underforest-continued · 10 months
Underforest Sans!
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By Ravenarts101
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moonflower80 · 1 year
Underforest-Chapter 9
Everyone was waiting for us when we stepped out of the forest, especially Papyrus, who came up and hugged Sans as hard as he could. "WHAT WERE YOU THINKING, YOU BONEHEAD!?!" Sans wriggled out of his grasp, and began to explain our predicament. Some of the other monsters came up and congratulated me, and thanked me for getting rid of the rain. I just nodded, I didn't know what to say. Izzy came up to me, amidst the chaos, and gave me a quick thank you before disappearing into the crowd.
Later that night, I was in Sans’ house, in my room, when I heard a knock at the door. It was Izzy."So… I need to talk with you."
"So I've been thinking… you're a really cool person, and… I really want to help you, Frisk. I wanna help you escape this forest, and even help us escape. Do you mind if I travel with you?" Well, it's an idea. I thought. I already knew I was gonna say yes, however. "Absolutely!" I responded. She jumped for joy, shaking the house to its core. "Yes! Yes! Yes! Thank you!" She stopped jumping and shook my hand. "I won't let you down, Frisk!" Sans came into the room, rubbing his eye sockets. "well. i see that went well." He mumbled lazily. He perked up a bit and smiled. "well, you two have a long day ahead of you. why don't you get some sleep?" I hopped right into my bed and fell asleep before my head hit the pillow.
That night, I had no dreams. I guess the bad dreams stopped when I sent the spirit to the afterlife… or maybe I was wrong. Anyways, I woke up the next morning and headed outside only to see Izzy waiting there for me. "Ready to go, Frisk?" She said. I nodded and we headed down the path leading out of the town. We walked for a bit, and when we left the town, it got… really foggy. "What is the deal with this fog…?" Izzy asked.
"IT'S ME. PAPYRUS." The fog cleared to reveal Papyrus, wearing his battle armor, a scarf, and a sword made of thorns. "HUMAN. I WORRY ABOUT YOU. I DON'T KNOW IF YOU'RE CAPABLE OF SURVIVING OUT THERE. SO THEREFORE… I CHALLENGE YOU TO A BATTLE! YOU CAN ONLY LEAVE WHEN YOU MANAGE TO DEFEAT ME!" Izzy groaned and slapped her forehead. "Paps! We don't have time for this!" He shook his head. "NO! FIGHT ME!" A strange blackness surrounded the area as Papyrus launched an attack with thorns and rocks at us.
Izzy dodged and threw a fireball at him, while I dodged his attack. He dodged her fireball while saying "GOOD, GOOD." He threw a large blue thorn at Izzy, and she stopped moving. The thorn passed right through her as she set the ground around her on fire. "Alright! Let's kick it up a notch, Frisk!" She slammed her foot to the ground, picked me up, and threw me at Papyrus. He screeched as I nailed him directly in the groin. "ARGH, CURSES!" He threw a thorn attack at Izzy, which she dodged and threw a few more fireballs at him.
After a few more minutes of fighting, Papyrus used his telekinesis to throw me back at Izzy. "NOW… CAN YOU SURVIVE MY SPECIAL ATTACK?" He sent an array of thorns, as well as some bones and leaves at us, before sending a large row of thorns our way. I got on top of Izzy and she flew me over the thorns. "NYEH… MEGA THORN ATTACK!!!" All of a sudden, a large thorn, as big as a tree was sent hurtling towards us, which Izzy promptly flew over. After that, Papyrus looked too drained to fight. "HAH… HAH… IT SEEMS… WE BOTH WIN! HAH…" He collapsed to the ground, exhausted. "Welp. He's not going anywhere. Let's go, Frisk!"
Me and Izzy hiked through the forest for a bit, enjoying the beauty of the forest. A few wolves came onto the path, but they decided not to mess with us. Eventually, we made camp on the side of the path, as it was getting late. As I lay on a bed of moss that night, I wondered, why did the monsters want to leave? It was so beautiful here. I went to sleep, and had no dreams, unlike the other times.
