#Ultraman incorrect quotes
harveybwabbit92 · 2 days
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rieamena · 3 months
thinking (long and hard) about... kenji sato & baseball critic!reader
but the relationship is already established STAY WITH ME HERE STAY WITH ME
incorrect quotes
"saw your article today. you sure do love feeding the people lies." - - - "that's the thing, baby. i have more than enough to support us both and then some, quit overworking yourself."
and when he's been thinking about going public and you express your worries
"public opinion? sweetheart, i only take three people's opinions into count. dad's, mom's, and yours."
and when you're talking
"well i'm just saying, would it not be weird for the man who i've been writing articles about since he landed here in japan be my boyfriend—?" "husband." "ken, we're not married..." "yet."
im cooking something up TRUST!!!!!! preview <3 preview #2
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smolkooks · 2 months
incoming call... - kenji sato.
a/n: 2k words of one of my late night thoughts turned into a fluffy, exes to lovers fic. exes au, vet!y/n x kenji sato from ultraman: rising.
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you hadn’t expected to run into him here, and it seemed that he hadn’t either, from the way he was dressed. contrary to how you usually saw him on t.v. during his interviews, he was in shambles. kenji sato was dressed in a sweatset, stained with what smelled like...fish juice?...down the front. his eyes were dim, yet panicked—perhaps at seeing you, but you weren’t sure. was his hair...wet? what the fuck?
it had been more than eight years since you’d last seen him—at highschool graduation, when you’d moved to sydney for university, and he’d disappeared to the states. not that kenji sato could disappear, with how often you saw him on your t.v. screen.
“what...what are you doing here?” he stuttered, furrowing his annoyingly perfect brows. he looked exactly as you remembered, save for his current, unorganised state. just...older. better.
“well, i just got off work,” you said equally as awkwardly, gesturing at your scrubs, “um...just, heading home now.”
truth be told, this was an insanely random place to have run into him. ten minutes from your apartment block, with no shopping districts around or really any reason for him to be here at all. all that there was in your district was a river, which was nearby—so close you could still hear it from here.
“you walk?” he said incredulously, eyes fixated on your badge—dr. y/n, head veterinarian.
“uh, yeah,” you said, shifting a bit under his sharp gaze as his dark eyes shifted to meet yours. the same way he’d looked at you, all those years ago, that day. sad, but hopeful.
ken, we should...i mean, i think we should break up.
the words were as clear in your memory as day, and you forced yourself to swallow and block out those intruding thoughts.
“let me drive you,” he said quietly, after a beat, and as you opened your mouth to protest that you only lived ten minutes away, he said, “please.”
“kenji, you look really tired,” you said hesitantly, “you should head home and rest.”
“trust me,” he said with a sigh, “there’s no rest to be found in my home right now.”
you wondered what that meant. but he didn’t give you any time before he abruptly gestured down the street and wordlessly began walking you towards his car.
if you’d asked yourself twenty minutes ago, you wouldn’t have believed that you would be sitting in your highschool boyfriend’s 300-thousand-dollar porsche. and yet, here you were, buckled into the passenger seat, feeling more awkward than ever as you typed your address into his phone.
“i thought you were in sydney, to be honest,” he said, finally breaking the silence as he started the car, sweeping his hair back with his other hand.
“i moved back a year ago,” you explained as you propped his phone up on the stand he had for it, pressing start on the google maps directions, “worked in sydney for three years after grad, then got a job offer to be promoted to head vet back here in japan. couldn’t pass it up. besides, my mum’s here and i wanted to be with her.”
“you don’t live with her, though?” he said. of course, he’d noticed that your address had changed. he had spent more hours at your house than he’d probably spent at school in all six years of secondary school combined.
“yeah, i wanted my own place,” you said with a soft laugh, “i’ve got a few pets. they would drive her mad, with how loud they are.”
kenji huffed, “kids can be so damn loud.”
that caught you off guard, and you turned to him, shocked, and if not a little embarrassed. of course, kenji already had kids! he was a young, extremely wealthy man who of course would’ve married by now. you’d done well for yourself, but you knew you couldn’t compare to kenji sato.
“kids?” you couldn’t help yourself, the sharp question slipping out before you could process and revealing your surprise.
