#Upper West Side Dance Class
shufflesnyc · 2 days
Dancing classes help in the overall improvement in the kid's, both mentally and physically. It not only make them active but also resist stress at a very minimum age. IF you are looking for the right Upper West Side Dance Class, then you can consider to make admission in the Shuffles NYC. Visit our official website to know more about our programs.
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wolfstarlibrarian · 2 months
hello! you probably won't answer this but do you have any recs for a ballet!wolfstar au? thank you :)
Oh, but I will! There's already a dancer list in the library because this is one of my favorite AUs. I'll link that list below along with ballet specific recs.
Wolfstar Dancers Wolfstar + Ballet
Dulcet by bluepeony Remus has devoted his life to ballet.
Pas de Deux in the Upper West Side by wilteddaisy (taotu) Remus Lupin is a principal dancer with the New York City Ballet. A lead role comes up for grabs in the company's newest ballet and Remus is determined to have it. But only when Sirius Black — oozing talent, charisma and all the elements of a world-class distraction — joins the company does it hang in the balance.
Fire On Fire by WolfstarGarden Sirius’ frown deepened. After a moment he murmured in a low voice, “I don’t understand you at all, Remus Lupin. Oh, but I would so very like to.” A flush crawled boiling heat up Remus’ neck as he fumbled for an answer. “Goodness Sirius … I’m no one special.” Sirius’ gaze didn’t waver. He said simply, “I think you could be very special to me.”
the elasticity of time by @mordax101 Where Remus gets into a bit too many fights, running from these fights brings him to his favourite record store and the ballet studio behind it, and a subsequent friendship that carries him through the years. (set in 70s muggle London)
Icarus by EkaFricai After six years performing as a professional ballet dancer, Remus Lupin returns to the Hogwarts Dance Academy to teach. (modern wolfstar AU)
Share this list with your own recs and headcanons!
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airesims · 1 year
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⋒ Freya Pickett⋒
‣18, libra, straight, she/her
‣cheerful, self assured, ambitious
‣professional ballerina, FIT student
‣upper west side
Freya Pickett has been dancing since she was a young girl and has always been passionate about the art form. Freya's parents recognized her talent at an early age and enrolled her in ballet classes. She quickly fell in love with ballet and began to excel in her classes. As she got older, Freya's passion for dance only grew stronger and she began to pursue it more seriously. She spent countless hours practicing and perfecting her routines, and her dedication paid off when she was accepted into a prestigious ballet school. Today, Freya is a talented and accomplished dancer who is known for her grace and poise on stage. She is currently studying fine arts at FIT to further develop her skills and is excited to see where her career in ballet can take her. Despite her busy schedule, Freya always makes time for her family and friends and is known for her kind heart and positive attitude.
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educatedinyellow · 9 months
People I Wanna Know Better
Thanks for thinking of me, @sanguinarysanguinity :)
Last song?
My son has been singing Tale As Old As Time from Beauty and the Beast all day. He's super adorable doing it, too, and you've gotta love a classic <3 We miss you, Angela Lansbury.
My funniest musical adventure from this week, though (as you know, Sang), was finding out that David McCallum -- who apparently played oboe and arranged orchestral scores, having studied music at first before switching to acting -- recorded a jazz number in the 1960s which then got sampled by Dr. Dre in the 1990s to create what, according to my brother, is 'definitely one of the most famous hip hop beats of all time' (warning: explicit language including the n word).
Who knew? Like a good secret agent, his influence pops up where least expected!
Favorite color?
Currently watching?
Not much of anything lately, to be honest. I just haven't found time to fit in a movie at the end of the day, and I don't have any new TV shows I'm currently following. But I'm sure I'll catch the Dr. Who specials when they come out in a month or two. I might watch Loki season 2. And I do still like to read and watch movie reviews and collect a 'to be watched' list for myself.
A couple films that came out this year that sound good & I would like to catch up with are Rye Lane ("Raine Allen-Miller reinvents the romantic-comedy genre utilizing vibrant colors, a fisheye lens, and British rap to present a truthful depiction of London that celebrates Black joy in Rye Lane." -Jillian Chilingerian; "Rye Lane is a shock to the system and the current landscape of romantic comedies. It’s loving, genuinely humorous, and an effortless crowd pleaser. A beautiful, energetic reminder that love is worth going after time and again." -Tina Kakadelis)
and Fancy Dance ("Cloaking a family drama in crime-film conventions, the plot of Native American filmmaker Erica Tremblay’s exceptional directorial debut concerns a young woman’s disappearance from an Oklahoma reservation and her family’s urgent attempts to locate her....not even halfway through the film, Tremblay (who is from the Seneca-Cayuga nation) and co-writer Miciana Alise’s keenly observant script has touched on a disconcertingly complex array of social issues, including endemic poverty, racism, foster care, and drug and alcohol abuse in Native communities. For the filmmakers, though, it’s the crisis of missing and murdered indigenous women and girls that provides the film’s thematic throughline. Handled with candor and grace, these concerns are well integrated into the narrative and dialogue (often in the Cayuga language) so that they’re recognizable, but not melodramatically manipulative." - The Hollywood Reporter)
I'd also like to rewatch some Man From UNCLE, catch up with Spielberg's West Side Story, watch the latest Indiana Jones movie (which despite all the negative press my brother says was good fun), and sometime maybe get around to the Sandman series from last year and Good Omens 2 from this year.
Last movie?
Uhhhhh, maybe Mission Impossible 7 back in July?
I dislike spicy. I like savory just fine. I like sweet best, but I have had to learn to seek it out in new forms this year. In January my blood test results indicated I was approaching the upper edge of what's considered pre-diabetic and edging close to full-on Type 2. I have been at high risk to develop it, not only due to family history, but also because I had gestational diabetes when I was pregnant a decade ago. I was told at that time that 1 in 2 women with gestational diabetes go on to develop type 2 within 10 years, and, ahaha, look at the time. So, this year I have been working much harder to reverse those trends and make healthy changes to my diet and get more active. I joined a Diabetes Prevention Class (there's a national program for this, by the way, though it's not well-advertised. My doctor didn't tell me about it, because they never told me anything, but I found a search engine online that helped me find classes locally. Mine is a free, virtual, 12-month program run out of a nearby hospital as a community health initiative and geared toward helping people make lasting lifestyle changes using a small support group style). All this is just to say that I am eating fewer sugars and carbs these days, but I can still get my sweet tooth fix enjoying my red peppers, honeycrisp apples, chocolate-dipped quinoa crisps, and coconut water :) I'm also happy to say that when I was retested in July my blood sugar was so far improved that I have almost dipped out of the pre-diabetic zone altogether and back into what's considered normal range. But of course, it's not something you can stop once you hit a certain number -- the goal is to keep doing this for the rest of my life. So far, it's been going fine and I'm figuring out what I like to eat that's within my new purview. I have to say that California Pizza Kitchen's cauliflower crust mushroom pizza makes me very happy <333333
Relationship status?
If my marriage were a person, it would be old enough to vote. Hurray!
Current obsessions?
My cousins introduced me to a spelling bee game this summer, and over the last week I've picked it back up and am finding it a bit addictive. The two of them regularly ace its highest levels, but I content myself with the goal of getting to the "Great" goalpost and then walking away :) It's fun, but the full word list is, to me, a bit frustrating because it's hard to guess what anachronistic spellings, odd plurals, or never-used permutations they will decide to count (you won't take 'glugging' one day, but you want me to try 'ufts' the next? bah humbug!!) *shrugs* If you're not a completist and would be happy just finding as many patterns as you can, it's a good little daily hamster run for the brain. The solutions to one day's challenge are posted on the following day.
Last thing you googled?
Glugging, LOL. I was, like, oh god, is it somehow not a real word? Better check before I post. But it is!! VINDICATION!!
I will say I also got miffed at the thing for wanting "annum" but not accepting "unum" (oh, we're accepting Latin if it's for accountants but not if it's for a national motto? FINE.) And I was denied "unarm," but that one I eventually had to concede -- you can be unarmed or you can disarm someone else, but 'unarm' by itself isn't actually a thing, okay. But neither is 'ufts', spellbee, GET OFF MY LAWN.
Anyhow, I argue with it and then come back the next day to play again :)
I tag anyone who wants to share, of course!
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totallytrucked · 9 days
long costume rant ahead soz
sometimes, i think when costuming historical things, people always like... forget the context of the character? like this happens a lot in the 1920s where in some media everyone will be dressed in a flapper style because that's like the most remembered style, but in reality it was mostly young women wearing that style. like a random 40 year old woman with 3 kids would probably not be wearing that. a recent immigrant to the us would probably not be wearing that.
anyways my friend and i watched the teaser trailer for the outsiders and i was very annoyed by some costume choices that felt very odd. so that one ensemble member wearing a tank top and like jorts. come on. JORTS???? my best friend has literally worn an outfit that looks exactly like that like 2 weeks ago. in the year of our lord 2024. like stop that. if you wanted to have a sort of counterculture character why not tap into alot of the really fun and interesting fashions like beatnik/mod/teddy boy/FUCKIGN GREASER??? WHY DO NONE OF THESE PEOPLE LOOK LIKE GREASERS???? WHERE ARE THE LEATHER JACKETS??? i know its probably not that practical to wear while dancing but like. actually the musical grease exists you have no excuse. if grease can do costumes better than you you are basically screwed. i feel like the costumers looked at west side story and was like THAT is what we want while neglecting that west side story is a completely different time period and also not part of an explicit subculture. #bringbacktwobitsmickeymouseshirt
also cherry and the socs just pissed me off too i was like. i feel like these upper class people would not be wearing such... fashionable outfits? they're teenagers and i feel like would tend more to what their parents were wearing instead of the dominant miniskirt/whatever style. like get that teenager in a cardigan, a knee length skirt, and some kitten heels. also another costuming cardinal sin: the rich guys are all wearing letterman jackets. first of all, cliche and boring. second, i very vividly remember a part in the book where the soc guy is wearing a madras print suit jacket which is an extraordinarily funny visual and also does great to show how rich yet out of touch he is. bring that back.
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(that's madras pattern btw. like imagine a teenager wearing that. how silly)
anyways overall the costumes felt way too on trend and like. weirdly stranger things inspired? like trendy 80s??? that colored striped shirt. kill.
other weird things that annoy me about this musical:
setting it in a specific time and place (detracts from the book's relatability to all teens)
"i can't imagine any of them singing" - my coworker
music misses the opportunity to be influenced by motown, garage rock, country, etc
honestly doesnt need to be a musical. tbh the movie is weirdly good
that's it. love gene totallytrucked. #justiceformadrassuitjacket
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liaromancewriter · 2 years
Double Trouble
Premise: When it comes to cheering each other up, these twins know exactly what to do.
Book: Open Heart (post series, adjacent) Characters: Eloise Ramsey, Sophie Ramsey (OC Children) of Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Cassie Valentine) Rating/Category: Teen. Fluff. Warning: Strong language Words: 2,015
A/N: Technically, this is more of an original story with original characters, but set in my Open Heart universe. Hope you enjoy it. 
Submission for @choicesaugustchallenge Day 4 prompt “popcorn”. Inspired by no.3 from the @creativepromptsforwriting Protective Family prompts list. Submit for reblog to @creativepromptfills
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She drove like a demon, zigzagging the nifty little convertible up I-95, a woman on a mission. She’d started the two-hour journey with the top down, her long brown stuffed under a Red Sox cap, reluctantly putting up the roof when rain clouds opened up near Princeton.
