#UI designers should only be allowed to work if they have a full team of testers with every applicable disability
montyshistoryblog · 4 months
The new discord update is an accessibility nightmare
I've gotten used to shitty UI updates from Discord but this is a new step over the line.
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Pings now just put a shitty yellow line like you're dealing with a fault bit of code in VS, rather than someone getting your attention. It isn't nearly as attention grabbing or easy to find where you were pinged now.
Speaking of harder to find, did you like being able to know where a conversation started when you clicked in, so you can read from where you left off? Too bad! The red line is gone, strike 2 for people with parsing issues I guess.
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Hovering over a message? Same background colour as if you weren't hovering at all. Another issue for people struggling to track stuff.
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Enjoy being able to check which chat you're in at a glance? Dark backgrounds have YET AGAIN been removed. Because fuck you.
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Messages that are days or even weeks apart? No more line easily indicating that this time jump has happened, better hope you spot that tiny date text while scrolling.
This whole update is a spit in the face of people who struggle to parse information at a glance, and the entire visual language of the UI is now fucked. Really wish they'd work on decreasing their obscene RAM usage or their countless security vulnerabilities before they work on this bullshit that nobody asked for.
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cielhunternorwood · 1 year
So, I think I've played enough of CounterSide by this point to both be hooked and be able to give an honest opinion about the game. I'll go reviewer mode and do some major nitpicking. Be warned, there will be SPOILERS in here, so read at your own discretion.
Bear in mind, I've spent a bit less than a month with the game, but I've noticed some rather big issues with it that should probably be addressed someday. Also, this review is based on the Steam version: no clue how much gameplay is affected by playing on mobile, but here we go.
UI/Graphics: Pretty Neat/10
So, ignoring a Steam review that complained about a recent major change, I feel like the current UI is pretty solid. Things are fairly simple to navigate once you know what's what (though the terms for "main story", "side story", etc are the usual "we wanna be unique" words, so that may throw you off) and the design is simple but unique. The PC version also runs pretty well, though it should since it's running a 2D sidescroller-style game with what I assume are Spine-rigged full-body sprites.
Gameplay: Balance? What's that?/10
So, revisiting the sidescrooler-style comment, CounterSide is an auto-fight 2D sidescroller game where all characters have a basic attack and a passive effect. Most of them also possess a cooldown-based special attack, and a lot of those "most" possess Ultimate attacks. During battle, you get a stock of points that slowly fills up, allowing you to spend those points to deploy folks (with each unit having its own deployment cost).
Once the folks are deployed, they just go at it and your only real input is to either click the purple diamond over their head when their Ultimate is ready or use the skills of the Ship you're using to deploy said folks. If that sounds a bit demanding, there's an Auto setting for deploying/ship skills and a separate Auto for using Ultimates. While the Auto AI is easy to work with, it's not always reliable in more difficult stages, and it's never a good idea in PvP.
Yeah, there's PvP. You know what that means? GROSS IMBALANCE! Yes, units in this game vary in use because of both needing to keep PvP balanced but then also leading to a lot of overpowered units that have to be "banned" in PvP to temporarily nerf them. And in most cases, the best PvP units are those that hit with massive debuffs, enact huge buffs like Immortality or Perfect Evade, or vice-versa say "no" to all buffs/debuffs. Also Joo counterattack. It can be very frustrating.
The division of units is as follows:
There are three types of units -
Counter - Basically Superheroes, they have superpowers and pull off anime shit. They always have Ultimates and Special Attacks.
Soldier - Normal humans who are still pretty tough and do some normal things to help. Some have Ultimates and Specials, but the Passives replacing them can be quite good.
Mecha* - Vehicles, planes, drones, and stompbots. They can have Specials, Ultimates, or just be normal attack with two or three passives.
*The game actually calls them "Mechs", but this is erroneous as "Mech" is short for "mechanized infantry" which are infantry that travel using tracked vehicles i.e. an APC. "Mecha" is the term for stuff like stompbots and so on.
Among these units, there are SEVEN classes -
Strikers - Melee bros, frontline smack-a-dude, good against Rangers
Rangers - Distance bros, might smack face from afar, but mostly mid-range, good against Defenders.
Defenders - Tanks, enough said, good against Snipers.
Snipers - Self-explanatory, super squishy but super powerful, good against Strikers
Towers - They stand there and defend your ship from getting shivved, that's it, really, not particularly good against anyone and pretty niche
Siege - They charge in and aaaargh, that's it, not particularly useful except maybe in PvP
Supporter - They Heal, They Buff, They Debuff, They Shoot Fire/Ice/Flower Petals, They can be pretty busted but also a bit squishy
So, you see that balancing teams is a bit... Weird with the excess classes as well as how unit types don't quite seem to amount to much other than using different upgrade items/equipment. You'll always have a bit of everything (besides Tower/Siege) on a team in order to beat normal content because using only one class is just stupid.
Of course, the rarity of units goes the letter rating route, where the max is SSR... Well, there's one ABOVE that: AWAKENED SSR. These units are OP for one thing in particular and that one thing can either be super useful or super niche, so the mileage may vary in how much they speed up finishing stages.
Oh, by the way, stages are timed, with 3 minutes being the usual time limit. But, to get 3-star ratings, you have to beat most levels within 1 minute (sometimes 1m30s), so you're more than likely going to focus on farting out as much DPS as possible to win rather than anything else.
Music: A Bit Here, A Bit There/10
So, this is a bit weird to say, but this music seems to be pretty good if only because it's building off other kinds of music. In general, the tone is pretty dark or grim, and the style is a mix of Yuki Kajiura, Go Shiina, and Kenji Kawai. It gets to the point where it feels like a bit of whiplash when you hear something rather normal for a gacha and then suddenly Kajiura-esque choral chanting because the main character is going schwing-schwing in a cutscene.
By the way, it's questionable whether the music is entirely original, as one particular track called "WATCH-00001" turned out to have taken its main melody from a random synth instrumental track and then added a few whooshes and stuff. I would take the music with a grain of salt, seeing as there isn't much here that says "original music" so much as "we're trying to be like that popular music". Not necessarily bad, but after finding out about that one track, it makes anything else a bit suspect in terms of potential plagiarism.
Character Designs: The Whole Spectrum/10
Since the game has super-anime characters, normal people, AND stompbots, it's pretty simple to say that the designs go across the whole spectrum. Some are really good, some are really potato, some are just alright, some are REALLY slutty, some are tastefully-dressed, some are unique, some are generic, there's a Metal Gear, a knock-off Titanfall Titan, the gun nut daughter of M200 from GFL, and Chris Redfield's lost twin brother.
So you'll more than likely find designs you like and designs you won't. It's all over the place, but at least it largely looks to be the same artist, so you know they tried to come up with a lot of variability (even if there are a lot of repeat characters with the Awakened thing and characters from past timelines- we'll get there shortly). It's also got plenty of guys as well as girls, so it's not ENTIRELY biased toward girlservice.
Let's get the biggest part out of the way: you, the player, are a manager. Yes. Which means you're not leveling up characters: you're increasing their pay rate. Now, game-wise this doesn't mean you pay them regularly but the point still stands. You pay lots of money to level them up and make them fight harder using "appraisals" for EXP. This does mean they don't level up by fighting, so they only gain EXP from this.
Their skills can be upgraded with a separate currency of blue books alongside using skill manual-like items of varying amounts based on the skill being upgraded. The ceiling of upgrades is capped based on the star-level of the character, with the absolute max being 5. Their star-level is upgraded through a different Cube-like resource which differs based on the character type- Counter, Soldier, or Mecha.
All of these are obtained via grind. The stamina resource you use to grind, Eternium, initially looks like a huge number (in the thousands) and replenishes 75 every five minutes, but the stages cost so much Eternium that the numbers are largely inflated. That and the best grind stages are locked behind a specific pass-like item that you only get two of every day, with a unique pass for each item type to grind: appraisals, skill manuals, and cubes.
All of this on top of needing to grind for money for everything, as well as parts for upgrading the ships used to deploy your units, equipment for units to use as well as items to craft more/upgrade them, blue books so you don't run out upgrading skills, currency in other modes for their respective shops-- THERE'S A LOT OF GODDAMN ITEMS AND NOT ENOUGH STREAMLINING!
This is one of the parts that bugs me the most, because you're always hemorrhaging on something or other due to the sheer number of things, and it makes progress come to a grinding halt after the initial beginner period where it gives you so much crap to work with. If you don't just blaze through all the available story, then you'll end up with a lot of times just logging in for ten minutes to auto-run stages for whatever you're missing out on the most (which may most often be Cubes or money). It's a headache trying to track all of it, and it would be nice if it was all streamlined into much fewer resources.
That's not even getting into the PvP currency, the challenge content currency, the myriad side story currencies, the Raid/Dive currencies, the shards you gather of certain characters to turn into copies of said character- At least that last one makes sense, but goddamn it feels like they just kept tossing on new things and not putting thought into making it have better flow in acquiring it.
Story: Surprisingly Okay/10
So, here's the basic background: the world exists alongside a place known as the CounterSide which is full of Corruption Rays that turn people into monsters known as Corrupted Objects or C.O.s. It occasionally opens holes from the CounterSide to the real world and spreads the Corruption Rays in the real world.
