#(A Paintbrush Speaks His Mind) : Yusuke
epitomees · 2 years
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~ Kasumi/Sumi’s Tags ~ 
More will be added as needed. 
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cakers-2000 · 4 years
~Persona 5 boys when you randomly kiss them~
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Yes I call the protagonist Ren I’m sorry I watched the anime before I even knew about the manga and most of the fanbase killing him Akira I’M SORRY
I keep posting things from my Wattpad I’m sorry but a lot of the things I’ll be posting are from my Wattpad until I can get a few more things finished!
But enjoy!
Ren: Honestly Ren wasn’t a big fan of PDA. Sure he’d hold your hand if requested and he’d occasionally wrap an arm around your shoulders to keep you close when crowds got big but that was about as far as he went.
You, on the other hand, loved PDA, so it was a common occurence to surprise and embarrass him with random kisses. Today you had gone to Leblanc’s to get some help on your Math work but Sojiro had asked Ren to pick up a couple of bags of coffee beans as the store was running low and he wasn’t going to get another shipment in until next week.
And of course Ren agreed.
Now you were standing in the middle of the department store, bored out of your mind as Ren surveyed the shelves.
“Reeeeeen, I want to go baaaaaaccckkkkk.”
He chuckled at you but didn’t even give you a glance. “Just a sec.”
You moved to stand directly behind him and wrapped your arms around his waist, resting your cheek on his back. “Didn’t he give you the name of the coffee beans to grab?”
“Yeah but…” He picked up a bag of beans and you attempted to look over his shoulder though he was too tall for you to see. “This one says that it’s a lot healthier… If Sojiro advertises for both healthy coffee and the regular coffee that’s made Leblanc famous he could really rack up business…”
You sighed and nuzzled your face into his back, trying to get him to hurry along. “Ren, sweetie, you’re mumbling again.”
“Just grab the one Mr. Sakura told you to grab and you can talk with him about the other one later.” You gently grabbed his hands and pushed them back towards the shelf. “You know I can’t spend another night, we have to get back soon so you can help me out.”
The boy nodded, not saying a word and grabbed the correct bag before turning back to face you. He looked a bit disappointed and you couldn’t help but giggle.
“Ren you act like I’m putting you through torture. I told you to just talk about it with Mr. Sakura later.”
You laughed more and grabbed the collar of his jacket, pulling him down to your level before placing a sweet kiss on his lips to keep him quiet. You stifled your laughter as you saw the blush on his cheeks, something he rarely ever held and the shocked look in his eyes. You piled a few bags into your cart and smiled at the boy before grabbing his hand. He didn’t say anything more to you, only continuing to hold your hand and push the cart.
You smiled in triumph, knowing that you had won and could return back to his home.
Though you most likely weren’t going to be doing all that much work.
Yusuke: “Yusuke how much longer am I gonna have to stand like this?”
You tried your hardest to remain still and composed for Yusuke as he drew you as he did almost every day (including lots of times when you weren’t even aware). He smiled at the canvas though you knew it was directed at you.
“Maybe a few more hours or so.”
“Yusukkkkkke.” You let out a groan and craned your neck as it was sore and he rested the paintbrush down on the eisel.
“How about we take a little drink break?”
“Yes!” You jumped at the opportunity to finally move and rushed towards the kitchen, stretching out your arms and legs as you prepared two cups of tea as you knew he loved drinking tea while he was working.
You continued to stretch yourself out as best you could before the tea was finished and brought the cups back to Yusuke who was currently staring at his work.
“Here.” You handed him the drink and he smiled before kissing the side of your head.
“Thank you Mon Amour.”
You smiled and nodded before glancing over at his work. You nearly spit out your drink as you saw his work. It was breathtaking. You honestly couldn’t believe that the women in his painting was you.
He noticed you staring and laughed a little sheepishly. “I know, it’s not quite done yet. I still haven’t nailed your features and I have yet to capture your beauty and poise between-”
He hadn’t finished his sentence as you set down your cup of tea and threw yourself at him, attacking him in a hug. He instantly hugged you back and smiled down at your small form.
You stood in content silence for a bit before you squeezed your arms around him.
You moved your head to look up at him and he tilted his head, questioning your sudden interruption, his hair falling into his face as he did so and you laughed. You quickly reached up and put it back where it belonged before grabbing his shirt and pulling him to your level. You lightly kissed his lips, slightly afraid that he wouldn’t reciprocate but when you went to pull away he kept you in place until he was satisfied.
You held a blush on your cheeks and you buried your face in his shirt, not allowing him to see your burning cheeks but he only laughed and rested his head atop your own.
He really had you wrapped around his finger.
Akechi: Lately it had been nothing but busy days for the Detective Prince Goro Akechi. It was interview after interview about the infamous Phantom Thieves and if you had to be honest you rather missed his presence. Because of his busy schedule he had been excused from most classes, you hadn’t seen him in or out of school in several weeks. You had tried setting something up, to study together so that he could still have a chance of succeeding in his education but he always had to cancel on you. It was rather disappointing and you were practically starved. Hell at this point you just missed hearing his voice, he hadn’t even been able to call you as of late the poor boy was exhausted.
But finally, after nearly a month of not seeing him or hearing his voice he was granted a free day to focus on his studies. And you were able to see each other again.
The second you heard the knock on your door you had attacked him in a hug, refusing to let go of him for a good 10 minutes.
And he didn’t even try to fight against your affection. He held you back just as tightly, enjoying your presence. Truth be told he missed you just as much.
And when you were finally forced to pull away from him you got started on your work, helping the boy study all of the lectures and lessons he had missed from his classes.
But after a few hours you were starting to feel the tiredness creep in and knew that you had to grab something to keep yourself awake.
