undercraftgame · 7 months
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thewillowsinn · 2 years
The school ball.
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Sebastian sallow x hufflepuff!Male!Reader
This was requested. I did chance the plot a bit but just to make it smaller, I hope you like it.
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“I’m just saying that it could be fun.” You smiled and looked over at sebastian trying to reason with him. The ball was coming up and you wanted to go, but sebastian wasn’t to keen on the idea.
“I get the appeal but really? Stuck in a room full of yelling students who are all like,” he took a breath and moved his hand to brush fake long hair, “My dress is the prettiest” he pitches his voice up high. “No mine is!”
You laughed at his horrible show. “It’s not like that sebastian and you know it. Dancing with someone special or with your friends and having a fun time.” He looked at you and title his head with a smirk.
“We can have more fun in the forest or anyway from the castle, like getting into trouble.” He wasn’t going to take the hint that you wanted him to go. That you wanted him for a date.
“Dressed in a nice suit and dancing, i think i would make a great date.” You threw out there and watched him scruff. “The boy who steps on everyone’s toes without trying to dance? I don’t think I call that a good date.”
You looked down and felt your heart shatter a bit but you knew he wasn’t trying to be mean, but your feelings for him took over everything. “Come on, sebastian! I’ll be your date and we could have fun.” Moving you body towards where he sat.
“I think I could do better.” He poked fun. Oh, he could? Anger arises in you and you got up from the place on the ground and brushed yourself off. “I’m going back to my comman room, I have a report on puffskins. Goodnight, sebastian.” You shouted and he caught the annoyance in your voices as you stomped away from him and out the undercraft.
What had gotten into you? Was it just because he didn’t want to go to that stupid ball? He would much rather spend time with you alone, take you to a date somewhere that the moon would hit you just right. Alone with just nature like you always liked, maybe hold your hand.
“I could do better.” His own words echoed through his head.
That’s why you were upset! Because he was a idiot and missed your signs the whole day, you wanted him as your date. You didn’t shut up about the ball and even talked to him about what you would wear. “Damn it.” He sighed to himself and realize he looked like a asshole.
Sebastian liked everything about you, from the way you cared for your plants to the creatures you took him to visit. He always stared at your smile and how happy you always seemed to be, the yellow robe that looked amazing next to his green one.
But he planned to make it up to you the next morning.
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You had been thinking of sebastian all night and even when you tried to push him away, his smile just wouldn’t leave. But when you saw the same smile waiting outside the dinning hall walls you tried to ignore it.
Sebastian noticed you and walked towards you, you didn’t look at him and tried to walk passed him but he caught your wrist. “I need to talk to you.” You groaned and looked at him. “Can it wait?” You saw his face turn mischievous and before you could question it he pulled you and away from the dinning hall.
You ran with him and asked him where he was taking you but he didn’t answer and just kept pulling you until you got to the undercraft entrance. “Sebastian, really? We could miss breakfast.” But he used his magic to open the door and you two entered.
Once you both where standing in the middle of the room, you pulled away from him to cross your arms. You had a annoyed face and looked mad but it was adorable to him because you never looked threatening. “What do you need to talk about that’s so important, I mean you know how much I love the muffins.”
Merlin, that pout on your lips looked so kissable.
“I wanted to apologize, about last night.” You froze and cleared your throat. “What about last night?” He gave a knowing look and rolled his eyes at your acting. “You and I both know you’re upset at me. So, I have something to show you. So turn around.” You gave him a hesitant look but he sho’d you to turn around.
You did as told and turned around and heard him shuffle and hear him mutter some type of charm- Or spell, you didn’t know know because it was whispered. You were actually kinda impatient to see what he was doing or what he had because knowing him it could be anything.
You wouldn’t put it passed him that when you turn around the place would be on fire, but finally he was ready. “You can turn around just don’t laugh.” You took a breath and turned around to face him and what you saw made you body feel warm.
He was dressed up in a black fine robe and shirt, glossy shiny shoes and looked like he was going somewhere fancy. He was so handsome. He looked at you with his arms out to present himself to you. “What do you think? I think I clean up pretty nice.” He spun around to show you the whole outfit.
“Sebastian why are you wearing that?” You asked and stepped closer. His face dropped into a frown, “What? Does this not looked good?” You smiled as he brushed himself off. “You look- Good. But that doesn’t answer my question.”