After a few days of hiking, we came upon a waterfall, one taller than the trees themselves. Izzy perked up, her little dragon ears sticking straight up in the air. "That's a good sign! That means we've almost made it to the Falls Settlement!" She said excitedly. Finally! I can't wait to see it! I thought. We kept walking, until I began to feel an uneasy presence. It wasn't the same as the ghosts. This was different. Izzy felt it too. Someone was with us.
And they wanted us dead.
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gaxlayflower · 1 year
Reblog if you want to read a story about a undertale au i made.
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Regarding Forest!Tale
So apparently, it already exists, lol.
Underforest | Undertale AU Wiki | Fandom is the link, but I have a different AU in the works aka Pastel!Tale, where you might've seen Pastelli before. Yeah, Frisk and Chara are done and the designs will be out soon, and there's a new character coming, but I can't show you because that would spoil your appetite! So for now, this'll be rebranded to Pastel!Tale. Apologies for everything!
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evilwizard · 2 years
*walking through the fungal underforests* heh… it’s all about the hiveminds you don’t join
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The Underforest: A Minecraft End Biome Idea
This is a revised version of a Reddit post I made a while ago on r/minecraftsuggestions, and because of Reddark I am posting it here.
Basically, the Underforest would be a forest on the end island, with the twist being that all the trees grow upside-down on the undersides of the End islands. This would make the wood hard to harvest (because, ya know, the void), even in the Overworld since the saplings can only be placed upside-down and on End blocks such as End Stone. The Undertree wood could look really cool, although I am torn between bright purple, like the eyes and particles of Endermen, or greenish-teel, like Ender Pearls.
I also came up with a mob for this biome: the Floatslime. Overworld has Slimes, the Nether has Magma Cubes, why shouldn't the end have its own murderous cube? The Floatslime can, as its name implies, float over the End. Its unique drop, Ender Ooze, is also not affected by gravity, even in item form. I don't know what it would do yet.
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spidermilkshake · 2 years
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Ogres are often unfairly characterized as cruel brutes who capture folk and fatten them up for slaughter. It's perhaps more accurate to say they take part in forms of agriculture that the very humans, elves and dwarves that revile them have boiled down to an impartial process long ago--in many ways, learned from humans, though catered to the ogre society's preference for both an avoidance of mess and of good optics and ethics. Many of the different ogre communities are known to keep various animals in contained pasture for eventual meat slaughter--though getting the full years of the animals first and the various byproducts (largely wools, milks, and sometimes eggs) in the process. Once the various deepmara, dire rats, cattle, boars, giant arthropods or birds are old and hobble about under their ponderous weight and old age, ogre farmers tend to put them down via heavy crossbow or heavy axe in darkrooms, and utilize every part of the well-aged meat in roasts and especially sausage-making. Ogres are full carnivores, and so they have a special kinship with a select few tame cave bears... these beasts also quite like a succulent aged sausage, and so special measures must be taken to ensure their greedy pets do not demolish their winter's stores in a day or two!
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The Orcs have a wide variety of farming traditions to their name--though here is shown the Orcish method of mushroom farming in the deep places of their world. Orcish engineering fixes hooks into the walls of certain areas of lower light, and straight lengths of wood from either nearby Underforests or imported Surface woodlands if there are no neighboring forest zones are laid in them in rows and drilled to introduce fungal threads of edible species. As each log breaks down, new logs are slotted in, producing a deep, moist layer of compost behind the current logs. Aquaducts were built to channel water below the layers and down the rock walls to keep the humidity up enough for optimal mushroom fruiting, but as a side effect the common Deepwhisker catfish among a variety of alga and aquatic invertebrates of the Underground end up infiltrating these cool, shallow channels. Alongside this orc farmer is a loyal tamed timber wolf--as orcs are strong enough and independent enough to provide a wolf with a beneficial partnership.
