#Ursarkar E. Creed
bommel-tabletop · 1 year
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whoops, I completely forgot to post here that the lad is finished, even varnished him this weekend with Creed and some equipment stuff I had sitting around still:
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up next will be two more characters and also another lil project I've been tinkering on for a while, it was time for another team of em after all
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clocktowerechos · 8 months
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(Art by beauviolette, not mine nor commissioned, all credit to them)
[Pictured above: Ranger Cpl. Isenryna, Specialist Markswomen of the 717th Cadian-Ulthwe Combined Infantry Division]
Cadian-Ulthwe Regiments
Over the many thousands of years, the Alliance has stood, the Imperium and the Eldar have fought together across countless worlds. While an Imperial Guard regiment can typically rely on integrated Aspect Warriors, Guardian support, or other xenos allies, few are as interconnected as the Cadian-Ulthwe regiments.
Cadians are said to be able to field strip a lasgun by age 5, learn basic Eldar at age 8, perform artillery drills by age 12, and swear in Eldar at age 15. They have fought alongside Ulthwe for generations, Kasrkin training alongside Aspect Warriors and experienced Guardians giving lessons to new White Shields. Whenever the forces of Chaos seep from the Eye of Terror, it is Ulthwe and Cadia who are the first line of defense. The Craftworld itself houses the second largest force of stationed Imperial defenders on a Craftworld, behind only the highly militarized and extremely aggressive Biel-Tan.
The Eldar of Ulthwe are known to favor the use of Imperial patterns of equipment with many wearing adapted flak armor or using lasguns. Those who do prefer the harsh utilitarianism of Imperial wargear, whose destruction is calculated in its production value, as opposed to the graceful technology of the Eldar. It is easier to replace a laspistol than a shuriken catapult after all.
Ulthwe farseers are sometimes attached as liaisons and advisors for field commanders, allowing some level of prediction to aid the army's advance. In rare cases, they may even take up the mantle of command in a more direct route, such as in the case of Colonel-Farseer Taldeer of the Cadian 412th, her service record often compared to that of Colonel-Commissar Ibrahim Gaunt.
It is perhaps because of this close working relationship that actual relationships between Cadians and Ulthwe are common. The long lives of Eldar mean that many Cadians families are familiar with an Eldar " great uncle/aunt" who personally knew their great grandparents. Likewise, some Eldar have become adopted "god-guardians" of Cadian families or are named as such upon the birth of a child. It is said that the legendary Lord Castellan Ursarkar E. Creed was first found by a passing Ulthwe Farseer who took notice of his sharp mind, even as a starving orphan. He then tutored him personally in his adult years for command, honing Creed's tactical brilliance into something truly incredible.
Cadia and Ulthwe also see the largest number of Human-Eldar relationships and marriages anywhere in the Imperium. While no children have been born of such a union, it is certainly not due to a lack of trying.
"Ulthwe may have never escaped the grasp of Hell, but Cadia makes sure it never gets pulled in. Cadia may have to face the Great Enemy first, but Ulthwe makes sure we never have to face them alone." ~ Lord Castellan Ursarkar E. Creed
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cromwell300 · 2 years
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Ursarkar E Creed
Commissions are open at $5 a sketch. DM me you’re request.
Feel free to leave a like at my other pages as well.
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bastard-pyro · 2 years
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Thought of the Day: Do Not Wait for Death.
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My imp guard is coming along agsin
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cursed-40k-thoughts · 4 years
Sly Marbo threw a grenade and killed five Orks. Then it exploded.
Sly Marbo poked the Warp right in the Eye of Terror.
A Catachan Devil once stung Sly Marbo. After 5 solar days of agonising pain, the Catachan Devil died.
Flak Armour wears Sly Marbo for protection.
Sly Marbo doesn't have a shadow because he scared it off.
When Ambulls go to bed at night, they check their nests for Sly Marbo.
The fastest way to a man's heart is with Sly Marbo's blade.
Sly Marbo once shot down a Dakkajet by pointing at it with his finger and saying "bang!".
Sly Marbo doesn't shower, he takes blood baths.
Lord Castellan Ursarkar E. Creed wears Sly Marbo pyjamas.
