pedroam-bang · 2 months
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The Last Samurai (2003)
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astoldbyaja · 2 months
The Pink Blossom Ch.1
Nathan and his former slave Grace are taken captive by Katsumoto and his samurai. As Nathan heals in Taka's home, Grace is watched in Ujio's. The tough samurai is not silent with his hatred for the American soldier, but he cannot fight the common curiosity that many have in the village upon getting to meet their first African. What starts as genuine curiosity turns into a deep love the two never thought possible, being from different worlds. This is Grace's story from being a prisoner to being loved by a samurai.
****Please note some racial slurs in this fic!!!****
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“Stay close.” I remember him saying. War was no place for an African servant woman like me, but Nathan Algren kept me at his side from the Indian wars to the trouble that was going on in Japan.
There was a samurai led rebellion going on against Japan’s emperor, Meiji. Nathan’s old commanding officer, Colonel Bagely had found Nathan and asked him to help train the Imperial Japanese Army, for a Japanese businessman by the name of Omura, to stop this rebellion. I knew Nathan’s hatred for the colonel, but he needed the money and so he agreed. We were accompanied by his old friend sergeant Zebulon Grant and British translator Simon Graham.
Zebulon looked at me with indifference like most did, but Simon was a complete gentleman when speaking to me.
When Nathan’s wife died, Nathan lost everything, but his status as a soldier kept him going and I would not abandon him.
We were given lodging at an Inn. I didn’t leave unless Nathan was with me. It seemed my presence either made the local people curious or they were afraid of me. There are not many Africans in Japan. I recall Colonel Bagley making a snide remark about me being the only “nigger in all of Japan”. I brought Nathan some food and sat across from him.
“You’re worried.” I noted and he sighed heavily moving his fork about his food.
“These men know nothing about combat. They’re peasants, some of who have never even picked up or handled a weapon. It’s a shame.” he told.
“But with you here, they’ll learn.” I said trying to remain hopeful. Nathan shook his head.
“Not in time to go against Katsumoto.” he replied. I winced unable to understand the name.
“Katsuwho?” I asked. He grinned at me.
“Katsumoto. He is the leader of the samurai rebellion.” he replied.
“He is dangerous, like the Indians?” I asked. Nathan smiled warmly and moved his hand to rest atop of mine.
“Nothing will happen to you. Not while I’m alive.”
During training, Nathan was told the samurai were attacking one of the railroads owned by Omura. He protested that the men were not ready, but he was still commanded to prepare to fight.
Two horses were getting prepared for us both to ride out tomorrow.
“Are you sure I should go?” I asked. Nathan winced.
“Grace, I don’t want to take you, but I will not leave you here. I don’t know the Japanese ways or their views on freed slaves. You know our plan, if I fall in battle, you ride out of there, ride until you are away from the danger. Never stop.”
But now it was morning, and the fog was heavy as I was riding on the rear on my horse with Col. Bagley who was not pleased in the first place with me coming along. The forest is not yet awake yet. We should not be invading the nature. I could see Nathan up front as I was surrounded by Japanese men walking and looking about. They were afraid and so was I. I always tell myself, when Nathan brings me along on these endeavors that maybe I should stay behind somewhere safe, but there is nowhere safe for me without Nathan close by.
I always feared being put in chains again, and I saw Nathan as my only protector because he looked like the very people who enslaved me. My horse was moving along in stride, but something had spooked it, because it was not wanting to continue walking. Did it know danger was close? I looked forward toward Nathan to see him looking wary of the forest. He glanced back at me, and I gave a gentle stare to him. He then stopped the army and my chest tightened. Something was coming, the distant fog was angry and roared at us. Someone was coming. It was not the forest, but the enemy ahead coming at us.
Shadows of shapely ghosts charged toward us. I covered my mouth in shock and fear. They were like demons!
“Assume firing positions!” Nathan yelled.
The soldiers stood with their shaky guns pointed at the wave of people coming to kill them. I was told to wear black so I would blend in with the trees and not be spotted should I be separated from Nathan or any other familiar faces. My curls were pulled back in a neat bun and my gloves were as thick as the dark coat Nathan gave me that kept me warm and protected.
