#United States Carbon Black market
kenresearch1 · 11 months
The Growing Prominence of the Carbon Black Market fueled by Rising Automotive Industry
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What is the Size of US Carbon Black Industry?
US Carbon Black Market is expected to grow at a CAGR of ~ % between 2017-2022 and is expected to reach ~USD Mn by 2028.  The Carbon Black Market is majorly driven by increasing automotive industry, tire replacement demand, urbanization and renewable energy needs, fueled by rising middle-class populations and technological advancements.
The automotive industry is a major consumer of carbon black, using it in tire manufacturing to improve tire strength, durability, and overall performance. As the global demand for vehicles increases, particularly in emerging economies, the demand for carbon black in tire production grows as well.
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n mature markets, there is a continuous demand for tire replacements due to wear and tear. This consistent need for replacement tires drives demand for carbon black to be used in new tire production.
Carbon black is used as a pigment and colorant in various products like inks, paints, and coatings. The growing use of these products in diverse industries such as construction, packaging, and consumer goods drives demand for carbon black.
Ongoing research and development in carbon black production techniques can lead to improvements in quality, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness. These advancements stimulate the market growth by making carbon black more accessible to various industries.
US Carbon Black Market by loan Process
In terms of loan type, the market is segmented into Furnace Black and Gas Black. Furnace Black is seen dominant in the US Carbon Black market in 2022. Furnace Black is a type of Carbon Black produced through the incomplete combustion of hydrocarbons. It finds extensive applications in the production of rubber, tires, plastics, inks, coatings, and other industrial products due to its reinforcing and coloring properties. This ubiquity across multiple sectors positions Furnace Black as a central component in various manufacturing supply chains.
Moreover, the versatility of Furnace Black has allowed industries to find innovative applications beyond traditional uses, such as in renewable energy technologies, specialty materials, and advanced composites. This adaptability has expanded its market reach and influence.
US Carbon Black Market by end Application
The market is segmented by Tires and Rubber products, Plastic, Toners and Printing inks, Coatings and Others. Among these, Tires and Rubber products is majorly the dominant end users in the US Carbon Black market as noted in 2022. As vehicles move, friction between tires and roads generates Carbon Black particles that contribute to air pollution and pose health and environmental risks.
Amid growing concerns about air quality and environmental impact, the Tires and Rubber products sector has faced increased pressure to mitigate its emissions. Regulatory agencies and consumer demand for eco-friendly products have prompted manufacturers to adopt strategies that reduce Carbon Black emissions.
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US Carbon Black market by Region
The US Carbon Black market is segmented by Region into North, South, East, West and central. In 2022, South region is more dominate in US Carbon Black Market.  The South region has witnessed a growing emphasis on environmental sustainability and air quality improvement. Cities within this region, such as Houston and Atlanta, have grappled with significant air pollution challenges, spurring local governments and industries to address Carbon Black emissions more aggressively.
Competition Scenario in US Carbon Black Market
The competition scenario in the US Carbon Black market was characterized by a mix of companies and organizations focused on reducing Carbon Black emissions and promoting cleaner technologies.
Prominent players in this market included environmental consulting firms such as Aether, Abt Associates, and ICF International. These companies provided expertise in air quality monitoring, emission inventories, and policy analysis, assisting industries and governments in devising strategies to mitigate Carbon Black emissions.
In addition to consulting firms, technology providers played a crucial role. Companies like Cleaire Advanced Emission Controls and Johnson Matthey offered emission control solutions, including diesel particulate filters and catalytic converters, designed to reduce Carbon Black emissions from vehicles and industrial sources.
What is the Expected Future Outlook for the Overall US Carbon Black Market?
The US Carbon Black market was valued at USD ~Million in 2022 and is anticipated to reach USD ~ Million by the end of 2022, witnessing a CAGR of ~% during the forecast period 2022- 2028. The US Carbon black market is driven by increasing urbanization, rising automotive industry and rising demand for consumer goods. Carbon black is integral to tire production, enhancing tire strength and performance. As vehicle demand increases, particularly in electric and autonomous segments, the need for quality tires will drive carbon black demand.
The shift toward sustainability will influence the market. Manufacturers seeking eco-friendly alternatives will drive demand for sustainable carbon black, derived from sources like pyrolysis of waste tires. This aligns with green initiatives and offers growth potential. Increasing number of applications, the market's expansion will be fueled by innovative applications beyond tires. Carbon black finds use in conductive plastics, battery components, and aerospace materials, benefiting from technology-driven trends in electronics, energy storage, and aviation.
The growing renewable energy sector presents opportunities. Carbon black enhances wind turbine blade strength, crucial for wind energy expansion. As the US emphasizes clean energy, carbon black's contributions to wind power will drive its demand. Urban development will also fuel the demand for carbon black in construction materials, coatings, and sealants. As US cities evolve, the construction industry's steady growth will sustain the market's need for these applications.
Furthermore, Carbon black's role in plastics, packaging, and consumer goods will experience growth as US consumer preferences evolve. The trend toward durable, UV-resistant products will drive manufacturers to incorporate carbon black for enhanced performance. Carbon black's diverse applications contribute to its resilience during economic fluctuations. Industries ranging from automotive to construction rely on its properties, ensuring a steady demand even amidst changing economic conditions, securing future market growth.
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batboyblog · 2 months
Things the Biden-Harris Administration Did This Week #28
July 19-26 2024
The EPA announced the award of $4.3 billion in Climate Pollution Reduction Grants. The grants support community-driven solutions to fight climate change, and accelerate America’s clean energy transition. The grants will go to 25 projects across 30 states, and one tribal community. When combined the projects will reduce greenhouse gas pollution by as much as 971 million metric tons of CO2, roughly the output of 5 million American homes over 25 years. Major projects include $396 million for Pennsylvania’s Department of Environmental Protection as it tries to curb greenhouse gas emissions from industrial production, and $500 million for transportation and freight decarbonization at the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach.
The Biden-Harris Administration announced a plan to phase out the federal government's use of single use plastics. The plan calls for the federal government to stop using single use plastics in food service operations, events, and packaging by 2027, and from all federal operations by 2035. The US government is the single largest employer in the country and the world’s largest purchaser of goods and services. Its move away from plastics will redefine the global market.
The White House hosted a summit on super pollutants with the goals of better measuring them and dramatically reducing them. Roughly half of today's climate change is caused by so called super pollutants, methane, hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), and nitrous oxide (N2O). Public-private partnerships between NOAA and United Airlines, The State Department and NASA, and the non-profit Carbon Mapper Coalition will all help collect important data on these pollutants. While private firms announced with the White House plans that by early next year will reduce overall U.S. industrial emissions of nitrous oxide by over 50% from 2020 numbers. The summit also highlighted the EPA's new rule to reduce methane from oil and gas by 80%.
The EPA announced $325 million in grants for climate justice. The Community Change Grants Program, powered by President Biden's Inflation Reduction Act will ultimately bring $2 billion dollars to disadvantaged communities and help them combat climate change. Some of the projects funded in this first round of grant were: $20 million for Midwest Tribal Energy Resources Association, which will help weatherize and energy efficiency upgrade homes for 35 tribes in Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin, $14 million to install onsite wastewater treatment systems throughout 17 Black Belt counties in Alabama, and $14 million to urban forestry, expanding tree canopy in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh.
The Department of Interior approved 3 new solar projects on public land. The 3 projects, two in Nevada and one in Arizona, once finished could generate enough to power 2 million homes. This comes on top of DoI already having beaten its goal of 25 gigawatts of clean energy projects by the end of 2025, in April 2024. This is all part of President Biden’s goal of creating a carbon pollution-free power sector by 2035. 
Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen pledged $667 million to global Pandemic Fund. The fund set up in 2022 seeks to support Pandemic prevention, and readiness in low income nations who can't do it on their own. At the G20 meeting Yellen pushed other nations of the 20 largest economies to double their pledges to the $2 billion dollar fund. Yellen highlighted the importance of the fund by saying "President Biden and I believe that a fully-resourced Pandemic Fund will enable us to better prevent, prepare for, and respond to pandemics – protecting Americans and people around the world from the devastating human and economic costs of infectious disease threats,"
The Departments of the Interior and Commerce today announced a $240 million investment in tribal fisheries in the Pacific Northwest. This is in line with an Executive Order President Biden signed in 2023 during the White House Tribal Nations Summit to mpower Tribal sovereignty and self-determination. An initial $54 million for hatchery maintenance and modernization will be made available for 27 tribes in Alaska, Washington, Oregon, and Idaho. The rest will be invested in longer term fishery projects in the coming years.
