#(Her Flames Burn and Protect) : Ann
epitomees · 2 years
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~ Kasumi/Sumi’s Tags ~ 
More will be added as needed. 
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sirenjose · 5 months
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Andrew's 4th Letter and Who's With Him
(Doing this for @LEx2THA on twitter's request)
We know:
3-0-1 is Andrew, 3-1-3 is Antonio, and the Will brothers (Polun) are with them. 3-?-2, 3-1-4, and 3-1-5 are the unknowns.
Polun I suspect is 3-?-2, as Andrew's 3rd letter mentions 3-?-2 and 3-1-3 having "noticeable emotional expressions". Based on Polun's personality + the fact they wear masks, they'd fit the "noticeable emotional expressions" descriptions. Then there's how in their 2nd letter, they mention Andrew started avoiding them after they asked him to "play a supporting role in their performance". This matches with Andrew in his 3rd letter stating he avoids 3-?-2 (and 3-1-3).
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And Polun's 2nd letter mentions them getting dizzy after a feast, and 3-1-2 is described to be 1 of the first to be affected by the drugged wine during a "dinner party".
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3-1-4 and 3-1-5 are harder to determine.
What we know about 3-1-4 is that they are polite, have themes involving trauma and faith, and are eliminated after being involved in arson beneath a stage.
My best guess at the moment is that 3-1-4 could be Sangria, who also has themes of faith and trauma in her story (faith related to the red lady, and trauma such as how her father beat her offstage and saw her as a toy). The ending of her backstory and deductions, where she leaps into a fire after a performance would fit with potentially being eliminated after a fire near a stage.
My current issue with her is I'd like confirmation Sangria is alive/real (not saying she is or isn't, just I wish I was more certain), as dead hunters aren't participants of the games (ex: Mary, Wu Chang, etc…).
There is Matthias, who we know burns Louis backstage and causes his parents' deaths would relate to the arson/elimination bit too, but the faith bit doesn't seem to fit with him.
There is someone like Ann, who does have faith themes in her story, but we know she's with Alva (based on her 2nd leter), who doesn't appear to be one of Andrew's teammates, and ergo I don't think she's here either.
That leaves 3-1-5. We know that they're good at disguising their true intentions, at sensing other's emotions, are hostile to Andrew, and wear a "facade created through acting" (uses when he lies to Andrew via fake praise). And they may eliminate Andrew and 3-1-4.
Honestly, based on the little we know about Florian from his recent trailer, I wonder if he may be 3-1-5. In a sense he is in the "spotlight" based on the whole bit with him being a "miracle" and how he "learned to play along with the stories" to receive more sympathy and donations, though we know from his trailer and hints from his backstory that he likely starts a fair number of fires (like in the scene where he drops a match with some nun not far away). So he would be the type not to be bothered by endangering or eliminating others. And it's also possible, based on his outlook about his parent's love still being with him, just "absorbed into the flames", and him being a miracle due to their sacrifice, which alleviates his pain at not seeing them, could be why he might be hostile to Andrew.
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Andrew's mother did all she could to protect Andrew, but Andrew wants to die to be with her.
Compared to Florian, who may believe he is a "miracle" resulting from his parents' love, parents that did all the could to protect him.
Maybe he'd dislike the idea of Andrew throwing away his life after all his mother did to protect him?
I don't know, it's a bit hard for me to describe my thoughts rn, but hopefully I got at least some of it across.
(And we really do need Florian's deductions to know for sure.)
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princesssarisa · 6 months
Sleeping Beauty is yet another fairy tale where the princess has no agency whatsoever. She's a damsel in distress, sometimes twice over in French and Italian versions where a cannibalistic mother-in-law or love rival tries to eat her and her children. However, in older, more legendary versions, Sleeping Beauty does have agency -- a lot of it, in fact. In Germanic legends, she's the Valkyrie Brynhild. At 12, her swan coat is stolen by a prince who adopts her as his little sister and mascot. so she can grant him victory in a war against an older and more powerful king. Her boss and mentor Odin gets angry at her for killing his favored warrior, the old king, and sentences her to sleep for decades in a castle on a mountain surrounded by flames, and to marry the man who wakes her. However, because she's his favorite Valkyrie, he promises that only the greatest warrior in all of history will wake her, and even sets on a generations-long hero breeding project to create said man, Sigurd Fafnirsbane. Like a fairy tale, Sigurd wakes Brynhild. They spend a short, happy while together, during which Brynhild teaches him the secret of runes. However, Sigurd leaves to seek out more adventures and is brainwashed by the witch Oda (or Grimhild, in Scandinavian versions), marries her daughter, and swears brotherhood with her sons. He is then persuaded to disguise himself as his new blood-brother Gunther (Gunnar in Scandinavia) and pass Brynhild's trials a second time so he can retrieve Brynhild and marry her to Gunther. Brynhild finds out about the deception and sets up a plan to kill Sigurd and humiliate Gunther. Though Sigurd's brainwashing wears off and he tries to persuade Brynhild to elope with him instead following through with her plan, she cries a single tear of blood and tells him the die is cast, he must die and she must die, because her honor demands no less. True to her word, Gunther and his brothers murder Sigurd according to Brynhild's plan, and Brynhild proceeds to stab herself and be burned on the same pyre and Sigurd. In Hindu mythology, her name is Urmila. Her husband, the prince Lakshman, decides to go protect his older brother Rama, who has been exiled for fourteen years, but agonizes over the possibility that they might face danger at night and he wouldn't wake up in time. Urmila then decides that she will sleep in place of her husband so he can remain constantly awake and vigilant. In this case, Sleeping Beauty's curse is something she voluntarily takes on to protect her husband and his brother, and it's treated as a great and noble sacrifice. She goes into a deep sleep for fourteen years and nobody can wake her until her husband returns to her.
The next book I'm planning to read is Heidi Ann Heiner's Sleeping Beauties: it's just like her Cinderella book, with various cross-cultural Sleeping Beauty and Snow White tales. I'm sure it includes these two.
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sabineelectricheart · 2 years
Protection by Fire, Excessively So
Summary: Sebastian is excessively protective of the last friend he has left, to the point it feels creepy.
Rating: T - Suitable for teens, 13 years and older, with some violence, minor coarse language, and minor suggestive adult themes.
Words: 1300
Notes: Who has Dengue fever? Me! Who wants to die? Me!
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He can make fire dance.
Magic seems to have favoured him, being channelled through his wand with little resistance and, between Confringo and Bombarda, creating flames that burned with unwavering heat. It dances and sings and destroys all around him, its flames and smoke not once marring his clean robes.
He is untouched, unperturbed by the heat he ceaselessly dresses the air with, the scent of sandalwood and ash sewn into his being. His hair is the same colour as death, Rosalie likes to think, as the darkness of the great unknown takes over one’s vision.
It is only when his back is turned that she feels safe. As if death has not come to claim her yet. As if death is the one thing keeping her alive. It scares her more than anything else.
His wand whips to his side, sending a final spell to the side and splaying droplets of Ashwinder blood on everything but him. She is far away enough, where the dirtiness of battle does not reach, and she is watching the gore scenario with unease and awe.
The scene from before, a group of unseemly Ashwinders descending upon the Hogsmeade approaches, seems like a long-distant memory, a harmless nightmare more than anything else. Sebastian had wasted no time leaping into battle before her own wand was even drawn, leaving her to watch the battle end within seconds of it starting at all.
The Ashwinders had not stood a chance.
Embers disperse around him as he scans the area one last time, daring another wave to appear from thin air. There comes nothing, just as it should be.
Rosalie looks around at the stark absence of enemies on the open grounds between the forest and the northern approaches to the villages, to which the gentleman pays her no mind quite yet. She knows that he would listen if she spoke, though, as he always does, and she decides that now is as good a time as ever to broach the topic that has been on her mind for days now.
“Sebastian...” She pipes up, her throat as dry as the heated air. “Thank you for the help. I am grateful that you are watching out for me, but you do not have to protect me. I had that wave under control.”
It takes more of Rosalie than she cares to admit for her to muster this pitiful phrase. Her voice betrays her with how small it came out. She hardly sounds convincing, and that is precisely what she does not need right now.
“I'm fine on my own, really.” She adds that last bit for good measure, afraid he will take it the wrong way otherwise.
Intoxicating. The way he looks at her right then is as intoxicating as wine, and the words feel heavy on her lips. Within moments, a sense of shame washes from her head to her toes like a tidal wave, because the twitch that ghosts over his face is not natural.
Despite the cue, she is not able to distinguish what sort of emotion brings about such hard look to his face, nor what he considers in his intimacy. It is hard to tell what he is thinking because despite the confusion and turmoil in his stomach, it never shows on his face.
What had happened, exactly, to make him forget how to feel so thoroughly, to have shed so much of his humanity, she wonders. Anne? Solomon? His parents? Ominis? Or is it more of a conjunction of circumstances? She might as well be the only person left in his life, as his foray into the Dark Arts cost him every other meaningful connection. He does not use those curses any longer, but they seemed to have left a mark on him and his magic.
It was then that Rosalie realizes, she does not know the answer. She does not know what made him forget how to feel. She does not know anything about him anymore, if she ever did.
Sebastian puts his wand away on his sleeve holster, finally turning his attention toward her. He does a quick scan of her body to assure himself that last fight had left her unscathed, which, naturally, it did. When his gaze settles on her face, his expression is thick like smog.
The pit in her stomach expands. He exhales through his nose, and Rosalie tries to ignore the guilty pang in her stomach.
“Although I appreciate the gesture, there is no need for gratitude. That being said…” His countenance lightens ever so slightly, mindlessly adjusting his collar when he picks up on her discomfort. “I suppose I have never explained myself satisfactorily. It is only natural that you are apprehensive.”
His eyes flicker to the slight tremble of her legs, a result of having spoken her mind after weeks of staying quiet.
His heart twists. He has always been aware that she is not keen on his overprotective behaviour, but he would keep telling himself that she requires his care and oversight, even if, clearly, it is not the case. He would keep telling himself that she needs him in her life, by her side, and the pretty world he would craft in his head will start to fracture.
As it currently stands, she has hardly had a chance to properly defend herself in battle, as he always finds a means to step in and ‘help’ her. Which always results in her standing back and him handling the rest. He realizes he has stripped her of her ability to make decisions for herself.
Sebastian is keenly aware of the scent of fire that still dances through the air, a reminder that he has overstepped his bounds yet again. A reminder that he has grown attached, yet again. A reminder that with love comes hurt, yet again.
He should not have helped.
“You are due an explanation, but I am not sure if I...” He trails off, the words not quite reaching his lips.
Because he is not sure about what? He is well-aware of the fact that, having absorbed the foul magic of Isidora’s, she has far surpassed any reasonable expectations in terms of both offense and defence, certainly being much, much stronger than he himself. She has no trouble holding her own against those pitiful Ashwinder stragglers, having been making them buckle to their knees back when they were much more powerful and well-organized.
