#US Carbon Black market growth
kenresearch1 · 7 months
The Growing Prominence of the Carbon Black Market fueled by Rising Automotive Industry
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What is the Size of US Carbon Black Industry?
US Carbon Black Market is expected to grow at a CAGR of ~ % between 2017-2022 and is expected to reach ~USD Mn by 2028.  The Carbon Black Market is majorly driven by increasing automotive industry, tire replacement demand, urbanization and renewable energy needs, fueled by rising middle-class populations and technological advancements.
The automotive industry is a major consumer of carbon black, using it in tire manufacturing to improve tire strength, durability, and overall performance. As the global demand for vehicles increases, particularly in emerging economies, the demand for carbon black in tire production grows as well.
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n mature markets, there is a continuous demand for tire replacements due to wear and tear. This consistent need for replacement tires drives demand for carbon black to be used in new tire production.
Carbon black is used as a pigment and colorant in various products like inks, paints, and coatings. The growing use of these products in diverse industries such as construction, packaging, and consumer goods drives demand for carbon black.
Ongoing research and development in carbon black production techniques can lead to improvements in quality, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness. These advancements stimulate the market growth by making carbon black more accessible to various industries.
US Carbon Black Market by loan Process
In terms of loan type, the market is segmented into Furnace Black and Gas Black. Furnace Black is seen dominant in the US Carbon Black market in 2022. Furnace Black is a type of Carbon Black produced through the incomplete combustion of hydrocarbons. It finds extensive applications in the production of rubber, tires, plastics, inks, coatings, and other industrial products due to its reinforcing and coloring properties. This ubiquity across multiple sectors positions Furnace Black as a central component in various manufacturing supply chains.
Moreover, the versatility of Furnace Black has allowed industries to find innovative applications beyond traditional uses, such as in renewable energy technologies, specialty materials, and advanced composites. This adaptability has expanded its market reach and influence.
US Carbon Black Market by end Application
The market is segmented by Tires and Rubber products, Plastic, Toners and Printing inks, Coatings and Others. Among these, Tires and Rubber products is majorly the dominant end users in the US Carbon Black market as noted in 2022. As vehicles move, friction between tires and roads generates Carbon Black particles that contribute to air pollution and pose health and environmental risks.
Amid growing concerns about air quality and environmental impact, the Tires and Rubber products sector has faced increased pressure to mitigate its emissions. Regulatory agencies and consumer demand for eco-friendly products have prompted manufacturers to adopt strategies that reduce Carbon Black emissions.
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US Carbon Black market by Region
The US Carbon Black market is segmented by Region into North, South, East, West and central. In 2022, South region is more dominate in US Carbon Black Market.  The South region has witnessed a growing emphasis on environmental sustainability and air quality improvement. Cities within this region, such as Houston and Atlanta, have grappled with significant air pollution challenges, spurring local governments and industries to address Carbon Black emissions more aggressively.
Competition Scenario in US Carbon Black Market
The competition scenario in the US Carbon Black market was characterized by a mix of companies and organizations focused on reducing Carbon Black emissions and promoting cleaner technologies.
Prominent players in this market included environmental consulting firms such as Aether, Abt Associates, and ICF International. These companies provided expertise in air quality monitoring, emission inventories, and policy analysis, assisting industries and governments in devising strategies to mitigate Carbon Black emissions.
In addition to consulting firms, technology providers played a crucial role. Companies like Cleaire Advanced Emission Controls and Johnson Matthey offered emission control solutions, including diesel particulate filters and catalytic converters, designed to reduce Carbon Black emissions from vehicles and industrial sources.
What is the Expected Future Outlook for the Overall US Carbon Black Market?
The US Carbon Black market was valued at USD ~Million in 2022 and is anticipated to reach USD ~ Million by the end of 2022, witnessing a CAGR of ~% during the forecast period 2022- 2028. The US Carbon black market is driven by increasing urbanization, rising automotive industry and rising demand for consumer goods. Carbon black is integral to tire production, enhancing tire strength and performance. As vehicle demand increases, particularly in electric and autonomous segments, the need for quality tires will drive carbon black demand.
The shift toward sustainability will influence the market. Manufacturers seeking eco-friendly alternatives will drive demand for sustainable carbon black, derived from sources like pyrolysis of waste tires. This aligns with green initiatives and offers growth potential. Increasing number of applications, the market's expansion will be fueled by innovative applications beyond tires. Carbon black finds use in conductive plastics, battery components, and aerospace materials, benefiting from technology-driven trends in electronics, energy storage, and aviation.
The growing renewable energy sector presents opportunities. Carbon black enhances wind turbine blade strength, crucial for wind energy expansion. As the US emphasizes clean energy, carbon black's contributions to wind power will drive its demand. Urban development will also fuel the demand for carbon black in construction materials, coatings, and sealants. As US cities evolve, the construction industry's steady growth will sustain the market's need for these applications.
Furthermore, Carbon black's role in plastics, packaging, and consumer goods will experience growth as US consumer preferences evolve. The trend toward durable, UV-resistant products will drive manufacturers to incorporate carbon black for enhanced performance. Carbon black's diverse applications contribute to its resilience during economic fluctuations. Industries ranging from automotive to construction rely on its properties, ensuring a steady demand even amidst changing economic conditions, securing future market growth.
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kp777 · 2 years
by Sammy Herdman
3 October 2022
The Uinta Basin is home to a diverse set of creatures from endangered black-footed ferrets to plants that cannot be found anywhere else in the world, such as the Uinta Basin hookless cactus and Graham’s beardtongue.
But the basin also sits atop pockets of crude oil and natural gas, which are being extracted: to transport these fossil fuels to the Gulf Coast, local governments and oil companies are planning to invest up to $4.5 billion to construct a new railway through it.
Although the project has been approved, construction hasn’t begun and it’s not too late for U.S. President Biden to keep his climate pledges and stop the new railway, a new op-ed argues.
This article is a commentary. The views expressed are those of the author, not necessarily of Mongabay.
The Uinta Basin, named after the Ute Tribe, is located in Northeast Utah and Western Colorado, about 200 miles from Salt Lake City. Streams from the Uinta mountains roll through the basin into a tributary of the Colorado River – supplying 40 million people with water throughout the drought-ridden West. Plants that cannot be found anywhere else in the world, such as the Uinta Basin hookless cactus and Graham’s beardtongue, flourish in the Uinta Basin. The ecosystem also harbors endangered species such as the sage grouse and black-footed ferret.
By all accounts, the Uinta Basin is a beautiful ecological haven. Unfortunately, however, it sits atop pockets of crude oil and natural gas, which are being extracted. To transport crude oil to the Gulf Coast where it will be refined, local governments and oil companies are planning to invest $1.5 to $4.5 billion to construct a new railway through the basin.
The Uinta Basin Railway is a proposed 88-mile stretch of train tracks that will blast through mountains, reroute 443 streams, bulldoze through endangered sage grouse habitat, appropriate private property and even fragment a roadless area in the Ashley National Forest. According to the U.S. Forest Service Chief, “a railway does not constitute a road.” The railway is projected to quadruple the region’s oil extraction from 85,000 up to 350,000 barrels of oil per day – resulting in an increase in air pollution, noise pollution, habitat degradation and a greater risk of water pollution, train derailments and wildfires. The region already suffers from chronic air pollution, falling below federal standards for ozone pollution set by the Environmental Protection Agency.
By quadrupling fossil fuel extraction in the Uinta Basin, construction of the railway is projected to increase U.S. carbon emissions by 1%. Escalating climate change will bring more wildfires and more drought to the region – at a time when the Biden administration should be actively trying to reduce carbon emissions to prevent further climate change-fueled catastrophes.
Uinta Basin is freckled with small cities and towns such as Vernal, Duchesne and Jensen. The region’s economic history can be summarized as a series of boom and bust cycles due to its reliance on fossil fuels. The whims of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and the fluctuations of oil prices determine the quality of life for many people in the Uinta Basin. These fluctuations often send communities into periods of growth and stretches of economic depression that threaten small business and family security.
Proponents of the Uinta Basin Railway claim that its construction will diversify the economy of the region by connecting it to the global market. However, there is little evidence that the railway will be used to transport anything but oil to or from the region, especially because at least 130,000 barrels of oil per day will have to be transported to recoup the cost of construction. This will only cause harm and exacerbate boom and bust cycles.
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Tire Aftermarket, Tire Replacement Market: A Competing Shift
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A flat tire is among the several inconveniences vehicle owners aim to avoid. Whether due to valve system damage or blowout due to over-inflation, the absence of a proper tire can severely damage the wheel and trigger tire replacement. This drawback has instigated several tire producers to invest in R&D to develop high-performance, fuel-efficient tires, opening avenues for the global tire aftermarket, tire replacement market.
Additionally, integrating systems like anti-lock braking systems, electronic power control, and tire pressure monitoring systems has upheaved the demand for tire aftermarket services. Our estimates have gathered that the global market is set to gain revenue worth $93.38 billion by 2028, rising at a CAGR of 4.43% during the forecast years 2022-2028.
