avid-idiot · 1 year
Haiybo, unkulunkulu ungishiyile!
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iinkonde · 2 years
Inclusive language shouldn't make y'all act out the way some of you do. It's tiring hearing the same thing from Terfs and there not being a conclusion, a answer to their "concerns". Like shut tf up, nobody especially Trans women want to hear that. Their lives, shit in fact every women on this earth have much bigger problems than your lack of understanding of gender, sexuality or identity. Izinkinga zethu zidlula uNkulunkulu
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w1tchysh1t777 · 2 years
Chapter 1 - Spirits
Aka Manto
Teke Teke
Kitsune no kekkonshiki
Loup Garou
Bultungin (Were-hyenas)
Mami Wata
Ol' Higue
La Bissabova
Hounds of Annwn
Jersey Devil
Friendly Fae
Feroucious Fae
S͜͡o͜͡u͜͡t͜͡h͜͡ A͜͡f͜͡r͜͡i͜͡c͜͡a͜͡
La llarona
La planchada
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bernamegeh · 3 months
Zulu efsaneleri
Zulu efsaneleri, Güney Afrika’nın en büyük etnik grubu olan Zulu halkının kültürel mirasının önemli bir parçasını oluşturur. Bu efsaneler, Zulu halkının tarihini, değerlerini ve dünya görüşlerini yansıtan hikayeler, mitler ve destanlardır. İşte bazı önemli Zulu efsaneleri ve mitleri: 1. **Unkulunkulu**: – Zulu mitolojisinde Unkulunkulu, en yüce tanrı ve yaratıcıdır. Unkulunkulu’nun, dünyayı ve…
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kmgquote · 9 months
Undikhubisekile Bendikuthembile Bendicingafaniba ndiyakwazi kanti ndiziqhathile Andifuni ukungatsho Bendingayilindelanga kele into – Ungiphule intliziyo Ungidanisile Wawathatha amandla wami Wanikezela ngam, ba mandixhaphazwe ukuze ndingazukwazi ukuphumelela kwizifiso zam – Ndithi Enkosi kuwe Kodwa kuzolunga Ndidanile, ewe Kodwa ndisenethemba ba izinto zisozotshintsha – Unkulunkulu…
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7r0773r · 1 year
Daily Prayer with the Corrymeela Community by Pádraig Ó Tuama
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These are some of the things that prayer is. Prayer is rhythm. Prayer is comfort. Prayer is disappointment. Prayer is words and shape and art around desperation, and delight and disappointment and desire. Prayer can be the art that helps you name your desire. And even if the desire is only named, well, naming is a good thing, surely. Naming is what God did, the Jews tell us, and the world unfolded. Or perhaps naming is what the Jews did, and God unfolded. Either way, I'm thankful. Naming things is part of the creative impulse. Naming the deep desires of our heart is a good thing, even if those desires are never satisfied.
No prayer is perfect. There is no system of prayer that is the best. There is only the person praying, the person kneeling, the person walking with beads between their fingers, the person cursing God, or gloom, or fate, or whatever it is that seems to be not listening. Henri Nouwen said that the only way to pray is to pray; the only way to try is to try. So the only way to pray well is to pray regularly enough that it becomes a practice of encounter. No prayer is hollow — whether it is answered in one way or the silent way. To name the night is to be like God, speakng light to formless voids, putting rhythm and rhyme to the pell-mell that compels us. To pray is to trace the edge of chaos and find a way to contain it, not control it. Eve if the story we pray to is only a fiction, it might be fiction that’ll save us. Or it might change us. To pray is to imagine. And in imagining, we may imagine that we are imagined by something Bigger. The Zulus sometimes call God uNkulunkulu, Big-Big. My friend Emma calls God the Bigness, or sometimes, The Smallness. God of Gods. Light of Lights. Story of Stories. In whom our own chaos and creation are contained. Holy Holy Human. (Oremus, pp. xii-xiii)
The collect has beautiful form, like a haiku of intention. It has five folds. The person speaks to God; the person names part of the story of God; the person names their desire — only one desire; and then the person praying gives a reason why this is the one desire they name. This fourth fold echoes the first two: the name and the named story of God. And then the person finishes their prayer — with an Amen, or with a small bird of praise. (Oremus, p. xiv)
Morning prayer
We begin our day alone, honouring this life, with all its potentials and possibilities.
We begin our day with trust, knowing we are created for loving encounter.
We begin our day with hope, knowing the day can hold love, kindness, forgiveness and justice.
A reading followed by a time of silence
We recall our day yesterday, May we learn, may we love, may we live on.
We make room for the unexpected, May we find wisdom and life in the unexpected.
Help us to embrace possibility, respond graciously to disappointment and hold tenderly those we encounter. Help us be fully present to the day.
A short silence
We pray for all whose day will be difficult, May we support, may we listen, may we change.