In all regards, Rosalie is perfectly capable of fending for herself, and yet his stomach flips the moment he sees her under attack. There is clearly no need for worry, considering she is quick to dispatch of any foe that stumbles her way, and yet.... And yet...
“I am unable to tell you. Not right now.” He concludes, weary. “Not right now, but soon. You have my word.”
Sebastian exhales through his nose, dissatisfied with his own answer. She is several feet away, always careful to keep an appropriate distance, and he still feels her muscles tense at the lacklustre response.
“I...” She stutters. “I see. I suppose that is fine...”
Her apprehension drops, for now, but she is still wary of him. That expression of uncertainty is enough to form a pit in his very core, but he does not let his mask slip, having already overstepped his boundaries enough.
He will have to take measures to rectify his reputation in her eyes, a job he takes as seriously as anything else on his plate. Considering she saw him cast Avada Kedavra, that should not be too easy, but it is still of paramount importance to him. He has already lost many people dear to him, so please, he has to fix this.
Please, by all the gods, Sebastian cannot stand to lose Rosalie too.
Hogwarts Legacy Masterlist
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dragonmuse · 2 years
Amusing myself on my car ride to work, I was thinking about Leda House peeps as Greek gods and I think I have a few good ones ironed out, gender has little to do with it for this purpose, mixed and matched , more looking at the godhood etc:
Stede- Hermes. He's clever and very inventive, a little arrogant and proud.
Eddy- Artemis. Just imagine her on a hunt...glorious.
Oluwande- Demeter. Loving, protective, powerful beyond most people's understanding.
Jim- Athena. Fierce, wise, both strong in the arts and in war.
Lucius- Aphrodite. Love and sex all bundled up, sometimes jealous and terrible, but also motherly and tender. Just all the faces of the divine bartender.
Pete- Hephaestus. Abiding and loyal to his spouse, Aphrodite. Clever with his hands and thoughtful. Sometimes bites off more than he can chew.
Izzy- Ares. Brash, angry, and also deeply in love with Aphrodite.
Frenchie- Apollo. God of the sun and music, bright and blazing, dreamy and handsome.
John- Hestia. Domestic, warm, an ever burning flame.
Roach- Dionysius. A sharp-edged joy, living life to the limits.
Alma- Hades. Fascinated by the dead, royalty in her own right, and still very full of love, if not always well-directed.
Charlie- Eros. Erotic love, fierce , mischievous and clever.
Read-Hercules. Not a god, but a hero/demigod, constantly challenged and rising to each one, even against impossible odds.
Anne- Dolos. Very mischievous, a liar, ambitious, crafty.
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violenttempest · 7 months
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(Lesley-ann Brandt) [THE AVENGING ANGEL]. Please welcome [ANIKA EZE (SHE/THEY)] to Huntsville, WV. They are an [42]-year-old [VISITOR] who lives in [TOWN]. You may see them around working as a [UNEMPLOYED]. Poor unfortunate soul. We’ll see if they survive.
Tw: trafficking, sexual assault, murder
Name: Anika Eze
Nicknames: Ana, Nik, Nikki
Codename: Thanatos
Face Claim: Lesley-ann Brandt
Age: 42
Gender/Pronouns: Femme leaning Gender fluid, she/they
Orientation: Pansexual
Town Visitor
Occupation: FBI Special Agent - Covert Ops
Traits: Observant, calculating, motherly, protective
Born a dual citizen of South Africa and the USA Anika grew up knowing she was an outlier among the general population. Before they were 10 a habit of protecting those smaller than them had begun to show and the older Anika got the more trouble she got into as a result. Without drive or passion for a certain field they were guided towards service to help channel their anger and apparent distain for most of the world.
After joining the military she learned two things, one she had an investigative mind unlike any other in her squad, two she was very good at making things hurt and not leaving evidence behind. Taking advantage of these talents Anika was pushed through the ranks, and soon was included in high risk top secret missions where she earned herself the name Thanatos. God of Death.
After Ten years of service and countless ops that never made it into a file they decided their talents deserved to be used on home soil. Heading to Quantico seemed like the most obvious next step for them and they were barely half way through their training program when they were approached to join a more covert division of the bureau.
That's where they have been since. Performing undercover and highly sensitive covert operations including that of the high profile kidnapping of up and coming designer Willow Lane. The kidnapping would have been a standard one, hardly something that would be put on Anika's radar, were it not for chatter in a trafficking ring they were infiltrating. The ring were known for a multitude of crimes from prostitution to gun and drug running. Perhaps the most sick of all was the snuff videos they provided to willing bidders. Willow was meant to die but something unexpected had happened instead.
She had killed her would be murderer.
Suddenly the case was on Anika's desk and the more she dug in, followed sightings and intel the stranger the case became. More and more missing persons cases started to crop up the longer Anika looked into the areas that Willow had been seen but they couldn't be connected. Some of these were over a decade old.
She started talking to families and friends and bosses. Multiple people who just one day never came home or stopped reaching out or just never showed up to begin with. There was no link to the trafficking ring, not one that she could see. The case got more and more complicated the more people she added to her dossier. There was either a very large mass grave somewhere in the Appalachian mountains or she was about to uncover a town of prisoners.
Deciding they weren't going to get any answers while still chasing Willow they set up their sting to get in and get Willow out.
Before Anika could move in to break up the ring the base of operations that they had narrowed it down to went up in flames. Last Anika saw reference to Willow Lane was a grainy camera image as she wandered barefoot and bloody away from the blaze.
There was no sign of Willow after that. They checked every police station and hospital they could think of, searched through woods for months. Still that list of missing people burned a hole in their brain begging to be solved. Maybe it wasn't connected to Willow then but perhaps it was why they couldn't find her now.
Knowing that they were heading into the unknown they prepared for a mission that might take far longer than anyone would hope for.
Rolling into Huntsville seemed harmless enough but something was wrong, they could feel it in their bones.
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byneddiedingo · 2 years
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James Cagney in The Crowd Roars (Howard Hawks, 1932)
Cast: James Cagney, Ann Dvorak, Joan Blondell, Eric Linden, Frank McHugh, Guy Kibbee. Screenplay: John Bright, Niven Busch, Kubec Glasmon, based on a story by Howard Hawks and Seton I. Miller. Cinematography: Sidney Hickox, John Stumar. Film editing: Thomas Pratt.
The "Hawksian woman," able to crack wise and exhibit grace under pressure as well as any man, is one of the glories of Hollywood movies. In Howard Hawks's movies, actresses as various as Katharine Hepburn, Jean Arthur, Rosalind Russell, Lauren Bacall, Joanne Dru, and Angie Dickinson held their own with domineering males like Cary Grant, Humphrey Bogart, and John Wayne. So when I saw that TCM had scheduled a Howard Hawks film I hadn't seen starring James Cagney and Joan Blondell, I thought if anyone could take down a peg the Cagney who became famous for abusing Mae Clarke with half a grapefruit in The Public Enemy (William A. Wellman, 1931) it would be Blondell, Warners' likable tough girl. (Blondell was in The Public Enemy, but she was linked up with Edward Woods instead of Cagney.) Well, here's another missed opportunity: Though Blondell gets top billing with Cagney, he's paired with Ann Dvorak; Blondell gets the forgettable (and forgotten) juvenile Eric Linden instead. And Dvorak's character is no Hawksian woman: Instead of toughing it out with a wisecrack when Cagney's character dumps her, she goes into hysterics. Instead of the witty battle of the sexes we have come to expect from Hawks, in The Crowd Roars we get a passable and sometimes exciting action movie about race car drivers, with a little romantic entanglement thrown in to bridge the well-shot and well-staged racing scenes. Cagney's Joe Greer is a champion race car driver -- he's won at Indianapolis three times -- who goes home to find that his kid brother, Eddie (Linden), wants to follow in his footsteps. So Joe takes Eddie back to L.A. with him, where he's been living without benefit of wedlock -- this is a pre-Code film -- with Lee Merrick (Dvorak). Initially he tries to hide his relationship with Lee to protect the younger man's morals -- to "keep him off of booze and women," as he puts it -- but truth will out. When he decides to break up with Lee, she enlists her friend Anne (Blondell) in a revenge plot: Anne will frustrate Joe's puritanical scheme by seducing Eddie. This doesn't work out: Anne and Eddie fall in love. Meanwhile, Joe and Eddie compete in a race in which Joe's sidekick Spud (Frank McHugh) is killed in a flaming crash -- there's a remarkable series of scenes in which drivers, including Joe, drop out of the race because they're nauseated by having to repeatedly pass the crash site with its smell of burning flesh. Eddie wins the race and goes on to become the star driver that Joe was, while Joe hits the bottle and the skids. Redemption and reconciliation of course ensue. None of this is new and all of it is predictable, but Hawks knows how to pump up the action when everything gets soppy. As for the Hawksian woman, she will have to wait until 1934 and Twentieth Century for Carole Lombard to give her the first satisfactory outing.
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kimium · 2 years
What’s on your to-watch list, and what are you most excited to start watching?👀💜
Thanks for the ask, friend! I'm excited to ramble about my watch list, which is exclusively anime right now. I am not sorry.
This is super long, so it's under a cut.
What I'm watching right now:
Buddy Daddies: I know some people want to write this off as a Spy x Family clone, but that's a disservice and very judgemental of them. While there are some core elements and themes present, the execution of the story is vastly different than Spy x Family. Also, Miri is based on the animators' experiences with their children, so if she comes across as annoying... she's literally a four/five year old CHILD. Children... are annoying and no child is blessed with Anya's telepathy (which helps her sometimes act more mature and conscious of people around her). So, I will hear NO Miri slander.
Campfire Cooking in Another World with My Absurd Skill: Okay, so imagine this classic isekai set up: Heroes are summoned from another world to help defeat evil. Only one person summoned is a completely average guy and was summoned accidentally. His power is also super useless in battle: he can see character stats, he has unlimited storage, and he can buy anything from an online grocery store. He then takes one (1) look at the royals running the country and goes "Yeah, they're shady as hell... I'm ditching this country ASAP". So he does and ends up traveling and using his cooking skills to gain allies and friends along the way. Oh, and this anime is animated by MAPPA.
HIGH CARD: Look, the first episode has a Vegas casino aesthetic and that's more than enough to get me. The main story is about these magical cards that the royal family has. They're stolen and scattered leaving ordinary people finding them and gaining the powers of the cards. We follow a "car dealership" who are tasked with getting all the cards back for the royal family, but the cards have also fallen into organized crime's hands. What I like about this anime is how the cards have unique powers such as: guy who can turn anything he touches into marbles (anything...), girl with sword that awakens bloodlust of the user when drawn, and "We have Fitzgerald BSD power at home".
Revenger: Follows a group of people who take on "revenge killings" for those who "bite into a gold coin". The cast is super fun and the way the main cast kills their targets is unique. There is also some political intrigue in the background. I do warn people though, there is some Catholic/Christian imagery present, but it's within a fictional lens, so take that as you will.
