#UK Energy Bar Market
marketinsight1234 · 2 months
Energy Bar Market Size, Share, Types, Products, Trends, Growth, Applications and Forecast 2023 to 2030
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The Global Energy Bar market was valued at USD 3.06 billion in 2021 and is expected to reach USD 3.85 billion by the year 2028, at a CAGR of 3.32%.
Consumers are increasingly focused on health and wellness, seeking out snacks that provide sustained energy, are high in protein, and contain natural ingredients. Energy bars, with their balanced nutritional profile, fit these criteria well. Busy lifestyles have led to a surge in demand for convenient snack options. Energy bars are portable, require no preparation, and can be consumed anytime, anywhere, making them popular choices for consumers looking for quick energy boosts. The energy bar market has witnessed considerable innovation, with brands introducing a wide range of flavors, textures, and functional ingredients to cater to diverse consumer preferences. This includes options for various dietary preferences such as gluten-free, vegan, and keto-friendly bars. Athletes and fitness enthusiasts are significant consumers of energy bars due to their convenience and ability to provide quick energy before or after workouts. Many energy bar brands target this demographic by emphasizing performance-enhancing ingredients such as protein, electrolytes, and carbohydrates.
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Moreover, the report includes significant chapters such as Patent Analysis, Regulatory Framework, Technology Roadmap, BCG Matrix, Heat Map Analysis, Price Trend Analysis, and Investment Analysis which help to understand the market direction and movement in the current and upcoming years.
Leading players involved in the Energy Bar Market include:
Nature Essential Foods Pvt Ltd, Lotus Bakeries, General Mills Inc., Clif Bar & Company, ProBar LLC, Post Holdings Inc., BumbleBar Inc., PepsiCo Inc., Eat Anytime, TORQ Limited, OTE Sports Ltd, Kind LLC, Science in Sports PLC, Kellogg Company and others. 
If You Have Any Query Energy Bar Market Report, Visit:
Segmentation of Energy Bar Market:
By Product Type
Protein Bar
Nutrition Bar
Fibre Bar
And Cereal Bar
By Product Nature
By Distribution Channel
Supermarkets/ Hypermarkets
Convenience Stores
Specialty Stores
Online Stores
Market Segment by Regions: -
North America (US, Canada, Mexico)
Eastern Europe (Bulgaria, The Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Rest of Eastern Europe)
Western Europe (Germany, UK, France, Netherlands, Italy, Russia, Spain, Rest of Western Europe)
Asia Pacific (China, India, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, The Philippines, Australia, New Zealand, Rest of APAC)
Middle East & Africa (Turkey, Bahrain, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE, Israel, South Africa)
South America (Brazil, Argentina, Rest of SA)
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sweetdreamsjeff · 6 months
Jeff Buckley in the U.K.
JEFF BUCKLEY loved British music; the nervous energy in British punk, the wired consciousness of the Clash, the way Siouxsie and the Banshees went from gun-metal moodiness to skies full of fireworks.
He adored the Cocteau Twins, of course, especially Liz Fraser's "impossible voice". He loved how the Smiths called to outsiders and nerds. He loved the textures of Johnny Marr's supple guitar and the mordant presence of Steve Jones's guitar in the Sex Pistols.
Jeff, whose own nervous energy was considerable, became even more wired whenever we went to the UK; he was stimulated by its variety. He also appreciated its compactness – the lack of eight-hour drives between cities was refreshing.
Sony had passed on Live at Sin-é in Europe. We were understandably disappointed, but there was a solution close at hand: Steve Abbott, known to everyone as Abbo, who ran the eccentric indie record label Big Cat and had picked up on many of the promising un-signed bands playing in New York: Pavement, Mercury Rev, Luscious Jackson. He had approached Jeff after Gods & Monsters and Sin-é shows and asked him if he'd like to record with Big Cat, but then Sony stepped in. Jeff felt that he owed Abbo a record, so when Columbia UK passed on Live at Sin-é and Michele Anthony instigated a funding deal with Big Cat, it seemed the perfect opportunity for them to become involved. Abbo jumped at the chance.
Big Cat's small team – Abbo, co-owner Linda Obadiah, Frank Neidlich in marketing, and Jacqui Rice in press – did such a good job that the week it was released in Europe, Live at Sin-é sold over four thousand copies, which was amazing for a complete unknown.
After a Sony conference, where it was clear that a lot of the affiliates were bemused by him, Jeff had a warm-up show at Whelan's in Dublin. By the time he came on, the crowd, several drinks into its evening, had become a little boisterous. Jeff said hello softly, as usual, but no one was really paying attention. Jeff just stood there, waiting. People started to quieten down and watch to see what he would do. There was a pint of his favourite beer, Guinness, sitting on the stool next to him. Jeff lifted the glass to his lips and downed it in one hit. Everyone on the room cheered, and he began the Irish show with the crowd completely on his side.
The audience was more blasé the next night at his London debut at The Borderline, a Western-themed venue under a dubious Mexican diner in Soho, right in the heart of London, a group of local reps for hip American indie labels like Sub Pop and Merge yacking away rather disrespectfully at the bar. In the age of grunge, a lone guy with a guitar softly singing Edith Piaf covers was baffling for some.
"It was an epiphany for me," says Sara Silver, Sony's European head of marketing. "There are some shows where it just feels like you're a voyeur, looking into someone's soul. This was one of those. He was charismatic, but also haunting, and I think because of my particular situation at the time, still suffering from the [loss of my husband], he resonated hugely. This haunting sound was a powerful force, and it was my job to work out how we took it to the world."
A gig the next night in Glasgow meant an early-morning flight back to Heathrow the following morning to catch a session with GLR, London's local BBC station, a slot designed to alert people to the next couple of gigs at the Garage in Islington and at Bunjies, a cute little basement folk club in Central London that dated back to the early 1960s and made Sin-é seem generously proportioned.
Abbo was accompanying Jeff on this run.
"We'd meet regularly at a bar called Tom & Jerry's in New York, hang out and drink Guinness together," Abbo says, "I suppose I became a friend of his, and he didn't seem to have many real friends. I'd only discovered I liked the blues since living in New York, so it was great hanging with him, because he was a huge blues and jazz fan and if there was a guitar around he had to pick it up and show off. He knew every Robert Johnson song, every Muddy Waters tune, Bessie Smith; he introduced me to the physicality of the blues, watching it at close quarters. Everybody talks about his voice, but he was a brilliant guitarist. The guitar was an extension of his body.
"Tim Buckley hadn't really entered my line of vision growing up listening to black music. Singer-songwriters with fluffy hairstyles were not currency on my council estate in Luton! We were in Tom & Jerry's and someone said to Jeff, 'I've been listening to your dad,' and I said, 'Who's your dad?' and he said, 'Tim Buckley.' I knew the name from record shopping; I'd seen the sleeves in the racks, but that's it. But when he came over to Britain there were loads of Tim Buckley fans. And it was a real problem early on, because he really didn't like talking about him."
The traffic from the airport to the GLR studios just off Baker Street was awful. A road accident had slowed everything to a standstill. Jeff's slot on the mid-morning show was fast approaching. "Of course, this was before mobile phones, so I had no way of communicating with the radio station that we were stuck in traffic," says Abbo. "For the last few days on this tour, everyone who'd interviewed Jeff had been asking about his dad. How did Tim write 'Song To The Siren'? Was there stuff in his lyrics that he might have related to? Things Jeff couldn't answer.
"We were listening to GLR while we waited in traffic and the presenter kept saying, 'We're supposed to have this artist, Tim Buckley's son, turning up, but he's late....Will he or won't he turn up?' This went on and on. She must have said 'Tim Buckley's son' about four times and didn't mention Jeff once. Suddenly, he just kicked my car radio in with his big DMs [Doc Martens], just smashed the fascia and then sat back sulking all the way there. I could get another radio, of course, but I was mostly worried he wasn't going to do the performance. 
"We finally arrived about forty minutes late and they were all so rude to us, and yet they knew what the problem was, as they were broadcasting traffic updates and warnings of delays themselves. If I were him, I'd have walked out. The female presenter was a typical local radio DJ, a bit gushy and knew nothing about him and his music. I had a word with the station manager to ask her to stop mentioning Tim Buckley, and he handed her a note to that effect. Jeff just sat there silently and she said, 'What are you going to play?' and Jeff said, 'A song.' I'm thinking, 'Oh god, here we go.' And he started to play "Grace." He did this long guitar introduction, went on for about a minute, like he needed to calm himself down before he got to the actual start of the song, and then he launched into the most electrifying performance. The best I ever heard him do it.
"There were about six phones in the control room, and they all started lighting up. 'Who is this? Who is this? It's amazing!' And all the time, Jeff's getting more and more into it. The presenter went from being this standoffish woman to...I swear she would have thrown herself on him given half a chance, the second he finished singing. You could see she was totally enthralled."
Presenter: "You looked quite exhausted at the end of the song."
Jeff: "I was getting a lot of anger out. Something happened on the way here..."
"The phones didn't stop throughout the next song. The station manager said that in all his twelve years at the station, he'd never seen a reaction like it."