The IRS announced that thanks to funding from President Biden's Inflation Reduction Act, it'll be able to digitize much of its operations. This means tax payers will be able to retrieve all their tax related information from one source, including Wage & Income, Account, Record of Account, and Return transcripts, using on-line Individual Online Account.
The IRS also announced that New Jersey will be joining the direct file program in 2025. The direct file program ran as a pilot in 12 states in 2024, allowing tax-payers in those states to file simple tax returns using a free online filing tool directly with the IRS. In 2024 140,000 Americans were able to file this way, they collectively saved $5.6 million in tax preparation fees, claiming $90 million in returns. The average American spends $270 and 13 hours filing their taxes. More than a million people in New Jersey alone will qualify for direct file next year. Oregon opted to join last month. Republicans in Congress lead by Congressmen Adrian Smith of Nebraska and Chuck Edwards of North Carolina have put forward legislation to do away with direct file.
Bonus: American law enforcement arrested co-founder of the Sinaloa Cartel, Ismael "El Mayo" Zambada. El Mayo co-founded the cartel in the 1980s along side Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán. Since El Chapo's incarceration in the United States in 2019, El Mayo has been sole head of the Sinaloa Cartel. Authorities also arrested El Chapo's son, Joaquin Guzman Lopez. The Sinaloa Cartel has been a major player in the cross border drug trade, and has often used extreme violence to further their aims.
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rjzimmerman · 14 days
Solar Farms Have a Superpower Beyond Clean Energy. (New York Times)
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Excerpt from this New York Times story:
It’s not your average solar farm.
The glassy panels stand in a meadow. Wildflowers sway in the breeze, bursts of purple, pink, yellow, orange and white among native grasses. A monarch butterfly flits from one blossom to the next. Dragonflies zip, bees hum and goldfinches trill.
As solar projects unfurl across the United States, sites like this one in Ramsey, Minn., stand out because they offer a way to fight climate change while also tackling another ecological crisis: a global biodiversity collapse, driven in large part by habitat loss.
The sun’s clean energy is a powerful weapon in the battle against climate change. But the sites that capture that energy take up land that wildlife needs to survive and thrive. Solar farms could blanket millions of acres in the United States over the coming decades.
So developers, operators, biologists and environmentalists are teaming up with an innovative strategy.
“We have to address both challenges at the same exact time,” said Rebecca Hernandez, a professor of ecology at the University of California, Davis, whose research focuses on how to do just that.
Insects, those small animals that play a mighty role in supporting life on Earth, are facing alarming declines. Solar farms can offer them food and shelter by providing a diverse mix of native plants.
Such plants can also decrease erosion, nourish the soil and store planet-warming carbon. They can also attract insects that improve pollination of nearby crops.
Pollinator friendly solar can pay off for business, too, potentially saving money and giving projects an edge for approval at a time when communities are increasingly wary of vast solar farms. Developers are taking note.
But there’s a broad spectrum of pollinator friendliness and little agreement on what efforts should count. Standards are often nonexistent. Some big projects are limiting pollinator habitat to tiny corners of their sites. Ecological value varies widely.
Communities may not understand the difference, and corporate marketing may exaggerate. That’s led to accusations of greenwashing.
Pollinator habitat on solar farms is “a serious work in progress,” said Scott Black, executive director of the Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation, a nonprofit group that is working on an effort to bring some clarity by certifying solar sites.
“It’s not fair if some people are truly stepping up to do this right and another company is barely doing anything and saying they’re pollinator friendly,” he said.
“If you build it, will they come?” he asks in his research. So far the answer is a resounding yes, if you grow the right plants.
In a study published late last year, his team found that insect abundance had tripled over five years on test plots at two other Minnesota solar sites. The abundance of native bees grew twentyfold.
The results come amid a global decline of wildlife that leaders are struggling to address. Some of the most well-known insect species are in trouble: Later this year, the federal government is expected to rule on whether to place monarch butterflies on the Endangered Species List. North American birds, for their part, are down almost 30 percent since 1970.
But at this site, called Anoka County Solar, acoustic monitoring has documented 73 species of birds, presumably attracted by the buffet of seeds and insects. Some build nests in the structures supporting the panels.
Mammals are showing up, too. Mr. Walston checked a trail camera before leaving, hoping to discover the occupant of a remarkably large burrow: A fox, he thought, or a badger. No luck.
(It’s trickier to make solar sites friendly to large wild animals, in part because developers are nervous to let them near expensive infrastructure, but efforts are underway there, too.)
What makes this meadow possible is the height of the panels. A prairie restoration firm had told ENGIE, the owner and developer, that taller panels would allow for a sharp increase in native vegetation species, providing much more ecological diversity, said John Gantner, the director of engineering and delivery for ENGIE’s smaller-scale sites.
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giresearch · 1 month
Global Thermal Carbon Black Products Market Size, Growth Rate, Industry opportunities 2024-2030
"Thermal Carbon Black Products" 2024 Breakdown, Data Source, Secondary Sources, Primary Sources, Research Report delivers leading competitors strategic analysis, with micro and macro-economic factors, market trends, future growth scenarios, with pricing analysis. This report provides a holistic overview on Market Current Situations, Key Collaborations, Merger & Acquisitions along with Trending Innovations and New Business Development Policies. A detailed professional report focusing on primary and secondary growth drivers, regional segments, growth share, and geographical analysis of top key players. Thermal Carbon Black Products trend analysis with historical data, estimates to 2024 and Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) forecast to 2030.
Top Key Players Covered in Market Report 2024-2030:Orion Engineered Carbons SA、Tokai Carbon (Cancarb)、Denka Company Limited、Cancarb、Cabot Corporation、Aditya Birla、Jiangxi Black Cat、Continental Carbon、PCBL Limited、Longxing Chemical
Short Description of the Thermal Carbon Black Products 2024-2030: Market Overview of Global Thermal Carbon Black Products: According to our latest research, the global Thermal Carbon Black Products looks promising in the next 6 years. As of 2024, the global Thermal Carbon Black Products was estimated at USD Million, and it’s anticipated to reach USD Million in 2030, with a CAGR during the forecast years. This report covers a research time span from 2019 to 2029, and presents a deep and comprehensive analysis of the global Thermal Carbon Black Products, with a systematical description of the status quo and trends of the whole market, a close look into the competitive landscape of the major players, and a detailed elaboration on segment markets by type, by application and by region. Global and Regional Analysis:     North America (United States, Canada and Mexico)     Europe (Germany, France, United Kingdom, Russia, Italy, and Rest of Europe)     Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India, Southeast Asia, and Australia)     South America (Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, and Rest of South America)     Middle East & Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, South Africa, and Rest of Middle East & Africa)
Market Segmentation Thermal Carbon Black Products report provides an exhaustive 360-degree analysis, by utilizing both primary and secondary research techniques. The research gained comprehensive insights into current market dynamics, pricing trends, developments, supply-demand and evolving consumer behaviors.
On the basis of product type, this report displays the production, revenue, price, market     Low Thermal     Medium Thermal     High Thermal
On the basis of the end users/applications, this report focuses on the status and outlook for major applications/end users, consumption (sales), market share and growth rate for each     Metallurgy     Rubber Goods Industry     Plastics Industry     Concrete     Insulation     Others
Inquire or Share Your Questions If Any before Purchasing This Report https://www.globalinforesearch.com/contact-us Our method for estimating market size is holistic and multifaceted. We assess vital industry trends, regulatory landscapes, and segment-specific dynamics, evaluating their potential influence on demand projections. Key macroeconomic factors, including price fluctuations, demographic shifts, and changes in demand patterns, are integrated into our calculations. To discover market value, we not only delve deep into the profiles of prominent players and their global market shares but also rely on our frequently updated internal database, enriched with insights and announcements from pivotal market stakeholders.
