acatnamedafteradog · 2 years
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Hard day by Usaya Uno on Twitter featuring their deer girl Nanako
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thecuddlymuffintop · 10 months
Tonight, at 7 pm CST, I will be playing Fyhir's game pick for Short Game Fridays.
The cursed My Horse Prince.
Feel free to join when I'm live with the above link.
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morkedisblog · 7 months
AHMET TANER KIŞLALI: siyasal islam belasını yaratma akılsızlığını gösteren cıa tarafından katlettirildi gördüğüm bir haber bana bu saçma stratejiyle ortadoğu batağı yaratan karanlık güçlerin yok ettirdiği parlak beyinlerimizi hatırlattı haber şu👉suudiler laik düzene geçeceklermiş yani cıa plan değiştirdi siyasal islam ve arap barbarlığının cıa tarafından yaratılan ortaçağ karanlık kafalı terör örgütlerinin usaya hiç bir faydası olmadığını gördü ama laiklik düzeninin ruhunu araplar anlayamazlar çünkü doğuşlarından gelen binlerce yıllık ilkellikleri cıa ve diğer yabancı servisler tarafından barbarlaştırıldı ayrıca kadınların başını açması laiklik değildir bu cahil kafam yetersiz aklımla;laikliğin hukuk/ekonomi/toplum kuralları vs birçok kavramın yenilenmesiyle olabileceğini anlayabiliyorum yani suudi kadınlar erkekler modern giyinecekler ama gine şeriâtin kısır acımasız şartları uygulanmaya devam edecek! Rahmetli Kadriye halam aklıma geldi😍ilkokul mezunu/dindar-tutucu ama eksik kültürünün çok ilerisinde aydın beyinli bir köylü kadınıydı köydeki evimiz yol üstüydü bayram günleri kökleri köyde ama başka şehir ve ülkelerde yaşayan gençler Ataocalarına gelirlerdi insanın dedelerinin evi önemlidir kişinin kendi aile tarihinin müzesidir biz Adıgeler geçmişimizle bağımızı koparmayız halamın eline öpmeye uğrarlardı onlar gidince halam kıbleye döner o kızlara benzenediğim için şükür eder "Allahım yeğenim İstanbulda doğdu bunlar gibi asortik olmadı bunlar lady oldular yakında bizim Alman gelin gibi donlarını çıkarıp rahatlayacaklar"derdi suudiler de gine yanlış anladılar laikliği,cıa arap kadınlara donlarını çıkartacak başka değişen şey olmayacak ayyy deliyim ben zaten onlar don sütyen giymezler ki(yok yav Alman yengem donsuz gezmezdi çok açık giyindiğinden ve Alman olduğundan halam kadından hoşlanmazdı hıhıhı ailece ırkçıyız anasını satayım ooooohhhhh sefâm olsun)Kalenin ardı bostan/şen olsun arabistan/arabistan kızları ne don giyer ne sütyen😈
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otomechuchu · 5 years
My Horse Prince - Personal walkthrough, all the answers per chapter
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I don’t know if you remember this game, but My Horse Prince was released back in Dec 2016. 
I wrote this down back then, but never really posted it (like with lots of walkthroughs I’ve made, most of them I just keep to myself).
When the game first launched, there were only 10 chapters. And then in 2017, they added a few more chapters!
NOTE: Do tell me if I missed some questions!
Want to support the blog? Feel free to Become a Patron for as little as $1/month~   Or Buy me a coffee ~
Check out my other walkthroughs here
Some tips: 
Bad answers = 0 Good answers = 15 Excellent answers = 30
80-100% gives the “best” animation. Afterwards the animations are showing how tired he is. 
Energy % will determine how many points you get per “item”. (like carrot, leek, treadmill, etc).
Each chapter has its own set of questions, related to what happened in the story chapter, so you won’t get the same questions throughout the whole game.
Album - Re-read all the chapters whenever you want. However you can not do the “training”, so you won’t be able to see those animations (which are very funny).
Shop - buy items, like Golden Carrot or remove ads.
The answers below are the ones that are Excellent. You cna try out the other ones if you want to see his reaction, but they will give less points.