We resolve to live life in its fullness: We will welcome the people who'll be part of this day. We will greet God in ordinary and hidden moments. We will live the life we are living.
A short silence
May we find the wisdom we need, God be with us.
May we hear the needs of those we meet, God be with us.
May we love the life that we are given, God be with us.
Prayer for courage
Courage comes from the heart and we are always welcomed by God, the Croí* of all being.
We bear witness to our faith, knowing that we are called to live lives of courage, love and reconciliation in the ordinary and extraordinary moments of each day.
We bear witness, too, to our failures and our complicity in the fractures of our world.
May we be courageous today. May we learn today. May we love today. Amen.
*The Irish word Croí (pronounced 'Kree') means 'heart’ and is the name for the chapel space in Corrymeela, a beautiful circular place of prayer, built into the ground, with a living roof and echoes. In the Croi, we have prayers, we had dialogues, silence, and our morning and evening liturgies.
Midday prayer
We break from the doings of our day and make space to notice you. You are always with us in surprising guises.
Jesus of the flesh, we meet you in worker and friend, stranger and pilgrim, the needy and the needed, the questioner and questioned.
So when we meet you, may we deepen trust, deepen life, deepen justice and deepen joy.
And when you meet us, help us approach our activities with presence and power, with love and humility, with courage and dignity.
Prayer for Courage 
Evening prayer
We reflect on the day:
For the love shared we are grateful For provision and nurture we are grateful For kindness given we are grateful.
For the sorrow we've caused, we pray for forgiveness For injustices ignored, we pray for forgiveness.
For the encounters with God today, in stranger and friend, We bid you welcome. For the encounters missed today, We know that you always see us even when we don't see you. For tomorrow, May we see you in ways expected and unexpected.
We welcome the dark of the night. We make space for it, and we mark our place in it.
We remember that you, Jesus of Nazareth, lived through nights of consolation and desolation.
And you walked into the nights of those people you met inviting them to justice and truth, love and life.
We welcome the night, and we welcome you into all our nights.
We pray for those who work by night, whose day is marked by moon, cloud and stars.
And we pray for those whose nights are desolate, that they may have the consolation of prayer, peaceful solitude and community.
For a peaceful night, we pray. For a hopeful day, we pray For a deeper generosity, we pray.
Prayer for Courage 
Day 6
They said to him, 'Rabbi, where are you staying? He said to them, 'Come and see.'                                                                                    John 1.38-39
Jesus of Nazareth, You met unlikely people in unlikely places and joined yourself to them in friendship. May we be like you in this way, finding friends at crossroads and bus-stops, in queues and crises, in kindness and curiosity. Because we, like you, need the company of others. Amen.
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mnaasilveira · 2 years
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Emuva Kokuphindelela KweSodoma Limelana Naye Futhi Limzonda, UNkulunkulu Uyalibhubhisa Uyayiqeda Nya
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Emuva Kokuphindelela KweSodoma Limelana Naye Futhi Limzonda, UNkulunkulu Uyalibhubhisa Uyayiqeda Nya
Uma sesinokuqonda nokho isimo esilungileyo sikaNkulunkulu, singabuyisa umqondo sibheke umuzi waseSodoma lokho uNkulunkulu akubona njengomuzi wesono. Ngokuqonda ingqikithi yalo muzi, singaqonda ukuthi kungani uNkulunkulu ayefuna ukuwubhubhisa nokuthi kungani wawubhubhisa wawuqeda nya. Ngalokhu, singafika ekwazini isimo sikaNkulunkulu esilungile.
Uma sibuka ngamehlo obuntu, iSodoma kwakuwumuzi owawukwazi ukwanelisa izifiso zomuntu nobubi bomuntu. Wawuheha, uloya, ngomculo nombhiyozo wokudansa ubusuku ngobusuku, ukunethezeka kwawo kwaholela amadoda ukuba ahuheke futhi ahlanye. Ububi baso badla izinhliziyo zabantu kwabaloya bawela enkohlakalweni. Lona umuzi lapho imimoya engcolile nemimoya emibi yayichanasa khona; wawugcwele phama isono nokubulala futhi wembozwe iphunga elinuka ukubola negazi. Kwabe kungumuzi onyantisa igazi, umuzi umuntu ayewuhlehlela angafuni ukusondela. Akekho kulo muzi owesilisa noma owesifazane, omncane noma omdala—owafuna indlela yeqiniso; akekho owayelangazelele ukukhanya noma owayefisa ukushiya phansi isono. Babephila ngaphansi kokulawula, inkohlakalo nenkohliso. Base belahlekelwe ubuntu babo; babelahlekelwe imiqondo yabo, futhi base belahlekelwe inhloso yokuba khona komuntu, yokuqala. Benza izono zokumelana noNkulunkulu ezingenakubalwa; bakunqaba ukuqondisa Kwakhe futhi bamelana nentando Yakhe. Kwakuyizenzo zabo ezimbi ezafaka laba bantu, umuzi kanye nayo yonke into ephilayo kuwo, igxathu ngegxathu, endleleni eya ekubhujisweni.
