#Unknown Composition Errors - Third Semester
epitomees · 1 year
@myuzucompendium​ | continued from here: X
“It’s quite alright, Senpai...I have uh, plenty here with me for my lunch.” The smile told too much although Sumire put plenty of effort in to make it appear normal. It held no sincerity, only placed upon her lips as a means of common sense. 
It’s rude after all...to not be polite towards her Senpai. 
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“My breakfast was rather large as well, so...one bento box should be enough for me. I rather you have something to eat so you don’t starve...” 
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marooosa · 2 years
Hate You, Want You
A/N: I wrote this super impulsively and did Not proofread it, so please disregard spelling and grammatical errors. Enjoy! 
Prompt: college! Austin and Y/N can’t stand each other, especially when they are paired together for a music composition project.
Warnings: Smut, being a Music Major lol
It was nearly midnight. You were exhausted from the day’s classes and your late shift at work. You loved your job, the tips and pay were incredible for what you do, but it’s hard to not feel worn out when three of your coworker’s called in sick and your manager spent the evening working on the “schedule” in his office, leaving you alone on the floor. 
Checking your course pages, you find an announcement in your Theory class: 
Hello all,  
Sorry to bother so late, I just finished grading last weeks’ work! Tomorrow’s class we will begin our Partner Composition project. Please take a look at the requirements in the Syllabus, but we will also review my expectations and I will be happy to answer your questions in class tomorrow. I’ve already assigned partners, so please take a look at the list below!
P.S. I’ve also attached your phone numbers so you can easily contact one another, because who actually checks their email? 
See you tomorrow! 
You keep reading, scrolling further down the page to search for your name. You had a few friends in your class, so you hoped to be paired with one of them. The class was engaging and fun, but you dreaded going each week because of-
Austin Butler and Y/N Y/L/N
“You’ve got to be shitting me,” you groan, hands covering your face. You’re a friendly person, you enjoy helping people out and love to be friendly with nearly everyone, but that friendliness dies with Austin fucking Butler. 
It started when he transferred into your program during your third year. Being punctual, you were the first person sitting in your class. It was a normal day, you were responding to emails when, quite literally, the most beautiful man you have ever seen strolled in through the door. He was dressed casually, but something about those dirty blonde curls paired with piercing blue eyes and a strong jaw had your mouth gaping, and that combination was simply too much to handle at 9:03 AM on a Tuesday. 
You didn’t even realize how long you had stared at the time until he cleared his throat, “You know, you should take a picture, it’ll last longer.” 
You didn’t even respond, feeling too embarrassed that he had caught you staring. Your cheeks had burned red for the rest of that class, and your embarrassment swelled each time you both caught each other’s eye.  
Since that first moment, it seemed like he does everything in his power to make a fool out of you. Always correcting your answers when you participate, disagreeing with literally every discussion board you post and making sure to let you know that you’re an idiot, and staring at you so intensely during last semester’s recital that you could feel his eyes burning into you, causing you to shake like a leaf (even though you had performed countless times in the past and weren’t even performing challenging repertoire) and almost miss a beat. 
He just bothered you, he’s too pretty to be that much of an asshole. But God, he is pretty. It’s frustrating really, to waste such a perfect face and a gorgeous body on such an insufferable person. 
You slump even further into your hands, truly considering transferring because of a two-week project. Your phone chimes, jolting you up for you to see a text from an unknown number: 
     +1 *** *** ****
     Hey partner, aren’t you so excited for tomorrow?
Checking the page, you see that the number is attached to the man you can’t stand. Although your mind tells you not to, you find yourself writing him back,
     Oh yeah, I really can’t Wait to be forced around you for 2 weeks, 
Thinking you should add something else to get under his skin, you continue: 
     why’d you ask? can’t stop thinking about me? 
You decide to get dressed for bed while you wait for his reply, washing off the day’s makeup and changing into pajamas. While brushing your teeth your phone lights up: 
     Mhm. You know I can’t, maybe I’ll even dream of you tonight.
‘He’s such a dick’, you think, cheeks warm for no reason. Leaving him on open, you slide into your bed, reaching to grab your charger when he double-texts:
     I think you’d like that, wouldn’t you? 
Face much hotter now and heart beating far too fast to just be curled up in bed, you respond boldly for the final time before turning your phone off for the night,
     maybe I would
     why don’t you find out? 
Closing your eyes and exhaling deeply, you find yourself drifting off to sleep, trying and ultimately failing to keep your mind off of Austin…
His left hand is splayed across your hips, pinning you down to the bed, your bed. Meanwhile his right hand is keeping your legs open, head buried between your thighs. Your fingers are buried in his hair, effectively holding him down. 
He’s making these sinful noises, lips attached to your clit, tongue lapping at it in circles. 
“H-Holy fuck, Austin, oh my god,” you whine, hips trying to move from the overwhelming sensation. 
You’ve come once already, but Austin is determined to get you off again, his tongue slides down your slit, pushing inside of you so perfectly. He moves up and down for a moment before finding home back on your most sensitive part, two fingers sliding into you to replace his tongue. 
His fingers are moving at lightning speed, curling into the way he knows will make you fall apart. The sounds in the room are obscene, your whining, his low moans, the squelch of his fingers.. 
