#Investment US Carbon Black Market
kenresearch1 · 11 months
The Growing Prominence of the Carbon Black Market fueled by Rising Automotive Industry
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What is the Size of US Carbon Black Industry?
US Carbon Black Market is expected to grow at a CAGR of ~ % between 2017-2022 and is expected to reach ~USD Mn by 2028.  The Carbon Black Market is majorly driven by increasing automotive industry, tire replacement demand, urbanization and renewable energy needs, fueled by rising middle-class populations and technological advancements.
The automotive industry is a major consumer of carbon black, using it in tire manufacturing to improve tire strength, durability, and overall performance. As the global demand for vehicles increases, particularly in emerging economies, the demand for carbon black in tire production grows as well.
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n mature markets, there is a continuous demand for tire replacements due to wear and tear. This consistent need for replacement tires drives demand for carbon black to be used in new tire production.
Carbon black is used as a pigment and colorant in various products like inks, paints, and coatings. The growing use of these products in diverse industries such as construction, packaging, and consumer goods drives demand for carbon black.
Ongoing research and development in carbon black production techniques can lead to improvements in quality, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness. These advancements stimulate the market growth by making carbon black more accessible to various industries.
US Carbon Black Market by loan Process
In terms of loan type, the market is segmented into Furnace Black and Gas Black. Furnace Black is seen dominant in the US Carbon Black market in 2022. Furnace Black is a type of Carbon Black produced through the incomplete combustion of hydrocarbons. It finds extensive applications in the production of rubber, tires, plastics, inks, coatings, and other industrial products due to its reinforcing and coloring properties. This ubiquity across multiple sectors positions Furnace Black as a central component in various manufacturing supply chains.
Moreover, the versatility of Furnace Black has allowed industries to find innovative applications beyond traditional uses, such as in renewable energy technologies, specialty materials, and advanced composites. This adaptability has expanded its market reach and influence.
US Carbon Black Market by end Application
The market is segmented by Tires and Rubber products, Plastic, Toners and Printing inks, Coatings and Others. Among these, Tires and Rubber products is majorly the dominant end users in the US Carbon Black market as noted in 2022. As vehicles move, friction between tires and roads generates Carbon Black particles that contribute to air pollution and pose health and environmental risks.
Amid growing concerns about air quality and environmental impact, the Tires and Rubber products sector has faced increased pressure to mitigate its emissions. Regulatory agencies and consumer demand for eco-friendly products have prompted manufacturers to adopt strategies that reduce Carbon Black emissions.
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US Carbon Black market by Region
The US Carbon Black market is segmented by Region into North, South, East, West and central. In 2022, South region is more dominate in US Carbon Black Market.  The South region has witnessed a growing emphasis on environmental sustainability and air quality improvement. Cities within this region, such as Houston and Atlanta, have grappled with significant air pollution challenges, spurring local governments and industries to address Carbon Black emissions more aggressively.
Competition Scenario in US Carbon Black Market
The competition scenario in the US Carbon Black market was characterized by a mix of companies and organizations focused on reducing Carbon Black emissions and promoting cleaner technologies.
Prominent players in this market included environmental consulting firms such as Aether, Abt Associates, and ICF International. These companies provided expertise in air quality monitoring, emission inventories, and policy analysis, assisting industries and governments in devising strategies to mitigate Carbon Black emissions.
In addition to consulting firms, technology providers played a crucial role. Companies like Cleaire Advanced Emission Controls and Johnson Matthey offered emission control solutions, including diesel particulate filters and catalytic converters, designed to reduce Carbon Black emissions from vehicles and industrial sources.
What is the Expected Future Outlook for the Overall US Carbon Black Market?
The US Carbon Black market was valued at USD ~Million in 2022 and is anticipated to reach USD ~ Million by the end of 2022, witnessing a CAGR of ~% during the forecast period 2022- 2028. The US Carbon black market is driven by increasing urbanization, rising automotive industry and rising demand for consumer goods. Carbon black is integral to tire production, enhancing tire strength and performance. As vehicle demand increases, particularly in electric and autonomous segments, the need for quality tires will drive carbon black demand.
The shift toward sustainability will influence the market. Manufacturers seeking eco-friendly alternatives will drive demand for sustainable carbon black, derived from sources like pyrolysis of waste tires. This aligns with green initiatives and offers growth potential. Increasing number of applications, the market's expansion will be fueled by innovative applications beyond tires. Carbon black finds use in conductive plastics, battery components, and aerospace materials, benefiting from technology-driven trends in electronics, energy storage, and aviation.
The growing renewable energy sector presents opportunities. Carbon black enhances wind turbine blade strength, crucial for wind energy expansion. As the US emphasizes clean energy, carbon black's contributions to wind power will drive its demand. Urban development will also fuel the demand for carbon black in construction materials, coatings, and sealants. As US cities evolve, the construction industry's steady growth will sustain the market's need for these applications.
Furthermore, Carbon black's role in plastics, packaging, and consumer goods will experience growth as US consumer preferences evolve. The trend toward durable, UV-resistant products will drive manufacturers to incorporate carbon black for enhanced performance. Carbon black's diverse applications contribute to its resilience during economic fluctuations. Industries ranging from automotive to construction rely on its properties, ensuring a steady demand even amidst changing economic conditions, securing future market growth.
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batboyblog · 2 months
Things the Biden-Harris Administration Did This Week #28
July 19-26 2024
The EPA announced the award of $4.3 billion in Climate Pollution Reduction Grants. The grants support community-driven solutions to fight climate change, and accelerate America’s clean energy transition. The grants will go to 25 projects across 30 states, and one tribal community. When combined the projects will reduce greenhouse gas pollution by as much as 971 million metric tons of CO2, roughly the output of 5 million American homes over 25 years. Major projects include $396 million for Pennsylvania’s Department of Environmental Protection as it tries to curb greenhouse gas emissions from industrial production, and $500 million for transportation and freight decarbonization at the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach.
The Biden-Harris Administration announced a plan to phase out the federal government's use of single use plastics. The plan calls for the federal government to stop using single use plastics in food service operations, events, and packaging by 2027, and from all federal operations by 2035. The US government is the single largest employer in the country and the world’s largest purchaser of goods and services. Its move away from plastics will redefine the global market.
The White House hosted a summit on super pollutants with the goals of better measuring them and dramatically reducing them. Roughly half of today's climate change is caused by so called super pollutants, methane, hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), and nitrous oxide (N2O). Public-private partnerships between NOAA and United Airlines, The State Department and NASA, and the non-profit Carbon Mapper Coalition will all help collect important data on these pollutants. While private firms announced with the White House plans that by early next year will reduce overall U.S. industrial emissions of nitrous oxide by over 50% from 2020 numbers. The summit also highlighted the EPA's new rule to reduce methane from oil and gas by 80%.
The EPA announced $325 million in grants for climate justice. The Community Change Grants Program, powered by President Biden's Inflation Reduction Act will ultimately bring $2 billion dollars to disadvantaged communities and help them combat climate change. Some of the projects funded in this first round of grant were: $20 million for Midwest Tribal Energy Resources Association, which will help weatherize and energy efficiency upgrade homes for 35 tribes in Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin, $14 million to install onsite wastewater treatment systems throughout 17 Black Belt counties in Alabama, and $14 million to urban forestry, expanding tree canopy in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh.
The Department of Interior approved 3 new solar projects on public land. The 3 projects, two in Nevada and one in Arizona, once finished could generate enough to power 2 million homes. This comes on top of DoI already having beaten its goal of 25 gigawatts of clean energy projects by the end of 2025, in April 2024. This is all part of President Biden’s goal of creating a carbon pollution-free power sector by 2035. 
Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen pledged $667 million to global Pandemic Fund. The fund set up in 2022 seeks to support Pandemic prevention, and readiness in low income nations who can't do it on their own. At the G20 meeting Yellen pushed other nations of the 20 largest economies to double their pledges to the $2 billion dollar fund. Yellen highlighted the importance of the fund by saying "President Biden and I believe that a fully-resourced Pandemic Fund will enable us to better prevent, prepare for, and respond to pandemics – protecting Americans and people around the world from the devastating human and economic costs of infectious disease threats,"
The Departments of the Interior and Commerce today announced a $240 million investment in tribal fisheries in the Pacific Northwest. This is in line with an Executive Order President Biden signed in 2023 during the White House Tribal Nations Summit to mpower Tribal sovereignty and self-determination. An initial $54 million for hatchery maintenance and modernization will be made available for 27 tribes in Alaska, Washington, Oregon, and Idaho. The rest will be invested in longer term fishery projects in the coming years.
The IRS announced that thanks to funding from President Biden's Inflation Reduction Act, it'll be able to digitize much of its operations. This means tax payers will be able to retrieve all their tax related information from one source, including Wage & Income, Account, Record of Account, and Return transcripts, using on-line Individual Online Account.
The IRS also announced that New Jersey will be joining the direct file program in 2025. The direct file program ran as a pilot in 12 states in 2024, allowing tax-payers in those states to file simple tax returns using a free online filing tool directly with the IRS. In 2024 140,000 Americans were able to file this way, they collectively saved $5.6 million in tax preparation fees, claiming $90 million in returns. The average American spends $270 and 13 hours filing their taxes. More than a million people in New Jersey alone will qualify for direct file next year. Oregon opted to join last month. Republicans in Congress lead by Congressmen Adrian Smith of Nebraska and Chuck Edwards of North Carolina have put forward legislation to do away with direct file.
Bonus: American law enforcement arrested co-founder of the Sinaloa Cartel, Ismael "El Mayo" Zambada. El Mayo co-founded the cartel in the 1980s along side Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán. Since El Chapo's incarceration in the United States in 2019, El Mayo has been sole head of the Sinaloa Cartel. Authorities also arrested El Chapo's son, Joaquin Guzman Lopez. The Sinaloa Cartel has been a major player in the cross border drug trade, and has often used extreme violence to further their aims.
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hornyhermitry · 9 months
Roppongi Nights
Rated: NSFW, 18+
Characters: Takeomi Akashi x Ran Haitani
Word Count: 6114
Summary: When Takeomi is thrown out of his friend Wakasa's bar due to lack of funds, he ends up in a Roppongi night club and has an unexpected encounter.
Takeomi waved the folded paper money in front of the man’s face. “I’m here to have a good time, nothing more, nothing less.” The muscular thug clad in a very traditional black suit looked the former Black Dragon executive up and down and then stepped aside to let him in. The loud bass from inside was already greeting Takeomi warmly, stirring up anticipation in his body, when he walked past the wardrobe. He nodded to the wrinkly old geezer peeking out the little window and his tired eyes quickly adjusted to the dimmed lights inside. He could smell the main room already before entering it. The light smell of the fog machine, its clouds wafting over the stage and settling down in half-drunk glasses of drinks that had lost their carbonation a long time ago.
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Roppongi Nights
Blinking neon lights lit up the dark alley greeting Takeomi when he stepped out of the stuffy establishment. Cigarette stub between his right middle and ring finger, the man in his late 20s rubbed his face and groaned.
He hated it when Wakasa treated him like that. Time and time again he’d have him kicked out of his club as soon as he was a few drinks in and running low on cash. He wasn’t sure when this had become a common thing to happen - it hadn’t always been like this. Wakasa used to encourage him to crash at one of his hostess bars and catch up over a few drinks there. There were always plenty of girls and sometimes Wakasa would call over a few new hires to get acquainted with their expected duties. But somehow…
Takeomi took a drag of his cigarette and used his hand to comb back his slick hair. Somehow, somewhere down the line the drinks had become more and the catching up had become less. Irritated at the little piece of soft plastic shifting out from between his fingers when he rubbed his eye socket, he flicked the cigarette away - only for it to fly against the club bouncer’s collar.
The orange stub quickly burned through the violet satin shirt he was sporting.
“Ah, shit man, I’m-” Takeomi quickly nodded his head apologetically “I’m sorry, it wasn’t on pur-” he threw up his hands in an attempt to calm down the gorilla approaching him with big strides but it was no use. The much bigger man grabbed him by the collar and pulled him in close enough for Takeomi to smell the sake and Tonkotsu sauce on his breath.
“Stop causing trouble for Imaushi-san, A k a s h i .” He spat the last word into his face and shoved him onto the boardwalk. “He doesn’t need your kind here, you’re upsetting paying customers. Get lost.”
