#Unified Patent Court
somer-writes · 9 months
Heart of Hyrule Modern AU pt 2
Wanted to get down some thoughts on world-building. specifically as it relates to war and reconstruction. this is all subject to change, i just needed to get it laid out somewhere so if something doesnt make sense please let me know!!!
Also CW for wartime, occupations, terrorism
The Borderless War
13 year long civil war
Started as an attempted coup to move from monarchy into military dictatorship
General Rivia of Noble Court planted his men at major forts throughout Hyrule. Once smoke signals were lit, the men mutinied and took control (or attempted to) of military stations and strategic routes.
Rivia was swiftly detained by the Sheikah protecting the royal family. The outposts were more difficult because the sitting king was deemed weak/ineffective. The forces were split 50/50 as was most of the populace
Rivia’s wife Nomi managed to take the royal family as political hostages with a rogue group of Sheikah she promised power
Nobles were rounded up and executed if they refused to kneel as were important figureheads. Entire towns were razed if they refused to swear fealty
As refugees fled to neighboring lands, the defected army hunted them down
During this time Ordon (previously on good terms with Hyrule) was forcibly occupied for their agriculture and isolation
The Zora remained neutral but accepted refugees, the Gorons defended the Eldin province from non official militants (the defected army), and the Rito fled from forest fires up into the mountains
The war ended when Nomi was betrayed by the Sheikah after failing to follow through on her promises
Without her at the helm, the uprising was swiftly squashed (About 4 years after Time is born/left in Kokiri Forest)
The Harkinian royal family takes the throne again (princess Zelda was born while the family was captive and sent as a protected hostage to a sheikah base in the east)
Weapons development
The war served as the turning point in modern magic weaponry.
The warriors family established their company by refitting old weaponry with mana charges which could fire liquidized or crystalline spells even by those not magically inclined
On top of projectile spells, the company produced traditional weapons (swords, spears, etc) that also used charges to apply spells to the weapons
They also produced tactical staves and learned to make the first lab-grown mana crystals (which they still have a patent on)
The weapons advanced much faster than the defenses which had devastating results for casualty numbers
Anti mage armor does come about towards the end of the war but is expensive and heavy
Due to the lawlessness of the war era, monsters swiftly took over the wilds (especially in the south of Hyrule)
As the land was attempted to be resettled, monsters attacked and killed a lot of townships/camps
Monster hunting starts off as a noble trade but swiftly becomes synonymous with extortion and ransoming
Much of the south is left abandoned and with forces and resources already stretched thin, the royal army leaves the area to monsters with devastating results on the towns that survived through the war but were left defenseless
As a way to catalog refugees/orphans, Hylians are made to adopt true surnames over place names
The first wave of standardized official identification is rolled out. ID cards include names, birthdays, province of origin, and whether or not the person is magically inclined
King Harkinan establishes the sages as a unified council in peace attempts
Official seats of the country (castle town, goron city, etc) are fitted with anti mana barriers that require a key item such as a ring to use magic within the barrier limits
Dark magic is declared officially illegal. Light magic requires special licenses.
Post-war Occupation of Ordon
Ordon is denied a representative on the sages’ council leading the relationship to sour more. Hyrule has yet to pull out of the region.
The first Ordon Rebellion occurs resulting in the destruction of the great fort on the north end of Faron bridge. As a result, a second occupation occurs
Ordon is forced to name a capital (Ordon village) and an ambassador. Ordonians are then forced to take Hylian surnames.
A rebellion group forms with Ordon leading to a number of small terror acts and attacks on Hylian grounds. Anti-Ordon sentiments begin to crop up
Hyrule exhausts itself in Ordon and withdraws from the area under an unstable treaty. Ordon is considered Hyrule territory, but is allowed to functionally govern themselves. This makes trade/travel/logistics difficult between Hyrule and Ordon.
The temple of hylia constructed in Ordon Village is abandoned
Anti-ordonian laws (ID cards, permits/paperwork, lack of representation) are passed further dividing the kingdom and province
Character effects
Time is a war refugee who is born during the war and taken to the Kokiri for safety as an infant when his parents were outed as monarch loyalists working with a resistance
Malon’s family stayed in the south through the war and reconstruction. She vividly remembers hiding in the cellar from monsters as a child
Wars’ family owns and operates Warriors’ Weaponry Co. He has mixed feelings on his family’s legacy. He’s fairly inclined to magic and is somewhat skilled with a power spear.
