#University twinning and networking programme
tomorrowusa · 1 year
Russia is intentionally targeting Ukrainian schools and other educational and cultural institutions. Because of this, schools in Kharkiv, the second largest city in the country, education is conducted mostly by remote learning.
Kharkiv Secondary School No.26 has been school for twin brothers Misha and Maksym Maslov for 11 years.
The brothers and their classmates have been doing their final-year exams from home due to the threat of Russian missiles. Their school has already been struck once.
"There was a whole rocket or a bomb in our schoolyard. It fell here," Maksym says.
"I think it's unforgivable," Misha says.
"It shouldn't be happening. It's unhuman. People live here. There are no war objects here, and it's a totally peaceful place."
Of course it shouldn't be happening. But Vladimir Putin has been resorting to terrorism since the first day of the war. War crimes are the norm with Putin's Russia.
People in the West who make excuses for Russia or who describe the war as a simple "border dispute" are little more than apologists for fascism.
There's a strong feeling in Kharkiv that schools and other educational facilities have been deliberately targeted by Russian missiles as a way of eroding Ukrainian culture and identity.
When you look at the numbers, it's hard to argue against this theory.
"Six-hundred-and-thirty-four educational institutions have been destroyed or damaged throughout the network," says Oleksiy Litvinov, the director of the Kharkiv Department of Science and Education.
"Among them, almost the majority are institutions of general secondary education, that is, schools. To date, the number of them destroyed and damaged in the entire region is almost 500."
"Universities, academies, schools, institutes and kindergartens, 44 per cent of these are damaged or destroyed. Among them, 74 were destroyed in total."
These observations about Russia targeting Ukrainian schools are not just coming from Ukraine.
The Eyes on Russia project at the Centre for Information Resilience has been mapping the attacks on Kharkiv's educational facilities since February last year.
The project's deputy lead Belén Carrasco Rodriguez told the ABC their evidence shows that Kharkiv schools have been deliberately targeted.
"In July 2022, we saw that although the front line had shifted from Kharkiv there was an increase in the shelling of educational facilities in Kharkiv City," she says.
"An analysis of the surroundings of these educational facilities suggested that these were targeted attacks and not a by-product of indiscriminate shelling."
Ms Carrasco Rodriguez says directly targeting schools could constitute a war crime.
"A lot of children have lost their access to education, especially in frontline areas, and others have had to shift to online education or move to other schools," she says.
Back at Kharkiv Secondary School No.26, graduating students are not letting Putin and his fellow war criminals get in the way of their dreams.
"I want to apply to university to become a paediatrician to treat children in Ukraine," Viktoria [Kulish] says.
Maksym wants to become a computer programmer, his brother Misha is hoping to work as a translator.
"I already know four languages and I want to learn a fifth. It will be Chinese," he says.
"I want to let the world know about our problems, about everything that is happening here."
And there's another priority that dominates their thinking as they finish up their final-year exams.
"I hope the war ends," Misha says.
"Yeah, me too," Maksym says, finishing his brother's sentence.
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maxiautomation · 6 months
Exploring the Landscape of Industrial Automation Parts in the UK
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In the powerful universe of manufacturing, industrial automation has arisen as a foundation for proficiency, efficiency, and seriousness. The Assembled Kingdom, with its rich industrial legacy and obligation to mechanical headway, remains at the front of adopting and innovating industrial automation arrangements. From mechanical arms to cutting edge sensors, the UK market offers a different scope of automation parts catering to different industries. We should dive into the scene of industrial automation parts in UK, exploring key parts, patterns, and the job they play in shaping the fate of manufacturing.
Advancement of Industrial Automation Parts The development of industrial automation in the UK has been set apart by huge progressions in innovation and a shift towards additional integrated and intelligent frameworks. Customary manufacturing processes have given approach to computerized arrangements, driven by elements like the requirement for higher accuracy, increased efficiency, and cost-viability.
Key parts of industrial automation include:
Mechanical Frameworks: Automated arms and computerized directed vehicles (AGVs) are generally utilized in manufacturing offices for undertakings ranging from gathering and material handling to welding and painting. Cooperative robots (cobots) have gained ubiquity for their capacity to work close by human administrators, enhancing adaptability and wellbeing on the shop floor.
Sensors and Instrumentation: Sensors assume a pivotal part in automation by providing continuous information on boundaries like temperature, tension, moistness, and movement. High level sensor innovations, including IoT-empowered gadgets and machine vision frameworks, empower prescient maintenance, quality control, and interaction enhancement.
Programmable Rationale Regulators (PLCs): PLCs structure the foundation of industrial automation, controlling machinery and cycles through advanced and simple inputs and results. These adaptable gadgets are programmable and can be tweaked to suit explicit applications across assorted industries.
Movement Control Frameworks: Movement control frameworks direct the development of machinery and gear, ensuring exact positioning and synchronization. Servo drives, stepper engines, and linear actuators are fundamental parts in robotized manufacturing processes, enabling rapid and high-exactness activities.
Human-Machine Interface (HMI): HMIs furnish administrators with a graphical interface to screen and control industrial cycles. Touchscreen shows, administrator boards, and programming interfaces work with intuitive interaction, improving functional productivity and reducing mistakes.
Patterns Shaping the Industry The industrial automation area in the UK is portrayed by a few striking patterns that are reshaping the scene of manufacturing:
Industry 4.0 and Shrewd Manufacturing plants: Industry 4.0 initiatives are driving the integration of automation, information investigation, and network to make savvy industrial facilities. IoT-empowered gadgets, distributed computing, and computerized reasoning (man-made intelligence) are transforming customary manufacturing offices into light-footed and responsive conditions equipped for independent direction and prescient maintenance.
Advanced Twins and Recreation: Computerized twin innovation, which involves creating virtual imitations of actual resources and cycles, is gaining footing in industrial automation. By simulating creation situations and optimizing work processes in a virtual climate, makers can minimize free time, lessen costs, and speed up chance to-showcase.
Sustainable Manufacturing Practices: With growing worries about natural sustainability, producers are increasingly adopting automation answers for upgrade energy utilization, decrease waste, and improve asset effectiveness. Brilliant sensors and energy the board frameworks empower constant monitoring and control of energy use, contributing to a greener and more sustainable manufacturing environment.
Store network Versatility and Restriction: The Coronavirus pandemic featured the weaknesses of worldwide stockpile chains, prompting a reconsideration of sourcing methodologies and a shift towards limitation. Automation advancements, including mechanical technology and independent operations frameworks, are being conveyed to upgrade store network flexibility, further develop inventory the executives, and minimize disturbances.
Job in Driving Seriousness Industrial automation assumes a significant part in driving seriousness and fostering innovation across industries in the UK:
Upgraded Efficiency: Via automating dull undertakings and streamlining creation processes, industrial automation further develops efficiency and functional productivity, allowing makers to satisfy growing need while reducing costs.
Quality and Consistency: Automation guarantees steady quality and accuracy in manufacturing, minimizing imperfections and fluctuation. More tight command over creation boundaries brings about better items that meet or surpass client assumptions.
Nimbleness and Adaptability: Mechanized frameworks empower quick reconfiguration and transformation to changing business sector requests, providing makers with the spryness to scale creation, introduce new items, and answer emerging patterns quickly.
Gifted Labor force Advancement: While automation diminishes the requirement for difficult work in certain errands, it likewise sets out open doors for upskilling the labor force in regions like programming, maintenance, and information examination. Training programs and instructive initiatives are fundamental for empowering laborers to bridle the maximum capacity of automation advancements.
End The scene of industrial automation parts in the UK is portrayed by innovation, integration, and a constant quest for productivity and seriousness. From mechanical frameworks and sensors to cutting edge control frameworks and advanced twins, automation innovations are transforming the manufacturing area, driving efficiency, sustainability, and flexibility. As industries continue to advance and embrace computerized change, the UK remains at the very front of shaping the eventual fate of manufacturing through innovative automation arrangements.
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sandyzakk · 2 years
Top 10 Metaverse concepts you need to know
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We defined and explained the metaverse in the guide to joining the metaverse using straightforward language, and we then covered commercial potential and the wisdom of diving into Metaverse Development Company. Today, we succinctly describe the ten key metaverse-related ideas that everyone needs to know, in no particular sequence.
1. AR, VR and MR.
Wearing a headset that either merges the physical and digital worlds or completely immerses you in a digital one will allow you to “access the metaverse.”
Using the camera and display on your phone, or AR glasses like Nreal Light and Lenovo’s ThinkReality A3, augmented reality (AR) overlays digital things on top of what you are seeing in the real world.
Wearing goggles or headsets that completely enclose your eyes and ears inside a different reality allows you to experience virtual reality (VR), which completely obscures the outside world and displays you digital worlds.
AR and VR are both included in mixed reality (MR), and MR headsets may have both augmented and virtual reality elements.
2. Immersion and Presence.
Today, you are aware that you are gazing at a screen whenever you use the internet. The metaverse, on the other hand, will place you “present” within a 3D universe. As you move your head and gaze down at your hands, the VR headset screens that are directly in front of your eyes make everything appear close-up and genuine. The metaverse will “feel” different in VR than it does when seen in 2D.
3. Avatars and Digital Twins.
Super Mario and Princess Peach are well-known video game characters, but in the Metaverse Development Services, you may be the character as either your 3D “digital twin” or an alternative, personalised avatar. Would you want to be a little taller? In contrast to your normal body, your metaverse avatar will be able to see and feel the world in new ways.
4. Metaverse Spaces.
Many people anticipate that, like in Ready Player One, the metaverse would be a seamless place linking all video games and virtual experiences. However, some metaverse creators are attempting to start out by lowering the bar. There won’t be a single metaverse, according to meta, but rather several “metaverse places” that could or might not interact. Satya Nadella of Microsoft concurs, and Sony’s most recent metaverse plans divide “social” and “live network” sectors. If accurate, the fragmented internet of today may very well be how the metaverse operates.
5. Interoperability.
Uncertainty around asset sharing amongst the metaverse offers of various enterprises led to the change from “one metaverse” to “metaverse spaces.” No one is certain, for instance, if your avatar, outfit, and money from Sony’s metaverse will function in Niantic’s or Meta’s. The answer is interoperability, but to achieve it, programmers must adhere to existing standards rather than creating new ones. 37 firms announced the creation of the Metaverse Standards Forum in June 2022 in order to promote open interoperability, including several significant AR/VR/MR hardware, software, and web standard players.
6. The Creator Economy.
The creation of realistic 3D objects, animations, and interactive experiences will be crucial to filling the vast metaverse worlds, experiences, and assets that have yet to be produced. For instance, users will need to build all of the spacecraft, hot air balloons, vehicles, and other objects in the Metaverse Development solution, but eventually, developing content for the metaverse will probably be as simple as making TikTok videos is right now. Targeting the estimated 50 million participants in the current Creator Economy, Meta is already presenting revenue-sharing agreements to encourage the creation of digital goods.
7. Blockchain, Crypto (currencies) and NFTs.
The internet of today is a worldwide network of interconnected computers that exchange data, allowing information to flow practically anywhere in seconds.
Cryptocurrencies, also known as “crypto,” are digital currencies that resemble government-backed currencies in that they can be owned or transferred by private individuals and have a volatile value. Blockchain uses that web to enable encrypted but publicly visible transfers of these digital currencies.
Digital assets, like as works of art, that employ blockchain to ensure individual ownership, transferability, and uniqueness are known as non-fungible tokens (NFTs).