Episode 1 – The First Gallop
What’s the weather going to be like tomorrow?
I think it’s going to rain.
Do you like ranches?
I do!
Do you want to rain with me?
I’ll cheer you on!
I like your hair like that
I feel so relaxed when I’m with you.
Do you like dogs or cats?
What do you think about carrots?
I like their orange color
Episode 2 – Treadmill Training
What color horse do you like?
How did you get to the ranch?
Do you want to train with me?
I’ll cheer you on!
I like your hair like that
Episode 3 – The Morning Feed
What do you like in miso soup?
That reminds me… the light bulb in the hallway has burnt out.
I think we have another one somewhere…
Do you know what happened to the pudding in the fridge?
It was really good! You picked a good one!
Wanna go somewhere together today?
Theme park
How about bread for breakfast tomorrow?
I like both bread and rice
What kind of fruit do you want this morning?
Episode 4 – Street Corner Steed
Having to work is really hard.
It is really hard.
Have your clothes gotten dirty?
I’ve been christened!
“If a man will not work, he shall not eat.” Right?
Yeah, you have to make your own way!
Do you think doing radio calisthenics at work is important?
I used to do that when I was younger.
I want to take you to my favorite store
Somewhere that sells horseshoes?
What do you do after work? 
Work late
Ow! I think I but my hoof!
Want me to kiss it better?
Sweat is a medal of honor.
Guys who work are really hot
Episode 5 – Wave Jumps
I can see a boat on the horizon.
That’s Poseidon
The sun is really strong today.
It feels like summer!
What reminds you of summer?
I can hear the waves
That’s the sound of the tide.
If you could take one thing with you to a deserted island, what would it be?
A pillow 
Do you prefer mountains or beaches?
Let’s go somewhere together.
How embarrassing…
I heard some guys are trying to pick up on the other side of the beach
I like guys like that
Episode 6 – Trial Fanfare
What do you think of how I run?
You run well
I can’t… go on…
Just one more lap!
I like racing with obstacles.
It looks really hard to race like that
Do you think I can win?
Of course you can win!
Do you prefer dirt or grass?
Would you go on a date to a racecourse?
This is my first race, so I'm pretty nervous 
Me too!
I didn't sleep last night so I'm really run down today... 
You can't sleep now
Episode 7 – Wild Whinny
Do you think music can change the world?
My world has changed!
Which member do you like the best?
Let’s sing a duet on stage?
OK, let’s do it!
What kind of music do you normally listen to!?
I'll show everyone mt sweet guitar skills
You can play guitar?
And the next song is…
Midnight Cowboy
You feeling this?
I'll never stop singing! 
Yeah, keep going! 
What's most important to you!? 
Episode 8 – Street Corner Cavalletti
We must fight against evil.
We have to fight one thing at a time.
The stars look nice tonight.
They’re really pretty
You shouldn’t come to these kinds of places alone, they’re dangerous!
I actually don't like fighting 
Just kick him for me!
The city is so busy
It’s actually a pretty good place
It’s dangerous here. I’ll take you home
Can I ride you? 
What are you doing here?
Playing on my phone
Call me if you’re ever in trouble, OK?
OK, I will
Episode 9 – Riding Rivals
What if I lose to Ryouma…”
Stop being such a sissy!
I feel a storm coming.
Sounds like fun
What do you want to do in the future? 
I like things the way they are now
I feel like something bad will happen here…
Yeah, it’s scary!
I'd protect you form a meteorite, you know 
You can't do that
Do you think Ryouma is good-looking?
He’s not as handsome as you
What would you do it I went away…?
Wait for you to come back
I want to give you a ride 
I'd be afraid of falling off
Episode 10 – Stakes of Glory
What’s the track condition like today?
Focus on the race!
I won’t let that suspicious horse anywhere near you, [NAME]!
Please keep me safe!
Have you ridden a horse before?
I’ll just use my intuition
Are you used to the feel to riding now?
I could fall asleep
It’s fun racing with you on board
I’m having fun too!
Your weight…
I-I lost weight
I wouldn’t mind coming in last because I got to ride with you…
We have to come in first
Episode 11 – Leisurely Amble
Do you want to go anywhere?
