shouchiku · 1 year
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LIKE ..... HUH???? absolutely fucking decadent treat for me. it makes me sooo sad that whatever concept this was tied to didn't make it into the game, although i'm sure this was very very early into development and whatever it was was deemed too 'adult' and scrapped.
april is sooo one of those characters where you aren't given a lot to work with from the actual game, they were too conservative about sharing info about her as an individual, but like if you really think about it, there is SO much interesting about her. the fact that redd white 100% chose her as his accomplice BECAUSE she's an attractive woman to use as a diversion... she probably faces so much objectification and sexual harassment in the workplace that she's just used to being a useful object to other people. she really just comes off as a woman trying to fucking survive under terrible circumstances, the way she gets sooo scared when she opens up about bluecorp? UGH!!!!
obviously idk the context for this sketch, perhaps there's something in the notes explaining it (i'm much too tired to track down the more complicated kanji atm,) but it looks clearly like she's using it as a threat. and i have to wonder why the fuck this is even something she's prepared to do? is this bluecorp's version of a cyanide capsule, was she instructed to kill herself? or is she seriously so terrified of certain potential consequences that she would be more content killing herself than dealing with them? is she WILLINGLY using her life as a bargaining chip, does she value herself that little? so many fascinating questions!! she's got so much potential for depth and i just adore her. i really, really wish there was more of her out there </3 </3 i want to be her purse dog
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aaronymous999 · 1 year
Deadpool just transcends the multiverse he’s like the same guy in everything and has memories of everything ( at least in my own headcanon )
So one day he just appears in Aaron Allan’s universe and ( this part of Deadpool is kinda underrated and not talked about enough ) just kind of parents the Spider Children. Aaron thinks he’s kinda funny but as a romance and sex repulsed aroace, Aaron does not like how much he flirts with the villains. Also he kills people normally but since he came on a mission from Peter he’s not. Cindy hates his guts and thinks he’s SO UNFUNNY. She wants to rip him to pieces. And lastly Miles is so weirded out and also makes fun of SMAA!Peter for his variant liking this dude.
Deadpool also finds it wild that SMAA!Daredevil is beefing with Aaron Allan Spider-Man and thinks it’s so funny so he alters his costume to match the two of them and they begrudgingly team up.
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simpcityy · 1 year
Location Status: In My Arms (Miguel O'Hara x Spider-Person!Reader) *Platonic*
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Summary: Father figure Miguel is on a timer to find you before it's too late, he just can't lose another kid.
Disclaimer: I do not own Marvel or any of its characters. This is the final part for Location Status: Unknown (Link Below Warnings)
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: Use of (Y/N), Father Figure Miguel, father and daughter fluff? Miguel cursing in Spanish, Angst, blood. violence, comic villain reference, meltdown...ughhh I think that is all.
Pt.1 Pt.2 Pt.3
A hard punch gets thrown at you, making you slam out through the wall to the outside of the warehouse. “I’m getting tired of using you as my punching bag little spider” Verna walks out of the hole made in the wall smirking seeing your state. You cough up blood and slowly stand up, wiping your mouth with your sleeve. “Well, I’m not done with you yet.” You frowned looking at Verna before an idea pop into you. “Since you’re getting tired of me being your punching bag, how about a game of cat and mouse.” You fling your web into a box and throw it at her. Verna frowns shielding herself from the box letting it break from the contact of her hands before looking over. She growled seeing you were gone and saw you in the distance swinging away. “Alright, I’ll play that little game of yours” She chases after you, ready to end you once and for all. 
“Lyla! How much further to the warehouse!” Miguel quickly swings from roof to roof, following the coordinates she sent him. “Almost there Miguel.” She says before seeing the warehouse in the distance. “There!” Miguel looks over and jumps down looking around, “(Y/N)!” He yells running inside the warehouse seeing many boxes broken but what made his heart stop was puddles of blood around the place. “Por favor Lyla, dime que no es …” Lyla appears in front of him, “I’m sorry Miguel, scans show it is.” She watches as Miguel follows the trail of blood to the giant hole on the wall. He looks up, “Must have run to safety?” Lyla scans the other puddles of blood. “ Eso espero*” He quickly swings, following your trail of blood. 
“I’m getting tired of this game my little spider” Verna frowns as you guide her into an empty tall grass field with a cliff at the left side. “Well, that makes the two of us'' Your voice echoes around the field hiding within the tall fields of grass. Verna carefully looks around the field trying to locate you. “Just admit it, you’re going to lose anyways with those injuries. My guess is from blood loss” She hums walking around the tall grass, pushing the grass to the side trying to find you. You let your spider senses guide you away from her, getting closer to the left side of the field. “As if, I’m tougher than you think” You taunted before looking over your shoulder once your spider senses kicked in again. Verna lunged forward pinning you. “I had enough! I’ll have your head now!” She yelled having enough. Crying out in pain, you sucked in a breath before placing your feet on her hips and pushed your feet upwards, pushing her over you making her fall over the cliff. “I’m Immortal you fool!” She smirks. You get up quickly watching her fall. “But are you immortal to Radioactive waste?” You gave her a smug smile once her smirk twisted into fear. “No!” She tries to grab on to the hanging roots but snapped, making her fall in the pool of waste. “I need to let the mayor know about this hazard” You mutter before your vision slowly starts getting blurry. You tried to walk back to a safe distance but fainted over the cliff. As you get closer and closer to the radioactive waste pool. You landed in the arms of someone. 
Miguel was getting closer to the field before seeing you fainting over the cliff. “(Y/N)!” He yells, ignoring the fire on his arm and shoulder from swinging so aggressively to find you faster. He dives down catching you before shooting a web to a tree and pulling himself up with you in his other arm. Your feet were slightly close to the pool of waste. Miguel was there for you just in time. “Lyla, scan now.” He yells landing on the ground checking you over for any wounds that are visible to the eye. Lyla quickly scanned you, “Internal wounds are major, bleeding to death.” She then scans the area for the anomaly. “Anomaly seems to be taken care of.” She reports before detecting Miguel's vials. “Miguel, your heart rate is beating abnormally.” She turns to him, seeing him breathing heavily. “Miguel?” She appears in front of him. “  Esto es mi culpa….Lo siento*” He repeats over and over. He takes your mask off, seeing how pale and bruised you were made him feel worse. He was reminded of Gabriella. He feels his chest being constricted. “Miguel! Take deep breaths!” Lyla tries to bring him back. Everything around him was muffled, he shakes his head holding you close “No, por favor! No me hagas esto” he yells out to no one. He holds your head close to his chest shaking, repeating no multiple times. He snaps out of it, finally hearing Lyla calling out to him, he felt a cold hand on his cheek. “Deep breathes” You whisper out, waking up from the sound of his loud and quick heartbeat. “Now, please take me to the medical room…it hurts” You tried to bring the mood up but only groaned out in pain. Miguel nods, finally coming back to earth. “Yes…Si!” He shakes his head finally understanding what needs to be done right away. He opens the portal to HQ and walks through it. He was met with Peter all panicked. “Here, the doctor is ready, come on let's go” He hands him a watch to prevent you from glitching. Miguel only takes it and puts it on you before running down the hall with Peter behind him. Jess quickly helps the doctor push the bed closer to the entrance, laying you down, you were wheeled into the room. Miguel only stands there, feeling lost. “What the heck happened out there?” Peter looks at Miguel once you were behind closed doors. Miguel only shakes his head “I…I don’t know…” He whispers. Jess walks over with a worried look. “Miguel…you should clean up” She whispers. Miguel looks down at his holographic suit seeing your blood. “I…No I have to wait” He looks at the doors before seeing Peter pat his shoulder “Hey Man…we’ll stay here till you’re clean and take the time to understand this…you look so confused dude.” For once Miguel listened, “Lyla.” He calls out. “I know, I’ll let you know any updates.” She assures him watching him leave. 
After a clean shower, Miguel only sat in the waiting area of the medical bay, waiting for you to get out of surgery. It’s been over 4 hours and Miguel sat there, his leg bouncing up and down. He looks over seeing the entrance open, Miles walks in with a box. “I heard from Peter what happened…I…brought you food…requested by Peter.” He slowly places the box on the coffee table. He gets ready to be lashed out but is met with a soft response by Miguel, “Gracias.” He whispers, taking the box and eats it right away as his stomach was calling out for food not long ago. “You alive mate?” Hobie and Pav peek over watching Miles stand there in shock. Miles only glances at his friends before back to Miguel, “On the time I’ve been on this team…I’ve seen how strong …they really are...they’ll pull through” he tells Miguel before walking out leaving him alone, pushing Hobie and Pav away from the medical bay before they say anything to Miguel, especially Hobie. 
It’s been 6 hours now and he finally sees the doors open. Miguel stands up quickly “What’s their status?” He asked, towering over the doctor waiting. “All internal wounds have been sealed and we’ve been able to find someone of their blood type, they lost a lot of blood…so much that even some of the janitors had to wipe up the floors while I worked on them. Miguel looks away remembering how he was stained, and the hallways had drops as well. “Right now, they are resting but I can’t assure you when they’ll wake up, their body took a lot of hits and stabs, especially the stomach area. It was a big wound.” The doctor explains before stepping aside. “You can see them” Miguel quickly walked in the room, wasting no time. He took the chair and sat near you checking your bandages over seeing how many you had wrapped throughout your body. He took your hand and held it close to him. He whispers over and over how he should’ve been there for you. He quickly wipes his eyes hearing footsteps. “I heard the surgery went well…” Jess walked over sitting on the other chair. “All we have to do is wait. '' Migel looks at her, letting go of your hand. “I hope you didn’t mind…but I asked Lyla if there was any footage of what happened…there was one camera in the warehouse that captured it and apparently one in the field.” She looks at him. Miguel quickly looks at his watch pulling the file. 
After watching it, Miguel’s leg bounced more seeing the hits and jabs you took from Verna. “Verna is dead…” Jess confessed. Hearing this, Miguel frowns. “Please tell me you’re joking…” he lets out a frustrated sigh, “her siblings are going to go after her once they find out…” He whispers looking at you carefully. Jess looks at the time, “I’ll let you be, I know you’re going to stay the night here” She walks over to the door, “You take the day, I’ll be in charge tomorrow.” She walks away. Miguel nods, thankful of Jess. He lays his head on the bed holding your wrist able to feel your pulse, making sure nothing will happen to you while he sleeps. 
It’s been a week and Miguel looks at you sleeping peacefully through the monitors. Lyla appears and watches with him, “I hook their vitals to your watch so you can be aware if anything happens.” She looks at him as Miguel keeps working, “Thank you Lyla.” He looks at the new future on the watch seeing your vitals stable before rolling his eyes hearing Peter walking in. “What is it now?” He turns around, “I’m busy” He glares at him. Peter laughs nervously, “I know you said no to Miles being able to come to my dimension but it’s an emergency!” He begs. “Him being your babysitter so you can have a date with your wife is not an emergency.” Miguel turns around going back to work trying to ignore him. He frowns even more hearing the pings, “Shut your watch up!” He roars at Peter. The man puts his hands up, “it’s not mine.” he says confused. Miguel looks at him before quickly looking at his watch. ‘They woke up…They woke up!’ He thinks before going down his platform leaving Peter alone. “So is that a yes?” Peter calls out before the door closes.
You slowly open your eyes before covering your eyes from the bright lights. “Woah…where am I? Wait…am I not supposed to be dead?” You mutter remembering your fight with Verna. Slowly sitting up, you looked around your surroundings. You saw many get-well cards on your table, the machines all hooked up to you, and looking at your body seeing the bandages. Once you did, you finally felt the pain. “Ow…fuck” You whisper now feeling like a train fell on you. You tried to look for the call button for nurses and doctors before looking over to see the doors slam open. “Miguel?” You whisper seeing how much of a mess he was. Suddenly, you were feeling guilty, it was because of you. "Miguel…I’m Sorry” You began to say before feeling him hug you. You ignored the pain from your body and hugged him back. “No te disculpes…Es culpa mía*” He whispers his hand carefully on your head, holding you close. You felt the drops of tears fall on you. You only stood silent and held him close. “I’m okay” You whisper finally. Miguel didn’t say anything, he just kept you close in his arms. That’s all he needs, is you in his arms to feel as a whole once again. Gabriella slipped from his arms on that day, he never wants to go through that again, so he intends to keep you in his arms.