Flipping the guy off, Takeomi grunted and then shoved his hands into his pockets as he turned his back away from the LEDs signaling “SHIROI NEKO - GALS GALORE”.
It was only 8PM and he was already well into it.
He had started drinking early today. Earlier than he usually would on a Thursday night but he’d already been up at 5 in the morning to be on his way to Haneda Airport in order to catch an old business partner over a coffee before they left the country for a while.
Ever since Black Dragon had been disbanded, Takeomi was struggling to get by. At this point he was hoping for someone to invest in the underground fighting ring he had been thinking about. It made sense for him to approach old contacts about it, considering his old alias “God of War”, but it wasn’t as easy to convince people of a market for that as it was for girls or drugs. Takeomi wasn’t too keen on actively dealing in either of the two. Many people would consider him a man with rotten morals, and they probably weren’t entirely wrong about that, but there was some code of honor he stuck to. And thinking about his younger siblings, the thought of roping young people into addiction or sex work himself didn’t sit right with him.
Grounded by the familiar buzz of the alcohol he had already downed tonight, the scar-faced man aimlessly wandered about searching for another strip club to wind down with a few more drinks and a pretty little thing grinding against his lap.
He was not a stumbling drunkard by any means, but the half unbuttoned shirt paired with his tattooed chest peeking out and the huge scar running down from his forehead to just next to his lips made people generously avoid him and step out of his way still. Some of them whispered to each other as they passed.
Not that he minded. He was a delinquent and a drop-out, he was already too involved with crime syndicates to ever make a life as a salaryman or even blue collar worker, but he hesitated to fully commit to crime some of the others had done. Shinichiro had taken the good money that Black Dragon had made in its last breaths to buy a small store space and was working on setting up a bike repair shop. Wakasa had already been involved with the local Yakuza when they had met for the first time. He was running multiple bars and had lots of guys roaming the streets to recruit women into adult entertainment. And Benkei helped him convince some competitors to step off their turf as if he had been waiting to do just that his whole life. Absentmindedly looking up while his fingers fumbled to get a cigarette out of the crumpled up pack in his hands after some time walking around, Takeomi noticed a little violet arrow pointing up a narrow staircase leading up to a first floor entrance plastered with labels reading “18+” “ADULT ONLY” “DANCE” and suggestive black cutouts on faded red signs as high as the whole store.
Jogging up the stairs, Takeomi stuck the cigarette into the corner of his mouth and nodded towards the bouncer, stretching his neck to subtly flash his ink at him .
“Evening, Onii-San. We good?” Arm above his head, he pushed the bar’s half-length veil out of his face and was already halfway through the barrier when the stern man put a hand on his shoulder and leaned in close.
“We don’t appreciate trouble here. You go in, you are discreet about what you see and do, you pay, you leave.”
Takeomi’s eyebrows shot up and the wide grin pushed up the long facial scar as he bit into the cigarette filter. “Who do you take me for?”
Not waiting for the response, Takeomi pulled the folded paper money held together by a metal clip out of his shirt pocket and waved it in front of the man’s face. “I’m here to have a good time, nothing more, nothing less.”
The muscular thug clad in a very traditional black suit looked the former Black Dragon executive up and down a last time and then stepped aside to let him in.
The loud bass from inside greeted Takeomi warmly, stirred up anticipation in his body when he walked past the wardrobe. He nodded to the wrinkly old geezer peeking out the little window and his tired eyes quickly adjusted to the dimmed lights inside.
He could smell the main room already before entering it.
The old and new smoke that lingered between the walls and mixed with the stale sweat guys carried under their shirts and in their pants after a long day of work and also that of oiled up overly perfumed dancers that lazily ran down between their thighs and shimmered in the flickering spotlights giving the movement of their limbs a magical quality. And the light smell of the fog machine, its clouds wafting over the stage and settling down in half-drunk glasses of drinks that had lost their carbonation a long time ago.
It wasn’t a big room and most of the small round tables were already taken, a longer one fitting 6 was half-taken up by a group of 3 youngsters awkwardly looking around in such an out-of-place way that had Takeomi doubt they were old enough to be here.
They reminded him of the first time he had snuck into a strip club with Shinichiro. The two of them had been so piss-drunk, when they tried to go to a private booth with one of the dancers, Shin had fallen flat on his ass, dragging the slightly older boy down in the process.
It ended with them being kicked out under a lot of shrieks from the ladies. A crooked smile disappeared as quickly as it had shown up on his face. Takeomi leaned over the counter and signaled for the barman to get him a lemon chu-hi. He missed the days of hanging out with his old friend, but that son of a bitch only had eyes for his little brother anymore and taught him everything about gangs and bikes there was to know, so he could one day take up the torch. Tchk. Dragging kids into this.
With a hollow clink sound, a glass of chu-hi appeared in front of him. Exchanging glances over the steep price too common for this kind of establishment, Takeomi stuffed his money bills back into his shirt pocket and went looking for a place to sit down.
The stage ran all through the center of the room and split it in half. A few sofas were placed in front of it, inviting especially thirsty customers to take a rest and watch the show up close. Music and lights were going wild, but there was no one at the stage right now. A quick glance at the watch and the advertisement hanging behind the bar told Takeomi the next show was due to start in a few minutes.
Just in time for a prime spot then , the former Black Dragon executive thought to himself and slumped onto one of the sofas right in front of the center-stage.
Cranking his neck and shaking out the stiffness from staring at the ground while walking, he fished out his money again and started to count. The bass was slowing down to a seductive thumping already and he was keen on making sure he had enough cash on him to enjoy the joy.
10,000… 15,000… 25,000 His big thumb brushed through the Yen bills stuffed between the two ends of the clip. Snatching the ashtray closer to his end of the table, Takeomi put his pack of cigarettes down next to it, pulled his slightly disheveled shirt into place again, shifted the glass around and made himself comfortable.
As he lit a new cigarette, the lights went out and the bass stopped. A group of businessmen whose ties indicated they already were a few drinks into the night pushed past him and sat down to his left. Somewhere behind him an animator was talking into a cheap microphone. Leaning back over the sofa’s neck rest, Takeomi glanced around and noticed a little crowd was gathering behind him. With a raised brow he lazily turned his head and watched a bunch of old guys with visible beer bellies scurry to the seats to his right while seemingly arguing over whether the drinks were self-service or to be brought by a waitress - a quarrel that was quickly solved by a scarcely dressed hostess guiding them to their seats and taking their drink order.
Fog was already being pushed onto the stage from various sides again, turning it into a mystical sea of promises for the dancer to emerge from.
The announcer spoke a few more words that the speakers strategically placed around the room blasted towards the crowd, but Takeomi did not catch much of it, nor did he care for it.
With an especially loud blast, another cloud of fog slushed onto the stage, pushing older wafts down around the edges and then the show began.
Red, pink and purple spotlights frantically jumped over the thick clouds blocking the view, the bass came back hammering the rhythm of sex through the crowd’s bodies and under plenty of whistles and cheers, the lady of the night emerged from the fog.
Shiny black heels were pushing through the shimmering clouds and revealed long and slender legs as pale and smooth as almond milk. Takeomi’s glance took in the elegant feet and bony ankles confidently walking towards him and he could feel the tugging in his loins when his gaze wandered up those sinful slim thighs.
Just like the snake tempting Eve in paradise, a black snake-like tattoo wrapped itself around those slender legs and disappeared in that forbidden area made for him to explore but just barely covered by the shortest and most teasing pleated skirt imaginable to mankind. Takeomi gulped at the sight and leaned forward to flick some ash into the ashtray before him, his eyes wandering further up the dancer’s body winding and squatting only inches away right in front of him.
The way those delicately curved hips swayed left and right with the music, the way the strobes danced over the immaculate and tender skin squishing at the hips and then stretching again in front of his eyes, Takeomi could not help but imagine burying himself in the heat waiting between those inked thighs.
Glass of chu-hi in hand and taking a sip, he raised his gaze and took in how far that black snake wound around the soft curves at the girl’s hips, her waist, snuck up her ribcage and -
A coughing fit shook the man so violently he sputtered his drink all over his shirt when he realized he was definitely not looking at female breasts. And that barely contained bulge jiggling in the satin thong every shake of the hips flashed at him from under the tiny skirt was definitely not a vagina.
Neither was the guy whose crotch was less than a few inches away from his face a stranger to him.
Quickly discarding the initial shock he wiped off his hands on his pants, got a grip on himself and met the dancer’s smug stare with a lopsided grin and cocked his head to the side.
“Didn’t know you like whoring yourself out for money, big Haitani.”
The tall beauty on the stage shifted from squatting mid-bounce onto kneeling on all fours and leaned forward to hum into the curve of Takeomi’s neck, the bratty twin braids brushing against his collarbone.
“Didn’t know you like crossdressers, Akashi.”
Loud whistles cut through the fluorescent lights and someone repeatedly hit the table with an ashtray.
“Get that little ass back to grinding that pole.” someone yelled from the other end of the room.
“We’re here for a show fag, get to it.”
The last shout caused Takeomi to turn his head and push himself up from his seat, but Ran halted him mid-motion with a hand on his chest and turned to look at the group himself.
Batting his lavender eyes seductively, Ran spoke with a low voice.
“Want me to show you what a fag I am?”
The man in his late 40s scoffed and gestured aggressively. “Why are you giving that twat a private show, what’s so special about him!?”
Lowering his head so far his steady breath gently pushed the fog out of his way, the tall and handsomely curved man on all fours snaked his body over to the older salaryman, never breaking eye contact. It could have been the alcohol, but the flush appeared on chubby cheeks so fast after Ran’s body was moving towards the guy, there was little doubt the older Haitani brother was the one who caused it.
Ignoring the sign reading “no touching”, spidery fingers crawled over the man’s thighs and Ran’s big palm brushed over the sweaty crotch and up to his navel.
The flickering spotlights danced in his eyes and the skimpily-clad boy opened his mouth to lick his fingers, raised his hips and spread his legs further. Takeomi and the instigator had two very different views on the man in his early 20s stretched out on his knees between them.
There was a sizable dick held in place by that thong covered by a skirt barely worth the name, balls spilling out playfully over the sides. Ran’s smooth and shapely thighs were more attractive than most women’s, the former gang vice president had no problem admitting to himself.
The chubster’s chest heaved up and down under heavy breathing under the spell of watching the eldest Haitani push the fingers that had just massaged his crotch deep into his mouth. Coated in spit and strings connecting his bottom lip and his fingertips, he pulled his hand back revealing a long wet middle finger and spat in the guy’s face crooning seductively.
“Call me a fag again you fat fucking faggot and I’ll fuck you up the ass so far with your mom’s dick prosthetic you’ll think Christmas Eve came early.”
After a last gentle pat against the guy’s cheek, Ran pulled his arched body up into standing position in one elegant move and strutted back to the pole that had been hidden in the generous smoke show.
Takeomi wanted more and he was determined to get it tonight.
From the corner of his eye Ran caught Takeomi winking at him with a couple of bills in hand just as he was bending over at the waist and ran his hands teasingly up his sides and along the titillating ink when he came back up. With a subtle head tilt and sipping from his drink, the former Black Dragon vice beckoned him over and the younger man wrapped one leg firmly around the metal bar, spinning around with a lasciviously arched spine. When he swung past him, he pointed at a discreet door a few meters behind the visitor, who turned around and got the hint.
Takeomi briefly dropped by the bar to get a new drink as well as cash out on a bottle of champagne. Within seconds of the barkeep pressing a button, a cute girl dressed in frilly lingerie, slightly younger than the Haitani - and on second glance not a girl either - took up the bottle, grabbed Takeomi by the wrist and led him over to the secluded space behind the nondescript door. Bending over in front of him to place the tablet with glasses on the small round table in front of a black velvet sofa, the young boy spoke with a surprisingly light girlish voice when he ran Takeomi through the rules. 30 minutes at most or he’ll have to get another bottle, no touching allowed unless explicitly stated, sexual services beyond a dance have to be paid upfront and no haggling, condoms, lube and oil are in the little compartment under the table.
“There’s a little sink behind the furthest pillar in case you wanna take a quick sponge bath, but …” The waiter threw a glance over his shoulder and stood upright again. A flirtatious smile showed up on his face. “You do smell really good. Call me if you need dessert later.”
Raising both brows while lighting a cigarette kept safe between both hands, Takeomi bit on the filter. “I’m not in the habit of being into ladyboys.”