8. Metaverse-to-Metaverse, Metaverse-to-Real World, and Real World-to-Metaverse Commerce
People may do business both within and outside the metaverse using traditional and digital currencies, including purchases made inside the metaverse for within the metaverse for within the real world for within the real world for within the metaverse products or services. In other words, exactly like modern smartphone applications, you’ll utilise the metaverse to get pizza or apparel for your actual house.
9. Virtual Worlds
Fully immersive, computer-generated environments in which users can interact with each other and with objects using avatars.
10. Ephemerality.
Contrary to popular belief, Meta contends that since spoken words and speech in the Metaverse Store Development Company will not be publicly archived, they shouldn’t be subject to the same regulations as written communications. However, given the probability of cyberbullying and other negative effects, users and governments may demand more stringent control of interactions on the metaverse than on current social media platforms, most likely using cutting-edge moderation tools like artificial intelligence (AI). As adoption rises, this will become a hot subject and is something to pay close attention to.
There are plenty of other important metaverse concepts to discuss, and more to say on the ones above. In our next posts, experts from a teams will explore big metaverse themes in greater detail, so stay tuned!
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collegesakha · 2 years
IGNOU University - Courses, MBA Fees Structure, Placements, Admission, Syllabus.
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Since its establishment by an Act of Parliament in 1985, the Indira Gandhi National Open University IGNOU University has worked tirelessly to create an inclusive knowledge society through inclusive education. By providing top-notch instruction via the Open and Distance Learning (ODL) mode, it has attempted to raise the Gross Enrollment Ratio (GER).
With 4,528 students, the University started out by providing two academic programmes in 1987: a diploma in management and a diploma in distance learning.
Today, it supports the educational aspirations of over 3 million students in India and other countries through a network of 67 Regional Centers, 2,000+ Learner Support Centers, and 20 international institutions, as well as 21 Schools of Studies. Over 35,000 academic counsellors from traditional institutions of higher learning, professional organisations, and industry, among others, make up the University’s staff of nearly 250 faculty members and 230 academic staff at the headquarters and regional centres, which offers about 200 certificates, diploma, degree, and doctoral programmes.
The University’s mission is to:
provide all societal segments with access to higher education;
Offer all those in need of them high-quality, cutting-edge, and need-based programmes at various levels;
Reach out to the underprivileged by providing affordable programmes across the nation, and the educational standards of the nation’s open and distance learning programmes are promoted, coordinated, and controlled.
The University uses a range of media and the most recent technology to deliver education in order to accomplish the twin goals of increasing access for all societal groups and offering ongoing professional development and training to all economic sectors. This is reflected in the IGNOU’s developed vision, which states the following while keeping its goals in mind:
By utilising cutting-edge technologies and methodologies and ensuring the convergence of existing systems for large-scale human resource development, the Indira Gandhi National Open University, the National Resource Center for Open All people will have easy access to quality education, skill development, and training that is sustainable and learner-centric thanks to distance learning, which has gained international recognition and presence.
The University has had a big impact on community education, higher education, and ongoing professional development. For the purpose of enhancing the educational opportunities it provides, the University has formed partnerships with reputable public institutions and private businesses. It has received awards for excellence from the Commonwealth of Learning (COL), Canada, a global leader in distance education.
The university is dedicated to providing high-quality instruction, research, training, and extension services, and it serves as a national hub for ODL system infrastructure and expertise. To concentrate on particular learner groups and improve the distance learning system, the university established the National Centre for Disability Studies and the National Centre for Innovation in Distance Education.
The University has ushered in a new era of technology-enabled education in the nation with the launch of EduSat (a satellite exclusively for education) on September 20, 2004, and the creation of the Inter-University Consortium. Active two-way video conferencing network connectivity has been made available to all regional centres and high enrollment Learners Support, enabling the exchange of interactive digital content.
Within the framework of integrated distance and online learning, emphasis is now placed on developing interactive multimedia and online learning and enhancing the traditional distance education delivery mode with contemporary technology-enabled education.
IGNOU Admissions
IGNOU also provides a graduate-level online Master of Business Administration (Online MBA) program. Both recent graduates and working professionals who want to continue their education online can use the program.
After successfully completing a three-year UG degree with a minimum score of 50%, applicants can apply for admission to the IGNOU Online MBA two-year management degree program. No entrance exam will be required for admission to the online program.
The application process for the MBA program is organized through the IGNOU Online official website. The first and second semesters of the IGNOU MBA online program cost INR 14,000 each. The cost for the third and fourth semesters is INR 16,000, however.
A bachelor’s degree is the bare minimum requirement for enrollment in an online MBA program. A minimum grade of 50% was required to receive the UG degree. There are numerous specializations available, including
Human Resource Administration
Financial Administration
marketing administration
Operations Administration
Services Administration
The students will be able to learn and obtain the degree of such a highly required program without attending an offline class by choosing the online MBA course in the July 2022 session. Aspirants who had given up on pursuing this professional degree were given the chance to do so thanks to the online degree MBA program.
Every eligible person now has the opportunity to continue their education without changing their current financial situation thanks to the addition of an MBA as an online course. Multiple digital self-learning options, including self-study materials, e-lectures, and IGNOU E-Content, will be made available to students. The deadline for IGNOU Online MBA Admission 2022–23 is August 12, 2022.
Eligibility for IGNOU University
Below are the requirements for admission to the online, two-year MBA graduate program:
BBA degree with a minimum grade point average of 50% (or 45% for sc/st students) from an accredited institution
A 50 percent score on other UGs or equivalent degrees will be accepted.
The passing degree cannot be obtained in less than three years.
IGNOU Online MBA Fees
Fees for the Ignou MBA program are as follows for both domestic and foreign applicants:
The student who is an Indian national must pay 14,000 INR per semester (1st, 2nd, & 4th)
The third semester’s tuition is 16,000 rupees.
There will be no additional fees for SAARC students compared to Indian citizens.
Non-SAARC candidates will need to pay 81,306 INR as a deposit for each semester (1st, 2nd, and 4th)
Entry into the third semester will be contingent on a deposit of 10,7176 rupees.
Learn More…
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architectnews · 3 years
Architecture highlights from northeast Africa include projects from Sudan and Somalia
In the fourth part of our collaboration with Dom Publishers, the editors of the Sub-Saharan Africa Architectural Guide pick their architectural highlights from countries in northeast Africa.
With contributions from nearly 350 authors, the Sub-Saharan Africa Architectural Guide aims to be a comprehensive guide to architecture in the African countries that lie south of the Sahara.
Sub-Saharan Africa Architectural Guide is a seven-volume book focused on architecture in Africa
The fourth volume of the seven-volume publication is named Eastern Africa from the Sahel to the Horn of Africa and focuses on the architecture of Chad, Sudan, South Sudan, Eritrea, Djibouti, Ethiopia and Somalia.
Read on for picks from the region selected by the book's editors Philipp Meuser and Adil Dalbai:
Photo is by Luca Compri
Chad N'Djamena Grand Hotel, N'Djamena, by TAU ⁄ Roberto Sechi, Luca Compri
The N'Djamena Grand Hotel is part of an architectural complex designed to host big political events. It is situated in N'Djamena city centre, overlooking the Chari River. The building is characterised by its palace-like structure and its rectangular shape.
The facade of this hotel building clearly shows the Arabic influence on Chadian architecture. The repetitive patterns of the facade give the building a grandeur that many modern mosques can hardly match.
In total, it has eight levels. On the ground floor is the lobby (a double-height space), the restaurant, the cafeteria, the meeting room, and all of the administrative offices. The 187 bedrooms cover the remaining floors and have varying sizes: the higher the floor number, the bigger and more luxurious the rooms become, ending with the deluxe executive suites on the top floor.
Photo is by Ibrahim Z Bahreldin
Sudan Al-Nilein Mosque, Morada, Gamar Eldowla Abdelgadir
Al-Nilein Mosque stands near the confluence of the two Niles, facing west onto the White Nile. It was a graduation project by Gamar Eldowla Abdelgadir, one of the University of Khartoum's architecture students during the mid-1970s.
The project comprises three components: the mosque, the library, and the space for communal activities. Shaped like a giant shell, the main building's geodesic dome shelters a large column-less room, where the walls are continuously connected through the curved ceiling.
The form of this mosque almost resembles a coconut macaroon – even if strictly devout Muslims don't like to hear that. But from an architectural point of view, it is a true masterpiece.
Photo is by Hanming Huang
South Sudan Juba International Airport, Juba, by China Communications Construction Company
Following the 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) and the establishment of the autonomous government of Southern Sudan, the building of a new, modern airport was initiated in 2009, but was marred by successive failures, which led to the squandering of vast sums of public money.
An unfinished terminal remains in that state and has been left abandoned. A new terminal with two halls was erected next to it and was finally inaugurated in October 2018.
The airport may not be photographed for security reasons. From an architectural point of view, it is hardly worthy of a photo, too.
What is interesting here again is that China has also extended its claws into South Sudan and has taken the small state in Africa under its wings as part of its global trade network.
Photo is by Katharina Paulweber
Eritrea Fiat Tagliero Service Station, Asmara, Giuseppe Petazzi
The Fiat Tagliero Service Station is probably the most remarkable building in Asmara and perhaps one of the finest examples of futurist architecture in Africa and the world.
Giuseppe Pettazzi designed the building to resemble the streamlined and dynamic form of a plane, and translated the modernist spirit of his time into a build manifesto. Its cantilevered concrete wings have a span of 30 metres and hang unsupported above street level.
The colonial architecture of the 20th century is a reminder of an inglorious chapter in European-African history. It is linked to racism and exploitation. It is no different in Eritrea.
But the Italian occupiers left behind an architectural heritage that is unique in the world. One could almost think that the architects were more creative in Africa than in their European homeland.
Photo is by Philipp Meuser
Djibouti Djibouti Cathedral, Djibouti, by Joseph Müller
A masterpiece of architecture! A clear cube, a successful composition of the entrance and a facade made of seashells that seems almost more mystical than the Word of God – no church can be built better!
Our Lady of the Good Shepherd Cathedral (Cathédrale Notre-Dame du Bon-Pasteur de Djibouti) was built on the site of a previous church, Sainte-Jeanne-d'Arc. The Bishop of Djibouti at the time, Henri Hoffmann, backed its construction, and the Catholic church was consecrated in January 1964.
The architect of the church, Joseph Müller (1906–1992), who drew its plans free of charge, acquired the nickname Kirchenmüller for the many religious buildings he designed at home in France and abroad, from the 1940s to the 1960s.
Photo is by Jennifer Tobolla
Ethiopia Lideta Market, Addis Ababa, by Vilalta Architects ⁄ Xavier Vilalta
Another cube. Another mystical building that works with the staging of light. But this is not a sacred building, it's a shopping temple!
The Lideta Market in Addis Ababa is a 14,200-square-metre multistorey building designed by Xavier Vilalta for a competition in 2010. It is located in an area that has been redeveloped within the frame of the government's housing programme.
The surrounding buildings define a dense and lively neighbourhood. The project is a simple rectangular volume with a carved interior void that creates an inclined atrium, which delivers a spatial quality to a traditional market layout.
The building is enclosed by a perforated concrete facade, which allows natural ventilation and light to flow in. The pattern of the facade is inspired by traditional Ethiopian dress and makes the building a landmark in the area.