So, to combat this, the "Administration" employs paid mercenary companies filled with Counters capable of harnessing superpowers fueled by CRF (I forget what it stands for) to fight back. You know someone's a Counter because they wear a watch as a symbol of both their status as a Counter and as ticking death: if it reaches zero without an Eternium recharge, they turn into a special C.O. called a Shadow.
The main story itself begins with the arrival of Hilde, a petite woman who is a member of Coffin Company, a well-known but shit-outta-luck PMC that is on its last legs financially. She is greeted by her old apprentice, Joo Shiyoon, who you can immediately tell, due to his constantly-closed eyes and his voice actor being Lelouch, is not really as happy-go-lucky as he lets on (and equally tell by the CG that Hilde feels guilty about something related to him).
These two chuckleheads come together to go on a mission alongside the new hire, Yoo Mina, the love child of Squall Leonhart and Satomi Rentarou who, of course, uses a long revolver rifle with a little surprise and is obsessed with making money (in order to pay for her sister's hospital bills). The story isn't very subtle about just how these three are not so average folks, and that lack of subtlety is a bit refreshing, but it also does subvert expectations here and there. I digress...
So rookie's first day is rescuing the new owner of Coffin, a monolithic robot that is the avatar of... Well, you, the player, the omnipotent manager. What follows is a chain of events that reveal ye old rookie has her own secret power she's awakening to. Oh, and her revolver rifle has a rune-covered sword inside that she can use to slice through big-ass enemies so long as there's a huge choir chanting in the background. No "power of friendship" stuff going on, just "nah, I'm splitting this thing in two".
A few chapters in, there's a reveal of a group of enemies trying to use the CounterSide for some supposedly nefarious purpose, and it devolves into a rather whirlwind series of events which I will not detail further because this review is getting WAY too wordy. Needless to say, the story does a fair bit of hop and jump, and it doesn't spend too much time hammering in sad moments or make you empathize with enemies like a certain other dev's games hoyo. It does what it sets out to do, and at least the characters aren't so two-dimensional that you actually can guess them from the get-go. Besides maybe Hilde, but I think that's because (as far as I've seen, at least) her story's barely been told since it might be too spoilery.
With that said, the main story does proceed with certain characters becoming involved without explaining why in itself. That's where the side stories come in, where they do detail these other side groups either before or after they get involved in the main story. That, in particular, I appreciate A LOT, especially when the Guide Mission progression has you hopping between Main and Side so you don't miss much along the way. It doesn't ruin the pacing of the Main story if you're just plowing through that, having to cover that stuff, so it works out well.
Overall: Bretty good/10
I mean, it must be doing something right if I feel invested in playing (and spending), right? Eh, I can't honestly say that. Arknights didn't do much right, and I played it for months before dropping it. Well, SilverAsh exists, so that was most of why I stayed... But we're not talking about that crap. We're talking about a rather up-and-down game that's imperfect but kind of enjoyably imperfect.
It's very obvious it has balance issues out the wazoo with characters, it has far too many currencies/upgrade items, hard game modes, and the special "gem" currency for rolling gacha is better spent on upgrades to your dorms or buying the OTHER currency for rolling the Awakened gacha. And yet the gameplay can be hands-off enough that you can just sit and watch your employees do all the work for you, the story bits come together pretty well, and there's plenty of little twists that, while some are pretty obvious, can catch you by surprise just for being different from the norm.
I'd recommend it just for you to judge it accordingly and because the beginning is pretty easy with how much stuff it throws at you. By the time you go through all the beginner prizes and stuff, you should be able to tell whether you'll like the game or not. Once that's all used up, though, you'll be in the grind section of the game, depending on how many not-good units you end up raising without realizing they're not good. But such is life in the gachas...
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devoqdesign · 9 days
Designing for Diversity: Creating Inclusive UI/UX That Resonates Across Demographics
In today's globalized digital landscape, creating user interfaces (UI) and user experiences (UX) that resonate with diverse audiences is not just a noble goal—it's a business imperative. As our user base becomes increasingly diverse, spanning various cultures, ages, abilities, and backgrounds, designers must rise to the challenge of crafting experiences that are not only functional but also inclusive and meaningful to all users.
Understanding the Importance of Inclusive Design
Inclusive design is an approach that considers the full range of human diversity with respect to ability, language, culture, gender, age, and other forms of human difference. By designing for inclusivity, we create products and services that are not just accessible to a wider audience but also more usable and enjoyable for everyone.
The benefits of inclusive design extend beyond moral considerations. Companies that prioritize inclusive design can:
Expand their market reach
Improve user satisfaction and loyalty
Drive innovation through diverse perspectives
Reduce legal risks associated with accessibility issues
Enhance their brand reputation as socially responsible
Key Principles of Inclusive UI/UX Design
1. Understand Your Diverse User Base
Before diving into design, it's crucial to thoroughly understand the diverse demographics you're designing for. This involves:
Conducting comprehensive user research
Creating inclusive personas that represent a wide range of users
Employing diverse design teams to bring varied perspectives to the table
2. Design for Accessibility
Accessibility should be a fundamental consideration, not an afterthought. This includes:
Ensuring color contrast meets WCAG guidelines
Providing alternative text for images
Designing for keyboard navigation
Supporting screen readers and other assistive technologies
3. Embrace Cultural Sensitivity
Cultural nuances can significantly impact how users interact with and perceive your design. Consider:
Localizing content beyond mere translation
Being mindful of color symbolism across cultures
Adapting imagery and iconography to be culturally appropriate
4. Cater to Different Abilities
Users have varying physical and cognitive abilities. Design with this in mind by:
Offering multiple ways to interact with your interface (e.g., touch, voice, gesture)
Providing options to adjust text size, contrast, and audio levels
Simplifying complex tasks and offering clear instructions
5. Consider Age Diversity
From tech-savvy Gen Z to less digitally native older adults, your design should accommodate users of all ages:
Use clear, legible typography
Avoid relying solely on trendy design patterns that may confuse older users
Provide comprehensive onboarding for complex features
6. Be Gender-Inclusive
Avoid perpetuating gender stereotypes and create a welcoming experience for all gender identities:
Use gender-neutral language and imagery
Offer inclusive options for user profiles and avatars
Avoid making assumptions about users based on gender
Practical Strategies for Implementing Inclusive Design
Conduct Inclusive User Testing
Involve a diverse group of users in your testing process to uncover issues and gather insights you might otherwise miss. This includes:
Testing with users of different ages, abilities, and cultural backgrounds
Using a variety of devices and assistive technologies
Gathering feedback on cultural appropriateness and sensitivity
Implement Flexible Design Systems
Create design systems that are adaptable to different user needs:
Use responsive design principles to ensure your UI works across devices
Implement dark mode and high-contrast options
Allow users to customize their experience (e.g., font size, color schemes)
Prioritize Clear Communication
Clarity is key in inclusive design:
Use plain language and avoid jargon
Provide clear error messages and recovery options
Offer multilingual support where appropriate
Leverage Technology for Inclusion
Take advantage of technological advancements to enhance inclusivity:
Implement voice interfaces for users with visual impairments or those who prefer voice interaction
Use AI to provide real-time language translation
Explore AR/VR solutions to create immersive experiences for users with mobility limitations
Continuously Educate Your Team
Foster a culture of inclusivity within your design team:
Provide regular training on inclusive design principles
Encourage team members to stay updated on accessibility guidelines and best practices
Promote empathy-building exercises to help designers understand diverse user perspectives
Overcoming Challenges in Inclusive Design
While the benefits of inclusive design are clear, implementing it can come with challenges:
Balancing Inclusivity with Aesthetics: Sometimes, design choices that enhance accessibility may seem to conflict with aesthetic preferences. The key is to find creative solutions that marry form and function.
Resource Constraints: Implementing comprehensive inclusive design practices can be resource-intensive. Start with high-impact, low-effort changes and gradually expand your efforts.
Lack of Awareness: Not all stakeholders may understand the importance of inclusive design. Educate team members and decision-makers about the business and ethical benefits.
Evolving Standards: Accessibility guidelines and best practices are continually evolving. Stay informed and be prepared to adapt your designs accordingly.
The Future of Inclusive Design
As technology advances, new opportunities for inclusive design emerge:
AI and Machine Learning: These technologies can help personalize user experiences and provide intelligent assistance to users with different needs.
Biometric Interfaces: Advancements in eye-tracking, gesture recognition, and brain-computer interfaces open up new possibilities for users with physical limitations.
Immersive Technologies: VR and AR can create more inclusive educational and entertainment experiences, breaking down physical barriers.
Designing for diversity is not just about compliance or reaching a wider audience—it's about creating a digital world that truly works for everyone. By embracing inclusive design principles, we can craft UI/UX that resonates across demographics, fostering a more accessible, equitable, and innovative digital landscape.
As designers, we have the power and responsibility to shape experiences that celebrate human diversity. By making inclusivity a core part of our design process, we not only improve our products but also contribute to a more inclusive society as a whole.
Remember, inclusive design is an ongoing journey, not a destination. Stay curious, empathetic, and open to learning from the diverse users you serve. In doing so, you'll create experiences that not only meet the needs of all users but also delight and inspire them, regardless of their background or abilities.
