#Uday Rana
akultalkies · 1 year
Sargun Mehta, Royal Munda OJ, Abhishek Yadav, Abhishek Adi, Lakshay Makhija, Adi Ansh Lakra, Sheik Shahajahan, Rudraksh, Amandeep Singh, Anuj, Yashpal Sharma, Sanjay Mishra, Prerna, Alsifa Khan, Rama Gautam, Salar
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ahamasmiyodhah · 20 days
𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐈: The Alliance
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𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐘: || Kesariya ||~ The Saffron Shade of Love
𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐂𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐌𝐄𝐑: This story is a fictional account on the marriage of Maharana Pratap with Purbai Solankini, the Princess of Solanki Clan. She was originally known as Pyaar Kanwar Solanki, and her name changed after her marriage. It's strictly fictional and bashing in comments or in my Asks as anons is not allowed other than constructive criticism.
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Maharani Jaiwanta Baiji Songara took the flower from the copper plate nearby and pushed it on the needle, making it roll down in the white string of the Garland she was making. The Maharani of Mewar was as generous as the flow of the River, always giving and never asking. But there was one thing Jaiwanta Baiji was picky about.
The Pooja of Her Krishna.
And thus, the Queen of Mewar was stringing garlands of white Jasmine flowers along with her sister-wives, the other wives of her Husband Maharana Uday Singh, namely Sajja Baiji Solankini and Karamati Baiji of Marwar, Maharana Uday Singh's second and third wife respectively, his fourth wife Veer Bai Jhala having gone to the temple of Eklingji to pray for the beloved son of Mewar, Kunwar Pratap Singh Sisodiya who was stationed at Kelwara.
"Jija! Here." Sajja Baiji said and gave the newly strung garland to Jaiwanta Baiji, the dusky skinned beauty of Jalore taking it and admiring it. "Jija, I see you thinking about something a lot nowadays. What happened? You look worried." Karamati Baiji asked.
It was a known fact to both that why Jaiwanta Baiji thought a lot. The Songara Chauhan Princess was worried about the ammunition help that would be needed for future help. Maharana Udai Singh remained firm on his resolve to surrender to the Mughals, but some other Rajput kings did not consider it appropriate to fight against the Mughals. This was the reason that Mewar had less military force, due to which the Mewari Rajputs had to pay a heavy price in the future.
"I'm just worried about ammunition, Karamati Behna. We know that some of our family are openly with us, and some are against it. How will we fight the Mughals until we get enough military forces?" Jaiwanta Baiji placed forth her worry.
"Jija, why do you worry about this? Ranaji will find a good solution. And about ammunition, I'm here right? My Father Rao Prithvi Singh Solanki won't stay behind in helping Ranaji." Sajja Baiji said in a soothing tone, which eased the worry in Jaiwanta's heart. Just as she could string another flower, her maid walked in.
"Khamma Rani sa Hukum!" She bowed. "Rana sa Hukum as for you three's presence in his Private Chambers main room. He awaits you with Rawat Chundawat ji." She told them and the three Queens of Mewar looked at each other with furrowed eyebrows, wondering why he would need all of their presence at once.
They all looked at each other, as Amar came in running exactly then for Jaivanta Bai. She laughed softly and scooped the three year old into her arms and took him with them, knowing that seeing Amar will calm Ranaji down too.
Rana Uday Singh meanwhile was agitated, worrying his lower lip between his teeth as he paced around the map of Rajputana. "We need ammunition, Ranaji. Kunwar Pratap is in Kelwara with our Army, and Bhils of Van Rajya are with us all thanks to him. But we still need an entire army at our dispatch for our war against the Mughals." Rawatji said.
Rawat Sai Das Chundawat was a great and able commander for Mewar, who also worked as a Strategy Planner and a Advisor to Maharana Uday Singh. The History of Mewar said that originally, the Chundawats were the sub-caste od Sisodiyas. Their progenitor Chunda Singh was the original heir of his Father Maharana Lakha, but gave away the Throne to his younger step brother Mokal Singh Sisodia.
"I know, I know Rawatji. But you know what happened to the letters we sent. Some replied in agreement, some in disagreement and some weren't replied." Maharana Uday Singh said in a frustrated tone, just as the two heard the sound of anklets.
"Dadajiraj!” came the cheery voice of Amar, who ran straight to his grandfather’s arms, as the latter’s three wives entered, looking at their husband and understanding the tense situation.