Your hand held onto his free hand as he took notes from your book into his notebook and you squeezed it lightly. “I’m gonna go grab some coffee, you want anything?”
His eyes didn’t move from his paper but you could see the smile on his face. “Some coffee would be nice.”
You nodded and quickly scurried off to the kitchen so you could resume your work quickly. Once it was prepared you slowly walked by, trying your best not to spill the coffee in his mug and set it down in front of him.
He seemed to be completely engrossed in his work. He hadn’t even noticed you put the coffee down in front of him. You smiled to yourself and placed your own cup beside him before draping your arms loosely around his neck. He still had no sort of reaction whatsoever to you and you could only chuckle.
You gently pushed his head to the side much to his confusion before pressing a sweet kiss to his lips.
He may have been confused, but he wasn’t letting the opportunity slide by him. He instantly kissed you back before pulling away from you, a smirk playing on his lips as he rested his cheek in his hand.
“Well now, what was that for?”
You smiled more and sat down in your chair beside him, resting your head on his shoulder. “I’m really proud of all the work you’ve done and how far you’ve come in your career but… I missed you.”
A flash of guilt covered his eyes but it quickly fell as a warm smile fell onto his lips. He grasped your hand in his own and rested his own head on top of yours. “I know, I’m sorry. I missed you too.”
“Don’t apologize. It’s your job. I’m just glad you could come over today for once.”
He stayed in silence for a few seconds before he quickly hopped up out of his seat. You pouted up at him as you had nearly fallen but he only smiled more and held his hand out to you. “Let’s go out.”
“Huh? But we still have so much left to do and I just made coffee…”
“It’ll be here when we get back, please (Y/N). I’ll call the limo so we don’t have to walk.”
He grabbed your hand and pulled you rather roughly upwards and squished you against his chest as he hugged you tightly. “Pllleeeaassseee it’ll only take a few minutes.”
Something told you that it wouldn’t take a few minutes, but you knew that there was no winning against Akechi when he was like this and so, with a muffled voice as he still wouldn’t let you move, you gave in. “Fine, okay.”
“Yes!” He drew his phone out of his pocket at hearing you were in agreement before speaking towards you. “We can stop at the bookstore or something before we come home, alright?”
Your eyes were practically shining as you frantically shook your head. He knew fully well about your love of all things literature “You know just what to say don’t you?”
He nuzzled your nose with his own before quickly kissing your forehead. “That’s cause I love you.”
“I love you too Akechi.”
Ryuji: You had been walking through the halls of Shujin Academy, on your way to the art room to work on your project when you heard some whispers coming from the hallway right in front of the art room door. A small crowd was standing there, whispering amongst each other. As you got closer you could make out what a few of them were saying.
“Oh wow I didn’t think he cared about anything, let alone art.”
“Wasn’t he on the track team? I thought that was the only thing he cared about.”
“Isn’t he a delinquent? What’s he doing in front of the art room? Scary…”
You tilted your head in slight confusion as you pushed your way through the students. “Um, excuse me.”
You smiled when you made it to the front and could clearly see your boyfriend Ryuji waiting there for you.
“Ryuji? What are you doing here? You aren’t hanging out with Ren today?”
You were teasing him but you did partially mean it. Those two boys spent an awful lot of time together.
“Nah, he’s hangin with Ann.”
“So what do you want with me?”
“I wanna do some training in the courtyard. You wanna come with? It helps me focus if I train with someone else.”
“Ryuji I told you, for the next couple weeks I have to dedicate my time to my art project I can’t just-”
He took a step forward, his hands clasping over your own as he mustered up the biggest puppy dog eyes he could.
You couldn’t help the blush on your cheeks due to the close proximity between the two of you but you smiled through it and moved your face so that it was inches from his own.
“Fine, but you better not expect me to do any of your training. I’ll be watching.”
You could still hear the whispers from the crowd, it seemed to be getting louder.
“Are they dating?”
“I thought (Y/N) was a straight A student, why would she wanna get involved with Sakamoto-kun?”
“Is he blackmailing her or something? This doesn’t make sense.”
His smile slightly fell at the accusations of the crowd and you pulled on his hand, attempting to pull him down the staircase not too far from the two of you. “You wanna get started right away yeah?”
His face broke into a smile and he nodded, hurrying his pace so that he could walk beside you.
“Holy shit I haven’t run that fast in ages!”
You couldn’t help but giggle as you watched the boy jump and dance around in front of you. He was truly improving and you couldn’t have been more proud of him.
“Good job hun.”
He let out a satisfied hum before placing his hands on either side of your waist, his face inches from your own once more. You were currently sitting on the fence of the walkway, stopwatch in hand as you were timing him. He stared at you, in complete silence and you laughed awkwardly.
“Ryuji? You good?”
“Yeah… No… I don’t think so.”
You slightly tilted your head in confusion and he elaborated more. “I just haven’t been able to stop thinking about what those people said…”
“Ryuji…” You grabbed onto his cheeks with your hands before placing a rather rough kiss to his lips. He didn’t hesitate on kissing you back and you stayed like that for a while until he eventually pulled away from you for air.
“Wow, okay (Y/N).”
He was slightly taken aback by your sudden actions. You could see the small blush on his cheeks.
You giggled more and ran your hands through his hair. “Fuck what they say. That’s what you always told me. Learn to take your own advice.”
You stuck your tongue out at him and he only laughed at your childish antics before his hands wrapped around your waist and he lifted you into the air with ease. “Don’t go gettin all mouthy you little shit.”
“Ryuji put me down! Right now!”
You struggled in his tight grip but that only made him laugh more as he flopped backwards, laying on the cool grass with you on top of him. He nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck and mumbled to you. “Thank you for always being here (Y/N).”
You nodded and placed your hands on top of his own, a content smile on your features. “Of course Ryuji, and I’ll always be here for you whether you like it or not.”