Twilight is a Hylian reconstruction refugee adopted into Ordon. He faces a lot of anti-Ordon sentiment in Hyrule and the opposite in Ordon. His home and family were destroyed by a monster.
Wild was severely injured in a monster attack in the northeast of Hyrule which destroyed his home village.
Legend’s family is noble blooded but went into hiding after the war and gave up their titles.
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An Ex-Leftist Reacts to Biden’s Speech About 'Democracy'
Dear Mr. President,
First of all, the United States of America is not a democracy. Dear God, that is Civics 101. America is a republic. It was designed as a republic because the framers knew that democracies could easily descend into mob rule. That includes mobs you like. More on that later.
Secondly, the man who attacked Paul Pelosi is a mentally ill drug addict whose interests and intentions were all over the map. I don’t see you shedding any tears for the people who face these lunatics every single day on city streets. But your people found enough to get back on the MAGA horse.
Speaking of that, and mobs…
Third, no one is buying ”MAGA Republicans” anymore. You’ve ridden said horse into the ground. It’s dead. Leave it be. It was not the vast majority of Republicans who stormed the Capitol on January 6. It wasn’t even the majority of people at the rally. But you just can’t leave it alone. Americans, sir, have been struggling with increasing crime under the watch of you and your counterparts, and they have very few tears left to shed for the protected class who, for a few hours out of one day, felt threatened. And frankly, sir, you and your party have trotted out the routine so many times that any dramatic value it may have had is lost on everyone but yourselves and your pet media. Nary a word from you about the sieges in cities by anarchists or the threats against a Supreme Court justice. You cry crocodile tears over J6 and talk about unifying a nation while finding any reason to raid the homes of abortion opponents and ignore the destruction of pregnancy centers.
Democracy versus autocracy, you say? Who but an autocrat would weaponize the Department of Justice to terrorize his political opponents, cast concerned parents as domestic terrorists, and even try to find ways to criminalize election rhetoric he doesn’t like? Who but an autocrat would freeze energy production in his own country, raid the reserves, and flirt with nationalizing the oil industry?
We won’t know the results until a few days after the election? I’ve been voting since 1985. Going back as far as I can remember (Al Gore aside), most elections have been finished on Election Day. It is patently obvious to anyone with half a brain at their disposal that your handlers, speech writers, and members of the Democratic upper echelon are setting the scene to buy time. After all, Big Tech needs to sow the seeds of doubt, and hell, you might just skeeve your way out of this one, if the vote is close enough.
Related: Biden Goes Full Steve Martin, Has His ‘I Was Born a Poor Black Child’ Moment
You want your fellow Americans to help you meet this day? Maybe your fellow Americans are worried about putting gas in the tank, heating their homes, or making their rent or mortgage. Maybe they are reeling from the fact that you and your media lied to them about a drug that did nothing to prevent the spread of a disease, and watched their businesses and livelihoods evaporate. And you and the people who profited from it could not have cared less. Maybe the voters are hearing about the supply chain being interrupted by a lack of diesel fuel or an impending railroad strike, which, despite your crowing about fixing it, may occur after the election after all. Maybe they are worried about getting attacked on the street or having their stores or boutiques cleaned out. They know how your allies are trying to divide and judge their children on the color of their skin, and mutilate their growing bodies. Some don’t feel safe outside their homes and barely feel safe inside them. Some still remember the Afghanistan debacle. Some of them are even worried about nuclear war. I wasn’t even alive the last time that concern was on the table.
Maybe they understand that you want them to help you meet this day so that you and your people can stay in office. These people don’t even know what the next day will bring for them, and they do not have the financial cushion of you and your party leaders and mouthpieces.
Back during the earliest stages of the 2008 election, I believed in you. I backed you and hell, I even liked you. And yes, I probably owe every reader at PJ Media an apology for that. Of course, Obama came along and all of us donkeys got the vapors for him, but that just goes to show you how easily Democrats can be emotionally manipulated. Had I only known then what I know now. Not that it would have mattered, but at least I wouldn’t have to admit to having supported you.