An eclectic playlist of classic rock, blues, hip-hop and contemporary hits blasted away, her soulful voice joining in the chorus when the mood called for it. Her green eyes sparkled with joy as she recalled the last road trip with her twin and how they’d played car karaoke to pass the time.
The rain was a distant memory by the time Eloise Ramsey exited the Lincoln Tunnel and drove through Midtown Manhattan and into the Upper West Side. She entered the security code for the underground garage, waited for the gate to close behind her and then zipped her car into the assigned spot minutes later.
Checking her wristwatch as the elevator ascended, she roughly calculated the time it would take to hike eight blocks to the dance studio near Lincoln Center. She had just enough time to drop off her overnight bag and grab a bottle of water. Perfect timing.
A haunting melody filled the air, telling the story of love found and love lost, of obstacles to face, and evil to defeat. The dancers faced the mirror and moved in sync with the music, arms and feet starting in first position and ending in fifth; following directions of a demanding instructor whose talent had once graced the most storied stages in the ballet world.
Lost in the intricacies of the choreography, Sophie Ramsey’s body flowed effortlessly with the music while her green eyes sharpened in concentration. Her foot barely touched the wooden floor as she executed a series of pirouettes, her arms in first position, holding her chest and keeping her breathing measured.
“Good job, everyone. That’s a wrap for today,” clapped Madame Juliette as the sequence came to a close and the dancers deflated where they stood. “Sophie, watch your turnout; the end was slightly wobbly. Emily, tuck in your stomach on first. Remember everyone, we only have three weeks until the fall season opener.”
The door to the studio had barely closed behind Madame when it slammed open and then Sophie was rushing into her sister’s arms. The twins hugged each other close, whispering “I missed you” over and over, and admitting with just those three words how unbearable their separation of the last few weeks had been.
After a lifetime together, for the first time they were living in different cities. El had moved to Philadelphia for grad school last month while Sophie stayed in New York to begin her first professional role in the corps de ballet of the revered American Ballet Theatre company.
Sophie was the first to pull back. “What are you doing here? Don’t you have classes today?”
“Just in the morning,” said El, nodding to the departing dancers and accompanying her sister to the far side of the room to collect her things. “I lit out as soon as I saw that asshat’s post. Did Garrett Bloody Davenport the Fourth seriously break up with you on Picta?” She frowned as she recalled the notification that had popped up on her phone with the words ‘Finally free’. “What kind of fucked up fuckhead does that? And to my sister of all people?”
Sophie silently groaned as El continued making up inventive and insulting names for her ex-boyfriend with every sentence. She pulled on trackpants and a hoodie over her tights and leotard, sat down to put her sneakers on, and waited for her sister to finish her tirade.
“Why am I more upset about this than you?” El demanded, brows snapping together, hands on her hips, and looking too much like Doctor Ramsey facing off against innocent interns (a comparison they’d heard from their mother on more than one occasion).
Sophie sighed and uncrossed her legs to get off the floor in a single fluid motion, swinging her dance bag over one shoulder.
“He bruised my ego, not my heart,” she said, reaching for her sister’s hand. “Did it hurt coming into work today and have everyone staring at their phone, whispering about me? Yes. He didn’t even have the decency to tell me first. But, I have a season opener to get ready for and I won’t throw away everything I worked so hard for because of him. Besides, he was not my soulmate. It’s that simple.”
“Well, I want to chop his balls off and feed them, inch by inch, to the bottom-feeders in the Hudson,” exclaimed El, throwing her hands up in exasperation at her sister’s calm demeanor.
“Why not the East River?” mused Sophie curiously. “It’s more polluted.”
“The chemical runoff in the Hudson is worse,” El shrugged. “Looks can be deceiving, just like Garrett Buttface Davenport the Fourth.”
Sophie burst into laughter as much at the nonchalance in her sister’s voice as the childish insult. “I’m so glad you’re here!”
“Ditto,” El grinned and slung an arm around Sophie’s shoulder as they walked out of the studio and outside into the street “I’m taking you out tonight to celebrate your freedom from that jerkwad . Tits out, skirts up, a little dancing and a whole lotta drinking. The Ramsey Twins are taking Manhattan and no one’s safe!”
Later that night, a town car stopped outside a nondescript building in the Meatpacking District with a line of potential club patrons waiting to enter. The bouncer saw two attractive young women climb out of a car looking and smelling like money and waved them through before the paparazzies could even aim their devices, much to El and Sophie’s delight.
True to El’s word, their dresses were short enough and heels high enough to make the most of their legs, and at almost five-feet-eleven there was a lot of leg on display. And while their tits weren’t exactly out, the expensive fabric hugged the curves so that more than a few eyes tracked their movements as soon they entered the club.
Swirling lights, loud, pumping music, and the energy inside was intoxicating and the looks they received flattering enough to quickly forget hurt pride and a bruised ego. With a silent exchange and a nod, they descended to the packed dancefloor and joined the crowd feeding off of the adrenaline and dancing to the DJ mixing the tunes.
Sophie placed her hands on El’s shoulders and they let the fast-paced rhythm carry them away, long, dark hair swinging around them. When the beat changed and everyone started jumping, they held on, laughing as they turned their backs to each other, hips twisting, hands in the air, letting their bodies vibe with the music.
They held hands as they changed sides, and switched up partners every now and then, matching their steps to that of other dancers under the pulsating lights. But always they found each other. And when the DJ took a break, the sisters were breathless, falling into each other’s arms and giggling as their legs protested the vigorous exercise in high heels.
“Water,” panted Sophie. “I’m begging you!”
“No way, sis,” El said, leading Sophie to the bar where she caught the eye of a cute bartender and placed their order.
“Hydration after dancing is better than alcohol,” Sophie pouted, her throat parched from thirst.
El scoffed as Sophie knew she would. “Clearly I came back just in time if that’s your first thought. We’re young, we’re beautiful, and we’re in New York’s hottest club right now. We’re doing shots!”
The bartender returned with their drinks, lining up six rainbow-colored shots in front of them with a wink. El picked up one and so did Sophie.
“Alright, you know the rul…” El began but Sophie threw back the first shot in one quick move, slamming the empty glass down and picking up another.
“You snooze, you lose,” she smirked and the race was on to see who’d finish first. It was too close to call and, with the bartender playing referee, they agreed on a tie.
Sophie glanced around the club and thought back to how many of these places El had dragged her to, even back home in Boston. Whether it was with their group of friends or cousins, or just the two of them, her sister had a way of making a night out fun and memorable.
Tears gathered as she remembered that El was only here for today and tomorrow she would be alone again.
“Uh-oh,” El teased. “If this is about Asshole the Fourth, we’re going to need more shots.” She started to lift her hand to order more but Sophie shook her head.
“I wouldn’t waste my tears on that moldy bowl of mayonnaise,” Sophie said dismissively and then her expression became crestfallen. “I hate that you’re not down the hall anymore. The room is still yours, of course, but it’s not the same! Soon you’re going to be too busy with classes and working in the Philly hotel and won’t have time to come up here whenever.”
She peered into her sister’s eyes, a mirror of her own just like the rest of her and could tell that El felt the same. They could read each other perfectly, always had. Growing up sucked if it meant their careers would take them away from each other.
“Let’s get out of here,” El said, reaching for her credit card to pay for their drinks. “Slumber party back at our place?”
“Popcorn with extra butter, M&Ms, and gummy bears?” asked Sophie, perking up.
“Is there any other way to eat popcorn?” El quipped with a twist of her lips.
They pushed their way through the wall-to-wall crowd that had grown in the last hour or so, heading towards the exit. Passing by a booth, Sophie suddenly cried out when someone grabbed her hand and tugged her onto their lap, wrapping their arms tight around her.
“Hey! Get your hands off my sister.”
El reached Sophie instantly, throwing her harasser, who was clearly drunk, a nasty look as she pushed his hands away and started to pull Sophie off him. It would have been fine if right at that moment someone hadn’t crashed into her, causing her to teeter on her heels and fall on the drunken clubgoer.
Unfortunately for him, when El’s hands tried to find purchase she smashed his balls into the seat and his high-pitched screams tore through the club. The more she struggled to get off him, the worse it became until, thankfully, Sophie was able to pull her upright and hold her arm for balance.
By then the club’s security had been alerted to the altercation and minutes later both Sophie and El found themselves being unceremoniously shown out of the club’s back door.
“Ohmigod, ohmigod, ohmigod…” Sophie broke off into giggles. “Did we just get thrown out of New York’s hottest club?!?”
“Hmm. And we didn’t even have to punch someone like mom and Uncle Max did,” said El, laughing as she jumped on Sophie’s back, locking her hands around her collarbone.
Sophie laughed too as they spun around the semi-lit alley. “Nope, we just neutered some poor guy who was too drunk to know what he was doing and will likely have sore balls courtesy of the Ramsey Twins.”
“He messed with the wrong twins,” said El, taking her phone out of a tiny purse to text their driver. “Did it work?” She asked, pocketing the phone as they started to walk towards the mouth of the alley.
Sophie looked over confused and then her face cleared as she remembered what tonight was about. “Don’t even remember his name.”
“Right answer.”
Later that night as they sat on the floor munching on popcorn and sharing confidences, they knew that life was full of uncertainties. But the one thing Eloise and Sophie could be certain of was that they would always stand up for each other. It was them against the world. Sisters. Twins. Always.
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All Fics & Edits: @potionsprefect @trappedinfanfiction @bex-la-get @mysticalgalaxysstuff @genevievemd @choicesaddict5 @jerzwriter @rookiemartin @schnitzelbutterfingers @vi-writes-stuff @coffeeheartaddict2 @quixoticdreamer16 @dorisz @zahrachoices @lucy-268 @a-crepusculo @jamespotterthefirst @ofmischiefandmedicine @headoverheelsforramsey @takemyopenheart @gryffindordaughterofathena @queencarb @crazy-loca-blog @natureblooms24
Ethan & Cassie only: @custaroonie @lady-calypso​
@choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics 
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nyc-cpw · 2 years
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How Lincoln Center Was Built (It Wasn’t Pretty)
Lincoln Center officially opened in 1962. The remainder of the construction project surrounding it was completed by 1969.
By Keith Williams Dec. 21, 2017
Q. How many people were displaced by the construction of Lincoln Center, and what happened to them?
A. Lincoln Center was the crown-jewel project of the Mayor’s Committee on Slum Clearance, which was overseen by Robert Moses, the man who reshaped the city in the mid-20th century. The “urban renewal” plan, which leveled 18 city blocks on the Upper West Side, also included educational, commercial and residential facilities.
The project displaced more than 7,000 lower-class families and 800 businesses. Few, if any, of the 4,400 new housing units were intended for the area’s previous residents, who were almost exclusively black and Hispanic. Even worse, the relocation assistance promised by the committee never materialized.
“Moses was not making even a pretense of creating new homes for the families displaced,” Robert A. Caro wrote in “The Power Broker,” the Pulitzer-winning biography of the planning czar’s life and career.
Many of these evicted New Yorkers instead crammed into other low-income areas like Harlem and parts of the Bronx, deepening the rift of segregation and, ironically, creating new slums in a different part of the city.
“Slum clearance has increased overcrowding among the lowest income groups; low-cost public housing has often created new ghettos,” said James R. Dumpson, the city’s first black welfare commissioner, in a 1959 speech.
Before President Dwight D. Eisenhower broke ground on the new project in 1959, the neighborhood, called Lincoln Square, was a vibrant one. It was here that James P. Johnson introduced the Charleston, the dance craze of the 1920s, and Thelonious Monk perfected his bebop style of jazz. It was also incredibly crowded: as many as 5,000 people lived on a single block.
