingers. "It's not uncommon for a female vampire to experience these feelings from time to time," he mused. "Left unchecked, it can become problematic."
Marko, his anxiety growing, couldn't help but speak up. "So what do you suggest we do?"
Max regarded them with a knowing look. "Santa Carla is teeming with runaways and lost souls, boys. Finding an unsuspecting victim on the streets should not be a challenge. It would be a temporary solution to ease her pain."
The boys shifted uncomfortably in their seats, the weight of Max's suggestion settling on their consciences. It was a dark and morally questionable path, one they had always tried to avoid.
But as the seconds ticked away, they realized they were running out of time to make a decision. The coming dawn reminded them of their own immortality and the fleeting nature of the night.
"Thank you, Max," David said, gratitude in his eyes. "We'll consider it."
Max nodded and leaned back in his chair. "Remember, boys, sometimes the choices we make for the ones we love aren't easy."
With that, the boys left Max's office, the weight of their decision heavy on their shoulders. They knew they had to find a way to bring happiness to (Y/N), but at what cost? The night held its secrets, and they had a long, dark road ahead of them.
The next night, the boys and their mate, (Y/N), found themselves once again on the bustling Santa Carla boardwalk. (Y/N) leaned against Dwayne, her head resting on his shoulder, as they walked in sync with the rhythmic ebb and flow of the crowd.
David, always watchful, scanned the surroundings, his eyes darting from person to person. (Y/N) noticed his vigilant demeanor and furrowed her brows. "Is everything okay, David?" she asked, concern lacing her voice.
Paul, never one to hide the truth from (Y/N), stepped forward, his voice gentle but firm. "We need to tell you something, (Y/N). Max suggested a solution to your...desires. David is likely keeping an eye out for a child."
(Y/N)'s expression shifted from curiosity to a deep frown. She gave Paul a sad smile and shook her head. "You don't have to do that, boys. I appreciate your efforts, but we don't need to..."
Her words were cut short as she suddenly stopped walking. A bewildered look crossed the faces of the boys as they watched her go silent. Concern etched lines into their brows as they approached her.
"What's wrong, (Y/N)?" Dwayne asked softly.
Her gaze was distant, her senses focused on something they couldn't perceive. "Do you hear that?" she whispered, her voice barely audible over the din of the boardwalk.
The boys exchanged puzzled glances. "Hear what?" Marko questioned.
"My child," (Y/N) said, her voice quivering with emotion. "It's calling out to me."
With newfound determination, (Y/N) moved quickly through the crowd, following an invisible pull that only she could sense. The boys exchanged glances again, realization dawning upon them.
"Guess the hunt's on," David remarked, and they followed her, careful not to lose sight of her in the bustling crowd.
As they ventured deeper into the night, they lost sight of (Y/N) for a moment. Anxiety gripped them until, finally, she reappeared with a bright smile that illuminated her face. She held the hand of a young girl, no more than seven or eight years old, with big, innocent eyes.
"Boys, meet Star," (Y/N) said, her eyes shining with happiness. "She wants to hang with us tonight. Is that alright?"
The boys gazed at the child, their hearts heavy with the weight of their decision. But when they saw the genuine joy in (Y/N)'s eyes, they couldn't deny her this moment of happiness.
"Yeah, baby, she can hang," Paul said with a reassuring smile, and then the rest of the boys welcomed Star into their nocturnal world, hoping that this newfound connection would bring solace to (Y/N) and fill the void that had haunted her for so long.
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vampishdyke · 1 year
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they mean everything to me
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rq-gift-exchange · 4 months
Squad Road Trip Master Post
Veggie Squad Road Trip - @housetomte The Iron Squad is going on a "road trip" to the beach
The Quiet Game - @acourtofladydeath Tairn and Sgaeyl try to survive a flight with their little golden terror.
Running on Empty - @sarahydeart The squad are on a road trip! Or they would be, if they hadn't run out of gas.
Are We There Yet? - @yanny-77 Xaden drives Violet's squad to the beach...and immediately regrets it.
Road Trip Detour - txredsoxmama Created for RQ War Games and for my 1st Wing-mates. Just a silly little drabble.
Admit it, We are Lost - @alexandia03 The marked ones run away from home before their parents find out what they did.
War Games Drabbles - E_Hyde Part 1 of Hyde's War Game Drabbles
Play Stupid Games, Win Stupid Prizes - @alltoowellread Drabbles for the RQ Discord Server War Games.
Empyrean Drabbles - @greeneyedwildthing The gang take a roadtrip for summer vacation
One More Thing - Squad Leader Attie The squad gets ready to go on a road trip, but Ridoc needs one more thing.
What's the Holdup?? - EmJay The squad goes on a road trip but encounters traffic.
Road Trip! - @oh-no-its-dragons Violet and the squad work at a college town Barnes and Noble. They gotta get the books across town.
Road Trip Drabble - Veggie Tales Style - ILoveMyThighs The squad takes (unknowingly) sentient veggies on a road trip. This is their story.
Country Roads - @taumoebaa Violet and gang go on a road trip.
Road Trip - SarahEliz A post-term road trip for the Iron Squad
Ridoc's Shennanigans - Scarlet_Aeon The gang is going on a road trip....and Ridoc gets to pick the seating arrangements.
Lost - Nivaria Does anyone ever know where they're going?
Twilight Meets Fourth Wing - @spicycleansejuice Fourth Wing and Twilight characters head to the baseball field
Worth - EeveeAlchemist Anyone taking their first look at Evie would say that she didn’t belong in the Rider’s Quadrant. Secretly, Evie believed they were right.
Reginald, Reggie, RG for Short by @vanthh Please don't ask how I ended up from a turtle POV.
For What It's All Worth - @silverlude Violet and her friends get dragged away by their dragons to a mysterious place for a "vacation".
Baby Iron Squad - Fireheart_Rose When the Iron Squad go on an early morning hike, fall asleep, wake up as toddlers. The others find them…chaos ensues.
The Road to the Border - @quihi Rhiannon’s squad volunteers to meet the Navarrian families moving to Aretia. Turns out, they’ll be taking a road trip in both directions.
Squad Summer - @korrinamoe Imogen just wants to see Garrick, but her travel plans somehow end up involving everyone.
Prank Gone Wrong - Portjules Sawyer and his squad go on a roadtrip to fulfill another of Ridoc's pranks. What could go wrong?
