#(My....Savior?) : Maruki
epitomees · 2 years
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~ Kasumi/Sumi’s Tags ~ 
More will be added as needed. 
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andromeda-aim · 3 months
Finished persona5 royal with a friend and i'm continually losing my shit over how much the game hammers home to the player that Akechi's life is the most persuasive bargaining chip that Maruki had to convince Akira to accept his false reality. Beyond the lives his friends were living, nothing changes for him. His family never apologies for sending him away, his classmates still make snide comments about his criminal record, not to mention this is still a world that had him tortured and nearly killed in an interrogation room not too long ago. His life is virtually identical, which can imply that Akira has made peace with what has happened to him. None of that changing would ultimately give him his happy ending or ideal world. Akechi being alive is what gives Akira his happy ending, the person who a literal fucking god of control pitted against him. Because at the end of the day, Akechi doesn't see him as the delinquent with a criminal record, or the savior leader of the phantom thieves. Akira is the product of a cruel unjust game, like himself, strung along by happenstance. Neither boys became strong because they wanted to, this world molded them into weapons to fight each other and see who could make a victim of the other. Akira needs Akechi for his ideal world because to look at Akechi bleeding out in Shido's palace, hear his ragged breathing from the other side of that wall, and pause, is to realize that it could have been him there instead. Which is to say, "I am thou, and thou art I."
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miitokii · 2 months
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can i post this for shuake week day 7 even though it’s late and isn’t really shuake (I LOVE SHUAKE) :,)
joker’s palace! i imagine he has one shadow for each confidant, and they’re all called their respective arcanas.
his palace is a theatre/masquerade, hence they all have masks and gloves
the first one (which i also posted before, is arsène/fool)
the last one is strength (the shadow for the twin wardens). it’s kinda just his inmate outfit so i didn’t line/colour it properly lol
i also have these, which i drew for a different purpose [which has now been posted!] (hence the lack of masks, gloves, and yellow eyes; and the drawings of the confidants; and the relative lack of detail) but if i were to draw them the designs would be similar
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warning for long ass dump of my notes on each shadow lol:
each shadow is sort of like how ren tries to portray himself to each of his confidants, like their ideal version of him (at least in joker’s cognition)
joker (fool): his ‘joker’ persona - the leader of the phantom thieves, bold, flamboyant, confident (i.e. how he portrays himself in the metaverse)
ann (lovers): fashionista, model, veering into drag queen territory
i initially drew a suit version but then remembered ren canonically has crossdressed lol (we love the mementos mission manga)
haru (empress): a sweet and gentle prince, detached from okumura foods (like haru’s getaway, prince charming)
makoto (priestess): a model student, smart, serious, but also driven and follows own ideals (like makoto wishes she could)
ryuji (chariot): punkish gym bro
akechi (justice): righteous knight, intellectual and justice driven
morgana (magician): a phantom thief, a cowboy sort of image, sly, cunning, fast
yusuke (emporer): traditional japanese furisode (in modern times this tends to be worn by women, which yusuke could be more drawn to in his models) artistic, down to earth
there’s also a bit about his mother, since a furisode is mostly worn by unmarried women, and since we never hear about yusuke’s biological father, i’d guess she was unmarried? yusuke wants to recapture the beauty of the sayuri (which is a self-portrait) and thinks he could do so with a beautiful model - so ren wears a furisode like an unmarried young woman, like yusuke’s mother
futaba (hermit): otaku, nerd, older brother figure and fellow gamer
sojiro (heirophant): apprentice barista, 2nd boss of leblanc, charming, a ladies man (sorry sojiro your son is gay)
twin wardens (strength): just an inmate lol (focused on fusing lots of personas and filling the compendium, plus listening to igor)
sumi (faith): senior more experienced gymnast/trainer, ‘senpai’
mishima (moon): gentleman thief, but unlike fool and magician, moon would be more secretive and cunning like a traditional gentleman thief
maruki (counsellor): fellow researcher, curious and driven, but very kind and empathetic
maruki would also wish ren was more like him, and agreed with his ideas, since they both lowkey have a savior complex but use different methods. if ren agreed with maruki there would be no conflict in the 3rd semester, which is what maruki would want
sae (judgement): innocent and sweet school boy, model student, unlike priestess who is more self-driven and ambitious, judgement would be more conforming
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monakisu · 8 months
I'm pretty sure Joker being like Sleeping Beauty in Royal was intentional. After all, third semester in general has a fairytale theme, with Sumire being Cinderella and Maruki being the Fairy Godmother that grants her (and everyone else's) wishes. But he's also Maleficent, because he puts Sleeping Beauty (Joker) to sleep. Hence Maruki viewing himself as the good guy but also being the bad guy. He gives Sleeping Beauty his Prince Charming (Akechi) in order to convince him to stay within the dream of the false reality, but fails to realize what Prince Charming's goal is in every telling of the story. To wake Sleeping Beauty. Hence, Akechi being the most against the fake reality and being the one to convince Joker not to stay in the reality. By failing to admit his role as the villain, Maruki brings about his own demise in the form of Akechi. It's so well done I can't imagine it being anything but intentional. I mean, Joker even walks with Akechi, "once upon a dream" if one considers the fake reality akin to a dream.
