lacm-ac · 1 year
Tyr and Týr are in the same room and have to convince Freya that the other one is Odin and HE'S the real Týr.
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Odin got got.
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tiredassmage · 1 year
raise or fold
May I uhhhhhh [bangs on some flipped over pans and sends my cheap plastic sunglasses flying] interest you in more agent feelings?
Aka, I finished Chapter 2, time for Tyr to start his habit of not working through all of his feelings!!! [F]. (Spoiler alert, he’s still not sure what the hell happened in this conversation.)
Cipher Nine checks in with the Minister following the conclusion of the SIS investigation. They’ve got ten minutes.
Spoilers for those of you who haven’t done IA bc this builds on Chapter 1 things, and only warnings for this one are some (surprisingly, given the circumstances) mild swearing and mentions of brainwashing/mind control.
(The spoilers start like, instantly, so enjoy a really early cut for this one lol)
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“Broadcast mode: white noise for ten minutes. Then leave.” The Minister frowned as his arms folded neatly behind his back. There might’ve been a time Cipher Nine would have teased that it’d draw deeper, more permanent lines across the man’s face if he kept it up.
But he braced. And he met the Cipher’s gaze unflinchingly. “I preface with this: I know about the stolen files, I knew about your keyword, and I approved it. If I hadn’t, you’d be dead.” He paused a moment, gauging the stillness of the operative watching him with steeled eyes. No reaction. “The Dark Council was not as pleased with the outcome of the Dominator. I warned you there was only so much I could do to protect you. If you have anything you want to get off your chest, Nine, now is your time.”
A bark of dry laughter shook out of Cipher Nine. Fight, flight, observe - a mess of jumbled signals sparking and spluttering, wires crossing, too much information and too little time. His hands flexed briefly into fists before one raced up to drag across his jaw. “I put that much together, Minister.”
A growl of frustration broke his lips as he shook his head. Restlessly, he paced the length of Keeper’s desk - more akin to a caged Tukata than the calculated young officer he’d sent to Hutta. “Their little stunt nearly compromised the whole mission!”
“Report, Cipher Nine.”
Nine huffed, but stilled back in place across from the Minister. “Imperial codes, Imperial brainwashing, yet a Republic SIS agent held my leash. Fine. I searched the records. I orchestrated the blackout. How the hell does that happen?”
That frown only deepened. As if being Keeper of Operations Division hadn’t been enough on the poor bastard, now they had a war on their hands. “A fantastic question,” he drawled. “The Shadow Arsenal destroyed. Ardun Kothe’s shuttle recovered with no record of this weapons cache in its logs. No recoverable evidence that your ‘codename Hunter’ even exists.”
“Are you implying something, Sir?” Nine’s eyes hardened like the Hoth ice fields. Then he blinked and puffed out a breath with another shake of his head. One hand came up to his temple briefly. “I’m… sorry, Sir. Out of line.”
“Cipher.” Nine cleared his throat and settled back into parade rest. “I believe you. And that’s why I need you back in the field.”
There wasn’t enough time to afford extensive recovery from even the physical strain of such an extensive operation, to say nothing of the psychological distress. Even now, he wouldn’t admit it. Nothing was physically holding him back and they had the privacy.
He had an operative run ragged. But this had started with him. To reassign this to someone else would likely only bog him down in wartime operations - equally no time for proper turnaround, not with the Citadel under nigh-on constant operations as they already were.
This was the best outlet he could provide under the circumstances. And it was a bloody shame.
“Sir?” Nine cocked his head inquisitively.
“The trail isn’t as cold as you might think. I’m sending you to the Isen Four Mining Colony. I believe you’ll find this of interest.” They turned to the droid as the Minister played back the surrender notice from the Colony.
Nine watched the playback silently in a mask of focus. One hand rose to his chin as his other arm crossed his chest, supporting the other. The Minister waited.
“Relevance?” Nine inquired.
“Yesterday, a man fitting your description of this ‘Hunter’ boarded a shuttle to this colony. We received this message nine hours ago.”
Nine’s eyes narrowed. “You believe they are connected?”
He’d always been good at thinking on his feet. “Unknown,” he replied. “But our forces are due to arrive tomorrow. I’m sending you after Hunter.”
A grim, determined frown settled across the Cipher’s features. “Understood, sir.” His fingers dug along his jaw. “Any ideas about why he’s heading there?”
“Watchers are still correlating the data, but I think you can tell me our deeper suspicion.”
Nine’s eyes narrowed. “That the bastard is playing both sides?”
“It would appear there’s much more going on than we had suspected. Someone with access to Republic and Imperial resources and interested in manipulating both sides for an as-yet-unknown purpose.”
A breath of a laugh broke the Cipher’s lips. “Well, isn’t that old hat?” Fine. “I’ll do it, under one condition.”
A barely perceptible trace of a smile appeared at the corner of the Minister’s mouth. “I don’t intend to tell anyone about your… inquisition.”
“Then we have an understanding.”
“Nine, for what it’s worth-”
“Save your breath, Minister,” Nine said. He briefly patted the older man’s shoulders. “For what it’s worth, Sir? It’s been an honor and privilege.” His grip tightened as they locked eyes. “You did what you could. And I’m sure we both understand that I’ll do whatever it takes.”
The Minister sighed quietly. “I was worried you’d say that.”
Nine released him. “It’s the job, Sir. I don’t intend to let anyone stop me.”
“Stars help whoever tries,” he muttered. Nine made to leave. “You’re dismissed. Get on that next flight out and, Cipher-”
Nine stopped and looked over his shoulder.
“Keep your eyes open. You may be on your own. This is the best I can do for you.”
“Of course, Sir.” Nine frowned faintly. “That bastard is going to pay for what he did.”
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y-rhywbeth2 · 5 months
Gods and Clergy: Bane
Link: Disclaimer regarding D&D "canon" & Index [tldr: D&D lore is a giant conflicting mess. Larian's lore is also a conflicting mess. You learn to take what you want and leave the rest]
Religion | Gods | Shar | Selûne | Bhaal #1 | Bhaal #2 | Mystra | Jergal | Bane #1 | Bane #2 | Bane #3 | Myrkul | Lathander | Kelemvor | Tyr | Helm | Ilmater | Mielikki | Oghma | Gond | Tempus | Silvanus | Talos | Umberlee | Corellon | Moradin | Yondalla | Garl Glittergold | Eilistraee | Lolth | Laduguer | Gruumsh | Bahamut | Tiamat | Amodeus | The rest of the Faerûnian Pantheon --WIP
Well, I did the murderhobos, might as well cover the deity and daily business of our favourite hot-topic-shopping dictator and co. now? Ahahahahaaaaa There is too much goddamn material on Bane, I'm going to kill Ed Greenwood-
Intro: If you're not consumed with fear and hatred while trying to take over a city which you intend to rule with cruelty and an iron fist then this is not the religion/political party for you. If this is not the religion/party for you, please lower your neck so that I can attach this slave collar to it.
Banites: The hierarchy and rituals and stupid toys of the church of Bane is what you get when Lawful Evil and Lawful Stupid have a horrible, overcomplicated offspring called Lawful Sadistic. Bring me the avatar of Bane I'm going to stab this fucker Also, being goth is mandatory.
Dreadmasters: More teleporting! Bossy, immune to fear and fond of magic rods. Also, do you remember that "divine oath" Durge and Gortash swore...?
The Chosen: Should be way more impressive than what we saw in game. Forging unbreakable oaths! Pet beholders! Detachable shadow spies! Etcetera!
Bane: Boy, the world (and my sanity) would've been a much better off if this dude had gotten intensive therapy instead of divine power!
(This thing is too fucking long and should perhaps be split into two posts but ooooh my god am I not editing this anymore.)
Bane's clergy often hear their god whispering his dogma in their dreams:
"Serve no one but me. Fear me always - and make others fear me even more than you do. The Black Hand always strikes down on those who stand against it in the end. Defy me and die - or in your death find loyalty, for I shall compel it. Submit to my will, [as uttered by my ranking clergy] since true power can only be gained through service to me. [Spread the dark fear of Bane.] It is the doom of those unguided by me to let power spill through their hands. [Those who cross the Black Hand meet their dooms earlier and more harshly than those who worship other deities.]" - Bane's Dogma [with 14th century addendums in brackets]
Bane is basically the quintessential villain of the Realms. When a person pictures the face of evil, they picture this god and his followers.
The most important thing to know about Bane and his religion, in my opinion, is summed up here:
"The summons [from Ao] had come wearing the face and form of that which each of the gods feared most. [...] To the Black Lord, Bane, the summons came in the guise of absolute love and understanding, its light searing his essence as it carried him from his kingdom." - Shadowdale
You want to give one of the most evil bastard in the pantheon a panic attack? Give him a hug.
Following a brief version of a backstory that has been given for him; the mortal who would be Bane was born on Abeir, Toril's linked twin planet/parallel universe. There he was a nameless battle slave to Maram of the Great Spear - an ancient primordial being of absolute evil whom the Netherese had summoned into the world, where it broke free and started inflicting horrors upon the world. While in the service of said horrifying evil, the young slave nurtured ambitions of having absolute power for himself.
While on Toril he teamed up with his two future frenemies, Bhaal and Myrkul, and they killed (or possibly subjugated) his master and took his power for themselves, before heading off to nag Jergal for his job. After bickering, the ex-slave known only as "the Bane of the Ancients" wins the draw and gets to be what he always wanted - the epitome of tyranny with godlike power. The next step for him is to conquer the mortal world and destroy all the other gods so that none have power and control over him.
Banite religion is founded on the principle of making Bane's dream of global domination possible. Every Banite is a link in the chains of Bane's power. What they rule, he rules. All Banites strive to take over something (village, city, kingdom, army, whatever). All Banites are expected to aid and obey their superiors in this domination.
When in control, a Banite is to use their power to "further the cause of hate, fear, destruction and strife." Doing so within the control of the law is preferable, but chaos is tolerated as long as that chaos is wielded as a tool with perfect control. You can get voted into power by stirring up people's fears of minorities, or start the apocalypse and present yourself as the saviour - but you must not be overwhelmed, or you have failed.
The world is divided into slaves who have no power and exist to serve, and the powerful who command them. Bane is the rightful master of all and all are to serve him, and by extension his followers (those with the strength to seek, take and hold power), willingly or by force. Control is the key virtue in the eyes of the faith. Always be in control and/or be controlled by somebody more capable/deserving of power than you. As their lessers are expected to obey every order perfectly, the superiors are expected to be competent in their leadership and wield perfect command.
Banites pride themselves on being cold and decisive in all that they say and do. They also enjoy cutting sarcasm. It's vital to appear in command of yourself and the world around you - shouting, loss of temper and other outbursts of behaviour that suggest a lack of control/power are avoided like the plague. Two Banites on the brink of killing each other may appear to be in the midst of only a polite, but insistent disagreement.
