#Twisted idiotic piece of dramatic overthinking shit
wickedsingularity · 2 years
0 notes
edxwin-elric · 5 years
Nothing, Something, Everything
Rating: T
Pairing: Soma/Soul Eater x Maka Albarn
Disclaimer: I don’t own Soul Eater.
Word Count: 1502
Title: Nothing, Something, Everything
Description: Soul Eater One Shot – Fluff
Maka is doing some homework when Soul shows up and interrupts everything.
A/N: Request by anon. “Could you hold my hand?” from these fluff/blushy prompts.
ffn || ao3
I take a deep breath of fresh air before exhaling slowly and looking back at my homework. I’m sitting out on the balcony at the academy since the weather is nice. I was hoping a change of scenery would help me focus on this archaic reading assignment. Unfortunately, I’ve been stuck rereading the same paragraph for the last half hour, and I still have no clue what any of it actually means. I shift the book to the side as a shadow blocks my light.
I look up to find Soul standing over me.
“What are you doing out here?” he asks, leaning over to look at my book.
“Trying to read,” I mutter.
“I brought you some food.”
“Really?” I blink and look up at him.
Any kind of distraction is welcome at this point.
“Yeah. Here.”
He sits down next to me and hands me a box of chicken and vegetables along with chopsticks. We eat in silence, and I start looking at the text again, setting the box of food in between us so I can pick pieces out of it without having to hold it.
“Is it that interesting?” Soul asks after a minute.
“What?” I glance at him.
“Whatever you’re reading. It looks like it must be fascinating for you to stare at it like that.”
“More like impossible.” I frown.
He’s quiet again, and I lean over the book a little more, as if being closer will make it more logical.
“Hey, Maka?”
“Yeah?” I answer without looking at him.
“Could you hold my hand?”
“Yeah, sure.” I set my chopsticks down, and he grabs my hand with his larger one.
“Is everything okay?” I ask, sitting up and looking over at him. “I mean, is something wrong?”
“No.” He shakes his head, and I blink.
“Then why did you want to hold my hand?”
He grins, and I stare at him, waiting.
“I just want to hold your hand, Maka. That’s it.”
“What? Why?”
“I just do.” He shrugs.
“Well, then…no.”
“Why not?”
Because holding hands is romantic, and we’re…just partners. He’s Soul. It would be… He doesn’t think about me like that. I mean, I’ve thought about it, but Soul… He’s never acted like…
“Just because!” I try to pull away, but he won’t let go. “Soul! Let go of my hand.”
“Uh-huh.” He smirks. “You offered it to me, and I’m keeping it.”
“Soul, I need to—I’m trying to read–” I tug against his grip, but he’s stronger than me. “Quit! You’re going to knock over my food.”
“Why don’t you want to hold my hand?” he asks, pinning me with a look.
I swallow and look away, half-heartedly tugging on my hand again.
“It feels…”
“Right,” he says softly, “and it scares you.”
He’s right. Holding his hand is like…soul resonance. Everything is in sync all of the sudden, and it terrifies me.
“It scares me, too,” he goes on, “but I don’t want to fight it anymore.”
I feel panicky, and I start to pull away again. He moves the box of food before I can move, and then he tugs sharply on my hand and my entire body follows it sideways. I fall into him, and he rolls onto his back, taking me with him. I land mostly on top of him, my cheek against his chest, our still-linked hands next to his head, his other arm around my back.
“Much better,” he mutters.
I stare at him for a second trying to figure out what just happened.
“What are we doing now?” I ask, squirming against him.
“Nothing,” he sighs, closing his eyes. “We’re lying here, holding hands, and doing nothing.”
I lick my lips, and take a slow breath. I can hear his heartbeat, and I can feel his chest moving when he breathes. His fingers squeeze mine, and I never want them to let go. His hand on my back moves a bit, and I gasp as my stomach flips wildly.
This isn’t how weapons and meisters interact. This is… This is like being a couple.
“Soul?” I murmur, lifting my head to see him better.
“Mmm. Yeah, Maka?”
“This doesn’t feel like nothing,” I say carefully.
His fingers move around my hand, intertwining with mine.
“You’re right. It’s not nothing, I guess.”
“Then…what is it? Are we…what are we?”
“I’m not sure exactly,” he replies quickly. “But we’re definitely something.”
“What kind of something?”
“I don’t know.” He shrugs, and I feel it when he moves. “Something good, I hope.”
What does he even mean by that? We’re doing something good, or we are something good?
“Is this flirting?” I ask, feeling incredibly dumb. “Are you flirting with me?”
“No, I’m not… I don’t think so,” he mutters. “I’m not trying to. Or maybe I am?”
“Soul Eater Evans, what is going on?” I move off of him and sit up, though he doesn’t let go of my hand.
“Fuck,” he mutters, propping up on an elbow and looking over at me. “It’s… I don’t want to ruin things with us, but I want…more.”
“More?” I echo hesitantly.
“Can’t you feel it, Maka?”
I close my eyes for a second and let it run through me—the rightness of being like this with him.
“Yeah,” I whisper.
“I know you don’t really trust men, and it might not be fair to ask you this, but…I don’t want you to hold anyone’s hand but mine, you know?”
“You’re only seventeen, Soul,” I remind him. “I wouldn’t quite call that being a man.”
“Hey.” He frowns.
“But…I trust you more than I trust anyone,” I admit, looking at our fingers, “and I don’t want to hold hands with anyone else anyway.”
“Okay. Cool.”
“That’s it?” I raise my eyebrows at him. “You make this big dramatic thing out of holding my hand and all you have to say is, ‘Okay. Cool?”
“Wait.” He sits up fully. “That goes for kissing too.”
“Um, what?” I blink at him.
“You can only hold my hand, and you can only kiss…me.”
His face pales, and I blink in confusion.
Did he just say…
“You want me to kiss you?” I stare at him.
“What? No!” He yanks his hand from mine, and my stomach twists at its absence. “I mean, that’s not—I didn’t–”
“You do!” I jump to my feet. “You want to kiss me!”
Oh my God. He wants to kiss me.
“Maka, don’t–”
“Why?” I interrupt him, feeling weird and kind of hysterical. “You’re my partner, Soul. You’re not supposed to want to–”
“Because you’re everything, you idiot!”
“What?” I breathe as he climbs to his feet.
“You heard me. You’re everything. You’re my partner, my meister, my roommate, my friend… Maka, you’re my family. If anything ever happened to you, I…”
“I love you, Maka,” he says in a low voice. “That’s why I wanted to hold your hand.”
That’s all I can say, actually. I’m sort of stunned speechless in the wake of his enormous confession.
“Shit. I didn’t mean to spring this on you,” he mumbles. “I just… I was trying to see if you felt it, too, but…”
I blink, and he turns away.
“I guess I really fucked this up.”
“Soul, wait!”
He turns back, and I grab his hand in both of mine.
“You…you wanted me to kiss you, right?” I ask nervously, my cheeks feeling hot.
I kiss him before I can overthink it. It’s short and gentle, and all I really can tell is that his lips are soft, but when I look at him, he’s staring at me like he’s never seen me before.
“You’re everything to me, too, Soul,” I confess, my heart racing. “So, I guess that makes you my boyfriend.”
He blinks at me before his face splits into that stupid grin I love.
“Cool. Way, way cool.”
“Are you serious?” I glare at him. “I kiss you and tell you you’re my boyfriend, and your response is ‘Way cool?’”
“What do you want me to say, Maka?” He narrows his eyes at me.
“Oh, I don’t know,” I start sarcastically. “Maybe–”
“I told you I loved you,” he interrupts, “what more do you want?”
“That’s not—How can you even–”
“Don’t you have homework?” He starts to walk away.
“Soul, don’t change the subject!” I yell, following him.
“I’ll see you back at the apartment.”
He stops at the door and looks back at me. “What?”
I take a short breath and glance over at my impossible homework.
“Give me a second to grab my stuff, and we can walk home together, cool?”
He grins, and I feel bizarrely shy.
Soul finishes the food he brought me while I grab my book. When I join him, he throws the box away and takes my book, reaching down to hold my now-empty hand.
“Let’s go home, Maka.”
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When You Least Expect It Part Ten
Jensen x Musician!Reader; Mama Mia (OFC); Dee (OFC); Briana Buckmaster
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Masterlist - Contains Chapter Links & Wardrobe Collages
A/N: This is a slow burn fic that I have been working on for a while. Its a story I wrote for myself and just wanted to share with everyone. Yes, the “Dee” in the story is who you think, but there is no intended hate on her or their actual marriage. It is a work of fiction, that is all. Part ten is from the Both POV. There is also a playlist to go along with the series.
Spotify Playlist : Songs in this chapter - “How Will I Know” “Can’t Say No”
Beta’d by @closetspngirl who has contributed so much to this fic! Thank you for not only indulging my lunacy but encouraging it with gusto! I don’t know what I would do without you!!!