The area was informally known as San Juan Hill, possibly in honor of a black cavalry who fought in Cuba during the Spanish-American War.
More likely, the name came from the violent street battles that often broke out along Amsterdam Avenue, which was a racial dividing line: whites to the east, blacks to the west, many of whom lived in a sunken area called “The Gut” on West End Avenue.
“The feeling between the two is always hostile,” The Times wrote in 1905 of the two neighboring groups. “It comes out on this borderland.”
After World War II, Puerto Ricans began moving to the neighborhood. Leonard Bernstein based the “Sharks” in “West Side Story” on this group; the opening scene of the 1961 film adaptation was recorded in the ruins of Lincoln Square.
The city had already targeted San Juan Hill for redevelopment once, evicting more than 1,100 families, most of them black, across three blocks to build the Amsterdam Houses in 1948.
By the late 1950s, the Metropolitan Opera had outgrown its home on 39th Street; Fordham University in the Bronx wanted a satellite campus near midtown Manhattan; and the New York Philharmonic was about to be evicted from Carnegie Hall. All three looked to Moses for help.
As they had in other parts of the city, notably the Lower East Side, Moses and his Committee on Slum Clearance used a provision of a federal program to claim this land through eminent domain. The law, Title I of the 1949 Housing Act, gave federal backing to “urban renewal” projects that created middle-class housing.
The 16.3-acre Lincoln Center campus was inaugurated in 1962; the remainder of the project was completed by 1969.
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merchantofwhispers · 1 year
⚔️ Historical AU
I will give you one idea (or more) for our muses to interact in this setting | @harkcr | Accepting
Blog Canon Eras:
The Liquor Run (1915-1950) --Mina is a highly successful brothel Madam and has stakes in liquor running. She can usually be found in a speak-easy somewhere along the west coast or mingling overseas with wealthy connections. Ever entangled in a web of organized crime and endless partying, heaven help whoever finds them on any side of her. (Ideas: Saw what they shouldn't have / Mistaken Identity / "I spilled coffee on you and now we're out shopping" Slice of Life / A Business Arrangement )
Damned Be the High Seas --Piracy is dying, but not yet dead. Alongside her husband Cinead, Gemina takes great pride in her shrewd business skills and eye for detail. While they've mostly taken to ferrying illegal goods, there is still a thrill in the occasional violent destruction of another ship or port. (Ideas: Boarded and Taken / Lost at Sea / Arrested / "You look Tasty" )
A New Era (1798+ America) -- The tail end of the American revolution has come and a new country is born. With that comes new trades, no armies, and a whole new culture waiting to be explored. The land is rife with opportunities for both the good and the bad. Young Mina is a socialite, albeit not a very good one. She can't seem to keep her tongue still. (Ideas: Platonic MeetCute "I'm not a seamstress, but your jacket is ripped" / Unintentional Hero / "Vampires are real and you know them? Introduce me!" )
Alternative Universes:
New Opportunities (Victorian Era England) -- Fleeing her home in the United States Gemina finds herself in Victorian London. Its the farthest from home she's ever been, but with her brother Nikolai at her side she knows that nothing can stand in their way. The two of them use what's left of the family wealth they could take with them to open a Seamstress shop where they begin catering to the upper classes. (Ideas: Platonic MeetCute "I AM a seamstress, let me fix that" / "Dracula isn't real, people die every day. Don't be silly." / Dancing at the Party )
Modern Problems? Modern Solutions. (1950s US/England) -- It's hard being a woman. It's harder when you're the daughter of a famous business investor and you've taken over his company. No fear though, as it turns out Gemina is a pretty steady hand at handling the family assets. Be it through shrewd negotiation, blackmail, or outright killing the competition its usually a safe bet that she's going to come out on top. Shame that her name can't ever be attached. Thankfully her brother seems more than happy to drink the profits and take credit, so long as his hands stay clean. (Ideas: "I'm the newest investor. Now show me what you do here." / Mistaken identity )
Medieval AU -- Error: No description -- Free Form Plotting required
This is not a comprehensive list of ideas and instead a loose gathering of kick-starter prompts.
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eternallytxt · 3 years
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Author: Eros
Warnings and Themes: cursing, slight gore, some slightly suggestive themes, female reader, angst, dystopian au, asshole!Johnny
Summary: In high-tech dystopian SoKo, the right to trial by court is obsolete. Instead, criminals are marked as Red-Listed in society. When your mother frames you for murder and you become Red-Listed, you’re forced to live life on the streets and desperately evade law enforcement. In a turn of events, you meet Johnny Suh, another framed criminal, and leader of a group of rebels fighting to get justice. Despite Johnny’s seemingly cold and unempathetic exterior, he appears to have a secret soft side. Will you be able to become closer to the temperamental leader, or will you be thrown back into the unforgiving city with no hope of clearing your name?
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At this rate, you were going to be caught. You weren’t very athletic at all, and despite the adrenaline keeping your boots slapping the pavement, your lungs and muscles were screaming for mercy. It didn’t help that the wounds from the LAW officers’ light phasers were throbbing and making spots dance in your vision. You skidded around a corner, nearly colliding with a group of businessmen. The light bullets whizzing past your head were coming too close, and you instinctively duck your head as you barrel on through the mass of people.
It was times like this that you cursed your mother for what you had become. You had a normal life. You were a college student. The only things you had to worry about were catching the bullet trains and making sure your assignments were completed on time. When you walked into your house after class and saw that puddle of blood on the floor of your living room, none of that mattered anymore. Not when you screamed over your sister’s lifeless body. Not when your mom came in shortly after and accused you of taking a sibling squabble too far. None of it mattered when your mom pressed the emergency button and you took off running into the streets of Neo Chicago. All you had to worry about, now, was staying in the shadows and evading the LAW. 3 months later, It was working out fantastic.
The chase had led you to the west side of the city, and as you looked around, you noticed that upper-class civilians and familiar skyscrapers had dwindled. Scary-looking criminals in all black, half of them with the signature “RED-LISTED” lettering floating above their heads, peered at you from the sidewalks. They were probably pissed you brought the cops into their neighborhood. Just great, you thought. If you were lucky to escape the officers hot on your trail, you would have to worry about the criminals getting you.
You rounded another corner, pumping your legs in hopes of giving you a headway from your pursuers so you could duck into an alley. And it worked. A look over your shoulder revealed only loiterers. You let out a short breathy ha! and faced forward. Your glee didn’t last for long.
Too quick to process, a hand grabbed the back of your shirt and yanked you into a dark alley. Before you could let out a scream, a hand slapped over your mouth and an arm went around your waist, pulling your back into a hard body. 
“Shh. Be quiet or they’ll hear you.” a male voice whispered in your ear. You felt a click and a sharp piercing in your neck. The alley was immediately drenched in darkness, the red glow from your “RED-LISTED” sign disappearing. 
You couldn’t move. The tight hand over your mouth prevented that. All you could do was listen to the blood rushing through your ears and your thoughts racing. You were going to be killed, or even worse. You were sure of that. One of the criminals you saw earlier had you in a tight hold, and you were too weak to fight back. 
“Stop struggling,” the voice hissed in your ear again.
On one hand, you could stop struggling and let this unknown assailant drag you away and have his way with you. On the other, you could try to break free, only to run right into the LAW’s hands. After weighing your options, you stopped struggling and relaxed into the guy’s hold. You would let this guy keep you, but as soon as the officers were out of sight, you would break free and escape.
Multiple rapid footsteps echoed in from the street, paired with yelling and radio beeps. You watched in disbelief as the officers ran past the alley opening, their footsteps fading out. After a moment, a sigh of relief escaped your mouth, misting your assailant’s hand. You managed to escape again, but how long would that last you?
“Be quiet. I’m going to see if they’re gone.” The hands never left your body, and you were dragged to the mouth of the alley. The assailant peered his head around the corner and looked down the street. From the minimal lighting, you could only see his side profile for a brief minute. A murmur of, “Good. They’re gone,” escaped his lips, and the tight hold on you was released.
You didn’t even hesitate before attempting to book it down the alley. Savior be damned. You only were able to make it a few steps before two arms wrapped tightly around your middle, a cry of pain leaving your lips and he pressed into the wound on your hip.
“Will you shut the fuck up! I’m trying to help!” You struggled desperately, only stopping when he pressed harder into your wound. Tears pricked your eyes, and only the sound of the two of you panting could be heard bouncing off the brick walls.
“Don’t run off.” his warning made you shiver, and you were soon let go. You dropped, wincing when your knees collided with the hard concrete. “Jesus. You’re insane, you know that?” A small light surrounded you, and you slowly brought your head up, only for your eyes to finally meet with your crouched assailant. 
From what you could see, he was fairly attractive. He was young, probably not much older than you, with medium-length, chestnut-brown fringe laying over his eyes. Plump lips sat in an annoyed scowl on his tanned face, glowing from the small light. He held a small, electro-lighter in his gloved fist, his cold sharp eyes narrowed at your figure.
“I was trying to get you from the cops and this is how you thank me? Running off and beating the shit out of me?” His voice was no longer in a whisper, but now an aggravated shout. You panted in response, unable to escape the tightness in your lungs and the pain from your injuries, which had now tripled.
“How was…I supposed to know…trying to help me?” This man had the audacity to call you insane when only moments ago, he had grabbed you like one of his kidnapping victims. How the hell were you supposed to react? The unknown man sighed and stood up, taking you aback at how tall he was. 
“What did you expect me to do? Walk out and be like ‘Hey, come here! Let me rescue you!’? Be pissed at me all you want, but I saved your ass. If it wasn’t for me, you would’ve been a bloody imprint on the road.” You tried to push yourself up but only managed to irritate your wounds further, making you collapse on your side. The man quickly dropped down beside you, pulling your arms from your abdomen and spitting out a “Shit.” All you could do was whimper pathetically, squeezing your eyelids shut when black spots danced in your vision. “Your wounds are severe. We need to get you help or you aren’t going to make it.” you cried out again when you felt arms slide under you and jerk you upwards, cradling you into his chest. As he took off down the alley, your vision went in and out of focus. You were only vaguely aware of the man’s hushed whispers. “You’re going to be fine. Don’t fall asleep. Don’t fall asleep.” Your eyes shut despite his pleas, the echo of his footsteps and words fading with your consciousness.
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coming soon♡
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shufflesnyc · 17 days
Voice Lessons NYC
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Everyone loves to listening music. Since the ancient time, humans have started to develop different musical instruments. If you are interested in learning the music and want to sharpen your voice skills or instrumental skills, taking the right kind of lessons can make it happen for you. Various schools are there that offering Voice lessons NYC at the best possible fees. You should need to find the right school and admit your kid. "Shuffles NYC" can be a great choice for you with experience of years in this arena. Taking lessons from us is an amazing way to enhance your voice and enhance your strengths.
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pocketseizure · 3 years
A Noble Pursuit
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None of the lessons from the Gerudo Classroom have prepared Rhondson for married life with Hudson, who has grown restless and disappeared from Tarrey Town a year after its founding. She travels to the Akkala Citadel Ruins to hunt for her husband while reflecting on the bridges that will need to be rebuilt in order for Hyrule to embrace a peaceful future.
This story about archaeology, castles, ruins, cultural differences, giant monster friends, and what it means “to live happily ever after” was written for @memorabiliazine​, and it’s also on AO3 (here). The accompanying illustrations are by the stylish scholar @pocketwei​.
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This wasn’t the first time Rhondson had set off on a husband hunt.
