#Utili kilts
mybrainproblems · 1 month
Dean gets really into wearing utili kilts post canon and has a bunch of them he wears around a lot. Sam makes a homophobic comment (as he is wont to do & everyone forgets) about Dean wearing skirts. So Dean is starting to launch into a whole spiel about manly Scots wearing kilts and William Wallace etc etc when Cas walks in and just immediately shoves a hand up the back of Dean's kilt, causing him to go bright red and then even redder when Cas says he appreciates the authenticity.
Sam is confused why Dean isn't telling Cas to take his hand out from under his skirt, but then again Cas has always been really weird. So he just wanders off to make himself a green drink and listen to the next installment of one of his true crime podcasts and doesn't really give it much thought.
Dean and Cas have been together for months and think Sam knows.
Sam does not know.
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ayeforscotland · 2 years
Thoughts on "pride kilts"
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To me it just doesn't feel right calling it a kilt but I can't put my finger on why other than just "it's not tartan"
It's a nice panelled skirt - but most of the modern 'utili-kilt culture' is entirely American and born out of insecurity of not wanting to say they're rocking a skirt.
Dudes can wear skirts. Not every skirt a dude wears is automatically a kilt.
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dootsnaps · 3 months
butches wearing utili-kilts
that's it, that's the post
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hibiscuspizza · 6 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Damn Near Kilt 'em Khaki Utili-Kilt, Mens Medium/Large.
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mafaldaknows · 4 years
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There are few men on this planet who can pull off the utili-kilt with dash and aplomb, technical difficulties notwithstanding 💫✨
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12timetraveler · 3 years
For the Valentine's Day asks: 2, 17, 32?
2. what’s your favorite candy?
I love Milky Way. Or anything with Carmel really
17. what’s the most attractive thing a person could wear?
Tight button up shirt that is just this side of the right size (think Sherlock purple shirt of sex). So that it fits, but it's a little tight.
I also love kilts. Not utili-kilts. Proper tartan, grand kilts.
32. Favorite romcom (or any romantic movie)?
Princess Bride is definitely up there.
Same Time, Next Year
27 dresses
Ten Inch Hero
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wouldworkshop · 4 years
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I was recently gifted a zip-off corduroy skirt/belt, and realized how customizable this kind of article of clothing can be.  So I started adding pockets and tool holders and loops to it.  All over.  Pockets everywhere.  So now it’s a utili-kilt!
This is why you save old jeans, by the way: the pockets are already shaped and hemmed!
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barbex · 5 years
When the chat inspires you...
@storybookhawke:  I need.......... Carver Hawke........... in a kilt For reasons I was thinking modern au. Watch Carver be one of those utili-kilt guys
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recurring-polynya · 5 years
I am trying to draw an ode to Bleach OP4, and for some dumb reason, Ishida is the only one who doesn’t have a sweet outfit, so I have to make one up, and I keep coming up with cursed pants options, like booty shorts or capris. Utili-kilt? He’s such a boring khakis dude when he’s not in his whities.
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lasersheith · 6 years
Please consider: Shiro in a utili-kilt
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oldpunksgoodstyle · 3 years
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Most guys I see in kilts (outside of Scotland), and especially utili-kilts, look like they’re overcompensating for insecurities or other shit. This is the first picture of a guy I’ve seen in a kilt who looks like a natural. This is great style!
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chasholidays · 6 years
Hi! I'd really love a Bellarke AU set in the 'verse of The Adventure Zone (and it can be completely up to you if they're involved w the main plot or regular agents of the Bureau of Balance) -- I love your writing, thank you so much !!
Bellamy doesn’t really know how he ends up with a job at Fantasy Costco.
There is, for certain, some kind of interview process. The experience of it exists in his mind, but hazy, as if it happened in a dream. In all honesty, he would believe it really did happen in a dream, if anyone told him that. It seems more plausible that Garfield the Deals Warlock comes to people in their sleep and asks if they want to work for him than it does that he advertises in the paper or something.
Regardless of how he ends up there, Bellamy does, for the most part, like his job. It’s retail, but there are fewer customers than at his previous jobs, and the customers aren’t nicer, but he at least develops more personal relationships with them. And, of course, his boss is a giant wierdo, but, again, that’s fairly standard for retail.
And, of course, he’s on the moon, which puts him in a good position to, perhaps, find a better, cooler job.
Which is why he asks Clarke, about two months into his employment, “How would I get a job at the Bureau?”
Clarke is a fairly low-level Bureau of Balance employee, something like his equivalent, in her own organization. It’s just that being a low-level employee at the Bureau of Balance involves going out into the world and finding dangerous artifacts to help save the world, and being a low-level employee at Fantasy Costco involves cleaning up vomit in the aisles. Which he assumed there wouldn’t be much of, because all of their customers are professional adults, but apparently that’s not as much of a help as he hoped it would be.