Sugar Apple Fairy Tale: Look, this is the kind of shoujo anime teenager me ate up. It's set in a fictional world where these magical apples exist. Processing them gives a special kind of sugar that artisans create beautiful, delicate sugar sculptures. We follow a girl named Anne who wants to become an artisan, recognized by the King. Also, fairies exist, but they are subject to racism and slavery. Anne isn't prejudiced towards fairies which leads to Challe a very tall, dark, handsome fairy accompanying her. Cue them obviously falling in love. It's a very saccharine anime and the beautiful water colour backgrounds make this truly feel like a fairy tale.
The Fire Hunter: Set in an alternate Meiji like era Japan where people started to burn instantly, fire is now unable to be used and instead people use blood from monsters called Flame Demons that now roam the land. When Toko, our main girl accidentally gets a Fire Hunter killed trying to protect her, it's now her sworn duty to return his dog to the capital. On the other side is a boy named Koshi who is researching and will no doubt uncover something that was supposed to be secret...
While I think the animation style can feel a little under-budget, I think this anime is supposed to be more artsy, so if you're expecting very smooth animation this one isn't for you. But if you liked the vibe of Nausica and Princess Mononoke then I think you'd like this one too.
Bungou Stray Dogs S4: BSD IS BACK, BABEY!!! In case you haven't watched this anime, it follows a boy named Atsushi Nakajima, who has the ability to turn into a weretiger. Turns out there are other people with special abilities who secretly are a part of the government and even the dangerous Port Mafia. Atsushi ends up being saved from starvation (he's an orphan) by Dazai Osamu who works with the Armed Detective Agency, people who help maintain balance in Yokohama by taking on cases.
Every single character is based on an actual Literary Author, from Japanese to American to British to Russian. So, not only can you enjoy anime, you can now enjoy a literary classic in a whole new way.
To Your Eternity S2: I cannot tell you guys how underrated this anime is. Picture this: an orb that's dropped to Earth by an omniscient being. The orb changes into whatever makes an impact and interacts with it. For decades it's a rock until one snowy day a wolf dies near it. Thus, the orb, now a wolf, travels and meets a nameless boy. From there the orb gains human sentience and the anime starts to explore the questions: "What does it mean to be human?" "What is the effect of immortality on a being slowly gaining humanity?"
If you want a good cry because the creator of this also wrote A Silent Voice, then this anime is for you. Also, if you're looking for a strong character driven anime. There is action, but if you are only looking for action this anime is not for you. However, this anime is absolutely amazing and the commentary on immortality is top tier.
BNHA S6: Another series I've read ahead, I am enjoying all the animation to this juggernaut of a Shonen series. Also, the ending song SKETCH by Kiro Akiyama? Easily my favourite EDs for the series.
Attack on Titan (Final Chapters): Technically the next part isn't out for a while, but I'm adding it to this list because it's ongoing. Do I need to even describe Attack on Titan? It's breathtaking and beautiful while showing the most horrific acts. The opening Under the Tree by SiM lives rent free in my brain, especially since their prior opening The Rumbling was in Eren's POV and now this one is Mikasa's POV.
Most excited to start watching:
-Jujutsu Kaisen S2: I AM EXCITED BUT ALSO NERVOUS AS HECK FOR THIS NEXT PART. I've read ahead and OH BOY I don't know if I'll emotionally survive.
-Dr. Stone S3 is going to begin in April with the Treasure Island arc. I read the entire manga and I'm SO EXCITED to see the next part of the story animated.
-Kimetsu no Yaiba is also returning with The Sword Village arc. While I know the last part of the Entertainment Arc and the first bit of the Sword Village arc are in theatres, it's technically not back in episode form. Like Dr. Stone I read the entire manga and cannot wait to see the next part.
-Spy x Family season two has been announced. While I know we don't have a date of release yet, I am very excited. I am reading the manga like the other entries here.
-Bleach TYBW Part 2: A very nostalgic series for me, I've been a Bleach fan since the original anime, episode one came out. I never thought I'd see the final arc animated, but it's breathtaking and like every other entry on this list, is a series I've read the manga for. Very excited for the continuation!!!
-Trigun: We end this anime with another older series on my list. Yeah, I grew up in the 90s era anime. No, I didn't watch Trigun. I always meant to, but I sort of forgot? Uh, anyways with Trigun Stampede out I think it's time I watched a classic before seeing the new version.
(Can I add the honourable mention of Fire Force? Because when that series returns I'm going to Scream. I am SO EXCITED for this one because there is a MOMENT in the series that when it's animated I fully expect the internet who has not read the manga to collectively lose their minds.)
So, there you go! I hope some of the anime I listed makes people want to give some of these series a try!
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mandyloves2read · 2 years
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✨Book Review ✨
Empire by Sheridan Anne
A Dark Secret Society Reverse Harem
One word ! OBSESSED!!! I am obsessed with this new series by Sheridan Anne she has done it again and created a world full of characters that I am absolutely OBSESSED with I loved everything about this series the banter the steam the suspense it’s also no surprise that I absolutely love the heroine because let’s face it this author is known for her strong bad ass female characters they take no shit and give as good as they get and Oakley just might be my favorite yet she gives no fucks and is a complete baddie and that ending sweet baby Jesus I need the next book ASAP!!!
🚨 Now Live 🚨
💫 Empire (A Dark Secret Society Reverse Harem) by @Sheridan.Anne.Author
🌟 Get It Here: https://geni.us/Empire1
💥 Enemies to Lovers
💥 Dark Secret Society
💥 RH/Why Choose
✨ Blurb ✨
An Empire risen from blood and ash.
Murder. Betrayal. Undisputable power.
A sacrifice to be given.
An innocent life to be lost.
He made the solemn vow.
The flesh of my flesh will perish in flames,
but the blood will forever reign.
All I wanted was a new life, a fresh start in Faders Bay.
But fate hadn’t written my name in the stars, it was written in cold, murderous blood.
Zade. Sawyer. Dalton. Cross.
They wanted something from me—they wanted my heart.
Literally carved right out of my chest.
They vowed to protect me, vowed to keep me safe from the very monsters they claimed to be. But Zade was the devil, a knight in shining murder, while the others sat back to watch the show, wicked grins stretched across their traitorous faces.
I never should have trusted them.
I had two choices.
Willingly hand myself to Zade and become collateral to his war,
or … rise like a queen and burn these mothers to the ground.
Empire is a Reverse Harem, Enemies to Lovers, Dark Secret Society, Gothic Contemporary Romance series. It contains explicit sexual content, extreme graphic violence, cult-like material, and coarse language. This series is not suitable for young readers.
✨ Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/61213459-empire
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irvinenewshq · 2 years
Youngsters amongst 11 killed in hearth at college for the blind in Uganda
Eleven folks, largely kids, have perished in a blaze that tore by a dormitory at a college for the blind in Uganda within the early hours of Tuesday as pupils had been sleeping. “The reason for the hearth is presently unknown however to this point 11 deaths on account of the hearth have been confirmed whereas six are in essential circumstances and admitted (to hospital),” the Uganda Police Pressure stated on Twitter. The catastrophe occurred at about 1 am (2200 GMT Monday) on the Salama College for the Blind within the Mukono district, east of the capital Kampala. Police stated an investigation had been launched into the reason for the inferno and extra particulars can be launched later. “Many of the lifeless are kids on the faculty and our sympathies go to the dad and mom,” Inner Affairs Minister Basic Kahinda Otafiire instructed AFP.  He stated the varsity has been cordoned off as a “crime scene” and vowed that there can be a full investigation. ALSO READ: Uganda declares first Ebola demise since 2019 “As authorities we will go to the foundation reason behind the hearth and if there are any culprits they are going to be apprehended and the regulation will take its course,” he added. The varsity’s headmaster Francis Kirube, who can be blind, instructed AFP the flames swept by the dormitory because the pupils slept. Pictures broadcast on Ugandan tv confirmed a charred however nonetheless largely intact constructing the place the hearth broke out, its window frames and door blackened and the corrugated roof broken.   Forensic groups had been seen in white protecting gear on the faculty, whereas grieving dad and mom gathered close by. – ‘He’s gone’ – Richard Muhimba, the distraught father of one of many lifeless kids, instructed AFP: “No phrases can clarify the ache I’m going by.  “I visited my baby on Saturday, he was in good well being and in lower than three days he’s gone… Please give me time to undergo this ache,” stated Muhimba, earlier than hanging up. A good friend instructed AFP that the kid was aged 15 and that Muhimba was a father of 5.  Salama was in-built April 1999 by the native authorities in Mukono and caters for kids and younger adults between the ages of six to 25. Princess Anne, the sister of King Charles III, had been attributable to go to the varsity throughout her journey this week to Uganda, which marked its sixtieth anniversary of independence from Britain earlier this month. The East African nation has suffered a string of lethal faculty fires in recent times. In November 2018, 11 boys perished and one other 20 suffered extreme burns in a suspected arson assault at a boarding faculty in southern Uganda. ALSO READ: DR Congo rebels seize buying and selling hub on Ugandan border In April 2008, 18 schoolgirls burned to demise together with one grownup when a fireplace engulfed their dormitory at a junior faculty close to the Ugandan capital.  In March 2006, no less than 13 kids had been killed and a number of other harm when hearth razed an Islamic faculty in western Uganda. In July the identical 12 months, six kids died in an analogous hearth within the east. Originally published at Irvine News HQ
0 notes
Hello! Can you write something with female Y/N and Chishiya? She helped him with something and is injured after that. She fell or burn her back or hit her head, but pretends that nothing happened since she think he doesn't care and the injury it's getting worst by days, Chishiya didn't notice at first and he just don't understand why Y/N is not talking with him but lets it go, then the day of game comes and they both have to play and Y/N faints few hours before registration. He is panicking suddenly aware of his own feelings towards her and he is SO worried and feels guilty. I hope you can add a lot of angst but fluffy end? I'm sorry if this is messy, english is not my first language 😭 Thank you!
Of course! And don’t worry your English is great 😊 I hope you enjoy! ❤️
Panicked Confession | Shuntaro Chishiya
{Alice In Borderland Masterlist}
Character(s): Chishiya (ft. Kuina, Usagi, Ann, Hatter)
Summary: You get badly burnt while saving Chishiya in a game, but made sure he knew nothing about it. Just before leaving for the next game, you pass out and Chishiya finds you, causing him to panic
Warning: swearing, burn injury, vomiting, fainting
Word Count: 4.9k
*reader is female
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“Shit! Guys come on!”
You, Chishiya, Kuina and Usagi rushed through the bottom floor of the building. Flames were curling in the air around each side of you, quickly closing in to eat you alive.
All four of you had almost completed the game, being the only players left after the last puzzle of the building. It was a diamond game, a game of intelligence. You were lucky to have been with Chishiya, as Diamonds games were his specialty.