But people aren’t being manipulated now. And that has nothing to do with “election deniers.” It has nothing to do with MAGA Republicans. They can see what you and your party have done to them. The kitty or perhaps the donkey is out of the proverbial burlap. You and your party failed us, just like you failed me twelve years ago. But instead of apologizing and maybe listening, you doubled down, you dug in. And the rest of us paid for it.
People have figured out something about you and the rest of your ruling class, sir. You are everything you accuse conservatives of being. And you were able to hide that. Until now.
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linuashine · 5 days
Expanding Global Reach with LinguaShine’s Professional Translation and Voice Over Services
In today’s fast-paced global market, businesses need more than just words to connect with their audience. They need precise, culturally relevant communication that transcends language barriers. This is where LinguaShine, a premier translation company, steps in, offering an array of services that cater to the growing demands of multilingual communication. From translation services to voice-over services, we provide businesses with the tools they need to expand globally.
Why Voice Over Services Are Essential for Global Communication
In the age of multimedia, videos and audios are becoming more crucial than ever for businesses to reach their audiences. Whether it’s a commercial, a corporate presentation, or an educational tutorial, adding voice-overs in the native language of your audience can significantly enhance the effectiveness of your communication. At LinguaShine, we offer voice-over services in a wide range of languages, enabling businesses to reach different regions with messages that are both engaging and easy to understand.
Voice-over services are not only about translating words; they’re about bringing the right emotion, tone, and nuance to a project. Our talented voice-over artists ensure that your message is delivered with the authenticity and clarity that your audience expects. From promotional videos to interactive training programs, our voice-over services ensure that your content is impactful, relatable, and market-specific.
The Role of Translation Services in Global Business
Effective communication is key when entering new markets. LinguaShine’s translation services allow businesses to communicate with their global audience in the language they understand best. We provide translations for industries such as legal, medical, technical, and marketing, ensuring that every document is accurate and culturally appropriate.
Our team of expert translators not only translates content but also localizes it, adapting the tone and message to suit the target market. Whether you’re looking to translate marketing materials to appeal to customers in Spain, or need precise legal translations for contracts in China, LinguaShine is equipped to handle it all. Our translation company is ISO-certified, which means you can trust us to deliver the highest quality every time.
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One of the best ways to make your global communication truly effective is to combine both translation and voice-over services. For instance, if you’re localizing a marketing video for a Spanish-speaking audience, translating the script and adding a professional Spanish voice-over ensures that your message resonates with your target market.
By combining translation and voice-over services, businesses can present a unified and coherent message across different platforms. This holistic approach ensures that your audience not only understands the content but also feels connected to it.
LinguaShine’s Expertise in Multiple Industries
At LinguaShine, we understand that different industries have different needs. That’s why we offer specialized translation services and voice-over services for various sectors:
Medical Translation: Accuracy is crucial when it comes to medical translations. Whether you need translations for medical reports, patient information, or pharmaceutical documents, LinguaShine ensures that your content is clear, precise, and culturally relevant.
Legal Translation: Legal documents require a deep understanding of both the language and the legal systems of the target country. Our legal translation services cover contracts, agreements, patents, and court documents to ensure they are translated with absolute precision.
Financial Translation: LinguaShine also provides financial translation services, making sure that your financial statements, audits, and reports are correctly interpreted in different languages, ensuring clarity and compliance across borders.
E-learning and Corporate Training: In today’s digital age, e-learning platforms need to be accessible to a global audience. Our translation and voice-over services help businesses localize their training modules, ensuring that employees and clients can understand and engage with the content.
Why Choose LinguaShine for Your Voice Over and Translation Needs?
With over 100 languages covered and a network of 1500+ expert translators and voice-over artists, LinguaShine is the go-to translation company for businesses aiming to expand their global presence. We offer a range of services, including document translation, legal translation, and voice-over, ensuring that every aspect of your communication is handled with care and professionalism.
Here’s what sets LinguaShine apart:
ISO Certification: We adhere to the highest standards of quality and accuracy in all our translation and voice-over services.
Industry Expertise: Our team has in-depth knowledge of a variety of sectors, including legal, medical, financial, and technical industries.