Your Turtle is Blue - Nedeit “Tell me again what they said,” Brennan commanded, trying not to think about the sun setting down far away in front of them. 
The Leitis Commemoration Day Road Trip - Miz What a beautiful day, I think as I wake up in my bedroom overlooking Aretia.
First Wing Road Trip Warning: Alcohol Abuse, fainting, missing person
Road Trip "I swear to Malek if you don't move right now, I will force you to."
Car Ride with Liam Fourth Wing & Iron Flame Spoilers
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nightghoul381 · 3 months
Ellis Twilight ~ Main Route Chapter 7
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Disclaimer for route warnings | Masterlist
Additional Content Warnings: None
This a fan translation so it is definitely not 100% accurate. I do not own anything related to Ikemen Villains. Support Cybird by buying their amazing stories!
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Apparently, the red-haired woman who was almost kidnapped was treated at the hospital and returned home safely.
“A tall, handsome man suddenly appeared and killed all the thugs.”
Even if she told someone, no one would have believed her, Alfons told me that he’d met the woman wrapped around a pipe at the bar.
(Anyway, I’m glad she’s safe.)
(But the incident is over again…)
Alfons: “Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you a special piece of information.”
Alfons: “I heard that Victor recovered the people Ellis killed and was able to discover their identities.”
Alfons: “It seems that all of them were members of a gang.”
(A gang…!?)
Gangs are groups of outlaws who engage in all sorts of misdeeds, from extortion to theft to assault.
Even working for the post office, I’d been warned to be careful.
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Alfons: “It would seem that this group has migrated from the north over the past few years.”
Ellis: “Ah… Jude’s fought with that gang before.”
Ellis speaks so casually next to me as I bow my head.
Ellis: “It seems like they were trying to blackmail Jude’s business partners and take proceeds from their sales.”
Ellis: “The executive who meddled with this should have been sent to prison.”
Jude: “…The blokes who attacked you and Ellis the day after ya arrived at the castle were also at the bottom of that gang.”
Kate: “…that’s right, they were.”
Those words made me feel closer to the gang and I gasped.
(But then…)
Kate: “A gang calling themselves a circus? What on earth is that for…?”
Alfons: “Mm? Well, people gather around fun and unusual things, after all.”
Alfons: “If you want to kidnap people, isn’t the ‘circus’ a good bait?”
Alfons: “’The best stage of your life, where you’re the leading role!’”
As he speaks with a passionate tone, Alfons takes my hand.
Alfons: “’It’s a shame that you’re smoldering in a corner of the city!’”
Alfons: “’What would you do if you didn’t make use of your talent, beauty, youth, and passion?’”
Alfons: “…If I approach you and get your consent, it’s ours.”
(You’re good at acting…)
Alfons: “The person who was recruiting her was Captain Jake Grace himself.”
Alfons: “She said she was certain it was him on account of the characteristic scar around his eye that he got from being attacked by a wild beast when he was young.”
Kate: “I see…”
(Captain Jake Grace… I guess that means the ‘captain’ is now in a gang.)
Part 2
(Captain Jake Grace… I guess that means the ‘captain’ is now in a gang.)
Even if you end up in debt and ruin,
(To be the one to take down a fellow worker… I don’t know what to do.)
Alfons: “Well, we’ll find out the truth eventually.”
Alfons: “It seems like William and his friends are cleaning up the gang’s base right now.”
Alfons: “I took advantage of the opportunity and wiped it out. The case is settled, right?”
Kate: “The what can we do now…?”
Ellis: “Maybe I’ll just patrol the town to make sure no more people get kidnapped.”
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Jude: “They’re wary after yesterday. They ain’t gonna show their tails like that.”
In other words, this is the end of the investigation of the incident that we were given as a mission.
Kate: “What are the kidnapped people doing?”
I want to rescue them as soon as possible, but I still don’t know where they are.
Alfons: “Usually, they’re sold away… if they’re young orphans, they might become gang members.”
Alfons: “If they disobey, they’re threatened with death, so they’re forced to pickpocket, extort, and do other risky chores.”
Kate: “…”
Even though I knew somewhere in my heart that this was reality--,
Alfons: “Gang members were originally like that, struggling desperately to survive.”
Alfons: “These are people who, at some point, stopped caring even if they commit a crime.”
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Alfons: “Once you commit one big sin, you become numb to the hurt caused by small sins.”
The words that came out of Alfons’ mouth so smoothly were so realistic that it made my heart ache.
(The feeling of being hurt is numbing.)
For some reason, the image of Ellis showing no emotion in the pool of blood last night, flashed in my mind.
(I wonder if Ellis became numb while working as a member of Crown…)
(…I can’t leave him alone anymore.)
After reporting and sharing the situation, I check the notes in my notebook.
Ellis and Jude work to protect me,
As we worked together, I was able to get a rough idea of their schedules.
(Ellis and Jude are both off from work today.)
(Jude said he had something to do by himself…)
Kate: “Um, Ellis.”
Ellis: “Kate.”
At the same time I called out to Ellis, he also called out to me—
Kate: “I-I’m sorry…”
We couldn’t help but stare at each other, and Ellis smiled softly.
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Ellis: “…Go ahead.”
Part 3
Ellis: “…Go ahead.”
Kate: “Um…, would you like to go out into town with me?”
Ellis: “Oh, like the patrol I mentioned earlier?”
Kate: “Yeah. I wanted to do whatever I could… Even if nothing happened, I thought it would be a nice break.”
Ellis: “…You really are a hard worker.”
(It’s the usual Ellis…)
A smile spread across his lips and that alone made me feel relieved.
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Ellis: “Alright, patrol. Let’s go.”
Kate: “Ah, but I’m also curious about what you were about to say, Ellis, so please tell me.”
(The fact that Ellis had called out to me means he had something to say to me, right?)
Ellis: “I was about to say ‘It’s nice weather and I don’t have to work, so we should take a nap.’”
(Nap…Oh that was before…)
Kate: “Hmm… I guess it’s when I’m taking a nap on my bed in the sunlight on my first vacation in a while.”
Ellis: “…I’d like to see that. Would you like to take a nap with me next time?”
--End Flashback—
Kate: “..Did you mean it when you said you wanted to take a nap together?”
Ellis: “Yeah….Why?”
(What should I do…)
(I want you to feel a little lighter today.)
(Doing the patrol… I heard what Ellis wanted to do and wanted to make it come true.)
For Ellis, taking the lives of so many people last night was…
Maybe it’s not something that hurts his heart anymore.
