#Ultimate Harajuku Journalist
theanonymousclown · 2 years
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So as you all hopefully know, I… REALLY like randomizing shit. So you can’t imagine my delight when I found a list of over 1000 Danganronpa Ultimates.
I immediately started randomizing, and ended up with a Fanganronpa set in a mansion (because that’s where I thought Danganronpa was set originally).
The backstory I came up with includes the fact that the ending of V3 was a lie and the entire thing was virtual (but no-one knew except Tsumugi) because Tsumugi was an Ultimate Despair who believed the former Ultimate Despair were ruined by being redeemed and wanted to kickstart a new wave of The Tragedy. Luckily, she failed and was stopped by the Future Foundation once all the students were recovered…
But that’s not all. When the V3 students were found, the technology used to keep them in the simulation was missing…
Meanwhile, a group of new students at the New Hopes Peak were invited to a charity gathering at a historical mansion (seemingly by their headmaster, Makoto Naegi) but soon realized that they were trapped by a strange mechanical cat named Mononeko who claimed she was in charge of a new Killing Game.
Names, Ultimates, and Slight Spoilers (who lives and dies) under the cut!
Top Row, Left to Right:
Misumi Daitan, she/her, The protagonist and Ultimate Harajuku Journalist. She survives the Killing Game. She initially tried to stay quiet and out of things, but do to her history in journalism she realized evidence wasn’t adding up and became the forerunner in the Game. As the Game continues, she begins to uncover the secrets of the Mastermind… and unfortunately fall head over heels for both the Ultimate Mailman and Ultimate Extreme Frisbee Player.
Genki Hiroyuki, he/him, the Ultimate Mailman and a Helper Character. He’s the last victim of the Killing Game. He’s constantly on guard and uptight, but he’s still kind. His dog keeps him safe from aggressive/poorly trained dogs he may meet while delivering mail.
Takako Yumeno, she/her, the Ultimate Extreme Frisbee Player and a Helper Character. She survives the Killing Game. She’s a team player and acts upbeat to keep her friends from losing their heads, but secretly she’s terrified that at any time she or one of her friends could be betrayed and killed.
Kohana Kiyosho, she/her, the Ultimate Hematologist. She is, by technicality, the last Blackened of the Killing Game. She’s very timid, but when she starts talking about what she’s interested in she becomes very invested in the conversation. She only became a Blackened through manipulations by the Mastermind, and didn’t even realize until it was discovered in Trial.
Bottom Row, Left to Right:
Osaki Toshiyuki, he/him, the Ultimate Glassblower. He is the third Blackened of the Killing Game. He’s a very gentle person who likes making little things for his friends, like simple swans or glass balls.
Matsushima Michi, she/her, the Ultimate Software Developer. She survives the Killing Game. She doesn’t like talking to people, but finds she often needs to talk out her coding process, so keeps a rubber duck at all times. She has long nails and likes how they sound on her keyboard. You can tell if she likes you because she’ll willingly stay in your prescience for a period of time.
Etsuko Rikona, she/they, the Ultimate Speech Therapist. She’s the fifth overall victim but the second of a triple kill. They were hard of hearing as a child and their hearing has gradually gotten worse, but she can speak if she chooses to. More often than not, though, she chooses to use sign with Fumiko acting as interpreter. She’s very energetic and, even if she’s not speaking, she’s very loud and has a large presence.
Fumiko Rikona, she/her, the Ultimate Mbira Player. She’s the fourth overall victim but the first of a triple kill. She’s sweet and quiet, and fluent in Sign Language- however, she has a mean streak when it comes to people who are rude to her or her twin sister.
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meomurang · 1 year
📸 Cut Rock Hard Candy Cookie 🍊🍇
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Meet the ultimate journalist (Yeah she’s both a cookie run AND danganronpa oc 😱😱)! They’re incredibly stubborn and opinionated, but she’s always open to conversations. She loves traveling and finds joy in everything, even the littlest of details. You’ll also find them rambling about all the new topics she’s been researching (5’5 - She/they - Half Korean/Black American - harajuku fashion)
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viktorbezic · 5 years
Constraints Journal: How Rei Kawakubo Built a Fashion Empire Through a Quiet Culture of Making
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Discipline: Fashion
Born in Tokyo in 1942, Rei Kawakubo, the oldest of three children and the only daughter, grew up in the post-war US occupied Japan. It was a time of poverty and humiliation in Japan, the occupation would end in 1952. Kawakubo had a close-knit family where her mother made all of the children's clothes. When Kawakubo grew up, she would enter Keio University where her father worked, and graduate in 1964 with a degree in “the history of aesthetics,” which included studies of both Asian and Western art. As Japan grew in the 60s, the young Japanese embraced the western counter culture of the 60s and Kawakubo had an interest in the punk movement. At 22 she left home with no explanation to her parents or any real plans. She moved into a shared apartment in Harajuku, where a lot of the youth would hang out and display the latest in street fashions.