It was late summer, almost a year after the ghost of the Great Calamity vanished from the castle. Most of Hyrule was still green, but the first touches of red and gold had already begun to appear on the trees of Akkala. It was chilly when Rhondson left Tarrey Town, but the morning fog had lifted and the sky was crystal clear.
Rhondson had always enjoyed mornings. Most people woke up early in the desert and took a nap during the worst heat of the afternoon so that they could stay up late into the evening. Rhondson kept the same schedule in Tarrey Town, a practice that Hudson found inexplicably upsetting. He complained, almost every day now, that she never went to bed with him. He insisted that a man and his wife should fall asleep together. Rhondson explained that she enjoyed sewing by lamplight at night, when the world is quiet and even the plainest thread shines like gold, but he refused to understand.
Hudson had recently grown restless. Perhaps it was because of the tension in their relationship, or perhaps it was only the change of season, but he left Tarrey Town one afternoon and never returned. Ashai’s classes hadn’t prepared Rhondson for this. They’d talked so much about how to catch a man, but never about how to keep him. She wondered if other vai had the same problem. All of the romances she read when she was younger ended with a “happily ever after,” but what was supposed to happen the next day? And the day after that?
All things considered, Rhondson was content with her life in Tarrey Town. Her feelings about the settlement had been ambiguous at first. The location was out-of-the-way, to say the least, but the town received more visitors than she’d expected. The son of the two Sheikah researchers who lived in an old lighthouse up on the northern cliffs made his living as a traveling merchant of fine clothing, and he saw to it that Rhondson always had work. Tarrey Town was unique in its appeal as a marketplace for goods from all over Hyrule, and Hudson’s brightly painted modular houses had become something of a tourist attraction. He’d been flooded with orders for summer rental homes, and a satellite community had sprung up on the other side of the bridge to satisfy the demand.
Hudson managed to keep himself busy, but he seemed to harbor doubts about establishing Tarrey Town on such a small island. To make matters worse, many of the people who’d come to town for the summer were starting to drift away as the days became shorter. Perhaps they were worried about Akkala’s infamous autumn thunderstorms. Rhondson happened to enjoy the heavy rains, whose gale winds and lightning crashes reminded her of the sandstorms back home, but she understood how the violent weather and sudden drop in temperature might put off people who weren’t accustomed to the climate. She’d camped at more than a few oasis waystations during her travels, and she knew it was perfectly natural for the population of a place like Tarrey Town to wax and wane with the season.
Rhondson tried to explain to Hudson how it was normal for people to come and go. Many of the town residents were nomadic by nature, she said, and they had no excuse not to indulge their wanderlust now that it was safe to travel. Hudson adamantly refused to listen. He insisted that a man’s home was his castle. But why not have two castles, Rhondson objected. And people would come back next summer, she reasoned. They’d had to hire new workers to perform upkeep on the vacation homes during the winter, after all, so it wasn’t as though the population was shrinking. If he was feeling ambitious, she added with a wink, they might be able to add their own contribution to the town’s population.
“I’m just not sure how long this town will last,” Hudson replied, ending the conversation with a sigh.
His admission put Rhondson ill at ease, and she couldn’t help recalling Hudson’s anxiety when she realized that he hadn’t come home during the night. “Sometimes you have to treat voe like children,” Ashai had once explained. “There will be times when they take action without thinking about how it will affect you, but it’s likely that their behavior comes from simple thoughtlessness, not spite.” Rhondson didn’t know about that. She’d met enough silly and immature vai in her life to understand that voe didn’t have a monopoly on being pigheaded. Still, if Hudson had gone out and gotten himself lost, purposefully or otherwise, she might as well go find him.
Rhondson set out from Tarrey Town and walked due south, pacing herself as she made her way up the gentle slope of the hills leading to Upland Zorana. Once the mountains began in earnest, she turned west at the road leading to the old stone quarry and kept going until she could see the waterfalls at the source of Lake Akkala.
She’d crossed the Sokkala Bridges when she first came to Tarrey Town instead of taking the longer road to the north, and she was just as impressed by them now as she was then. The log bridges were simple structures, really, not much more than planks laid over support pillars embedded in the banks of the rivulets flowing from the waterfall basin, but they were sturdy and well-constructed. A traveler could cross them with ease, secure enough in their footing to look up and appreciate the rainbows that danced in the misty spray of the waterfalls.
Not every bridge needed to be the Bridge of Hylia, Rhondson thought. Perhaps it was better if most bridges weren’t, in fact. The Bridge of Hylia was a magnificent piece of work, to be sure, but it seemed as though it was already in a state of disrepair even before the Great Calamity. Judging from the conversations between Hudson and his former boss Bolson, no living stonemason had any idea how to repair its gargantuan supports. Meanwhile, more modest structures like the Sokkala Bridges could be maintained whenever the need arose. In their own way, the Sokkala Bridges were just as important at the Bridge of Hylia, even if they never became monuments.
As she crossed the final bridge, Rhondson could see the hazy outline of Akkala Citadel rising in the west. Its massive size was impressive, but she couldn’t imagine it being particularly beneficial to anyone. Truth be told, the ruins weren’t much more than a glorified pile of old stone bricks that could almost certainly be put to better use elsewhere. Speaking of which, Rhondson was starting to get an inkling of where Hudson might have gotten himself off to. “A man’s home is his castle,” he liked to say, and how intriguing it must have been to have an actual castle so close to home, especially if its materials could be repurposed.
Rhondson headed north when the road forked and made her way across the old high bridge over the river, carefully navigating the deep fissures in the stone. Once she was safely on the other side, she began climbing the winding path up the mountain.
The leaves of the trees on the upper slopes of the hill had already turned a bold shade of crimson, and the weathered steel of the Sheikah Tower gleamed in the sun. Rumor had it that the citadel used to be patrolled by Guardians, but nothing confronted Rhondson save for a few moss-covered remnants of ceramic casing. Parts of the road had been washed away in a landslide, probably after the Malice swamp dried up, but the majority of the paving stones were still intact.
Rhondson entered the gatehouse at the foot of the outer wall surrounding the citadel. The inside was littered with rubble from a century-old battle, and the remains of more recent Bokoblin campfires were scattered across the floor. A partially overturned Guardian occupied a corner of the room, its segmented legs folded neatly underneath its casing like the paws of a sleeping cat. When she first set out from the desert, Rhondson had been terrified of encountering a Guardian, but she’d grown fond of the broken bits and pieces of their chassis that had been left beside Hyrule’s roads to remind travelers to remain vigilant. Their round faces and decoratively textured bodies were actually a bit cute, like oversized toys.
Rhondson passed through the gatehouse and entered a small courtyard. The walls of the citadel rose on every side of the open space, but the gaps between turrets were wide enough for the sun to shine through and warm the paving stones. One side of the courtyard was dominated by a large alcove that was probably used to shelter horses. The bare soil under the dilapidated wooden awning was covered in pale green scrub bush and dotted with bright yellow wildflowers.
A covered walkway ran along the opposite wall, connecting the gatehouse to the larger body of the citadel. As Rhondson followed the shaded path, she imagined how heavily the snowfall would accumulate at this altitude. She didn’t envy the soldiers tasked with shoveling duty. She glanced at the enormous wooden door that marked the entrance to the main hall, but its iron fittings were orange with rust. Thankfully, the smaller door at the end of the walkway was barely hanging by its hinges, and Rhondson had no trouble pushing it open.
She called Hudson’s name into the shadows of the citadel. Aside from the echo of her own voice, there was no answer. It probably wasn’t safe to go inside, but she had already come so far. Rhondson figured that she may as well make sure that Hudson wasn’t here before she left. 
The interior of the fortress wasn’t nearly as impressive as its silhouette. The entryway was much smaller than she expected, and the floor was made of packed earth. As Rhondson’s eyes adjusted to the gloom, she could see that the wooden beams of the ceiling were exposed. They were dark with ash. The smoke had probably come from the tall braziers secured to the pillars set into the stone walls.
Rhondson walked across the hall, glancing around her with interest. A few piles of old leaves moldered just inside the open service door, but the room was remarkably clean. The tapestries displayed in the bays between pillars still retained some of their color, and wooden weapons racks still clung to the stone walls next to the main gate. Rhondson realized that the earth floor must absorb the humidity of summer and the chill of winter, keeping the wood and cloth relatively preserved. The layer of ash coating the wooden beams of the ceiling probably helped protect them from the elements as well.
Large passageways ringed with shallow arches connected the central hall to the east and west wings, but Rhondson was more interested in a spiral staircase carved into the back wall. Although she had to bend her head to enter, the stairs bore her weight. Each step dipped slightly toward the middle from centuries of use. As she climbed to the next floor, Rhondson was amused by the thought of walking in the footsteps of people who had lived so long ago.
The room above was much smaller than the citadel’s entrance, but its ceiling was almost as high. The walls were constructed of the same unpainted white limestone as the fortress exterior. Their rough surfaces were irregularly broken by small rectangular windows positioned slightly above eye level. Some of the glass panes were missing, allowing a cool breeze to enter the bright and sun-warmed space, but the floorboards were level and seemed solid enough
Rhondson began to make her way from room to room. Her first thought was that the haphazard layout was due to poor planning, but she gradually realized that different parts of the Akkala Citadel must have been built at different times, more than likely after various battles. Very few furnishings remained in the deserted fortress, but the architecture differed so drastically between rooms that it was clear she was walking through different periods of history. Rhondson was amazed by the evolution of the windows, which became larger and more ornate as she walked. She imagined that this was what Hyrule Castle must look like, an amalgamation of architectural styles that had grown and transformed along with the kingdom itself.
Rhondson enjoyed her stroll through the ruins, but Hudson was nowhere to be found. The sun was already low in the sky, so she made her way outside and began her descent. From her vantage point at the top of the path, she could see a flat patch of land at the base of the hill. The soldiers stationed here must have used it as a parade ground for exercise and training. It would be as good a place as any to make camp.
Dusk had begun to gather by the time she arrived on the field, and the shadows lay long across the tall grass. Rhondson didn’t see the Hinox immediately, but she could smell it. The odor wasn’t unpleasant, but it was unmistakable. As soon as she realized that she wasn’t alone, Rhondson turned to leave. Most Hinoxes tended to ignore the travelers that wandered into their vicinity, but she didn’t want to take any chances.
Without warning, the Hinox bellowed. Its scream sent startled birds up from the nearby trees in a rush of beating wings and angry squawking. Rhondson prepared herself to make a run for her life, but she was stopped in her tracks by a voice she would recognize anywhere.
“Don’t cry, you big baby. It only stings at first. You’ll feel better in two shakes of a blupee’s tail.”
Rhondson shook her head with amusement as she walked across the field toward the source of the voice. The Hinox pouted at her, giant tears spilling from its eye.
The broad-shouldered man crouching beside the Hinox jerked his head up. “Rhondson? What are you doing here?”
“I could ask you the same thing. I came looking for you. Is this where you’ve been this whole time?”
“I meant to come back last night,” Hudson replied, averting his eyes. “But this oaf hurt his foot while helping me clear away the rubble on the path up the mountain, and I couldn’t just leave him like this. The wound would have suppurated, and he’s all alone out here.”
Rhondson gave the Hinox a closer look and saw that it – he – had a deep gash on his heel. Hudson was cleaning it with a balled-up wad of fabric. If she wasn’t mistaken, it was the first workshirt she’d sewn for him. She’d made it just as they were starting to get to know one another, before she knew his measurements, and it fit him poorly. She asked him to throw it away and bury it with the compost months ago, but he’d apparently kept it. Hudson was surprisingly sentimental for a man who insisted on utility over decoration. It was one of the things she liked about him.