Devoq Design is a renowned UI/UX design agency in Bhopal and UI/UX design agency in Jabalpur, providing cutting-edge digital solutions to businesses seeking to elevate their user experience. With a strong focus on creating intuitive and engaging interfaces, the agency ensures that each project is tailored to meet the specific needs of its clients. Whether in Bhopal or Jabalpur, Devoq Design's team of experts delivers high-quality, user-centered designs that enhance digital platforms, ensuring seamless and enjoyable interactions for users across various industries.
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webbuddyllc · 12 days
Mobile App Development Services by WebBuddy
In the ever-evolving digital landscape, mobile app development has become a critical component of business strategy. Companies worldwide are recognizing the potential of mobile applications to enhance customer engagement, streamline operations, and boost profitability. WebBuddy, a premier digital solutions provider, stands out in this domain with its innovative and client-centric mobile app development services. This article explores the various aspects of WebBuddy's mobile app development offerings, highlighting why businesses should choose WebBuddy for their mobile app needs.
Understanding the Mobile App Revolution
The surge in smartphone usage has transformed how businesses interact with their customers. Mobile apps have become essential tools for marketing, customer service, and sales. They offer personalized experiences, immediate access to products and services, and foster brand loyalty. Given this trend, a robust mobile app can be a game-changer for any business, regardless of its size or industry.
Why Choose WebBuddy?
1. Expertise and Experience
WebBuddy boasts a team of seasoned professionals with extensive experience in mobile app development. Their expertise spans across various platforms including iOS, Android, and cross-platform solutions. This diverse skill set ensures that WebBuddy can cater to the unique needs of each client, delivering high-quality, functional, and aesthetically pleasing apps.
2. Client-Centric Approach
At WebBuddy, the client is at the heart of everything they do. They take the time to understand each client's business goals, target audience, and specific requirements. This client-centric approach enables them to develop customized solutions that align perfectly with the client's vision and objectives. Whether it's a startup looking for its first app or an established enterprise seeking to enhance its mobile presence, WebBuddy provides tailored solutions that drive success.
3. Comprehensive Services
WebBuddy offers a full spectrum of mobile app development services, from initial consultation and conceptualization to design, development, testing, and post-launch support. This end-to-end service ensures a seamless experience for clients, as they receive all the support they need under one roof.
4. Cutting-Edge Technology
Staying abreast of the latest technological advancements is crucial in the fast-paced world of mobile app development. WebBuddy leverages cutting-edge tools and technologies to create apps that are not only visually appealing but also highly functional and secure. Their expertise in advanced technologies like AI, AR/VR, IoT, and blockchain allows them to develop innovative solutions that provide a competitive edge to their clients.
Key Services Offered by WebBuddy
1. Native App Development
WebBuddy specializes in developing native apps for both iOS and Android platforms. Native apps are known for their superior performance and user experience, as they are specifically designed for a particular operating system. WebBuddy's developers are proficient in Swift and Objective-C for iOS, and Java and Kotlin for Android, ensuring that the apps are optimized for performance and functionality.
2. Cross-Platform App Development
For businesses looking to target both iOS and Android users without the need for separate apps, WebBuddy offers cross-platform app development services. Utilizing frameworks like React Native and Flutter, WebBuddy creates apps that work seamlessly across multiple platforms, reducing development time and costs while maintaining a high-quality user experience.
3. UI/UX Design
An app's success heavily depends on its design. WebBuddy's team of creative designers focuses on crafting intuitive and engaging user interfaces. They prioritize user experience (UX) to ensure that the app is easy to navigate, aesthetically pleasing, and highly functional. By conducting thorough user research and usability testing, they create designs that resonate with the target audience.
4. App Testing and Quality Assurance
To deliver flawless apps, WebBuddy places a strong emphasis on testing and quality assurance. Their comprehensive testing procedures include functional testing, performance testing, security testing, and usability testing. This rigorous process ensures that the apps are free of bugs and perform optimally under various conditions.
5. Maintenance and Support
The journey doesn't end with the launch of the app. WebBuddy provides ongoing maintenance and support to ensure that the app remains up-to-date and continues to perform well. Their support services include regular updates, bug fixes, performance optimization, and adding new features as needed. This commitment to long-term partnership ensures that clients get the most out of their investment.
Success Stories
WebBuddy's portfolio is a testament to their excellence in mobile app development. They have successfully delivered a wide range of apps across various industries, including e-commerce, healthcare, finance, education, and entertainment. Each project showcases their ability to combine technical expertise with creative design to deliver apps that exceed client expectations.
Case Study: E-Commerce App for a Leading Retailer
One of WebBuddy's notable projects involved developing an e-commerce app for a leading retailer. The client wanted a user-friendly app that could handle high traffic volumes and provide a seamless shopping experience. WebBuddy developed a robust app with features like personalized recommendations, secure payment gateways, and real-time inventory updates. The app significantly boosted the client's online sales and received positive feedback from users for its ease of use and functionality.
Case Study: Health & Wellness App
In another project, WebBuddy created a health and wellness app designed to help users track their fitness goals, monitor their diet, and connect with fitness experts. The app integrated with wearable devices and offered personalized workout plans and nutrition advice. It quickly became popular among health enthusiasts, thanks to its comprehensive features and user-friendly interface.
In today's mobile-first world, having a well-designed and functional mobile app is essential for business success. WebBuddy, with its extensive experience, client-centric approach, and commitment to innovation, is the ideal partner for businesses looking to leverage the power of mobile apps. Whether it's developing a new app from scratch or enhancing an existing one, WebBuddy's mobile app development services are designed to deliver exceptional results that drive growth and customer satisfaction. Choose WebBuddy, and take your business to the next level with a cutting-edge mobile app.
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implauseit · 12 days
What to Learn After Html , CSS ,JS ? In today’s ever-evolving tech landscape, knowing what to learn after HTML, CSS, and JavaScript is essential for any aspiring developer One of the most recommended next steps is learning React, a powerful JavaScript library for building dynamic user interfaces. But before we dive into why React is critical, let’s first explore the broader learning journey for developers and what they should master after the basics.
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Understanding the Basics: Why HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Aren’t Enough
HTML gives structure to web content, CSS styles it, and JavaScript makes it interactive. While essential, these technologies can't efficiently manage the complexities of large-scale projects. That's where libraries and frameworks come in, making it easier to organize code, handle complex UI states, and improve scalability.
What Should You Learn After HTML, CSS, and JavaScript? As a student, once you have gained proficiency in the basics, you’ll be eager to advance your career. Let’s look at some crucial skills to focus on: Version Control with Git and GitHub To work on real-world projects like my project and collaborate with other developers, version control is key. Learn Git to track changes in your code and use GitHub to manage and share projects with teams. Responsive Design With the diversity of devices today, ensuring your websites look good on all screen sizes is crucial. Learning responsive web design techniques using CSS media queries and flexbox will elevate your web development skills. JavaScript ES6+ JavaScript continues to evolve, and keeping up with the latest updates in ES6 (and beyond) is important. Key concepts like arrow functions, promises, and async/await can simplify your code and make it more efficient. Backend Technologies You may want to start learning backend technologies like Node.js for full-stack development. With knowledge of Node.js, you can handle both the frontend and backend of applications. React: Your Gateway to Modern Frontend Development After mastering the core skills, learning React is the logical next step.
Why Learn React After HTML, CSS, and JavaScript? React has taken the web development world by storm, becoming one of the most sought-after skills by companies worldwide. Here’s why you should seriously consider mastering React:
High Demand in the Job Market React developers are in high demand globally, and especially in tech hubs like Pune, where many companies focus on building web and mobile applications. Mastering React opens doors to better job opportunities in app development in Pune, where companies seek developers with strong React skills.
Component-Based Architecture React’s component-based architecture allows developers to break down complex UIs into smaller, reusable pieces. This results in more manageable code, reduced redundancy, and faster development times.
React Ecosystem and Tooling React has a rich ecosystem of libraries and tools like React Router and Redux. These tools help in building scalable, production-ready applications and handling client-side routing and state management.
Strong Community and Documentation React boasts a massive community of developers who contribute to a wealth of online resources, tutorials, and open-source projects. This makes it easier for new learners to pick up the technology and find solutions to common problems.
Power of JSX JSX (JavaScript XML) is a syntax extension for JavaScript used in React, enabling you to write HTML elements within JavaScript code. This makes the code more readable and concise, streamlining the development process.
Career Flexibility Knowing React not only qualifies you for front-end developer roles but also positions you to work with mobile apps, thanks to React Native. Many companies, including android development companies in Pune, are looking for React developers who can seamlessly transition between web and mobile development.
Exploring Career Options: React and Beyond Once you’re comfortable with React, it’s time to further specialize. Here are some technologies that will make you even more competitive: Learn Next.js Next.js is a React framework for building optimized and fast web applications. It includes features like server-side rendering (SSR) and static site generation (SSG), making it ideal for building modern web apps. Mobile Development with React Native React Native enables you to build mobile applications using the same React principles. It’s highly popular among android application development companies in Pune due to its efficiency in building cross-platform apps. Database Management Learn databases such as MongoDB or MySQL to manage the backend of your web applications. Pairing React with a powerful database can lead to a full-stack developer role.