Kawakubo’s initial instincts were to be self-sufficient. She found a gig at the bottom of the ladder at an advertising agency of a textile manufacturer, Asahi Kasei. She had no desire to wear the traditional uniform of the company and refused. Her boss gave her some freedom in dress and also in scouting props and costumes for photoshoots. After a couple years on the job, one of her colleagues who’d later become an influential fashion journalist encouraged Kawakubo to go freelance as a stylist in 1969 (1). Dissatisfied with the clothes that she was given for photoshoots she started making her own clothing. This was with zero training in fashion or a formal design education. Her unique vision came from seeing things as a stylistic whole and thinking about what would make an interesting image. As opposed to focusing on a single article of clothing. The clothes that she made for photo shoots, Kawakubo would later sell to maintain her independence (2). She sold them under the label Comme des Garçon as she liked the way the French sounded. By 1969 she was using whatever funds she had from her stylist work to create a youthful sportswear line that was carried in trendsetting shops. She rented a space in a graphic arts studio and hired a few assistants. After a decade by 1980, Commes des Garçon would grow to have a hundred and fifty franchised shops across Japan (3).
Kawakubo describes her early creative success as a result of focusing on her independence. “I tried to achieve my aim which was to do something by myself, Kawakubo explains further, "Oh, of course, I loved to work in the fashion world, but as a first priority, I wanted to work as an independent person. I just happened to find my own job in the fashion field.” Fans of the brand were obsessed. The aesthetic at this time was inspired by the loose and rustic garb of Japanese fisherman and peasants. At the age of 40 in 1981, although well known in Japan Kawakubo was an unknown in the west, she had her first runway show in Paris. The show caused controversy but also put Comme des Garcon on the map, Kawakubo’s response, "I only came to Paris with the intention of showing what I thought was strong and beautiful. It just so happened that my notion was different from everybody else’s.” Her alternative view to that of the fashion establishment also applied to other areas of her business. She would typically work with models that were overlooked by other fashion houses. Again she’d look at a model as a whole person. This included both image and attitude. Kawakubo would find one of the traits she values most in the models. Independence. In Kawakubo’s words, “People interest me. I am inspired by the people surrounding me. Beautiful or stylish is a personal feeling. I don’t have a definition of beauty. I don’t have an establishment view of what beauty is. My idea of beauty keeps changing. When I choose models, I like a strong, independent person, maybe who is disliked by other people. I want to see an all over feeling, not just from an architectural point of view. I want to see wide angle (4).”
Another critical component of her continual creative breakthroughs, in addition to going against the grain, is the strong desire to create something entirely new every season. Kawakubo call’s the process starting from zero. Not building on what was done previously or relying on hits from last season. She tries to minimize as much outside influence as possible. As she noted, it gets harder and harder to start from zero as you get older. You begin to acquire more and more baggage. Kawakubo agonizes over trying to get something new with every collection. She enjoys the journey no matter how hard it is. "It’s boring if things are accomplished too easily, right? When I work, I think about the excitement of achievement after hard effort and pain (5).” This inward creative focus is also imparted on her staff. Her directive to them is to find the new, but doesn’t want to influence the results by describing in exact detail what her vision his. They look inward instead of to her to uncover the new. This includes everyone from the pattern cutters and designers.
Attention to detail and trying to push the boundary of what’s possible put Comme des Garçon in a class of its own. This attention to detail is part of the brand’s DNA. The clothes aren’t expensive because of the name that’s on it but because of the experimental techniques that are used to make them as Kawakubo explains, “My Clothes perhaps end up expensive, not because the company is making a huge profit, but because we create special fabric, and there are certain techniques involving lots of details. Instead of buying three pieces of clothing in a month or a year, why not buy one thing they can afford and enjoy it. Rather than a lot of clothes, I wish people would value creativity so that the world would not be filled up with rubbish clothes.” Kawakubo also resists the uniformity of machines in the process. She doesn’t want things to be perfect, she wants them to be human. Kawakubo hints at the idea of special wrongness. The unique quirks that make something special. Kawakubo explains, “The machines that make fabric are more and more making uniform, flawless textures. I like it when something is off - not perfect. Hand weaving is the best way to achieve this. Since this isn’t always possible, we loosen a screw of the machines here and there so they can’t do exactly what they’re supposed to do (6).”