If at first you don't succeed, you're not Sly Marbo.
The official name for Exterminatus is Sly Marbo.
Sly Marbo beat a Warlord Titan at arm wrestling.
Sly Marbo hacked a Tyranid Prime to death with its own scything talon.
Sly Marbo can run faster than a Shokkjump Dragsta.
Sly Marbo sleeps with a pillow under his gun.
The Cicatrix Maledictum was created when Sly Marbo sneezed.
The first name engraved in every suit of Adeptus Custodes' armour is Sly Marbo.
Sly Marbo does not sleep. He waits...
Sly Marbo does not go hunting because "hunting" implies the possibility of failure -- Sly Marbo goes killing.
Roboute Guilliman keeps an inspirational pict of Sly Marbo with him at all times.
Sly Marbo won a staring contest with a Necron.
You can’t just share Imperial secrets like this, anon
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storypraxis · 4 years
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Not sure about the current rules, but back in 3rd Edition, Astra Militarum Commissars would execute the officer or sergeant they are escorting if they fail a Morale check. The Commissar takes over the unit if he passes that same Morale check. If not, the unit kills the Commissar and disband (effectively as casualties).
I’ve had this happen once to bloody Ursarkar E. Creed!
The Imperial Guard can be an expensive army to get into and the models are old (but gold) but Element Games https://elementgames.co.uk/ has some sweet deals. To get in-store credit, use my referral code: 
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dakkasdankrpmemes · 4 years
“You can’t hide a Titan.”  Ursarkar E. Creed: Observe. 
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How hot is Ursarkar E. Creed?
“The man has a jaw like a bull grox. I’m told that the mon-keigh women find that sort of thing attractive? But I certainly don’t. Plus he looks like he’s parched. EW.”
Not My Type | Alright | Cute | Adorable | Pretty | Gorgeous | LORD MERCY
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bommel-tabletop · 1 year
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And Creed is finished, I'll pin him to the base once I've varnished him, pretty fun to paint mini, a bit cramped and the face had some faults but nothing too bad
Can't wait to put him on the field once I get around to try the new edition
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brazenautomaton · 6 years
The inside of the battlefoam case all the models are kept in becomes a luxuriously large manor/hangout, except all the surfaces are black and have the texture of foam (they make an onsen by laying down “Shallow Water - Difficult Terrain” templates on top of a “Fire Spray” template)
Dread Necromancer Thanata has a spell that, if it kills an enemy model, raises it as a revenant on your side. for our hero’s army, this is represented in the “on the battlefield” view as her jumping off her base, running to the enemy model, tapping it on the shoulder, and saying “Tag! You’re on our team now!”
Nurugaru, The First Shadow Assassin has a special rule allowing her to begin her movement from any table edge or any smoke cloud template, because she appears from nothing. This means that she is the source of a lot of jokes that could also apply to Ursarkar E. Creed -- open the black foam silverware drawer, BAM! Nurugaru jumps at you with a couple of knives! Lift a piece of paper off the ground, BAM! Nurugaru! Peek behind where Nurugaru is standing, BAM! Nurugaru!
they know there’s fluff, but they don’t actually understand it, and fabricate their own mutually-incoherent stories about “what’s going on in the world” where their faction are the good guys (maybe the real enemy is the army of giant fish that even now controls 70% of the coasts! and see, we’re the last hope of the world, because we live in these glowing green fissures here and it’s hard for the fish to get in.) then of course we reveal there’s been so many retcons and edition changes that none of the players know what’s going on in the fluff either
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templarhalo · 7 years
The Master of Mankind’s Return Chapter 2: Those left behind  (Sometimes Little girls don’t just grow up. Sometimes we grow teeth)
Sorry this took so long.  Kudo’s to anyone who guesses where the quote in parenthesis came from.  @sisterofsilence  @asklotarasarrin
Aella Hypatia Enyo  was quite the ray of sunshine when she was  a  Ligo Aetos.  Created by the Emperor’s own hand atom by atom eight years  before Horus set the galaxy on fire . Aella was like all of the Ligo Aetos, frighteningly intelligent, very energetic and criminally adorable.
