bueckers-babygirl · 2 days
Say it back (paige bueckers x black!reader)
Summary: just a little blurb of Paige and y/n doing a TikTok trend
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“Alright. I'm going to be back late tonight, but do you want me to bring you anything to eat” Paige says, standing up after she ties her shoes. “Nah I'm good baby,” I say as I sit in our bed and scroll on my phone. 
While scrolling, I saw the trend where when your partner leaves and says I love you, you don’t say I love you back, which gave me the best idea. 
Paige nods her head before leaning down to give me a quick peck. “Alright! I love you mama” She then starts making her way to the door. “Ok! Bye,” I say with a cheery voice. She soon stops in her tracks before turning back to me with furrowed eyebrows.
“I love you” “Bye babe” At this point she had made a full 180 and sat on the bed before me. “I said I love you” she states, her voice getting louder. “I said bye! Baby you're about to be late” I say trying to stifle a laugh. “I don’t give a fuck. I’m not leaving until you say it back” her voice getting a bit more irritated.
“Baby! Say what” I pretend to act confused. “You know what! Mama, I'm about to be late just say it” She takes my hands into hers as she stares desperately into my eyes.
“Paige, sweety, I said goodbye,” I say finally letting out a laugh. I soon see Paige's face turn from confusion to sadness. “Oh! Paigey! I'm sorry! It was a prank. Ya know that TikTok prank where you don’t say it back? I showed it to you the other day” I hopped up and brought her into my arms. “Y/n that's not even funny! I thought you were mad at me bruh” she says letting out a laugh of relief.
“Paige even if I’m mad at you I still say it” I bring her up out of my arms to look at her face. “I love you” I kiss her as she giggles. “I love you too babe, but don’t ever do that shit again”. 
Thought this was cute <3
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annabananaxxx · 1 day
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We got over this wayyy too fast
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slut4uconnwbb · 2 days
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there too cute
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bveckers · 24 hours
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They are sooo ☺️☺️
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patscorner · 3 days
This is the man who stalked Paige Bueckers. Protect women in sports.
and thank you, @wintrrliqht , for her bravery
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miaaluvspaige · 2 days
Can you do Paige and Azzi fic? Paige having nightmares and Azzi being there for her. Thank you!
Title:Night Terrors
Parring : Paige bueckers x Azzi Fudd
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The night was still, the moonlight casting soft shadows through the curtains in the shared dorm room. Azzi Fudd was deep in sleep, her breathing steady, when a sharp gasp pierced the silence. She jolted awake, her heart racing as she registered the sound coming from the bed beside hers.
“Paige?” she whispered, sitting up and squinting through the darkness. She could barely make out her friend’s silhouette, curled up tightly under the blankets, trembling. Azzi’s heart sank. Something was wrong.
Without hesitation, she threw off her own covers and quietly crossed the small gap between their beds. Paige’s breathing was shallow, and when Azzi got closer, she could see the tears glistening on her cheeks. Her eyes were open but unfocused, clearly still caught in the remnants of a bad dream.
“Paige, hey,” Azzi said softly, kneeling by her side and gently placing a hand on her shoulder. “It’s okay. I’m here.”
Paige blinked a few times, her eyes finally focusing on Azzi. For a moment, she seemed confused, still trapped in the grips of whatever nightmare had shaken her. Then, as reality slowly settled back in, she exhaled shakily and wiped at her eyes, her body still tense.
“I… I’m sorry,” Paige whispered, her voice thick with emotion. “It was just… a dream.”
Azzi sat down on the edge of Paige’s bed, her heart aching at the vulnerability in her friend’s voice. Paige, the fierce competitor, the leader, the one who always seemed to have it all together—looked so fragile in this moment. “You don’t have to apologize,” Azzi said gently. “You want to talk about it?”
Paige shook her head, looking down at her hands. “It was stupid. I just… I dreamt I was hurt again. My knee gave out, and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t get back up. Everyone was there, watching, but no one helped.”
Azzi’s chest tightened. She knew how much Paige’s injuries had weighed on her, how hard she had worked to get back to the court. “Paige…” Azzi’s voice was soft but firm as she reached out, gently tilting Paige’s chin up so their eyes met. “You’re stronger than that dream. And you’re not alone. You’ve got me, the team, everyone. No one’s going to leave you behind.”