Kawakubo has built her creative empire through making. Creating is the first priority. She is famously private. Kawakubo rarely gives interviews and is not active in the fashion entertainment press. Her clothes and her work do all the talking. Kawakubo stresses the importance of silence, “Silence is very important to me. I find being alone rather relaxing. I must be a very obstinate woman (7)." It’s clear to me that she is tapping into her introverted superpowers. Looking inside for inspiration, not getting influences from elsewhere. She takes this same approach with the Comme des Garçon brand actively cultivating talent internally. She asks her designers if they want their own line.  It takes a ton of confidence in your own creativity to do that. But I also think it’s how she keeps the team motivated to discover the new. The team doesn’t toil in obscurity for the sake of her name and the Comme des Garcon brand. This is a very unselfish move. She does because she put herself in the shoes of her designers. It probably attracts top talent for the brand. Examples of her team who have created their own lines include the founder of Sacai, Chitose Abe and Kawakubo's protege Junya Watanabe who not only has is own line but has notable collaborations with Converse, Puma, Carhartt, and North Face (8).
Other designers that have struck out on their own with Kawakubo’s backing who ultimately weren’t cut out for the task could come back into the Comme des Garçon fold and work for Kawakubo. Experimentation without consequence. She instinctively knows that allowing her designers to build their own brands and labels ultimately make Commes des Garcon brand stronger.  It makes Commes des Garçon a magnet for design talent. Knowing there are opportunities to maximize their own creative potential with the support of Kawakubo. This philosophy also extends to the new retail experiences she’s built with her partner Adrian Joffre in Dover Street Market.
Dover Street Market retail concept was started in 2004 on a side street in London’s Mayfair district. Rent for the space came as a whole, and it was a ton of space. The couple didn’t want to share the area on someone’s else terms so they would lease out the whole space and do things their way. Inspired by the stalls of Kensington Market they wanted to put together different designers together in a sort of marketplace. A fundamental tenet was putting established designers alongside emerging designers creating a unique offering over traditional retailers. It took people some getting used to, they didn’t initially understand it and would describe it as being “mixed up.” Kawakubo and Joffe’s response was, “deal with it. It’s not like the department store; this is different.” There is a mix of pop-ups, special collaborations, and art installations. The precursor to Dover Street Markets would be temporary as what they referred to as guerilla store in various cities around the globe, which included Reykjavik, Warsaw, Barcelona, Stockholm, Athens, and Beirut. Permanent Dover Street Markets can be found in London, New York, Tokyo, Los Angeles, Singapore, and Beijing. The shops close up and change format regularly to bring in a new mix of art and collaborations. They cost a fraction of what their luxury counterparts invest in their spaces although they carry capsule collections or unique collaborations from the same luxury brands in their shop. Content matters, more importantly, diversity of content with a unique point of view. Walking through a Dover Street Market is definitely a unique experience, not something that could be easily replicated online.
All growth to date is organic and in the service of creativity. Comme des Garçon is more like an ecosystem versus a hierarchical brand. Brand extensions and products lines expand freely off of Comme des Garcon’s core brand. It’s a very flat structure. According to Joffe, “We keep things on a parallel level, we can’t grow deeply, we’re not big enough or rich enough to open flagship stores around the world like multi-national corporations, so we have to grow the company laterally. That’s why we’ve got 17 brands. We’ve just got to continue, organically and naturally. Slowly, slowly, little growth. We don’t want to double overnight. We’ve never had investors or anything like that." What they are doing is working. Dover Street Market now makes $130 million/year across five stores which is a 130 percent increase over last year (9).
At the age of 70 Rei Kawakubo continues to be a force in the fashion world. Comme des Garçon generates $220 million in revenues and employs over 800 people (10). Creativity remains to be the critical priority not only for Kawakubo but for the brands and designers she touches. And constant change fuels growth.