Abbo thinks this performance sparked Jeff's breakthrough. There were certainly plenty of people in line outside the Garage in North London that night. Inside, the first stars were taking note. Chrissie Hynde and Jon McEnroe were in the audience. Chrissie had been a big fan and a friend of Tim's, had actually interviewed him while she was briefly a music journalist with the NME, and she was obviously curious to see how his offspring compared. They struck up a conversation after the show and she clearly said the right thing, because he went off with her to jam with the Pretenders in a nearby rehearsal room. I wasn't carrying anything heavy because of a recent lung collapse, and I didn't want Jeff to pull any important muscles, so I asked McEnroe if he wouldn't mind. He happily hauled Jeff's amp downstairs to the car. The Pretenders' jam with special guests Buckley and Mac went on all night.
Bunjies, as I've said, was tiny, a basement folk club and coffee bar on West Street in Soho, along from the Ivy, with gingham tablecloths and melted candles in wine bottles on the tables and a performance area tucked into a couple of arches in what must have been a wine cellar at one point. It looked unchanged since it had begun in the early 1960s, and had seen a couple of folk booms come and go. It was more of a cafe with an open-mic policy by this point, which felt like a good place for Jeff. There wasn't really any need for amplification, so when we arrived for a sound check there was very little to do but see where Jeff was going to stand in the cramped space and gauge how his voice reflected off the nicotine-stained ceilings. While Jeff did that, I went outside for some fresh air and was stunned to see a line of people already waiting to get into the show.
I took a look at the guest list and realised we'd be lucky to fit twenty of this assembling crowd in the tiny space. Every time I looked up, the line was getting further down West Street. I went back into the venue and found Jeff talking to Emma Banks, the agent. He was saying how great the venue was and that he'd like to do something like hand out flowers to everyone before he went on.
"Jesus, you won't believe what's happening out there," I said to them. "The line goes about four blocks. There's no way these people are going to get in. Is there any way we can do two sets?" Jeff was happy to. Emma spoke to the club owner and was told they had some regular club night happening later on. She came back and said, "They can't do it but I've had an idea!" She disappeared up the steps onto the street, and I spoke to Jeff.
"What flowers would you like?"
"White roses," he said.
"I'll get them," I said, and went back up to the street, where the line had grown even longer.
I walked around looking for a florist and bumped into Emma. "I've booked Andy's Forge," she said. "It's a little place just around the corner in Denmark Street. He can go on at 10:30."
I bought as many white roses as I could find. Jeff handed them to people waiting outside and those lucky enough to get into the club, as he squeezed himself into the corner that passed for a stage. He sang upward, listening to his voice reflect off the curved ceiling into this hot, crowded, and attentive space. There must have been a hundred people stuffed in there.
When the show was over, Jeff walked up the steps to the huddle of patient people that Emma had gathered, plus anyone from the first show who wanted to tag along, and led this crowd like the Pied Piper toward Andy's Forge. Abbo was alongside me. "Have you ever seen anything like this before?" I said.
"Never!" he said. And we laughed liked idiots at the wonderful absurdity of hanging out with Jeff.
Jim Irvin, 'From Hallelujah to the Last Goodbye' (Post Hill), May 2018
Excerpted from Jeff Buckley: From Hallelujah to the Last Goodbye by Jeff's former manager Dave Lory and former MOJO man Jim Irvin (Post Hill Press).
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letssgolesbians · 1 year
a collection of eco friendly lifestyle ideas + swaps from various sources around the web:
reusable makeup remover wipes/cotton rounds - i use these and they’re way softer on the skin and bigger so you can use multiple times before washing either in sink or with a laundry load.
cutting products open when they are almost finished - will acc save a lot of money and means that even if buying sustainably is inaccessible to you (valid!) you can make products last for longer
freeze your overripe fruits for smoothies - all tastes the same, means you can make ur own cute lil smoothie mixes and they are often thicker!!
wash dry and reuse plastic bags - they’re almost unavoidable, but you can reuse them easily (i do this for my lunch!)
buy slow fashion - to some this might be too pricey which is totally fine!! but for my uk ppl: run and fly, lucy and yak, and fat face all look rly good and have fun clothing.
eat plant based food - you don’t have to be a vegetarian, you can do meat free monday or just choose the mcplant over a normal burger at maccies! quorn has acc aamzing chicken nuggets and often supermarkets have vegetarian aisles!
support your local farmers market - they often do not wax their apples and you will actually be able to support local businesses instead of big corporations! they also are just fun to go to :)
use a bar dish soap and a bamboo brush
to wash your body, buy bar soap and a net type pouch for it to be able to save it and exfoliate, often less expensive and not packaged in plastic, more scents or you can even make your own!! i’ve heard black african soap is rly good!
use a recycled plastic toothbrush over a normal one - you can use bamboo, but for me bc of sensory issues i can’t, so this is a nice compromise!
use beeswax wraps for food instead of clingfilm - they are more sticky and thick so accessible for people with motor issues (maybe, correct me if i’m wrong but less delicate?) and they have fun patterns and are available from lots of small businesses
instead of liquid hand soap, either use a bar soap or my preference would be a glass pump bottle and tablets that you can dissolve as i find bar soap hard to handle, but bar soap you can keep in tins!
use a reusable water bottle - you can fill them with fizzy drinks or energy drinks, there’s no rules against this!! they keep your drink cold and are sturdier then plastic, and definitely cheaper!! you can also draw on some or stick stickers on to make them more ‘you’!
use cloth napkins and ‘unpaper’ towels instead of rolls of paper towels
buy in bulk
use an ice tray or machine instead of buying big bags from the store - less heavy definitely, and you can add fruits and make ice pops with trays!!
use a refillable or natural deodorant- i use wild (uk ppl!!) and it smells nice, the refills are easy and come in paper and i have a rly cute metal holder!!
you can get reusable cupcake papers - esp for my ppl who like the lick the bottom, they won’t fall apart XD!
use a kindle - reduces the amount of paper books you have to buy, easily transportable, can lend books out to ppl and cheaper books!
bring your own lunch - esp if ur a picky eater like me, i often bring a cheese sandwich and some crisps places so i’m not stuck not eating or choking down food i don’t like and leaving leftovers, also means you can use your own plastic tupperwares instead of store bought single use things lol
grow your own things - i used to grow strawberries as a child and it was surprisingly easily, some ideas are bottle tower gardens and a kitchen herb gardens, you can also grow cat grass and catnip for all my cat parents out there :)
collect rainwater for your plants - just keep a mason jar in your backyard if you have one, or journey out when it’s raining and fill a jar, will last you a bit!!
that’s all i have for now but feel free to add more!!
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singeratlarge · 2 years
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Need help with the music biz? Improving your stage presence? Could you use marketing advice? Music Industry Coaching & Consulting is now available. "Singer at Large" and recording artist Johnny J. Blair is a veteran music producer and performer with a marketing background. Since the 1990s, Johnny has coached and motivated many music artists--everything from song-craft to stage presence, from career direction to technical advice. He has been hired by symphony orchestras to start-up artists for his marketing ideas and honest (and positive) objectivity. "I know how much passion, energy, time, and money goes into making music," says Johnny (who has also been a radio host on NPR). "The beautiful thing about music is that it can go anywhere, in cyberspace or in a physical product. We all want to succeed, but sometimes we get stuck and just need someone else to push our ideas forward. I've performed in places from The Royal Albert Hall to Disney to The Fillmore to temples in India to cruise ships to churches to prisons to tiny bars in backwater towns. I've had great teachers and experiences and would love to share what I've learned."
With musical influences ranging from David Bowie to Brian Wilson, Blair is versed in many styles, while specializing in Americana, diverse styles of pop/rock music, progressive and psychedelic rock, and punk/New Wave. Goldmine Magazine described Johnny's music as "pop music with a conscience" while Spotlight Magazine dubbed him "the Harry Houdini of rock'n'roll" for his ongoing "escape from typecasts." Brian Wilson called him "a virtuoso." 
Johnny's solo recordings have reached a global audience. He also worked with Davy Jones (The Monkees), producing and performing on his projects from 1993 until Jones's passing in 2012 (including pre-production on JUSTUS, the 1996 Monkees's reunion + The Monkees 2011 reunion tour of the UK and USA). Johnny has also recorded &/or performed with The Badlees, John Bechdel (Fear Factory, Ministry), Mike Garson (David Bowie), Buddy & Julie Miller, Prairie Prince (The Tubes, Todd Rundgren), Michael Roe (The 77s), Chris von Sneidern, and Al Stewart ("Year of the Cat"). 
Listen to Johnny’s music here: https://johnnyjblairsingeratlarge.bandcamp.com. Read one of Johnny’s music industry articles here: https://www.musicgateway.com/blog/how-to/stage-presence  Want feedback and constructive criticism from an experienced ear? Contact Johnny through this ad, a one-time introductory limited time offer for a single song review, or phone/online consultation. DM [email protected] or through this ad. Cheers!
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nikhats · 1 month
Energy Supplements Market   Top Industry Trends & Opportunities, Competition Analysis 2029
Energy Supplements Market Overview
Maximize Market Research, a Energy Supplements business research firm has published a report on the “Energy Supplements Market”. Which provides Industry Analysis (Market Performance, Segments, Price Analysis, Outlook) and detailed Process Flow (Product Overview, Unit Operations, Raw Materials, and Quality Assurance).