Tech Companies in Pune and Opportunities for Developers If you're based in Pune, you're in luck! Pune is a burgeoning tech hub with a plethora of opportunities for developers. Below are some key insights into IT companies in Pune and what they offer:
App Development in Pune
Many android development companies in Pune are on the lookout for React developers, especially those who can transition into mobile development roles. Whether you aim to join a startup or a well-established firm, mastering React will position you for success.
Top IT Companies in Kothrud and Kondhwa
Areas like Kothrud and Kondhwa are home to several IT companies that focus on web and app development. Some notable companies provide services like custom web development and cloud application services, creating a booming job market for skilled developers.
How Implause IT Can Help You Grow
If you’re looking for a company that provides top-notch IT solutions, Implause IT is here to help. Based in Pune, we specialize in providing a wide range of services, including:
Custom Web Development Services in Pune
Tailored web solutions that meet your specific IT needs. We craft engaging websites with cutting-edge UI/UX designs to ensure the best user experience.
Quick Commerce Service at Reasonable Prices
Our quick commerce services help ITes streamline their operations and get products to customers faster. We provide solutions that enhance efficiency at competitive prices.
Cloud Application Services
We offer end-to-end cloud application services in Pune and Kondhwa, ensuring that your IT runs smoothly in the cloud with high levels of security and performance.
What is the next step after learning HTML, CSS, and JavaScript?
After learning these foundational technologies, it’s recommended to learn React. It helps you build dynamic user interfaces and enhances your job prospects.
Why should I learn React?
React is highly in demand, offers reusable components, and has a robust ecosystem. It is perfect for building complex, scalable web applications.
Which companies in Pune hire React developers?
Several IT companies in Kothrud, Kondhwa, and app development companies in Pune are looking for React developers, especially those with mobile development experience.
What is the best way to learn React?
Start by learning the fundamentals of React, including components, JSX, and state management. Follow tutorials and work on real-world projects to solidify your understanding.
Are there React development jobs in Pune?
Yes, many companies in Pune, especially in Kothrud and Kondhwa, are actively hiring React developers for both web and mobile development roles.
What services does Implause IT offer?
Implause IT provides custom web development, cloud application services, and quick commerce services in Pune at reasonable prices.
Conclusion Mastering React after learning HTML, CSS, and JavaScript is a smart move for any aspiring web developer. React opens up doors to career opportunities in both web and mobile development. With Pune being a thriving tech hub, particularly in areas like Kothrud and Kondhwa, you’ll find plenty of opportunities in app development and website development companies in Pune. Plus, companies like Implause IT can assist in your journey with services that are tailored to boost your tech career and IT growth.
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jessicabawa · 26 days
Wearing Many Hats: The Essential Skills of a Full-Stack Developer
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In the dynamic world of web development, the term "full-stack developer" has become synonymous with versatility and expertise. Unlike their front-end or back-end counterparts, full-stack developers are the ultimate problem-solvers, comfortable navigating the entire web development lifecycle, from user interface (UI) design to server-side scripting. But what exactly does it take to wear these many hats effectively? Let's delve into the essential skillset that defines a successful full-stack developer.
Front-End Fluency: Crafting a Seamless User Experience
The front-end is the user's playground, the visual and interactive layer they navigate. A full-stack developer needs to be well-versed in the languages that bring websites and applications to life:
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language): The foundation of web pages, HTML structures the content and layout.
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets): CSS dictates the visual appearance of a website, controlling elements like colors, fonts, and layouts.
JavaScript (JS): This dynamic language adds interactivity to web pages, enabling features like animations and user input.
Beyond the Basics: Mastering Frameworks and Libraries
Modern web development heavily relies on frameworks and libraries that streamline the coding process and offer pre-built functionalities. Full-stack developers should be comfortable with popular front-end frameworks like:
React: A powerful library for building dynamic user interfaces with reusable components.
Angular: A comprehensive framework known for its structure and scalability.
Vue.js: A versatile framework known for its flexibility and ease of use.
These frameworks provide a solid foundation for crafting beautiful, interactive user experiences.
Back-End Brawn: Building the Engine of the Web
The back-end is the unseen force behind a website, handling data processing and server-side logic. Full-stack developers need a solid grasp of:
Server-Side Scripting Languages: Languages like Python, PHP, Ruby, or Java power the functionalities and logic behind websites.
Databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL, or MongoDB are some popular databases for storing and managing website data.
APIs (Application Programming Interfaces): APIs allow communication between different applications, a crucial skill for integrating external services.
Understanding back-end technologies enables full-stack developers to build robust and scalable web applications.
Beyond the Code: The Soft Skills of a Full-Stack Developer
Technical expertise is only half the story. Full-stack developers need a well-rounded skillset that includes:
Problem-Solving: The ability to identify, analyze, and solve complex technical challenges is paramount.
Communication: Effective communication with designers, clients, and other developers ensures all are on the same page.
Teamwork: Full-stack developers often collaborate in teams, requiring the ability to work effectively with others.
Continuous Learning: The tech landscape is constantly evolving, so a commitment to lifelong learning is crucial.
These soft skills are essential for navigating the collaborative nature of web development projects.
The T-Shaped Advantage: Specialization Within Versatility
The ideal full-stack developer is often described as having a "T-shaped" skillset. The horizontal bar of the "T" represents the broad knowledge base across front-end and back-end technologies. The vertical bar represents a deeper specialization in one or two specific areas, such as front-end framework expertise or back-end security.
This combination of breadth and depth allows full-stack developers to tackle a wider range of projects while excelling in their chosen area of specialization.
Conclusion: The Full-Stack Future
The demand for full-stack developers is on the rise. Their versatility and ability to manage all aspects of web development make them valuable assets in today's fast-paced digital world. If you're looking for a stimulating and challenging career path, developing the skills mentioned above can open doors to exciting opportunities in the ever-evolving world of web development. So, are you ready to wear the many hats of a full-stack developer?
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flowtools24 · 3 months
Unlocking Success: Why Choose Flowzai as Your Trusted Webflow Development Agency
In today's competitive digital landscape, choosing the right web development agency can make a significant difference in your business's online success. Flowzai stands out as a trusted leader in the realm of Webflow development, offering tailored solutions designed to unlock your business's full potential.
At Flowzai, we pride ourselves on our commitment to excellence and innovation. Our team of skilled developers possesses deep expertise in Webflow, a powerful platform renowned for its flexibility and functionality. Whether you're launching a new website, redesigning an existing one, or seeking to optimize performance, Flowzai provides customized solutions that align seamlessly with your business goals and objectives.
What sets Flowzai apart is our holistic approach to web development. We begin by understanding your unique business needs and challenges. Through comprehensive consultations, we gain insights into your target audience, market dynamics, and competitive landscape. This thorough understanding allows us to devise strategies that not only meet but exceed your expectations.
Central to our methodology is user-centric design. We believe that a well-designed website should not only look visually appealing but also deliver an exceptional user experience (UX). By employing industry-leading UX/UI principles, Flowzai creates intuitive interfaces that enhance usability and engagement. This focus on user experience translates into higher customer satisfaction, increased conversions, and improved brand loyalty.
In addition to front-end design, Flowzai excels in back-end development. Our developers possess the technical prowess to implement robust functionalities and integrations that enhance the performance and scalability of your website. From seamless third-party integrations to optimized database management, we ensure that your website operates efficiently and effectively.
Moreover, Flowzai prioritizes responsive design. In an era where mobile devices dominate internet usage, having a website that adapts seamlessly to different screen sizes is crucial. Our responsive design strategies ensure that your website not only looks impressive on desktops but also provides a consistent and engaging experience on smartphones and tablets. This adaptability is key to reaching and engaging your mobile audience effectively.
Transparency and communication are at the core of our client relationships. We believe in fostering open and collaborative partnerships with our clients. Throughout the development process, we keep you informed and involved, providing regular updates and seeking feedback to ensure that our solutions align with your vision and expectations. Your satisfaction and success are our top priorities.
Flowzai's dedication to quality and client satisfaction is reflected in our track record of delivering exceptional results. Whether you're a startup looking to establish a digital presence or a seasoned enterprise aiming to elevate your online performance, Flowzai has the expertise and capabilities to drive your business forward. Our comprehensive suite of services is designed to support your growth and help you achieve your business objectives.
Choosing Flowzai as your trusted Webflow development agency means partnering with a team of passionate professionals who are committed to realizing your digital ambitions. We are not just developers; we are strategic partners invested in your success. Discover the difference of working with Flowzai and unlock new opportunities for your business in the competitive online marketplace. Together, we can harness the power of Webflow to propel your business to new heights of success.
General FAQs
1. What services does Flowzai offer? 
Flowzai specializes in comprehensive Webflow development services tailored to meet the diverse needs of businesses. Our offerings include website design and development, redesign projects, customizations, and optimizations to enhance performance and user experience. We also provide ongoing maintenance and support to ensure your website remains secure and up-to-date.
2. Why should I choose Flowzai over other web development agencies? 
Flowzai distinguishes itself through a commitment to excellence, innovation, and client satisfaction. We leverage our expertise in Webflow, a robust platform known for its flexibility and scalability, to deliver tailored solutions that align perfectly with your business objectives. Our team's dedication to quality craftsmanship and responsive customer service ensures a seamless experience from project initiation to completion.
