kmixer · 1 year
Kim's rules
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General rules!
°•☆ my rule book will most likely be long, bc i just want to have strong boundaries that won't be suppressed
°•☆ if ur under 15 I really would not recommend reading my fanfics when they're tagged like #smut because these are just not for ur age yet!
°•☆ personal please: do not interact when ur homophobic, racist, antishifter, and a Karen. There is something called scrolling or blocking, so please don't waste ur energy hating because I would just laugh my ass of at ur useless comments *>*
°•☆ I'll always try to post but I have school and I'll have to deal with that to, so please be patient with Me and posting! <3
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°•☆ request are always open unless my bio says they're not, and please don't ask me when they're closed bc it can maybe contain a sensitive subject of who knows what and also a bit of respect please.
°•☆ if you want a fanfic writen then I need character name and a scenario, pics or a song so I can base it on that!
°•☆ Reminder I only make fanfics abt Mha, demon slayer, Haikyuu, Spiderman across the spider verse, Jujutsu Kaisen Attack On titan, One Piece Life Action and the blue eye samurai at the moment but maybe in the future I'll add some more!
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Will write!
°•☆ Female reader
°•☆ neutral gender reader
°•☆ POC reader
°•☆ NSFW (only with aged up or timeskipped characters)
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Won't write!
°•☆ Gore, Yandere, or other possessive things, I feel very uncomfortable writing and reading them, so sorry, no
°•☆ any NSFW minors, I will not write NSFW with 16 /17 or younger year old in it only if they're aged up
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Please Do's!
°•☆ giving me feedback on my writings! I am not really known to writing fanfics but I really want begin doing it so I would love some nice feedback, but please stay nice though!
°•☆ being patient with me! I have a lot of write blocks which mean I won't write for some time but I'll always try to write!
°•☆ giving me tips on my word spelling English isn't my first language so I would really appreciate it when u would help with it!
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Please don'ts
°•☆ please don't spam me with questions of when I will post again or when I will do your request, I will most likely ignore you when you do that so no use spamming
°•☆ stealing my own ideas. I don't have much creativity, and I would find it absolutely rude when you steal my ideas without giving credits. I would report and block you. Also, if u see someone who did this, please tell me I would highly appreciate it!
°•☆ telling me I stole someone's idea when I obviously tagged them, I would also always ask if its okay if I use they're idea so please don't do this because this is just rude.
°•☆ request things I obviously won't do and continue to ask to do them. It just wastes your and my time and I would also most likely ignore you
°•☆ hate on my choices like shifting, my sexuality etc. Karen it's not bc ur boyfriend left u that I need to deal with the aftermath of ur breakdown and now tantrum just shut up scroll or block me if u don't like my content/ life choices
°•☆ threatening me with things when I don't do ur request. Threatening won't make anything better because making me uncomfortable will most likely end up with you blocked or reported so yea
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I will most likely add some things in the future but this is it for now! Sorry @anikaluv for not asking you to use ur layout, I will in the future!
A fanfic will come in tomorrow bc now my mind is blank
Cya guys then
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Tagglist: @anikaluv @joliety
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threewaysdivided · 10 months
Me over here in my corner thinking about YJDW, and how absolutely ironically sad it would be if after all the huffing and puffing about ghosts and all the hell he gave Danny, that Wally himself came back as a ghost post-Endgame and only Danny could see and talk to him.
I need to rewatch the OG show again but for a happier alternative, what if Danny saved Wally from his original fate?
(Young Justice: Deathly Weapons)
It seems my primary creative contribution to fandom has been the creation of a bespoke, artisanal brain-corner in which people are compelled to sit and think about DW 😅.  It’s nice to know that, while I may have sunk-cost-fallacy-ed myself into this hole, the rest of you are having fun climbing into it with me.