Some of the Key Questions Answered in this Report:
What is the Thermal Carbon Black Products size at the regional and country level
What are the key drivers, restraints, opportunities, and challenges of the Thermal Carbon Black Products, and how they are expected to impact the market
What is the global (North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East, and Africa) sales value, production value, consumption value, import and export of Thermal Carbon Black Products
Who are the global key manufacturers of the Thermal Carbon Black Products? How is their operating situation (capacity, production, sales, price, cost, gross, and revenue)
What are the Thermal Carbon Black Products opportunities and threats faced by the vendors in the Thermal Carbon Black Products?
Which application/end-user or product type may seek incremental growth prospects? What is the market share of each type and application?
What focused approach and constraints are holding the Thermal Carbon Black Products?
What are the different sales, marketing, and distribution channels in the global industry?
What are the key market trends impacting the growth of the Thermal Carbon Black Products?
Economic Impact on the Thermal Carbon Black Products and development trend of the Thermal Carbon Black Products
What are the Thermal Carbon Black Products opportunities, market risk, and market overview of the Thermal Carbon Black Products
The content of the study subjects, includes a total of 15 chapters: Chapter 1, to describe Hydrogen Bromide product scope, market overview, market estimation caveats and base year. Chapter 2, to profile the top manufacturers of Hydrogen Bromide, with price, sales, revenue and global market share of Hydrogen Bromide from 2019 to 2024. Chapter 3, the Hydrogen Bromide competitive situation, sales quantity, revenue and global market share of top manufacturers are analyzed emphatically by landscape contrast. Chapter 4, the Hydrogen Bromide breakdown data are shown at the regional level, to show the sales quantity, consumption value and growth by regions, from 2019 to 2030. Chapter 5 and 6, to segment the sales by Type and application, with sales market share and growth rate by type, application, from 2019 to 2030. Chapter 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11, to break the sales data at the country level, with sales quantity, consumption value and market share for key countries in the world, from 2017 to 2022.and Thermal Carbon Black Products forecast, by regions, type and application, with sales and revenue, from 2025 to 2030. Chapter 12, market dynamics, drivers, restraints, trends and Porters Five Forces analysis. Chapter 13, the key raw materials and key suppliers, and industry chain of Hydrogen Bromide. Chapter 14 and 15, to describe Hydrogen Bromide sales channel, distributors, customers, research findings and conclusion. Global Info Research is a company that digs deep into global industry information to support enterprises with market strategies and in-depth market development analysis reports. We provides market information consulting services in the global region to support enterprise strategic planning and official information reporting, and focuses on customized research, management consulting, IPO consulting, industry chain research, database and top industry services. At the same time, Global Info Research is also a report publisher, a customer and an interest-based suppliers, and is trusted by more than 30,000 companies around the world. We will always carry out all aspects of our business with excellent expertise and experience.
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gary232 · 2 months
These Should Be the Global Trend Set Policies in the Next 40 Years 2020-2060
Freedom of the media and the Internet, social platforms, algorithms, and blockchain.
Free markets and no subsidizing, tariffs on products and services.
Social Security will be saved by immigration influx and more liberal immigration policies, anti-abortion policies.
African development and stabilization.
Weaning off of oil from the Middle East to make oil wars a thing of the past
Deregulation of nanotechnology and biotechnologies to further human life and health care causes.
Religion vs the free Internet, Tree of Life vs Tree of Knowledge, should not be regulated by governments or religion
Deregulation of biotechnology and nanotechnologies for food production and plant adaptation
Deregulation of cannabis and marijuana, where cannabis will take over cotton, paper, oil, and big pharma industries.
Globalization within the cooperation of open trade, lax border and over-the-border exchange of products, free markets, and lax immigration policies.
Information flow should not be interfered with by governments, incredibly oppressive governments.
Artificial intelligence should be allowed to advance as fast as possible for human adaptation to it.
Deregulation of banks, health care, energy, biotechnology, nanotechnology, and education industries worldwide
Worldwide democratization.
Freedom of art, entertainment, and expression worldwide.
The eradication of extremism, fanaticism, and religious prohibitions for advancing human liberties.
Worldwide end to the drug wars, oil wars, and peaceful collectivism, worked out through the UN.
Large investment in robots, and space travel.
Deregulation of worldwide food imports, eastern medicines, and drugs
Deregulation of the worldwide pharmaceutical trade.
Worldwide research on diabetes and cancer to find a cure to end the diseases instead of prolonging them for profit
Individuals worldwide have the right to express their personal free spirit and free thought.
Deregulation of the transportation and communications sectors for products and information flow to promote competition
Deregulation for the food and agricultural sectors to feed a growing world population.
Global warming actually increases crop yield so the deregulation of carbon emissions, more trees needed, and less climate global regulation.
Fracking increase to keep the OPEC nations at bay from high oil prices.
Getting rid of subsidies in the energy sector and letting the consumer decide what energy source suits their needs
Diplomacy first over war and the military-industrial complex, for war is a racket and expensive
Economic growth over ideological religion and prohibitions which extend from it, freedom from religion, and promoting the individual free thought and spirit
Recycling not to benefit the local governments through recycling programs but for the consumers and the private citizen who actually paid for the resources
Open borders for commerce and immigration. this would increase global economic activity by 2.5 times.
White and black nationalism will harm American economic growth. Nationalism is socialism
Population growth should be encouraged with incentives and free cost of pregnancy delivery. There should be an anti-abortion policy set in place and liberal immigration policies to bring immigrants in to stimulate the population in countries where it is needed
Brazil, Russia, China, and India will grow at a rapid pace and the United States should not miss the opportunity for growth which can be done through lenient, immigration information flow, open borders, and multiculturalism policies
The legalization of prostitution but the outlawing of pimping and the modern slave trade of human trafficking.
Prison depopulation that puts a burden on the taxpayer, end private prisons and the minimum term incarceration
No human being should be denied the right to vote or to participate in a free election
A world priority to tackle the world refugee and homeless
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tmr-blogs2 · 3 months
Carbon Black Market Revenue to Cross USD 30 billion by 2031, Registering at a 4.4% CAGR
The global carbon black market was valued over US$ 18.6 Bn in 2020. It is estimated to expand at a CAGR of 4.5% from 2021 to 2031. The global carbon black market is expected to cross the value of US$ 29.9 Bn by the end of 2031
The global carbon black market is expected to cross the value of US$ 29.9 Bn by the end of 2031Carbon black is widely used as a reinforcement filler in the tire and non-tire rubber formulations. Growing sales and production of vehicles across the globe are contributing to market growth. Carbon black is extensively used in reinforcing rubber in tires. It can make up about 30% of the weight of a tire. Carbon black is an important component of automotive rubber parts in vehicles such as sealing systems, hoses, anti-vibration parts, and engine mounts.
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Market Segmentation
By Service Type:
Furnace Black
Gas Black
Lamp Black
By Sourcing Type:
Oil-based Carbon Black
Gas-based Carbon Black
By Application:
Tire Manufacturing
Non-tire Rubber Goods
Inks & Coatings
By Industry Vertical:
Aerospace & Defense
By Region:
North America
Asia Pacific
Latin America
Middle East & Africa
Regional Analysis
Asia Pacific leads the carbon black market, driven by rapid industrialization and infrastructural development in countries like China and India. North America and Europe follow closely, with stringent environmental regulations promoting the adoption of sustainable carbon black production technologies.
Market Drivers and Challenges
Increasing demand from the automotive industry
Growing applications in plastics and coatings
Technological advancements in carbon black production
Environmental concerns related to carbon black production
Volatility in raw material prices
Market Trends
Shift towards Sustainable Practices: Rising awareness regarding environmental impact is encouraging manufacturers to adopt cleaner production processes.
Technological Innovations: Development of high-performance carbon blacks tailored for specific applications is gaining traction.
Integration with IoT and AI: Smart manufacturing practices are enhancing efficiency and quality control in carbon black production.
Future Outlook
The outlook for the carbon black market remains positive, driven by sustained demand from key industries and advancements in manufacturing processes. The focus on sustainability and innovation will shape future growth trends, with significant investments expected in research and development.
Key Market Study Points
Impact of regulatory policies on market dynamics
Technological advancements and their influence on product development
Consumer trends and preferences across different regions
Competitive Landscape
The carbon black market is highly competitive with major players focusing on product differentiation, strategic partnerships, and geographical expansion. Key players include Cabot Corporation, Orion Engineered Carbons, Birla Carbon, and Tokai Carbon.
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Recent Developments
Recent developments include advancements in sustainable carbon black production technologies, strategic acquisitions to expand market presence, and collaborations for innovation in product development.