Developments in Aftermarket Services
Wait, did you say airless tires? Instead of air, tires are now integrated with a network of spokes that keeps the wheels rigid while giving them a see-through appearance. Each year, around 20% of tires are trashed due to puncture or uneven wear, stimulating manufacturers like Michelin to launch UPTIS airless automobile tire design that results in lower raw material and waste consumption. In this regard, the company has teamed up with GM to introduce UPTIS by 2024.
Besides, the tires’ ability to bear high weight and absorb shocks is anticipated to support the growth of the 16-18-inch rim size category. Numerous players have opted for this size since it offers additional grip, braking performance, and ride comfort, a major driving force for the tire aftermarket, tire replacement market.
The Green Initiative: With the average crude oil price rising from $39.68 in 2020 to $97.64 in 2022 and the rising carbon footprint, the demand for energy-efficient tires has boosted the tire replacement market. Besides, advances in tire energy efficiency can decrease global fuel consumption by around 5% in passenger vehicles, per the International Council on Clean Transportation. This has led low rolling resistance tires to gain immense traction among consumers to lower their total carbon footprint.
Considering this trend, in January 2023, Goodyear revealed a demonstration tire made of 90% sustainable materials, including carbon black and soybean oil. While it stated the need for further collaboration to bring 90% sustainable tires into the market, the company plans to sell them with 70% sustainable material in 2023. Our analysis indicates that the radial tire type captures the highest share in the market as it has lower rolling resistance, achieving greater fuel efficiency.
Labeling Culture: Labeling has emerged as a viable solution to differentiate products from packaging to tires. However, governments are striving to implement standards to eliminate redundant performance classes from the scale. For instance, the label design will be changed in the US with snow and ice grip symbols. The European Commission also introduced Euro 7 standards for particle emission from tires and brakes to ensure cleaner vehicular movement and air quality across the region.
Other than this, the Indian government mandated new standards in 2021 to enhance fuel efficiency and braking impact on wet roads. Earlier in 2022, Michelin became the first tire brand to receive a 4-star rating by the Bureau of Energy Efficiency, India, under the new star labeling program. Such steps by government bodies to promote sustainability are set to be a growth enabler for the Asia-Pacific tire aftermarket, tire replacement market.
Electric Vehicle: Revving Up the Ride
Over the course of a decade, electric vehicle sales soared to reach around 7 million units in 2021. Fueled by the falling costs of lithium-ion batteries, the rising EV sales have revolutionized the automotive industry and the tire sector. Furthermore, since the additional weight of batteries in EVs lead to enhanced stiffness, the demand for cutting-edge tires has accelerated. As a result, companies like Bridgestone have unveiled ENLITEN Technology that decreases tire rolling resistance by 30% and weight by 20% to expand EV driving range and reduce environmental impact. Therefore, the EV industry is attractive for expanding the tire aftermarket, tire replacement market.
Q1) What are the types of tires in the aftermarket, tire replacement market?
There are two major types of tires, namely, radial and bias, in the tire aftermarket, tire replacement market.
Q2) Which region will witness the fastest growth during the forecast period?
Asia-Pacific tire aftermarket, tire replacement is anticipated to witness the fastest growth, attaining a CAGR of 5.09% during the forecast period 2022-2028.
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downincmi · 14 days
Recovered Carbon Black Market Analysis: Sustainable Solutions
Introduction Recovered carbon black (RCB) is a recycled material produced from end-of-life tires. When tires reach the end of their usable life, they enter the waste stream where the rubber can be recovered and processed. In the RCB production process, used tires are ground up into fine crumbs and then put through a high temperature process where the rubber breaks down. This separates the steel and fiber from the rubber, leaving behind recycled carbon black particles. The RCB looks and performs nearly identical to virgin carbon black used in new tire and rubber manufacturing. The RCB Production Process The first step involves collecting and transporting waste tires from collection sites. Used tires must be cleaned and sorted to remove dirt, metal, and fiber. The cleaned tire crumb is then fed into a rotary kiln, which is a long, rotating, slowly inclining furnace. Inside the kiln, the crumb reaches temperatures of 1100-1400°C where the rubber is pyrolyzed, or thermally decomposed in the absence of oxygen. As the rubber breaks down, the carbon blacks are freed from the polymer structure and rise to the top of the kiln as fine black powder. Additional processing may be required to achieve the desired particle size and qualities. The RCB can then be used like virgin carbon black in new rubber formulations. Benefits of Using RCB One of the biggest advantages of RCB is that it provides a sustainable solution for an increasingly large waste stream. Over 1 billion scrap tires are generated each year worldwide. Using RCB keeps these tires out of landfills and incinerators. It represents a closed loop recycling process that extracts maximum value from a discarded product. RCB requires less energy to produce than virgin carbon black and has a substantially lower environmental impact than mining processes. Producing RCB also reduces dependency on imported carbon black and conserves natural resources. From an economic perspective, RCB offers rubber product manufacturers an affordable alternative to virgin carbon black. Its performance characteristics allow it to directly replace a percentage of more expensive virgin material in new tire and rubber formulations. The Future Outlook for RCB With global tire demand expected to grow significantly in coming decades, the market potential for RCB is huge. Recycling technology advancements aim to further optimize the RCB production process with reduced energy consumption. Additives may allow achieving even finer particle sizes comparable to special grades of virgin carbon black. This expanded compatibility would open new formulation options for manufacturers. Strong momentum continues to build around sustainability goals within the tire and automotive sectors. Corporations and governments alike are implementing policies to increase recycled content mandates. As more end-of-life tires are diverted from landfills into RCB markets, infrastructure will adapt to strengthen supply chain logistics. With RCB demonstrating clear technical and economic advantages, its use in tire manufacturing looks poised for considerable growth worldwide. Recovered carbon black establishes a model for innovative closed-loop recycling that creates value from waste. In conclusion, recovered carbon black presents a highly sustainable solution for using end-of-life tires as a resource in tire manufacturing. The RCB production process recycles rubber back into a material with equivalent performance qualities as virgin carbon black. It keeps valuable rubber out of landfills while reducing demand on finite natural resources. Both tire companies and product consumers benefit from the technical, economic, and environmental advantages of incorporating RCB. With continued improvements optimizing its potential, recovered carbon black seems positioned to play a major long-term role in the global tire industry.
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tmr-blogs2 · 1 month
Smart Carbon Market to Attain Value of US$ 12 Bn by 2031
The smart carbon market size stood at US$ 3.1 Bn. Global market study on smart carbon is estimated to advance at a CAGR of 16.2% during the forecast period, from 2022 to 2031. It is predicted that by 2031, the global smart carbon market will touch valuation of US$ 12 Bn. In an effort to reduce CO2 emissions, several nations across the world are taking steps to repurpose CO2 for varied applications. One of the major elements that is anticipated to propel the development of the global smart carbon market is the growing emphasis that governments are placing on synthetic fuel.
Top smart carbon market manufacturer has been investing on R&D projects in order to offer cutting-edge products, including customized carbon black solutions, with intelligent pricing strategies to increase their market competitiveness. In order to boost revenue, firms in the global smart carbon market are concentrating on applications including the production of chemicals, synthetic gasoline, and urea. The development of huge carbon capture and sequestration plants is expected to be the focus of market participants' efforts.
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ML technologies are being used to support the advancement of carbon capture techniques on a number of fronts, according to recent advancements in the smart carbon market. In order to explore the best operational parameters to achieve the lowest specific steam duty and highest CO2-capture rate, ML algorithms are utilized to model whole carbon capture facilities at the process level.
Market Segmentation:
By Service Type: Carbon Footprint Management, Carbon Credit Trading, Sustainability Reporting Services.
By Sourcing Type: Direct Emission Sources, Indirect Emission Sources.
By Application: Energy, Transportation, Manufacturing, Agriculture, Others.
By Industry Vertical: Energy & Utilities, Transportation & Logistics, Manufacturing, Agriculture, Others.
By Region: North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East & Africa.
Regional Analysis: Each region exhibits unique characteristics and opportunities within the Smart Carbon Market. North America and Europe lead in technological innovations and regulatory frameworks, while Asia-Pacific showcases rapid adoption due to growing industrialization and environmental concerns.
Market Drivers and Challenges:
Drivers: Stringent Environmental Regulations, Corporate Sustainability Initiatives, Technological Advancements, Public Awareness.
Challenges: High Initial Costs, Lack of Standardization, Data Privacy Concerns, Regulatory Uncertainties.
Market Trends:
Integration of AI and IoT: Enhancing real-time monitoring and decision-making processes.
Blockchain in Carbon Trading: Increasing transparency and trust in carbon credit transactions.
Data Analytics for Optimization: Leveraging data insights to reduce emissions and improve efficiencies.
Future Outlook: The Smart Carbon Market is poised for remarkable expansion, driven by continued regulatory pressures, technological advancements, and shifting consumer preferences towards sustainable products and services. Collaboration among stakeholders and innovative business models will be key in unlocking the market's full potential.
