#Undertale AU-niverse
re-joyce-askblog · 4 years
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Joyce welcomes a new friend to her world. ^_^
Roman of @undertsums made all the art for this comic, and she asked if I would post these comic pages on my blog, since that’s basically where it takes place. I said sure! :)
​Neela belongs to @fastrainbowdas​ and Annie is my name for the human OC of my sister, @brightideathepunny​. (Adzee is my brother, tho he doesn’t have a Tumblr)
If you’re confused, here are some links to get yourself up to speed:
Ask Undertsums: Last page, end of Season 1 Ask Undertsums: Beginning of the Christmas Party arc (I would personally start here) Ask Undertsums: The True Beginning
Re:Joyce Masterpost (see ROMAN SIDE COMICS section for more context)
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sielutale · 5 years
Actually yes .Said friend found this mentioned in a fanfiction and was curious, so he looked up the information. And also, I'm not talking about your au, I'm talking about canonically. The holes in gasters hands are because of Sans and Papyrus. They were literally made from him. Plus they're skeletons ? They don't have "parts"
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I’m adding your other ask because some of the things I’m going to mention are going to discuss things that pertain to both.Which Fanfic? Because MsMk fanfic is an entirely different timeline. If its a fic from ShadowFoxDemon, that is also a variation of a timeline. Possible outcomes. I’ve already discussed that this is all a matter of “If Seriff was in the Multiverse.” Both of which that in, Yes indeed, I cover and answer questions for.
Amazing, isnt it? How one can think of different outcomes for possible changes in a persons life that can effect who they become? Almost like there are multiple versions of Sans and Papyrus that people have made because of possible “What If’s” that came to peoples mind that other people build off of to make other variations of that variation! OHWAIT!I’M ONE OF THOSE PEOPLE! 
Also, it is not Canon that Gaster made Sans and Papyrus. It’s not confirmed, nor is it in Undertale or DeltaRune. Its a theory, an idea that most of the fanon like to headcannon. However Toby has not confirmed this so until then that’s just a theory. (A GAME THEORY)
Also did you?? even read?? the first part??? of the answer I sent you??? If so, I’ll say again. Human Skeleton’s do indeed have different parts that show that if they belonged to a male or female. A simple google search can tell you that. I’ll give you a hint, its called the Pelvis bone. I mentioned that before in my last answer too.“If your au is really like any other au, then he can change his body to whatever he wants ,no drama or anything needed.” Um, if it was his ecto-body, flesh made of magic that monsters such as himself can create, then yes he could. However if you’ve ever taken a science class then you’d know that bones aren’t built to be changed.
Also, I haven’t changed the original storyline for Sielutale? I changed some elements, updated it and polished it up a bit, gave additional information. Still currently doing that to be honest. Unless of course you’re referring to all the fanfics, that I’ve already said is part of a timelines. Or unless your referring to the Original Storyline of Undertale, to in that case I hope to fucking god I changed the storyline. Thats the whole point in making an AU after all. That’s why they’re called AU’s, because they’re Alternate Universes.
Also, what does Seriff being Trans have to do with me updating the original storyline of Sielutale? I’ll tell you the answer: Fuck all Nothing. He was trans when I first made this AU. The changes to Sielutale have been towards character development, story, and the physiology and culture of Sielutale Monsters.  But not the genders or gender identity of the monsters mentioned.
Just because I’m willing to talk with askers and others about different versions of Seriff and his future, doesn’t mean that its canon for the main Story of Sielutale. 
And now, a final word from our Sponsors:
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QUESTIONS 4 JOYCE :D 8, 9, 17 and 21
Those are some great questions! :D
8: What are some of your OCs strengths?Joyce excells at making others feel happy and joyful. In a group setting, she helps people feel welcome and included, so no one is bored or sad. She’s good at singing, dancing, and cooking (mostly spaghetti). Her strengths also include making puns and writing songs. She’s very loyal to her friends, and gives great advice when people come to her for it.
9:What are some of your OCs weaknesses?She doesn’t have much control over her soul powers, so she’d probably be a liability in a battle.
17: How long can your OC hold their breath?Hmm... I don’t know... about 45-50 seconds?
21: Who is your OCs best friend?Probably Roman of @undertsums. I don’t know how it happened, but that skeleton seemed to crawl into Joyce’s life pretty unexpectedly. XD
It all started when Roman (as a tsum) “borrowed” a bit of Joy from her soul, and Joyce decided to journey through the Undertale AU-niverse to get it back. Since hanging out with Roman a bunch and getting to know her better, I’d say they’ve become pretty good friends. ^,^
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Art sent in by @12-anna-21.
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re-joyce-askblog · 4 years
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Joyce gets tested and defends her new friend.
All art in this comic is thanks to Roman of @undertsums​. ​Neela belongs to @fastrainbowdas​​. Annie belongs to my sister @brightideathepunny​​. (Adzee isn’t on Tumblr)
If you’re confused, here’s the LAST PAGE I posted.