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Noma lezi zindima ezimbili zingasho imininingwane echaza izinga lokukhohlakala kwabantu baseSodoma, esikhundleni salokho zibhala ngokuziphatha kwabo ezithunyweni zikaNkulunkulu, emuva kokufika kwabo emzini, iqiniso elisobala lingakhombisa izinga abantu baseSodoma ababekhohlakele, bebabi futhi bemelene noNkulunkulu ngayo. Ngalokhu, ubuso nengqikithi yangempela yabantu balo muzi yadaluleka. Hhayi nje ukuthi abazange bemukele izexwayiso zikaNkulunkulu, babengakusabi futhi ukujezisa Kwakhe kunalokho, bayishaya indiva intukuthelo kaNkulunkulu. Bamelana noNkulunkulu ngenkani ongathi izimpumputhe. Akukhathaliseki ukuthi wayenzani noma eyenza kanjani, imvelo yabo enonya yavele yanyukela kunakuqala futhi bamelana noNkulunkulu bephindelela. Abantu baseSodoma babenobutha nobukhona bukaNkulunkulu, ukuza Kwakhe, isijeziso Sakhe, kanye nakakhulukazi, izexwayiso Zakhe. Babengaboni lutho oluhle phakathi kwabo. Babeshwabadela futhi balimaza bonke abantu ababengabashwadela futhi babalimaze, futhi wawungekho umehluko endleleni ababephethe ngayo izinceku zikaNkulunkulu. Mayelana nazo zonke izenzo ezimbi ezenziwa abantu baseSodoma, ukulimaza izinceku zikaNkulunkulu kwabe kuyisicongo nje sentaba yeqhwa, kanti nemvelo yabo ekhohlakele eyavezwa yilokhu, yayilingana cishe neconsi nje olwandle olubanzi. Ngakho-ke uNkulunkulu wakhetha ukubabhubhisa ngomlimo. UNkulunkulu akasebenzisanga uzamcolo, akasebenzisanga isiphepho, ukuzamazama komhlaba, itsunami noma inoma iyiphi enye indlela ukubhubhisa umuzi. Kwabe kuchaza ukuthini ukusebenzisa kukaNkulunkulu umlilo ukubhubhisa lo muzi? Kwakuchaza ukubhujiswa okuphelele kwalowo muzi; kwakuchaza ukuthi umuzi wanyamalala ngokuphelele emhlabeni nasekutheni ubukhona. Lapha, ukubhujiswa akuchazi nje ukunyamalala kokuma, nesakhiwo noma ukubukeka kwangaphandle komuzi; kwakuchaza nokuthi imiphefumulo yabantu babengaphakathi komuzi yashabalala, ngenxa yokubhujiswa ngokuphelele. Ngamafuphi, bonke abantu, izigameko kanye nezinto eziphathelene nomuzi zabhujiswa. Kwakungeke kube khona kamuva noma ukuzalwa ngokusha komunye umzimba kubona; uNkulunkulu wayekususe ngokuphelele kubantu, indalo Yakhe, ingunaphakade. “Ukusetshenziswa komlilo” kwakuchaza ukuma kwesono, futhi kwakusho isiphetho sesono; leso sono sasingeke sisaba khona noma sisabalale. Kwakusho ukuthi ububi bukaSathane babulahlekelwe inhlabathi yabo ebondlayo kanye nasemathuneni lapho base buthole khona imvume yokuhlala nokuphila. Empini phakathi kukaNkulunkulu noSathane, ukusebenzisa kukaNkulunkulu umlilo uphawu lukaNkulunkulu lokunqoba, uSathane abekwa uphawu ngalo. Ukubhujiswa kweSodoma kuyimbuyiselamuva enkulu ekuzimiseleni kukaSathane ukumelana noNkulunkulu ngokonakalisa nokushwabadela abantu, futhi ngokufanayo kuwuphawu oludumazayo lwesikhathi ekuthuthukeni kwesintu, lapho umuntu enqaba ukuqondiswa uNkulunkulu wazinikela ekonakaleni. Ngokungaphezu kwalokho, kuwumbhalo wokwembuleka ngeqiniso lesimo esilungile sikaNkulunkulu.