Key Market Study Points:
Market Size and Growth Projections
Segmentation Analysis
Regional Dynamics
Market Drivers and Challenges
Emerging Trends
Future Outlook and Growth Opportunities
Competitive Landscape: Leading players in the Smart Carbon Market include CarbonCure Technologies, Climeworks AG, Carbon Engineering Ltd., and IBM Corporation, among others. Strategic partnerships, product innovations, and geographical expansions are key strategies adopted by these players to gain a competitive edge.
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Recent Developments: Recent developments in the Smart Carbon Market include advancements in carbon capture technologies, collaborations between tech companies and sustainability-focused organizations, and the emergence of new carbon offsetting platforms leveraging blockchain and AI.
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chemanalystdata · 2 months
Carbon Black Prices, Price Trend, News, Analysis & Forecast
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Carbon Black Prices: For the Quarter Ending March 2024
Carbon black prices have become a significant focus in various industries due to their widespread use and impact on production costs. Carbon black, a fine powder produced from incomplete combustion of hydrocarbons, finds application in diverse sectors, including rubber manufacturing, plastics, ink formulations, and coatings. The fluctuations in carbon black prices are influenced by several factors, ranging from raw material costs to supply and demand dynamics in global markets.
One of the primary determinants of carbon black prices is the cost of feedstock materials, primarily crude oil and natural gas. Since carbon black is derived from these hydrocarbons, any fluctuations in their prices directly impact the cost of production. The volatility in oil and gas markets, driven by geopolitical tensions, supply disruptions, or shifts in global demand, can lead to considerable fluctuations in carbon black prices.
Additionally, the availability and pricing of other raw materials used in the carbon black manufacturing process, such as carbon monoxide and air, contribute to price variations. Factors such as transportation costs, energy prices, and regulatory changes also play a role in shaping the overall cost structure of carbon black production.
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Supply and demand dynamics exert a significant influence on carbon black prices. As industries like automotive, construction, and packaging witness growth, the demand for carbon black escalates accordingly. Conversely, during economic downturns or periods of reduced industrial activity, demand may weaken, putting downward pressure on prices. Moreover, shifts in consumer preferences towards sustainable and eco-friendly products can impact demand for traditional carbon black formulations, affecting pricing dynamics.
Global market trends and trade dynamics also affect carbon black prices. Carbon black is a globally traded commodity, and fluctuations in currency exchange rates, trade policies, and tariffs can influence its pricing. Moreover, developments in major carbon black-producing regions, such as China, the United States, and Europe, including changes in production capacities, regulations, and environmental policies, can impact global supply and demand dynamics, consequently affecting prices.
Environmental regulations and sustainability concerns are increasingly shaping the carbon black industry. Stricter emissions standards and regulations aimed at reducing carbon emissions have prompted carbon black manufacturers to adopt cleaner production technologies and invest in sustainable practices. These initiatives often entail additional costs, which may be passed on to consumers, thereby impacting carbon black prices.
The competitive landscape within the carbon black industry also plays a crucial role in determining prices. The presence of multiple suppliers, each with varying production capacities, cost structures, and geographical footprints, fosters competition. Price wars or strategic pricing decisions by key players can lead to pricing fluctuations in the market.
Moreover, technological advancements and innovations in carbon black production processes can influence prices. Newer production methods that enhance efficiency, reduce energy consumption, or yield higher-quality products may initially come at a premium but can eventually lead to cost savings and price adjustments across the industry.
Market sentiment and macroeconomic factors, such as inflation, interest rates, and global economic growth, also impact carbon black prices. Economic uncertainties or geopolitical tensions can create volatility in financial markets, which can spill over into commodity markets, including carbon black.
In conclusion, carbon black prices are subject to a multitude of factors, including raw material costs, supply and demand dynamics, global market trends, regulatory developments, environmental considerations, industry competition, technological advancements, and macroeconomic factors. Understanding these influences is crucial for businesses reliant on carbon black as a raw material or input in their production processes, as it enables them to anticipate and mitigate risks associated with price fluctuations, optimize procurement strategies, and maintain competitiveness in the market.
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mohankunmars · 2 months
Steel Market — Forecast (2024–2030)
Steel market is analyzed to be $1,746.35 billion in 2023 and is projected to reach $2,105 billion in 2030. The market is estimated to grow with a CAGR of 4.13% during 2024-2030. Steel is an alloy that is made up of iron ore or scrap steel and carbon. In general, steels have various unique properties including being non-corrosive, rust-resistant and heavier than other metals such as aluminum. Therefore, steel is extensively used in various end-use industry verticals, including the manufacturing various transportation and automobile components, medical equipment, metal surgical implants, structural components and more, which in turn is boosting its market growth. In recent years, the steel market has experienced fluctuations driven by several factors. One significant trend in the steel market is the impact of trade policies and tariffs. Trade tensions between major steel-producing nations, such as the United States, China, and the European Union, have led to shifts in supply chains and pricing dynamics. Tariffs imposed on steel imports have affected the competitiveness of domestic producers and influenced global trade patterns. Additionally, sustainability concerns and environmental regulations have influenced market dynamics. Increasing awareness of carbon emissions and the environmental footprint of steel production has led to a growing demand for greener steel products. This has prompted investments in cleaner production technologies such as electric arc furnaces and the development of recycled steel. Moreover, technological advancements and innovations in steel manufacturing processes have enhanced efficiency and product quality. As a result, the steel market is poised for sustained growth as global economic recovery accelerates, with innovations in technology and sustainability shaping future trends.
Steel Market Report Coverage
The report: “Steel Industry – Forecast (2024-2030)”, by IndustryARC covers an in-depth analysis of the following segments of the Steel Market Report.  By Type: Carbon Steel, (Low Carbon Steel, Medium Carbon Steel, High Carbon Steel), Stainless Steel (Austenitic Stainless Steels, Ferritic Stainless Steels, Martensitic Stainless Steels, Precipitation Hardening Grade Stainless Steels, Duplex Stainless Steels), Alloy Steel (Chromium Molybdenum Steel, Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum Steel, Chromium Vanadium Steel, HSLA -Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum Steel), Tool Steel (Water-hardening tool steels, Shock-resisting tool steels, Cold-work tool steels, Hot-work steels, High-speed tool steels, Others), Others By Form: Bar, Rod, Tube, Pipe, Plate, Sheet, Structural, Others By Application: Transportation (Road, Bridges, Barriers, Rail, Tracks, Rail Cars), Construction (Cool Metal (infrared reflecting) Roofing, Purlins, Beams, Pipe, Recyclable steel framing (studs), Desks/Furniture), Packaging (Canes, Bottles, Others), Water Projects (Levees/Dams/Locks), Energy (Renewable, Nuclear, Bio-fuels, Fossil, Electric Grid), Others By Industry: Construction (Steel Skeletons, Concrete Walls, Pillars, Nails, Bolts, Screws, Others), Machinery (Bulldozers, Backhoe Leaders, Pipelayers, Others), Automotive and Transportation (Exhaust, Trim/Decorative, Engine, Chassis, Fasteners, Tubing For Fuel Lines), Kitchenware and Domestic Appliances (Small Household Appliances, Black Home Appliances, White Home Appliances), Electrical and Electronics (Motor Mount Brackets, Adapter Plates, Electronic Frames and Chassis, Brackets, Others), Healthcare (Orthopaedic Implants, Artificial Heart Valves, Bone Fixation, Catheters, Others), Energy (Scrubbers, Heat Exchangers, Others) By Region: North America, South America, Europe, Asia-Pacific and Rest of the World
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Key Takeaways
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Steel Market Segment Analysis – By Type  In terms of type, the Steel Market is segmented into carbon steel, stainless steel, alloy steel, tool steel and others. In 2023, the Stainless-steel segment generated the greatest revenue of $361.94 billion and is projected to reach a revenue of $482.28 billion by 2030. Owing to the various benefits posed by stainless steel such as corrosion resistance, high and low temperature resistance, the ease of fabrication, strength, aesthetic appeal is one of the key factors for its adoption among various end-use industries, which in turn is boosting its market growth. The stainless-steel segment can be further classified as Austenitic stainless steels, Ferritic stainless steels, Martensitic stainless steels, Precipitation hardening grade stainless steel and Duplex stainless steels. 
Steel Market Segment Analysis – By Form  By form, the steel market is segmented into bar, rod, tube, pipe, plate, sheet, structural and others. The bar segment accounted for the major market share in 2023, with a revenue of $554.58 billion, and is forecast to grow at a CAGR of 4.68% by 2030. The increasing demand for steel bar from various end-user industries such as building and construction, bridges, and many others, are driving the growth of the segment during the forecast period of 2024-2030.
Steel Market Segment Analysis – By Application  Steel Market is segmented by its application that includes transportation, construction, packaging, water projects, energy and others. The energy segment held the dominant market share, 31% of the whole market, in 2023, and is expected to maintain its dominance by 2030 with a CAGR of 4.69%. One of the major factors for the segment growth is the increasing awareness and focus towards renewable energy sources. Steel plays a crucial role in producing and distributing energy as well as improving energy efficiency. Renewable energy is further classified as Wind Towers and Foundation, Wind Turbines and Solar Parabolic Mirror Supports & Collectors. 