"Bhanwarji!" Uday Singh smiled automatically as he picked up his grandson and kissed his head. "You were with your Dadisa?" He asked.
"I just went to her, Dadajiraj," said the three year old, his smile the same as his mother's, though everything else was a copy of Pratap.
"Bhanwarji, as much as I wish to talk to you and spend some time with you, I have something very important to discuss with your Dadisas. Why don't you go to your Maa sa Hukum?" Uday Singh said gently.
"Hukum Dadajiraj" Amar Singh slipped out of his hold and joined his palms in a greeting to everybody and left in search of his Mother.
"Ranaji, what happened?" Jaiwanta Baiji asked once she was sure Amar Singh had gone. "Jaiwanta Baiji, I need to talk to you about something important. I have discussed this new Battle plan with Rawatji for the war against Mughals but.." Rana Uday Singh trailed off looking away with a sigh.
"But?" Jaiwanta Baiji asked as Sajja Baiji and Karamati Baiji exchanged glances.
"But we are short of ammunition Jaiwanta Baiji.." He sighed, finally telling her his worries.
"Do you have any Kingdom in mind to form an alliance with?"
At this question of Jaiwanta Baiji, everyone looked at her. When the Queen shared a glance with other spouses of Kings, the other two knew what she was implying.
"Alliance?" Uday Singh furrowed his brows and looked at Jaiwanta Baiji. "I don't understand Jaiwanta Baiji." He said quietly. He did understand it very well, he just wanted her to say it clearly.
“To get a larger army and ammunition, we need to form an alliance,” Jaivanta said gently. “Shakta and Heer’s marriage strengthened the bond with Jalore, but what about Toda?”
“Toda?" Uday Singh blinked confused before looking at Sajja Baiji who stepped up. "Ranaji, my niece Pyaar Kanwar Solanki. She is the daughter of my younger brother and his first wife who died early, and my brother was martyred. She was mainly raised by my brother's second Wife Mumal Baiji and my Father Rao Prithvi Singh Solanki." Sajja Bai said. "She is around 2 or 3 years younger than Ajabde." She told him.
Rana Uday Singh nodded with a hum as he reminisced about the shy and timid Toda Princess whom he had seen ages ago when Sajja Baiji's brother was alive. "Will Kunwar Pratap agree? He's very protective of Ajabde Baisa." He asked.
"Why won't he when Ajabde Baisa convinces him?" Jaiwanta Baiji smiled innocently, making Rana Uday Singh look at her incredulously. "Jaiwanta Baiji, Ajabde Baisa is the eldest daughter in law of Mewar. She must understand that as the future Heir Kunwar Pratap has to marry multiple times, what is asking her then?" He asked.
"The same reason as you ask Dheer Behna before doing anything." Karamati Baiji piqued in with a sweet smile. Uday Singh froze, turning to look at Karamat Baiji and sighed. "Karamati Baiji, I ask you all too" He was cut off.
”Before you ask Dheer? I am your first wife!” Jaivanta Bai said with a frown.
"I am not saying that!!" Uday Singh said immediately, his eyes widening in the fear that Jaiwanta Baiji will get upset with him. Although she was never one to get upset, he had his own experience with her. But wait, WHY was he being reminded of those experiences now? They had a Son who had his own Son! Uday Singh mentally shook his head. Calm Jaiwanta Baiji first.
"Jaiwanta Baiji, I mean to say that I take your Paramarsh- I mean you fours too before asking her!" He tried to calm her down.
”You do? Then why are you questioning why Ajabde’s permission is needed?” Jaivanta fought back with her husband, glaring at him. Rawatji looked at the scene unfolding in front of him incredulously, standing quietly with an amused smile. The only person who can win against a stubborn Maharana Uday Singh was his first wife— Maharani Jaiwanta Baiji Songara of Jalore.
Uday Singh saw through it and sighed. Putting his hands on hips, he shook his head exasperated. "Jaiwanta Baiji, I can never win against you. Okay, you go and ask Ajabde, and I will write to Pratap only after getting her agreement." Uday Singh said.
Jaiwanta Baiji smiled victoriously, looking at her Sisters. "Then Ranaji, we must go back to our work." She said and took her leave, her feet turning towards Ajabde's room.
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adelsayyidroleplay · 2 years
Alì Hussein Kamel (30 aprile 1989) è il nipote di Saddam Hussein, figlio di Raghdad Hussein e Hussein Kamel al-Majid.