Lapho umlilo uNkulunkulu awuthumela usuka ezulwini usuqothule iSodoma kwangasala lutho nje ngaphandle komlotha, kwakusho ukuthi umuzi obizwa ngokuthi “Sodoma” wawuyoyeka ukuba khona, njengakho konke ngaphakathi komuzi uqobo. Wabhujiswa intukuthelo kaNkulunkulu; wanyamalala ngaphansi kolaka nobukhosi bukaNkulunkulu. Ngenxa yesimo sikaNkulunkulu esilungile, iSodoma yathola isijeziso sayo esiyilungele; ngenxa yesimo sikaNkulunkulu esilungile, yathola isiphetho esiyilungele. Ukushabalala kokuba khona kweSodoma kwakungenxa yobubi bayo, kwakungenxa yesifiso sikaNkulunkulu ukuthi angaphinde ayibone, noma abone inoma ibaphi abantu ababekade bekuyo noma iyiphi impahla eyayikade ikhulele kulo muzi. “Isifiso sikaNkulunkulu sokuthi angaphinde awubone lo muzi” wulaka Lakhe, kanye nobukhosi Bakhe. UNkulunkulu wawushisa umuzi ngenxa yokuthi ububi nesono sawo kwamenza Wezwa intukuthelo, ukunyanya kanye nokunengeka mayelana nawo futhi wafisa ukuthi angaphinde awubone wona noma nabantu nakho konke okuphilayo okuhlala kuwo. Emuva kokuthi umuzi sewushe wangqongqa, kwasala umlotha nje, wase ungasekho ngempela emehlweni kaNkulunkulu; ngisho izinkumbulo Zakhe ngawo, zasulwa. Lokhu kusho ukuthi umlilo owawuthunyelwe usuka ezulwini awuzange nje uqothule kuphela wonke umuzi waseSodoma kanye nabantu bakhona abagcwele izono, futhi awuzange nje ubhubhise zonke izinto ngaphakathi komuzi ezazingcoliswe isono, ngaphezu kwalokho, lo mlilo wabhubhisa izinkumbulo zobubi bomuntu nokumelana noNkulunkulu. Lokhu kwabe kuyinhloso kaNkulunkulu ngokushisa umuzi.
Isintu sase sonakaliswe kwaze kweqa. Babengazi ukuthi uNkulunkulu ngubani noma babevele kuphi. Uma uphatha uNkulunkulu laba bantu babegasela, banyunde futhi bahlambalaze. Ngisho noma izinceku zikaNkulunkulu zazifikile ukuzomemezela isexwayiso Sakhe, laba bantu abazange nje kuphela bangabonakalisi zimpawu zokuzisola; abazange bakulahle ukuziphatha ngendlela ekhohlakele. Esikhundleni salokho, balimaza izinceku zikaNkulunkulu ngokweyisa. Abakukhombisa nabakuveza kwabe kuyimvelo nobukhona babo obunobutha obudlulele noNkulunkulu. Siyabona ukuthi ukumelana noNkulunkulu kwalaba bantu abonakele, kwabe kukukhulu kunokwembulwa kwesimo sabo esonakele, njengoba kwabe kukukhulu kunesigameko esisodwa nje sokunyundela noma ukubhuqa okusuka ekusweleni ukuqonda ngeqiniso. Kwabe kungebona ubulima noma ukungabi nalwazi okwakudala ukuziphatha ngokukhohlakala kwabo; kwakungekhona ukuthi laba bantu babekhohlisiwe, futhi kwabe kungesikhona ukuthi babedukisiwe. Ukuziphatha kwabo kwase kufike ezingeni lokuphikisana, ukumelana kanye nobuyaluyalu noNkulunkulu, okwakunokweyisa okusobala. Ngaphandle kokungabaza, lolu hlobo lokuziphatha komuntu kwakuzovusa ulaka lukaNkulunkulu, futhi kuvuse ulaka lwesimo Sakhe—isimo okungafanele sicasulwe. Ngakho-ke, uNkulunkulu wadedela ngqo futhi nangokusobala ulaka Lwakhe nobukhosi Bakhe; lokhu ukwembulwa ngeqiniso kwesimo sakhe esilungile. Ebhekene nomuzi owabe uchichima yisono, uNkulunkulu wafisa ukuwubhubhisa ngendlela esheshayo kakhulu kunezinye; wayefisa ukuqothula abaqede abantu abakuwo kanye nazo zonke izono zabo ngendlela ephelele kakhulu, ukwenza abantu balo muzi ukuthi bangabi sabakhona kanye nokuvimba isono esabe singaphakathi ukuthi sichume sande. Indlela eyabe ishesha futhi iphelele yokwenza lokhu kwabe kuwukushisa ngomlilo. Umbono kaNkulunkulu ngabantu baseSodoma kwabe kungesona esokubashiya noma ukungabakhathaleli; kunalokho, wasebenzisa ulaka, nobukhosi negunya Lakhe ukujezisa, ukuvithiza nokubabhubhisa nya laba bantu. Umbono Wakhe ngabo kwakungesona kuphela esokubabhubhisa ngokomzimba kuphela, kodwa kwabe kungukubhubhiswa komphefumulo, ukushabalalisa okungunaphakade. Yilokhu empeleni obekuqondwe isifiso sikaNkulunkulu ngabo ukuthi “bangabe besaba khona.”