^^^ YEAH!!!!!! YOU GET IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🧨💥🧨💥🧨💥
i find the irony of goro and maruki’s varying self-awareness levels to be RESPLENDENT!! like here we have goro who has always desperately yearned to be the hero and yet he’s resigned himself to playing the role of villain, the big bad wolf killing mothers and fathers and plotting against the righteous thieves… but come third semester he’s the heroic prince charming saving sleeping beauty!!
(although i like my yaoi toxic, i have to admit how perfectly akira and goro click together as two halves of a whole; they intrigue and excite each other, fulfill their savior complexes and desire to be known intimately, bring the best and worst out of each other...) these two freaks are literally this:
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anyways i like to daydream that in the euthanasia ending (i enjoy how horrifying and clinical that name is) even after the rest of the world has long forgotten akira, goro, who has always been stubbornly aware and driven by the truth (i mean, both his AOA's talk about the truth; the boy is FIXATED), will eventually make his way up sleeping beauty’s tower to wake up his love…
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and then there’s the other part of the irony: maruki who thinks himself to be his new reality’s messiah but is actually the real Big Bad woa!! a classic evil queen, the evil stepmother, coraline’s other mother trying to trap her in her spiderweb… amazing!!! like u said, he’s simultaneously sumi’s fairy godmother and akira’s villainous fairy! everyday i thank the devs for adding third semester bcuz hoo boy did it elevate p5 to the high heavens!!
i’ve always been very fond of the sleeping beauty parallels in p5, but i’d never thought about it thoroughly enough to realize how instrumental goro’s prince charming role is in dismantling malecificent’s curse! thank u for opening my eyes!! i’m literally giddy from glee!!!
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kekisu · 8 months
a very popular headcanon people have (i Think its popular. at least a lot of my twitter mutuals agreed with me a while back) is that joker comes from inaba, and if youve played p4 you know that theres literally nothing to do there
so a big headcanon that i used to be obsessed with is that he would spend a lot of his days skateboarding or biking around listening to music and exploring old dirt roads.. and he ended up getting a special interest in bugs and reptiles because hed come across so many during his little solo adventures. hes also very well versed in fishing its not a fixation or anything but just something hes pretty good at
this is why i tend to draw joker like some sort of skater boy. i think hes always stood out a lot in this small town even before the false assault charge, like he wasnt disliked or bullied but he just didnt really fit in. and this didnt bother him. i think he only realized how boring his life was when he became a phantom thief and got all these new friends in this new big city that understood him despite the circumstances that led him here. like man i really used to live like that and see nothing wrong with it? i didnt yearn for more?
