Umeji Kizuguchi
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Name: Umeji Kizuguchi
Gender: Male
Class: 3-1
Club: Delinquents
Persona: Violent
Overall: -67
Liked: -100
Respected: -100
Feared: +100
Crush: ???
Strength: Armed
I don't think any of the delinquents are really BAD people. And I think I'll keep it that way in order to give them a great contrast to the gyarus. While the gyarus seem like nice ladies, they're really filled with violently ill will. Meanwhile, the delinquents seem to mean harm but will actively defend a student in danger.
Umeji, as the temporary leader, should be a special case. I stated this only once way back in Osoro's post, but I genuinely could not see Osoro and Umeji together for some reason. Hence why I've added a separate level to their relationship. Rather than romantic, I feel like he loves her in a strictly platonic way.
To add to this, I gave Umeji an older sister whose status I've left undecided for the moment. I think I want her to be GONE in some way, just not deceased. I do this because I want to justify Umeji's violent behavior while Osoro is gone.
Think of it like: he looked up to his sister, but she's gone somewhere so he has no one to help him. Osoro becomes his new idol, but she's gone now, which again fills him with the same feeling of abandonment. As well as the fear of someone he loves never coming back.
I feel like Umeji's relationship with both Horuda and Otohiko could be interesting. When it comes to Horuda, while he finds her strange reactions creepy, he doesn't hesitate to answer questions she might ask. I imagine that whenever someone called Horuda creepy, she'd ask how or why due to genuinely not understanding, but the only reply she'd recieve is "because you are" or "I dunno, you just are". Umeji, on the other hand, actively points out what's weird about her, like "smiling when you're obviously not happy is weird as hell".
With Otohiko, I feel as though when Otohiko first joined, his optimism drew Umeji in a bit. This was before, I imagine, he decided to go full delinquent. I feel like Umeji doesn't hate Otohiko, but he has two main reasons he doesn't want to be around him. First is because all of Otohiko's negative traits (like shyness and being unable to stand up for himself) remind Umeji of everything he hated about himself. Meanwhile, Otohiko's positive traits (being optimistic and friendly despite hardships) make Umeji feel inferior to him since he immediately went with the easy way out. Whereas Otohiko is working hard.
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biggestxsimps · 1 year
Troubled Souls
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A/N: Sorry this one has no dialogue and tbh, I don’t like it that much. It’s something I whipped up in half an hour or less. This is a Umeji Kizuguchi x male reader and mentions some stuff about the other delinquents. This seems like a more platonic fic, but interrupt it as you will :)
Y/N was known as a curious and eager guy. He was eager to understand other people's thoughts, opinions and beliefs. He had noticed the group of delinquents, formerly led by Osorō but since her suspension, Umeji had taken on the role. Umeji had a tough exterior and was feared by many, but Y/N sensed there was more to him than meets the eye.
Driven by his desire to uncover the truth, Y/N began to investigate Umeji’s past. He had learnt that Umeji and his friends had all experienced various difficulties, bullying being the most common among the five of them. He had also found out that at one point, the bullying had impacted them so badly that they also considered suicide. He figured these experiences had shaped them into the people who they were today, putting up walls to further protect themselves from pain.
Y/N approached Umeji with empathy and understanding, reaching out to him in a way that no one else had before. As they spent more time with each other, Y/N listened patiently as Umeji slowly opened up about his troubling past. He shared the pain he had endured and the struggles he had faced alone since the faculty did nothing.
Within each conversation the two shared, Y/N gained a deeper understanding of Umeji and his friends. He realised that their delinquent behaviour was not simply a reflection of their true selves, but rather a mask they wore to cope with their past. He knew there was potential for growth and healing within each of them.
Y/N was driven to help the group out. He started organising after school activities with some of the club leaders, it took some time to persuade them but he managed.