(…Ellis said he wanted to do this himself, so I want to make it come true.)
Kate: “Well then… let’s take a little nap in the park between patrols!”
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Ellis: “Really?... In that case, I need to bring a warm blanket.”
(Ah, Ellis looks a little happier? Good.)
Kate: “We should also bring some cranberry jam and the scones that Victor baked this morning.”
Ellis: “It’s a picnic.”
Kate: “Yes!”
Part 4
Ellis and I began hurriedly preparing to go on a picnic.
(I wonder if I should wear clothes like this for a picnic…)
I was dressed up a little more than when I was on a mission.
I waited for Ellis in the entrance hall with the basket of scones in hand.
Roger: “Hello, little lady.”
Kate: “Roger.”
Roger happened to be passing by and when he saw me, the corners of his lips lifted into a grin.
Roger: “Are you meeting Ellis for a date?”
1. We're just going out together +2 +4
2.  Is this a date after all? +4 +2
***3. It's not a date. +4 +4***
Kate: “It’s… It’s not a date. It’s a patrol.”
Roger: “With that excited expression, they’re both the same thing.”
(…I wonder if that’s what I look like.)
However, I am aware that I’m a little more fidgety than usual.
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Roger: “I heard you had a tough mission yesterday, so I thought I’d treat Ellis to lunch.”
Roger: “Maybe next time.”
Kate: “Now that you mention it, I heard from Ellis that you treat him to lunch often.”
Ellis told me a lot of stories about the members of Crown.
I heard many stories about Roger taking him out to eat delicious food.
Roger: “Maybe when the guy gets overwhelmed with duties during the busy season and gets distracted.”
Kate: “Hehe, you’re like his older brother.”
Roger: “If I were his brother, the first thing I would do is have him quit his job working for Jude.”
(I thought they seemed to get along well, but it seems like he’s worried about his family.)
Kate: “You care about Ellis, don’t you?”
Roger: “Hmm? Ah, that’s right. It’s as part of my research on curses, though.”
Roger: “In the case of Ellis… it’s simply that I have a personal attachment to that curse.”
Part 5
Roger: “In the case of Ellis… it’s simply that I have a personal attachment to that curse.”
(Speaking of Ellis’ curse…)
Kate: “The curse of thorns?”
Roger: “Yeah. To the point where I can’t sleep well unless he’s properly happy.”
I sensed many layers of meaning in his words.
Kate: “Why is that?”
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Roger: “That’s a secret.”
I kind of had that feeling before he said it, but Roger wouldn’t tell me that easily.
As I took a deep breath, Roger gave me a testing look.
Roger: “Everyone has something to hide. To reveal it, you have to pay a certain price, don’t you?”
(Does that mean… I just need to offer something in exchange?)
Kate: “…What would I have to pay in exchange for you to tell me?”
Roger: “Let’s see… What if you could win Ellis’ heart?”
Kate: “Eh!?”
Roger: “I think you guys are a good match, don’t you?”
Roger is smiling and stroking his chin.
Kate: “W-What are you talking about?”
I felt like the topic was going to go in a strange direction if this continued, so I hurriedly look for another topic.
Kate: “…Oh, that’s right. Roger.”
Kate: “Do you know anything that makes Ellis happy, or that he does for fun?”
Kate: “On the other hand, I’d like to know what makes him sad and what he can’t forgive.”
(Judging from out conversation earlier, Roger doesn’t seem to be the type to talk about others much…)
When I glanced up with low expectations, Roger’s shoulders were shaking, making me wonder how he interpreted my words.
Roger: “What, so you’re not too happy with him after all?”
Kate: “That’s not what I meant!”
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Roger: “I don’t know what to say, ah, but… There are so many things I want to tell you.”
Kate: “…?”
Roger: “His true thoughts, his honest feelings, his desires… I’m the one who wants to know.”
Kate: “Are you saying it’s something you know nothing about, Roger?”
Roger: “Aah.”
It’s pretty bad that he treats you to food on a regular basis and you don’t even show it to the people who wish you happiness.
Roger: “But, there are no humans without emotions or desires.”
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Roger: “Little lady, please reveal his ‘secret’ for me.”
Roger: “I don’t know what I’ll have to offer in return.”
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Next Chapter
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thatbanditqueen · 11 months
Bless Your Heart
An Elvis-o-Ween One Shot
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A response to the month-long writing prompt for Halloween/Fall
Summary: It's 1957, and Jan's dreams come true when she gets invited up from the gate to join Elvis' parties at Graceland. But not all that glitters is gold, and this new social circle may have a few angels and demons among them.
Warnings: No real smut, suggestions of sex, but there is a teensy bit of scary gore at the end.... so no minors and be forewarned. This was a new experience for me, I easily could have written about Elvis romancing ghost girlies all month, but I wanted to challenge myself. Not sure if it worked but... here goes nothing.
You can check out last week's Elvis-o-ween here:
Little Blue Toes
WC: 6.8 K
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6:05 p.m. Thursday, September 19, 1957
Graceland, Memphis TN
The evening sun was slowly turning red when Jan hopped off the bus, and it burned orange circles into the back of her eyelids. She shook them away, distractedly nodding at the driver as she turned her attention to the crowd down the block. The rolling hills of Whitehaven were still a deep green in the fall, but Jan hardly noticed and clutched her purse as she got closer to the gate. She tried not to be too obvious as she craned her head to see Graceland from the back of the crowd. It looked smaller than she had expected, a grey matchbox on a hill in the dusky twilight. Jan told herself that she would have to come back on the weekend, now that she knew how easy it was to get here. Now that she knew, after reading that article in the newspaper, that his fans regularly gathered in front of the house. She could plan her trip out better than she had today. After reading the newspaper at lunch, she had impulsively jumped on the bus to Whitehaven after work.  Feeling a pebble in her shoe, she was gracefully trying to hop on one foot and shake it out when two shadows loomed over her.
“See, told you it wasn’t Susie. She’s too dressed up.”
Jan squinted up at the girls in front of her.
“No, uh, not Susie.” She straightened her skirt and hesitantly stuck her hand out, grateful for the excuse to talk to someone. “Jan.”
“Heidi.” The blonde announced and tilted to the shorter brunette next to her. “And Arlene.”
“Y’all regulars?”
“Oh yeah, we come here all the time.” Arlene gushed. “We’re just waiting for him to finish breakfast and give Travis the signal.”
Jan looked through the white wrought iron gate up at house.