“uh—it’s complicated,” he said quickly, “wait, that sounds wrong—not that it’s complicated, just—well, she’s not really my kid—,”
“so you’re a stepdad,” you asked, confused.
“not really,” he replied, one hand running through his hair again, messing it up more, “she’s my pet, i guess. pet...lizard.”
your eyes lit up, “oh my god, i love lizards. i wish i could have one, too—maybe a gecko? but i have too many cats right now.”
“i wish i had a cat, instead,” kenji rolled his eyes, “she’s so whiney.” but there was affection tucked in his voice, and you picked up on it even without having to see his half-smile in the mirror.
“i’ll have to visit, then, to see your lizard.”
“and you, your cats,” he shot back as he parked by the curb, “you weren’t lying when you said you lived close by.”
you laughed, “why would i lie?”
he shrugged in response.
“get back safe,” you said, as you stepped out and reached to shut the door, “thank you for the ride. it was really nice to catch up.”
“yeah—well, you too,” he said, biting his lip as he seemed like he wanted to ask something else—you knew that look on his face better than anyone.
“what? spit it out,” you said jokingly, narrowing your eyes.
“oh...” he chuckled nervously, “um, can i have your number? yknow, your new one.”
you were caught off guard by him, yet again. “sure. it’s the same as it was. has yours changed?”
“yeah, actually...gotta change mine a lot, these days,” he looked really embarrassed by that, “what with the baseball stuff. i’ll call you. we need to catch up properly.”
i missed you. his eyes seemed to say, and something in your stomach fluttered at his earnest expression.
“we do,” you replied, before shutting the door, “see you, kenji.”
he waited until you’d headed upstairs before he drove off.
incoming call...unknown caller id.
“what the...?” you rubbed your eyes as your vibrating phone woke you up from your afternoon nap. you’d taken a fond liking to naps these days, after taking on so many emergency late night shifts at the clinic.
groggily, you picked up the phone and immediately was met with the sound of heavy breathing, which creeped you out, truth be told, and just as you were reaching to hang up on the creep, a familiar voice rasped out, “y/n, help me.”
“what the fuck? kenji?” you shot upright, panicked at his desperate tone, “what’s wrong?”
“are you free, right...now?”
“uh, well—i guess? i just got back from work, so...”
“sorry,” he said quickly, “to bother you. i’m just having trouble with my...lizard...and i didn’t know who else to ask. i can pay you—as much as you want—or—,”
“no, kenji, it’s fine,” you cut him off smoothly, “don’t be ridiculous. where are you? i did say i wanted to meet your lizard, anyway.”
you should’ve expected that kenji sato would live in a district as boujee as this. the buildings seemed to rise higher than your eyes could see, going all the way up into the clouds that shrouded the twilight sky. the cars here were all black and silver, with tinted, dark windows. it felt like a different world to your neighbourhood, and yours was already the nicer of the bunch.
“kenji, i think i’m here, but i don’t know how to get up,” you said into your phone, confused by all the security mechanisms and fancy technology that surrounded the large glass door before you. plus, your hands were pretty occupied—your phone squished between your cheek and shoulder, one hand holding your first aid kit—reptile-specialised—and the other your coat and bag of other equipment that you felt like you might need, if his lizard was in such bad condition that he’d called you up out of nowhere.
“give me a sec, i’m coming.”
as promised, the very man appeared moments later, looking just slightly more put together than the last time you’d seen him. at least this time, his hair was dry.
“thanks for coming,” he said hastily as he let you in, leading you to the set of elevators that awaited you, “i...i didn’t know who else to call. i really don’t know that many people here i’d want to talk to, and i’ve been really lonely lately, it’s kinda...sorry, i’m ranting, but i’m going through it and...anyway, i’m glad to see you.”
you found his ranting kind of endearing. you knew it was something he only did when he was really nervous—just like he’d always done, even when you two were just kids—and it made you feel young again, talking to him. like you were talking to your very first crush.
well, you supposed in a way, you were.
in the elevator, he was largely silent, although you could sense his stress—as if he had something to tell you but was too scared, his leg bouncing and fidgeting nonstop with the bottom of his shirt.
finally, as he went to swing open his apartment door opened, he blurted out, “don’t freak out.”
when you looked inside, you understood why.
and it was too late, because you were already freaking out. you dropped all your supplies in your shock, eyes widening and feet stumbling backwards.