As for an Endgame!AU, that’s kind of complicated by DW’s… let’s say fraught relationship with canon.  I really like YJ Season 1, but as everyone and their dog has been unable to escape me telling them I think lead-showrunner Greg Weisman is an appallingly bad storyteller (in fact I think he writes like a cowardly, exploitative incel) and under his “creative control” the later entries became an infuriating mess.  Back when there were only two seasons in the mainline canon I used to cut Invasion a lot more slack – allowing it to coast on the uninformed and incorrect assumption that both entries came from the same creative team, and that the seeming disjointedness of Invasion’s narrative was the result of executive meddling or troubled production at a time when a lot of Cartoon Network’s PG animated shows were infamously being put through hell by the network. 
However, after the disappointment of the “revival” I did a little bit more looking into things and realised that what I actually liked was the output of Season 1’s distinct production team – a team which included heavy input from experienced DC creatives like lead-directors Jay Oliva and Michael Chang (previously credited on the Teen Titans 2004 series, which was also praised for good character-storytelling).  It became clear to me that there were actually two separate products:  Season 1 (plus a couple of early tie-in comics by non-Weisman writers)… and everything else.  Turns out that dropping your primary directors results in a directionless story, whodathunk?
Once I took off those rose-coloured glasses, I ran into the problem that it’s actually not possible to get from Season 1 to Invasion without fundamentally breaking the narrative in really unpleasant ways.   Deathly Weapons has since become fully canon-divergent from that break-point.  I want to pay respects to the arcs, themes and characterisation of the Oliva-Chang Season, which means Invasion wouldn’t reasonably happen in the DW!Verse.  Ergo, no timeskips, no character-assassinations, and Wally never gets randomly knifed to “subvert the expectations” of viewers who might be familiar with a prominent Flash-storyline from another unconnected continuity.  I’m not kidding: that is why Endgame ended the way it did, this is what Greg and Brandon think storytelling is, their opinions should not be trusted.
So in a way I guess that problem kind of solved itself.
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But that’s not very satisfying, is it?
Looking back at my brainstorming notes from the before-times (when DW was planned with the loose possibility of connecting back into later canon), I had a post-Endgame future-fic idea which focussed more on Dick.  The idea was for Dick to end up at Danny’s apartment while trying to cope with losing Wally.  Once there I had a scene where he wanders aimlessly while Danny is out dealing with some unavoidable adult-life stuff, leading him to find some old photos of Tucker.  The main scene was going to be Dick having a “conversation” with Tucker’s (metaphorical) spirit - speaking to the memory of his foster-brother’s late best friend about his own now-gone best friend, and asking Tucker to look out for Wally wherever they might be now.
I suppose that’s more where my style of angst lands for grief/death arcs.  I like to focus on death arcs as a reflection of the character’s life – the specifics of their personality, the distinct impression their presence left on the people around them and how the unique hole they occupied aches without them.  I’ve mentioned this before in the Jason-ask but my general thesis is that we are haunted by absences more than presences; we project ghosts in attempt to fill the hole(s) left when someone abruptly vanishes from our lives.
Because of that I tend to have very different story approaches for metaphorical ghosts (which explore the internal struggles of living characters coping with a loss) vs literal ghosts (actual tangible creatures who represent an external struggle).  I know it sounds kind of ironic considering that I killed off about 70% of the core Danny Phantom cast for Deathly Weapons, but when I kill a character it’s usually so I can do a retrospective on the value of their life.  So long as they’re mourned well, I don’t personally feel a need to bring most “dead” characters back.
That said, there is a lot of potential angst that could come from someone “becoming a ghost” with the way I’ve been headcanoning it to work in Deathly Weapons.  In Chapter 16, Phantom mentions that ectoplasmic ghosts are formed when the impression of a dying person’s consciousness is preserved in ectoplasm and gives rise to a new entity.  In a best-case scenario you get a complete translation of the same person to a new bio-medium, but in other cases you might get an incomplete or warped impression – missing some pieces and exaggerating others, like a reflection in a funhouse mirror.  This is how I like to explain the humanoid DP ghosts being so gimmicky and single-minded: they’re a flanderization built from only the strongest parts of their living personality at the moment of death.  It’s also one of the reasons why Phantom and the others don’t rush to “well, they might be a ghost now” as an easy solution to characters dying or being presumed-dead.  Sure, that character might not be entirely gone… but would the pieces that remain actually be them?