Sample Request Link : https://www.maximizemarketresearch.com/request-sample/193885 
Energy Supplements Market Report Scope and Research Methodology The Market Research Report (MMR) researches deep into vital growth determinants, exploring motivators and barriers. It furnishes extensive insights into competitive landscapes, major company offerings, and investment prospects. Embracing qualitative and quantitative analyses, it scrutinizes regional markets, providing indispensable insights for stakeholders. Employing historical data, technological advancements, governmental policies, and current Energy Supplements market. Utilizing sources like annual reports, press releases, industry associations, governmental agencies, and customs data, it employs market engineering and data triangulation to forecast segments and sub-segments.
Energy Supplements Market Regional Insights The estimated growth in the Energy Supplements market segment is driven by improved reliability and increasing demand. The Energy Supplements market is largely segmented into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, the Middle East, and Africa.
Energy Supplements Market Segmentation
by Product Type
Energy drinks Energy gels Energy bars Gummies
By Product Type, the Energy Supplements Market is segmented as Energy drinks,gels,bars and Gummies. With a market share of more than 50%, energy drinks are the most popular form of energy supplement. They are typically consumed for a quick and easy way to boost their energy levels.Energy gelsis a more in concentrated form than energy drinks and are consumed by athletes and other people who need a sustained release of energy. Energy bars is a portable and convenient way to get a boost of energy which is made with a combination of carbohydrates, protein and fat.Gummies is consumed by people looking for a sweet and convenient way to get their daily dose of energy. by End User
Adults Teenagers Kids
By End User, the Energy Supplements Market is segmented as Adults, Teenagers and Kids. The adult segment holds the largest market share of over 55% in 2023. Adults are more likely to be physically active and engaged in sports and other activities that require high energy levels. Energy supplements help teenagers to improve concentration, mental alertness and academic performance. by Sales Channel
Hypermarkets and Supermarkets Convenience Stores Specialty Stores Online Channel
Energy Supplements Market, by Region
North America (United States, Canada and Mexico) Europe (UK, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Sweden, Austria and Rest of Europe) Asia Pacific (China, South Korea, Japan, India, Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Taiwan, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Rest of APAC) Middle East and Africa (South Africa, GCC, Egypt, Nigeria and Rest of ME&A) South America (Brazil, Argentina Rest of South America)
To Get More Information click Here: https://www.maximizemarketresearch.com/market-report/energy-supplements-market/193885/ 
Energy Supplements Market Key Players
North America: 1. GNC Holdings Inc. 2. Abbott Laboratories 3. Red Bull GmbH 4. The Coca-Cola Company 5. PepsiCo Inc. 6. Amway Corporation Europe: 6. Nestlé S.A. 7. Glanbia plc 8. Vitabiotics Ltd. 9. BioTechUSA 10. Olimp Laboratories Asia Pacific: 11. Herbalife Nutrition Ltd. 12. Yakult Honsha Co., Ltd. 13. Bio-Engineered Supplements and Nutrition, Inc. (BSN) 14. MusclePharm Corporation 15. Swisse Wellness Pty Ltd. South America: 16. Nutrilite 17. Nutrimed 18. Pronat Indústria e Comércio de Alimentos Ltda. 19. NeoLife International 20. Usana Health Sciences, Inc. Middle East and Africa: 21. Swiss Arabian Perfumes Group 22. Nutrition Valley 23. Vitaspace 24. Fitness Fuel Factory 25. BPI Sports 26. MuscleTech
Sample Request Link : https://www.maximizemarketresearch.com/request-sample/193885 
Key questions answered in the Energy Supplements Market are: • What is Energy Supplements ? • What was the Energy Supplements market size in 2023? • What is the growth rate of the Energy Supplements Market? • Which are the factors expected to drive the Energy Supplements market growth? • What are the different segments of the Energy Supplements Market? • What growth strategies are the players considering to increase their presence in Energy Supplements ? • What are the upcoming industry applications and trends for the Energy Supplements Market? • What are the recent industry trends that can be implemented to generate additional revenue streams for the Energy Supplements Market? • What segments are covered in the Energy Supplements Market? • Who are the leading companies and what are their portfolios in Energy Supplements Market? • What segments are covered in the Energy Supplements Market? • Who are the key players in the Energy Supplements market?
Related Report Links: India Gem & Jewellery Market : https://www.maximizemarketresearch.com/market-report/india-gem-jewellery-market/122565/  Anime Market : https://www.maximizemarketresearch.com/market-report/anime-market/124527  Key Offerings: • Past Market Size and Competitive Landscape (2018 to 2022) ��� Past Pricing and price curve by region (2018 to 2022) • Market Size, Share, Size & Forecast by different segment | 2024−2030 • Market Dynamics – Growth Drivers, Restraints, Opportunities, and Key Trends by Region • Market Segmentation – A detailed analysis by segment with their sub-segments and Region • Competitive Landscape – Profiles of selected key players by region from a strategic perspective  Competitive landscape – Market Leaders, Market Followers, Regional player  Competitive benchmarking of key players by region • PESTLE Analysis • PORTER’s analysis • Value chain and supply chain analysis • Legal Aspects of Business by Region • Lucrative business opportunities with SWOT analysis • Recommendations
About Maximize Market Research:
Maximize Market Research is a multifaceted market research and consulting company with professionals from several industries. Some of the industries we cover include medical devices, pharmaceutical manufacturers, science and engineering, electronic components, industrial equipment, technology and communication, cars and automobiles, chemical products and substances, general merchandise, beverages, personal care, and automated systems. To mention a few, we provide market-verified industry estimations, technical trend analysis, crucial market research, strategic advice, competition analysis, production and demand analysis, and client impact studies.
Contact Maximize Market Research: 3rd Floor, Navale IT Park, Phase 2 Pune Banglore Highway, Narhe, Pune, Maharashtra 411041, India [email protected] +91 96071 95908, +91 9607365656
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leadgen-lu · 2 months
The KitKat Method: How to Win 'Top-of-Mind' Awareness in Your Industry
The crisp crunch of a KitKat bar. The rich chocolate-y taste that dances on your tongue. For generations, the iconic KitKat jingle has signaled a delicious treat is on its way.
But how did KitKat become so embedded in our minds - and taste buds? Their proven branding strategy holds valuable lessons for anyone striving to be the top name in their industry.
Let me walk you through the KitKat Method - a blueprint for dominating market share by securing that coveted spot as the first brand people think of.
Know Thy Customer
KitKat bars first debuted in the UK in 1935. Back then, they were marketed as an affordable luxury - a chocolate bar the ordinary bloke could enjoy with his tea. KitKats tapped into a consumer need that wasn't being addressed.
Even today, the brand intimately understands its core customers. Their target audience isn't the sophisticated chocolate connoisseur. It's the everyday person taking a break from their busy day.
KitKat communicates directly to these people in its messaging. Their tagline promises that enjoying a KitKat is the perfect little break we all deserve.
This laser-sharp focus on their ideal buyer allows the brand to craft campaigns and innovations that truly resonate.
Own a Position in the Mind
Because KitKat bars are crunchy, they occupy a unique position compared to other chocolate treats. The satisfying snap as you break off a piece is part of the experience people love.
KitKat doubles down on this with their iconic slogan: Have a Break, Have a Kit Kat. The jingle further cements the link between KitKat and pausing for a brief indulgence.
The brand doesn't waste energy trying to compete with silky, velvety chocolates. Instead, they fully own the crunchy chocolate segment - securing undisputed mindshare in that niche.
Innovate - But Stay Authentic
KitKat is always evolving, but change is gradual and aligned with their long-held position.
When new flavors like Cookies & Cream or Salted Caramel KitKats launch, the satisfying crunch remains. The brand even maintained its identity as it expanded into the premium chocolate space with KitKat Chunky bars.
This ability to innovate while staying true to their core makes customers feel safe to try new products under the trusted KitKat name.
Speak to Emotions
Eating a KitKat bar sparks nostalgia. Many adults have fond childhood memories of splitting the crispy wafers with friends.
KitKat leans into this emotional connection in its advertising. Their commercials depict people enjoying well-deserved breaks together, reminding us of simple pleasures.
This feel-good messaging helps the brand embed itself deeper into customers' minds - and hearts.
The KitKat Method Works
With its keen understanding of target buyers, owned position, thoughtful innovation, and emotional advertising, it's no wonder KitKat dominates the crunchy chocolate market.
The brand has secured top-of-mind awareness. When craving something sweet and crunchy, most people's first thought is: KitKat.
Now it's your turn. Apply the KitKat Method to clarify your brand promise and cement your status as the preferred choice. Let your personality shine through so customers think of you first.
With focus, perseverance, and authenticity, you too can become the KitKat of your industry. The market leader customers instinctively turn to when in need of what you offer.
So take a cue from the chocolate experts. Make sure your branding has that satisfying crunch.
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Regional Variations in European Energy Bar Preferences
In the bustling world of health and fitness, energy bars have become a staple for those seeking a quick, convenient, and nutritious boost. These compact snacks are not only favoured by athletes and fitness enthusiasts but also by busy individuals looking for a healthy on-the-go option. Across Europe, the energy bar market is thriving, with diverse preferences emerging based on regional tastes and dietary habits. Let's delve into the fascinating world of Europe's energy bar market and explore the regional variations in preferences.