Authors Note: Finally done with this, so I can focus on requests and other on hold series I have on this blog. Thank you so much for the support. Please like and reblog so others can be aware of my works. As always sorry for any grammar errors. Remember to stay hydrated and to keep on simping! (Simp City Population: 139💕 *Wow! THANK YOU*)
Spanish Translation: 1. Por favor Lyla, dime que no es: Please Lyla, tell me it's not 2.  Eso espero: I hope so 3. Esto es mi culpa….Lo siento: This is my fault...I'm sorry 4. No, por favor! No me hagas esto: No! Please! Don't do this to me 5. Si: Yes 6. Gracias: Thank you 7. No te disculpes…Es culpa mía: Don't apologize, it's my fault
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sweetnsour1 · 2 years
Fluff, Bakugou x female reader, 3/4
Truth or Dare with aged up Class A
Go read part 1 and part 2
Part of the Cute as hell Collection
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"Okay okay, truth or dare! BUT if they give an answer to “truth” that would match your answer you get to drink!"
"Okay so like never have I ever? but not?" Hagakure's hoodie nodded back at Shoji.
"Ughhh, sounds confusing."
"Only if you're dumb." Kaminari pouted as Jirou hid her laugh behind her hand.
"Does everyone already have a beverage? Should I get more? Let me grab more bottles. Are we good on snacks?"
You smiled at the way they all seemed to have reverted back to their high school selves. Then again, maybe none of you had really changed that much. Maybe if you removed all the responsibilities and duty, this was who everyone still was. You had all crowded into the larger of the three living rooms, pulling chairs from various spots nearby. You frowned as you scanned the room.
"Lookin' for someone?"
You hummed and leaned back on the sofa, reclining enough to look up into his face. He still looked tense around his neck and shoulders, but the tension around his red eyes had relaxed. He leaned toward you and...you watched as a pillow nailed him in the face. Yea, all the tension was back, and he wasted no time flinging the pillow back at Sero, knocking him from his chair across the room...or maybe his laughter was already the reason for that.
Warm palms pressed against your ears. You tilted your head back again to see that he was shouting something creative, but his hands prevented you from catching much of anything. You ran your fingers across his wrist and he removed his hands, basically growling as he settled into the barstool he had dragged behind your spot on the couch. You passed him a bottle and he took a long sip before letting his arm fall around your shoulder.
"Everyone stop being annoying and listen to me instead. Sero! Truth or dare?" Mina tilted her head, while she waited for his answer.
"I dare you to wrap up Mineta, so he can't play."
You watched the quick struggle play out with Tsu's assistance. The maneuvering looked so planned that it was kind of hard to not feel bad for the very angry mummy hanging from the ceiling. However, the girls all looked relieved so the creep must've deserved losing his game privilege.
"Okay, good job! Now it's your turn."
"Bakugou...truth or dare?"
"Dare, idiot."
"Okay, I dare you to whisper somethin' dirty to the person on your right."
The room burst into laughter around you. You turned your head to see the green haired number one hero looking more scared than he ever had as Bakugou moved toward him...looking more predatory than playful. He lingered by his ear for a moment. Deku looked confused as Bakugou pulled away.
"Well?? Was it dirty?"
"Um...yea? Ancient Egyptians used dried crocodile dung as a contraceptive for spermicidal properties."
"That's gross!"
"God dammit, you know what I meant."
"You said dirty." He shrugged and glanced around the room. "Hey, icy hot! Truth or dare!"
"Who'd you have a crush on second semester of our third year?"
"I fucking knew-" His mouth fell open as several others took a drink. "The fuck?"
"Dude, it was hard not to have a crush on her with you two making out all over the place."
"Fuckin' creeps." He took the longest drink of them all like it was another contest, sliding his arms around you afterwards. Your hand was covering your very hot face as you tried to decide whether to die or laugh. You felt him kiss the back of your head, mumbling something about you being his.
"My turn then? Bakugou..."
"The fuck? I just went."
"Is that against the rules?"
"I'll allow it!" Mina slammed her hand on the coffee table like a gavel.
"Fine, dare then."
"Read out the last sext you received and your reply." The room went wild. You groaned into the pillow you had grabbed to cover your face with.
"Todoroki, you've gotten so much better at this!"
"Yea, you totally sucked last time."
"I researched popular questions and saved them in case we played again." He raised his phone screen, showing an article. Bakugou huffed, but was scrolling through his own phone. You tried to remember what the last thing you sent him was...had you sent him something before his assignment? Please let it not have been a longer one.
"She sent, 'The marks faded. Get your ass home, so you can give me some new ones.' and I sent back, 'Yes ma'am.'" Your shoulders relaxed. You hoped no one would ask to see the screen because he had definitely scrolled higher up than the last sext. You hid in the pillow, remembering the text he would've read if he hadn't cheated.
"That's kinda' boring."
"Yea, nice try though Todoroki. It was still a good question."
"Shitty hair, truth or dare!"
"Finish off that bottle."
"No problem!" Kirishima downed it all quickly and then took a sip from a new one.
"Boooo!" "That was way too easy!"
"Then stop makin' me play, idiots."
"Y/n...truth or dare, princess." You laughed. Kiri was definitely drunk.
"When's the last time you had sex where someone nearly caught you...but didn't?" You glared at him over the pillow you still held tightly. Had he heard you two?
"Ummm...two weeks ago? Maybe?" He jumped up from his chair, knocking it over. He pointed at Bakugou.
"Man, I fucking knew your camera wasn't broken! And you were in wayyyy too good of a mood for a conference call!" Bakugou shrugged, but took a drink.
"You two did it during that zoom meeting??!!!!"
"The one on the 13th?"
The screams got louder as Ochako and Midoriya drank as well.
"Oh my...you guys too? What kind of call was this?"
"Was I the only one not getting some? So not cool." You rolled your eyes at Kaminari, turning your gaze to the one on the floor in front of him. You raised your voice to cut through the noise.
"Jirou! Truth or dare?"
"Which woman here would you pick to date?"
"Momo." She didn't hesitate and every girl in the room drank as well, including you.
"Aww, you guys. That's so sweet." Momo wiped away a tear from her eye as she grabbed the empty bottles and took them to the kitchen. Jirou winked at you as she turned to Kaminari.
"Truth or dare?"
"Ugh, you sound so scary...truth."
"Which man here would you pick to date?"
"Shinso's not here...so...Sero I guess."
"You dick. Why am I your second choice?"
"Because I actually had a crush on Shinso when we were at school."
"He's not even here."
"Wish he was."
"You...are such a bitch when you drink."
You looked up at Bakugou's face. He was watching your friends act like dumb idiots for the first time in a long time. He looked annoyed, but the corner of his mouth was raised just enough for you to be satisfied. He couldn't completely hide the affection he had for them. You hummed and nuzzled against his arm, feeling so glad you had dragged his grumpy ass here.
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Go read through Cute as hell
Go read Part 4
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xluvablz · 12 days
first and foremost, I love you and your theme is so cute (your welcome)
second, I have a request, my angel.
you work at scoops ahoy with robin and you guys have an ice cream fight
...end in you both getting fired but it was worth it
thank you for my first offical request my love, this is a super cute idea, I hope you enjoy! love you more!! <333
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❀: "sticky situatons"
pairing: robin buckley x f!reader.
summary: robin shows up late to work, only to intrude on some boring cleaning. you decide to spice things up, but get into trouble from your boss.
word count: 1.2k
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Robin rushes through the door of Scoops Ahoy, late for her shift “Hi!! I’m so so sorry I’m late” she starts rambling
"Hey, about time! Where were you?"
She looks sheepish. “I sort of umm….accidentally overslept?”
"Robin! We've talked about this..." you reply cheekily.
She timidly grins at you while tying her Scoops Ahoy hat on. “I know, I know…but in my defence…my bed is very comfy!”
"You have no defence, now come help me mop." You remark, tossing her a spare mop. You dip the head back into the bucket, skilfully twisting and draining the excess water. "It's a long list of chores today Robi"
She dramatically groans and pouts at your request. “Ughhh I hate chores…” She picks up the mop with far less skill, and begins mopping the floor at a much slower pace. 
“Pick up the pace, Grandma” You mock, drawing out the ‘ah’ sound. Her mouth falls open and looks up at you in fake annoyance.
“EXCUSE me!” she moves the mop a little faster, yet still nowhere near your speed.
You giggle mischievously, "You heard me!"
She sticks her tongue out at you as she continues her task. “You’re so mean to me!”
"You haven't seen the best of me yet, Buckley!"
She continues.
“You’re evil, y’know that?” she pouts.
Your lips curl into a playful grin, as an idea sparks your interest. "Wanna do something fun Robi?"
She looks up curiously and raises an eyebrow at you “It depends…”
“It depends..?”
“Yes, it depends…”
Her hands rest on the mop handle, as her eyes narrow slightly in suspicion. Your eyes glaze over impishly, and you flash her a toothy grin. Captivated by the innocence behind your appearance, Robin barely comprehends your swift movements. Your hands pick up a scoop of rum raisin, and aim for her face. The sweet treat covers her cheek in a layer of creamy goodness, and her eyes widen in shock.
“Hey!!” She gasps in disbelief, a look of mock offence on her face.
You heartily laugh in return, pride evident on your face from the chaos you have caused.
Robin, not even missing a beat, uses her finger to wipe the ice cream off her face, placing it into her mouth and licking it. A smirk flashes over her face before she scoops the ice cream from the counter and flings it straight back in your face. Your laughter is gagged by a mouthful of ice cream. Shocked, your eyes widen in surprise.
She tries to conceal a loud giggle as she watches your shock slowly turn into faux anger. She slowly takes a step back, preparing herself to make a run for it. Both fists full of half-melted chocolate fudge sundaes, you take off after her, chuckling a few paces behind.
Your heavy footsteps gain distance on her, and a look of panic washes over her face as
she frantically glances back and forth, looking for a place to hide, before she darts behind the counter.
"You can run but you can't hide" you joke, prepared with a vengeance for a back and forth game.
“Hey! You’re not supposed to know where I am!!” She calls out, as she ducks under the counter and scoots herself far underneath it, where you hopefully can’t find her.
Obvious to her poor hiding, you round the counter and smush the remaining stickiness from your hands into her face with a shriek. She squeals, the ice cream smearing across her skin and into her hair
“Heyheyhey! You’re getting ice cream everywhere!!” She attempts to wipe the ice cream off her face.
You drop to the tiled floor beside her, choking on your happiness. Robin’s lips curl into a frown as she watches you trying not to laugh, the ice cream coating her upper half.
“This isn’t funny!” But she can’t help giggling, despite herself.
Your eyes interlock, endearment accentuating the pearlescent blue of her irises. She gazes back into your eyes as she sits beside you, the sweetness of the ice cream surrounding her like a halo, her hair completely drenched in the melting mess, and she smiles slightly. In the midst of your foolishness, you had completely blanked on where you were; at work, your job, the place that earned you money. Slowly, the realisation starts to sink in, and her smile falters slightly.
“We- we should get back to cleaning..”
She looks around at the mess of ice cream on the floor and the counter, and groans. Your smile too drops as you look around, but furthermore as a distant voice calls "Girls! Oh my goodness- what the hell happened here?'
Both your faces go pale, the manager’s voice cutting through the air.
“Crap, um… how do we explain this?” She whispers to you, as footsteps approach.
“I don’t know, I think we’re screwed” You reply.
She looks down at the melted ice cream smeared across her skin in a moment of defeat. Suddenly, the manager rounds the corner, staring at you both in shock and horror at the scene before her.
"What is the meaning of this mess! Have you both lost your minds?"
Robin looks up with a faltering grin, trying to come up with a cover-up lie.
“We, uh…” Her voice trails off, as she struggles to produce an excuse.
"Save the excuses for your pity party, both of you clean this up and get out. You're fired."
“Wait, what? Fired??”
Worry spreads across her face like wildfire, the reality of the situation dawning upon her, and she looks at you, the fear in her eyes clear. As her eyes meet your alarming calm stare, she breathes out, the fear slightly dissipating. She tries desperately to keep her breathing calm, to stay as composed as you in the face of this unexpected situation the manager looks at the both of you, clearly not in the mood. 