The outcomes were good. It allowed the delinquents to do what they liked and express themselves in positive ways by being around other students who shared the same love for whatever activities they enjoyed. Showing them healthier ways to outlet their emotions.
Slowly but steadily, the delinquents started to change. Umeji and his friends found solace in their new found passions and were able to start recovering from their pasts. With Y/N’s support, they learned to trust again and believe in a brighter future.
In the end, Y/N’s determination to help and understand the troubled delinquents at Akademi not only transformed their lives, but also bought out a sense of unity and acceptance within the whole school. Y/N knew this acted as a powerful reminder that everyone deserves a second chance.
-Written by owner 2
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yandere1simul13 · 9 months
Hello! I hope you're doing well this holiday season. Would you be willing to do taro x umeji? :>
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look prefect!
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rinn-mayy · 2 years
Here's a redraw of Umeji I did a while ago:
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Hope the sharper/more jagid lines and shades of red and orange make it more cooler.
Oh, here the original for those who are wondering:
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mhsofe · 7 months
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hehe umeji brainrot lately..
umeji x reader <3
"Sweets, you left your bag at my house yesterday" You turned around to see your beloved, Umeji. You smiled at him as he gave me my bag, "Oh! It was with you all along. thank you ume.. " you tried hard to keep your face serious, but seeing your boyfriend in front of you? No amount of biting your cheeks could stop your smile. Umeji smiles slightly before going back to his serious expression. "Well, me and the boys are skipping a few classes today." He blurted out. "Really? This is the third time you skipped classes this week," you frown. "Oh" Umeji's shoulder's sagged slightly."Sorry sweets, we got some..Troublemaker that has been fussing around the school lately.." He sighed and leaned closer to you, giving you a small peck on the lips before pulling away. "I'll make it up to you okay?" He smiled. You gripped your uniform and nodded "Alright then, I'll let it slide this time," you huffed and looked away "Awh, don't be like that.. I promise you I'll treat you out this weekend" The breeze picked up, blowing the ends of his hair onto his face. You turned to Umeji. "Will it be the usual place?" You looked at him and he smiled. "The usual of course," He circle his arms around your waist, lifting you up slightly before putting you down. "Now kiss me, sweets.." You smacked his head and nearly fell to the ground "Not this time, weirdo" you can hear some of his friends laughing in the background as you walked out of the scene leaving him confused and amused. "Cheeky," He said before going back to his gang.
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saikoucorps · 2 months
You write for yan sim?
What's your favourite character??
Could you write something sfw about a gn!reader x Umeji Kizuguchi? I simped so hard for him back in my yansim days
Tysm even if you don't want to write it!
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Tysm for the request! Honestly my favorite is Ayato Aishi.. but "canon" character wise it'd have to be Megami Saikou. I'm also a huge fan of Info Chan, Nemesis, and Fun girl.
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:ఌ¨ Sneaking out
꒰੭ pairings – umeji kizuguchi x gn!reader
꒰੭ genre – fluff, small drabble
꒰੭ tags – soft umeji (sorta), mutual pining, flustered umeji, reader is somewhat implied a delinquent
→ Reader gets the idea to sneak out, and asks their trusted friend Umeji to go with them.
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"Are you sure you want to do this?"
You had just explained to your friend that you had an amazing idea, a brilliant plan. You wanted to sneak out. With him. It was currently midnight, and you two were speaking over the phone.
"Duh, why else would I ask if I wasn't sure? You scared?"
You could hear him sigh on the other end, clearly annoyed.
"No—Just– Fine. I'll meet you outside your house in twenty."
You were already prepared, you didn't grab much but your phone and wallet. You were ready before you even called him. So, it only took you one minute to walk outside and wait. And surely enough, he was there in twenty.
"You better not make me regret this."
He was wearing something very simple. Like he threw whatever he could find on. He seemed really against this whole thing.
"Don't get your legs in a twist, why so mad? This will be fun!"
"It's not fun because I just woke up from my sleep."