Cultural Sensitivity: We understand that translation is more than just words. It’s about capturing the cultural context and delivering a message that resonates with your target audience.
Customized Solutions: Whether you need translation services for a niche market or voice-over services for a global campaign, we provide tailored solutions to meet your specific needs.
Conclusion: Strengthen Your Global Communication with LinguaShine
Expanding into new markets requires more than just translating words; it demands a deeper connection with local cultures. With LinguaShine’s voice-over services and translation services, businesses can achieve this connection by communicating in the language and tone that their audience understands.
Whether you need to translate technical documents, localize multimedia content, or add voice-overs to training modules, LinguaShine has the expertise and resources to help you succeed. Let us be your partner in breaking language barriers and reaching new heights in global business.
For more information or to discuss your requirements, contact LinguaShine today!
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DLT offers professional translation services to elevate your brand's presence
In today's interconnected world, where businesses are expanding their reach beyond borders, the need for accurate and professional translation services has become essential. Regardless of your industry—small, startup, or legal—or needs regarding legal document translation, selecting the best translation service provider is essential to ensuring that your message is received clearly and succinctly. This is where Diamond Language Translation (DLT) steps in, offering top-notch professional translation services that can elevate your brand's presence and help you succeed in the global market.
DLT is a leading provider of translation services, specializing in legal document translation. DLT guarantees that your legal papers are correctly translated while preserving the integrity and subtleties of the original material thanks to a staff of skilled linguists and subject matter experts. Whether you need to translate contracts, court documents, patents, or any other legal document, DLT's team of legal translators are well-versed in legal terminology and procedures, ensuring that your documents are translated with precision and confidentiality.
One of the key advantages of choosing DLT for your legal translation needs is the quality and accuracy of the translations. Legal papers are frequently intricate and need a thorough knowledge of the terminology used in both the source and destination languages as well as the legal system. DLT's team of legal translators have the expertise and experience to handle even the most intricate legal documents, ensuring that the translated content is accurate, reliable, and legally sound.
DLT places a high priority on data security and confidentiality in addition to accuracy. Legal documents frequently include private and sensitive information that has to be treated with the highest discretion. DLT protects your sensitive information by following stringent data security standards since it recognizes the need of retaining secrecy. You may be guaranteed that DLT has secure handling of your legal papers and that confidentiality is upheld at all times during the translation process.
Moreover, DLT offers a wide range of language pairs to meet the diverse translation needs of its clients. DLT has a network of qualified translators who are native speakers of the target language, so the translations are not only accurate but also fluent and culturally appropriate. Whether you need legal document translation from English to Spanish, French to Chinese, or any other language pair, we can help.
Beyond legal document translation, DLT also offers a variety of other translation services to help elevate your brand's presence in the global market. Whether you need website localization, marketing collateral translation, technical document translation, or any other type of translation service, DLT has the expertise and resources to meet your specific needs. By partnering with DLT for all your translation requirements, you can ensure consistency in messaging and branding across all languages and markets, helping you establish a strong and unified global presence.
DLT stands out as one of the top suppliers of Best legal translation services in the market thanks to its dedication to quality, accuracy, confidentiality, and client satisfaction. DLT has established a solid reputation for competence and dependability in the translation business thanks to its track record of providing clients in a wide range of industries and sectors with high-quality translations.
In conclusion, DLT offers professional translation services that can elevate your brand's presence and help you succeed in the global market. DLT has the knowledge, resources, and experience to handle any kind of translation service you want, including website localization and legal document translation. By working with DLT, you can make sure that your content is correctly translated into several languages, which will enable you to reach a larger audience and grow your company internationally. Select DLT for all of your translation requirements to see how expert and precise translations can improve your brand's visibility and reputation internationally.