1. Thurman, Judith. “The Unsettling Vision of Rei Kawakubo.” The New Yorker, The New Yorker, 10 July 2017, www.newyorker.com/magazine/2005/07/04/the-misfit-3.
2. Kawakubo, Rei, and Terry Jones. Rei Kawakubo: Designer Monographs. Taschen, 2012.
3. Thurman, Judith. “The Unsettling Vision of Rei Kawakubo.” The New Yorker, The New Yorker, 10 July 2017, www.newyorker.com/magazine/2005/07/04/the-misfit-3.
4. Kawakubo, Rei, and Terry Jones. Rei Kawakubo: Designer Monographs. Taschen, 2012.
5. Ibid
6. Ibid
7. Ibid
8. Rabkin, Eugene. “The Children of Comme.” The Business of Fashion, The Business of Fashion, 6 May 2015, www.businessoffashion.com/articles/people/the-children-of-comme.
9. Marshall, Alexandra. “Dover Street Market Expands While Defying Retail Convention.” The Wall Street Journal, Dow Jones & Company, 14 Aug. 2018, www.wsj.com/articles/dover-street-market-expands-while-defying-retail-convention-1534253394.
10. Kansara, Vikram Alexei. “Adrian Joffe, Tending the Garden of Comme Des Garçons.” The Business of Fashion, The Business of Fashion, 28 Sept. 2013, www.businessoffashion.com/articles/people/adrian-joffe-rei-kawakubo-tending-the-garden-of-comme-des-garcons.
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mediafocus-blog1 · 7 years
Senate confirms anti-LGBTQ, sexist blogger to federal court
New Post has been published on https://mediafocus.biz/senate-confirms-anti-lgbtq-sexist-blogger-to-federal-court-2/
Senate confirms anti-LGBTQ, sexist blogger to federal court
“I come here each 12 months, and permit me to let you know one issue I’ve discovered—this is no city to be giving humans the impact you’re a few kind of f**were given,” attorney John K. Bush stated at some stage in a personal speech in 2005 at the Forum Club of Louisville.
Bush turned into quoting Hunter S. Thompson, freely using the anti-LGBTQ slur to explain who he doesn’t want to look in the Kentucky town. And now, 12 years later, Bush has been shown as a judge on the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.
Nominated by means of President Donald Trump, Bush—who has long been a proper-wing blogger, each under his personal name and the pseudonym “G. Morris,” in step with the Daily Beast—has extended records of arguable and offensive statements. In 2011, he criticized the U.S. State Department’s gender-impartial and gay-inclusive passport alternatives, which changed parents listings with “Parent 1” and “Parent 2.” He complained that the choice would “lead to outrage,” in the method ignoring the importance of gender-neutral parent options for gay couples.
“It’s similar to the authorities to decide it desires to determine something like which parent is number one or number two. When that happens, each dad and mom are subservient to the nanny kingdom–extra exactly, a nanny Secretary of State,” he wrote, attacking then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
In the 2016 paper “Eight Ways to Sunday,” Bush additionally criticized the Kentucky Supreme Court, demanding that the courtroom had “embraced an expansive view beneath the Kentucky Constitution” on homosexual sexuality. He argued that the judicial frame “immunized consensual sodomy from criminal prosecution underneath the country constitution inside the wake of a contrary keeping of the U.S. Supreme Court underneath the federal Constitution.” Bush believed the court became asserting “independence from the rulings of the U.S. Supreme Court.”
Bush has additionally as compared abortion to slavery, calling them “the two best tragedies in our u. S .” in 2008. He related the civil rights movement to pro-existence activism, arguing that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Would probably have been pro-life “had he lived long sufficient.” Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.) has also criticized Bush’s judgment after he noted from a website that driven conspiracy theories suggesting President Obama changed into no longer born in the United States.
Trump has made numerous appointments of individuals who in coverage or vocally have supported an anti-LGBTQ time table—from Education Secretary Betsy DeVos to Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch. On Thursday, each Republican senator inside the room voted in favor of Bush and he gained the lifelong appointment in a fifty one-47 vote
Best Fashion Books – The Ultimate Guide for Fashionistas
For everyone inquisitive about fashion, a lovely coffee desk tome is a must have to reveal off your style credentials. Whether you’re inquisitive about vintage, clothier or excessive road, there are a wealth of books accessible to tickle your fancy. Here are my pinnacle ten fashionista bibles.
10. Face Hunter – Yvan Rodic
You understand you have made it inside the fashion stakes if you’re snapped by using this man.