Oh. That's why he's grumpy. He woke up to answer your call?
You decided you didn't feel like bickering today, and neither did he. You both began walking, and you didn't have an exact idea on where to go.. Umeji could tell.
"Where the hell are we going?"
"Uhm.." You dramatically thought to yourself on the possibilities, then finally decided. "The park! That's always fun, huh?"
He groaned before agreeing, and you two headed to the nearest park. It felt nice. The silence between you two, it may have been unexpected, but it felt natural. Umeji was willing to wake up and then sneak out for you.
You two finally found the park, Umeji headed straight for the swings and sat there. He was pretending to be mad, you could tell. So, you decided to sit next to him on the swing nearby.
"It's nice having you here, you know." You began, sitting down.
"What—?" He seemed taken aback, you could see a faint blush on his face. You pushed it aside, it was too dark to tell.
"I'm serious! No one else would have came out here with me, it was very nice you woke up for me.."
You and Umeji sat in silence, he couldn't even speak. He was clearly shocked by your words, and unable to voice his thoughts correctly, he grumbles out.
"Shut up.."
The two of you started up a conversation, it felt like minutes when in reality hours went by. He suggested you guys go to a gas station, and you did. You had gotten drinks and some snacks. It was nice, hanging out with him like this.
You and him walked for what felt like an eternity. It's rare seeing him like this, so quiet.. and not having that "tough" guy act. Umeji stopped and realized how long you guys have been walking.
"It's getting late." He showed you his phone, it was three in the morning. How long were you guys out?
"Shit. My house is too far." You started slightly panicking.. this technically was supposed to be very short.
"Crash at mine. It's only a few blocks away. Plus, it's too dark for you to walk by yourself. Cmon"
He started walking, you haven't even processed what he just said.
"You wanna bring me home? Really? How sweet."
"Don't push it."
You chuckled and followed after him quickly, it only took a few minutes to get there. He said you had to be extremely quiet, his siblings would wake up otherwise.
After a long night, you finally got to sit down. He offered his bed as he slept on the floor. It wasn't really an offer, no, he insisted you slept on the bed and he slept on the floor.
Moments like this with him were rare, but you always treasured them. You believed he did as well.
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taglist ┆ @hannibalhhusband @zackfairscumslut
©@ saikoucorps 2024 — do not plagiarise, repost, modify, or translate any of my work, in any way.. i will ram your booty if you do. all work belongs to me, the one and only, zero !!
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tholiem-1109 · 2 months
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horrible warm up with thỏ liêm
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tangsen-malum · 1 year
Sorry I'm late! Happy 9th Anniversary!! 
Hope you enjoy this video! (please turn on CC subtitles btw (⁠人⁠⁠´⁠∀⁠`⁠)⁠。⁠゚⁠+
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smellygorilla · 11 months
Hello! Today I will be ranting about why shipping the bullies and delinquents is wrong. Let’s get into it!
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I don’t even know why this ship is a thing. I don’t understand the love for enimes to lovers. Like why would you go a date someone you hate so much?
I’m gonna give some context on the groups and the backstory to get my point across more clearly.
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The Bullies:
The Bullies are a group of preppy girls known for gossiping and spreading rumours. They’re the reason the delinquents are who they are today (More on that later) I love the bullies, their design really projects who they are. If I saw them I really life I would think of them as mean girls,gossip girls, etc.
Group members:
Musume Ronshaku (Leader, Blue sweater)
Kashiko Murasaki (Purple sweater)
Kokoro Momoiro (Pink sweater)
Hoshiko Mizudori (Green sweater)
Hana Daidaiyama (Yellow sweater)
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The Delinquents:
The Delinquents are a group of guff, aggressive boys who carry around blunt weapons for self defence. I’m not a fan of the delinquents designs solely because of their spikey hair, but that’s kinda their thing so I won’t judge. (Yes I will)
Group members:
Umeji Kizuguchi (Substitute Leader, Yellow shirt)
Hokuto Furukizu (Purple Shirt)
Gaku Hikitsuri (Red Shirt)
Dairoku Surikizu (Blue shirt)
Hayanari Tsumeato (Black shirt)
The Delinquents weren’t always “The Delinquents” Theh were bully victims. They would be like this if the counsellor took action when the bullying reports were being made. (Hate to drop her in like that but she said it herself 🤷)
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Gaku was bullied for having a broken arm, he was seen as weak and vulnerable.