it makes it even more painful when he has to leave and they naturally drift apart. because they all have dreams and ambitions, and the best years of their lives are waiting for them around the corner. but joker is back in this small town where theres nothing to do but hang out in some food court or poke around in the woods. i imagine this newfound loneliness is really hard on him, not to mention the guilt for feeling like hes somehow to blame for. well, whatever happened with goro
to me personally i think goro lived. i think he mustered up the perseverance to bite and claw his way out of shidos palace after seeing that even someone like him has a chance at being loved, he just didnt really remember this in marukis reality because it was all a blur. so both goro and joker were completely clueless as to what his fate would be if they went back to their true reality, which is what was so scary. the uncertainty. he could very well be dead but how could they know for sure? i just dont like the thought of him dying before he could truly live, even though i understand the tragedy of it can be poetic, i just cant stand for him going out like that because i relate a lot to his struggles. and i think it would go against the overall positive message of p5r. sure not everybody gets to have a second chance or a happy ending, but. man. anyways
joker fully believes goro is dead though. he wouldnt be crazy to assume this considering how they parted ways in shidos palace. but it eats away at him and maybe he really does go crazy. maybe his life feels like its stuck in time and while his old friends are out chasing their dreams, hes stuck. broken and shattered over feeling like he couldve done something to save him, knowing jokers savior/martyr complex
im running out of steam and i didnt mean to ramble on about my post-p5r headcanons but, to wrap it up: goro is in rehab somewhere and has a service dog to help with his dissociation and mood swings. and a couple other stuff. he feels like if he walks back into jokers life itll mess something up like joker will just break down or something. so he keeps his distance until they cross paths again. im just very obsessed with the idea of goro getting his life together vs joker wanting so badly to chase that high of phantom thievery again but failing and being actually so depressed
man morgana must be exhausted
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let-them-eat-rakes · 6 months
third semester persona 5 royal is so the mind electric coded (some of these are my headcanons for akira's feelings) (also long post)
"resident minor, how do you plead? we'll need your testimony on the stand. solemnly swear to tell the whole truth; so help you, son, now raise your right hand." maruki's multiple ultimatums
"i've a good heart, albeit insane." if akira or akechi tried to explain the situation to anyone they would come across as bat shit crazy
"condemn him to the infirmary." 2/2 vibes. akira has to choose between letting akechi go out on his own terms or condemning him to maruki's reality
"all mine towers crumble down, the flowers gasping under rubble." akira wakes up to find everything he worked for had disappeared, and has a small mental breakdown as his world crumbles around him when he sees his friends
"shrieking in the hall of lull, thy genius sates a thirst for trouble." maruki seeing the engine room scene, akira screaming for akechi to still be alive
"scattering sparks of thought energy, deliver me and carry me away." maruki manipulating the phantom thieves' cognition to blind them to the truth, but he believes he is doing good, carrying them away from pain
"here in my kingdom, i am your lord; i order you to cower and pray." maruki's god complex, that he is somewhat unaware of / ignoring
"nuns commence encanting, as the lightning strikes my temples thus." akira going around, breaking the thieves from the illusion, clearing their minds
"spiralling down thy majesty, i beg of thee, have mercy on me. i was just a boy, you see; i plead of thee, have sympathy for me!" the thoughts going through akira's head in the seconds before the phantom thieves arrive
"see how the serfs work the ground. (see how they fall) and they give it all they've got (fall) - and they give it all they've got (fall) - and you give it all you've got, till you're down. (ha! ha! ha! ha!)" i imagined a cool scene about this part when just randomly listening to the song, and it's kinda what inspired this entire post: at some point before 2/2 (like maybe 1/30 or something) akira secretly goes to maruki's palace, and basically just asks 'why. why are you doing this, what's your game here.' and maruki brings him up to a balcony overlooking the city. he says the lyrics (i know cheesy, but imagine he's using it as a metaphor or something) and the parts in parentheses are his savior complex/azathoth/adam kadmon.
"see how the brain plays around; and you fall inside a hole you couldn't see. and you fall inside a hole, inside a-" maruki truly believing that he is in the right, as he sees how (for lack of a better word) damaged the thieves (especially the royal trio) are mentally
"SOMEONE HELP ME" once again, the royal trio and maruki. sumire needing help to be who she truly is, and it's interesting to imagine her just suddenly yelling it during her boss fight. akira needing help to be able to finish things, and a bit of a headcanon: he has so many personas that his original self (pre metaverse) is buried so deep that he can barely access it. akechi needing help to finally do something that he chooses to do for once, and go out on his own terms. maruki believing himself to be the help that they need, but in actuality he also needs help
"doctor, i can't tell if i'm not me." i think that each of the royal trio has identity issues. kasumi/sumire is obvious, akechi is split between his facades, and the previous headcanon that akira has so many personas that he doesn't know who he is anymore. also, if anyone wants to make an animatic or something, this line can be sumire and akira actually saying this to maruki back at shujin, and akechi pondering it to himself during the events of the game
"when it grows light, the particles start to marvel, having made it through the night. never they ponder, whether electric, calming if you look at it right." maruki lying on the platform after the fistfight, accepting that he was wrong and deciding not to try to stay alive when the platform collapses
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“The masses would turn to the Phantom Thieves next as their savior”
In the game, this plot point is quickly brushed under the rug as it serves as nothing more than an explanation for why Maruki can affect reality but what if it actually happened? What if the Thieves inherited the power of Yaldabaoth and gained the power to change reality as they pleased? It’s easy to assume they would use this power responsibly and never let it get to their heads but despite everything they’ve done, the phantom thieves are still teenagers being pressed under the weight of the distorted wishes of thousands or even millions of people. How would they rule as god? And who would oppose them?