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Many would not understand the concept of a Pixysh farmer, strictly due to the highly decentralized and anarchic manner in which Pixies operate. Individual Pixie family groups and small communes, however, do very much engage in care and encouragement of various tree and herbaceous plant species within their lands--most especially the fruiting shrubs, which provide sugary berries and fruits which can be more easily preserved for their high energy in winters. Here, a defensive Pixie farmer fights away various large birds and other threats from the family's rowan berry tree, grabbing up as many fruits as can fit in his satchel as possible at a time.
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Quickling society is as far removed from the remainder of Surface cultures as can get--isolated to their canopy cities in the southern Heartlands and the Nechola woodlands. Within these equatorial climes, they are known to engage in a number of farming techniques both high above the forest floor and down amongst the trunks--most notably, mushroom farming, such as the Quickling farmer shown here atop his silver wolf mount checking upon the new growth of Elm Oyster mushroom below the lowest basements of his people. Quicklings in the canopy are more known from taming various small falcons, parrotlets, and songbirds, as well as cultivating light-greedy crops such as tomatoes and sour-gherkins.
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majax3 · 2 months
UnderForest AU Sans 💚
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somnyh · 1 year
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The Underforest
A place of the world of Eternal Time, the dimension 0.97.
Under the Hepnos Island, this place is. A place where a lot of vegetation manages to ground with the light of some plants and the light that comes from outside. This manages to create a self sustaining enviroment between the light of the plants and their own needs which caused some drastic mutations.
The Underforest is the home of a wide variety of life, lots of different unique creatures thrive in this jungle. They usually battle with each other and is divided in territories between different species. From time to time some creatures ascen to the title of "Overlord", in which they rule over this territories because their power.
The harsh enviroment here incentivates the competitiviness of the species and their mutation.
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►     UNDERFOREST by Justin Peters
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gryphonablaze · 2 years
picked up sky children of light again and wanted to go to the underforest. The stomp hole was blocked, however. So instead of just beeping and hoping someone came, I decided to do the most annoying thing possible to attract another player: I got out my harp and started rickrolling
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underforest-continued · 10 months
Underforest- Chapter 10
Me and Izzy continued through the falls area, the uneasy presence permeating the area. Izzy's ears drooped, I picked up a stick and readied it the way one would a sword. Suddenly, a spear appeared in front of Izzy, causing her to screech. A few more spears appeared around us and began firing themselves at us, and we began to run. At that point, we knew it wasn't just a defense mechanism. Someone was trying to kill us. I saw a shadow in the distance, someone that looked… human? They were tall, and had a ponytail, and they were holding a spear. Just as soon as I saw them, they disappeared.
We continued running, until we found some tall grass, which we hid in. The figure from before, who turned out to be a fish monster, came up to the grass, reached down, and grabbed something. She pulled it up slowly, only to reveal a small dinosaur monster. He had a goofy smile on his face. Izzy giggled. The tall knight-fish monster put him back down, whispered something, and walked off. We came out, and so did he. “Yo! You guys are those guys that saved Cory!” “Yup!” said Izzy. “Undyne told me that there was some monster roaming around. Undyne said to ask everyone a question about them! So I can find out who's the bad guy!” He smiled bravely. “So! What’s Izzy’s greatest fear?” Izzy turned red and said, “Small spaces.”
"Now, you, other person I don’t know! Uhhmm…” Izzy looked at me and said, “What did Papyrus and Sans give us when we left Sundin?” I replied, “Papyrus gave us a sword, my scarf, and Sans gave us these little bottles and a book.” We had the items in my knapsack. The monster child perked up, excited by the fact that I had gotten a sword from Papyrus. "YO! You got a sword?" 