The Growing Market for Energy Bars in Europe
Europe stands as a significant market for energy bars, with a growing emphasis on health and wellness. As people become more health-conscious and lead busier lifestyles, the demand for convenient, yet nutritious, snacks has skyrocketed. This has led to an explosion of energy bar options, ranging from protein-packed bars for gym-goers to gluten-free and vegan varieties for those with dietary restrictions.
Market Dynamics and Trends
The Europe Energy Bars Market is dynamic, influenced by factors such as changing lifestyles, rising health awareness, and the availability of various flavours and ingredients. Let's take a closer look at some of the regional variations in energy bar preferences:
1. Northern Europe: Embracing Natural and Protein-Rich Bars
Northern European countries, including Sweden, Denmark, Norway, and Finland, are known for their love of nature and health-conscious attitudes. In these countries, energy bars with natural ingredients are highly favoured. Consumers often seek bars with high protein content, catering to fitness enthusiasts and those following high-protein diets. Brands offering organic, locally sourced ingredients tend to perform well in this region.
2. Western Europe: Diverse Flavours and Vegan Options
Western European nations like Germany, France, and the UK boast a diverse palate, reflecting in their energy bar preferences. Consumers here appreciate a wide range of flavours, from classic chocolate and nuts to exotic blends like mango and coconut. Vegan and plant-based bars are also gaining popularity, aligning with the region's growing interest in sustainability and ethical consumption.
3. Southern Europe: Tradition Meets Modernity
Southern European countries such as Italy, Spain, and Greece have a rich culinary tradition. Energy bar preferences in these regions often blend traditional flavours with modern health trends. Bars featuring Mediterranean ingredients like olive oil, nuts, and fruits are well-received. These markets also appreciate bars with natural sweetness, such as dates and honey, as they align with the region's culinary heritage.
4. Eastern Europe: Focus on Functional Ingredients
Eastern European countries like Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic show a preference for energy bars with functional ingredients. Bars fortified with vitamins, minerals, and superfoods are popular among health-conscious consumers. Additionally, bars that offer sustained energy release, ideal for long workdays or outdoor activities, have a strong foothold in this market.
Meeting Diverse Consumer Needs
Manufacturers in the Europe Energy Bars Market are continually innovating to cater to these diverse regional preferences. They are launching new flavours, improving nutritional profiles, and emphasising natural and sustainable ingredients. Brands are also focusing on packaging that highlights the health benefits and unique selling points of their bars, appealing to the discerning European consumer.
The Europe Energy Bars Market is a vibrant and diverse landscape, shaped by regional tastes, health trends, and cultural influences. From the protein-centric preferences of Northern Europe to the flavour explorations of Western Europe, and the fusion of tradition and modernity in Southern Europe, each region offers a unique market for energy bar manufacturers. Understanding these regional variations is key for brands aiming to succeed in this competitive and evolving market, where health, taste, and convenience converge to meet the demands of today's consumers.
As we move forward, we can expect continued growth and innovation in Europe's energy bar market, providing consumers with an ever-expanding array of delicious and nutritious options to fuel their active lifestyles.
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100nutritionltd · 5 months
Unveiling the Power of Green Superfood Powder for Enhanced Wellness
A Revolution in Nutritional Supplementation
In the modern whirlwind of life, maintaining a balanced diet rich in all essential nutrients can be a daunting task. This is precisely where the wonders of Green Super food Powder come into play. Designed to fill the gaps in your daily nutrition, this unique blend offers a convenient solution for those seeking a healthful boost.
Green Superfood Powderis more than just a supplement; it's a symphony of health-promoting ingredients. Each scoop is packed with a selection of the finest greens known for thenutritional value. From spirulina, known for its high protein content, to wheatgrass, rich in chlorophyll, these carefully selected ingredients work synergistically to support overall health.
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This powder is a nutrient-rich blend of various green vegetables, fruits, and other plant-based ingredients, condensed into a convenient powder form. Packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytonutrients, it offers a quick and easy way to enhance your daily nutrition. Common components include wheatgrass, spirulina, chlorella, and kale, promoting overall health, energy, and immune function. Its versatility makes it a popular addition to smoothies, juices, or water. Whether seeking a convenient supplement for busy lifestyles or aiming to boost daily greens intake, Green Superfood Powder is a convenient, all-in-one solution for a nutrient-packed dietary boost.
The Unique Benefits of Incorporating Green Superfood Powder into Your Routine
One of the key advantages of integrating Green Superfood Powder in the UKinto your diet is its versatility. Whether you're blending it into a smoothie or stirring it into your morning oatmeal, it's an effortless way to elevate your nutrient intake. Here are some of the compelling benefits you might experience:
Enhanced Energy Levels: The natural vitamins and minerals in the powder can help boost your energy, making it a perfect start to your day.
Improved Digestion: With ingredients like fiber-rich barley grass, this powder can aid in better digestion and gut health.
Detoxification: The blend of greens aids in detoxifying the body, promoting a feeling of internal cleanliness.
Immune Support: Packed with antioxidants, this powerhelps in strengthening the immune system.
A Testimony to Quality and Purity
When it comes to dietary supplements, quality is paramount. This powderis a testament to purity and efficacy. Sourced from the finest ingredients and manufactured with the utmost care, this product stands out in the UK market. Its commitment to delivering a pure, potent, and effective supplement is what makes it a trusted choice among health enthusiasts.
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Integrating Green Superfood Powder into Your Daily Life
Incorporating Green Superfood Powder into your daily regimen is straightforward. Here are a few creative ways to enjoy it:
Morning Smoothies: Blend it with fruits, yogurt, or milk for a nutritious breakfast smoothie.
Healthy Snacks: Mix it into your homemade energy bars or sprinkle over yogurt.
Refreshing Beverages: Stir it into water or juice for a quick, healthy drink.
Green Superfood Powderis not just a supplement; it's a lifestyle choice for those who value their health and well-being. Its blend of natural ingredients, commitment to quality, and the multitude of health benefits it offers make it a standout product in the UK market. If you're looking to enhance your daily nutrition, this green powder is certainly worth considering.
For more information and to explore the range of products, visit our website.
Resource: https://boostdnutritionuser.wordpress.com/2024/01/22/unveiling-the-power-of-green-superfood-powder-for-enhanced-wellness/
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rupalic · 5 months
Global Nutraceutical Ingredients Market Size, Share, Trends - 2027
The nutraceutical ingredients market is a dynamic and growing sector. Nutraceuticals refer to food or food products that provide health benefits beyond basic nutrition. The market for nutraceutical ingredients includes a wide range of products, such as vitamins, minerals, amino acids, antioxidants, probiotics, prebiotics, herbal extracts, and other bioactive compounds.
The global nutraceutical ingredients market size is estimated to grow from USD 185.2 billion in 2022 to USD 261.7 billion by 2027. The compound annual growth rate is 7.2%. The increasing awareness of health & wellness among the consumers and tailored products according to the needs of the targeted audience are driving factors for the growth of the nutraceutical ingredients market. The rising cost of pharmaceutical and hospital expenses are considered as luxury among majority of the population, increase the demand for nutraceutical products as they can prevent health problems.
Nutraceutical ingredients market trends:
Plant-Based and Natural Ingredients: Consumers were increasingly inclined towards plant-based and natural ingredients. Nutraceutical products derived from plants, herbs, and botanicals were gaining popularity due to their perceived health benefits and alignment with clean-label preferences.
Personalized Nutrition: The trend of personalized nutrition was gaining momentum. Companies were exploring ways to offer customized nutraceutical solutions based on individual health needs, genetic factors, and lifestyle choices.
Gut Health Focus: There was a growing emphasis on gut health, leading to increased demand for probiotics and prebiotics. Products promoting digestive health and supporting a healthy microbiome were gaining traction.
Functional Beverages: The incorporation of nutraceutical ingredients into functional beverages was on the rise. Consumers were looking for beverages that not only quench their thirst but also provide functional benefits, such as energy enhancement, immunity support, or relaxation.
CBD and Hemp-Derived Ingredients: The interest in cannabidiol (CBD) and hemp-derived ingredients was increasing. CBD was being explored for its potential therapeutic benefits, leading to the development of nutraceutical products containing these compounds.
Immune System Support: The COVID-19 pandemic heightened awareness about the importance of immune health. Nutraceuticals offering immune system support, including vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, saw increased demand.
The Food segments by application is projected to have the highest nutraceutical ingredient market share.
Research & development on nutraceutical product have been improving innovative products and developing customized products according to the consumer requirements. Products with customized requirement and trending food products would attract more customers. Various companies have understated their customers’ needs and have developed nutraceutical products like gummies, lozenges, hard candies, malt powders, nutrient bars, and more. These products are customized according to the health benefit, according to their diet, and more. Hence, their market is estimated to gain more market share in the nutraceutical ingredient market.
The dry ingredient, by form is projected to attain the fastest market growth in the global nutraceutical ingredients market throughout the forecasted period.
New emerging technologies like encapsulation methods, have helped various companies in making a liquid format ingredient to dry format. These encapsulated ingredients can preserve its liquid ingredient without degrading with other compounds in the product formulation and can also release the compound in desired rate to the product. such technology improvements have helped various formulator, as liquid form of ingredients is mostly unstable and can degrade.