He only chuckled in response. He truly was lucky enough to call you his and he didn’t know what he would do without you by his side.
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honeydots · 4 years
"61. “Were you drawing me?”" for the ask meme? 👀
“Were you drawing me?” 
akira sleeps in and yusuke takes advantage of that. because of COURSE if im given the opportunity to write shukita im going to take it of course i am 
(ao3 link)
Slugs were okay. 
Akira didn’t have much of an opinion on them, to be honest. Nothing negative. They were a little goopy, sure. But that wasn’t a bad thing. Sometimes you’re goopy and squishy and occasionally poisonous, it happens to everybody. Akira was sure he’d had a Saturday just like that. They were just little creatures. Slugging along. 
…That said, he didn’t like them much when they were on his face. He especially wouldn’t like them if they were the poisonous kind. He didn’t think these ones were, but still. That would be completely unpleasant. And then he’d be goopy until he died. Just terrible all around. 
But not these bad boys. Akira was sure they were just your everyday slug. Lucky for him! But they were still on his face. He didn’t really want that. Slug along anywhere else, please. He was trying to relax. This wasn’t the time. 
In his limited periods of consciousness, Akira often thought about how weird it was that he never realized when he was dreaming. Once he was in the dream, he was there. No second thoughts about it. The slugs were on his face now, and that’s where they belonged. But pointedly, again, they were not poisonous. Nice to know his subconscious wasn’t going for a gastropod themed execution. 
He woke up blissfully slug-free. Thank god. What a morning surprise that would’ve been. He also woke up alone, which wasn’t too unusual. Yusuke tended to be an early riser. Up and about, doing his creative stuff. He had picked up sculpting, recently. So far, he’d made a lovely bust of Isaac Newton (and if not him, it was a not-as-lovely bust of Haru), and a pistachio (this one really was a pistachio). Akira was happy he was expanding his repertoire, since he seemed to be enjoying himself. He was keeping busy, and he had a career after all. 
But the bed was meant for two. 
He shifted a bit, peeked his eyes open and, oh. He was surprised to see Yusuke sitting not far across from him. He was staring deeply into his sketchbook, very focused and very quiet. 
You know, he could always draw in bed. It’d be warmer that way. “Good morning.” Akira lazily stretched out his back. “Sketching?” 
Akira probably shocked him, because Yusuke jumped. He usually felt just a little bit bad when he did that, but today there was something mischievous dancing around in his brain. A tiny goblin who had wanted so desperately to cuddle, probably.
You and me both, Goblin-kun.
Yusuke looked up to him, and he seemed a little stoic. “You’ve awakened. Good afternoon. Please do not move.” 
Technical technical. Akira treated afternoons like mornings, anyway. He relaxed his body back down, trying to look as natural as possible. “Were you drawing me?” It wouldn’t surprise him. It’d hardly be the first time. Yusuke liked to make him blush by calling him things like his Muse, or his Starry Night, or his Lobster Fra Diavolo.
“Ah… I suppose,” said Yusuke. He swiveled a turn in his chair, and swept up a dab of paint with a brush. “Now, close your eyes again.” 
Akira did. So he was painting him. Again with Yusuke’s technicalities, his this’s and that’s. It was endearing. There was something very sweet about his specifics, since Akira knew he was included in them. 
He wondered if he could go back to sleep. If Yusuke wanted him to keep his eyes closed, the chances went up. He could already feel himself falling into it. Anyone who knew Akira was well aware that he wasn’t one to pass up opportunities to sleep in. Well, sleep in more than he already had. Yusuke knew better than to let him stay in bed, Akira couldn’t be blamed. And it was for art after all. 
But the afternoon did have plans for Akira. Goddamn. For example, something cold and wet being splattered onto his forehead. It was… weirdly familiar?
He jumped, but in like, a groggy half-awake confused boy way. “Ghh?” His eyes flickered open. Yusuke was there? He hadn’t heard him come over. “What are you…doing.” 
Yusuke remained focused as ever, eyes glued to, uh. Uh? “Akira, please. I do not want it in your eyes.” The wet spot moved and spread across his brow. 
The dots were sleepy and the lines were wiggling, but all connecting nonetheless. “Are you painting,” Akira said, flinching at the sloppy feeling, “on my face?” 
Yusuke lifted his paintbrush and looked very thoughtfully at the smear he’d created. “Do not speak much. I would hate for what has dried to crack.” He turned away, probably to get more paint. 
Akira squinted at him. It was already drying? As in drying drying? “How long have you been… at this.” 
Yusuke sighed, and shook his head. “Please, my love, if you must talk,” he said, turning back, “Try to be minimal. I will be finished soon.” 
He returned to Akira’s side, this time with a pool of paint on the back of his hand, probably for quick access. Akira stared silently at him. He wasn’t mad at all, more completely amused. Unique way to spend a morning. He’d woken up before with drawings on his face, but that was usually Futaba scribbling squiggles and mustaches with her sharpies. Oh, but he’d always get back at her for that. He’d refuse to wash it off and make her be seen with him, Mr. Sharpie Face Man, in the all forbidden public. She was one of those second-hand embarrassment people. 
Wow, the paint felt weird. He was all too aware of it sitting on his face. It was thick. And the actual spreading of it had been really strange. There were out of body experiences, and then there were all too aware of what is happening right now on your body experiences. Akira was the former. He was pretty surprised it hadn’t woken him up, actually. 
The slugs. 
The non-poisonous slugs. 
That made sense. 
Yusuke continued painting. Little swirls and pointed dots. Akira tried to guess what he was doing. The paint he had was blue, so maybe a bird? A fish? He was sure Yusuke would do something more outlandish, though. Maybe a bird with glasses. He wondered if Yusuke would let him name it. 