This is an au that me and my friend, Krotus (@justanothergeneralkrow) are currently making. We aren’t artists so any art that this au will have will be rare but we have poured quite a lot of research into this to give all the thieves distorted personas based on important Christian figures and saints. 
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sorrowful-councillor · 4 months
“It's important to not push yourself too hard. Remember, your mind needs rest too.”
(( a roleplay blog for takuto maruki from persona 5 royal
(( refer to me/maruki with only he/him , nothing else
(( my maruki is trans , if you have a problem with that , then block me
(( this is my first time making an rp blog , be nice
(( i am 18 but won't do nsfw , proshippers dni , maruki is 29
(( my favorite ships are maruki x zenkichi , maruki x iwai , maruki x shibusawa , maruki x rumi , and maruki x rumi x shibusawa , others are fine
(( my other rp blogs are @demented-chairman , @nihilistic-savior , @zealot-genius
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wyrdle · 3 months
My latest big brain thought is: What if I drew Takuto Maruki older .... actual old man savior complex guy....
do I get a cheer...
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toyintrance · 3 months
I guess this really just comes down to my take of maruki but I just don't see him having a healthy relationship with kinks/sex
So if I went to therapy and told him " I think mind control is out " he'd be like " Oh... mmm adding that to the list of weird things to get rid of along with the one person fantasy of wanting to cuck Micky mouse"
I agree with you that he's not really comfortable engaging with intimacy/sexuality at all and he absolutely would try to "cure" someone's mind control fetish with more mind control. The absolute fool.
I also just remembered how medfet/evil scientist/tentacle porny his actual palace is? Like "seemingly reputable psychiatric research facility that actually just brainwashes people into being happy little sheep divested of their free will" is definitely a smut plot I've seen. I think he's repressing his sexuality 1000% but if he actually let himself loosen up and didn't have all the baggage and the martyr/savior complex with his ex, I think he could've had fun and gotten silly with a mind control kink. bc obviously that stuff Is rattling around in his subconscious.
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pikespendragon67 · 9 months
Well, the ParaLive anime certainly…ended
Not sure if I feel like getting screencaps so I’ll post my thoughts below
-I liked seeing Haruomi being more proactive in investigating why Paradox Live came back & him reclaiming Chisei’s medal from Scientist-kun
-The idea of Phantometals being sentient metal that could only thrive on trauma makes for some great sci-fi horror
-Episode 3’s my favorite. I’m biased towards TCW as a group as a whole, but the full episode really showed their dynamics well
-1st episode’s set up & animation was great
-I actually like the hot springs episode since that gives the characters room to breathe outside of the stage battles
-Shiki getting his own gospel part of the rap to save Kanata was nice
-On that note, Fadeaway was a great original song that worked in place of Rooftop
-Holy shit AKYR got screwed over hard in terms of story. I think the member with the most development was Satsuki. Iori could’ve also investigated behind the scenes with Zen and that would be how they found out about Shura. They even had a repeat of their main dance sequence. Poor guys. I appreciate more Hokusai screen time but him just telling important moments could’ve been better presented
-Yeaaaaaaaah the 3D animation definitely downgraded after episode 1. I was willing to look past TCW’s for, again, bias, but every group aside from BAE felt stiff. I know the focus is their Phantometal illusions & raps, but I feel like they could’ve used the music video visuals as reference. Episode 12’s was just wonky
-Scientist-kun as I call him I felt had promise as a villain but he went nowhere. If he was going for the benevolent savior route a la Maruki I could understand why he’d want to “become one” and forget all traumas. Or if he was batshit insane and thought that trauma powered Phantometal could act as an energy source. That could’ve worked in the Yeon Conglomerate’s favor, and they could get trauma easily through a group like the Suiseki. Hell if he turned out to be Chisei trying to bring back the old days that would’ve been great for the endinf!
-so. nayuta was in a coma but then just. popped up at the end. He did that in the audio dramas, sure, but I was kinda hoping Shura would bust in and save him
-aside from shiki we never got TCW’s traumas did we. Or Zen’s.