Hayanari was bullied for showing signs of a receding hairline.
Hokuto was bullied for his feminine mannerisms and standing up for Hayanari. (Hayanari felt so bad for this he developed a smoking habit)
Dairoku was bullied for being quiet.
Umeji’s profile doesn’t specify what he was bullied for but based his design I’m gonna say he was a very shy and timid student.
It was rumoured they were going to start a suicide pact, but overlooked because there was no concrete evidence.
On day, a girl named Osoro Shidesu was approached by a group of students from another school. She disrespected them, and they weren’t going to have that. Their plan was that they were going to beat her up, little did they know she was gonna take them all down, alone.
It’s unknown how she managed to accomplish this, but all stories end the same with Osoro covered in blood and taking the jacket of on of the students and drapping over her shoulders as “trophy”.
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The delinquents were present for this event. They idolized her for it. They wanted to be like her. They were hopeful this could stop the bullying, they started following her around like ducklings. They dyed their hair blonde like her’s, they spiked their hair to be seen as relentless punks, they became more aggressive,rude and more disrespectful of faculty, and they started carrying around blunt weapons with them everywhere. This did stop the bullying, but students started to refer to them as “The Delinquents”. Students started to fear and even hate them, but maybe this is what they wanted. Maybe it was better to be feared and hated then bullied.
You see, they changed their personality and appearance just to avoid being bullied. Do you think they would really go on a date someone that traumatized them to this extent?
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“But smelly._gorilla, smelly._gorilla! How can we be sure the bullies were the ones that caused all this?”
Really? First of all, the bullies are called “The Bullies” because they bully people! Second of all look at this photo.
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This is Umeji’s reaction (Along with the other delinquents) to a bullies corpse or you stabbing a bully directly infront of them. Oh yeah totally perfect couple. (I’m being sarcastic)
I’m all for canon stuff in lore and I hate ships unless it canon or like Taro x Ayano. Seeing videos of bullies x delinquent shivers my timbers. This ship is extremely toxic. The lore behind the delinquents is so deep, and you’re will to throw it all away just because they look cute together? That sucks, you shouldn’t do that.
Anyways, I hate this ship and I have my reasons. If you ship them that’s kinda werid. (Sorry 😬) Thanks for reading of you did!
Bye ��️♥️
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cooltennisball · 8 months
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grapegoggle · 2 months
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quick requests
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cainpain · 2 months
Mantaro and Umeji after being reformed,,
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I feel like Mantaro wouldn't know much about why the delinquents are delinquents in the first place because he wouldn't be there when the bullying happened, but he'd definitely be understanding if they tried to change !
Mantaro would maybe invite Umeji to some sports activities, even hang out with them when he's done with his own club activities !!
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gabycantart · 9 months
Can you draw some more umeji x horuda? Pretty Please!? I love the ship and I’m unfortunately starved of it
PS I freaking love your art it’s adorable! I wish I could draw that cute 🥰
._. ....okay
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yandere1simul13 · 8 months
Osoro... just Umeji wanna kiss you :(
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moonbyulsstuff · 1 year
Hey, can I request a scenario for Yandere Simulator? It's about Male! Reader's first encounter with delinquents. (bcuz they're underated and cute af)
Unlikely Relationship.
Male Reader.
Request Rules.
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A lot of people wondered, on why. Why is the perfect student [Name] [L.Name] is always hanging out with a bunch of delinquents?