Paige sniffled, trying to compose herself, but she couldn’t hide the fear still lingering in her eyes. “What if I’m not strong enough, Azzi? What if it happens again?”
Azzi scooted closer, wrapping an arm around Paige’s shoulders and pulling her into a gentle embrace. Paige hesitated for a moment, then leaned into the comfort, resting her head against Azzi’s shoulder. “You’re the strongest person I know,” Azzi whispered into her hair. “And even if you stumble, I’ll be there to catch you. Always.”
They sat there in the quiet darkness for a while, Paige’s breathing slowly evening out as the comfort of Azzi’s words settled over her. The nightmare still lingered, but it no longer felt as overwhelming with Azzi by her side.
“I don’t know what I’d do without you,” Paige mumbled, her voice muffled against Azzi’s shoulder.
Azzi smiled softly, pressing a light kiss to the top of Paige’s head. “Good thing you don’t have to find out, huh?”
Paige let out a soft laugh, the sound a little watery but genuine. “Yeah. Good thing.”
The night settled around them once again, the fear and tension from the nightmare dissipating as Paige allowed herself to lean on the person who had always been there for her. And as sleep slowly reclaimed her, she knew that with Azzi by her side, she could face whatever came her way—even the nightmares.
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Mia speaks
First Paige and azzi fix thank you anon I wasn’t really going to make Paige x azzi fics but here’s my first one let me know how I did and please request things you would like to read! (I don’t do smut)
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leilanihours · 1 day
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the cutest
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bueckerscore · 2 days
this is fucking frying me 😭😭😭
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sturn-saturn · 4 hours
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azzi i know what you are
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We rockin with mark cuz mark is rockin wit us😋
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annabananaxxx · 1 day
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wbbgetsmewetter · 3 days
Me bcs one of my favourite authors on here keeps deactivating their account and taking all their fics with them @pew--pew-deactivated20240916
pls come back 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾
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Could you do Nika Mühl x short gf where the fem is at a bar with the team and stuff and fem gets lost and Nika can’t find her and it’s all fluff
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summary: nika has a hard time finding your short figure at the bar.
pairings: nika mühl x fem!reader
word count: 380
warnings: use of y/n like once or twice, cursing
authors notes: hi anon thanks for this request!! i lowkey hate the writing of this one but i hvent posted in so looong. i promise ill get back to writing again!
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“Are you sure you’re okay with being here?” Nika held your hand and faced you. “Not tired or anything?”
You shake your head. “I’m fine, you deserve to celebrate. Now come on!” You drag her inside with a grin on your face.
The smile on her face widens as she follows you inside.
Once she spots her teammates, she immediately grabs a drink and engages in their conversation.
After a few minutes, you decide to get a drink at the bar and let her have fun with her teammates. Maybe it was also because you had no idea what they were talking about.
As you sipped on your drink and made your way back to Nika, someone tapped on your shoulder.
“Y/N?” You turned around, making eye contact with one of your roommates from college.
“Oh my god!” You laugh and pull her into a hug. “How have you been?”
She grins. “Good! What have you been up to lately?”
As you guys were catching up, Nika didn’t even seem to notice you were gone until one of her teammates pointed it out.
“What? She’s right-“ She turns to where you were seated and realizes that you were in fact, not there.
“I’m gonna go look for her. I’ll be back.” She places her drink down and stands up.
“Fuck, did I drink that much?” She mumbles to herself as she tried to look for your short figure.
Once she spots the top of your head, she sighs in relief and walks over to you.
“Y/N!” You turn to the direction of your girlfriend’s voice and wave at her.
“I’ll get going. Nice seeing you again!” Your friend smiles politely and makes her way back to the bar.
You lean into Nika’s touch as she wraps her arms around your body and places her head on your shoulder.
She kisses your neck and cheek. “I missed you.”
You giggle at how clingy she was. “Are you drunk?”
“Hmm, not yet.” She grins and kisses your neck again, not wanting to let go of you.
“Wanna go home?” She mumbles into your neck.
You nod. “Let’s go say bye to them.”
She whines like a little kid. “Do we have to?”
“Come on Nika, it’s rude not to.”
She sighs and gives in. “Okay fine.”
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vendrea · 23 hours
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miaaluvspaige · 2 days
Title:Worth Fighting For
Parring : Breanna Stewart x reader
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Being with Breanna Stewart was like being caught in a whirlwind. You had known from the moment you met her that she was something special. Her dedication to basketball was unmatched, and you admired her for it, but being with someone so committed to their sport came with its own set of challenges. Over time, it became harder to navigate the space between Breanna’s career and your relationship.