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londranotizie24 · 6 months
Tribunale unificato dei brevetti, in un convegno focus sui primi passi
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Di Pietro Nigro Incontro a Roma il 15 aprile promosso dal deputato Simone Billi per conoscere le attività riferibili al nuovo Tribunale Unificato dei Brevetti che a giugno apre la sede di Milano. Tribunale Unificato dei Brevetti, convegno a Roma il 15 aprile Il Tribunale Unificato dei Brevetti è la nuova corte internazionale con sede centrale a Parigi e Monaco che è stata istituita il 1 giugno 2023 e che ha compentenza e giurisdizione sui brevetti unitari e sui brevetti europei. Si tratta di una materia di grande interesse per un gran numero di aziende produttive e per i professionisti e consulenti che le assistono, che a partire dal mese di giugno sarà in parte delegata al nuovo ufficio locale che apre i battenti a Milano. Per questo, per offrire l'opportunità di iniziare a conoscere queste competenze trattate nella sede milanese, il 15 aprile alle 14:30 alla Camera dei Deputati a Roma, si terrà un convegno dal titolo "Patent litigation in Europe - The unified patent court". Al convegno, promosso da Simone Billi, deputato al Parlamento italiano eletto nel collegio Estero - Europa (Lega) w European Patent Attorne, in collaborazione con l’Ordine dei Consulenti in Proprietà Industriale, si farà un bilancio dei primi mesi di lavoro del Tribunale e si raccoglierà il punto di vista delle aziende, della politica e degli operatori dello stesso tribunale. All'appuntamento partecipano Carlo Nordio, ministro della Giustizia, Antonio Tajani, ministro degli Esteri, Klaus Grabinski, presidente del TUB, Sem Fabrizi, rappresentante del Maeci nel Comitato amministrativo della Unified Patent Court, Cristina Contini, dell'Ufficio legislativo del Ministero della Giustizia, Annamaria Bardone, presidente dell'Ordine dei Consulenti in Proprietà Industriale (Italian Industrial Property Consultants Institute), Klaus Grabinski, presidente della Upc, Paolo Catallozzi, giudice della Upc, Massimo Scuffi,, del Comitato consultivo Upc, Cesare Galli, professore di Legislazione dei Brevetti industriali all'Università di Parma, Marcello Cattani, presidente di Farmindustria, Bruno Bettelli, presidente di Federmacchine, Paolo Markovina, rappresentante di Confindustria, A. Scilletta, E. Papa e A. Perronace, Giudici tecnici di Epc. ... Continua a leggere su
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kookaburrabugle · 6 months
FROM OUR PATENT COURT REPORTER CLAIMS THAT new Irish supremo SIMON Harris has been sold a (*King’s?) hospital pass by his predecessor Leo Varadkar, have been brought into sharp focus by a recent internal Fine Gael poll suggesting that many Irish voters believe the June Constitutional Referendum to allow the country join the Unified Patent Court is actually a vote on whether Irish Government…
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crypto-chronicles · 9 months
UK Supreme Court Denies AI's Claim to Inventorship in Landmark Case
In a decision that may shape the future of artificial intelligence (AI) and patent law, the UK Supreme Court has ruled against Dr. Stephen Thaler in a landmark case concerning the role of AI in inventing. Dr. Thaler, who created the AI system DABUS (Device for the Autonomous Bootstrapping of Unified Sentience), sought to have DABUS recognized as the inventor of two patents – a food container and…
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dfoxmarketing · 11 months
Nokia Sues Amazon and HP for Patent Infringement, Seeks Compensation
Nokia Sues Amazon and HP
Nokia claims that Amazon and HP violated its patents by using its video-related technologies illegally in their products and services, and it has filed a lawsuit against both businesses to recover damages.
The illegal use of Nokia’s video-related technologies in Amazon’s streaming services and devices has prompted legal action against the company, according to a blog post by Arvin Patel, Chief Licensing Officer, New Segments at Nokia.
Legal actions against Amazon have been brought before the European Unified Patent Court, the US, Germany, India, and the UK.
“Amazon Prime Video and Amazon’s electronic contraptions misuse a couple of Nokia’s media licenses that cover various developments, for instance, fulfilled movement, video pressure, hardware related perspectives, and content idea,” Patel communicated late on Tuesday.
In a separate lawsuit against HP, Nokia accused the company of “unauthorized use of Nokia’s patented video-related technologies in their devices.”
Nokia’s Strong Stand on Patent Enforcement
Just six legal actions have been initiated by Nokia since 2017, compared to the over 250 licenses that have been completed or extended, including friendly agreements with Apple and Samsung.
“We have had discussions with both Amazon and HP for different years, but when an association chooses not to keep the guidelines that others consent and respect, once in a while the main choice is to make a legitimate move against them.