The light rose-coloured frills around his tiny waist wiggled when the young man stopped for a last wink back at Takeomi before he left the secluded room. “It’s crossdressers, actually. And… that’s what they all say, uncle.”
The playful expression on his face died the moment he pushed through the barrier and nearly bumped into the much taller man striding into the room as if he owned the place.
Takeomi chuckled to himself. Ran Haitani probably did own this place.
Legs spread wide, he leaned back and rested his arm over the sofa. Watching the confident but underplayed strut as Ran walked towards him, Takeomi could not help but notice the natural air of grace and danger that surrounded the long-haired man like a feline predator.
“Those are real bills, right Akashi? You’re not trying to rip me off on my own turf?”
Exhaling smoke and leaning forward to grab the champagne bottle, Takeomi mustered the teasing man in front of him.
“They are real.”
He poured the two of them two flutes of the sparkling alcohol and extended one to Ran.
“Are your services?”
Grabbing the thin stand at the bottom of the slim glass, Ran closed the distance between himself and the older man and stood between his legs. He looked down his nose as he took a sip and smiled discreetly when he noticed how unabashedly the man took in the sight of his half-naked body and the semi hard on growing underneath Takeomi’s pants.
“Very much so.”
One of his crooked eyebrows raised, the scar-faced man placed the hand holding his cigarette on the outside of Ran’s thigh and brushed his thumb over the black twine winding along his side and under the tiny skirt.
“You gonna let me shoot a load into that pretty little ass of yours?”
His finger slid under the strap holding Ran’s thong on his hip and he flicked it against his skin. Ran’s smile grew more visible but he did not twitch and followed Takeomi’s glance scanning his light abs, his slim waist and playing with the little cloth covering his crotch.
“I take it you enjoyed the private show earlier, old man.”
Takeomi scoffed and slapped Ran’s ass half-heartedly. “Who’re you calling old man? I’m not even 30.”
Something the experienced gang executive wasn’t prepared for happened. Ran’s eyes narrowed and he licked his lips. “You sure look like it.”
Disbelief shook the former Black Dragon member’s face but before he could fly off the handle, Ran put his glass down, leaned over and put one big, graceful hand on the man’s thigh, the other one started to unbuckle his belt.
Braids again tickling against his skin, Ran whispered into Takeomi’s ear.
“I’m into older men anyway, Akashi. Fuck me and the dance is free.”
The hand resting on his thigh slid up and joined the other one at his crotch pulling the belt open and unzipping his pants. Reaching around Ran’s bent hip, Takeomi stubbed the cigarette out on the ashtray and put his hands on the slender man’s sides when he leaned back again. Ran’s long bony fingers did what they did best and massaged light grunts out the man under him who bucked into his touch. The intimate purr had him tense up and groan for more. Thumbs brushing along the inked ribcage, Takeomi grounded himself against the slender man pushing against his body and grunted when he found pierced nipples under the cropped shirt and that hardened under his fingers.
Truth be told, if it wasn’t for the cock between his legs, the big Haitani might be one of the most desirable women Takeomi had had on his lap so far. And he’d spread the love among the lot of them over the last few years.
One of his hands roamed onto Ran’s and he pushed the nimble fingers away from between his thighs, away from his hard cock aching to be taken care of. The other hand grabbed the back of the braided head and pulled his neck into an arch.
“First you dance for me.”
Violet eyes curled into slits and Ran’s hands left Takeomi’s body. Elegant fingers now twirled his twin braids and he knelt down between Takeomi’s slim hairy legs with a pouting expression comically unbefitting his manly long face and pronounced cheekbones.
“How would you like me, aniki~?”
He was playing a stupid little game with him, but with that dainty bone structure, the mysterious lilac eyes framed by hair as black as both their hearts, he was also beautiful. Between his legs rested a nymph with a body as delicately curved and fierce as the stroke of a brush on silk.
The full-body tattoo winding from his shoulders to his ankles accentuated the natural form of his body. His skin was like satin. What a perfect illusion he was, the cropped fishnet top loosely hanging over his midriff and that lewd skirt just barely touching his thighs.
It bothered Takeomi how the braids put the older Haitani’s muscular shoulders on full display and the dimmed light deepened the shadows his toned muscles cast over his body.
“Get rid of those braids and turn around.”
Nothing else needed saying, Ran simply complied, violet gaze locked onto bronze one. He rested his head on Takeomi’s thigh and started pulling the first braid apart. Takeomi did not like that grin flashing across his face when he looked up at him.
The devilish nature of the arrogant prick between his legs clawed its way out to the surface.
“I could also get a pink wig if that is more to your liking.”
The older man scoffed.
“When you’re done, turn around and get on my lap.”
Haitani Ran took his time unbraiding his hair.
Strand by strand his fingertips patiently unwound the hair neatly tied together. When he finally was done, he pushed it over his shoulder and loose waves of darkness interspersed with light fell against his back. Black and blonde streaks that framed his pale face and gave it a much softer shape than before. Takeomi brushed over them and was intrigued by how soft they were compared to his own. Before the erection twitching noticeably for attention could bother him any further, Ran cut the games and got up in one swift motion.
Fuck, how beautiful he was.
Hands resting on the knees of the man with slicked back and skunk-striped hair, the dancer lowered his hips bit by bit onto his lap with every sway of his body and the music. Takeomi’s hands explored the tall beauty’s gentle curves while Ran’s barely covered ass ghosted Takeomi’s crotch.
The slow, heavy music he had entirely drowned out during the past few minutes faded back into his focus guided by the soft swings of the younger man’s milky body.
Teasingly grinding his bare ass against the scar-faced man’s hard-on, the feel of that surprisingly big cock between his cheeks worked up Ran’s own desire.
The growing erection pushing up the little skirt curtain did not go unnoticed by the restless hands kneading and tugging at his smooth skin.
An excited prickling feeling surged through Takeomi’s body and he mumbled into Ran’s ear. Not waiting for a reply, his big hands cupped the soft ass-cheeks that bumped against his cock and spread them. Patiently but persistently pushing his tip against the tiny hole he bit into Ran’s ear, dick twitching at the little moan he drew out from him.
“Get it.”
Massaging Ran’s ass-checks still grinding against his dick, Takeomi’s middle fingers also tugged at Ran’s asshole. Ran bent over to fumble out the lube from under the table, moaning at how the older man didn’t stop spreading and teasing him. Snapping the lid open with a squeaky plastic sound he reached around his back and squeezed some of it onto the senior delinquent’s fingers.
The friction of Ran’s whole body weight pushing his ass against his dick in the process made something in the ex vice leader snap. He impatiently rubbed the lube between Ran’s cheeks and pushed a long finger into him, within mere seconds more followed. Two fingers, three, he was pumping his digits into the squirming body on top of him and then shoved Ran off his lap onto the small table.
Ran stabilized himself with his hands on the glass surface that was cool against his own hard on and reflected the dim ceiling lights.
Already anticipating what was to come now, he heard Takeomi’s pants rustle and the belt fall to the floor with a clinking sound.
Ran was as tall as Takeomi, taller even in his stiletto heels, but when the scar-faced man grabbed hold of the skirt around his slim waist and crunched it up between his fists, to pull his ass closer, Takeomi’s hands seemed like shovels digging into his fragile body.
Roppongi’s most famous delinquent did not get a chance to turn around and look at the man behind him.
Without skipping a beat, Takeomi pushed his hard dick into him and made him moan. Keeping his hips right where he wanted them, he fucked the man into the table without any care. Bent over like a bitch, shaved all over, long legs ending in glistening black stiletto heels and winding under his thrusts with heavy pants, Ran Haitani might as well have been a regular whore and not the boogeyman of Roppongi. Takeomi roughly thrust into him and enjoyed seeing him struggle with the sweaty skin spanning his belly sticking to the surface and the nipple piercings clinking against the glass.
The view onto the elder Haitani made his balls tighten. He couldn’t see his face, all there was to see was a sea of dark silky hair spilling over the table and framing the writhing body as one with the ink painting his curves. Spurred on by his imagination of Ran’s face with eyes fluttering closed when he rolled his own hips into him, Takeomi sucked in a deep breath.
“Is this why you can summon 100 men with just one shout?”
Now it was Ran’s turn to scoff and turn his head.
Before he could come back with a smart remark, a heavy hand deliberately slapped his ass.
“Shout then.”
Takeomi pushed deep into him and hit just the spot.
A loud moan left Ran’s lips and the older man watched him try to tip-toe and press his knees together whining for more.
The view was even better now. With the saucily dressed man slightly twisted, half-way lying on the side Takeomi could see his face while he rutted into him. It was reddened, his lips swollen and dry from panting and he caught a glimpse of the man’s every breath fogging up the glass surface underneath. His gaze wandered lower and he could see Ran’s dick trapped between his belly and the glass surface as well, eagerly twitching under the thrusts.
An odd thought about definitely not wanting to put his siblings into a line of work like this crossed his mind and Takeomi hoped in passing that his little brother did not have the same tendencies as this rotten shithead under him. That comment about the wig had stuck with him.
Thrown out of the heat of the moment, the man in his late 20s pulled out, careful not to stain his own pants hanging around his knees and dropped onto the sofa behind. Palming his dick with his left, he snapped his fingers a few times with the right to draw attention.
Dismissively wagging his head, he signaled for Ran to come over to the sofa and finish him there.
Catching a breath Takeomi lit a cigarette and took a sip from the champagne. The fact his ass sweat was seeping into the black velvet was no concern to him, he was glad his cock got a final breather in before the grand finale because damn, he had been pent up already when he had gotten kicked out of Wakasa’s club.
The other man got up, but later than Takeomi would have expected. Puffing on his cigarette he wondered if that cocky bitch had been serious earlier and was really into getting fucked by older men. Had they been here in private, he’d have been pretty damn sure Ran looked a bit let down and on edge.
The skirt had fully turned into a crumpled up belt resting on his hips. His cock had broken free from the satin thong and was bobbing along every time the stiletto heels dug into the floor. The cropped fishnet top was crumpled up around his right nipple and a few nets were torn and his long hair was damp and stuck to his neck and cheeks. His usually immaculately neutral face devoid of any real emotion was flushed and he was swallowing visibly while walking over.
A pity he had not been wearing any make-up or lipstick, smeared red around his mouth would have been the perfect look for this slut, the old chunibyo thought.
“Nearly had me there, aniki.” There was that purr from the androgynous beauty again that he hoped to feel against his length very soon. Much to Takeomi’s surprise, Ran had no shame in confessing his state and took a good look at him during his own refill on champagne.
“Few more thrusts and I’d have written your name on the table with my cum.”
First he lowered himself onto the naked thigh covered in thin black hairs and slowly stroked the senior gang member’s hard-on with a calm hand. Takeomi leaned against the curve of his neck and said something to which Ran shook his head. Pleased with that reply, Takeomi caressed his cheek and lips and then pushed the former Tenjiku executive off his thigh.
Then Ran knelt on the floor in front of him and started lapping the lube and the precum off Takeomi’s dick like it was candy.
In turn, Takeomi grabbed a fistful of Ran’s hair and yanked his head back so he could get a good view of Ran swallowing it down and licking his lips clean. The sight of that wet open mouth built pressure in Takeomi’s groins that needed to be taken care of fast and Ran was fully aware of it. He wrapped his swollen lips around Takeomi’s cock and moved deep down his shaft. His hands disappeared between his own legs. The tight wet suction Ran’s mouth worked on his cock sent Takeomi reeling and he groaned, pushing Ran deep enough for his nose to touch his pubes.
“Fuck, Haitani, don’t stop.”
Takeomi grit his teeth and tensed up to hold out just a little bit longer as his length stretched out Ran’s throat with long, deep thrusts.
He tried, but he couldn’t take it any longer. The sudden raspy murmur of Ran’s voice vibrating around his cock sent him over the edge.
“Come for me, Akashi.”
The pressure that had been building in his balls and winding up his loins spilled out of him accompanied by a hoarse groan. Still balls deep in Ran’s mouth, he shot sticky ropes of cum down his throat.
Panting for breath, and holding Ran’s head in place rougher than necessary, he suddenly noticed the jerking motions between his feet. Takeomi yanked Ran off his dick, and caught him jacking himself off. He grabbed his wrist to pull it away and looked into his clouded purple eyes but it was already too late. Pierced nipples hard and pointing at him, hips bucking towards the man between whose legs he knelt, Ran’s spine arched back violently and his load spilled over his stomach and thighs and onto the floor with a loud whimper.