I myself had to be ready. I heard a single gunshot, and I was now being thrown from my horse. I yelled out as I hit the ground, my mind and vision hazy. I groaned hard as I looked up and men being stabbed and butchered like animals. The sea of demons rode through them smiting them.
I had managed to crawl over to a tree away from the battle it seemed. My heart was pounding and my hair was covering my face as I hugged this tree for comfort. I had never seen war up close before. Even during the Indian wars, I remained in a tent or home with other slaves. I even served a few of the generals who Nathan served under to better serve in his favor.
These men were indeed not ready to face combat. My eyes widened as I watched these… samurai stab into the men, cutting their throats and dismembering them. God protect me from this carnage! My body was convulsing in utter fear as I watched arrows fly through the air and puncture men. An arrow hit the tree I was at and I yelped and turned back around trying to catch my breath. I had to run. No, not yet I had to find Nathan!
 I was looking for him now in the bloodshed and as I did, I noticed one of them had rode up fast and speared Zebulon in the chest. My eyes widened and I screamed as he fell to the ground.
“GRANT!” I hear Nathan yell. I watched as a shadow in red dismounted his horse and approached the fallen man. He raised his sword high and my eyes widened as he plunged it deep into the man’s stomach. He let out a painful yell and I covered my mouth thinking I would vomit. My eyes moved wildly as I looked for Nathan and saw he was flung from his horse and surrounded by enemies. I cried out in pain for him.
I then saw one of the shadows coming at me with a sword raised and my eyes widened as I felt my heart jump from my chest. I got up and ran from the tree, holding my dress up as it was dirty and heavy from the mud I fell in.  
Where was I to go, what was I to do? I felt an enormous weight tackle me to the ground and I screamed as I was pinned to the ground, and I felt a cold blade at my throat. My throat would be slit and I would be left bleeding on the ground. I couldn’t even look for my friend- my protector.
I heard angry yelling and words, but I could not understand them. My brain rattled in my mind as I was suddenly forced on my feet and a firm grip clutched my scalp causing me to scream and take hold of the hand that held me. Now I didn’t hear hardly any screaming, and I looked around. For a moment all I saw were trees and I saw Nathan on the ground and I winced. He was hurt.
“Nathan!” I shouted and once more angry words were shouted at me, and I struggled against the grip that was going to pull my hair from my scalp. Now I was standing in front of a calm eyed man, his samurai uniform seemed to stand out more than the others. I was then forced to my knees and my head forced to look up at him. My face is wet from tears. He stared at me for a moment looking me over as if confused, but also bewildered by the sight of me. He then took some type of pouch and poured it over my face. I spluttered at the cool water that soaked into my dress. He ran his hand over my face, not hard, but with enough pressure as if trying to wipe something off me.
He looked at his gloved hand and then at me.
“You are…African.” he said in such a thick surprised accent, that I almost didn’t catch it. He spoke English. I just stared at him, and he just looked at me again. He shouted something at the man who held me, and now I was being forced up and away. What would they do to me? I turned and looked at Nathan to see two men were lifting him up and tying his hands. What would they do to him? I felt my wrists being placed together in front of me and I was being led to a black horse. More words were shouted at me, and I took the hint to get on its back. I kept my eyes on Nathan as he was very far from me. I sniffled and attempted to wipe my face, as I assumed we would be separated through this journey.
My horse did not move, and so I took the time to look at the battle field before me. There were bodies everywhere, and only one dead samurai, the samurai in red.
I noticed the samurai who spoke to me before standing in front of General Hasegawa who was on his knees with a sword in his hands. I had never spoken to him, but I had seen him before many times. The blade was pressed to his abdomen, and my eyes were fixated on the scene. The samurai raised his sword and seemed to be waiting. In seconds, the general thrust the blade into his own stomach and the samurai let out a powerful yell as his blade swiped across the general’s head and I yelped as I watched the elderly man’s head roll on the ground.
I have seen death among my people, so my stomach did not churn like it normally would, and I did not vomit. But seeing death in another country, would haunt me for quite the rest of my life.
Finally all the samurai were all together and the horses were moving. It was over. I could see Nathan in the middle of this long line, and I wondered if he was okay. He had bought me for his wife Sarah, and I was afraid of the horror this family would put me through, but if anything they were very kind to me. They did not hurt me even though they had the right to. Sarah taught me to read and write, and Nathan was supportive of her decision to teach me. This is why I cared for him.