Rhondson smiled as she shrugged her pack onto the ground and dug out a jar of safflina salve. As Hudson helped her dress the Hinox’s wound, he explained that he had indeed come here to assess the state of the stonework. He assumed the citadel would be in ruins, but the structure was still sound. It would be a shame to dismantle it. With a few minor renovations, it would be almost as good as new. Still, making it more habitable would mean reducing its efficacy as a fortress.
“But what does that matter?” Rhondson asked. “Who’s going to attack it?”
“There are monsters roaming about, and…”
“Does this ‘monster’ look like he’s going to attack anyone?”
The Hinox had fallen asleep as they talked and was snoring lightly.
“He’s not a monster,” Hudson replied with a frown.
“Exactly. It seems to me that you’re already thinking about hiring him to work for you.”
“I’m not… Well, I guess I am. Having a Hinox around would be useful, especially if I decide to fix up this place, but we’d have to knock down some of the interior walls to make more room for him.”
Rhondson winced as she remembered all the times she’d banged her forehead on Hylian doorways. Now that she thought about it, there was no reason for those doors to be so low in the first place, especially not when her husband could so easily make them more accommodating. “Weren’t you planning to knock down the walls anyway?” she pointed out. “You could use the materials to repair the bridge.”
“But it’s disrespectful not to honor the past,” Hudson objected. “Shouldn’t the history of the Akkala Citadel be preserved?”
“It’s in ruins.” Rhondson put a hand on his shoulder. “One day you’ll have to come with me to visit my family. Everything in Gerudo Town is built on top of history. Nothing gets done if you worry about preserving the past as it once was. Living things change, and that includes old castles like this.”
“Maybe it includes towns too,” Hudson replied. “I guess it won’t be so bad if Tarrey Town grows. We could have a sister city maybe, right here on this hill. It would be a convenient waystation for travelers.” He thought for a moment. “And a good place for Hinoxes, too. It’s built on their scale, at least, and they’re all over Akkala. It’s a shame they always have to sleep in the open. Besides, Mason looks like he could use a friend. He’ll be lonely without me.”
Mason? Rhondson grinned at the name her husband had assigned to the Hinox. “Are you going to bring him home, then?” she asked.
“Home is wherever you are, Rhondson. We’ll go wherever you like. I missed you.”
“I missed you too, but we can spend a night or two away from Tarrey Town. I’d like to go back to the citadel tomorrow morning. I don’t think anyone has been inside this place for at least a hundred years.”
The sun had finally set, and stars were beginning to shine in the deepening indigo of the twilight sky. Rhondson smiled as she pictured the castle on the hill once again filled with lights. There was a certain charm to speculating on what the past might have been like, but the future held much more potential for imagination.
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dear-ao3 · 3 years
Hello! I have a young child who loves dancing and I'm curious about how you were introduced to more structured dance classes. Was it your own interest? Or your parents the ones who pushed it? And what kind of dance did you initially practice? How you would suggest I offer dance to a 4-year-old? And what is your favorite kind of dance now? Sorry for all my inquiries! Answer only what you're comfortable with of course. Thanks for your time and advice <3
hello! this got long so its under the cut
so i started dancing when i was 3 i think...? my parents were either going to sign me up for soccer or dance and i think they let me pick which one i wanted to do and i apparently picked dance because i didn't want to run :) i don't quite know why they picked dance? i think that it was just cause that was a Thing for young girls to do, and also my mom had gone to the same studio when she was younger, so they knew the place. 
i know that the first class i took was called pre-dance which was 8 or 10 weeks of a 45 minute class where you don't really do anything but play with like beanbags and get used to being in a studio environment. I'm pretty sure one of my earliest memories is balancing a beanbag on my back in the downstairs studio at the studio i used to go to. 
so initially it was my parents who introduced me to it, but they made it clear that it was my decision if i wanted to keep taking it. like they asked me at the end of each year if i wanted to do it again next year. and up until i was in i think 1st grade i was taking 1 hour of dance a week, half of that hour was tap and the other half was ballet. i remember that i wanted to keep doing it because i would see the other older girls dance at the end of the year in their costumes and wanted to be like them. 
the way my studio worked (and i danced there for 15 years before going to college, from age 3-18) was that there was pre dance, then pre-school, kindergarten and 6-8 year olds (all three of those levels were an hour long and half of it was tap and half was ballet. we learned pre set dances off of literal records from the 60s and just very basic movements) and then after that it changed to a letter system that started at E and went up to A and all of those classes were at least an hour, once or twice a week. and then when you got to a certain age you could also join the company. 
what kind of styles a studio offers for younger kids wholly depends on the studio. based on my personal experiences and stories I've heard from people who danced at other places, i would try to look into a non competition studio for your daughter and this is why. i did not go to a competition studio, my studio was more or less focused on classical ballet and was Tiny. like in the upper levels there were maybe 100 of us total and we all knew each other and we knew all the teachers and the owner and the other girls parents and everything. yes, there was drama, as there is at pretty much any dance studio, but it was definitely more focused on being fun when we were younger and then as we got older we were learning proper ballet technique from professionals (like variations) and most of our teachers were professionals teaching on the side or in between jobs and while their classes were all meant to further technique and i did learn a lot from all of them, there was still the underlying notion that it was supposed to be fun and that is a lot of the reason why i stuck with it.
i have many friends who went to a variety of competition studios and that was not the case. to my understanding, competition studios are more focused on winning a competition, and with that there comes a lot more drama. both from the parents and the kids and then also the teachers. a lot of competition schools are also much larger and many of the kids who went there didn't know everyone at the studio. and a lot of the time the young kids at the studio will also be competing. that puts a lot of pressure on a young kid, first of all, and its also incredibly expensive because you need to be buying dance costumes and specific makeup in addition to shoes and tights and leotards. if it is something that your kid decides that she doesn't want to stick with, it can be kind of a waste of money. 
there’s also the fact that if she sticks with it a lot of the time the ballet technique that they teach in competition based studios is not super classical (but that's not always the case) and more focused on tricks. but that really depends on the place. 
my dance experience was certainly not perfect, but i personally think that it was better than it would have been had my parents signed me up for a studio that went to dance competitions. we used to get a lot of girls from competition studios that transferred because they were tired of the drama and the stress and the fact that they weren't finding it fun anymore. 
i would suggest finding a place that offers maybe not a whole year of classes, but allows you to sign up for a few weeks. not every place will, but some do. that way your daughter can decide if she likes it. because dance classes are kind of expensive (maybe not at that young age but i think tuition for mine and my sisters 7 classes as we got older was around like $360 every two weeks? plus shoes/tights/leotards and company tuition) on top of shoes and tights and leotards and its a waste if she doesn't like it. 
and you will know if she doesn't like it. i taught the younger girls for a few years in high school and you could tell the ones that did not want to be there because they would sit down or not want to dance or would not even want to come in. the girls that wanted to be there took it seriously and were very committed to being there and wanted to be there and were excited for class. and yeah every kid has their bad days but you will know if they don't want to go. and maybe they want to dance but they don't like the studio, that's okay too. try a different one if you can. 
and i would also take her to a performance. that might be hard because of the climate rn but if the studio has an end of year performance (most do and they're probably like now in the year) then i would take her so she can watch the “big kids” and when its done ask her if she wants to take classes like the big kids. my mom brought me to the performances at my studio when i was little and i loved them. or live dance in general. a ballet might be too long, but a lot of places have clips online you can watch. 
i would introduce her to one or two styles to start with. tap is always fun for little kids. ballet is too cause everyone wants to be like a ballerina. or jazz is fun too but not every place has it for little kids. 
as for now, my dance program at school is focused on more classical modern, ballet and west african dance but i still love tap and more contemporary styles. 
i hope this helps you a little!
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dughole · 3 years
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kitty genovese was a 28 year old bartender with a tiny gap in the tip of her front teeth, an arrest for taking horse bets from her customers, & a yearbook that christened her the “class cut-up.” genovese met mary-ann zielonko at a girl-bar one night in march of 1963. the first words kitty ever spoke to mary-ann was: “don’t i know you from somewhere?” they danced, then lost each other in the crowd. within a week, mary-ann came home to a note on the door of her upper west side apartment that read, “WILL CALL YOU AT THE STREET CORNER PHONE BOOTH AT 7. - KITTY G.” they moved in together on their first date. on march 13th, 1964 - 4 days before their one year anniversary. kitty was murdered in her apartment building. zielonko was asked to identify the body, and in the basement of the queens general hospital, when investigators told her it was time to go, she told them she was waiting for kitty. “i sat on the bench. i refused to leave. i told them, ‘no she’s coming with us.”
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ramp-it-up · 3 years
Fresh Squeeze, Ch. 5
Pairing: Daveed Diggs x OFC Linden Marshall
Set in 2023, post-pandemic
Warnings: Cursing, Angsty Angst, drug and alcohol use, surprise flights, Anthony Ramos. Lots of Plot.
Word Count: 3.5 K
Plot: Linden Marshall just finished law school at Columbia University in NYC. Daveed Diggs is still creating magic with his platonic life partner Rafael Casal in the form of their Blindspotting musical, Bay Boys. Linden’s boyfriend WAS Mark Monaco, star of the superhero movie series Invincible.  They were together for years, and her trauma and his addictions were toxic. She knows now that wasn’t love. 
A/N: Keep in mind that this the same AU as Arrivals, with Holly Woods, but is BEFORE Rafa and Holly get together. And don’t come for me about Anthony.
Read the Previous Chapter.
NYC, May 2023
Jasmine was blowing up your phone as you were trying to get dressed.  You had to search for it under the pile of clothes on your bed.
You had procrastinated getting ready, trying to finish one of your applications for a summer internship at this law firm in Harlem that you were excited about.  
You wanted to finally relax after finishing Columbia law in the top 10% of your class. You just wanted to relax and enjoy this weekend.
Craig, your mom and your uncle were the only ones to attend your graduation.  They knew you didn’t want any fanfare, so your famous friends didn’t attend, and they had a show to do, but they’d sent you tons of well wishes.
We're coming up, get decent!
You chuckled and shook your head. Anthony usually raided the refrigerator when he came over. This time, you told him to bring his own snacks..
You slipped on what you were wearing for the night.  Craig was in his room getting ready and you had volunteered his place, so you were playing hostess. You were surprised that he was so chill about it, actually. 
“Pika Pika,” you said to yourself in the mirror then ran to answer the doorbell. It was almost 6 pm.
You opened the door for Cookie Monster and Big Bird.  You burst out laughing. But you stopped when you saw Anthony's face. He had like five bags from Whole Foods that he was juggling in his blue arms.
"Jazzy!!!! There's my girl.  Hey Ant! leave the food and your girl. We may run off together."
Anthony came in the door loaded down with bags and kissed you on the cheek.  
“I love you Lindy, but fuck you man.” You punched him on the shoulder. 
“Ow! Time to get this party started!”
Linden heard Jazzy’s Brooklyn accent turn into a London lilt as she started play fighting with Ant. They felt like family at this point.
Ever since the launch party in January, Jasmine had pursued you as a friend persistently. You normally didn’t let anyone in because of the circumstances of your life, but Jas was oblivious to your awkwardness with normal human beings.
“Girl, you are fucking DOPE, and you are NOT gonna deny my love.  I know your life has been a trip, and you don’t have to tell me all of it, but I’m not gonna let you shrivel up and be a little retiring wallflower. Life is to be lived.” 
Jasmine telling you that during a Saturday brunch date in February was the key to your heart. She drew you out, and you didn’t see what value you added to her life.