Takeomi also noticed the fully burned down cigarette stub still between his fingers and the ashes scattered on Ran’s back.
Right. Why did he light up a cigarette mid sex again? Oh well. They had staff here to take care of that.
After a quick glance at the mess that Ran Haitani currently was, flushed, half-naked and slumped over the little table to do a line of coke, he got up. Fanning some air onto his skin with his open shirt, the slick-haired man walked over to the sink at the back of the room for a quick wash. It had been a strange night. The last place he’d have expected to end up tonight or any other day of the year was in Roppongi’s very own Ran Haitani. Both his ass and his mouth.
He grimaced to himself with raised eyebrows thinking how he wouldn’t suck a dick that’s been in his ass. Kids these days. Turning off the water tap and drying his hands, Takeomi grinned and lit up a cigarette. What a silly thought. He wouldn’t suck a dick full stop. But a hole was a hole. That much was true.
A tall lithe body pushed past him and stood at the other side of the sink.
“You gonna come again, old man?”
Again Takeomi suddenly noticed the music reaching his ears now but not while they had been busy. He had forgotten about it for quite some time. Now the bass was helping him steady his breath back to normal. Blinking under the smoke wafting into his eyes, Takeomi glanced at the bi-coloured hair that had fallen into Ran’s face aside and leaned over the sink.
“What happens here stays here.”
With that he stuffed 30,000 Yen into the waistband of Ran’s skirt and left.
Takeomi went to the wardrobe first, to pick up his jacket, but it wasn’t here. Damn. He must have left it back at Shiroi Neko. There was still an open discussion to be had with Wakasa about the way he treated a friend coming to his establishments. In hindsight he was lucky that he had all his valuables on him and nothing in his jacket pockets. He nodded to the old geezer again on his way out and noticed the blinking sign above his head advertising “Roppongi’s hottest this way”.
It made him wonder.
There were two Haitani brothers, weren’t there?
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kp777 · 2 years
by Sammy Herdman
3 October 2022
The Uinta Basin is home to a diverse set of creatures from endangered black-footed ferrets to plants that cannot be found anywhere else in the world, such as the Uinta Basin hookless cactus and Graham’s beardtongue.
But the basin also sits atop pockets of crude oil and natural gas, which are being extracted: to transport these fossil fuels to the Gulf Coast, local governments and oil companies are planning to invest up to $4.5 billion to construct a new railway through it.
Although the project has been approved, construction hasn’t begun and it’s not too late for U.S. President Biden to keep his climate pledges and stop the new railway, a new op-ed argues.
This article is a commentary. The views expressed are those of the author, not necessarily of Mongabay.
The Uinta Basin, named after the Ute Tribe, is located in Northeast Utah and Western Colorado, about 200 miles from Salt Lake City. Streams from the Uinta mountains roll through the basin into a tributary of the Colorado River – supplying 40 million people with water throughout the drought-ridden West. Plants that cannot be found anywhere else in the world, such as the Uinta Basin hookless cactus and Graham’s beardtongue, flourish in the Uinta Basin. The ecosystem also harbors endangered species such as the sage grouse and black-footed ferret.
By all accounts, the Uinta Basin is a beautiful ecological haven. Unfortunately, however, it sits atop pockets of crude oil and natural gas, which are being extracted. To transport crude oil to the Gulf Coast where it will be refined, local governments and oil companies are planning to invest $1.5 to $4.5 billion to construct a new railway through the basin.
The Uinta Basin Railway is a proposed 88-mile stretch of train tracks that will blast through mountains, reroute 443 streams, bulldoze through endangered sage grouse habitat, appropriate private property and even fragment a roadless area in the Ashley National Forest. According to the U.S. Forest Service Chief, “a railway does not constitute a road.” The railway is projected to quadruple the region’s oil extraction from 85,000 up to 350,000 barrels of oil per day – resulting in an increase in air pollution, noise pollution, habitat degradation and a greater risk of water pollution, train derailments and wildfires. The region already suffers from chronic air pollution, falling below federal standards for ozone pollution set by the Environmental Protection Agency.
By quadrupling fossil fuel extraction in the Uinta Basin, construction of the railway is projected to increase U.S. carbon emissions by 1%. Escalating climate change will bring more wildfires and more drought to the region – at a time when the Biden administration should be actively trying to reduce carbon emissions to prevent further climate change-fueled catastrophes.
Uinta Basin is freckled with small cities and towns such as Vernal, Duchesne and Jensen. The region’s economic history can be summarized as a series of boom and bust cycles due to its reliance on fossil fuels. The whims of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and the fluctuations of oil prices determine the quality of life for many people in the Uinta Basin. These fluctuations often send communities into periods of growth and stretches of economic depression that threaten small business and family security.
Proponents of the Uinta Basin Railway claim that its construction will diversify the economy of the region by connecting it to the global market. However, there is little evidence that the railway will be used to transport anything but oil to or from the region, especially because at least 130,000 barrels of oil per day will have to be transported to recoup the cost of construction. This will only cause harm and exacerbate boom and bust cycles.
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Fasteners Procurement Intelligence: A Comprehensive Guide
The fasteners category is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 4.42% from 2023 to 2030. APAC holds the largest category share of over 40% and it is expected to be the fastest growing region during the forecast period. The increased use in the construction and automotive industries is driving considerable growth in the fasteners category. These fasteners are semi-permeant or occasionally permeant solutions, and the development of the construction industry, research and development initiatives, urban real estate infrastructure, and technological developments in the production of lightweight goods for the automotive and other industrial sectors are all factors that have an impact on their growth. The creation of innovative and novel industrial fasteners also helps the category growth.
In the building sector, they are employed to temporarily link two or more things together. As the industry demands strength and accuracy, building and construction fasteners are employed in heavy-duty applications to link materials together. Different fastening forms are employed in the construction industry, including stainless steel, alloy steel, and carbon steel. Nuts, bolts, washers, screws, and rivets are typical examples of building construction items. To ensure secure and sturdy construction, each infrastructure project needs a different kind of fastening product. Due to its affordability, strength, and workability, carbon steel is used to make the majority of products. The demand for industrial fasteners is increased by the fact that stainless steel is the most popular building material because of its strength, resistance to heat, and resistance to corrosion.
Corrosion resistance qualities will spur significant investment in the creation of new products, meeting consumer demand. During the projection period, rising consumer emphasis on residential and commercial building aesthetics will fuel industry expansion in the use of cable management and building exteriors. However, the negative aspect of working with fasteners is that they typically require special tools for setting up, which can increase project costs and complexity. Other types require extra steps like pre-drilling holes or applying thread-locking compounds, which adds extra labor and time to installation. Not to mention, depending on the application, some types may not be strong enough or sufficiently resilient for prolonged use, which could lead to expensive repairs in the future if not handled effectively from the start. It has been noted that these costs limit the category growth.
Order your copy of the Fasteners Procurement Intelligence Report, 2023 - 2030, published by Grand View Research, to get more details regarding day one, quick wins, portfolio analysis, key negotiation strategies of key suppliers, and low-cost/best-cost sourcing analysis
The fasteners category is fragmented and highly competitive in nature, with various large and small-scale manufacturers in China, Taiwan, Thailand, and Japan. Opportunities for new companies should arise from the rising need for inventive and application-specific industrial fastener designs. Over the projection period, rising raw material costs and high-volume manufacturing by the established companies are anticipated to be the main obstacles for new entrants. Furthermore, major fastener producers are likely to have an edge over small-scale competitors due to technological expertise and a strong customer base. For instance:
• In July 2023, next-generation FLEXTORQ® Impact Driver Bits were introduced by DEWALT, a division of Stanley Black & Decker Inc. These are created with fasteners and engineered for durability, advancing and improving driver bit technology for fastening applications.
• In January 2023, Birmingham Fasteners and Supply Inc. purchased Pacific Coast Bolt Corp. to diversify its manufacturing. The goal was to boost its presence in the commercial fastener market and provide customer service to clients across the United States.
• In September 2021, LINC Systems, LLC, a commercial fastener and packaging distributor platform, announced the acquisition of Air-O Fasteners. The deal was to expand the company's foothold in the Western United States.
Raw material, labor, machinery & equipment, and energy form the major cost components of this category. Raw material is the largest cost component accounting for around 60% - 70% of the total cost followed by labor at roughly 20%. The war between Russia and Ukraine has affected the supply of raw materials (copper, aluminum, etc.), as Russia produces roughly 4% of the world's copper and about 6% of its aluminum. The fasteners category is an example of an industry where suppliers implement cost-plus pricing model. This is because fasteners are typically low-cost, commodity products with little differentiation between brands. As a result, companies in this industry often compete on price, and cost-plus pricing is a simple and easy way to set prices that are competitive.
China, and India are among the most of the preferred sourcing destinations in this category.China has a robust manufacturing industry and offers a wide range of suppliers with diverse capabilities and cost-effective production options. India is a popular destination for metalworking processes due to its established manufacturing sector. For sourcing fasteners, research the market to understand the types, quality, and prices available. Develop a sourcing strategy by identifying the needs, budget, and potential suppliers. Build relationships with suppliers to get the best prices and quality fasteners. Negotiate prices, especially if buying in bulk. Document all the terms & conditions to avoid discrepancies. Monitor suppliers to ensure they meet the agreed quality standards. Use a variety of sources for the best prices and quality.
Fasteners Procurement Intelligence Report Scope
• Fasteners Category Growth Rate: CAGR of 4.42% from 2023 to 2030
• Pricing growth Outlook: 3% - 5% (annual)
• Pricing Models: Cost-plus pricing model, fixed-fee pricing model, discount pricing model
• Supplier Selection Scope: Cost and pricing, Past engagements, Productivity, Geographical presence
• Supplier selection criteria: Quality assurance, service level agreement, environmental compliance, lead times, technical specifications, operational capabilities, regulatory standards and mandates, category innovations, and others
• Report Coverage: Revenue forecast, supplier ranking, supplier matrix, emerging technology, pricing models, cost structure, competitive landscape, growth factors, trends, engagement, and operating model
Browse through Grand View Research’s collection of procurement intelligence studies:
• Flooring Services Procurement Intelligence Report, 2023 - 2030 (Revenue Forecast, Supplier Ranking & Matrix, Emerging Technologies, Pricing Models, Cost Structure, Engagement & Operating Model, Competitive Landscape)
• Fixed Line Services Procurement Intelligence Report, 2023 - 2030 (Revenue Forecast, Supplier Ranking & Matrix, Emerging Technologies, Pricing Models, Cost Structure, Engagement & Operating Model, Competitive Landscape)
Key companies profiled
• Arconic Fastening Systems and Rings
• Acument Global Technologies Inc.
• ATF Inc.
• Dokka Fasteners AS
• LISI Group
• Nippon Industrial Fasteners Company
• Hilti Corporation
• MW Industries Inc.
• Birmingham Fasteners and Supply Inc.
• SESCO Industries Inc.
Brief about Pipeline by Grand View Research:
A smart and effective supply chain is essential for growth in any organization. Pipeline division at Grand View Research provides detailed insights on every aspect of supply chain, which helps in efficient procurement decisions.
Our services include (not limited to):
• Market Intelligence involving – market size and forecast, growth factors, and driving trends
• Price and Cost Intelligence – pricing models adopted for the category, total cost of ownerships
• Supplier Intelligence – rich insight on supplier landscape, and identifies suppliers who are dominating, emerging, lounging, and specializing
• Sourcing / Procurement Intelligence – best practices followed in the industry, identifying standard KPIs and SLAs, peer analysis, negotiation strategies to be utilized with the suppliers, and best suited countries for sourcing to minimize supply chain disruptions
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Automotive Green Tires Market: Current Analysis and Forecast (2024-2032)
According to the UnivDatos Market Insights analysis, The growth of the automotive green tires market is driven by several key factors: increasing environmental awareness among consumers and governments, leading to higher demand for eco-friendly products; stringent emission regulations and government incentives promoting the use of green technologies; technological advancements in tire materials and design, improving fuel efficiency and performance; and rising consumer preference for cost-effective solutions that offer long-term savings through improved fuel economy. These combined factors are propelling the adoption of green tires in the automotive industry, particularly in regions focused on sustainability. As per their “Automotive Green Tires Market” report, the global market was valued at USD ~ 98.36 billion in 2023, growing at a CAGR of about 5.33% during the forecast period from 2024 – 2032.