Steel Market Segment Analysis – By Industry The Steel finds its application across the industries such as construction, machinery, automotive and transportation, kitchenware and domestic appliance, electrical and electronics, healthcare, energy and others. Among them, the construction segment is the largest consumer of steel, as bearable structures can be manufactured easily at a low cost. The property of steel in its various forms and alloys makes it more flexible to cater the exclusive projects integrated with infrastructure. Moreover, the rapid industrialization and urbanization in various developing countries are fueling the segment growth in strengthening its dominant market position during the forecast period.
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Steel Market Segment Analysis - By Geography/Country  The report comprises of the region wise study of the global market including North America, South America, Europe, Asia-Pacific and Rest of the World. Above all, Asia-Pacific region held the biggest share in 2023, up to 63% of the whole steel market owing to the rapidly expanding defense, machinery, automotive, and shipbuilding industries in the countries such as India, China, South Korea, and Japan. Foreign direct investment in energy and infrastructure is likely to provide opportunities for the market vendors. Coupled with favorable government regulations, growing infrastructure and construction activities in developing economies of the Asia-Pacific region are boosting the demand for the market.
Steel Market - Drivers 
Growing Demand for Steel Across the Various Regions Several factors have a significant impact on the overall development of the steel market. The major growth factor driving the Steel Market is the growing demand for steel across a variety of developing regions. For instance, Global crude steel production in January-November 2023 reached 1715.12 million metric tons, marking a marginal 0.5% year-on-year growth, per provisional data from the World Steel Association. November 2023 saw a production of 145.5 million metric tons, up by 3.3% from the previous year. China led the production with 952.14 million metric tons, followed by India and Japan, USA, Russia, South Korea, and Germany. 
Construction and Infrastructure Development: Construction activities, including residential, commercial, and infrastructure projects such as roads, bridges, and railways, are major drivers of steel demand. Urbanization and industrialization also contribute to the growth of the construction sector, thereby increasing the demand for steel products. For instance, as per Green Finance & Development Center, China Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) Investment Report 2023, engagement totalled about USD88.3 billion, with USD44.6 billion from investment and USD43.7 billion from construction contracts. Also, The US Department of Transportation allocates $3.2 billion in extra funding, alongside $4.3 billion from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law for 2023. The Budget prioritizes $4.5 billion for the Capital Investment Grant program, aiming to bolster transit infrastructure for economic growth. As a result, the steel market is anticipated to thrive, propelled by heightened construction activities and the need for durable materials, reflecting a promising outlook for the industry.
Steel Market -Challenges
Environmental Regulations and Sustainability The steel industry is facing mounting pressure to tackle environmental issues by cutting carbon emissions and enhancing sustainability efforts. Meeting stringent environmental regulations demands substantial investments in technology and infrastructure, presenting a formidable challenge for many companies. Despite the financial hurdles, embracing these changes can pave the way for a more sustainable and eco-friendly future for the industry.
Steel Market - Competitive Landscape The companies referred in the study include Baosteel Co., Ltd., Posco Holding Inc, Nippon Steel Corporation, JFE Holdings, Tata Steel Limited, United States Steel Corporation, Anshan Iron and Steel Group Corporation, Hyundai Steel Co., Ltd., ThyssenKrupp AG, ArcelorMittal S.A., among others. Technology launches, acquisitions, and R&D activities are key strategies adopted by the key players in the Steel Market. 
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trendtrackershq · 2 months
Carbon Black Market: Trends and Forecasts for Sustainable Growth
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Carbon black, a versatile material derived from the incomplete combustion of heavy petroleum products, plays a crucial role in numerous industrial applications, including rubber manufacturing, plastics, coatings, and printing inks. Its unique properties, such as high abrasion resistance, conductivity, and reinforcement, make it indispensable in various sectors. However, the carbon black industry faces challenges related to environmental sustainability, emissions, and regulatory compliance.
According to the study by Next Move Strategy Consulting, the global Carbon Black Market size is predicted to reach USD 22.13 billion with a CAGR of 3.8% by 2030. This projection underlines the significant potential for growth in the carbon black industry, driven by various trends and factors shaping its trajectory towards sustainability.
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Trends Driving Growth
Rising Demand in Tire Manufacturing:
The tire industry remains the largest consumer of carbon black, accounting for a substantial portion of its overall demand. With the automotive sector experiencing steady growth and increasing emphasis on fuel efficiency and durability, the demand for high-quality carbon black in tire manufacturing is expected to soar. Tire manufacturers are continually seeking innovative materials to improve tire performance, longevity, and safety.
The automotive industry's shift towards electric vehicles (EVs) and the growing popularity of fuel-efficient vehicles have heightened the demand for carbon black. EV tires require advanced materials to ensure optimal performance and range. Additionally, the trend towards larger and more durable tires in commercial vehicles further drives the need for high-quality carbon black formulations. Tire manufacturers are investing in research and development to optimize carbon black usage and enhance tire properties such as rolling resistance, traction, and wear resistance.
Shift towards Sustainable Practices:
Environmental concerns and stringent regulations have prompted carbon black manufacturers to adopt sustainable production practices. This includes the adoption of cleaner production technologies, energy-efficient processes, and recycling initiatives to minimize environmental impact and reduce carbon emissions. Companies are increasingly investing in renewable energy sources, waste heat recovery systems, and carbon capture technologies to mitigate their environmental footprint.
Sustainable manufacturing practices are becoming integral to the carbon black industry's growth strategy. Companies are investing in technologies such as gasification and pyrolysis to convert waste materials into carbon black feedstock, reducing dependence on fossil fuels and minimizing waste generation. Moreover, the implementation of stringent environmental regulations, such as emissions limits and carbon pricing mechanisms, incentivizes companies to adopt cleaner production methods and invest in pollution control technologies.
Emergence of Specialty Carbon Blacks:
The market is witnessing a growing demand for specialty carbon blacks tailored for specific applications such as plastics, coatings, and electronics. These specialty grades offer enhanced properties such as UV protection, conductivity, and reinforcement, driving their adoption across diverse industries. With increasing emphasis on product differentiation and performance optimization, manufacturers are expanding their product portfolios to cater to evolving customer requirements.
Specialty carbon blacks are experiencing strong demand across various end-use industries, including automotive, construction, and electronics. For instance, conductive carbon blacks are essential components in lithium-ion batteries, electronic devices, and conductive polymers. Likewise, high-performance carbon blacks are used in premium automotive coatings to enhance durability, weather resistance, and aesthetic appeal. As industries seek to innovate and differentiate their products, the demand for specialty carbon blacks is expected to rise, driving market growth and diversification.
Increasing Penetration in Emerging Markets:
Rapid industrialization and urbanization in emerging economies are fueling the demand for carbon black. Countries in Asia-Pacific, particularly China and India, are witnessing significant growth in automotive production and infrastructure development, thereby driving the demand for carbon black in various applications. Moreover, rising disposable incomes, urbanization trends, and favorable government policies are driving demand for consumer goods, automotive components, and industrial products, further boosting the carbon black market.
Emerging markets represent lucrative growth opportunities for carbon black manufacturers due to their expanding industrial base, rising consumer demand, and infrastructure development. The Asia-Pacific region, in particular, is witnessing robust growth in automotive production, construction activities, and manufacturing sectors, driving demand for carbon black across multiple applications. Moreover, government initiatives aimed at promoting domestic manufacturing, attracting foreign investment, and enhancing industrial competitiveness further bolster the carbon black market's expansion in emerging economies.
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Forecasts for Sustainable Growth
The outlook for the carbon black market remains optimistic, with sustained demand from key end-use industries and ongoing efforts towards sustainability driving growth. Key forecasts include:
Steady Market Expansion:
The projected CAGR of 3.8% indicates steady growth in the global carbon black market, with increasing demand across multiple sectors driving market expansion. As industries such as automotive, construction, electronics, and consumer goods continue to grow, the demand for carbon black is expected to remain robust, supported by favorable economic conditions, infrastructure development, and technological advancements.
Despite challenges such as volatile raw material prices, regulatory uncertainties, and geopolitical risks, the carbon black market is poised for sustained growth in the coming years. The adoption of advanced manufacturing technologies, automation, and digitalization is expected to drive efficiency gains, cost optimization, and product innovation, further enhancing the industry's competitiveness and resilience. Moreover, strategic partnerships, mergers, and acquisitions are reshaping the competitive landscape, enabling companies to expand their market presence, diversify product offerings, and capitalize on emerging opportunities.
Focus on Renewable Feedstocks:
Manufacturers are increasingly exploring renewable feedstocks such as bio-based oils and waste materials to produce carbon black, reducing dependence on fossil fuels and mitigating environmental impact. This shift towards sustainable feedstocks aligns with industry trends towards circular economy principles, resource efficiency, and carbon neutrality, driving innovation and investment in bio-based technologies.
The transition towards renewable feedstocks is driven by a combination of environmental, economic, and regulatory factors. Companies are investing in research and development to optimize biomass conversion processes, develop novel bio-based precursors, and improve carbon black production efficiency. Moreover, partnerships with bioenergy producers, waste management companies, and agricultural stakeholders facilitate access to sustainable feedstock sources, enabling companies to reduce their carbon footprint, enhance supply chain resilience, and improve product sustainability credentials.