His lips pull off of you for a moment, “You taste so goddamn good, can’t get enough of you,” 
You’re close, that ball in your stomach growing bigger and bigger, 
“Could stay here forever, make you cum all day if you’d let me. Get you off however you want.. with my tongue, my fingers, my cock,” He flicks his tongue quickly around your clit now, fingers pumping in and out of you. You’re so close, nearing the edge, not being able to hold back any longer, 
“Come on, baby, want this pussy to cum all over my face,” 
And with that, you’re coming so hard you can’t even see, can’t even hear, and everything turns white…. 
You wake up suddenly, the sun too high in the sky for your liking. 
‘Shit shit shit’ you think, ‘I’m late!’ 
Pt. 2? Thank you for reading! 
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epitomees · 2 years
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~ Kasumi/Sumi’s Tags ~ 
More will be added as needed. 
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epitomees · 11 months
Ren brushes his hand against Sumire's as he walks past her. (wildxcardrebel)
She didn't want to be here.
Why should she care about school, her grades, her hobbies, or anything about her when it was all made up? It wasn't even Sumi's name inside her own locker. Nothing belonged to her. Not anymore.
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Morning classes dragged on longer than the first-year expected, and by the time her lunch session came around she felt more inclined to leave school grounds. Home wasn't too far, but she rather not be surrounded by more false fabrications. Was that even her own room? Or was it Kasumi's perception of her ideal bedroom? These presumptions occupied most of her mental attention until a gentle, warm touch made crimson eyes look upwards at the source.
"...oh, good afternoon Senpai..." A smile greeted him, though it hurt Sumi the longer she kept it. "Are you...also on your way to lunch?"
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epitomees · 1 year
❰❰ SHOULDER ❱❱ sender touches receiver on the shoulder ( @ Kasumi from Akira @gloryseized )
It had only been a few days since Sumire's rescue, yet to her, it replayed fresh in her mind as if it only occurred hours before her present standing. A life concocted through the means of only memories, and the fabrications of a once pleasant way of living now all but shattered before her own two feet. It wasn't a life lived by Sumire's own standards, her own decisions, but built upon the utter guilt of taking her sister's life away.
Kasumi prospered in the face of challenge, always thrusting herself forward without looking back or worrying about the future's consequences. She embraced the present, eager with excitement at what the next day would bring due to today's decisions. It's the complete opposite of Sumire's way of thinking.
What was she thinking? How could she even replace the legacy Kasumi left behind? Sumire wasn't good enough...
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On top of it all, she fully accepted continuing to live that false life. It was the only way to make it up to her older sister, yet even as she stood against her Senpai and friends...she faltered under her own uncertainty. It surprised Sumire when Akira asked her for a simple meetup, thinking after their scuffle he rather not see her. Somehow, Sumire stumbled her way across Central's busy streets without any problems, finding the cozy café while walking on autopilot. Her body took her forward, but her thoughts lived elsewhere.
Diving deeper...deeper into a dark, inescapable chasm...
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"Oh! Uh.." Thankfully, Akira's frim grip shifted those depressive musings away for the time. A hot coffee cup sat on the counter in front of her seat, steam tickling against pale cheeks. Did she...ask for this? "....my apologies, Senpai..." Eyes casted downward as both hands cupped the hot beverage. Pleasantly warm, and relaxing against Sumire's cold palms.
"...I'm...sorry, did you...ask me something?"
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epitomees · 2 years
Gloves, a thick coat and hands in his pockets like usual. All that was left was a hat to complete the set. The only reason he went out was to purchase that one item and go home. However, Akira came across a certain redhead along the way who decided to tag along for the ride. Silence turned into small talk and he quickly noticed that the girl was beginning to shiver from the bitter cold.
He couldn't leave her be like that.
"Here," A hand reached out to clasp her own firmly and provide some much-needed warmth for the both of them, along with a cheeky smile that reached his ears. "Is this better? I don't want you freezing and ruining your perfect skin.~"
January passed heavily. Holiday excitement made the clock fast forward no matter the circumstances. Family gatherings, friendly get-togethers, even taking the time to spend it alone too. Yet happy occasions weren't free of time's clutches. They came, they went, and they only remained in the minds of those fully embracing the experience in the after dust. They were just memories, at that point.
Why can't it be that anxious waiting period again? Why can't time be reversed? Why can't everyone feel the pure, blissful peace that Christmas brought again?
Why can't she feel that happiness all over?
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The windows of Central Street's shop had lost that magical touch. No colorful lights, no bright red or verdant green adornments, nothing but melancholic ambience. Going out after gymnastics training felt more like a mistake than a mental remedy. A sigh passed through pursed lips which only obscured the tinted glass.
Just go home...there's no point being out here if it only brings more misery...
However, to her surprise, Akira bumped into the first-year just before she made way for the nearest subway entrance. They exchanged friendly talk, with the occasional inquiry on the red-head's current situation, but a smile and wave managed to cover up much deeper sorrow. This was Akira, on the other hand. A boy well-versed in worming underneath the pleasantries of false satisfaction. Although Sumire trained herself well to mask her mental anguish, the boy always found a way to bring her comfort.
This time, it was a warm hand in her own. Tight, firm, but still so gentle. Red eyes briefly looked towards the boy, glancing down once to their connected hands and realizing how his warmth spread so quickly. Not just in her hand, but straight to her cheeks too.
Good thing the nipping, January wind covered her blush well.
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"Oh....umm...." She hadn't noticed the shivers until Akira pointed it out. Even her fingertips felt numb, too. Perhaps squeezing his hand more provided an extra burst of warmth, just so her fingers wouldn't freeze. "Th-That's...fine...uh..." The more warmth blossomed across Sumire's cheeks, the further she snuggled into her scarf. "...th-thank you, Senpai..."
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