The Asia Pacific region is going green so to speak especially in the use of automobiles or cars in the region. The latest trend that has emerged in the market is the green tires which are more efficient in that they enhance fuel efficiency as well as seek to minimize the impact on the environment. This article aims to discuss new trends, opportunities, and emerging markets in the above industries and capacities for the automotive green tires market in Asia Pacific.
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Growing Environmental Awareness
The demand for green tires is attributed primarily to the increase in individuals and governments’ awareness levels concerning environmental preservation. Places like China, Japan, and South Korea are already putting in measures such as enforcing laws to lower carbon emission levels to sustainable standards. The awareness of the effects of the carbon footprint has also increased among consumers hence the call for green tires.
Government Initiatives and Regulations
With the help of evaluating the measures currently taken, the contribution of such government policies in the adoption of green tires can be determined. Many Asia Pacific countries have come up with policies that work as incentives or punitive measures with the aim of promoting conservationists’ items.
China: The Chinese authorities have launched incentives for green technologies of vehicle components the tires included, as a part of efforts to address the problem of pollution and to decrease the usage of fossil fuels.
Japan: The legal structure of Japan in the lighting of energy and its conservation plays a central role in encouraging the production and use of green tires in several ways.
South Korea: South Korea has established high emission control standards and has incentives for green solutions including green tires for its cause of fighting emissions.
Technological Innovations
New innovations and inventions are the main contributing factors in the Asia Pacific green tires market. Technological advancements incorporated in the invention of green tires affect the functionality of these tires positively.
Materials: The incorporation of formulations made with silica instead of carbon black improves fuel economy and reduces the rolling resistance. It also enhances the MPG of the vehicle and also reduces the amounts of greenhouse emissions.
Design: To improve the effectiveness of the treads their designs are constantly being perfected. They are good at providing grip, minimizing noise, and increasing comfort and driving experience without compromising fuel economy.
Smart Tires: Another emerging trend is about introducing the Internet of Things (IoT) technology into green tires. Sensors that are affixed on smart tires, offer information on pressure, temperature, and state of wear of a tire, enabling drivers to have efficient tires.
Market Expansion
Currently, the green tires market in Asia Pacific is on the rise, and it is already noted that certain market participants bring their investments. Owing to the current and future demand, many tire manufacturers are establishing production plants and collaborations.
Local Manufacturing: The creation of manufacturing subsidiaries is useful since it brings down the cost of manufacturing and time of production. Players such as Bridgestone, Michelin, Goodyear, etc., are striking more deals in A/P in response to the growing market potential.
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Partnerships and Collaborations: Today global tire manufacturing companies can be seen to partnering with local companies more often. Such linkages engage local skills and insight into local consumption habits, thus enhancing overall corporate action.
Consumer Adoption
Consumer awareness and appreciation of green tires are on the rise and, therefore, companies are benefiting from green tires.
Cost Savings: While green tires are slightly more costly than normal tires at the moment of purchase, in the long run, they are much cheaper. Reduced fuel consumption means fuel costs are cut out in the long run, which makes green tires a financially wise decision.
Performance and Safety: Green tires provide a good tread performance such as; grip, traction, and cornering stability, thus increasing safety. They also reduce the rolling and the tractive resistances with improved results on comfort, pleasant to drive, and less noise.
Challenges and Opportunities
However, the green tire market in the Asia Pacific has also some challenges which are:
Cost: However, the increased price of green tires at the beginning has not lost its inhibitors among consumers. However, according to one of the sources, cost reduction is likely to occur in the future as the technological development of green tires occurs and their production is scaled up.
Infrastructure: This basically implies that there must be sufficient infrastructure to support the disposal and recycling of used or old tires in order to support the sustainability of green tires. Governments and companies should set adequate structures for the management of waste in order to effectively deal with the enhanced use of green tires.
The market green tires present great prospects as a result of the following reasons. This is because technological advancements and the increasing awareness of the impact of our daily actions on the environment have opened up the great potential of the sectors.
As the research is carried out extensively on materials and design of the green tires, there will be realization of efficiency and affordable green tires.
Market Penetration:
Rapid growth is possible when entering the emerging Asia Pacific markets like India and the countries of Southeast Asia. These regions are experiencing growth in the uptake of cars, and most of these countries are in the developing stages of their development, hence experiencing rapid urbanization.
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UnivDatos Market Insights
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Tolins Tires IPO Opens for Public Subscription, Check subscription status, GMP, review
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The initial public offering (IPO) of Tolins Tires Ltd opened to the public on Monday, September 9. The company is looking to raise Rs 230 crore, with a price band set between Rs 215 to Rs 226 per share. By 11:15 am on the first day of bidding, the IPO was 0.59 times subscribed, receiving bids for 42,09,480 shares against the offered 71,23,894 shares. The non-institutional investors (NIIs) category was subscribed 0.16 times, while the retail individual investors (RIIs) segment was 1.11 times subscribed. Tolins Tires IPO: Key Dates - Public Subscription Period: The IPO is open from September 9 to September 11. - Allotment Finalization: Expected on September 12. - Listing Date: Shares will be listed on the BSE and NSE on September 16. Tolins Tires IPO Price Band The price band for Tolins Tires Ltd's Rs 230 crore IPO is set at Rs 215 to Rs 226 per share. Tolins Tires IPO GMP (Grey Market Premium) According to market watchers, unlisted shares of Tolins Tires Ltd are trading at a Rs 25 premium in the gray market, indicating an expected 11.06% listing gain. GMP reflects investor demand and changes based on market sentiment. Analysts’ Recommendations SMC Global provided a cautious recommendation, suggesting that investors with a “high-risk appetite” may consider the IPO due to the company’s rapid growth. However, they noted that the tire manufacturing industry faces challenges related to the limited availability of raw materials like natural rubber and carbon black. At the upper price band, the stock is valued at a price-to-earnings multiple of 26.64 times its fiscal 2024 earnings per share (EPS) of ₹8.48. Anchor Investors Tolins Tires Ltd raised Rs 69 crore from anchor investors on Friday, just ahead of the IPO. Investors include BofA Securities Europe SA, NAV Capital VCC, Chhatisgarh Investments, Ashika Global Securities, and others. A total of 30.53 lakh shares were allocated to these investors at Rs 226 per share, the highest price within the band. Tolins Tires IPO: Additional Details Tolins Tires' Rs 230 crore IPO includes a fresh issue of equity shares worth Rs 200 crore and an offer for sale (OFS) of shares totaling Rs 30 crore. The promoters, Kalamparamil Varkey Tolin and Jerin Tolin, will each sell shares worth Rs 15 crore through the OFS route. Currently, they hold 83.31% of the company. Out of the Rs 200 crore raised from the fresh issue: - Rs 75 crore will be used to increase the company's long-term working capital. - Rs 62.55 crore will be allocated for debt repayment. - Rs 24.36 crore will be invested in the company’s subsidiary, Tolin Rubbers, to repay debt and support its working capital requirements. Investors can place bids for a minimum of 66 shares and in multiples thereafter. Company Overview Tolins Tires is a leading player in the tire and tread industry, exporting products to 40 countries, including the Middle East, East Africa, Jordan, Kenya, and Egypt. The IPO is being managed by Saffron Capital Advisors Pvt Ltd, the sole lead manager for the public issue. Read the full article
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nwtmaxx2210 · 21 days
HP PageWide Pro 477dw Price: Comprehensive Guide to Features, Value, and Best Deals
HP PageWide Pro 477dw Price: What You Need to Know
When considering a new printer for your office or home, the HP PageWide Pro 477dw is a model that often comes up in discussions. This printer is known for its speed, reliability, and energy efficiency. But, like any significant purchase, understanding the price and what influences it is crucial.
Understanding the HP PageWide Pro 477dw
Key Features
The HP PageWide Pro 477dw offers a range of features that make it stand out in the market. It includes a robust security system, versatile connectivity options, and high-yield cartridges that minimize the need for frequent replacements. Its standout feature is the PageWide technology, which ensures faster printing speeds without compromising quality.
Performance and Speed
One of the main selling points of the HP PageWide Pro 477dw is its impressive speed. It can print up to 55 pages per minute, making it one of the fastest printers in its category. This speed is particularly beneficial for businesses that require large volumes of prints in a short time.
Print Quality
While speed is important, print quality is equally crucial. The HP PageWide Pro 477dw does not disappoint in this area. It produces sharp, vibrant prints with consistent color accuracy, making it suitable for both text documents and high-quality images.
Energy Efficiency
In today’s world, energy efficiency is a major consideration. The HP PageWide Pro 477dw is designed with this in mind. It uses significantly less energy than comparable laser printers, helping businesses reduce their carbon footprint and save on energy costs.
Pricing Overview
Average Market Price
The price of the HP PageWide Pro 477dw can vary depending on where you purchase it. On average, you can expect to pay between $400 and $700. This range takes into account factors such as retailer pricing strategies and any ongoing promotions or discounts.
Factors Affecting Price
Retailer Pricing
Different retailers may offer the HP PageWide Pro 477dw at varying prices. Some may include additional perks such as extended warranties or bundled accessories, which can influence the overall cost.
Geographic Location
Your location can also affect the price. For example, prices may be higher in regions where the printer is in higher demand or where shipping costs are substantial.
Availability of Discounts
Promotions and discounts can significantly reduce the price. It’s not uncommon to find this printer on sale during major shopping events like Black Friday or Cyber Monday.
Comparing Prices with Competitors
Price vs. Features
When evaluating the HP PageWide Pro 477dw, it's essential to compare its price with the features it offers. While it may be more expensive than some models, the value it provides in terms of speed, print quality, and energy efficiency often justifies the cost.
Value for Money
In terms of value for money, the HP PageWide Pro 477dw is a solid investment. Its long-term savings on energy and ink costs, combined with its durability, make it a cost-effective choice over time.
Price Comparisons with Similar Printers
HP vs. Canon
When compared to similar models from Canon, the HP PageWide Pro 477dw often comes out ahead in terms of speed and energy efficiency, though Canon may offer slightly better photo print quality.
HP vs. Brother
In comparison with Brother printers, the HP PageWide Pro 477dw generally offers better print speeds and lower energy consumption, making it a better option for high-volume printing environments.
Where to Buy the HP PageWide Pro 477dw
Online Retailers
Amazon frequently offers competitive prices on the HP PageWide Pro 477dw, along with the convenience of fast shipping and customer reviews to guide your purchase.
Best Buy
Best Buy is another popular option, often featuring exclusive deals or financing options for this printer model.
HP’s Official Store
Purchasing directly from HP can provide benefits like additional customer support and access to bundled deals that might not be available elsewhere.
Local Stores
For those who prefer to see the product in person before purchasing, local electronics or office supply stores may carry the HP PageWide Pro 477dw. Prices here may vary, but you might be able to negotiate or find in-store promotions.
Second-hand Options
If you’re looking to save money, second-hand options from sites like eBay or refurbished models from certified resellers can offer the HP PageWide Pro 477dw at a fraction of the cost.
Tips for Getting the Best Deal
Waiting for Sales
Patience can pay off when it comes to getting a good deal on the HP PageWide Pro 477dw. Waiting for sales events like Black Friday can lead to significant savings.
Checking for Coupons
Before making a purchase, it's always a good idea to search for any available coupons or promotional codes that can reduce the price.
Considering Refurbished Models
Refurbished models can be an excellent way to get the HP PageWide Pro 477dw at a reduced price while still benefiting from a warranty and guaranteed performance.
The HP PageWide Pro 477dw is a versatile and efficient printer that offers excellent value for its price. Whether you’re looking to make a one-time purchase or want to save on long-term printing costs, understanding the factors that influence its price can help you make an informed decision.
Is the HP PageWide Pro 477dw worth its price?
hp pagewide pro 477dw price
Yes, the HP PageWide Pro 477dw offers a good balance of speed, print quality, and energy efficiency, making it worth the investment for many businesses and home offices.
How does the price of the HP PageWide Pro 477dw compare to other printers?
Compared to other printers in its category, the HP PageWide Pro 477dw is competitively priced, especially when considering its advanced features and low operational costs.
Where can I find the best deals on the HP PageWide Pro 477dw?
The best deals can often be found online, particularly on platforms like Amazon and during sales events at major retailers.
Are there any ongoing promotions for the HP PageWide Pro 477dw?
Promotions can vary, but it's always a good idea to check major retailers and HP’s official store for any current discounts or bundled offers.
Should I consider a refurbished HP PageWide Pro 477dw?