“kenji, what—what is that—,”
there was a gigantic lizard before you. a gigantic one, and when you said gigantic, you meant it. it was at least...ten times bigger than you, and you’d never seen anything like that, before.
“um...emi...she’s a kaiju,” he said sheepishly, wringing his hands.
“what the—,”
“a baby!” he said quickly, “and i raised her, so she’s just a little cutie. but...you know, she’s growing up and i think she’s going through puberty or something. i don’t know! she’s just really struggling emotionally these days and i can’t figure it out. i’m her dad and i can’t figure it out and i’m not home often enough to look after her twenty-four-seven. please give me a chance. i’ll pay you—i’ll do whatever.”
“uh, kenji,” you said cautiously, leaning down to pick your stuff up, “you know that i know nothing about kaiju, right?” he leant down beside you to help you, cheeks tinted pink.
“it’s okay, can you try?”
“i can try, i guess,” you said dubiously, but you had to admit that you were at least curious. you’d never been this close to a kaiju before, and if anything, they were still animals of some sort. you wanted to see. you wanted to learn.
you didn’t really hear kenji’s blurted out thanks as you carefully crept closer to the sleeping pink creature, knocked out completely, curled up on her side. pulling out a stethoscope, you started to gently listen to her heartbeat from her wrist—the closest part of her you felt safe enough to touch, and she stirred, but didn’t wake.
it sounded normal—you guessed. for a creature as big as her, you supposed her heart rate would be really slow. especially when sleeping.
you did all your checks without her really waking, and that was ideal—you’d prefer she didn’t. as much as kenji reassured you that she was harmless, you were dubious that a creature this big wouldn’t hurt you.
“kenji,” you said, after you were done, unpacking some of your medications, “she’s growing up. she’s hitting prepubescence, you’re right. but also, she’s sick.”
“w-what do you mean? she’s—,”
“she has a cold,” you explained, and his panic deflated slightly as you gave him the largest bottle you had in your supplies, “you can give these to her. this’ll only last her today, so you’ll have to buy a shit ton of this medication, but i’ll give you a prescription and the phone of my supplier so you can get it fast. she should be okay in a week or so. but then again, she’s a kaiju, so it may take longer, depending.”
when you looked up, kenji was looking at you deeply, so earnestly and so gratefully, the bottle of pills set on the kitchen bench beside the two of you. you were closer to him than you’d been for years—even closer than that day on the car. suddenly, you were hyper aware of the way you swallowed as you met his gaze, your heart rate quickening.
“thank you, y/n,” he said quietly, “i...” he didn’t come closer, but he glanced down at his own hands before looking back up, “i really missed you, you know.”
“i missed you too, kenji,” you breathed, in disbelief a bit at the way you felt—just like you used to feel whenever he looked at you. you hoped he couldn’t hear how quick and heavily your heart was pounding ink your chest.
he broke out into a warm smile, “i’m really glad i ran into you, that night.”
incoming call...kenji sato.
you couldn’t help the smile that broke across your face as you reached for your buzzing phone.
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reillyissof · 4 months
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I don’t think I posted they drawing of trust but I probally will and add more to it. Forgor
Almost all of first period I’ve been making these for fun I don’t even post all of them I just have this little twitter ecosystem it’s fun
I have like two photos of zero and zett on my phone now too
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harveybwabbit92 · 3 months
R/n, In an increasingly silly voice: I love you! I love you! I looove yooouu!
Kenji, From another room: I love you, too!
R/n, playing with Emi:  Shoot. Should we tell him I was talking to you? 
Emi, tilts her head: Graw?
R/n: No, right?
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harveybwabbit92 · 3 months
[R/n goes up to the thermostat for years she wondered if the myths about dads and thermostats were true, so she did the unthinkable...she adjusted the the house's temperature.
a second later, Kenji and Prof. Sato stuck their heads out of different rooms.]
Kenji, was taking a shower he has a towel around his waist and shampoo in his hair.
Prof. Sato was in the study with a book in one hand and a half eaten bagel in the other.
Kenji & Prof Sato: Who touched the thermostat?!