Aella, like all of the Custodes to be,  had spent her whole life in the Imperial Palace.  She had only left for a field trip of the Petitioner's City which had ended in fifty arrests, a Vindicare assassin running around naked, and Prefect Diocletian finding himself duct taped to the roof of a Land Raider.
On the brightside one of Lady Krole’s Raptor Guard was able to schedule a date with a rather attractive Culexus Assassin and the toymakers of the Petitioner's City were significantly richer.
“One day I'll be  a Tribune like you.” Aella said as Ra tucked her in bed.
“Is that so?” Ra said with a smile. Everyone like Ra. Not only was he a model Custodes, but he had the coolest hairstyle and tattos ever. He never babied her or the other Ligo like some Custodes and he wasn’t a cunt like Diocletion was.  
“Yup. I’ll be as good as you.” Aella said.
“I expect you to be better.” Constantin Valdor said as he strode into the nursery.
“Captain-General.” Ra greeted
“Just checking in.” the first Custodes ever created said.
Valdor stared at Aella. Unlike Ra who was in his robes. Valdor was in full regalia. His spear in hand.
“Do you know why I expect you to  be better than Ra,  Aella?”
“Because Tribune Ra does silly things and once went bungee jumping from  the Tower of Hegemon?” She asked.
Valdor let out a small glimpse of a smile. Valdor rarely smiled. She heard some Custodes joke it was because there was a stick up his ass, but Arlette said it was because Valdor worried too much and focused more on what could go wrong to what could go right. .
“Not just that little one. I expect you and your fellow Ligo  to be better than even me,  because on your seventeenth birthday you will be responsible for the protection of the most important human being to ever walk among our species. You are responsible for someone who brings hope to trillions of human beings.”
“Why is everything a lesson with you sir?” Ra asked
“Because life is a lesson Ra.” Valdor replied
“What about Tribune Arlette?” Aella piped up
“No one is better than Tribune Arlette.” Ra said.
“Wiser words have never been spoken. Now come, there are other Ligo Aetos who need bedtime stories read to them and to be tucked in.”
“Captain-General Valdor?” Aella asked.
“Yes Aella?” he replied.
“Will you be there when I become a Custodes?”
“I promise i’ll be there little one.  Unless you don’t want me to be there when you take up your Guardian Spear?” He said with another one of his rare smiles.
When Aella was eight she became Equerry to  Arlette Augusta Amon Rakaposhi Gorro, Tribune of the Companions and Equerry of the Emperor of Mankind.
She was also the Empress of Mankind,  which was a very well kept secret, The Ligo were told that whenever they were outside the Palace, they must never never call her Empress, othewise very bad people would come and try and hurt her, and Arlette would have to  waste her time dealing with them instead of more important things like keeping the Emperor from setting his hair on fire or teaching them how to sing and the thousand other things she had to do,.
Aella’s duty’s included bringing paperwork and tea for Arlette, delivering paperwork to  the Captain General and the other Tribunes, retrieving records and files for Arlette and helping Arlette decide when the Emperor should take his nap.
Aella was with Arlette when Malcador the Sigillite brought the news of Horus’ betrayal, She was there when the Custodians first returned from the Imperial Webway, bloodied and carrying their dead.  When the Emperor fought Horus, Aella was in the trenches delivering ammunition and medicine and watching Custodians and Space Marines die.
The victory over the traitors was hollow.  The Emperor was dead, if anything, his fate made Aella wish he was dead instead of the half life he would endure for ten thousand years.
The Imperial Palace became a shadow of itself.   Custodes strode aimlessly their  red cloaks traded for black shrouds.  There were whispers that some of the Ten-Thousand  had taken their own lives for failing to save their king.   
When Aella Enyo donned the Auramite plate and took up her Guardian Spear, she did surrounded by ghosts.
Some of those who promised to be there when she became a Custodes, the Blackshield Endryd Haar being one such example  had died honorable and valiant deaths.
Others like Ra Endymion had shrouded fates, fates only known to the Emperor and Diocletian Corvo, who  took the the information regarding  the Tribune who always played with her and the other Ligo, the one who  read the most interesting bedtime stories and who made the best chocolate chip cookies and told the funniest jokes to the grave.
And some had disappeared into legend and whispers like Arlette Amon Rakaposhi Gorro,
And Constantin Valdor.