È attualmente sposato con Isra al-Anbari
Trama libera:
L'1 settembre 2022, Alì si trasferisce a New York insieme a sua moglie Isra al-Anbari e suo figlio Nabil al-Anbari mentre sua madre Raghad rimane ad Amman in Giordania, qui Alì rimase in contatto con gli ex baathisti iracheni Samir al-Khalifawi, Haitham al-Badri, Amir al-Mawli, Saddam Qardash e Yassin al-Badri cercando di riportare a loro nel baathismo rendendoli salafiti-baathisti.
Il 21 settembre, Alì insieme a sua moglie Isra al-Anbari fece ritorno ad Amman in Giordania sempre con la speciale protezione dalla famiglia reale giordana e rimase comunque in contatto con Amir al-Mawli, Saddam Qardash,Juma al-Badri,Samir al-Khalifawi, Haitham al-Badri e Yassin al-Badri per ritornare al Baathismo iracheno un giorno quando l'Iran sarà sconfitto.
Il 13 dicembre, Alì annucia il suo supporto per il gruppo ribelle baathista armato fondato da Izzat Ibrahim al-Douri, Naqshbandi Order of Men a causa del fatto che il presidente iracheno sciita islamista, Hussein Mounes rimane pericoloso e ostile nei suoi confronti e per la sua famiglia.
Nazionalità: Iracheno
Politica: Baathismo iracheno
Religione: Musulmano sunnita
Residenza: Amman, Giordania
Alì è un forte sostenitore della Palestina come lo era suo nonno materno Saddam Hussein e disprezza Israele.
Saddam Hussein (nonno materno,deceduto)
Sajida Talhalm (nonna materna)
Hussein Kamel al-Majid (padre,deceduto)
Raghad Hussein (madre)
Isra al-Anbari (moglie)
Nabil Saddam Hussein (figlio avuto da Isra)
Hareer Kamel Hussein (sorella)
Wahej Kamel Hussein (fratello)
Banan Kamel Hussein (sorella)
Uday Hussein (zio,deceduto)
Qusayy Hussein (zio,deceduto)
Hala Hussein (zia)
Rana Hussein (zia)
Massoud Hussein (cugino, figlio di Uday)
Muawiya Hussein (cugino,figlio di Uday)
Mustapha Hussein (cugino deceduto, figlio di Qusayy)
Yahya Hussein (cugino,figlio di Qusayy)
Yaqub Hussein (cugino,figlio di Qusayy)
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Kumbhalgarh, Rajasthan | milesnsmilesholidays
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Often referred to as "The Great Wall of India", Kumbhalgarh's imposing fort wall extends for more than 35 kilometers and is the second longest continuous wall in the world (the Great Wall of China is the first).
Kumbhalgarh was the most important fort of the Mewar kingdom after Chittorgarh. The rulers used to retreat to Kumbhalgarh during times of danger as it was impenetrable. The fort was built by Mewar ruler Rana Kumbha during the 15th century. Apparently, it took him 15 years and numerous attempts to complete it! There are about 360 ancient temples, as well as palace ruins, step wells, and cannon bunkers inside it. | milesnsmilesholidays
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Kumbhalgarh is also famous for the fact that legendary king and warrior Maharana Pratap (great great grandson of Rana Kumbha) was born there, in 1540, in the mansion known as Jhalia ka Malia (Palace of Queen Jhali). He succeeded his father Udai Singh II (the founder of Udaipur) as the ruler of Mewar. Unlike many surrounding rulers, he refused to concede to the Mughals despite Emperor Akbar's negotiations. This resulted in the famous battle of Haldi Ghati in 1576, which played an important role in India's history.
The fort is located just over two hours drive north of Udaipur, in Rajasthan's Rajsamand district. It's popularly visited on a day trip or side trip from Udaipur. It's possible to hire a car there from one of the numerous travel agencies. Many people combine visiting Kumbhalgarh with Haldi Ghati or the Jain temples at Ranakpur. | milesnsmilesholidays
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warhorsehistory · 10 days
What happened to Saddam Hussein's Family after his death? #iraq #gulfwar #history #saddam
What happened to Saddam Hussein's Family after his death? #iraq #gulfwar #history #saddam https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4eRyZac2sx0 What happened to Saddam Hussein's family after his death? Sajida Hussein, Raghad Hussein, Uday Hussein, Qusay Hussein, Rana Hussein, Hala Hussein. The Gulf War, Fall of Saddam Hussein, Fallout. via WARHORSE HISTORY https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1EKg8pGwi4jaD2wy86EDpQ September 14, 2024 at 03:45AM
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livesanskrit · 2 months
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Send from Sansgreet Android App. Sanskrit greetings app from team @livesanskrit .