Inevitably, they made eye contact. Akira had been staring pretty relentlessly, and boy he was good at that. Yusuke held it for a moment, before something visibly clicked. There it was. Akira had been thinking about if he’d remember to answer. He didn’t, always. Yusuke had quite the way with concentration. He’d just about have to shake him out to come to dinner some nights. 
Yusuke had run out of paint on his hand, and he turned back to get more. A short silence hung. “A few hours,” he said. 
So, a while. His projects usually took a bit, so he was glad to hear this hadn’t been some all nighter. That could’ve been nice too, though, because then Yusuke would certainly take a nap. And of course then Akira would get to take a nap. Which would be great. But he’d have to wash all this paint off first. He hoped it would come off easy. 
It wasn’t like Yusuke had never painted on his body before. But that was usually, you know, doodling with a pen on his arm. Or some grand experiment on his back. Face painting wasn’t technically something to be considered out of the ordinary, but unconscious face painting was. Yusuke’s inspiration strikes were always charming. 
Akira watched as Yusuke readied his brush again. He felt him very gently move some hair out of his face. This wasn’t really a view Akira usually got. Hello there. Thank goodness he was nearsighted. 
But, all good things must come to an end. Yusuke looked down at him. “It really is imperative you shut your eyes, now. This would sting.” 
He probably spoke from experience. He already knew Yusuke had drunk paint water before. It was an accident, he said, but it wasn’t like he couldn’t also accidentally get paint in his eyes. Akira also doubted that the paint water incident was entirely accidental. He had evidence. But, despite all that, he heeded his advice. Yusuke was kind enough to wait until he did so. Akira wondered how long it would take for Yusuke to just start painting, anyway. 
He felt the brush fit into his eye socket and curve around down, above his cheek bone. Very confident but delicate strokes across his eyelid, and then repeated on the other side. He decided this was much better than slugs. Though still just as goopy.  
The brush lifted, and did not come back down. “There,” Yusuke began, “Now, please remain very still. I will return in just a moment.”  
Akira obliged, keeping his eyes shut tight but careful not to scrunch. He heard footsteps, and a door opening. Yusuke was probably getting their camera. They’d bought a very nice once for situations like this. Non-portable art, or anything that would wash away. Akira supposed he wouldn’t mind being on display for an art show. Ehh, that was, as long as it didn’t last too long. He didn’t really get fidgety, but he did get bored. 
He heard Yusuke come back, accompanied by some clicking and clunking. He probably also brought in a light, since he tended to be very particular about his art pictures. Akira appreciated that his face-canvas was being given such fancy treatment. He hoped he was doing the art justice. 
There was shuffling. The sound of curtains opening. The buzz of a lamp. And eventually, many, many clicks. Yusuke always took bunches of pictures, with light adjustments and in different positions. He’d learned how to use a camera very well, at this point. Akira was glad to see it, because initially Yusuke had been a little helpless with one.
He took pictures all the time now. It was much more convenient, since instead of pulling over and waiting thirty minutes for Yusuke to be satisfied with a sketch, they’d pull over and spend just ten minutes taking pictures. They still had to leave an hour early for events, but they were late less often. They were also a little poorer, because memory cards didn’t come cheap. Yusuke’s new cocaine, he guessed. 
The clicking went off and on. Akira sat through it, beginning to drift back to sleep again. When Yusuke had said ‘afternoon’ that could’ve meant 12:01, right? Which meant it would be perfectly reasonable to sleep for a few more hours. Just a little catnap. He’d bet anything Morgana was still sleeping. And how was that fair? 
He was thoroughly lost in cat-jealousy thoughts, and did not notice the clicking stop. So, the sound of Yusuke’s voice scared him right out of his drowsiness. “You can move about now. I’ve finished.” Gah. 
So, no naps for him. Yet. But Akira guessed he was getting a little bit cramped anyway. He stretched out again, properly this time, and opened his eyes. He watched as Yusuke turned off the extra light, and carefully put the camera down. 
Yusuke looked to Akira and smiled very sweetly. Akira smiled back, entirely sure he probably looked very silly. His whole face was (presumably?) blue, after all. He was still thinking of a bird name. 
Yusuke sat down at the foot of their bed. He fiddled a bit with his fingers, and scratched at the drying paint on his hands. A learned habit.“I do hope you slept well.” 
“Mm,” Akira replied, pushing himself up. “I think you gave me weird dreams.” He felt around a little for his glasses. If paint got on them, oh well. He’d curse the glasses god today. He wanted to see. 
Yusuke reached out and picked up Akira’s pair. “Did I?” He handed them to him. 
This tended to be a typical morning procedure. “Thanks.” He was pretty sure Yusuke’s hands were covered in paint. Maybe it was inevitable his glasses would get messy. “You did.”  
“I apologize. You seemed to be sleeping quite soundly.” 
“Don’t worry about it.” Vision at last. 
Yusuke seemed relieved. Akira was sure if he told him about his slug encounter, he would take a good fifteen minutes connecting it to art and philosophy. Which would be fine, but Akira’s face was kind of itchy and scratchy. He could tell him later. He picked at it a bit. 
It wasn’t like Yusuke wouldn’t notice, obviously, but it probably gave him the wrong idea. “The paint is thoroughly non-toxic. There is nothing to worry about.” He rubbed hard on his hand. 
Akira wasn’t worried. There were things to worry about with Yusuke, but he wouldn’t consider this one of them. Yusuke was particular, it was a completely defining trait of his. No, Akira would not trust him with their grocery money. He would also not trust him left alone in a candy store. But he was considerate, and precise, and attentive. Especially to his art. And especially, Akira would bashfully admit, to him. 
He could still tease him a little though. “It’s not at all?” 