Chapter Summary: Jensen decides its time to put an ex in their place and while its another month closer to the festival, Y/N is starting to feel the pressure of getting everything done and calls on some reinforcements. But when a call comes in that shakes both Y/N & Jensen badly, they will have to figure how out to navigate this new threat.
Chapter Warnings: Eh - not much - a little angst, a little floof. 
WC: 10.8K  **with lyrics. Lyrics NOT written by me in bold, italic. 
*Banner created by me; pics & gifs found online.
Tags are open if you want on, or wanna hop off.
Sleep was not her friend. For hours after Y/N received the call warning her to stay away from Jensen, she tossed and turned relentlessly. She couldn’t get the voice out of her mind… it was Dee; there was no doubt there. The only thing she questioned was if she should tell Jensen. The back and forth arguing she was doing with herself was only making sleep more elusive. As she watched the minutes tick by on the bedside clock, Y/N grew more and more frustrated.
With only two hours left until her alarm was to wake her for the airport, she got out of bed. Her suitcase had already been packed for her coast to coast trip, and for the first time since taking the job, she did not want to go. What she wanted to do, was rewind the clock to the night before and relive her date with Jensen.
It had been a fairytale evening, and for a girl that rarely believed in those kinds of stories, she felt herself longing for the prince to return with her lost slipper. Y/N was tired but yet energized with how to handle the direction everything was taking. The confrontation with Nathan, Jensen having to step in, the date, and now his ex deciding it was her turn to stir up trouble.
She had to tell him about the call, and soon. It was only fair. He came to her immediately after his conversation with Jared. Didn’t she owe him the same favor? Y/N decided she did. Not only that, but above all else, Jensen was her friend. She had to tell him that Dee had been calling… what made her sit up and take pause though, was that Dee had to know Y/N would say something. So, why make the call?
Because she’s jealous and freaked now that she saw you together, her subconscious spoke up softly. That little twist in her stomach that came with instincts kicking in churned now and she knew that had to be it. Dee was jealous and scared. The idiot lost a damn good man and when she realized the error of her ways, it was too late. While Y/N didn’t subscribe to the kind of games some women liked to play, she knew the playbook well enough. She would never stoop to that level, but one thing was for sure; this was a move that Dee would come to regret making.
Daylight finally broke and going on no sleep, Y/N got into her favorite pair of Yoga pants and Zeppelin t-shirt, threw on her black Birkenstocks and put the suitcase near the door for when the car arrived to take her to the airport. She figured Jensen would still be sleeping, but she couldn’t go another minute without doing something about the call she got the night before.
Bringing up the messaging app on her phone, Y/N went to Jensen’s messages and bit her lip as she smiled seeing the last few he’d sent her, before sending one of her own.
<<Hey. Last night was fun. Sad we can’t do it again tonight. Getting ready to go soon, but was hoping we could talk later. Call you when I land.
Y/N sighed and tucked the phone away again, feeling a little better, that she at least put that out there. She had the whole flight to Seattle to try and figure out what she wanted to say about it. At that moment, she felt childish and that she was overreacting. They were adults, after all. So what if Dee called and tried to warn her away from Jensen, it didn’t mean she had to listen. Y/N sat on one of the island stools and let her head rest on her arms folded in front of her on the granite countertop.
“I just wanna sleep,” she whined, tired from both lack of rest and overthinking.
A soft knock came at the door. She looked up curiously before double checking the clock on the stove. The car was more than an hour early; unless it wasn’t the car service…
Y/N was suddenly nervous as she slowly walked towards the door. After Nathan, and then the call, she was more than a little on edge. She stood on her toes and looked through the peephole of the front door and felt a swell of relief, then immediately exhilarated. She unlatched the deadbolt and lock on the handle and opened to see Jensen standing there.
“Hey, Trix. Heard you needed a ride to the airport,” he said, leaning nonchalantly against the door frame with one foot kicked over the other. “Thought I would give ya a lift.” He pushed off with his shoulder and stepped inside, softly closing the door behind him.
“You’re insane,” she chuckled. “Why are you not home sleeping?”
“Figured this would be the last time we saw each other for a while--”
She shook her head and gave him a rueful smile. “You just saw me like, four hours ago.”
“Five, actually. Now I probably won’t see you for a month, so, let me take you to the airport. Gives us another couple hours to hang out.”
“Geez, I dunno… I’m startin’ to think you might like me a little bit…” she teased, which provoked him into grabbing her wrist and playfully pulling her into him.
He wiggled his eyebrows. “Maybe just a little.” Jensen gazed down at her, his green eyes soft while he studied her face. “Did you sleep at all?” he asked quietly, suddenly concerned with how worn out she looked. “You look tired. If the traveling is too much, just say so. We can send someone else out to take care of all this.”
The phone call came forward in her mind. Shit, she thought, I wasn’t prepared for this so soon…
“No, it's fine. I need to go, especially to Jersey. I just didn’t sleep well,” she breathed and had the sudden urge to lay her head on his chest. She pushed past her anxiety on how he would react and did it anyway. His arms instinctively ensconced her shoulders and his chin rested on her head as he held her.
“Why not?”
Y/N could hear his heart beating in his chest, slow and rhythmic; a sound that she would come to find quite calming. She was about to tell him about the call, but she didn’t want to ruin the moment. Right now, just wanted to be there, in his arms and hear his heart; not talking about exes and phone calls, again.
“Oh, you know… thinking too much,” she said, covering the truth for the time being.
“Well, at least you can snooze on the plane.”
“Exactly, no big deal,” Y/N said and looked up at him. “But I sure am glad you showed up to take me. Now I don’t have to tip the driver.”
“Oh, gonna just use me as a taxi and not even tip me? Wow. Rude. Honestly, I thought your father raised you better than that,” he said, his deadpan expression holding out, but her wide grin and peek-a-boo tongue gliding along her bottom lip finally made him crack a smile.
“I’ll tip you, Hollywood. No worries. Just not gonna be in cold hard cash,” she purred and stood up on her tiptoes to leave a long kiss on his cheek.
“Well… when you put it that way…” Jensen said and she could have sworn she saw a flush of color touch the height of his cheekbones.
“So, any chance there’s time for a coffee run before we gotta be there? Maybe even a bagel?”
“Well, coffee yes. But a bagel? No. Now you’re just being unreasonable.”
She groaned, rolled her eyes and sighed dramatically. “You’re gonna make me beg? For a bagel?”
“Oh, darlin’,” Jensen chuckled as he leaned down and kissed her softly, “if I wanted you to beg, it would be for a whole lot more than a bagel. But no time for that now. Come on, let’s go grab some coffee.”
Y/N just stared at him, giving him that ‘I-can’t-believe-you-just-went-there’ look. Jensen flashed her an impish smile, clearly as payback for her innuendo, then grabbed her suitcase and headed for the door.
 Twenty minutes later, Y/N had a coffee and bagel in hand as Jensen directed his truck towards the airport. It was quiet, but not in their normal, comfortable sort of way. She needed to talk to him about Dee, but it didn’t feel like the time; either that or she was just procrastinating and avoiding the inevitable. He hadn’t brought up the text message she sent either, but as they drove down the freeway she could feel his eyes wander over to her.
“What?” she asked and nibbled at the bagel.
“Nothing,” he said and shrugged with his expression. “You’re just quiet. You’re never quiet.”
“Just tired,” she replied, trying to be casual and shrugged it off.
“Nah, it’s more than that. Come on, spill it. What’s up?”
Y/N kept her focus on the bagel, as she ripped off a small piece of dough and ate it. “Did you, uh… did you happen to see the text I sent you?”
“Oh, yeah. I got it just as I was getting to your place and then I forgot. What did you wanna talk about? Is, whatever it is, why you seem... not yourself?”
She nodded slightly, as a defeated sigh escaped her lips. “I kept getting these calls, on and off for a while now. Honestly, I thought they were Nathan, or maybe even my brother.”
At the mention of Nathan, Jensen’s entire body tensed up. “Nathan’s calling you?” he asked through tight, pursed lips.
“No... it wasn’t him. I thought it was for a minute though. So last night when they called--”
“Last night? When last night?”
“After you brought me home. I went to bed and the same number called. I finally answered it.”
“If it wasn’t Nathan, then who?”
She cast her eyes down on the bagel again. “I don’t have any proof other than the voice, but… I’m pretty sure it was Dee.” Y/N swallowed nervously and then hesitantly looked in his direction. “I wasn’t sure if I should tell you--”
“What did she say?” His eyes were still set straight ahead, and he was white-knuckling the steering wheel.
“I don’t remember word for word, but the gist was to stop seeing you.”
Jensen’s mouth pulled into a thin line, and she could see him biting down on his bottom lip. “I need you to try and remember, okay? Please?”