A refurbished model can be a great option if you're looking to save money while still getting a reliable printer. Just be sure to buy from a reputable source that offers a warranty.
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chemanalystdata · 2 months
Carbon Black Prices Trend | Pricing | Database | Index | News | Chart
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 The global market for carbon black has witnessed notable price fluctuations in recent years, driven by a variety of factors ranging from raw material costs to changes in demand across different industries. Carbon black, a crucial component in manufacturing tires, rubber products, and even as a pigment in inks and paints, is primarily produced through the incomplete combustion of heavy petroleum products. One of the key determinants of carbon black prices is the cost of its primary feedstocks, such as coal tar and ethylene cracking tar. When the prices of these raw materials increase due to market volatility or supply constraints, manufacturers often pass these costs onto consumers, leading to higher carbon black prices.
In addition to raw material costs, energy prices significantly impact the carbon black market. The production process for carbon black is energy-intensive, requiring substantial amounts of heat to convert hydrocarbons into the fine black powder used in various applications. Consequently, fluctuations in natural gas and electricity prices can lead to variations in production costs, which are then reflected in the market prices of carbon black. For instance, during periods of rising energy prices, manufacturers may experience higher production costs, prompting them to raise the prices of carbon black to maintain profitability.
Another crucial factor influencing carbon black prices is the global demand from key end-user industries. The tire industry, which accounts for a substantial portion of carbon black consumption, is particularly influential. When the automotive sector experiences growth, demand for tires—and consequently for carbon black—tends to rise, leading to higher prices. Conversely, during economic downturns or periods of decreased automotive production, the demand for carbon black can weaken, resulting in price reductions. The dynamic nature of the automotive industry, affected by factors such as technological advancements, regulatory changes, and consumer preferences, thus plays a significant role in shaping carbon black prices.
Get Real Time Prices for Carbon Black: https://www.chemanalyst.com/Pricing-data/carbon-black-42
Environmental regulations and sustainability trends also impact the carbon black market. As governments worldwide implement stricter environmental policies to reduce emissions and promote sustainability, manufacturers face increased pressure to adopt cleaner production technologies and reduce their carbon footprint. Compliance with these regulations often entails significant investments in new technologies and processes, which can drive up production costs. These additional expenses are frequently transferred to consumers in the form of higher carbon black prices. Moreover, the growing emphasis on sustainability has led to the development of alternative materials and technologies, which can affect demand patterns and price levels in the carbon black market.
Supply chain dynamics and geopolitical factors further contribute to the complexity of carbon black pricing. The global nature of the carbon black industry means that supply chain disruptions in one region can have ripple effects worldwide. For example, natural disasters, political instability, or trade disputes can hinder the production and transportation of raw materials or finished products, leading to supply shortages and subsequent price increases. Additionally, geopolitical tensions and tariff policies can affect trade flows and market access, influencing the availability and cost of carbon black in different regions.
Technological advancements in production processes and product innovation also play a role in shaping carbon black prices. Continuous improvements in manufacturing technologies can enhance production efficiency, reduce waste, and lower costs, potentially leading to price reductions. Furthermore, the development of new grades of carbon black with enhanced properties for specific applications can command premium prices, reflecting the added value they provide to end-users. As industries seek to innovate and improve their products, the demand for specialized grades of carbon black may influence overall market prices.
Market competition is another significant factor affecting carbon black prices. The presence of multiple manufacturers and suppliers in the market creates a competitive environment that can influence pricing strategies. Companies may engage in price competition to capture market share, particularly in regions with high production capacities and intense competition. However, consolidation within the industry, such as mergers and acquisitions, can alter the competitive landscape and impact pricing dynamics. Larger, consolidated entities may have greater pricing power and the ability to influence market prices more effectively.
In summary, carbon black prices are influenced by a complex interplay of factors, including raw material and energy costs, demand from key industries, environmental regulations, supply chain dynamics, technological advancements, and market competition. Understanding these factors is crucial for stakeholders in the carbon black market, including manufacturers, consumers, and investors, as they navigate the challenges and opportunities presented by this dynamic industry. The continual evolution of these influencing factors underscores the need for market participants to remain vigilant and adaptable in response to changing market conditions and emerging trends.
Get Real Time Prices for Carbon Black: https://www.chemanalyst.com/Pricing-data/carbon-black-42
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sachiyasteel · 3 months
Fasteners Manufacturer in Azerbaijan - Sachiya Steel International
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Fasteners are crucial components in industrial manufacturing, providing the necessary connections and security between parts across various sectors. These mechanical devices, which include bolts, nuts, screws, washers, and rivets, are essential for maintaining the structural integrity and functionality of countless applications. Sachiya Steel International Private Limited of India is renowned for its high-quality fasteners, and its presence in Azerbaijan highlights its commitment to global excellence.
Understanding Fasteners
Fasteners are an extensive array of mechanical components used to join or fasten materials together. Each type of fastener serves a different function depending on factors like material type, load-bearing capacity, and environmental conditions.
Types of Fasteners
Fastener Selection
Selecting high-quality fasteners is crucial for maintaining structural integrity, safety, and longevity across various applications. Industries such as construction, automotive, aerospace, and marine manufacturing rely on reliable fastening solutions to meet specific operational challenges.
Sachiya Steel International: Building Excellence
With decades of experience and a cutting-edge manufacturing facility in India, Sachiya Steel International has become an industry leader. Their commitment to precision engineering, superior quality products, and customer satisfaction have earned them global praise.
Product Range and Specializations
Sachiya Steel International offers an extensive portfolio of fasteners to meet the diverse needs of industries worldwide. Their product range includes:
Bolts: High-tensile bolts, hex bolts, socket head bolts, foundation bolts.
Nuts: Hex nuts, lock nuts, wing nuts, square nuts.
Screws: Machine screws, self-tapping screws, wood screws, drywall screws.
Washers: Flat washers, spring washers, toothed lock washers.
Rivets: Blind rivets, solid rivets, pop rivets.
Each product undergoes rigorous quality checks and adheres to international standards such as DIN, ANSI, ASTM, and ISO, ensuring reliability and performance excellence.
Grades of Fasteners Offered
Construction Grade
Specifications: ASTM A307, ASTM F1554 (Grade 36, 55, 105)
Application: Structural applications requiring high strength and durability.
Automotive Grade
Specifications: Grade 8.8, Grade 10.9, Grade 12.9
Application: Automotive assembly, ensuring reliable performance under high stress and vibration conditions.
Aerospace Grade
Specifications: ASTM F568, ASTM F2281
Application: Aerospace and defense applications, meeting stringent safety and reliability standards.
Industrial Grade
Specifications: ASTM A193 (B7, B8, B8M), ASTM A320 (L7, B8, B8M)
Application: General industrial use, offering corrosion resistance and durability in harsh environments.
Global Footprint and Market Reach
Sachiya Steel International has expanded its operations to meet Azerbaijan’s growing demand for premium fasteners. Their distribution network and optimized logistics ensure prompt delivery and excellent customer support.
Customization Capabilities
Sachiya Steel International understands the importance of offering customized solutions. They provide options to customize dimensions, materials (including stainless steel, carbon steel, and alloy steel), finishes (plain, zinc-plated, hot-dip galvanized), and coatings (phosphate, black oxide) to meet specific project needs with flexibility and precision.
Environmental Responsibility and Sustainability
Sachiya Steel International prioritizes sustainability in its manufacturing processes. They invest in eco-friendly technologies, waste reduction initiatives, and energy-saving practices to minimize environmental impact while contributing to global conservation efforts.
Sachiya Steel International Private Limited stands out as the go-to choice for high-quality fasteners in Azerbaijan and beyond. With a legacy built on innovation, reliability, and customer-centricity, Sachiya Steel continues to set standards in the global fastener industry. Whether for large-scale industrial projects or niche applications, Sachiya Steel is ready to offer unparalleled quality and service excellence.
Read More: Fasteners Manufacturer in Azerbaijan
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kenresearch1 · 11 months
Top 4 players in US Black Carbon market
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Cabot Corporation: A leading contributor of US Black Carbon market since 1882. Their products are known to provide UV protection and conductivity.
Birla Carbon: An Indian flagship business with more than 160 years of experience in the Black Carbon business.
Continental Carbon Company: Providing Black Carbon products in lines of Industrial Rubber Carbon Black, Tire Rubber Carbon Black, and Specialty Carbon Black since 1936.
Orion Engineered Carbons: Providing Black carbon products majorly in two areas, i.e., Rubber Black Carbon and Specialty Black Carbon for more than 160 years.
According to Ken Research, the United States Black Carbon market is anticipated to become a ~USD 3 Bn. industry by 2028 by growing at a CAGR of ~2.5%.
The US Carbon Black market is rapidly growing and is anticipated to attain a significant level of growth in the upcoming years.
There are many reasons behind the growth of US Carbon Black market. Some of these reasons include increasing automotive sales, industrial growth and increase in urbanization rates, along with rise in the demand for rubber goods.
Various companies and players are contributing to their best efforts in the growth of the US Black Carbon market.
This article aims to put light on the contributions done by the major players towards the growth of the US Black Carbon market.
1.Cabot Corporation
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Founded in 1882, headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts, having more than 4000 employees worldwide, and presence in more than 20 countries along with a total revenue of USD 4 Bn. in 2022, this chemical company is a leading contributor of US Black Carbon market.
During 1993, their team was successful in developing a method or process of modifying carbon’s surface, which in turn allowed people to be able to change or modify the carbon surface with other chemicals.
This discovery also led to the development of various other technologies such as printer ink and inject colorants.
The products made by this organization has various applications in various fields such as consumer rubber products, adhesives & sealants, construction, digitalization, inject technology, oil, gas & mining, digitalization, fiber, plastics, tires, etc.
When it comes to Black Caron, this chemical company happens to be the largest producer of it. Some of the popular Black Carbon products offered by this organization include VULCAN, BLACK PEARLS, REGAL, MOGUL, ELFTEX, STERLING, MONARCH, etc.
One of the most amazing feature of their specialty carbons is that they are known to provide ultraviolet protection, and conductivity. Furthermore, these carbons are generally used in the areas of coatings, plastics, printing and packaging.
2.Birla Carbon
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Birla Carbon is one of the flagship business of the parent company Aditya Birla Group. This flagship business is the largest producer of carbon black and is a well-established business not only in the US Carbon Black but in the whole world when it comes to black carbon.
One of the interesting facts about this organization is that it has more than 160 years of experience when it comes to the Carbon industry. Moreover, this organization has 16 manufacturing sites, 2 corporate offices, 2 technology centers, and 8 offices situated in the whole world.
Their manufactured Black Carbon is primarily used in areas of Tires, Specialty Blacks, plastics, electronic products, and mechanical rubber goods.
Last year, they also have opened their remote black carbon showroom which is primarily done to get a knowledge of benefits along with applications of black carbon products.
Their black carbon primarily come in two types, i.e., Industrial and Rubber. Former’s products include COPEBLACK, RAVEN, and CONDUCTEX. While the latter’s products include STATEX and FURNEX.
Recently, they also announced that they aspire to achieve zero carbon emissions by the year 2050.
To achieve this aspiration, they are also following the Green Finance framework. Birla Carbon is also keen to achieve sustainability excellence. In fact, last year the celebrations for their decade of sustainable excellence were also done.
3.Continental Carbon Company
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Headquartered in Houston, Texas; with more than 500 employees and presence in almost 15 countries, the Continental Carbon Company is a leading American company in the US Black Carbon market. This company has been in this market since 1936.
They have various lines of work within their Black Carbon range. Industrial Rubber Carbon Black, Tire Rubber Carbon Black, and Specialty Carbon Black are primarily the three of their product lines.
Their Industrial Rubber Carbon Black is suitable for many things such as flex strength for belts & hoses, weather stripping, abrasion resistance for footwear, and commercial roofing. The products in this line include N550, N650, N660, N683, N762 and N774.
Their Tire Rubber Carbon Black is primarily provides fuel mileage, abrasion resistance, treadwear, hysteresis. The products in this category include N234, N326, N330, N351, LH30, N550, N650 and N660.
Their Specialty Carbon Black typically provides conductivity, UV protection, and pigmentation. The products in this category primarily include SBX152, SBX252, SBX352, SBX452, SBX552, SBX652, SBX256, SBX656, SBX 251, and SBX351.