Bane used to enjoy watching his power hungry idiots backstabbing each other to climb the ranks while overzealous worshippers splintered into factions and started killing each other (most notably a divide between the divine-magic based orthodoxy and the arcane-magic based reformers/"Transformers".) Then Mystra technically killed him during a fight with Torm in the Time of Troubles, and Cyric took over his church. When Bane made a comeback in the 14th century he immediately decided they wouldn't be doing that anymore. Now it's an united rigid hierarchy from top to bottom, and Banites are a well organised, well equipped unit.
The laws of the heathens are irrelevant, but a Banite who gets caught breaking those law trying to achieve their goals is expected to suck it up and do the time for failure - unless they've been doing such a good job that everybody's too far under their control to try and punish them for it, in which case great job. A+ in Bane worship.
Banites typically establish themselves in an area by finding a location out of sight of a civilisation and building a fortress, where they build their power until they are too strong a force to drive off. Taking over an existing fort is also a possibility. The temple is run like a military base: spartan, with only tapestries showing Bane's symbol and religious texts on it for decoration. The courtyard is meant for military drills and rituals, and there's a mass hall for dining and holding prayer. They like pointy architecture. And black. Oh, and the torture basements! Can't forget those. It's also where they keep a variety of trained monsters in pens. You may end up sharing your cell with a displacer beast or something, but don't worry about it.
Banites have a secret network of teleporting spells. The actual "portals" will be any space of stone big enough to stand on, which are magically connected to other points (also stone). If you stand on one and speak the correct password, then it will teleport you to the destination designated by that password. There are no spells or barriers that can prevent the teleporter from arriving at their destination. Banites can bring others along with them if they are physically connected when the password is said. They can't bring more than 100lbs of inanimate matter with them.
All are welcome to convert to Bane. There will be an interview where your intentions are checked, although if it turns out you're not actually evil-aligned you can still join. There's a good chance that they'll use magic to turn you into an "incorruptible champion of evil and uncompromising disciple of order" anyway; "for Bane recognizes the value of those who have seen the lure of good and turned away from it to serve evil."
Or just use dark magic to twist you from a person into a weapon/guard/servant bound to the service of Bane anyway.
Banites are also able to ensure loyalty with a magically binding divine oath called the Dark Promise, cast by his favoured priests (Dreadmasters). It's an old spell, back from the early days when Bane was a new god and his followers were vulnerable, and is not used as often. When the spell is cast and the oath is made, a set of circumstances are set into motion that targets of the spell must follow to the letter. The promise must have Bane's interests at heart and the conditions and stipulations cannot be endanger the individuals' lives. If the oath is violated, it drains the oath breaker's life force. The damage done by this spell cannot be healed, and if the oath breaking does not cease then they will die.
Bane is one of the few exceptions amongst the gods in that his worshippers are all henotheistic rather than polytheistic. Banites consider worship of other deities "foolish," Bane is the only master you should truly serve. All under Banite rule will be forced to convert to the worship of Bane. They are however willing to cooperate with the followers of Loviatar (pain), Talona (disease), Malar (predation), and Mask (thievery) as Bane has terrified these gods into allying with him. From a certain school of Banite thought, this means that they and their followers are part of the chains of Bane's will (the gods/faithful in question probably wouldn't agree). Bhaal was, or perhaps still is, a servant of Bane and he and Myrkul have also been counted amongst Bane's allies in the past, despite their tendency to squabble, so cooperation with Bhaalists and Myrkulites is not unimaginable when it serves both their deities.
Banites do not get on so well with... anybody, but they particularly hate worshippers of Ilmater (compassion), Tyr (justice), Helm (non-Banite order), Lathander (optimism/renewal), Torm (champion of the innocent), Oghma (knowledge) and Mystra. If they get their hands on one they'll usually torture them and leave their mutilated bodies somewhere for the distressed public to find. Bane and Cyric are still at war, both due to humiliation and the fact that they're still fighting over areas of divine power that the other has stolen/reclaimed from the other, and the corpses of Cyricists that fall into Banite hands are usually found with "heretic" branded on their foreheads as a warning to others who worship the usurper.
Banite clergy are expected to always be armed, and it is mandatory that you at least wear something black at all times. For ceremonial purposes, Banites wear black armour or robes with a blood-red cape. Wizards like to enchant their robes so that they swirl and give off illusions of glittering with "black stars" and have blood dripping off the hem. The higher in the ranks you go, the fancier the clothes get. Banites used to have facial tattooing, although this made them rather easy to identify and kill off when Cyric took over and some purges took place. The highest ranking Banites can be identified by a gem that they wear on their forehead. Banites are not expected to wear anything that would identify their religious affiliations if it would get them persecuted, but they do like decorating their clothes with spikes and are are expected to dress in a certain specific colour that I'm getting sick of typing out. When Bane rules the world we will all be dressing as goths under threat of execution...
Each priest has a ceremonial staff denoting their rank, which they will have at these rituals. When a Banite dies they are buried with it. They are unenchanted and purely for ceremony, at most being used to light braziers. It starts with a simple black wood staff [level 1], which at higher ranks has an ivory skull at the top [lvl 2-4]. Higher yet they add silver plating, and the skull is the size of a fist [lvl 5], and the even higher level priests that skull has ram horns [lvl 6]. After that you get real human skulls! [at lvl 7+]! They're allowed to decorate theirs how they like, as well as adding enchantments. So gemstones, magic runes, etc.
Bane's holy symbol is the Black Hand, a symbol of terror recognisable to the entire Realms. Versions include a black handprint, a black claw or a metal gauntlet embedded with jewels. Priests usually wear a replica of the hand as a carved pendant of black stone. There is another Black Hand seen on his high-ranking priests: elbow-length gloves crafted of flexible metal mesh or chainmail, usually worn on the left hand. It emits an eerie dark radiance, i's supposed to be black, and a non-Banite found wearing one can expect every Banite on the planet to hunt them to the ends of the world for this blasphemy (also it's about 50,000gp in value jfc). The gauntlet cannot be damaged by force and absorbs all spells of third level or less. Area of effect spells are not negated, but cannot affect the wearer. It can drain magic out of items, should the wearer touch them with intent to do so. The wearer can then discharge all of the absorbed magic into the body of another by touching them, causing them damage. They can also paralyze undead and living beings via touch.
To question or disobey a superior is to question or disobey Bane himself, and is answered by torture, disfigurement and/or death. The word of a Banite of superior rank is law, and you will do literally anything they ask you to do.
Banites have invented a magic whip (a mystic lash) that does all sorts of fun nonsense in case that happens. It's made of glowing red energy. If the priest needs their hands free then the whip can actually wield itself (need to scourge that annoying initiate, but you don't want to look up from your book? Then good news!) If the wielder choses, a lash of the whip may cause one of the following; paralysis, memory loss, seizures, extra damage plus the disintegration of equipment, or electrocution.
One is expected to greet those of higher rank by kneeling in front of them and kissing their boots
At the bottom of the hierarchy are the novices, who are addressed by the title of "slave." If they're good enough, Bane will send them a dream vision or manifest as a voice speaking from one of his altars - he will name them, and they are allowed to enter the first rank of the priesthood… of which there are 12 ranks with their own unique addresses, which everybody is expected to memorise. Disrespect to a higher rank will, as mentioned, involve insulting Bane and lead to torture, disfigurement and potential death.
The only time you're not expected to use the titles is when in the presence of heathens, Banites will address each other as Brother/Sister Faithful (when speaking to an equal/lesser) or Dread Brother/Sister (when addressing a superior).
Banites do not refer to each other by name, only by the name of their rank (unless there are too many individuals of the same rank. In the case you had a room full of Black Fangs, you would address them individually as Black Fang [Surname].) It's generally impossible for eavesdroppers to learn the names or personal details of a Banite.
The rankings are determined by character level, and are as follows:
Watchful Brother/Sister/Sibling
Deadly Adept
Trusted Servant
Willing Whip
Hooded Menace
Black Fang
Striking Hand
Vigilant Talon
Masked Death
Dark Doom
Higher Doom
Deep Mystery
The Deep Mysteries include the Deeper Mysteries… which have their own ranks! Secret, higher levels which are unknown to those of the first 11 levels who must address all higher ranking Banites as "Deep Mystery." There is no official means by which a Banite is bestowed this title, they bestow them upon themselves if they believe they should have the rank. The test lies in the fact that in order to keep the title their fellow Banites must also begin using them - in other words if you are not a pretender and truly have the power and authority to hold this title, then your siblings in the faith will follow.
The ranks of the Deep Mysteries, in order of authority, from lowest to highest:
Lord/Lady of Mysteries
Lord/Lady of the Hand
Dark Imperceptor
Grand Bloodletter
High Inquisitor
The High Imperceptor is the Banite of highest rank of the Deep Mysteries, supreme living servant of Bane, and unlike the prior titles this one cannot be self-bestowed. I haven't seen any explanation for how it is bestowed, but I imagine Bane decides.
Banites don't bother with set holy days. We will have a holy day whenever the leading priest decides we're having one, and it will be called whatever they decide it is. This usually means a) somebody fucked up, time for a public punishment; or b) we've got an enemy/traitor, time for human sacrifice.
Rituals are to be held in as close to pitch darkness as is possible, gathered around the Black Altar (a wood table covered in a black cloth, a block of black stone - whatever, just so long as it's black so we can give it an ominous name). The Black Altar is to be made holy by having a replica of the Holy Hand of Bane floating above it (this too has to be black in colour). This is a levitating 6 foot tall stone hand that can sense alignments within a 60 foot radius, and it will attack good-aligned people on encountering them. When not in use it patrols Banite locations, seeking out spies and intruders and killing them.
And that the Seat of Bane will be placed in front of the Black Altar. The chair is black, its back is carved into the shape of a hand. Senior clergy sit in the throne when acting as Bane's voice for the rest of the congregation. So the leader of the area's Banites sits in the chair, and that means Bane is sitting in the chair. While sitting in it, the seated can read the thoughts of all beings within 90 yards. it can project a forcefield around the chair; can nullify magic in the area; allows the seated to see through illusions and invisibility; know the alignment of everyone present; allow the seated to speak with dead; and also conjure walls of fire. If the chair is knocked over, it causes a massive explosion of fire that kills everyone around it.
Then the party. With minimum partying and maximum solemn, ominous chanting and deep, heavy drum beats. Those guilty of disobedience or other failures will be chained to the altar and whipped in front of the congregation. And then there's the human sacrifice: "Sacrifices had to be humiliated, tortured, and made to show fear before dying to be acceptable to Bane, and they usually met their deaths through slashing, flogging, or being crushed by the Hand of Bane."