“What do you mean, wake up and give Travis the signal?”
“Oh, well, he sleeps through the day. Has breakfast round 4 or 5. Sometimes he’ll come sign autographs at the gate, but -” Arlene leaned in toward Jan and her eyes twinkled. “Uh, well, when he’s in town he likes us to be here in case he wants to have some people up for a party. He has parties most nights. We’re kind of in his gang -  OW.” Arlene grabbed her rib cage and hit Heidi back. “Hey, what gives?”
“You shouldn’t be bragging, Arlene, cuz we can't bring her with us and now she’ll feel left out.”
Jan smiled politely, and tugged at the pearl button on her white, linen gloves. “It’s ok - I gotta catch the last bus back home anyway.”
Jan wanted to ask the girls what Elvis was really like in-person. Before she could, though, a loud gasp filled the air and she was pushed into them as the crowd jostled closer to the gates. A tall dark figure strode down the drive dressed all in white. White dress shirt, white sport’s coat, white pants. He looked like an angel. Jan was absolutely mesmerizing and dropped her purse watching his hair flop up and down with each bounce of his white loafers. The kids around her shouted out “Hey Elvis” and cheered, but she couldn’t say a thing. She could barely breathe as her tummy flip flopped watching his mouth form into a crooked grin. She vaguely heard the other girls chatting next to her.
“I wonder if Anita Wood is up there?”
“Nah, she’s down in New Orleans at a beauty pageant, he told me last night.”
“You’re so lucky you don’t have a mom who treats you like a child, Arlene. What I wouldn’t give to stay until 2 or 3.”
The gates opened, and Jan ended up right behind Arlene and Heidi in the semi-circle around Elvis. No one pushed or prodded to tried to sneak past the guard house. It was all very civilized, and a jovial atmosphere percolated between the open gates as Elvis went from person to person, signing memorabilia and teasing the folks he met. When he made it to Arlene, Jan watched in awe as he drew her to him and pecked her sweetly on the ear, asking if she brought him his favorite cigars like she said she would. Jan would give anything to be in his gang. She would bring him all the cigars and if it meant he would hug her and kiss her and tease her too. But when his blue eyes flitted over to her, she found that her mouth had gone completely dry and she couldn’t say a word.
“Who’s ya friend with the big brown eyes?”
“Oh, that’s Jan. It’s her first time here.”
Elvis’ smirk deepened. “Cat got ya tongue?” He winked, kissing the top of Jan’s glove. “S’ok, honey. I don’t bite.”  Then his teeth grazed over her knuckle. “Much.”
Jan felt the air hitch in her throat at the way he looked at her from under his eyelids. She no longer needed her hand. He could have it. He could have anything he wanted.
Elvis chuckled. “Why, you’re as shy as a mouse. Got anything for me to sign, lil mousy?”
Jan stuttered and fumbled about in her purse for something, handing Elvis the first thing she found. Her sweaty, monogrammed handkerchief.
“I didn’t know I was coming today.” She whispered slowly, and her voice trailed off as she watched Elvis wipe his forehead with her hankie and pocket it with a wink.
“S’ok, lil gal, bring something tomorrow.” Then he whispered into Arlene’s ear and moved on through the crowd.
Arlene snaked her hand through Jan’s arm and led her toward the house. “Elvis wants you to come up to the party with us.”
Jan squeezed Arlene with a giggle, smoothing her hand over her skirt as they walked. The house got bigger and bigger as they strode up the drive and Jan realized that the round curve of the hill created an optical illusion that made it look small from the road. But now she found herself in front of a grand, Neo-colonial mansion. Large, white columns flanked the front of the house, and two white marble lions stood guard at the entrance way. It was like standing in front of a magical castle. Jan felt that she ought to be wearing a silk, red evening gown instead of her belted navy shirt dress.
They did not enter the front door. Instead, Arlene led Jan around the front of the house towards the sound of music playing and people laughing on a patio surrounding a large, shimmering pool. There was a gay crowd of young people drinking pop and mingling around. Heidi adopted a hushed, intimate tone as she pointed out the others in the gang.
“That’s Lamar, he’s always eager to please Elvis and does anything he asks - and so is Alan - the shorter stout one. That skinny little creep is Gene, and that’s Mack, he usually drives us home. The guy next to him is Richard and that’s Frances, our friend, I’m not sure how she already got up here - “
“- is she going with Elvis?”
Arlene chimed in. “Well, he’s seeing a few girls. There’s a singer, Anita, who he steps out with pretty regularly. But me, Heidi and Frances, we’re just his friends. EP is a very physical person. Likes to love on all the gals. That’s just the warm, sweet kinda guy he is. Sometimes he’ll pull me on his lap, and give me a little kiss.”
“Lucky girl.” Jan murmured.
“Mmm.” Arlene answered. “I’d rather be friends with him than date him.”
 “Really? Why’s that? Don’t you find him attractive?”
“Of course, Elvis is the most!” Heidi looked at Jan as if she had questioned the existence of gravity. “But, well, once he goes all the way with a gal, he almost never wants to see her again. His dates come and go. But his friends, well, we’re forever.” Heidi exchanged a knowing glance with Arlene.
“Like Susie.”
Heidi clicked her tongue. “Pretty sure Anita’s got her knees sewn shut til she gets a wedding ring.”
“Well, I keep my knees shut too.” Arlene interjected. “I don’t even know why any girl would want to go to bed with Elvis when they can kiss him as much as they want. There couldn’t be anything better than kissing Elvis.”
Jan raised her eye brow, thinking of a hundred other things that she could imagine doing with Elvis. But she kept them to herself and smiled, hanging back to straighten the lines on her hose as the girls joined the party. She had just finished putting the right leg in place when she looked between her legs to find Elvis watching her. His cheeks flushed, and he bite his lip before walking over. All Jan could do was sigh as he grabbed her by the waist and introducing her to everyone around the pool.  His guests, his housekeeper, Alberta, and then his mother who was just about to go inside. Mrs. Presley hugged Jan tightly and thanked her for coming to visit them, adding in a high, chipper voice.
“I’m so glad my baby is making friends like you, I can tell you have a  kind heart, Janice. I really can.”
“Nice of you to say, Mrs. Presley ma’am. I like to think I have kind heart.”
“What’s this about a sweet lil ol’ heart?”
The two women turned to find a petite blonde in the doorway behind them.