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Transparency Market Research, a global market research company registered at Wilmington, Delaware, United States, provides custom research and consulting services. Our exclusive blend of quantitative forecasting and trends analysis provides forward-looking insights for thousands of decision makers. Our experienced team of Analysts, Researchers, and Consultants use proprietary data sources and various tools & techniques to gather and analyses information.
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Tire Aftermarket, Tire Replacement Market: A Competing Shift
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A flat tire is among the several inconveniences vehicle owners aim to avoid. Whether due to valve system damage or blowout due to over-inflation, the absence of a proper tire can severely damage the wheel and trigger tire replacement. This drawback has instigated several tire producers to invest in R&D to develop high-performance, fuel-efficient tires, opening avenues for the global tire aftermarket, tire replacement market.
Additionally, integrating systems like anti-lock braking systems, electronic power control, and tire pressure monitoring systems has upheaved the demand for tire aftermarket services. Our estimates have gathered that the global market is set to gain revenue worth $93.38 billion by 2028, rising at a CAGR of 4.43% during the forecast years 2022-2028.
Developments in Aftermarket Services
Wait, did you say airless tires? Instead of air, tires are now integrated with a network of spokes that keeps the wheels rigid while giving them a see-through appearance. Each year, around 20% of tires are trashed due to puncture or uneven wear, stimulating manufacturers like Michelin to launch UPTIS airless automobile tire design that results in lower raw material and waste consumption. In this regard, the company has teamed up with GM to introduce UPTIS by 2024.
Besides, the tires’ ability to bear high weight and absorb shocks is anticipated to support the growth of the 16-18-inch rim size category. Numerous players have opted for this size since it offers additional grip, braking performance, and ride comfort, a major driving force for the tire aftermarket, tire replacement market.
The Green Initiative: With the average crude oil price rising from $39.68 in 2020 to $97.64 in 2022 and the rising carbon footprint, the demand for energy-efficient tires has boosted the tire replacement market. Besides, advances in tire energy efficiency can decrease global fuel consumption by around 5% in passenger vehicles, per the International Council on Clean Transportation. This has led low rolling resistance tires to gain immense traction among consumers to lower their total carbon footprint.
Considering this trend, in January 2023, Goodyear revealed a demonstration tire made of 90% sustainable materials, including carbon black and soybean oil. While it stated the need for further collaboration to bring 90% sustainable tires into the market, the company plans to sell them with 70% sustainable material in 2023. Our analysis indicates that the radial tire type captures the highest share in the market as it has lower rolling resistance, achieving greater fuel efficiency.
Labeling Culture: Labeling has emerged as a viable solution to differentiate products from packaging to tires. However, governments are striving to implement standards to eliminate redundant performance classes from the scale. For instance, the label design will be changed in the US with snow and ice grip symbols. The European Commission also introduced Euro 7 standards for particle emission from tires and brakes to ensure cleaner vehicular movement and air quality across the region.
Other than this, the Indian government mandated new standards in 2021 to enhance fuel efficiency and braking impact on wet roads. Earlier in 2022, Michelin became the first tire brand to receive a 4-star rating by the Bureau of Energy Efficiency, India, under the new star labeling program. Such steps by government bodies to promote sustainability are set to be a growth enabler for the Asia-Pacific tire aftermarket, tire replacement market.
Electric Vehicle: Revving Up the Ride
Over the course of a decade, electric vehicle sales soared to reach around 7 million units in 2021. Fueled by the falling costs of lithium-ion batteries, the rising EV sales have revolutionized the automotive industry and the tire sector. Furthermore, since the additional weight of batteries in EVs lead to enhanced stiffness, the demand for cutting-edge tires has accelerated. As a result, companies like Bridgestone have unveiled ENLITEN Technology that decreases tire rolling resistance by 30% and weight by 20% to expand EV driving range and reduce environmental impact. Therefore, the EV industry is attractive for expanding the tire aftermarket, tire replacement market.
Q1) What are the types of tires in the aftermarket, tire replacement market?
There are two major types of tires, namely, radial and bias, in the tire aftermarket, tire replacement market.
Q2) Which region will witness the fastest growth during the forecast period?
Asia-Pacific tire aftermarket, tire replacement is anticipated to witness the fastest growth, attaining a CAGR of 5.09% during the forecast period 2022-2028.
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Clove Cigarettes: Understanding the Hype and the Risks
Clove cigarettes, also known as kreteks, have gained popularity in recent years. Marketed as a potentially less harmful alternative to traditional cigarettes, they are often wrapped in clove leaves and contain a blend of tobacco, cloves, and other spices. However, the truth about clove cigarettes is far more nuanced.
The Allure of Cloves:
Clove cigarettes offer a distinct taste and aroma compared to traditional cigarettes. The clove oil imparts a numbing sensation in the throat, potentially making them feel smoother to inhale. This, however, can be misleading.
The Hidden Dangers:
Despite the perceived smoothness, clove cigarettes present significant health risks:
Nicotine Addiction: Like traditional cigarettes, clove cigarettes contain nicotine, the highly addictive chemical that makes smoking so difficult to quit.
Increased Tar and Carbon Monoxide: Studies reveal that clove cigarettes can deliver higher levels of tar and carbon monoxide than traditional cigarettes. These toxins contribute to lung cancer, heart disease, and other respiratory illnesses.
Exposure to Additional Toxins: The clove oil and other additives in clove cigarettes may introduce additional harmful chemicals into the smoker's body.
Gateway to Traditional Cigarettes: For some, clove cigarettes may act as a "gateway" to traditional cigarettes, particularly among adolescents who find the clove flavor appealing.
Regulation and Availability:
The regulations surrounding clove cigarettes vary by country. In the United States, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) banned the sale and distribution of flavored cigarettes, including clove cigarettes, in 2009 (except for menthol cigarettes which received a separate court challenge).
However, clove cigarettes may still be available in some specialty tobacco shops or online retailers, with potential legal implications depending on location.
Alternatives to Consider:
If you're looking to quit smoking or reduce your tobacco intake, there are a variety of healthier alternatives available:
Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT): Patches, gum, and lozenges can help manage withdrawal symptoms while you wean yourself off nicotine.
Prescription Medications: Talk to your doctor about medications that can help curb cravings and ease the quitting process.
E-cigarettes: While not without controversy, e-cigarettes can be a harm reduction tool for some smokers, although long-term health effects are still under investigation.
The Bottom Line:
Clove cigarettes are not a safe alternative to traditional cigarettes. They contain nicotine, deliver harmful toxins, and may even lead to dependence. If you're considering smoking clove cigarettes, it's crucial to understand the health risks involved. Explore healthier alternatives and seek support from healthcare professionals to quit smoking altogether.
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chemanalystdata · 5 months
Carbon Black Prices, Price Trend, News, Analysis & Forecast
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Carbon Black Prices: For the Quarter Ending March 2024
Carbon black prices have become a significant focus in various industries due to their widespread use and impact on production costs. Carbon black, a fine powder produced from incomplete combustion of hydrocarbons, finds application in diverse sectors, including rubber manufacturing, plastics, ink formulations, and coatings. The fluctuations in carbon black prices are influenced by several factors, ranging from raw material costs to supply and demand dynamics in global markets.
One of the primary determinants of carbon black prices is the cost of feedstock materials, primarily crude oil and natural gas. Since carbon black is derived from these hydrocarbons, any fluctuations in their prices directly impact the cost of production. The volatility in oil and gas markets, driven by geopolitical tensions, supply disruptions, or shifts in global demand, can lead to considerable fluctuations in carbon black prices.
Additionally, the availability and pricing of other raw materials used in the carbon black manufacturing process, such as carbon monoxide and air, contribute to price variations. Factors such as transportation costs, energy prices, and regulatory changes also play a role in shaping the overall cost structure of carbon black production.
Get Real Time Prices of Carbon Black Prices: https://www.chemanalyst.com/Pricing-data/carbon-black-42
Supply and demand dynamics exert a significant influence on carbon black prices. As industries like automotive, construction, and packaging witness growth, the demand for carbon black escalates accordingly. Conversely, during economic downturns or periods of reduced industrial activity, demand may weaken, putting downward pressure on prices. Moreover, shifts in consumer preferences towards sustainable and eco-friendly products can impact demand for traditional carbon black formulations, affecting pricing dynamics.