“YOOO! That’s so COOL!” I noticed that he has a backpack with a huge leaf on top. Probably an umbrella. “My name is Jacob Kidd, but you can call me Kidd. Nice to meet you!” He said, putting his tail in front of him, as if asking for a handshake. I shook his tail, and he flicked it forwards, as if he wanted me to follow. "Follow me!" He said cheerfully, "Let's go find Undyne!" Izzy put her hand on the child's shoulder, causing him to stop. "Let's… not. She tried to kill us a second ago." Jake looked confused, tail wagging excitedly, still. "She did?" 
“Yeah.” I said. He thought for a moment. “Wait…you might have seen…a swamp monster! Oh… we gotta go!” He ran off in the direction of Undyne. We followed him, hoping he wasn’t in danger. He was talking to Undyne. She saw us. We prepared to run, but she stopped us.
“Children. It’s not safe. Deadly monsters are roaming around. We must go to the villag-AARRGH!” A snake monster wrapped her up with its tail, and prepared to eat her. “UNDYNE! I’LL SAVE YOU!” Kidd rammed his head into the monster’s tail. The monster flicked him aside, and me and Izzy ran and caught him. Just before the monster could eat her, it glowed an odd color of green. The monster tried to move, but couldn’t. Undyne’s spears stabbed into the creature, ending it. 
Undyne stood up straighter, tilted her head to look at Kidd, and then walked off. Kidd stared in absolute disbelief as Izzy came up behind him. "So… that's her?" Izzy asked. Kid snapped out of it, and looked up to her happily. "Yep! She's the coolest person around. I guess she thought we ran or something!" He ran up the path, yelling, "Come on! Let's go find her!" We followed close behind him for a while, enjoying the scenery of the falls. The falls were truly beautiful. There are no words on God's green earth to describe such beauty.
Eventually, the trees grew thicker, making the path more narrow, Izzy's ears perked up, and Kidd's tail started to wag again. "Ooh! We're almost there!" He ran ahead, and as we ran to catch up to him, I saw a glimpse of something, it almost looked like the child from the first dream I had, gray and limitless. It was only for a second, but that didn't matter, because when we stopped, we were staring at the Falls Village. 
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moonflower80 · 1 year
Underforest-Chapter 8
The forest was dark, but Sans had lights… in his eyes? "How do you do that with your eyes?" I asked him. He shrugged. "skeleton magic." We continued walking until we found someone, seemingly hanging from the vines. It was Cory. He was alive… but barely conscious. Sans teleported him back to the house before we continued, and as we were about to, we heard running footsteps behind us. "Wait! Let me help you!" Izzy was running towards us. Sans stopped her dead in her tracks. Sans eyes stopped glowing, before two green eyes pierced the darkness. "what is izzy's last name?" He asked. Izzy was silent before answering with "Drake." Sans' eyes lit the forest up, and the thorns around his feet disappeared. “alright. follow behind us. everyone, keep an eye on each other. if someone disappears, say something.” We continued for a while, none of us disappeared, and Izzy’s fire breath made it easier to see, and eventually, we came upon something… very odd. “Sans?”
“Come here real quick”
He ran over, with Izzy in tow, and he looked down at the thing I had found. It was a music box, but it was old and rusty. I doubt it worked. “huh. i don't think… i don't think ive ever seen a music box like this.” Izzy piped up behind us. “I think we’ve come far enough. Let’s see if we can see any ghosts.” Sans’ eyes glowed a deep purple, and his eyes looked around, as if he was searching for something. “i found something.” He said, after searching around for a few seconds.
“this music box has a spirit residing within it.” His eyes turned back to it’s normal eyelights, and he picked up the music box and played it. The tune it played sounded so sad, as if the melody itself was damaged by the years it had spent there. After the melody played, Sans’ eye lights flickered. He crumpled to the ground, screaming in pain.