But she loved you anyway. And you loved her, and of course, Anthony was part of the package.  
He was beautiful, loud, talented, and reckless, but he reminded you too fucking much of Dell to be annoyed with him very long.
Your circle had certainly widened from just Craig. That was one thing for which you could thank Mark. You were working on him being a distant memory.  He hadn’t lasted too long in Bay Boys, quitting soon after the musical opened in March.  
Daveed’s hands and feet had ‘slipped’ one too many times during the scene when he was stomping his ass on stage. Mark cited health reasons, and publicly spiraled a bit. He was currently in rehab. 
You had not heard from him and that was absolutely fine with you.
Because Jasmine was in Bay Boys and that was her life, the cast and crew became yours as well. Rafael was the type of chaotic creative genius that fascinated you; you could listen to him talk for hours.  
Things with Daveed were more tricky. Ever since that awkwardness with him after the launch party, you’d kept your distance, but you hung out a lot, so you were trying to be friends.
When you and Jas and Ant and Rafa hung out and talked, Daveed was there, smiling shyly and sneaking glances at you, throwing in pearls of wisdom every so often. 
He was so dope and so talented and intelligent and so freaking hot, but you were trying to get yourself together.  You were convinced that night in January had been a mistake. 
You needed some space. And time.  Law school was no joke, and you were in therapy so entanglements was not what was up.
Daveed sensed your hesitancy and decided to stop pursuing you. But he couldn’t stop how he felt.
You were both a little wasted and keyed up the night of the launch party, and despite the way you were beautiful and intelligent and sexy as fucking hell, he was not going to press you. 
Daveed was sure that you two could be something special if you would give it a chance, but he didn’t want to chase you, but he was so gone for you, that if you just nodded your head at him, he would be at your feet.
The attraction was undeniable. There was a crazy little dance you two did that everyone recognized and respected.  This group seemed to know you were fragile, and that you didn’t need to be pushed too far.
But the more they persisted, the more you came out of your shell.  The more you trusted, the more the old Lindy came back. 
Craig noticed first soon after you started hanging with the crew when you were trying to find a place to live. He went to one showing with you and sat you down for a talk.
“Girl, I love the light in your eyes.  I haven’t seen this Lindy since…well in a long time. Stay with me for as long as you want. I know you need to get through this last semester of school, you don’t need one more thing to think about. I’m proud of the work that you’re doing on yourself, Linden.”
You were grateful to Craig.  His place on the Upper West Side was super convenient to Columbia, and not having to think about finding a place was so clutch.  Third year was kicking your ass.
“Besides, I wouldn’t have this place if it wasn’t for…”
“Hush,  I don’t want to hear that.  Dell would have wanted this. I love you cuzzo.” 
Craig came out in a Sully onesie and immediately dragged Jasmine into a conversation about the Met Gala that had happened a few days ago. 
You approached the kitchen where Ant stood, food all around him on the counter. You were whispering. He smiled a secret smile at you.
“I’m so proud of you doing this for Jasmine.  It’s good for you all to get away. I’m glad that she got a little break. She deserves it all.”
Anthony had arranged for this little get together to be a surprise for Jasmine. This was going to be a kickback weekend.
The show was on a four day hiatus while the set was moved to a bigger theatre.  It was a hit and was destined for a long run.
Ant’s green eyes lit up as you kept talking about Jasmine.
“Yeah, she does. And the woman of the hour deserves all the happiness in the world.” He lifted his beer to you.
They way he said that was weird and you were about to ask him what was up with that when the doorbell started ringing, you went to answer it and were stuck there for a few minutes as people started coming in. 
The food and the drinks were flowing while all kinds of characters came in. 
Now they also had Jack Skellingtom, and a Care Bear in the house to add to Big bird, Cookie Monster, Pikachu and Sully. It was an odd cast of characters who were jamming to 90's rap, eating chicken wings and basically tripping like only friends could do.
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Then there was Toni, some tag-along chick who showed up with Rafa.  She had on a plain gray onesie.  What a downer.  
You’d  pegged her for  a star fucker who only hung with Rafa because of who he and his friends were.  The girl was too much in everyone's business. 
"Sooooo. You and Mark ARE broken up for real for real. The tabloids say y’all are back together!  I told my friend Susie you weren’t, but she wouldn't believe me."
You  just smiled and didn't confirm or deny, treating Toni like the paparazzi. The girl was oblivious to your hate and just kept talking.
Daveed rescued you. 
"Hey, Toni, show these folks how you can blow. They're setting up the karaoke machine over there. Show us what you're working with. Someone might hook you up with a gig."
Toni perked up and hurried over to Anthony and Craig, who were setting up the lyrics on the big screen to match the karaoke music. Some Bad Boy joints were up.
Rafa was behind them screaming, "Dylan, Dylan, Dylan!" 
They were a scene.  You  breathed and relaxed a little.
"Don't stress. She's not coming with us  to the island."
You looked up at the tall, fine Grumpy Care Bear who was nursing some of your special 18-year-old Chivas Regal that you had gotten for graduation. His beautiful smile shined out of his brown face and beneath the curls tumbling out of his hood. 
“I’m not pressed. I’m chilling. You can do what you want. With who you want.”
“She’s not with me. Rafa brought her for the ride to the airport. And it’s not entirely true that I can do what I want. With who I want. Because what if who I want to do doesn’t want to do me?”
You knew what he meant. But you eyed his drink instead of looking at him. It wasn’t that you didn’t want him. That was far from the truth. You didn’t want to get lost in him. And you could see that happening.
Daveed saw your wheels turning. You were over analyzing again.  He’d spent three months observing you every chance he got. He felt like he knew your anxieties.  So fucking smart, but here you were thinking too much.
"Hey Genuis Ass. Want some?" Daveed’s voice was softer as he grinned and offered you some of his drink.  “Or, I could go make you something?” For some reason he wanted you to get loose. 
"Nah, I'm good Diggs.”  For some reason you needed to stay in control.  You played it off by changing the subject. 
“I still can’t believe y’all call me that.” 
Daveed just smiled and nodded, chuckling a little. He craned his neck and looked at it, having to dodge a smack upside the head.
“That ass is genius, you know. That’s the one thing He Who Shall Not Be Named was right about. And you’re one of the smartest humans I know.”  
You had to look at him then. The flecks of gold in his eyes tho.  But you could tell from the slight redness that he was a little zooted.  He didn’t get that way around you a lot, but you knew for the stories that he partied occasionally. 
He and Rafa and that Toni chick must have pre-gamed.  You remembered the last time you two were  tipsy together.You cleared your throat and looked away.
“Why did you lie to that girl? She can’t sing.” You were shaking your head, scowling at Toni’s screeching from the karaoke machine.
He winked at you. D was well on his way to getting LIT.
"What? She can blow.”  Daveed sipped his drink and watched her. 
“She’ll suck your soul out and spit it back in your mouth." Daveed was loose. And so was his mouth. But he didn’t care.
Your mouth was hanging open at Daveed as you wondered what Daveed had done with Toni, what Daveed AND Rafa had done with Toni... 
Shit, you were just going to ask.
"How do you know that she..."
“No, I was like, negative 5..”
You raised your voice as he traveled away from you, smiling. He was not slick.
“Well you missed out being tardy to the party…” 
He was backing toward the mic, knocking it out of Anthony’s hand and starting the rap. Rafa joined him, trading verses.
Now as the record spins around, you recognize this sound,
Well, it's the underground,
You know that we're down with wutchyalike
Yeah, with wutchyalike, yeah
And though we're usually on the serious tip, check it out:
Tonight we're gonna flip and trip and let it all hang out tonight,
We're gonna say what we like.
'Cause, yo, yo, we want to know how many people in the flow,
Would like to just let yourselves go
And doowutchyalike,
Yeah, well tonight's your night.
Just eat food, try not to be crude or rude,
Kill the attitude, chill the serious mood,
And doowutchyalike,
Yeah, and doowutchyalike,
Everybody doowutchyalike
Everyone was dancing and Daveed had effectively deflected your question. But you would never forget.
By 8 o’clock, Craig grabbed the mic and motioned for Jasmine to come with him. You had enjoyed some cocktails finally, and just figured they were going to duet Wind Beneath My Wings just like they always did. 
You were actually moving to the music and feeling good.
"Ok guys, whew.  I'm hot.  Is it hot in herrrre?" Craig was fanning himself.
“Whoooo! Nelly!”
You yelled and everyone laughed.
Craig took his hood off and started to unzip his onesie. Jasmine did the same.
You kept dancing nervously, not realizing it, looking around at the others who were also disrobing. You did a double take as D’s abs came into view.  What was going on?
Craig continued.
"Lindy, I just need a minute to talk, can you stop whatever it is you're doing?"  He grinned at you from across the room. "You're still moving Lindy."
You blushed and stopped fidgeting.
"Ummm, Craig, what the..."
One by one people dropped their onesies, all except Toni, who had no clue what was going on. Soon, everyone was standing in Craig’s condo in their swimsuits, looking fine as hell. 
You just looked around, then in your cup wondering if you were too drunk and hallucinating.
“Lindy, you’ve worked real hard, and this past few months have been crazy, so we wanted to do something special for you this weekend, for your graduation, and for your birthday, WHICH IS SUNDAY!!”
Everyone cheered as Jasmine took the mic. “You think this party is for me. Well the joke’s on you bitch, because you have been hosting your own party!”
You opened your mouth, squeaked a little, then spoke,
"But why?.. Everybody?  But what..."
Daveed moved close.
"Damn, you fine," you whispered. 
Your hand flew to your mouth when he smirked in response. Everyone was rolling because turns out, you didn’t whisper.
Daveed cleared his throat. "Thank you. You’re fine yaseif. Anyway, Anthony and Jasmine have a house there, and we’re flying out of JFK tonight.  In about two and a half hours in fact. So we gotta get going.”
You still had only a part of a clue of what was going on. But you couldn't resist all of this.
"Okay? But... I don't have any clothes. And I don’t have a ticket..."
Craig came from the storage room off the kitchen with one of your suitcases. Others started getting their bags as well
"Everybody's shit has been in my house for a week. And girl, you know I got your information. It ain’t nothing but a thang.  Your ticket is ready and waiting. Just sent it to your email.”
Your mouth dropped open and you stared at Craig as everyone pulled their onesies back up and got their bags together.
Your eyes filled with tears that you hurriedly brushed away. Craig came over and hugged you. Then every else joined in for a group hug.
"You deserve, Lindy. Let us celebrate you."
You looked like you didn't quite believe it, but you went along. You laughed, visibly deciding to go with the flow.
"I'm down!"
Toni was nearby. When the hug broke up, she started asking questions.  Your  patience was wearing thin.
"I don’t believe that all these people really roll like this. Y’all wild. Susie won that bet."
You just continued to look at this fool.
"But isn’t this dope?  All these famous, successful men being so fearless with their love and appreciation for Black women, of all people. Who woulda thunk they didn't want white women?"
Toni just kept saying the wrong thing. It was the "of all people" for you.
You stared daggers at your houseguest. Toni caught the look.
"Wait, are you mixed?"
You narrowed your eyes and said, "Black mixed with Black."
Toni clutched her pearls.
"Oh wow. Didn't mean to offend. I just mean everyone knows Jasmine is mixed, with her dad and all, as black as can be. But her white British mom saved her from his skin tone. I mean, she has braids in now, so you can see it, but all she has to do is blow her hair straight and she can pass..."
Toni jumped when Rafa spoke. She didn't know he was there.
"Toni. Not Jas. She's the homie." 