“Did you both not hear me? Clean up this mess, and then get out. Your jobs are done here, understood?”
You both hurriedly disperse to clean your messes before collecting your things to walk away in shame. With your bag slung over your shoulder, and cardigan in your arms, you peer back at your now ex-manager with a look of sympathy. She shows no remorse, and you can't help but giggle. As you start to walk away, Robin notices the amused look that crosses your face, and can’t help but smile a little, even if it seems a tiny bit bitter-sweet.
“Why are you smiling?”
"Because it's silly; and god, so worth it."
Her salty smile turns into a genuine one, as she remembers the fun of the moment, before her words get interrupted by a sigh and she shakes her head a little.
“But we were fired… what are we going to do now?”
"I'm not sure.. but we'll work something out." You reassure her. Smirking, your thumb gently wipes a spot of cream from her cheek, lingering for longer than two ‘just co-workers’.
Despite the situation, she can’t help but find solace in your touch and the reassuring word sends a shiver of pleasure through her. Her cheeks turn a light shade of pink, contrasting the mess covering her face as she feels your thumb brush her skin, and she unconsciously leans into your touch.
“You’re right, we’ll figure it out.”
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credits to @cafekitsune for boarders
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wrongcaitlyn · 1 month
I usually keep my asks to a minimum but holy crap the way I had to do a double take and do the eye rubbing squinty thing when I saw "Hazel".
I was already bouncing off the walls when I saw Sadie you will not belive the state of utter disrepair they are in now.
I rarely have moments where I go "Man I wish I would've thought of that." But with the MtF Darren and T4T Frazel I am crying it's literally insane. You are insane for this actually the fic is probably one of my favorites out there <3
SORRY FOR RESPONDING TO THIS SO LATE BUT AHHDF YES u have no idea how excited i was to FINALLY write her pov!!! i get the jitters every time i get to introduce a new character, i just love expanding the universejdfj
i think u meant ftm darrenSJDF but TO BE FAIR. that was just me trying to make this work in a modern au (i do believe that apollo was pregnant with kayla for like a day in the actual riordanverse) and bc i felt like they wouldn't adopt a kid for what was essentially a fwb summer fling sorta?? except they lowkey got serious. but also they wouldn't adopt a childDJF apollo was nowhere near mature enough for that
and as for t4t frazel i read a wonderful fic (you and i were (fireworks) by demigodbeautiies) that had background t4t frazel and i just could NOT get it out of my head!!!! i kept starting to write hazel's pov and thinking like ughghasdhfjhdsf do i add it?? do i??? and then one night at like 2 am, i wrote down frazel's first meeting with the trans bracelet in my notes app and then i was like. well. that's canon now i can't let go of that can i??? so yes i absolutely love the hc now i'm so glad you do too!! <3
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bardicindignation · 1 year
So ive been thinking about Fearne, and how much shes not okay, and how much she, out of all of this group, has been the most grounded.
I think that that conversation that she had with Orym about Imogen really shook her up, and even before that I think she's been struggling with, like, sure doing whatever she wants is fun and all, but is it always good? And esp with Bells Hells realizing how much she (and the rest of them) rely on having that anchor, that groundedness to not just fling themselves into the sun, metaphorically.
And so they're in Uthadurn, and Orym's gone, and with him their anchor. And Fearne, with all her chaos, and all her whimsy decides that she needs to step up to the plate, and even as it's clear that she doesn't like this and she's terrified, and she's holding onto the anchor of 'what's the practical thing, what needs doing' (aka, what would Orym do) and clutching the rest of them with her other hand to keep them there.
And then there's also the element of, well, Fearne has straight up talked to the Wildmother before, way back in EXU Prime. And idk if Ashley was remembering that as she did it, but all of the Crownkeepers had a moment when she spoke to them.
And then the Wildmother did the thing with Seedling, so she might not have faith in the gods. But if any of them were going to answer back, if any of them would help, especially with Orym, it would have to be her...right?
And so she goes to ask for her help, not for them, but just to let Orym know that they're alive and okay, and if he knows that maybe he can do something and she can take a step back.
And ughhh I love her so much and her growth and her relationship with all of them and esp Orym, and how much nuance Ashley's showing with it all.
And also Fearne should totally make her move on Deanna, we'd love to see it
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gffa · 2 years
I’m on season 2 of the His Dark Materials show and it’s just everything that is designed to appeal to me!  Lyra being the central character, the central unquestionably heroic character, also gets to be annoying sometimes, she gets to be messy and full of complicated feelings, to be less than perfect!  Dafne Keen is always good, but I really love her performance here.  And her relationships with both Lord Asriel and Mrs. Coulter are fascinating, thorny mommy issues and daddy issues! And both of them are fucking awful people in so many ways but they’re also fascinating, I can see how they were shaped into the people they are, the reasons they do things, and also the chemistry between them is pretty electric.  I mean, I feel like Ruth Wilson could have chemistry with a block of wood, as well as she is so good at playing a character like Marisa Coulter, she does that villain thing so well, with the undercurrents of something that just grabs hold of you, her willingness to just fling herself into Mrs. Coulter’s emotions, to scream in rage at a closed door or tearily talk about her daughter, ughhh, so good. And then there’s Will!  Will is a delight, he’s adorable and funny and vulnerable, he’s wound so tightly that he feels about to snap and yet there’s warmth to him, Amir Wilson does a fantastic job with the character, he’s been working with Lyra for like two episodes now and already I’m completely charmed by their interactions and invested in how they’re helping each other. It’s a lovely show and it’s like it’s a show made just for me!
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racfoam · 1 year
Ughhh I’m tempted to write a snippet for that graveyard spin-off of nynn where Voldy licks Harry…
bc if Snape SEES Harry’s wrist and recognizes the blood smeared there as a tongue print, (probably a thing in some rituals, and they’d still be scrambling to figure out what exactly HAPPENED so ofc he checks the ritual wound while she’s KO’d from the stupidly blast) I feel like he’d put two and two together and assume the worst 😭
just… him strangling back a panic attack of his own and urgently trying to calmly and gently ask Harry if she needs a contraceptive potion as soon as she wakes up bc time is of the essence…. And also him snapping at Minerva when she starts freaking out too despite the fact that he’s not faring much better lol iui
…haha role reversal where Snape is the one puking while Harry flings herself away XD 😔😅
Voldemort would be cackling somewhere in absolute glee that people assume that. Poor Harry would be so confused and then just start crying harder while trying to say that no, Voldemort didn't do that but it's much too late, Snape and McGonagall literally go into full blown PANIC MODE.
Snape snapping at McGonagall and rushing out the room to get a contraceptive potion just in case and insisting Harry take it 😭😭 and Harry takes it not because she needs it but because she's never seen Professor Snape so fckn terrified.
Yeah, the roles would be reversed. It would be Snape who would need a barf bucket and Harry would be leaping away from him.
Damn it, anon, now I want to write it, too. How interesting how that snippet of Voldy licking Harry's wound could change everything 😲
And you know what? When Dumbles accuses him of it in the Atrium Voldemort is like “Yeah, I did 😌" you know...
Like a LIAR.
Harry keeps shouting “I AM A VIRGIN!” but nobody is listening to her 😭😭
And Voldy would probably yell back with “NOT FOR LONG, DARLING 😈” and Harry would just run for the nearest Floo fireplace to get the hell away.
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your-divine-ribs · 7 months
The Christmas Wish Part 2
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Words: 2.5k
I’ll get part 3 posted sometime this week… xxx
The Christmas Wish Masterlist Main Masterlist
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🤍 Van's POV 🤍
"We both need a pound for the Christmas raffle... and we can't wear our uniforms today, it's Christmas jumper day!"
"You burnt the toast AGAIN! Ughhh I can't eat it!"
"I want braids today Daddy, Maisie said she's going to wear braids and we said we were going to match!"
It's going to be one of those days, I can just tell. My head's spinning and it's not even 8am yet. I gulp the dregs of my tea down and turn to face my children. How can two such angelic beings be so goddamn exhausting?
"C'mon kids, go easy on me, one at a time," I smile weakly at them, digging into the pocket of my skinny jeans and coming out with a handful of fluff. "Damn it, I've not got any change on me... who carries loose change these days anyway?"
"Mummy always does... she has everything we need!" Leo pipes up, his gap-toothed grin faltering as his big sister elbows him harshly in the ribs. "Oww!"
"Hey, hey, what was that for?" I swiftly turn to Grace and she offers me nothing but a shrug. "Gracie... c'mon..." I glare at her pointedly and her little face eventually creases into a sheepish frown, her voice quiet and tentative when she finally speaks.
"I told Leo not to say that stuff about mummy... you know... about how she looks after us better."
Ouch... that stings. I must visibly wince as Grace jumps down off the breakfast bar stool and immediately flings her arms around my waist. "I didn't mean it daddy, I didn't mean it to sound like that. You're the best daddy there is! You're just as good as mummy, you're just different, you do stuff in a different way, that's all."
That's one way of phrasing it...
"It's okay angel, I know what you mean," I sigh, planting a soft kiss in her parting, stroking her hair. "I'm trying my best honey, I really am."
"I know you are daddy."
Leo jumps down too, not wanting to miss out on the opportunity for a cuddle and I envelope him as well, all of us glued together in a big family bear hug in the middle of the kitchen.
"I'll call in to the corner shop on the way to school and get you some change. We don't have Christmas jumpers but Leo... go and grab your felt tips, we can make our own. And Grace... go get your brush, I'll see what I can do."
The kids break away and I run my hands through my hair, taking a deep breath. I'd never imagined that having children would be quite so challenging and relentless, but then again I'd never signed up for this.
Having kids was always my end goal of course, it was my ultimate wish come true, a culmination of everything that I'd worked towards and hard for. I'd been saving for as long as I could remember, squirrelling away a portion of money from touring before we even got signed in preparation for this part of my life. It was supposed to be a good life, a better life. It was supposed to be more meaningful... and it was. I loved them so much it fucking scared me sometimes. It's just that whenever I envisioned this picture-postcard idealised dream I wasn't doing it alone. I was always with somebody, it was a partnership. I was doing it alongside the woman I loved... the mother of my children.
"What are we gonna do with these?"
Leo's enquiring voice breaks me out of my troubled thoughts and I see him standing there holding his pack of brightly coloured felt tip pens aloft.
"You'll see... c'mon take this off." I scoop him up to sit on my knee at the kitchen table, helping him to shrug out of his school uniform jumper. "We don't need no shop-bought naff Christmas jumpers, we'll make our own. They'll be just as good... nah... actually they'll be better... miles better. Now what d'ya want? Santa? Rudolph? A Christmas tree?"
"Rudolph!" Leo laughs, watching me as I spread his jumper out on the table and reach for the pens. "With a big red, shiny nose!"
"Mummy's not going to be happy with you doing that."
I can actually hear my ex-wife's stern tone in my daughter's voice and I can fully imagine the roasting I'll be getting later for ruining the kids' school uniforms. I figure that I'd rather incur her wrath and have two happy children though. It's not like I need to worry about appeasing her anymore, not now that fucking boyfriend of hers has moved in and they're playing happy families. The thought makes my throat feel tight but I swallow down the lump that's arisen, trying to focus instead on the things that I do actually have control over.
"Don't worry about mummy, I'll deal with her. Youse two are gonna be the best dressed kids in school today! Look at that Leo... proper artist at work here. Some mad drawing skills I've got, eh?"
"But it looks like a giraffe!" Leo giggles, pointing at the comical looking reindeer I've drawn on the front of his school jumper. "Reindeers don't have such long necks! And it's got an extra leg!"
"No it's not silly, that's a tail!" Grace chips in. She's giggling now too, reaching for the green felt tip as she announces out loud. "I'm doing a Christmas tree on mine. I'm a really good drawer, Miss Wilson told me so. She's always telling me how bright I am!"
"Brighter than the star on the top of any Christmas tree, eh kiddo?" I grin at her, pride warming me through with a pleasant glow. "So I suppose you'll be getting a good report then will ya when I go to parents' evening after school today?"
Grace freezes at my words, her smile instantly morphing into a worried looking frown, her eyes darting quickly up to me before they're fixed on the table below.
"But it's not parents' evening daddy, not today," she says quietly.