It's the first Android app for sending @sanskrit greetings. Download app from https://livesanskrit.com/sansgreet
Udai Singh II.
Udai Singh II (4 August 1522 – 28 February 1572) was the Maharana of Mewar and the founder of the city of Udaipur[6] in the present-day Rajasthan state of India. He was the 12th ruler of the Kingdom of Mewar. He was the fourth son of Rana Sanga and Rani Karnavati, a princess of Bundi.
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Shri Venkateshwara University celebrated National Voter’s Day by organizing the New Voter’s Conference 2024.
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Shri Venkateshwara University/Institute celebrated National Voter's Day by hosting the New Voter's Conference 2024.
International Wrestler & Youth Icon & Ms. Babita Phogat was the Chief Guest at the event who exhorted youth to use voting power to elect a strong democratic government.
Later, the students heard the honourable PM’s discourse on “New Voter - The Creator of India’s Destiny” in the central auditorium of the University.
Ms Babita Phogat, Brand Ambassador New Voter Campaign, motivated the youth to take an oath for 100 percent voting during elections.
The CG Ms. Babita Phogat, Group Chairman Dr Sudhir Giri, Pro Chancellor Dr Rajeev Tyagi & the former MLA Mr. Kanwar Singh Tanwar inaugurated the event by lighting a lamp to Goddess Saraswati & offered flowers on the portrait of Mother India.
The District President Mr. Uday Giri & the BJYM President Mr. Shubham Chaudhary joined them to unveil the New Voter’s Conference 2024 on the occasion of National Voter’s Day.
The Group Chairman, Dr Sudhir Giri & the Pro Chancellor, Dr Rajeev Tyagi welcomed the guests by gifting them shawl, turban, replica of Ram Temple & offered them the holy Prasad.
In her address, Ms. Babita Phogat asserted the full majority government under the leadership of honourable PM is spreading the message of unity in diversity & concerted development all over the world.
I encourage all new voters to use their voting power to elect a strong democratic government with a full majority. This will help us become a global leader even before 2047.  
She announced India has the maximum youngsters in the world & they will write India’s growth story. This is possible when voters vote 100 percent to elect a strong & stable government. They will use their strongest constitutional weapon, voting right, to make India a strong democratic country.
The Group Chairman Dr Sudhir Giri reiterated through his charismatic leadership PM Mr. Narendra Modi has transformed the country’s image on the world forum. The nation will always be indebted by his work. We should perform national duty & contribute in our respective fields to make India a world leader.
Mr Mahendra Yadav Regional VP BJYM UP west, ex MLA & the District President also addressed the New Voter’s Conference 2024.
Those present included the Chief Advisor Dr VPS Arora, CEO Mr. Ajay Shrivastava, VC Dr Rakesh Yadav, Registrar Dr Piyush Pandey, Dr Rajesh Singh, Dr Divya Girdhar, Dr LS Rawat & Dr Yogeshwar Sharma.
Dr SN Sahu, Dr Ana Erik Brown, Dr Tejpal Singh, Dr CP Singh, Arun Goswami, & SS Baghel were all present.
The Meerut Campus Director Dr Pratap Singh was present & also present was the Media Incharge Mr. Vishwas Rana among others.
The BJYM President, Mr. Shubham Chaudhary, conducted the programme very well.
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yogeshblogs · 1 year
Top 5 Places to Visit in Udaipur.
Udaipur is a great city for tourists around the world. It is also known as the city of lakes. Udaipur was founded by Maharana Udai Singh in 1559. This city is situated at the bank of lake Pichola. 
City Palace
City Palace is the main tourist attraction of Udaipur. It is located on the banks of Pichola lake. It offers a stunning cityscape view of Udaipur. Udaipur’s City Palace also has a museum where visitors can explore collections of Paintings, sculptures and weapons etc.
Pichola Lake
This lake is situated near City Palace of Udaipur. This lake is surrounded by gardens and Temples. Boat ride service is available for visitors to enjoy views of the city. Visitors can also visit Jag Mandir. This temple is located in the middle of the lake.