The look in his ice blue eyes could burn. 
"And you are a Black woman, so you know how dope they are. Why would anyone NOT worship at your feet?"
Lindy just sipped her drink as Craig entered the chat. "Amen!"
"Maybe it is time for you to get going, honey. I might call you when I get back."
Rafa  led Toni to the door as she protested.
"But I was going to take you to the air..."
"And I APPRECIATE you Black woman, but we'll get there.  See you later."
Then Rafa shut the door in her face. Linden discovered she loved him eternally at that moment. She was rolling.
No one mourned Toni’s departure as arrangements were made for cars to take everyone to the airport.
"You and Daveed can ride with us, Rafa." Ant to the rescue.
"Yeah, Jasmine loves to look at my profile." Jas pinched him so hard he jumped.
Ant  was screaming as he, Jasmine and Rafa went out the door. 
"Peace! See you at airport security.  If you get nabbed by TSA, you on your own!”
Daveed lingered. “I don’t know if all of us and our bags will fit in one car. Can I ride with you and Lindy, Craig?”
Craig smirked at Daveed, but didn’t say anything. “Of course...you good with that Lindy?”
You tried to keep it light. 
“Sure.. no biggie,” you cleared your throat and headed to the bathroom to make sure you had everything you needed.
By the time you got to your Uber, the traffic was horrible. It took over an hour to get to the airport. You felt both anxious about missing the flight and keyed up about sitting next to Daveed in the car.
His thigh and side pressing into yours in the dark in the back of an Uber Black brought back memories of that reckless night. 
When he put his arm up on the seat behind you, “For more room,” he said, in that voice and flashing that megawatt smile, you were enveloped more into his scent and warmth. You had to control yourself not to melt into him.
Craig was sitting on his phone, sneaking glances at you and smirking the entire ride. He’d insisted that you be in the middle because you were so tiny.
The whole world was against you, you thought, as you and Daveed both stared straight ahead, both flashing back to that January night.
You were the last three people to run through the airline gate just at they were about to close it. All your friends in first class cheered when you took their seats, and Rafa popped a bottle of champagne.
"Talk about cutting it close," Ant commented as Rafa gave Daveed a high five.
Daveed looked at you. You shook your head at him. Somehow, you were sitting next to him. You just decided to let it be and have some time.
“Just make sure you don’t molest me under this blanket, Ms. Marshall,” Daveed intoned when you were settled and given amenities for the night.
The flight attendant had to tell y’all to keep quiet as the cat calls went up.
Welp, you thought. This will be the vibe the entire weekend. 
You weren’t mad at it. You loved these people. And you were safe. You just smiled, settled down, and looked out of the window to watch the lights of New York fade away.
Read the next chapter
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Tagging:  @braidedchallah @einfachniemand @sillyteecup @commandersmiley @ohsoverykeri-blog  @theselilwonders @theatrenerd86 @sebastianabucknettastan @imatyoursurrvicesurr @riiyy @ivycomet @lonelydance @jbrizzywrites @id-do-it-for-free-babe
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wolfstarlibrarian · 3 years
Hi there Librarian, I'm looking for a fic I found quite a while back on Ao3 and I think I saw it one of your rec lists a while back? Basically Remus and Lily were ballet dancers at some sort of American dance Academy that McGonagall runs and then Sirius shows up and sorta rivals Remus for the top spots in shows. And Marlene creates a ballet show for Remus and Sirius together which is how they get together. I really hope you know which one I mean, I'd really appreciate it if you could find it!
Your blog is brilliant btw I love it 💜🖤
Hello friend! You have excellent taste and this fic is a joy to read. Also linked is the list it was initially shared on, in case you need more dancer fics. Cheers!
Wolfstar Dancer 
Pas de Deux in the Upper West Side by wilteddaisy
Remus Lupin is a principal dancer with the New York City Ballet. A lead role comes up for grabs in the company’s newest ballet and Remus is determined to have it. But only when Sirius Black — oozing talent, charisma and all the elements of a world-class distraction — joins the company does it hang in the balance.
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anthony-kate · 4 years
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***Magnus and Alec are husbands. Yes, this needed to be said because CAN YOU BELIEVE? :’) But also, yes, it’s really been that long since the latest Malec fic rec. I’m sorry. It’s... yeah. Although if you also miss Malec every second of every day, reading fanfics at least helps a little. 
I tried to collect a nice mix again so I hope you will enjoy this 9th (!!!) edition of my Malec fanfic rec posts. As usual, I enjoy making them and rec’ing you fics but these posts take a looooot of time so please, please, please reblog, like and spread the word so that I see you enjoy these and these posts are helpful. It motivates to do a new one in the future if y’all are interested. Thank you
And now, have fun discovering, reading, and loving those Malec fics. And leave a kudo and comment for those authors while you’re on it. We all love appreciation and need validation. :)***
previous Malec fic recs:             1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8
42 NORTH 71 WEST by @lecrit​ [ M | AU | 62.1k | complete ]
Alec sometimes wonders why he ever decided to pursue a career in politics. Magnus sometimes questions whether pursuing his dream of becoming an actor was worth it.
Those two facts are not necessarily mutually exclusive.
THE SHOW MUST GO ON by @unrestrainedlyexcessive [ E | AU | 21.3k | complete ]
Alec pulls up to the gold intercom positioned at the enormous front gates. Like everything owned by the obscenely wealthy, they’re proportioned for both for giants and giant egos.
He’d hoped this would be easier, less gut-churning work than protecting diplomats and foreign dignitaries, some guilty of truly terrible things, but being a bodyguard for a coddled popstar who can’t even be bothered with basic safety isn’t his idea of a good time.
Magnus is a popstar and Alec is his reluctant bodyguard. The bodyguard au in epistolary form. Image-heavy.
HIGHER THAN THE BIG TREES by @carmenlire​​ [ E | AU | 242k | complete ]
Alec loves his job. He’s been touring since he was sixteen. He’s stayed in dozens of countries over the years, learned enough of their languages to get a beer in his hand and a man in his bed. The road is as much his home as the townhouse on the Upper West Side. He’s as comfortable in cheap hotel rooms with scratchy linens and glaring lights as he is in his penthouse that overlooks Central Park with its silk sheets and the constant hum of the city that never sleeps. Alec works hard and that hard work has paid off. He just finished his latest sold-out world tour and by all rights, he should be on top of the world. But the mental pressure of celebrity is getting to Alec and he doesn't trust his footing. He's stuck where most people would kill to be and he just wants to know what his next move should be. Enter Magnus Bane. A history professor at Columbia University, Magnus is content with his friends, his classes, and the occasional warm body in his bed. But he's been feeling stagnant, looking for the next chapter in his life to begin. If only he knew what Alec would bring his way.
THE SECRET OF THE SECRET SANTA by @notcrypticbutcoy​​ [ T | AU | 12.7k | complete ]
As busy doctors with busy schedules, Magnus and Alec have danced around their feelings for each other for years, much to the chagrin of their friends. This Christmas, Simon decides it’s time for an intervention-in the form of a shamelessly rigged secret santa.
Or: In which Simon rigs the secret santa, Magnus and Alec flirt over nerdy doctor things, and are both a little bit oblivious.
RUMOR HAS IT by @lecrit​​ [ M | AU | 12.9k | complete ]
Magnus widens his eyes at him, silently asking him to just give him this one. Alec simply curves one of his stupidly perfect eyebrows in response, a simple gesture that carries the weight of a call for challenge. “Looks like you’re gonna have to postpone your wedding for now,” Maia giggles next to him. Magnus huffs, flexing his jaw. “Oh, it’s on, Lightwood,” he mouths at him.
Or the one where Alec and Magnus are both after the same guy, but end up falling for each other instead.
CIGARETTE by j__writes [ T | AU | 3.1k | complete ]
His relationship with Magnus Bane had been nothing short of frustrating.
Frustrating in the worst of ways. Frustrating in the best of ways.
ABSOLUTELY ABYSMAL by @aemiliafawn​ [ E | 4.8k | complete ]
The first time Alec sees Magnus wearing lipstick he wants to do filthy things to him. Magnus isn't exactly opposed to this.
A ROYAL AFFAIR by j__writes [ M | AU | 38.8k | complete ]
Prince meets professor and it's love at first sight. Lucky (or maybe unlucky) for him, the beautiful professor doesn't know his boyfriend's a prince.
HEAVEN IS A TASTE ON EARTH by @alittlebriton​ [ T | AU | 20.7k | complete ]
Making a birthday cake for the renowned chef Magnus Bane is a hard enough task – made harder still by the fact his girlfriend doesn’t seem to know Magnus’ likes or dislikes at all. Alec Lightwood, maker of some of the finest cakes in Brooklyn, is up to the challenge, even if he can’t take his eyes off the birthday boy. But as Alec and Magnus grow closer, could it be that the missing ingredient is true love?
LOVE & OTHER DRUGS by @la-muerta​ [ E | AU | 2k | complete | Semi-Charmed Kind Of Life #1 ]
Rising rockstar Magnus Bane’s life is all about sex, drugs, and rock 'n' roll - it's an old cliché, but sometimes the clichés are true. And Alec Lightwood, a bassist from another band, is a drug Magnus can't get enough of - even if he knows that like any drug, he's sinking deeper with every hit he takes, and that this is killing him slowly and painfully.
Because this is just about sex, and Alexander doesn't love him back.
OUR LOVE IS A HARSH CHORD by @la-muerta​​ [ E | AU | 21.9k | complete | Semi-Charmed Kind Of Life #2 ]
Magnus lives in two worlds: one of blinding stage lights and the thunder of the adoring crowd stomping its feet to the rhythm of his music; and one of the darkness offstage, a blur of lonely hotel rooms, one-night stands, drugs, and the sting of whiskey.
Magnus lives in two worlds, both of them stark, bleak, empty - until Alec Lightwood comes along, and everything falls apart.
MELTING MOLTEN by @raininginadelaide​​ [ E | 4k | complete ]
The training scene in the show was their second attempt. The first time, Alec showed even less restraint.
SUPPORT SYSTEM by @bytheangell​​ [ T | AU | 122.8k | complete | Support System #1 ]
When Alec's favorite show gets cancelled and he takes to messaging customer service repeatedly to show his support, he doesn't expect to connect so well with the support representative he keeps getting paired off with.
PAGING DR. LIGHTWOOD-BANE by @carmenlire​​ [ not rated | AU | 4.4k | complete ]
Alec scowls. “I’m not on rotation this weekend-- I’m not even on call-- and we decided to make the most out of it.”
“We,” Maia asks, brows inching towards her hair line. “Who’s we?”
“My husband and I,” he mutters and he rolls his eyes as it's like a bomb’s been detonated in the middle of the table.
Simon screeches, “What,” and even Jace and Isabelle are looking at him with wide eyes.
“You’re married?”
Or, the one where everybody finds out
TRUTH OR DARE? by @atowncalledmalec​​ [ E | AU | 4.5k | complete ]
Two small-town cops, partners, Alec Lightwood and Magnus Bane, have somehow pulled desk duty on the graveyard shift. Bored out of their minds and finding a lie detector machine, the chance of winning a $50 bet and being able to ask the questions they've always wanted to ask is too good of an opportunity to pass up. Alec gets a little more than he bargained for though when the machine betrays him at every turn. And so does Magnus.
EVERYTHING I DIDN’T KNOW I WANTED FOR CHRISTMAS by @la-muerta​​ [ T | AU | 4.5k | complete ]
Alec got his Christmas shopping done months ago - but he should have known that Jace would mess it all up for him. Now he's out braving the crowds on Christmas Eve trying to find a toy that's sold out everywhere for his son, and as it turns out, he's not the only desperate single father out there who will stop at nothing to get his hands on that last toy in the shops.