Technological Advancements:
Ongoing research and development efforts are focused on developing advanced carbon black production technologies, improving product quality, and reducing energy consumption and emissions. Innovations in process optimization, reactor design, and catalyst development enable companies to enhance production efficiency, reduce environmental footprint, and meet stringent quality standards.
Technological advancements play a critical role in driving innovation and competitiveness in the carbon black industry. Companies are investing in advanced analytical techniques, computational modeling, and materials science to develop next-generation carbon black formulations with tailored properties and performance characteristics. Moreover, the integration of digital technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and IoT enables real-time monitoring, predictive maintenance, and optimization of manufacturing processes, enhancing productivity, reliability, and sustainability.
Regulatory Compliance:
Stricter environmental regulations and sustainability targets are expected to drive investments in cleaner production technologies and encourage the adoption of sustainable practices across the carbon black industry. Regulatory initiatives aimed at reducing air pollution, greenhouse gas emissions, and industrial waste disposal are driving industry-wide efforts to improve environmental performance and ensure regulatory compliance.
Regulatory compliance is a key priority for carbon black manufacturers, given the industry's significant environmental footprint and potential impact on public health and the environment. Companies are proactively investing in pollution control technologies, emission monitoring systems, and environmental management systems to meet regulatory requirements and mitigate operational risks. Moreover, stakeholders are engaging with regulators, industry associations, and other stakeholders to shape regulatory frameworks, advocate for science-based policies, and promote sustainable practices across the value chain.
In conclusion, the carbon black market is poised for sustainable growth, driven by evolving consumer preferences, regulatory pressures, and technological advancements. As stakeholders across the value chain collaborate to address environmental challenges and embrace sustainable solutions, the carbon black industry is poised to play a vital role in the transition towards a greener, more sustainable future. By leveraging innovation, collaboration, and responsible stewardship, the carbon black industry can unlock new opportunities, mitigate risks, and create long-term value for society, the economy, and the environment.
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kenresearch1 · 8 months
Top 4 players in US Black Carbon market
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Cabot Corporation: A leading contributor of US Black Carbon market since 1882. Their products are known to provide UV protection and conductivity.
Birla Carbon: An Indian flagship business with more than 160 years of experience in the Black Carbon business.
Continental Carbon Company: Providing Black Carbon products in lines of Industrial Rubber Carbon Black, Tire Rubber Carbon Black, and Specialty Carbon Black since 1936.
Orion Engineered Carbons: Providing Black carbon products majorly in two areas, i.e., Rubber Black Carbon and Specialty Black Carbon for more than 160 years.
According to Ken Research, the United States Black Carbon market is anticipated to become a ~USD 3 Bn. industry by 2028 by growing at a CAGR of ~2.5%.
The US Carbon Black market is rapidly growing and is anticipated to attain a significant level of growth in the upcoming years.
There are many reasons behind the growth of US Carbon Black market. Some of these reasons include increasing automotive sales, industrial growth and increase in urbanization rates, along with rise in the demand for rubber goods.
Various companies and players are contributing to their best efforts in the growth of the US Black Carbon market.
This article aims to put light on the contributions done by the major players towards the growth of the US Black Carbon market.
1.Cabot Corporation
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Founded in 1882, headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts, having more than 4000 employees worldwide, and presence in more than 20 countries along with a total revenue of USD 4 Bn. in 2022, this chemical company is a leading contributor of US Black Carbon market.
During 1993, their team was successful in developing a method or process of modifying carbon’s surface, which in turn allowed people to be able to change or modify the carbon surface with other chemicals.
This discovery also led to the development of various other technologies such as printer ink and inject colorants.
The products made by this organization has various applications in various fields such as consumer rubber products, adhesives & sealants, construction, digitalization, inject technology, oil, gas & mining, digitalization, fiber, plastics, tires, etc.
When it comes to Black Caron, this chemical company happens to be the largest producer of it. Some of the popular Black Carbon products offered by this organization include VULCAN, BLACK PEARLS, REGAL, MOGUL, ELFTEX, STERLING, MONARCH, etc.
One of the most amazing feature of their specialty carbons is that they are known to provide ultraviolet protection, and conductivity. Furthermore, these carbons are generally used in the areas of coatings, plastics, printing and packaging.
2.Birla Carbon
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Birla Carbon is one of the flagship business of the parent company Aditya Birla Group. This flagship business is the largest producer of carbon black and is a well-established business not only in the US Carbon Black but in the whole world when it comes to black carbon.
One of the interesting facts about this organization is that it has more than 160 years of experience when it comes to the Carbon industry. Moreover, this organization has 16 manufacturing sites, 2 corporate offices, 2 technology centers, and 8 offices situated in the whole world.
Their manufactured Black Carbon is primarily used in areas of Tires, Specialty Blacks, plastics, electronic products, and mechanical rubber goods.
Last year, they also have opened their remote black carbon showroom which is primarily done to get a knowledge of benefits along with applications of black carbon products.
Their black carbon primarily come in two types, i.e., Industrial and Rubber. Former’s products include COPEBLACK, RAVEN, and CONDUCTEX. While the latter’s products include STATEX and FURNEX.
Recently, they also announced that they aspire to achieve zero carbon emissions by the year 2050.
To achieve this aspiration, they are also following the Green Finance framework. Birla Carbon is also keen to achieve sustainability excellence. In fact, last year the celebrations for their decade of sustainable excellence were also done.
3.Continental Carbon Company
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Headquartered in Houston, Texas; with more than 500 employees and presence in almost 15 countries, the Continental Carbon Company is a leading American company in the US Black Carbon market. This company has been in this market since 1936.
They have various lines of work within their Black Carbon range. Industrial Rubber Carbon Black, Tire Rubber Carbon Black, and Specialty Carbon Black are primarily the three of their product lines.
Their Industrial Rubber Carbon Black is suitable for many things such as flex strength for belts & hoses, weather stripping, abrasion resistance for footwear, and commercial roofing. The products in this line include N550, N650, N660, N683, N762 and N774.
Their Tire Rubber Carbon Black is primarily provides fuel mileage, abrasion resistance, treadwear, hysteresis. The products in this category include N234, N326, N330, N351, LH30, N550, N650 and N660.
Their Specialty Carbon Black typically provides conductivity, UV protection, and pigmentation. The products in this category primarily include SBX152, SBX252, SBX352, SBX452, SBX552, SBX652, SBX256, SBX656, SBX 251, and SBX351.
4.Orion Engineered Carbons
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Operating in the Black Carbon market for more than 160 years, this German company is a well-established company in the US Black Carbon market. It has its headquarters situated in Luxembourg, Europe. On the other hand, its executive offices are situated in Houston, Texas, US.
This company was formed in the year 2011 when the Evonik Industries decided to sell off their Black Carbon business. Now this chemical company is known to be the pigment black’s largest producer, and rubber blacks’ third largest producer in the world.
Their product lines can be broadly divided into two categories: Rubber Black Carbon and Specialty Black Carbon. The former is primarily used in the tire industry while the latter is typically used paints, coatings, and lithium-ion batteries.
Footwear, Wiper Blades, Gaskets, Seals, Extruded Profiles, Tubes, Rubber flooring, Anti-vibration engine mounts, Seals, Belts, etc. are the primary applications of their Black Carbon products.
Their Black Carbon products primarily include Thermal Blacks, Furnace Blacks, Specialty Gas Blacks, Lamp Blacks, Acetylene Blacks, etc.
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marketsandata · 2 months
India Carbon Black Market Size, Growth Report 2031
Indian Carbon Black Market size was valued at USD 1.75 billion in FY2023 which is expected to reach USD 3.33 billion in FY2031 with a CAGR of 8.36% for the forecast period between FY2024 and FY2031. Recent years have seen a significant increase in the carbon black market in India due to factors like growing industrialization, improved infrastructure, and rising consumer demand for carbon black. Because it is widely used in tire manufacturing to improve performance and durability, the automotive industry is a significant consumer of carbon black. Given that India is one of the biggest markets for automobiles in the world, demand for carbon black is anticipated to rise further.
Further, the demand for carbon black is also influenced by the construction industry, which is fuelled by urbanization and government infrastructure projects. It is used to increase the strength, UV resistance, and other desirable properties of materials like asphalt, concrete, coatings, and adhesives. The demand for carbon black is also further driven by the packaging sector, as it is used in plastic packaging due to its durability and aesthetic appeal.
Additionally, manufacturers have the chance to reach markets outside of their home countries owing to the export potential of Indian carbon black products. Indian carbon black producers are working hard to meet global quality standards and take advantage of the expanding carbon black market in surrounding nations and regions.
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A boom in Packaging Sector
The demand for packaging materials has increased due to the rapid expansion of e-commerce to guarantee the safe and secure delivery of goods to consumers. Plastic packaging products like bags, containers, and films are typically made using carbon black. These packaging materials can now be used for a variety of products and are guaranteed to remain intact during storage and transportation as carbon black is known for its strength, durability, and UV resistance.