The Arc de Triomphe
Did the race tire you out?
It was fun!
Want to come to mine?
If you win the next race.
There aren’t many female jockeys so I think you’ll be popular.
Let’s become popular together
Let me know if you ever need help, okay?
Alright, I will
I just saw a bug!
You’re pretty cute, you know.
Th- thank you…
Do you feel ready to be a jockey?
I’ve always felt ready
Episode 12 – White Turf
The snow melting makes me want to…
Love you
This snowscape is beautiful…
I’m prettier
I guess it is a little cold here…
I’m cold, too
I have to keep practicing
Yeah, you do
I’d like some warm soup after I finish training
Carrot potage? 
Make sure you don’t fall down
Should I grab onto you?
Skiing’s fun!
I can ski a little
I love seeing snow
Me too!
Episode 13 – Lone Sprinter
Is [NAME] waiting for me…?
It doesn’t’ matter either way
What should I do so that [NAME ] will forgive me?
Find her
I can hear [NAME]’s voice…
“Run faster!”
If I give up now…
No… I can’t give up
I’m running out of energy…
Keep running
I wonder if she’s still angry…
She’s still angry
I can’t see because of the blizzard…
Close your eyes
I feel tired…
Sleep is for the weak!
Episode X – Endless Circling
Extra chapter with both old and new questions. 
What would you do if we couldn’t leave?
That would be terrible
[NAME], do you get a lot of attention?
I’m the poster girl for the unpopular kid
I have a spare key to my stable… Do you want it?
You really trust me! 
Want to support the blog? Feel free to Become a Patron for as little as $1/month~   Or Buy me a coffee ~
Check out my other walkthroughs here
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tiny-design · 7 years
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The energy that the titular character in My Horse Prince possesses determines how many of an individual icon he can pick up at a time. These icons are required to advance through the chapter, but by tying in the comedy to the event of talking, which gives back energy that has been expended, the game is able to maintain its activities as more than gates to content.
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otomeonfleek · 7 years
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10/10 would recommend
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aizel-kon · 7 years
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WHY? BECAUSE I CAN.  “Umapri” fan art.
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marulikestea · 7 years
My Horse Prince
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This is one of the most epic mobile games I've ever downloaded on my phone. Just from the title itself, it already exudes great potential and promises an unforgettable experience to anyone who downloads this. Just from the reviews alone, even non-believers have retracted their initial persecution/judgement after getting a taste of this outstanding game. 
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Kidding aside, this free offline game made by Usaya is the ultimate parody of otome games. It pokes fun of the typical formula of the genre by presenting an "ikemen"-faced horse, a rather bizarre twist to handsome male characters. But hey, as expected from Japan, right? The game makes use of 2d spine animation that makes actions fluid and smooth. Artwork-wise, the characters (except for the old man), background and other assets were drawn beautifully. Even the music is perfect for the overall presentation of the game. You just have to be open-minded, accepting and jump through the wall of Yuuma's weirdness in order to fully enjoy this rather funny game. Seriously, if you give it a chance, not only you'll die of laughter but it will make your day a happy one.
P.S. I hope they add more horse princes (aside from Yuuma and Ryuuma, who isn't a love interest at all) for the MC to add more romantic tension LOLOLOLOL. 
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englishotomegames · 8 years
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My Horse Prince (うまのプリンスさま)
PDRTJS_settings_8496086 = { "id" : "8496086", "unique_id" : "default", "title" : "", "permalink" : "" }; (function(d,c,j){if(!document.getElementById(j)){var pd=d.createElement(c),s;pd.id=j;pd.src=('https:'==document.location.protocol)?'https://polldaddy.com/js/rating/rating.js':'http://i0.poll.fm/js/rating/rating.js';s=document.getElementsByTagName(c)[0];s.parentNode.insertBefore(pd,s);}}(document,'script','pd-rating-js'));
Release dates (iPhone, Android) Japanese: October 7th, 2016 English: December 9th, 2016
"Will you be my owner? There stands a horse with a handsome human face. Before you know it, you agree to start training him...
Is this a dream or a nightmare? Life on this strange ranch awaits..."
