alchemania · 7 months
“Don't you hate her?”
Furina turned, eyebrows raised in confusion. “Huh?”
“Your creator. Don't you hate her?”
The girl pondered a moment, looking unsure. “I..don't know.”
“You should,” he asserted. “All this time you had to suffer alone, for what?? People who didn't even care about the real you?? People who were ungrateful and selfish and only cared about themselves, at the end of the day??”
“Not everyone is like that,” Furina protested, shaking her head slowly. “I ..did suffer, but it all worked out in the end. Besides, I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for her-”
“The same could be said for my mother,” Wanderer interrupted, eyes flashing. “I came into being because of her, but that doesn't make her a good person, or a good parent. She hurt me. These two facts can coexist. Focalors created you, yes, but she also subjected you to 500 years of suffering where you couldn't confide in ANYONE or risk losing everything. Wasn't that awful?? Wasn't it a horrible time? You were all alone living on a hope and a prayer, and if it went wrong, it would have been all for nothing. You were a means to an end, and what do you have to show for it? Sure, everybody was saved and all was well, but now you're just - a person, and people hate you for what you did, people hate you for what you DIDN'T do. Was it worth it?? Are you satisfied?”
“I am,” she nodded, after a beat. “Because, this is what I was created to do. And, I'm free now. I don't know what I'm going to do, but at least my life is mine. I can do whatever I want. I can live.” Wanderer's jaw clenched, and Furina frowned, nervously. “..why are you so angry?”
“Because SOMEONE has to be!” he shouted, voice cracking. “I mean- I heard about the trial, they were gonna kill you- they lured you there because you wouldn't talk, right? And then after everything, did anyone apologize to you or- praise you, for all the hell you went through? Anything??”
“.. Neuvillette is taking care of me.”
The pain on Wanderer's face was almost palpable, at that.
“..anything else?”
“.. it's fine," she tried to appease. "It's not like I serve any purpose anymore. Like I said, I did what I was created to, so I'm not of any use and-”
“STOP- talking like that,” Wanderer snapped, eyes suspiciously glossy. She sounded so much like him, who he used to be, and it hurt so badly.
A blank sheet of paper has infinite potential, but it is nothing as long as it is empty, he'd said, a good while ago. He'd been wrong about himself, and Furina was wrong now.
“You're not just - what you were made for. You don't - what happened to you is wrong. You're not DISPOSABLE now that everything is over.”
“It- it was for everyone's sake, compared to my suffering, it's obvious what's more important! I had to save them! It’s what I was born for! It doesn't matter -”
“It DOES,” he yelled, eyes glowing an almost neon icy blue, and she startled. “Stop acting like your suffering was something that was necessary. Stop acting like it was just for the greater good. That doesn't matter! The fact of the matter is that you suffered, and you were hurt, and you're STILL hurting! And- barely anybody is there for you..your creator, she should have been there for you, she should have protected you, but she didn't. She didn't. And you - you have every right to be angry with her, for not being there for you. For you being unable to live, until now. It was wrong, even if it was, as she claimed, for the greater good. Don't defend her.”
"She loved me-"
"And she left you, so not enough."
Just like my mother ..
“...Wanderer,” Furina ventured, worry all over her face.
“You're crying…”
..oh. He hadn't even noticed, but his cheeks WERE wet, and he put a hand to one with a start, quickly scrubbing at his face. “Ah-” and he pulled his hat over his face, to hide it.
“..it was a lot. I often wondered when everything would end. I wanted, to tell someone so badly what was going on,” Furina admitted, and Wanderer looked up, eyes red from weeping. “There were a lot of times I didn't think I was going to make it, but. But I did, and, and everything was okay.”
“But are you?”
There was a long pause, and the two of them stared at each other until Furina slowly shook her head no, hot tears streaming down her cheeks.
“See? You're - we're both so messed up, from everything, and no one was there,” Wanderer almost whispered, looking out the window. "No one was there to help. ..You're strong as hell, I'll give you that. If I was in your shoes, I don't know if I would have made it. It seems people are stronger than I've given them credit for..”
It was something that surprised him, again and again.
“I just don't understand why you care..”
“.. I don't know why I do,” he shrugged. “Maybe because you remind me of myself, and. It hurts, looking at you and feeling like I'm looking in the mirror. But someone has to be in your corner and -”
“And you want to do that?”
A pause.
“..Well, if you don't stand up for you, no telling who will.”