The key players in this market include such Associated British Foods Plc (UK), Arla Foods Ingredients Group P/S (Denmark), DSM (Netherland), Ingredion (US), Tate & Lyle (UK), Ajinomoto Co., Inc. (Japan), CHR Hansen Holdings A/S. (Denmark), Kyowa Hakko Bio Co., Ltd. (Japan), Glanbia Plc (Ireland), Fonterra Co. Operative Group Limited (New Zealand), Cargill Incorporated (US), ADM (US), International Flavors & Fragrances, Inc. (US), BASF SE (Germany) and Kerry Groups (Ireland). Strategic partnerships were the dominant strategy adopted by the key players, followed by expansions and new product launches. These strategies have helped them to increase their presence in different regions and industrial segments.
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pearlsmith25 · 7 months
Granola Market Odyssey: Embark on a Journey of Taste and Wellness
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The granola market is estimated to be valued at US$ 3,753.3 Mn in 2023 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 4.5% over the forecast period 2023 to 2030, as highlighted in a new report published by Coherent Market Insights.
Market Overview:
Granola is a breakfast food made from rolled oats, nuts, honey or other sweeteners and spices that are baked until crisp and crunchy. It is popular among consumers due to its nutritional value and health benefits. Granola can be eaten directly or with milk, yogurt or fruits. It is often used as topping for baked goods as well. Granola has become popular among health conscious consumers due to presence of fiber, proteins and other important nutrients.
Market Dynamics:
The key drivers propelling growth of the granola market are rising health consciousness and adoption of on-the-go breakfast options among consumers. Granola is considered a healthy breakfast choice due to presence of rolled oats, nuts and seeds which makes it high in fiber and protein content. The portability and easy availability of granola bars and snacks allows consumers to consume it on the go. Growing awareness about several health benefits of granola such as keeping stomach full for longer duration, controlling blood sugar levels and promotion of gut health is fueling its demand. Furthermore, product innovations with focus on all-natural and organic ingredients catering to preferences of health conscious consumers are also supporting market growth.
SWOT Analysis
Strength: Granola is a healthy breakfast option that provides sustained energy. It contains nutrients like fiber, vitamins and minerals. The do-it-yourself nature of granola allows consumers to customize it as per their tastes and dietary requirements.
Weakness: Granola has a high sugar and calorie content which makes it less preferable for diabetics and weight watchers. The ingredients and preparation process of traditional granola makes it more expensive than cereal.
Opportunity: Growing health-consciousness and preference for nutritional food among consumers presents an opportunity for product innovation and new flavors in the granola market. Rise in disposable income allows room for premiumization of granola products.
Threats: Fluctuation in prices of key raw materials like oats increases production costs. Introduction of low-calorie, low-sugar substitute snack products.
Key Takeaways:
The global granola market is expected to witness high growth, exhibiting CAGR of 4.5% over the forecast period, due to increasing health awareness and preference for healthy breakfast options. Granola fits well with the on-the-go lifestyles as it provides sustained energy and is portable.
Regional analysis: North America dominates the global granola market accounting for over 35% of revenue share in 2023. U.S. is the largest consumer market owing to trend of healthy breakfast and snacking. Europe is the second largest region led by UK, Germany, and France. Asia Pacific is expected to be the fastest growing region during the forecast period led by countries like India and China. Rising incomes and shifting dietary patterns support market growth.
Key players operating in the granola market are Kellogg Corners, Kraft Foods Inc., Sunnycrunch, ConAgra foods, Clif Bar & Coand, General Mills, Nestle, Nature Valley, Slim-Fast Food Co. These companies are focusing on new product development, acquisitions, and penetration into developing countries for geographical expansion.
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marketinsight1234 · 3 months
Energy Bar Market Outlook for Forecast Period (2023 to 2030)
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The Global Energy Bar market was valued at USD 3.06 billion in 2021 and is expected to reach USD 3.85 billion by the year 2028, at a CAGR of 3.32%.
Consumer demand for suitable and healthy ready-to-eat snack options has by far been the primary assign for the sales of energy bars worldwide. Additionally, owing to its small packaging and high energy content, it is an ideal solution for adults who need instant results. It also holds proteins and other nutrients, and micronutrients required daily, therefore, packing a balanced diet in a small quantity. Consumers are highly aware of their food content, quantity, and the number of times they eat. This has led them to focus more on their diet content, eat smaller portions, and increase the frequency of their meals. To fulfil these requirements, energy bars are suitable options for them.
 Get Full PDF Sample Copy of Report: (Including Full TOC, List of Tables & Figures, Chart) @
The latest research on the Energy Bar market provides a comprehensive overview of the market for the years 2023 to 2030. It gives a comprehensive picture of the global Energy Bar industry, considering all significant industry trends, market dynamics, competitive landscape, and market analysis tools such as Porter's five forces analysis, Industry Value chain analysis, and PESTEL analysis of the Energy Bar market. Moreover, the report includes significant chapters such as Patent Analysis, Regulatory Framework, Technology Roadmap, BCG Matrix, Heat Map Analysis, Price Trend Analysis, and Investment Analysis which help to understand the market direction and movement in the current and upcoming years. The report is designed to help readers find information and make decisions that will help them grow their businesses. The study is written with a specific goal in mind: to give business insights and consultancy to help customers make smart business decisions and achieve long-term success in their particular market areas.
Leading players involved in the Energy Bar Market include:
Nature Essential Foods Pvt Ltd, Lotus Bakeries, General Mills Inc., Clif Bar & Company, ProBar LLC, Post Holdings Inc., BumbleBar Inc., PepsiCo Inc., Eat Anytime, TORQ Limited, OTE Sports Ltd, Kind LLC, Science in Sports PLC, Kellogg Company and others. 
If You Have Any Query Energy Bar Market Report, Visit:
Segmentation of Energy Bar Market:
By Product Type
Protein Bar
Nutrition Bar
Fibre Bar
And Cereal Bar
By Product Nature
By Distribution Channel
Supermarkets/ Hypermarkets
Convenience Stores
Specialty Stores
Online Stores
Market Segment by Regions: -
North America (US, Canada, Mexico)
Eastern Europe (Bulgaria, The Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Rest of Eastern Europe)
Western Europe (Germany, UK, France, Netherlands, Italy, Russia, Spain, Rest of Western Europe)
Asia Pacific (China, India, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, The Philippines, Australia, New Zealand, Rest of APAC)
Middle East & Africa (Turkey, Bahrain, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE, Israel, South Africa)
South America (Brazil, Argentina, Rest of SA)
Reasons for Acquiring this Report:
1. Strategic Decision-Making for Government Leaders and Politicians:
Gain insights into the global Energy Bar Market Growth 2023-2030 market revenues at global, regional, and national levels until 2030. Assess and strategize market share based on comprehensive analysis, enabling informed decision-making. Identify potential markets for exploration and expansion.
2. Informed Decision-Making for Professionals and Product Developers:
Access a detailed breakdown of the Energy Bar Market Growth 2023-2030 market worldwide, including product variations, use cases, technologies, and final consumers. Allocate resources effectively by anticipating demand patterns for emerging products. Stay ahead in product development by understanding market dynamics and consumer preferences.
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Introspective Market Research (introspectivemarketresearch.com) is a visionary research consulting firm dedicated to assisting our clients to grow and have a successful impact on the market. Our team at IMR is ready to assist our clients to flourish their business by offering strategies to gain success and monopoly in their respective fields. We are a global market research company, that specializes in using big data and advanced analytics to show the bigger picture of the market trends. We help our clients to think differently and build better tomorrow for all of us. We are a technology-driven research company, we analyse extremely large sets of data to discover deeper insights and provide conclusive consulting. We not only provide intelligence solutions, but we help our clients in how they can achieve their goals.
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spiritsrituals · 8 months
whisky promoter in india
whisky promoter in india, the amber nectar, continues to dominate the palate in India. It is the preferred pout and the most enjoyed Spirit in the country. As elsewhere, even though Gin is gaining a lot of attention, but Whisky continues to be on top of the game.
The last 18 months have been dominated by Covid situation, impacting all F&B in India, including spirits. The Covid situation now seems in control; across the country except states of Maharashtra ( Mumbai ) & Kerala, where the numbers are still a challenge.New Delhi & NCR is well paced with Positivity ratio being less than 1 %. Vaccination rates have come down, but numbers are still high across most states.Hills Stations and Tourism spots are witnessing massive crowds thus endangering the covid climate once again.Medical Community & the Govt are preparing for the impending third wave, which is being predicted either in Oct or even Dec.Growth in Real Estate industry on premium housing. Growth witnessed in people buying houses in the hills. Large offices opening with 50% employees. Global brands are still WFH till Oct 2021, at this stage. There is reduced movement in High energy Zones like Bars, Night Life, Premium Dining, etc.. Wedding beginning to pick up with smaller guest lists of 50 -150. There is also  a defined movement towards most affluence Indians looking at moving overseas – Dubai, Australia, Canada and UK being favourite
The F&B Environment in India is an upswing, as cities and states continue to open up.