4.Orion Engineered Carbons
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Operating in the Black Carbon market for more than 160 years, this German company is a well-established company in the US Black Carbon market. It has its headquarters situated in Luxembourg, Europe. On the other hand, its executive offices are situated in Houston, Texas, US.
This company was formed in the year 2011 when the Evonik Industries decided to sell off their Black Carbon business. Now this chemical company is known to be the pigment black’s largest producer, and rubber blacks’ third largest producer in the world.
Their product lines can be broadly divided into two categories: Rubber Black Carbon and Specialty Black Carbon. The former is primarily used in the tire industry while the latter is typically used paints, coatings, and lithium-ion batteries.
Footwear, Wiper Blades, Gaskets, Seals, Extruded Profiles, Tubes, Rubber flooring, Anti-vibration engine mounts, Seals, Belts, etc. are the primary applications of their Black Carbon products.
Their Black Carbon products primarily include Thermal Blacks, Furnace Blacks, Specialty Gas Blacks, Lamp Blacks, Acetylene Blacks, etc.
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tmr-blogs2 · 3 months
Carbon Black Market Revenue to Cross USD 30 billion by 2031, Registering at a 4.4% CAGR
The global carbon black market was valued over US$ 18.6 Bn in 2020. It is estimated to expand at a CAGR of 4.5% from 2021 to 2031. The global carbon black market is expected to cross the value of US$ 29.9 Bn by the end of 2031
The global carbon black market is expected to cross the value of US$ 29.9 Bn by the end of 2031Carbon black is widely used as a reinforcement filler in the tire and non-tire rubber formulations. Growing sales and production of vehicles across the globe are contributing to market growth. Carbon black is extensively used in reinforcing rubber in tires. It can make up about 30% of the weight of a tire. Carbon black is an important component of automotive rubber parts in vehicles such as sealing systems, hoses, anti-vibration parts, and engine mounts.
Download sample PDF Copy of Carbon Black Market Study at: https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/sample/sample.php?flag=S&rep_id=1491
Market Segmentation
By Service Type:
Furnace Black
Gas Black
Lamp Black
By Sourcing Type:
Oil-based Carbon Black
Gas-based Carbon Black
By Application:
Tire Manufacturing
Non-tire Rubber Goods
Inks & Coatings
By Industry Vertical:
Aerospace & Defense
By Region:
North America
Asia Pacific
Latin America
Middle East & Africa
Regional Analysis
Asia Pacific leads the carbon black market, driven by rapid industrialization and infrastructural development in countries like China and India. North America and Europe follow closely, with stringent environmental regulations promoting the adoption of sustainable carbon black production technologies.
Market Drivers and Challenges
Increasing demand from the automotive industry
Growing applications in plastics and coatings
Technological advancements in carbon black production
Environmental concerns related to carbon black production
Volatility in raw material prices
Market Trends
Shift towards Sustainable Practices: Rising awareness regarding environmental impact is encouraging manufacturers to adopt cleaner production processes.
Technological Innovations: Development of high-performance carbon blacks tailored for specific applications is gaining traction.
Integration with IoT and AI: Smart manufacturing practices are enhancing efficiency and quality control in carbon black production.
Future Outlook
The outlook for the carbon black market remains positive, driven by sustained demand from key industries and advancements in manufacturing processes. The focus on sustainability and innovation will shape future growth trends, with significant investments expected in research and development.
Key Market Study Points
Impact of regulatory policies on market dynamics
Technological advancements and their influence on product development
Consumer trends and preferences across different regions
Competitive Landscape
The carbon black market is highly competitive with major players focusing on product differentiation, strategic partnerships, and geographical expansion. Key players include Cabot Corporation, Orion Engineered Carbons, Birla Carbon, and Tokai Carbon.
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Recent Developments
Recent developments include advancements in sustainable carbon black production technologies, strategic acquisitions to expand market presence, and collaborations for innovation in product development.
About Transparency Market Research
Transparency Market Research, a global market research company registered at Wilmington, Delaware, United States, provides custom research and consulting services. Our exclusive blend of quantitative forecasting and trends analysis provides forward-looking insights for thousands of decision makers. Our experienced team of Analysts, Researchers, and Consultants use proprietary data sources and various tools & techniques to gather and analyses information.
Our data repository is continuously updated and revised by a team of research experts, so that it always reflects the latest trends and information. With a broad research and analysis capability, Transparency Market Research employs rigorous primary and secondary research techniques in developing distinctive data sets and research material for business reports.
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Tire Aftermarket, Tire Replacement Market: A Competing Shift
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A flat tire is among the several inconveniences vehicle owners aim to avoid. Whether due to valve system damage or blowout due to over-inflation, the absence of a proper tire can severely damage the wheel and trigger tire replacement. This drawback has instigated several tire producers to invest in R&D to develop high-performance, fuel-efficient tires, opening avenues for the global tire aftermarket, tire replacement market.
Additionally, integrating systems like anti-lock braking systems, electronic power control, and tire pressure monitoring systems has upheaved the demand for tire aftermarket services. Our estimates have gathered that the global market is set to gain revenue worth $93.38 billion by 2028, rising at a CAGR of 4.43% during the forecast years 2022-2028.
Developments in Aftermarket Services
Wait, did you say airless tires? Instead of air, tires are now integrated with a network of spokes that keeps the wheels rigid while giving them a see-through appearance. Each year, around 20% of tires are trashed due to puncture or uneven wear, stimulating manufacturers like Michelin to launch UPTIS airless automobile tire design that results in lower raw material and waste consumption. In this regard, the company has teamed up with GM to introduce UPTIS by 2024.
Besides, the tires’ ability to bear high weight and absorb shocks is anticipated to support the growth of the 16-18-inch rim size category. Numerous players have opted for this size since it offers additional grip, braking performance, and ride comfort, a major driving force for the tire aftermarket, tire replacement market.
The Green Initiative: With the average crude oil price rising from $39.68 in 2020 to $97.64 in 2022 and the rising carbon footprint, the demand for energy-efficient tires has boosted the tire replacement market. Besides, advances in tire energy efficiency can decrease global fuel consumption by around 5% in passenger vehicles, per the International Council on Clean Transportation. This has led low rolling resistance tires to gain immense traction among consumers to lower their total carbon footprint.
Considering this trend, in January 2023, Goodyear revealed a demonstration tire made of 90% sustainable materials, including carbon black and soybean oil. While it stated the need for further collaboration to bring 90% sustainable tires into the market, the company plans to sell them with 70% sustainable material in 2023. Our analysis indicates that the radial tire type captures the highest share in the market as it has lower rolling resistance, achieving greater fuel efficiency.
Labeling Culture: Labeling has emerged as a viable solution to differentiate products from packaging to tires. However, governments are striving to implement standards to eliminate redundant performance classes from the scale. For instance, the label design will be changed in the US with snow and ice grip symbols. The European Commission also introduced Euro 7 standards for particle emission from tires and brakes to ensure cleaner vehicular movement and air quality across the region.
Other than this, the Indian government mandated new standards in 2021 to enhance fuel efficiency and braking impact on wet roads. Earlier in 2022, Michelin became the first tire brand to receive a 4-star rating by the Bureau of Energy Efficiency, India, under the new star labeling program. Such steps by government bodies to promote sustainability are set to be a growth enabler for the Asia-Pacific tire aftermarket, tire replacement market.
Electric Vehicle: Revving Up the Ride
Over the course of a decade, electric vehicle sales soared to reach around 7 million units in 2021. Fueled by the falling costs of lithium-ion batteries, the rising EV sales have revolutionized the automotive industry and the tire sector. Furthermore, since the additional weight of batteries in EVs lead to enhanced stiffness, the demand for cutting-edge tires has accelerated. As a result, companies like Bridgestone have unveiled ENLITEN Technology that decreases tire rolling resistance by 30% and weight by 20% to expand EV driving range and reduce environmental impact. Therefore, the EV industry is attractive for expanding the tire aftermarket, tire replacement market.
Q1) What are the types of tires in the aftermarket, tire replacement market?
There are two major types of tires, namely, radial and bias, in the tire aftermarket, tire replacement market.
Q2) Which region will witness the fastest growth during the forecast period?
Asia-Pacific tire aftermarket, tire replacement is anticipated to witness the fastest growth, attaining a CAGR of 5.09% during the forecast period 2022-2028.
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sunaleisocial · 5 months
MIT conductive concrete consortium cements five-year research agreement with Japanese industry
New Post has been published on https://sunalei.org/news/mit-conductive-concrete-consortium-cements-five-year-research-agreement-with-japanese-industry/
MIT conductive concrete consortium cements five-year research agreement with Japanese industry
The MIT Electron-conductive Cement-based Materials Hub (EC^3 Hub), an outgrowth of the MIT Concrete Sustainability Hub (CSHub), has been established by a five-year sponsored research agreement with the Aizawa Concrete Corp. In particular, the EC^3 Hub will investigate the infrastructure applications of multifunctional concrete — concrete having capacities beyond serving as a structural element, such as functioning as a “battery” for renewable energy. 
Enabled by the MIT Industrial Liaison Program, the newly formed EC^3 Hub represents a large industry-academia collaboration between the MIT CSHub, researchers across MIT, and a Japanese industry consortium led by Aizawa Concrete, a leader in the more sustainable development of concrete structures, which is funding the effort.  
Under this agreement, the EC^3 Hub will focus on two key areas of research: developing self-heating pavement systems and energy storage solutions for sustainable infrastructure systems. “It is an honor for Aizawa Concrete to be associated with the scaling up of this transformational technology from MIT labs to the industrial scale,” says Aizawa Concrete CEO Yoshihiro Aizawa. “This is a project we believe will have a fundamental impact not only on the decarbonization of the industry, but on our societies at large.” 
By running current through carbon black-doped concrete pavements, the EC^3 Hub’s technology could allow cities and municipalities to de-ice road and sidewalk surfaces at scale, improving safety for drivers and pedestrians in icy conditions. The potential for concrete to store energy from renewable sources — a topic widely covered by news outlets — could allow concrete to serve as a “battery” for technologies such as solar, wind, and tidal power generation, which cannot produce a consistent amount of energy (for example, when a cloudy day inhibits a solar panel’s output). Due to the scarcity of the ingredients used in many batteries, such as lithium-ion cells, this technology offers an alternative for renewable energy storage at scale. 
Carbon black doped concrete pavements can have current run through them to heat their surfaces, allowing for de-icing. If implemented for city roads and sidewalks, this technology could have benefits for pedestrian and vehicular safety.
Photo courtesy of the MIT EC^3 Hub and Aizawa Concrete.
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Professor Admir Masic, EC^3 Hub’s founding faculty director, demonstrates the self-heating capability of carbon black doped concrete pavements with a laser thermometer, showing the difference between the pavement surface temperature and the ambient temperature.
Photo courtesy of the MIT EC^3 Hub and Aizawa Concrete.
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A charged carbon-cement supercapacitor powers multiple LED lights and is connected to a multimeter to measure the system’s voltage at 12 volts.
Photo courtesy of the MIT EC^3 Hub and Aizawa Concrete.
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Regarding the collaborative research agreement, the EC^3 Hub’s founding faculty director, Professor Admir Masic, notes that “this is the type of investment in our new conductive cement-based materials technology which will propel it from our lab bench onto the infrastructure market.” Masic is also an associate professor in the MIT Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, as well as a principal investigator within the MIT CSHub, among other appointments.
For the April 11 signing of the agreement, Masic was joined in Fukushima, Japan, by MIT colleagues Franz-Josef Ulm, a professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering and faculty director of the MIT CSHub; Yang Shao-Horn, the JR East Professor of Engineering, professor of mechanical engineering, and professor of materials science and engineering; and Jewan Bae, director of MIT Corporate Relations. Ulm and Masic will co-direct the EC^3 Hub.
The EC^3 Hub envisions a close collaboration between MIT engineers and scientists as well as the Aizawa-led Japanese industry consortium for the development of breakthrough innovations for multifunctional infrastructure systems. In addition to higher-strength materials, these systems may be implemented for a variety of novel functions such as roads capable of charging electric vehicles as they drive along them.
Members of the EC^3 Hub will engage with the active stakeholder community within the MIT CSHub to accelerate the industry’s transition to carbon neutrality. The EC^3 Hub will also open opportunities for the MIT community to engage with the large infrastructure industry sector for decarbonization through innovation. 