Him not being there hurt like a Bolt round to  the chest.  It hurt because he had promised her he would be there.  Instead he had disappeared without a goodbye with Jenetia Krole.   Wherever Valdor went, the Soulless Queen followed.  The two were like peanut butter and jelly.
So Aella trained with the Guardian Spear she named Gatekeeper. She participated in the Blood Games. She patrolled the walls of the Palace and watched the Himalzia mountains.   She saw the Imperial Fists train and patrol the walls their legion had died on.
When she was forty she became a member of the Companions.  
Aella had wept when she entered the Sanctum Imperialis.
He looked like He was sleeping.   Apart from His visible injuries and the cables that sustained His life, He looked like the man who had created her atom by atom.  The man she and her kind would have given their  lives for without hesitation. The man who had once let sit on His lap and listen to her talk about she didn’t cry when she skinned her knee during jetbike training.  The man who soothed her nightmares and once let her watch as He worked in his lab on some new wonder.
The Emperor was not the skeletal decaying figure that He was when she returned to the palace  many millenia  later.   He still looked like he would rise from the Golden Throne any second.  He still looked who the man she once saw hugging and kissing Arlette in the hallways of the Tower of Hegemon.  
The man who once stopped during a meeting with the Sigillite to feed some birds, laughed like a hyena when some of the older Ligo Aetos skipped Arturia’s class to paint Venerable Sagittarius pink and used His psychic powers to pass fruit around the dinner table.
After five years she was promoted to Centurion.
Seven years later she became Tribune of the Companions.
For eighty years she held the role once held by Arlette Amon Augusta Rakaposhi Gorro, the most powerful woman in the universe..
For eighty years she stood unmoving before her Emperor's entombed body.
And then He spoke to her.  Not physically of course, but with psychic power.
Aella  stood in a stone chamber. On one side He stood in the armor He wore during the Unification Wars. On His right was Egil Kanthor.  An honorary Uncle to her and the other Ligo Arlette told her once. On His left was Arik Taranis.  “He wasn’t as nice as people said he was.” Arlette said when she inquired about the most famous Thunder Warrior
Sitting across her King was Arlette herself.  She wore a suit of crude power armor draped in furs and leather.  Her hair was laced with strands of gold and silver.   Clustered around their queen,  were a pack of techno-barbarians and a man from Albia who had his hand on an arming sword.  The man  bore a resemblance to Constantin Valdor
The scene changed.  A Space Marine in Terminator Armor the colors of the Imperial Fists Chapter lay on his back. The largest Ork Aella had ever seen loomed over him .
“Daylight Wall Stands Forever.”  The last Son of Dorn said resolutely.
The scene changed again.
A  man in golden armor held a sword in his hand.  Millions of Imperial guardsmen and war machines surrounded him.
“Cadia Stands!!!” a mortal Aella found rather handsome screamed.   No  other mortal soldiers took up the cry.  
“Cadia is dead!”  Abaddon The Despoiler replied. The former First Captain of the Sons of Horus loomed over the mortal. The Despoiler was a man who had haunted Aella’s nightmares after the Siege.  A man who would have killed her if her Broodfather, Shield-Captain Asclepias  Phoebus Reticulus had not taken him and the entire Sons of Horus 1st Company on with  a Sentinel Blade in one hand and Castellan Axe in another.
The Warmaster raised the Talon of Horus.
The scene shifted again, the mystery of of Ursarkar E. Creed’s fate unsolved for the Companion until she saw him in the war council with Roboute Guilliman.
Aella heart lept with joy and anger.
Constantin Valdor lay on the ground, asleep. Next to him, Jenetia Krole leaned against some rubble, Veracity across her lap.  
“Captain-General its me!  Its Aella!  Where are you?!!  Wake Up!   Wake up and tell me why  you left!”
+Because I ordered him to +  The Emperor of Mankind said.
Aella turned.and faced her Emperor.
“My king.”
Aella turned and found herself facing The Emperor.  
He looked just as He did when He  walked among the Ten Thousand, the only exceptions was that his black mane was shot with streaks of grey and white.  hHs face was more heavily liked than it had been during the Heresy.
Aella kneeled instinctively.  