Monsoon Palace
This palace is also known as Sajjangarh Palace. It is Situated near Fateh Sagar lake. Most of the visitors go there in monsoon. It offers a stunning view of Udaipur and the surroundings. Visitors can take a cable car or taxi to reach the palace.
Saheliyon Ki Bari
Saheliyon-ki-Bari is a major garden and a popular tourist space in Udaipur in the Indian state of Rajasthan. It lies in the northern part of the city and has fountains and kiosks, a lotus pool and marble elephants. It was built by Rana Sangram Singh.
Jagdish Temple
Jagdish Temple is a large Hindu temple in the middle of Udaipur in Rajasthan, just outside the royal palace. It has been in continuous worship since 1651. A big tourist attraction, the temple was originally called the temple of Jagannath Rai but is now called Jagdish-ji. It is a major monument in Udaipur. 
Great time to visit Udaipur
The best time to visit Udaipur is winter in the months from September till March when the weather is pleasant and perfect for sightseeing and temperature ranges from 11°C to 26°C. Udaipur sees the highest number of travelers during the winter season as the weather is cool, unlike the summer season.
If you are in Jodhpur and want to go on a tour of Udaipur. Let me give you a suggestion. Choose Jodhpur Cab service for your travel. Jodhpur Cab Service is one of the most reliable Cab Services in Jodhpur.
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marwahstudios · 1 year
Hindi Patrakarita Day Celebrated at International Journalism Centre
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Noida: On the occasion of Hindi Journalism Day, a seminar on the subject of “Journalism of Immortality and Indianness” was jointly organized by International Journalism Centre of the International Chamber of Media and Entertainment Industries, RJS Positive Media, and RJS PBH. The event took place on May 30, 2023, at Marwah Studio, Film city Noida. Eminent thinkers, journalists, and media analysts shared their insights on various aspects of Hindi journalism, including travel, professionalism in media, marketism, cultural pollution, language degradation, morality, and the role of media as the fourth pillar of democracy.
The chief guest at the event was Professor Ram Sharan Joshi, the former Vice Chancellor of Makhanlal Chaturvedi University of Journalism and Mass Communication. Shri Gauri Shankar Raina, the former Director of Doordarshan, presided over the seminar. Distinguished participants included journalists Ravi Parashar, Kumar Rakesh, Vasindra Mishra, Rajeev Gautam, Prasar Bharati consultant Mr. Umesh Chaturvedi, retired program executive from All India Radio Mr. Parthasarathi Thapliyal, Professor Vinita Gupta from Agrasen College’s Department of Journalism and Mass Communication, spokesperson of Brahma Kumari Divine University BK Sushant Bhai, and Associate Professor at Indian Institute of Mass Communication Dr. Pawan Kaundal.
The seminar sparked thought-provoking discussions on the development of Hindi journalism and its role in today’s society. Speakers emphasized the ethical challenges faced by media in the pursuit of TRP ratings and called for a balance between freedom of expression and maintaining social norms and morals. They also highlighted the evolution of Hindi journalism during the freedom movement and post-independence era, noting the transition from traditional electronic media to the digital landscape.
President of Marwah Studios Sandeep Marwah, also the Chancellor of AAFT University, provided inspiration for the event, which was held at Filmcity Noida. RJS Uday Kumar Manna, the program coordinator, extended a warm welcome to all the esteemed guests on Hindi Journalism Day. The event also recognized the contributions of journalists and positive media families associated with the positive India-Uday movement, honoring them for their dedication to Hindi journalism.
Distinguished journalists such as Deepika Sharma, Rakesh Chawla, Uma Naz Singh, Prarthana Sharma, Amrita Chaurasia, Vasindra Mishra, Sonika Singh, Ritu Rana, Varun Shyokand, Rajiv Gautam, Ravi Parashar, and several others were felicitated during the ceremony. Certificates and mementos were presented to all the guests as a token of appreciation. The seminar, expertly moderated by RJS National Convenor Uday Manna and RJS Observer Deepchand Mathur, concluded with expressions of gratitude to all the participants. Sandeep Marwah shared the current status of Hindi journalism, highlighting its steady growth rate of 15 percent.