Still confused? Here’s some more links: Ask Undertsums: Last page, end of Season 1 Ask Undertsums: Beginning of the Christmas Party arc (I would personally start here) Ask Undertsums: The True Beginning Re:Joyce Masterpost (see ROMAN SIDE COMICS section for more context)
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re-joyce-askblog · 7 years
Taking the first step
Narrator: Joyce stared at the dimensional door for a few minutes, hypnotized by the pretty white glow that emenated from it.
Narrator: There were more questions to be answered from people who had submitted them to her, and she felt a little bad for not replying to them. But then again, there would always be more questions... she would save them for later.
JOYCE: Okay, I don't want to put this off any longer. Time for me to see what's on the other side of this doorway.
Narrator: Hesitantly, Joyce took a step towards the open door. The sparkly, foggy aura of the magic door felt like a mist.
Narrator: She fidgeted with the tablet one of her askers had gifted her, a device that had only one app on it; allowing her to choose which Undertale universe she wanted to go. She didn't know how it worked, but the magic of askers was powerful, and she decided she wouldn't question it. At least she knew she wouldn't have to worry about landing in a random universe that she knew nothing about. Plus she could use it to return home whenever she wanted.
Narrator: She hugged the tablet to her chest and put it away in her inventory.
JOYCE: Hmmm... I wonder if need to be careful about this...
Narrator: As a test, Joyce stuck her hand through the white field, and her hand seemed to disappear through it! An exciting thrill ran through her body like electricity, and she pulled her arm back in shock.
JOYCE: Whoa, that feels tickly and weird! I don't know if in a good or bad way, but it's definitely weird.
Narrator: The sensation in her hand faded away, and she curled it into a determined fist.
JOYCE: Alright, Joyce, you can do this. * Don't back down now!
Narrator: She took a deep breath like she was about to dive into a pool, and stepped through the door, so she had one foot in her pink RE-Joyce Askspace and the other in the white void. Her whole body trembled with the energy and excitement, magic pulsing and crashing all around her.
Narrator: It was like being in outerspace, but instead of darkness, there was infinite white. It was practically blinding, and she squinted her eyes so they looked like Frisk eyes.
Narrator: She seemed to be walking on an invisible floor and among all the whiteness, she could just make out little colored dots and squares and other shapes, all moving and bumping into each other, some zooming like shooting stars and some hovering in place.
Narrator: One such object passed by, and it seemed to be a glimpse into an Underswap comic, where Papyrus and Sans were hanging out at Muffet's.
JOYCE: Wow! The Undertale AU-niverse! It's so... so... so big!
Narrator: The instant Joyce said this, she knew it was a ridiculously obvious statement. Of course it was huge, the multiverse was literally infinite! She could spend the rest of her life hopping between AUs and timelines, and she'd never explore even one percent of what this place had to offer. It was positively overwhelming.
Narrator: How on earth was she going to decide where to start?
Narrator: Joyce turned and stuck her head back through the door, so she could look around her Askspace. It was very minimalistic, but much smaller than people realized, since her askblog usually focused in that one place. She would miss it's simplicity, the calm shade of pink of the walls, and all the askers she'd made friends with up to that point.
Narrator: Joyce knew that she would eventually return here, but for now, she had to make a change, and prove that she wasn't made of Fear. She would prove it to everyone... but more importantly, to herself.
Narrator: She put a hand on the grey doorknob, and for one last time, she cried out to the empty void of the Askspace, just in case people were listening to her.
JOYCE: Well, here I go... Wish me luck everyone! I love you all! Joyce Magenta Katie Heart out!
Narrator: With that said, the pink-haired human closed the dimensional door, and the pink-walled room fell silent
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22 (because i am the bringer of justice) and 12 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) (sorry, i saw it and i had too. CURIOSITY!!!)
22: Has your OC ever killed someone?Not to her knowledge. Joyce would never hurt a fly... but if it’s a mosquito or fire-ant, forget it. :P
12: Is your OC sexually active?Joyce is above the age of consent, if that’s what you’re asking. Right now she’s too busy exploring the Undertale AU-niverse to get busy with anyone... ^///^
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Hey Bettina, remember that post on the rejoyce blog about the clockworker and Joyce having a spar/battle? I need content, and I have an idea, if your willing to help. How about a little fan contest? Whatever fan can make the best comic/animation of the fight can have it featured on both of our tumblers and your channel. But if you don't want to, than that's alright.
Yeah, I do remember you asking about that. I have been considering holding some kind of art contest soon, since my channel is almost up to 60,000 subscribers. :)
I'm thinking maybe the prompt can be what Joyce has been up to in her exploration of the AU-niverse. Hanging out with the different Undertale monsters, or having fun with the friends she made on the ask blog, such as the Clockworker or Roman. ^_^
I'll think of how to announce such a contest in the very near future. Thank you for bringing it up!
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