Global market trends and trade dynamics also affect carbon black prices. Carbon black is a globally traded commodity, and fluctuations in currency exchange rates, trade policies, and tariffs can influence its pricing. Moreover, developments in major carbon black-producing regions, such as China, the United States, and Europe, including changes in production capacities, regulations, and environmental policies, can impact global supply and demand dynamics, consequently affecting prices.
Environmental regulations and sustainability concerns are increasingly shaping the carbon black industry. Stricter emissions standards and regulations aimed at reducing carbon emissions have prompted carbon black manufacturers to adopt cleaner production technologies and invest in sustainable practices. These initiatives often entail additional costs, which may be passed on to consumers, thereby impacting carbon black prices.
The competitive landscape within the carbon black industry also plays a crucial role in determining prices. The presence of multiple suppliers, each with varying production capacities, cost structures, and geographical footprints, fosters competition. Price wars or strategic pricing decisions by key players can lead to pricing fluctuations in the market.
Moreover, technological advancements and innovations in carbon black production processes can influence prices. Newer production methods that enhance efficiency, reduce energy consumption, or yield higher-quality products may initially come at a premium but can eventually lead to cost savings and price adjustments across the industry.
Market sentiment and macroeconomic factors, such as inflation, interest rates, and global economic growth, also impact carbon black prices. Economic uncertainties or geopolitical tensions can create volatility in financial markets, which can spill over into commodity markets, including carbon black.
In conclusion, carbon black prices are subject to a multitude of factors, including raw material costs, supply and demand dynamics, global market trends, regulatory developments, environmental considerations, industry competition, technological advancements, and macroeconomic factors. Understanding these influences is crucial for businesses reliant on carbon black as a raw material or input in their production processes, as it enables them to anticipate and mitigate risks associated with price fluctuations, optimize procurement strategies, and maintain competitiveness in the market.
Get Real Time Prices of Carbon Black Prices: https://www.chemanalyst.com/Pricing-data/carbon-black-42
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mohankunmars · 5 months
Steel Market — Forecast (2024–2030)
Steel market is analyzed to be $1,746.35 billion in 2023 and is projected to reach $2,105 billion in 2030. The market is estimated to grow with a CAGR of 4.13% during 2024-2030. Steel is an alloy that is made up of iron ore or scrap steel and carbon. In general, steels have various unique properties including being non-corrosive, rust-resistant and heavier than other metals such as aluminum. Therefore, steel is extensively used in various end-use industry verticals, including the manufacturing various transportation and automobile components, medical equipment, metal surgical implants, structural components and more, which in turn is boosting its market growth. In recent years, the steel market has experienced fluctuations driven by several factors. One significant trend in the steel market is the impact of trade policies and tariffs. Trade tensions between major steel-producing nations, such as the United States, China, and the European Union, have led to shifts in supply chains and pricing dynamics. Tariffs imposed on steel imports have affected the competitiveness of domestic producers and influenced global trade patterns. Additionally, sustainability concerns and environmental regulations have influenced market dynamics. Increasing awareness of carbon emissions and the environmental footprint of steel production has led to a growing demand for greener steel products. This has prompted investments in cleaner production technologies such as electric arc furnaces and the development of recycled steel. Moreover, technological advancements and innovations in steel manufacturing processes have enhanced efficiency and product quality. As a result, the steel market is poised for sustained growth as global economic recovery accelerates, with innovations in technology and sustainability shaping future trends.
Steel Market Report Coverage
The report: “Steel Industry – Forecast (2024-2030)”, by IndustryARC covers an in-depth analysis of the following segments of the Steel Market Report.  By Type: Carbon Steel, (Low Carbon Steel, Medium Carbon Steel, High Carbon Steel), Stainless Steel (Austenitic Stainless Steels, Ferritic Stainless Steels, Martensitic Stainless Steels, Precipitation Hardening Grade Stainless Steels, Duplex Stainless Steels), Alloy Steel (Chromium Molybdenum Steel, Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum Steel, Chromium Vanadium Steel, HSLA -Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum Steel), Tool Steel (Water-hardening tool steels, Shock-resisting tool steels, Cold-work tool steels, Hot-work steels, High-speed tool steels, Others), Others By Form: Bar, Rod, Tube, Pipe, Plate, Sheet, Structural, Others By Application: Transportation (Road, Bridges, Barriers, Rail, Tracks, Rail Cars), Construction (Cool Metal (infrared reflecting) Roofing, Purlins, Beams, Pipe, Recyclable steel framing (studs), Desks/Furniture), Packaging (Canes, Bottles, Others), Water Projects (Levees/Dams/Locks), Energy (Renewable, Nuclear, Bio-fuels, Fossil, Electric Grid), Others By Industry: Construction (Steel Skeletons, Concrete Walls, Pillars, Nails, Bolts, Screws, Others), Machinery (Bulldozers, Backhoe Leaders, Pipelayers, Others), Automotive and Transportation (Exhaust, Trim/Decorative, Engine, Chassis, Fasteners, Tubing For Fuel Lines), Kitchenware and Domestic Appliances (Small Household Appliances, Black Home Appliances, White Home Appliances), Electrical and Electronics (Motor Mount Brackets, Adapter Plates, Electronic Frames and Chassis, Brackets, Others), Healthcare (Orthopaedic Implants, Artificial Heart Valves, Bone Fixation, Catheters, Others), Energy (Scrubbers, Heat Exchangers, Others) By Region: North America, South America, Europe, Asia-Pacific and Rest of the World
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Key Takeaways
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Steel Market Segment Analysis – By Type  In terms of type, the Steel Market is segmented into carbon steel, stainless steel, alloy steel, tool steel and others. In 2023, the Stainless-steel segment generated the greatest revenue of $361.94 billion and is projected to reach a revenue of $482.28 billion by 2030. Owing to the various benefits posed by stainless steel such as corrosion resistance, high and low temperature resistance, the ease of fabrication, strength, aesthetic appeal is one of the key factors for its adoption among various end-use industries, which in turn is boosting its market growth. The stainless-steel segment can be further classified as Austenitic stainless steels, Ferritic stainless steels, Martensitic stainless steels, Precipitation hardening grade stainless steel and Duplex stainless steels. 
Steel Market Segment Analysis – By Form  By form, the steel market is segmented into bar, rod, tube, pipe, plate, sheet, structural and others. The bar segment accounted for the major market share in 2023, with a revenue of $554.58 billion, and is forecast to grow at a CAGR of 4.68% by 2030. The increasing demand for steel bar from various end-user industries such as building and construction, bridges, and many others, are driving the growth of the segment during the forecast period of 2024-2030.
Steel Market Segment Analysis – By Application  Steel Market is segmented by its application that includes transportation, construction, packaging, water projects, energy and others. The energy segment held the dominant market share, 31% of the whole market, in 2023, and is expected to maintain its dominance by 2030 with a CAGR of 4.69%. One of the major factors for the segment growth is the increasing awareness and focus towards renewable energy sources. Steel plays a crucial role in producing and distributing energy as well as improving energy efficiency. Renewable energy is further classified as Wind Towers and Foundation, Wind Turbines and Solar Parabolic Mirror Supports & Collectors. 
Steel Market Segment Analysis – By Industry The Steel finds its application across the industries such as construction, machinery, automotive and transportation, kitchenware and domestic appliance, electrical and electronics, healthcare, energy and others. Among them, the construction segment is the largest consumer of steel, as bearable structures can be manufactured easily at a low cost. The property of steel in its various forms and alloys makes it more flexible to cater the exclusive projects integrated with infrastructure. Moreover, the rapid industrialization and urbanization in various developing countries are fueling the segment growth in strengthening its dominant market position during the forecast period.
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Steel Market Segment Analysis - By Geography/Country  The report comprises of the region wise study of the global market including North America, South America, Europe, Asia-Pacific and Rest of the World. Above all, Asia-Pacific region held the biggest share in 2023, up to 63% of the whole steel market owing to the rapidly expanding defense, machinery, automotive, and shipbuilding industries in the countries such as India, China, South Korea, and Japan. Foreign direct investment in energy and infrastructure is likely to provide opportunities for the market vendors. Coupled with favorable government regulations, growing infrastructure and construction activities in developing economies of the Asia-Pacific region are boosting the demand for the market.