After jogging his acclaimed Face Hunter weblog for the last four years, Rodic has collected over three hundred stunning snap shots taken all around the international to produce this homage to avenue style. It is largely a collectible version of his online outfit database, to dip into while you’re feeling in want of a few proposal. Naturally, the most effective pix the most stunning people within the trendiest of areas however they may be all unlikely fashion icons, nonetheless. It is usually a ways greater exciting to have a nosey at what real human beings are carrying than mag mannequins and this book will without a doubt come up with the courage to strive something new.
Nine. The Way We Wore: A Life in Threads – Robert Elms
Stories about garments woven together to supply this touching autobiography.
Books about men’s style are surprisingly few and ways between. If all people become underneath the notion that men are not sartorially minded then this book is short to dispel that particular fable. Journalist and former New Romantic, Elms, affords an amazing account of garments as a defining a part of our identities. He recollects events by the outfit he wore at the time and milestones in his adolescence are recognized with the aid of the acquisition miles famous item of clothing. Perhaps most exciting of all is his evaluation of teenagers subcultures just like the mods and punks and Teds and the way style has usually been a source of delight for younger British men searching for to make their mark within the global.
Eight. Fresh Fruits – Shoichi Aoki
Colorful, fearless and downright bizarre- welcome to the arena of Japanese fashion.
Remember whilst Gwen Stefani sang approximately Harajuku women and took four of them around with her any place she went? This e book demonstrates why such a lot of human beings have become enchanted by means of Tokyo road style. Excerpts from the ever famous Fruits mag had been compiled to make this guide to the modern day Japanese trends. Whilst the magazine changed into aimed at local teens this e book has wider appeal as a something to shop for interest’s sake than for notion. Every individual pictured is like a wonderful caricature character come to lifestyles and each image is observed by way of a blurb so that we are able to analyze what precisely they were thinking, going out dressed like that!
7. In Vogue- The Illustrated History of the World’s Most Famous Fashion Magazine – Alberto Oliva and Norberto Angeletti
The records of high fashion shown via the sleek pages of Vogue.
Unlike most books fashion books, In Vogue doesn’t simplest offer gorgeous pics by using Irving Penn and Annie Leibovitz and plenty of an iconic cowl, it is truly packed complete of factors to study too! This e book presents the tale of the final fashion mag from its humble origins in 1909 to the cutting-edge, via memories from photographers and previous editors. A first-rate contact is likewise the collection of testimonies through famous authors that have been published in Vogue over the years. A splendidly numerous and quite hefty book that is fantastically bound and best for showing off in your espresso desk. Let’s face it, we might count on not anything much less.
0 notes
mediafocus-blog1 · 7 years
Senate confirms anti-LGBTQ, sexist blogger to federal court
New Post has been published on https://mediafocus.biz/senate-confirms-anti-lgbtq-sexist-blogger-to-federal-court/
Senate confirms anti-LGBTQ, sexist blogger to federal court
“I come here each 12 months, and permit me to let you know one issue I’ve discovered—this is no city to be giving humans the impact you’re a few kind of f**were given,” attorney John K. Bush stated at some stage in a personal speech in 2005 at the Forum Club of Louisville.
Bush turned into quoting Hunter S. Thompson, freely using the anti-LGBTQ slur to explain who he doesn’t want to look in the Kentucky town. And now, 12 years later, Bush has been shown as a judge on the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.
Nominated by means of President Donald Trump, Bush—who has long been a proper-wing blogger, each under his personal name and the pseudonym “G. Morris,” in step with the Daily Beast—has extended records of arguable and offensive statements. In 2011, he criticized the U.S. State Department’s gender-impartial and gay-inclusive passport alternatives, which changed parents listings with “Parent 1” and “Parent 2.” He complained that the choice would “lead to outrage,” in the method ignoring the importance of gender-neutral parent options for gay couples.
“It’s similar to the authorities to decide it desires to determine something like which parent is number one or number two. When that happens, each dad and mom are subservient to the nanny kingdom–extra exactly, a nanny Secretary of State,” he wrote, attacking then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
In the 2016 paper “Eight Ways to Sunday,” Bush additionally criticized the Kentucky Supreme Court, demanding that the courtroom had “embraced an expansive view beneath the Kentucky Constitution” on homosexual sexuality. He argued that the judicial frame “immunized consensual sodomy from criminal prosecution underneath the country constitution inside the wake of a contrary keeping of the U.S. Supreme Court underneath the federal Constitution.” Bush believed the court became asserting “independence from the rulings of the U.S. Supreme Court.”
