#Ty for the ask lollllllll
spookykestrel · 1 year
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Can you please talk more about them you got me interested 👀
(if you want to ofc)
Ofc yes let’s see how much I can say that’s interesting
So basically I’m aroace so sexy of me and it’s impossible to find stories that don’t involve romance right? All the animated shows and series (that I love) have some sort of crush or partner or relationship in a way, even if it’s just as simple as a characters’ parents or friend or smth. And that’s cute and lovely and I like romance but there’s more to a plot than that and it can be disheartening when romance is made out to be this big important part of life and yet it’s not a part of yours.
So that’s how my story got started. I basically split up parts of myself into different characters . The main two, Chely and Kara (whom I’ve shared art and stuff of ) are kind of opposites of each other. Chely is allosexual/aromantic, warm colors, tall, grew up on a farm (wow just like how I work on a farm), later got a job at a bakery next door to Kara’s retail job (wow both places I’ve worked). Kara is asexual/alloromantic, short, and cool colors. They live together and support each other on trips to the dentist and other crazy endeavors. They move to a little campground run byyyyyy
Martin who represents love for your community and is crazy passionate about his little campground/rv park but only shows it in a grumpy, gatekeepy old man way. Inspiration for him was drawn from mayor tortimer in animal crossing. The community acts as a temporary to permanent home to a bunch of silly people includinggggg
Red! Who demonstrates self love (along with X who shows it in a different way) through your actions and choices. Red moved away from home and their parent’s expectations to make a new life and just have fun with it!
Also in the community are Suds and her grandchild Esa who represent different types of love for those younger and older than you, the three sisters (whose names I’m a little uncertain of for reasons ) who represent .. love for your siblings, and Mani who shows love for your friends. There’s several more characters who have importance and yet to be developed but these are who I’ve thought out the most :) and they all vibe together in a lovely community as the world is ending. Woo.
Anyway I had no idea how much you wanted from me so uh this is everything. Tl;dr there’s a bunch of silly characters and Chely and Kara are epic and sexy bc they’re just like me .
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imactuallyreallycool · 11 months
Heyyy I was really curious to know if you watch anime? If yes then which one???
Also a little request, Can you draw Finney and Robin (Finbin/Rinney) from The black phone (only if you have watched the movie / if you are interested in drawing them)
Thats it ty <3
Yessssss I have watched anime, I haven’t been watching a lot of anime lately but here are a few that I have watched (a lot of them I haven’t finished lolllll). JJK (I haven’t even gotten through the first season yet 😭), Skate the infinity, MHA, dragon ball, Demon Slayer (only season 1 though :( ), I read a lot of the Toilet-bound Hanako-kun manga, the original cardcaptor Sakura anime, death note, I’ve read the full metal alchemist manga and watched the original anime (still need to watch brotherhood)… there’s more that I’ve watched but I can’t remember lollllllll. I watch anime a lot more when I was 16/17 (like 2 years ago) but I’ve been meaning to get back into watching anime again :)
I haven’t watched the black phone yet but might watch it eventually and maybe I will make some Finney and Robin art ;)
(Sorry that I’m not answering your other ask at the moment, I’m having a break from drawing byler :/ )
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Penny!34, 40, 46 for your weird asks!
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(me, saying that to everyone including myself)
Hi, fellow weirdo!! The best thing I've ever done for my mental wellbeing is to reclaim that term 😆 Yep, I'm fucking weird! That's what makes me interesting! Anyway, for your consideration:
(I am doing these out of order and there is a reason for that)
40. Did you have any snacks today?
I am in the middle of eating lunch right now, so I haven't had any snacks yet, but I did nab some Twizzlers from a candy dish that appeared at the work gym on my way out! A perfect after lunch snack!
46. Favorite holiday film?
THIS IS SO HARD. I actually really love Jim Carrey's How the Grinch Stole Christmas, despite it being lambasted lately for being "weird." (Tying this back to the above.... yeah, it's weird. And that's okay. I love it for that.) I also love the Nightmare Before Christmas because I can watch it TWICE, once for Halloween and once for Christmas! It covers the bases of my two favorite holidays!