Y/N thought back to the call but didn’t want to reiterate it word for word. She tried to think of a way to make it not seem so bad, then immediately got mad at herself. Why should she protect Dee, or make this easier for her in any way? SHE was the one who not only called but broke Jensen’s heart, left him for someone else without a word. Y/N’s need to avoid further conflict fell by the wayside, and she told him everything.
“She basically said to stay away from you, and that she saw us last night at the concert. The way I act around you is disgusting and I am out of my league with you. Also, I should go back to the cesspool I came from.”
Jensen fought the urge to pull the truck over and call Dee right there. Instead, he re-adjusted his grip on the steering wheel. “What else?” he asked through gritted teeth.
“Nothing. She hung up after that.”
“Are you alright? I mean, after what happened with Nathan, and now this…” he trailed off, and though the anger wasn’t prominent in his expression, she could feel it coming off of him in waves.
“I’m alright. Just annoyed I guess. I blocked the number. What pisses me off is that she thinks she has the right to say who deserves to be in your life. What right does she have after what she did to you?”
That made the corner of his mouth tug into a small smile. “I guess what Jared said was true,” he sighed and finally took his eyes off the road briefly and turned his head to look at her. “I’m sorry she’s putting you in the middle of this.”
“Please, after what Nathan did? This is nothing.”
“But it’s not nothing, Y/N. I don’t care about what she did to me. I do care, however, that she’s bringing you into it just because she’s changed her mind. I’m pissed at myself for believing that she just wanted to be friends again and for letting her back in at all.”
“Sure does sound familiar,” Y/N mumbled and noticed Jensen smirk at her words. “Don’t be mad at yourself, Jay. You were just doing what you thought was best. I wasn’t even going to bring it up. I did because you were so upfront about talking to her and I don’t want to see her fuck with you, again.”
Jensen glanced over at her and smiled sweetly. Y/N saw that it wasn’t completely genuine, but she didn’t take it personally. She just hated that he would beat himself up for a while, though it wasn’t his fault.
“Listen,” he started and glanced back at her before looking back at the scant traffic before him. “I need you to know that I have zero interest in her--”
“I know that.”
“You sure? No doubt in your mind?”
Y/N wrapped the bagel and put it back in the bag before unbuckling her seat belt, and sliding across the bench seat towards him. The moment her hand touched his arm, she felt his muscles relax and heard a breath of air sigh from his lips. Taking his right hand off the steering wheel, he moved his arm so she could tuck into his side. Jensen’s arm wrapped around her shoulders and held her while he drove down the freeway.
“Zero doubt,” she sighed and for the first time since she had gotten the call, she felt calm and relaxed enough to sleep.
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  Jensen went with Y/N as far into the airport as he could, having to say their goodbyes before the security checkpoint. They kept it short and sweet, not wanting to draw attention for Jensen’s sake. He made her promise to call when she landed, and she made him promise not to commit a felony where Dee was concerned.
He watched her go and was struck by how much he was going to miss her. Jensen leaned back against one of the large columns and waited until she disappeared into the sea of people coming and going before finally leaving the terminal.
Once he was back in his truck, he took note of the time and decided it was now or never. He pulled out his phone and brought up Dee’s contact, and hit the call button. It took only two rings for her to pick up, and she was already wide awake and overly exuberant answering the call.
“Hi, Jensen!” she said before he could even draw in a breath. “This is such a nice surprise!”
He chuckled as pleasantly as he could. “Hi, Dee. How’s it going?”
“Good! Just getting ready to leave. I have an early call today, so, thought I’d get a jump on the day. You’re rarely up this early, what’s going on?”
“Oh nothing, just heard you were in town and thought maybe we could meet up for coffee today. Catch up a bit.” He tried to keep his voice as even-keeled as possible, but the frustration he felt towards her was slowly winning out. “If you’re free that is.”
“I could be! Especially to have coffee with you. Around one ok?”
“Yeah, perfect. Name the place.”
“There’s a cool little cafe around the corner from where we’re filming today, called Cuppa. They have this amazing Brazilian blend, you’ll love it!”
“Sound great. Meet ya there round one,” he replied, not wanting to get roped into small talk. “I gotta run, but, uh, have a good day on set and I’ll see ya then.”
“Ok! I’m so excited! So, glad you called, by--”
Jensen hung up and tossed the phone aside, his features set in a scowl. He had a few hours where he could calm down and recenter himself before seeing her. He’d promised Y/N he wouldn’t be too harsh, but there were a few things he was itching to say. Jensen had never been the kind of guy to be purposefully cruel, and it was going to take a lot of willpower on his part to stay that way. But… Y/N asked, so he had to try.
 Later that afternoon, he found himself sitting in the back corner of the terrace at Cuppa. Dee was right, the Brazilian blend was great and he made a note to get some for his place. At least this wouldn’t be a total waste of time, he thought as he brought the mug to his lips.
Just as he was setting it back down, Dee appeared from inside the cafe and found him in the quiet nook of the patio. He stayed in his chair instead of standing as a gentleman should, and watched her through narrowed eyes as she nearly floated across terrace.
“Hey,” she smiled brightly, before pulling out a chair to join him. She re-adjusted her oversized-brim hat and rested her clutch on the table. “You look great! How have you been?”
“Not bad. Yourself?” Jensen asked, trying to soften the way he was looking at her, but it was a hard thing for him to control now that she was actually there in front of him. The sight of this one woman, someone he used to love and care for so much, was now making him feel anger and regret. It was an odd sensation because so much of her was the same--from the wide-brimmed hat she wore to the color of her lipstick--she was physically so familiar. But emotionally, she felt incredibly different and Jensen was struggling to understand how he had loved her the way he did.
“Oh you know, livin’ the dream,” she chuckled.
The waitress came around and took her order. Jensen told her he was fine, and she went off to retrieve Dee’s request.
“I was so surprised to get your call today! I mean, it was a great surprise, just unexpected. Figured you would be getting ready to leave for Vancouver.”
“I am, in a couple days, actually. I just heard you were in town and like I said, wanted to catch up. How’s, uh… what was his name again? Greg? Gordon?”
“Grayson. And, we broke up,” she replied with a heavy sigh. “It just wasn’t working out.”
“Ohh,” Jensen said with a frown. “That’s too bad.”
“It is,” she sighed, and looked up at him from under the brim of her hat with sad, wide eyes.
She knew just how to look at him to get the maximum response. Back when they were together, she could use this same look a million different times to get what she wanted. All she would have to do is look at him as she was then, pout her lip and he’d cave to her. Not now. Not anymore.
The waitress appeared at the table and placed Dee’s coffee before her, then asked if they needed anything else before walking away.
“Well, I’m sorry it didn’t work out for you,” he said, unsure of when he wanted to segway into why he really called her here. Part of him wanted to see how long she could go on this way, batting her eyes and trying to be sweet; part of him wanted to let her know that this was never going to happen. Part of him wanted to really make her understand that he wasn’t going to put up with her drama. And if that meant he had to be firmer than he would like…
“...Jensen?” Dee said, waved her hand in front of his face. “You still with me?”
“Hmm?” he asked, snapping out of the fog of thoughts that clouded him. “Yeah, sorry, drifted for a minute. You were saying?”
“Just that… I should have known Grayson wasn’t right for me. I was so stupid…” she trailed off, pouting her bottom lip slightly and allowing her eyes to fill with regret.
Jensen nearly choked on his coffee, but recovered and placed the cup back to the table. “Well, you know everything happens for a reason, Dee.”
“It does,” she said and leaned across the table to cover his hand with hers for a tender moment before leaning back in her chair. “It really does. That’s why I was so happy you called me today. I was really hoping to see you so we could do just what we’re doing. Catch up, talk face to face. Maybe…” she trailed off again and shrugged timidly.
“Maybe, what?” he asked.
“See more of each other, I’m hoping.”
Jensen let her request hang in the space between them. He leaned his elbows on the table, and reached across for her hand, giving it a slight squeeze. He knew if he gave her enough time, she’d give him the perfect opportunity to say his peace.
“Oh, sweetheart… that’s not gonna happen,” Jensen replied in his most condescending tone and yet continued to hold her hand, but in no way that could be construed as loving or sweet. “You see, I am already seeing someone and last night, you called her. You had the nerve to tell her to back off from me. This, just two days after you were telling Gen that you wanted us to get back together.” Jensen bent his head to the side slightly and smiled, but there was no humor behind it.
Dee’s expression fell as she slowly pulled her hand out of his. The radiant smile she had been wearing broke into pieces as Jensen’s quiet admonishing continued.
“You had the balls, to call Y/N, tell her to stay away, that she was out of her league. Then--”
“I know what I said,” Dee bit back, leaning back in her chair and crossing her arms over her chest.
“Did you think she wouldn’t tell me?”