Photo is by Heimo Liendl
Somalia Binocularsi, Mogadishu, by Carlo Enrico Rava
The Italian colonial heritage in Somalia is less preserved than in Eritrea. And the Arc de Triomphe is more irritating than reminiscent of an architectural heritage of world importance.
But the civil war has preserved few architectural monuments. Thus, even an almost destroyed relic of the Italian occupiers can become part of a new national identity.
This triumphal arch was designed by the Italian architect Carlo Enrico Rava and realised by the Ciccotti company to celebrate King Vittorio Emanuele III's visit to Mogadishu in December 1934. It stands by the seafront near the customs section of the old port, on a square formerly known as Piazza 21 April.
The arch is made up of rounded twin towers, joined in the middle – hence the name Binoculars.
The post Architecture highlights from northeast Africa include projects from Sudan and Somalia appeared first on Dezeen.
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trecblog · 4 years
Black People’s Contributions To The UK: A Very Small Sample
Phillis Wheatley
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From West Africa.Sold as a slave to a family called the Wheatleys. Named after the family to whom she was sold and the vessel that transported her to America–‘the Phillis’.Wrote her first poem at 14 years old.First volume of poetry published in 1773.Moved to England at 20. Contributed to the anti-slavery movement. Read: Poems by Phillis Wheatley
Mary Seacole
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From Jamaica.Traveled to England in 1854 with the intention of an onward journey to Balaclava, Ukraineto assist the soldiers fighting in the Crimean War (1853-1856).  War Office denied her request.  Made her own way and established a boarding houseto successfullylook after the wounded British soldiers using traditional medicines.She then traveled relentlessly.Returned to England and is now buried at Saint Mary’s Catholic Cemetery, London.
Fanny Eaton
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From Jamaica. A model for the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood and their circle between 1859–1867.Public debut was in Simeon Solomon's painting ‘The Mother of Moses’, which was exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1860.
The Mother of Moses - Simeon Solomon (1840-1905)
1860 Oil on canvas
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Lilian Bader
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From Liverpool.The first black woman to join the British Armed Forces where she was: Canteen Assistant, Instrument repairer, Leading aircraft woman, and a Corporal. On receiving her degree from the University of London, she became a teacher.
olive Morris
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From Jamaica.A member of the Black Panther Movement.Campaigned for rights of black people in Manchester and South London.Whilst at university expanded her activism to an international stage, visiting China and publishing an article from that visit. Founding member of Organisation of Women of African and Asian Descent (OWAAD) and,the Brixton Black Women's Group.
Margaret Busby
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From Ghana. Youngest and first black female book publisher.Founded the publishing company Allison& Busby in 1967, alongside Clive Allison.A campaigner for diversity in publishing –co-founded Greater Access to Publishing (GAP).
Malorie Blackman
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From London of Barbadian parents.Qualified as a computer scientist. Writer of children and young adult novels.Author of the Noughts&Crosses series.Eight Children’s Laureate–first black person in that role.Awarded an OBE in 2008.
Dr. Shirley Thompson
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From London of Jamaican parents.Professor of Music at the University of Westminster.Recently named "one of the most inspirational Black British women" by the newspaper Metro.The first woman in Europe to conduct and compose a symphony within the last 40 years,composed to mark the Queen's Golden Jubilee in 2002, -New Nation Rising.A 21st Century Symphony.Named on the Evening Standard's Power List of Britain's Top 100 Most Influential Black People in 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016.
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From Jamaica. Barbara Blake-Hannah was the first ever black person to appear in a news role on British television in 1968. She paved the way for Moira Stuart, Trevor McDonald, and others.She was an on-camera reporter and interviewer on Thames Television’s Today programme. Since returning to Jamaica she has had a career in film making and written five books, including one in 1982 about the Rastafarian religion, which is her faith.
Dr. Youmna Mouhammed
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From Mayotte, a small island off the coast of Southeast Africa. Dr Mouhamad has a PhD in polymer physics and is currently a Technology Transfer Fellow at SPECIFIC in Swansea University and is working on industrial coatings.She is pushing to improve the representation of black women within STEM, the disciplines of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.She is the leader of the Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) students in Engineering Network, formed in 2019. This network aims to progress racial equality by raising awareness of the challenges that BAME students and staff experience, then suggest interventions or strategies that investigate how to overcome the challenges.
Ignatius Sancho
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Born on a slave ship. Ignatius Sancho was an influential figure in the arts and is the first known black British voter. He is known for his plays, poetry,and music, and had a shop in London, where other creative people like him would meet up. He spoke out against the slave trade. Read: Letters of the Late Ignatius Sancho: An African
Oluada Equiano
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From Southern Nigeria. He was a slave but managed to buy his freedom and moved to London.Became very involved in the abolition movement. His book about slavery is one of the earliest accounts about what it was like to be a slave and it is one of the best-selling books on the topic. His autobiography (1789) ‘The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano or Gustavus Vassa, the African’ was a seminal piece to those working to abolish slavery and its sales made him a wealthy man.
George Bridgetower
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From Biala Podlaska, Poland-Lived in England for much of his life. Virtuoso Violinist Year of birth vary between 1778, 1779 or 1780.The son of an African father and a Polish mother. Said to be the older of two brothers, with his younger brother being a cellist. George was a student of composer Joseph Haydn and (once) a friend of Beethoven. Whilst friends, Beethoven dedicated a violin sonata to him, which was so hard to play many gave up.
Ira Aldridge
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From New York – moved to the UK. Believed he stood a better chance of accomplishing his ambitions to become a brilliant and recognised actor.He became an important actor in plays at the theatre and was one of the highest paid actors in the world.He also became well known across Europe as a brilliant Shakespearean actor. Aldridge first toured to continental Europe in 1852, with successes in Germany, where he was presented to the Duchess of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, and performed for Frederick William IV of Prussia; he also performed in Budapest. An 1858 tour took him to Serbia and to Imperial Russia, where he became acquainted with Count Fyodor Tolstoy, Mikhail Shchepkin and the Ukrainian poet and artist Taras Shevchenko, who did his portrait in pastel.
John Edmonstone
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From British Guiana. He was born into slavery but gained his freedom. Becoming skilled in taxidermy John Edmonstone was a very important figure in the world of scientific research.He taught at Edinburgh University in the 19th century with Charles Darwin as one of his students.  It is said that Darwin’s theories on how humans have developed throughout time resulted from the teaching of John Edmonstone.
Samuel Coleridge Taylor
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From London. Studied at the Royal College of Music in London.He partnered with several talented musicians, worked across continents and wrote many beautiful pieces of music enjoyed all over the world and still being enjoyed today. He died at the age of 37 from pneumonia. Compositions included: The Song of Hiawatha, Hiawatha Overture, Violin Concerto in G Minor. Read:The complete poems of Samuel Coleridge Taylor
Sir Learie Constantine
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From Trinidad.A member of  West Indian Cricket team who settled in Lancashire. Became England’s first black peer due to his political work which included relentlessly fighting for racial equality. Described as a cricketer, statesman and advocate of racial equality. Read: Colour Bar (1954) and, Learie Constantine and Race Relations in Britain and the Empire By Jeffrey Hill (Author)
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From Grenada.The second peer of African descent to sit in the House of Lords, He was the longest serving Black Parliamentarian.  He was described as a revolutionary politician. He was a medical practitioner in Trinidad on completion of his studies (Edinburgh University). His involvement in politics was twinned with his medical practice. He was a funding member and leader of the West Indian National Party. He returned to the UK and lived in London. As a member of the House of Lords, he played a leading role in campaigning for the Race Relations Act 1976. He was outspoken on issues such as immigration policy, and in a debate on 24 June 1976 he noted, in part: "...it is a myth, that the fewer the numbers [of black immigrants] the better the quality of race relations. That is a myth, and it is a myth that has inspired the 1962 Commonwealth Immigrants Act, the Immigration White Paper of August 1965 and the Immigration Acts of 1968 and 1971. It is designed to placate the racialists, but it is a fallacy; for to the racialist or the anti-semite the only acceptable number is nought....(Immigration Policy debate, Hansard, vol. 372, 24 June 1976.)
Stuart Hall
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From Jamaica. One of the Windrush generation and an Oxford graduate he was responsible for pioneering theories of multiculturalism and the first cultural studies course in Britain, which was offered by the University of Birmingham. The Observer referred to him as “one of the country's leading cultural theorists". His ideas and books, which included The Hard Road to Renewal: Thatcherism and the Crisis of the Left (1988), Formations of Modernity (1992), Questions of Cultural Identity (1996), and Cultural Representations and Signifying Practices (1997), inspired a whole new generation of multicultural academics and advocates.
Paul Stephenson
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From Essex. Paul was Bristol’s first black social worker. As an equal rights campaigner he worked for the Commission for Racial Equality and the Press Council to ensure minorities were both working in newspapers and being covered fairly by them.He spent his life leading campaigns to change the way black people were being treated and it is said that his work played a part in Britain’s first Race Relations Act in 1965.
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wolfliving · 5 years
The Corona Reboot
It’s early yet, but we’ll see once the bodies are buried.
The Corona Reboot
by Ian Alan Paul
A decade from now, historians may very well call the coronavirus pandemic the great deceleration. The bodies that had been endlessly propelled through cities on metros, buses, bicycles, and freeways now sit in self-imposed isolation at home, the international flights that had been relentlessly criss-crossing continents now are increasingly grounded, and the container ships that had been churning steadily back and forth across oceans now drift idly beside coastal ports, buoyed by their lack of cargo. Chinese factories lay serenely still without their workers as if they were relics of a bygone industrial era, while environmentalists post online about the substantial reduction in global carbon dioxide emissions. The relentlessly accelerating velocities of capitalism appear, quite unexpectedly and abruptly, to be grinding, lumbering, and lurching into a languid slumber.
Following from the desertion of offices, factories, universities, restaurants, and other places of work, the historical suspension of the planet’s economy has given us all time for long conversations in living rooms and on phones, for cooking intricate recipes and reading long-forgotten books on shelves, for bringing groceries and medicine to neighbors in need, for playing in baths with children sent home from school, and for watching films that had been put off for years. People sleep, write, cry, dance, play, exercise, have sex, and laugh in the new pause we find ourselves within. The fragility, vulnerability, and interdependency of life come to be more intensely felt and drawn more acutely into focus as the virus spreads, opening the way for new intimacies, solidarities, and creativities. Even when surrounded by crisis and fear, fragile but utopian moments nonetheless find life.
And yet it already appears that, after only a few days of a planetary interlude characterized by an unprecedented deceleration of life on every continent where people have begun questioning the social order that had defined their lives up to this point, immense accelerations have been set into motion in an attempt to socially, economically, and politically compensate for the velocities that had been lost elsewhere. The shutting down of our planet’s systems appears to have already been answered by a system reboot meant to capture the unactualized potentials of so many newly immobilized bodies, to economically put to use the many bodies that have rather unexpectedly found time to experiment with the multiplicity of life’s uses.
If a system reboot, what we might simply call the corona reboot, can be said to be taking place, it is only because power now understands society as being wholly integrated as a vast computer that can be programmed and reprogrammed as needed in response to whatever disruption, contingency, or event. In this sense, the deceleration of so many bodies appears to have opened the way for the cybernetic reorganization and reacceleration of planetary life, where social distancing has justified the implementation of the most intense forms of digitized connectivity and control technically realizable in our present. This text is ultimately an attempt to think through the possibility that the shutting down and subsequent rebooting of the planet presently underway may not in fact be a collection of ad-hoc measures that will fade as the contagion does, but that the coronavirus may come to serve as the catalyst for a new kind of society built upon the forms of digitized subjectivity that are forged within the unique historical circumstances of the pandemic.