“Oh Anita.” Mrs. Presley took the blonde’s hand. “I was just saying to Jan here, how glad I am to know her. She is a good, sweet girl. I’m so glad you get to meet her, I thought you were out of town. Can I get you some food.”
The blonde smiled and licked her teeth, her blue eyes looked Jan over with a cool smile. “Thank you ever so, Mrs. Presley, but I just ate and I’m fit to bust if I swallow another morsel.”
Mrs. Presley smiled. “Well, I just know you two will be thick as thieves. Be good little babies.” She hugged them together tightly once more before saying good night.
Jan could not stop herself from staring at Anita. Her platinum blonde hair shone in the silver light and her short, busty figure filled out a tight, pink wiggle dress. Her creamy white skin was so radiant Jan would have sworn it was glowing and the contrast made her luscious red lips stand out all the more. Some of Anita’s red lipstick had smudged around her mouth and on her front teeth, and Jan pointed to her own mouth to mime helpfully.
“Why, bless ya heart,  you really are the sweetest thang looking out for me. And you’re so pretty too. I could just eat ya up!” Anita squealed as she pulled out a compact and fixed her lipstick. “I cain’t tell you how many other girls would just let me walk around looking like a fool all night.”
“They’re probably jealous, I, uh, heard you’re Elvis’ girlfriend.”
Anita pursed her lips in a tight smile. “Sometimes I think everyone knows that ’cept him. Excuse me.”
Jan walked back over to where Arlene and some of the other girls were huddled around a bucket of pop watching Anita stomp over to where Elvis stood with his arm around a cute redhead while Lamar told stories about the drive home from LA.
Arlene handed Jan a Dr. Pepper. “I see you met Anita, I could have sworn she was supposed to be at a beauty pageant in New Orleans.”
“Look, I think she’s had her nose done.” Heidi gasped. “Or, well, something is different - she looks prettier than the last time I saw her. I wonder if there even was a beauty pageant. Maybe her plastic surgeon is in New Orleans.”
Jan looked at Heidi as she spoke. “You don’t like her very much, huh?”
“She’s too possessive, and she tries to chase us off. You should have seen her trying to convince Arlene that she should go back to Chicago.” Heidi kicked the pavement with her saddle shoe. “Too bad for her, Elvis wants us here. And I plan to hang around as long as I can.”
Just then, the record changed on the jukebox and The Five Satins song. “In the Still of the Night” began to play. Jan looked over and blushed when Elvis caught her eye staring at him. Yes, I plan to stick around as long as I can too, she thought to herself, looking down at her feet. The mischievous way Elvis raised his eyebrows at her made her feel funny and she couldn’t handle looking at him for too long without grinning like a mad woman.
The night went on and Jan’s whole body tingled from the heady mix of music, moonlight and raw, unadulterated exposure to Elvis under the stars at Graceland. Sitting out in the cool night air, caught between the twinkling night sky and the glimmering pool, Jan felt as though she had finally arrived. The evening had turned out to be more magical than she could ever have imagined. She hated to pull herself away, but she gave in at midnight and went to call a cab.
The kitchen was dim this late at night, illuminated only by the soft lights above the stove, and Jan finally found a phone book in a drawer under the cupboards. She was leaning against the counter, flipping through the pages when two hands startled her working their way around her waist. She glanced over her shoulder to find a dark mop of hair grazing her cheek. Then Elvis’ breath was warm on her ear.
“Looks like I caught a lil mousy.” He slowly turned her around to face him, grinning at the way she blushed. Then his eyes fell on the phone book and his lips turned into a frown. “Ain’t going, are ya lil gal? Why, it’s still early. Ain’t had the chance to learn all ya secrets yet.” He winked as he said this, and it made Jan’s heart melt.
She would have told him anything he asked. If she could talk, that is. It was difficult for to do that when she looked into Elvis’ earnest wide-eyed stare. She could hear the party out on the patio, there must have been over thirty people here who wanted to be near him. However, to look at his pouting lips and feel the needy caress of his thumb at her waist made Jan feel as though she was the only person in the world and she was letting him down by deserting him.
“I, um, I have to be at work at 7:30 tomorra.” She stuttered, staring at the floor just to be able to get the words out. “It’s time for me to turn into a pumpkin, I guess.”
Elvis rubbed her cheek. “Aw heck, I guess that’s s’ok. I’ll get Mack to drive you home.” He paused, eyelashes fluttering down for a moment. “But, uh,  you can’t leave before telling me a few of your secrets.”
“Like what?”
“Like, say, how old are you anyway, huh, lil mouse?” His thumb now rolled over her belt buckle, rubbing her stomach back and forth along the edge.
Jane’s face turned a bright, beet red as she stuttered out her response. “Um, I’m 18.”
“In school?”
She shook her head. “Just finished. I - I’m at Goldsmiths, in the steno pool.”
“Hate to think of these poor lil fingees, banging away all day.” Elvis took her hand, examining her fingers. “Didn’t even know a department store needed a steno pool.
“Um, well, uh - we’re in the business offices on the 18th floor. Most people, they, uh, they never see us.”
“That’s the only floor I wanna see, from now on. ‘specially if all the lil gals up there are as cute as you.” Elvis’ ran his hand through his hair, smirking at the way Jan blushed even harder. Their eyes were locked for a moment, and his forehead dropped on to hers as he murmured in a boyish voice.
“Sorry I didn't get to sign nothing for you, like ya wanted. Come back tomorrow?”
Jan nodded.  Elvis kissed her on the cheek and put her into Mack’s car, leaving her with a mouth stuck open in giddy disbelief the whole ride home. She pinched herself at least ten times to make sure she was really awake. That she had really been to Graceland and met Elvis Presley.  Then she fell asleep thinking of a pair of playful blue eyes glistening above her.
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It was not long before Jan became a permanent fixture at Graceland. She would go home from work, change into a cocktail dress and take the bus to the Winchester Road stop.  Every time Travis or Vester let her through the gates she would shiver with anticipation for whatever the night would bring. It was more than just getting to be in the sunshine of Elvis’ affection, though that alone was something she lived for.  No, spending the evening at Graceland also meant trips to the skating rink, nights at the fairgrounds, bonfires, music, swimming or fireworks. It was like a never ending summer camp or a holiday resort, like the ones her cousins in New York told her about. And Jan never wanted to check out of this one.
During her days Jan would carry a little notebook around and write down clever things to say to Elvis that she thought would make him laugh, practicing them at her desk while she typed. She often was too shy to actually make these jokes. But she felt  more confident just having them ready when she went over. It was usually past midnight when she got home, but Jan just doubled her coffee, determined never to miss an evening at Graceland.