“My king.” Aella said softly. She felt her eyes water.
“Do not kneel before me Aella.  My  time is brief.  The strain of operating the Astronomicon in my physical state and limiting the fragmentation of my mind is taking its toll much  earlier than predicted.”
“You must leave the Palace and find Constantin Valdor, Jenetia will need your help in keeping him alive until they  can find Isha.”
“Who’s Isha?” Aella asked.
“ An Aeldari goddess of healing currently enjoying Nurgle’s company.   As much as I wished to minimize my contact with the Aeladari, her power may  be the only thing capable of saving my life.”
The Emperor’s left eye twitched, his right eye was still focused on Aella with an intensity that made her quiver.
“ I know Constantin promised  to  be there when you became a Custodian, I’m sorry he could not be there when you ascended into the ranks of the Ten Thousand.” The Emperor said.
“If I’d known he and Lady Krole disappeared to find a way to bring you back it wouldn't have hurt as bad. “ Aella said sadly.
“I ordered him not tell anyone of his quest. As I told Ra during the War in the Webway  Each one of the Ten Thousand represents genetic lore acquired over many lifetimes. Each one of you is unique, a work of art never to be repeated. I am miserly with your lives, where I would spend so many others without a thought.   I would rather have  Valdor and Jenetia  lose their lives than end up losing both the Custodes and Silent Sisterhood.  I have looked into the future Aella. When the Storm gathers my Talons will both be needed to defend Terra again.”
“Than what I saw...”
“Was a glimpse into  the past.  And a glimpse into  the future of the Imperium of Man”.
Aella pondered what her king has told her.
“ Then do you know what has happened to Arlette?  She disappeared about twenty years after I became a Custodes.  The Companions have no memory of what happened. One moment she entered the Throne Room, the next she was gone .” Aella said.
The Emperor frowned, his face wracked with spasms.  Now both eyes were twitching.
“Strange.  That’s not like her at all, although I went through an entire century without her.  It was quite boring.   I do not feel her presence on Terra  nor do I feel it elsewhere.. But I would feel it if  she was dead. “
“Thank you my king.” Aella said.  She breathed a sigh of relief.  Her Empress, her mother and teacher did not lie among the dead.
One less ghost to haunt her.
“If you return  with Valdor, Jentia and Isha,  finding her will be one of my first priorities.   I have always found her, or she has always found me.  We always find each other.” He said with a sad smile.
“Now go Aella Hypatia Enyo, my Tribune, my  Companion, my daughter, one of my Ten Thousand, go and carry out my will.  Tell no Adeptus Custodes of your quest.  Find your Captain-General and do what must be done to save my life.  Do what I created you to do.  Already I have consigned a thousand souls and a thousand ships to the ravenous hungers of Chaos to commune with you and I must return to my duty as a beacon for humanity. But never doubt that I am with you or that I love you.”
The Emperor  turned and walked away from Aella.
Before he disappeared and Aella’s mind was flung back into her body, the Emperor said one more thing to her.
“I am proud of you Aella. I know Constantin and Arlette are as well.”
Aella opened her eyes.
“Tribune?” Centurion Abrax asked
“He spoke to me. “  Aella said softly. Through her helm lens she digested data she had missed.  Apparently only a minute had passed since she the Emperor has spoken to her.
“I have a duty I must carry out.  You  are Tribune of the Companions now Abrax.”
She than left the Sanctum Imperialis before Abrax could respond.  Aella cut her vox off and removed her helm.
Her personal quarters  were not that far from the Sanctum Imperialis.   Her chambers were spartan, the only sign of individuality being a shelf of books, a four poster bed covered in fluffy animal pelts and thick purple sheets  and a silver and jade hairpin that Valdor had made for her.  that lay on her night stand.
She opened her armory, pulled out a Lastrum Storm Bolter and an Adrathic Destructor, than strapped both weapons to her thighs.  Aella grabbed a bandolier full of extra magazines for her Guardian Spear and  as many box mags for the Storm Bolter and Power Cells for the irreplaceable energy weapon she could fit in her belt. She strapped    She opened her closet and draped a black fur shawl over her mourning cloak.
She moved to the door, pausing to stare at the hairpin.