"Oh really?" This is news to me. "So why else would the school office be leaving me a voicemail, asking me to come and see your teacher today after school at 3.30pm?"
It's not very often my daughter's lost for words but she's silent now, shrugging as her lips pull into a flat line. She won't take her eyes off the tabletop, refusing to look me in the eye.
I know that look. I know it all too well. My heart sinks, the pride retreating. Leo starts shaking his head at his sister, tutting whilst wearing a wide smirk.
"You're in big trouble aren't ya? If Santa finds out..."
"Shut up Leo!" She snaps, her cheeks glowing hotly.
"Gracie... is there something you wanna tell me love?"
Yeah... it's definitely gonna be one of those days.
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🤍 Sacha's POV 🤍
I can really do without staying behind after class today. With just three weeks to go until Christmas I have a to do list a mile long and I've not even started ticking things off yet. I've been so busy dreaming up festive themed lessons for the school-kids to keep the Christmas magic alive that I've been neglecting my own seasonal plans.
My tree's usually up and decorated by December 1st, the whole house decked out like Santa's grotto, but this year the only thing I've managed to do is haul the tree out of the loft. It's been sitting in my hallway in its box for over a week now, taunting me every time I walk past. I've just been so tired after work I've been favouring lazing on the sofa watching trash TV when really there's a million and one other more productive things I should be doing. I've not even had chance to go shopping yet for the new tree decorations I promised myself that I'd get this year. Maybe I could walk into town this afternoon after this meeting with Grace's dad...
Ughhh the meeting... just the thought of it makes my gut clench with apprehension. It's all good when eager mums and dads are lapping up the praise at parents' evening, proudly beaming whilst I tell them how well behaved and perfect-mannered their sons are or how bright and inquisitive their daughters are. The mood swiftly changes though when I'm breaking the bad news to them that their sweet little cherubs aren't quite as angelic as they think. I'm still fuming about the formal complaint that Ryan Carter's mum tried to raise with the Headmaster when I told her that her son had been bullying the smaller kids in class. She refused to believe that her perfect little blue-eyed boy would ever step out of line and she even had the audacity to tell me that I was victimising him! I could tell that the apple didn't fall far from the tree with that one. She was so rude.
I glance at my watch... 3.36pm. He's late.
I'm trying not to let my pre-conceived ideas of Grace's so-called 'famous rockstar' dad influence my feelings before I've even met him but I just can't help myself. Against my better judgement I'd succumbed to Ellie's teasing in the staff room at lunchtime. She'd waved her phone around excitedly in my face announcing that I was in for a treat later because Grace's dad was, in her words, “a massive dilf".
I can't help but smile as I recall the humorous scene from earlier when I'd told Ellie that talking about the kids' parents in that way was inappropriate. She'd just smirked gleefully at my slack jaw as I'd proceeded to watch a clip of a live performance where Grace's dad was practically making out with the microphone on stage. I couldn't deny he was attractive.
"Told ya so!" She'd grinned, but I was resolute, shaking my head emphatically.
"I don't care if he's cute, I'll bet you any money he's neglecting those kids. I can see it now, Grace has already told me about her parents splitting up. Guys like her dad are all the same, I bet he's full of himself. Bet the lure of fame and money was too tempting for him and he's run off with some model or something!"
"You can't judge a book by its cover!" She laughs but I'm not budging. I know all too well the struggles of having an absent father. Men are so fickle.
Grace has been acting out of character all day, she's been unusually quiet and withdrawn. Any attempts at drawing out her usually cheerful nature have fallen flat. Even the announcement that she'd bagged the role of Mary in the class nativity play didn't have the expected effect, I just got a weak smile and a quiet "thank you Miss." I'm not sure whether she's just nervous about me speaking to her dad about her behaviour or whether there's something more serious going on at home, some underlying issue that's dampening her vivacious demeanour. Either way I'm determined to find out and help in any way that I can.
Ellie says I shouldn't get too involved but I didn't just take this job to teach kids to read and write. I fully feel like I'm helping to shape little lives and instilling good values and helping them to try and make sense of any confusing emotions. I still vividly remember my primary school teachers to this day, more fondly than any of my secondary school teachers and most of the academics at university too. These young years should be the most fun and carefree time of any person's life.
It's 3.45pm now... this doesn't bode well if he can't even be bothered to turn up on time for an appointment to talk about his own child. Maybe he's not going to show up at all. It's not like I ever see him at school pick up time. It's always either Grace's mum or another guy... a family friend I believe even though the kids call him 'Uncle Larry'. In the mornings the kids get dropped off early for breakfast club before I've arrived so I have no idea if he's even set foot near the school before.
I think of Grace and Leo sitting in the school office right now waiting and my heart aches for them. Maybe I should go down and see them? Ask the office to put another call through to the dad? Sighing heavily I get up from my seat and pick up my half-drunk cup of coffee, making for the door.
My head's down as I pull open the door, chuntering to myself about irresponsible parents, completely distracted so that I don't even notice the person who's on the other side. Even if I had the collision would probably be unavoidable. The tall figure's barrelling along that quickly and carelessly that our bodies bump each other's with enough force that I cry out in shock, upending my coffee cup and spilling the contents.
"What the.... Oh... I'm so sorry! My coffee!"
The thankfully not scalding liquid slops out and all over the front of a black suede jacket and I quickly assess the damage before I wrench my eyes upwards to finally see who's standing in front of me.
"Shit... am sorry love... was in so much of a rush I didn't see ya there! Ya drenched me!"
It's him. I can tell straight away after watching that video. Mousy brown hair long enough that it curls at his collar pushed back off his handsome face, blue eyes wide and bright as he peers down on me. He's wearing a slightly crooked grin that lights up his whole face and I falter for a second before I quickly re-gain my composure.
"I'm really sorry about that, you completely took me by surprise. It's Mr McCann isn't it? I was starting to think you weren't gonna show. I was just coming to see..." I trail off, letting my eyes wander down as he chuckles, brushing himself down. "Your jacket... I hope it's not ruined."
"Ahh, this old thing? Nah, it's fine, don't worry." He looks unbothered and I breathe an internal sigh of relief. "And it is me... you can call me Van though... and I guess you must be the amazing Miss Wilson I've been hearing so much about!"
My cheeks warm automatically and I laugh to cover my embarrassment, surprised when he sticks out a hand in a greeting. He's certainly charming enough and I remind myself sternly that we're here to discuss an important matter, not stand here exchanging pleasantries in the corridor.
"That's me!" I smile, taking the hand that he offers. "And seeing as we're on first name terms you can call me Sacha."
His large hand envelopes mine in a warm, firm handshake and I'm almost dismayed when he lets go.
"Sacha," he repeats, still grinning. "I tell ya, Gracie's always going on about ya. It's good to finally put a face to a name."
"Same here... Grace talks about you a lot too... her famous rockstar dad!"
"I hope it's all good," he replies and it's at that point my smile must slip as his face creases a little in concern as he steps back. "So... what's she been up to then?"
Here goes...
"Let's go and sit down and have a little chat shall we?"
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sohmiya · 1 year
Ooo, I’m intrigued and have questions. So, if it was necessary for Maxine, what was her process for getting over Evren? And what does Maxine think about Miko? and vice-versa considering Max and Ev had something go on for a bit, in contrast to Miko and Ev having an actual relationship going on <3 ahh, thank youuu
OHHHH time to expose maxine 🤭
aside from writing a bunch of songs about him, she drank a lot. but unlike her process with her ex wherein she’d partied and slept around often, this time she just wallowed in her feelings at home because she didn’t trust herself to go out and not end up hooking up with someone. and she just knew that if she had another hookup the media would blow it up and she wouldn’t want evren to hear about it so she just avoided that situation altogether and stocked up on alcohol at home.
she was that sad girl who baked a lot but instead of baking, she’d make cheese boards. sometimes she’d invite her band over and even though maxine never told them about the fight with evren in detail, they already had a clue so they just went along with whatever she felt like doing—karaoke, board games, etc. as long as she wasn’t putting herself in danger. like they knew it was a “she’d get over it, she just needed to be dramatic first” kind of thing shdhsjsk
and there were nights when she thought she was doing better then she’d start crying again because she was missing him but she couldn’t do much about it because it was She said she wanted. so it was a cycle of writing and drinking and crying until she wasn’t hurting anymore.
i can imagine by the time evren released “somewhere this works” they were both already kind of healing so the first time maxine heard it, she legit shed a tear because a part of her found the whole thing bittersweet but at the same time, another part of her was genuinely proud of him and when she heard the we should be friends line she actually laughed like “evren you motherfucker….” dnfbskdksks
ok so max and miko….. i was actually debating on whether or not i’d make them friends because i can see maxine genuinely liking her because she’s chill and a bit out of the loop and indifferent when it comes to celebrities and their drama and it’s not like miko is the jealous type.
but like you said, max and ev had a whole thing going on and they were more like an “almost” than just a simple fling so i think miko and maxine would simply be acquaintances at least for a while—just to avoid the past being brought up and causing any tension. and before evren and miko make anything official, i think evren would try to sort everything out first and prove to miko that whatever he had with maxine is done.
he’s serious about miko now that he’ll probably say some shit like “if you want i’ll stop talking to her” and miko’s just like “i don’t want you to do that” “are you sure? because i will” and miko rolls her eyes trying to stifle a smile like “shut up” and i feel like even when the conversation becomes lighthearted after that, evren still feels a bit nervous so he’ll say something like “you believe me, right?” and his voice sounds small and kinda shaky and he adds “i’m serious about you, miko” and ughhh miko has already fallen head over heels in love with him and even with the media being annoying as fuck with the rumors, evren himself never gave her a reason to doubt him. like he always went out of his way to show her that he only has eyes for her and at that very moment she finds him so kissable so she kisses him and mutters against his lips “i believe you” <333
anyway i can imagine maxine and miko becoming friends eventually. not like super close but they definitely find each other cool and occasionally hang out with each other. like it helps that miko doesn’t easily get jealous so she really isn’t really bothered anymore because even before she and evren caught feelings, i imagine her already having read some rumors created by the media so she wasn’t entirely clueless about them. but yeah miko was the first to tell maxine that they’re good and that she’d hate it if maxine kept walking on eggshells around her <3
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cinematicnomad · 6 years
ahh reactivated my tinder and bumble for the first time in over a year and was reminded of why i hate this so much. so many empty profiles or guys who care only about hooking up or couples looking for a unicorn. why is dating so hard??
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markresonates · 4 years
sweet dreams
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summary: Jeno has had a crush on you ever since he moved into the apartment next door. When he runs into you in the elevator, he finally gets the chance to live out the sweet dreams he has about you.
pt. 2 of nomin's sweet smut mini series
➾pt.1 short and sweet   ||  ➾pt.3 sweet taste of victory
pairing: neighbor!Jeno x fem!reader
genre/trope: porn w lil plot, fwb, college, mini series
word count: 1.5k
warning: rough sex, exhibitionism, jealousy, dom!Jeno, sub!reader 
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“There’s just something about her, you know?” Jeno sighed, head in the clouds as he hopelessly daydreamed. “And I’ve never even asked for her number… ” 
“Why not?” Jaemin probed, lowering the volume of NIKI’s “I Like U” out of intrigue. “How well do you know her, anyway?”
His cheeks rosied, faintly compelled to say he felt like he knew you well but not willing to vocalize his justification, nor give away that the mystery girl he swooned over lived next door to him. Immeasurable guilt pulled on his heart strings for his reasoning behind believing you two had a close, personal connection. 
He felt close to you by matter of your physical, close proximity, the walls so unbearably thin he could hear everything (and I mean everythinggg) that you did in your apartment. Especially what you did with other guys or flings when they came over.
The cheap drywall failed to conceal your warped moans, mouthwatering cries, or deafening screams. Noises he wished he could goad out of you if only he was in their place instead of the other side of the wall, his heightened imagination urging him to act on the bottled up arousal in his pants.
“Honestly… I’ve barely spoken to her,” he mumbled, Jaemin dramatically gasping in response, shaking his head with a tsk. “Hey, don’t make fun of me! You don’t get it, she’s crazy pretty.”
“You just gotta go for it, man. No hesitation,” Jaemin encouraged with a wink, handing him a sprite he retrieved from the fridge of his posh loft.