CERTAIN PERKS by quill_and_ink [ E | 5.5k | complete ]
"You never have to prove yourself to me."
Shadowhunters are being murdered and mutilated. The Clave is getting desperate to find the culprit, but Alec has to believe there's another way. He won't let this end his relationship with Magnus - he refuses to accept that, and he'll do whatever he can to protect them.
Based on the dialogue and actions from "Shadowhunters" Episode 2x13: "Those of Demon Blood"
THE TRUTH UNTOLD by @carmenlire​ [ not rated | 4.4k | complete ]
Magnus closes his eyes and leans into the feelings that wrap around him. They’re two of the most powerful men in the New York shadow world. It makes his chest ache sometimes, the knowledge that they may never be able to take their relationship public, that he won’t ever be able to kiss Alec on a sunny day in the city, that they can’t hold hands as they walk through Central Park, that whenever they do see each other in public it’s always in an official capacity and they’re relegated to formal greetings while their eyes try to say everything they can’t.
He’d still take this over not having Alec, though. That Magnus knows without a doubt.
ANYTHING YOU SAY by @milominderbindered​​ [ M | AU | 117k | complete ]
Detective Alec Lightwood likes his job. He likes the order of it, likes helping people, likes that he gets to work with Jace and that Izzy is always right downstairs in the morgue too. He's wanted to be a cop ever since he was a kid, just like his parents before him, and now he's living that dream. His life should be perfect.
There's just one problem. Their precinct has just gotten a new forensic expert -- Magnus Bane.
And honestly, he's so cute that Alec's kind of losing his mind.
EMISSARY OF SIN by @insiemes​​ [ M | AU | 97.6k | complete ]
Alec Lightwood, the Clave's top protection agent, is called upon to guard the life of his mortal enemy - one of the world's most notorious hitmen, Magnus Bane.
SHOOT TO KISS by @dantes-wombat​​ [ M | 5k | complete ]
As far as dates go, this one's a bit more weapons-centered than Magnus expected - but also a lot sexier.
IF YOU’VE GOT THE MONEY, I’VE GOT THE TIME by j__writes [ T | AU | 73.4k | complete ]
Alec has made plenty of questionable choices, as Izzy likes to so kindly remind him. Asking Magnus to be his fake boyfriend and then offering to pay him? That, right there, he doesn’t know what the fuck he was thinking. And he wasn’t. But Magnus is really nice and really fucking hot, and if Alec gets to pretend to be his boyfriend then… win - win, right?
ANONYMOROUS by @superficialpeasant​​ [ E | AU | 10.6k | complete ]
When one of Clary’s art exhibition performers drops out last minute, Alec steps in to help. Unfortunately that also means he’ll be having sex with a stranger in public.
DATE NIGHT by @unrestrainedlyexcessive [ G | 562 | complete ]
“Look, it’s no big deal,” Alec says. “The angles in pool are just like archery. I have a natural advantage.”
“Pretty sure I beat you the first time we played,” Magnus says, taking a sip of his martini. He couldn’t remember ever feeling so relaxed, so at home in a relationship.
That is, until Alec started winning.
HARDER THAN THE LIQUOR I POUR by @carmenlire​​ [ not rated | AU | 6.5k | complete ]
The bartender considers him for a moment before holding out the hand that was over his just a second before. “I’m Magnus, bartender extraordinaire. While I certainly wouldn’t mind calling you pretty boy for the rest of the evening, I think it only fair that you share your name, too. Don’t you?”
Slowly, Alec reaches out and grasps Magnus’s hand in a poor imitation of a handshake. He meets Magnus’s eyes and knows they both know that this is a mere prelude for what’s to come.
“Alec,” he says slowly and watches as Magnus’s smile deepens.
“Well, Alec, my shift ends in an hour. Wait for me?”
CREAM by @ohfreckle​​ [ E | 3.4k | complete ]
Sometimes Magnus likes to wear panties.
“Are you kidding? You look amazing!” Alec wishes he were more eloquent, that he could miraculously find the words and praise to express how fucking hot Magnus is with his little panties on.
SAY IT by @ilovealeclightwood​​ [ E | 4k | complete ]
“I want you,” Magnus pressed his lips to Alec’s neck, the sensation of his lips against the deflect rune making Alec shudder again.
“To admit,” Magnus continued, pausing to run his tongue over the length of the rune, sending sparks of pleasure through Alec and making him try to jerk his hips up again.
“That I was right.” Magnus pulled away from his neck to look down at him and it took a second for what he meant to click with Alec.
Or, Magnus and Alec solve petty arguments in a sensable, responsible manner
ALL NIGHT (OR A HUNDRED YEARS) by @hourglassmermaid​​ [ T | 4.3k | complete ]
“Get your mind out of the gutter, Raphael,” Magnus chastises. “You know I take care of my friends.”
Friends. The word stings more than kuri venom; it lingers far longer than any demon attack ever could. It lingers in Alec’s mind when he’s tossing and turning at night imagining what they could have been if Alec hadn’t been such a coward all those years ago. It lingers in his heart whenever they’re alone, and Alec swears he sees a glimmer of those feelings Magnus must have buried long ago. And it lingers in his soul whenever they work together as allies, as leaders, as partners, because they really are compatible in all the ways that count.
But none of that matters, because they’re just friends.
Alec and Magnus are colleagues — maybe even friends. Definitely allies. Alec's content, with his life, his career, and even his (lack of) relationships, but sometimes when Magnus sits beside him, Alec may or may not cease to function. It's okay; he's okay.
I SAW PAPA KISSING SANTA CLAUS by j__writes [ G | AU | 3.3k | complete ]
“I heard a noise and so I snuck out. He didn’t see me but I saw him. I saw Santa and then I saw Papa and he kissed Santa, Raf.”
LIKE NOBODY ELSE by @carmenlire​​ [ not rated | AU | 3.7k | complete ]
Simon’s been Alec’s assistant for the past three years. Alec was a hard ass, no doubt about it. He had exacting standards, a perpetually sardonic expression, and Simon had literally never seen the man smile.
Lightwood had exploded onto the scene ten years ago and in that time, he’s made a name for himself that no one else could rival. He might not be well liked but everyone-- even his enemies-- respected Lightwood.
Or, Simon is Alec's secretary and doesn't realize just how little he knows about his boss until he solves a mystery.
SEXY SNAPSHOTS by @tobythewise​​​ [ E | AU | 2.8k | complete ]
“Anything interesting on there?” Alec asks, a teasing note in his voice as he nods at the camera. “Anything sexy?" “Not at the moment.” Magnus raises his brow. “Wanna change that?” OR The one where Magnus and Alec explore what it's like to have sexy times while snapping sexy pictures of each other.
PUNDAMENTALS OF OFFICE RIVALRY by @bytheangell​​ [ T | AU | 3.8k | complete ]
When Magnus and Alexander get off on the wrong foot at the start of their internship, Magnus takes it upon himself to annoy Alec at every turn.
WORSE THINGS THAN BEING IN LOVE by @aemiliafawn​​ [ E | 4.6k | complete ]
Their wedding was everything they had ever dared to dream of. But perhaps their wedding night was just as special.
CRYPTIDS OF BROOKLYN by @alexanderlightweight​​ [ M | AU | 2.3k | complete ]
For all the rather redundant and overused jokes made about lawyers and sharks, never was such a comparison or joke made concerning Alec Lightwood, as there was one glaring difference between the two ruthless predators.
Sharks smiled, Alec Lightwood didn’t.
ZERO COMPLAINTS by @aemiliafawn​ [ E | 3.3k | complete ]
Usually when someone wakes Magnus up before sunrise they'd have to face his wrath – however since Alec decides to make it actually worthwhile for the exhausted warlock, Magnus finds he doesn't mind making an exception just once.
HAHA JUST KIDDING... UNLESS? by @carmenlire​​ [ not rated | AU | 2.5k | complete ]
"You know Magnus wouldn’t joke about boning his best friend just to do it. You mean too much to him and we all know how gone you’ve been over Magnus since, like, eighth grade.”
Alec sighs and it feels like the weight of the world is on his shoulders. “I can’t get my hopes up, Jace. I’ve been in love with him for years but he doesn’t feel the same way.”
Groaning like they’ve gone around the block about this a thousand times-- because they have-- Jace facepalms. “How many times do I have to tell you-- Magnus feels what you feel but you’re both too stupid to get past your own hang-ups to talk about it.”
TAKE IT EASY by @la-muerta​ [ E | AU | 18.2k | complete ]
Alec signs up for a session with a professional male dominant, just a one-time thing to satisfy his curiosity. It most definitely doesn't end up being just a one-time thing.
THE LONELY HEARTS HOTLINE by @unrestrainedlyexcessive [ E | AU | 40.6k | complete ]
“Hey there,” Alec says in the lowest, sexiest voice he can manage. It sounds vaguely disinterested but some people get off on that.
“Hi,” the voice says.
“Ready to have some fun?”
The voice makes a small, sad noise.
“Or not?” Alec tries hastily. He gets paid regardless of what they're talking about. “We can just chat for a while.”
“What’s your name,” the voice says finally.
“Uh, Chad,” Alec says. He was drunk when he picked his name, just as he was drunk when he answered the job wanted ad. He should have picked something sexy like Tristan, but he’s forever Chad now, the douchiest phone sex operator in history. He balances his bowl of macaroni carefully on his stomach and sneaks a quick bite.
“You don’t sound like a Chad,” the voice says doubtfully.
“Why the hell not?” Alec says before he can stop himself, mouth full of pasta.
“--are you eating?”
“No,” Alec lies and swallows.
Alec is a bored phone sex operator. Bafflingly, Magnus just wants to talk about music.
BRIGHT LIGHTS, SMALL TOWN by @lecrit​​ [ E | AU | 104.3k | complete | To Build A Home #1 ]
When Magnus gets to Nashville, Indiana to handle his late mother's will, he doesn't expect to be forced to stay there for six months. Six months away from New York and lost in the wildness of the countryside.
It quickly appears that he is going to go through six months of living hell.
The fact that he hates the local veterinarian on sight isn't helping.
BRIGHT LIGHTS, SMALL TOWN: EXTRAS by @lecrit​​​ [ E | AU | 12.6k | complete | To Build A Home #2 ]
A combination of extras for Bright Lights, Small Town.
EARTH’S MIGHTIEST HEROES by @lecrit​​​ [ M | AU | 141.9k | complete | Avengers Assemble #3 ]
The thing is… Their plans have a history of not going accordingly so when they finally do, maybe they build a confidence a bit too quickly. Breaking Magnus out turns out to be indeed a formality. Selling the ruby, too. So what could possibly go wrong now?
In which our team of misfits has to deal with the consequences of messing with a dangerous man and again, everything goes according to plan. Or not.
COLOR ME BLUE by @carmenlire​​ [ not rated | AU | 18.8k | complete ]
Christmas is his favorite time of the year but Alec has barely had time to buy presents let alone enjoy the holiday season. December seems to have lasted the blink of an eye and Alec's shoulders hunch as he realizes morosely that most of this year is a blur of emergencies and rounds and consultations.
His gaze snags on a bakery display as he walks past. The window is dressed with multicolored lights and garland wrapping around the edges. The display case is full and Alec’s mouth waters just at the sight.
Without conscious thought, Alec is reaching for the door to Bane's Bakery, eager to see if the interior is just as whimsical and welcoming as the outside.
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