Dee shrugged again and averted her eyes. “I was pissed, okay? I saw you two at the Jazzfest and it pissed me off. I was drinking and I made a phone call. Sue me.”
“You know, I may have bought that, but it wasn’t the first call though, was it? You’ve been calling Y/N, on and off, for weeks. This is just the first time she picked up.”
Dee didn’t respond, she just sat and stewed, feeling her anger grow each time she heard Jensen say Y/N’s name.
“Oh, but how she spoke to me on New Year’s, that was okay?”
“That whole night is a little fuzzy for me still, but from what I do remember, she tried to be civil.”
“Oh, well, good for her,” Dee scoffed and drank her coffee, if for no other reason then to have something to do besides getting chastised by him.
“What I don’t get is, why? What the hell do you gain from this? Why would you tell Gen--”
“How do you even know about that?”
“It doesn’t matter, Dee. What matters is your delusional enough to think any of this would work. We’re done. You left. Eventually, I got over it.”
Dee leaned into the conversation and lowered her voice, biting back at him. “YOU were supposed to propose. You had the ring! But then, what? Chickened out? I did what I did because I thought it would help you along to finally make it official. It was supposed to be you and me forever! But no, you had to go and meet someone else!”
Jensen sat up straighter, his expression a mix of confusion and anger. “What the HELL are you talking about? Who said I had a ring?!”
“A friend of mine saw you in the jewelry store. She said you left with a ring box,” Dee replied smugly. “If you had just proposed… none of this would have happened. We wouldn’t have missed out on a year together,” she hissed and sat back in her chair again.
“Wait a fucking minute…” Jensen paused to collect himself, afraid if he didn’t that the other patrons would get quite a show. “... are you telling me you left me for that guy, solely to provoke me into proposing? What the hell is wrong with you? Do you know what that did to me? You leaving, without a fucking word?” With each thought, his temper was rising along with the volume of his words. “Do you care what that did? NO! ‘Cause why would you?!”
“Jensen… I…” she stammered, taken back by the height of his anger.
“Yeah, go ahead, I dare you to try and justify anything. Just for the record, I did have a ring. I bought one two months before you left. I never gave it to you because I wasn’t sure if you were the right one. Something in my gut told me to wait… best fucking decision I ever made. Wanna know why? Because you leaving me, led me to a woman that doesn’t play games. She doesn’t fuck with people’s feeling for sport. She’s good and genuine, and kind. I’ll be damned if I will let you fuck with her, too!”
Jensen stood from the table and reached for his wallet to leave money for the coffee. He stopped and put it back in his back pocket. “You know what, buy your own damn coffee.” He started to walk away but hesitated and turned back, leaning down so his lips were only a few inches from her ear.
“If I find out that you came within ten feet of Y/N, or that you tried to contact her again in any way--or me for that matter--I promise that you will be sorry that you ever met me. Got it?”
Dee straightened her back and turned to face him. Their eyes were locked, and Jensen’s lips snarled into a warning smile when he saw the utter indigence on her face. “Don’t push me, Dee. You won’t like how I react.”
“I hear you loud and clear,” she replied flatly. When he turned to walk away, she didn’t bother looking over her shoulder. She knew he would leave without looking back.
Dee waited at the table for a few minutes, casually drinking her coffee, rattled by the conversation that just took place. She did her best to collect herself before reaching into her clutch and pulling out her phone. She searched her contacts, found who she was looking for and hit call. Two rings, and he answered.
“Hey, it’s Dee. I need you to do some digging for me,” she paused and waited for him to reply. “Yes, the name is Y/F/N L/N, all I know is she’s from Seaside, New Jersey. Call me back with what you find out.”
Dee ended the call, drained the rest of the coffee from her cup and rose from the table just as the waitress returned. As she left Cuppa’s garden terrace and made her way back to the set, all the kinds of ideas were starting to come to mind. Some she thought were doable, others may be taking it too far. All she knew then, is that she wasn’t completely done with Y/N yet.
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  A month of travel, twelve-hour work days and unending conference calls had left Y/N tired, cranky and ready for a vacation. The work that was starting to pile up was overwhelming, and while she had a supportive team of people around her, it was still adding up to be more then she could handle.
In a momentary breakdown, she called on two of the people she knew she could count on, that wasn’t currently filming in Vancouver. Jensen’s schedule had been impossible to try and get around, and she refused to spend the time she did have on the phone with him complaining about how much work there was. Thankfully, Briana and Mama both answered her distress call and after a little bit of rearranging, were due to arrive in Austin the next day. They both insisted on getting themselves to the townhouse, so Y/N wasn’t running back and forth from the airport. For once, she didn’t try to fight them on it.
Y/N wasn’t exactly surprised that they became fast friends, as they were similar in so many ways. Watching them interact was the kind of entertainment that Y/N didn’t realize she needed at that moment. The first night the three of them spent in the townhouse, working, laughing, eating and drinking, was the best help Y/N could have received; both for relieving the stress of work, and the emotional support provided.
The hours ticked by and when the first bottle of wine had been finished, Y/N went down to the kitchen to grab the second bottle. As she was rifling through the drawer for the corkscrew, her phone began to vibrate in her pocket. She fished it out and saw Jensen’s name on the screen.
“Hey there stranger,” she greeted, tucking the phone between her ear and shoulder while continuing to search for the gadget. “How’s it going?”
“Not too bad, how’s things back home?”
“Oh you know, a hot mess. But at least Bri and Mama are here to wallow in it with me.”
“Bri and Mama are in the same room and I’m missing it? That seems wildly unfair,” Jensen groaned.
“You have no idea. Rehearsals tomorrow should be a hoot,” she chuckled and finally found what she was looking for. “You guys done for the day?”
“Nah, just taking a dinner break. I wanted to tell you there was a slight change of plans.”
She froze mid uncorking and sighed. “Oh no… what?”
“Nothing bad,” he laughed. “Jared’s party… not August. They had to shuffle some things around so it's weekend after next.”
“Wait… that means you’ll be back before Comic-Con, then?” Y/N felt a burst of excitement flood her chest. “Really?”
Jensen laughed softly. “Yeah, really. In fact, I should be back by early next week. So, maybe we plan that second date. Whatcha say?”
Y/N bit down on her lower lip and inhaled deeply, trying to be suave and cool when really she wanted to flail and scream with all the pent up giddiness he stirred in her.
“Well, I haven’t found my grass skirt yet, but I am sure I can make that work.”
“Atta girl, Trix. So now, what’s this about rehearsals tomorrow?” he asked in a low, playful voice. “What kind of rehearsals are we talking about? Seems a little early for rehearsals, no?”
“Well, with Mama here, we’re going to head over to the Rollins Studio Theater tomorrow night, and run through a few things. She can see the layout of the stage, meet the musicians and stuff like that. Bri is going to stand in for one of the other girls and we have a couple local dancers coming from the troupe I found here.”
“Are you singing?”
“In the routine, yeah, I am. Mama’s condition to bring the troupe out was that I do a number with them. She’s dyyyying to direct me for a change, so this should be a whole lotta fun. I’m sure she’ll want me to do something tomorrow, but I am going to try and talk her out of it.”
“Yeah, you know that won’t happen. And, what’s worse is, I’m missing it. Have I said that this is incredibly unfair?”
“Once or twice…” she giggled. “Hey… Jay?”
A loud burst of laughter came from above, followed by two sets of footsteps coming down the stairs. Y/N sighed softly and knew that she’d have to cut the call short.
“I’m really glad you’re coming back early. I miss you,” she mumbled the last bit, wanting desperately to tell him how much, but just glad she was able to say it at all. Despite how well their date went, not seeing him for nearly a month was making some old anxieties settle in.
“I miss you too. Promise, you’ll see me soon.”
“Gonna give me that boy scout salute bullshit again?” she laughed.
“Nah. I’ve moved on to pinky promises,” he teased.
Mama and Bri appeared in the kitchen and stopped when they saw Y/N on the phone. Both with their brows raised in curiosity, then whispering to each other followed by hushed giggles.
“Well, I have an audience now, so I’ll let you go. Talk soon?”
“Absolutely. I’ll call you tomorrow, and you can tell me all about your pajama party. Night, Trix.”
“Night, Jay.”
Y/N ended the call and slowly put it back in her pocket before meeting their inquisitive gaze.
“Well?!” Bri whined.
“Well, what?” Y/N laughed nervously and went back to opening the wine.
“Oh no, you are not gonna play coy with us, girlie. Pour the damn wine and then spill your damn guts. Miss Bri and I were just talkin’ upstairs and agreed it’s been way too long since you gave either of us an update.”
“Life’s been a smidge busy,” she said just as the cork finally popped.
“I couldn’t care less how busy you’ve been. Last we sat and talked about Mr. Dreamy was way back in January, and you made me a promise. Did you fulfill it?”