The traditional power base of the Banite faith was Zhentil Keep, the base of operations for the Zhentarim. The Black Network has once again been taken from Bane by Cyricists however, after the death of Fzoul Chembryl a few decades back - Fzoul was a Chosen of Bane and basically his favourite servant (who has since been made into a quasi-deity bearing some of Bane's divine power, that he may continue to serve) and Zhentil Keep is currently in ruins. The loss of the Keep (for a second time) destroyed Zhentarim power, and now they're mostly just a bunch of mercenaries with good connections on the black market trade routes (slaves, drugs, weapons, etc) as far as I can find.
The Dreadmasters are Bane's specialty priests, making up 10% of all Banites. Dreadmaster is a unisex title. They spend their time doing all the spellwork and making all the delightful inventions that have been giving me a headache. They have a stupid number of spells given to them. Nobody else's specialty priests have this many fucking spells.
They cannot feel fear from sources other than Bane
They can, however, project the feeling of absolute terror into every being within 10 feet of them, usually causing everyone to run screaming.
They can completely destroy the souls of the dying
Create extra evil undead
Create powerful, still sapient undead servants from dead Banites (from ghouls up to vampires)
Create animated suits of armour that serve the Banites, powered by people's souls
Make a warding symbol drawn with a mixture containing three drops of blood from a collection made by sacrificing 30 people. The ward is invisible and cannot be detected, and when activated it drains the life out of everyone present.
They have a supernatural knack for reading other's true moods and intentions They have a supernatural level of charisma and authority over their servants, who cannot help but be fanatically loyal
They are exceptionally skilled in the artificing of magical wands, rods and staves. When they use them the magic of the items is increased.
They're the ones who cast the stonewalk spells that make the teleport network run.
They're also the priests responsible for binding the Dark Promise.
"The Chosen of Bane are tyrants in every sense of the word, consumed with the quest for absolute power. Hand-picked by the deity of tyranny and fear, [they] are both charismatic and filled with hate [...] They seek only to rule with absolute, unchallenged authority over every living and undead create across the world."
They are unbothered by temperature, both hot and cold, as well as resistant to being burned or electrocuted.
They do not age, though they will still die at an age where they would've died if they did age.
Supernatural insight into motives and emotions, and a massive boost to their charisma.
They can mind control people, are immune to fear, can share this immunity with others or increase the fear they feel.
They can also cast gaes, which is basically exactly the same as the Dark Promise, but doesn't necessarily have to benefit Bane (blasphemous as that sounds).
They can summon undead beholders to serve them
They can grant their own shadows independence as an undead creature of the same name (shadows), While separate the shadow is free-willed, though the two remain telepathically linked.
They are served by a retinue of their own master's servants including: doppelgangers; helmed horrors; beholders; undead Banites; hell hounds; imps; displacer beasts; Banelar nagas (evil snake things with human faces)
Bane doesn't like using avatars, if he needs to manifest on Toril he just possesses people in positions of wealth and power who transform into handsome, yet "oily" looking black haired men as long as he's inhabiting them. The souls of these people are forced to watch as the god does what he wants. Once the body is "worn out" from all the punishment he puts them through (mortal shells, so fragile) he'll move to another evil or neutral mortal via touch.
If he strikes out with his gauntleted hand, then there is a good chance that the person stuck will drop dead.
In combat he warps the face into a more beastial visage. His hands become talons capable of "rending flesh and bone" and in the Time of Troubles when he was first forced to manifest as a normal human he immediately started editing the body into a more demonic visage although that might've been because he'd just crash landed in his own temple and destroyed it, and only had a few moments until his torture happy zealots turned up to find what seemed to be some random dude standing in the wreckage. He was in kind of a panic trying to make sure they saw Bane, God of Tyranny not... that.
His other manifestations as a pair of blazing red eyes staring out from the darkness, and a black, taloned hand which was the temperature of ice to the touch. They work exactly like his other manifestation.
Bane sometimes announces his presence, and that he is paying attention to you, with the sudden manifestation of the giant footprint of a boot, scorched into the earth. He shows his approval of his followers through their sudden discovery of a black sapphire. His disapproval is shown through the sudden appearance of red carnelian, ground into dust.
He is served by various devils, beholders, death tyrants (the undead remains of beholders that failed him), black dragons, banelar nagas and pride incarnates
Bane can cast any spell at will, save those that heal or create.
Bane was slain in the Time of Troubles. After his death his followers had an even bigger row between those who were loyal to Bane (orthodoxy) and those who worshipped his portfolio instead of the god himself and switched to Cyric. Many of the Orthodoxy began worshipping Iyachtu Xvim the Godson, son of Bane (whose mother was either a fiend or a fallen human paladin, nobody's sure).
Xvim was doing a pretty ok job in his nascent godhood up until 1372 DR, when Bane hijacked the essence of himself he'd left in his son and destroyed him - being reborn within his body and immediately regaining the rank of Greater Deity. About a few years following the Bhaalspawn Crisis, the year where Bhaal was supposed to be reborn from the death of his kids but failed.
Bane went on to continue being one of the most infamous, powerful and dangerous gods on Faerûn up until the Second Sundering, when suddenly we've got confusion.
In BG3 canon, the Dead Three are clearly greater than quasi-deity status. Due to new rules that WotC pulled out of their ass, gods of lesser deity status or higher cannot manifest avatars. Bane can still empower clerics and have Chosen, so he's most likely still a Greater Deity in BG3.
In Descent into Avernus, the Dead Three are apparently quasi-deities now, forced to exist in permanent avatars on Toril and unable to grant spells of have Chosen.
I think this nicely explains what I mean when I say D&D has no fucking "real" canon, it's all just a mountain of everyone's headcanons.
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jahiera · 8 months
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EMRYS TARIAN. human, acolyte, paladin, oath of devotion & follower of tyr.
born to peasants in a village a ways outside baldur's gate, emrys was sent as a child to be raised under the priests of tyr at a nearby temple. intended to become a cleric, there she studied law, history, religion, and martial skills. at the age of eighteen, she was sent to further her education in baldur's gate. she returned home to find her home in flames, & the last of raiders pillaging the small village. there, she swore an oath, promising to uphold the tenets of tyr and her oath, of justice, honor, loyalty, if he give her the power to smite down the ones who ransacked her home. ever since then she's upheld her oath, though she feels the ever-present stirrings of rage inside her. impulses toward violence, deception, and uncharitableness take hold of her in low moments, and she feels her faith faltering with every instance of mortal cruelty she comes across in her journey. she directs her anger toward those she feels deserve it most, and tries to adhere to the ideas of the greater good, though it's only a matter of time before she slips.
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grievedeeply · 2 months
the less time the better. pt 8.
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pairing: heimdall x gn!reader
summary: days have passed since the kiss you shared with heimdall, and while you try to figure out what it means for your relationship— the group prepares for war.. and suffers a massive loss.
notes: this chapter is just straight angst. sorry in advance but it was a necessary evil.... ignore any plot holes please..... and also please let me know if you want to be tagged in this series! my taglist is really old and im sure ppl have lost interest, so let me know if you want to be removed as well.
you awoke from your sleep with a jolt. you had never gotten used to the rough feeling of wood pressed against your skin as you slept. even if it was the same material you usually slept on while you were home in midgard, your circumstances were different. back then, you didn't have to worry about a war with one of the most powerful gods in the realms. you only had to worry about what to make for dinner. now, you had much more to think about. including your strange relationship with the god of foresight, heimdall.
a part of you still regretted taking his wrist in your hand that day. it still wasn't that long ago, but you wondered how different things would be now if you hadn't.
the atmosphere was tense in the house. you swore there had been maybe 20 words spoken between everyone. people looked over their shoulder, wary of heimdall's every move. in a way, you couldn't blame them. after all, he was odin's son. the son of the man who had ruined their entire lives, and he had yet to state his side. but he wasn't fighting, either. ever since he had arrived.. you noticed that. he never fought the idea of being used as leverage. after your conversation. you supposed you understood why.
ratatoskr had since found out of heimdall's presence on his tree, and he was less than happy about it. but still, he had remained polite despite his grievances. you did notice how he seemed to be around less, though. you couldn't help but to assume that was due to heimdall.
freyr hadn't gotten any used to him being around, and you didn't think he ever would. he was quieter— less himself. you hated seeing him that way.. but the vote you had made days prior was a fair one. you thought he had trouble seeing him as anything but a member of the family who burned him. he couldn't even see him as leverage.
your father jumped into gear the morning after. he was completely prepared to do whatever was necessary to protect atreus.. and yourself, by extension. you knew little of his time in his homeland. it was something he didn't speak of much, but you did know he killed gods there. he seemed ready to have to do it again, but not at all eager about it.
"none of us are safe, even here." tyr murmured from where he sat at the end of of the table. it was far too small for him, and his knees hit at the wood on the edges, but it was almost a funny sight. "so we have no choice." freya responded simply. "we find surtr, sound gjallarhorn, and bring odin to justice. now."
you glanced uncomfortably over your shoulder at heimdall, who stared blankly at the group from where he stood, leaning against the wall. you watched as his hand fell to the horn on his hip.
"you'd incinerate every soul in asgard and call it self defense?"
"does he ever suggest plans or just crap on everyone elses?" freyr murmured, leaning back against the table in the kitchen.
"the obvious plan is staring you in the face," tyr ignored him, "we don't need odin to use this. we can slip into asgard and do it ourselves, right under his nose. we gain the knowledge we need to shatter his prophecy of war once and for all."
"except— begging your pardon— you don't have a way into asgard." sindri replied.
"they got the big horn, don't they?" brok called out from their working space.
"oh, so you expect them to sneak into asgard blowing a horn that sounds across all the realms?"
"i expect you to bite my blue buttcheek!"
"please. just.. think about it." tyr said.
you watched as atreus sat the mask down on the table. you had let him look at it. he had read the runes, inspected the design.. but nothing seemed to make sense outside of that crack you had told him about that odin had in his basement. your father sat mimir down next to it.
"this mask," he started, picking it up. "the easy answers that it promises. i know this.. shortcuts always have a price."
he turned his focus to you, brows knitted together. this expression that he wore wasn't one you saw often. he was worried. "you have carried it. what do you think?" he asked.
you let out a breath. "i don't know. at best.. it's a chance." you said with a shrug of your shoulders. you didn't know what it was or what it entailed, but you knew it was important to odin. "if nothing else, it's leverage. we have something he wants. if it really gives us all the answers, maybe no one has to die."
"grand. now all we need's a way to asgard." mimir replied simply.
you watched as your father's gaze shifted to tyr, and hesitantly, so did yours. "i know i've been a burden to you all," he started, readjusting himself in the seat, "i know you've questioned why you even pulled me out of that hole. i have too."
he stood, walking around the table. something changed in his stride. you wondered where his sudden boost of confidence seemed to come from. but maybe this was what you needed. "i have too. but it's clear now. this is what i'm needed for. this is my purpose. one last time. i will pick up my spear and.. i will lead us to asgard."