Hotels and F&B Outlets have opened with 50% capacity. Bars have also opened but not witnessing large number of guests – Less than 30%. Over 35% outlets in premium dining may not open again, as perestimate at stage. Outlets are offering as much 33% discount on dining, with an average cheque US$20.00 per head. Most stand alone F&B Outlets are witnessing 40%-60% average footfalls, from 2019.Malls are witnessing 50%-60% footfalls but not much conversion in sales. Higher base of customers in local markets & for weekly shopping. There is a good response to fast food & Indian snacks – up by over 60%. Pizza is the most ordered fast food, followed by Burgers and then Indian Samosa. Full meals are being ordered at least twice a week by over 20% households, average US$ 80 per order. Huge growth in cloud kitchens & home delivery services. Growth in Indian regional cuisines & local chefs. There is also high growth in Indian Home chefs & home-made condiments. Hotels are offering Premium food Hampers with multiple cuisines, at over 40% discount from pre Covid rates.Most people who could not afford Hotels, are now enjoying hotel foods delivered at home, at 40%-50% lesser price. Hotels like The Taj Hotels are opening food trucks to cater to quality fast foods. Large Growth in health foods, spices & condiments. There is also large growth in home Cocktail Mixes, Tonic Water & Mixers. Home catering is picking up well, with packaged & designed hampers. There is definitive growth in premium alcohol & spirits. Growth in Healthy Dining & Premium Foods. Most Trends are here to stay – Health & Healthy Foods. Home Bars & entertainment at home – High Possibility of revival
All Things Beverage
Retail sales are at all time high with shops recording over 200% growth in the last few months. Hotels &Stand alone Bars are doingmodest business, less than 30%, but high opportunity in the next 6 months. The Duty Free is at an all-time low, but looking to ramp up in 12 months with international travel picking up again.Home Drinking – Starts on Tuesday & weekends are looking more “food oriented”. Over 20 flavours of mixers are on offer across premium outlets. Cigars are gaining ground with more smokers buying in India. Gin & Whisky top as Spirits of Choice. Rum & Tequila are on limited offer. Vodka picks up every so often often based on crowd. Bar displays – In Vogue. Movements towards Premiumization of Spirits. Whisky – Top of the Value Chain. New guidelines on Communication of Beverage Brands. Digital gains prominence, though physical event will start again by Sept 2021
New Trends
The above points can be used as an input on going ahead with all areas.The consumer profile remains the same though there may be changes in their thinking. New Excise Policy in New Delhi – Encouraging, will lead to higher sales. New Excise Policy in Gurugram – Expected in 2 months. High end retail being planned across key markets in India. Higher focus of new Investors on catering to home services, fresh foods, fruits & condiments than bars. Investors are keen on low investments cloud kitchens, than investing in outlets in premium bars in “loud” locations. Move towards backing promising Mixologists / Chefs to offer & create own brand of Cocktail F&B Outlets / Outlets. Investors keen on creating home grown F&B Brands seeing the success of othere. Home chefs looking at small outlets & investors.
Social Trends
New Bars coming up in Goa & smaller towns
Neighbourhood bars may be the new trend in 2022
Beam Suntory join’s Diageo & Pernod Ricard on top
Reduced rate of footfalls in Bars in Malls – Needs to be studied
Most younger people are relocating out of large towns, which is impacting office operations, such large companies / brands are looking at moving out of CBDs
SLL also feels that these are current trends and things may change in the next 12 – 18 months
It is imperative to adopt the new learning’s, refresh the product offering & launch again in India.
The new marketing activity will need to start afresh & all old work may need to be updated
SLL will start afresh, with redefined leanings and the new environment in Beverages & Bars
Based on our joint plan on moving ahead, SLL is ready to launch any Marketing & Market Development  exercise for Paragraph, UK in India
Whisky production has evolved in the last few years, in India. As per a Spokesperson of Paul John Distillery, “Changes are being seen and felt across, all Indian whisky has been changing on all points over the last few years. As consumers become more aware, and with more international brands now available, Indian Whiskies discovered the need to hold their own against global products and have striven to do so with success. New technology and innovations have been introduced across the board, including innovative packaging, better testing in accordance with global norms and information available on the labels as per FSSAI implementation in the country. More and more whiskies are using high quality Indian malt spirit along with grain-based ENA or even pure malts and Single Malts, all of which require not only resources and innovation but also need much stricter Quality Assurance processes.
Indian whisky (IMFL) historically has been made from molasses-based ENA blended with flavours due to the high availability of the by-product in our country. Over time, consumers have developed a taste for grain based and malt based whiskies and as such, the core DNA of most Indian whiskies has changed from cane based to grain based. The economy segment across India still dominates the volume of alcohol consumption. Having said that, we have observed that with the improvement in standard of living coupled with the awareness, exposure and evolving preferences will certainly redefine the Indian consumption pattern.
Though according to Mr. ThiruvikramNikam, Joint Managing Director of Amrut Whiskies,“The process of whisky production is more or less standard across the globe. However, there has been a massive change in the technology leading to improvements in the quality of the products while being environment conscious. Styling is an ongoing change that reflects the trend to connect in different ways with the customers.Though the basic production process remains the same but there is an increasing use of Grain Alcohol in Whisky making in India instead of Molasses Alcohol.  Also increasing blending with Indian Malt spirit alongwith Scotch Malts.
The key factor in terms of production norms is sustainability and quality assurance. This includes the ability to consistently source high quality raw and packing materials as well as establish and maintain control on the factory floor to ensure consistent quality is provided. Based on one’s experience, these factors vary from one company to another. General key factors revolve around the raw materials, fermentation time, pot stills, casks etc., to produce quality new make spirit and by extension a great malt whisky.
Today’s Indian consumer is much more globally aware. They are highly exposed to global/international products and therefore are constantly and actively seeking out new and exciting options. Alcoholic beverages are now more acceptable, and the urban consumer specially is more educated and prefers to shop in large format stores where he can explore a wider range of options.The data reveals that there is a surge in sales of premium products which only goes to show that consumer exposure and preferences have evolved to enjoy better character and profile of whisky, rum or brandy. Also, the fact that availability and consumption of variety of brands from across the globe is an indication of the evolving consumer pattern. According to Sanjeev Banga, President, RadicoKhaitan, a leading Indian Company, “The Indian consumer has evolved a lot in the past few years and if fairly knowledgeable. They are seeking better quality products and willing to experiment and try newer blends.
There are new trends being witnessed in consumer behaviour as well. Product innovation and premiumisation are the key and bodes well for the future of Whisky in India. The Indian consumer demands high quality both in product and packaging, while still seeking value. MOTs and Modern trade outlets that allow consumers to enjoy a personal shopping experience will continue to grow, in turn encouraging consumers to explore multiple brands in addition to their brand of choice, their preferences may change based on occasion as well.
Consumers are showing keenness to enjoy quality products. Seeing this change, companies are gearing up to move towards premium segment of supply. In terms of marketing, the virtual whisky releases and tastings are here to stay for a while. The pandemic has made that aspect of brand building and storytelling possible with the consumer.Pandemic has resulted in more home consumption, upgradation to premium brands and taboos relating to alcohol consumption are coming down.   More and more consumers are now drinking to enjoy and celebrate rather than to get drunk.
So what are the new consumer consumption patterns in India.! According to a Spokesperson from Paul John Distillery, “ The biggest change has been the acceptability of alcoholic beverages as just another beverage and their entry into the urban households. Today, it is quite acceptable to offer a guest a drink at home. This has allowed for consumption patterns to shift from a drinking session to sessions with friends and family where alcohol may also be served.The consumers today are much more evolved due to their exposure to more options. They know their tastes and are not afraid to experiment. This change is observed across all age groups, but mostly at the prestige and above price points.The consumers are becoming creators in their own right. While enjoying their whisky in the traditional way, they are also engaging in putting together easy-to-make cocktails that can give their favorite whisky a new dimension.According to Sanjeev Banga, “ There is increasing acceptance of the fact that India today is producing World Class Whiskies be it Blended or Single Malts.  The Indian consumer now takes pride in the consuming Indian products and the craze for imported brands in gradually coming down.
There have been changing consumer preferences towards Whisky Styles, Regions, Countries, Palate as well. The biggest change is the move towards authentic, malt-based whiskies. As they experiment with various styles of whiskies, the consumers are developing sophisticated palates which allow for more variety in styles and finishes. Going forward, special finish whiskies will grow in size as they offer the consumer something over and above the standard fare. Though according to Mr. ThiruvikramNikam, Joint Managing Director of Amrut Whiskies, “Indian are known to like smoky whiskies (in varying range of intensity) and we have also observed that people take great liking towards having whiskies from across the globe. The consumers are wide ranging. They are new and evolved, young and older. They offer a mixture of opinions and views that brands are out to seek.More and more people are now drinking to enjoy the moment, be it with family, friends or in celebration of an occasion.
Indian are appreciating&enjoying their whiskies, more than ever before. Every consumer has his own way of enjoying a Whisky. Overall, however, we can say that consumers enjoy whiskies as they are, with less emphasis on flavoured mixers.People are enjoying their whiskies the way they like it and that is how it should be. Having said that, for a malt enthusiast, it is an exploration and normally they enjoy it neat or with a splash of water.Along with premium product offerings the resultant packaging has also improved tremendously and now you can get world class Indian products in packaging similar to international brands.