At the very minimum, in this moment we must all struggle to understand the rapid transformations of social life, of work, and of politics presently underway not only in the interest of surviving this together and defending our common humanity, but also in hopes of establishing a different kind of society than the one presently imagined by power. If this planetary reboot takes form as a total recalibration of social, economic, and political life in the interest of preserving the continuity of the social, political, and economic order of capitalism, how might we begin to imagine social life differently in this trying moment?
At this early stage, it appears that at least two new kinds of subjectivity have already begun to take shape, both of which are mutually constitutive, intimately dependent upon, and shaped by the informatic infrastructures and apparatuses that now run through and organize much of our planetary society. On the one hand, we have the domesticated/connected subject, who in being confined to their home is pushed to invent new ways to reconnect to and participate in a virtualized economy. On the other hand, we have the mobile/disposable subject that serves as the circulatory system of the pandemic, a subject that becomes increasingly vulnerable and precarious as it is compelled to move at ever greater velocities. In order for domesticated/connected subjects to materially sustain themselves, they must be coupled with the mobile/disposable subject that fulfills the minimum material needs of society while ensuring the social possibility of isolated yet networked domestic life.
The domesticated/connected subject is horrifically cut off from social life in their home yet is intimately plugged into an increasingly networked economy. They are as docile as they are productive, integrated with society but integrated only as separate. Office workers, university professors, programmers, reporters, and cultural workers, among others, are all ordered to stay home, but to stay logged on. Video streaming platforms struggle to handle the new volumes of traffic while raking in profits, and everyone undergoes online training so they can continue to collaborate and work on a domesticated network. The isolation of the home corresponds with its degree of connectivity. The domesticated/connected subject can avoid the risk of being proximate and promiscuous with other possibly-infected bodies by simply connecting to the office meeting on Zoom, streaming culture on Netflix, ordering food on Postmates, venting on Facebook, and purchasing more hand sanitizer on Amazon, while Trump has announced that if you do end up with symptoms of the coronavirus all you must do is visit a site designed by Google to schedule a remote test. As the mobility of bodies becomes restricted to domestic spaces, computer keyboards dance with frenzied kinetic activity in service of slowing the contagion and keeping the economy stumbling along through waves of turbulent market volatility.
Emerging as a refrain to the domesticated/connected subject, the mobile/disposable subject moves at ever greater speeds and at ever greater risk so no one else has to. The interruption of public life is overrun by the feverishly accelerated mobile/disposable subject that is connected and subservient to the same informatic networks that connect domesticated/connected subjects to planetary economies. Commanded by smartphone apps delivering endless streams of pings and alerts that steer them from one gig to the next through nearly vacant streets, migrant workers on electric bikes have never been in higher demand, carrying food boxes from restaurants, bags of groceries from supermarkets, and miscellany from pharmacies, bodegas, and liquor stores to all of the salaried domesticated/connected workers who, now confined at home, create vast deluges of online orders. 
Amazon truck drivers speed across neighborhoods, always over capacity and behind impossible-to-meet computationally-generated schedules, carrying boxes filled with diapers, batteries, bleach wipes, laptops, and breathing masks. Ambulance drivers are asked to simply never stop driving, while garbage workers haul larger and larger bags of trash filled with larger and larger volumes of domestic refuse. All of these workers are expected to go increasingly fast to keep up with increasing demand, and thus increasingly expose themselves to the contagion and other forms of risk associated with their embodied acceleration. The massive containment and isolation of the domesticated/connected subject has as its twin the mobile/disposable subject that constitutes the system of distribution for a new pandemic economy.
Both the domesticated/connected subjects working from home and the mobile/disposable subjects racing through the streets are ultimately brought together not only by the immense interconnected apparatuses of the digital economy but also by the blanket waves of social abandonment that now affect all life. When bodies of all kinds can be connected as isolated nodes on a network, remaining deeply reliant upon and subject to shifting algorithmic command and demand structures, the value of any single body approaches zero as every node on the network can be algorithmically swapped out and replaced with any other. 
The cybernetic management and distribution of labor and commodities allows for the economy to draw on the population only as needed, while effectively abandoning the waste that is the remainder. When a domesticated/connected subject gets sick with the coronavirus and can no longer work, the still-healthy occupants of another house are ready to log on and fill their place, just as when a delivery worker breaks their leg after falling off of their bike, another can be pinged and made to run out the door. The emerging economic system doesn’t spare any time thinking of what may happen to all those who for whatever reason cannot manage to stay connected and working in this economy.
The massive deterritorialization of labor spurred on by the pandemic response has allowed for the implementation of a newly flexible organization of work that frees capitalism and the capitalist state of any responsibility for life in general as long as the economy survives. Providing adequate testing for the virus, guaranteeing universal access to healthcare, and ensuring monetary relief to newly impoverished populations are seen as unnecessary as long as everyone remains willing to connect, log on, and answer the relentless call of capitalism’s networks. The management of the population has become synonymous with the management of waste, excess, and trash, and only those who have the ability to accelerate will be sustained and supported by the larger logistical and infrastructural systems of a new post-pandemic cybernetic economy, which in reality is just a more extreme and refined form of the capitalism we had all already been accustomed to living within.
In this moment it is crucial that we insist that the reterritorialization of our society, the corona reboot, that is presently underway is not inevitable nor undefeatable. In the interlude of the pandemic there is an opportunity to refuse the imposition of digitized commands and coercive connections while defending and cultivating different kinds of human relation and interdependency. There is a chance now for all of us to consider how we might restart society differently rather than allow the logic of capital to unthinkingly do it for us. We’ll likely be in these pandemic circumstances for many months, so let’s use this time to disconnect from the pressures, exigencies, and demands of the economy and to reconnect with others in ways that do not conform or submit to the new kinds of acceleration and abandonment that are already being implemented everywhere around us.
The coronavirus pandemic marks the first time in our history that a planetary disruption of this kind and scale has occurred in a networked society such as ours, but that does not mean that we have to let the logic of capitalist networks be what ultimately reorganizes our ways of life. Already, we see mutual aid networks being constituted, new forms of digital labor being subverted, carceral structures being dismantled, and market logics being refused. We must think of this as just a beginning. How freely, wildly, and courageously will we allow ourselves to dream in this moment? What new practices of living and relationalities will we dare to put into practice? How can we overcome the domestic paranoia that sends people sprinting to supermarkets, the fear that keeps us away from neighbors, the depression that follows from reading the news, while also keeping one another safe and caring for one another as the virus spreads? How can we begin to find one another to act compassionately and collectively together in a struggle to arrive on the other side of this pandemic in a world not structured by abandonment, isolation, and acceleration but by the inextinguishable dignity and value of life itself? Each of us must dedicate ourselves to begin not only articulating but living answers to these questions in all of the varied situations we find ourselves living within.
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franzxaviermanuel · 5 years
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Francesc Xavier Manuel Ruiz (1988, La Seu d'Urgell, Spain) Portrait by villaisdrawing
My name is too long, so let’s stick with Xavier for everyone’s sake! I come from Lleida: a little, foggy, Twin Peaks-esque town in Catalonia (which is north-east Spain).
There are many passions in my life: labyrinthine literature, atmospheric movies, weird comedy, synthy tunes, illustration & comics, indie & retro games, exploring bookstores, and petting super furry cats. But the deepest one is animation. I live for certain kinds of stories: the crazy ones filled with jokes and awesomeness, color and speed, adventure and sense of wonder! Animation is the perfect medium where all these elements collide.
During my senior year of Audiovisual Communication at Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona), I interned for the late-night show “Buenafuente” (El Terrat, La Sexta) and worked as a junior screenwriter for the political/satirical sketch-show “Polònia” (Minoria Absoluta, TV3). After graduating in 2010, I ventured into the video game industry for three years at Social Point studio, and joined the staff of Animac Film Festival – the longest running animation festival in Spain – as a volunteer. In just one year, I was promoted to assistant manager, film curator, and animation journalist for specialized events such as Annecy Film Festival 2013/2014, where I met and interviewed all-time favorite animation authors like Rebecca Sugar or Masaaki Yuasa.
After several years of writing about animation, I wanted to be in the thick of it, so I leapt into the heart of the animation industry: California. In 2014 I moved from Barcelona to Los Angeles thanks to a prestigious full scholarship awarded by “la Caixa” Foundation in Spain.
Once settled in the US, I took an MFA in Screenwriting at Chapman University and was able to work at Nickelodeon Animation Studio as a development intern in Fall 2015. After graduating, I worked for almost a year at Titmouse, Inc. as a script coordinator and writer’s assistant for the preschool cartoon “Goldie and Bear” (Disney Jr.). During my free time, I curated events and screenings at The Cinefamily and its animated division Animation Breakdown. While keeping a strong relationship with my homeland and folks, I developed more animated projects and worked as a writer for the Barcelona’s indie game company Alike Studio on their iOS hit “Love You to Bits”.
Since my return to Barcelona in Summer 2017, I’ve worked as a staff writer for the late-night “La Nit dels Òscars” by TV3 network, as a freelance animation screenwriter for production studios like UniKo (Decorado, Unicorn Wars, La Dama de Anboto), Walking the Dog (The Memets), O Estudio Creativo, Sygnatia (Chica y Lobo), Peekaboo Animation (I, Elvis Riboldi), and Teidees Audiovisuals (Misha the Purple Cat, Jasmine & Jambo); and I started collaborating again with Animac as a featured writer and film programmer.
Nowadays, I’m currently working once agian for Alike Studio as a Narrative Designer for their upcoming mobile game, now in development.
I truly believe in working hard, and know what it means to be part of a professional family. Animation is a mix of fantastical ingredients, which I strive to pursue in my professional and personal life: community, learning, never giving up, and sparking a creative energy to make and share wonderful stories.
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My creative process, as seen by Marc Terris from @AlikeStudio
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thebooksociety · 5 years
쿠알라룸푸르 예술가 공동체 RAP 토크 및 개더링
일시: 2019년 4월 26일 금요일 9:00pm~ 장소: 더 북 소사이어티 통의동 강연자: 얍 사우 빈(Yap Sau Bin) 참가비: 무료 내일 늦은 저녁 9시, 말레이시아 쿠알라룸푸르 기반의 예술가 공동체 RAP(Rumah Air Panas Art Society)의 활동을 소개하는 자리가 있을 예정입니다. RAP의 설립 멤버 얍 사우빈은 1997년 자신의 작업실 공간에서 전시와 프로그램을 스스로 조직하다가 2006년부터 좀 더 다양한 곳에서 예술 관련 토크와 프로젝트를 기획해왔습니다. 이번 토크에서는 RAP의 지난 활동을 비롯해 도시와 지역을 넘어 액티비즘, 구술사, 매핑, 연구, 아카이브, 레지던시 등을 통해 협업한 일부 사례들을 살펴보려고 합니다. 관심 있는 분들은 편하게 오셔서 함께 이야기 나누시면 좋겠습니다. * 본 토크는 손혜민 작가의 소개로 진행됩니다. 