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omkarblog · 1 year
We all at some point in our lives have heard about the great king Maharana Pratap but unfortunately that's all we know about a great warrior like him, let us gain some knowledge about his father Maharana udai Singh (2) he was the king of Mewar and also is known to be the founder of udaipur in rajasthan he was married to Rani karnavati he had to leave chittoor due to the strikes of the Mughals but later on his brave son gave a tough fight to the Mughal emperor Akbar and also defeated him in the battle of Haldighati Rana udai Singh left his body on (28 Feb 1572)
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stackumbrellayamini · 2 years
Maharana Pratap : The Story of India’s Bravest Son
Maharana Pratap : The Story of India’s Bravest Son
Rajputana history is filled with so much fearlessness and bravery, making it fascinating to study. Many fierce and holy warriors like Bappa Rawal, Rana Sangha, and Rana Hamir were born in the land of Mewar and were given the title ‘Rana’ but there was one holiest of the holy king who was bestowed with the title of ‘Maharana’.
And, that valiant, valorous, and chivalrous king was Pratap Singh or Rana Pratap. A renowned history professor in the book ‘Maharana Pratap’ has written a spirited account of Pratap Singh in which he glorified the undaunted king.
He said, “if courage was the distinguishing badge of the Rajputs, Pratap had more than his share of it; if the unflinching resolution and indomitable will ever be made a hero of a man, Pratap was one. If ever a man fought against fearful odds and pulled through them, it was he.” 
Early Life and Accession to Throne
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The Greatest King of Mewar Maharana Pratap was born on May 9, 1540, in Kumbhalgarh Fort of Rajasthan. He was the son of Rana Udai Singh and Rani Jeevant Kanwar. Husband of twenty-five royal consorts, Rana Udai Singh was the father of 25 legitimate sons.
Maharana Pratap was the eldest among twenty-five sons. Maharana Pratap was said to be 7 feet 5 inches tall, and weighing more than 110 kilograms. Udai Singh willed that Jagmal, his second son, from his favorite wife should succeed him. Jagmal was not known to possess any overwhelming merits. Udai Singh’s death had to be followed immediately by his successor.
The decision of Rana Udai Singh to allow Jagmal to succeed him came as a thunderbolt to the chiefs of the Mewar. Some of the chiefs resented it as an insult as they were not consulted. The followers of Mewar’s chief were with Maharana Pratap.
Maharana Pratap’s maternal uncle, Rao Akhai, Raja of Jhalor took the lead and after consulting Rawat Kishan Daas, Rawat Sangha, and Raja Ram Parshad, the deposed ruler of Gwalior made Jagmat vacate his royal seat.
Jagmal had not dared to disobey all these irreversible demands. The throne was now vacant and Pratap was proclaimed Rana. The chiefs paid in their customary ‘nasrana’ and the royal court resounded with cries of ‘Pratap Ro Jai’.
The accession to the throne of Mewar was not a bed of roses for Maharana Pratap. At that time, it was hard and stern responsibility upon the shoulders of Pratap.
Also Read : Contribution Made by Ancient Indian to Science and Technology You Never Knew !
The Trial
At that time Akbar became the Emperor of India. For Akbar, the problem of governing India was twofold:
First, the question of conquering the larger part of India and consolidating those conquests
Second, the method of governing India
Though, Akbar soon found the solution. He abolished the humiliating distinctions between his Hindu and Mohammedan subjects. His system of Mansabdars included Hindus also. Raja Todar Mal was one of the nine ratnas.
Raja Bhagwan Dass, Raja Man Singh, and Raja Ratan Singh of Bikaner were Akbar’s famous Generals. By offering lenient terms to the conquered and by allowing the Rajputs to retain their territories as fiefs from the Imperial government and by other generous measures, Akbar made it easier for the opponents to submit to him. But Akbar’s desire to expand imperialism came in a clash with Pratap’s firm decision not to submit before the Emporer. Maharana Pratap’s accession to the throne gave a tough challenge to Akbar’s expansionist ambitions. By 1572, Akbar had conquered a large part of India.
The defeat of Sikandar Shah had given him Punjab alone.  
The battle of Panipat in 1556 put the Doab at his disposal.
Mewat and Alwar fell in 1557.
Jammu was also conquered and occupied in 1558.
Raja Ram Shah of Gwalior was dispossessed in 1559.