“Is that what you did with that one girl you’ve been talking to, huh?” he nudged his shoulder, taking a swig of his friend’s drink, the liquid insipid in comparison to what he imagined your mouth tasted like. “How’s that going?”
“Well, around Christmas time, we decorated a gingerbread house together which was... sweet,” emphasizing the sweet in recollection of the mind blowing shenanigans that occurred in between the decorating and Zoom classes.
The spark of excitement in Jaemin’s bright eyes dimmed when he further elaborated, “It’s not serious though, I have a feeling she might be seeing some other guy… but you should just make a move on this girl. Life is short, go shoot your shot!”
“You know what? I’m gonna do it. I’ll see you later,” Jeno enthusiastically collected his belongings and, much to Jaemin’s amusement, nearly flew out the door with newly spiked courage.
“Good luck!” Jaemin hollered, clueless about the identity of the girl he’s been pining over for so long.
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Jeno hit the button to the elevator as soon as he entered the lobby to the apartment complex, more aggressively than he meant to, but in his defense, he was in a hurry.  He stepped into the cramped space before the sliding doors fully parted, clicking your floor level instantly, determined to finally ask for your number before the flood of adrenaline coursing through his veins ran dry. 
“C’mon, c’mon,” he muttered under his breath, repeatedly abusing the [ CLOSE DOOR ] button with more force than the one in the lobby. “Ughhh, close already”
“Hold the door, please! Hey, hold-” you shouted until narrowly slipping through at the last second, discovering a thoroughly startled Jeno backed up against the wall of the elevator. It wasn’t just sudden shock that had his eyes wide, you noticed a flicker of something else in them that made your heart flutter.
For no good reason, you got the impression that he didn’t like you. Maybe it was because of your previous attempts at stirring up small talk with your hot neighbor and barely receiving five or six word responses. Less than arm's-length away from him, he couldn’t pry his eyes off of you, scanning your body up and down, attempting to muster up the courage to act on his deep-seated hunger. You felt his gaze burning a hole in the side of your head, your knees weak at the notion he was staring at you in the exact way you wanted him to stare at you for the past two years. 
“Hey, Jeno. Um, nice… weather we’re having?” you comment, nerves unexpectedly triggering the weather woman gene in your blood.
“I’m fine, how about you?” he replied, absentmindedly, shaking his head as if trying to sober up from his drunken lust a moment later. “I mean, yeah, it.. it’s nice, sure.” 
There was absolutely no way you were imagining it- the sexual tension was so heavy you thought it might exceed the maximum weight capacity of the elevator. You sharply inhaled, the dampening in your panties prompting you to glance his way. His line of sight was still steadily trained on you, fanning over your body to be exact. Jeno didn’t even bat an eye when he caught you marveling at the strained, impressively-sized outline in his shorts, your wanting expression beckoning him to take a gamble on your heart.
Permitting yourself a millisecond to sift through second thoughts, you quickly furloughed all hesitation, acting on seeping arousal. With impeccable timing, you lunged at him while he moved to pin your hips to the wall, pressing you up against the cool metal of the elevator and flirtatiously catching your bottom lip with his teeth.  
Your mouths molded together in a heated kiss as you draped your arms over his shoulders, your stomach doing cartwheels from excitement. One of his hands roamed up your body, latching onto the base of your neck and tilting your head back for his mouth to nibble at your ear.
“Fuck, why didn’t you do this sooner?” you purred, pliantly wilting into his touch, the kind of noise he’s been waiting years to hear from your lips in person.
“I would’ve done it sooner if I’d known you’d wanted me so badly,” Jeno murmured into your skin, unzipping your jacket, ghosting open mouthed kisses down your jaw and chest, over the moon to find you wore nothing underneath it.
“Wellll who said I wanted it so ba-” you started, subsequently gasping when he dipped his hand into your pants, his fingers rimming your slick hole, then curling two digits into you to deepen your moans. You flicked the EMERGENCY STOP switch to stall the elevator’s movements, silently thanking your dingy apartment building for not having security cameras installed.
“Now what was that about not wanting me so badly?” he proudly chuckled, eyes glazed over in greed.
You clawed at his shorts until his bottom half was completely exposed, your bare nakedness following just seconds after. He tore open a rubber and rolled it over his head, the prospect of filling you up with his cock making him even harder. 
He scooped you up by the legs, backing you up into a corner as he sunk his full length deep inside your sweetness. You hissed, your tight walls needing a dozen seconds before fully acclimating to his girth. You fastened your hands onto the safety handrails like a lifeline as he railed into you fiercely, lolling your head to the side in overwhelming exhilaration and bubbling infatuation.
“Mmmhh, I’ve never been fucked so deep,” you hummed. 
Hearing your praise provoked his speedy thrusts to grow rougher. He knew that’s just how you like it, rough and dirty. He leaned closer, anchoring his mouth to your sensitive neck. The obscene whimpers you emitted made him smirk. He loved how he could give it to you after all this time, after all the dirty dreams he’s had about your body, after all his fantasies of putting you in every position possible, he could milk you of every hysterical noise he heard through your wall.
“Jeno, s-seriouslyyy,” you gushed in visceral pleasure, “why didn’t this happen sooner??”
Your whimpers grew to delirious sobs, and he could sense you were close to your edge, no, no, HE got you close to your edge. He couldn’t spare a moment to breathe. Reveling in the knowledge that you were wriggling against the wall from the way he fucked you only edged him closer to his peak, as well. Wishing to throw you into the clouds he found himself daydreaming in all the time, the acceleration of his pumps into your dripping center never faltered.
 “Just right there, right there, yes, oh my god,” you panted, aching for release, leaning your head on his shoulder. “Fuck, Jeno, I’m gon- 
Your climax chased his peak ten seconds later. His pride forbade him from admitting that you had him splattering white deep inside your core even before you spasmed and clenched tightly around his thick cock. 
He gingerly let you down, holding your quivering body close to his as you swooned, the sweat adorning your skin making you stick to him. “Baby, the real question is, when can this happen again,” he whispered, kissing the top of your head, then to his dismay, feeling your body pull away.
You narrowed your eyes, peering at him incredulously, “Jeno, stop pretending like you’re not sleepover tonight.”
Fireworks went off in his head hearing your words, grinning like he won the lottery. And he couldn’t wait to thank Jaemin for his encouragement the next time they see each other.
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➾my masterlist
© 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟏 𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬, 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝.
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randombubblegum · 2 years
this might be kind of a stretch buuut possible girl awtto song?
idk i just think it kinda fits bc they snuck out of the mcr show together...
plus ive always liked the idea of this song being about two ppl being together in secret due to homophobia cause yknow... its a "victimless crime" (esp bc kesha herself is bi). and awsten and otto did grow up in texas so
and also the "ooh, I really need to know that we're cool" for obvious reasons
YESSS OOOOMGGGG……….. ok if i had known about this song when i was making the girlparx playlist i would have put it on there bc it perfectly encapsulates the “awsten getting otto to hook up with her and reveling in the feeling of getting away with something in secret” vibe
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“the second time i saw you” reference to o9k imploding but awsten getting otto back anyway…. also the bra top slipping down detail just feels gay to me
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just. ugh!!!! theres no proof and witness so theres no crime, i.e. awsten can have sex with otto without having to confront her own sexuality or the fear of someone knowing shes into girls (into otto), all the thrill of getting away with something and none of the hard part of changing the life you thought you were going to lead by being straight…..
but also!!!! the kind of desperate, almost pleading “we can keep this a secret, right? you wont tell anyone? this stays between us, right?” because awsten KNOWS it cant go on like this, and otto hates being a secret and hates awsten only kissing her when nobody can see and hates that awsten wont take this seriously when otto loves her and doesnt want to just be a fling……. and the “i really need to know that were cool” because awsten is FRAGILE and SCARED that shes fucking this up by getting what she wants….. and she cant lose otto not again………
UGHHH its so good. i love kesha shes so perfect for every au. i wish parx had fulfilled the only reason they existed which was to play a show with kesha. yknow what maybe in the girlparx universe they do LOL
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imaginewarehouse · 4 years
Marcus White x Jonah’sSister!Reader || Oneshot
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You find out that you are pregnant... with Marcus' miracle baby.
Warnings: Pregnancy, panic attack
🔆  🔆  🔆
Carefully, I pick out one of the pregnancy tests from the shelf. Then grab another... 2 more... and another. Just to be sure.
As I go up to the pharmacy desk, I thank god that Tate isn't working here anymore; I never would've gotten away with this. He would've snitched to Jonah or something, for his own sociopathic enjoyment. Instead, the new guy thankfully rings up and bags my items casually, not really caring what he flings into the white plastic bag- then hands it to me with a soulless customer service smile. If I had to describe it, I'd say its if the man had been working here for years before finally letting the job kill him on the inside- just in time for the wind to change and stick his face like that. Honestly, I never see the guy without this smile. Not even in the breakroom. Its unnerving.
Still, I take the bag and smile back even though I know he for sure doesn't really mean it and turn around so I can walk (The long way around the store, so I don't pass the doors to the warehouse) towards the employee bathrooms... but stop short, jolting into panic mode immediately. Freeze, freeze, freeze!
There's Isaac, standing as tall as a bear in my path behind the aisles, with a scanner in his hand and a surprised look on his face. Or at least as surprised as he would ever convey.
Clearly, though, he saw the tests. And I'm screwed. He is absolutely the well, second last person I wanted to catch me doing this; Buying these.
A nervous smile flickers onto my face and I walk the short ways over to him, hugging the bag to my front. He's still just staring; Mouth half open and eyes a little less dead, then usual. "Oh, hey Isaac! How's is going? You got sent to pharmacy today? That s-sucks... " Honestly I didn't think he was allowed to be assigned pharmacy...
Completely by-passing the option to forget what he just saw and exchange polite chit-chat with me, he instead closes his mouth and his eyes, shakes his head and then opens his eyes again. Then inhales. "Are those what I think those are?"
"Pregnancy tes-"
Shit- Giving him a desperate expression, revealing my true feelings today - being complete and utter panic, - I cut him off. "SHHH! Isaac! No- uh. Yes. Um... Would you believe these aren't for me?"
"Mmm... " His face twists slightly into one of thought, tightening his lips together and sizing me up. "No, I don't think so."
"Well!- " I'm totally ready to make up an excuse... but peter out as soon I try. I could do it. I could string together some kind of half-believable bullshit like 'They're for Amy', but he would still go and tell Marcus and he would find me and... I would still have to have the conversation earlier then I want to. So instead I drop the façade, and my shoulders, and show just how tired I am. "I want to find out myself before breaking the news to Marcus. Okay? He might be unhappy about the idea and then we do the test and it turns out I'm not pregnant and then I just stressed us both out, for no reason! And, on the other hand, what if he wants it and it turns out I'm wrong about this? Please, Isaac, just don't tell him yet. Please, please." I feel like no matter how many pleases I use they may still not change anything. But I'm desperate.
He stands still for a few minutes... so long in fact I think he may be in shock himself, or having some kind of drug induced anxiety attack, and am about to wave my hand up in his face or say his name again, when he finally breathes a little more obviously and I relax back down to earth. "... Well, lets go find out then, right?"
"What- You- you want to come?" Something in me relaxes at the thought- I don't really want to do this alone. I want someone there, like in the movies, to hold the box and just read me the instructions. But I imagined it would be someone I'm actually close friends with, who can hold my hand and wouldn't care that it recently touched a pee-stick. I did not expect that person to be Isaac - Isaac, who likes to watch homeless people kill each other with shopping trollies and sticks and trash can shields like in a horrible, pitiful, modern-day coliseum, - in a million years.
But he nods.
"Yeah, sure." He puts his scanner on the shelf, and we set off the way I was going. He seems to silently understand why we have to go the long way around- to avoid passing the doors to the warehouse. Or he just doesn't care. Either way, I'm thankful he doesn't try to re-rout my course. Or even mention it. "Good excuse to slack off work... besides I should probably get out of this section, anyway. Hey, it is Marcus- right?"
I sigh- I suppose the companionable silence was too much to ask for. "Yes Isaac. If its a thing, in the first place."
"Yeah, right."
"You're having a miracle baby, you know? He's not supposed to be able to do that- isn't that kinda... good?"