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Image Caption: Unresolved Business: Installation by Ho Yuhang (2015) curated by RAP for the UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Conference on Krishen Jit's Performance Practice and Contemporary Malaysian Theatre
사우빈 얍은 RAP의 설립 멤버이자 사이버자야 멀티미디어 대학교 (Multimedia University)에서 매체이론과 문화 인류학, 미학 등 가르치고 있.습니다 얍은 RAP를 시작으로 개념적인 작업, 설치미술, 퍼포먼스, 매핑, 큐레이팅 등 다양한 예술실천을 펼쳐 왔고, 『Narratives in Malaysian Art』 (2016)의 편집도 진행한 바 있습니다.
Turun Padang / Masuk Gelanggang: Some Artist Initiatives in KL, and more…
This presentation will give a brief introduction to the past project and activity by Rumah Air Panas, an artist collective based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. RAP began in 1997 as a studio space with occasional D.I.Y. exhibition and programme. The collective was later formed in 2003 to organise and work as an art society. After quitting the space in 2006, RAP had organised art talk and project at various venues besides supporting artist exhibitions. Some past projects include Space[s] Dialogue + Exhibition (2003), Walk In or Walk Out (2007), CAIS:Contemporary Arts in School(2008), Majujaya Community Playground Workshop (2011), Wasteland Twinning Network (2012), UNRESOLVED BUSINESS:An Installation by Ho Yuhang(2015). Besides its own projects, RAP and the members had worked in different capacity, as a group or individuals to support or work with other spaces and groups in the city or the region. The second part of the presentation will be a cursory look at this network of camaraderie, fellow art initiative, collective and art space with different approach and ways of collaboration to engage with artist, audience, neighbourhood, communities, whether via activism, oral history and mapping, research and archival initiative to experimentation laboratory and residency hosting, in the city and beyond. Past activities of RAP can be access here: http://www.rap.twofishy.net/
Yap Sau Bin is an artist based in Kuala Lumpur and is visiting Korea to travel with the Rice Brewing Sisters Club and catch up with the How To Move The House Project. Yap teaches at the Faculty of Creative Multimedia, Multimedia University and is a member of Rumah Air Panas (RAP), an artist initiative based in Kuala Lumpur. His practice encompasses conceptual work, installations, performance, mapping and curation with RAP. Yap has also worked on the Narratives in Malaysian Art volumes published by Rogue Art. He has served on the jury panel for the Young Contemporary Arts Award (2013); as nominator for the Sovereign Asian Art Prize (2014 - 2016), Arts Maebashi AIR Programme (2016-2018) and the Hugo Boss Asia Art award (2017). Other collaboration includes Wasteland Twinning Network in Berlin 2011; Operasi Cassava in the Media / Art Kitchen exhibition in Kuala Lumpur, 2013 and Yamaguchi Center for Arts and Media (YCAM) in 2014. Recent curatorial project includes ESCAPE from the SEA organized by the Japan Foundation, Kuala Lumpur in 2017.
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eibarindia · 2 years
All around the world, the unprecedented events of 2020 have brought into focus the critical role that digital infrastructure plays in the functioning of virtually every aspect of contemporary society. More than ever before, communication technologies are providing innovative solutions to help address social, environmental and economic challenges by enhancing efficiency and enabling both intensified network usage and more well-informed decisions.
One of the most important features of digital infrastructure is the ability to bridge distances and make it easier to efficiently meet societal needs in terms of resource utilization, collaboration, competence transfer, status verification, privacy protection, security and safety. The communications industry supports other industries by enabling them to deliver digital products and services such as health care, education, finance, commerce, governance and agriculture. It also plays a vital role in tackling climate change by helping other industries reduce emissions and improve efficiency.
In last year’s trends article, I introduced the concept of the network platform and explained how it serves as a catalyst in the development of an open marketplace that is always available to any consumer of the digital infrastructure. The network platform forms the core of the digital infrastructure, with the ability to ensure long-term competitiveness for enterprises and meet the full range of societal needs as well. It is a trustworthy solution that guarantees resilience, privacy, reliability and safety for all types of organizations – public, private and everything in between. It also has the scale, cost performance and quality required to support future innovations. As a result of these characteristics, it is the most sustainable solution to address all future communication needs.
Future technologies will enable a fully digitalized, automated and programmable world of connected humans, machines, things and places. All experiences and sensations will be transparent across the boundaries of physical and virtual realities. Traffic in future networks will be generated not only by human communication but also by connected, intelligent machines and bots that are embedded with artificial intelligence (AI). As time goes on, the percentage of traffic generated by humans will drop as that of traffic generated by machines and computer vision systems – including autonomous vehicles, drones and surveillance systems – rises.
The machines and other ‘things’ that make up the Internet of Things (IoT) require even more sophisticated communication than humans do. For example, connected, intelligent machines must be able to interact dynamically with the network. Sensor data will be used to support the development of pervasive cyber-physical systems consisting of physical objects connected to collaborative digital twins. Future network capabilities will also include support for the transfer of sensing modalities such as sensations and smell.
The network platform acts as a seamless universal connectivity fabric characterized by its almost limitless scalability and affordability. It is capable of exposing capabilities beyond communication services, such as embedded compute and storage as well as a distributed intelligence that supports users with insights and reasoning.
In this article, I will explain the ongoing evolution of the network platform in terms of the key needs that are driving its evolution (trends 1-3) and the emerging capabilities that will meet both those and other needs (trends 4-7).
#1: A collaborative, automated physical world #2: Connected, intelligent machines #3: The internet of senses #4: Omnipresent and nonlimiting connectivity #5: Pervasive network compute fabric #6: Trustworthy infrastructure #7: Cognitive network
                       Trends 1-3: The key drivers of network platform evolution                    
The three key drivers that are most significant to the evolution of the network platform are all related to bridging the gap between physical reality and the digital realm. Most notably, this involves delivering sensory experiences over networks and utilizing digital representations to make the physical world fully programmable.
                                                       Trend #1: a collaborative, automated physical world
As physical and digital realities become increasingly interconnected, advanced cyber-physical systems have begun to emerge. These systems consist of humans, physical objects (machines and other things), processes, networking and computation, and the interactions between them all. Their primary purpose is to provide individuals, organizations and enterprises with full transparency to monitor and control assets and places, thereby generating massive benefits in terms of efficiency. One early example of this is the way that cyber-physical systems can help planners optimize energy and materials usage.
Soon, there will be hundreds of billions of connected physical objects with embedded sensing, actuation and computing capabilities, which continuously generate informative data. The sensor data generated by physical objects can be used to create their digital twins. Collaborative digital twins will have the ability to manage the interactions between the physical objects they represent.
Digitalizing the physical environmen in which the physical objects interact requires sensor data fusion – that is, using data from multiple sources to create an accurate digital representation of the physical environment. One example of sensor data fusion is achieving highprecision positioning by combining network-based positioning data with information from other sensors such as cameras and inertial measurement units.
Ultimately, the joint communication and sensing in future systems will make it possible to leverage all the interconnected digital twins and digital representations of the environment to create a complete digital representation of everything.
                                                       Trend #2: connected, intelligent machines
Machines will become increasingly intelligent and autonomous as their cognitive abilities continue to expand. Their understanding of the world around them will continue to grow in tandem with their ability to interact with other machines as part of a cognitive system of systems.
An intelligent machine uses sensors to monitor the environment and adjust its actions to accomplish specific tasks in the face of uncertainty and variability. These machines include three major subsystems: sensors, actuators and control. Examples of intelligent machines include industrial robots, speech recognition/voice synthesis and self-guided vehicles. The complexity of control and logic skills makes expert systems central in the realm of intelligent machines.
The network platform will provide an automated environment in which interconnected, intelligent machines can communicate, including support for AI-to-AI communication and autonomous systems such as communication among self-driving vehicles and intelligent machines in factories.
Intelligent machines have their own way of perceiving information (data), which is different from how humans perceive it. For example, communication among intelligent machines requires new types of video compression mechanisms, as today’s video codecs are optimized for human perception.
Another aspect to consider is how intelligent machines will interact and communicate with each other. To improve the reliability and efficiency of machine-to-machine communication, machines will need to understand the meaning of the communication in terms of capabilities, intentions and needs. This will require semantics-driven communication.
Cognition is one of the most important capabilities of an intelligent machine. Cognitive machines are capable of self-learning from their interactions and experiences with their environment. They generate hypotheses and reasoned arguments, make recommendations and take actions. They can adapt and make sense of complexity and handle unpredictability. The future network will empower cognitive machines by providing them with new network features and services such as sensing, high-precision positioning and distributed computing capabilities.
                                                       Trend #3: the internet of senses
The ability to deliver multisensory experiences over future networks will make it easier than ever before to transfer skills over the internet. It will ultimately lead to the emergence of the internet of senses, which combines visual, audio, haptic and other technologies to allow human beings to have remote sensory experiences.
The internet of senses will enable seamless interaction with remote things and machines, making it possible to fully realize use cases such as remote health checks, remote operation of machinery, holographic communication and virtual reality (VR) vacations. Among other benefits, the internet of senses is expected to have a significant impact in terms of sustainability, by dramatically reducing the need for travel.
In the years ahead, major leaps forward are expected in sensor and actuator technologies, such as the actuation of smell and high-quality touch sensation. During remote operations, the advances in haptic devices will allow virtual objects to be perceived just as the real objects themselves. Holographic communication will be possible without wearing extended reality glasses, due to 3D light field display technologies.
Body augmentation capabilities will enable humans to be smarter, stronger and more capable. Other examples are contact lenses that can display augmented reality (AR) content, universal translator earbuds that allow for language-independent communication and exoskeletons that increase physical strength. Eventually, brain-computer interfaces will enable communication at the speed of thought where, instead of speaking to machines, humans will merely think in order to direct them.
The network platform supports the internet of senses with novel network enablers such as distributed compute, high-precision positioning, integrated sensing and application programming interfaces. These are needed to support bandwidth and latency reservation, network latency reporting and network slice prioritization.
                                                       Use case: Digital twin in the port of Livorno
Ericsson has deployed a digital twin in the Italian port of Livorno (Leghorn). As a result, terminal port operations will increasingly become a mixture of physical machinery, robotics systems, automated vehicles, human-operated digital platforms and AI-based software systems. All those components, served by a 5G solution, transform the port environment into a ‘playground’ in which to experience the future of an automated physical world.
The port’s digital twin makes use of a plethora of real-time data captured by connected objects at the physical port, including sensors, cameras and vehicles. An AI operation management system operates on the digital model to determine the sequence of logistics tasks and activities. Feedback from these processes provides live updates to the human supervisors using VR and to the docks/quay operators through AR.
Results indicate that there are about 60 direct and indirect benefits of the solution, including improved competitiveness, increased safety for personnel, sustainable growth of the port city, improved management of logistics and a positive environmental impact.
                       Trends 4-7: Critical enablers of the future network platform                    
The network platform is designed to deliver the kind of extreme performance required by application areas such as the internet of senses and communication among intelligent machines. It will also serve new types of devices with close-to-zero-cost and close-to-zero-energy implementations, which can be embedded into everything. Looking ahead, increasingly advanced technologies in four areas (trends 4-7) will expand the capabilities of the digital infrastructure through the network platform.
                                                       Trend #4: omnipresent and nonlimiting connectivity
The concept of ubiquitous radio access is evolving toward the vision of a future network that will deliver non-limiting performance to satisfy the needs of humans, things and machines by enhancing multidimensional coverage, stellar capacity and augmenting capabilities.