The kind, generous [Name] is always surrounded by those guys! It was weird as hell! Maybe they were threatening the lovely [Name] to hang out with them? And could it be true? But then again, [Name] always say that it isn't like that.
But what could be the cost?
That what always rang through everyone mind as the loving, brother figure third year [Name] was hanging out with the delinquents. They always never got an answer from the man himself since they couldn't asked the delinquents themselves, too scared to get threatened from them.
So after awhile, they got used to it. Seeing [Name] with one of the delinquents was not weird at all.
But then someone asked [Name] a question.
"Hey, [Name]." "Hmm." "How did you meet the,,, delinquents?" "Oh... well..."
[Name] was walking back home from school when he heard a painful groan from the alleyway, he stopped and peaked through the wall and saw a blonde male leaning against the wall with bruises on his face.
He bit his lip in worry and walked up to him. "Are you okay?" He asked as the blonde male looked up and scoffed. "Yeah, I am. Now get lost." [Name] sighed and frowned and held the back of his jacket and dragged out of the alleyway and into the front of the convenience store despite the blonde male's protest.
He forced to him to sit down. "Stay here, got that." He ordered as the male scoffed. "And why should I listen to you?"
"You want me to beat you with a metal stick?" It went quiet as [Name] went inside the store and after a minute he came back with a bag full of medkit and set it down and took out the things he needed.
"Now, don't move." [Name] started to treat his injuries, earning a hiss from the blonde and ignored it and continued treating it so. After awhile, he finished treating it and put the staff away and then left a lollipop in the blonde hand.
"Take better care of yourself." The male was absolutely flabbergasted as he watched the male walked away, he looked back at the lollipop on his hand and scoffed.
After that encounter, [Name] saw the same male back in school who walked back to him and thanked him for what he had done. It earned [Name] a smile as after that, he then saw the rest of the gang and their relationship eventually develop.
Which basically made the delinquents very overprotective of the third year, as they basically think of him as like their brother.
"And that was basically it!" [Name] smiled bright that outshined the sun, the others who were listening sweatdropped as they were shocked to hear that.
"Reall..y?" "Yup!" "[Name]-senpai!" They turned over and saw Umeji calling out to the third year, the male smiled and bid the rest goodbye and walked together with Umeji.
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lonely-layla · 9 months
An aggressive confession pt.2
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Umeji Kizuguchi x chubby!fem! Reader
Umeji smiled as he placed his hands on your waist. He now had you in a tight hug as you rested your head on his chest. This moment was really making him happy because he finally got to have the person who he loved the most, it felt great. However, there was still some confusion in his mind. “Can I ask you something?”
You look up at him, in his golden eyes “mhm?” Umeji kept quiet for a moment and thought before finally speaking, “why did you like me, of all people?... I've never really been kind towards you. Why is it that you felt this way for a person like me?” He says adverting his gaze from you.
“I just hoped you were a good person.And I know someone who’s hiding their feelings when I see one” you give him a mischievous side eye as he scoffs.
“Tch- takes one to know one doenst it?” He teases rubbing your back. You two stay there for a while when the bell rings for class. You two walk back upstairs for class to start, when he gives you another kiss on the lips before parting.
You got into my class, which was surprising the class next to umejis’ and when you sat down and started your studies. Musume and her friends could not whisper a louder. “Yall are the shittiest whisperers ever” you turn around and tell them. All they do is laugh “No wonder you ended up with a delinquent reject like umeji, let’s see how long it lasts before he breaks up with your overweight ass!” Hoshiko yells out as they all laugh. The bell rings for class to get out and everyone leaves except them. they all walk over to your desk and they push you out of my seat, you fall on the floor, and they start stomping on your stomach. You couldn’t breathe as you see Kashiko pull out a knife. Your eyes widened as she slashed a cut that went through my uniform and across your stomach. You scream out in unbearable pain they all walk away and leave you bleeding out on the floor alone.