So, again, a new job might be nice.
“I ran into a Grand Relic and didn’t die,” she says. “I think it’s company policy to hire anyone who does that. Why?”
“I wouldn’t mind a change in careers,” he admits, and immediately looks around to see if Garfield is going to appear out of nowhere and murder him for disloyalty. Which is another reason he wants to leave. He actually is disloyal, and Garfield actually is terrifying. “I already drank the Voidfish juice, and that’s half the battle, right?”
She smiles. “I guess. I think interacting with a relic is a lot more of the battle.”
“And you do that?”
“As little as possible. I just do research.”
“I could do research,” he says. “I could probably interact with relics.”
She looks amused, and he knows exactly why. He doesn’t know a ton about Bureau business, but he hears stories. He knows how many Bureau employees have gone rogue, how many faces he doesn’t see anymore because relics have tempted them.
That might be the real reason he wants out of here. He doesn’t want to wait around for one of the people he likes to go missing or go evil while he’s restocking artifacts.
“What makes you think that?” she asks. “Not saying you’re wrong,” she adds. “Just curious.”
“I interact with a lot of weird shit,” he points out, which is not actually untrue. “I know relics are on another level, but that’s why I’m asking about training. I could get better at it.”
“You really want to do that?”
“Is there a reason you think I shouldn’t?”
She shrugs, but it’s not convincing as a casual motion, and something like lead settles in the pit of his stomach. She doesn’t want him to do this. It doesn’t mean he can’t, but he sort of assumed she’d be supportive.
“I figured Fantasy Costco wasn’t a bad gig, but now that I’m thinking about it, I’m not surprised you want out. You’re one of the only employees other than Garfield I’ve ever seen more than once.”
“Yeah, that’s the other thing. We’re losing employees and never getting them back, so I’m worried there’s some kind of arcane portal in the back where Garfield’s sacrificing people or something. Feels like the kind of job I should get out of before they want me gone.”
“Better to quit than to be sacrificed to the arcane portal in the back, yeah.” She worries her lip, but her expression is steady, and he can’t make up his mind what the problem is. “You might as well ask the director. I don’t know how they hire for any other positions, but like you said, you drank the Voidfish juice, you already live here, I don’t see why the Bureau wouldn’t want you.”
“That’s what I was thinking.” He finishes his beer and waves at Gina for another. “But you think I shouldn’t,” he adds. It’s obviously true, and he might as well get the most information possible.
“I didn’t say that,” she protests. “Just–it’s dangerous. You know that, right?”
“It’s all dangerous,” he says. “And you do it.”
“Maybe we should both quit. Start a new business in Faerun.”
There’s levity in her voice, but like everything else she’s said, it doesn’t quite land, and he takes a second to consider her. She’s always tired, but it seems worse than normal tonight, and she’s gotten more and more weighed down as they’ve been talking.
“You want to?” he asks.
“No, not really. Just a bad day.”
“You could have told me.”
Her smile feels a little stronger this time. “I would have eventually. I was just–decompressing.”
“So this was the wrong day to ask about quitting my job and coming over to yours, huh?”
That makes her actually laugh, soft but real. “It’s not that I don’t want you around. But it’s nice to have someone who feels–safe.”
“If I was in the Bureau, we could keep each other safe,” he points out. “A lot better than you can keep me safe if Garfield goes rogue.”
“That’s true. I think you should do it,” she adds. “Just–be careful, okay?”
“I haven’t even gotten a job yet.”
“Be careful all the time with everything,” she says, and he smiles.
“Always am. So, tell me about your bad day,” he says, and it never gets to the point where he feels like he gets it. But by the end of the night, she’s relaxed again, smiling and easy, and when they say goodbye, she thanks him.
“You should talk to the director,” she adds. “It would be nice to have you around more.”
“I will,” he promises. “Get some rest, Clarke. I hope tomorrow goes better.”
“Yeah. Me too.”
Miller hits Fantasy Costco the next day, which means Bellamy not only has a chance to get a second opinion on his potential career change, but can try to figure out what exactly is wrong with Clarke.
“How’s life at the Bureau?” he asks. He’s ostensibly showing Miller the new arrivals, but that’s mostly so that Garfield won’t think they’re not busy. As a regulator, Miller’s away from headquarters more than Clarke, and he and Bellamy have to be a little more creative in their hanging out.
“Fucking bad week,” he says.
“One of the seekers went rogue.”