34. Is there a song that you know every word to by heart?
So many, LJ. So many. Most of these would be Beatles songs, but I'll list a list of random songs off the top of my head I know all the words to by heart. It might be a bit unfair because I literally play some of these on the piano so of COURSE I know, but here:
Teenage Dirtbag (Wheatus)
Somewhere only we know (Keane)
Yöu and I (Lady Gaga)
Torn (Natalie Imbruglia)
If I Ain't Got You (Alicia Keys)
Girl on Fire (Alicia Keys)
Man! I Feel Like a Woman (Shania Twain)
Defying Gravity (both parts plus the dialogue lollllllll)
More show tunes. Many show tunes.
And the following Beatles songs but probably more than this
Hey Jude
Here Comes the Sun
Oh! Darling
Here, there, and Everywhere
Yellow Submarine
In My Life
Imagine (I know this isn't the Beatles but it's John Lennon and it goes here)
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ughseoks-main · 6 years
Old Chums
Avengers Imagine (i have no idea what to call this lol??)
Word Count: 932
Requested by @greekdemigodwannabe “okay hey soooooooo request PLEASE AND TY so um peter introduces thor, bucky, steve and vision to modern music and they create a boy band called the “old chums” AND SING STARSHIPS BY NICKI MINAJ TO THE REST OF THE AVENGERS LOLLLLLLLL”
a/n: ok so i tried my best buuuuut it’s a lil patchy can’t lie :(( stared at this for like 2 hours and i couldn’t find a way to fix it so i’m just gonna pozt it yeet (also i love the idea that steve or like anybody ever calls peter pete okay)
It was a normal day for Peter in the tower. He was sitting on the couch, blasting some music through his earbuds while he did his homework, when he felt a tap on his shoulder. “Young spiderling,” Thor questioned as Peter took out one of his earbuds, “I have a question for you.”
“W-what is it?”
“Well, I constantly see you listening to your phone with those wires, and I was curious as to what you listen to.”
“Oh, you mean my music?” Peter was slightly caught off guard by the question that he had just been presented. Thor nodded eagerly as Peter began to unplug his earbuds and hook up his phone to the bluetooth speaker in the room. “So, uh, this is the type of stuff I normally listen to,” he explained as he began to play Left Hand Free by alt-J. “It’s not super mainstream, but it puts me in a good mood.”
Thor paused for a moment to take in the sounds before asking, “Is this the one they call Ninki Minjaj?” Fighting to contain his laughter, Peter said between giggles, “N-no, this isn’t Nicki Minaj, but we could listen to a song of hers if you wanted to?”
“Yes! I would thoroughly enjoy that.”
“Okay, let’s see..” as Peter began to search for a song to play, Steve and Bucky walked into the room.
“Ah! Greetings, my friends. Spider boy here is showing me some music by the famous Ninki Minjaj. Would you two care to join us?” Steve and Bucky exchanged looks and then sat on the couch. After all, they were also interested in what kids these days were listening to.
“So, this isn’t what I normally listen to, but you asked for it.” Starships by Nicki Minaj began to softly play in the room. Peter had turned the volume down because he didn’t want Tony to hear what he was playing and make fun of him for it. “Spiderling, this music is amazing! Turn up the volume immediately.”
“I don’t think that’s-”
“Fine, I shall do it myself.” Thor grabbed the phone out of Peter’s hands and turned the volume all the way up. All four of them could feel the bass of the song rattling their bones, as well as the furniture around them. “This is more like it!” the thunder god bellowed as he moved his head back and forth to the music. Steve shouted, “Say, Pete, are boy bands still popular?”
“What?” “I said-”
“I still can’t hear you!”
VIsion entered just as their shouting match began, curious as to what was causing such a disturbance in the usually (somewhat) quiet tower.  “I believe that this music is too loud,” Vision stated, “I will turn down the volume to prevent damage to your ears.”
“Thanks,” Peter sighed, “Cap, sir, what were you saying?”
“I was just curious as to if bands were still popular,” Steve smiled at Peter.
“Band?” Thor questioned, “What’s a band?”
“It’s, like, a group of people who perform together, right Pete?” Steve said questioningly while looking at Peter.