One of India's fastest-growing industries is packaging, which currently has an annual growth rate of 25%. Carbon black is widely used in the packaging sector to achieve the desired colors and aesthetics in product packaging. It is a popular option in the industry because of its capacity to deliver a deep black color and consistent dispersion. The demand for packaged goods and carbon black in the packaging industry both rise along with the expansion of e-commerce.
Growing Automotive Sector   
The high rate of urbanization, the average disposable income, and aggressive government initiatives to support domestic manufacturing and the use of electric vehicles in India are all factors driving the growth of the automotive industry. All these factors help to increase the production of vehicles, and as more cars are being produced.
According to the data published by MARKLINES, Indian passenger vehicle sales increased by 12.9% in April 2023. The increase in sales continues throughout India's first quarter of 2023, supporting the country's expanding automotive market demand. The market for Carbon black in India is heavily influenced by the automotive industry. Tire manufacturing involves the extensive use of carbon black, which improves the rubber's performance and strength. The demand for carbon black to produce tires has significantly increased with the expansion of the automotive industry in India.
Strong Growth in Textile Sector
Carbon black is used in the textile industry to create fibres, fabrics, and textiles for a variety of uses. Carbon black is used as a colorant or pigment in textiles. To produce dark-coloured textiles or achieve black shades in textile products, carbon black offers a deep and intense black coloration. During the manufacturing process, carbon black is frequently added to synthetic fibres like polyester, nylon, and acrylic. These fibres’ color fastness, UV resistance, and durability are all enhanced by the addition of carbon black. It aids in minimizing fading or discoloration brought on by sunlight exposure or other environmental elements.
According to a press release by The Textile Magazine, Cotton dominates the Indian textile market with a share of 60% compared to 40% globally. However, the situation is rapidly shifting. Manufacturers and brands are turning toward alternative fibre options, primarily polyester. There are currently 30 businesses with annual revenues exceeding USD 200 million, and many of them are expanding by double digits. The shift from Cotton to fibre along with the increasing textile sector will likely drive up the Carbon Black market in India.
Huge Construction Hikes
The demand for carbon black in India is driven by projects for infrastructure development and rapid urbanization. Carbon black is needed in the building industry for uses such as flooring, adhesives, sealants, and roofing materials in residential, commercial, and industrial construction. Carbon black is widely used in the infrastructure and construction industries. It is used to make asphalt, which is widely used in the construction of roads. Increased carbon black strength, resilience, and UV resistance are advantageous for asphalt.
Additionally, the Indian central government committed nearly USD 10 trillion in direct infrastructure investment as part of the Budget 2023. The Outlay of Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana-Urban (PMAY-U) has increased by 66%, also, the Urban Infrastructure Development fund is increasing its focus on Tier-2 and Tier-3 cities to build bigger and better infrastructure. All such construction developments abet the rise in Carbon Black market in India.
The carbon black market in India is strongly tied to the country's automotive industry, which heavily relies on carbon black as a reinforcing filler in tire manufacturing and other rubber products. As India's automotive sector continues to grow, so does the demand for carbon black. Additionally, industrial applications such as plastics, coatings, and printing inks contribute to the demand for carbon black in the country.
Factors influencing the dynamics of the Indian carbon black market include the pace of industrialization, regulatory policies on emissions and pollution control, global market trends, availability and cost of raw materials, and the competitive landscape with both domestic and international players.
Carbon black is extensively used as a reinforcing filler in tires and other rubber products, as well as in various other applications such as plastics, inks, and coatings. In India, the demand for carbon black is largely driven by the automotive industry due to the significant presence of automobile manufacturing units.
The market dynamics for carbon black in India are influenced by factors such as:
Automotive Industry: The growth of the automotive sector directly impacts the demand for carbon black, particularly in tire manufacturing. As India's automotive industry continues to expand, so does the demand for carbon black.
Industrialization: Carbon black is also used in various industrial applications such as plastics, coatings, and printing inks. The pace of industrialization in India plays a crucial role in determining the demand for carbon black.
Regulatory Environment: Environmental regulations regarding emissions and pollution control can impact the production and usage of carbon black. Compliance with environmental standards can influence the manufacturing processes and costs associated with carbon black production.
Global Market Trends: Global trends in the carbon black market, such as supply-demand dynamics, pricing trends, and technological advancements, also have an impact on the Indian market.
Raw Material Availability: The availability and cost of raw materials, such as feedstock like coal tar and petroleum derivatives, influence the production cost of carbon black in India.
Competitive Landscape: The presence of key players in the carbon black market, both domestic and international, affects market dynamics, including pricing, product innovation, and distribution channels.
Impact of COVID-19
The global supply chains were disrupted by the pandemic, which also affected the availability of the chemicals and raw materials needed to produce carbon black in the Indian market. Transportation restrictions, logistics issues, and a temporary shutdown of manufacturing facilities impacted the ability of carbon black producers to produce their products. The pandemic's associated travel restrictions, lockdown measures, and economic unpredictability reduced India's overall demand for carbon black. Reduced activity in sectors namely automotive, building, and manufacturing led to a decline in the demand for products containing carbon black in the Indian market. For Instance, Maruti Suzuki reported a 47.4% decline in sales during March 2020.  
The Indian carbon black market has shown resiliency and has begun to recover despite the initial difficulties as economic activity gradually picked up. A gradual increase in demand for carbon black has been observed across several industries, including the automotive and construction sectors, because of the relaxation of lockdown regulations and the implementation of government stimulus packages.
Indian Carbon Black Market: Report Scope
Indian Carbon Black Market Assessment, Opportunities and Forecast, FY2017-FY2031”, is a comprehensive report by Markets and Data, providing in-depth analysis and qualitative and quantitative assessment of the current state of the carbon black market in India, industry dynamics and challenges. The report includes market size, segmental shares, growth trends, COVID-19 and Russia-Ukraine war impact, opportunities and forecast between FY2024 and FY2031. Additionally, the report profiles the leading players in the industry mentioning their respective market share, business model, competitive intelligence, etc.
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chemicalsectorupdates · 3 months
Navigating Regulatory Challenges in the Ilmenite Industry
Ilmenite: An Important Mineral For Titanium Dioxide Production It is a weakly magnetic mineral that contains iron, titanium, and oxygen. Its chemical formula is FeTiO3 and it crystallizes in the trigonal system. Its usually contains around 50-65% titanium dioxide and ranges between 35-49% iron(II) oxide. Trace amounts of other elements like magnesium, manganese, chromium are also sometimes present in the mineral. Ilmenite has a black to steel-gray color and its hardness on the Mohs scale ranges between 5-6.5. It has a submetallic to dull luster and leaves a brown streak. Occurrence and Deposits It is one of the most abundant titaniferous minerals found on Earth. It occurs in igneous and metamorphic rocks as well as in some sedimentary deposits formed by erosional processes. Some of the major occurrences of ilmenite deposits include Australia, South Africa, Canada, Norway, India, Ukraine, Russia and the United States. Australia has some of the largest deposits in the world located in Western Australia. Its deposits often form placers and heavy mineral sands near ancient or contemporary coastlines. Alluvial deposits concentrated by ocean currents and wave actions have also produced many ilmenite accumulations over geologic time. Uses and Application It is primarily used for the production of titanium dioxide which possesses valuable properties like brightness, high refractive index and stability under light exposure. Around 95% of the mined element is processed to obtain titanium dioxide, which is used extensively as a white pigment in paints, paper, plastics, textiles, ceramics, floor coverings etc. Titanium dioxide has superior opacity and hiding power compared to other white pigments like zinc oxide and lead carbonate. It is also used as a reinforcing agent in laminates, abrasives and welding rods. Ilmenite can be transformed into titanium tetrachloride or titanium sponge - important intermediates needed for the manufacturing of titanium metal. Due to its magnetite content, it also finds applications as an important source of iron. Mining and Processing Ilmenite deposits are mined through conventional open-pit mining methods. Overburden and waste rock are first removed to expose the ore bodies. Heavy mining equipment like excavators and haul trucks are used to extract and transport the run-of-mine ore rocks. The mined element is crushed and ground to liberate individual mineral grains before being concentrated through gravity or magnetic separation techniques. This results in an upgraded ilmenite concentrate ranging between 55-65% TiO2. The concentrate is then subjected to various pyrometallurgical processes to convert it into usable materials. The sulfate process and chloride processes are commonly used for transforming the concentrate into synthetic rutile, titanium slag or titanium tetrachloride respectively. These intermediates serve as feedstock for various titanium products worldwide. Market Dynamics and Industry Trends The global market was valued at around USD 2.5 billion in 2020 and has been growing steadily. China, India and Japan are the leading consumers of ilmenite due to large-scale paint, plastic and paper manufacturing industries prevalent in these countries. China alone accounts for more than 40% of the total global demand. Rising population and economic growth in Asia Pacific are projected to elevate its consumption in the coming decade. Tightening environmental regulations regarding the use of lead and other toxic pigments will also boost demand for titanium dioxide pigments produced from it. New mining projects coupled with advancement of mining and processing methods are helping to augment global ilmenite supplies.