This is a game by USAYA Co Ltd! You can get the Android version here, or the iPhone version here.
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morkedisblog · 11 months
israil Kilise vurmuş?Eğer bunu gerçekten israil yaptıysa netenyahu ve komutanları su katılmamış aptaldır😲Hristiyan dünyanın desteğini almışken niye yapsın ama hamasın son bir çırpınışı olabilir?Anladığım kadarıyla cıa daeşten sonra hamasın da fişini çekti eee yaratıcıları yok edicileri olur tabi hamas ve tüm terör örgütleri çok yasa dışı para kazanıyorlar bunu kaybedeceklerini anladılar sivilleri masum Filistinlileri Gazzede kalmaya zorlayıp onları canlı kalkan yapıyor israil"rehineler 2.ci önceliğimiz"diyerek gözünü kan bürüdüğünü ispatlıyor bizim usa beslemesi siyasal İslamcılar neredeyse zil takıp oynayacaklar Kilise vuruldu ya sanıyorlar ki dünya israili yalnız bırakacak hayır kınarlar azarlarlar ama destekten vazgeçmezler cıa bilerek başlattı bu süreci İrandaki ajanlarına önce haması kandırttı sonra başka muhteris devletleri oyuna getirip kullandı hamasa o silahları verenler nasıl buldular bunlar organize işler ne yapıp edip cıa mossad mı6;hamastan kurtulacaklar!Hep diyorum ölen Yahudi-arap siviller ülkelerin yöneticileri için sadece sayıdan ibaret biden"diğer takım vurdu"iğrençliği yaptı ölen insanlar onun ülkesi için sadece bilgisayar oyunundaki sanal takımlar gibi görülüyor diyeceksiniz biden bunadı hah o nedenle dediğini önemserim kendi akli muhakemesi olmayan kişi ben gibi duyduğunu söyler yani yanında öyle dediler pentagon cıa vs usa derin devlet şalamayaları İnşaAllah yanılıyorumdur sıra ülkemde değildir yoksa buradaki uyuyan hücreler harekete geçirilirse kulübede oturan da villa da yaşayan da düğünde oynayan da şekeri yalayan da gözünü kırpıştıran da kıçını oynatan da kükreyip zıplayan da rahmetli Kaddafi gibi sokaklarda sürükleniriz😨O canciğer katar/suudi/kuveyt vs usaya havlu tutarlar ağlayanımız olmaz😠😈
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sarjezzie · 8 years
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This game keeps getting weirder
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blu-gray · 8 years
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burnt-toast-life · 3 years
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??? this was an actual game.. ...>???? why's it on my feed. whys it got 10 stars.
[ID: a game called "My Horse Prince" with an icon showing a figure with short brown hair, a horse neck, and horse ears. There is a carrot next to them. The game is rated 10 stars, and was published by Usaya Co., Ltd. End ID.]
every day I am reminded that the existence of My Horse Prince is not common knowledge
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otome4dummies · 5 years
archived games ✨
here is a list of otome/joshimuke/escape room games that i used to play! i don't know if i should plan to come back to them or not, but i hope that you'll enjoy them if you chose to play~
Midnight Cinderella (CYBIRD // Ikemen Series)
Destined To Love (CYBIRD // Ikemen Series)
The Niflheim (NTT Solmare)
Lost Island (NTT Solmare)
Mononoke Kiss (NTT Solmare)
Angel or Devil? (NTT Solmare)
My Sweet Prince (NTT Solmare)
Ninja Love (NTT Solmare)
Ninja Assassin (NTT Solmare)
Love Tangle (NTT Solmare)
Lost Alice (NTT Solmare)
Several Shades of Sadism (Arithmetic)
Seven Hotties: All My Husbands (Arithmetic)
The Cinderella Contract (Arithmetic)
Nightmare Harem (ISMEDIA)
Mr Love: Queen's Choice (Elex; Galaxy Play Technology)
QueensNumber (LucyDream)
Dangerous Fellows (LucyDream)
Dream Daddy (Game Grumps)
The Arcana (Nix Hydra Games)
My Horse Prince (USAYA)
Alice's Spiritual Judge (SEEC Inc)*
In Search of Haru (SEEC Inc)*
The Prison Boys (SEEC Inc)*
Yotsume God (SEEC Inc)*
Tasokare Hotel (SEEC Inc)
The Caged Garden, Cock Robin (SEEC Inc)
* = game completed, applies to SEEC only
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thankyoukhteam · 5 years
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Hello, all who are tagged in this post!! I just wanted to get this one-month reminder to you at least in some form before the day of got any closer. 