I heard birds chirping all around me as well as our captives talking amongst each other. The forest is now awake. I looked up at the sky seeing nothing but clouds and the faces of the dead.
I then noticed something tugging on the hem of my dress and I looked down to see one of the samurai observing my dress. In reaction, I gasped and leaned back from his hold. Like that had any effect on this man. He held the dress up a little as if attempting to look under it, and I moved my feet a bit in duress.
“Don’t touch me!” I said with fear in my tone.
“Grace?” Nathan’s voice snaps my mind from any fear, and I looked up at him. He was hunched over a horse, and I leaned forward.
“I’m here.” I replied. Another Samurai shouted at me, and I remained quiet. Nathan looked at me with weak and tired eyes, and I gave a look of hope. I do not know how long we traveled in this never-ending forest. But I was hungry and tired. Another samurai, came up to the horse I was riding, and pulled me faster across the line. I was nervous now, as I knew something was going to be done to me. I passed Nathan and was at the head of the line. Now I was riding right beside the calm samurai as I call him. He was looking straight ahead and seemed to be enjoying the silent ride. Finally, his lips parted to speak.
“My name is Katsumoto. What is your name?” he asked, and I was still in aw for the fact he could speak good English. So this was the leader of the rebellion. I was staring at his peaceful features, until his eyes fell on me, and I jumped a bit forgetting that he had spoken to me.
“Grace.” I replied softly, and he blinked rapidly.
“Grace.” he said suddenly bowing his head at me. “I have never met an African before in my life. It is an honor to meet you.” I stared at him for a long moment wondering what I should say next. He sounded sincere in his words.
“Are you going to kill us?” I asked causing a samurai who was riding beside him to snort and laugh. Katsumoto gave a polite smile.
“No. I have other plans. You will be perfectly safe at my son’s village. My best warrior, Ujio will take care of you.” he informed motioning his head at a rough faced samurai behind him. His hair was perfectly combed back and flowing. I had never seen such a mane on a man before. He head a mustache and a neat shaven beard. He wore blue and grey armor with a yellow ring on the front, and he looked at me firmly and coldly, and honestly, he scared me. I remember seeing that ring. It belonged on the rider that pushed his horse into Nathan’s knocking him from his own horse. Now I looked back at Katsumoto.
“Your son’s village?” I asked. He nodded.
“In the mountains, yes. The snow is falling and the paths will be closed until the snow melts. You will remain there. You cannot escape.” he said quite calmly, yet there was a hint of command in his tone. I looked back at Nathan to see his weak eyes staring at me. “I hope we can have great conversations, you and I. I am most curious of you.”
I turned my head back around at his words and wondered what he meant by that. Soon we were riding into the mountains, and my eyes were moving everywhere they could. I have never really been in the mountains before. It was so nice and peaceful. Nathan and I kept our eyes on each other making sure neither were hurt by our captors, but Katsumoto seemed to keep his word. No one hurt us. When we stopped to rest the horses and eat, I was forced to sit down against a large rock, and I continued to look around for Nathan to see him also placed roughly against a tree. I needed to check his wounds.
That same warrior, Ujio, approached me and I looked up at him leaning into the rock. From where I sat, he looked to be a giant. He tossed a bowl down to my feet and inside looked to be rice and some vegetables maybe. I looked up at him and he just looked down at me with the same indifferent look as the late Zebulon. He turned and left me. I ate in silence, noticing the food tasted like nothing. I noticed more of the samurai began to point and stare and touch their own faces.
I guess I was the first African they have ever seen. Would that play in my favor with these savage killers? After an hour we continued to move through the mountains. I was hurting my neck looking back at Nathan who seemed to be in a weakened trance.
Finally, we arrived at what looked like a village. My eyes went everywhere in curiosity, having never seen such fields. There were even mountains in the back. Katsumoto noticed this and watched me for a moment.
Nathan and I were taken from our horses. He was forced to the ground, and I was forced to stand. My hands were still bound, and I just stared at the samurai who surrounded us.