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roamnook · 3 months
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RoamNook - The Power of Hard Facts
The Power of Hard Facts
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Unveiling the World of Numbers
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The Magnitude of the Universe
The universe is an infinitely vast expanse, encompassing planets, stars, galaxies, and even black holes. Did you know that there are estimated to be at least 100 billion galaxies in the observable universe? It's mind-boggling to think about the sheer magnitude of cosmic bodies out there.
On a smaller scale, our own solar system is home to eight planets, with Earth being the only known planet to support life. With a population of over 7.9 billion people, our planet is a diverse and thriving hub of human civilization.
The Power of Technology
In the digital age, technology has revolutionized the way we live, work, and communicate. Have you ever wondered how many websites are there on the internet? As of July 2021, there were over 1.88 billion websites, with new ones being created every second. This staggering number showcases the interconnectedness of the online world.
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The Impact of Climate Change
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Since the industrial revolution, the Earth's average temperature has risen by approximately 1 degree Celsius.
The concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere is now higher than at any point in the past 800,000 years.
According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), we need to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius to avoid catastrophic consequences.
Glaciers are melting at an unprecedented rate, with some estimates suggesting that they could disappear completely within the next century.
These hard facts highlight the urgent need for collective action to mitigate the effects of climate change and preserve our planet for future generations.
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tmr-blogs2 · 2 months
Green Silica Market to Exceed USD 466.9 Million by 2031, Garnering 7.4% CAGR
The green silica market was estimated to have acquired US$ 215.1 Million in 2020. It is anticipated to register a 7.4% CAGR from 2021 to 2031, with a market value of US$ 466.9 million by 2031.
Increasing environmental awareness and sustainability concerns have led to the growth of the green silica market. As an alternative to traditional silica production, green silica is produced by methods that are environmentally friendly and have less of an impact on the environment.
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Global warming and threats to the environment have prompted countries around the world to make significant steps toward making bio-based economies more sustainable in the market. As the global economy shifts to a biobased economy, the environment will be economically, ecologically, and environmentally responsible.
Currently, silica is replacing carbon black as a major filler in tires for developing greener tires. Silica reinforcement reduces CO2 emissions into the environment and improves fuel economy in vehicles. Research is also being conducted on bio-waste-based reinforcement fillers to further enhance the green claim.
Market Segmentation:
By Service Type: Manufacturing, Distribution, Consulting Services
By Sourcing Type: Renewable Raw Materials, Recycled Materials
By Application: Cosmetics, Food & Beverages, Electronics, Healthcare, Others
By Industry Vertical: Pharmaceuticals, Personal Care, Food & Beverage, Electronics, Others
By Region: North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, Middle East & Africa
Regional Analysis:
North America and Europe: These regions are expected to lead the green silica market due to stringent environmental regulations, strong emphasis on sustainability, and presence of key market players investing in green technologies.
Asia Pacific: Rapid industrialization, increasing consumer awareness, and government initiatives promoting eco-friendly practices are driving market growth in this region.
Market Drivers and Challenges:
Growing consumer awareness and preference for sustainable products.
Regulatory initiatives promoting the use of eco-friendly materials.
Advancements in green manufacturing technologies.
Increasing applications of green silica across diverse industries.
High initial investment costs for green silica production facilities.
Limited availability of renewable raw materials in certain regions.
Competition from traditional silica manufacturers.
Market Trends:
Development of bio-based and renewable sources for green silica production.
Expansion of green silica applications in food and beverage industries.
Adoption of nanotechnology for enhancing green silica properties.
Future Outlook:
The future outlook for the green silica market is optimistic, driven by ongoing innovations, increasing environmental consciousness, and favorable regulatory frameworks. Investments in research and development, along with collaborations across industries, are expected to fuel market growth and foster sustainability initiatives globally.
Key Market Study Points:
Analysis of market dynamics including drivers, restraints, and opportunities.
Assessment of key market segments and their growth prospects.
Evaluation of competitive landscape and strategic initiatives of key players.
Impact of regulatory policies and standards on market growth.
Identification of emerging trends in green silica applications and technologies.
Competitive Landscape:
The green silica market is characterized by the presence of both established players and new entrants focusing on sustainable solutions. Key companies in the market include Evonik Industries AG, Solvay S.A., AkzoNobel N.V., Wacker Chemie AG, and PPG Industries, among others. Strategic partnerships, product innovations, and investments in sustainable practices are key strategies adopted by these players.
Place an Order Copy of Green Silica Market Report at: https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/checkout.php?rep_id=84299&ltype=S
Recent Developments:
Launch of bio-based green silica products for cosmetics and personal care industries.
Collaborations between manufacturers and research institutions to develop advanced green silica materials.
Expansion of production capacities to meet growing market demand for eco-friendly silica solutions.
About Transparency Market Research
Transparency Market Research, a global market research company registered at Wilmington, Delaware, United States, provides custom research and consulting services. Our exclusive blend of quantitative forecasting and trends analysis provides forward-looking insights for thousands of decision-makers. Our experienced team of Analysts, Researchers, and Consultants use proprietary data sources and various tools & techniques to gather and analyze information.
Our data repository is continuously updated and revised by a team of research experts so that it always reflects the latest trends and information. With a broad research and analysis capability, Transparency Market Research employs rigorous primary and secondary research techniques in developing distinctive data sets and research material for business reports.
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market-spy · 3 months
Unraveling the Threads of Carbon Fiber Composites
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The Carbon Fiber Craze:
Picture this: a world where traditional materials are getting the boot, and carbon fiber composites are strutting onto the scene like the cool kids at a high school prom. Yes, you heard it right — carbon fiber is the new black, darling. From sleek aerospace wonders to eco-friendly automotive dreams, carbon fiber composites are stealing the spotlight faster than you can say “lightweight.”
Market Madness:
Now, let’s talk numbers without putting you to sleep. The global carbon fiber composites market is like a rollercoaster ride — exciting, unpredictable, and occasionally stomach-churning. With a projected growth rate of 7% over the next few years, we’re looking at a market size that’s set to skyrocket from a humble $19.80 Billion in 2022 to a whopping $36.39 Billion by 2031. Hold onto your hats, folks — it’s gonna be a wild ride!
The Game of Growth:
Ah, competition — the spice of life and the driving force behind innovation. In the cutthroat world of carbon fiber composites, industry giants and plucky newcomers alike are duking it out for market supremacy. But hey, who said a little healthy competition couldn’t spark some groundbreaking advancements? With strategic acquisitions, partnerships, and alliances happening left, right, and center, it’s like watching a game of corporate chess — minus the stuffy boardrooms and power suits.
Regional Rivalries:
North America vs. Europe — it’s the showdown of the century in the carbon fiber composites world. With North America snagging a hefty 41% market share thanks to its booming aerospace sector, Europe isn’t far behind, flexing its muscles in aerospace, defense, and wind energy. It’s like watching two heavyweight champions go toe-to-toe in the ring, except instead of boxing gloves, they’re wielding cutting-edge technology and market savvy.
Driving Forces and Roadblocks:
Ah, the yin and yang of market dynamics — the drivers pushing us forward and the pesky roadblocks threatening to trip us up. Lightweighting initiatives, the automotive industry’s insatiable appetite for fuel efficiency, and the renewable energy sector’s love affair with wind turbines are like the wind beneath our carbon fiber wings. But let’s not forget the dark side — high production costs, limited raw material availability, and recycling woes are the villains lurking in the shadows, ready to rain on our carbon parade.
For More Information: https://www.skyquestt.com/report/carbon-fibre-composites-market
The Cast of Characters:
Now, let’s meet the stars of our carbon fiber show — the top players in the game. From Toray Industries and SGL Carbon to Hexcel Corporation and Teijin Limited, these industry titans are the brains behind the brawn, constantly pushing the boundaries of innovation and sustainability. And with recent developments like SGL Carbon’s shiny new manufacturing plant and Toray Industries’ groundbreaking composite creations, it’s clear that the future of carbon fiber composites is brighter than ever.
Trends and Tribulations:
Hybrid composites? Check. Electric vehicles? Double check. From combining carbon fibers with natural fibers to revolutionizing the electric vehicle market, the world of carbon fiber composites is a hotbed of innovation and experimentation. Who knew that a few strands of carbon could shake up so many industries?
And there you have it, folks — a whirlwind tour of the carbon fiber composites market like you’ve never seen before. From soaring growth rates to fierce competition and everything in between, it’s clear that the future is looking bright for carbon fiber enthusiasts everywhere. So, until next time, keep dreaming big, thinking light, and embracing the carbon revolution — because the sky’s the limit when you’re made of carbon!
And remember, stay carbonated, my friends!
About Us-
SkyQuest Technology Group is a Global Market Intelligence, Innovation Management & Commercialization organization that connects innovation to new markets, networks & collaborators for achieving Sustainable Development Goals.
Contact Us-
SkyQuest Technology Consulting Pvt. Ltd.