-I feel like this adaptation should’ve either stayed completely faithful to the audio dramas (probably have an OC that’s like an interviewer to act as the surrogate audience) or did their own thing entirely. They tried to mix both and it felt jumbled/rushed as a result. Granted, can’t expect 24 episodes in 1 season these days, unless we’re REALLY lucky, but I would’ve had like 3 episodes dedicated to each group with some sprinklings of lore in the background myself. 1 episode to introduce the group, and 2 episodes for their stage battles (with possibly in between times to show the inner workings of AT)
-And now for the elephant in the room: boy howdy was this BAE focused way too much! Specifically Allen. Again I know we need a lead, but lessons were recycled because of this focus and it felt silly at the end to rap at blob Kanata. like sir as a distinguished fan of hip-hop how do you not know what trap music is
Overall I know for a fact if a season 2 is made that the new groups are going to be screwed over big time in spite of 1NM8 being relevant for AT, Amprule for BAE, and GokuLuck being in the finals for Road to Legend!!!!!!!!
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fictionkinfessions · 2 months
i've had this on my mind for a while, especially since i've been replaying royal, so i may as well air it out now...
to any joker pathetic and spineless enough to have taken maruki's deal: was it worth it? did you enjoy your fake little life, with that thoughtless smiling doll of me, any shred of my actual self carved out of it? did my autonomy truly mean so little to you? you claimed to actually care about me, and to think i even briefly let myself be stupid enough to believe you...
i thought you might actually be the one person i could bring myself to trust, so was in worth it to prove to me for the thousandth fucking time that i shouldn't have ever trusted anyone? i recognize i betrayed you first, so did you at least enjoy so thoroughly digging a knife into my back? or did you really think, even after i explicitly told you i never wanted to be anyone's puppet ever again, that you were some savior giving me a second chance at life?
not to mention that you effectively killed sumire! and after she made all that progress towards processing her trauma and survivor's guilt and actually deciding she wanted to try and live as *herself.* and for what? so that you could play pretend? pretend we got a happy little life together? pretend you actually gave a damn about me?
did your perfect little reality make it so my mother didn't kill herself from the shame of having her bastard son, or did no one even consider her? did maruki make it so i just existed for you, a perfect smiling slave for your fucking ego? how the hell did you ever convince yourself you were any better than the people whose hearts you changed?
some kind of irony, you being the thief who steals hearts, deciding to have me robbed of everything that made me who i was so you could have your perfect little playmate.
i must actually congratulate you, joker, because i think you knocked shido out of first place on the list of people i hate the most. you did it! i am officially more sickened by you than i am of the man that drove my mother to suicide and turned me into a murderer. i hope you're happy with your choices. -goro akechi
(i suppose i will again specify this is only to the jokers that took maruki's deal - i've no issue with the ones that can actually stick to their principles)
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haejjoon · 2 years
ok so. the one thing i think sumi has going for her is marukis involvement bc she DOES feel flat BECAUSE of him but thats even MORE reason she should be angry in 3rd sem bc MARUKI DIDNT KNOW KASUMI. SO ALL HE KNOWS IS BASED ON SUMIRES RECOLLECTION. WHICH WOULDNT BE ENOUGH TO CREATE A WHOLE PERSONALITY. my fav hc is angry kasumi is friends with goro in 3rd sem and shes not as crazy insane as him but. she gets the Rage. on that note, ryuuji wouldve been furious. actually, all the PTs would be bc their entire thing is being Angry over injustice and being STRIPPED OF UR AGENCY IS NR 1 INJUSTICE
sorry i study equality studies and p5 is such a Game that makes my social equality brain go DISSECT EVERYTHING THROUGH A SOCIAL INEQUALITY LENS like i could go in DETAIL on how each PT faces injustice and how the thieves' entire motivation is BECAUSE of that injustice and MAN I LOVE P5 AS A STUDY ON SOCIAL INEQUALITIES IN JAPAN!!!!!!!!! FUCK YEAH
YEAHHHHHH SOCIAL INEQUALITIES ARE SUCH AN INTERESTING TOPIC i also have so much to say on maruki as a character himself + his savior complex fhat bleeds into a god complex, the parallels of the entire third semester with christianity's view on heaven, etc etc etc but id be here Forever and idk if people want me to clog their tls with that shit HDJSJDS
I love reading sumigoro friendship fics. these are the two who would be most affected by maruki's bullshit, why wouldn't they band together? not to mention how akechi seems to behave around her, too—she's the only character apart from joker that he really seems to talk to, other than the occasional dig at makoto, and i really wish they could have expanded on that more
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arcplaysgames · 2 years
I'm so so so glad you like Maruki's Fucked Up World Time, like... I was pretty okay w/P5R itself but it was my first Persona game so I had no comparisons to make, and I really do like you breaking a bunch of it down even if it isn't all positive.