I only whimper in response from |my new home| the cubicle I've been taking the tests in, holding my head. How am I going to do this? I have college, I have this job, I have my studio apartment to continue paying rent for! Marcus and I don't even... there isn't even... we haven't labelled it yet, and... Oh god, I'm shaking.
Isaac heaves a sigh outside, his chair creaking as he shifts. "Well, that's... three positives, so far." Isaac's memorable, slow drawl seeps through the cracks in my cubicle and takes away my thoughts for a moment. And my breath.
3 positives.
3 positives.
Not one, not two... three.
... Then he goes on, a whiny tone in his voice. "Do we really need to do another one?"
I breathe in deep. I don't know what else to do. The next logical step would be telling Marcus or Jonah, but I'm ready for neither of those. So procrastination through pregnancy test, it has to be. "Uh, yes. We do. Um... can you, please?- "
"Ughhh. Yeah, yeah. I'll get you more water. Stay here." Then Isaac, who has surprisingly been very helpful, even getting me tape so I can stick the finished tests up to the door in front of me so that I can compare them easier, disappears out of the women's bathroom, leaving me with my thoughts.
I peak back up at the tests, feeling panic fill up my chest cavity like its anxiety gas and my rib cage is the gas chamber- and my heart's the poor organ at deaths row. I'm... pregnant.
Oh my god. I'm pregnant. There is a human being growing inside me, right now. A human being who will require time that I definitely don't have, money that its parents certainly could not scavenge if we scavenged for used soda cans like Myrtle and sold them in our spare time, effort that I'm terrified might not even be in me at this point... A baby that needs some semblance of a comfortable, stable home, which I do not have for it.
I'm just burrowing my face into my arms and knees atop the toilet seat when the bathroom door opens again. Looking up, I immediately ask for Isaac- because that was really freaken quick, for him.
And get a familiar, confused sounding voice call back "... No, its Amy... Sorry, I just need to pee. Are you going to be long?".
"Oh!" Oops. Immediately, head going empty with panic, I unlock the door and and jump out to let her in. "No! I just finished. Um- go ahead. I'll just wash- wash my hands."
Now seeing each other, I see Amy's forehead crease and her eyebrows furrow in confusion and concern at my pink cheeked/pale faced appearance and the panicky way I'm talking. She reaches out toward me. "... Y/N, are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine!" I laugh, the most nervous sounding laugh ever. "Don't worry."
Amy's nose screws up. "... why were you waiting for Isaac?"
"We-we're just having an affair."
... what??
Her eyebrows furrow even deeper. "Okay... I'm just gonna go... pee... now... " She says slowly, gradually disappearing into the cubicle; Not quite sure what to say back to that.
I sigh in relief when her eyes aren't on me anymore and the door locks, thinking flushing some water onto my face might calm me down, when a loud GASP comes from Amy and I i m m e d i a t e l y remember the tests stuck to the wall. Fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck!!
Amy comes right out of there, looking at me with completely new eyes now- understanding truly why I'm pale, I'm sure, and definitely why I was acting the way I was. "Y/N! You're... pregnant??!" I open my mouth to respond. Maybe say 'yes' seeing as that's the truth and the only proper answer, but I choke on my words and instead say, "Isaacs getting more water so I can take another test."
"I think 3 is a pretty conclusive number!"
"I-" She is not wrong, but I don't want to do anything else but take another easy test, and get defensive instead. "I bought four, I'm doing four!"
"Wh- Is Isaac the father!?"
"God, no." Isaac and I both spit back in offense.
I whip my head around when i realise he wasn't supposed to be there yet at all, and- there he is in the doorway.
... Jonah right behind him looking sicker then me. My jaw drops. "You brought Jonah??!"
"Uh, no, I was just waiting outside for, um," He gestures to Amy and my stomach drops. So he heard the whole thing. Could this get any worse??! Well I mean of course it could, Marcus could be here. Stupid question. Don't ask questions like that; It always summons the worst, in movies. "You're pregnant!? Who- you know what, unimportant right now. Do you wanna sit down??"
I shake my head, taking a deep breath and holding my hand out to Isaac. "No, I'm fine. I have a test to do. Water, Isaac?"
"Here." He hands me the bottle, and I go to disappear back into the cubicle before jumping back away again, remembering that Amy still needs to go and gesturing for her to go, ridiculously enough. She shakes her head and gestures back, like I'm crazy, to take it instead.
I do so and lock myself in, starting to chug the whole bottle.
A blessed silent moment passes... before Jonah speaks. "Is the 4th test really necessary?- "
"For the love of god- Let me take the fourth goddamn test for fucks sake!"
"... so what is it?" Amy asks 10 minutes later, breaking the deafening silence, as I sit back down on the toilet seat and hold my face in my hands again.
"... Positive... "
Isaac sighs. "Who would have guessed, really?"
No one tells him to shut up. He's right. But also no one agrees, because I'm a fucking 23 year old pregnant girl and I will kill them.
"So... what now?" Amy asks, speaking to the room, but expecting me to answer.
"Well, I'd like less people to be here, honestly." I pipe up, removing my hands from my mouth to speak clearer.
"Done. Isaac, Jonah, get out."
"What? I was here before you... lady." Isaac exclaims, offended, but a moment later I hear the door close, anyway. I assume it had something to do with Amy's signature resting bitch face- cranked up to eleven. "We'll just wait out here, then! Yell if you need us."
"Yep... " Amy responds to him, sounding exhausted and I can totally imagine her rolling her eyes right now. She takes a deep breath, and sighs it out. I hear her rest carefully down into the chair Isaac vacated. For a moment she thankfully says nothing, and I do wonder whether I should... but I don't know what to so say. So I just stay hidden in the cubicle, silent until Amy takes another deep breath and asks the question. "Who is it?"
I take a deep breath, knowing that once I say it I cant take it back, while on the other hand... its done, anyway. He's already the father and I cant change that (Would I if I could, though?) but telling Amy may either make or break my confidence in having him as the dad of my kid. Not that I have a choice... I just know that Amy's going to be worried about it and I don't know if I can handle the criticism right this moment.
Finally I spit it out though. Marcus.
"Oh- wow."
Uncomfortable, I shift on the closed toilet seat. "Yeah."
Her voice gets higher, clearly fake and trying to sound like this is better then she really feels it is. My heart plummets into my stomach like a terrible roller coaster. "Well, that's... " She pauses, searching for a safe word to use, assumedly. "Great!"
"... 'great?" For some reason that word, and Amy's tone... hits something wrong, in me. Panic flickers deep in my chest and my stare on the wall gets colder, harder. "... you think this is 'great'? Really? You? No, you don't. Do you hear yourself? 'Great'. Puh! This is Marcus. 'Been to jail' Marcus. 'Ex Con' Marcus. 'Creator and CEO of BOOB CHEESE', Marcus. Marcus who shits in the shower and thinks breastfeeding is akin to whipping your dick out in public, Marcus who has a tattoo of his mother on his back for Valentines day- "
Okay so maybe I'm just picking on him because I'm inadequate, because I don't have the time for a baby, because if I'm trusted with this perfect thing then I will ruin it... I'll pick work, instead of love, and they'll grow up with less of it then they should have and I'll be to blame...
But I don't want to address that yet. I cant.
"Neither of us even have the money for this." I'm panicking again. "He lives with his mother! And- what if he gets mad... " I suddenly get worried, my eyes go round and I cover my mouth. "I really like him Amy. I cant have him mad at me. Not for this. Not him. Please don't let him hate m- "
"Y/N! Calm the fuck down, okay, right now. Don't speak. Just... take some deep breathes okay? First of all, Marcus is not going to be 'mad' at you. He's sure as hell is not going to hate you. You're spiralling, just take some long breaths." Amy makes it sound like a ridiculous idea with her tone, that he might be mad or he might hate me. I do as she says as she talks; take deeeeeep breaths. Slowly, I start to clam down. "He might be shocked, yeah, but he's- he's not like that. He's an idiot, not a total asshole. Take it from me, I know what I'm talking about here. I promise you. Whether he'll be good at being a parent, is... debatable." Everything she says makes sense. And she would know- you've met Adam. "But he'll be there, at the very least.
And... and you'll be a great mum, anyway."
I feel my heartbeat start to slow down again as I breath. I close my eyes, crossing my arms over my chest and rest back against the wall, carefully.
I really hope she's right on that second part.
"... thank you."
Jonah rubs his neck in nervousness at his sister in the bathroom dealing with something like this, pacing around the small hallway area before turning to Isaac. He raises his dark eyebrows. "So, do you know... wh-who?? I mean... the guy, that- I mean, does he work here, or... ???"
"Its Marcus." Isaac pulls out a bag of trail mix from his vest pocket and starts picking through, standing by the bathroom calmly. The brother to whom he just broke such detrimental news - that his sister, has Marcus White of BOOB CHEESEs baby inside her, - widens his eyes until they're more like dinner plates. "Yeah, they've been talking for a while, man. You didn't know?"
"I- I just thought she wasn't interested in... guys... " All her time must be busy with balancing both school and work, plus her friends... how can she possible have had time to... But on the other hand, he realises that its a bit naïve to think that his younger sister still isn't interested in 'boys'. Part of it might have been wishful thinking.
Isaac barks out a laugh. Its a stale, dry sound that makes Jonah really uncomfortable. "She also went out with Tate. Had a bit of a thing for Sayid for a while, too... "
"What!?- "
"Jonah!" At Amy's exit from the bathroom, he calms down immediately and straightens up. She raises her brows at him. She nods into the bathroom. "She wants you."
Yep- it takes him about 2 seconds to fly into the bathroom... to find his sister still hidden in the cubicle. He sighs, pressing his hand against the door. "Y/N? Amy said you wanted me. Do you want me to get you something to eat? Its just, I'm the only one who knows your snack preferences... and maybe we shouldn't eat in here, cuz its kinda gross... but if you want to, that's cool too!"
She doesn't respond for a minute, silent apart from the careful peeling of tape from the cubicle door.
Then the peeling sounds stop. A moment later her voice, sounding small and tentative as if just saying this would open Pandora's box, slips out. "... how're mum and dad gonna react?"
Its a rhetorical question. They both know it'll be bad - and they'll like Marcus even less, - , but its said so he knows what she's worried about. He sighs and leans back on the door. "Well very, very badly. But that doesn't matter right now. I'll take care of them."
"How valiant." Her voice is still small, quiet. But she sounds less scared; She always believes her big brother. Even when she knows logically that he cant protect her from them. Not their parents.
"Well, I try."
"... hm."
"She is not leaving that bathroom," Isaac shakes his head. Its been an hour, and they've all been in there with her a couple times but she has not left the cubicle. Not even peaked her head out. She hasn't even e a t e n anything while she's been in there. Its starting to worry them. "Maybe we should go get Marcus."
Immediately Jonah looks up from his phone - having been reading up on pregnancy. What is going to start happening to his sister, now?? - and shakes his head, firmly. "No, she'll tell him when she feels comfortable with it. We aren't doing that."
"Yeah, it isn't up to us." Amy agrees, while still looking like on a deep, unsympathetic level that is tired of standing here... she definitely wants to drag Marcus here. But she also knows that Jonah is, unfortunately, a n n o y i n g l y, right.
Isaac heaves a deep, frustrated huff and gets comfortable on the floor.
Finally, Jonah breathes in a deep, exhausted breath and puts his phone away. That's enough of that. He's sufficiently disgusted. He looks down the hallway, out to the store. Then to Amy playing solitaire on her phone and Isaac drawing slowly on the ground. "... Well, I mean, it's Marcus's baby too, right? He should know... right?"
"Yep, that's right."
"And... besides, Y/N might need him, right? Maybe he could get her out."
"You make some good points."
"I just wish they weren't points we already mentioned." Amy looks up from her phone and turns it off, flashing an sarcastic, displeased kind of smile. "Earlier."
"Yeah well... " He rolls his shoulders, looking away from Amy's piercing gaze- god, her face is like a loaded gun with no safety. And he's totally into it. He coughs, then whispers. "So, who wants to go get him??"
"Not it."
"I would, but ah... nah. I'm down for the count, down here."
"So... me."
Amy nods, making a 'shoo'-ing gesture with her hand. "Yep, you, Jiminy Cricket. You made us stay here for hours- you go get Marcus."