He sighed and rubbed the back of his next. “I realize you wanted to take me to that dance, or ask you. And I pushed you away and made you think i wouldn’t enjoy you as a date but i would. I really, really would.” He looked into your eyes and for the first time you saw him shy.
Your cheeks got warmer and your mind went fuzzy. “I really like you, sebastian. But if you don’t want to go with me to the- Hmm” your words were cutting off by him taking your face into his hands and pressing his lips to yours.
You stopped for a moment and closed your eyes at the nice feeling and then put you arms around his neck while his dropped to your hips and pulled you closer. You both sighed and groaned into each other’s lips while your mouthes moved with the other.
You felt happy that we liked you back. He was happy to know he wasn’t alone in the romantic feelings. He pulled away and looked into your eyes with a red face, “You’re handsome. Are you sure you wouldn’t like to come to my dorm other then the ball?” You blushed and hit his arm.
“Sebastian!” He laughed as you screamed and hit him again.
“Worth a shot.”
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legacyshenanigans · 1 year
For your Marvolo x MC AU, does Marvolo use the Undercraft at all? If he does, would he show it to MC?
He does 💚
And maybe he shall 👀🐍🖤
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Secret fears Part 2
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Part 1 Part 3 (final)
Include: Sebastian Sallow, Ominis Gaunt, Leander Prewett, Y/N only mentioned
Trigger warning: violence
Sebastian made his way through the stares and the whispering crowd, to storm off the DADA classroom, as a clueless Ominis tried to catch up. "Sebastian what happened?" he asked, not getting any reply from him. Sebastian was directing to the undercroft as fast as possible, almost leaving Ominis behind. Like he tried to escape from him, the crowd, everyone and himself.
When Ominis finally could catch up, he could hear boxes crashing against the stone walls of the undercraft. "I don't understand, what had happened. Please, explain it to me. I heard awful cries from Y/N, is she alright?" Ominis begged his best friend to answer him. While more shattering sounds hit his ears.
Sebastian punched every box and barrel in his sight as he imagined punching himself. He knew since you allowed him to curse cruciatus on you to escape the scriptoriums death trap, it will always stick on him.
Even if he tried to push it away from his thoughts, the harm he caused you was real.
He tried to rationalize it, that it needed to be done, but in regard to perform it, you have to want to cause pain, remembering it gave him such a disgusting feeling torwards himself, which he couldn't shake off. That he truly wanted to cause pain to a true friend like you, just only for secound, made him feel sick.
Regrets hitting him, he should have been the one who gets cursed. He should have insisted you to curse him, thinking that you were capable of bearing that immense pain was foolish. Giving you that burden, it made him realize what a coward he was. That it still sits in you as a fear brought out the worst rage in him.
The third person perspektive, seeing himself cursing it at you again, while you flinched and curled up in pain with that expression of your face. It was practically his boggart.
Ominis trying to grab Sebastian got a hit in his face, by accident. Seeing that he just hurt another friend, Sebastian began to apologize "Ominis... I'm-", "You what hit me? Yeah I felt that." Ominis, covering his urge to punch him as well. "I don't know what... I'm lost and angry at myself, that I hurt her. I can't take it anymore. Punch me, please Ominis do it, I deserve it." he begged him. "I'm not going to punch you, even if you do really deserve one or two hits. But I want to know what happened, what was her boggart and why did she screamed? Did I really heard the cruciatus curse?", Ominis asked him serious, worrying about Y/N.
"It was me.", Sebastian admitted shamefully. "What exactly did you mean it was you?" Ominis insist to get a complete picture of the context. "Her boggart turned into me, ok Ominis. Into me cursing that damned curse on her again.", one tear rolled down his faced as he shouted the cruel truth. "She collapsed and they brought her to Hospital Wing.". Ominis was silent. His stare was empty, cold as if dementors were around.
"Please Ominis say something." Sebastian tried to find any emotion in Ominis' expression, disappointment, anger or even hatred. But there were none. "Ominis"
"What do you want me to say?", Ominis frowned. "Say that you were right, that I was stupid not listening to you. That I am the worst being, infact the worst fear of her.", Sebastian waiting for him to answer. "I'm tired of it, Sebastian. It doesn't matter if I repeat myself now, it's already to late. Maybe living with that realization gives you the hit you needed to become someone better." Ominis who was still caring for Sebastian but on the other hand already fed up at the same time. Couldn't stand him for the moment, he said enough, there was nothing anymore he could give him as an advice. So he decided to leave and ask Natty how Y/N is doing. "I will go now, Sebastian." He left a sorrowing Sebastian behind him as he went outside the undercroft.