“Yeah, that’s-” “We must form a band at once!” Thor demanded, “We will make great music together, I am sure of it.” Steve, Bucky, and Vision objected, but Peter and Thor managed to guilt them into it. (Peter did most of the convincing. Thor just yelled a lot.)
That night, Peter deemed the four boys the “Old Chums” and sent them to their rooms, their homework being memorizing the song they would perform. Thor spent the most time completing this task, staying up into the early hours of the morning singing the song over and over. In the  morning, the Old Chums gathered in the living room before the rest of the avengers. “Okay guys, you ready?” Peter asked, holding his phone.
“Hit it, spiderling!” Thor yelled into the mic, causing everybody to wince. Peter hit the play button on his phone and Starships began to blast throughout the room.
“Let’s go to the beach. Each. Let’s go get away. They. Say. What they gonna say.”
As expected, Vision was given the task of rapping the separate verses. Nobody was surprised when he put little to no emotion into it. However, he didn’t mess up, so Peter was satisfied.
Now came the juiciest part of the whole performance. Thor assigned himself the task of being the lead singer for the chorus, while Bucky and Steve sang backup since they were uncomfortable with the whole thing.
“sTaRsHiPs wEre mEanT to FLYYYYYYYYY!!!! hAnDS uP aNd tOuCh the SKYYYYY,” Thor belted out as loud as he could with a huge smile on his face.
After the performance was over, Thor bowed proudly and began to ask the group what they thought of his singing. There was no denying it, he was awful; but everybody still smiled and complimented his performance. Nobody had the heart to tell him he wasn’t good. Vision acted no different than normal; he really didn’t have an opinion on the band.
Bucky and Steve were a different story.
Almost immediately afterwards, their faces were tomato red with embarrassment. Natasha couldn’t help but tease them for their reluctant singing, and Peter couldn’t even look at either of them without bursting out laughing. They silently vowed to get revenge on both Peter and Thor for somehow convincing them to do this.
After everything had calmed down and the room had mostly cleared out, Thor announced to his bandmates, “We should do this again sometime. The fans loved us!”
The collective “No!” in response could be heard throughout the entire city.
Permanent Tags:
@minnie-marvel @greekdemigodwannabe @sunflowerannawrites @cynicallystiles @laurfangirl424 @misslunala @secondsineternity @peter-prkers @magic-marvel  @sebxstixnstan @e-ms-world
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do u have a facvorite role archetype to play in tbeater or acting in general ??
1 h4v3 +o 7|-|1nk hmmmmmmmmmmmm i L0V3 P|20T/-\g r0l35 bcs tjey le7 m3 1 gue55 /-\c7u4|_|_y ACT m0r3 yanno /???? L0L bu7 y|-|47 m1gh7 jusr b3 |\/|3 be1|\|g s3lfcenterd LMFAO b3s1des th4t 1 l0v3 pl4y1ng d3u73r4gan1sts (hoevwerthefycj u spell ittt =______=) b3c4use for a lot 0f 7h0se3 |20|_3s y0u st1ll g3t to act 4s a n4rr4t1ve f01|_ and tbh th4t5 0|\|3 of |\/|y favorite types of fdynamics in emdia in egnereal LFMAO l1k3 1 gu355 4s 4|\| 3Xamplr 7h3 d0c70|2 4|\|D h15 c0|\/|pan1ons sj0uild idea|_|_y b3 n4rra71v3 fo1|_5 f02 3ac|-|07her a|\|d h3lp eac|-|other gr0w :DDDDD !!!!!!! lollllllll
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theskyexists · 6 years
i am watching professor marston and the wonder women and im just like cringing a bit because....?
i think it’s rebecca hall’s accent, it’s clearly not quite british enough to my ears? i mean it makes sense for her character if she’s stayed in america so long but it sounds so OFF to me
that was REALLY mean of Elisabeth to say that to Olive!!!