Katsumoto got off his horse and walked over to Nathan. Another younger man stood beside Katsumoto. He had an outfit of yellow hues with arrows on his back. Like all the samurai, he had long hair and fierce eyes.
“What is your name?” he asked Nathan who said nothing but stared at him with contempt. Ujio shouted something angrily and walked over to Nathan with his sword out. I thought he was going to kill him, but instead he let his blade fall calmly on Nathan’s neck. But my master was not afraid of death.
He had looked it in the eye too much. I remember holding him while he yelled and screamed at the pain he was in from killing all the Indians. He didn’t care about his life anymore. Katsumoto said something in his mother tongue, before telling Nathan what he told me. We would remain in his son’s village until the snow melts. He then began to walk away and the same man in yellow nodded.
“Jolly good.” he said before turning as well. Nathan was lifted off his feet and I was being pushed forward as we were led past some long wooden gates. I had seen them in books Nathan gave me when teaching me to read. It was like a doorway into another world for me. The rough samurai, Ujio came up to me, and grabbed the ropes that held my wrists together and he led me from the rest of the group. Fear overcame me, and I wondered what was to become of me in this samurai’s capture.
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sanflawoah · 4 months
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Samurai lords and their white boys menace.
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eastern-lights · 5 months
Ever wondered about the meaning of this scene, just before the final battle?
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Originally, it was meant to be Ujio practicing with a sword. But Hiroyuki Sanada wanted the audiences to see the samurai as more than just warriors.
"In the US, when people think about the samurai, they think they are just warriors. (...) They fight like killing machines, but they also roll pipe leaves, they do tea ceremony, they dance."
So he choreographed a minute and a half of dancing and presented that to the director.
"It was supposed to be a dance to the gods, to myself, before death."
Never underestimate this man's ability to give more depth to any character he touches.
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christinethalassinou · 2 months
I won't ever understand why people keep insisting it's a good idea to mess with Hiroyuki Sanada... However, I do admit that it's one of my favourite character types: cute, small, and can murder you in an instant.
Okay, Ujio in particular is legit terrifying, no matter how short he is (and how much light blue is NOT his colour), but still. For most of the time, you wouldn't exactly consider Hiro dangerous just by looking at him.
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rhubarbes · 1 year
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Hiroyuki Sanada as Ujio - The Last Samurai (2003)
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heavenboy09 · 11 months
Happy Birthday 🎂 🥳 🎉 🎈 🎁 🎊 To You
The 1# Legendary Japanese 🇯🇵 Actor & Martial Artist 🥋Of Cinema 🎥 Before & Today
Born in Tokyo, he was scouted by an entertainer while playing with the son of the actor Kokichi Takada who lived in the same condominium, and after working as a model for a magazine for young children, he joined the Himawari Theatre Group at the age of five. He made his film debut in 1966 in the ninkyo yakuza film Game of Chance (浪曲子守唄) starring Shinichi "Sonny" Chiba, reprising his role as Chiba's character's son in two sequels released the following year.
He is a Japanese actor and martial artist. He began his career in the mid-1960's at the age of six, and gained prominence for his roles in Japanese and Hong Kong action films, later establishing himself as a dramatic actor.
He made his first major Hollywood appearance portraying Ujio in The Last Samurai (2003), later appearing in such films as Sunshine (2007), Speed Racer (2008), The Wolverine, 47 Ronin (both 2013), Minions (2015), Life (2017), Avengers: Endgame (2019), Army of the Dead (2021), Bullet Train (2022), and John Wick: Chapter 4 (2023). He also had a recurring role on the HBO series Westworld (2018–2020).
He is best known to international audiences for his roles as Ryuji Takayama in Ring (1998), Seibei Iguchi in The Twilight Samurai (2002), Ujio in The Last Samurai (2003), Kenji in Rush Hour 3 (2007), and Hanzo Hasashi / Scorpion in Mortal Kombat (2021). 
His role as 'The Fool' in the Shakespeare play King Lear also gave him notable theatrical notice in the United Kingdom.He has received numerous accolades, including two Japan Academy Film Prizes, three Blue Ribbon Awards for Best Actor, four Kinema Junpo Awards, and honors from the Yokohama Film Festival.
In 2018, he received the Medals of Honor with Purple Ribbon from the Japanese government for his "artistic developments, improvements and accomplishments."