kwethi Izwi Livela Lisenyameni
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Umuntu Okhohlakele Akakwazi Ukumela UNkulunkulu
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Umuntu Okhohlakele Akakwazi Ukumela UNkulunkulu
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Umuntu ubelokhu ephila ngaphansi kwendwangu yethonya lobumnyama, eboshiwe ethonyeni likaSathane kungekho ukuphunyuka. Futhi isimo somuntu, emuva kokuguqulwa uSathane, siya ngokuya sikhula ekukhohlakaleni. Umuntu angathi umuntu yilokhu aphila nesimo sakhe senkohlakalo yobusathane, engakwazi ukuthanda uNkulunkulu ngokweqiniso. Njengoba kunje, uma umuntu efisa ukuthanda uNkulunkulu, kumele asuswe ukuzibona engolungileyo, ukuzibona ebalulekile, ukuzidla, ubuqha, nokunye okunjalo, konke okungokwesimo sikaSathane. Ngaphandle kwalokho, uthando lomuntu luwuthando olungacolisisekile, futhi olungeke lugunyazwe uNkulunkulu. Ngaphamdle kokupheleliswa, ukubhekwa, ukwaphulwa, ukuthenwa, ukuqondiswa, ukusolwa, noma ukucwengwa uMoya oNgcwele ngokuqondile, akekho okwazi ukuthanda uNkulunkulu ngokweqiniso. Uma uthi ingxenye yesimo sakho imele uNkulunkulu ngakho uyakwazi ukuthanda uNkulunkulu ngokweqiniso, uyilowo okhuluma amagama okuzidla futhi uwumuntu oyisiwula. Abantu abanjalo bayizingelosi ezinkulu! Isimo somuntu azalwa naso ngeke sikwazi ukumela uNkulunkulu ngokuqondile. Umuntu kumele asikhiphe ngokupheleliswa uNkulunkulu, bese, ngokunakekela intando kaNkulunkulu, ukugcwalisa intando kaNkulunkulu kanye nokwedlula emsebenzini kaMoya ONgcwele, ukuphila kwakhe kukwazi ukuvunywa uNkulunkulu. Akekho umuntu ophila enyameni ongakwazi ukumela uNkulunkulu ngokuqondile ngaphandle kokuba abe umuntu osetshenziswa uMoya oNgcwele. Nokho, nomuntu onje, isimo sakhe kanye nalokho akuphilayo kungethiwe kumele uNkulunkulu ngokugcwele; umuntu angathi nje akuphilayo kuqondiswa uMoya oNgcwele. Isimo salowo muntu ngeke sikwazi ukumela uNkulunkulu.
Yize isimo somuntu sigcotshwa uNkulunkulu - lokhu akuphikiseki futhi kungathathwa njengento enhle - siguqulwe uSathane. Ngakho sonke isimo somuntu siyisimo sikaSathane. Umuntu angathi uNkulunkulu, ngokwesimo, uqondile ekwenzeni izinto, futhi naye uziphatha ngale ndlela; naye unalolu hlobo lwesimo, futhi uthi isimo sakhe simele uNkulunkulu. Ngabe uhlobo luni lomuntu lolu? Ngabe isimo sobusathane senkohlakalo singakwazi ukumela uNkulunkulu? Noma ubani othi isimo sakhe simele uNkulunkulu uhlambalaza uNkulunkulu, futhi uthuka uMoya oNgcwele! Uma kubhekwa indlela uMoya oNgcwele asebenza ngayo, umsebenzi kaNkulunkulu emhlabeni ngowokunqoba kuphela. Yingakho isimo somuntu esiningi senkohlakalo yobusathane singakahlanzwa, nokuthi kungani lokhu okuphilwa umuntu kusewumfanekiso kaSathane. Yilokho umuntu akholwa ukuthi kulungile futhi kumele izenzo zenyama yomuntu, noma, ukukubeka kuqonde, kumele uSathane futhi ngeke kukwazi nhlobo ukumela uNkulunkulu. Yize noma umuntu evele esemthanda uNkulunkulu kangangokuba ukwazi ukuthokozela impilo yezulu emhlabeni, ukwazi ukwenza izinkulumo ezinjengezithi: “O Nkulunkulu! Angikwazi ukukuthanda ngokwanele," futhi usefinyelele esicongweni, awukwkwazi ukuthi uphila ubuNkulunkulu noma umele uNkulunkulu ngoba ubunjalo bomuntu abufani nobukaNkulunkulu. Umuntu angephile ubuNkulunkulu, njengoba engeke akwazi ukuba wuNkulunkulu. Lokho uMoya oNgcwele aqondise umuntu ukuba akuphile kuhambisana kuphela nalokho uNkulunkulu akufuna kumuntu.