After awhile deciding if he even should leave the undercroft, fearing that it already spread to every student at hogwarts, what happend in the DADA class. He didn't want anyone to stare at him like a monster, he felt like.
He wouldn't mind to just wait until he starves there to death, but atleast he wanted to know if you were alright, after that event. Leaving the undercroft quite late at the day, he was relieved that no one was around anymore. Even in the common room, must be bedtime already perhaps?
He wanted to ask Ominis if he visited you or heared of your being. But Ominis wasn't in his bed, wondering about his none presence he took off his rope and jacket and didn't bother to change his clothes. He just lied in his bed with thoughts. Does she even want to see me ever again? But why shouldn't she, we're on good ties, that I cursed her was a year ago. Also it was this time the boggart, which doesn't make it better, but it wasn't the real me. I mean she always understood me, in contrast to Ominis. I should try to talk to her, if I find the courage.
The next day for his surprise his best friend still wasn't in his bed. Was he so angry that he also doesn't want to be with me anymore?
Shaking it off, Sebastian went to the comon room to check if Ominis or maybe even Y/N were around, unfortunately no. It saddens him, no seeing either of you made him feel so lonely, trying to not get emotional he continues the day as a usual. Besides that Imelda instead of spreading the latest rumors to him, she wasn't approaching him, she looked at him for a moment, her sight shifted to an unwelcoming one, as she turned to some other Slytherin girls and continued talking to them.
As Sebastian walked outside heading to the slytherin boys bathroom he could hear someone approaching, hoping for Ominis he turned around only to see Leander. "Aren't you a bit far from your dorm, Prewett?" asked Sallow confused. "Believe me I am where I need to be, Sallow."
"Sure, and why exactly do you need to be here? Did they finally kick you off your own bathroom?", Sebastian smiled cocky, trying to hit an opportunity. "Why was her boggart you cursing her, Sallow? And don't dare lie to!", Leander commanded. Sebastian frowning, putting his arms across his chest, "Why do you care? Last time I checked she doesn't even know your name." - "That is not the matter, even tho she is my duel rival, and she surely does know my name Sallow. I want to know if it was something she only feared for or did it actually happend? Did you actually cursed her with an unforgivable?", Leander sounded angry with disbelief. "I don't owe you an answer or anything, Prewett."
"I warn you Sebastian." Leander grabed his shirt pulling him face to face, "if you really hurt her like that I'm going to-". "What?" Sebastian said calmly, knowing well he does dare him to escalate.
Sebastian remained silence. Leander was breathing loud and fast, snoffing air against Sebastian. "Look if you don't want to hold my penis while I'm pissing, let off of me and go" Sebastian spats. Leander just furious that he was so hideous in such a serious moment, pushed him over the edge of anger. You weren't his love interest of course not, it was far from it, but still it didn't meant he didn't respect you as competitive rival and classmate who he cared for. It hurted him too, seeing you like that. Remembering how you suffered and that this bastard just being so calm and funny about it, made his blood boil. He throw a wide ranged punch hitting his face and throwing him to ground.
"Did you do it, Sebastian?" Leander said shivering, adrenaline rised up in him. Sebastian spitting out blood, "I knew you hit like a lady but it felt like a little girl only touching my face. Come on, was that all you got, Prewett?" - "You bastard!", Leander continued to punch him, until he couldn't stand. He didn't went over the line, since he only wanted to hurt him as bad as Y/N got hurt, but he didn't want to hospitalize him. "Just stay away from her, Sallow.", Leander looked down, with dishonor and left.
Sebastian smiled, he really wanted to get hurt, he felt he didn't deserved better. He sat there for a while out of exhaustion. Thinking of Y/N.
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axmoth · 1 year
Fun fact about savefrisk-
So there kind of a god right?
Well they have this hyperfixation on minecraft, So much so they made a entire universe called 'Undercraft' just so they could build stuff-
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Im listening to a grian inspired playlist Nd the mad dummy battle song from UT came on lol
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pixelatedfarming · 3 years
Announcement post! The Undercraft SMP server is finally up!
What are we?
Undercraft (also called As Above So Below) is a survival multiplayer role play server in bedrock edition of Minecraft. We are based out of our discord.
What's the plot?