Please Wish This Legendary & Incredible Japanese 🇯🇵 Actor & Martial Artist 🥋Of Years Of Outstanding Cinema 🎥 & Also Shares The Same Birthday with, The Legendary Aussie Actor, Hugh Jackman. Who has starred a movie in with, A Very Happy Birthday 🎂 🥳 🎉 🎈 🎁 🎊
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#HiroyukiSanada #TheWolverine #47Ronin #Extant #MortalKombat #Scorpion
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dreamstz1 · 3 months
Cyril Ramaphosa atangaza serikali yake mpya
Rais wa Afrika Kusini Cyril Ramaphosa alitangaza serikali yake mpya Jumapili huku upinzani ukipata wizara 12 kati ya 32 kufuatia mazungumzo magumu ya kuunda serikali ya ushirika baada ya chama tawala cha African National Congress kupoteza wingi wa viti bungeni.ANC, ambacho kimeiongoza nchi tangu ujio wa demokrasia mwaka 1994, kimepata wizara 20 kati ya 32, zikiwemo wizara ya mambo ya nje, fedha,…
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rwizakakiza · 6 months
Fuatilia YouTube.
Sehemu I. (Utangulizi).
Watu wengi amekuwa duni kwa sababu ya kutoa sababu za kutetea (visingizio) Udhaifu wao, kwamba hawawezi kufanya jambo fulani kwa sababu fulani.
MUNGU alipokuumba alikuumba katika ukamilifu wote na akaweka kila unachohitaji ndani yako. Pamoja na uasi wa mwanadamu, MUNGU alimrudishia hiyo mamlaka (uwezo) ndani yake ili aendeleze kazi mbalimbali za uumbaji.
......YESU akawaambia, “Nilimwona Shetani akianguka kama mwanga wa radi kutoka mbinguni!, Yeye ndiye adui, LAKINI TAMBUENI kuwa NIMEWAPA MAMLAKA ZAIDI YAKE. Nimewapa mamlaka ya kuponda nyoka na ng'e zake kwa miguu yenu. Hakuna kitakachowadhuru.
....Luka‬ ‭10:18‭-‬19‬ ‭(TKU‬‬) ....
Tafsiri hii imeelezea vizuri, ukirejea (Mwanzo 1:26), tuliumbwa tutawale (MAMLAKA), lakini baada ya kosa tulikabidhi mamlaka hiyo kwa shetani ndio maana YESU alimwita shetani (Mkuu wa ulimwengu), LAKINI kwa ujio wa YESU na kifo chake tukarudishiwa MAMLAKA ya utawala juu ya kila kitu.
Kama wewe ni Mkristo unayemwamini YESU KRISTO kweli hupaswi kuishi chini ya kongwa la utumwa wa kitu chochote, bali kumtumikia YESU KRISTO aliyekuokoa kwa njia kifo cha msalaba wake.
.....Katika ungwana huo KRISTO alituandika HURU; kwa hiyo SIMAMENI, wala MSINASWE TENA chini ya kongwa la utumwa.
.......Galatia ‭5:1‬.....
Andiko hili linatuonya tusiishi tena chini ya Utumwa wa shetani, maana alituweka huru. Lakini uhuru aliotupa YESU KRISTO lazima ufanye maamuzi binafsi ya kumpatia nafasi YESU KRISTO atawale maisha yako kama BWANA pekee na Mwokozi wa maisha yako.
Na hapo uhuru wa kutumia mamlaka hiyo ya kumpinga shetani na kumtii MUNGU inakuwezesha kuunda unachokitaka na kustawi kiroho na kimaisha.
(shetani ana UWEZO, lakini MUNGU ana UWEZA).
>Shetani ni roho, hivyo naye ana UWEZO wa kukupatia vitu (shetani alipoondolewa mbinguni akuondolewa uwezo wake), lakini akikupatia vitu vyake, utavilipa kwa gharama yoyote.
>MUNGU ni Roho na ana UWEZA yaani yupo juu ya vyote, mwenye huruma, hadai malipo maana anajitosheleza, akikupatia vitu hategemei kukudai ila ana Dai moja tu HATAKI UFE UNGALI MWENYE DHAMBI, anataka Utubu uwe huru.