Yusuke straightened himself up. Which was a little bit funny to watch with his typically impeccable posture. It was more like he shuffled his shoulders around and puffed out his chest. “Absolutely. I would never let you near such toxins, not even dream of such a thing.” It was hard to not constantly give Yusuke fond looks. 
He failed. He was a fond look giving machine. “So a kiss would be fine?” He grinned a very bluish grin. Give him a smooch, art boy. It would probably be better than paint water. Actually, he really really hoped it would be better than paint water.
“Ah.” Yusuke said, giving a sigh. “An innocent request turned devilish, I see.” Yusuke was also a fond look giving machine. They could make it a competition. The most sugary and sweet one in the world. The kind that would give Morgana hairballs, the poor cat. 
Akira didn’t say anything. He looked at Yusuke, guilty but not regretful, and waited. It was only a little devilish, he thought. He could do much worse. He could do better, too. But there was no fun in that. 
Yusuke stood up, and walked right up next to Akira, standing just where he was before. Akira gave him an innocent look; he was good at those, and it made Yusuke smile. Which was only more reason to get even better at them. Lying at interrogations was just an added bonus.
Yusuke was an all or nothing kind of guy. Akira knew this. So he wasn’t surprised when Yusuke cupped his face and leaned down, to give him a kiss, first on the cheek, then on the lips. Soft and sweet. Lovey and dovey. 
Akira was very unhappy to see that when they pulled away, a grand total of none of the paint had gotten onto Yusuke. A foiled plan. He wiped at his lips anyway. How rude, you mean to say he didn’t want second-hand (second… face?) paint on his mouth? Like some kind of moderately health conscious member of society? You drank paint water, Yusuke. You’ve eaten grass before, Yusuke! The thought made him chuckle.
“What is it?” Yusuke asked, sitting himself down on the bed. 
He probably wouldn’t appreciate the thought. “Nothing.” Akira fiddled with a piece of hair. “Did you get the picture you wanted?” 
The question made Yusuke beam. “Indeed. I took several. Adjustments do need to be made, however.” 
“That’s good.” He was glad Yusuke had become accustomed to editing digital photos. He was very against it at first, pretty much because he didn’t really understand what the editing was. Not like, photoshopping things in. Just things like saturation and lighting. This was another little hobby he’d picked up. He had never accidentally recreated Isaac Newton in Adobe, though. 
“I will most certainly show you the completed product.” 
“I’ll look forward to it,” Akira said. His nose itched. Not really in a sneezy way, but it was annoying him. He wanted to sniff, but he also didn’t exactly want to snort up Yusuke’s project. Yucky. “I think I want to wash this off, now.” 
“Ah, of course.” Yusuke moved to let Akira off the bed. He hovered there quietly as Akira got up, and followed him to the bathroom. 
Okay? “What’s up?” 
Yusuke pressed his lips together. “Oh. I simply wanted to help you. As a penance, perhaps.” 
Akira scoffed. “Strong word.” He didn’t mind Yusuke helping. He’d probably need it, or he’d give up halfway and finish by midnight. What wasn’t inherently tender about getting paint rubbed off your face. Ugh, and the peeling. It wasn’t a super great smell, either. He was gonna have such a look going on for this. Cute. 
They walked in. Akira turned on the light and readied himself for a face scrubbing. He wondered if there had been any that got in his hair. That would suck getting out. He looked in the mirror, his mind set on checking, and thoroughly surprised himself at his reflection. 
So the bird guess? He was kind of sort of close. 
He’d made his whole face very lightly blue. There were feathers painted around his eyes that very gracefully formed into wings bending out and upwards towards his forehead. Little patterns of flowers and leaves framed his face and fell in swooping designs. It was all done in different shades of blue, you had to really look at it to see all the detail. Except on his cheeks. In a thick gold sat long tears, layered on top of each other. They traveled all the way down to his chin. 
It was pretty. 
He wanted to touch it.
He pressed his fingers into his cheeks, and squished upwards. It was sticky, and it didn’t give way much. But the farther he went, the more it moved. It got on his hands. He was all smudgy now. This was incredible. 
He was also being watched. “I’m not sure that’s the most effective way.” Yusuke commented.
“I feel like,” Akira kept on squishing, “the slime in those stim videos.” 
He laughed lightly at that. “I suppose we do all experience art in our own ways.” 
Akira watched Yusuke absentmindedly through the mirrors reflection, while still giving his face a very blue massage. He grabbed a rag, and turned on warm water. He also took out a bottle from one of their cupboards. Yusuke had all sorts of painting things stored away, so it wasn’t all that surprising. Akira had found about eight bottles of acetone in Yusuke’s dorm room years ago. He remembered gaining a certain understanding of Yusuke’s budgeting problems.
He placed his materials down. “Will you be satisfied soon?” He asked, now watching him closely. 
Akira paused mid-squish. He looked at Yusuke from the corner of his eye. “You want to give it a try?” Why not. 
Yusuke blinked at him. And then visibly considered it.
“I’ve no reason to object, I suppose.” 
Double the squish. This probably could’ve gone fifty-fifty. Akira dragged his fingers off his face, careful not to touch anything. They didn’t need a blue bathroom too. He held his own hands, and let Yusuke reach over to him. 
Yusuke, who gave this a little more forethought than Akira had, removed his glasses first. Yeah, smart move. He couldn’t exactly wear them while they washed his face, anyway. He followed Yusuke’s hands as best he could when he put the glasses down, and followed them back up as he rested his palms on Akira’s face. 
He pressed inwards and held him there for a second, and then moved his palms farther up just past his cheekbones. It made Akira quietly giggle, just quick little exhales. It felt way weirder when someone else was doing it. Not that it hadn’t felt a bit weird when he’d done it himself. 