3. How does Flowzai approach website design and development? 
At Flowzai, we adopt a strategic approach to website design and development. We begin by understanding your business goals, target audience, and competitive landscape through thorough consultations. Our process emphasizes user-centric design principles to create intuitive interfaces that enhance usability and engagement. We also prioritize responsive design, ensuring your website performs optimally across all devices and screen sizes.
4. What industries does Flowzai serve? 
Flowzai serves a diverse range of industries, including but not limited to e-commerce, technology startups, professional services, healthcare, education, and nonprofit organizations. Our adaptable solutions are designed to cater to the unique requirements of each industry, helping businesses of all sizes achieve their digital objectives efficiently and effectively.
5. How does Flowzai ensure the security and performance of my website? 
Security and performance are paramount at Flowzai. We implement robust security measures to safeguard your website against potential threats and vulnerabilities. Our team conducts regular performance optimizations, including code reviews, caching strategies, and server optimizations, to ensure your website operates at peak efficiency. Additionally, we provide ongoing support and maintenance services to address any issues promptly and proactively.
These FAQs provide a comprehensive overview of Flowzai's services, approach, industry expertise, and commitment to delivering secure, high-performance websites tailored to meet your business needs.
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seosquad07 · 3 months
The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Right Web Design Services
In today's digital era, having a compelling online presence is important for any business aiming to succeed.
Your website often serves as the first point of contact between you and your potential customers, makes a web designing  services an essential investment.
A SEOSquad, one of the leading Web Designing company in India, we understand how important a well-designed website is for boosting your business revenue.
This guide will walk you through the key points for choosing the right web design services, ensuring your online presence is both effective and attractive.
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Understanding Web Design Services
Before choosing a web design service, it’s important to know what they offer. These services typically include:
Website Layout Design: Crafting the visual structure of your website.
User Experience (UX) Design: Making sure the website is easy to use.
User Interface (UI) Design: Designing interactive elements for better user engagement.
Responsive Design: Ensuring your website works well on all devices.
SEO Integration: Optimizing your website to rank better on search engines.
Content Management System (CMS): Allowing easy updates to your website content.
Each of these components helps create a website that not only looks good but also performs well.
Identifying Your Needs
The first step in choosing the right web design services is identifying your specific needs. This involves:
Defining Your Goals: What do you want to achieve with your website? Whether it’s generating leads, selling products, or providing information, your goals will influence the design.
Understanding Your Audience: Knowing your target audience helps tailor the website design to their preferences and behaviors.
Budget Consideration: Decide how much you’re willing to spend on web design services. Remember, a higher upfront cost can lead to a  better long-term performance and less need for frequent redesigns.
Evaluating Web Design Companies
With your needs clearly defined, it’s time to evaluate potential web design companies. Here are some factors to consider:
Portfolio and Experience
Check the portfolios of different web design companies. Look for diversity in design and functionality. This will show you if they can meet your specific requirements. Experience in your industry is a plus, as the designers will understand your market and audience better.
Client Testimonials and Reviews
Customer feedback is very important for understanding a company’s reliability and quality of service. Look for testimonials on the company’s website and reviews on independent platforms. Notice how the company handles criticism and resolves issues.
Services Offered
Make sure the company offers a wide range of services that match your needs. For example, if SEO is important to you, the company should have a strong SEO team. At SEO SQUAD, we offer a full range of digital marketing solutions, ensuring all aspects of your website design and promotion are covered.
Communication and Support
Good communication is a key for a successful web designing project. The company should be responsive and keeps you updated throughout the design process. Post-launch support is also important to address any issues that arise and keep your website running smoothly.
Customization and Flexibility
Your business is unique, so your website should be too. Avoid companies that offer one-size-fits-all solutions. A good web designing company will offer customization options to tailor your website to your specific needs and preferences.
SEO Integration
One of the critical aspects of web design is SEO integration. A beautiful website is useless, if it doesn’t attract their visitors. Here’s what to look for:
On-Page SEO: The company should optimize all on-page SEO elements, including meta tags, headers, and images.
Speed Optimization: Website speed also affects search engine rankings. The design should be optimized for fast loading times.
Mobile Optimization: Most of the users accessing websites on mobile devices, responsive design is crucial.
Content Optimization: Ensure the web design company has a strategy for integrating SEO-friendly content.
At SEO SQUAD, we emphasize SEO from the design phase, ensuring your website ranks well and attracts organic traffic.
Post-Launch Services
The relationship with your web designing company shouldn’t end your website launching. Post-launch services are essential for maintaining and updating your site. These services include:
Regular Updates: Keeping your website’s software, plugins, and content up to date.
Security: Implementing measures to protect your site from threats.
Analytics and Reporting: Providing insights into your website’s performance and areas for improvement.
Making the Final Decision
Choosing the right web design services is a big decision that can greatly impact your business’s online success. Here’s a quick checklist to guide you:
Have you clearly defined your website goals and audience?
Have you reviewed portfolios and verified the experience of potential web design companies?
Have you checked client testimonials and reviews?
Are the services offered comprehensive and aligned with your needs?
Is the company transparent about pricing and what’s included in their packages?
Does the company offer ongoing support and maintenance services?
By thoroughly evaluating these aspects, you can make an informed decision and select a web design service that will help you achieve your business goals.
Why Choose SEO SQUAD?
At SEO SQUAD, we pride ourselves on being a leading digital marketing company with an in-house team of experts dedicated to providing top-notch web design services.
Our approach is comprehensive, integrating SEO and social media marketing to boost your business revenue.
We understand the intricacies of web design and are committed to delivering solutions tailored to your specific needs. Partner with us and experience the difference that our web designing experts can make for your business.
Choosing the right web design services is more than just finding a company that can build your website. It’s about finding a partner who understands your business, your goals, and your audiences.
With the right partner, your website can become a powerful tool for your  growth and success.
At SEO SQUAD, we are ready to be a  that partner of you. Let’s create something amazing together.
This guide should help you navigate the process of choosing the right web design services. If you need further assistance or have specific requirements, feel free to reach out to us at SEO SQUAD. We’re here to help you succeed.
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software-developers · 7 months
Ionic The Best Solution For Your Cross-Platform App Development Needs
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Can you imagine if WhatsApp is only available on one type of device, such as a mobile phone? It would be quite difficult to use the app as we rely on a variety of devices such as laptops, tablets, and smartwatches for communication. Fortunately, WhatsApp is available on all of these devices, making it a popular choice among communication apps.
If you have an idea for an app, it must be accessible across multiple devices and platforms, such as WhatsApp. To achieve this goal, it's highly recommended to partner with a leading  Ionic app development company in Chennai. By doing so, you can leverage their expertise and experience to create a high-quality app that is compatible with multiple platforms. 
What is Ionic? 
Ionic is one of the best cross-platform development. It is a front-end framework used for developing cross-platform mobile, web, and desktop applications. It primarily focuses on the user interface and user experience of an application. However, it can also interact with backend services and databases to fetch and store data. So, while Ionic itself is a front-end framework, it can work with various back-end technologies to create full-stack applications. Making it a suitable framework for your app development project. 
Why You Should Choose Absolute App Labs? 
Absolute App Labs has extensive experience in utilizing the Ionic platform. Our team of highly skilled Ionic app developers in Chennai can create a customized UI for your app, ensuring it is available across multiple platforms simultaneously. We follow a clear app development process that allows us to deliver projects at the right time. 
Consulting: Once you approach us, the first thing we do is provide consulting services through which we can understand what you need. 
Planning: If anything needs to be created it must be planned first. We’ll determine how long it’ll take to create your app and the essential things needed for it. 
Design: Then we’ll come up with several iterations of designs for your app. When you select the design we’ll start prototyping your app. 
App Development: Once you are satisfied with the prototype, we’ll further develop your app features. 
Testing: Once the app is ready our testing experts will conduct rigorous testing, to check if the app functions properly. 
Launch: Once the testing process is complete. Will help you launch your app for several platforms. 
We don’t just leave you after launch. We’ll provide you with essential support services to support you. If you are planning to create an app for your business, reach out to us today!