Steel Market - Drivers 
Growing Demand for Steel Across the Various Regions Several factors have a significant impact on the overall development of the steel market. The major growth factor driving the Steel Market is the growing demand for steel across a variety of developing regions. For instance, Global crude steel production in January-November 2023 reached 1715.12 million metric tons, marking a marginal 0.5% year-on-year growth, per provisional data from the World Steel Association. November 2023 saw a production of 145.5 million metric tons, up by 3.3% from the previous year. China led the production with 952.14 million metric tons, followed by India and Japan, USA, Russia, South Korea, and Germany. 
Construction and Infrastructure Development: Construction activities, including residential, commercial, and infrastructure projects such as roads, bridges, and railways, are major drivers of steel demand. Urbanization and industrialization also contribute to the growth of the construction sector, thereby increasing the demand for steel products. For instance, as per Green Finance & Development Center, China Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) Investment Report 2023, engagement totalled about USD88.3 billion, with USD44.6 billion from investment and USD43.7 billion from construction contracts. Also, The US Department of Transportation allocates $3.2 billion in extra funding, alongside $4.3 billion from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law for 2023. The Budget prioritizes $4.5 billion for the Capital Investment Grant program, aiming to bolster transit infrastructure for economic growth. As a result, the steel market is anticipated to thrive, propelled by heightened construction activities and the need for durable materials, reflecting a promising outlook for the industry.
Steel Market -Challenges
Environmental Regulations and Sustainability The steel industry is facing mounting pressure to tackle environmental issues by cutting carbon emissions and enhancing sustainability efforts. Meeting stringent environmental regulations demands substantial investments in technology and infrastructure, presenting a formidable challenge for many companies. Despite the financial hurdles, embracing these changes can pave the way for a more sustainable and eco-friendly future for the industry.
Steel Market - Competitive Landscape The companies referred in the study include Baosteel Co., Ltd., Posco Holding Inc, Nippon Steel Corporation, JFE Holdings, Tata Steel Limited, United States Steel Corporation, Anshan Iron and Steel Group Corporation, Hyundai Steel Co., Ltd., ThyssenKrupp AG, ArcelorMittal S.A., among others. Technology launches, acquisitions, and R&D activities are key strategies adopted by the key players in the Steel Market. 
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kenresearch1 · 11 months
Top 4 players in US Black Carbon market
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Cabot Corporation: A leading contributor of US Black Carbon market since 1882. Their products are known to provide UV protection and conductivity.
Birla Carbon: An Indian flagship business with more than 160 years of experience in the Black Carbon business.
Continental Carbon Company: Providing Black Carbon products in lines of Industrial Rubber Carbon Black, Tire Rubber Carbon Black, and Specialty Carbon Black since 1936.
Orion Engineered Carbons: Providing Black carbon products majorly in two areas, i.e., Rubber Black Carbon and Specialty Black Carbon for more than 160 years.
According to Ken Research, the United States Black Carbon market is anticipated to become a ~USD 3 Bn. industry by 2028 by growing at a CAGR of ~2.5%.
The US Carbon Black market is rapidly growing and is anticipated to attain a significant level of growth in the upcoming years.
There are many reasons behind the growth of US Carbon Black market. Some of these reasons include increasing automotive sales, industrial growth and increase in urbanization rates, along with rise in the demand for rubber goods.
Various companies and players are contributing to their best efforts in the growth of the US Black Carbon market.
This article aims to put light on the contributions done by the major players towards the growth of the US Black Carbon market.
1.Cabot Corporation
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Founded in 1882, headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts, having more than 4000 employees worldwide, and presence in more than 20 countries along with a total revenue of USD 4 Bn. in 2022, this chemical company is a leading contributor of US Black Carbon market.
During 1993, their team was successful in developing a method or process of modifying carbon’s surface, which in turn allowed people to be able to change or modify the carbon surface with other chemicals.
This discovery also led to the development of various other technologies such as printer ink and inject colorants.
The products made by this organization has various applications in various fields such as consumer rubber products, adhesives & sealants, construction, digitalization, inject technology, oil, gas & mining, digitalization, fiber, plastics, tires, etc.
When it comes to Black Caron, this chemical company happens to be the largest producer of it. Some of the popular Black Carbon products offered by this organization include VULCAN, BLACK PEARLS, REGAL, MOGUL, ELFTEX, STERLING, MONARCH, etc.
One of the most amazing feature of their specialty carbons is that they are known to provide ultraviolet protection, and conductivity. Furthermore, these carbons are generally used in the areas of coatings, plastics, printing and packaging.
2.Birla Carbon
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Birla Carbon is one of the flagship business of the parent company Aditya Birla Group. This flagship business is the largest producer of carbon black and is a well-established business not only in the US Carbon Black but in the whole world when it comes to black carbon.
One of the interesting facts about this organization is that it has more than 160 years of experience when it comes to the Carbon industry. Moreover, this organization has 16 manufacturing sites, 2 corporate offices, 2 technology centers, and 8 offices situated in the whole world.
Their manufactured Black Carbon is primarily used in areas of Tires, Specialty Blacks, plastics, electronic products, and mechanical rubber goods.
Last year, they also have opened their remote black carbon showroom which is primarily done to get a knowledge of benefits along with applications of black carbon products.
Their black carbon primarily come in two types, i.e., Industrial and Rubber. Former’s products include COPEBLACK, RAVEN, and CONDUCTEX. While the latter’s products include STATEX and FURNEX.
Recently, they also announced that they aspire to achieve zero carbon emissions by the year 2050.
To achieve this aspiration, they are also following the Green Finance framework. Birla Carbon is also keen to achieve sustainability excellence. In fact, last year the celebrations for their decade of sustainable excellence were also done.
3.Continental Carbon Company
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Headquartered in Houston, Texas; with more than 500 employees and presence in almost 15 countries, the Continental Carbon Company is a leading American company in the US Black Carbon market. This company has been in this market since 1936.
They have various lines of work within their Black Carbon range. Industrial Rubber Carbon Black, Tire Rubber Carbon Black, and Specialty Carbon Black are primarily the three of their product lines.
Their Industrial Rubber Carbon Black is suitable for many things such as flex strength for belts & hoses, weather stripping, abrasion resistance for footwear, and commercial roofing. The products in this line include N550, N650, N660, N683, N762 and N774.
Their Tire Rubber Carbon Black is primarily provides fuel mileage, abrasion resistance, treadwear, hysteresis. The products in this category include N234, N326, N330, N351, LH30, N550, N650 and N660.
Their Specialty Carbon Black typically provides conductivity, UV protection, and pigmentation. The products in this category primarily include SBX152, SBX252, SBX352, SBX452, SBX552, SBX652, SBX256, SBX656, SBX 251, and SBX351.
4.Orion Engineered Carbons
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Operating in the Black Carbon market for more than 160 years, this German company is a well-established company in the US Black Carbon market. It has its headquarters situated in Luxembourg, Europe. On the other hand, its executive offices are situated in Houston, Texas, US.
This company was formed in the year 2011 when the Evonik Industries decided to sell off their Black Carbon business. Now this chemical company is known to be the pigment black’s largest producer, and rubber blacks’ third largest producer in the world.
Their product lines can be broadly divided into two categories: Rubber Black Carbon and Specialty Black Carbon. The former is primarily used in the tire industry while the latter is typically used paints, coatings, and lithium-ion batteries.
Footwear, Wiper Blades, Gaskets, Seals, Extruded Profiles, Tubes, Rubber flooring, Anti-vibration engine mounts, Seals, Belts, etc. are the primary applications of their Black Carbon products.
Their Black Carbon products primarily include Thermal Blacks, Furnace Blacks, Specialty Gas Blacks, Lamp Blacks, Acetylene Blacks, etc.
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damasaknjigama · 5 months
The Untapped Potential of Dairy Cow Meat: A New Frontier for U.S. Farmers
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Transforming Culled Dairy Cows into Gourmet Steaks
Meat from dairy cows has long been undervalued in American kitchens and restaurants, often relegated to dog food or fast-food burgers. However, a growing movement is seeking to change that by transforming culled dairy cows into gourmet steaks. By allowing mature dairy cows to pasture longer, their meat becomes richer and more tender, offering a new opportunity for struggling U.S. dairy farmers to turn a profit.