"'scuse me, but if you got a way to asgard, where's that idea been this whole fuckin' while?" brok asked.
"that's.. rather a fair question, brother."
"you.. withheld asgard?" your father asked, pushing himself to his feet. something in his eyes shifted. anger. you recognized that look all too well.
"you would've gotten us all killed. and we needed to give the champion time to find their destiny. here it is." tyr picked up the mask off the table, and you shrunk into yourself. you hated being called the champion. it didn't feel like you, really.
"it's all led to this."
"if we can get inside, i'm going after odin." freya said.
"i will not stop you. we can do both."
"spot on, brother. if the mask doesn't give us an out, we'll still have the drop on him."
"works for me." freyr spoke through his food.
"let's do it, then."
"and quickly, before he sees us coming."
"he does hate surprises."
you looked back over at heimdall, who had silently gotten much closer to you while you were involved in the conversation. he stood a foot or so behind you, brows knitted together. "heimdall," you started, cutting off anyone else from speaking before they even could. "is there.. another way into asgard?"
he looked over at you, then back at tyr. his eyes were filled with something else, something you couldn't exactly pinpoint.
"no." he replied after a pause, staring at the taller god. the rest of the group only stared at him.
"i still wanna hear the details on this, uh, new way to asgard you got. spill it!" brok said after a moment. if anyone knew another way to asgard out of everyone in the room, it would've been heimdall. he wouldn't have lied, would he? was that something he would do to you after everything that happened the other night? you decided not to think about it.
"it's an ancient path. we can't reach it from here." tyr said, moving around brok to continue walking.
"where then?" he pushed, following after him quickly.
"let me collect my things and i'll show you." tyr replied frustratedly. you furrowed your eyebrows together. brok was right. something about this just.. wasn't making sense.
"you ain't got no things. and where you goin' with that mask?" he smacked it out of tyr's hand, and you watched as it went flying. "that belongs to y/n, they earned it! all you done was make passable dirt soup!"
"brok, it's okay." you muttered in an attempt to de-escalate whatever you were watching unfold. "no, it ain't." he responds without missing a beat. "this ain't right. all the pieces ain't weldin' together true. like, what's with him calling you, 'loki,' anyway?" brok asked, turning his gaze to atreus.
now that he had mentioned it.. you had never heard tyr call him atreus. he had only called him loki. the name your mother gave for him to the giants. no one had ever called him loki.
"you know that ain't his name! hey, i'm talkin' to you!"
"do you NEVER shut up?"
you watched as tyr shifted into someone else. odin. his knife dug into brok, completely tearing through his clothing and diving into his skin. the weapon was covered in his blood, and you could only watched as he fell to the floor. "brok!" sindri called, kneeling at his side.
behind you, you could feel heimdall drawing his weapon. his eyes lingered on the scene before him. this is what odin did to people. this is what he would've done to him, had he stayed.
in your state of shock, odin wrapped an arm around your shoulders, the knife that was just used to stab brok held at the skin of your neck. he pulled you backwards, and even though you resisted, you knew it was ultimately no good. would you die here? would brok?
"of all the things.." odin murmured.
"odin." your father said, anger filling his eyes.
"let go and face me!" freya called, sword held in her hand. freyr stood at her side, and atreus at the other. heimdall took a place by your father. despite the risk of your life ending, you stared at him. he was facing his father. he had his sword drawn, his brows furrowed together. this was an expression you had never seen on his face before. anger.
"tell your brother to throw me the mask, and you've got a deal." odin said.
"stop moving."
"freya!" sindri called out, eyes focused on his dying brother. you wanted to sob. you wanted to do anything but be here in the grasp of the man you hated the most.
"if he dies.."
"now, now. wasn't part of the plan. but if he dies.." odin's gaze shifted to his son. "we are square for heimdall. and honestly, you got a bargain."
"i will kill you. plan on that."
"so nice spending time with you again."
"freya, please!" sindri begged, finally looking up at her.
"ah ah ah. can't be in two places at once, frigg."
freya shifted backwards, kneeling at brok's side. freyr stepped over, and with him, so did heimdall.
"hey, i don't move, you don't move. don't do anything you'll regret."
"i regret many things. killing you will not be one of them."
"i am in control here!" odin yelled. "throw me the mask, now!"
you watched as your father's gaze shifted from you to atreus, to freyr. he threw the mask after what felt like the longest few seconds of your life, and you lurched out of the allfather's grasp. atreus leaped at him, taking the form of a wolf as he did so. he was shoved out of the way, and he picked the mask up off of the floor.
"too bad." he said, looking directly at you. "looks like war after all."
as he stepped backwards into the doorway, your father hurled a spear at him. you hadn't seen this weapon before, but that was the least of your concerns. the tip of the spear pinned the mask against the wall, and odin slipped out of view. you breathed out a sigh of relief.. but that didn't last for long. you turned around and the view of brok and sindri together on the floor only broke your heart once again.
"please, you have to save him. you have to." sindri said, watching as freya tried her best to heal him. your heart sank into your stomach. there was nothing more she could do, and brok knew it. "he can't.. you can't.. maybe if i go back to the lake.."
"stop it. i know what you done. and i forgives ya. but y'gotta stop. y'gotta let go."
sindri stared down at his brother, now lifeless in his arms. he looked towards the ceiling, and disappeared.
"this.. whole time?" atreus murmured.
freyr appeared at your side, extending the mask out. you stared at it for a moment, before looking up at him. you took it out of his hands, your fingers pressing against it. you hated this thing. it took everything in you to not just destroy it right now.
"so.. what do we do now?" he questioned.
"now..?" freya repeated. she paused, picking up her sword. "now we kill odin. and anyone who gets in our way."
"atreus. y/n. come." your father said.
"what? where?" atreus asked.
"it does not matter." he muttered. you had never seen him look so.. defeated. you felt it too, but he was always so good at hiding how he felt. seeing him like this only hurt you further. brok meant a great deal to him, and you knew that. he meant a great deal to you, too.
"where are you going?" freya said.
"we are done."
he walked away and you were left standing with everyone else, watching as he turned to the door. you took in a deep breath. you squeezed your eyes closed, but followed after him. you stopped after a second, turning to look at heimdall.
you pressed the mask into his hands. "i'll be back." you said, your voice coarse. your throat felt dry. you wanted to scream. you wanted to cry. you probably would. but not right now.
you turned away from him, and followed after your father and brother wordlessly.
"you can't run away from this, kratos. odin won't stop until we stop him!" freya called after him, but her words were only meant with silence.
he pushed open the door, and you stepped onto the yggdrasil.
tags: @ic-yourface @alisblackgf @engardeitsme @venfia @dijanur @s1mpss @gorepitt @callalillie15 @bluehorizon987 @vanserrar @trippingoverstars @mysiax @beaniebear152 @rei64bit @neverendingdumptser @a-bunny13 @lei-leigha @candy4bonez @yyourmotherr @blobdrake-theory @zarizee @rainygamingstreamingturtle @kise-kae @aesthetic-of-a-director @unodostrescuatrolove @nixeustheclamity @aiciteaa @multifand0m-gal0re @chibi668 @wonderkive @lentillo @luffysoctopus @elizabeth-hatake @black-star1472 @lacm-ac @sxmirae @maggot-baggage @emc2beans @suzumi-hiddenmistclan @white-lyra @lmorg149 @iamverydreamy @giornos-curls @reinabxitch @ourchampionofthesun @paintmekala @the-eternal-sunflower @alextric-overload @lynn-haitani
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chaaistheanswer · 8 months
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Noah Sigmund Béliveau Aubembert
Age: 27
Race: Half Elf [High Elf / Human]
Background: Noble
Class: Sorcerer / Paladin [Oath of Vengeance]
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Major Arcana: The Star
Deadly Sin: Pride
Heavenly Virtue: Kindness
Earl Mydas Elric Dubois Aubembert [Step-father]
Countess Alondra Beatriz Katrina Aubembert [Mother]
Paragon Heiran Faldreth [High Elf Father] ✝
Hebe Anais Aubembert [Younger Half Sister]
Rhea Noelle Aubembert [Younger Half Sister]
Camille Apolline Fontaine [Aunt]
Mikhail Dumas Fontaine [Uncle-in-law]
Solomon Fulbert Aubembert [Uncle]
Tonne Vosone Aubembert [Aunt-in-law]
Saville Angeline Aubembert [Cousin]
Lenard Thane Aubembert [Cousin]
Noah was born into a well-to-do human family in Baldur's Gate- House Aubembert is a noble house full of talented sorcerers serving as earls and countesses; keeping the peace and dispensing justice within the city. This particular family is well-known for being proud members of the social elite as pure-blooded humans. However, a scandal befell upon the family when the current head of the house disrupted generations of blood purity after introducing her only half-elven son as her successor. The countess had taken a high elf as her paramour, which then led to the birth of Noah. The countess had to fight to be able to marry her lover but her family abhorred the idea of letting her go off to marry a commoner. Before she could do anything rash like eloping with the man, her lover had unfortunately been murdered. Noah believes this to be a political scheme to get his mother to finally give up on her commoner lover while the rest of the family insists was an accident.
Years later, his mother married his stepfather and they gave birth to two of his half-sisters. Life before his mother's marriage was a struggle because he was often scrutinised for inheriting the title of the countess' heir despite being her illegitimate son. His stepfather was no better as he would often bad mouth him for the exact same reason. During those few years, he trained and swore fealty to the Church of Tyr where he vowed an Oath of Vengeance to right the wrongs and uphold justice.
I'm drawing fanart and I'm almost 200 hrs into my game. I haven't finished which is why I haven't had time to finish my fanart,,,
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infernalodie · 1 year
𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐓𝐨 𝐌𝐞 || 𝐅𝐫𝐞𝐲𝐚
“'𝘊𝘢𝘶𝘴𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶'𝘳𝘦 𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘰𝘶𝘵𝘴𝘪𝘥𝘦, 𝘭𝘦𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘶𝘱 𝘓𝘢𝘺 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘥𝘰𝘸𝘯, 𝘪𝘵'𝘴 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘶𝘴 𝘏𝘦 𝘭𝘰𝘴𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘵𝘰𝘶𝘤𝘩, 𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘵𝘰 𝘮𝘦, 𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘵𝘰 𝘮𝘦“
Inspo: Giveon - All To Me
Pairing: Freya x Fem!reader
Summary: She had you all to herself...
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Warnings: Just pure smut in a tree, fingering, queen kink, and use of petnames.
Words: 1845
You swore that each time you adventured far from home, the blistering colds would soon enough cause your limbs to freeze up and fall off. Mimir always took that moment to tease you while your father would tell you to stop your fussing and to endure it. But you never saw the reason for you, Atreus, and your father to go hunting when it wasn’t needed. Atreus was the hunter while you had preferred staying home and training. Father continued to say that although that was good, your need to learn hunting would benefit the group.