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usagirotten · 10 months
Valve just released a 25th anniversary Half-Life Documentary
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Valve just released a 25th anniversary update for Half-Life that adds a whole bunch of new content, some welcome quality-of-life upgrades, and even Steam Deck support, according to an announcement on the Half-Life website. Also, you can download the game for free for a limited time. Let’s start with the added content. The game now includes Half-Life Uplink, a “mini-campaign” that was originally available only on CDs from magazines and hardware manufacturers, the company says. There are four new multiplayer maps that Valve says “push the limits of what’s possible in the Half-Life engine.” Valve also added maps and multiplayer character models from a CD called Half-Life: Further Data. Valve added some new settings, too, including the ability to play with a widescreen FOV and support for “a proper gamepad config.” The game’s UI has been updated so that it scales for larger screens. (“We built most of this stuff for 640x480 CRTs and apparently some of you have upgraded since then,” Valve says.) And Half-Life is now Steam Deck Verified, meaning it should work well on the Steam Deck without any fiddling. the new 25th anniversary documentary    New features for Half-Life’s 25th Anniversary Update: - Half-Life Uplink, a mini-campaign built by the Half-Life team after the game went gold, which was originally released as a CD exclusive for magazines and hardware manufacturers - Four new multiplayer maps created by Valve’s level designers that “push the limits of what’s possible in the Half-Life engine,” including ‘Contamination,’ ‘Pool Party,’ ‘Disposal,’ and ‘Rocket Frenzy’ - Updated graphics settings, which allow you to “ lay the game the way it looked in 1998, but on a modern monitor”   Read the full article
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Frontend Engineering Manager - Remote (Europe / Africa)
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Company: Close About Us Close is a bootstrapped, profitable, 100% remote, ~80 person team of thoughtful individuals who value autonomy and impact. We’re eager to make a product our customers fall in love with over and over again. We love startups & SMBs. Since 2013, we’ve been building a CRM  that focuses on better communication, without the hassle of manual data entry or complex UI. Our goal: double the productivity of every sales rep. Our app’s frontend is a single-page TypeScript web app mostly written in React (originally built with Backbone.js). Our mobile app is built using React Native. We bundle with Webpack and target only modern browsers. We test with Jest, React Testing Library, and Playwright. Our UI updates in near real-time and is written in LESS/CSS (with flexbox and grid layout) using CSS modules and takes advantage of fun technologies like Websockets and WebRTC.  We care about performance (e.g. route-based code splitting), maintainability, and testability of our frontend code. Our product development process is inspired by Shape Up. We sweat the UI/UX details and work collaboratively with the Product team throughout the design process. This means diving into lo-fi wireframes, and communicating continuously when those ideas are brought to life using Figma and code. Our frontend app is built on top of our REST API & GraphQL endpoints. Our backend tech stack consists of Python/Flask, MongoDB, Postgres, Elasticsearch, and Redis. We run our services in Docker on AWS. We ❤️ open sourcing our code and ideas on our GitHub and on The Making of Close, our behind-the-scenes Product & Engineering blog. Check our projects such as react-custom-scroller, use-infinite-scroll, use-abortable-effect, and smart-tooltip-delay or insights from our day-to-day work on such as Highlights From a Complex Downshift.js Refactor, A Case Study in"Reactizing" a Complex Backbone View, and Finding the cause of a memory leak in Jest tests. About You We're looking for an experienced full-time Frontend Engineering Manager to join our engineering team and build & lead the 3rd Frontend team. You should be an empathetic leader, have spent part of your career as a senior-level engineer, and want to help build & grow a team of high-performing engineers. You should have senior-level (4 years+) experience building modern frontend applications, preferably using React or similar framework. You should have significant experience (2 years+) leading and growing a team of engineers. You enjoy helping engineers thrive and grow in their roles. You should have a very good idea of how to run 1:1s with your direct reports and how to form strong relationships. You should be comfortable with giving continuous feedback and doing performance reviews. You are expected to grow the team as-needed and help lead a hiring process. You have a track record of managing engineering teams that delivered great products and features. You should be very comfortable working with the Product and Design teams to formulate product ideas, skilled at writing & reviewing technical specifications, and planning work for your team. You can take on non-critical path technical work if time allows.  You’re comfortable working in a fast-paced environment with a medium-sized talented team where you're supported in your efforts to grow professionally. You are able to manage your time well, communicate effectively, and collaborate in a fully distributed team. You are located in an American, European or African time zone. Bonus points if you have... - Experience practicing the Shape Up product development methodology - Experience scaling a small engineering team into a few teams - Experience building JS-based mobile apps - Built B2B SaaS products - Experience with sales or sales tools About the Role - Manage and grow a team of 4-6 high-performing engineers (US and EU timezones), support them through 1:1s and continuous feedback, and empower their career growth. - A mix of team leadership, people management, product ideation, project coordination, and maximum 10% of your time spent on non-critical path IC work. - Work with a team of mostly-senior engineers, product managers, and designers to deliver great features. - Manage and optimize development processes as the team grows. - Participate in formulating a long-term frontend strategy. Why work with us? - Culture video 💚 - 100% remote company (we believe in trust and autonomy) - Choose between working 5 days/wk (standard full-time) or 4 days/wk @ 80% pay - Annual team retreats ✈️ - Quarterly virtual summits - 5 weeks PTO + Winter Holiday Break - 2 additional PTO days every year with the company - 1 month paid sabbatical every 5 years - Paid parental leave - Medical, Dental, Vision with HSA option (US residents) - 401k matching at 6% (US residents) - Dependent care FSA (US residents) - Contributor to Stripe's climate initiative 🌍❤️  - Our story and team 🚀 Our Values - Build a house you want to live in -- Examine long-term thinking and action - No BS -- Practice transparency and honesty, especially when it’s hard - Invest in each other -- Build successful relationships with your coworkers and customers  - Discipline equals freedom -- Keep your word to yourself and others - Strive for greatness -- Constantly challenge yourself and others  How We Work Together - Productivity, Quality & Impact: We don’t track hours. We trust you’re an adult and know best how to prioritize, meet your goals and contribute at a high level.  - Asynchronous communication & collaboration: We have team members all over the world. We don’t expect anyone to work untraditional hours, that means our default is async. Most teams have 2-5 hours of internal meetings weekly.  - Appreciation for Deep Work: *During your normal work day, not after a day of meetings*.  - Autonomy & Freedom: Create a work environment that is sustainable for you. We place a high amount of trust and responsibility with our team members from the start.  At Close, everyone has a voice. We encourage transparency and practice a mature approach to the work-place. In general, we don’t have strict policies, we have guidelines. Work/Life harmony is an important part of our business - we believe you bring your best to work when you practice self-care (whatever that looks like for you).   We come from 20+ countries located in 5 of the 7 continents. We’re a collection of talented humans, rich in diverse backgrounds, lifestyles, and cultures. Every year we meet up somewhere around the world to spend time with one another. These gatherings are an opportunity to strengthen the relationships within our global community. Our team is growing in more ways than one - in the last few years, we've launched 24 babies (and counting!). Unanimously, our favorite and most impactful value is “Build a house you want to live in.” We strive to make decisions that are authentic for our people and help our customers become more successful.  Our application process was designed to promote equitable and unbiased hiring practices. We ask a small series of questions that are similar to what would be asked in the first interview. This helps us learn more about you right from the start so please be sure to answer each question thoughtfully. Each application will receive two screens by two different reviewers. Regardless of fit, you will hear back from us letting you know if we'll be moving forward. Interested in Close but don't think this role is the best fit for you? View our other positions. APPLY ON THE COMPANY WEBSITE To get free remote job alerts, please join our telegram channel “Global Job Alerts” or follow us on Twitter for latest job updates. Disclaimer:  - This job opening is available on the respective company website as of 22ndJun 2023. The job openings may get expired by the time you check the post. - Candidates are requested to study and verify all the job details before applying and contact the respective company representative in case they have any queries. - The owner of this site has provided all the available information regarding the location of the job i.e. work from anywhere, work from home, fully remote, remote, etc. However, if you would like to have any clarification regarding the location of the job or have any further queries or doubts; please contact the respective company representative. Viewers are advised to do full requisite enquiries regarding job location before applying for each job.   - Authentic companies never ask for payments for any job-related processes. Please carry out financial transactions (if any) at your own risk. - All the information and logos are taken from the respective company website. Read the full article
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webbuddyllc · 3 months
Mobile App Development Services by WebBuddy
In the ever-evolving digital landscape, mobile app development has become a critical component of business strategy. Companies worldwide are recognizing the potential of mobile applications to enhance customer engagement, streamline operations, and boost profitability. WebBuddy, a premier digital solutions provider, stands out in this domain with its innovative and client-centric mobile app development services. This article explores the various aspects of WebBuddy's mobile app development offerings, highlighting why businesses should choose WebBuddy for their mobile app needs.
Understanding the Mobile App Revolution
The surge in smartphone usage has transformed how businesses interact with their customers. Mobile apps have become essential tools for marketing, customer service, and sales. They offer personalized experiences, immediate access to products and services, and foster brand loyalty. Given this trend, a robust mobile app can be a game-changer for any business, regardless of its size or industry.
Why Choose WebBuddy?
1. Expertise and Experience
WebBuddy boasts a team of seasoned professionals with extensive experience in mobile app development. Their expertise spans across various platforms including iOS, Android, and cross-platform solutions. This diverse skill set ensures that WebBuddy can cater to the unique needs of each client, delivering high-quality, functional, and aesthetically pleasing apps.
2. Client-Centric Approach
At WebBuddy, the client is at the heart of everything they do. They take the time to understand each client's business goals, target audience, and specific requirements. This client-centric approach enables them to develop customized solutions that align perfectly with the client's vision and objectives. Whether it's a startup looking for its first app or an established enterprise seeking to enhance its mobile presence, WebBuddy provides tailored solutions that drive success.
3. Comprehensive Services
WebBuddy offers a full spectrum of mobile app development services, from initial consultation and conceptualization to design, development, testing, and post-launch support. This end-to-end service ensures a seamless experience for clients, as they receive all the support they need under one roof.