This approach, widely practiced in Europe, is slowly gaining traction in the United States, with a few farms successfully selling meat from culled dairy cows and convincing skeptics of its quality and taste.
One such farm is Mindful Meat in Marin, California, and another is Butter Meat Co. in Pavilion, New York. Both farms have been able to sell their dairy cow meat to restaurants and retailers, proving that there is a market for this unique product. The renowned Blue Hill restaurant in Tarrytown, New York, has even incorporated dairy-cow beef into its menu, offering diners a chance to taste the meat's exceptional flavor and tenderness.
However, for this movement to become more than a boutique experiment, a market needs to be created, and small dairy farmers must be persuaded to pasture their cattle for an extended period before selling them.
The European Influence on Dairy Cow Meat
In Europe, notably in Portugal, Spain, and parts of France, it is common practice to allow mature dairy cows to pasture longer, resulting in meat that is more flavorful and tender. This tradition has been largely absent in the United States, where most steaks come from grain-fed cattle slaughtered at a young age. However, a shift is occurring, with a few farms leading the way in reintroducing the concept of dairy cow meat to American consumers.
The Success Stories of Mindful Meat and Butter Meat Co.
Mindful Meat and Butter Meat Co. are two farms that have successfully ventured into the world of dairy cow meat. Mindful Meat, an organic farm in Marin, California, is part of the larger Marin Sun Farms and has been able to sell its dairy beef to wholesalers, who then distribute it to restaurants and stores in California, Las Vegas, and Chicago. Butter Meat Co., located in Pavilion, New York, sells its beef online and in a store near the farm.
Restaurants such as Gage & Tollner in Brooklyn, New York, and the renowned Blue Hill in Tarrytown have embraced the use of dairy cow meat, incorporating it into their menus and receiving positive feedback from diners. The unique flavor and tenderness of the meat have captivated chefs and consumers alike.
The Potential for a New Market
While the success of farms like Mindful Meat and Butter Meat Co. is encouraging, the movement to promote dairy cow meat still faces challenges. To create a sustainable market for this product, small dairy farmers must be convinced to pasture their cattle for an additional six months or so before selling them. This extended period incurs added expenses for the farmers but results in a higher return on investment.
Chef Dan Barber of Blue Hill believes that the key to establishing this market lies in developing a recognizable brand for dairy cow meat, similar to Black Angus or Niman Ranch. By creating a name that carries cachet, consumers will be more willing to try this unique product, and farmers will have a better source of revenue for their family businesses.
The Environmental Benefits of Dairy Cow Meat
In addition to the potential economic benefits for farmers, dairy cow meat also offers environmental advantages. Beef from dairy herds is considered to have a lower carbon footprint compared to that from dedicated beef herds because its footprint is shared with other dairy products. This makes it an appealing choice for environmentally-conscious consumers.
The transformation of culled dairy cows into gourmet steaks presents an exciting opportunity for struggling U.S. dairy farmers. By allowing mature dairy cows to pasture longer, their meat becomes more flavorful and tender, offering a new market for farmers and a unique dining experience for consumers. While the movement is still in its early stages, success stories from farms like Mindful Meat and Butter Meat Co. demonstrate the potential for this niche market to thrive.
With the support of chefs, consumers, and a well-established brand, dairy cow meat could become a valued and respected product in the American culinary landscape. By embracing this new frontier, dairy farmers can reverse their downward spiral and find a sustainable source of revenue. The last laugh may just belong to the dairy cows, as their meat gains recognition and appreciation in the culinary world.
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smilethroughtherain · 5 months
The Rise of Dairy Beef: A New Opportunity for Struggling U.S. Dairy Farmers
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How mature dairy cows are transforming the meat industry and providing a lifeline for dairy farmers
In a surprising twist, meat from dairy cows, which is typically undervalued in the American market, is now becoming a sought-after delicacy. By allowing mature dairy cows to graze longer and develop more marbling, their meat becomes richer and more tender, similar to the practice in Europe. This shift in perspective has the potential to provide struggling U.S. dairy farmers with a profitable alternative and create a new market for dairy beef.
While most American steaks come from grain-fed cattle slaughtered at two years old, a few farms have started selling meat from culled dairy cows and have managed to convince skeptics. The success of these farms, such as Mindful Meat in Marin and Butter Meat Co. in New York, has attracted the attention of renowned restaurants like Blue Hill, which now serves dairy-cow beef in its dining room and cafeteria.
The Return of Pasture-Raised Dairy Cows
In Europe, it is common practice to allow mature dairy cows to pasture longer, which allows the fat that would normally go into milk to return to the muscles, resulting in a more flavorful and tender meat. However, this method has not been widely adopted in the United States. By extending the lifespan of dairy cows and giving them more time to graze, farmers can sell their meat for a higher price, potentially benefiting struggling dairy farmers.
A Market in the Making
While the concept of dairy beef is still in its early stages, pioneers in the industry believe that creating a market for this type of meat is crucial for its success. Small dairy farmers need to be convinced to pasture their cattle for an additional six months or longer, despite the added expense, in order to reap the increased return. Additionally, developing a brand name for the beef, similar to Black Angus or Niman Ranch, would help create cachet and attract consumers.
The Potential for Sustainability
Beef from dairy herds is considered to have a lower carbon footprint compared to beef from dedicated beef herds, as the footprint is shared with other dairy products. This makes dairy beef an attractive option for those seeking sustainable meat choices. Claire Herminjard, founder of Mindful Meats, an organic farm that sells dairy beef, emphasizes the importance of caring for the land and providing consumers with a sustainable supply of delicious grass-fed, grass-finished meat.
Reviving a Tradition
In the past, cattle in the United States were dual-purpose, providing both milk and meat. However, selective breeding over the years led to the dominance of grain-fed Angus cattle in the meat market. By reintroducing the concept of dairy beef, Northeastern dairy farms could reverse their downward spiral and provide a better source of revenue for family businesses.
This shift would not only benefit farmers but also provide consumers with a high-quality, sustainable meat option.
The rise of dairy beef presents a unique opportunity for struggling U.S. dairy farmers to diversify their income and revitalize their businesses. By extending the lifespan of dairy cows and allowing them to graze longer, farmers can produce meat that is rich in flavor and tenderness. The success of farms like Mindful Meat and Butter Meat Co. demonstrates the potential for a market for dairy beef, and renowned restaurants like Blue Hill are already embracing this trend.
With a focus on sustainability and a commitment to providing consumers with delicious grass-fed, grass-finished meat, dairy beef has the potential to become a valued and respected part of the American meat industry.
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The Untapped Potential of Dairy Beef: From Dog Food to Delicacy
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How dairy farmers in the United States are turning culled dairy cows into premium beef
Meat from dairy cows has long been undervalued in American kitchens and restaurants, often ending up as dog food or fast-food burgers. However, a new trend is emerging, with some farmers in the United States starting to sell meat from culled dairy cows as premium beef. By allowing mature dairy cows to pasture longer, their fat returns to the muscles, resulting in meat that is richer and more tender.
While this practice is common in Europe, it has been largely overlooked in the United States, where most steaks come from grain-fed cattle. But a few pioneering farms and restaurants are changing the perception of dairy beef, offering a sustainable and flavorful alternative to traditional cuts.
A Growing Market for Dairy Beef
Traditionally, dairy cows are culled at around six years old and sold for a minimal price to be used in low-value products. However, farms like Mindful Meat in Marin and Butter Meat Co. in Pavilion, New York, have started selling meat from culled dairy cows and have successfully convinced skeptics of its quality. Blue Hill, a renowned restaurant located on the Stone Barns farm in Tarrytown, New York, has been serving dairy-cow beef in its dining room and cafeteria.
These initiatives are slowly creating a market for dairy beef in the United States.
The Benefits of Pastured Dairy Cattle
By allowing dairy cows to pasture longer, farmers can tap into the potential of their meat. The fat, which would typically go into milk production, returns to the muscles, resulting in a more flavorful and tender meat. Stone Barns, for example, allows their dairy cattle to graze on Pocantico Hills grass before becoming the highlight of their tasting menu.
The beef dishes at the restaurant are made with culled dairy meat, which is also sold at their store. However, for this trend to become more than a boutique experiment, a wider market needs to be developed, and small dairy farmers must be convinced of the benefits of pasturing their cattle for longer.