Umeji had just gotten out of his class, he was walking over to your class when he saw the girls run out of the room. He suspected something was up so he walked into the door opened it and his heart dropped to the sight of you bleeding out o m the floor. Before he knew it, he found himself running towards you and he got close to check your wound. He had an idea of what happened and for the the popular girls sake, he hoped it wasn’t true.
Your perception was getting blurry due to the blood loss”Umeji?” Was all you could whisper out. The fact that someone hurt you made him angry but the sight of you being drenched in blood made his blood boil. He took off his coat and wrapped it around the wound. “It’s going to be okay. You’re going to be okay. Stay with me, I’m gonna get you the infirmary” He asked you but you couldn’t respond and you were losing consciousness.
He pick you up with ease and carried you to the infirmary where the nurse called the police. If you weren’t borderline unconscious you woulda asked him how was sable to pick you up so quickly.
He was doing his best to move quickly but not to the point where he would end up hurting you. He was really hoping they'd make it to the infirmary in time before you ended up being unconscious. As he got to the infirmary, he placed you on the bed and they started checking your wound and helping to clean it. They called 911. And they took you away on a bed to the hospital.
They treated you at the hospital and gave you medication for the helping you heal. After a few days, you were let out but advised to stay at home until your recovery was complete. The medication they had given you had made you gain a lot of weight. But that was the least of your concern, until you heard the first knock at your door in a couple of weeks.
Layout opened the door to Umeji standing there, “hey, I just came by to see if you were oka-” before he cold finish his sentence, you engulfed him in a hug. He felt relieved that you survived but was angry to hear that it was Musume and her friends who were behind it all. He really wanted to get back at her because of what she did to you. But he had to keep those feelings back, right now all he wanted was to see you after this whole time.
After you left go of the hug and invited him inside, Umeji noticed the changes your changes. And to be honest, he didn't mind them one bit. He thought you looked beautiful no matter what and he didn't see any flaw in your appearance he especially didn’t mind that it made your ass and breasts bigger. You noticed how he looked at you and it made u feel some type of way. You threw a meal you made for yourself beforehand in the trash so he wouldn’t think you’re eating too much.
Umeji noticed this and wondered why you just wasted a whole plate of food instead of finishing it. Something was up with you. He got snapped back to reality when you speak up. “Would you like something to eat or drink?” You ask awkwardly.
Umeji noticed you subtly trying to clean something off the counter but he never asked you about it. Now that he thinks about it, he was actually pretty thirsty as well so he accepted your offer. “I think I'll take a drink, you don't have to make anything to eat for me”.
You nod and begin getting some juice from the fridge. You know he had noticed your weight gain and saw him staring at you, yo u weren’t sure if it was good or bad to him. Your thoughts raced as you subconsciously chose that it was bad to him. You put the juice and give it to him. “S-so! What’s been going on at Akademi since I was gone” you ask trying to change the subject and distract my mind.
“I don’t know the same shit as always, a couple murders, everyday stuff really” he swirls his drink around drinking from the straw. You slip off to your bedroom to change into something that more loose fitting so he doesn’t notice. And come back.
Umeji's eyes immediately noticed the new clothes once you came out. He wondered why you changed, you were fine in what you were wearing before. But you looked really cute and it suited you so well. Your extra weight gain made those clothes fit you more and it made you even cuter than before. The sight of you made his heart beat a little faster because he really liked what his eyes saw.
“Uhm- do you wanna, watch a movie or something” you suggest to him to break the silence. He suddenly snaps out of his trance state as you ask him to watch a movie together. He felt a little embarrassed when he remembered that fact, he never took you on a proper date so he was definitely up for it. “Sure that sounds cool” he responds, getting up and walking to your room.