Looking to Isaac for help, Jonah is just met with the deadest eye's he has ever come upon, so he eventually sighs deeply, wiping sweaty hands on his jeans. "Fff-fine. Wait here."
"Uh, hello? Hi- have you seen Marcus anywhere? Wh- No? Well if you see him can you tell him I'm looking for him? Its about Y/N."
The warehouse worker with the nametag reading 'Nigel' that Jonah's never spoken to before in his life and who prior to his words, had the new deadest eyes that Jonah has ever seen, suddenly beams- a twinkle of evil mischief in his eyes. "Oooooh, cats outta the bag, huh?"
Jonah blinks. "What?"
"You found out about Marcus and your sister, and now you're gonna beat him up? I was waiting for this moment." Nigel clarifies, actively looking around the room for Marcus now as Jonah rushes to explain that no, that is not what he's here for. Please don't say that so loudly- "HEY RICO! You seen Marcus around?? Y/N's brother's here to deliver an ass beating." Half a second passes while Jonah's ears ring from Nigel's screeching before something new apparently occurs to the warehouse worker as his eyes widen and he turns again to who must be Rico. "And you owe me 20 bucks!! Told ya he'd come!"
How often is Y/N in this place? Just seems weird, these guy's saying her name so casually... Jonah's forehead crinkles in thought as Rico rolls his eyes and groans, walking off to assumedly find Marcus. I'm learning a lot about my sister, today... Not sure how I feel about it...
Jesus Christ, has she eaten the cheese, too??!
Jonah doesn't get a moment to panic about that particular bit of nightmare material before he realises Nigel is still standing, awkwardly now, arms straight at his sides and eyebrows raised expectantly, right by him. Watching him, instead of returning to his job. Jonah raises his own eyebrows back; Shrugging. Like, what?? What do you want?
Nigel just just shrugs and shakes his head back passive aggressively, crossing his arms. Like, he doesn't know. Fine, we'll just stand in silence, then...
"Jonah! What's up, buddy? Visiting me in the warehouse- this is so nice! Want me to take my break now, cuz we totally can. Just let me wrap one last thing up and then we'll be back in my car, together. Listening to tunes; Ya know. Guy buddy stuff." T h a n k f u l l y, Marcus seems to rush from wherever he was in the depths of shelf-land when Rico apparently found him and cuts off the awkward stand off between the two men, dropping a hand on Jonah's shoulder and beaming. "What up, man?"
Quick to turn away from Nigel and get to what his mission really is at the moment, Jonah graciously ignores the touchy greeting... despite the awkwardness on his end and the fact that Nigel is still there, watching.  "Actually, I wanted to talk about, uh, Y/N."
Marcus' eyes immediately widen and his eyebrows raise, taking his hand off Jonah in favour of ringing his hands and stepping back nervously himself. "Oh, man... you found out, didn't you? Did she tell you? Cuz like, I know the bro code says its not cool to bone your friend's sister but- "
"Ah, ah, ah!" No, no, no, Jonah does not want to hear those words. No. "No, um. That's fine, whatever. Y/N's sexuality is her own. But- "
"Its a ruse, Marcus. He's here to kick your ass." Nigel insists, still very much there despite everything about this situation having nothing to do with him and instead just freaks Marcus out more as the warehouse head's eyes go even wider and he takes another step back- raising his hands in surrender.
"No, no! Nigel!- That's... no. I'm not here to kick anyone's ass! The asses here are all perfectly safe, I promise. Okay?" When Nigel's expression doesn't change a lick, Jonah gives up and just gestures off in a random direction. "Nigel, could you give us a minute, here?"
"What, so you can jump my boy here alone?"
"Alone?? Who's alone?" Jonah is getting increasingly irritated. "We're literally surrounded by other warehouse workers!! Ones who are actually doing their jobs, by the way. Maybe you should- "
Marcus finally intercepts and pats Nigel's shoulder, getting his attention from looking confrontationally at Jonah and smiles relatively softly at him. "Its okay, Nigel. If Jonah wants to kick me in my junk once- he's kinda entitled to it. Bro code and everything. Why don't you get back to work? I got this. Thanks, though." Nigel leaves, with that, but certainly not without giving Jonah one last greasy look over his shoulder and an 'Okay, Marcus. But call me, if... you know... '. Along with an extra evil squinty look at Jonah. "Yeah, yeah. Thanks bud. I know I can count on you." When Nigel is finally out of the picture, Jonah feels fatigued and just wants to get back to Y/N. At least its just him and Marcus now, though, so they should be doing that very soon. "So! What'd you want? If you really do wanna hurt me, then, can we go outside? By my car ideally, so I can drive the emergency room right after? Or you, cuz I mean... you're small, man. And I'll have to defend myself. Even if its fair. Its instinct, you know? You get it."
"I'm not gonna hurt you?? Why does everyone think- " What is wrong with people here? Do I give off a confrontational aura right now, or something??? "Ugh, whatever. Y/N needs you- she's been in the bathroom for 4 hours. We did try to get her out ourselves, but our attempts have been... l-lacklustre." Lacklustre? Okay, even he is surprised to hear that one come out of him.
"She needs... me? Like, she said that?" All of a sudden Marcus' expression changes. Worry wells in his eyes and his forehead creases, and he glances at the door out to the floor before returning to Jonah, looking restless now as his body fights with him to go, immediately. "Oh, what's wrong with her? Is she sick??"
"Uhh... in a manner of speaking... Look, I just think she needs to see you right now."
That makes the taller man move towards the door, clipboard dropped on a box on his way. "Of course; Right away man. Come on, lets go see her. So you really don't know what's wrong?? Should we pick up some root beer on the way?" Jonah follows behind, hand on his chin as he answers Marcus' questions. Wow... He did not expect such a response from him... He... kinda respects it, in a way. Its a pleasant surprise, at least.
___BACK TO YOU AND YOUR POV. God I hate third person. Its so hard, I want to cry___
"Y/N? You in here??" As soon as that voice registers in my mind, my heart beat skips in the worst way and I almost start to full on panic all over again, but thankfully instead just freeze and only widen my eyes. What the hell? The door to the employee bathroom closes as Marcus shuts himself in and you watch his boots appear under the door to your stall. "What's going on? Jonah couldn't tell me what's wrong with you," Jonah. I glare at the stall door. I'm going to kill him. "But I brought you some root beer for you- a total cure all. I promise. And some (Enter your favourite snack) cuz I know you like them. Here," He stretches up and holds the items over the stall door, and, feeling genuinely touched that Marcus was sweet enough to bring these, I get up off the toilet seat and accept them from him.
"Thank you, that's really nice. I'm... not sure, that the root beer will fix this, though." I speak carefully, sitting down and holding the items in my lap close to my stomach.  
"Course it will! I poured some in Mateo's ear once when he had an infection... I think it worked?"
Probably not. "This is a lot bigger then an ear infection... Kinda permanent, too?"
"Oh god, is it cancer?" He pauses for a moment but before I can put that particular worry at rest... or remind him that cancer is not always permanent... he makes it worse, and I fight not to facepalm. "The plague??! Its still a thing, you know. Jesus, its not that is it? Please tell me its not that! That would be the worst!" I mean... yeah, it would.
"Oh- no no! No, nothing like that!! I'm just pregnant!"
... wait.
Immediately I want to take back my words and say them differently- because is that really the way I just broke it to him?? Oh my god. My hand slaps over my mouth- then pulls back an inch to speak again, but is definitely on guard to slap again and prohibit anymore stupid to come out. "I mean! ... N-no big deal?" My voice gets tiny. "At least its not the plague, right?" I'm just making this worse, so I cover my mouth again.
Marcus does not respond, and I can imagine his face crystal clear, without having to look. He would have his mouth hanging open like a cartoon character, his shoulders have dropped, eyes are blank, and he's pale as hell. Oh god... oh god oh go oh god... I cover my whole face now and just try to breath evenly, and not talk anymore. I was right! He's not going to even like me anymore, this is going to ruin how he looks at me- I cant have Marcus look at me coldly. I really cant.
Finally, a few minutes later the door to the bathroom creaks open again and I know it's not Marcus escaping because I can still see his boots under the door and they haven't shifted in a while. Amy's voice rings out, too loudly in the stock silent bathroom. "... everything okay in here? We haven't heard anything in a while- Marcus?"
He doesn't respond.
I hear Amy walk in now, her heels click-click-clicking on the tiled floor. "Marcus? Marcus, are you okay?" She snaps her fingers, assumedly near his unresponsive face. I slip my fingers down to just cover my mouth, straining my ears to hear any movement from him. "Wake up!" Another snap. "Marcus wake up."
All of a sudden I hear shifting and his boots shift slightly and I squeeze my eyes slowly shut- now he speaks. Now's the part where he speaks. Now's the worst part! He either leaves, or stays. "Uhh... I'm awake, okay?"
Amy and I are both startled by the seriousness in Marcus' voice- Amy evidently in the way she responds, backing out of the room. "... Okay! Um, well talk. To Y/N. I'm... just gonna... wait outside... "
Marcus just grunts in response, turning back to my stall door. Then he wraps his knuckles against the surface and I flinch- unsure whether to unlock it and be a grown up or stay hidden away like I really, really want to. Its not like I'm afraid he'll hurt me or anything, not at all! Its just... I don't like to disappoint people and I'm terrified at seeing his face. "Y/N? Can you come out, now?"
"Ummm... no... " I wince, keeping my eyes closed to the world. As if that'll hide me from it.
"No???" He asks, bewildered.
"No... "
Marcus' voice isn't at all as cold-serious as it was when he spoke to Amy, but still. There is still definitely an unfamiliar focused quality about it, and its making me nervous. "What? Come on. What do you think's gonna happen? I'll yell at you? Come on, that's not gonna happen; Come out. "
"I'd really rather stay in here... " I fire back.
"Don't be scared of me." He really does sound trustworthy... but that fear, man; She's one unrelenting bitch.
My voice goes high pitched when I answer, too vehement to be the truth. "I-I'm not! Silly! Why would I be scared of you??" My eyes open up again and I just wince. Such a liar.
"Aghh... " I just listen to him shifting around out there looking for something for a bit, or thinking of what to say next, while I myself sit and think comfortable that there is nothing that will make this worse, seeing as I'm safe and sound in this toilet stall... before his boots disappear from my vision under the door and I hear him disappear out of the bathroom then return again almost immediately, going into the stall beside me and putting something down on the toilet seat in there.
Oh my god- he wouldn't dare! He would not-
Then all of a sudden he's climbing over the wall and I have to jump off the toilet seat and press closely to the stall door, root beer and snack still hugged in my arms like teddy bears. Marcus eases himself over the wall and onto the toilet seat before my eyes, then jumps off it to the tiles again in front of me, while I gape wide at him. "I- what- Marcus!"
"Well you weren't coming out! It was my only option!" He exclaims, and now that I see him I do relax a bit. There's no coldness in his face now, and there is certainly no unfamiliar, unfriendly seriousness, either, seeing as the man just climbed into a toilet stall to get to me. Very Marcus-y. I slowly let out a relieved breath, which is still also a 'calm down' breath as the pressure is certainly still on. I can see him, but he can also see me.
Eager to avoid the issue at hand, I snap. "You might've kicked me!"
"No, I wouldn't have." He makes a defensive 'pshhh' sound immaturely, waving me off with a hand before resting them both on his hips and looking right at me. I give him my own dubious look right back- What makes him so sure??? He rolls his eyes. "Whatever, anyway." Suddenly, a beautiful big smile spreads across his face; the kind that still makes me a little bit weak and almost forces me to smile back. Even now, in this situation. "This is great."
And then I'm speechless, mouth closed and eyebrows furrowed together. ... Great? What? Quickly he moves to clarify, before grinning that goofy grin of his. "The pregnancy! Man, I've seen enough girlfriends get pregnant over the years... its nice to see one having my baby." A moment passes and my system is just registering this reaction - not even relieved, yet. Just in shock and a little less anxiety, - before he drops his smile, raises an eyebrow, and adds: "It is mine, right?"
Still shocked, I answer as if the question was more on the lines of 'That was my cupcake that I just ate, right?'. Meaning, probably too casually. "Oh- oh, yeah! Abs- absolutely." He doesn't seem to mind.