You were all sprinting across the room, together in a tight pack so the flames don’t manage to touch you. You were panting, feeling your lungs collapsing in on themselves, but you had to press on. Only a few more steps before you could jump through the glass window at the end of the room, which was quickly being engulfed.
Suddenly, you saw Chishiya, who was running next to you, trip on a loose bit of debris laying on the ground inconveniently. You looked back and saw him holding his ankle in pain.
Of course, just your luck.
You all stopped abruptly, skidding along the floor and looking back to Chishiya in fear. He saw you all, his eyes widening.
“What are you doing?! Go!” he called out, wincing in pain.
You looked towards Kuina and Usagi, watching as thoughts spiraled around their heads to figure out what to do. The flame was too close behind Chishiya for it to be safe, if someone was to help him, they would have to risk their life doing so.
Both Kuina and Usagi shook their heads and looked away. They turned away from Chishiya and began jogging towards the window again. You froze. There’s no way they would just leave him like that.
“Guys!” You called out to them. They turned to you with fearful expressions painted on their face. “What are you doing?!” You asked, fear and worry dripping from your words. You had to make up your mind soon or you would be burned to a crisp.
Kuina motioned for you to come to her. “Y/N, there’s no time! We have to go!” you could tell she felt awful about this decision, but you weren’t giving up just yet.
You looked back at Chishiya laying on the ground. He was staring at you with a worried expression, wanting you to hurry up and leave him. You couldn’t leave a friend that easy to die. You had to at least try.
You let out a big sigh and lifted your aching legs to race towards Chishiya. He began yelling at you the moment you started running. “No, no, no! Go Y/N! What are you doing?!”
You ignored his shouting and quickly knelt down beside him to lift his arm around your shoulders. You weren’t going to lose anyone else, you promised yourself that after your friends died in the first game you played after appearing in the Borderlands.
Chishiya kept arguing and shaking his head as you tried to lift his body. He was surprisingly heavy for someone his size. “Y/N, go! There’s no time! You can’t save me!” he at screamed you, becoming more desperate with every plea.
You continued to ignore him and began dragging him along towards the window, where Kuina and Usagi were already working on breaking the glass with debris from around them. “You’re not going to off yourself that easily Chishiya as long as I have a say in it,” you rasped out, struggling to keep upright with the extra weight on your shoulders.
As your heart pounded in your ears and you felt the fire become hotter and hotter around you, you suddenly felt an incredibly sharp pain across your spine. The sensation spread all through your body, from your head to your toe, making you cry out and almost collapse to the ground, but you stayed strong.
Chishiya had given up arguing with you, using his good leg to take a bit of his body weight off your pained shoulders. With his help, you managed to move much quicker, limping and staggering your way towards Kuina and Usagi, who had broken the window and were now waiting for you to come, yelling at you to hurry up.
You didn’t look back; you didn’t want to see how close the flames were. You knew it would do nothing but make the situation worse.
As you neared the window, you slowed down as Kuina ran out to help you lift Chishiya up and out of the window. You were relying completely on adrenaline at that point, having lost all of your strength through running and carrying Chishiya.
You managed to lift yourself through the cracked window, earning a few cuts from the leftover glass on the way, and collapsed onto the grass ground below you. A large barrier from inside the room (probably manufactured for the games) closed over the destroyed window as you fell, being lucky to be the last out of the four of you to escape. The flames were locked in, unable to harm you.
The four of you laid on the grass, panting and trying to regain your breath. As your adrenaline calmed down, the pain of your large burn mark set in. You covered your face with your hand and silently screamed against it, trying to drown out the searing pain somehow. You couldn’t worry the others, not after what just happened.
The next couple of days was nothing but a struggle for you. As soon as you arrived back from the game, you stumbled your way to Ann’s medical room. She took a closer look at your burn wound, applying whatever she had to try and reduce the chance of it getting infected. But unfortunately, that didn’t reduce the pain.
After allowing Ann to wrap a bandage around your upper back to protect the wound, you slowly made your way back to your room on the upper floor. You didn’t want to rush yourself in case you made your wound worse, so you took your time in getting there.
Unfortunately, it was a bit too much time, as you managed to bump into Chishiya who popped out from around the corner. A small panic raised within you; you didn’t want Chishiya to see you like this! It’s embarrassing enough to like someone you had no chance with, but for them to see you stumbling and holding onto the wall because you can’t even keep yourself up? No, not today.
You stood more upright than before, giving Chishiya your best fake smile. “Hey Y/N,” he said, walking past you. You breathed a sigh of relief. Well, that wasn’t too bad.
You started to walk again before you heard Chishiya call out from behind you. “Oh, wait Y/N!”
You turned around, biting your tongue so you didn’t let out a yelp of pain as the skin on your back twisted with your movements. “Yeah?” you acknowledged him.
He gave you a half-hearted smile. “Thanks again, for earlier. I would’ve been a goner if you hadn’t risked your life like that for me,” he said, scratching the back of his head awkwardly. You’ve never seen him thank someone before, so you were shocked.
“Oh, it was no big deal! We should all help each other out, considering we haven’t really got anything else other than each other,” you said, smiling happily. You felt all giddy from him acknowledging the fact that you risked yourself for him.
“Yeah, but it was still pretty cool of you. Even Kuina and Usagi were willing to leave me there,” he chuckled as his own joke.
You laughed and shook your head at him. “I’m sure they were just doing what they thought was best for everyone else in the moment.”
Chishiya nodded and gave you a small wave. “I’ll see you tomorrow night then! Hatter let me know in the meeting this evening that you and I are together again. I’m glad though, because you seem to have the skill and brains to get through some tough games.”
You were flattered by his compliment. “Thanks, you too though! We would have burnt to a crisp if it weren’t for you during that diamond game tonight.”
The small talk was killing you. You just wanted to get back to your room and wallow in the silence that engulfed it. At least there, you could suffer from your burn wound a little louder than out in the public eye of The Beach.
Chishiya laughed at your statement. “No, I’m sure with you there it would’ve been fine,” he said back, making you smile wider.
“I’ll see you later then,” you exclaimed, waving a hand at him. He waved back with a grin on his attractive features before he turned around and continued down the hall with his hands tucked into their usual spot in his hoodie pockets.
You let out a big sigh of relief. That was close. You felt the pain seeping through your body the longer you stood there, hoping for Chishiya to just end the conversation. You felt guilty, it may have looked like you were trying to escape, since you were slowly backing towards the corner. Hopefully, he didn’t notice.
You stumbled the rest of the way towards your room, wincing and hissing in pain on the way. It felt like Ann didn’t do anything at all, but you couldn’t blame her. She had extremely limited resources and could only leave to search for more every few weeks.
When you finally made it to the door of your room, the familiar number engraved onto the middle of it, you gripped the handle and walked inside.
You collapsed onto your bed onto your stomach. There was no way you would be able to sleep on your back with this kind of pain, so you had to resort to either on your side or on your stomach.
Let’s just say, you had a restless sleep.
You were hoping after a night’s sleep that the pain from your back would have disappeared at least a little bit. But you couldn’t have been more wrong. If anything, it had become worse. You probably managed to roll onto it a few times during the night, reopening any part of the wound that had sealed up over the time you’ve had it.
It took you far too long to get out of bed in the morning. You groaned and moaned in frustration as you crawled your way out of the duvet, almost collapsing off your bed. You felt rather pathetic, but who wouldn’t after not being able to do the simplest of tasks from a wound.
As you were walking to your closet to look for something to wear, you remembered you had to go see Ann again that morning. She had told you last night to return to her medical room the next morning so she could reapply a new bandage onto you, in case the other one gets bacteria or blood on it during the night somehow.
You quickly put on your usual swimmers to wear around the hotel and the black hoodie that you wore most of the time when you got cold. You didn’t want to risk anyone else seeing your wound. The gaping burn mark across your upper back was bound to attract unwanted attention.
You made your way down the hall to go see Ann again. There was nobody in the halls around the rooms due to it being close to noon. You slept in longer than you expected.
You slowly walked down the couple of flights of stairs, making your way to Ann’s medical room on the lower floor. The walk down to the lobby felt longer at that moment than it ever had.
You approached the door with the red cross along the front of it, indicating the medical room. You were about to lift your hand to turn the doorknob before you heard a loud voice yell from further down the corridor.
You shifted your eyes and saw none other than Chishiya striding down the hallway with his usual cocky smirk painted across his face. Of course, you had to run into him out of all people.
“Y/N! Wait!” he yelled as he jogged up to you.
You stayed silent, waiting to hear what he had to say. You wanted to ignore him and just walk into the medical room to see Ann to avoid any kind of questioning or suspicion from him, but you knew that would only make him more curious.
“Hey, you alright?” he frowned, questioning you. He reached out to place a gentle hand on your forearm, but you flinched away before he could touch you.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” you answered, trying to sound normal. The piercing feeling that your wound brought you began to make its way around your body again, making you slightly shift and shake. ‘Of course, it just has its moment while I’m talking to the one person that I don’t want to look like a weakling in front of,’ you thought to yourself in your head.
Chishiya frowned at your flinch, but seemed to shake it off quickly, moving onto something else. “So anyway, where were you this morning?” he asked, leaning closer to you.
“I-I was in my room. I had a late sleep in,” you said, gripping the doorknob to the medical room.
“Oh, weird. Do you remember what we talked about yesterday?” he said with a smirk on his face.
‘Oh shit, he’s mocking my bad memory,” you thought, feeling embarrassed.
“Um… no? Should I?”
“You, Kuina, Alice, Usagi and I were going to meet up this morning to steal some food from the kitchen and take it to the rooftop. You didn’t show up near the pool where we said we were going to meet!” he exclaimed. He was laughing, obviously not caring too much about your forgetfulness.
You thought for a second. You did recall having that conversation. You guessed that you forgot about it because you were so focused on trying to reduce the pain from your burn. Even if you did remember, as if you would’ve been able to run away from the chefs in the kitchen after taking the food with this injury.
“Me and Kuina even knocked on your door. You must have been really knocked out if you didn’t wake up from Kuina’s loud yelling.”
He then raised his eyebrow and smirked. “Unless you were hiding from me?”
Your could tell he was obviously joking, but he wasn’t far off from being right. That has been your intention since last night, but trust Chishiya to figure you out quickly enough.
You heart rate picked up from his accurate accusation. “Uh, sorry Chishiya, but I really have to go,” you mumbled out, giving him a quick fake smile before walking into the medical room and closing the door behind you.
Chishiya’s mischievous smirk fell from his face. You didn’t even give him a chance to say goodbye, and you seemed oddly nervous from his accusation that you were avoiding him. He felt somewhat hurt. Were you trying to avoid him?
He shook off his suspicions and continued down the corridor to the lobby to find something to entertain him for the meantime. You wouldn’t try to avoid him, would you? Perhaps he’ll confront you about it later.
You were laying in your room reading a book when you heard the usual ring of the bell that was Hatter’s signal for everyone to move down to the lobby to prepare for the night’s games.