That is, until a big storm hit Memphis the following Saturday.
Jan considered taking a cab over, and called a few of the others to see what they were doing, but she couldn’t get through. The switch board operator told her the storm had knocked down several phone lines through town. Resigned to a night in, she had just made a kettle of hot tea and settled into watch Lawrence Welk when the phone rang and Frances told her Elvis was asking where she was.
The rain poured down on Jan’s cab all the way to Whitehaven. As usual, the curtains were all drawn for the family’s privacy, but tonight it made Graceland look more ominous and the exterior lights cast eerie shadows on a building with no visible life to the outside world.  Buckets of rain poured over Jan as she ran from the car to the door, and she stopped at the mirror in the entrance way to try and fix her face. She hated driving in the rain, even as a passenger, she was on edge the whole time and unable to relax until she got to her destination. It made her feel a bit off tonight, and then she felt silly for feeling off. Why, she could hear someone playing a Dean Martin song on the piano, the house was filled with enough music and laughter to block out the sound of the storm, and there she was, feeling like a stick in the mud. She shouldn’t have come. 
Jan was distracted from her thoughts of regret when she noticed that someone had put their cigarette out on the floor, staining the beautiful white carpet that lined the entry way. She had just bent down to pick it up when she heard Elvis’ voice, and looked up to see him leaning in the entryway with a few members of the gang.
“Silly lil mousy, scared of a few rain drops. Havta start calling you fraidy mouse.” He leaned his head back and the others joined in with his laughter. “Stead a fraidy cat, fraidy mouse.”
Jan’s eye twitched, and she looked into the mirror. She looked like a wet rat, not a mouse, and she felt like a silly child. She didn’t want to be here anymore.
“You’re not being fair, Elvis, have you even been outside today? I don’t have a car. And it’s a hurricane out there. If you thought about anyone other than yourself you’d know it wasn’t easy coming here.”
Elvis eyes widened and he jumped back as if Jan had slapped his face. “Not fair, huh? Don’t think of others, huh? I cain’t believe my goddamn ears. That’s all I do. You know all you have to do is call and I’d come get you.” His shoulders were back and his hands were at his hips as he roared to the ceiling. “Ain’t fair. aint’ fair. Well if you feel like that you should jus go on back home. No one wants you here anyhow.”
Jan could feel the tears welling up, and she ran past the staircase, through the kitchen and down to the basement so no one would see her cry. She had never seen Elvis loose his temper before. He could be cocky, teasing, oblivious, but now she knew what it was to feel the pummel of his brief, yet intense, bout of rage. Jan slammed her fists down on her knees, mad at herself for loosing her composure. She had immediately regretted what she said, and now she was sure that she had screwed everything up. Elvis would never let her come back. And the thought of loosing her membership in his special, secret club that she had only just began to experience brought forth another round of deep sobs.
Eventually, once she could breathe evenly without blubbering she found her compact and took a look and then promptly put it away. Her makeup was beyond repair. So instead, she began to think about how she could possibly leave without anyone noticing. Then she heard the floor squeak across the hall, and wandering toward the TV room to take a look. She stood in the doorway and looked around.
“Hello? Someone here?”
“Boo!” Elvis jumped out from the projection closet and grabbed Jan, eliciting a high scream that ricocheted through the rooms.
Elvis grinned and licked his thumb to clean off her runny makeup. “See, I was right. You really are a jumpy little fraidy mouse tonight. A pretty, silly, cute and wet lil baby mousy. Come on upstairs, honey, and let’s fix your face.”
Jan let herself slump into Elvis chest as he walked her up to his bathroom and sat her on the counter. Somehow Elvis had a drawer full of makeup, and she gave herself to him completely as he dried her hair and did her eye shadow.
“I’m sorry, Elvis. Bout earlier. I don’t know why I said that, you’re one of the most thoughtful people. It’s just. I’m just.” She sighed. “Driving in the rain and storms always scares me.”
“Aw, honey.” He rubbed her cheek, then puckered out his lips as a cue for her to do the same. “S’ok. Cain’t bare to stay sore at you. You know I ain’t gonna let nothing bad happen to you, baby. Next time, you call me and I’ll come get ya. You’ll always be safe by my side.”
Jan nodded as Elvis drew her to him, holding her tight as he leaned in to kiss her forehead. He began to get a goofy look on his face, as if he might kiss her on the mouth, when Mack knocked on the door and pulled Elvis aside.
“EP, George just called about a story in the evening paper. I gotta tell you, right away.”
Elvis nodded at Jan to go back downstairs, where she found the other guests exchanging hushed whispers and nervous glances. Walking through the various rooms, she finally found Arlene, Frances and a few of the other girls with Gladys on the back patio listening to the rain thump against the green metal awning.
“Oh Jan, we had to get some fresh air. It’s just too awful for words.”
“What is it Mrs. Presley? What’s happened?”
Heidi took her hand and pulled her into the corner.
“It’s Susie, the police found her body in the woods off the Nashville Road.”
Jan’s brow crinkled. “Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. I never met her, but  -  but, ugh, how horrible. What happened?”
“They think she was attacked by animal.” Heidi leaned in closer to whisper in Jan’s ear. “Her heart was torn clean out of her chest. Mrs. Presley is very upset, she was over here all the time.” Heidi squeezed Jan’s hand. Tight. “She was one of us.”
The rest of the night was a blur. Elvis  asked most of the guests to clear out before gathering the gang in his bedroom, where he cried openly and asked Alberta to bring them a coconut cake. Then they sat around eating on the bed, sharing their favorite memories of Susie. Heidi left at midnight, and at three Jan looked over at Arlene and Frances and asked if they shouldn’t go to. Elvis’ soulful eyes looked over from where he was slumped across his bed.
“Aw, don’t leave me babies. I can’t bear to be alone.”
Frances. “What, a slumber party with all of us in your bed tonight? What will people think?”
“Fuck ‘em. Nah, people know y’all are good lil virgins, so who cares what they think.” Elvis’ eyebrows went up for a split second when Jan looked away at the word virgin. But if he thought anything of it, he kept it to himself.
The girls went into the bathroom to change in to some of Elvis’ pajamas shirts and get ready for bed. Jan cautiously asked if the others had ever slept over before.