I’ve been sending them out individually but have run into an unforeseen hiccup which is that Tumblr only allows me 50 new message conversations per day. With this handicap, it will take me another 8 days to send them to all of you. I will still be sending them to you over these next 8 days (which will prevent this from happening again with the 1 week left reminders), so, please keep an eye out for that! Dont hesitate to send me a message if you have any questions! 
@akizasakii @askbountyhunterjones @beldam-witch, @boof-hi-its-nigel, @candasaurus, @celestiaaaaaaaa, @coffeetime88, @cutegarbage, @dissolvingphoenixashes, @doggosandborks, @elli-mk, @ends-of-the-wayward-storm, @erachas-faithful, @fairytalenobodiesxvi, @gd-gone, @haveievermentioned, @hinataoc, @icing-on-the-icecream, @just-a-small-hobbit, @k-chanlovesanimexd, @khsupergeek1288, @kingdomsaurushearts, @kostecko27, @lazykrimzen99, @legendary-dork-of-the-universe, @lithium-banana, @little-mini-me-world, @liverpeps, @lollovovisossa, @lorastormbelle, @lostseraph45, @lotusflame14, @loveallanime, @loxli, @lozuuka, @lucky-im-terrified, @lucyrockbell, @lunami-cancro, @lunatroph, @luxordssearchhistory, @lycheeman, @madasthyhatter, @mafuyusatou, @magical-mistral, @magical-usaya, @m-agitek, @magneticdragon, @mahouoni, @maikusakabe, @marcigray, @marie-jaeger, @marshmallow-vulpes, @masteraqua, @maybe-not-a-robot, @melbelleroseart, @melodiousramblings2point0, @memorystormsanctuary, @mermaiddis, @mewhoismyself, @midnightcaffeinesstuff, @midnightpapllion, @mikayla-g, @mikumikubitch, @mikusaki39, @mishiali10, @mis-kitty, @misseymouse, @miss-r1418, @misstysea2, @mizurush, @mmysbathotw, @mollys-bullshit-blog, @momochiee, @mortellanarts, @msbluebell, @m-sid7, @mylvorytower, @mypaopu, @mysidianrabbit, @mzelle-lazuli, @n3k0c0, @nameless-stars, @natiannera, @nbgaymer, @ncrnpc, @nefarious-codex, @nekky-nek, @nerdykairi, @nesskyru, @nevilleswaltz, @nickiinator, @nidoarisato, @nightmarechirithys, @nobodiespoppet, @nozomirai, @nykamito-x, @nyxdoesedits, @oathkeeperandoblivion, @of-acorns-and-mithril, @office-of-eden, @ohsoroyal, @okamikawaiixd, @olivethebird, @onedestinytrio, @opulentwhimsy, @orcais, @oveliagirlhaditright, @ovesdominus, @owlymerlin, @oxen-nyx, @paintedmaple, @pandappuccino, @pandas-and-squirrels, @paopueater, @paopuisland, @passionateduelist, @patonigou, @paybackraid, @peachjuiiice, @pearlrose250, @phantom-donuts, @phantomknightgirl, @phoenix-downer, @phoenixiancrystallist, @pick-a-fig-and-pray, @pinkfoodkitty, @poisonmurderthot, @potitee, @preeteakeetea, @prince-astroace, @princegrinpayne, @princelier, @professional-fandom-jumper, @psychoparadox96, @pumpkinspice-cat, @purplesoultyphoon, @queendinosaur322, @rachelsrandomartwork, @radiofreekonoha, @raica-gp, @raindroppanda, @rainypurseprunetaco, @rakionex, @random-child666, @randomly-dreaming, @randomness-fandomness12, @rapis-razuri, @ratchetfan2006artsi, @realrobdog7, @redscornerposts, @reimisearchhistory, @remicon, @return2zero, @rhinefall, @rhuviel, @--riotknight--, @risingtea, @ritsu-x-tainaka, @robedingold, @roberjames92, @roko-kai, @rokosho-neo, @roksass, @rollinggirlrunahika, @rosequartzwrites, @rosieberry, @roxasinumiku, @roxas-uke, @rrutuvaduba, @rubydian, @run-run-runningman, @ryebread2003, @saaandyyvh, @sadisticunicorn666, @sakixhaise, @sakurawarfare. @salamemeder, @salsalahna, @salty-oranges, @sammi-eevee, @sassy-mami-tomoe, @scarfprincess, @scattereddream-faroffmemory, @schluesselschwert, @scrappedscript7, @sea-bea, @seasaltsouvenir, @sefiran, @sephyeol-aise, @sevenincubistolemyheart, @seven-sneaky-foxes, @shadowberrybinch, @shadowbearing, @sharlovesyou, @shellmilla, @shiba-exe, @shinemizuki, @shiro-the-fan-theorist. @shootingstarsora, @shorttulip, @shuradrawz, @shurareblog, @shutdownthenoise, @shygirl-00, @shyorchid, @silvaheart1995, @silverartistcat, @silverstararts, @simplyghosting, @simplynerdy, @sinfulpapillon, @sinfulseraph, @sir-cookienort, @sirikyu, @sisterkick2808, @skinwalkingxana, @sleepylightx, @snk25blr, @snoopthedrew, @socks-reblogs, @sojourntime, @solumwastaken, @somena-libra-dawn, @sorasearchhistory, @sornetteistired, @sorotheandroid, @spirit-of-creativity16, @spookysoupyy, @star-harvester, @star-shapedfruit, @steadycoffeecrusade, @stormflowyr, @stormy64, @summerdragoninc, @sunflova, @sunsetsacrifice, @supra-ana, @sushijjang, @swimmingmongersharkthing, @swoooonamis, @sxldierfirstclass, @symphoniesfatebell19, @synthiser-crypton, @syurreal, @taliaxlatia, @tcup-chipped, @teammomflynn, @tearfulfriend18, @thatonepansexualgirl, @thatrandompineappleinthecorner, @theangelicvampire08, @theartistinbed, @the-blueberrys-blog, @thedeliverygod, @thedustyleaves, @thefairywithfandoms, @thefinanic, @theflightlessphoenix, @the-genergy, @theheartstreasure, @the-questioning-dude, @thespellweaver, @thetolkienotaku-blog, @thetwilightroadtonightfall, @thewritingmusician, @thexiiithterra, @thirteenth-struggle, @timefrozen-waterstreams, @tina-nightray, @tiredofdumbass, @tobix-and-seraphim, @tofukitty, @tomboyjessie13, @triplegirl1, @trixie8264, @tsu9live, @tsumikim, @tsunamikaii, @tweltchy, @twilight-tracks, @twilighttwin, @ueeyasu, @user-unknow, @valkaaguilar, @valko-lapsus, @valor-winged-valkyrie, @vampiresque, @velvetroomattendant764, @ventusisgay, @ventusprotectionmom, @venvanitas, @veryclevermskitty, @violetstar264, @vividreminisce, @vnhelsing, @vocaloid-bananaboy, @waitwait, @walks-in-ink, @wayfinder-family-lover, @whereissora, @where-music-will-guide-us, @whotheheckisleanna, @wolfydusk, @woodlandcrowns, @worldofvaldis, @writer-chan97, @x-blade-master, @xiala-bexchan, @xionroxas, @xionshadow, @x-oath-x, @yacanchouseoabe, @yesmyjiin, @ygotas, @yoomsthefool, @youtubeallday, @yureid0ll, @yuusha-no-kibou, @zanzucchi, @zenmai--jikake--no--komoriuta
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usa-ya-japan-blog · 7 years
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『うさやusa-ya』 #universe #yoga #purple #floweroflife #smudging #usaya #ヨガ #スマッジング #ヒーリング #フラワーオブライフ #紫 #うさや
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