“Shit! Is it that late already?” you asked no one, glancing over at the digital clock on your nightstand.
You panicked and saw it was the time that you would head out to games. You said to yourself earlier that you would give yourself an early mark so you could get down there at the right time, considering you would be slow due to your condition, but you got distracted by your book and lost track of time.
You rushed to your feet a little too quickly for your body’s liking, causing the pain of your wound to shoot across your back without mercy, making you yelp in pain and fall forwards.
You managed to catch yourself before you face planted into the ground. You let out a few deep breaths, trying to regain your strength while the piercing pain became worse from your insistence.
You pushed yourself off the ground, placing your foot underneath you and attempting to stand to your feet. You had to make it to the cars at least, you knew if anyone found you at The Beach during game time, they would mark you a coward, or worse: a traitor.
You cursed under your breath and let out pained sobs as you tried to get to your feet again. But unfortunately, your body just wasn’t on your side at that moment.
Your feet gave out underneath you and your head pounded, causing you to feel dizzy and suddenly nauseated. You leant forwards as you emptied the contents of your stomach out onto the floor, gagging on the taste of it in the back of your throat.
Your eyes began to feel heavy, not being able to take the pain and stress you were under. You managed to roll yourself to the side so you wouldn’t land in the pile of vomit and lay yourself across the floor safely before you face planted.
“Fuck,” you rasped out, feeling helpless at that moment.
You couldn’t do anything as your vision narrowed, passing out from pain on the floor of your own room, no one around to help you.
“Hello again everyone! I would like to say a few words before we all get into our groups and drive to our games!”
Hatter’s usual booming voice thrusted across the crowd in front of him. Another night, another gathering. Just like every other day.
Chishiya stood at his usual spot in the back, leaning against the cement wall and rolling his eyes at Hatter’s words. He never seemed to have anything useful to say. Just some preachy words that created false hope.
‘How about for a change, he gave us some advice? It would probably spare some people a few headaches,’ Chishiya thought to himself.
He stood on his toes and tried to search the crowd for the top of your head. He was becoming anxious. You would usually be down in the lobby by now.
He was more nervous due to the way you’ve been acting all day. Usually, you two were joined at the hip twenty-four seven, but the only time he saw you that day was in the morning when you walked into the medical room.
He wondered why you were going in there. You never went to Ann unless it was for something drastic, but you seemed completely healthy and unharmed.
As the time ticked on, Chishiya became more and more worried. You would never skip out on a game; you were too afraid of being caught by the executives for that.
Hatter finished off his nightly speech with the list of groups and which number wristbands go where. Chishiya didn’t even care to pay attention as everyone began making their way towards the entrance of the hotel where they would pile into the cars and drive off to the games. He ran the opposite way, clambering up the flights of stairs to reach the level your room is on. If you had to be anywhere, it would be there.
He powered his legs into a sprint, having to brush his white locks out of his face once or twice due to them getting in the way. He eventually arrived at your room, stopping and panting to regain his breath.
He knocked on your door quietly at first, not knowing if you were asleep or something. “Y/N?” he called out through the door. “We need to head off to the games. Did you not hear the bell?”
When he received nothing but silence as an answer, he took it upon himself to walk in to see if you were there. He opened the door and peeked his head around the side, being careful in case you were indecent for some reason.
As he walked in further, his heart dropped as he saw you laying on the ground passed out.
“Y/N!” he exclaimed, rushing over to your body and kneeling beside you. He lifted your head onto his lap gently and immediately checked your neck for a pulse. A small feeling of relief flowed through him when he felt the beat of your heart on his fingers.
“Oh my god Y/N, what’s happened to you?” he stressed, tapping your cheek with his hand to see if you would wake. He was beginning to become more worried as time ticked on. He glanced over at the clock on your nightstand and saw that it was getting later. He had to wake you up before registration closed for all the games.
He lifted you up from under your arms, using all his strength to pull you into your small bathroom. He placed you gently on the tiled floor, stuffing a towel underneath your head for support. He quickly shifted your body around, trying to look for any source of injury that caused you to pass out. He froze when he noticed a few stains of blood on the back of your hoodie. He quickly lifted the hem of your shirt to see what was causing the stains.
His eyes almost popped out of his head from the sight. He gasped at the huge burn wound on your back, stretching across from your shoulder blades to your waist. The bandage that Ann had wrapped around it had come loose, hanging off your abdomen carelessly. His heart filled with guilt as he examined it more closely. Why didn’t he look after you?
He immediately put two and two together and realized that you had probably passed out from the pain of the burn mark.
He stood up from his position on the floor and grabbed a small cloth from your towel rack, running it under the water from the tap. He knelt back down next to you and carefully placed the wet fabric against your wound. He was so afraid of hurting you, but he had to do what he could to make you better for the game.
“Oh, come on, please wake up Y/N,” he breathed out. Stress and anxiety filled his tone, making the air more tense.
“Please wake up, please be okay. I love you, please don’t die Y/N,” he suddenly felt small tears gathering in his eyes as he stood up quickly to refresh the cloth that he was using to clean the burn.
He felt his hidden feelings begin to pour out of his mouth. He couldn’t handle the strain seeing you like this was having on his emotions.
He brought the cloth back, but this time he turned you over slightly so he could place it on your face. Your eyes were still shut tightly, not showing any indication of opening.
Chishiya ran the fingers of his other hand along your cheek, tapping softly on your skin, hoping that you would wake up from the physical contact. He felt desperate. He has never felt this helpless before, not even in games.
He allowed his few tears to fall down his cheek, lifting your head and pressing his forehead against yours. “Please wake up, we have to go. Just wake up and I’ll take care of you,” he mumbled out with shaky breaths.
He didn’t know what else to do. He could do nothing but hope.
A few minutes passed with Chishiya just holding you and pressing the cold cloth onto your face, trying to make you open your eyes. And eventually you did.
Chishiya breathed in a huge sigh of relief when he saw your eyes flutter open slowly, dazed and confused. He smiled and kept the cloth pressed to your face, caressing your cheek with his thumb.
“Oh, thank god,” he breathed out, wrapping his arm around your shoulder and bringing you into his chest for a close hug. You groaned loudly at the contact as Chishiya accidentally placed his hand on your wound.
“Chishiya, be careful,” you rasped out against his chest. He flinched away immediately and apologized.
“Come on, let’s get you cleaned up,” he said, lifting you up under your arms again. You groaned, not being able to stand up on your own yet. Chishiya kept you close to his chest as you leant against him.
He managed to clean you up with you leaning most of your body weight on him. He helped you wash out your mouth and clean your teeth to get rid of the taste of vomit and reapplied the bandage that had fallen off your wound. He did it all with such care and concern, being afraid of hurting you or overwhelming you with anything.
“Aren’t you supposed to be at the games?” you asked after you had finished rinsing your face.
“I noticed you weren’t at the lobby when Hatter called everyone, so I ran to your room and found you,” he answered, fixing your hoodie on your back from when he had to lift it to clean your injury.
“So, everyone’s gone?” you asked with a worried expression. Chishiya nodded, leaning on the sink next to you to check your face to see if you were alright.
“But if they find us, they’ll mark us as traitors!” you exclaimed, fear filling your head.
Chishiya placed his index finger on your lips to shush you. “Shh, only if they can hear us. We can just stay in here and be quiet, and hopefully no one suspects that we’re missing,” he said, smiling to calm you down.
You searched his eyes for any uncertainty but chose to let it go and just listen to him. “Okay.”
You both sat side by side on the floor of your small bathroom, Chishiya running his hand up and down your arm to keep your anxiety away. After a while of comfortable silence, you spoke up.
“Thanks, Chishiya, for helping me. If it weren’t for you, I’d still be lying on the ground next to a pile of my own puke,” you laughed at yourself.
Chishiya giggled. “It’s okay. I care about you Y/N, I couldn’t just leave you there.”
You looked at him with sparkling eyes, being taken back by his statement. “Really?” you asked, not believing him.
He smiled lovingly and caressed your cheek with his fingers. “Of course, I’d do anything if it was to help you.”
You thought you would have a cute moment together, but that flew out the window when Chishiya slapped you lightly across the cheek. Not enough to hurt you, but enough to bring a shocked expression onto your face.
“But next time, tell me when you’re hurt instead of trying to hide it from me like an idiot! You really think you’d be able to hide something like this from me?” he scolded you like a mother, but you giggled at his reaction.
“Yeah, I’ll tell you next time. Why did I ever think I could keep something from someone with an intelligent mind like yours,” you teased, leaning closer to his face.
Chishiya raised his eyebrows. “Hm, thanks, I guess? Not sure if that was a compliment or if you’re poking fun at me.”
You chuckled. “Take it however you want,” you whispered. You finally closed to space between you, allowing your lips to clash against his. Chishiya let out a shocked sound, but quickly melted against you and accepted your kiss.
You both sat on the floor of your bathroom, moving your mouths together while Chishiya tried hard to place his hands on you without touching your burn mark. You appreciated his care, but he ended up having to awkwardly place them on your upper arms, rubbing up and down them slowly.
You pulled away first, making Chishiya chase your lips as you moved away, making you giggle. “There’s my thank you gift,” you said cheekily, leaning away from him and back into your seating position.
Chishiya pouted at you. “That’s it? That was barely a kiss!” he argued, trying to move closer to you, wanting more of your affection.
“Chishiya, your tongue was in my mouth. I think that clarifies as a kiss,” you stated, placing your hand on his mouth and pushing him away gently. “Maybe let down that tough guy persona more often and take care of me, maybe then you’ll get more kisses.”
Chishiya leaned back and frowned. “Fine, but don’t expect this to be the norm now. I’m not going to let you control my personality just for a bit of affection.”
Well, that was a lie.
Author’s Note: Every Chishiya fanfic I’ve written has had some sort of angsty moment in it 😂 this man is going through it
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i-imade-a-thing · 2 years
Amphibia: The Roots of Evil & The Core and The King Details
Ok there is sooo much to unpack this week! I'm just gonna skip the intro and gets right into it. Spoiler below!
The Roots of Evil
When Anne is recruiting resistance, Anne's theme played
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The wallpaper of the room have pics on frogs burning a flower...weird
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Even before the reveal, we can see bunch of mushrooms in the background, even the stained glass have mushrooms pattern
They gave Bessie a flower crown~
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When Plantar returns to fight, Anne's theme is played
Flame-bot that is destroyed have "X" mark in their eyes
When Plantars leave the village, Anne's theme is played
The Core and The King
"We got her lock in a little room up here"....headspace marcy scene confirm!?
