#Unknown Regions
hnnny · 4 months
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@oodlesofd00dles I chose a bit angsty 😈 Although, it's pretty chill right after this...for Zena and Revan that is. Atton's a little mad Revan destroyed his lightsaber mere moments before this.
Also this moment has been sitting in my mind forever, and I finally decided to illustrate it now that I have colors on my side :3 It's almost exactly like I envisioned it. Art is cool!!
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dtrizz94-blog · 1 year
From Sadness to Happiness
Sabezra/Ezrabine Forever💜💙🧡
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sternutaries · 1 year
After reading Treason again I just wanna say that I'm convinced Thrawn was buzzing with joy when Ezra decided to yeet both of them into the Unknown Regions.
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mayhaps-a-blog · 2 months
Chapter 2 is up! I probably won't post a chapter a day, maybe more like one or two per week, but I did want to get into the main storyline :) Enjoy!
Trapped in the Unknown Regions, Thrawn and the Chimaera stumble upon a secret, one with the power to destroy their enemies – or themselves. Searching for an answer to her nightmares, Che’ri sets off across the stars, discovering long-forgotten mysteries of the Chiss sky-walkers – and that those mysteries were not lost, but stolen. Once more, their paths will cross, and the path of the galaxy will be changed forever.
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daniellescottart · 1 year
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Thrawn 10 steps ahead as always - Now that’s some pretty good forward planning. Utilising the hyperdrive ring technology he was introduced to during his first interaction with Anakin above Batuu. The chimera - if still functional likely has a damaged hyperdrive hence it has never returned.
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frc-ambaradan · 1 year
Can you believe it? It's done!!! 🙌🙌
Yeah, video's in italian. Sorry 🤪
I already lost half of my brain cells over this... I did not intend to be held responsible for their completely extinction by recording and do all graphics in a foreign language XD
BUT, you can turn on ENGLISH SUBTITLES. You will miss some little taglines but the video's perfectly enjoyable anyway ^^
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legends-expo · 1 year
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Happy 20th release anniversary to Force Heretic II: Refugee! The eighteenth book in the New Jedi Order series, this novel is the only one where our heroes do not fight the Yuuzhan Vong directly.
Love Legends? Join us for LegendsCon on September 9th & 10th 2023 in Burbank, California!
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ipreferfiction · 2 years
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CZ-198 was an exotic moon in the Unknown Regions that acted as a testing ground and laboratory for the Czerka Corporation during the time of the Galactic War. It was one of the most advanced product development facilities created by the corporation. Activities in this facility were directed by Special Executive Rasmus Blys.
CZ-198 had a Type II atmosphere, and breathing masks were recommended for most species. Minimal surface water created a rocky, barren surface covered with a heavy cloud of dust and atmospheric haze. The only known settled region was a Czerka laboratory that specialized in bioweaponry, one of the company's most advanced. The facility was equally as advanced, with a rail system and cutting-edge technology throughout.
The facility was forcibly taken back from Czerka due to the nature of its experiments, though the Republic and the Empire had vastly different goals in attacking. The Vigilant, Blys' most ambitious bioweapon, was destroyed.
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pluralzalpha · 1 year
Galactic Gazetteer: Lehon
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AKA: Rakata Prime, the Unknown World
Type: terrestrial/ocean world
Primary: Abo
Moons: two
Location: Tempered Wastes, Unknown Regions
Inhabitants: Rakata
Affiliation: Infinite Empire
Status: uninhabited since c.25,200 BBY
First appearance: Knights of the Old Republic
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Fun fact: once the capital of the Rakata-ruled Infinite Empire that ruled much of the galaxy until their destruction by war and plague.
Another fun fact: surface is mostly ocean, with scattered islands and small landmasses.
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starwarsgirl198 · 2 years
Faberians were a group of Near-Human Force-sensitives native to the planet Faber, in the Faberian sector. They upheld a code of honor and a respect for the martial arts.
Faberians from the Faberian Empire Sector were all Force-sensitive. All Faberians have very good night vision; their nights are extremely dark because of the dense forests that cover Faber. They were also gifted with impressive physical abilities that made them natural athletes, included being capable of running great distances at great speeds for long periods of time, and being able to jump vast distances, comparable to the Force-enhanced jumps employed by members of the Jedi Order, they only used this when fighting against non-Force-sensitives though if insulted in any way about them holding back because of that then Faberians are known to unleash their full power of their opponents in order to teach them a lesson in manners and appreciation.
It was revealed that the Empress Regnants were stronger in the Force than the rest of their family and species. And that was how the line of recession between the former and latter  Empress Regnant went, especially if the former Empress Regnant had more than one daughter so if one of her daughters were stronger than her sisters than she was the next heir to the throne, which is the case between Kalene and her sisters. Kalene was stronger in the Force than her sisters.
Biology and Appearance
Faberian women have been considered especially attractive and have a slender and fairly muscular build. Faberian women are average or tall in height, ranging from 5'6 to 5'11".