Bush has additionally as compared abortion to slavery, calling them “the two best tragedies in our u. S .” in 2008. He related the civil rights movement to pro-existence activism, arguing that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Would probably have been pro-life “had he lived long sufficient.” Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.) has also criticized Bush’s judgment after he noted from a website that driven conspiracy theories suggesting President Obama changed into no longer born in the United States.
Trump has made numerous appointments of individuals who in coverage or vocally have supported an anti-LGBTQ time table—from Education Secretary Betsy DeVos to Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch. On Thursday, each Republican senator inside the room voted in favor of Bush and he gained the lifelong appointment in a fifty one-47 vote
Best Fashion Books – The Ultimate Guide for Fashionistas
For everyone inquisitive about fashion, a lovely coffee desk tome is a must have to reveal off your style credentials. Whether you’re inquisitive about vintage, clothier or excessive road, there are a wealth of books accessible to tickle your fancy. Here are my pinnacle ten fashionista bibles.
10. Face Hunter – Yvan Rodic
You understand you have made it inside the fashion stakes if you’re snapped by using this man.
After jogging his acclaimed Face Hunter weblog for the last four years, Rodic has collected over three hundred stunning snap shots taken all around the international to produce this homage to avenue style. It is largely a collectible version of his online outfit database, to dip into while you’re feeling in want of a few proposal. Naturally, the most effective pix the most stunning people within the trendiest of areas however they may be all unlikely fashion icons, nonetheless. It is usually a ways greater exciting to have a nosey at what real human beings are carrying than mag mannequins and this book will without a doubt come up with the courage to strive something new.
Nine. The Way We Wore: A Life in Threads – Robert Elms
Stories about garments woven together to supply this touching autobiography.
Books about men’s style are surprisingly few and ways between. If all people become underneath the notion that men are not sartorially minded then this book is short to dispel that particular fable. Journalist and former New Romantic, Elms, affords an amazing account of garments as a defining a part of our identities. He recollects events by the outfit he wore at the time and milestones in his adolescence are recognized with the aid of the acquisition miles famous item of clothing. Perhaps most exciting of all is his evaluation of teenagers subcultures just like the mods and punks and Teds and the way style has usually been a source of delight for younger British men searching for to make their mark within the global.
Eight. Fresh Fruits – Shoichi Aoki
Colorful, fearless and downright bizarre- welcome to the arena of Japanese fashion.
Remember whilst Gwen Stefani sang approximately Harajuku women and took four of them around with her any place she went? This e book demonstrates why such a lot of human beings have become enchanted by means of Tokyo road style. Excerpts from the ever famous Fruits mag had been compiled to make this guide to the modern day Japanese trends. Whilst the magazine changed into aimed at local teens this e book has wider appeal as a something to shop for interest’s sake than for notion. Every individual pictured is like a wonderful caricature character come to lifestyles and each image is observed by way of a blurb so that we are able to analyze what precisely they were thinking, going out dressed like that!
7. In Vogue- The Illustrated History of the World’s Most Famous Fashion Magazine – Alberto Oliva and Norberto Angeletti
The records of high fashion shown via the sleek pages of Vogue.
Unlike most books fashion books, In Vogue doesn’t simplest offer gorgeous pics by using Irving Penn and Annie Leibovitz and plenty of an iconic cowl, it is truly packed complete of factors to study too! This e book presents the tale of the final fashion mag from its humble origins in 1909 to the cutting-edge, via memories from photographers and previous editors. A first-rate contact is likewise the collection of testimonies through famous authors that have been published in Vogue over the years. A splendidly numerous and quite hefty book that is fantastically bound and best for showing off in your espresso desk. Let’s face it, we might count on not anything much less.
0 notes
mediafocus-blog1 · 7 years
Blogger in British Vogue Gets Over 900 Body Shaming Comments
New Post has been published on https://mediafocus.biz/blogger-in-british-vogue-gets-over-900-body-shaming-comments/
Blogger in British Vogue Gets Over 900 Body Shaming Comments
Fashion blogger Callie Thorpe become thrilled to look that British Vogue had protected her in an internet roundup of the freshest bathing in shape trends in conjunction with stars like Kendall Jenner, Ashley Graham, Karlie Kloss and greater. But the pleasure wore off whilst she found hundreds of body shaming feedback tearing her apart.