Red relvet with ube frosting cupcake is marcy's fav, noted
Darcy's movements are weird and inhuman
Also that cable attach to Darcy is surprisingly long
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The scene above have so many details. The code on the left said "Your Portrait", conquer counter went from 4 to 5, the newts holding some sort of battery, and lots of conquest propaganda
Barrel won 26 times, sheesh
Andrias use the same pink glasses as in The Plantars Checks In and other multiple episodes
The letter from Leif read "Im in the garden prepare on a surprise"
Leif doing the Plantar dance
The mossmen are the same as the one from sleepover ep and wally&anne ep
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The statue in the garden look quite similar to Olivia (maybe cuz her family protecting nature and stuff)
Andrias blushing at Leif dance while Barrel is dancing lol
Andrias seems to use his hands and legs to run, similar to the scene in TC
Aldrich's(andrias' dad) weapon seems to eyes symbols(7 in total)
The Kingdom's banner seems to be a flower and core's eye at the same time
"Friendship doesn't last son," does this mean Aldrich also get betrayed once before?
Leif premonition scene include resource mining scene from Olivia and Yunan, floating castle from TC, and tapestry from TC and Mother of Olms
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This one's new, wonder if it will come up in All In
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Seems like Amphibian really believe in conquering other world
In the court we can see frogs, toads, and newts being together
Also: Stan Pines hat
Olms mention, continuation of what we learned last week
Leif saying "friends?" kinda remind me of that the ep Cursed! ending
The robots following Andrias and Aldrich is the same as Frobo
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Shadowfish and those small creatures in Bizarre Bazaar in a jar
Barrel's Warhammer seems to put out orange flames, unlike what we seen in present day
Leif use the same mossman as the one we saw in Wally and Anne
"Her and her kind need to be kept in line," so Andrias invent the caste system in Amphibia
Andrias sending Barrel to villages, which line up with how he died
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"Memory wipe in progress"
Darcy start up sounds like mac lol
Aaannddd that's everything I found this ep! I can't believe Apothagary and Jeremy make a return, what an unexpected comeback! Also, I LOVE MY BOI BARREL SO MUCH! HES SUCH A GOOF! Also also I feel really bad for this friend group, they seems so close to each other and then, everything's gone. Man frog shows be pulling out bangers after bangers!
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space-lynn · 3 years
I managed to get some writing done, so I present this to all of you. Written for @eeveearoace . Enjoy reading! :D
CW: Violence, Blood, Loss of eye ~~~~~
For most of her life, Sasha’s vowed to protect Anne and Marcy, to keep them safe no matter what. From bullies, from jerks, from creeps, from anyone who would harm them.
But how can she do that now? How can she keep her promise when Marcy stood before them, donning Newtopian armor and a black horned helmet with eleven glowing eyes glaring at them as if they were nothing but pests in this godforsaken battlefield? How can she keep her promise when Anne stood beside her, powers set ablaze, eyes focused on Marcy with the intent to tear her apart, no longer aware that this was her best friend she was up against? How could she keep it when the thing they needed protection from was each other?
She doesn’t know how but she needed to stop them. Once Anne rushed forward, Sasha followed after her, hair and eyes a bright pink, and tackled Anne to the ground, her own Calamity powers allowing her to easily pin the Thai girl.
“Anne, please,” she begged, “snap out of it!”
Her friend snarled at her, struggling to get out of her grasp but Sasha’s hold on her was strong. The blonde tried to talk to her again but her instincts made her pull back, barely dodging the mechanical claw aimed for her face. 
She may have avoided a fatal mistake, but she couldn’t have avoided what happened next. She couldn’t have stopped Anne from breaking free and grabbing hold of one of her swords. Couldn’t have stopped her from slashing upwards. Couldn’t have stopped the blade from tearing her eye out.
Sasha screamed.
Her hands flew to her face, one of them pressing down on the left side and staining itself with blood. Her face throbbed with the beat of her heart, the burning pain spanning from her jaw to her hairline. It throbbed harder when Anne shifted underneath her and kicked her in the stomach, sending Sasha a couple of feet away from her. 
The blonde dimly heard Anne stand and drag the lieutenant’s sword with her, dimly heard the soft shing of her sword and her friend’s footsteps.
Anne was going to hurt Marcy. Marcy was going to hurt Anne. And Sasha can’t have that, she can’t. She can’t have them hurt each other. So when Anne charged forward, the soldier was quick to wrap her arms around the bluenette’s torso and hold her back.
A deep inhuman growl left Anne as she struggled once more, powers blazing brighter to throw Sasha off, but it didn’t deter the blonde. She lifted an arm up, blue flames burning along the limb.
“Stop,” Sasha said. “D-Don’t do it.”
Anne didn’t listen and shoved her hand into Sasha’s leg, searing through the fabric of her pants and into her skin. She bit back a scream as the fire traveled down her legs and the smell of singed flesh permeated the air.
“Fuck,” she hissed, shoving Anne’s hand off of her leg. She flipped her friend over her shoulder, got out an apology then knocked her out. 
“Bold move, Strength,” multiple voices spoke at once, “to knock out the only thing that could possibly stop me.”
Sasha glared at Marcy -- not her, no, she was glaring at that thing controlling Marcy -- and scoffed, “I didn’t knock myself out.”
The blonde took her sword from Anne’s unconscious form and unsheathed the other, raising them both. She rushed forward, ignoring the pain that throbbed with every step her burnt leg took. She did her best to duck and dodge the claws coming her way, swords coming up to slice at them, but one managed to wrap around her left arm and snapped it like a piece of stick, forcing her to drop her weapon and for a gasp to escape her. Sasha severed it with her other sword and freed herself. She hacked and sliced at the oncoming barrage of claws, steadily making her way towards Marcy.
“Your tough, Strength,” the thing controlling Marcy spat, staggering back a little when it saw Sasha burn brighter. Wires flailed behind it, sparks flying off of its ends now that all but one were devoid of claws. “But are you strong enough to save her?”
The remaining claw grabbed her good leg and squeezed hard. 
“No,” Sasha grunted but ignored the pain. “I can try, though.” 
She grabbed Marcy by the front of her armor and held her there with her broken arm, releasing the sword she held in her good hand and lifting it, fingers curled into a fist.
“I’m sorry for this,” she whispered, then punched the helmet hard, cracks spreading under the pressure. She did it over and over and over again, keen to get the helmet off Marcy, never faltering for a second even when the claw’s grip on her leg wound tighter and tighter, crushing her leg. Once Marcy fell limp in her grasp did she cease, grabbing one of the prongs and tugging the helmet off.
Sasha winced at Marcy’s face, bruised and scraped, one nostril leaking blood. And she whispered another apology underneath her breath. She carefully set her down on the ground, checking her out for any other injuries other than the number she’d done on the noirette’s face. 
She sighed in relief when she found none. She stood up straight but hunched over when a burning sensation flared up in her stomach. She staggered back a bit, away from Marcy and threw up, blood and bile leaving a metallic sour taste in her mouth.
She coughed and spat at the ground, body swaying, wheezing and gasping for air, powers flickering on and off. She collapsed, legs crumpling under her weight as soon as the adrenaline wore off, and Sasha had to stop herself from screaming profanities at the feeling of shattered bones pinching mangled flesh.
But it was fine. Everything was fine. Everything was okay, or as okay as it could be. Even if she was badly injured, even if she wouldn’t make it out of this, she’d done it. She’d kept them safe. She’d kept her promise. She’d protected them no matter what. 
Not an expert in writing fighting scenes so this is some sort of practice. I hope you guys enjoyed reading this! Have an awesome morning, afternoon or evening. ‘Til the next snippet. :D
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shadowman0013 · 3 years
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Been awhile, here’s some of my art. So here my idea of fusions in Amphibia. Basically with the power of the Calamity they were able to harness the power fusion. Been working on the names and changed up a couple of times. I call the fusion of Anne and Sasha, Seron. Sasha and Marcy name is Marisa. And Anne and Marcy called Andromeda. Powers.
Seron, can create an elastic aura armor. Has the properties of rubber and can change elasticity to make it as hard as metal or stretch for days. Fights with ferocity and she becomes stronger when she has something to protect. Uses her aura to coat herself for protection and extra power. Able to generate aura of protection that surround her and others like a wall and dome. Can bounce back projectiles. And create aura and shapes it into extra arms. She can’t sharpen her aura. So she can’t make her aura into a blade or edge weapons.
Marisa, emits her aura like fire. Burning all her opponents with fierce fire, but healing all her allies with her flames. Has a defensive style, best at countering. Knows many fighting styles, and has a knack at predicting opponents attack and movements. Able to calculate where to be and where to hit in order to dodge and attack with precision. Striking at weak points and channeling all her power at that single point for total devastating effect. Focusing on wearing down the opponents with her flames to soften then then later destroy them with the last strike.
Andromeda. Can summon a bow and generate her own arrows using her aura. The bow and arrow have the ability to change shapes and size. Arrow can be given different abilities. Able to sense her targets and hit them from miles. Sharp eyes, but using her mind eye by closing her eyes and feeling the world around her. And her arrows sharpen to pierce through almost anything. And launched at the spread of lightning.
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grass-salad · 2 years
The Hop of my Heart - an Amphibia Fanfic
Mr.Boonchuy sat in his favourite lawn chair out in the garden. His leg was wrapped up in a cast and gently resting on a stoop. The sun was setting, leaving a warm glow on the surrounding remains of the city that once had stood here. It had been two weeks since Polly turned into Mecha-Polly and destroyed a good chunk of L.A using a gigantic robot suit made from the scraps of the Boonchuy family car. Together with the Planters they had been able to stop her before she took her chaos into the rest of California. She was now meant to face the court for her various war crimes committed to the citizens of Los Angeles.
From the cooler Mr.Boonchuy pulled out a beer. It was the third one this evening. He cracked it open and took a big chug. He knew he should be inside with his family and their guests, spending time with them like a good father. But he couldn't. No, he couldn't face them right now, and especially not…
Hop Pop.
He just couldn't make sense of the events that transpired during the battle against Mecha-Polly. He leaned back against the lawn chair and closed his eyes. The memories of that day flooded back to him in an instant, as if he couldn't let them go.
Building being torn apart by gigantic metal claws. Car alarms were going off all around the city, and the cars that were silent had gone up in flames that emitted a dark smoke. The roads were covered in debris and large cracks that tore the concrete apart like paper. Mr. Boonchuy was running down the street. He knew this was dangerous but he had to make sure his daughter Anne would be safe. She had gone into her mega evolution and intended to fight Mecha-Polly all on her own in 1v1 combat.
"Anne!" Mr.Boonchuy cried out to his daughter who was standing ontop a partly destroyed car. 
She turned around, surprised. "Dad! What are you doing here? You need to get back to safety!" Her hair was giving off a strong blue glow and gently waving in the wind.
"Anne, I can't let you fight this battle alone!" Mr.Boonchuy pleaded. "Please let me help you!"
Anne shook her head. "No, dad. I need to do this alone." 
Before Mr.Boonchuy could utter another word Anne leaped into the air toward one of the destroyed buildings and parkoured her way up onto higher grounds to get an even playing ground for her battle with Mecha-Polly.
"Anne!" Mr.Boonchuy cried out, but it was too late. She was out of his field of vision. There was nothing he could do now to protect Anne, so the best course of action would be to find a place to hide. He looked around the area quickly for some shelter. There was a subway tunnel across the street from, if he got in there he would be relatively safe from the chaos above.