Yusuke was smiling too. Akira was very adamantly keeping his eyes open, which sometimes proved to be a challenge. He was gonna sit there and stare him down like this was the height of romance. 
Yusuke placed his thumbs on the crook of Akira jawline, and swiped with his fingers outwards on his cheeks. He stayed there. Akira leaned into it. “Having fun?” 
Yusuke tapped his fingers. “As much as you will let me.” 
Akira nestled himself farther into Yusuke’s hands. It scrunched his face up more. He felt so squashed. Now this was amore. He was the king of romance. 
It made Yusuke laugh, just a little. “You know, we are wasting water.” 
In reply, Akira (very masterfully) kept as blank as an expression as possible while giving him fish lips. 
That got a real laugh out of Yusuke, and he took his hands away. It was always nice to get laughs out of him. He didn’t used to often. That was, other than his occasional hearty chuckle when he was feeling an odd kind of inspired. Akira liked those ones, too.
Yusuke scrubbed his hands as well as he could in the water, and then wet down the rag. “Let us get to work, then.”
He was very gentle, wiping off big pieces and rinsing the rag whenever it got cold. Alright, this may have been better than Akira had anticipated. Yusuke was considerate and routined. Working through section after section, and making sure no water dribbled down onto his clothes. It was almost nice, even with the inevitable scrubbing that came with it. Yusuke picked up the mystery bottle. Akira gave it a look.
Yusuke had always been good at reading him. “It is coconut oil.” He unscrewed the cap. “Oils do well to get paint off of skin.” 
He made a little noise of understanding, and Yusuke went back to his work. It was less rough this time. He felt super greasy, though. He was pretty sure coconut oil was good for your face? Maybe this would turn out to be a miniature spa session. He wondered if Yusuke was any good at nail art. 
“Close your eyes, now,” said Yusuke. Akira was also pretty sure coconut oil was not good for the eyes. Just a wild guess. He did as he was asked, and Yusuke went to work, very careful on his eyelids. Very very careful around his eyes.
That reminded him. “I have a question.” 
Yusuke hardly hesitated. “Anything.” 
“Why was I crying?”
Yusuke stopped, just for a moment. “Ah,” A silence sat. “It was only that, in your rest… you simply seemed horribly melancholic.”
He sounded so sad. 
And Akira about choked. 
Yusuke retreated immediately. “Have I gotten some in your mouth? I am terribly sorry.” Understandable question, he’d made him start coughing like a maniac. 
He cleared his throat. He was fine, he was chill. “No, don’t worry. That’s not it.” He wiped around his eyes. Oil was kind of gross, actually. 
He should probably elaborate. Yusuke looked confused. “It’s just funny you say I looked sad.” He leaned down onto the counter. “I was dreaming about slugs.” Or, the everlasting woes of slugs, apparently. 
Yusuke paused. Processing, a little bit. “Slugs… you say?” 
Slugs… he said. “Yep.”
“Were they… causing you any discomfort?”
Akira shook his head. “They were just hanging out.”
Yusuke was obviously considering this. It made him smile too, of course, but he was certainly lost in thought. 
He’d come to his conclusion. “Perhaps they meant something more profound. The ways of the subconscious are ever mysterious.” He wet down the rag again, and poured more coconut oil. 
Did they need that much? “Maybe.” 
Apparently, they did. Less is more, but more is also more. He started up again, lightly scrubbing. “You know, due to ancient influences, a slug is considered to be more of a spiritual being than an earthly being. In symbolism, that is.”
“Is it now?” He’d known this would happen. Of course it would, it was Yusuke. He always kept little random pieces of knowledge about symbolic references in art and literature. 
Which, you know, was fine. He was happy to hear it. He was covered in paint and coconut oil, sure, but they were working on it. Sometimes, this was what your days were like. Lazy, and a little slimy. He hoped that his skin would glow like goddamn Polaris after this.
They’d fly down a list of topics, starting at one point and ending at another. Yusuke would lose himself in talking, and Akira would always love to listen. 
So, the morning ended the way it began. Feeling goopy.
And slugs. 
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imaginetyzx · 4 years
It’s been only a couple weeks since I met the Phantom Thieves through my classmate, Yusuke. I’ve known Yusuke for awhile though, ever since our first days of school. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t find him insanely attractive, albeit a little clueless. He has good intentions though.
He even asked me to come over and help him with a project! I wonder what he’s struggling with?
His dorm isn’t far in comparison to mine, so I just walked over with a bag full of my various supplies. He didn’t really specify on what he needed help with, I just assume he needs someone to bounce ideas off of. We all do sometimes. Most of the shit I draw isn’t original content anyway.
I finally get there and knock on his door. He opens it almost immediately.
“Ah! Tori, you’re here! Thank you! Please, come in!” He speaks loud and clear, as usual. He steps back to allow me to step inside and I follow suit.
His dorm is both neat and messy at the same time. His furniture (how little of it there is) is clean and organized in comparison to the rooms shape. However, there’s art supplies covering almost every flat surface I can see. Even most of his kitchen counter has papers and pencils around it. I hope he eats better than I do. I eat cheap Ramen like twice a week.
“Here, my rooms over here.” He speaks up, walking and looking back at me to see if I’m following him. I do so, and when he opens his bedroom door it’s just like the main room but there’s even more art supplies. The occasional finished or unfinished painting is scattered around as well. At the center of the room is a stool and an easel, facing away from the window, I assume to allow him lots of sunlight to see his paintings.
“Come and look at what I’ve done so far, would you?” He gestures to the easel, and I walk over and look. Definitely unfinished, but it already looks amazing. There’s many different shapes of paint splatters around the border of the canvas, with cool colors. the middle space is plain grey.
“What’s the problem?” I ask.