One of the key factors has been the change in packaging. Brads including Amorim Top Series, Portugal and Bruni Glass, Italy besides Wade Ceramics, England are offering world class solutions to the Indian spirit industry. Packaging has definitely changed over time. FSSAI and global packing norms have been key drivers in this change, consumers have also actively encouraged this change due to the growing urge to know what they are buying. Detailed information on labels, innovative designs that catch the eye and emphasise the quality of the liquid etc are specially noticed with regard to premium categories. According to ThiruvikramNikam, “Today brands are using the packaging to convey the uniqueness of their produce and enlighten the consumers to read and make a choice.
So after all this does Age continue to be a huge factor with Indian consumers. According to Paul John, “ Age is definitely a factor but more for the manufacturer than the consumer. With the much higher efficacy of maturation in the subcontinent, a whisky aged for 3 years here displays similar maturity to whiskies aged 8-12 years in colder climates like Scotland. The correct ageing of whisky is very important for manufacturers to get the product right. The consumer relates more with the experience of the finished product. Global malts are also slowly moving away from making age statements in acknowledgement of this fact, It is an undisputable fact that ageing of whisky is imperative to relish and enjoy it. Age plays an essential role in shaping up the whisky. However, the length of ageing depends and varies from place to place. Consumers now know better to look beyond the age and enjoy the whisky on its merit.
Though RadicoKhaitan, the makers of Rampur Single Malt Indian Whisky avers, Sanjeev Banga President, states, “ We strongly believe Age is just a number.  Specially in Indian weather conditions where malt maturation is 3 to 4 times faster than Scotland.  What is important is the taste of the whisky on the palate and not the Age.  More and more consumers, specially for Single Malts are now aware of the fact that Single Malts coming from new world may not carry any Age Statement but are at par, if not better than number of brands that carry age statements.
Trade Channels
The pandemic has virtually wiped out the on-premise channel. This has made the off/retail channel much more important than it previously was.In India, trade and channels vary from state to state based on state government policies. Now retailers are offering consumers a retail experience unlike before. Yes, very much so. The threat of the pandemic has made people wary on close quarter engagements and gathering. While social distancing is the norm, a lot of the consumer outreach program has taken stream virtually offering a unique solution and opportunities for brand building and marketing.Online and Home delivery are the new norms.  Though still at a nascent stage in India but growing everyday.
Brand Marketing & Consumer Outreach
With the decimation of on-premise channels, it is no longer possible to allow consumers to experience new products or to pair food and drink for a new experience. In store marketing options are also highly limited. Thus marketing and consumer outreach has moved from the physical world to mass and virtual media where consumers share their experiences and build communities around brands. Since advertising is still not legally allowed for the industry in India, this means that consumer outreach is primarily based on word of mouth on social platforms today.
Digital marketing and social media are the new buzz words and their influence will keep growing in future
A Toast to the Future
Whisky accounts for nearly 70% of all spirit sales in the country. It is. While a lot of the categories in India are being shaken up and are creating a lot of buzz and activity, whisky is the dominant category in India and will remain to be for the foreseeable future.This is not likely to change in the immediate future. Though Gin as a category is growing at a very rapid pace, but on a very small base. Whisky will continue to flourish in India, however the next few years look tough for Made-In-India whiskies due to changing govt. policies. While we have already achieved parity or surpassed most global brands in terms of quality and packaging, the statutory and regulatory environment in India is highly skewed against domestic spirits. Global brands already have a massive advantage with fixed annual market costs in most states, as well as lower % taxes at the local level. They are also able to get around the Indian laws prohibiting advertising by running their global campaigns online. With the govt. mulling reduction of import customs duties, the disadvantage for Indian products will only increase.I’ll respond to this from Amrut’s perspective, we are adored for our innovation and unprecedented releases of single malt expressions like Herald, Naarangi, Spectrum …, continuing this trend we will soon be going to release first of its kind expressions in India and the globe. According to Sanjeev Banga, President, RadicoKhaitan, a leading Indian Company, “ As they say, best is yet to come. There is increasing premiumisation in the Whisky space and more producers are entering the Indian Single Malt category.  The future looks very promising for Indian Whiskies not only in India but globally.  India has so much to offer to the world in terms of its unique and innovative products.
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astraeaboann · 9 months
I hate my job, but I have no options.
I hate working in a hotel as a Duty Manager because people are stupid and I am tired of dealing with idiots. I have been working here since January 2022, this is my 5th year working in a hotel. I am doing housekeeping, maintenance, reception, bar and manager at the same time, without any external help. A one-woman-job.
The other manager doesn't run around like I do, they take their time and inconvenience everyone else because they do things so slowly that I end up having to finish their job. They never take anything seriously, or finish what they start, or follow up on work, or check-up on the team. They can't follow procedure or simple sets of rules that we, as managers, are supposed to enforce and when confronted about it they just brush it off as me being too strict. The best part? It always falls back on me, so people don't notice how shit they are.
We don't have HR, only a General Manager that lives in the hotel and also does everything, but only trusts me to do the job.
I miss seeing different people from different departments work together, having reservations, events, accounts, restaurant and concierge team members working with me. There's 20 staff members in total that work in my hotel, and me and one person at reception are the only staff in the building after 5pm.
I am tired of replying to the same questions, in the same way, every day. I am tired of having to deal with complaints, because the idiots are also self-entitled dickheads most of the time, with their stupid unreasonable requests.
There is nothing new to learn, nothing new to do. My ADHD brain cannot stand it. I hate working every day from 1pm until 9:30pm, or from 2:45pm until 11:15pm and never actually be able to see the sun (and not only because I live in UK). They don't even provide food apart from chicken nuggets and fries, and if I have them one more time I'm going to be sick. I have no friends, because everyone left the country, and the 'friends' I have at work and I never get the same time off. Luckily I have a boyfriend and we live together, but we never have time off together.
I have no extra money to go out for dinner or drinks, because the rent in London is so high and I don't have the option to take on a different job or change career, because once you're in hospitality, you're stuck.
And also because for some reason the market is horrible, haven't landed an interview in 9 months, despite applying every day for jobs that I am both under and overqualified for.
I hate it, and don't see a way out. I can feel my depression crawling back, I see how my job and mood effect my relationship with my boyfriend and how it's triggering me to want to start self-harming again. I have no energy left to practice any witchcraft, study or act on any hobbies.
I hate my fucking life right now, and no, holidays don't help. Just needed to speak about it, before I explode.
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shambooget · 10 months
Metalworking Tool Holder In-Depth Profiling With Key Players and Recent Developments, Forecast Period: 2021-2031
The global metalworking tool holder market size was valued at $815.3 million in 2020, and is expected to reach $1,193.1 million by 2030, with a CAGR of 4.5% from 2021 to 2030.
Tool holder, also known as clamper or adaptor, is a holding equipment or device used in manufacturing industries to keep tool in appropriate position. Tool holder is available in shapes such as conical and cylindrical. Tool holder is used in milling, drilling, and boring industries. It has a short steel bar with shank at one end, which is clamped to machine tools. It possesses features such as rigid, accuracy, power, and balance.
An increase in urbanization and industrialization in emerging countries such as Germany, France, the U.S., and others drives the demand for automotive vehicle. This is expected to fuel the demand for tool holder; thereby, driving the growth of the metalworking tool holder market. For instance, degree of urbanization in the U.S. increased by 0.4% from 2017 to 2019.
In addition, tool holder is used in various industry verticals such as automotive, aerospace, and defense, owing to rise in demand for tool holder. The healthcare industry in various countries such as the UK, the U.S., and India is growing at a significant pace, due to increase in investments in this sector by government. For instance, in 2018, the UK Government spent $252.9 billion on the healthcare industry. This is expected to drive the demand for tool holder, owing to features such as highly efficient, rigid, and high revolution per minute (rpm).
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The global metalworking tool holder market is segmented on the basis of type, machine type, end user, and region. On the basis of type, the market is divided into milling chucks, collet chuck, hydraulic toolholders, and others. Collet chuck segment generated the highest revenue in 2020. Based on machine type, the market is divided into machining centers, lathe machines, gear cutting machines, and others. Machining centers segment dominated the market in 2020. On the basis of end user, the market is categorized into automotive, aerospace & defense, power & energy, and others. Automobile segment generated the highest revenue in 2020.
Region wise, the global metalworking tool holder market analysis is conducted across North America (the U.S., Canada, and Mexico), Europe (the UK, France, Germany, Italy, and rest of Europe), Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, India, Australia, and rest of Asia-Pacific), and LAMEA (Latin America, the Middle East, and Africa). In 2020, Asia-Pacific was the highest contributor to the global metalworking tool holder market share, and is anticipated to secure a leading position during the forecast period.
Competition Analysis
Key players profiled in this report include Sandvik AB, Guhring Inc, Kennametal Inc, Ceratizit S.A., Kyocera Unimerco Tooling A/S, Ingersoll Cutting Tool Company, Haimer GmbH, Schunk GmbH & Co KG, Collis Toolholder Corp, and BIG KAISER Precision Tooling Inc.
Major players such as Kyocera Unimerco Tooling A/S and BIG KAISER Precision Tooling Inc adopt product launch and acquisition as key development strategy to improve the product portfolio. For instance, in June 2020, BIG KAISER Precision Tooling Inc launched HDC Jet hydraulic chucks for 5-axis machining. It has speed of 35,000 rpm, and having clamping capacity of ¼” to ½”. It is best suitable for automotive, aerospace, medical, and die mold industries.