He ran towards the subway tunnel, but suddenly a loud roar echoed. It was Mecha-Polly. Mr.Boonchuy turned his head and in the distance down the street he saw her. Luckily Mecha-Polly hadn't seen him. She was too busy fighting Mega Anne. Mr.Boonchuy couldn't take his eyes off of them. He knew he had to get to safety but his feet refused to move. He saw how Mecha-Polly picked up a car from the ground as if it was a toy, and with a loud roar she threw it towards Mega Anne 
Mega Anne swiftly dodged the flying car and threw a punch at Mecha-Polly who crashed into a building.
But before Mr.Boonchuy could breathe a sigh of relief he noticed that the car was coming right for him! He leaped for the subway tunnel and then…
Everything went dark.
Mr.Boonchuy didn't know how long he had been out, but it couldn't have been more than a few seconds. His head was pounding and he could feel a burning pain on his forearms. But that was nothing to the pain in his left legs. It was so intense he thought he was going to pass out again. He carefully opened his eyes and blinked a few times to avoid the dust that was setting around him. He looked down in horror at his leg. It had been pinned under the car and blood was starting to pool. When he tried to pull his leg out he felt an even worse pain shoot through him. His vision went dark again for a short moment.
Was this it? Is this how he was going to die trapped under a car? He tried to call out for help but his voice was weak and could barely make a sound. "Anne…" He whispered. But it was no use, she would never hear him. The sound around him started to disappear and was replaced by a ringing sound inside his ears. He could feel the life fade from his body.
Suddenly he felt someone touch his shoulder. Mr.Boonchuy tried to open his eyes as best he could and in front of him he saw an orange silhouette of someone.
Could it be?
He blinked a few times and the figure came into focus. It was Hop Pop! He saw the frog's lips move but he couldn't make out the words he was saying.
"Hop Pop…" Mr.Boonchuy whispered out. He reached out for Hop Pop's hand and the old frog grabbed it tightly. It was slimy, but in this moment Mr.Boonchuy didn't care. He was just happy to have a familiar face next to him.
Hop Pop said something again, but still the words were impossible to make out. He let go of Mr.Boonchuy's hand and took a few steps back.
No! Please come back…
To Mr.Boonchuy's surprise Hop Pop ripped his shirt and jacket off revealing just how shredded the old frog was. He had an eight pack and biceps that would've made Arnold Schwarzenegger blush during his days as a bodybuilder. Mr.Boonchuy widened his eyes. Never had he thought that Hop Pop looked like that under his suit.
With his muscular arms Hop Pop grabbed the car with ease and threw it to the side. Mr.Boonchuy took a deep breath in relief as he felt the pressure on his leg elevate. It still hurt of course but it helped a great deal with his comfort. In a second Hop Pop was back at his side. "Mr.Boonchuy, are you able to lean on me for support?" The frog croaked.
Mr.Boonchuy tried to get off the ground but it was no use and he fell back down again, his leg hurt too much. But even if he tried to fight through the pain his leg would probably give in. "I…I can't…" He groaned.
"That is no problem." Hop Pop said. "I'll just carry you." He lifted Mr.Boonchuy off the ground with great care.
This is where the memory of the event started to get blurry. All Mr.Boonchuy could remember was how safe he felt in Hop Pop's strong arms as he carried him across the city like he was his bride.
Mr.Boonchuy opened his eyes and he was back in the family backyard again. His chest tightened. The image of Hop Pop standing heroically among the rubble of the city with his slime covered abs glistening in the light of the fires. He just couldn't stop thinking of it.
But it's normal! It's perfectly normal for a man to admire a frog's excellent physique. And an excellent physic it was. Anyone would've done the same if they had been in Mr.Boonchuy's place.
However, Mr.Boonchuy knew that it wasn't just his bulging muscles that he was thinking about, but also those beautiful frog eyes that looked upon with such kindness. And that gentle voice and its reassuring words. He knew it wasn't appropriate to think of Hop Pop in such a way. He was a frog! And Mr.Boonchuy was a man with a wife and kid. Even if there was more to his feelings for the elderly frog it would never even work out. Mr.Boonchuy sighed and took another shot from the beer.
He heard the door open behind him. Without turning to look at who it was he closed his eyes shut tightly. Please be my wife or Anne, please be them and not…
"Good evening Mr.Boonchuy!" The familiar sound of the warm voice croaked.
God damn it. Mr.Boonchuy thought to himself. Why did it have to be him?
Hop Pop came and sat in the lawn chair next to Mr.Boonchuy. "May I have one?" He asked and pointed towards the beer cooler.
"Sure," Mr.Boonchuy mumbled as he leaned back into the lawn chair. In a weird way he was happy that it had been Hop Pop that joined him outside.
Hop Pop opened the can and drank the entire thing in almost one gulp. "Ah, nothing better than a cold beer after a long day, right?"
Mr.Boonchuy nods. "You're not wrong." He starts picking at the edge of the can. "There is this thing I've been wondering about you, Hop Pop."
"Yeah? What's that?"
"Do you have a wife back in Amphibia?"
Hop Pop thinks for a moment as hee looks off into the distance. "Well, I don't have a wife. But I do have a lovely lady friend named Sylvia." 
Mr.Boonchuy feels his heart drop. It's no surprise that someone like Hop Pop is spoken for, so why is he so surprised to hear about this Sylivia lady? "Are you two going to get frog married?"
"Well, um…" Hop Pop begins. "I'm not really sure."
"Why's that?" 
"You see, I don't like being tied down by marriage and such. I'm not really the one frog kind of guy if you get why I mean." Hop Pop explains. It almost looks like he's blushing, but it's hard to tell on account of the orange skin.
Mr.Boonchuy feels his heart starting to race. "I understand." He says.
"I'm glad you do." Hop Pop smiles.
And that smile. That smile makes all the blood rush into Mr.Boonchuy's face. You could fry an egg on his forehead.
"Ah, it's getting late. I should probably go tuck Sprig into bed." Hop Pop croaks as he Hop out of the lawn chair.
"Hop Pop wait!" Mr.Boonchuy places his hand on Hop Pop's shoulder. He can feel his muscles on his shirt. "Do you, erm…."
"Do I what?"
"Do you…" Mr.Boonchuy tries his hardest to get the words out. "Do you want to sign my cast?"
Hop Pop chuckles. "Of course, buddy!" He pulls out a red pen out of his breast pocket and starts scribbling his name on the cast. Mr.Boonchuy feels the vibrations from the pen scraping against the rough surface in his leg.
When he's done he puts the pen back into his pocket. "Well, I'll see you tomorrow. Goodnight, Mr.Boonchuy!" He makes his way back into the house and Mr.Boonchuy watches him the entire way. But before closing the door Hop Pop gives him a smile again.
Mr.Boonchuy sighs and leans back into the chair again. He's a fool for thinking that anything could ever happen between him and Hop Pop. Why does he feel this way to begin with? Mr.Boonchuy knew he still loved his wife dearly. Could a man really love more than just one person? Even a frog?
He looks down at his cast and sees where Hop Pop has put his elegant signature. But there is something else that catches his eye. Just under the name he had drawn a little shape.
A little heart.
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sweetsubharry · 4 years
do you have any friends to lovers au full of fluffy?
Yes I do!! It is a favourite of mine so be warned there’s 36 fics in this rec!! Isn’t friends to lovers fluff just the best??  💖
Please stay safe and read the tags!!
It's A Start by Magiic_Shop
“This is dangerous, love,” Louis smirked, his lips pressed against Harry’s shoulder blade.
“Why’s that?” Harry asked.
“Because,” Louis’ smirk grew into a smile, “I might never want to let you go.”
Harry shifted against Louis, reaching up to cover Louis’ hand on his stomach with his own, “Then don’t.”
Or, the one where Harry can't sleep at night, and because of that, neither can Louis. Louis thinks it could be the start of something.
everything i can arrange, every part of me you change by orphan_account
“Don’t you try that shit with me,” Niall spits the second he reaches Louis, pulling off the hood with force. “What the hell is this?” He plops down next to Louis on the empty bleacher and unceremoniously pushes a sheet of crumpled paper in his face.
Netflix and Chill Buddy Application
It’s like no matter how hard Louis tries, he can’t seem to run away from this stupid fucking flyer. All the girls (and some of the boys) in every one of his classes have been talking about it all week. It’s on every wall of every building on campus. Louis went for a jog last night and he nearly tripped and died over a loose one on the football track.
[Harry needs a big spoon and Louis refuses to let anyone steal his position. Based on this post.]
One Plus One Is Also One (Sometimes) by justgotowisharder
“Dear Mrs. Sissy,” Anne read out loud and Harry only wanted the ground to swallow him up, “you asked me to write about my hero but I don’t have a hero, I have a superhero. Superheroes are better and have superpowers. My superhero is Louis Tomlinson.”
(Or the one where Louis Tomlinson isn’t really a superhero, but he’ll always do everything on his power to protect his baby Harry)
Love You But I Gotta Let Go by FallingLikeThis
Harry’s father is never going to be satisfied with anything that he does. But maybe that’s okay when his best friend is there, always cheering him on anyway.
Prompt 947: The despair of ever living up to his standards.
Pour Your Heart Out by hrrytomlinson
Louis is his soulmate. Or at least Harry thinks he is. Louis feels the same as Louis. But there are a lot of people named Louis in the world and this Louis might not be the Louis. It’s besides the point though, because Harry knows he can’t allow himself to get close to any boys. He just can’t and he’s told himself this multiple times. He has to simply stay away from Louis Tomlinson. But he can’t. Harry Styles can never stay away from Louis Tomlinson. It’s physically impossible for him to. 
Take This Sinking Boat and Point It Home by goodgirlfaith (boomersoonerash)
Five times Louis Proposes to Harry and the one time he doesn't.
Just Ask Me To by TellMeThisIsNotLove
“You’re telling the truth,” Louis whispers.
“Of course I’m telling the truth!” Harry doesn’t even care that he sounds exasperated.
“Oh my god.” Louis grabs the wall behind him as if looking for support. His body slides down against it until he’s sitting crouched on the floor.
He mumbles something but Harry can’t really figure out what it is. He crouches down, and looks desperately at the breaking boy in front of him.
“You’re telling the truth,” Louis whispers. “You were not supposed to–”
“I was not supposed to do what? Tell me please,” Harry urges, taking Louis’ hands gently in his.
Or the X Factor era canon fic where they learn how to be a couple and that not everyone is going to be on their sides especially those with plain white t-shirts and saccharine smiles.