“What promise?” Bri asked, looking excitedly between Y/N and Mama.
Mama raised her thick brows inquisitively. “Well, you gonna tell the girl or am I?”
“Fine. Mama made me promise to come back here and tell Jensen that I was interested,” she replied quickly, hoping for no follow-ups, but knew she would be disappointed.
“Annnd…” Mama prodded. “There was something else in that promise.”
Y/N rolled her eyes. “And kiss him.”
“Ohhhh…” Bri giggled and excitedly clapped her hands. “Well, Mama, I am happy to report that she kept her promise. Saw it with my own two eyes!”
“Oh Lordy, thank ya, Jesus!” Mama raised her hands to the sky and bowed her head. “And.... now, tell me all about it.”
“No, now you listen. That boy is downright delicious. You can’t tell me that you kissed him and not give details,” Mama said, crossed her arms over her ample bosom and turned to Briana for support.
“Boy is he…” Bri mused and then cleared her throat. “And Mama’s right… I mean I saw that sweet little kiss at the bar, but I know you two went out to Jazzfest and I’m not real happy I didn’t get an immediate phone call when you got home.”
Y/N flashed to the call and subsequent brief drama with Dee. Deciding to leave that out, for the time being, she apologized. “I’m sorry. It was late and I had to leave early the next day.”
“Please tell me you invited him in…” Mama pleaded but could see by Y/N’s expression it was her turn to be disappointed.
“Are we going back upstairs? Cause I could really use some of this wine now,” Y/N said and exhaled deeply.
When neither Bri nor Mama turned for the stairs, Y/N grabbed three fresh wine glasses from the cabinet and filled them halfway. She drank two big gulps of hers and could feel both sets of eyes on her as she did.
“No,” she managed to squeak out after finishing most of the wine. “He didn’t spend the night.”
“Jesus wept,” Mama moaned and pulled out one of the island stools. “What in heaven’s name were you thinkin’?”
Y/N was quiet. She didn’t know how to answer, exactly. When she didn’t respond at all, Mama kept going.
“Suga, you gotta stop being so scared and let the man in. I’m glad you two are finally gettin’ on the right path, but you gotta be bold. Take the initiative. Ask the man to spend the--”
“June!” Y/N barked suddenly, catching Mama off guard.
“Using my Christian name… that’s my sign to shut up…” Mama explained to Briana in a hushed tone.
“I’m sorry, Mama, I didn’t mean to snap at you. It’s just that I know… okay? You don’t think I want to sleep with him? Ask him to spend the night? Of course, I do! I like him, a lot. I want that to happen… but…”
“But what, honey?” Bri asked, and lovingly laid a hand on top of Y/N’s.
“I’m scared.” Y/N felt her entire body fill with relief at the admission. Scared didn’t begin to cover it really. There was a whole host of emotions that began to flow at the thought of being more intimate with Jensen. That kind of vulnerability seemed like pressure she wasn’t completely ready for.
“After what you’ve been through, I can understand that completely,” Mama said. “But you use fear as a cloak to shield yourself. You can’t do that forever.”
“No, but I can take it off slowly.”
“Touché. But… allow me to play devil’s advocate… this man likes you, clearly. You want him just as much. What’s it gonna take for you to trust him enough, to let this guard of yours down?”
“It's down, trust me. I’m just not ready to bare everything, okay? I know we have this crazy chemistry, I feel it every damn time the man looks at me. But, what if we sleep together and he’s disappointed. Being with someone like him…” Y/N snorted a laugh and refilled her glass, promptly taking a large gulp. “His ex… I hate the woman but damn, she’s… she’s gorgeous and worldly, and... I can’t live up to that.”
“Honey…” Bri started and stopped when Y/N’s expression pleaded with her to do so. She held her hands up in relent but continued with another thought. “Trust me when I tell you, Jensen is the most regular guy you’ll ever know. He’s just some down-home boy, who likes to play music, make people laugh, cleans up real nice and just wants to love all over you. He’s not anything like what most people perceive him to be.”
“I know that,” Y/N replied quietly, keeping her eyes glued to her glass while her fingers toyed with the stem.
“Ok. So then, what is it really?” Bri asked, trying to encourage her to open up and talk through whatever it was she needed to. “Because let me tell you, I don’t care who he was within the past, he’s only got eyes for you right now.”
Y/N looked up and met their gazes. She felt the sting of emotion at the corner of her eyes and furrowed her brow trying to decide if she could actually say the words that came forth in response to Briana’s question.
“Because, if we sleep together, that’s it, I’ll be gone. I’ll fall in love with him and then everything will fall apart.” A stray tear or two fell, but she was able to keep her emotions in check.
Bri put an arm around her and rested her head on her shoulder. “You don’t know that.”
“Maybe not, but that’s what I’m afraid of. And for as far as Jensen and I have come, as much as I care about him and trust him; part of me is just waiting for the other shoe to drop.”
“Y/N, you listen to Mama now, okay?” Mama said, leaning across the counter and squeezing her hand. “No matter what comes at you, you can handle it. And if the other shoe does drop, well then, you let it go, put on your best stilettos and keep on fucking walking.”
“I just don’t know if I’m that brave, Mama. Look, I love you both for being so supportive, but honestly, I just want to get the work done and get some sleep. Talking about all this right now just feels overwhelming and tomorrow is going to be a long ass day.”
Mama and Bri exchanged a look of empathy for their friend when Y/N cast her eyes down to her fingers that were still fidgeting with the stem of the glass.
“Alright, Y/N. That’s alright by us. Come on, let’s get the bottle, another round of snacks and finalize these last minute changes, ok?” Bri hugged her a little tighter and got Y/N to smile.
“Yes, that I can do,” she said and swiped at the last tear that fell to her cheek. “That I can definitely do.”
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The next day was more running around including meeting with the equipment rental representatives, dropping off some new plans to the city planner’s office, as well as swinging by the seamstress’ shop to pick up the dress Mama insisted Y/N wear when she performs with The Corsettes. Once the trio had completed all the tasks and had a quick lunch at Salty Sow, Y/N brought them over to the Rollins Theater and introduced them both to the local Burlesque troupe that agreed to join them on stage.
Mama was in her glory putting them on stage and talking with the musicians that came to sit in to play for the rehearsal. While she was putting her magic into action, Y/N brought the dress and accessories back to the dressing rooms, with Bri following close behind her.
“How ya feeling today, honey? Any better?”
“As far as…?”
“Just overall stress. I know you’re feeling the pinch of things, so if you need to delegate anymore work, I’m here for it. I cleared everything, booked myself a luxurious room and I’m staying in town til after Jared’s party. So use and abuse me, okay?”
Y/N chuckled and hung the dress up on the back of the door. “You’re amazing and I’d be lost without you,” Y/N smiled and hugged her friend. “I promise I will delegate. But I feel okay at the moment. I guess I’m just tired… it’s been a long few weeks.”
“Weeks? Try months, but yeah, it has been especially for you. You are kicking some serious ass with all this. You know that, right?”
Y/N shrugged. “I guess. I mean everything is on schedule, I think. Event planning isn’t exactly my forte, and I tried explaining that to Jensen when we first met, but…. you know him.”
“I do. Get an idea in that man’s head and it’s impossible to deter him.”
“Exactly. Stubborn as a mule, that one.”
They both had a good laugh at that, as Bri walked over to unzip the garment bag. “Holy mother of shit!” she exclaimed as she carefully removed it from the bag. “This is what you’re wearing?!”
Y/N nodded. “Mama insisted.”
“Well? Let’s see it on ya!” Bri said, more than a little giddy as she removed it from the hanger. “Here, you get dressed, I’ll go see if she’s ready for you.”
“Nooo, no. This is for dress rehearsals. Tonight is just the start of her putting a routine together now that she’s seen the stage. I just brought it in--”
“To try on and walk your cute little ass out on the stage. I will accept no other answer,” Bri interjected. “Now, please,” she sang cheerily but with that tone of ‘you best just do it’.
“And they call me bossy,” Y/N mumbled, then winked at Bri when she gave her that chastising raise of her brow.
“Five minutes, or I come and find you…” Bri warned as she opened the door and stepped out into the hallway.
“Yes ma’am,” Y/N chuckled and waited until she was gone to let her smile fade away.
Y/N squeezed her eyes shut for a moment and took a few deep breaths. The last couple of weeks had felt overwhelmingly hard, and she wasn’t sure why. Yes, there was a lot to do, and yes, she was doing most of it on her own now that more than half her team was working in Vancouver; but it was more than just that.
It was everything; Nathan showing up, Dee’s interference, Jensen’s… presence. She found it hard to focus on everything she needed to when really all she wanted to do was just take off with him to somewhere quiet and deserted; where it could just be the two of them and they could finally have peace and time to explore what it could be like being together.