“You don't have to cry over me. I'm -”
“If you say you're not worth it, I am going to bodyslam you,” Wanderer growled, eyes flashing, and Furina put up her hands.
“I wasn't going to! I was going to say that I will be okay. Not now, but. Eventually. I'm healing. I promise. There's people who care, like you.”
Wanderer fell silent then, looking away, and she reached out and squeezed his hand. “Thank you. I'm still wrestling with - with what I want to do and where I'll go but. It's nice to know that I'm valued just for existing.”
“That's all you need to be valued,” he muttered, looking to the floor. “You don't have to prove the worth of your existence. It's fine to just be.”
“..are you talking to yourself, or me?”
He looked to her then, expression unreadable, and she smiled sadly, in understanding. “Both is good. It's okay to just be. We're here, and we'll be okay.”
“Yeah,” Wanderer whispered, giving a shaky breath. “..we will."
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boxofoxberry · 2 months
the only reason im on anon is because im Scared (just a bit)
i love ur art its very Shapes to me and i think it would taste like cotton candy flavored rock candy that you’d find in a cute little tourist shop in the mountains somewhere/pos
ur very cool and i think ur neat (i’ll probably get recognized by my signoff by One Person in Particular but idgaf)
SOBS???? AUAUAG HHD THAT MEANS A LOT THANK YOU SO MUCH??!,!:) such a tasty comparison oosugggf i'm glad my art tastes like that UUEUU UEG CRIES AT YOU? /POS
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pepart · 2 years
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I listened to "Das Erbe des Meisterdiebs" again, I got inspired and wanted to try out my new tablet
... l also cried
Reblogs > Likes
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yuppiedevil · 1 year
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"Benjamin Startersword Yuppiedevil?"
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ephixltes · 1 year
( not to post about how much i love niijima makoto on main but i really... really love niijima makoto. on main. like i never forget it but sometimes it just particularly hits me with the force of an entire train )
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icharchivist · 1 year
I was basically constantly crying throughout the And You event
Sure, I was a bit suspicious of Orologia at first, but then they're so genuine and they really just want what's best for us and to minimize suffering and there went the waterworks and then throughout all the different timelines, because I felt so, so bad for them
And oh god, when they were dying
I was physically sobbing when we fought them, in genuine despair and when the Singularity changed the option I had to pause because I was weeping because I was so happy and relieved
I don't usually cry at Gbf events but this one just really destroyed me, it's so good
It's been a long while since i have been ACTUALLY DEVASTATED by a granblue event. I was in SHAMBLE for the whole duration of the event and weeping all my way through it. What a feat.
I remember when we first started to hear about Orologia in like, their journal appearance and then mentions here and there and it was just... what is up with them? and then we got the trailer for the anni and somehow they looked soooo sus in it.
We went in thinking "Logia is def going to be sus" and then before the Prologue is even over you have Logia talk about how they'd do anything to protect you and then have their voice break as they're holding you as a child in their arms because you're so warm and tiny and it's like. oh. oh they love this child. Like, they decided to parent this child. Forever. and from this point forward this was the waterworks, and it got worse at every step.
Having to watch Logia trying so hard to be a good parent to MC. Also seeing how they manipulated fate because they didn't want us to be lonely by having Seox join us early. And then. And then having to watch them constantly locked in a loop in which no matter what, MC dies, and Logia is devastated. And Logia isn't devastated because "without the Singularity the world could turn bad" but because "tHIS IS MY BABY STOP HURTING MY BABY" and i'm just weeping all the tears from my body.
And the fact that they noticed eventually that everything they did to make MC's life easier was the reason MC kept dying... and that they still stubborningly kept trying because they didn't want to sacrifice MC's happiness. That they wanted SO HARD to find another way. One way to keep MC happy AND be by their side AND have them survive. and they couldn't have all three. and they still tried. over and over and over again.
by the end of the first part i was a total mess and i knew for a fact i'd die for Logia, and the set up that Logia was likely to die by the end of the event was the most terrifying thing of all time. I still can't recover from the rollercoaster of emotion.
And then... the final fight. How everything was set up for us to kill them. and the visual representation of fate forcing itself on us by giving us a single choice: killing them. And us proving that we can challenge fate. That we can change what's written. That we can save them.
I JUSTTTT AM NEVER RECOVERING. The event managed to make us love Logia so easily and then threatened to take them away and it was the most emotionally tortured i've been by granblue.