Full Report With TOC:-https://www.alliedmarketresearch.com/metalworking-tool-holder-market-A12520
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marketing123456789 · 11 months
Functional Carbohydrates Market
The global functional carbohydrates market is estimated to reach a market worth of US$ 5.4 bn by 2022, increasing with a CAGR of 5.9% from 2022 to 2032. The number of pets is increasing in many developed countries, and the emotional tie between humans and their pets is becoming stronger. As a result, pet owners are becoming increasingly concerned about their pets’ health, quality of life, and lifespan.
The inclusion of macronutrients such as fibers, proteins, and carbohydrates in pet food increases their lifespan and enhances their overall health. Fruit pomace and fiber have excellent water-binding capabilities, which aid in the manufacturing of pet wet food.
As such, the use of functional ingredients is trending in the pet food industry and is expected to provide growth opportunities to the functional carbohydrates market.
“The growing trend of on-the-go snacking is becoming extremely popular among children, owing to their need for regular meals, while adults prefer them due to active hectic lifestyles.” said a lead analyst at FMI.
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Major Research on Applications of Functional Carbohydrates Influencing Market Growth
Key manufacturers, with the help of different research centers, public research universities, and crop institutes across the U.S., are actively researching the potential applications of functional carbohydrates. Constant research for increased application in the food & beverage, personal care, sports nutrition, and feed industries is being carried out.
The growing health concerns among people and advancements in R&D activities have led to the growth of the fibers and specialty carbohydrates market. Factors such as multifunctional benefits across various applications and their use as alternatives to sugar are contributing to the growth of the market.
Increasing Consumption of Nutrient-Enriched Food to Enhance Overall Health
The market is primarily driven by population growth and changes in consumer dietary preferences. Consumers are more likely to choose meals with functional ingredients if they want to lower their risk of obesity, weight management, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.
Stressful lives and rising stress levels have contributed to the rise in the occurrence of such health problems. Furthermore, people have a habit of eating large meals three to four times every day. People’s health has suffered as a result of this. A trend of eating numerous smaller meals throughout the day has emerged as a result of increased awareness and a shift in eating habits.
These considerations have boosted the popularity of nutritious foods and the use of nutritional biscuits, snacks, and energy or protein bars to replace meals. Also, due to their need for regular meals, on-the-go snacking is becoming increasingly popular among children, while adults like it due to their active and hectic lifestyles. Other variables that are boosting market expansion include rising disposable incomes, convenience of transporting, and rising health concerns.
Browse Full Report@ https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/functional-carbohydrates-market
Who is winning?
Some of the leading companies offering functional carbohydrates are General Mills, Inc.; Danone S.A., Nestle S.A., Chobani LLC, Lactalis, Fonterra Co-operative Group, Arla foods, Yakult Honsha Co., Ltd., ULTIMA FOODS, Chobani, LLC., Sodiaal, Müller UK & Ireland, Rainy Lanes Dairy Foods Ltd., Parmalat S.p.A., Chi Limited, Cargill, Incorporated., Mother Dairy Fruit & Vegetable Pvt. Ltd., Britannia Nutrition Foundation, and Others.
Functional Carbohydrates Market by Category
By Type, Functional Carbohydrates Market is Segmented as:
Dietary Fiber
Functional Polysaccharides
Functional Oligosaccharides
Sugar Alcohols
and other Functional Monosaccharides
By Application, Functional Carbohydrates Market is Segmented as:
Food & Beverages
Cosmetics & Personal Care
By Region, Functional Carbohydrates Market is Segmented as:
North America
Latin America
East Asia
South Asia
Middle east and Africa
Ask Our Analyst More about Report @ https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/ask-question/rep-gb-14821
Frequently Asked Questions
How Big is the Functional Carbohydrates Market?
How Much Does Automotive Industry Contributes to Functional Carbohydrates Market?
What is the North America Functional Carbohydrates Market Outlook?
At What Rate will Functional Carbohydrates Demand Grow in Europe?
What Are the Key Trends Shaping the Functional Carbohydrates Market?
At What Rate Will Functional Carbohydrates Demand Grow in Japan?
About Future Market Insights (FMI):
Future Market Insights, Inc. (ESOMAR certified, Stevie Award – recipient market research organization, and a member of Greater New York Chamber of Commerce) provides in-depth insights into governing factors elevating the demand in the market. It discloses opportunities that will favor the market growth in various segments on the basis of Source, Application, Sales Channel, and End Use over the next 10 years.
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ananya5400 · 1 year
Factors Driving the Dietary Supplements Market
The report "Dietary Supplements Market by type (Botanicals, Vitamins, Minerals, Amino Acids, Enzymes, Probiotics), Function (Additional Supplements, Medicinal Supplements, Sports Nutrition), Mode of Application, Target Consumer and Region - Global Forecast to 2027", is estimated at USD 155.2 billion in 2022; it is projected to grow at a CAGR of 7.3% to reach USD 220.8 billion by 2027.
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Download PDF Brochure @ https://www.marketsandmarkets.com/pdfdownloadNew.asp?id=973
The ageing population in the eastern and western countries have propelled the market growth of dietary supplements. According to the UKs Food Standard Agency (FSA), the majority of supplement consumers, are over 55 years old. These supplements are bought in the belief that old age can be joyful and pain-free, with a body of research pointing to memory enhancement, joint strengthening, and a vitality boost of glucosamine, ginkgo, and ginseng.
The Botanical segment by type is projected to achieve the Highest CAGR growth in the Dietary Supplements market.
The demand for the botanicals ingredients included in the dietary supplements solutions had driven because of their consumer-perceived benefits, such as functional benefits and being "closer-to-nature," as well as their ability to impart pleasant flavours. Furthermore, attractive flavours and colors produced from natural sources are a vital part in dietary supplements solutions. Some of the advantages of botanical dietary supplements are, Low cost compared to prescription drug, It can be obtained without a prescription, Has the potential to be effective, despite the lack of evidence, and Contribute to a sense of self-sufficiency.
By function, the additional supplements segment is estimated to account for the largest market share in the Dietary Supplements market.
This category includes supplements that can be consumed without a doctors prescription. Minerals, herbs or other botanicals, amino acids, enzymes, and a variety of other ingredients can be found in dietary supplements. Tablets, capsules, gummies, and powder, as well as drinks and energy bars, are all forms of dietary supplements. According to the National Center for Health Statistics, 57.6% of US adults aged 20 and above used a dietary supplement, with women (63.8%) using more than men (50.8%). Dietary supplement use increased with age in both sexes but was highest in women aged 60 and above (80.2%)
The tablet form segment by mode of application is estimated to account for the largest market share of the Dietary Supplements market over the forecast period.
Longevity of tablet form drives market growth. Compressed tablets are typically meant to be swallowed without being broken, chewed, or dissolved. This tablet type will usually only begin to break down after reaching the stomach (or some other stretch of the gastrointestinal tract). Compressed tablets have the advantage of being generally stable and available in various sizes and shapes. As a result, a wide range of dietary supplements can be easily incorporated into tablet form. For this reason, compressed tablets are popular
The elderly segment is projected to observe the highest CAGR growth in the Dietary Supplements market during the forecast period.
Dietary supplements in pill or liquid form are popular among the elderly. These are often nutrients under-consumed among older adults, such as calcium and vitamin D (in high demand) & B12. In older adults, vitamin D helps support skeletal health by building and protecting bones. According to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, nearly 20% of elderly Canadian, European, and American adults have a vitamin D deficiency. Medical experts recommend 20 to 25 micrograms of vitamin D per day. The Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP) provides nutritious USDA packaged food to low-income older adults to support a healthy dietary pattern.
Make an Inquiry @ https://www.marketsandmarkets.com/Enquiry_Before_BuyingNew.asp?id=973
Asia Pacific is projected to achieve the highest CAGR growth in the Dietary Supplements market.
The rising influence of westernization, the growing millennial population, and increasing awareness are the key drivers of market growth. According to the UN, in 2019, 60% of the 1.8 billion global population of millennials reside in Asia. This population is active, enthusiastic about fitness, and continuously seeking innovative products. As a result, millennials are prominent consumers of dietary supplements in the region. Veganism has also become popular in the region, alongside rising demand for plant-based food products, especially in India, China, Australia, and Indonesia. This key factor would eventually pave the way for herbal supplements to grow significantly in value sales during the forecast period in the Asia Pacific.
Key Market Players:
The key players in this market include Amway Corp (US), Herbalife International of America, INC. (US), ADM (US), Pfizer INC (US), Abbott (US), Nestle (Switzerland), Otsuka Holding Co, LTD (Japan), H&H Group (China), Arkopharma (France), Bayer AG (Germany), Glanbia Plc (Ireland), Natures Sunshine Products Inc (US), Fancl Corporation (Japan), Danisco (Denmark), Bionova (India), American Health (US), Pure Encapsulations LLC (US), GlaxoSmithKline, PLC (UK). These players in this market are focusing on increasing their presence through agreements and collaborations. These companies have a strong presence in North America, Asia Pacific and Europe. They also have manufacturing facilities along with strong distribution networks across these regions.
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