Baadhi ya Visingizio vinavyozuia kufanikiwa kwako.
“Listen carefully: I have given you authority [that you now possess] to tread on serpents and scorpions, and [the ability to exercise authority] over all the power of the enemy (Satan); and nothing will [in any way] harm you".
......Luke‬ ‭10:19‬......
Ev. Erasmus Pascrates Kakiza
(WhatsApp: +255 782 546 914)
@2024 The year of my shining.
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sariaisrael · 1 year
Ujio wa Man City umefifisha nguvu ya Chelsea..Man Utd wanatumia gharama kubwa kusajili wachezaji pamoja na kubadilisha makocha bila kupata mafanikio yoyote… KAMA hakueleweka basi sasa mashabiki na wapenda michezo wanalazimika kumwelewa aliyekuwa kocha wa Arsenal, Arsene Wenger kupitia viongozi wa sasa wa klabu hiyo. Watazame Edu Gaspar na Mikel Arteta wanavyoongoza Arsenal katika falsafa ya…
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derdeedomedia · 1 year
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Nikweli tunampenda davido lakini sijawahi kufikiri kuna shabiki anaweza kujiumiza kiasi hiki. Shabiki ameenda mbali zaidi kuonyesha mapenzi aliyonayo kwa Davido kwa kuandika jina la mwimbaji huyo kwa kujochimba hadi ndani kabisa ya 'ngozi' yake, anasema ameandika hivyo kulipa machungu aliyopitia Davido wakati wa huzuni hii ni baada ya Davido kutangaza ujio wa album mpya. #derdeedomedia https://www.instagram.com/p/CqLn83yICyB/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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astoldbyaja · 1 month
The Pink Blossom- Ch.22
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After an hour, I was escorted to my horse, and I was helped onto it. Now I just waited and waiting hurt more than anything right now. The anticipation. I heard gunshots, numerous gunshots in the distance. I jumped a bit looking around wondering what had happened. A part of me wanted to ride down there and help anyway I could, but I knew I would just get in the way. I held the reins tight in my hands wondering what was happening, and now at the end of the hill, I saw numerous people running toward us, and I was a bit tense thinking they were soldiers, but instead, I saw Nathan and Katsumoto. Beside them was Ujio and Nobutada, and I smiled wide happy that most of them had returned. They mounted their horses, and together we rode off into the night. War would definitely come.
We did not stop until we neared the mountains, knowing we would not be followed. A fire was made, and everyone was around it. I smiled at Katsumoto and Nobutada as I gave them gentle hugs, that surprised them. For I had never hugged them before.
“I am glad you are both safe.” I replied feeling my body quivering a bit. Katsumoto noticed and smiled back at me.
“And I am glad you are safe.” he said. We all bowed to each other before separating from them so they and Nathan could speak. I had wandered off just a bit from the others so I could be alone. I let my body lean against a tree as I began to remember what happened back at the inn. I closed my eyes and looked down covering my mouth with my hand feeling as if I would just become undone. But I managed to hold it in and inhale some. Ever since I was with Nathan, no one ever bothered me. They could never get close enough. And back there I felt as if I was just as weak as I was back on the plantation. And then it took just one attack to bring the memories back inside me.
And then I think of Ujio’s strength and bravery. It is so easy for him to kill. His way of life seems much more complicated than mine. Maybe I should have taken the emperor’s offer and lived in his palace. If Nathan had just left me here, I would be safe with him… until his life ends, and I’d be in a horrible position again. I scoffed at the thought. I didn’t want to be anywhere Ujio wasn’t.
“Grasuh.” I hear him call, and I noticed I had actually began to walk off in thought. I stopped and turned to Ujio to see him moving over to me and he took my and softly. “You shouldn’t be walking off on your own.” He was right. I was so out of it.
“I’m sorry. Tonight, has just been so hectic.” I replied as he pulled me closer to him.
“Everything will be alright.” he replied, and I shook my head some.
“Will it?” I asked. “There will surely be a battle… and you’re going to go off into it and- and I don’t know if you’re even going to come back.” I replied feeling my eyes water, and he shook his head now shushing me gently.