Access coverage everywhere
Further densification of networks is needed to provide high-speed coverage everywhere. Connected airborne devices, such as drones, require access on altitudes up to several kilometers, making it necessary to have a 3D point of view including the elevation aspect to provide coverage. There is also a need to ensure high-performing indoor connectivity by increasing the number of indoor small cells and fully integrating them.
Flexible network topologies and deployments
Network topologies and deployments will need to become increasingly flexible to provide coverage everywhere and deliver extreme performance. One possibility is a multi-hop-based radio network, where a multitude of nodes collaborate to forward a message to the receiver. This solution is particularly interesting for smaller cells of limited reach. Satellites, high-altitude platforms and airborne cells can be integrated into the network as a complement to extend coverage. Further components in a flexible topology can include connected device relay and the possibility for ad-hoc deployments of networks. Ultimately, distributed massive MIMO (multiple-input, multiple-output) solutions may lead to fully distributed connectivity, where many radio network nodes simultaneously serve a user, without fixed-cell borders.
Access for zero-energy devices
The rapidly growing demand for vast numbers of connected sensors and actuators has made it necessary to invent zero-energy devices. These will be deployed once and will continuously report and act without the need for maintenance or external charging. The stepping stones along the way include narrowband IoT enhancements and massive machine type communication for 5G New Radio for local area networks (LANs) as well as for wide-area usage.
Extreme radio performance
The network will utilize higher frequency bands to deliver extreme performance. For example, communications over the terahertz frequency band (above 100GHz) have some attractive properties, including terabit-per-second link capacities and miniature transceivers.
                                                       Trend #5: pervasive network compute fabric
As distributed compute and storage continues to evolve, the lines between the device, the edge of the network and the cloud will become increasingly blurred. Everything can be viewed as a single, unified, integrated execution environment for distributed applications, including both network functions and third-party applications. In the network compute fabric, connectivity, compute and storage will be integrated, interacting to provide maximum performance, reliability, low jitter and millisecond latencies for the applications they serve.
Rather than processing data centrally, in many cases it is more efficient in terms of bandwidth and/or latency constraints to bring the processing closer to where the data is produced, insights are consumed and actions are taken. In some cases, local operation may be required by regulations or preferred for privacy, security or resilience reasons.
Aside from the applications, the network also provides a continuous execution environment for access and core functions. It runs on a distributed cloud infrastructure with integrated acceleration for dataintensive virtual network functions and applications.
The future network platform goes beyond the use of microservices to implement network functions as serverless architectures. The server management and capacity planning decisions are fully autonomous from the developer and the network operator. The network takes care of the deployment, scaling and all resources required to ensure that the function deployed is always available at any scale.
Upcoming novel computing architectures include memory-centric computing, optical computing, nanocomputing, neuromorphic computing and even quantum computing. In the future, these architectures will enable continued exponential growth in compute capacity for most applications running on the network compute fabric – an important development as the end of Moore’s law approaches.
                                                       Trend #6: trustworthy infrastructure
Governments and enterprises are adopting advanced technologies for secure assurance of mission- and business-critical processes such as factory automation, remote control of assets and more. The highly trustworthy network platform fulfills the requirements of even the most mission- and business-critical use cases. It offers a fusion of connectivity and compute characterized by different dimensions of resilience, privacy, security, reliability and safety. It will also provide adaptable and verifiable dimensions of trustworthiness in a scalable and costefficient manner.
Rather than being designed per node or for a particular part of the network, the always-on characteristics of the network platform such as reliability, availability and resilience rise up to cover the complete network. Always-on mechanisms are built into user plane, control plane and device mobility solutions. All parts of the network will be addressed including transport nodes and transport networks, network infrastructure and site solutions.
To protect communication and data, secure identities are utilized at every layer between humans, devices and applications in different industry segments. These identities are securely anchored to devices and network nodes by root-of-trust mechanisms.
Network platform solutions utilize confidential computing to protect identities and their data and establish trust among network customers and their assets, thereby also offering assurance to users and regulators. This requires automated trust assessment of all network elements, things, machines and applications, as well as compute and storage resources by using remote attestation and AI.
Responsible AI will bring trustworthy automated protection and risk management. AI-based automation provides the ability to act on a high number of events affecting the network infrastructure or the network usage.
                                                       Trend #7: cognitive network
In the vision of zero-touch network management and operations, networks are deployed and operated with minimum human intervention, using trustworthy AI technologies. All operational processes and tasks, including, for example, delivery, deployment, configuration, assurance and optimization, will be executed with 100 percent automation.
The network itself will continuously learn from its environment observations, interactions with humans and previous experiences. The cognitive processes understand the current network situation, plan for wanted outcome, decide on what to do and act accordingly. The outcome serves as an input to learn from its actions. The cognitive network will be able to optimize its existing knowledge, build on experience and reason in order to solve new problems.
The network will utilize intent-based and distributed intelligence for multiple functions, including optimization of the radio interface, automation of network management and orchestration such as the optimization of parameters, handling of alarms and self-healing. AI algorithms will be deployed and trained at different network domains, for example, in management, the core network and the radio network. Physical layer algorithms, such as link adaptation, handover, power control and dynamic scheduling of resources can be optimized with AI agents.
Network management will become less complex through intelligent closed-loop automation with support for humans to interact with the network and monitor its behaviors. The network operator expresses the intent of a desired network state or goal, and the network internally resolves the detailed steps necessary to achieve that intent. Network knowledge, data and actions are shaped in such a way that the operator interacting with the network can understand them.
The cognitive network will be based on control design, using both machine reasoning and machine learning techniques that are distributed and capable of acting in real time. The network is a highly distributed system where multiple AI agents, present across the network, need to interwork to optimize overall network performance. Local decisions need to be coordinated with more central intent-based decisions. The central AI agent needs to make decisions in real time based on both local and global information. Multiple distributed AI agents share distributed insights throughout the network through federated learning.
Cognitive networks will be inherently trustworthy – that is, reliable, safe, secure, fair, transparent, sustainable and resilient – by design.
                                                               The network platform is the spinal cord of intelligent digital infrastructure
The digital infrastructure offers endless possibilities to individuals, enterprises and governments across the globe, with its unique ability to bridge vast distances and enable powerful new solutions to a wide range of social, environmental and economic challenges. Health care, education, finance, commerce, governance and agriculture are just a few of the sectors that stand to benefit from the massive efficiency gains that digital infrastructure can provide.
Designed to carry vital messages, commands, reasoning, insights, intelligence and all the sensory information needed to support the continuous evolution of industry and society, the network platform is designed to be the spinal cord of digital infrastructure. It is also the ideal platform for all types of innovation, with the ability to support interactions that empower an intelligent, sustainable and connected world.
The major advantage of the network platform is that it will be accessible anywhere, always-on and with guaranteed performance. Nomadic distributed processing and storage will be embedded into it to support advanced applications. It will be inherently reliable and resilient, fulfilling all the requirements for secure communication. Cognitive operations and maintenance of the network and its services will deliver the most cost-efficient and sustainable solution to meet any and all communication needs.
With this in mind, it is clear that the most important future network trends to watch in 2020 are those that relate most closely to the growth and expansion of intelligent digital infrastructure on the network platform. The first three of the seven trends this year are the key drivers of network platform evolution – the creation of a collaborative automated physical world, connected, intelligent machines and the internet of senses. All three highlight the growing need to bridge the gap between physical and digital realities. Trends 4-7 are increasingly advanced technologies in four areas – non-limiting connectivity, pervasive network compute fabric, trustworthy infrastructure and cognitive networks. Breakthroughs in these four areas will be essential to fully enable trends 1-3 and continuously expand the capabilities of the digital infrastructure through the network platform in the years and decades ahead.
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amrselim · 2 years
roadmap for developing the information management framwork {ar} تاكد انك مشترك في القناة 💯 ومفعل الجرس عشان يوصلك كل جديد 🔔 وما تنساش تعمل لايك للفيديو 👍 نشرك للمقطع هو اكبر دعم ممكن تقدمه لي ... https://bit.ly/3x58PzR https://bit.ly/3x65bWe أتمنى أن ينال الشرح أعجابكم ...................................................................... https://bit.ly/3ux7pwI شير مشاركة #BIMarabia اشترك في القناة لمتابعة الشروحات الجديدة videos https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZYaOLTtPmOQX1fgtDFW52Q?sub_confirmation=1 بيم ارابيا https://bit.ly/1TSqEbr Places to find me! https://bit.ly/OcqQ6x https://bit.ly/2nqASDv Instagram: https://bit.ly/2JY3wZP Twitter: https://twitter.com/BIMarabia skip to content University of Cambridge Study at Cambridge About the University Research at Cambridge Quick links Search Search Home What we doNational Digital Twin Programme Centre for Digital Built Britain Home Who we are Who we are overview Our Stories Mission ign, Analysis, Tracking and Negotiation Analysing Systems Interdependencies using a Digital Twin Energy Planning for Resilient Decarbonization Facilitating the digitisation of off-site manufacturing Housing Digital Built Britain Network Reinventing renting: The application of digital technology in housing for 'generation rent' Smart Hospital of the Future: Digital technologies, service innovation, and hospital design Stakeholder Engagement in Smart Cities and Digital Infrastructure Projects The Uptake of Digital Tools, Standards and Processes in Innovation in the UK House Building Industry: opportunities and barriers to adoption Capability Framework and Research Agenda Digital Twin Journeys Research Projects - alphabetical Funding Calls Funding Calls overview July 2018 General Research Call July 2018 Call for Tenders July 2018 Early Career Researcher Call Resources Resources overview Knowledge Base Navigator Publications Case Studies Tools Industry Guidance Insights Videos Videos overview Announcements Introducing the Centre for Digital Built Britain Introducing People and Work 2018 Research Workshops 2018 Summer Showcase Videos from CDBB Week 2019 Video 2021 Blog CDBB International: National BIM Strategy Training Organisational BIM Strategy Training International BIM Toolkit Links Search by Tags News Events Events overview Featured Past Events Featured Past Events overview CDBB Week 2019 CDBB Week 2019 overview Researcher Videos from CDBB Week Summer Research Showcase NDT Day 2019 CDBB and CIOB Digital and BIM Roundtables CDBB and CIOB Digital and BIM Roundtables overview BIM Roundtable Discussion Series - Roundtable 1 - Academia and Training BIM Roundtable Discussion Series - Roundtable 2 - The Constructor BIM Roundtable Discussion Series - Roundtable 3 - The Consultant BIM Roundtable Discussion Series - Roundtable 4 - The Manufacturer BIM Roundtable Discussion Series - Roundtable 5 - SME's BIM Roundtable Discussion Series - Roundtable 6 – technology providers BIM Roundtable Discussion Series Roundtable 7: specialist BIM consultants Explaining the Information Management Framework (IMF) Digital Twin Hub Resources: The Gemini Principles wser if interactive features do not work] The Roadmap is intended to set out how the Framework should be delivered. In particular, it shows how the key building blocks of the Framework will fit together to enable effective information management across the built environment. Enablers of NDT Figure 1: Enablers of the NDT Delivering the Framework is a considerable challenge and requires industry alignment and a number of key issues to be addressed. In order to make the delivery of the Framework more manageable, the Roadmap has been broken down into five streams of interconnected components. The Roadmap includes a description of what each component is, descriptions of what needs to be done to put each component in place, their dependencies and timescales, the outline of the costs, and an indication of the relevant stakeholders. Put simply, the Roadmap shows the prioritised route for the delivery of the Framework. The Gemini Principles and the Roadmap form the two key enablers for the delivery of the NDT. Click on the roadmap image below and download the interactive pdf (the interactive features work best in Adobe). DFTG Interactive Roadmap NOTE: The interactive viewing works best in Adobe. As an alternative for mobile devices or online viewing please click here, but please note that some features may not work. Key streams of the roadmap: Approach stream To set up coordinated and aligned activity across the whole NDT programme which will deliver the framework and the benefits of effective information management in the built environment. Learn more: (link to blog/news) April 6, 2022 at 10:44AM by BIMarabia
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kittystargen3 · 3 years
Alternate Universe- What if Anakin's mother survived and Anakin never went dark side. Padme has the twins on Tatooine and survives. Anakin tries to help the surviving Jedi, while still keeping his family secret. Meanwhile Darth Sidious has been crowned emperor and is going after the remaining Jedi. Rumors have it he's looking for a new apprentice. Anakin gets to be a daddy.