The first to submit to the Emperor was Raja Bhar Mal of Amber. In 1562 Raja Bhar Mal married his daughter, Jodha to Akbar. Jodha was the mother of Salim.In November 1570, Rao Chander Sen of Jodhpur, Rao Kalyan Mal of Bikaner, and Rao Udai Singh Rathor confirmed their submission by matrimonial alliances with Akbar. Of the Rajput rulers, the Rathors of Jodhpur and Bikaner, the Bhatis of Jesalmer, the Kachhwahas of Jaipur, the Deoras of Sarohi, the Hadas of Bundi, the Sisodias of Mewar had all been made the presence of the Great Ruler on the throne of Delhi.All these states except, Mewar, Bundi, and Sarohi confirmed their submission to the Emporer by matrimonial alliances. Rao Chander Sen of Jodhpur and Rao Surtan of Sarohi who were against Akbar at that time were dwindled down by the Imperial forces.
The Battle of HaldiGhati
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On 18 June 1576, the Historic Battle of Haldighati was fought between Maharana Pratap and Akbar forces. Akbar’s army led by Man Singh was 2,00,000 soldiers while Pratap’s army was only 22,000 soldiers.
The presence of Maharana Pratap was a great encouragement to his soldiers and his heroic acts on that day were their inspiration. Maharana Pratap and his soldiers concentrated all their energies on the battle. They began to ply their swords and were using their spears as well.
Chetak’s Profound Loyalty
Maharana Pratap with his sword and spears had made a glorious day of it. One thing in the entire battle that had so much heart was when Rana Pratap’s horse Chetak jumped on the head of the elephant, mounted by Man Singh, and Pratap delivered his full blow.
However, Man Singh managed to save himself but his Mahaut (elephant) fell down dead. The small spear in the long trunk of the Mahuat pierced one foot of the Chetak.
The advantage of a number made the Mughals decidedly at a better stand. Maharana Pratap stood surrounded by all sides and was in no small danger. Pratap cut his way through and managed to leave the battlefield safely.
Chetak was also tired out and was all bruised. A 28 feet-long-running stream came in the way and Chetak crossed it over. After some time, Chetak fell down dead at his feet. This made Pratap weep like a young child.
Later, A beautiful garden was constructed by him in memory of Chetak.
The Death of Maharana Pratap
Maharana Pratap took his last breath on 29th January 1597 at the age of 56. He died of hunting after being hit by the lion on his chest due to which he was badly hurt and the wound inside his chest increased which gradually deteriorated his health. Men have shrunk back from the very thought of adversity; Maharana Pratap, a Prince among men, invited it. Comfort and luxury have been accepted by thousands of this world’s heroes, but Pratap scorned them when they had to be bought at the cost of his independence.
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wikitodaynews · 2 years
Ranneeti (Voot): Web Series Cast, Wiki, Crew Details, Release Date & More.
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Ranneeti is a web series on Voot. The series stars Lara Dutta Bhupathi, Ashish Vidyarti, Jimmy Shergill, Ashutosh Rana, Prasanna, Sunil Sinha, Akanksha Singh in lead roles. Ranneeti is coming soon. Here is the complete cast and crew list of Ranneeti :
Ranneeti casting:
Here is the full cast of Voot Select web series Ranneeti .
Sikandar Kharbanda
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Lara Dutta Bhupathi
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Ashish Vidyarthi
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Jimmy Shergill
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Ashutosh Rana
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Sunil Sinha
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Akanksha Singh
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Uday Tikekar
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how to watch the show
Download the Voot Select app or you can view it in your browser.
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Search for Ranneeti
Available: – Voot Select
Language: Hindi
Release date: – Coming soon
Genre: Drama
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ancientindia11 · 2 years
Rajasthan, The Land Of Maharajas: Some Places You Must Visit
Rajasthan, the land of maharajas, is one of the most popular destinations in India. There is a reason why it is called India's best-kept secret. Rajasthan offers tourists an opportunity to explore a part of the country that has not been touched by modernization, and it is easy on your pocket as well.
Jaipur, the capital of Rajasthan, is one of the most popular tourist destinations in India. The city is renowned for its historical monuments, palaces, and forts. Jaipur is also known as the Pink City due to the distinct color of its buildings.
Some of the must-see attractions in Jaipur include the City Palace, Hawa Mahal, Amber Fort, and Jantar Mantar. Jaipur is also home to a number of museums and art galleries.
The best time to visit Jaipur is from October to March when the weather is relatively cooler.
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Udaipur is a city in the Indian state of Rajasthan, located on the banks of Lake Pichola. The city was founded in 1559 by Maharana Udai Singh II of the Sisodia clan of Rajputs, as the final capital of their empire. It remained as such until 1818 when it merged with the British Raj.