Overcoming Challenges and Creating a Market
Creating a market for dairy beef requires a shift in perception and the development of a recognizable brand. Chef Dan Barber of Blue Hill believes that dairy beef should carry a name that develops cachet, similar to Black Angus or Niman Ranch. This would help differentiate the meat and create demand among consumers.
Tim Joseph, founder of Maple Hill Organic, a consortium of grass-fed dairy farms in New York, notes that while some farmers have been selling their culls to premium beef companies, most do not. Convincing small dairy farmers to pasture their cattle for an additional six months requires education and support, as it is an added expense. However, the potential for increased profits and a sustainable source of meat make it a worthwhile endeavor.
The Rise of Dairy Beef in Restaurants
Restaurants like Gage & Tollner in Brooklyn, New York, and Blue Hill have embraced dairy beef and incorporated it into their menus. Executive chef Sydne Gooden of Gage & Tollner has been buying dairy beef from Butter Meat Co. and using it for lunchtime burgers. She praises the flavor and succulence of the meat, particularly the aged fat.
Blue Hill recently conducted a blind tasting of choice-grade steaks from grain-fed and grass-fed animals, as well as dairy cows. The dairy beef emerged as the clear winner in terms of flavor, richness, complexity, and tenderness. Despite its quality, dairy beef does not receive top grades due to the color of its fat, which differs from the industry standard.
The Environmental Benefits of Dairy Beef
Beef from dairy herds has a lower carbon footprint compared to that from dedicated beef herds. As dairy cows are primarily raised for milk production, their meat is considered to have a shared carbon footprint with other dairy products. This makes dairy beef a more sustainable option for environmentally conscious consumers.
The emergence of dairy beef in the United States offers a unique opportunity for struggling dairy farmers to diversify their revenue streams and create a sustainable source of income. By pasturing dairy cows for longer, farmers can produce meat that is rich in flavor and tenderness, challenging the dominance of grain-fed cattle in the meat market. However, for this trend to become more than a niche market, a wider consumer base needs to be developed, and small dairy farmers need support and education.
With the potential for increased profits and the environmental benefits it offers, dairy beef could become a valued and sought-after product, bringing a new lease of life to the dairy industry.
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chemicalsectorupdates · 6 months
Navigating Regulatory Challenges in the Ilmenite Industry
Ilmenite: An Important Mineral For Titanium Dioxide Production It is a weakly magnetic mineral that contains iron, titanium, and oxygen. Its chemical formula is FeTiO3 and it crystallizes in the trigonal system. Its usually contains around 50-65% titanium dioxide and ranges between 35-49% iron(II) oxide. Trace amounts of other elements like magnesium, manganese, chromium are also sometimes present in the mineral. Ilmenite has a black to steel-gray color and its hardness on the Mohs scale ranges between 5-6.5. It has a submetallic to dull luster and leaves a brown streak. Occurrence and Deposits It is one of the most abundant titaniferous minerals found on Earth. It occurs in igneous and metamorphic rocks as well as in some sedimentary deposits formed by erosional processes. Some of the major occurrences of ilmenite deposits include Australia, South Africa, Canada, Norway, India, Ukraine, Russia and the United States. Australia has some of the largest deposits in the world located in Western Australia. Its deposits often form placers and heavy mineral sands near ancient or contemporary coastlines. Alluvial deposits concentrated by ocean currents and wave actions have also produced many ilmenite accumulations over geologic time. Uses and Application It is primarily used for the production of titanium dioxide which possesses valuable properties like brightness, high refractive index and stability under light exposure. Around 95% of the mined element is processed to obtain titanium dioxide, which is used extensively as a white pigment in paints, paper, plastics, textiles, ceramics, floor coverings etc. Titanium dioxide has superior opacity and hiding power compared to other white pigments like zinc oxide and lead carbonate. It is also used as a reinforcing agent in laminates, abrasives and welding rods. Ilmenite can be transformed into titanium tetrachloride or titanium sponge - important intermediates needed for the manufacturing of titanium metal. Due to its magnetite content, it also finds applications as an important source of iron. Mining and Processing Ilmenite deposits are mined through conventional open-pit mining methods. Overburden and waste rock are first removed to expose the ore bodies. Heavy mining equipment like excavators and haul trucks are used to extract and transport the run-of-mine ore rocks. The mined element is crushed and ground to liberate individual mineral grains before being concentrated through gravity or magnetic separation techniques. This results in an upgraded ilmenite concentrate ranging between 55-65% TiO2. The concentrate is then subjected to various pyrometallurgical processes to convert it into usable materials. The sulfate process and chloride processes are commonly used for transforming the concentrate into synthetic rutile, titanium slag or titanium tetrachloride respectively. These intermediates serve as feedstock for various titanium products worldwide. Market Dynamics and Industry Trends The global market was valued at around USD 2.5 billion in 2020 and has been growing steadily. China, India and Japan are the leading consumers of ilmenite due to large-scale paint, plastic and paper manufacturing industries prevalent in these countries. China alone accounts for more than 40% of the total global demand. Rising population and economic growth in Asia Pacific are projected to elevate its consumption in the coming decade. Tightening environmental regulations regarding the use of lead and other toxic pigments will also boost demand for titanium dioxide pigments produced from it. New mining projects coupled with advancement of mining and processing methods are helping to augment global ilmenite supplies.
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gary232 · 5 months
These Should Be the Global Trend Set Policies tin the Next 40 Years 2020-2060
Freedom of the media, the Internet, social platforms, algorithms, and blockchain. Free markets and no subsidizing tariffs on products and services. Social Security will be saved by immigration influx and more liberal immigration policies, anti-abortion policies. African development and stabilization. Weaning off of oil from the Middle East to make oil wars a thing of the past Deregulation of nanotechnology and biotechnologies to further human life and health care causes. Religion vs the free Internet, Tree of Life vs Tree of Knowledge, should not be regulated by governments or religion. Deregulation of biotechnology and nanotechnologies  for food production and plant adaptation Deregulation of cannabis and marijuana, where cannabis will take over cotton, paper, oil, and big pharma industries. Globalization within the cooperation of open trade, lax border and over-the-border exchange of products, free markets, andlax immigration policies. Information flow should not be interfered with by governments, especially oppressive governments. Artificial intelligence should be allowed to advance as fast as possible for human adaptation. Deregulation of banks, health care, energy, biotechnology, nanotechnology, and education industries worldwide Worldwide democratization. Freedom of art, entertainment, and expression worldwide. The eradication of extremism, fanaticism, and religious prohibitions for advancing human liberties. Worldwide end to the drug wars, oil wars, and peaceful collectivism worked out through the UN. Large investment in robots and space travel. Deregulation of worldwide food imports, eastern medicines, and drugs Deregulation of the worldwide pharmaceutical trade. Worldwide research on diabetes and cancer to find a cure to end the diseases instead of prolonging them for profit Individuals worldwide have the right to express their personal free spirit and free thought. Deregulation of the transportation and communications sectors for products and information flow to promote competition. Deregulation for the food and agricultural sectors to feed a growing world population. Global warming actually increases crop yield, so the deregulation of carbon emissions, more trees needed, and less climate global regulation. Fracking increases to keep the OPEC nations at bay from high oil prices. Getting rid of subsidies in the energy sector and letting the consumer decide what energy source suits their needs Diplomacy first over war and the military-industrial complex, for war is a racket and expensive. Economic growth over ideological  religion and prohibitions which extend from it, freedom from religion, and promoting the individual free thought and spirit Recycling not to benefit the local governments through recycling programs but for the consumers and the private citizens who actually paid for the resources Open borders for commerce and immigration. this would increase global economic activity by 2.5 times. White and black nationalism will harm American economic growth. Nationalism is socialism Population growth should be encouraged with incentives and free cost of pregnancy delivery. There should be an anti-abortion policy set in place and liberal immigration policies to bring immigrants in to stimulate population in countries where it is needed. Brazil, Russia, China, and India will grow at a rapid pace, and the United States should not miss the opportunity for growth, which can be done through lenient immigration information flow, open borders, and multiculturalism policies The legalization of prostitution but the outlawing of pimping and the modern slave trade of human trafficking. Prison depopulation that puts a burden on the taxpayer end private prisons and the minimum term incarceration.  No human being should be denied the right to vote or to participate in a free election. A world priority to tackle the world refugee and homeless .
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