Peace and time brings peace of mind, her mind sang out unprompted. It was her father’s mantra, especially when he was a few beers in and wallowing in his despair. He would repeat it to himself over and over when he was trying to ‘right the ship’, as he would say.
“Dad, help me out here,” Y/N whispered to the empty room. “I just need some kind of sign that this is right, that all of this… is where I’m supposed to be. This is the hardest thing I’ve ever done, daddy, and I’m scared. I don’t just mean the work, I’m talking about Jensen, too. Please…” she pleaded, closing her eyes and swallowing hard. “Just the smallest hint of a sign…”
The room was silent, not that she expected anything different but she wished for it harder than she’d ever wished for anything before. A few minutes went by before she was finally able to pull herself up and change into the dress. She decided to forgo the accessories, for now, hoping that both Mama and Bri would be appeased by at least seeing the dress on her.
As she made her way onto the stage, she exhaled slowly and adjusted the bodice of the dress. She was surprised by everything that had been done already and felt a little bit of relief knowing that so much was being handled without her having to oversee it all. The musicians were getting set, Mama and the dancers were huddled in a loose circle and getting to know each other, while Briana was sitting at the piano that was on stage left.
“Well damn, girl,” Bri said and whistled as she swung her legs to the other side of the piano bench. “You look amazing!”
“Thanks,” Y/N smiled. “Not the complete ensemble, but if you think my feet are getting in those boots tonight, you’re sadly mistaken.”
“Just the dress is fine. Gonna be a few though till they’re ready to anything that we could help with,” Bri stood from the bench and motioned for Y/N to sit. “Why don’t you play something. See how the acoustics sound in here.”
“That’s actually not a bad idea,” she agreed and adjusted the dress so she could sit easier. “What should I play? You gonna sing for me?”
“No, not tonight. I’ll go up in the back row, see how it sounds. You sing whatever you feel, honey.” Bri gave her a wink, and it did not go unnoticed by Y/N that she turned and gave Mama a knowing glance, too.
Y/N felt like they were sharing some kind of secret, but pushed it aside for the time being. Y/N didn’t know what to play, really. She hovered her hands over the ivory keys and waited until she saw Bri pick a seat in the back of the theater and sit down.
Since they had become friends over the past six months, Y/N made it her mission to hear every song Briana had recorded and fell in love with each and every one. Something moved her to pick one of those songs, and her hands found the proper starting keys.
Y/N played the melody from Bri’s cover of “How Will I Know?”; maybe it was all the talk of being with Jensen, or maybe, a residual question left over from the earlier prayer she sent up to her father. Either way, that was the song that first came to mind, so that’s what she played.
When the first few notes from the piano filled the theater, then followed by the soft tone of her voice, everyone on the stage stopped what they were doing and turned to watch her play. She didn’t need the mic turned on that sat on top of the piano, her voice carried through to the back of the quiet theater easily.
“Oh, it's you, I know… You’re the one I dream of Looks into, my eyes, take me to the clouds above How I lose control, can’t seem to get enough When I wake, from dreaming, tell me is it really love…”
A couple of the musicians on the other end of the stage picked up the beat on drums and percussion, falling easily into the soft, rhythmic tempo of the piano. They kept the instrumentals mellow, while still adding more depth to her already rich tone.
Y/N closed her eyes and started getting lost in what she was singing. Her mind completely forgot about the people around her, as she sang the lines of the song more to herself than anyone else in the room.
“How will I know, if you really love me? I say a prayer with every heartbeat I fall in love whenever we meet I’m asking you, what you know about these things?”
“How will I know, if you’re thinking of me? I try to phone, but I’m too shy, can’t speak Falling in love, is so bittersweet This love is strong, why do I feel weak...”
She transitioned into the second verse, thinking about Jensen and all that has been happening around them, to them… and when the chorus came around again, she could feel herself sing the words with a break in her voice. Y/N was using the music to speak and expel the overall feeling of desperation to understand how she would know that everything would ultimately be okay with Jensen. That she could take that step and let him in completely without losing herself in the process.
Falling in love, is so bittersweet This love is strong, why do I feel weak...”
The last note fell from her lips, and with it, the weight of her question. Her fingers landed on the last two keys, and the moment the reverberation from them stopped, the small audience on the stage, and the one out in the theater applauded. The sound of it pulled Y/N out of her mental space and back to reality, where she finally noticed how many people had been watching her sing. She felt a rush of embarrassment flood her face, her cheeks burning hot with knowing there were at least twenty people scattered around the theater just saw her perform so raw.
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Jensen watched from the vestibule of the theater.
The moment that he had hung up with her yesterday, he knew he needed to come home. He hadn’t planned on coming back until the morning of Jared’s party, but there was something he heard in her voice that went beyond her being tired or overwhelmed. He couldn't pinpoint exactly what it was, but something in his gut was telling him he needed to come back. Not just to help with her workload, or even to bear witness to Briana and Mama Mia meeting for the first time. Though, if he was being honest with himself, it was the cherry on the sundae.
He sped from the airport to reach the Rollins Theater before Bri said they were due to arrive, but of course, traffic got in his way. Once he finally got there, he quietly came in through the main doors, and that’s when he heard her voice. From the first note that touched his ears, he felt like he had the wind knocked out of him. There was something about the sound of her singing that always made him feel that way.
Jensen peeked in the one theater door that was propped open and saw her there at the piano. Everyone else that was on the stage had been frozen in place as she sang; just as he was there by the door.
“Hey!” Bri said in a rough whisper from his right side. When he turned, he saw her there mid-row, watching Y/N sing up on the stage. “You made it! Come sit!” She patted the seat beside her and Jensen made his way down the row of seats to meet her.
He bent down, kissed her cheek in greeting and sat on the plush red theater chair. “Did she find out I was coming?” he asked nervously.
“Nope, doesn’t suspect a thing. Thought you were gonna be here earlier.”
“Traffic,” he grumbled but didn’t remove his eyes from the stage. “What is she wearing?” His eyes widened with excitement when he realized she was in costume. He thought back to that first night when he went to the rehearsal at the Bamboo and how quickly smitten he had become with her. Now… he was far beyond smitten.
“Mama apparently is making her wear it for whatever routine she puts together. I saw it and made her put it on.” Bri giggled and lightly elbowed him in the arm. “You’re welcome.”
Jensen laughed softly and gave her a nod of appreciation, but didn't want to respond. He just wanted to listen to Y/N sing and get lost in the sound of her voice. The way each lyric projected from her lips, and the way her fingers brushed against the ivory, it was as if she were painting with sound. Her talent filled him with an enormous rush of feeling and as the song carried through the auditorium effortlessly, each word felt like magic to his ears. She was soulful and raw, and he found himself falling more and more in love with her.
That realization hit with a force that physically knocked him back; something that did not go unnoticed by Briana.
“You alright there, buddy?” she chuckled quietly. “You’re looking a little green. Jet lag got ya down?”
“N-No, it’s… “ his thoughts broke off and he went quiet.
Bri studied his face for a minute, and when she came to understand his wistful, yet petrified expression, she sat back and smiled wide enough to bring out her cavernous dimples.
“Well, ho-ly shit. Jensen Ackles… you look me in the eyes and tell me… do you love this girl?”
His attention snapped back to Bri, surprised at how easily she could read him. “What? No. Huh?” he scrunched his face and shook his head, stuttering any response that tried to leave his mouth. When he turned back to the stage, and once again heard her voice, he knew he couldn’t even pretend to hide it anymore. This time, when Jensen turned back to Bri, he simply nodded.
Briana’s larger than life smile faded into something softer, and she put her arm around his shoulder. “You gonna tell her?” she asked.
He shook his head slowly. “Not yet. I need time to sit with it. Make sure its… real.”
Just then, Y/N finished the song. The last couple notes reverberated off the plush walls of the theater prompting the people on stage to applaud. Bri stood and did the same enthusiastically before she shuffled behind the seats and down the aisle. Jensen stood from his seat and slowly made his way out of the row and down the aisle towards the stage.
He watched as the recognition of his presence hit her. For him it felt like slow motion; from seeing her smile as their eyes locked, to her moving in his direction, he watched her and the flutter of excitement came alive in his stomach. Jensen didn’t realize how much he needed to see her. After a month of just phone calls and FaceTime, the idea that he could touch her again was bordering on overwhelming. He wanted to grab her and kiss her, sweep her up off her feet; but given their audience, kept his need to touch her in check
“What are you doing here?!” she asked, through a wide, cheeky grin. “You’re supposed to be in Vancouver!”
“Guy can’t change his plans--” he was interrupted by Y/N throwing her arms up around his neck and embracing him tightly.
Time seemed to stop for a second. Jensen hugged her back with all he had and relished in the scent of her hair, the softness of her skin, and how easily she fit into his arms like that last, perfect piece of the puzzle. He could feel her body relax into his and felt like he could close his eyes and stand there just holding her forever.