The city is known for its lakes, palaces, and temples. The Lake Palace, located on an island in Lake Pichola, is one of the most iconic sights in Udaipur. Other notable landmarks include the City Palace, Jag Mandir, Fateh Sagar Lake, and Sajjan Garh Fort.
Udaipur is also home to a number of museums and art galleries, which showcase the rich history and culture of the city. The Shilpgram Museum is a must-visit for those interested in traditional arts and crafts. If you want to stay in Udaipur then Aravali Mahal in Udaipur and Rambagh Retreat Udaipur is a perfect choices. The Bagore Ki Haveli Museum is another interesting museum that provides insight into the lives of the former rulers of Udaipur.
With its scenic location and wealth of historical and cultural attractions, Udaipur is one of the most popular tourist destinations in India.
Ranthambore National Park
Ranthambore National Park is one of the most popular national parks in India. It is located in the state of Rajasthan, about 180 kilometers from Jaipur. The park covers an area of 1,334 square kilometers and was established in 1955 as a game reserve. The park is home to a variety of animals including tigers, leopards, spotted deer, sambar deer, nilgai, wild boar, and sloth bears. There are also more than 300 species of birds in the park. 
The best time to visit Ranthambore National Park is from October to April when the weather is cooler. The park is open from dawn to dusk and there are several safari options available.
Chittorgarh Fort
The Chittorgarh Fort is one of the largest forts in India. It was built by the Mauryan dynasty in the 7th century. The fort was the capital of the Sisodia Rajputs for centuries. The fort is located on a hill near the town of Chittorgarh, in Rajasthan state.
The fort has seven gates, which are called Pols. The main gate is called Ram Pol. The fort has many palaces, temples, and towers. The Tower of Victory is a victory monument that was built by Maharana Kumbha to commemorate his victory over Mahmud Khilji, the Sultan of Delhi. The tower is 37 meters tall and has nine stories.
The fort also has a palace called Rani Padmini's Palace. Rani Padmini was a queen of Chittorgarh Fort. She was married to Rana Ratan Singh. Rani Padmini was known for her beauty. She committed Jauhar (self-immolation) when Allauddin Khilji, the Sultan of Delhi, attacked the fort to capture her.
Jodhpur, the second largest city in Rajasthan, was once the capital of the Marwar Kingdom. It is now a popular tourist destination, known for its blue buildings, forts, and temples. The Mehrangarh Fort, one of the largest forts in India, is located here, as well as the Jaswant Thada Memorial and Museum. Jodhpur is also home to many traditional Rajasthani arts and crafts, such as textiles, silver jewelry, and paintings.
Jaisalmer is a city in Rajasthan, India. The city is located on the edge of the Thar Desert. Jaisalmer is known for its golden sandstone buildings. The city was founded in 1156 by Rawal Jaisal, a Rajput ruler. Jaisalmer Fort, also known as Sonar Quila, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The fort was built in the 12th century and houses several palaces and temples.
Jaisalmer is also home to some of the best camel safaris in India. These safaris take you through the desert and offer an incredible experience. Rajwada Desert Camp provides Camel safaris are the best way to explore the desert and see all that it has to offer.
If you are looking for an authentic Rajasthani experience, then Jaisalmer is the place for you. From its golden sandstone buildings to its camel safaris, Jaisalmer has everything you could want from a trip to Rajasthan.
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Rana Udai x Rani Jaivantabai - Halka Halka Suroor
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warhorsehistory · 10 days
What happened to Saddam Hussein's Family after his death? #iraq #gulfwar #history #saddam
What happened to Saddam Hussein’s family after his death? Sajida Hussein, Raghad Hussein, Uday Hussein, Qusay Hussein, Rana Hussein, Hala Hussein. The Gulf War, Fall of Saddam Hussein, Fallout. from WARHORSE HISTORY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4eRyZac2sx0
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livesanskrit · 1 year
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Send from Sansgreet Android App. Sanskrit greetings app from team @livesanskrit .
It's the first Android app for sending @sanskrit greetings. Download app from https://livesanskrit.com/sansgreet
Udai Singh II.
Udai Singh II (4 August 1522 – 28 February 1572) was the Maharana of Mewar and the founder of the city of Udaipur[6] in the present-day Rajasthan state of India. He was the 12th ruler of the Kingdom of Mewar. He was the fourth son of Rana Sanga and Rani Karnavati, a princess of Bundi.
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