So, here you were, in the woods wandering around with your mother’s bow and your sword tight in your grasp. Alone as you were the second oldest and more trusted than Atreus ever would be. But your idea of hunting was wandering around until you found something worthy of your attention. Yet, your mind was already preoccupied with a specific woman, blurring your attention to the main task at hand.
“I don’t understand why she won’t let me see her,” you muttered to yourself, kicking a clump of snow out of your path. Since Fimbulwinter had washed over Midgard, the sight of snow had been more pleasing to your eyes. The sky was constantly grey from the clouds producing the white flecks that melted against your cheeks. And as much as you hated the massive gusts of wind, you tolerated it for the beauty that was given in return. “That bitch doesn’t even care, does she? Is all flirty with me and then suddenly doesn’t come and see me when I hunt.”
You scoffed, pulling your sword from its sheath and tossing it towards a tree. Propelling the blade towards the trunk and hopping onto it before beginning to climb the tree. The snow clingings to the branches causing a stinging sensation to bite at the tips of your fingers. Finally reaching the precipice where you kicked your feet across the thick branch and back propped up against the base. Retrieving the rope around your belt that held your 6 rabbits and meat from a wolf that you had encountered in your walk, and wrapped the rope around you and the trunk as a restriction for if you fall in your sleep.
Snuggling closer in the furs made by your father, you stared out at the frozen-over Lake of Nine. A perfect view of Tyr’s temple and all the different realm travel towers. It was a sight behold to anyone that had a sane mind in these parts. But as of late, raiders were senseless, murderous dumbasses that you had butchered for fun, and a certain Valkyrie Queen had been creating problems for your father.
Closing your eyes, to seek the moments of peace that would be needed when you get home. Likely to hear how your father would already make you feel more a disappointment than you already did. So, a nice nap up in a tree, away from danger, away from your brother and father was well-needed. Although, Mimir would be a rather nice company right about now. You were sure the man would look to take hold of the beauty of the landscape from up here-
“What are you doing up here, pup?” That soft and rather amused voice made you yelp and snap your eyes open. But when you saw the source of the voice, your face grimaced in disgust as you relaxed back into your position. “Oh, don’t give me that look, Y/n.”
“I’m going to give you whatever look I feel like, Freya,” you scoffed, closing your eyes and crossing your arms tightly over your chest. Face forming a pouty look that Freya found endearing. “You have a lot of balls showing up out here after attacking us yesterday.”
Freya rolled her eyes at the mention. “I don’t seek to hurt you or Atreus, Y/n,” she sighed. “Your father took Baldur from me. You can’t be surprised.” The mention of the once invulnerable Aesir God made the mood shift slightly.
You understood where the woman stood and why she was doing what she was doing. Just as much as she understood why you would defend your family. There were certain things you kept from your brother about your mother because you knew it was better that way. Everything you did was meaningful, as do her decisions. Hell, you hadn’t even done anything when she last held Baldur in her arms. Kratos and Atreus were the ones responsible as you stood by, silent and tense.
But now, she was angry and fueled by the simple need for revenge. Leaving her a relentless, frightening, and rather hot “enemy” that came to visit you occasionally. In secret, of course.
Noticing the shift, Freya smiled and leaned toward you with a mischievous grin. “Don’t tell me you don’t like the thrill-” She inhaled sharply with her lips an inch away from yours. Problem was, your quick reflexes of your knife pressing to the belly of her jaw. Eyes now open and lips parted, teeth baring in a grin. Moving and pressing the knife further into her flesh, forcing her to turn her face for you to examine,
Under her eyes, there were streams of eyeliner that hadn’t been smudged the day Baldur was killed. The constant reminder of your father’s decision was on her face in the shape of tears. Her eyes were now smeared in a thick black eyeliner with hair was slightly frizzed from the cold weather over the past three years. Yet, somehow, she was a sight to behold.
“I like when a person keeps their word, Freya,” you said, forcing her chin up further. A wicked grin formed on your lips when the woman held her breath, eyes fluttering shut. “And I hate to be kept waiting, and cold.”
Freya felt all restraint be ripped from her body as she jolted forward and crashed lips upon yours. A sigh fell from the older woman’s lips as her tattooed fingertips softly brushed a few strands of your hair out of your face before she cupped your cheek, pulling you incredibly closer. You smiled, taking your dagger and stabbing it into the tree before wrapping your arms around her neck.
In what had occurred years ago, the death of Baldur had only brought you and Freya closer. It was sick and twisted, the Valkyrie knew this, but even before Baldur’s death, the two of you flirted and made feelings apparent for one another. Kratos hadn’t wanted you two to see one another after Freya swore vengeance, but you nor Freya cared. Because in this eternal winter, the both of you sought the warmth of one another’s bodies. That’s because you brought the best out of Freya and she’d needed a sense of rejuvenation, and you were that source.
“I missed you,” Freya breathed, lips barely parting as her hands moved feverishly against your clothes. You broke apart, panting, lips bruised, and heart hammering against your chest as you help shimmy your pants down just enough to give the Queen access to your soaking core. Although snow nipped at your lower back, the feeling of her warm fingers flicking across your drenched heat made it all the more worth it. The contrast was better than anything you’d ever felt or seen. “And I see someone has missed me as well.”
“Shut it.” Your hand wrapped around her throat, tugging her towards you to where your lips met once more. Teeth classing and tongue fighting for dominance over the other. Freya pressed the pads of her fingers to your clit, rubbing fast shapes in the sensitive bud. A gasp erupted in the back of your throat, your head was thrown back with Freya sliding her attention to the edge of your jaw. Kissing and sucking as you trembled underneath her.
Although you were the daughter of the Greek God of War, you were far more submissive than Freya took you for when she met you. Of course, on the battlefield, you showed your capabilities. But every now and then, with only Freya around, you showed yourself more perspective to her touch or words. Practically mewling at the faintest of holds she would have on your hand or your waist. And slowly, she broke away the shyness you held and now left you a far more dominant girl than when she found you.
Finally, Freya pushed her fingers past your clenching pussy, grinning when you moaned loudly, unapologetic as to who could possibly hear or see. Your walls quivered around her finger as she thrust into you with urgency. Either for you to reciprocate the relief you were feeling or to pay back for her mishap. Because even if she didn’t say it aloud, she hated that she left you waiting.
“You’re a gift from the gods, Y/n,” Freya whispered, breath hot against your neck as she nibbled at your pulse point. Feeling you twitch and let out shaky choked moans into her ear. Hands holding her tattered garments as she smiled softly against your cheek. “You are never leaving my side, pup.”
Her possessive words made you bristle with warmth as that knot in your stomach grew tenser. A groan falls from your lips. You tried to focus on her kisses, wanting nothing more than to reciprocate them. But the more her fingers gently nudged the sweet spot in you, you grew focused on that sensation. Melting more and more with each thrust of her fingers that weren’t afraid to scissor inside you, sweetening the bliss that flowed through your body.
“My Queen, I-” You shivered with a moan as your hold on her clothes grew tighter. Neck straining as your head rolled back. Freya took in the sight with admiring eyes, smiling widely, especially with the familiar title you had given her. Sending a wave of adrenaline through her system as her fingers sped up. “My Queen, I’m going to cum!” You whined, pulling her closer in case she even thought about pulling away.
But she would never do such a thing. Especially to her pup.
Her fingers curled and curled until they finally pushed you over the edge. Leaving you gasping and letting out a cry with your back arching. Toes curling in your boots as your legs curled and straightened with the explosive orgasm. Freya followed your pulse point with her lips, knowing just how much the feeling drew you feral. And her fingers slowly worked you down when your body twitched from the aftershocks.
Soon panting and slowly regain your bearings with a wave of exhaustion written on your face. But when your gaze met Freya’s, your lips curled into a cheeky smile. “I never thought I would fuck in a tree, but I guess we can cross that off our list.” Freya couldn’t contain the laugh that fell from her lips as you smiled cheerfully. She rested her forehead against yours, shaking her head slightly as she stared up at you adoringly.
“What did I do to deserve you?”
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athingofvikings · 2 months
A Thing Of Vikings Chapter 60: A Threat Perceived
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Chapter 60: A Threat Perceived
It is better to live | than to lie a corpse, The live man catches the cow, I saw flames rise | for the rich man's pyre, And before his door he lay dead
The lame rides a horse, | the handless is a herdsman, The deaf in battle is bold, The blind man is better | than the one that is burned, No good can come of a corpse.
-Stanzas 70 and 71 of the Hávamál
One factor that has been cited as the reason for the success of the Norse Reformation is, oddly, the acceptance of non-Norse into their society.  Part of the theological basis of this were these words from Odin's own lips on proper conduct and wisdom, which served as a reminder that no man or woman was unwanted or unneeded. 
These stanzas were often repeated and interpreted in a light of acceptance and brotherhood among those that were different, as "man rejoices in man."  Further, those defending this perspective of integration and acceptance found fit fodder in the sagas of the gods and their lives, which are full to bursting with the sorts of behavior that were rejected by those who did not accept difference.  Tyr was missing a hand, and had two fathers.  Loki was fluid in form and concept, being both male and female at times and places.  Thor was prone to dangerous rage.  Odin was missing an eye, lay with men, and swore blood-brotherhood with a stranger. Hödur was blind.  Freyr gave up his weapon for the love of a jotunn woman.
Furthermore, on the topic of general egalitarianism, it is worth noting that this acceptance was not reserved solely for men.  The Aesir respected Skadi's claim of having been wronged by them for the death of her father, and Freyja earned the respect of all, claiming half of those who died in honor for her hall. 
And for those whom the gods did not set a sufficient example, among mortal men, Hiccup the Wise was missing a foot, and his father, Stoick the Lawgiver, was missing an eye and a hand, and both of them sought to reach out and include others, and attempted to act with kindness and respect to those not of their own people.  And while they were the leaders and would have received more acceptance from their followers simply due to that position and the social deference that came with it, it should be noted that Stoick's best friend from childhood preferred men and was missing two limbs, and his personal aide was a woman of a different faith who chose to never marry, and Hiccup's inclusion of others is literally proverbial.
This acceptance of those who were different, who were strangers, who were outsiders, gave the Reformed Norse a strength in diversity that stood them well, especially in those early years…
—The Second Flowering Of Yggdrasil: An Analysis Of The Norse Resurgence, 1710
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blrthrights · 1 month
open starter [ capped 6/6]
the stables
two days after the secret leak
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only a few days had passed since their arrival, but phillip found himself inexplicably tired, and the constant downpour only seemed to intensify the situation. he'd slipped out after breakfast to the stables hoping to spend some time with the horses. his own horse, tyr, was not a fan of long sea journeys as he always had been and the undue stress seemed an unfair thing to do. he rubbed the neck loving of a mare whose coloring was nearly identical, though it seemed as though that might be all they shared. she was feisty and pulled at his sleeves and collar roughly, neighing in what he could have sworn was delight when she pinched him with her teeth. he swore softly and looked around for a moment finally spotting a possible solution. the prince grabbed a flake of hay and tossed it into her empty bucket. the chestnut mare quickly feigned interest in him and began to munch on her snack.