It’s a style of horror that isn’t especially my bag, but I think there���s a lot of potential angst mileage in that specific brand of “came back wrong” – leaving a ghost that is uncannily like you but is missing the specific memories or details needed to actually make you you.  A familiar stranger – unable to be the person they were, having no say or fault in being what they are, but who everyone has to deal with anyway (especially if they retain enough memories to understand that they know you).
That said, there would be no situation in which Wally came back as complete ghost where he wouldn’t be completely pissy about it.  Just, the indignity of it all, really.  
Still, I think it’s worth considering that, while Wally is certainly giving Danny hell with where he is in the story right now (Mission 1 of Arc II at the time of this post), in any five-years-later post-DW scenario the two of them would be a lot more chill with each other.
While some of the YJ cast have ended up with relatively static planned personal arcs throughout DW (for clarity, a static arc is where a character doesn’t experience substantial personal change across a story – they may receive elaboration into their personality, history and/or develop new relationships with others but by the end they are still mostly the same person) I hope people can trust that Wally isn’t one of them.  Him acting like a sulky, stinky jerkass right now isn’t because I’m planning on having him be The Sulky Stinky Jerkass™ for the entire story, but because he’s at the start of his major personal arc.  His flaws are on full display at the moment because he’s going to have to confront those flaws, how they hurt him and others, and make the decision on whether (and how) to be better.
The loose timeline for DW’s planned story is that the main arc (right now comprising 11 planned missions) takes place over 6-ish months from the point where Phantom first joins the Team.  Wally’s personal arc is planned to be part of that.  Add an additional 4-and-a-half years on top of that and they would have had a lot of time to let the water settle under the bridge.
With that being said, we’re heading into the stormiest parts of the water at the moment.  The interpersonal angst is going to get much worse before it gets better.  Not somebody-dies level, but some people are going to hurt each other quite badly before the resolution and a LOT of yelling is going to happen. 
Here’s a teaser for one of the worst lines :
“Better that than some green-wood who gets people hurt because he wanted to play hero!”
Yeah, things are going to get mean.  It may be a different flavour than some expected but I am nonetheless intending to serve 4 chapters of angst, and more than one of the boys is going to get served a lot of crow to eat over that mess.
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finncomet · 1 year
I know my Finn is pretty canon-divergent in terms of post-finale events I mean, considering not much is known so far anyway so I basically went ham making up my own storyline
I'm not sure how I'm gonna incorporate new events. Together again was obvi too far in the future to use for anything, and Obsidian didn't show much except the obvious depressing implications that I haven't had the heart to make blog-canon yet LOL (Jake)
buuuut if it's interesting enough Idk if I'll be able to resist... I don't wanna do a timeskip though cuz it would mess with all my own timelines so I could either do a separate verse (maybe but I'm not usually organized enough for that) or just shrink down my own Finn's timeline
uuuuh or I could just say he's completely alternate universe
Idk we'll see
I'm rambling i only got 4 hours of sleep
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barxlupin · 2 years
@closedcoffins - continued from ask.
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"I'm not saying you're not making some valid points, all I'm saying is that you're missing some vital details."
Truth be told, Enola is quite impressed with Louis' observations, she didn't say he was wrong after all. It's easy to forget that the youngest Moriarty is quite the clever individual himself when one was to compare him to his older brothers. Enola can relate.
"The man in white, he's been very rude to the bartender way before he got some alcohol in his system, judging by the look he's been giving him when he's not looking the bartender wouldn't mind seeing the man making a fool of himself under the effects of the alcohol, and even if he were to accept the friend's request I wouldn't be surprised if our so-called gentleman were to notice he's been given water and demand more alcohol."
She pauses to take a sip from her own glass of wine - she's not 'on the clock' per se, merely acting as Louis' companion for the evening, and she's got a pretty high alcohol tolerance, one glass wouldn't be enough to make her even a little tipsy.