“SANS!!” Izzy screamed. She ran towards him, only to be stopped by an invisible force. A satanic whisper echoed through the area, but it sounded nothing like Sans. “Who.” The voice whispered. Izzy spoke up, still absolutely terrified. “Who are you??!” We heard Sans’s voice again. “they’re the ghost in the music box.” The whispering voice spoke again. “Yes.” Sans chuckled. It was a low chuckle, but I could hear it. “told ya.” We must stop this ghost. This is getting out of hand. “What do you want from us?” I asked the ghost. “DEATH.” My mind went back to Sans’ story. The human. An image of a girl in a green jumper flashed in my mind. The ghost wants vengeance on all humans. Sans began floating into the treetops, as if the ghost was taking him. I grabbed his foot, and tried to pull him back down, but the force was stronger. It almost pulled me into the trees with it, but Izzy kept us down. After a few more seconds of pulling, Sans fell on top of me, and I fell onto Izzy. I groaned and sat up. “Is everyone ok?” Sans rolled off the top of the pile, before opening his eyes and saying, “well, I’m not dead, but hoooly crap that was terrifying.” Izzy sat up. “What was it like?”
“Oh.” Sans shook his head, and stood up. “we don’t have time for that. get up and let's go” He grabbed Izzy, pulled her up, and he ran further into the forest with us following. Eventually, we heard a laugh coming from nearby. The ghostly silhouette of a fire elemental flickered in front of us, and Izzy screamed. “AAAAAAWHAT THE HELL” The figure dived at Sans, attempting to grab him. I pulled him to the side before the ghost could touch him. The ghost shrieked and tried to grab me next. Sans blocked it off with a large wall of thorns, causing it to disappear. “Oh my god… that was terrifying! Where is it now?!” Izzy shrieked. The ghost appeared right behind her and tried to grab her. She shrieked and spat a large fireball at it, which only made it madder. It tried to launch a fireball at Izzy, but Sans jumped in front of Izzy and took the blow for her.
This has to stop, I thought, as Sans took blow after blow. STOP HER. I did the only thing I could. I jumped in between the ghost and Sans. The ghost hissed and whispered, “Get away.” I got closer. “GET AWAY”
“what are you doing?” Sans asked, clearly confused, and covered in blood. I didn’t even know if it was blood. “What… are you… doing?” The ghost asked. I walked up to it and gave it a hug. It backed away, shocked. “Human… you are the first to show kindness to us. True kindness. We were all stuck here for so long, believing all of you were bad… but if you were kind enough to protect a monster, to show kindness to a ghost… maybe you aren’t all bad.” The ghost began to fade, and the rain began to turn into a light sprinkle. The music box began to play again, but the tune was happy, cheerful. “Thank you.” The ghost faded away entirely, and the rain stopped. The sun was coming up. “Did you just send a ghost to the afterlife?” Izzy asked. I nodded. Sans looked up to the sky, and looked back at us. “let's go back. papyrus is probably worried sick.” I picked up the music box, and walked back to Sundin, with a feeling of peace floating over me
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gaxlayflower · 1 year
If you want to read my story for underforest
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I have an idea for an undertale/underverse AU, it’s like a mix of watership down, warriors, and my faded light. Thinking on calling it “underforest”, what do you guys think?
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I used a base before you ask, so, my idea is a world where there are 3 major areas; the humans valley (where humans and “domestics” live), the forest (where the thing takes place most of the time), and the forbidden sea (which is this lake with deep waters and dangerous animals/sea life). there is also this person that's mentioned sometimes called “the breeder” who breeds animals against their will to make pets and stuff, sometimes they escape from their homes or from the breeder and end up living in the forest, the domestics usually wear something around their neck, whether it be a scarf, bandanna, or collar, they always have something around their necks, the picture I have is what blueberry looks like in the AU, I might change it later, but right now it’s fine
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omnickitty · 7 years
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Prelude of UnderForest. Where everything started... The questions are opened :) The first chapter is on preparation ! ForestSans is coming soon don't worry xD
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