At first, things were perfect. You were her biggest supporter, attending games whenever you could, and Breanna made time for you in her busy schedule. But as the demands of her career grew, so did the distance between you. The missed dinners, the late-night phone calls that became shorter and less frequent, and the weeks apart had taken their toll. You tried to understand, to be patient, but it felt like you were slowly slipping away from each other.
One evening, after Breanna had returned from yet another road trip, you couldn’t hold it in anymore. She walked through the door, exhausted but happy to see you, and wrapped her arms around you as usual. But something inside you broke, and you pulled away.
“We need to talk,” you said softly, your voice trembling despite your efforts to stay composed.
Breanna froze, her smile fading as she searched your face. “What’s going on?”
You took a deep breath, trying to steady your emotions. “I can’t do this anymore, Bre. I feel like I’m losing you. We barely talk, we never see each other, and when we do, you’re too tired to even be here with me. I feel like I’m fighting for us alone.”
Her face fell, guilt flickering in her eyes. “I’m sorry. I didn’t realize it had gotten this bad.”
“I know basketball is your life,” you continued, trying to hold back the tears that were threatening to spill. “And I would never ask you to give that up. But I need to feel like I matter too.”
Breanna’s eyes softened as she stepped closer, reaching out to take your hands. “You do matter. More than anything. I just… I’ve been so focused on my career, on winning, that I didn’t realize I was losing you in the process.”
Tears slipped down your cheeks, and Breanna quickly wiped them away with her thumb, her expression full of regret. “I don’t want to lose you,” she whispered. “But I don’t know how to make this work.”
For a long moment, the two of you stood in silence, the weight of everything hanging heavily between you. Part of you wanted to walk away, to spare yourself the pain of continuing down this difficult path. But the love you had for Breanna was undeniable. She was worth fighting for.
“I don’t want to lose you either,” you finally whispered, your voice cracking. “But we can’t keep going like this.”
Breanna nodded, her jaw tightening as she pulled you into a tight embrace, holding you like she was afraid to let go. “I’ll do better,” she said softly, her voice thick with emotion. “I don’t know how, but I’ll find a way to make this work. I promise.”
You held on to her, feeling the strength in her arms and the warmth of her breath on your neck. For the first time in weeks, you allowed yourself to hope that maybe things could be different, that maybe this wasn’t the end.
The next few weeks were hard. Breanna did her best to show you that she was committed to making your relationship work, but the distance and her schedule still created obstacles. You had long, honest conversations about your needs, about how to balance her demanding career with your relationship. Breanna even started making more time for you, calling more frequently when she was away and scheduling weekends for just the two of you.
But even with these changes, there were still rough days. Days when you felt like you were back to square one, when it seemed like no amount of effort could fix the cracks in your relationship.
One evening, after Breanna had come home from a game, you found yourself lying beside her in bed, staring at the ceiling. She was exhausted, her body sore from the physical toll of the game, but she turned to you, sensing your unease.
“Are we going to be okay?” you asked softly, your voice barely a whisper in the dark room.
Breanna turned onto her side, reaching out to brush a strand of hair from your face. “We are,” she said firmly, her voice full of certainty. “I’m not giving up on us.”
Her words wrapped around you like a blanket, and you felt a flicker of hope light up in your chest. You turned to face her, your fingers tracing the lines of her face, the familiar curves and angles that you loved so much.
“I’m not giving up either,” you whispered, leaning in to press a soft kiss to her lips.
Breanna smiled against your lips, her hand sliding into your hair as she deepened the kiss. For the first time in a long while, the tension between you melted away, replaced by a sense of peace. This was what you had been fighting for—this connection, this love.
When you pulled away, Breanna rested her forehead against yours, her breath mingling with yours. “We’ll get through this,” she murmured. “I love you too much to lose you.”
“I love you too,” you replied, your heart swelling with affection for the woman beside you. “We’re going to be okay.”
And in that moment, you believed it. You knew that there would still be challenges ahead, but you also knew that you and Breanna were strong enough to face them together. After all, love was worth fighting for.
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Mia speaks
I write this angst without a happy ending but I didn’t wanna leave yall with a unhappy ending so I added one
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