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"yes, i see how it is," he told her giving her one final stroke before stepping away from her stall. the stables were mostly quiet, the sound of the rain drowning out the world around him. only the soft snorts and neighs breaking through occasionally. he stopped at another stall occupied by a gorgeous black stallion, one he couldn't help but feel didn't belong in a stable at all. "what you would give to be free, heh," he said softly as he stoked the top of the horse's nose gently. his large brown eyes unexpectedly gentle. phillip pulled an apple out of his pocket and lifted it to the horse's lips, smiling at the comfortably familiar sensation.
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afraidofchange · 8 months
Rama Wolfbluff Backstory - Baldur's Gate edition !
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Born in a tavern on the outskirts of the city of Waterdeep, her barmaid mother Amira named her Rama Wolfbluff - a last name not of her own accord but of her father in the hopes the wayward wizard would someday claim paternity on his child (he never would).
Growing up, Rama saw all kinds of adventurers and knights come and go through the tavern. What inspired her most of all were paladins, brave and stoic, devoted to their faith and gods/goddess - from about the age of seven, Rama knew that was the path she wanted to take, to do good in a world of evil.
While Rama's mother instilled a hard working ethic in her daughter, she was reluctant to let her teenager leave the comfort of home in pursuit of such a noble goal, but seeing how determined she was, she let her go.
Rama first enlisted as a SOLDIER, serving the city-state of Waterdeep for the better part of a decade (6 years). Here, she learned how to use a sword and shield, a hand-axe, and throwing daggers.
After her stint in the army, Rama began her paladin pursuits at the age of 22. She swore her oath to the deity, TYR, pleading her allegiance to serve JUSTICE and RIGHTEOUSNESS through an Oath of Vengeance (with the core tenets of Fight the Greater Evil, No Mercy for the Wicked, By Any Means Necessary, & Restitution).
Over the years, Rama became a force to be reckoned with, wielding a powerful great sword and divine powers.
However, in her early 30s, Rama became involved with another paladin of the same oath - Meredith - and despite her commitment to her path of righteousness, became involved in a romantic relationship with her. Eventually, the two married in secret, continuing on their travels across the land to slay evil together for many years. However, Meredith became susceptible to corrupting forces, leading her to breaking her oath. She and Rama fought, but she wounded Rama by stabbing her in the back, literally, leaving her bloody outside of the tavern they had been staying at, going off into the night, never to be seen nor heard from ever again.
Because of this, Rama's commitment to her oath became lessened. The wind was knocked out of her proverbial sails. If even the most devout paladin could be corrupted by evil, then what was the point in fighting anymore? Her recovery from her wound left her bedridden for some time while she healed and regained the use of her right shoulder, and her mind went to dark places of depression and anxiety of her future.
However, despite this, she eventually continued her path, albeit with far less devotion to her cause. She would help people, but she would not go out of her way to fight evil - yet, evil seems to have found her in the form of the mindflayers, taking her prisoner and implanting her with one of their illithid worms, forcing her to find some kind of cure or else face the possibility of becoming one of them.
Today, in the story of Baldur's Gate 3, you will find her determined to find a cure for the worm, seeking out all possible avenues, while continuing to serve her oath (albeit not as much of a priority as it once was). Rama is an intimidating woman with a stern tone in a low, raspy voice used to give commands with ease. She stands at a mere 5'5" in height, but appears taller than she actually is. She has dark, raven black hair though some streaks of silver are threaded throughout. Her eyes are a golden brown that contrasts against her dark brown skin. She has a scar over her right eye from forehead to cheek as well as a deep cut scar on her jaw near her chin. These are the only visible scars on her face, but she has many more on her body. She is of a fairly muscular build, though she retains her womanly curves, but these too are hidden beneath armor and loose casual clothes. She appears older than she is - at age 47 she appears more like age 55, with deep set wrinkles, sun kissed skin, and rheumatoid arthritis in her knees. She prefers the company of women, and should men approach, she is liable to shy away or become agitated should they pursue her in such a way.
A few concluding bonus notes from my D&D campaign:
As a joke from my D&D group, because I always forget what god she serves (it's Aureon from the Eberron setting, sovereign of Law & Lore) Rama at this point in her life sometimes forgets that she serves Tyr.
Rama also experiences social anxiety and will often try to leave from uncomfortable social situations, sometimes in dramatic ways (e.g. she once jumped off a 2nd floor balcony to avoid being caught eavesdropping).
In a moment of panic and in an attempt to stay hidden from enemies, Rama once hid her moon-touched sword in her breast plate and nearly gave herself an involuntary mastectomy.
Rama has a girlfriend in her canon - Kaelehn, a half-elf ranger. In their story, they were together in a very passionate relationship, but Rama had wanted to settle down sooner rather than later. As Kaelehn is several years younger than Rama, she was uncertain of what she wanted, and they parted ways for seven years before finding one another again. It took two months for their relationship to be rekindled, and now consider themselves devoted to one another. For the purposes of a BG3 storyline, it takes place between these times and thus, Rama is single and ready to mingle.
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lumi-klovstad-games · 6 months
So I have to share my Tavs. Can't stop me.
So, I have three Baldur's Gate 3 Tavs.
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Lorgan Greylight is easily my "main" character in that he's the one I always come back to, and the most frequently.
A port from an aborted TT campaign that was full of promise, Lorgan is a Paladin of Tyr who swore his Oath of Devotion to the Order of the Left Hand, a group of Crusaders and Knights Errant who fight for the Just God and seek to bring righteous justice to the lands. A kind man at heart, Lorgan is especially drawn to the cause of those who are being mocked and oppressed, a tendency that derives from the strong sense of justice he cultivated in childhood, defending his younger dhampir sister from bullies and religious zealots, going so far as to now bear on his cheek the scar made by a wild priest's burning thurible when the young Lorgan stepped in front and took a blow that had been meant for his sister.
Despite his religious bearing and his oath as a paladin, he stands in constant defense of Astarion, acknowledging that Astarion, though a vampire, is first and foremost a victim of evil, and while often frustrated by the Elf's unhealthy coping mechanisms, sees them for what they really are and tries to help his friend (though Astarion would not use that word) rehabilitate naturally. He is also quite friendly with Shadowheart as something about the girl reminds him of his sister, Shar worship aside. Even the worship of Shar doesn't bother him like it should, because beneath Shadowheart's practiced selfishness and callousness, he sees a good but lost soul that may yet be motivated to save itself, if given the right conditions to do so.
Though bothered by his tadpole and his potential fate, Lorgan looks to his future and the adventure it holds with a Crusader's excitement: for the Cult of the Absolute perpetrates one mighty injustice after another, and it seems that Tyr has made sure his devoted follower shall be in the right place to stop it once and for all.
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Wilhelmina Tollebrook is a returning adventurer from an earlier Pathfinder campaign. A Halfling Bard in self-exile from her village due to a minor scandal involving the baker's daughter, 'Mina' has traveled far and wide in the years since, following her tribe's pre-settlement path as they wandered the Northlands as nomads before establishing their peaceful corner of the world. Mina has become a moderately popular bard and troubadour as she composes songs, tales, and yarns based on her own adventures and travels.
Having previously assisted in the defeat of the returned Dread Queen Menrae (her songs don't mention that her group of adventurers were also the REASON for the Queen's return, though to her credit she did tell them not to listen to the creepy old lady in the prison who very conveniently had a way out for said group), Mina was kidnapped by Mind Flayers after a raucous victory party in Baldur's Gate, and ended up with a tadpole in her head for her trouble. Mina is a self-described "ethical slut", "frequent legal clusterfuck", and genuinely good soul who has devoted her life and career as a hero to giving the people with nothing something to sing about, and giving those in power who would abuse their positions "something slightly worse than a scathingly worded pamphlet" to worry about.
Perhaps, one day, she will return home and make things right with her mother, but for now the story unfolding before her is simply too salacious to drop. And while she very much as a thing for tentacles, she'd rather they not be her own and would very much like a cure for "this whole Mind Flayer situation", as immediately as possible.
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Elerina is a young Tiefling druid from the Circle of Stars. With a name that means "Crowned by Stars", she is constantly aware that greatness has been expected of her from birth. Born of a Star Circle Druid and a Waterdeep sorcerer, Elerina's existence as an Asmodeus-line Tiefling has added considerable magical potential far beyond that possessed by either of her parents. It's entirely possible that this was the point of her birth to begin with, for although she cannot remember the incident, her sorcerous Father immediately tried to use his newborn daughter as an offering to Asmodeus. The Archdevil's magical presence twisted the infant's flesh and bone into the cruel image of a Tiefling, and may have done worse had the ceremony not been interrupted by Elerina's mother. The recovering Druid had struggled from her recovery bed and taken the shape of a Saber-Toothed Tiger, leaving Elerina's father with grievous wounds, and also swearing revenge.
Elerina was then taken and raised by her mother and the druids of the Circle of Stars. She learned to listen to the subtle voices of the Moon and night sky, the spirits in the wind, and the harmonies of nature all around her, and has proved quite a prodigy, especially with Animal Shapes. Able to transform into at least a dozen shapes, from familiar cats and ravens, all the way to Owlbears, a fearsome acid-spitting Dilophosaurus, and even Elemental Archons, Elerina still has a fondness for the shape of the Saber-Toothed Tiger. Something about that particular shape stirs feelings of safety in her, for reasons she cannot put her finger on, and the shape has become her safe space when stressed.
Perhaps as a result of her kinship with taking the forms of animals, her more devilish Tiefling traits have been "sanded down", in her words: her horns have become antlers, and her skin has taken a more natural (though still pale and otherworldly) pallor, and her eyes have become the color of starlight.
While on a trip to Baldur's Gate to trade on behalf of the Circle with another druid, she was separated from her fellow, and subsequently attacked by a mad cultist with fearsome magic powers. Though she could not have known, this assailant was her own father, who had tracked her down with the intent of finally offering her life for his Lord, Asmodeus, and though likely far more powerful than her father, his greater experience had her on the back foot, and ultimately it was a Mind Flayer Nautiloid that proved her incredibly unorthodox salvation.