“You cannot think of that. You must be strong. No matter what happens, if I die, it would be a good death knowing that you are safe.” he said. I just stared up at him for a moment looking away some.
“It’s so easy for you, to just accept that death is the outcome.” I replied.
“Just because I accept that death is an outcome, does not mean it is easy. Ever since you came into my life, I fear that every battle I am in will be the last, because I have someone even more important than my lord to protect. I feel that death means failure to you.” he explained, and I looked back up at him not expecting his answer. I sighed softly and just let my fingers move across his chest softly.
“Maybe we should not think about the upcoming battles… maybe we should just think about tonight.” I replied moving my fingers across the buttons of my dress and unbuttoning them slowly. Ujio exhaled softly as my dress began to fall to my feet. In seconds, he kissed me hard, and I wrapped my arms around him and the cut on my bottom lip hurt from earlier, but right now it was a good pain.
Ujio lifted me up off the ground, so I was out of the dress. He sat me on the side of my dress, his tongue already moving into mouth combining with mine. He moved to remove his blue robes, and I let my hand comb through his hair slowly releasing his top knot. His hair flowed over his bare chest as is clothes slipped down his body. We pulled at the rest of each other’s garments until we were completely naked.
Ujio broke the kiss for a split second and took my hand and began to lead me into the forest. Without question I followed him. I’d follow him anywhere. We didn’t go too far, just far enough to not be heard. There was nothing but grass and field.
Ujio kissed me once more, his growls causing me to gasp in excitement. He moved down to the soft grass first and I followed. I lied atop of his chest and found his lips again. He smiled against my lips curling his fingers into my hand and used his tongue yet again to fight for dominance. I had never expected so much fire to burn inside me and between my legs and so quickly. With his other hand, Ujio moved to the top of my head and gently felt the top of my head. I thought he was petting me at first, until I realized he was slowly removing the pins that kept my hair in place and as it began to fall, I moved back just inches from his face now as now both of us were undone in every way, shape, and form. His hair looked like the mane of a male lion. His lips twitched into a soft snarl as we kissed each other even harder now, his hands gripping my hips and suddenly turning our bodies so that he was on top of me. I felt his hair now falling over me, and oddly enough I couldn’t think of anything else. I wouldn’t.
Ujio stared down at me for a moment and I stared up at him and smiled as he smiled down at me. I let my fingers run through his hair gently.
“Anata wa watashi no monodesu.” I spoke gently never breaking eye contact with him. He gave a low chuckle and leaned down kissing the tip of my nose.
“Ima kara soshite tsugi no jinsei e.” he promised, and I smiled and pulled him into me kissing him passionately. The heat rose within seconds, and I spread my legs for him showing I was already ready for him.
He settled between my legs, and I feel him push into me, my tight walls expanding causing us both to gasp out in total bliss. He wasted no time and began to thrust fast and hard inside me. I moaned out feeling his shaft send tremors of pleasure into my body. My head fell back, and I felt Ujio’s lips trailing down my neck kissing and licking all over the sensitive parts of my flesh. My legs immediately locked up around his hips, his hands finding their way to my breasts, and he pawed at them firmly, but not too aggressively. Our bodies moved together on the grass, and not even the blades cut our bodies as we moved with mild aggression.
Ujio’s hand moved under my leg to pull it closer over his body, and I wrapped my arms around his shoulders. Everything felt so perfect, and I moaned out feeling that certain spot inside me being gently pushed.
Ujio felt it however and pushed harder and faster against that spot. I trembled with pleasure feeling my hands scrape down his back, and I bit his bottom lip in response causing him to growl out lowly. He sat up suddenly and grabbed me lifting me up so now I was sitting atop of his lap and holding onto him for mild leverage. His hands slid down my body and took hold of my hips and he began to slowly move them against his own as he moved his hips upward. I panted softly moving my hips with his eyes, and I feel his tongue lick right up my lips causing me to gasp sharply. My hands ran down his strong chest, moving across every scar he had, and our foreheads pressed together and everything seemed so heightened and so intense. His growls, his grunts, it all fueled me. To think I could make such sounds come from his lips made me go crazy. My eyes closed, my head fell back, and I gripped his shoulders so I could grind my hips harder against his. I let my body fall into deep pleasure, and the look on Ujio’s face told me he enjoyed it too. His face buried itself into my neck, and he bit down on my jugular and I hummed in bliss.