I have another chapter of Return of the Survivors for you today. Below is a small selection. Please click one of the links above to read more.
Chapter 71 - Two Parts of a Whole
“I told you I could see you,” Lobot said.
The human neural interface of the man named Anakin, according to what servers he could access, stood in front of Lobot looking shocked and slightly confused.  The man turned around to look behind him, then pointed to himself, giving the universal ‘ Who, Me?’ gesture.
“Yes you.  I’ve seen you in all of my personas, only if I were to break protocol to speak to you then, it would cause an error in the RAM file, and attract the attention of my prison keeper,” Lobot eagerly told him.  “This memory file is different.  In this memory I was speaking gibberish, and their holo’s are programmed to ignore me completely.”
“You’re not who I expected to find here.”  Anakin folded his arms.  “But I guess this is good.  Where’s Han?”
“Han Solo, friend to Lando Calrissian, friend to Lobot?” Lobot asked.  Anakin nodded impatiently.  “I no longer have access to that information.”
“Really,” Anakin sounded like he didn’t believe it.  “You just kidnapped him.”
“Oh.” This shocked Lobot.  “You must understand one thing.  I didn’t kidnap him.”
Anakin’s eyebrows rose.
“I didn’t.  The implants have.  And the implants are, right now, under the control of an outside entity.”
Anakin dropped his guard.  He seemed to believe him.
“I used to have to fight the implants constantly to remain in control.  Then one day I was forced to stop.  I couldn’t do two things at one time, you see.  Couldn’t save Lando and fight the implants, so I chose.  I chose Lando.  Still, even after that I retained some control.  In moments of lesser power especially I could access the systems and implant some of my own ideas, if I was careful.  And I was never blocked from seeing what was going on.  I even worked a few weak points into the programming.  Things to let me control even just a little of what goes on in the outer world.  Only I never expected…” Lobot looked around him in worry.  “This RAM file is ending soon.  You can put it on repeat if you type a code into that computer:  For open parenthesis...”
“A loop.  I’ve got it.”  Anakin started typing right away.
“Good, good.” Lobot was glad Anakin knew computer programming.  This could have been very difficult otherwise.  “I never expected the weak points I created to be accessed by another programmer.  By the time I realized what was going on, he was in the network and already making changes.  I tried to fight the hacker once, and he stuck me in here.  Wrote a program, Prison Keeper dot exe, to keep me contained.  I did see the hacker’s signature first though, and I can give you what you need to reset the system and turn it’s anti-pirating software on.”
“If I reset the system, will it free you?” Anakin asked.
“No.  My mind is saved off in an unbackuped file.  If you reset the system, I will cease to be.”  Lobot knew he’d been stuck in a computer for too long, he didn’t predict the man’s reaction ahead of time.
Anakin’s eyes went wide.  “It’ll kill you!”
“No.  Lobot will continue to be.  Only I will not be in Lobot.”
Anakin shook his head.  “I can’t kill you.  Not without trying to save you first.  It’s not the Jedi way.”  Anakin seemed to smirk, as if saying that last sentence gave him some personal enjoyment.
Anakin went back to the computer and typed a few codes into it.  Streams of computer programming language came up across the device.  He was looking for it, the program keeping Lobot imprisoned here.  As soon as he found it, the man’s eyes lit up and he began typing an alternate code.  A prison keeper for the prison keeper.  It was brilliant, Lobot thought.  Too bad it was a waste of time.
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peterjohn0 · 3 years
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The latest UNA-UK newsletter has arrived! As we are in the middle of the UN Climate Conference (COP26), we wanted to share some of the climate events, publications, and campaign activities UNA-UK is involved with.
But firstly, we wanted to share again the news that our CEO, Natalie Samarasinghe, will be leaving UNA-UK after 15 years. Natalie will step down as CEO in January 2022, joining the Open Society Foundations (OSF) as their first global director of advocacy.
Natalie was appointed as UNA-UK’s Chief Executive Officer in 2013, becoming the first woman, first person of colour and youngest person to serve in this position. Under her leadership, UNA-UK has expanded its work on UN renewal and civil society inclusion, as well as its advisory and advocacy work with governments and NGOs. You can read more about Natalie's departure from UNA-UK and the immeasurable contribution she has made to our organisation here.
Upcoming Events
UNA-UK is delighted to be hosting two climate-focused events during COP26. At this critical moment for action to protect people and the planet from the existential threat of climate change, join us for discussions on the Paris Agreement and on Women, Peace and Security. From Local to Global: Raising ambition and taking action to uphold the Paris Agreement 9 Nov, 18:00 - 20:00 GMT Location: University of Glasgow and virtual As we await the outcomes of negotiations during COP26, a session hosted by UNA-UK, IMSISS, and Global Challenges Foundation will explore a range of practical actions for keeping 1.5 degrees alive at local and global levels. Join us virtually! In-person tickets are sold out, but you can register here to join online Climate Change and Women, Peace and Security: Defending the Future 10 Nov, 14:15 GMT Location: Virtual This event will bring together a panel of experts to discuss the gender-climate-security nexus, and how the global community can better integrate agendas in these areas to address risks posed to those most vulnerable. Click here to register
Reports & Publications
UNA-UK Magazine The latest edition of UNA-UK’s magazine offers reflections on the crossroads of climate action and whether humanity will choose to breakdown or breakthrough. We share perspectives from UNGA76 President Abdulla Shahid, Nisreen Elsaim, Leah Namugerwa and more on the action we urgently need, collectively and individually, to avoid the worst-case climate scenarios. You can read the latest UNA-UK magazine here Together First Report Together First launched a new expert report on civil society access in global climate processes. Produced in collaboration with Plataforma CIPÓ, this report looks at civil society’s vital contributions to climate advocacy and action, and the huge untapped potential for deeper UN-civil society collaboration which must be addressed if the international community is to tackle the twin crises of climate breakdown and biodiversity loss. You can read the latest report from Together First here
Campaign to Stop Killer Robots
This week has been action-packed for the Campaign to Stop Killer Robots (CSKR):
Members of the CSKR parliamentary network took part in a debate in the House of Lords - where members of the Liberal Democrats, Labour and Conservative parties all expressed concern around the development of autonomous weapons.
The CSKR also launched a powerful new action and petition. The action is an interactive social media “filter” which simulates what it is like to be targeted – it is an unsettling experience but intended to highlight the dystopia that we are trying to avoid.
UNA-UK has been a member of the Campaign to Stop Killer Robots since its launch in 2013. We host the coordinator for the UK CSKR coalition and work with our partners to run a programme of work increasing pressure on the UK Government to work for an international prohibition on lethal autonomous weapons systems. You can help us raise public awareness about killer robots and pressure the international community to take action by using this filter! The filter is available on Instagram and Facebook. When posting on social media about this global action please be sure to tag @UNA_UK on Instagram and @UNAUK on Facebook and on Twitter!
UN Day 2021
On Thursday 21 October, UNA-UK marked the UN’s 76th anniversary by presenting the Sir Brian Urquhart Award to HE María Fernanda Espinosa, the 73rd President of the UN General Assembly, and Nisreen Elsaim, Chair of UN Secretary General's Youth Advisory Group on Climate Change.
This year UN Day came at a key moment for action to address the existential threat of climate change - with world leaders and stakeholders gathering in Glasgow for COP26.   Click here to watch the UN Day event in full and hear from the award recipients
As always, thank you for your ongoing support.
Many thanks,The UNA-UK Team
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litscipod · 3 years
Nature in Crisis; Creativity as Cure
Produced by: Catherine Charlwood (@DrCharlwood) and Laura Ludtke (@lady_electric)
Music composed and performed by Gareth Jones.
Listen on Anchor
About this episode:
This fifth episode of the third series of LitSciPod features an interview with Dr John Holmes, Professor of Victorian Literature and Culture at the University of Birmingham. Author of several monographs on the Pre-Raphaelites, science, art history, and museums, John discusses how poetry helps us to negotiate the legacies of Darwin’s discoveries and the Pre-Raphaelites’ shaping of the culture of Victorian science (and vice versa). He introduces us to the Synopsis Network, which explores art in natural history museums, to the Ruskin Land project in the Wyre Forest, and to his more recent work responding to COP26 from an humanities perspective. We also debate the importance of method to disciplines.
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John Ruskin, Study of Foreground Material: Finished Sketch in Watercolour from Nature (1875) via the Ashmolean.
At the end of the episode, you can hear John read ‘Editorial. By the President of the Therolinguistics Association’ from ‘The Author of the Acacia Seeds and Other Extracts from the Journal of the Association of Therolinguistics" by Ursula K. Le Guin.
About Professor John Holmes:
John Holmes is Professor of Victorian Literature and Culture in the Department of English Literature at the University of Birmingham. After completing his D.Phil. in English Literature at the University of Oxford, John briefly taught at the Open University and was a lecturer in English Literature at the University of Reading from 2001 to 2015. He is a past chair of the British Society for Literature and Science, the current Secretary of the Commission for Literature and Science. In 2015, he was awarded a Collaborative Award for Outstanding Contributions to Teaching and Learning by the University of Reading for the interdisciplinary module on Science in Culture he devised and taught.
His first monograph, Dante Gabriel Rossetti and the Late Victorian Sonnet Sequence: Sexuality, Belief, and the Self was published by Ashgate in 2005, followed by Darwin’s Bards: British and American Poetry in the Age of Evolution (Edinburgh University Press, 2009). He is the editor of Science in Modern Poetry: New Directions (Liverpool University Press, 2012) and the co-editor with Sharon Ruson of the Routledge Research Companion to Nineteenth-century British Literature and Science (2017). John contributed a chapter on evolution in Victorian poetry to the edited collection Evolution and Victorian Culture and articles on pre-Raphaelite periodicals, epic poetry and evolutionary theory, and Algernon Swinburne as anthropologist, as well as publishing extensively on Victorian natural history museums (in general) and the Natural History Museum in Oxford (more specifically). His most recent monograph, The-PreRaphaelites and Science (Yale University Press, 2018), was awarded the British Society for Literature and Science book prize in 2018. Most recently he published Temple of Science: The Pre-Raphaelites and Oxford University Museum of Natural History with the Bodleian Library Press in January of this year.