Elerina struggles to hold on to her Druidic stoicism in a world filled with fear and anger, and much of it directed at her and her fellow Tieflings for their mere outward appearance. One can always expect her to side with "her people" first and foremost on almost any issue concerning them, but a lifetime of being mistreated by those outside her circle has mostly just left her tired of suffering, not just her own, but of others as well. Quickly identifying the Cult of the Absolute as a major force in the manipulation and suffering of others, her heart has filled with anger for the victims of the cult, and the resolve to destroy it, even if it costs her life. After all, suffering is not a thing of nature, and it must be stamped out like an invasive weed.
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tiredassmage · 8 months
how's trooper tyr handling being outlander...credit for your thoughts??
oh, by the force, not well not well at ALL, lmaooooooooooo
Honestly, I think making trooper!tyr go through being the Outlander is probably the single cruelest thing I've ever done to him. Definitely as trooper, but I would... probably consider arguments for, like, overall to Tyr in general. tbh. Which given that his original canon is the Imperial Agent story might sound like a wild claim, so let me take us back a little to give a sense of place.
I'll put in another caution warning and it will be under the cut, but we can't grapple with this without talking about PTSD, some mentions of alcohol and drug use, and... unhealthy coping mechanisms as a general rule, tbh.
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Perhaps most importantly is the groundwork that Tyr was never meant to stay a member of Havoc Squad when he was first assigned to SpecForce. For those just recently tuning in, the shorthand of that is Tyr began his career for the Republic as a SIS operative, officially around eighteen. He's assigned to Havoc Squad on Ord Mantell in his mid-twenties as part of a quiet investigation into rumors about SpecForce defections and questionable operations practices.
And then, of course, Harron Tavus and the other long-term Havoc members defect right in front of his eyes. Thus, Tyr's saddled with an unexpected SpecForce promotion and long-term reassignment. The official cut from the SIS occurs on Nar Shadaa, well into Tyr starting to establish a new Havoc with Aric Jorgan, Hyroh Kaah (@hyrohkaah), and Elara Dorne - the former two which join him from Ord Mantell, and of course Elara comes from their Taris operations.
What that does to the squad through the class story is probably its own post, so for the purposes of this one, it essentially means Tyr was never... exactly meant to be leadership material. Quite frankly, even his experience in the SIS was more directed.
Contrast that with his experience in his original canon as Cipher Nine and he lacks a lot of that developed sense of purpose and independence that made him such an effective operative for Imperial Intelligence.
So, as you may have guessed, if leading a small squad was a bit much for him to wrangle, being thrust into the thick of something as massive, unruly, and uncertain as the Alliance is... a lot.
CW again for mentions of PTSD & alcohol and drug use starting under the cut.
It exacerbates a lot of Tyr's complications that have developed in his SpecForce career. The most lingering, damning thing Tyr has yet to grapple with at the dawn of the Alliance is the blood on his hands from the deaths of the former Havoc Squad. Tyr hunted them all, and rather ruthlessly. Fuse is perhaps the single exception where Tyr didn't personally pull the trigger, but he did prioritize stopping Imperials over rescuing him. Still, at the time, there wasn't a lot of grief over the choice.
At the time when he put a blaster bolt through Harron Tavus, he... I wouldn't say felt nothing. Something felt... wrong, perhaps. But he'd had a job to do. So he stuck to his job.
The next several years of continued work for SpecForce would explain the rest: Harron Tavus might've been right about some things. SpecForce wasn't clean work. And while Tyr's previous employment with the SIS did no favors for his relationship with General Garza, his dogged loyalty to the Republic largely worked to her favor. Tavus's death meant no deep dive into Garza's methods - not until much later, when Eclipse Squad was a breaking point, one of the last cleanup missions Tyr swore he'd ever let Havoc suffer. If she hadn't agreed to hand herself in, he may have threatened to shoot her, too.
Thankfully, if such a threat was made, it never made it to the court records.
But that's, in short, a guilt that doesn't leave him. It keeps haunting him and Havoc; Aric, Hyroh, and Elara in particular are three people that stand by him through his worst and his best. They're not always happy with him, certainly, but they don't give up on him. They're together through the search for the Deadeyes, through Saresh's politicking after Corellia and Makeb, through the horrors of Oricon and Ziost that they as soldiers were never fully trained to grapple with.
He loses all of that. The one consistency in his life, the one group of people that had been slowly helping him find himself, what he wanted to genuinely stand for, who he wanted to be. Trooper Tyr had those things to lose.
And he's just... By now, he's closer to his 30s. But in ways, he's still... just growing. Just getting out of the mortifying ordeal that is trying to find your identity and sense of place in your 20s, especially having grown up too fast and having such a deeply encoded sense of what it is to be a soldier.
In the short term, five years in carbonite develops an extensive struggle with insomnia he often turns to stims to combat so that he's not entirely dead weight following Lana and the others around trying to keep up with their needs and demands - well-meaning demands, perhaps, but demands nonetheless. Demands he isn't exactly equipped to deal with as a soldier whose strength was as a sniper.
He does also throw himself into quite a routine at the Arena Grand; originally, it was just to recruit Bowdarr to their cause, but it also became one place Tyr felt he had control. The scarring from his encounter with Arcann on Asylum is still mentally fresh to him, if not as much physically. He can't fight Arcann. He's not trained for that, not built for it - Valkorian's cursed influence on him or not. But he can fight in the pits. Those are enemies he understands. That's a fight he can wrap his hands around. Everyone is so busy and has, largely, spent their time sort of talking over whatever his needs might have been that Tyr slips into coping by fighting. It gives him a place to vent out the irritability of the mood swings and the exhaustion that he can't always dampen with drinks and stims.
And this has... already started to carry on, so, to sort of hopefully summarize, he doesn't handle it well in any sense of the term. He struggles a lot. He feels incredibly lost and even powerless, especially early on. By Knights of the Eternal Throne, he finds a bit more footing and, of course, he has some familiar supports back in place - Aric and Hyroh were found still in Havoc and have been with the Alliance ever since.
But a lot of it will aggravate the PTSD he already earned earlier in his career, and it will add new elements to it. Trooper Tyr is... a bit more ruthless, in some ways - and that's not just in the Alliance era. He's always clung hard to the ideals of the Republic that he thought were so important, and the training as a soldier made a lot of his reasoning much more cut and dry than the open negotiation and constantly shifting awareness he had as an Imperial Agent in his regular canon.
That said, it's not all completely doomed. It does teach him something about what he values and the kind of person he wants to be and become. It builds on an understanding he had come to find in the little makeshift squad family he had developed with Hyroh, Aric, and Elara - that the people beside you, the people that stick with you are the most important.
It is... a truly exhausting battle. But he tries. And he also knows he... has no intention of holding on to this kind of power in the aftermath. He never really wanted it in the first place, but there is no other place in the galaxy to get rid of Valkorian than to soldier through the storm with the Alliance.
And, while he'd never defect to the Empire, he also knows... he doesn't want to be a soldier again whenever this is through. Not even for the Republic. It's all just... been a lot too much. For him and Hyroh to be able to finally step away, to settle into something more... quiet. Maybe tinkering with speeders and droids... Tyr wants to see his mother again, make more consistent visits.
He doesn't have a lot of time to do that in the Alliance - and even if he did, he'd be terrified of catching her in the middle of the Alliance's work. [And a part of him isn't ready to grapple with her seeing him at one of the lowest points of his life, so self-destructive and worn by everything.] There are not words for the kind of emotional damage I took from the realization that, with all the Alliance gets up to, and the five years the Republic presumed him dead... its just about as long as he went without seeing her when he moved out when he turned 18. That was about eight years, and the Alliance is at least six or seven, probably.
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jahiera · 8 months
HELLO ITS ME CAN I GET A 25, 41 and 43 FOR EMRYS 💖💖⚔️🗡️🤺💖💖
super detailed questions about your OCs
Can I bully you into reblogging this for Hero? I'm bullying you into reblogging this for Hero.... and thank you <333333
25. What do they find funny? Do they have a good sense of humour? Are they funny themselves?
Emrys has mostly a... dry, for lack of a better word, sense of humor. Most people probably would not... find her funny? She likely comes off as very stalwart to those that shallowly interact with her, and fairly serious. Her humor is more in line with... awkwardly placed, ill-timed jokes, surprising moments of absurdity, and dry observations typically fueled by annoyance. But it's all delivered with her typical brand of sincerity that makes it that much more... disjunctive to Witness.
She's amused by ridiculousness, gallows humor, and jabby little observations. And a bit of brattiness is unfortunately charming to her. She likes playing the straight man to someone else's clownery, and tends to become more severe when contrasted with someone who's humorous, but in a -- fond, clearly-amused-when-you-know way. And she doesn't have a bad sense of humor. Rarely takes things personally, even when it's personally intended. Hard to rile her up. Will play along with the bit in her very restrained manner.
41. What’s their sexuality? What do they find attractive? Physically and mentally? What do they like/need in a relationship?
to sum up easily she's bisexual. since it's fantasy land, I don't think she's analyzed or deeply gone into her own... ideas? of her sexuality, or what it might be, or what preference might exist. she's just here. I see her as mostly having past relationships with women though, not out of any real preference so much as that's where the chips fell; there weren't many opportunities for deep relationships in her past, so these would be more passing connections (save for One) than anything too deep. very funny as she has the vibes of someone who Does Not Fuck and then you find out she was in one of those complicated lesbian circles that never really get over each other & all dated each other. Anyways.
She finds competency attractive. She finds resilience attractive. personalities that are equally entrenched in drive & severity but in a way that runs contrast to her own; that force her to think, to reconsider, to mind her reality & know she's not the only perspective in the world. She likes to help wilting flowers, but she doesn't want to be with one--she wants pushback, even friction. She typically finds herself drawn to personalities that run hard against her own life. the thrill of what's denied to her, maybe, given that her own life is so very... ascetic, for lack of a better word. people that effortlessly pursue what she must restrain herself from (at least, what she feels she must restrain herself from) tend to be the ones she'll fall into fastest. and she doesn't really ask or expect people to change; she's a brick of a person, she holds her own line, so you don't have to change, you just have to go through her if you're going to do something truly egregious. and anyways, it's rarely that serious. she's honest, she's secure, she's driven, and she's very... isolated in herself for it. someone who can make her have a little fun would be a relief.
43. Are they religious? What do they think of religion? What do they think of religious people? What do they think of non religious people?
HAHA.... Yes.
Emrys is deeply loyal to Tyr & to her oath. Her oath is her bond. She truly believes in what it stands for, and more than that, she feels she owes...? Tyr, her oath, her life. she swore it in the heat of the moment and as such it's sort of ... bound in blood, to her. but her relationship to the definitions of justice, mercy, that's where things get strained. she's inclined toward the contextual, and falters a bit with black/white thinking. thieves who stole in desperation or thieves who stole to take back the wealth for the needy shouldn't be punished more than a cruel overlord who weaponizes the law for his own benefit (babygirl would've ANNIHILATED Corrupt Magistrate Astarion with her own two hands likely).