Faberian men have been considered especially handsome and muscular. Faberian men tower over their female counterparts, they are tall in height, ranging from 6' to 6'10" with the few 7’ males but that’s mainly if they have Pureblood genes in them. All Faberian men have a military style haircut.
Faberian children have wavy black hair which straightens as they get older. Both genders have shoulder length hair until they turn thirteen where the female allows her hair to grow longer and the male gets his hair cut into a military style haircut. 
All Faberians are black haired and brown eyed, it doesn't matter if the mother or the father was a Faberian or not, the black haired and brown eyed gene is always the strongest.
Nyma’s Old Faberians and Marrika’s New Faberians were easy to tell apart because the Old Faberians had a black rectangle tattooed on their bottom lip, a small one on their chin and their top lip is tattooed black while the New Faberians had no such markings, this is the custom that is in effect to this day, no Faberian has such markings on their face. The only Faberians who wear facial markings upon their faces are the Prophets of Faber and the Tavali clan.
Faberians are born without any hair on their bodies except for on the top of their heads and their eyebrow and lashes, Faberian males can have facial hair.
When female Faberians are pregnant, a thin but strong membrane forms around the baby to add extra protection which allows the mother to still fight without any fear of losing their babies but it wasn't strong enough to protect the baby from a crash or a well placed injury. Which was the case of Kalene when she had crashed landed on Mandalore, and the tearing of that protective membrane was the main cause of her death.
Faberians got into many wars over the centuries. 
Society and politics
Faberians have no accents, though they can adopt, or mimic another person’s accent quickly and blend in with the natives on whatever planet they are on. The reason why the Faberians lack accents is because they have no spoken language they communicate using the Force. Though the Faberians do speak Mando’a but only when they are with Mandalorians, which is very rare seeing that Faberians do not like being with outsiders.
Faberians have a Matriarchy Hereditary government, they were originally a democratic government but had overthrown and executed their male ruler when the Arakians had almost killed off their entire species.
The main functions of the Faberian Navy were to keep outsiders from entering the Faberian Sector and to defend the Faberian Sector in times of war. Any unauthorized persons who attempted to enter the Faberian Sector without permission were dealt with in a swift and brutal manner. Other functions of the Navy were as escorts of the royal family when they left Faber.
There were also ground-based military units, such as members of the Royal Guard. Members of the royal guard wore black, and were usually handpicked for their posts. It was considered a great honor to serve the royal family.
They were also trained in Guerrilla Warfare.
Culture and Society
The Faberians were spirited and dedicated people with physical excellence, tireless, and elite fighters. The Faberians have their own martial arts which consists more of acrobatic moves and techniques that involve the legs. Marrika Nerys was the one that introduced Teräs Käsi to the Faberians, though they did have their own martial arts.
As a warrior society, the Faberians trained daily in the art of war, and used both their muscles and the Force to aid them in combat. Faberians were driven by a strong sense of personal honor, tempered by their own individualities. They feared nothing aside from losing their freedom and had little concerns for individuals outside of their own families, only aiding others when bound by honor or seeking personal gain.
Faberians are all strong in the Force and have received the proper training to tap into that power. They use Force sight when their regular vision is blinded, for example by bright light. Because of the Faberians' continuous training with the Force, Faberians didn't have to concentrate like the Jedi or Sith on whatever they were focusing on and they were able defend themselves at the same time. That was probably why many people are afraid of Faberians, because their control over the Force was both amazing and scary.
All Faberians can use the force ability that they had called "Ghosting". It was when Faberians immediately used the force to hide their presence completely from other force-sensitives, though Jedi General Etain Tur-Mukan, had once told them that it felt like they "died" when using that ability hence why it was called "Ghosting". Faberians can pick and choose who they 'force imprint', which means that Faberians can let any outsider force-sensitive be able to sense them by imprinting their force 'print' to theirs while any other force sensitive that is not imprinted can't sense a Faberian until the Faberian is standing in front of them. Faberians are also able to distinguish between the light and dark sides of the Force, in addition to the ability to detect its presence even though they themselves do not believe in the two sides.
In direct opposition to their infamy as a ruthless enemy, Faberians cherish family and shower affection upon those they love and care for. In Faberian society, marriage is expected to be life-long and usually takes place shortly after a Faberian turns twenty-years-old. Family was held in high respect by the Faberians. Faberians are very loyal to their partners that they consider their 'life mates' and when they lose a life mate, it's like losing a part of their very soul and heart. Though after losing a life mate some Faberians do 'remarry' but don't have that strong and close bond that they had with their first life mate. Faberians can become very territorial around their life mates or their future life mates but not to the extent that Faberians will stop their partners from doing anything, Faberians have great respect for personal space, freedom, independence and equality. Faberian courtships involve giving a future spouse an armor or weapon; it symbolizes that a Faberian or the other person carries about your safety and wants you to return to them alive. It was considered most dishonorable to involve innocent family members in a quarrel held with one family member. If a Faberian was to kill another family member or another Faberian, they were to be immediately executed.