His arms now locked around my back, and he firmly pressed me into his chest and soon it truly felt like we were one. After a few more seconds he lifted me up and lied me on my back once more entering me and thrusting harder and violently. I knew he was close. I was close too. I gripped his arms hard and felt the pleasure hitting the top of that imaginary ceiling in my head. Both of our moans grew higher and weaker as I felt overwhelming pleasure shoot up inside me and in seconds, I feel Ujio release everything inside me. We shiver hard against one another and Ujio holds me close as he slowly rides out the pleasure inside me.
I panted hard and fast feeling my walls pulsing from the pleasure and I look up at him for a moment as he kisses me slowly. We laid together in the grass until we both had the energy to move again. We found our clothes and got dressed and moved back to our people and curled up together by the fire and passed out. We awoke early and continued our journey into the mountains. Once we returned, I was embraced by the children once again and even their mothers came to welcome me and the other samurai back. But I knew this happy reunion could not last forever. Nathan walked up beside me, and I looked at him.
“We must prepare.” he said, and I turned to him and looked him over.
“You are going to fight.” I concluded and he nodded slowly.
“And this time, you cannot follow me.” he said, and I winced at his words for they hurt a lot. There was never a place I couldn’t go with Nathan, but I guess this time our journey together was over. I nodded slowly in understanding.
“Then you had better come back.” I replied gently, and he nodded giving a soft smile.
“When have I not?” he asked humorously. I tried to laugh, but it was a weak one at that. We knew how serious this was, and I knew this could be the end of our journey together.
Author's notes
Ima kara soshite tsugi no jinsei e - from now into the next life
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sanflawoah · 3 months
Words have spread that Hiroyuki Sanada is in talk for a role in the Ghost of Tsushima film and I'm pinching myself is this real. Hiroyuki? In my Tsushima? Consider me sat. Well nothing is confirmed yet, none of the cast are confirmed actually, but I'm having some fancast idea for him and and it gets more absurd.
Lord Shimura // Most popular fan choice, my top choice too. This will tenfold the angst, couldn't imagine a better person to play hurt/comfort with emphasise on hurt. 100/10 emotional damage.
Kazumasa Sakai // Could work very well too. 10/10 Iki island trauma. Also, been thinking for long that the Sakai clan armor design looks similar to Ujio's armor in The Last Samurai, so there's some visual.
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Sensei Ishikawa // Wouldn't that be interesting. Let my man have some bow and arrow variety for once.
Some random NPC boss fight // weird interesting choice ngl. Everyone suspecting it's just some random passing character, but face reveal and boom hiroyuki sanada jumpscare.
The Shogun // Funniest possible choice lmao. Someone in the production watched that show and got absolutely floored. Have him as a fictional Hojo Tokimune-esque shogun just to terror both Lord Shimura and Jin.
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eastern-lights · 5 months
What I love about Ujio is how laser-fucking-focused he is
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He doesn't even pause at the fact that Americans don't commit seppuku. He just sees a man who should be dead, but isn't, and when one avenue of rectifying that is closed, he finds another.
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christinethalassinou · 2 months
The first time I've seen the Last Samurai, a few years ago, it made me ugly cry; the one and only movie that has ever achieved this feat. Then I was afraid to watch it again because of this emotional impact (I'm not used to it, and I'm not comfortable with it), and I've only been gathering my courage recently to do it anyway because of Hiroyuki Sanada reasons. Then I rewatched it tonight.
However, this time it seems I was vibing with Ujio better because I turned into a bloodthirsty little monster like him, who wanted all the bad guys' heads roll.
I still love this movie with all of my heart, it's entertaining, it's wholesome, the characters are very likeable (Katsu, you sarcastic lil' bitch, I adore you to hell and back), but ngl, I'm glad I was spared of the emotional breakdown this time.
Anyway, I have no words to describe how beautiful Hiro was in that movie. Fierce, a little feral, and so arrestingly stunning with that magnificent long hair of his that it took my breath away. I'd have appreciated much, much more screentime for him with his hair let down (yes, I have a lethal weakness for beautiful long hair and stunning eyes, and Hiro has both of these things :3).
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