#Ukrainian officials
timesofocean · 1 year
Russian foreign minister says China next target of West
New Post has been published on https://www.timesofocean.com/russian-foreign-minister-says-china-next-target-of-west/
Russian foreign minister says China next target of West
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Moscow (The Times Groupe) – Russian Foreign Minister Segey Lavrov said Friday that the West is “not hiding” that China is the next target after Russia, as well as any country that “dares to act independently.” times
“They do not hide that when Russia, as they put it, is ‘defeated,’ China will be the next target as well as any country that dares to act independently and decides to be guided by its national interests, and not by what the US and the other Western countries determine,” Lavrov said, speaking at a news conference in Ankara after meeting his Turkish counterpart Mevlut Cavusoglu.
Western statements that it is not the right time to declare a cease-fire and arms supplies to Kyiv indicate the West does not want to resolve Ukraine’s conflict, according to Lavrov.
Furthermore, he warned that if the Russian part of the Black Sea Grain Initiative is not implemented, then Moscow may reconsider its stance and work with Qatar and Turkey to export grain.
“We were forced to go for a slight escalation and extend the grain only for 60 days. If there is no further progress, we will rethink,” he said.
As a result of the existence of “corridors of solidarity,” through which Ukraine exports its products to Europe by land routes, Lavrov said the grain deal is even more in doubt.
Turkish, UN, Russian, and Ukrainian officials signed an agreement in Istanbul last July to resume grain exports from three Ukrainian Black Sea ports that had been halted since the start of the Russia-Ukraine war in February 2022. In November, the deal was extended for 120 days and in March, for another 60 days.
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caroleleath93 · 2 years
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unhonestlymirror · 3 months
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Knights! Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Kyivan Ruthenia (Ruś) (informal name for Halician-Volyn Duchy because that's too long and boring lol) for Mythtalia March by @hwsevents
In the background, there is the first map with Kotsiubijiv mentioned (modern Odesa, was built by Duke Vytautas)
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Moment of signing the security agreement with Germany
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scourgebrother · 1 year
btw kinda weirded out that we just now getting the putin warrant. isnt that a bit too late or does that kind of stuff just takes ages to complete (as any european documentation really)
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morthal · 2 years
can non-eastern Europeans and Americans stop posting unconfirmed info and spreading panic on here?
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tarhanka · 6 months
Last month I wrote about pre-ordering the official Ukrainian translation of VNC.
Another month, another slay
Today, we have the announcement of the official Ukrainian translation of Black Butler.
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This is a completely different publishing house than the one that will be published vnc. But it's also INCREDIBLY COOL
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de-sterren-nacht · 6 months
been reading about world war 2 recently and it really is kind of striking me just how. bold-faced all these war goals were. germany unilaterally broke their alliance with the soviets with their completely unannounced invasion of russia, in which they just straight up told the german people that their purpose was to acquire resources and land. i dont think ever before or since has war been presented so frankly and honestly both to civilian populations and to the world at large. it feels like reading a bad novel sometimes; you guys get youre not supposed to say the quiet part out loud, right? has no one here heard of subtext?
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ame-tr1s · 1 year
My sweeties.
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Allow me to introduce you to Nico Di Angelo from Ukranian translation of Demigod files
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azhdakha · 1 year
Despite my firm and radical anti-colonial position I don't get why a big part of liberal anti-colonial activists in Eastern Europe and Western Asia somehow avoid the fact that there were enough communists and pro-communists in our republics, it wasn't exclusively Moscow-backed red army that came from central russia, meanwhile indiegnous nationalists aren't innocent snowballs just for fighting for independence.
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caroleleath93 · 2 years
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headlinehorizon · 8 months
Ukrainian Military Officials to Face Charges for 'Terrorist Attacks' in Russia: Latest News
Discover the latest news on the Ukrainian military officials facing charges for alleged terrorist attacks in Russia. The growing effectiveness of Ukrainian drone technology has raised concerns amid the ongoing conflict. Find out more on Headline Horizon.
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barnbridges · 8 months
i should do a goldfinch audiobook solely for the gag being that i do a russian accent while reading the whole thing and just do a very very accurate ukrainian impression when i read boris' lines and it's never advertised.
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dude is still being dumb as fuck
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echo-s-land · 1 year
Today on "I should've known what is going on in Ukraine before it made the news this year"
A famous French rapper, Orelsan, made a song in 2017 named "Tout va bien" (everything's fine) which is a song about an adult telling a child false, positive reasons on why are some things happening and constantly repeating "Tout va bien (petit, tout va bien)" (everything's fine (little one/kid, everything's fine)
The bigger part of the audience didn't look further than that. Yes the official clip video was filmed in Kyiv and so what?
The child says something which is left untranslated. But there is "Tout va bien" written in big letters in the background, which is what we all assumed was the translation
"ніколи не вір тому, що написано", never believes what is written
That's what he says.
So many of us didn't understand. Didn't understand why Ukraine specifically. Didn't search why
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