“Oh yeah. A few times.” Arlene handed Jan her comb. “It’s all very innocent. You know Elvis, he hates to be alone. ”
Frances nodded, chiming in. “Yeah, hanky panky is the last thing on his mind. He’s proud that we’re good girls. And when he finds out someone isn’t -”
“Gosh I feel so bad.” Arlene looked at her self despondently as she finished rolling her hair. “I thought that was why Susie wasn’t coming back. I thought she had seduced him in a weak moment, and then he couldn’t bear to have her around anymore knowing she was fast.  Boy oh boy, I guess I was wrong.”
“You didn’t know, who would have thought she was dead? Honestly, your theory was the most logical explanation.” Frances rubbed Arlene’s shoulder as they consoled each other.
Jan smiled sympathetically, feeling very awkward because she wanted to share their grief but couldn’t, not really. She looked out into the bedroom at where Elvis lay in the center of his large mattress, staring off into space and wondered if he really banished girls after he slept with them. It seemed an anathema to everything she had learned over the last week about how kind and warm and instantly familiar and sweet he was with women.
Once they were ready for bed, the girls climbed in next to and Elvis he grinned a big crooked grin when Jan scuttled over to claim his right arm. The four of them cuddled in together, talking about Susie, and then musing about the things they wanted to do before they died. Arlene wanted to see the pyramids, Frances wanted to own a horse and Elvis said he wanted to go on a safari in Africa. When it was Jan’s turn, she murmured that this was her dream, to have friends who loved and embraced her so openly. And then she hid her face in Elvis’ chest, blushing as the others cooed over her.
The rain continued, and eventually the conversation moved on to happier topics, such as what people probably eat for dinner in heaven. Spaghetti and meatballs, if Arlene was to be believed. Every so often, Elvis would lean into and start kissing the side of Arlene or Jan’s forehead absentmindedly. Then Frances would claim she was left out and Elvis would make a big production of kissing them all. And then there would be another round of giggles and tickles and little kicks under the covers.
Jan wasn’t quite sure what time she fell asleep, but when she woke up she was nestled into Elvis armpit and the others were gone. Thick black curtains covered the windows and made it impossible to know what time of day it was from the sunlight, at least. Jan hoped it was Sunday morning but she suspected it may already be the afternoon. Pushing her cares aside, she leaned further into Elvis warm body and moving her hand over the cool silk of his white monogrammed pajamas, trying memorize exactly how this felt so she could play it back in her mind’s eye when ever she wanted
“Uh oh, looks like there’s a lil mouse in ma bed.”
Jan felt Elvis’ lips on her forehead, and turned to see his eyes dancing under half open lids. She let out a little snort as she pulled herself closer to him, savoring the cozy cocoon of sheets, blankets and Elvis that enveloped her.
“I wonder where the others are.”
“Probably downstairs stuffing their gob, if I know Arlene.”
Jan swatted Elvis playfully, and he chuckled, stretching his arm out around her with a yawn. She sat up to read the clock on the mantle, and thought of all the little things she had told herself she would do before work tomorrow. Elvis grabbed her pulled her back into his chest.
“Ughhhh, it’s almost 2 in the afternoon.”
“Huh, so, why hurry at this point?” He grinned and caressed her stomach, leaning on his side to hover over her.
“I’m glad ya here, lil gal. Glad we can comfort each other during hard times. An I’m glad you been coming over,  you one of my sweet lil girls now, Jan." He kissed her cheek, his lip spouting. "Now, you gotta promise you won't go on no dates when I’m outta town, it would break my heart.”
Jan nodded up, her mouth hanging open. “No, you can trust me Elvis. I won’t see anyone else.”
A lock of his black hair dangled over his forehead, and Jan flinched when Elvis’ hand moved over the low curve of her belly.
“Honey, you know you ain’t got nothin’ to worry about with me, though. I would never hurt you, or do anything wrong to you.”
Jan nodded. “I know - I just - I guess I’m just not used to being around men like this very often. But I like it. I like being around you.”
“Huh, well, that’s good. I don’t want you spending time with anyone else, lil mouse. You know I meant it when I say I’m glad all you girls are good lil virgins. You know I’m not like most guys, I respect you.” His fingers smoothed over the hair above her widow’s peak. “So you ain’t gotta worry bout that.”
Jan broke their eye contact and looked up at the dark blue ceiling.
“What - what is it, honey? Ain’t nothing to be embarrassed talking bout, should be proud that you’re a good girl.”
“I’m - I.” Jan hesitated and met Elvis eyes as she rolled over the pillow and looked into the mirror, watching his face as he nuzzled his chin into her from behind. He ran his fingers over her matching navy blue pajama shirt.
“What’s the word, lil mouse? You know you can tell me anything?”
Jan rolled back into him, murmuring into the white lining above his collar.
“I’m just afraid you won’t want me around anymore. You - the gang - spending time here. It’s the best part of my day. But I don’t want to lie to you, Elvis.” Her voice got even lower and she trembled. “I’m not a virgin.”
Elvis tilted her chin up to meet his gaze. “Ya not?”
Jan slowly shook her head. “But - but I’m not here to try to seduce with you.”
He let out a loud cackle.
“No? Don’t find me attractive, huh?”
“No, I do. It’s just that I know - I ‘ve heard. That is, they say once a girl goes all the way with you, she’s not allowed to come back.”
Elvis’ brows furrowed and Jan wasn’t sure if he was hurt or about to laugh again until chuckle rang out. “What? That’s the stupidest goddamn thing I eva heard. How would any of those lil hens know, anyway?”
“I - I - I don’t know, I never asked.” Jan’s voice trailed off as Elvis chuckled into her cheek as he kissed her.
“Well, don’ worry baby, I ain’t trying to take advantage of ya, virgin or not.” His hands roved over her sides as he looked deep into her eyes. “Man oh man, mousy gal, look so sweet and innocent though, never would ‘ave guessed.”
Jan felt a tingly warmth start to coil in her belly and she gasped as Elvis rolled his nose over hers. He moved closer, his hand roving under her pajama shirt and trailing under her bare breast.
“Thanks for not taking advantage of me, either way.” Jan muttered, slightly distracted by the nips at her ear and the succession of slow and firm kisses that followed on her neck.
“Naw, honey. Wouldn’t dream a it. Furthest thing from my mind.”