Yonke iminyakazo nezenzo zikaSathane kubonakala kumuntu. Manje yonke iminyakazo nezenzo zomuntu ziyisibonakaliso sikaSathane, ngakho-ke akukwazi ukumela uNkulunkulu. Umuntu ungumfuziselo kaSathane, ngakho isimo somuntu asimeli isimo sikaNkulunkulu. Abanye abantu banesimilo esihle; UNkulunkulu angenza umsebenzi othile omuhle ngesimilo salaba bantu futhi umsebenzi abawenzayo ulawulwa nguMoya oNgcwele, kodwa isimo sabo asikwazi ukumela uNkulunkulu. Umsebenzi uNkulunkulu awenza kubo ungukusebenza nokukhulisa lokho osekuvele kukhona phakathi kubo. Noma ngabe abaphrofethi bakudala noma amadoda asetshenziswa uNkulunkulu, akekho ongamela uNkulunkulu ngqo. Bonke abantu bathanda uNkulunkulu ngenxa yokuphoqelelwa yizimo ezibazungezile, akekho okuzisukela kuye ukuba asebenzisane noNkulunkulu. Yiziphi izinto ezinhle? Konke okuvela ngqo kuNkulunkulu kuhle. Kodwa-ke isimo somuntu sesedlule esandleni sikaSathane ngakho ngeke simele uNkulunkulu. NguNkulunkulu osenyameni kuphela – uthando Lwakhe, ukuzimisela Kwakhe ukuhlupheka, ukulunga Kwakhe, ukunikezela, ukuthoba, nokufihlakala - konke lokhu kumela uNkulunkulu ngokuqondile. Lokhu kungenxa yokuba ngenkathi efika wayengenamvelo yesono futhi wayevela ngqo kuNkulunkulu; Akedlulanga ezandleni zikaSathane. UJesu usemfuziselweni wenyama eyonayo kuphela, akamele isono; ngakho-ke, iminyakazo Yakhe, izenzo, namazwi, kuze kufike leso sikhathi esandulela ukuphethwa komsebenzi Wakhe ngokubethelwa (kufaka umzuzu wokubethelwa Kwakhe) konke kumele ngqo uNkulunkulu. Isibonelo sikaJesu senele ukuqinisekisa ukuthi noma yimuphi umuntu onemvelo yesono akakwazi ukumela uNkulunkulu, nokuthi isono somuntu simele uSathane. Okusho ukuthi isono asimeli uNkulunkulu nokuthi uNkulunkulu akanasono. Ngisho umsebenzi owenziwe kumuntu nguMoya oNgcwele ungabukwa kuphela ngokuthi ulawulwe nguMoya oNgcwele futhi ngeke kuthiwe wenziwe ngumuntu egameni likaNkulunkulu. Kodwa, okomuntu nje ukuthi isono sakhe nesimo sakhe kokubili akumeli uNkulunkulu. Ekubukeni umsebenzi owenziwe kumuntu nguMoya oNgcwele namuhla nasesikhathini esedlule, omningi wenziwa nguMoya oNgcwele. Ngenxa yalokhu umuntu unalokho akuphilayo. Nokho-ke, yingxenye eyodwa nje le, futhi bambalwa kakhulu abakwazi ukuphila iqiniso emva kokuqoqwa nokuqondiswa wuMoya oNgcwele. Okusho ukuthi ngumsebenzi kaMoya oNgcwele kuphela okhona nokuthi ukusebenzisana okuvela kumuntu akukho. Usuyakubona ngokucacile manje lokhu? uma kunjena, yini okufanele uyenze ukuze usebenze ngakho konke ngokuhambisana Naye ngenkathi uMoya oNgcwele esebenza, bese, ngokwenzenjalo, ufeze umsebenzi wakho?
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afrojuke · 4 years
Joyous Celebration – Unkulunkulu Wezimanga (MP3 Download)
Joyous Birthday celebration Unkulunkulu Wezimanga Mp3 Download Joyous Birthday celebration Unkulunkulu Wezimanga: Joyous Birthday celebration crew returns to our track platform with a brand unique single titled “Unkulunkulu Wezimanga”. Steal a Hear below: https://ift.tt/3up9Hvl celebration-Unkulunkulu-Wezimanga.mp3 DOWNLOAD MP3: Joyous Birthday celebration – Unkulunkulu Wezimanga
AfroJuke - Download Mp3, Latest Naija Music, Latest Bongo flava, South African, Ghana Music & More!