“I’m so glad you’re here,” she whispered before loosening her grip on him and pulling back just enough to leave a kiss on his cheek.
“I am too,” he rasped so only she could hear, before taking her by the hand and taking a step back to take in the costume she was wearing. “Boy am I glad I came home,” he said. “I would have been very upset to miss this…. Look at this dress!” He whistled with approval.
“Tell me she doesn’t look like an absolute treat in that!” Mama bellowed from the stage.
“Damn straight she does,” he said and winked at Y/N, then turned his attention to the tall, voluptuous, older woman on the stage. “Well, well, now there’s the woman I’ve been waiting to see!” Jensen called up to her. “Be right back,” he whispered to Y/N before heading up to see her.
Mama left a big, sloppy kiss on his cheek and hugged him so tight Jensen thought his back might crack. “It’s so good to see you, Mama,” he said when she finally let him go. “Glad you’re in town. Hope Y/N took you around to see the sights.”
“She’s workin’ on it for sure. Quite the city you got yourself. I can see why Y/N fell in love with it,” Mama said and glanced at Y/N with a soulful smirk. “In fact, I was planning on meeting up with some friends of mine that live in the area and taking in some sites tomorrow. So you’re timing is impeccable!” Mama pinched his cheek playfully.
“I’m doubly glad I made it time then,” Jensen chuckled. “So what are you thinking of doing here? Gonna get this one back up on stage?” He motioned his head towards Y/N who had rejoined them on the stage.
“Oh, darlin’, I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t blackmail her into singin’ at least one song tonight. I got the number down, but just need to teach this talented lot the moves.” Mama shimmied her hips, causing a roar of hoots and hollers from the small gathering of dancers behind her. “Whatcha say you go grab a seat and I’ll get this group ready to go!”
“Sounds damn good to me!” he said with a wide grin.
Mama turned back to the band. “Y’all said you know ‘Can’t Say No’ so let’s roll with that one!”
Jensen went to walk off stage, leaving the matronly diva to do her thing and paused to where Y/N was standing near the piano. He took her hand and gave it a tender squeeze, before pulling her closer to leave a kiss on the top of her head. “Break a leg,” he whispered.
The way she smiled at him then--her lips pursed together, one corner of her mouth tugging up into a smirk--made him feel physically weak in the knees. Jensen felt like there was something different in the way her eyes danced when she looked at him; he couldn’t help but wonder if she was coming to some of her own realizations, too.
For now, he tried to let it go and remember that they weren’t alone and that he needed to sit with the feeling for a while. A moment later, he was sitting in the front row and watching Mama put everyone in their places. She sent Y/N off stage left and another woman off stage right. The band was warming up, various instruments playing various notes and Jensen wondered how any of them could truly concentrate on what they were doing. Finally, they found their pitch and quieted, before Mama counted the band off to start the number.
The music began, and the minute Y/N stepped on the stage to start singing, Jensen’s phone began to ring. He quickly reached into his pocket to silence it, regardless of who was calling, so he wouldn’t disturb the rehearsal. But across the screen flashed SAFEGATE, the security company who installed the alarm at the townhouse. He got up, answered the call, and swiftly walked up the aisle towards the vestibule of the theater.
“Hello?” he answered when he was clear of the auditorium.
“Hello, Mr. Ackles?”
“Yeah, this is he. What’s going on?”
“We’re calling to let you know that the alarm has been triggered at the property located at 87 North Piedmont Point. We’ve notified the local authorities and they are currently en route.”
“Oh, shit. Ok. Thank you, I’m on my way.”
Jensen’s body tensed, and he felt his gut lurch. ‘It’s a false alarm,’ he kept telling himself. ‘No big deal, it’s just a false alarm…’ He pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed, trying to calm whatever was prompting the feeling of dread that was washing over his current mantra.
From behind him, the theater door creaked open, and he realized the music from the stage had stopped.
“Hey,” Y/N said, stepping into the vestibule. From inside the theater, the music started up again. “What’s going on? I saw you run out. Is everything okay?”
“Uh, I don’t know. That was the security company. Apparently, the alarm was triggered at the townhouse. I’m going to head over there now. I’ll call you--”
“The fuck you will. That’s my home, Jensen. I’m going with you.”
“No. Wait here, two minutes. Let me change and tell the girls. I’m coming, and I swear if you leave without me…” she drew in a deep breath and was ready to give him what for, but he held his hands up in relent.
“Go change. I’ll be right here, waiting.”
 Within ten minutes, Y/N and Jensen were in his truck and headed towards her home. Neither of them talked, both nervous about what they were going to find at the house. As Jensen pulled into the development, and circled around towards home, flashing blue and red lights could be seen reflecting off of windows and trees. The driveway and curb were blocked by several police cars, forcing Jensen to pull over and park a few houses down. Once out of the truck, Y/N took his hand and squeezed it tight as they nearly jogged down the sidewalk towards the activity.
By the time they reached the front lawn, they could see the front door was open, and cops were walking in and out. Jensen could feel Y/N’s nerves grow, and when one of the officers began to approach them, she tightened the grip she had on his hand.
“I’m sorry, ma’am, this is a crime scene,” the officer said, holding his hand up to stop them.
“This is my home,” she breathed, clearly panicked. “What happened? What triggered the alarm?”
“It appears someone broke in, ma’am. If you could just wait here--”
“Are they still in there? Did you catch who did it?” Jensen interrupted angrily.
“And you are?” the officer asked indignantly.
“He’s with me,” Y/N bit back defensively. “Can I please go inside? How bad is it?”
“Alright, if you could both just calm down for a minute,” he said. “To answer your question, sir, no, whoever broke in is long gone. Let me just check with the detective to make sure it’s clear for you to enter and you can go in to grab a few necessities. No way you’re going to want to stay here tonight.”
Jensen’s stomach bottomed out, and by how pale Y/N seemed, he thought hers did too. Jensen released her hand and embraced her as the officer turned and sought out the lead detective. He held her to his chest, and she put her arms around his waist.
“It’s gonna be alright,” he whispered and kissed the top of her head. “Whatever it is, it’s going to be--”
“You can go on in,” the officer called from several feet away. “I’ll bring ya through so you can get what you need.”
Jensen felt her swallow hard and then peel herself off his chest. He sighed, and took her hand again, leading her towards the front door. The minute they walked, he heard her gasp. The mess in the kitchen alone was staggering. Walking slowly through the first floor, Jensen found himself in the living room, standing behind Y/N with his hands on her shoulders as they surveyed the damage. He closed his eyes and swallowed hard, trying to push down all the anger and rage he felt at whoever had the nerve to do this.
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lifeisawoman · 7 years
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It’s 4:00 pm on a friday and Michael made sure to make his pickup before he met back up with Jeremy, the taller boy having had a panic attack the one time he decided to tag along despite being literally less than five minutes from his own home and inside a warm furnished basement. They only got it from Michael’s cousin, once it started becoming a more regular thing, so it really wasn't the most uncomfortable thing to go off and do alone. Michael gracefully threw his backpack onto the couch in his basement after he came inside, running to grab a lighter and that cool ball of hemp wick out of the drawer by his bed, toward the back wall of the basement before plopping down on the couch as well, ready to roll a blunt before his friend arrived.
Jeremy hesitantly walks into the basement right as Michael is licking the tobacco paper, making sure it sticks. He smiles at the smaller boy sitting on the couch and moves to join him, settling himself in the middle of the couch between Michael and his backpack. “What flavor is that?” Jeremy asks, skipping the pleasantries as they had only been apart for around half an hour; Long enough for Jeremy to get home and change out of the clothes he wore to school and for Michael to cop.
“He got me ‘Tropical Twist’, I guess it’s like a new summer flavor.” Michael answers, wiping his mouth. He gestures for Jeremy to hand him the lighter on the table and flicks it on, drying the now rolled blunt of his spit. Jeremy hums in consideration, leaning back into the couch. The darker haired teen sparks the lighter and smoothly lights the end of the blunt away from his face, taking a long pull and burning away the excess tobacco before handing it to his patient friend.
Jeremy takes the nicely pearled blunt from Michael’s hand, sitting himself up straighter against the back of the couch as to not restrict his lungs; He takes an earnest hit and starts choking as soon as the smoke travels down to his lungs, “Shit! It’s so harsh dude!” He complains through his coughs, a nerve setting in from the cough, sweat forming on his forehead as he tries to take control of his breathing once more. Michael guiltily takes the blunt again, “I mean yeah, it’s tobacco… Look I’m sorry hold on.” Jeremy watches Michael cross the room, casually smoking, puffs of smoke floating to the ceiling in calming swirls, the filipino boy kneels into his mini fridge and grabs a code red mountain dew, something they’d both find comfort in and drink often. Jeremy gratefully accepts the drink and guzzles some down, relishing in the moisture down his throat while the carbonation chokes him a small bit further, the bubbles irritating as they went down. “I’m a pussy.” Jeremy laughs, taking another sip of the drink in his hand, Michael busying himself with picking what music to blast from his Bluetooth speaker. “It’s just really tasty,” Michael explains, “Should I uh- Should I just pack a bowl?”