Burning Skies by emeraldharry 
They both watched as ice and fire danced across their palms, hypnotized by the small things they could do with their powers. Snowflakes swirled around each other as the mist twisted about like a small tornado, while the fire in Louis' hands swayed and twirled gracefully—bright and warm and beautiful.Before, Harry couldn't even think of touching him with the fear of turning his skin to ice. Now, he knew that Louis wasn't some ordinary human to shy away from. Louis was bright, fiery flames, a body of powerful waves of heat. Louis was everything he was not, his polar opposite, but it was all the more reason that they fit together just right.or[Mutant au: Harry likes to think he's normal. Except, normal boys don't freeze everything they touch. Louis thinks he's perfect just the way he is and shows him just that. Zayn is a telekinetic, Liam is a rising YouTube star, and Niall is the best human best friend there is.]
I see the love light in your eyes by larrycaring
For as long as Harry can remember, Louis has always been his best friend.
There are a few constant things in Harry’s life: his family, this town he’s grown up in, and Louis.
He had his other friends, of course, but Louis had always been and still was the person that Harry was closest to. Maybe it was due to the fact that they live next to each other, and that, since the first night they’d talked, when he and Louis shared a conversation on their conjoining roofs, they instantly hit off, and a friendship developed. Or maybe it was that Louis was always so cheeky, almost the opposite of Harry, but it complimented Harry’s slow and thoughtful way of life perfectly. Either way, it just kind of happened.
or an AU where Louis and Harry are very much in love. Featuring football & late night rendezvous.
you fit me better than my favourite sweater by brightbluelou
Harry didn't mean to fall in love with his best friend, and he definitely didn't mean to get pregnant. Despite that, it’s probably still the best thing that’s ever happened to him. And after that, well. It just kept getting better.
or; the one where Harry and Louis are friends-with-benefits and Harry unexpectedly gets pregnant. Harry never wants to stop getting pregnant after that, but Louis thinks seven kids is probably enough.
put your head on my shoulder by wayfared
Niall gives Harry until the end of marching season to either a) make a move on Louis Tomlinson or b) get the fuck over him. Either is easier said than done. Basically, your High School AU with a drum beat.
My Only Sunshine by DontLetHimGo
Harry and Louis have known each other since the start of everything.
When Harry is only a few weeks old, and Louis is two, the older boy is immediately intrigued by the little person in the carry cot. Jay knows that it will be difficult to keep her son away from her best friend's little boy.
baby, hold on to my heart by icaarusfalls
Here was the dilemma: Louis and Harry were out with their mates window shopping because there was nothing else to do and Louis brought an antique ring, hoping to pawn it off to get some quick cash. It was a small, old thing, all rusted and gold, but it had its charm. The owner didn't take it because of the minuscule crack down the middle of the jewel, so Louis just shrugged and handed it to Harry without a thought.
Louis gives Harry a ring as a joke, but Harry starts wearing the ring everywhere he goes.
So Put Your Hands In (The Holes of My Sweater) by Kat_rawr
“Are you gonna kiss me then?” He asks so quiet he isn’t even sure Louis heard him.
“I think it’s bad luck if I don’t.“ Louis’ breath is hot on Harry’s skin in the cold air. They stand in the dark; Louis’ face only lit up by the yellow-ish light from the street light a few metres away. The light over the door of their building hasn’t worked in years.
“Okay,” Harry says, and of course his cheeks heat up. There are definitely butterflies in stomach and his mouth is definitely dry.
Harry and Louis go on a lot of not-dates.
It's the Sun In Your Eyes by Bearandleonardwrite
Harry's not the best with relationships. Then he finds Louis.
(Basically; Harry's insecure and hurt, but Louis loves him anyways and knows how to help.)
Sun-Dappled by QuickedWeen
Louis and his best friend Harry are in their seventh year at Hogwarts, facing down their future together. Louis has been in love with his best friend for as long as he can remember, and he begins to feel a sense of urgency as the second semester begins. Finally he hatches a plan to tell Harry about his feelings on Harry's birthday.
Stop Making Tired Excuses by midnightskies
Louis hates many things; cold tea, countdown, tuesdays, and university, but most of all he absolutely, categorically despises Eric Davidson, current boyfriend of Harry Styles. 
nonstop earthquake dreams of you by lumineres
And there's heat behind it, blazing, plasmatic, like stars crashing together, like an explosion in space, like a supernova, like a black hole--everything else sucked out of existence. There's no bed and there's no pillow and they're not lying down, just floating somewhere, somehow, and there's no room and there's no X Factor house and there's no Niall snuffling or Liam's deep, even breathing and there's no wind or traffic outside and there's no hum of the heating unit and it's all just Louis. All encompassingly Louis.
or, harry falls hard and finds louis already at the bottom
every december (your star lights the sky) by larrystomlinsons
Louis needs a date for the Christmas dance and Harry is the wingman that has feelings for him.
Counting The Steps Between Us by zarah5
AU. So, yeah. That year abroad helped Harry establish that he is in love with his best friend. Now, if Louis would stop treating him like a little brother, that would be awesome. (Additional ingredients: a collapsing tree house, a lot of pining, the other three boys as Louis' new best mates from university, and a camping trip. Serve hot.)
waiting on the sun by midnights
A third year counselor at Camp Weehawken, Louis just wants to get through the summer without accidentally professing his love to Harry during movie night.
ft. night swimming, lots of cuddles, and even more fluff.
Right From the Start (You Know I Got You) by FallingLikeThis
Louis grows up protecting Harry. Harry loves him for it.
Let Me Give You My Life by midnightskies
Gemma has one rule for Louis while he stays with her family at Christmas; not to hook up with her little brother, so of course that's the one thing Louis does.
deep in my heart i know there's only you by ballsdeepinjesus
"Will you do it?” Harry whispers. Louis has to lean closer just to hear him. He furrows his brows and shakes his head, not knowing what Harry means. “Would you donate for me?”
Louis is dumbfounded. “I’m sorry, I thought you just asked if I’d donate my sperm. Can you repeat yourself?”
[harry and louis are best friends who engage in some platonic baby-making. very platonic.]
You Are The View by larryftnoctrl
Louis is running out on time for his photography assignment and Harry looks lovely in red. It only made sense.
the most beautiful thing by sunflowergolden
“Well, I came prepared of course. I actually have a full on suit with me.”He had to be joking. “Lou, you have to be joking. There’s no way you took a full on suit with you all the way from the States.”“I was raised right, H. You never know when you’re going to need it, so you take it with you. In case a cute boy asks you out.”or, the one where louis and harry have been friends for a while, but they live 5.404 miles away from each other, and louis goes to stay with harry for a week
Take Me As I Am by lovelarry10
“Suppressant? But… why would I need a suppressant? Alphas don’t take suppressants.”
“You’re right, they don’t.”
Secrets. Lies. Deception. Betrayal. Self-discovery.
Alpha. Omega. How far will they go to hide the truth?
don't call me baby by 28sunflowers
A short and cliché roommates AU inspired by To Be So Lonely, where they’re both oblivious to each other’s feelings and Harry gets sad and jealous over nothing. It works out in the end.
Spin Me Like A Record by zarah5
Uni AU. Sometimes, Louis poses as Harry’s boyfriend. It doesn’t mean anything. Really.
Take a lover who looks at you like maybe you are magic by larrycaring
Call him hopelessly romantic, but Harry was convinced Louis was the one for him. He had never really believed in love at first sight until his special person had come along and stolen his heart. And really, as soon as he had first met Louis on the train, Harry had felt something. Their love, at first sight, had started when they had met, and it had never ended since they had found each other. Harry hadn’t known it back then, of course, but even during his first encounter with Louis, he had felt that fluttering feeling from deep down inside, when Louis had first smiled at him. It had been like gravity had moved, and nothing had mattered more than him.
or even in a magical world, Louis and Harry's love is the most magical and beautiful thing in the world, Zayn is the smart Ravenclaw who falls for his best friend, Liam's true feelings are revealed and Niall is Niall.
or my first Larry Hogwarts AU that I just had to write.
Close your eyes (and let the word paint a thousand pictures) by larrycaring
They were attached at the hip as soon as they met on the Hogwarts Express. They became good friends within the first week of school, and from that day on, Harry just kind of snuck his way right into Louis’ heart. It’s just his charming side, his genuine and caring personality, his stupid puns (and now pick-up lines) that make Louis laugh his ass off, and his bravery and determination. His endless support and loyalty, his friendship… Everything about him, Louis loves. Merlin’s beard, he’s truly gone for him. And he doesn’t know how to tell Harry.
or another Hogwarts AU where Harry thinks it’s a good idea to use cheesy pick-up lines to reveal his feelings to Louis.
Faking It by TheCellarDoor
A uni AU in which Louis has been Harry’s best friend since he offered him cubed fruit on the playground, and they spend more time cuddling in their dorm beds than they do apart, but it’s not like that. Or is it?
Aka Harry pretends to date his best friend to escape unwanted attention from a too insistent classmate and hopes it won’t blow up in his face. Featuring embarrassing dildo accidents, awkward boners, longing, first times, late night conversations, emotional discoveries and Niall as the exasperated friend with bad advice.
Don't Stop Thinking About Tomorrow by 1Diamondinthesun
Harry spends most of his time in an empty house or a lonely darkroom, dreaming of leaving his small town for art school. He's invisible to most people. And then Louis Tomlinson sees him. Life will never be the same.
Or, the American high school AU loosely inspired by She's All That.
A Real Work of Art by lululawrence
“I don’t understand,” Liam said for probably the fiftieth time in ten minutes. “You have to explain again how this is a bad thing.”
“Leeeeyummm,” Harry whined into the phone as he leaned his head onto his desk. “I felt like this year was my year for getting his attention, you know? That senior year I would finally get Logan Thompson to realize I exist! But he’s in almost every single one of my classes, Li. How am I supposed to survive that?”
“Easily,” Liam answered, with the same matter of fact tone his voice always took when Harry was in one of his fits. “He doesn’t know you exist, so it shouldn’t be a problem. Right?”
Or the one where Harry calls on an old friend, the super popular Louis Tomlinson, to help him change his look to capture the heart of Logan. Things only mostly go as planned.
wanna taste your heart, don't interfere by orphan_account
Harry still remembers how unsure he felt when he first told Louis, how self-conscious he was. Louis had been nothing but understanding and kind, though, reassuring him that nothing’s going to change between them, that they’re still best friends regardless of sex. Harry had been mostly relieved at that, because he really doesn’t want to lose Louis as a friend over this, but another part of him had been a bit sad because… well, because nothing changed between them. Or rather, there is change, but it’s completely one-sided as far as Harry can tell.
This change being him not getting enough of the way Louis smells. He just can’t help it, is the thing, unable to stop himself from trying to subtly press his nose against the fabric of Louis’ shirt by his shoulders. He still smells like faint cologne and sweat, which is enough to make Harry start feeling slightly dizzy.
(harry presents as an omega, louis is his alpha best friend, and there are hidden feelings that just get harder to control.)
Picture Perfect by LittleBubbleStyles
an AU where Louis Tomlinson is a misunderstood football player, and Harry Styles is a misunderstood photographer. Somehow, they're understood together.
this is a wip but it is updated regularly, almost finished, and I highly recommend it!!
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