(I'm not a dnd expert at all but) Tyrran ideals are built in the idea of law & order though--especially, from what I've read (?), in city-states, whereas she was raised outside of the cities & incorporated more ideas of mercy (& subsequently, impulsive righteous smiting) into her ideas of how to settle dispute, dole out proper justice, find truth. She especially doubts her teachings when it comes to Baldur's Gate. after all, that's a full city of people who have found every loophole in every law, get away with murder every day, people are suffering, and no one lifts a hand to stop it, and--what kind of justice is that? and what kind of god are you to allow it to stand? -- cue subsequent guilt complexes over doubting her faith like that. she soothes herself by thinking she's an arbiter of these ideals, and a moving hand for justice where others cannot reach. if only she consistently believed that and wasn't outraged often, and prone to impulsive blowups at The Worst Moment Possible.
As of the current arcs of the game, she also had to learn how to lie, how to deceive and cheat a little bit to get the upper hand over these looming enemies, and that chafes on her too, makes her doubt herself, doubt her word, feels like she's failing. because her way simply isn't always possible. they would die ten times over if they rushed in needlessly & she knows that & she hates that it has to be like that sometimes. so that's More of a complex.
As for other religious people, she respects and appreciates when someone has found a devotion or a god to live by, and she tends to take a step back, try to learn, try to see, so long as no one's being harmed in the process. Your god is what you make of it, and she reserves judgement usually. That's None of Her Business. people with crises of faith tend to make her self-reflect on her own crises of faith. oathbreakers give her anxiety, and they're the only ones she really judges, mostly out of a deep fear of becoming one herself, projected onto others, how could you do that, when she feels like she's so close to that all the time and it hits horribly for her, causing her to fall back on judgement and harshness where she'd usually reserve it. Shadowheart's faith is inspiring until it's heartbreaking, that sort of beat.
As for non-religious people, she again, really has no comment; it's none of her business.she doesn't expect anyone to live up to her ideals or standards, she only needs to uphold them for herself. when she enforces her oath it's not out of some sort of ... religious conversion here, she's just maintaining the tenets of ideals rather than faith, which is much more personal to her. sometimes it makes her reflect too. in a world where you know gods are real, you just choose not to worship them, it's -- it makes her think, and reflect. Astarion's line that he, "tried them all," about praying to each of the gods hit her brain badly, because again, it recalls her own doubts of ... what kind of gods are you to allow such suffering, and all that. she's very classic fantasy hero in that way, I guess.
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vikingnerd793 · 1 year
Do we still need spoiler tags because if so, spoiler.
Everyone keeps talking about how the last chapter retconned Eivor’s entire base game arc, which is entirely true. She was so OOC it was insane. But as someone who played every single DLC and defended the DLCs of year 2 as building up to something, I am also really upset.
Let’s start with Dawn of Ragnarok. The entire lesson she learned from that 40 dollar premium DLC we had to pay for was that Odin was apathetic and selfish (literally was the caution of Valka that Eivor said she understood and SHE is the one who said she felt emotionless as she did so many bad things, this was actually her lesson in Asgard when she let Tyr lose his arm in base game!!). She saw how Odin caused Ragnarok and she saw the light she brought down that started the end of the world. Her behavior in The Last Chapter not only was like she never learned her lesson about how Odin’s legacy was actually really poor, she acted in the EXACT WAY she felt so alarmed by in base game’s Asgard arc and in DOR because it was so foreign to her!!!!And Valka acted like she never warned her and also like she didn’t work with her to actually understand her memories already. Did she fully understand? No. But she took lessons from her memories. She already learned. It’s like I never even played Dawn of Ragnarok because it didn’t matter. And like I never played the other arcs in base game that set up DOR. Oh, and it’s like the fireside stories never happened, as she took zero lessons from those, and the monologue at the end where she swore to give her life to protecting her people from the wolves coming for them never happened. It’s legit like the DLC didn’t even exist.
And Forgotten Saga was an even more obvious cautionary tale. Odin was seen as darkness. Verbatim. Something to be left behind to make way for light. Baldur’s own words. So you’re telling me she sought out darkness….?! To learn from DARKNESS?!
The most egregious thing they left out of the two DLCs is she learned she had a son and she didn’t even mention him at all. She was so upset by her son’s death in her past life she said “my son” and she just acted like he didn’t exist in this last chapter. What was the point of introducing him and then he doesn’t even exist as a character in this? Not even a mention?
It’s not just the retcon of it all, it’s the feeling like so much she learned meant absolutely nothing over the last two years of content. Nothing feels as connected anymore as it did prior to the last chapter existing. How could someone have done this. How did someone write this. I am convinced no one cared about her story at all in the end and the story had to be about her and Odin and Basim to set up the next game. I’m just horrified by the feeling that my time was genuinely wasted by Year 2. They should have stopped at year 1 if none of year 2 even mattered.
EDIT: confirmed they excluded this entirely from consideration for the last chapter to not alienate people who didn’t own the content. So unfortunately, yes, everything above was meaningless for me to play.
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jeffreystewart · 1 year
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Norsery Rhymes from A to Z Fenrir, The Wolf of Expectation Fenrir Week - Day 1
Well here we are another Thor’s Day and another 20 min sketch of a Norse (and Germanic) mythological characters.  This week it’s Fenrir / Fenris / / Fenris-Wolf / Fenrisúlfr / Hróðvitnir / Vánagandr / Vanargand, the Giant Wolf. Mentioned on runestones, in the Heimskringla, the Prose Edda, and the Völuspá and Vafþrúðnismál in the Poetic Edda.
His name has been translated “fen dweller” from the Old Norse ‘fenrez’. Meaning "swamp", "marsh-land", or "wetlands dweller". His other names being 'Hróðvitnir' meaning "the famous wolf" and 'Vanargand' and 'Vánagandr' meaning "the monster of the Van river", as he is the source of it. He's also called “the creature”, or “wolf”, “of expectation” because of the prophesy around him ,and how that prophesy directly leads to all the events that happen to him. 
He is the child of Loki and the Jotun / Giant Witch Angrboda / Angrboða. Who along with it's siblings Jörmungandr, who would become the enormous Midgard Serpent, and Hel the eventual ruler of Hel or Niflhel the Lands of the Dead, all grew up in Jötunheimr together.
Given the mischeivious nature of both Loki and Angrboda, Odin was inclined to believe a prophesy that indicated that as the children got older they would cause untold trouble, eventually ending in many deaths including Odins.
So the Aesir went to see the children. Jörmungandr was growing so large that he would eventually take up all the land, so they sent him to the deepest sea that circles the earth. Hel who appeared half dead they gave her the lands of the the dead not claimed by the gods, Niflhel / Hel to see too. And Fenrir who was already large and frightening, they realized was not so terrible once Tyr bravely gave him some food. So they took Fenrir home to live with the Aesir. 
Fenrir lived peacfully there amongst the gods for a time. But eventually his ever growing size and memories of the prohesy that he would injure and kill so many of them led some of the gods to think to fetter him for their protection. 
The gods had three fetters created, each incedibly strong and each twice as strong as the one before it. Fenrir being an intelligent creature had to be tricked into trying them on, by saying they wanted to see how strong they were and he was the only one they could think of to try them, hoping to entice him with the fame of breaking such incredible bindings. The first Leyding, was easily kicked off. The second was Dromi, that he had more difficulty shaking and kicking off. The third was a magically crafted fetter called Gleipnir, made by Svartlheim dwarfs out of the 6 strongest and mythical materials. Smooth and soft as a silk ribbon.
Fenrir was brought down to the Lyngvi Island, on Amsvartnir Lake to see the latest achivement in the gods fetter. But he could see it looked like silk and was either too flimsy and there was no need to test it, or it was magical and he was uneasy in testing it. Fearing that he would be unable to free himself, and was afraid the gods would not free him. He agreed to be tied up if one of the gods would put their hand in it's mouth as insurance that they would free him afterwards.
Only brave Tyr who had shown Fenrir kindness was willing. Odin swore they would free him, and Fenrir agreed. Fenrir was bound and started to kick and pull at the binding, with Tyr's hand in it's mouth. The silken band grew stronger the more he struggled. The gods, all except Tyr, laughed and cheered. When Fenrir realized the bindings would not break, and he was being bound without being freed. Tyr lost his hand. 
The gods ran the cord through a magical stone slab called Gjöll (scream) that was placed deep into the ground. With an large magical stone call Thviti to anchor it down. When Fenrir howled, the gods placed a sword in it's mouth upright with the blade against the top oh his mouth. This caused the giant wolf to salivate so much that it would become the river Van. 
Fenrir will continue to grow with the fetters growing with him. In Ragnarok when all bindings will snap, the stones and slab will tear free of the earth and the bindings fail. Fenrir will be so large that his mouth will touch the ground and sky at the same time. And with Flames from his eyes and nose, he we seek his revenge. Reuniting with his Brother Jörmungandr and other Jotun. Swallowing Odin at least, before Odins son Víðarr, the giant God of Vengeance, armed with a magically strong boot that holds Fenrir in place by his jaw, fells Fenrir.
This one always feels like so many Norse myths, a tragedy, and a self fulfilling prophesy. A betrayal and deaths that likely would not have happened without the prophesy that they would.
I love drawing animals, and I’m off work this week. So I decided to sketch seven quick drawings of Fenrir to end this year with a short daily series. With Fenrir progressing in age as we go.
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katzynia · 1 year
(God of War Ragnarok spoilers)
I was thinking about the (story) function of that scene early on where Atreus goes to see Freya. Because at the first playthrough, I was wondering why the hell was it included, since it seemed to contribute pretty much nothing*. Was it mostly to have an early scene with Atreaus as the playable character so the more imporant parts coming later would be foreshadowed (as well as to have the discussion with Sindri).
But then it hit me: the thing that scene actually established is that Freya is not going to be the/a bad guy in this story. She will not kill Atreus (or even take him as hostage to get Kratos).
All the marketing showed her fighting with Kratos and she did swore horrible vengeage at the end of the last game. It’d make perfect sense to have her as antagonist / secondary antagonist: in these kind of games/stories there’s often time layers and layers of bad guys to take down. She’s powerful, has a legit grievance and adds a good personal conflict to the objective (how long coul Kratos and Atreus keep trying to get to her etc) Besides, killing Atreus would’ve been pretty straightforward revenge scheme: you killed my son, I’ll kill yours.
But no, Freya is (still) one of the good ones and her beef is with Kratos. She will not kill a boy she saved earlier, not even for revenge. Neatly established early on, so her decision in Vanaheim feels earned, not rushed.
* Yeah, I’m aware that the game states that Freya learned then that the realm travel is possible (and Tyr is alive) which led to her figuring out how to get our of Odin’s spell, but that could’ve happend of screen, no meeting needed.
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