Nokia has spent around 140 billion euros (and over 4.5 billion euros somewhat recently) on innovative work (Research and development) for state of the art advancements, like sight and sound and cell, beginning around 2000.
Subsequently, Patel expressed, “it is no embellishment to say that whole ventures are controlled by these developments.We hold one of the strongest patent portfolios of connectivity and multimedia technologies in the world.”
Also Read: What Hackers Can Do with Aadhaar Numbers: Insights from Past Tweets
Royalties, which “we will reinvest, along with substantial amounts of additional investment, in the development of next generation multimedia technology,” are what Nokia is now requesting in exchange for the usage of its innovations.
“We almost never choose to litigate cases. We would prefer to work out friendly deals with the businesses that use our technology, but we’re still open to positive, sincere discussions,” the company stated.
Follow Digital Fox Media for latest technology news.
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nordnews · 11 months
Nokia has filed lawsuits in the United States, Germany, India, Great Britain and the European Unified Patent Court.
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Panasonic denuncia Xiaomi e OPPO
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In una situazione già problematica per OPPO a livello europeo, con la causa legale di Nokia, arriva ora una denuncia a livello globale per lo stesso motivo. Denuncia che tocca anche Xiaomi, e a muoverla è Panasonic.  Il comunicato è apparso questa mattina sul sito dell’azienda di Osaka: “Osaka, Giappone - La Panasonic Holdings Corporation ("Panasonic") ha annunciato oggi di aver avviato azioni legali contro Xiaomi e OPPO in relazione ai suoi brevetti standard essenziali (SEPs) nel campo delle comunicazioni cellulari. Panasonic prevede che azioni rilevanti si svilupperanno e procederanno in parallelo in Germania, nel Regno Unito, nel recentemente istituito European Unified Patent Court (UPC) e in Cina. Panasonic è un riconosciuto contributore tecnico agli standard WCDMA e LTE e detiene alcuni brevetti standard essenziali derivanti dai suoi contributi. Attraverso discussioni bilaterali in buona fede, Panasonic ha chiuso in questi anni accordi con aziende che competono a livello globale con Xiaomi e OPPO. Queste licenze consentono a Panasonic di sostenere le sue iniziative globali di ricerca per migliorare la qualità della vita e far progredire la società, scopi fondamentali che guidano la sua missione aziendali. Le azioni legali sono state intraprese dopo anni di negoziati bilaterali con Xiaomi e OPPO senza raggiungere soluzioni. Questa è la prima volta che Panasonic ritiene necessario avviare azioni legate ai suoi brevetti standard essenziali nelle comunicazioni cellulari.” La questione è semplice: ci sono aziende che detengono alcuni brevetti che non sono in alcun modo sostituibili, detti appunto essenziali, e questi brevetti devono essere ceduti ad un prezzo ragionevole. Si dice FRAND, e sta per "fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory”. Panasonic nel suo comunicato comunica di essere riuscita a raggiungere un accordo di questo tipo con ogni concorrente di OPPO e Xiaomi, ma in tutti questi anni con i due brand cinesi non è mai riuscita ad arrivare ad una soluzione soddisfacente. Si è vista costretta, per la prima volta, a citarli in giudizio. Read the full article
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technsavi · 1 year
How the UPC and European Patents with Unitary Effect Reach Beyond Europe to the United States
“As prior art material to the patentability of a U.S. patent application must be disclosed to the USPTO in an IDS, U.S. patent prosecutors should ensure they are monitoring pending U.S. patent applications with co-pending European patent applications that receive a Rule 71(3) communication.” The impact of the long-awaited launch of the Unified Patent Court (UPC) is hard to overstate. While…
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oxfirst · 1 year
Join us at the 8th IP and Competition Forum, to be held on June 20 & 21 2023 in Brussels!
2023 is characterized by the congruence of a host of ground breaking changes. The Unified Patent Court will come into place, FRAND & Standard Essential Patents debate remains as prominent as ever, and the global competition for patent cases continues to thrive. With the Covid pandemic finally under control, the Forum is the perfect platform to discuss and debate the future of the IP and competition landscape.
Get in touch with us at [email protected] to see how you can participate and support! Learn more at: https://oxviews.com/ Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity to join the debate and shape the future of the IP and competition landscape!