Once he stepped inside, his eyes wandered again. The sight of you was just too attractive. He tried keeping himself from glancing over at you too much as he looked around your room. You noticed the way he looks at you the second he walked into the house and it made you feel insecure. Was me gaining weight really getting on his nerves that much?? Was he going to leave you? The thoughts were too much as you both ego bro the bed. You sit next to him instead of cuddling like you would normally do and that’s when he decided to speak up.
“Alright cut the crap!” He exasperates as he grabs your hips and pulls you onto his lap. You keep forgetting he’s strong enough to fucking carry you.
You start freaking out “Umeji! No I’m too heavy” you protest trying to get off of his lap, but his hands on your thighs are keeping you from getting off.
“If you were too heavy ya think I would’ve been able to carry you to the infirmary the other day? How weak do you think I am babe?” He says in return for your protesting.
You feel tears in your eyes as you still try to get off of his lap. “I was lighter and then, I weighed less! Just please, I don’t want to hurt you” you cry still trying to get off when Umeji’s grip lightens to hear you say this.
“Is that what this is all about? A little weight you put on? Baby~ you don’t needa worry about that.~” he begins to comfort you.
“No, you’re just saying that to make me feel better. I saw the way you looked at me when you first saw me at the door. I’m afraid you’re gonna leave me because of how fat I am” you cry more, letting out the baggage you’ve been carrying with you.
He pulls your head down to rest on his chest as you cry into him. Gently caressing your back. He seemed surprised at the fact that you didn't believe him. He could see no reason why he wouldn't be attracted to you. “You know I love every inch of you, your new body isn't any different. Yes, you may have put on some weight but I don't mind that at all. It doesn’t change what’s on the inside baby.”
He gently caresses your thighs, feeling your body soften as the rest of your weight falls on him. His hands roam your body as he praises you for every part of your body. His hands began to slowly roll down the waist of your shorts. The more he rolled the waistband, the more he revealed of your stomach. Seeing this made you feel a little self conscious but Umeji only looked and stared. “I love every part of you, every. fuckin. part.”
He takes your shirts off all the way and makes his way to your shirt. He lifts it up and over your head and throws both pieces of clothing to the side. “God you’re so fuckin sexy~ how could I not love you~” he praises you. He stops when he feels something wet on his crotch area.
He looks down at your pantries that have sweet spot on them. “Hm, didn’t think you’d get this turned on just by me just touching you~” he teases as he starts to take your panties off.
“D-doesn’t my body disgust you?” You ask as he smiles at you. “you kidding me? There is nothing about you that disgusts me right now. I see nothing but cute n’ sexy, just seeing you like this turns me on~” he says. Just as he says that you feel something poking at your womanhood.
You begin to take his bands off and his boxers until his half hard dick is out. You lean in to a heated kiss as you take his shirt off to reveal his laden upper half. You break the kiss to see the sight before you, his chest and torso were scattered with scars and his and his abs were prominent. “No wonder you were able to carry me so easily” you say out loud on accident, your hands trailing down his abs. “Yeah, I’ve carried heavier, trust” he laughs.
He continues the kiss as lifts you onto his cock and starts to bounce you. Your head flys back as you let out huffy moans. “Ahh~ mm fuck umeji~” you bounce yourself, all of your weight giving pressure to his cock.
You lean in for another kiss, feeling yourself get close. He then flips you over as you feel your head hit the pillow. He then starts plowing into you harder. Seeing your body ripple beneath thin only fueled his urges more.
“Yeah? You like that don’t you~ mm~ haah~” he lets out deep moans as he’s trying to hold back the real ones.
You could feel your climax comeing fast than you thought “hmm~ f-fuck I’m gonna cum~” yiu yell out as you come all over his cock.
Seeing the warm white rings of cum come out everytime he pumps in pulls him over the edge as he comes inside of you. Feeling the hot ropes of semen fill your hole.
“F-fuck~” his voice scratches as he pulls you into a kiss. “I love you and only you, don’t ever let your brain make you thing differently baby” he reassures you once more time as you two both fall asleep. “Thank you” you mumble out.
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