But ALSO I cannot DESCRIBE the stranglehold this section of the game had (...still has?) on me. Akechi's sharp drop of the Princely Mask, R. Daymond's performance as Akechi's VA and the RANGE of it all, Maruki's full tilt into savior shit and how it's kind and cruel, his VA poppin off ALSO in a different way, and the nondiagetic DETAILS. The overworld music is very "you're still depressed in a chill happy world" vibes, the inverted colors of the calendar day in the top left, the way the Metaverse transition is different.
I'm Biting I'm Chomping, etc. I really hope you continue to have Fun w/it, but nevertheless your liveblogs are a Joy ✌️✨️
Yeah like it's stunning how good the bonus scenario is. I keep just having moment of being baffled at how effective and above and beyond it all is in comparison to the MSQ.
I just finished getting to the Treasure so I've seen a lot more of Maruki's arc and my god. Apparently Maruki's VA has passed away, and it's a fucking loss to the world, because he put in a tremendous performance here. Daymond deserves props for his work, but the subtlety and the sheer number of levels Maruki is working on is a masterclass. He's a reprehensible manipulative fuckhead. He's a traumatized soft heart. He's a spiteful showboat. Maruki is such a cohesive character, probably the most three-dimensional that Persona 5 has, and it's fantastic to see.
Yeah I would say I'm a fan of the bonus semester. XD I think someone mentioned that the scenario writer for this segment is now lead for the Persona franchise and that is Super Interesting lemme tell you. I'm looking forward to a Persona game that maybe isn't about how TV/phones make people sheeple. That'd be neat.
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hauntingmiser · 8 months
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"a letter ?"
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Hello my Dear Tohru Adachi ♥️
You are invited to a wedding event for everybody's souls!
There's going to be many people in this wedding so....I really hope you bring a present so me and my hubby would be happy! ( so happy ! )
I'll see you at the wedding ♥️
Yours truly~ ( Our Lord and savior )
- 🩵 Takuto Maruki 🩵
P.S you don't need to bring anything! you just have to bring yourself ! .....
....You're important later! :)
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Find out in part 2
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oraclememehacker · 2 years
Surprise, here's a two-for!: Mask’s Calling and Abandoned Mask
Send in ‘Mask’s Calling’ to meet a muse I’m on the fence about roleplaying as.
Man, I would absolutely love to put my hat in the ring and try my hand with Maruki. I've tried him out with a different version of him in a rp server that I have but that lead to some issues so I'm legit terrified of rping with him on there again for reasons. And honestly I'm still kind of terrified of rping as him in general. He's such an angst and drama magnet and I love his character in general.
But the fandom are absolutely fucking stupid with him. Either he's a savior or he's the worst character they've ever created and deserves everything he went through. It's like, and I'm gonna be completely blunt here; people have little to no literature comprehension. He's a complicated character who's ultimately in the wrong and designed to make you think hard about the stuff he brings up. He's supposed to be complicated but apparently that's too much for people.
So yeah I'd love to rp as him but I'm terrified of the possible backlash because of it.
Send in ‘Abandoned Mask’ to meet a muse I’ve had in the past that I no longer roleplay.
My first tumblr muse, Gregory Edgeworth, I've ultimately abandoned. When I started to rp with him we didn't have AAI2 (and still don't outside of the fan translation. Maybe capcom will finally change that one day but I doubt it) and I didn't really have a good understanding of the character, or rping in general. It was a lot of out of character stuff. But it was fun. When I didn't have group rp drama anyways.
Thinking back on it though my interpretation of him was fairly accurate when I actually played AAI2 and played the section where you play as him. And I had planned on bringing him back. Even making the blog and such. However I ended up abandoning that idea because I couldn't come up with a good theme. It's a shame. Maybe I can try to rp with him again someday but he's dead parent syndrome so it'd be a bit hard to.
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