“Shit. No wonder Clarke was in such a shitty mood.” Something occurs to him. “You weren’t with him, were you?”
“No. Seekers work alone. Regulators monitor reclaimers, when we do it.”
“Seems kind of stupid, if seekers are going rogue.”
“They’re supposed to be able to deal with–”
He and Miller both realize what he said at the same time and wince, but it’s too late to change it. Garfield appears out of nowhere, his usual leer in place, directed at Miller. “Did someone say deal?” he asks, and Bellamy flees.
It stays with him for the rest of the day, though. It’s not just that seekers are, apparently, going rogue, which he used to primarily associate with reclaimers and regulators, it’s that they’re considered to not need help. Almost everyone in the Bureau has teams, but seekers do their work alone, on behalf of distant allies.
Once his shift ends, he goes to the Bureau and asks to meet with the director, and to his surprise, she agrees.
“From Fantasy Costco, yes?” she asks, surveying him with mild curiosity. “How may I help you?”
“I want to partner with Clarke Griffin,” he says. “As a seeker.”
“I see. Seekers don’t have partners, usually.”
“Yeah, that seems weird to me. They’re in danger, the same as everyone else. Apparently you had someone go rogue yesterday–” She winces, and he presses the advantage. “I assume you don’t want the same thing to happen to Clarke. I don’t either.”
That gets her attention in a new way, and she looks him over again, as if she’s seeing him for the first time. “So, you want to protect your friend.”
“I want to help,” he says. “I know whatever you’re doing here is hard and important, and I’d rather be doing it than stocking fantasy utili-kilts in bulk.”
“When you put it like that, the logic is inescapable,” says the director, dry. “Have you talked to the other interested parties?” At his blank look, she sighs. “Clarke and Garfield the Deals Warlock.”
“Is that an official part of his name?”
“No one knows and everyone is afraid to ask. Feel free to update me if you find out. Assuming there are no objections from anyone else, I have none.”
“That’s it?” he asks, wary. “That’s your entire application process?”
“I do review all hires on the moon. If you weren’t Bureau material, you wouldn’t be working at Fantasy Costco.”
“So you’re saying Garfield the Deals Warlock is Bureau material?”
There’s a brief pause while she considers this, and then she recovers. “Okay, good talk, keep me posted.”
Bellamy just grins. “Yeah, good talk.”
He’s been to Clarke’s room once before, when the two of them got too drunk and she decided he couldn’t be trusted to make his way back to his own place. So, even though he was, again, very drunk, he finds his way back there once he’s done with the director without too much trouble.
Clarke opens the door looking a little frazzled, softer than he’s used to, with her hair in soft waves. She’s wearing pajamas, even though it’s not that late, and he has to smile.
“Hi. What are you doing here?”
“Coming to see you, obviously. I asked the director if you could have a partner.”
She frowns. “You want to be my partner?”
It’s tempting to try to deflect the question, to tell her that’s not it, but it is the heart of it, isn’t it? It would be stupid to lie about it.
“Yeah. I didn’t know what I’d do, but–I don’t know why seekers don’t have people looking out for them. It seems like that would be useful.” He rubs the back of his neck. “I don’t know if you know this, but I worry about you. When you’re off the base. I’d feel better if I knew someone was looking out for you. If I was looking out for you. But if you don’t want–”
Her laughter is soft. “Do you know why I didn’t want you to join up?”
“Because you were having a shitty day and you were in a shitty mood?”
“Close. I liked not having to worry about you. And I liked knowing you were here when I got back. I didn’t want you to be off on Faerun when I was gone. It would have sucked.”
Bellamy takes a step closer, and Clarke raises her hands to tug him down by the front of his shirt, the kiss warm and perfect, except for the way he can’t stop smiling.
“So you do want a partner,” he murmurs.
“A partner sounds perfect.”
“Great, because I need backup, like, tomorrow.”
“Backup for what?”
“I have to quit my old job.”
She laughs against his neck. “Don’t tell me you’re scared of Garfield the Deals Warlock.”
“Don’t tell me you’re not.”
“I definitely am.” She pulls him down for another kiss. “But we’re a team now, right?”
“As soon as I quit, yeah.”
She tugs him toward the bed. “Great. Let’s do that tomorrow.”
He grins. ’“Tomorrow sounds perfect.”
“You’re quitting?” Garfield asks. He honestly sounds more confused than hurt, which is honestly a huge relief. “But why? Fantasy Costco is where dreams come to come true! Where will you go?”
He glances over his shoulder at Clarke. “I think my dream actually did come true. So I’m going to go to the Bureau and find a new one.”
“How touching. I will need some of your blood before you leave.”