Faberians are also very loyal to their friends; as they are even willing to risk their life to help them. Faberians were driven by a strong sense of honor, and have been known to dislike anyone who has insulted their honor. Also to be noted: Faberians may not be trusting to outsiders but if an outsider had proven to them to be very trusting than the Faberians will trust that person but if that person proves themselves to be in fact untrusting them the Faberians will no longer trust that person (for example, if the person lied to them about anything) and it extremely rare for Faberians to give any one that had broken their trust a second chance. And when Faberians do give a person a second chance it is to be treated as valuable and rare as it really is.
All Faberians consider the only honorable battles to be those that are fought one-on-one. Even the threat of death is not a reason to ignore this fact, as they believe that the winner is only to be determined when the other dies.
Faberians attack only when provoked or attacked first, many planets under Faberian rule were invaded by them because they had attacked the Faberians first and the Faberians had retaliated by invading and taking control of their planet and government. Sometimes Faberians take a sign of weapons activated and pointed towards them as an act of aggression when in fact it was only to scare them off but that shows just how dangerous and lethal Faberians are. Faberians don't take every kindly at being herded, in fact they will lash out when they feel like someone is trying to control them. Faberians also don't take too kindly to betrayal; in fact betrayal of any kind has led to many deaths. Faberians didn’t disapprove of illegals per se, but they did take poorly at being shot at.
Despite their warlike society, Faberians are well-educated and artistic.
The title of Empress Regnant was hereditary, passed down from mother to daughter. The Empress Regnant had the final say on everything, and her word was considered law. There was always a female Faberian that acted as both the Senator and Ambassador of the Faberian Sector. The Imperial Family are held in the highest of regards, though the Empress Regnant was held in the most highest of regards, and it's always the youngest daughter that becomes heir to the throne but that's only if there are more daughters, like Tendra, Jira, Rana, Qatai, Kirren, Kizira and Kalene. When a Faberian woman is pregnant then a huge party is thrown, it doesn't matter to them if a Imperial Family member or one of the other women is pregnant they will celebrate. Children are held in the same regard as the Imperial Family; children to them are precious and innocent and are not allowed to leave the protection of the Faberian sector until they turn thirteen.  
The Empress Regnant is always seen in the company of her handmaidens, bodyguards and Imperial Guard. The only time that she is without her companions is when she is in exile or hasn’t been born and raised on Faber.
The Dual of the Empress Regnants is a duel between the former Empress Regnant and the present Empress Regnant and it always leads to the death of one of them, and it's always the present Empress Regnant since she's younger than the former. The Dual of the Empress Regnants rarely ever happens and there's only been one duel in the Faberian history and that was between Empress Regnant Nyma and Empress Regnant Marrika Vernius, her daughter.
The Faberian Rite of Passage is to let Faberian teens go through the Dark Forest, the only place in Faber that where evil grows and if they come out unaffected then they become adults and wear the markings of the adult Faberians though this is a tradition of the old Faberians, before the First Faberian Civil War.
Gender had no meaning for the Faberians; in fact both Faberian men and women were expected to fight. They started training at an early age so that they can defend themselves if their mother dies. Despite the fact that gender had no meaning for the Faberians, there can be no male ruler as the Faberians view men weak and easily deceived by outsider women that had caused many wars and had almost wiped the race to extinction.
Faberians have taken to celebrating mainly the events of the life cycle such as birth, coming of age, marriage, and death. Faberians were commonly buried in caves in a stone coffin, while the Empress Regnant was buried in the old Imperial Palace. It was also Faberian custom to recite the names of loved ones and friends who have passed each night before sleep as a means of keeping their memory alive. The uncertainty of life meant that all Faberians celebrated the time they had at every opportunity, taking part in communal singing, drinking, and enjoying time with family.
The Faberian religion was very important to the Faberians. They were devout and had only one goddess which they call the Cloaked One. The Cloaked One wears a black full length cloak that covers her entire body and part of her head; the part that her cloak's hood doesn't cover is her lower face which reveals a very beautiful. All Faberians carry a small statue in her likeness and worship her before going on any journey since she is believed to protect all her children, the Faberians including the ones that have been exiled which are called the Fallen Ones.
Faberians have very high-tech technology, they make top of the art blasters, an example of one such blaster is Marrika's small, black blaster pistols made from rare black dallorian alloy, which is only found on Faber. 
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thrawnduology · 4 months
chiss restaurant staff STUNNED when human male states his order in perfect cheunh
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dtrizz94-blog · 1 year
This is one of the best shots of Ahsoka series.📸🎯💯
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It’s still gives me goosebumps to rewatched this scene that Ezra & Sabine reunited..
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church lady magic✨
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mayhaps-a-blog · 11 months
New chapter of my Thrawn post-Rebels fic, starring Ezra and Pellaeon all trapped in the Unknown Regions together!
Enjoy :)
Chapter Summary:
A conversation is held. Some realizations, perhaps, approach.
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granstromjulius · 3 months
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etirabys · 1 month
I ignore compliments on my cooking and art from my friends because I know those are socially mandatory. The only people I trust are the long term genital touchers. That's the main way you can get honest feedback, by playing the long game and touching a lot of genitals
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