“No!” Jeremy chokes, not wanting to inconvenience his player two, “Let me just try again.” He insists, and Michael complies, taking another quick drag before passing the blunt to Jeremy again. He’s warm, sure his face is red and his sides cramping from what he assumes is the strain on his lungs. He’s high, just barely buzzed but it’s there. The hit he takes is small and he breathes the smoke out heavily, a noise heaving through his throat as he does his best to not cough again and Michael seems to have retreated toward the end of the couch more than before. “I have an idea.” The smaller teen spoke up softly, taking the blunt from Jeremy again and taking a long deep pull that honestly concerns his friend- How could his lungs do that? How much weed did this fucker actually smoke?
Jeremy couldn’t help but notice as Michael’s cheeks reddened and when he moves the blunt away from his lips how he keeps them pursed and then Michael was leaning in and Jeremy’s brain was swimming. Was Michael Mell, his best friend of several years about to kiss him? On the mouth? Why? What warranted this course of action? It wasn’t that Jeremy was complaining because, hey, it’s not like there hasn’t been some lingering thoughts, maybe some fantasies that he pushed to the back of his mind because wow that’s gay and probably fucked up because this is Michael: Jeremy’s best friend and player two (despite how Michael insists otherwise). His eyes flicker to the blank television in front of them, lingering on the reflection of himself and then Michael. Their foreheads touch and Jeremy preps himself, eyes shutting in anticipation of the connection. There’s a brief brush of their lips but no connection, instead a cloud of smoke is blown into Jeremy’s mouth, he inhales and wants to cry. This wasn’t anywhere near what he figured might happen today but once there was a possibility in his mind of something more, he felt rejected. He felt stupid for assuming and hurt for assuming incorrectly. He sighs the smoke back out, closing his eyes and Michael turns his head to take another pull, Jeremy desperate for the next hit. Michael exhales slowly, this time away from Jeremy’s face and the Jewish teen is left gazing at his damp lips, “Hey I didn’t cough that time.” He mentions offhandedly, hoping he’s not too obvious and Michael smiles.
“We can do that again. If you want to, I mean.” Jeremy goes red and nods a little too enthusiastically. Michael smiles sheepishly, taking another hit from the blunt and leaning into Jeremy. Michael’s heart swells at the sight of Jeremy bright red and sweating. He notes the way Jeremy’s eyes flicker between holding eye contact with Michael and glancing toward his lips and he decides to take the chance, connecting their lips. There’s a moment where the taller, paler of the two freezes and Michael lets the smoke seep from his mouth to Jeremy’s who promptly turns away and launches into a coughing fit, a hand clutching his chest. Michael’s face falls, clearly having read the situation wrong and wow, why did he think that could have been an okay thing to do? Sure they flirted with each other almost constantly but that was just them- okay maybe Michael started doing it because, yeah, he was kind of in love with Jeremy and figured he could joke about it but then Jeremy reciprocated and it turned into some sort of inside joke between them. Jeremy didn’t actually want to be with Michael, why did he kiss him?
Michael lets out a hesitant laugh once Jeremy’s calmed somewhat, reeling from the sudden high. “Whoops! My bad man…” Michael offers, trailing off as Jeremy gives him a panicked look. “Wai- Uh. Y-you didn’t… mean to?” The taller boy asks, sputtering and going red- redder, rather.
“I’m sorry.” Michael squeaks, putting out the blunt and moving to walk away from Jeremy and hopefully save himself some embarrassment. Jeremy watches him over the back of the couch, a bemused smile gracing his lips as Michael dramatically falls face first onto his bed. They were so dumb! This was so dumb! Why is this so awkward and dumb! Jeremy’s mind shouts at him, a voice eerily similar to a certain computer piece of shit but he shakes it off. It’s a few minutes of silence and overthinking on both parties, Jeremy trying to come down a little before he thinks, fuck it, and goes to Michael’s pancake form still unmoving on his bed.
Michael jumps when a hand touches his back but decides it’s ultimately a wiser decision to keep his face buried in the pillow he’s clutching. Jeremy sighs and rubs circles into Michael’s back before working up the courage to just ask him the question on his mind like a normal fucking human being. “Do you… like me?” He asks wearily, noting the way Michael tenses and quickly turns around and bolts upright on the bed,
“Of course!” He says, face red and Jeremy can’t help but find it adorable. It’s not often he gets to see a flustered Michael; The guy was so high he was basically always chilling.
“Michael…” He murmurs, giving him a pointed look that read he knew his friend wasn’t being completely honest.
“Dude.” Michael groans, throwing his head back, “I really- this isn’t like the time to talk about this.” He whines out, and Jeremy frowns, shaking his head.
“No? You don’t want to talk about feelings after kissing me?” Jeremy questions, the words coming out a lot harsher than he’d intended, “I mean! I’m not mad or anything, obviously! I uh- I really want to know if like? That was a thing you’d maybe wanted to do or if it was like… actually an accident because it didnt… y’know… feel like one? ” He explains, hands flapping about nervously as he spoke and Michael cringes, curling in around himself.
“Yes. Yeah okay?!” Michael cuts Jeremy off, fed up with the bombardment, feeling his anxiety building up very rapidly, “I’m stupidly like- I like you a lot, okay?!” He yells, almost too defencive, waiting for his best friend to walk out of his life for the second time in a year. Before either of them realize, there are tears welling in Michael’s eyes and it’s heartbreaking for Jeremy to witness, guiltily thinking back to Michael crying and yelling out what Jeremy’s abandonment did to him, of scooping Michael up in his arms and promising to never fuck it up again.
“Michael…” He offers, a hand gently guiding the smaller teen into his long pale arms and holding hims to his chest tight, “It’s okay. I’m sorry.”
“Why are you sorry?” Michael peeks up, taking a few seconds to wipe at his eyes, “I’m sorry! I- I made this weird. I kissed you cause I’m a fucking idiot and I know you-”
He doesn’t get to finish his sentence because Jeremy’s lips are on his for the second time that night and he feels like the world stopped. The basement is absolutely silent and there’s only a dim artificial yellow glow lighting the room, Michael having not deemed it late enough in the day to plug in his lava lamp or fairy lights that string around his “bedroom area” of the basement. The kiss itself was really anything but extraordinary, just a poorly aimed pressing of lips but Michael felt his heart melt. It only lasted a few seconds, enough to sufficiently tell Michael he was wrong and shut up his stupid, gorgeous, self deprecating lips.
“I liked it, you dense fuck.” Jeremy laughs, using his palm to brush back Michael’s hair and they stare at each other red faced and grinning for a few seconds.
“Do you like me?” Michael asks, clearly still attempting to process the events of the past fifteen minutes.
Jeremy rolls his eyes and kisses Michael again, figuring that’s as good of an answer as he can give but Michael breaks the kiss after a few seconds, “Words, Jeremy.” He insists and the boy in question flushes, quick to bring his hands to cover his face.
“Oh my god, Michael! Yes.” He almost screams, frustrated. “Can I kiss your dumb face now?” He pleads, running a hand through his own hair and silently praying he doesn’t look like a complete blushing virgin but, really, he’s learned you can’t really hide who you are. Michael laughs and wipes at his eyes once more, “Are we idiots?” He asks.
“Yes?” Jeremy answers almost instantly, and Michael gives him a scolding look,
“I mean… I’ve had a huge gay crush on you for years and like- all it takes is a little weed and some shotgunning and all the sudden you like me and I’m just- I’m shook. Just give me a second, okay? This is like when Christine said she’d go out with you, right? I just need a minute.”
Jeremy grins and shakes his head, “I don’t like Christine anymore.”
“I know.” Michael clarifies, smiling softly, almost shy. “You like me now."
Jeremy grins and nods enthusiastically, “A lot.” He confirms, taking Michael’s hands in his, “I can wait as long as you need.”
Michael smiles and sloppily lunges forward to capture Jeremy in a kiss, or what would have been a kiss if Jermey didn’t fall backward onto the bed, pulling Michael down to lay across his torso, “Hey, I was trying to do something.” Michael whines, awkwardly scooting his body up so he was face to face with Jeremy again, he made sure to be slow this time, giving Jeremy enough of a warning and smooches that boy with all the love he’s been building in his heart for several years. Jeremy smiles against his lips and there’s a silent wave of calm and comfort that washes over them, lying together on Michael’s full sized bed in the Mell basement.
“I think I love you.” Michael whispers once they break apart again and Jeremy sighs in contentment.
“I think I love you too.”
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