from AfroJuke https://ift.tt/3aLr69J
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ancestralvoices · 3 years
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Sounds beyond your comprehension? Yet so easily proved and actually, very obvious.... One of the biggest break-throughs for Western Science this century has been the identification of what it terms Chromosomes in our DNA and how they impact the type of Person we are or can become, also termed 'Chromosomic Memory'. This is due to being an accumulation of an Ancestral line stretching back ad infinitum that continues to influence your personality and character type today. So when Europeans at the infancy of their 'Enlightenment' met Africans who told them clearly they could communicate with their Ancestors, it was immediately deemed 'superstition'. Yet in retrospect, we can see clearly that it was Western Science that was not advanced enough to understand the depth of knowledge contained within African Cosmologies.... One only needs to explore the creation accounts from Antiquity until today to get a broader and more substantial understanding even beyond 'Epigenetics'. Another clue in contemporary times to note this are the names for the Creator across traditions ! Have you ever wondered why the Zulu name for the creator 'Unkulunkulu' means 'Great Ancestor'? And they're not the only ones either.... Time for you to explore your innate Ancestry as it pertains to discovering your true potential and making beneficial use of this direct divine connection! This is exactly what Part 5, Ancestorhood, of our Transformative Self course covers. So take a journey of learning today to connect with the expansiveness of your being! We have a special proposition for you on our website, go check it out whilst available as it ends in 24 hours! LINK IN BIO 'INTERMEDIATE COURSES' #god #ancestors #ancestros #ancestorveneration #creator #epigenetics #chromosome #chromosomes #dna #lineage #ancestry #learn #learning https://www.instagram.com/p/CWgh2QGNJhG/?utm_medium=tumblr
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thevolcano · 3 years
DJ Robzer Cutt who pushes his work harder on YouTube from rural areas Saul Mkhize village
As we were chatting with DJ Robzer Cutt he said that he is expected to release a new single song Titled Ngicel ungithande 🎶
His single track UNkulunkulu uzothini is out with its own music video.
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blvckmatic · 3 years
" Unkulunkulu emuhle njalo, uzongipha amandla " ☝🏾
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mossytreeelf-blog · 6 years
African Deities
For all the African witchies here.
Abassi - Creator and Lord of the Sky (Nigerian)
Abuk - Goddess of women and gardens (Sudan)
Achimi - Buffalo Goddess (Algeria)
Adro - God of Destruction (Uganda)
Adroa - God of Creation (Uganda)
Ahia-Njoku - Goddess of Agriculture and Farming (Nigeria)
Aje-Shaluga - God of Riches (Nigeria)
Ajok - Rain God (Sudan)
Akongo - Creator God (Congo)
Ala - Fertility Goddess of the Earth (Nigeria)
Alouroua - Creator God (Ghana)
Amma - Creator of the Universe and Sky (Mali)
Anansi - Trickster God (West Africa)
Andriamahilala - Goddess of the Moon (Madagascar)
Asa - God of Protection (Kenya)
Atai - Creator Goddess (Nigeria)
Babalu-Aye - God of Healing (Nigeria)
Banga - God of Water (Congo and Central Africa)
Bomazi - God of Ancestors (Congo)
Buk - Goddess of Rivers and Streams (Sudan)
Buku - God of the Skies (West Africa)
Bumba - God of Creation (Congo)
Cagn - God of Transformation (Kalahari)
Candit - River Goddess (Sudan)
Chedi-Bumba - God of Birds (Congo)
Chiuta - Rain God (Malawi)
Chonganda - God of Vegetation (Congo)
Chuku - God of Creation (Nigeria)
Dada - God of Abundance (Nigeria)
Deng - Creator God (Sudan)
Ditaolane - Hero God (Lesotho)
Domfe - God of the Wind (Kurumba)
Dongo - God of Thunder (Songhai)
Dziva - Creator Goddess (Zimbabwe)
Ebore - Sky God (Nigeria)
Edinkira - Goddess of the Trees (Africa)
Egungun-Oya - Goddess of Divination (Nigeria)
Evus - God of Mayem (Gabon)
Elegua - God of Mischief (Nigeria)
Elusu - Goddess of Water (Africa)
Engai - God of the Skies (Kenya)
Enekpe - Goddess of Fate (Africa)
Eseasar - Goddess of the Earth (Nigeria)
Eshu - Trickster God (Nigeria)
Fa - God of Fate (Nigeria)
Faro - God of Creation (Mali)
Gamab - God of Death (Namibia)