It probably says bad things about him that this strikes him as relatively benign, as requests go. “That’s it?”
“That’s it.”
“Okay, well, uh–thanks for the job. It was really–something.”
“Good luck on your next adventure. I’m sure I’ll see you again soon.’
It sounds vaguely like a threat, but there’s nothing to say but, "Thanks. Looking forward to it.”
Because, really. He can’t wait.
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tsunflowers · 7 years
guy in philosophy of art wearing utili-kilt
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aestheticvoyage2017 · 7 years
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Day 111: Friday April 21, 2017 - “36″
Celebrated my 36th Birthday today with a day off work, and some good times with friends here in Mile High.   We rented the Karaoke room at our home sushi bar combining a few of my favorite things - including my Utili-kilt.  Sang some Bob Seger, and Frank Sinatra - ate eel and peppered Tuna.  It was an overall really good relaxed time mixing people I know from different walks.
The highlight of the night though, by far, was the surprise sprung on me over Saki shots.   Unwrapping a clever plan that I was for sure was a baby reveal, I found myself tricked to the highest level as AC actually won an auction for an African Safari back in Feb and kept it a secret from me until now.  As I unwrapped the layers of mystery I learned that we’d be going to Africa together some time in the next year.  Brace myself indeed - thats the biggest birthday surprise Ive ever gotten.  Cant wait to adventure out to a new country with her.
After Sushi Bay we rolled to Horseshoe Lounge for a blur of a nightcap.  Early morning coming tomorrow to ring in the new year.  36 years and off to a great start.  The Scottish Winds were blowing tonight - and theyd keep up for the next week.  Hopefully they keep up for the next year as well.  Was really grateful for all that came out tonight, and especially grateful for AC who pulled the whole thing together for a big surprise.  I felt special and loved on this birthday. my 36th.
Song: Frightened Rabbit - Scottish Winds
Quote: I have loved no part of the world like this and I have loved no women as I love you. You're my human Africa. I love your smell as I love these smells. I love your dark bush as I love the bush here, you change with the light as this place does, so that one all the time is loving something different and yet the same. I want to spill myself out into you as I want to die here.” ― Graham Greene
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rusalnaia · 7 years
Is there anything you've heard that was so incomprehensibly dumb that you tried to ignore, but it haunts you to this day?
aldjgjaDJFJAOKAY SO GREAT TIMING ANONI just reblogged a thing and told this story in the tags but it got cut off so here's the goddamn full storySo. Art school. Me. Bab Cade goes to art school and the whole class goes on a fieldtrip into the Big City (Chicago). Cool stuff!!! We get to knock elbows with pro artists and art collectors, get to see some cool art yeah!!And I remember none of it.Because I tried to block it from my mind so hard but I failed. Anon I failed.So. Again. Bab Cade. Relatively innocent, easily scarred, deer-in-the-headlights Cade goes on a fieldtrip and decides to go exploring.And what does Little Cade see? Why, it's a giant plastic cube!! It has pretty colors swirled around inside and it's quite nice looking. It's also shiny! What else could be better?Oh, but here comes the gentleman who is running this particular exhibit and-wait.Oh.Oh god.He's wearing a utili-kilt. And Doc Martens. Oh. Oh. Okay I mean sure he looks like-Oh no ohnonononoThen poor, sweet, innocent bab Cade sees it. The description tag.You know what it says? You know what the fuckin tag says anon? "Blood, urine, semen."It fuckin says "Blood, Urine, And God Fuckin Damn Semen". This pretentious kilt wearing mother fucker took his goddamn blood, piss and cum and fuckin swirled that shit in plastic.This Fuckin 'tortured rebelious' Goddamn Fickin 1000000% Organic Local Brewed Coffee Drinkin, Pabst Blue Ribbon Guzzlin, Goddamn Mother Mcfuckin Fucker took his Goddamn BLOOD, PISS AND CUM AND IMMORTALIZED IT IN PLASTIC AND PUT IT OUT FOR THE WORLD TO SEEAnd you know what? That's not even the worst part oh no. People were BUYING IT. They were spending HUNDRES OF DOLLARS FOR THIS FAKE GLASSES, FREEBALLIN, SOCKS AND SANDLES WEARIN, CUM SLINGIN, 'I only paint with my girlfriend's nailpolish' JACKASS OF AN ARTIST'S BLOOD, PISS AND CUM SWIRLED IN GODDAMN PLASTIC.That was the day I realized the art world needs to end.It's either that or some of the things I would hear on the bus home from work.
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Utili kilts , United States, Washington | Kilt Guide
We sell Freedom! The utili kilt company created the market space of the utili kilts. The utili kilt modern, casual kilt was one of the several designs.
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