I feel that like, esp with how much emphasis there was on "MC's father has abandoned us and MC is suffering from that and desperately wants to find their father again" just sets up so well, imo, this desire for MC to have a family. Like. Personally i know i get choked up everytime they mention MC is missing their father or wondering why they've been abandonned. So to see someone... So. SO dedicated in being a parent to MC. SO unwilling to abandon MC. is just breaking me. i'm in shamble.
Orologia best character ever i would do anything for them. Glad to see they had their effect on everyone bc man. MAN!
Anyway always bringing it back bc it's killing me but did you see the extra Logia art they shared during one of the recent festival
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im never recovering. ever. god "and you" was such a fantastic event man.
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eggs-can-draw · 1 year
Imagine little Shuichi being baby sick (you know when their just kinda coughy even if their not sick) and Byakuya is just crying with him on their chest coughing.
AAAAGH he gets emotional when Shuichi is sick but he has to be careful cause he doesn’t wanna make Shuichi cry too yknow
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meistoshi · 1 year
from an answered headcanon meme.
no matter how far satoshi goes, masara town will always be his home & he will always return to it eventually.     it’s where he grew up, it’s where his mama is.     even with a second home in alola, it will never replace masara in his heart.     ( there’s a reason why, if he ever takes on enishida’s offer of being a frontier brain, he sets up his facility only a little ways off from masara. )     he’s also incredibly proud to be from the kanto region, always a little honored to rep his home region in international events & foreign leagues.
the people of masara are likewise proud of “their satoshi”, the town small enough to know everyone & the akiyoshi family’s restaurant the only restaurant in town leading to everyone being on very good terms with hanako, thus feeling secondhand pride for each of satoshi’s achievements.     they always ask how he’s been when they can get a hold of him for long enough when he visits, & in turn satoshi always catches up with the seniors of the town to learn what he’s missed, as he learned very young that their gossip is the best source of local news.     he is very much considered a hometown hero on the same level as red, if not higher by some people, especially due to his recent involvement in the pwc.
from another answered meme.
he’d been trying to get out of town since he was five, always running off into the forest near masara town, wandering to the river, hiking up the hills to the bounds of town.     he waited for the april after his tenth birthday more eagerly than he’d waited for anything, & when he got handed pikachu, it didn’t matter how unwieldy it was or how embarrassingly satoshi arrived to the professor’s doorstep, he couldn’t get out of town fast enough.     he was excited.     a chance to prove himself as more than what the other kids of masara thought of him, a chance to show what he’s got.     & then that same day the onisuzume incident happened, & he felt both terrified & brave, & he couldn’t call home soon enough.
as the years have gone, the stretches between not being able to leave soon enough & not being able to go home soon enough have become longer & longer, until eventually he rarely thinks about going home anymore.     he loves masara town, it’ll always be his home, that’s where his mama is & he loves her like few other things.     but his journey has become him, it’s part of him now, he can’t stay home for weeks like he used to.     he has to train, he has to move, he has to see the world.     satoshi does feel a certain amount of guilt at all times for how long it’s been since he’s been home, since he’s spoken to his mama, since he’s so much as called her, since he’s so much as thought about home.     but he keeps busy.     the world is his home as much as masara town, & he tries to convince himself that’s a good enough excuse for being gone from home so long that coming home has become visiting his hometown.
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liketheinferno2 · 2 years
Me and Mags sitting on the couch playing Abyssos pausing every 5 seconds to miserably sigh and fake sob a little bit
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zombozled · 2 months
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THE MAIN SIX WOOO!!!!! they are so cutie oh ya oh ya
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azertyrobaz · 6 months
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風の谷のナウシカ (Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind), 1984
天空の城ラピュタ (Castle in the Sky), 1986
となりのトトロ (My Neighbor Totoro), 1988
千と千尋の神隠し (Spirited Away), 2001
ハウルの動く城 (Howl's Moving Castle), 2004
崖の上のポニョ (Ponyo), 2008
風立ちぬ (The Wind Rises), 2013
君たちはどう生きるか (The Boy and the Heron), 2023
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ghoulalagoon · 3 months
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Bring Back The Devonian Period
410, 757, 864, 530 DEAD WIZARDS
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saewokhrisz · 3 months
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eiichiro · 1 month
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PONYO 「崖の上のポニョ」 created by hayao miyazaki
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icharchivist · 2 years
Real talk does Wataru Hatano knows he did irreparable damage to my psyche with the song SEEDS for a3
Please it came on random while i was walking in town and now im crying
Let's fool the whole world together.....
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callmevenus · 1 month
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·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙✩*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ 崖の上のポニョ 2008·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙✩*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙
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