Episode resources (in order of appearance):
Catherine Charlwood, ‘“Such a pair!”: The Twin Lives of Humans and Trees’, Hay Festival 2019
Wolfgang Schivelbusch, Disenchanted Night: The Industrialisation of Light in the Nineteenth Century (1995)
Susanne Bach and Folkert Degenring (eds), Dark Nights, Bright Lights: Night, Darkness, and Illumination in Literature (2015)
Merlin Sheldrake, Entangled Life: How Fungi Make Our Worlds, Change Our Minds and Shape Our Futures (2020)
Isabelle Tree, Wilding: The Return of Nature to a British Farm (2018)
Russell Foster, Understanding the Impact of Sleep Loss in the Industrial Era (2018)
Jules Michelet, Le Peuple (1846)
John Ruskin, Unto This Last and Other Writings, ed. by Clive Wilmer (Penguin, 1985)
The Symbiosis Network 
Ruskin Land in the Wyre Forest, Guild of St George
John Holmes, Darwin’s Bards: British and American Poetry in the Age of Evolution
The Kogi people, From the Heart of the World: The Elder Brother’s Warning (1990)
The Kogi people, Aluna (2012)
The Germ (1850)
John Holmes, ‘Rebels art and science: the empirical drive of the Pre-Raphaelites’ Nature 562, 490-491 (2018)
Charles Allston Collins, Covent Thoughts (1850-51)
William Holman Hunt, The Light of the World (1851-53)
The Fairy Creek Blockcade
FernGully: The Last Rainforest (1992)
Alberta’s Energy “War Room” takes on a Netflix family cartoon
Bigfoot Family (2020)
Michael E. Mann tweet 17th October 2020
Yu-Tzu Wu et al., Perceived and objective availability of green and blue spaces and quality of life in people with dementia: results from the IDEAL programme (2021)
We hope you have enjoyed this episode of LitSciPod as much as we enjoyed making it! Look for Episode 6 of Series 3 in September 2021.
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architectnews · 3 years
Digital twins are "big driver" towards net-zero cities say experts
Digital twins of buildings and cities could become an essential tool in the battle against climate change, according to technology experts.
These virtual replicas – computer models that use live data to create simulations of real-world objects and systems – can reduce the energy consumption of buildings in operation, proponents claim.
They do this by analysing a range of data sources, from heating and air conditioning systems to employee schedules and local traffic flow patterns. By identifying inefficiencies in these systems, digital twins can propose more energy-efficient approaches.
Digital twins can also lower the carbon footprint of new buildings and structures by optimising the energy efficiency of the construction process, and by tracking and controlling the supply chains of materials and products to reduce embodied carbon.
"In the cities, buildings and infrastructure world, I think the big driver for digital-twin adoption is around decarbonisation," said Michael Jansen, founder and CEO of digital twin software company CityZenith.
"Digital twins can help at multiple stages in the process of making a building go from carbon-positive to carbon-neutral," he told Dezeen.
In order to ensure global warming remains within 1.5 degrees Celsius of pre-industrial levels, the global economy needs to become net-zero by 2050, according to the 2015 Paris Agreement on the climate. This means ending all greenhouse gas emissions or negating unavoidable emissions with offsets that capture carbon from the atmosphere.
UK government invests in digital twins
Software developers and tech entrepreneurs predict this will lead to a huge uptake in digital twin technology, as governments and commercial organisations face increasing pressure to reduce their contributions to climate change.
The UK government is already investing. With its Centre for Digital Built Britain, a collaboration with the University of Cambridge, it has launched a National Digital Twin programme to build an eco-system that connects digital twins across businesses, allowing them to more easily share data.
The Centre for Digital Built Britain, supported by the UK government, is building an eco-system of connected digital twins
Sarah Hayes, outreach lead for the programme, believes digital twin technology could play a crucial role in helping cities achieve net-zero carbon emissions.
"[Digital twins] can help us understand the impact of decisions and actions," she told Dezeen.
"If we'd had digital twins 20 or 30 years ago, would we be facing such a climate crisis now?" she said. "Would we have invested in oil and gas in the way we did, if we'd had all the information about the consequences back then?"
"It's about putting that information together, to be able to better understand the big picture; I think digital twins is the route to doing that."
Reducing energy use and carbon emissions
A study published in September 2020 predicted the market for digital twins to increase from $3.1 billion to $48.2 billion by 2026.
The technology is most commonly used in manufacturing, healthcare and logistics. For example, BMW and Tesla have integrated digital twins into vehicle development, medical researchers are using it to simulate the impacts of different treatments, and courier service DHL is using it to optimise operations in its warehouses.
Architects and designers are also experimenting with digital twins. The technology is being used to test the performance of the world's first 3D-printed bridge, so that the data can be used for future iterations of the design, while Foster + Partners has been using a robot dog to source data for a digital twin of a building under construction.
A recent report from professional services company EY found that digital twins can help to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions and carbon footprint of an existing building by up to 50 per cent, alongside cost savings of up to 35 per cent.
The report refers to case studies that include Nanyang Technological University in Singapore, which tested the use of digital twins to reduce energy use, water consumption, carbon emissions and waste across its campus of over 200 buildings.
Using data from a five-year period, the technology was able to suggest changes to building operations, resulting in a 31 per cent saving in energy use and a carbon emissions reduction of 9.6 kilotons.
Smart building management
CityZenith's SmartWorldPro is one of various digital twin software packages to offer opportunities for carbon reduction through efficient building management.
Developed specifically for the construction and real-estate sector, it can be used to manage the operation of both existing buildings and projects under construction.
Digital twin software packages like CityZenith's SmartWorldPro offer opportunities for carbon reduction
As part of a recent campaign called Clean Cities Clean Future, CityZenith is now offering its software to a selection of cities at no charge, with the promise that it can help them to reach net zero by 2050.
A pilot project will see the technology used to cut operating costs and carbon emissions at Brooklyn Navy Yard in New York.
"Digital twin technology could play a central part in decarbonising our built environment," wrote Jansen in a recent article for the World Economic Forum.
"Building owners, city planners and governments can use digital twins to track, manage and minimise emissions from both new and old buildings, as well as during construction," he said. "[They] can also predict traffic flow, or control individual room temperature."
Cityzenith will show how digital twins can help reduce carbon emissions with a project at Brooklyn Navy Yard
Scottish company Integrated Environmental Solutions (IES), another digital twin provider specialising in the built environment, has also proven that this technology can be used to reduce the carbon footprint of a wider area.
A digital twin built from IES's Virtual Environment software was used to optimise local wind power on Eday, one of the Orkney islands, allowing an entire community to reduce its energy requirements by 76 per cent in a payback of less than six years. The community hopes the changes will allow them to eliminate fossil fuel consumption on the island completely.
Traceability as a service
Decarbonising the supply chains of materials and products used in construction is a more difficult process, as it can involve sourcing data from a global network of manufacturers and suppliers, some of whom may not want to share their data.
One company taking on this challenge is Circulor, which has built up a large network of sources that allow it to uncover detailed information about supply chains. It offers this to a range of companies in a business model it calls "traceability-as-a-service".
Circulor has worked with manufacturers such as car brands Volvo and Mercedes, aerospace company Boeing and EV battery manufacturer CATL to bring transparency and efficiency to their production, but is now moving into the construction sector.
"I think we're going to start seeing more specification for sustainable construction, and to do that, you need this traceability that we're talking about here," said Douglas Johnson-Poensgen, CEO and co-founder of Circulor.
"People will want to know whether their green steel is really green," he told Dezeen.
Buildings with digital passports
Technology is fundamental to Circulor's operation. The company uses digital twins in parallel with blockchain technology, as a way of tracking the source of materials without any possibility of corruption.
According to Johnson-Poensgen, the process is inherently more complicated than a "bag and tag" system, where materials are simply traced from start to finish. Many materials go through several transformations in the process, so tracing these complex networks is only possible with the use of digital twins.
Circulor uses digital twins and blockchain technology to track complex networks of supply chains
"The challenge is far greater than tracking food or a diamond," he said, " because the digital representation of the commodity has to be able to cope with each of its transformation steps."
"But the idea is that you track the most polluting components, so that you're confident that they are as sustainably produced as they can be," he said. "Then you create a ‘digital passport' for a building, which includes all the ingredients that went into manufacturing each of its components."
"You've then got something you can use as a basis to, for example, refurbish that building in a more sustainable way."
The post Digital twins are "big driver" towards net-zero cities say experts appeared first on Dezeen.
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sriramworld · 4 years
ExcelR - Data Analytics Course
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It is a five-year full time degree program with 10 semesters of continuous evaluation in coursework, design projects, research and practical coaching. The Master of Social Work is a 2 - 12 months full time campus professional program targeted on the speculation and apply of social work.
You will get interviewed with a number of trade partners from our network. Srishti at present works as Associate Editor at Analytics India Magazine. When not masking the analytics news, enhancing and writing articles, she could possibly be discovered reading or capturing thoughts into photos. They have collaborations with leading companies to ensure that the curriculum is well timed, relevant and futuristic. ExcelR Solutions has also established alliances with international analytics firms namely, Genpact and DXC Technology.
ExcelR Solutions Best data science course in mumbai assist a data scientist to gain an total depth of data in mathematics and programming. Next topic of examine might be exploratory knowledge analytics, the place the scholars might be imparted with the data of concepts like data visualisation, missing value evaluation, outlier detection analysis, and the correction matrix. The integrated course will take our students through all the crucial subjects masking concept machine studying and various programming languages. Along with that, the skilled experts of ExcelR Solutions Academy will purpose to impart the great data of other important ideas like information mining, information acquisition, knowledge processing, and data evaluation.
programmes in 24 disciplines and B.Pharm at UG stage; Integrated 5-year twin degree Masters programme; M.Tech. in 10 disciplines; MCA, MBA and Double Degree Programmes at P.G.
Schlumberger and IIT Bombay have an extended standing association to not solely cater to the specialised Oilfield industry but also collaborate on research and knowledge sharing.
Also, students will explore methods of dealing with categorical attributes whereas training and validating the mannequin. More than 500+ Companies yr-on-12 months recruit ExcelR Solutions Institute students as Data Scientists. This popularity amongst Academia and Industry is likely one of the unique strengths of ExcelR Solutions. The candidates shall be referred to as for an interview on the premise of their efficiency within the entrance take a look at. The interview will occur by way of a video conferencing mode either via Skype or Google Hangout/Meet. During the interview the candidate’s basic competence in mathematics, programming and logical aptitude will be probed from numerous angles.
Workshop on profession steerage, CV building, interview preparation, updates on newest applied sciences and additional capstone initiatives. The students graduate in France and benefit from all present visa insurance policies of the French government. The MoU additionally facilitates faculty from RSB to show at ExcelR Solutions campuses in Mumbai and Bengaluru. Their one of many greatest collaborations is with Asean Data Analytics Exchange, Malaysia. They are additionally in talks with HR ministry on to impart coaching on HR analytics.
BYJUites work in the direction of constructing a community of lively learners, who from their early years have a robust understanding of ideas. Being a companion for each learner and anyplace in the world is what drives us to deliver, excel, and develop. Through every step of an employee’s journey, we want to surprise them- accolades, group lunches and video games, festivals, workplace events and 12 months round events. Never is there a dreary moment within the work space and every day is a new opportunity to be taught and develop. Technocrat is an intercollegiate expertise event of School of Computer Science, MIT World Peace University. Students from varied colleges of Pune district are invited to participate in the competitions. Why belief the opinions of random individuals when you'll be able to read via reviews written by college students such as you?
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ExcelR- Data Science, Data Analytics, Business Analytics Course Training Andheri . 301 Shree Padmini Building, Sanpada Society, Teli Galli Cross Rd, Andheri East, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400069
Directions : Data Science Course
Ph no : 7732003007
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