She grabbed that and tucked it in one if her ammo pouches.
She did not look back as she left her quarters.
Aella did know this at the time, but her personal collection of books would end up in the possession of a Shield-Captain named Valerian.  Her childhood journal would become a treasured relic of the Ten Thousand.   Copies of it were made and became required reading for future generations of Ligo Aetos.
Aella moved unopposed through the hallways of the Imperial Palace.
Her destination was the Imperial Dungeon.
The portal to the Imperial Webway was guarded by a full squad of Wardens led by Prefect Atrops Lachesis Anake.  She would later go on to become Lockwarden of the Shadowkeepers for 5,000 years before being mortally wounded by the Daemon Primarch Lorgar.  She would be interred in a  Contemptor Dreadnought and fall 3,000 years later on the final day of the 40th millennia against a band of Word Bearers attempting to summon Samus, the Daemon Prince of the Ruinstorm.
“Tribune.” She greeted.
‘Prefect”  Aella responded.
“Your presence here is unusual.”
“I need access to the Imperial Webway.  The Emperor spoke to me, I have a mission I must undertake.”
“Out of the question, Tribune, to open the Webway would put Terra at risk, it would make the  blood price the Ten Thousand and Silent Sisterhood and the sacrifice of Malcador the Hero worthless.  Tribune of the Companions or not. Unless our Emperor or Empress Arlette Amon Augusta Rakaposhi Gorro herself appears before us, you shall not pass.” Atrops replied.
Aella’s choler did not rise. The Shadowkeeper was just doing her duty.   It was admirable, and in Aella’s opinion rather attractive, but that wasn’t the point. She had her orders and they must be carried out.  
Suddenly, a sound louder than the warhorn of a Titan filled the area.
The Shadowkeepers watched as the door of  the Imperial Webway opened for a split second. They assumed combat positions.
“Do not Vox the Captain-General!!!  This is our King’s doing, not the Ruinous Powers!!!” Aella ordered.
She broke into  a sprint  towards the portal that was already beginning to  close.
For a second there was blackness, than a deep orchid.  The ruins of the Impossible City and one of the largest Titans ever created casted shadows that surrounded her. Aella assumed a defensive stance, pausing to catch her breath and asses the terrain like Aunt Arturia and Uncle Amon had shown her.
Nothing, but the long decayed bodies of fallen Custodes and Sisters.  Nothing but the howling wind of a slowly crumbling dimension.  
Nothing but silence.
When in doubt move forward.   The old, often repeated axiom, was always good advice for any situation,  whether it be advancing through an alien dimension to find the man whose genetic material was used to  create you and save the most important person in the universe to trying to find a boyfriend or girlfriend.
So Aella did that.
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askjenetiakrole · 7 years
Soul, Lord Castellan Ursarkar E. Creed
Commander Krole: *hand gestures*
Melpomanei: “A puff of smoke, the crack of las-fire, and the defiant growl Cadia stands.”
(send me a ‘soul’ and my muse will describe what they think your muse’s soul ‘sounds’ like)
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traveling-spartan · 7 years
Got tagged by @a-radioactive-platypus. Thank you!
1. Would you rather move north or move south from where you are? Why? I’m pretty fine where I am actually. Good climate variety.
2.  Is there a country that you would like to visit? Germany!
3. What is your favorite and least favorite vegetable? Either broccoli or carrots, and eggplant, respectively. Methinks.
4. If you could learn or know anything in the world, what would it be? Guitar, maybe? Which... I might actually pick up again.
5. Do you keep any house plants? Or do you garden? Nope. Don’t think that’s really my thing.
6. What is your favorite character in your favorite movie/show/book/whatever? Off the top of my head, I would fight and die for Alphonse Elric.
7. What was your favorite cartoon as a child? The Batman.
8. What is your favorite meme? I can think of several that make me laugh uncontrollably whenever I see them. Anything involving Ursarkar E. Creed and his gamebreaking special ability is one of them.
9. What’s the first food you think of when you hear “Barbecue” Riiiiiibs.
10. Do you live near or far from your relatives? Close to most of them, meaning most of us live in the Detroit area, or at least in the Midwest.
11. What’s your favorite dessert? Anything lemon-flavored.
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