“This assignment is supposed to be abstract, but as you can see by the paintings around the room, I have only been able to paint portraits as of late. I’m having difficulty getting inspired enough to make this assignment my best effort.” He sighs, looking at all the paintings he mentions.
He’s right, these are all portraits of people. They all look sort of similar, but different enough to notice. One of them almost reminds me of how I draw myself, actually. Probably just a coincidence.
I direct my attention back to the painting at hand.
“Hm…” I ponder with some ideas in my head that he could pull off.
“This frame idea you have is really nice, I think you should just get random with the middle! Make something weird, like paint flowers but instead of real flowers they’re made out of cookies or something.” I suggest, before continuing. “But also, keep the colors similar to those you used in the border. Darker colors will go much better than any reds or yellows, so hot pinks and purples would probably be the way to go.”
Yusuke smiles and walks up to me.
“Ah…I see…Thank you, I think I have found an idea of my own thanks to that idea of yours.”
I smile big.
“Of course! It’s no problem, we artists gotta help each other out sometimes! Show me the finished product when you’re done!” I turn to leave, but he speaks up.
“You can stay and observe, if you’d like. I want your live input.” He says, gathering some brushes and paints to start painting. For someone who just had an epiphany, he is moving…very calmly. I guess that is just his normal personality, but even so, he usually gets so fired up when he has a new idea.
“Oh, uh, sure!” I walk over to his bed to the side of the room and sit there as he starts painting. The silence is weird at first, but after awhile it’s comforting. I can tell he’s very focused. The sunlight from the window behind him makes his royal blue hair sparkle unlike any glitter you could buy in a craft store. I can’t help but let my posture relax as I watch him work, unaware of the smile on my face as I zone out. I zone out so much, in fact, that I don’t notice when he stops painting and looks at me. It isn’t until he speaks that I snap out of it.
“What does it mean when I can’t get you out of my mind?” Yusuke asks so casually. He said what. What? I visibly shake my head and look at him for real this time. He’s holding his paintbrush in the air and looking right at me, before he returns to painting after seeing my shock.
“W-w-what do you mean?” I stutter accidentally.
“I keep thinking about you and I haven’t figured out why, exactly. You’re obviously my good friend, and I appreciate you plenty, but indulging in my thoughts is only making it happen more often. I was considering inquiring with Ann or one of the others about this, but I figured it would be easiest to ask you first.” He speaks to me and I somehow retain only two words of that.
Good friend.
Okay, breathe, idiot.
“Well, I can’t really tell you that. I don’t know exactly what you’re thinking of me so there’s no way I can tell you what it means.” I start fiddling with my jewelry. “In my experience, when I can’t stop thinking about someone, I usually start to wonder if I like them…but it might not be a universal experience.” I speak softly but clear enough for him to hear.
“Hm……ah. I think I know what you are saying.” He says, fixing a brush stroke he accidentally made too light.
“Ah…” I make a confirming noise, unsure how to progress the conversation, if at all. I look at my lap as I do so, pulling out my phone as a habit. I do it whenever I don’t know what else to say. Thanks to this, I don’t even notice him put his brush down and get up. He walks over to me and rests my chin in his fingers, lifting my face to his. My face turns red before he even speaks.
“Those paintings…we’re…or rather, are…you.” He quietly tells me, slowly leaning closer. Curse his naturally romantic aura! I make the boldest move of my life and lean to him first as our lips make contact.
We both back up after a moment, and he smiles.
“Thank you for your help. Will you continue to be on my mind?” He holds my hand, waiting for an answer.
It takes me a solid minute to realize what his question means, before I nod.
He smiles at me. The room feels much warmer all the sudden.
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theirwarmth · 5 years
💏 for ryuji and yusuke :o!
kissing day babey // @isolov  //  selectively accepting 
35. to gain something.
      TO  NO  ONE’S  SURPRISE  yusuke’s  working  on  another  art  piece .  whether  it  be  for  school  or  for  leisure  who  knows  at  this  point .  since  his  struggle  finding  inspiration  &  style  he’s  taken  to  trying  to  see  art  in  everything .  therefore  when  he  requests  his  friends  to  come  model  for  his  latest  project  &  only  ryuji  ends  up  showing  up  —  he  strives  to  see  the  positives .  
      HE  WILL  ADMIT  RYUJI  IS  NOT  HIS  IDEAL  MODEL  for  a  piece  such  as  this .  yusuke  primarily  searches  for  candidates  that  easily  inspire  him  to  create  work  that  captures  divine  beauty .  while  he  would  never  call  ryuji  ugly  by  any  means ,  his  gruff  & vulgar  persona  prevents  yusuke  initially  finding  anything  divine  about  him .  however  he  accepts  it  as  a  challenge .  if  he  cannot  find  heavenly  beauty  before  him  he  will  create  it .  however  he  finds  ryuji  proving  to  be  more  difficult  than  he’d  expected .
      ❛    NO ,  NO ,  NO  —  THIS  IS  ALL  WRONG .    ❜  he  says  more  to  himself  than  anyone  else .  in  typical  yusuke  fashion  he  dramatically  tosses  his  paintbrush  onto  the  floor  of  his  dorm  room ,  paint  splattering  along  the  wooden  planks .  he’ll  have  to  clean  that  up  later  but  he’s  too  engrossed  in  his  work  at  present  to  pay  mind  to  it .  ❛    you  cannot  simply  stand  there  stiff .  the  posing  is  all  too  awkward .  at  least  try  to  look  natural .    ❜
      RYUJI  WHO  HAD  BEEN  PREVIOUSLY  STANDING  uncomfortably  with  his  arms  across  his  chest  attempts  to  relax  himself ,  lowering  his  arms  to  his  sides  as  he  eases  up  his  shoulders .  however  he  doesn’t  seem  to  look  any  less  tense  &  embarrassed .  yusuke  isn’t  really  surprised  by  this .  after  all  ryuji  doesn’t  strike  him  as  the  type  who’d  be  accustomed  to  things  such  as  modeling .  in  different  circumstances  he’d  be  more  understanding  but  at  present  it  only  frustrates  him  more .  