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Ondernemers kunnen met één aanvraag hun uitvinding beschermen in 17 landen van de Europese Unie. Dat is mogelijk zodra op 1 juni het unitair octrooi van kracht wordt. Ook opent dan in Den Haag een vestiging van de nieuwe Europese rechtbank voor octrooirechtszaken - het Unified Patent Court. Hierdoor wordt het beschermen van uitvindingen en innovaties eenvoudiger, efficiënter en goedkoper. Daar profiteren grote en kleine Nederlandse bedrijven van, maakte minister Adriaansens van Economische Zaken en Klimaat vandaag bekend bij de opening van het Unified Patent Court. Eigendomsrecht uitvinding Het Europees octrooisysteem wordt vernieuwd door de introductie van het unitair octrooi vanaf 1 juni 2023. Met één aanvraag kunnen bedrijven het eigendomsrecht op hun innovatie beschermen en via de Europese octrooirechtbank (Unified Patent Court) handhaven in 17 EU-landen. Bedrijven kunnen rechtszaken over Europese octrooien hier in het Nederlands en Engels voeren. Een octrooi of patent is een exclusief eigendomsrecht op een uitvinding van een technisch product of proces. Voor ondernemers is het van belang hun innovatie met een octrooi te beschermen om zo de concurrentie te kunnen aangaan. In 2022 vroegen Nederlandse ondernemers 6.806 Europese octrooien aan. Hiermee staat Nederland binnen de Europese Unie op de 3e plaats (na Duitsland en Frankrijk). Unitair octrooi Minister Adriaansens (EZK): ‘Het unitair octrooi bespaart ondernemers tijd, energie en geld. Zij kunnen hun innovatie in één keer beschermen op een markt van 350 miljoen consumenten. Zo hebben zij geen last meer van administratieve verplichtingen en vertaaleisen van alle 17 landen.’    Europese lidstaten werken nu al samen met één centrale procedure voor het aanvragen en verlenen van Europese octrooien. Na verlening is het behoud, beheer en de handhaving van octrooien in elk land echter afzonderlijk geregeld. Het unitair octrooi moet deze versnippering tegengaan. Het octrooi gaat vanaf de start gelden in België, Bulgarije, Denemarken, Duitsland, Estland, Finland, Frankrijk, Italië, Letland, Litouwen Luxemburg, Malta, Nederland, Oostenrijk, Portugal, Slovenië, Zweden. Andere EU-landen kunnen zich later nog aansluiten. Lokale divisie Den Haag Naast de hoofdvestigingen van het Unified Patent Court (UPC) in München en Parijs krijgt Nederland een lokale vestiging in The Hague Hearing Centre. Uitspraken van het Unified Patent court gelden direct in alle 17 landen waar ook het unitair octrooi van kracht is. De nabijheid van de Haagse vestiging van het Unified Patent Court en de mogelijkheid om in het Nederlands of Engels te procederen, maakt het vooral voor het innovatieve mkb en start ups eenvoudiger om hun eigendomsrecht in Europa te beschermen.
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h1p3rn0v4 · 1 year
Reuters escribe que Thaler quería patentar las invenciones, pero la Oficina de Marcas y Patentes de EE. UU. y un juez federal en Virginia rechazaron las solicitudes con el argumento de que DABUS no es una persona. El tribunal dictaminó que las patentes solo podían otorgarse a humanos y que la IA de Thaler no podía ser considerada legalmente como la creadora de estos inventos.
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legalupanishad · 2 years
Unitary Patent System: All You Need to Know
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This article on 'Unitary Patent System: All You Need to Know' was written by an intern at Legal Upanishad.
The unitary patent system is a new concept that tries to enforce and implement the same system for all the participating members. And the motive behind this concept is that it will make the system more reliable and good. Moreover, it is also a step to increase cooperation among the participating countries. Now, this Unitary Patent System has two bodies in it. One is Unitary Patent Protection and the other is Unitary Patent Court, which has its specific roles.
How it is different from the earlier system?