4. Cutting-Edge Technology
Staying abreast of the latest technological advancements is crucial in the fast-paced world of mobile app development. WebBuddy leverages cutting-edge tools and technologies to create apps that are not only visually appealing but also highly functional and secure. Their expertise in advanced technologies like AI, AR/VR, IoT, and blockchain allows them to develop innovative solutions that provide a competitive edge to their clients.
Key Services Offered by WebBuddy
1. Native App Development
WebBuddy specializes in developing native apps for both iOS and Android platforms. Native apps are known for their superior performance and user experience, as they are specifically designed for a particular operating system. WebBuddy's developers are proficient in Swift and Objective-C for iOS, and Java and Kotlin for Android, ensuring that the apps are optimized for performance and functionality.
2. Cross-Platform App Development
For businesses looking to target both iOS and Android users without the need for separate apps, WebBuddy offers cross-platform app development services. Utilizing frameworks like React Native and Flutter, WebBuddy creates apps that work seamlessly across multiple platforms, reducing development time and costs while maintaining a high-quality user experience.
3. UI/UX Design
An app's success heavily depends on its design. WebBuddy's team of creative designers focuses on crafting intuitive and engaging user interfaces. They prioritize user experience (UX) to ensure that the app is easy to navigate, aesthetically pleasing, and highly functional. By conducting thorough user research and usability testing, they create designs that resonate with the target audience.
4. App Testing and Quality Assurance
To deliver flawless apps, WebBuddy places a strong emphasis on testing and quality assurance. Their comprehensive testing procedures include functional testing, performance testing, security testing, and usability testing. This rigorous process ensures that the apps are free of bugs and perform optimally under various conditions.
5. Maintenance and Support
The journey doesn't end with the launch of the app. WebBuddy provides ongoing maintenance and support to ensure that the app remains up-to-date and continues to perform well. Their support services include regular updates, bug fixes, performance optimization, and adding new features as needed. This commitment to long-term partnership ensures that clients get the most out of their investment.
Success Stories
WebBuddy's portfolio is a testament to their excellence in mobile app development. They have successfully delivered a wide range of apps across various industries, including e-commerce, healthcare, finance, education, and entertainment. Each project showcases their ability to combine technical expertise with creative design to deliver apps that exceed client expectations.
Case Study: E-Commerce App for a Leading Retailer
One of WebBuddy's notable projects involved developing an e-commerce app for a leading retailer. The client wanted a user-friendly app that could handle high traffic volumes and provide a seamless shopping experience. WebBuddy developed a robust app with features like personalized recommendations, secure payment gateways, and real-time inventory updates. The app significantly boosted the client's online sales and received positive feedback from users for its ease of use and functionality.
Case Study: Health & Wellness App
In another project, WebBuddy created a health and wellness app designed to help users track their fitness goals, monitor their diet, and connect with fitness experts. The app integrated with wearable devices and offered personalized workout plans and nutrition advice. It quickly became popular among health enthusiasts, thanks to its comprehensive features and user-friendly interface.
In today's mobile-first world, having a well-designed and functional mobile app is essential for business success. WebBuddy, with its extensive experience, client-centric approach, and commitment to innovation, is the ideal partner for businesses looking to leverage the power of mobile apps. Whether it's developing a new app from scratch or enhancing an existing one, WebBuddy's mobile app development services are designed to deliver exceptional results that drive growth and customer satisfaction. Choose WebBuddy, and take your business to the next level with a cutting-edge mobile app. 
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wamatechnology · 2 years
Best Practices For Developing iOS Business Apps
You must make sure your iOS application complies with Apple's requirements if you're creating one. Because of their renowned UX and security, Apple devices are the ideal platform for business apps. Utilize your mobile app to its full potential by adhering to these 27 business-critical best practices. You should be mindful of the following recommendations in addition to the UI, UX, and security. The following advice will assist you in creating an iOS app that complies with Apple's requirements.
Students are prepared for jobs as professional iOS Developers via the Apple Developer Program. Numerous contexts, including big businesses, start-ups, and contract projects, employ these developers. Self-motivation, 10 hours of effort per week, and group work are requirements for the program. To ensure the program's success, interactive input is crucial. Visit the resources below to learn more about creating iOS apps. Once your course is over, you'll be well on your way to being a productive iOS developer!
An integrated development environment (IDE) for macOS is called Xcode. Xcode is available for free download from the Mac App Store, but first, you must have an active Apple Developer account. The Apple App Store only accepts applications that have been signed by Xcode. To become an Apple Developer, you must pay a $99 yearly fee. You must bear in mind that Xcode is required in order to publish your apps.
Xcode is a macOS-integrated development environment (IDE). You can download Xcode for free from the Mac App Store, but you first need to be signed into an active Apple Developer account. Only programs that have been signed by Xcode are permitted in the Apple App Store. You must pay a $99 annual fee to become an Apple Developer. Keep keeping mind that Xcode is necessary for publishing your apps.
And last, language should be taken into account. Even if Swift is now the new standard programming language for iOS, it's still crucial to comprehend Objective-C. Both have their merits and are object-oriented programming languages that use the same runtime. For instance, Swift is simpler to learn than Objective-C and can be used on Linux. Additionally, it permits the integration of legacy code without jeopardizing security. Finally, it is quick. Swift allows you to create complicated programs rapidly.
Swift is a robust and user-friendly language that is quickly gaining popularity among those who create iOS apps. Swift was initially launched by Apple in 2014, and Swift 3—which contains a tonne of cool features—was the later upgrade. Engineers are starting to use Swift more frequently, although many developers still advise sticking with Objective-C for more challenging tasks. Currently, 11% of apps available on the App Store use Swift. The development of Swift and Objective-C has a lot of similarities.
The next step after finishing iOS app development companies is to publish your app to the App Store. It will go through Apple's review procedure after being authorized. It can take a few days or possibly a few weeks to complete this. Once your application has been accepted, you must keep it updated often. Your team will regularly keep an eye on use, gauge success, and test for issues during this process. Even the app's functionality and user interface will receive changes.
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mediamoraseo · 2 years
What Does a Full Stack Developer Do?
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Full stack developers are developers with a broad range of skills. They can work on both front-end and back-end projects. They are flexible and have strong time management skills. They can work freelance or as consultants for short-term projects. They can also start their own businesses. There are many benefits to working as a full stack developer.
Full stack developers work on both front end and back end projects
Full-stack developers are skilled at both the front and back end of web development projects. Their duties can vary greatly, but they generally focus on both areas of the web development process. They can work on both client-side and server-side projects and use both front-end and back-end programming languages.
Full-stack developers oversee both the front end and the back end, and are often involved in cross-platform optimization as well. They also perform collaborative planning with other company departments and are often given management responsibilities, leading a larger development team. Full-stack developers are highly skilled in multiple technologies and frameworks and can work on both web applications and mobile applications.
Full-stack developers work on both the front end and the back end of a project, allowing them to write custom scripts with flawless fidelity. Because of this, they can eliminate the need to mix code from two different ends of application development. Full-stack developers can help small businesses save money on the cost of creating applications by taking care of the entire process.
They are generalists
Full stack developers are those who can handle a variety of different development tasks. They may work in a start-up or other company that has multiple development needs, but are still willing to branch out into other areas as the company grows. This type of developer is often the best choice for companies that are looking for generalists.
Full stack developers tend to have a broader background in the fields of software development, design, and architecture than specialist developers. As a result, they have less depth in certain fields. As such, they may be more desirable for startups. However, you should always be aware of the skills that Full Stack developers have.
Web development projects often require an understanding of both front-end and back-end development. While front-end developers are more likely to focus on building a website’s user interface (UI), backend developers are the ones responsible for implementing back-end logic and data.
They are agile
Full stack developers are a type of software developer who develops the full stack of an application, from the back end to the front end. This kind of development is much more flexible and versatile than the traditional waterfall development methodology. For example, when a developer works on a web application, he is usually responsible for front-end UX, server-side logic, scalability, and operations. On the other hand, if the developer works on an embedded system, he is responsible for device drivers and control logic.
A full-stack developer is a great asset to a team. Not only do full-stack developers have a wide range of technical skills, but they also have strong business sense and can see the big picture. They also understand the needs of an organization and can offer strategies for generating revenue.
Full-stack developers are in demand for their flexibility and ability to dive into different parts of the system to solve problems. In addition, they should have good communication skills and be able to respond to unforeseen issues and changes.
They have strong time management skills
Full-stack developers are good at managing their time and coordinating within a team. This allows them to focus on more important tasks while working on one project, while also ensuring the project is delivered on time. Professional full-stack developers have extensive knowledge of all phases of development and have the ability to implement creative solutions. They also have years of experience in web development, and possess the expertise to find errors and implement long-term solutions.
A full-stack developer should have good knowledge of version control systems, common programming languages, and frameworks. This includes front-end programming languages, such as HTML and CSS. They also need to be familiar with IDEs, such as Microsoft Project or Eclipse. They should be able to use these tools efficiently.
A full-stack developer must be knowledgeable of databases and know how to interact with them. Common databases include MySQL, PostgreSQL, and MongoDB. For larger projects, a full-stack developer should also be familiar with commercial databases like Oracle or MySQL. Memory-based databases can help improve system performance and caching.