Olive’s actress is very good!
i like Elisabeth’s little rap on the teacup haha
oh man. what the fuck. lol. oh this is so cringe to me. WHAT THE FUCK I CAN’T
i hate this freudian kind of shit hdsfsadkfja
i am skipping through this sorority spanking scene it’s sooo uncomfortable like. this does not come across as ‘a bit of fun’ in any way like olive does not seem down for it, the girl doesnt seem down for it, the atmosphere is GRIM
i have to keep pausing it holy shit. the music starts to swell. WHAT IS HAPPENING. WHERE IS THIS GOING TO GO.
I am very prejudiced against peer pressure bullshit can ya tell. i won’t like this turning into some sexual awakening or whatever the fuck
ok well im ignoring that bit
elisabeth is so mean!!!!! but it doesn’t make her unlikeable
i also mostly disagree with marston’s theory but whatever haha
oh lolllll the dramatic effect
elisabeth don’t be shitty about getting the answer to a question YOU asked. pls. dont do the sexual jealousy bit.
elisabeth don’t be a shit! poor olive!!!! NOOOOOO!!! Elisabeth is so SHITTY
this doesn’t quite make her unlikeable but she is being AWFUL to olive and i hate it. she’s been awful to Olive very often except for that time she defended her against her husband
Elisabeth is such a shithead and she needs to be called out on her psychologist bullshit excuses
I want Olive to make her pay for hurting her!!!!
‘fuck you’ YEAAAA
Elisabeth did a MASTERFUL de-escalation there. i feel exactly the same as Olive, full of misgivings, somehow mollified by her giving up her bullshit, seduced by the idea of being around them again with a nice ol friend label.
I am such a prude haha. also damn i dont believe lie detectors work at allll
Elisabeth, so shitty because she doesnt even consider other people’s feelings, but that is her big strength too...
professor marston’s cute almost smiling face is v cute. the way he looks at them is so CUTE AND WONDERFUL
wow that was the best sex scene ive probably seen in ages. maybe EVAR.
tasteful, symbolic, saying something, cute, clearly enjoyed by all parties involved, good kisses, great lighting, comfortable space.
haha their dynamics are incredible
AWWW sweet family life
LOVED Olive dressing herself up and that MOMENT when she’s backlit by the very sun it seems is incredible.
very glad the tying up scene cut out most watchers with its direction or they would have squicked me out again in a scene that’s supposed to be electric.
love how Olive and Elisabeth keep swinging around Bill into each other as two extremes. I LOVE THIS POLY DYNAMIC
oh he really fucked up there lol. wonder woman’s gonna be BANned, but she’ll have a GREAT film finally in 2017
oh god surely they’re not going to be found out....like??? i hate getting caught while having sex bullshit
oh my goddddd I HATE THIS.
i dont want to watch this but if i don’t i’ll miss like an important part
god i forget how people are such small-minded awful maggots. anyway stigma sucks
that was awful. would i have stood back and said: no! or would i have jumped the dude attacking my goddamn lover?
ohhhh Elisabeth always loves to lash out with her own hurtful feelings about the world. Wow, actually Elisabeth is a DAMN coward though she wouldn’t feel it that way
Elisabeth better fucking SUFFER. next shot. she suffers immediately. where is that picture of that man shooting somebody on the bed and then saying ‘why would the world do this?’. that’s Elisabeth
like who has the PATIENCE to deal with that shit holy shit what a fucking flaw
like. she done this TWICE NOW. (1. surely this not historical. (i kno none of it is ) 2. damn elisabeth you’d rip two kids away from their home instead of like, four. you could just have MOVED. bc surely you didn’t just get accepted back into the neighbourhood JUST PACK YOUR SHIT AND GO START OVER. and stop externalising your bad feels
wat? they’re gonna have him die when the family is still  estranged???
WAT. he’s still not bettter??? NO. HE CAN’T DIE??!?!
HE’S DYING?!?!?!
that speech to Elisabeth YES I LOVE YOU BILL. WOW!!!!
that was really touching (good acting!) when Elisabeth asked to be forgiven.and NOW Olive won’t and i am just like lkJflkdjslfjalkdjf FAIR BUT PLEASE
and then Bill comes in with his stupid psych babble lkajdlkaj
BUT HE WAS RIGHT. holy shit he was fucking right
that was a beatiful end and also sad because death fucking brings me to tears
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