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Jan didn’t know what would happen the next she arrived at the Graceland gate house, she half expected Uncle Vester to turn her away. But he waved her through, and she chided herself for being silly. Elvis was so kind and warm, she could never imagine him banishing her after what they had shared. He had been so sweet, so kind, so gentle. He had conjured a pleasure from deep within her that she had never experience before, and she felt as if she had only truly been with a man for the first time when she was with him. Still, as Jan walked up the hill to the house she vowed to resist the urge to experience that pleasure again. She didn’t want to loose her friendships with the other girls. And so, as she stepped in the door and removed her coat and gloves, she swore to herself she would never go all the way with Elvis Presley. Again.
Solemn oaths, however, are so very difficult to keep. And Jan found herself changing her mind the minute Elvis whispered in her ear to sneak up stairs and wait for him in his bed room when Mack went to drive the other members of the gang home. Heidi, Frances and Arlene said nothing, but Jan could tell they knew something was up. They must, have, she reasoned. Especially once Elvis started picking her up and dropping her off himself. Sometimes he would take her home alone, but when he picked her up most evenings he would park and honk outside her ladies boarding house with some of the other guys and ask if they had any available rooms for Lamar. Jan caught Arlene staring at her out of the corner of her eye all the next week, and then Heidi trapped her on the landing that Friday.
“Just be careful. ‘Member: keep your knees closed, that’s the only way to make it last now that you’re one of his girls.”
Jan’s brow furrowed “But we’re all his girls.”
“You know what I mean, Jan. Anita is coming back from New York in a few days, I hope you know what you are doing.”
Jan swallowed hard as she watched Heidi descend down the staircase. Had she just been a bed warmer during Anita’s absence? Was there a way to go back to how it had been at first, when the most she did in bed with Elvis was have pillow fights and tickling kisses? But then when he squeezed her hand and rubbed his thumb along the side of her palm she was powerless to stop herself from answering his silent call and going to wait for him in his bedroom.
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It was Sunday, Elvis was going back on tour the next day. It was her last night with him and Jan ran out of her apartment the second she saw the winged tips on the back of Elvis’ white Eldorado outside her window. She slid down the banister and jumped off the end, soliciting a humpf and a stern glance from the boarding house matron at the front desk. Jan giggled. She couldn’t help it. But her gait slowed when she noticed the single blonde bob in the driver’s seat.
“Why hey there, Miss Janice, how are you?”
Jan frowned and leaned into the car. “Looking for me Anita?”
The blonde’s a tight fake smile grew across her face. Jan couldn’t help but notice that she had bags under her eyes and the rosy color that had animated her creamy pink skin when they first met had faded. Anita no longer had that radiant glow, she looked sickly and pale. This didn’t seem to dampen her energy, and she giggled and patted the seat beside her.
“Come on, honey, thought we could go for a lil ol drive, have a lil ol talk.” She winked. “You know, girl to girl.”  Jan sighed and rubbed her neck, looking around as she considered what she should do. What was the worst that could happen? Anita might yell at her, she might start a scene with Elvis later. Maybe Jan could stop her from doing that, could talk some sense into her or even convince her she was wrong. So Jan took a deep breath and got into the car.
“How was New York?”
They made small talk as Anita guided her car around the block and drove further from the lights of downtown Memphis into the dark, black night. “In the Still of The Night” came on the radio as the Eldorado made its way through the outskirts of Memphis. After a while, Jan stopped trying to come up with things to say, and awkwardly started to suggest maybe they should get back, unless there was something specific Anita wanted to discuss. Anita turned again to smile, and pulled the car on to the side of the road. She shut off the engine and Jan suddenly felt a tremor of fear rise up her spine. An owl hooted out in the woods, off beyond the shoulder. Other than that, there was no one around.
“I don’t know what you’re playing at, Anita. I thought we were friends.”
Anita shifted in her seat to look at her directly, and Jan could swear she saw a flash of yellowish green in Anita’s eyes.
“Why you must think I was born yesterday, to be friends with a lil tramp that goes doing the hanky panky with my man.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Jan whispered, her voice stilted and unsure as she blinked at the ground. She shivered when Anita scooted closer along the front seat and leaned into Jan’s face, sniffing her cheek.
“Heavens to betsy, honey. I can still smell him on you.”
Jan began to mutter that was not even possible, but her voice trailed off and she swallowed hard in disbelief as she watched Anita’s mouth grow wider and wider and her teeth extend into a row of sharp daggers. Jan tried and failed to find the door handle, so instead, she opted to crawl out through the open window. Somehow Anita ran around the front of the car lightening fast and managed to tackled Jan to the ground before she could run. Her small body had the strength of ten men as she held Jan down by her shoulders on the cold dirt that lined the dark road.
“Please, please, I’ll stop, I promise. Cross my heart.”
Anita smiled down at Jan and her yellow eyes burned bright in the black night.
“Bless your heart, that’s just what I’m after too.”
Then, with a flash of her smile, Anita ripped through Jan’s chest with her teeth and devoured her still-beating heart in one gulp, savoring the way it throbbed down her throat. Jan’s screams echoed through the forest and down the Nashville road, but there was no human around for miles and miles to hear them.
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Heidi, Arlene and the others looked for Jan at the gate over the following days and weeks. Once or twice, they thought they saw her walking down the street from the bus stop, but they were wrong.
“She must have slept with him.” Arlene explained, smoothing her skirt as they walked around the pool.
“I warned her, I said, once girls go all the way with him, they never come back.” Heidi tutted, looking across the patio and nodding her head at Anita. “Gosh, she looks even prettier than the last time. Must have had more work down when she was ‘at that job in New York.’”
“Oh fooey, to hell with Anita Wood.”
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OK, but seriously, look at these photos from before and after she started dating Elvis. You cannot tell me Anita wasn't gobbling up the hearts of innocent gate girls when Elvis wasn't looking!
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Happy Elvis-o-Ween.......
I am working on at least one more or two more Elvis-o-ween fics so let me know if you want to be tagged. For now just tagging randomly. So also feel free to tell me to fuck off.
@whositmcwhatsit @arrolyn1114 @be-my-ally @missmaywemeetagain @ellie-24 @vintageshanny @peskybedtime @shakerattlescroll @lookingforrainbows @from-memphis-with-love @powerofelvis @ab4eva @kingdomforapony @ashtag6887 @dkayfixates @eliseinmemphis @waiting4brucewayne2adoptme @louisejoy86 @i-r-i-n-a-a @horror-movieshoes @everythingelvispresley @doll-elvis @j-v-9-2 @notstefaniepresley @richardslady121 @crash-and-cure
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