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tonkiuniverse · 2 years
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Below, we have sorted the details and 4.1 and up to download and install Amazon Chime on pc. It works on a specific smart device that meets the minimum requirements 4.1 and up. The Amazon Chime has a user-friendly interface and free to use. It is developed and designed by the Google Commerce Ltd and it has 4.1 in Google Play Store.ĭownload Amazon Chime For PC Specification Its total size is 38M and easy to install in the above 4.1 and up OS. The aim was to provide users with a feature-packed, highly intuitive, and secure environment for their online meetings or business talks and, by the looks of it, Amazon has really nailed all three markers with Amazon Chime.It gained popularity due to fast and quick performance. Powerful, complete yet incredibly intuitive solution for running efficient online meetings The cherry on top of the cake is the screen sharing feature that, not only works flawlessly, but it also packs everything you would expect regarding features, including a very interesting partial remote control option that allows you and your team members to use the same screen for prosperous collaboration. You can effortlessly join meetings or simply create personal or one-time meetings, schedule meetings and instantly share them with users inside or outside your organization. Take you online meetings to the next level with Amazon Chimeįinally, the best thing about Amazon Chime is definitely the way it allows you to manage online meetings via a set of extremely powerful features. Secondly, and just as important, is the security orientation, with standard AES-256 technologies used for encrypting messages, voice recordings, video streams and all the other content. In a nutshell, it follows all the principles of most other full-stack communication apps, but it's the attention to details that is bound to differentiate Amazon Chime from others.įor starters, it's worth pointing out the service's strong focus on quality thanks to high-definition video optimization and noise-cancellation technology. Quality and security have not been overlooked You can effortlessly chat with users in single conversations or group chats, you can share files (drag and drop supported) or efficiently collaborate on projects via bespoke chat rooms. It allows you to host video conferences for up to 15 users on the desktop clients and a maximum of 8 on mobile devices. The UI is neatly organized, with features that are always within your reach, smooth transitions between sections, and even appropriately-picked colors.Įven though it might seem simple, the app is very well-equipped to help you run effective online meetings. Straight from the get-go, everything feels well-thought-out. All your meetings, calls and chats within a single app, on all your devices More details about all its basic functionality can be found in the dedicated section.
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Getting started with this Amazon Chime only requires you to download and install the app on your computer, sign-in using your official AWS account and undergo a simplistic verification procedure that requires checking your email and clicking a button. It's available for two of the most popular desktop platforms, namely Windows and macOS, as well as for iOS and Android, thus covering the basis of portability and accessibility pretty well. Amazon Chime is a professional and comprehensive communication service for business-like environments, developed for hosting online meetings with colleagues, team members, or users from your organization as seamless as possible.
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On the potential of greener pastures.
While I don’t see the need to beat the dead horse that is the incelery of Blizzard Entertainment’s treatment of women and gay men - still holding out for the claims of transphobia, don’t worry it will be there - One thing I have noticed lately is the increasing willingness of long term WoW players moving to other realms and universes of fantasy.
But the question, is it the right thing to do?
Obviously no one reasonable to advocate for you to stay playing something you find uncomfortable - that is insanity and inhuman. But, is Tamriel, Eorzea or the Galaxy Far Far Away really the type of place that the average Argent Dawn player will feel at home in? I’ve had many discussions with my fellow CoAD team friends and we all have our opinions on the matter. While we all agree that as a creative medium, we as players should reclaim World of Warcraft as something that works for us all - not all of us are particularly comfortable in remaining on the game considering what type of behaviour paying for that subscription enables. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- So first up on the list. Tamriel,the main setting of the Elder Scrolls universe. As a whole I would say the Elder Scrolls Online thematically matches many popular brands on Argent Dawn. It ticks the boxes of House/Noble Roleplay, Military, Intrigue and “Race War Now!” - all fairly popular areas of roleplay on Argent Dawn. ESO also boasts a far more vigorously designed world compared to current WoW, a considerably more consistent lore and player housing that is very generous. The downsides? There always are downsides... ESO is shackled with an insular community that much like Guild Wars 2 - another former contender to WoW - has a somewhat small town Alabama mentality towards new players. This is also combined with a recurring problem of a number of players using their characters to effectively further their own real life politics or ideologies. In particular the crypto-fascists are very drawn to the Aldmeri Dominion faction, with the prominence of the Thalmor - yes the same elf supremacists from Skyrim - being a key factor. Thanks to blatant racism being a canonical factor of the setting many have gotten away with effectively using their character as a smokescreen. Alternatively the Neo-Roman Imperials also are a popular second choice for your standard chauvinistic “ew women” basement dwellers who would shrivel at the first touch of a real woman. Community issues aside, ESO also has system problems with a very awkwardly designed UI that is unintuitive to someone used to the traditional hotbar system present in many MMO games. Perhaps a minor problem in the long term as you get used to it but be prepared for heavy frustration and awkward handling. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Second up we have the supposed rising star of the genre, in the gleaming world of Eorzea, the primary setting for Final Fantasy 14. The setting is very conducive for Adventure type RP in particular, but by no means limited. The worldbuilding of Eorzea is very elaborate, with analogues to many real world cultures being present, Norse, Franco-German, Middle English, Levantine/Mediterranean and Far Eastern with smaller groups being present too. The lore is watertight, with very few inconsistencies - the few are merely a player issue of doing class quests in reverse order to the story quest mostly - and the setting is shown rather than explained through out of universe books. Player housing is rather advanced as well, with both personal and guild varieties being present in four capital cities so far.
Things are not always sunny however. Some glaring errors are present in the game. The UI and general intuitiveness of the systems present are incredibly dated and arcane. This is likely due in part to the need to keep things workable for the console players, and probably Square Enix not understanding their playerbase, especially in the West. In addition, due to how the story is the main system of progression, for those wanting to roleplay with a full understanding it is effectively mandatory to do the main story questline to completion before taking part in substantial or heavy roleplay. Finally and probably the most glaring problem is the issue of the community itself. While the general projection is that the FF14 community is very welcoming and kinder than the WoW community, this is only really applicable to the US servers. Both Crystal and Primal - the main ones - are highly active, busy and brimming with both helpful people and roleplay, so much so it spills out into the open world and cities. Crystal in particular is the most analogous to “golden age” Argent Dawn. The only major issue is the “problem” of ERP being quite acceptable and open in the games RP community, no weirdly KKK cosplaying attempts to shut it down will work here, unfortunately for some. That said it can be ignored and the players soliciting can be reported if they persist - and square enix is very good at customer support. However, the European servers are a whole other beast. Light has no roleplay of any major or notable amount, and half of the servers on it are not even populated. Outside of Lich, Shiva and Odin there are scant few players around. Chaos has more people on it, but the wrong kind of people. I have spoken to a now silly number of people on Crystal and to a lesser extent Primal giving abject horror stories they have brought from the Chaos server group. Most of the RP happens on Omega, with some smaller level on Moogle and Ragnarok. Though to call it RP is generous. Their “roleplay” consists of generally playing self-inserts in Second Life tier social roleplay. Those few who engage in actual roleplay often find themselves ostracised or even - subtly - harassed - remember, square enix are very good at customer support - for trying to roleplay within the setting they are in. It is no surprise then that there are more European players playing on the US server groups than on their own. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Finally the old man, though potentially most balanced of the three is the well established Galaxy Far Far Away - the setting of Star Wars: The Old Republic. With a colossal lore from both in game and the extended Old Republic universe itself the game has tremendous potential for all manner of RP, from your traditional Sith or Jedi RP to space Criminals, Military, space Researchers/Academics, Political RP and most things in between. The Stronghold System, while dated compared to the others does allow for expansive and varied environments to do both public and private roleplay within, with a whole catalogue of venues being available for perusal. Besides that, the planets themselves are highly expansive and massive in terms of scale, easily twice the size of major zones in WoW often with a variety of environments that make the planets seem like an actual world, or part of at least. Hoth really does have the sensation you are on a frozen tomb in the Outer Ring. The downsides of the game however are rather heavy. Roleplay is almost entirely guild centric, though not hidden away by any means. Competing “headcanons” have been know to create problems, but as the Galaxy is big enough it really boils down to a matter of taste rather than sociopathic cult leaders attempting to control the roleplay for everyone. In addition, the system of the game are woefully clunky, with the worst customisation for characters present, even if the transmog system is better than WoW’s. Thankfully the new expansion for it is coming soon which promises to revamp both character agency and customisation and fix systems that are horrendously out of place in 2021. Finally the other main issue of TOR is the presence of the free to play, but pay and get more model. Freemium is neither the F2P that ESO offers or the simple subscription model FF14 offers.
With all that said, each game has its flaws and perks. Considering there loudest voices seem to be indicating either a shift towards ESO or FF14, it will be interesting to see if these become permanent converts - with all the moral grandstanding about how terrible Blizzard is - or they will quietly slink back to Azeroth once the dust settles and nothing sadly is done about the appalling corporate problems in Blizzard. I personally will remain engaged on Argent Dawn. WoW itself is a product that is shaped by its community more than its sleazy developers and strangulating Blizzard over it is realistically likely to cause more harm long term. Besides, how can we reclaim the setting for the players if we all decide to jump ship?
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