R/n, stares at the father and son dumbfounded: ...Holy crap, it is true!
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harveybwabbit92 · 2 months
Kenji, to his dad: Emi's mom is being weird with me and R/n.
Prof. Sato: How so?
Kenji: She keeps puking up fish guts and nudging them towards me and kinda nodding at R/n.
Prof. Kenji:
Prof. Kenji, starts laughting: Hehe..I think- I think Giga is trying to help you court R/n!
Kenji, flustered: wh-What?!
Prof. Sato: The regurgitated fish was meant to be a present for you to give to R/n.
Kenji: Well, how the hell do I go about explaining to a 60ft lizard that human women don't appreciate being given regurgitated fish guts as a present???
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harveybwabbit92 · 3 months
[Ken (Ultra form) holding a sleeping Emi while bouncing on his feet.]
Mina: You got her to stop crying.
Ken: Yep.
Mina: How did you learn that bouncing technique?
Ken: It's not a technique. I just really have to pee.
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harveybwabbit92 · 3 months
Kenji, to R/n while he's half-asleep: Have I mentioned that I like it when you smile?
R/n: Yes, quite often.
Kenji, grogily: You have the type that cures puppies of cancer...
[R/n stares at Kenji bemused.]
Kenji:... And this is my brain after 12 hours of work.
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harveybwabbit92 · 3 months
[R/n is searching in the closet for cleaning supplies.]
R/n: Ken, where’s the Mr Muscle?
[Kenji smirks pushes her into the closet, closing the door behind them. They reemerge a while later, Ken is fixing his shirt and R/n is flushed and disheveled]
R/n, zipping up her pants: *ahem* That’s not what I meant.
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harveybwabbit92 · 3 months
[R/n confronting Kenji about her missing green mask.]
R/n: Can you please talk to your dad about eating my homemade beauty products?
Kenji: If you don't want them to get eaten then you shouldn't have made them taste so damn good.
R/n: And how do you know that they taste good?
*She sniffs him*
R/n: Kenji...Why does your breath smell like my vanilla mint body butter?
{Kenji who was practicing pitching 'accidentally" throws his ball into the wall causing a loud bang that wakes Emi who starts crying.]
Kenji, in a stilted tone: Oh no, I woke up the baby...*Turns into Ultraman* I should go take care of that now!
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harveybwabbit92 · 3 months
[Kenji staring at mad scientist reader whose got Emi hooked up to a weird contraption.]
Kenji: Uh... what is that?
R/n: It's called a growl to speech a device I created to translate what Emi's says.
Kenji: Does it work?
R/n: Try for yourself.
Kenji: Okay, Emi tell daddy what do you want to be when you grow up?
{Emi chirps and growls happily}
Growl to Speech: “I’m going to be a GIANT bird, and I’m going to take over the whole earth so everyone will have to give me fish!”
Kenji and R/n:
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harveybwabbit92 · 4 months
Rando: How do you kiss that behemoth?
R/n, standing on Ultraman's shoulder: Like this.
[R/n Stands on her toes and gives Man a kiss on the cheek.]
Ultraman: *blushes*
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harveybwabbit92 · 2 months
R/n, rubbing Kenji's back: Ken, it’s the third time this week you had a breakdown, and it’s only Monday.
Kenji, in tears: Gotta start out strong!
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harveybwabbit92 · 3 months
[R/n trying to get Kenji's attention.]
R/n: I'm pregnant.
R/n: Emi ate your motorcycle.
R/n: You're dad's wearing your underwear.
Kenji, looks at her mortified: What?!
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harveybwabbit92 · 3 months
Kenji, sees his dad drinking some dark green goop: Dad, what are you drinking?
Prof. Sato: Ah, I found a green smoothie in your fridge, it's very good- whats in it?
Kenji: Err, Aloe,avocado, spinach, pineapple, kiwi... maybe some coconut oil?
Prof. Sato: Oil? In a smoothie? Is that something they do in LA?
Kenji: Sometimes- Look, you aren't actually supposed to drink that.
Prof. Sato: We didn't raise you to be greedy Kenji-
Kenji: No, Dad. That's a not smoothie...It's R/n's spa mask.
Prof. Sato, Stares down at his cup:...*shrugs and keeps drinking*
Kenji: Dad!
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