Gaunab - God of Evil (South Africa)
Ghekre - God of Judgement (Ivory Coast)
Gu - Blacksmith God (Benin)
Heitsi-Eibib - God of Nature (South Africa)
Haiuri - God of the Underworld (South Africa)
Hare - Trickster God (Nigeria)
Huveane - God of Creation (Lesotho)
Hyel - Supreme God (Nigeria)
Imana - Creator God (Rwanda)
Itherther - Buffalo God (Algeria)
Jakuta - God of Lightening (Nigeria)
Jok - Rain God (Uganda)
Juok - Creator God (Sudan)
Kaang - God of Creation (Botswana)
Kabundungulu - Heroic God (Angola)
Kaka-Guie - Death God (Ivory Coast)
Kalumba - God of Creation (Congo)
Kanu - God of Creation (Guinea)
Katonda - Creator God (Uganda)
Khonvoum - Creator God (East Africa)
Khuzwane - God of Populating (South Africa)
Kwoth - God of the Mysterious (Sudan)
Le-Eyo - God of Death (East Africa)
Legba - God of Mayhem (Benin)
Leza - Rain God (South Africa)
Libanza - God of Creation (Congo)
Maori - God of Creation (Zimbabwe)
Massim-Biambe - God of Reincarnation (Congo)
Mawu-Lisa - Unisex Double Gods of Creation (Benin)
Mbaba-Mwanna-Waresa - Goddess of Beer (South Africa)
Mbere - God of Creation (Congo)
Mbokomu - Goddess of Ancestry (Congo)
Mboya - Goddess of Motherhood and Fertility (Congo)
Mebeghe - God of Creation (Gabon)
Minga-Bengale - God of the Hunt (Africa)
Minona - Goddess of Prophecy and Divination (Benin)
Modimo - God of Creation (South Africa)
Morimi - Goddess of Fire (Nigerians)
Muluku - Creator God (Zambesi)
Mulungu - God of Creation (Tanzania)
Musso-Koroni - Goddess of Discord (Mali)
Mwambwa - Goddess of Lust and Desire (Namibia)
Mwari - Unisex Creator Gods (Zimbabwe)
Nasilele - Goddess of Creation (Zambesi)
Nzame - God of Creation (Congo)
Njambi - God of Creation (Namibia)
Ndriananahary - God of Creation (Madagascar and Nigeria)
Ngai - Creator God (Kenya)
Ngewo-Wa - God of Creation (Sierra Leone)
Nyalitch - Supreme God (Sudan)
Nimba - Fertility Goddess (Guinea)
Ninepone - Fertility Goddess (Gabon)
Nommo - Unisex Gods of All (Mali)
None - God of Populating (Gabon)
Nyaliep - Goddess of the River (Sudan)
Nyambe - God of Creation (Zambesi)
Nyame - Supreme God (Ghana)
Nyaminyami - God of Streams and Rivers (Zambesi)
Nyankopon - Supreme God (Ghana)
Nyiko - Hero God (Cameroon)
Nyokonan - God of Spiders (Cameroon)
Nyonye-Ngana - God of Ants (Congo)
Obassi-Osaw - God of Creation (Nigeria)
Obatala - God of Purity (Nigeria)
Ochosi - God of the Hunt (Nigeria)
Odomankomo - Creator God (Ghana)
Odudua - Goddess of the Earth (Nigeria)
Ogo - God of Mischief (Mali)
Ogun - God of Weaponry (Nigeria)
Oko - God of Farming and Agriculture (Nigeria)
Olorun - Supreme God (Nigeria)
Olokun - God of the Seas (Nigeria)
Onile - Goddess of Blacksmithing (Nigeria)
Orunmila - God of Wisdom (Nigeria)
Osanyin - God of Vegetation (Nigeria)
Oshe - God of Storms (Nigeria)
Oshun - Goddess of Love (Nigeria)
Oya - Goddess of Destruction (Nigeria)
Qamata - God of Creation (South Africa)
Rugaba - Creator God (Uganda)
Ruhanga - God of Creation (Uganda)
Ruwa - God of Creation (Kilimanjaro)
Sagbata - God of the Earth (Benin)
Sakarabru - God of Justice (Guinea)
Shadipinyi - Drunken God (Namibia)
Shakpana - God of Disease (Namibia)
She - God of Thunder (Nigeria)
Soko - Supreme God (Nigeria)
Somtup - God of Masculinity (Guinea)
Sopona - God of Disease (Nigeria)
Sudika-Mbambi - God of Thunder (Angola)
Thixo - Sun God (South Africa)
Tilo - Creator God (Zambia and Malawi)
Tore - God of the Hunt (Zaire)
Tsetse-Bumba - Goddess of Lightning (Congo)
Uhlanga - Swamp Goddess (South Africa)
Umvelinqangi - Creator God (South Africa)
Unkulunkulu - Creator God (South Africa)
Waaqa - Supreme God (Ethiopia)
Woyengi - Goddess of Population (Nigeria)
Wulbari - Ruling God (West Africa)
Wuni - Creator God (Ghana)
Yansan - Goddess of the Wind (Nigeria)
Yasigi - Goddess of the Festival (Mali)
Yeban - God of the Underworld (Mali)
Yurugu - God of Chaos (Mali)
Zanahary - Unisex Creator Goddess (Madagascar)
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mnaasilveira · 2 years
Kreuz im Roten Himmel
______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ UNkulunkulu uzobiza ukunakwa kwesintu ngokushayisana esibhakabhakeni okuzophenduka kube bomvu, futhi sizobona iSiphambano ku-Red Sky. Khona-ke sizoba nelungelo lezilaleli zangasese noKristu lokuhlola ukuphila kwethu nenjongo yawo nokuthola isimemo soMbuso…
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