      THEREFORE  WHEN  RYUJI  ASKS  HIM ,  “    this  better ?    ” ,  yusuke  merely  groans  before  squeezing  his  eyes  shut  in  irritation .  he  pinches  the  bridge  of  his  nose  to  ease  some  of  his  own  tension  before  speaking  yet  again .  ❛    the  stance  is  better  but  would  you  perhaps  ease  your  facial  features .  you  appear  to  look  rather  constipated  with  your  expression  at  present .    ❜
        UNSURPRISINGLY  RYUJI  IS  AFFRONTED  by  yusuke’s  remark ,  his  face  tomato  red  as  he  retorts  in  anger .  “  hey  man  you’re  the  one  who  asked  me  to  be  here !  i  didn’t  have  to  come !  &  you  ain’t  makin’  this  easy  for  me  either !    ” he  takes  a  step  towards  the  door  when  yusuke  cries  out .  ❛    wait !  —  that’s  perfect !  there’s  so  much  passion  &  intensity  in  your  features .  your  anger  truly  paints  such  beautiful  authenticity .  please  hold  that  expression  if  you  can .     ❜
      UNFORTUNATELY  JUST  AS  HE’S  GIVEN  PRAISE ,  ryuji’s  expression  returns  to  that  of  a  deer  in  headlights .  the  only  difference  now  is  that  his  entire  face ,  ears  &  neck  are  stark  red .  yusuke  sighs  again ,  burying  his  face  in  his  paint  stained  hands .  how  was  he  supposed  to  get  ryuji  to  hold  an  expression  &  pose  long  enough  for  him  to  properly  paint  this  piece .  if  only  he’d  had  rope  or  some  other  kind  of  material  to  tie  him  down  to  keep  him  from  moving .  then  —  the  thought  strikes  him .
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      YUSUKE  RISES  FROM  HIS  SEAT  at  his  easel ,  striding  over  to  the  place  ryuji  stood  with  purpose  in  his  gate .  without  a  moment  of  hesitation  he  cups  the  shorter’s  red  face  in  both  his  hands  &  gives  him  a  firm  kiss  on  his  lips .  after  he  pulls  away  he  inspects  ryuji’s  face  for  some  kind  of  reaction  &  response .  the  response  comes  full  fledged  as  the  other’s  face  grows  even  redder ,  eyes  wide  as  he  smacks  yusuke’s  hands  from  his  face .  “    dude  what  the  hell ?  give  a  guy  some  warning  next  time  would  ya ?  ”
        YUSUKE  IGNORES  HIS  OUTCRY , a  delighted  smile  stretching  across  his  face  as  he  see’s  ryuji’s  raw  emotion  through  this  response .  he  hurries  back  to  his  easel ,  speaking  again  as  he  brings  brush  to  canvas .  ❛    my  apologies  ryuji - kun .  i  had  no  intention  of  startling  you .  i  had  merely  thought  the  contact  would  spark  the  aesthetic  i’m  trying  to  achieve .  your  features  are  in  the  perfect  frame  like  this  so  i  would  ask  you  to  please  hold  this  position  this  time  while  the  lighting  is  still  good .    ❜  
      AT  HIS  SECOND  REQUEST  ryuji  does  as  told  whether  by  accident  or  on  purpose .  his  crimson  face  rests  in  stunned  silence  as  he  stares  at  the  floor ,  now  too  embarrassed  to  look  at  yusuke  directly .  the  artist  in  question  pays  no  mind  to  this .  yusuke’s  found  his  inspiration  &  his  muse .  &  now  he  has  a  feeling  this  piece  will  finally  capture  the  beauty  he’s  been  searching  for .  
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theirwarmth · 5 years
      HE’S  NOT  SURE  HOW  TO  PHRASE  IT  DELICATELY .  in  fact  he  doesn’t  know  how  to  say  much  delicately .  as  subtle  as  he  can  be  with  a  paintbrush  he  lacks  the  ability  to  do  the  same  in  his  own  words .  he’s  very  straightforward  &  says  what’s  on  his  mind .  in  fact  the  way  he  phrases  things  has  gotten  him  into  trouble  many  a  time .  but  he’s  going  to  really  try  this  time .
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      ❛    FUTABA - CHAN   ---    ❜  the  familiarity  of  the  honorific  feels  awkward  on  his  tongue .  in  truth  yusuke’s  not  used  to  speaking  to  others  (  even  people  his  age  )  with  such  casualty .  but  they  are  friends  ...  aren’t  they ?  recent  friends  of  course  but  he  doubts  she  would  have  spent  the  day  with  them  at  the  beach  if  she  hadn’t  considered  them  friends .  
       ONCE  HE’S  GOTTEN  HER  ATTENTION  he  coughs  uncomfortably ,  doing  his  best  to  rearrange  his  words  in  the  most  acceptable  structure .  ❛    uh ,  what  you  said  about  your  mother  ...  it  was  incredibly  noble  of  you .  you  must  have  cared  for  her  a  great  deal .    ❜  he  pauses ,  wondering  if  she  should  even  mention  his  own  mother .  but  they  share  a  bond  in  that  regard  don’t  they ?  he  thinks  it’d  be  unfair  if  she  doesn’t  know  his  story  since  he  knows  the  entirety  of  hers .  ❛    i  wish  ...  i  wish  i  had  been  able  to  do  justice  for  my  own  mother  as  you  are  doing .    ❜ 
@prsstrt  //  angst time
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