Once upon a time, kingdoms of men dotted the landscape, cultivating the earth and bringing harmony and peace to everything around them. One day, the earth turned sour. The kingdoms started fighting, both among themselves and each other. A great war came, decimating everything and sending the survivors on the run to fight for their lives in the hostile world around them. Some groups live in peace in settlements on the surface, having forgotten their past. Some live as outcasts in the unforgiving wild lands of the Above, neither finding peace within the Villages nor with the Below. And finally live the refugees of the Below, blinded by their past and dwelling in the darkness of the caves left untouched.
What do I do?
As a player character, you can choose whether you would like to live as a peaceful villager, alone in the Above, or in the growing kingdom of the Below. You will be interacting with the characters around you, and the environment as you see fit.
You do not have to play a major role in the plot, but you will have to have a character should you be brought into it*. There will also be plenty of time on the server not dedicated to role play in which you can build and have fun to your hearts content :]
Parts of the smp may be streamed or recorded, or you may stream or record parts as well.
Will I have to pay anything?
No! The server is hosted through Aternos and does not cost the players anything.
Can I go ahead and beat the ender dragon?
No, for plot purposes the ender dragon cannot be beaten until the time comes properly.
Will I have to follow a script?
Any scripted events or scenes will be written and planned (or have a lack there of) by the people in those scenes. If you don't want a script, you won't have to have one
*as of July 22 2021 no character is needed to join the smp. Plot driven play will not begin until the second half of the caves and cliffs update is sent out to bedrock edition. The server is open for fun and for getting to know each other before the story begins
My ask box is open for any other questions or concerns! Feel free to spread this post around
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sealpointselkie · 4 years
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I’ve been thinking about these for awhile, these are yarn charms, I thought they’d be fun for bags! I didn’t have the orange for Swap Papyrus’ blush so he’s teasing Fell Papyrus in this pair!
If I make them with embroidery thread they’d be much smaller and I could string them together with coloured hearts to make a OTP charm... Make ‘em bigger and I could do a ship garland! LOL
I have designs for Tale, Swap, Fell, SwapFell, Swapfell Purple, FellSwap Gold & Twist Papyrus!
I have a couple Sans designs but.. I’m not sure. They’re kind of ugly, LOL. Although these turned out better than I thought they would!
What do you think?
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hellothepixel · 5 years
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hey so I found some fun fonts last night and I might have gotten carried away
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underchaser · 5 years
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Special commission for sunnylemon6 at DA their bab Craft!
Links on profile uwu tumblr is a big meany
>^<Thank you for the support and for reblogging!
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rinzydings · 6 years
So my partner in crime Mylifeforthelore (x) had an idea: Undertale in Minecraft!  With Lore spearheading the project, she and I have decided we wanted to take this massive task by the horns and run with it! It’s going to be a full, long series that we’re going to be streaming/recording until we’re done!
Follow us on Twitch, with Lore here (x) and myself here (x) so you can know when we start streaming and you can join the fun in chat!
Episode 7! We’re joined by our friends @cyberstarfox , @thetitlealwaysgetsme , and briefly @trenchcoatofthelord for this round! 
Special guest and friend @silverskye13 also joined our call for the shenanigans! 
True Lab (x) | Hotland Pt 1 (x) | Hotland Pt 2 (x) | Hotland Pt 3 (x) | The Core Pt 1 (x) | The Core Pt 2 (x) 
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reesecomic13 · 6 years
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Endersans x Endergeno (not same universe)
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astral-cataclysm · 7 years
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ayy lmao
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regular-red · 2 years
Hello! Welcome to my mcyt Fanfiction side blog! My list of AU’s are below 👇
UnderCraft (an Undertale one, because why not-)
Chapter One (coming soon)
Technoblade (OneShot…)
Peace (coming soon)
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kers-seeri · 4 years
Hey there, since you created this AU, what is the name of this AU and will there any be more comics about this? I hope I don't waste too much of your time!
Between all of us (people who follow me on Instagram and me) we decided to call Minecraft Au because Undercraft was already taken :'v
Soon to be continued, I see that you liked it a lot so I'll make an effort to bring you the comic more often ^v^ 💕💕💕
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familiarboomerang · 4 years
My...my fucking PS4...is bricked. Flashing blue light of death, no troubleshooting works.
My...mine and my brother's Minecraft world...Undercraft is gone. Another piece of what I had left of him is gone.
I just keep loosing ...
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