A unitary patent is a new option after a grant of a regular EP patent. So, there will be no changes in the proceedings up to the ground. After the grant of the EP patent, an applicant may choose to request a unitary patent which would then have a uniform effect in all participating member states. That means it can be enforced in all participating member states in single enforcement proceedings. As a downside for the proprietor, it came invalidated in all member states in a single revocation proceeding. With the unitary patent, it is no longer necessary to validate the patent individually in each country for each protection is sought, but protection can be achieved in all participating member states with a single request with the EPO. Additionally, instead of paying renewal fees to the various national patent offices, as you would for a regular IP pattern only a single renewal fee needs to be paid each year conveniently with a single pattern office, the EPO.
The Unitary Patent and Unitary Patent Court
The arrival of the unitary patent and the unified patent court provides you with new opportunities for the validation and enforcement of European patents. Litigation on patent infringement and the validity of European patents can now only be handled by national courts. The arrival of the unified patent court will make it possible to enforce centrally for a number of countries. You then no longer have to litigate separately in these countries. With the UPC one procedure will result in a decision that is valid for all participating countries. New European patents that you validate as unitary patents are automatically covered by the UPC. European Patents that have been granted are also subjected. The current system of decentralized enforcement will also remain in place. If you do not want your granted European patent to be subjected to the UPC, you should file an opt-out request. If so, you can submit an opt-out and nothing will change. You can submit your opt-out at the start of the sunrise period. But. even after this period, it is still possible to file an opt-out for a period of seven years. As long as there is no court action on the patent.
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Unitary Patent System: All You Need to Know At the start of the UPC, the unitary patent also became a reality. From that moment on you have the option to validate a European patent as a unitary patent. This makes your patent effective at once in all participating countries. So, it is not a new patent, but an additional option within the current validation process of the European patent. The process of examination and grant of your European patent remains the same. Suppose you want to validate your European patent in a number of countries. It will then still be possible to designate these countries individually. And after validation, you pay annual maintenance fees in each of these countries. If several countries participate in the unitary patent, then it may be advantageous to validate the European patent as the unitary patent. This requires one translation, and you paid one annual fee for the maintenance costs. The unitary patent is subjected to the unified patent court, where enforcement is centralized. But an opt-out is not possible for unitary patents. For current European patent applications, a transitional arrangement is provided during the sunrise period. Once an intention to grant has been issued, you have two options with you which are as follows. Number one is to request a postponement of the publication of the patent grant. And the second option is to make an early request to validate the patent as a unitary patent.
Pros and Cons
So, in the unitary patent which a bit relates to validation and maintenance of the patent, the main changes are cost savings. So as you know, under the current system, which we're now going to start calling the classic system in order to keep a granted European patent enforcing in all of the countries that you want, you have to meet local requirements, which might include the filing of a local language translation and also include appointing a local agent and will certainly include paying a local renewal fee every year. Those requirements will be reduced in the 17 countries participating in the new system. So, there will be only one translation to be required and they'll be a central renewal fee payable as a single payment each year to the EPO, which will be equivalent to about four or five national renewal fees. So, you'll get more bang for your buck and that's particularly attractive if you are an applicant who tends to validate or would like to validate if only you had the money, broadly geographically. But if you're an applicant who only cares about the UK, France, or Germany, for example, the new system is less attractive.
The unitary patent system is a new idea, but it seems very effective because first of all, it is very cost-effective as compared to the earlier system. Secondly, because it is a unitary system, there will be homogeneity among all the member states and that will make the system more effective and reliable. Thus, the enforcement of a Unitary patent system is indeed very beneficial and is also necessary.
Therefore, a Unitary Patent System seems to be very effective and can be relied upon because it will make the system cost-effective, and it will also increase its reliability and effectiveness. And it will provide one effective patent jurisdiction and thus will serve as a one-stop-shop for the participating nations to provide them with uniform protection.
List of References
- Unitary Patent, European Patent Office, available at: https://www.epo.org/applying/european/unitary/unitary-patent.html - The unitary patent system, European Commission, available at: https://single-market-economy.ec.europa.eu/industry/strategy/intellectual-property/patent-protection-eu/unitary-patent-system_en Read the full article
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hlk-ip · 2 years
Advantages of Unitary Patent (UP)
Are you ready for a unitary patent? A unitary patent simplifies the patent process across EU countries, reducing the need for separate applications and procedures. Contact HLK if you have questions about the unitary Patent or the Unified Patent Court.
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