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jcmarchi · 5 months
MIT conductive concrete consortium cements five-year research agreement with Japanese industry
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/mit-conductive-concrete-consortium-cements-five-year-research-agreement-with-japanese-industry/
MIT conductive concrete consortium cements five-year research agreement with Japanese industry
The MIT Electron-conductive Cement-based Materials Hub (EC^3 Hub), an outgrowth of the MIT Concrete Sustainability Hub (CSHub), has been established by a five-year sponsored research agreement with the Aizawa Concrete Corp. In particular, the EC^3 Hub will investigate the infrastructure applications of multifunctional concrete — concrete having capacities beyond serving as a structural element, such as functioning as a “battery” for renewable energy. 
Enabled by the MIT Industrial Liaison Program, the newly formed EC^3 Hub represents a large industry-academia collaboration between the MIT CSHub, researchers across MIT, and a Japanese industry consortium led by Aizawa Concrete, a leader in the more sustainable development of concrete structures, which is funding the effort.  
Under this agreement, the EC^3 Hub will focus on two key areas of research: developing self-heating pavement systems and energy storage solutions for sustainable infrastructure systems. “It is an honor for Aizawa Concrete to be associated with the scaling up of this transformational technology from MIT labs to the industrial scale,” says Aizawa Concrete CEO Yoshihiro Aizawa. “This is a project we believe will have a fundamental impact not only on the decarbonization of the industry, but on our societies at large.” 
By running current through carbon black-doped concrete pavements, the EC^3 Hub’s technology could allow cities and municipalities to de-ice road and sidewalk surfaces at scale, improving safety for drivers and pedestrians in icy conditions. The potential for concrete to store energy from renewable sources — a topic widely covered by news outlets — could allow concrete to serve as a “battery” for technologies such as solar, wind, and tidal power generation, which cannot produce a consistent amount of energy (for example, when a cloudy day inhibits a solar panel’s output). Due to the scarcity of the ingredients used in many batteries, such as lithium-ion cells, this technology offers an alternative for renewable energy storage at scale. 
Carbon black doped concrete pavements can have current run through them to heat their surfaces, allowing for de-icing. If implemented for city roads and sidewalks, this technology could have benefits for pedestrian and vehicular safety.
Photo courtesy of the MIT EC^3 Hub and Aizawa Concrete.
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Professor Admir Masic, EC^3 Hub’s founding faculty director, demonstrates the self-heating capability of carbon black doped concrete pavements with a laser thermometer, showing the difference between the pavement surface temperature and the ambient temperature.
Photo courtesy of the MIT EC^3 Hub and Aizawa Concrete.
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A charged carbon-cement supercapacitor powers multiple LED lights and is connected to a multimeter to measure the system’s voltage at 12 volts.
Photo courtesy of the MIT EC^3 Hub and Aizawa Concrete.
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Regarding the collaborative research agreement, the EC^3 Hub’s founding faculty director, Professor Admir Masic, notes that “this is the type of investment in our new conductive cement-based materials technology which will propel it from our lab bench onto the infrastructure market.” Masic is also an associate professor in the MIT Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, as well as a principal investigator within the MIT CSHub, among other appointments.
For the April 11 signing of the agreement, Masic was joined in Fukushima, Japan, by MIT colleagues Franz-Josef Ulm, a professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering and faculty director of the MIT CSHub; Yang Shao-Horn, the JR East Professor of Engineering, professor of mechanical engineering, and professor of materials science and engineering; and Jewan Bae, director of MIT Corporate Relations. Ulm and Masic will co-direct the EC^3 Hub.
The EC^3 Hub envisions a close collaboration between MIT engineers and scientists as well as the Aizawa-led Japanese industry consortium for the development of breakthrough innovations for multifunctional infrastructure systems. In addition to higher-strength materials, these systems may be implemented for a variety of novel functions such as roads capable of charging electric vehicles as they drive along them.
Members of the EC^3 Hub will engage with the active stakeholder community within the MIT CSHub to accelerate the industry’s transition to carbon neutrality. The EC^3 Hub will also open opportunities for the MIT community to engage with the large infrastructure industry sector for decarbonization through innovation. 
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mohankunmars · 5 months
Steel Market — Forecast (2024–2030)
Steel market is analyzed to be $1,746.35 billion in 2023 and is projected to reach $2,105 billion in 2030. The market is estimated to grow with a CAGR of 4.13% during 2024-2030. Steel is an alloy that is made up of iron ore or scrap steel and carbon. In general, steels have various unique properties including being non-corrosive, rust-resistant and heavier than other metals such as aluminum. Therefore, steel is extensively used in various end-use industry verticals, including the manufacturing various transportation and automobile components, medical equipment, metal surgical implants, structural components and more, which in turn is boosting its market growth. In recent years, the steel market has experienced fluctuations driven by several factors. One significant trend in the steel market is the impact of trade policies and tariffs. Trade tensions between major steel-producing nations, such as the United States, China, and the European Union, have led to shifts in supply chains and pricing dynamics. Tariffs imposed on steel imports have affected the competitiveness of domestic producers and influenced global trade patterns. Additionally, sustainability concerns and environmental regulations have influenced market dynamics. Increasing awareness of carbon emissions and the environmental footprint of steel production has led to a growing demand for greener steel products. This has prompted investments in cleaner production technologies such as electric arc furnaces and the development of recycled steel. Moreover, technological advancements and innovations in steel manufacturing processes have enhanced efficiency and product quality. As a result, the steel market is poised for sustained growth as global economic recovery accelerates, with innovations in technology and sustainability shaping future trends.
Steel Market Report Coverage
The report: “Steel Industry – Forecast (2024-2030)”, by IndustryARC covers an in-depth analysis of the following segments of the Steel Market Report.  By Type: Carbon Steel, (Low Carbon Steel, Medium Carbon Steel, High Carbon Steel), Stainless Steel (Austenitic Stainless Steels, Ferritic Stainless Steels, Martensitic Stainless Steels, Precipitation Hardening Grade Stainless Steels, Duplex Stainless Steels), Alloy Steel (Chromium Molybdenum Steel, Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum Steel, Chromium Vanadium Steel, HSLA -Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum Steel), Tool Steel (Water-hardening tool steels, Shock-resisting tool steels, Cold-work tool steels, Hot-work steels, High-speed tool steels, Others), Others By Form: Bar, Rod, Tube, Pipe, Plate, Sheet, Structural, Others By Application: Transportation (Road, Bridges, Barriers, Rail, Tracks, Rail Cars), Construction (Cool Metal (infrared reflecting) Roofing, Purlins, Beams, Pipe, Recyclable steel framing (studs), Desks/Furniture), Packaging (Canes, Bottles, Others), Water Projects (Levees/Dams/Locks), Energy (Renewable, Nuclear, Bio-fuels, Fossil, Electric Grid), Others By Industry: Construction (Steel Skeletons, Concrete Walls, Pillars, Nails, Bolts, Screws, Others), Machinery (Bulldozers, Backhoe Leaders, Pipelayers, Others), Automotive and Transportation (Exhaust, Trim/Decorative, Engine, Chassis, Fasteners, Tubing For Fuel Lines), Kitchenware and Domestic Appliances (Small Household Appliances, Black Home Appliances, White Home Appliances), Electrical and Electronics (Motor Mount Brackets, Adapter Plates, Electronic Frames and Chassis, Brackets, Others), Healthcare (Orthopaedic Implants, Artificial Heart Valves, Bone Fixation, Catheters, Others), Energy (Scrubbers, Heat Exchangers, Others) By Region: North America, South America, Europe, Asia-Pacific and Rest of the World
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Key Takeaways
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Steel Market Segment Analysis – By Type  In terms of type, the Steel Market is segmented into carbon steel, stainless steel, alloy steel, tool steel and others. In 2023, the Stainless-steel segment generated the greatest revenue of $361.94 billion and is projected to reach a revenue of $482.28 billion by 2030. Owing to the various benefits posed by stainless steel such as corrosion resistance, high and low temperature resistance, the ease of fabrication, strength, aesthetic appeal is one of the key factors for its adoption among various end-use industries, which in turn is boosting its market growth. The stainless-steel segment can be further classified as Austenitic stainless steels, Ferritic stainless steels, Martensitic stainless steels, Precipitation hardening grade stainless steel and Duplex stainless steels. 
Steel Market Segment Analysis – By Form  By form, the steel market is segmented into bar, rod, tube, pipe, plate, sheet, structural and others. The bar segment accounted for the major market share in 2023, with a revenue of $554.58 billion, and is forecast to grow at a CAGR of 4.68% by 2030. The increasing demand for steel bar from various end-user industries such as building and construction, bridges, and many others, are driving the growth of the segment during the forecast period of 2024-2030.
Steel Market Segment Analysis – By Application  Steel Market is segmented by its application that includes transportation, construction, packaging, water projects, energy and others. The energy segment held the dominant market share, 31% of the whole market, in 2023, and is expected to maintain its dominance by 2030 with a CAGR of 4.69%. One of the major factors for the segment growth is the increasing awareness and focus towards renewable energy sources. Steel plays a crucial role in producing and distributing energy as well as improving energy efficiency. Renewable energy is further classified as Wind Towers and Foundation, Wind Turbines and Solar Parabolic Mirror Supports & Collectors. 
Steel Market Segment Analysis – By Industry The Steel finds its application across the industries such as construction, machinery, automotive and transportation, kitchenware and domestic appliance, electrical and electronics, healthcare, energy and others. Among them, the construction segment is the largest consumer of steel, as bearable structures can be manufactured easily at a low cost. The property of steel in its various forms and alloys makes it more flexible to cater the exclusive projects integrated with infrastructure. Moreover, the rapid industrialization and urbanization in various developing countries are fueling the segment growth in strengthening its dominant market position during the forecast period.
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Steel Market Segment Analysis - By Geography/Country  The report comprises of the region wise study of the global market including North America, South America, Europe, Asia-Pacific and Rest of the World. Above all, Asia-Pacific region held the biggest share in 2023, up to 63% of the whole steel market owing to the rapidly expanding defense, machinery, automotive, and shipbuilding industries in the countries such as India, China, South Korea, and Japan. Foreign direct investment in energy and infrastructure is likely to provide opportunities for the market vendors. Coupled with favorable government regulations, growing infrastructure and construction activities in developing economies of the Asia-Pacific region are boosting the demand for the market.
Steel Market - Drivers 
Growing Demand for Steel Across the Various Regions Several factors have a significant impact on the overall development of the steel market. The major growth factor driving the Steel Market is the growing demand for steel across a variety of developing regions. For instance, Global crude steel production in January-November 2023 reached 1715.12 million metric tons, marking a marginal 0.5% year-on-year growth, per provisional data from the World Steel Association. November 2023 saw a production of 145.5 million metric tons, up by 3.3% from the previous year. China led the production with 952.14 million metric tons, followed by India and Japan, USA, Russia, South Korea, and Germany. 
Construction and Infrastructure Development: Construction activities, including residential, commercial, and infrastructure projects such as roads, bridges, and railways, are major drivers of steel demand. Urbanization and industrialization also contribute to the growth of the construction sector, thereby increasing the demand for steel products. For instance, as per Green Finance & Development Center, China Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) Investment Report 2023, engagement totalled about USD88.3 billion, with USD44.6 billion from investment and USD43.7 billion from construction contracts. Also, The US Department of Transportation allocates $3.2 billion in extra funding, alongside $4.3 billion from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law for 2023. The Budget prioritizes $4.5 billion for the Capital Investment Grant program, aiming to bolster transit infrastructure for economic growth. As a result, the steel market is anticipated to thrive, propelled by heightened construction activities and the need for durable materials, reflecting a promising outlook for the industry.
Steel Market -Challenges
Environmental Regulations and Sustainability The steel industry is facing mounting pressure to tackle environmental issues by cutting carbon emissions and enhancing sustainability efforts. Meeting stringent environmental regulations demands substantial investments in technology and infrastructure, presenting a formidable challenge for many companies. Despite the financial hurdles, embracing these changes can pave the way for a more sustainable and eco-friendly future for the industry.
Steel Market - Competitive Landscape The companies referred in the study include Baosteel Co., Ltd., Posco Holding Inc, Nippon Steel Corporation, JFE Holdings, Tata Steel Limited, United States Steel Corporation, Anshan Iron and Steel Group Corporation, Hyundai Steel Co., Ltd., ThyssenKrupp AG, ArcelorMittal S.A., among others. Technology launches, acquisitions, and R&D activities are key strategies adopted by the key players in the Steel Market. 
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