1 Apache Way,
Massachusetts 01886
USA (+1) 617–230–0741
Website: https://www.skyquestt.com
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sqinsights · 3 months
Unraveling the Threads of Carbon Fiber Composites
Hey there, fellow carbon connoisseurs and curious minds! Today, we’re diving headfirst into the fascinating world of carbon fiber composites. But don’t worry, we promise not to get too tangled up in technical jargon or bore you with robotic stats. Instead, let’s embark on a journey filled with humor, sarcasm, and a sprinkle of wit as we explore this booming industry.
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The Carbon Fiber Craze:
Picture this: a world where traditional materials are getting the boot, and carbon fiber composites are strutting onto the scene like the cool kids at a high school prom. Yes, you heard it right — carbon fiber is the new black, darling. From sleek aerospace wonders to eco-friendly automotive dreams, carbon fiber composites are stealing the spotlight faster than you can say “lightweight.”
Market Madness:
Now, let’s talk numbers without putting you to sleep. The global carbon fiber composites market is like a rollercoaster ride — exciting, unpredictable, and occasionally stomach-churning. With a projected growth rate of 7% over the next few years, we’re looking at a market size that’s set to skyrocket from a humble $19.80 Billion in 2022 to a whopping $36.39 Billion by 2031. Hold onto your hats, folks — it’s gonna be a wild ride!
The Game of Growth:
Ah, competition — the spice of life and the driving force behind innovation. In the cutthroat world of carbon fiber composites, industry giants and plucky newcomers alike are duking it out for market supremacy. But hey, who said a little healthy competition couldn’t spark some groundbreaking advancements? With strategic acquisitions, partnerships, and alliances happening left, right, and center, it’s like watching a game of corporate chess — minus the stuffy boardrooms and power suits.
Regional Rivalries:
North America vs. Europe — it’s the showdown of the century in the carbon fiber composites world. With North America snagging a hefty 41% market share thanks to its booming aerospace sector, Europe isn’t far behind, flexing its muscles in aerospace, defense, and wind energy. It’s like watching two heavyweight champions go toe-to-toe in the ring, except instead of boxing gloves, they’re wielding cutting-edge technology and market savvy.
Driving Forces and Roadblocks:
Ah, the yin and yang of market dynamics — the drivers pushing us forward and the pesky roadblocks threatening to trip us up. Lightweighting initiatives, the automotive industry’s insatiable appetite for fuel efficiency, and the renewable energy sector’s love affair with wind turbines are like the wind beneath our carbon fiber wings. But let’s not forget the dark side — high production costs, limited raw material availability, and recycling woes are the villains lurking in the shadows, ready to rain on our carbon parade.
For More Information: https://www.skyquestt.com/report/carbon-fibre-composites-market
The Cast of Characters:
Now, let’s meet the stars of our carbon fiber show — the top players in the game. From Toray Industries and SGL Carbon to Hexcel Corporation and Teijin Limited, these industry titans are the brains behind the brawn, constantly pushing the boundaries of innovation and sustainability. And with recent developments like SGL Carbon’s shiny new manufacturing plant and Toray Industries’ groundbreaking composite creations, it’s clear that the future of carbon fiber composites is brighter than ever.
Trends and Tribulations:
Hybrid composites? Check. Electric vehicles? Double check. From combining carbon fibers with natural fibers to revolutionizing the electric vehicle market, the world of carbon fiber composites is a hotbed of innovation and experimentation. Who knew that a few strands of carbon could shake up so many industries?
And there you have it, folks — a whirlwind tour of the carbon fiber composites market like you’ve never seen before. From soaring growth rates to fierce competition and everything in between, it’s clear that the future is looking bright for carbon fiber enthusiasts everywhere. So, until next time, keep dreaming big, thinking light, and embracing the carbon revolution — because the sky’s the limit when you’re made of carbon!
And remember, stay carbonated, my friends!
About Us-
SkyQuest Technology Group is a Global Market Intelligence, Innovation Management & Commercialization organization that connects innovation to new markets, networks & collaborators for achieving Sustainable Development Goals.
Contact Us-
SkyQuest Technology Consulting Pvt. Ltd.
1 Apache Way,
Massachusetts 01886
USA (+1) 617–230–0741
Website: https://www.skyquestt.com
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kenresearch1 · 8 months
The US Carbon Black Market is anticipated to reach ~USD 3 Bn. market by 2028
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The United States Carbon Black Market which currently has a market size of ~USD 2.7 Bn. is projected to grow at a CAGR of 2.5% during the time period 2022-2028 as per the findings of Ken Research.
Rising sales of automotive industry accelerate the US Carbon Black market as Carbon Black is widely used in automotive vehicles.
Urbanization also pump the US Carbon Black market as the high prevalence of Urbanization leads to transportation and construction processes which use Carbon Black.
Industrial growth also make use of Carbon Black and related products thereby contributing to the growth of the US Carbon Black market.
Increase in demands of Rubber goods is also a major factor responsible for the growth of US Carbon Black market as most of the rubber goods have Carbon Black.
A fast growing industry, increasing automotive sales, industrial growth and increase in urbanization rates, along with rise in the demand for rubber goods are the various reasons contributing to the growth of US Carbon Black Market. As per Ken Research, this market is expected to become a ~USD 3 Bn. industry by 2028.
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1.Rising sales of Automotive: accelerating the US Carbon Black market
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Carbon Black is widely used in the automotive vehicles primarily in their tires. The main purpose of usage of this product is to ensure the good strength of the tires. As the sales of automotive vehicles rises, the demand for Carbon Black also rises which ultimately results in the growth of US Carbon Black Market.
Automotive vehicles have always been sold widely in the US. In 2018 and 2019, approximately 17.3 million and 17 million vehicles were sold.
However, the US witnessed a sharp decline in the sales of automotive vehicles after the arrival of Covid-19. In 2020, only 14.5 million automotive vehicles were sold. Speaking of 2022, approximately 15 million vehicles were sold.
Despite the pandemic, it is still a large number and it is only expected to further rise in the upcoming years.
As per the data of 2020, almost 92% households in the United States have at least one automotive vehicle.
Moreover, in 2020, globally approximately 77 million vehicles were manufactured. US happens to be the second largest producer of these vehicles, being only after China and producing almost ~9 million vehicles.
When there are such high number of automotive vehicles being sold and made, the demand for Carbon Black also rises as the Carbon Black is required in strengthening of tires which are a key element in any vehicle. This way, the automotive vehicles help in the growth of US Carbon Black market.
2.Rising Urbanization: pumping the US Carbon Black Market
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Urbanization has been rapidly growing in the United States. Urbanization is also a key contributor of US Carbon Black market as the urbanization rise, the construction processes, and transportation also rise in the country, all of which requires the use of Carbon Black.
In the 2000s, 79% of people were living in urban areas and the rest 21% were living in rural areas. During the 2010s, the percentage of people living in urban areas rose to 81 and rest 19% people were still in rural areas.
During the 2020s, 83% of people are living in urban areas and the 17% of people are still living in rural areas.
This number is projected to become 85% people living in urban areas during the 2030s. During the 2040s, it is anticipated that 87% of people would be living in urban areas and the rest 13% of people would be living in rural areas.
By 2050s, 89% of people would be living in urban areas and just 11% of people would be living in rural areas.
When such high percentage of US population is living in urban areas, the number of automotive vehicles, transportation processes, and construction processes also happen to be happening at large. All of these things require the use of Carbon Black which ultimately drives the US Carbon Black market.
3.Rising demand for Rubber products which also make use of Carbon Black:
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The rising demands of Rubber is another factor that is majorly contributing to the growth of US Carbon Black market. Many rubber products such as tires, belts, rubber gloves, hoses, shoe soles, gaskets, etc. make use of Carbon Black.
In 2021, the United States exported approximately USD 73 Mn. worth of rubber. The country is known to be the 19th largest exporter of rubber in the world which primarily exports it to Brazil, Netherlands, Canada, Mexico and Germany.
Speaking of their imports, US imported about USD 200 bn. worth of rubber in 2021. The nation happens to be 2nd largest importer of rubber which mainly imports from Indonesia, Vietnam, and Thailand.
The high number of US’ imports depict nothing but the demand for rubber and rubber products in the country. Many rubber products make use of Carbon Black. Thus, as the demand for rubber rises, the demand for Carbon Black also rises which in turn helps in the growth of the US Carbon Black market.
4.Industrial growth in the country: pumping the US Carbon Black market
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Industrial growth in the country also results in generating the demand for Carbon Black as it is widely used in manufacturing and construction processes.
The United States witnessed approximately 2.3% of industrial growth in 2019. This number decreased down to -2.6% and -3.2% in the years 2020 and 2021 respectively primarily due to the negative effect of Covi-19. Due to the pandemic, all the construction and manufacturing processes were frozen.
However, in the 2022, the industrial growth made a strong come back. The US witnessed an industrial growth of 3.8%.
Now as the industrial growth increases, the construction and manufacturing processes also increase which ultimately generate the demand for Carbon Black, thereby contributing to the growth of US Carbon Black Market.
There are various reasons responsible for the growth of US Carbon Black market. Some of the major reasons behind the growth of US Carbon Black market include rise in automotive vehicle sales, industrial growth, increase in demands for rubber goods and increase in urbanization rates. As per Ken Research, this market is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of ~2.5% in the next five years.
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