He beams again. "Great! We'll be awesome parents- that is assuming you wanna keep the baby, right?"
"Uh... " All I want to say is yes, right now. Even as the complications of raising a baby right now linger in the forefront of my mind. But at the same time I'm looking at Marcus and I just want to. I want to have the baby, and I want to do it with him... in the moment, he's the absolute perfect person to do it with. I choke out, "Yeah."
He fist pumps the air at that response, and finally the relief starts to settle in my stomach and my heart... a smile grows on my own face. My eyes even get a little watery with the powerful relief. "YES! That's right, I'm gonna be a Dad. Whoo! We gotta tell everyone. But how, do you think? Should we get a cake or something that says it in icing?? Or should we just go out there and announce it over the speakers? Or should we just not tell anyone? Cuz on the one hand, I wanna tell everyone- but on the other... I don't really want Carol to know you're pregnant. That could be bad."
"Um... " I don't even know what to say. I just want to hug him, so I do. I step forward and wrap my arms around his middle, burying my face in his coveralls and the body I've become so familiar with over the past months that smells so uniquely - and not always so pleasantly, but definitely comforting,  - like Marcus and squeeze tight, closing my eyes. He smells like that 'new furniture' smell that's really just 'warehouse', and an unfamiliar home, and a little bit of B.O.
Thank god.
Amy was right. Of course she was. Even when I was stressing, I knew the image I had of Marcus getting mad about this didn't feel quite right, but... you have to prepare yourself for the worst, you know? I'm just so glad he's the way he is though, as he wraps his arms around my shoulders in return and bends his neck to press his cheek to my head. "I'm really happy about this. And I know we haven't figure anything out. With us, with money, with anything actually, but... we will, okay? I'll do my best, I promise."
"... Thank fuck." I chuckle, although its muffled and get a similar sound from him in return. "I'm really happy, too." He rubs my back in that rough, comforting way that guys do and I might as well melt; He's too wonderful. I bite my bottom lip, thinking my next move through before taking a deep breath and deciding to take the plunge and ask. "... hey... um... b-boyfriend?"
Marcus immediately pulls me back and holds me at arms length, a crazy-big grin splitting his face. "Oh, yes! This day just keeps getting better and better; Come on, we definitely have to tell everyone this, lets go." Excitedly, he slips past me and unlocks the stall door finally, but pauses and turns back to me before its pushed open at all. I tilt my head in curiosity- what's up? "Unless... congrats sex?"
Oh my god- a snort, transforming into a laugh slips out of me before I can stop it. I pull him closer by the front of his coveralls, grinning at both the idea and how silly he is and gently tug him down closer to my level. I close my lips and knit my eyebrows together understandingly. "... How about you come over after work? First we should probably deal with the others? You know, the ones hanging outside right now?"
"Oh, yeah, probably. Oh man- I'll be basically related to Jonah now!" Oh- well- not exactly but... okay fine. If it makes the guy happy. "Ha ha, look forward to seeing this face every Christmas, bro." Oh boy.
I just grin at that - Goodluck Jonah, - before leaning up the rest of the way and pressing a careful kiss to Marcus' lips which he immediately returns with enthusiasm, hands abandoning the stall lock and collecting my waist instead.
This is going to be okay.
It will work out. I hope.
Later in the breakroom while Marcus is busy with talking to some of the other Cloud 9 employees about the news, Jonah takes the seat next to me and I raise my eyebrows at him- he's obviously dying to say something. I know my brother at least that much. He sighs.
"So... you... haven't eaten the cheese, right? I mean, I have but I'm hoping you haven't been put through such, uh, cruel and unusual torture... "
"Oh, no. Absolutely not. I managed to convince him it was cannibalism for women." I grin, returning immediately to my Cloud 9 Caesar salad as Jonah sighs long and hard in relief, relaxing back into his chair.
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jesswritesthat · 4 years
Bokuto Kōtarō: Love Languages
Fandom: Haikyuu!! — [ Masterlist ]
Summary: Fluff
• In which your group of friends is attempting to decipher the famous Spiker of the Black Jackals’ love language but you get an unexpected personal insight into the answer.
Warnings: Scheming antics of friends, one swear word.
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Upcoming Outside Hitter of the MSBY Black Jackals, a famous athlete by all means and potential model if he so wished - or rather, Bokuto Kōtarō as he was known by name.
An increasingly popular topic amongst your female friends as of late...
He's handsome - yes you'd heard it.
So charismatic and friendly - god you knew it.
And that athletic physique, those arms especially - eh, you'd seen him shirtless, his abs were nothing to scoff at either.
For you, it was understandable why people would see him this way in comparison to his teammates. Meian Shūgo had his fair share of fans too which you'd narrowed down to 'Captain Rights' - like in all the movies, who doesn't want to date the Captain y'know? The Jackals found amusement in the analogy nonetheless, even if Meian lightly punched your shoulder in mock offence.
But it was common knowledge that Spikers held more recognition simply because their role was more showy, Bokuto and Sakusa were popular with Black Jackal fans albeit the latters’ attitude sent many warming more to Kōtarō. Hinata was too cute be considered hot, and Atsumus flirty behaviour resonated with those drifting toward the idea of a fling rather than valued relationships - hence their preference to Bokuto.
It stumped you as to how he was viewed more fitting for that role considering they were both as immature as each other. Dumbasses.
"What do you think his love language would be though? Quality time maybe or—" Kotori giggled, the brunette growing overly excited with the idea much like your other two friends as you tuned in momentarily.
"It's Physical Touch."
You'd filtered into the conversation so confidently, not a hint of uncertainty within your lacklustre answer as the trio of girls stared at your distracted figure with stunned expressions.
It wasn't that you were being antisocial, you'd just heard each Kotori, Yuki and Hanami gush over Bokuto too many times and now allowed yourself to zone out or type away on your phone as they rambled on. However, their extended silence caused you to meet their expectant gazes with a sceptical brow.
"You can't just say that without reasoning (Y/n), especially with that clear-cut tone of yours. Why do you think it's Physical Touch?" Yuki cheerfully smiled at you, beckoning her hand for you to elaborate.
Did they forget that you worked with MSBY Black Jackal teams as their private medical professional on a daily basis? Apparently so.
"Ughhh, alright..." It was a pained groan of defeat, one that elicited invigorated smiles from your group as you uncrossed your legs and leaned on the café table with a contemplative pout prior to elaborating.
"Bokuto responds best to Words of Affirmation, the man is a sucker for compliments really but expresses his own feelings via Physical Touch. I mean he's pretty decent with Acts of Service too but it's a lot less in comparison - he always claps his team on the back when they make a good shot, or tackles them usually for fun. Plus that idiot is a hugger so I'm pretty confident in my assumption."
"They're teammates though, I mean a romantic partner." Kotori clarified with an understanding nod, processing your casual information with a satisfied sigh.
"Teammates love each other, it'd likely be similar but I guess hand holding and more intimate embraces would be involved. I don't know guys, I've never seen him with a lover or even know if he has one." You playfully shrugged amidst your gentle laughter, turning to Yuki who held a rolled up magazine in her hands and waved it as evidence.
"I've read the gossip magazines, they say he's currently single~"
"What wonderful news for you guys, maybe one of you will meet him, fall in love, invite us to your wedding, and be all the journalists can talk about for the next week." Though your sarcasm was evident, the group immediately joined in with the banter - Hanami over-dramatically flicking her hair over her shoulder to accompany her next humorous statement.
"Exactly (Y/n). You can all be my bridesmaids when he marries me!"
With a bemused shake you of your head at their antics, you collected a majority of the tables waste and stood to dispose of it in the nearest bin before heading back - brushing off your hands until you were abruptly taken off course much to the awe of your onlooking trio.
"Hey hey hey!"
If not for the strength of the individual, you'd likely would've been sent flying with the amount of encompassing force they'd tackled you with, his arms withdrawing to your waist to hold you in place as you pulled away from the embrace enough to face the blinding smile of none other than Bokuto Kōtarō - who tilted his head once noting the close proximity, sheer joy morphing to that of subtle admiration as he took in your quizzical features.
"You're so pretty (N/n)~" It was an honest and unfiltered observation on his part, the weight of it going unnoticed with his softer tone and stereotypically oblivious nature.
Meanwhile you snapped from your analytic reverie, deflecting the compliment with a casual facade hoping the heat on your skin was dismissed.
"Tch don't call me that, what do you want anyway? You look exhausted."
Bokuto only released a tired sigh with his cheery attitude faltering slightly and bored pout emerging, releasing you from his hold to explain himself with a sheepish hand running through his hair.
"Extra practice was painful and I know your shift starts soon so I was wondering if you'd check me over before I have to start again."
"Kou, tackling me wasn’t very persuasive."
The Spiker cunningly smirked at your justification, holding his index finger up as if to delay your final decision whilst he grabbed a paper bag from the side (that he'd temporarily displaced prior to startling you) and offered it you.
"That's why I brought you a treat from the coffee shop too, perfect way to start the shift right?"
Your gaze flicked between him and the food parchment before ultimately sighing in defeat and taking the item from him to put it in your bag.
"Fine, that was clever. You win Kōtarō."
Gesturing for one second, you walked back to your table a metre or so away to bid farewell to your friends and discreetly finalise your statement from earlier to the rather enigmatic trio of girls - each withholding their presumptuous thoughts with overly gleeful smiles.
"See, Physical Touch."
"All I'm seeing is romantic gestures~" Yuki broke the silence first, the others agreeing and chuckling at the playful glare settling on your features.
"Shut up, it's not like he's holding my hand or kissing me. Try flirting with him since you're so in love with—"
Still radiating accomplishment from his earlier achievement, your defence was ironically cut short by Bokuto easily lacing his digits around your wrist like he’d done it thousands of times before, and carefully tugged toward the exit to indicate his intention.
"C'mon (Y/n), Meian will kill me if I'm late and Atsumu, ugh, he'll give me a break if I say I was with you."
There was a momentary lapse in comeback, yourself too caught up in his happy-go-lucky wink to finish your proclamation - "Sorry (L/n), you were saying...?" - but Kotoris’ mischievous tone certainly reminded you.
"Oh right, you wanna stay? I forget you're not at our beck and call sometimes, you're just always there when I need you I guess - but you should relax if you want to." Bokuto thoughtfully added before you could answer, taking a step toward you and diverting his gaze to the side, embarrassingly rubbing the back of his neck due to his apparent intrusion.
"No worries Kōtarō, I'd be leaving in a few minutes for work anyway." With a soft sigh of - was it gratitude? Adoration? God you hoped not - you opened the door to leave and waved a ‘later’ your friends.
However, the echoing shout following after the two of left you hauntingly vengeful in the most kindest of ways.
"You better invite us to your wedding (Y/n)-chan~"
"Shut. Up." Came your hushed return, the trio breaking into fits of giggles upon hearing the emphasised irritation in it.
The sudden panic in the Spikers tone prevented you from going back in and demanding they buy you an apology coffee. Bokuto practically jumped away from you like you’d caught the plague, now wearing a contrastingly apologetic and shocked expression.
"You're getting married?! Sorry (N/n)-chan I didn't realise you had a fiancé else I would've stopped flirting with you ages ago."
"There's no wedding, I'm singl- wait - you what?" At first you rolled your eyes and brushed it off with a wave of your hand as you continued towards your shared work place until his admittance truly resignated and you stammered rather ungraciously.
"That’s a relief and yeah, Tsum Tsum suggested finding your love language so that's what I've been trying to figure out." Bokuto seemed more relaxed, an overly enthused sigh of relief escaping him as he rested his hands behind his head whilst walking - meanwhile you'd come to a precipitated stop, staring at him in utter bewilderment.
"Oh shit..."
Kōtarō turned around when noting your lack of presence by his side, pausing in place and tilting his head in curiosity upon hearing your confounded whisper - still wearing a puzzled but lopsided smile.
"...you like me." You concluded (more a fact than question), gazing over to him in complete awe and expecting - hoping for him to deny it wholeheartedly.
Instead his smile only widened, eyes closing briefly with a toothy grin sparkling under the sun and a firm nod of confirmation making your insides plummet.
"I do, hadn’t you noticed?"
[ Masterlist ]
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