Back on July 1, Thorpe, 28, excitedly posted on social media that she’d been protected within the Vogue article.
“In a way, it changed into like an f— you to all of the folks who had mistreated me, and advised me that I turned into fat and unpleasant and that I might never be some thing, and to be featured in Vogue become this type of massive deal,” she says in a blog. “I became sincerely proud of it, and I nevertheless am truly pleased with it.”
Recognizing that this became a massive moment for the frame positivity movement, Thorpe spoke with Yahoo! About the experience. But as soon as that article came out, the feedback phase packed with “violent, abusive” posts about her frame.
“They have been simply so awful,” Thorpe says, as she starts to cry, “that I couldn’t even get them out of my thoughts once I examine them. There changed into 900 comments, and quite a whole lot all of them were vile, like violent, abusive comments. It turned into simply the worst issue I’ve ever examine inside the final 5 years that I’ve been blogging or doing some thing on the net. In the night time, I couldn’t sleep because of a number of the stuff I examine about myself.”
Thorpe recognizes that it’s impossible at this factor to have an internet presence without managing complaint, and she or he’s put up with plenty of it in the beyond — but that doesn’t imply it’s okay.
“I’m kind of a bit tired of being the individual that has to disregard, and neglect approximately it, and take delivery of it, whilst truly the duty is on the person who is pronouncing the violent things. And quite true, the duty lies with the media logo moderating its remarks,” she says. “People shouldn’t be able to depart such violent remarks. It turned into simply so vile.”
She provides that the feedback is some distance more abusive for people her size.
“I often suppose, when I see humans speak the truth that body shaming happens to everybody, and it truly happens to anyone, but in case you want to peer some actual, vile s—, test how fat girls are dealt with online. And specifically, fats girls of shade.”
“I want you all to understand I won’t be silenced via people like this, it gained’s prevent me supporting girls experience accurate about themselves and it won’t stop me speaking out,” she says. “I desire you join me in speaker out against this hassle too.”
Best Fashion Books – The Ultimate Guide for Fashionistas
For all people interested in style, a stunning coffee table tome is a need to have to show off your fashion credentials. Whether you’re inquisitive about vintage, clothier or high avenue, there are a wealth of books accessible to tickle your fancy. Here are my top ten fashionista bibles.
10. Face Hunter – Yvan Rodic
You realize you have made it inside the fashion stakes if you’re snapped through this man.After running his acclaimed Face Hunter weblog for the ultimate 4 years, Rodic has collected over 300 stunning photographs taken all over the international to produce this homage to avenue fashion. It is basically a collectible model of his on line outfit database, to dip into when you’re feeling in need of some suggestion. Naturally, he simplest snap shots the most beautiful human beings inside the trendiest of areas however they are all not likely style icons, nonetheless. It is constantly ways more thrilling to have a nosey at what actual human beings are wearing than mag mannequins and this e-book will sincerely give you the braveness to try some thing new.
9. The Way We Wore: A Life in Threads – Robert Elms
Stories about garments woven together to supply this touching autobiography.
Books about men’s style are surprisingly few and some distance among. If absolutely everyone changed into under the notion that men are not sartorially minded then this book is short to dispel that particular delusion. Journalist and former New Romantic, Elms, provides a superb account of garments as a defining part of our identities. He remembers activities by means of the outfit he wore at the time and milestones in his youth are diagnosed by using the purchase a much fashionable object of garb. Perhaps most thrilling of all is his evaluation of youth subcultures like the mods and punks and teds and how style has always been a source of satisfaction for younger British men in search of to make their mark within the international.
Eight. Fresh Fruits – Shoichi Aoki
Colorful, fearless and downright weird- welcome to the world of Japanese style.
Remember whilst Gwen Stefani sang approximately Harajuku ladies and took four of them around with her any place she went? This e book demonstrates why so many humans have come to be enchanted with the aid of Tokyo street style. Excerpts from the ever famous Fruits mag have been compiled to make this manual to the modern-day Japanese tendencies. Whilst the mag become geared toward neighborhood teenagers this e-book has wider appeal as a something to shop for curiosity’s sake than for notion. Every individual pictured is a wonderful cool animated film person come to life and each photograph is followed via a blurb in order that we will study what precisely they have been wondering, going out dressed like that!
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