"As for our gentleman in the red cloak, his family owns a wine distillery, I wouldn't be surprised if he was made to taste alcohol since he was young to train his palate. Although you do make a good point, he's been drinking whiskey, which is different from wine, and in between the lady chatting him up and no one around to control his alcohol intake he's bound to get drunker quite fast. It's just a matter of waiting now, I'd say."
Maybe this evening isn't gonna be as boring as Enola had feared it could be. People watching does make for good entertainment, especially when it comes to making fun of nobles and their shenanigans.
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saemi-the-writer · 4 years
Caretaker AU - AU writings and montages dump
Congratulations to @caretaker-au creators for finishing their story! (and they are more bonuses on the way, yeeeees~ )
I took the time to re-read it entirely and found some drafts about it (AU of an AU, same verse as this parody I did a while back) and more montages about with their comic in my folders. Oh dear! xD
 I am posting them all -in chronologically order of the events- undercut. It’s unfinished, but I MIGHT wrap it up if inspiration strikes again xD
Note: I WROTE THIS 4 YEARS AGO. I included some of my own headcanons in there, like Frisk’s full name, which is different from Caretaker AU’s canon.
Chara re-winded the video for the umpteenth time, zooming on another zone to study their adoptive child’s attitude closely. After slowing significantly the speed of the video playback, they launched it again.
 Frisk was drawing quietly, sitting on a chair at some distance from them -Asriel, Chara and the new scientist- when the incident happened, when that clumsy assistant unwillingly created a potential destructive weapon with that huge (and heavy!) cylinder. The thing had taken off like a rocket and bounced back on the lab floor, then went to a wall only to rebound against it and then on another area and so on, creating panic inside; the image jumped as it happened, it was a miracle the security camera had not been destroyed during the incident. Their child startled at the commotion, then looked at the rocket with wide and frightened eyes before taking cover under a table -as Asriel and themselves had shouted them to while dodging the dangerous thing and trying to find shelter too- and stayed there a moment, their gaze following the cylinder in fear. Their gaze scanned around a moment and suddenly, Frisk’s expression passed from scared to resolute. The child got on their feet and got out of their hiding spot.
 Chara paused, went back a bit and de-zoomed to determine the cause of this abrupt change.
 The “rocket” was heading towards them. Chara had not noticed it at the time, too busy shouting at the staff to either stop that damn thing or evacuate everyone, whereas Asriel seemed to have seen it, given his expression.
 Frisk had rushed to grasp a tool on the table; luckily a big one, like a baseball bat and placed themselves on the path, steadying their position. They had called out for Asriel then, as the rocket drew near, the child’s grasp on their makeshift weapon tightened and they swung with all their might. The hit sent the cylinder flying away however the impact casted Frisk backwards too. Fortunately, Chara had been there to catch them. The two had rolled on the ground while Asriel used his magic: plants grew in an accelerated manner under the tiling and grabbed the damn thing, slowing its mad race and their husband stood as if he were about to catch a baseball ball thrown at him. The impact had him slipping quite a distance backwards, but he did not lose his balance.
 Pause. Zoom.
 The damage on the cylinder… Frisk really did that.
Granted, the tool had been solid (fortunately for them all) but still. It was impressive. And they were only eleven.
Frisk had always been a child who had a tremendous energy and a strong will, also full of stamina, way sportier than them and Asriel together… which had forced the two of them to train harder to keep up with their little one but now was not the time to dwell on that.
 Chara went back again, paused at a precise moment and zoomed.
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That look of determination.
Could it be?
 Chara had lost their ability to control time and shape the world about three years ago, which had been a great loss for them, they had to be even more careful with any decision. Maybe Frisk was now the one to hold on this power…
 But Frisk was their child.
 This happened because they had been in danger.
 Frisk had accomplished this in order to protect them, surely, they would have done the same for Asriel.
 And they were strong, oh so much stronger than Chara had thought.
 So much potential.
 Chara leaned back on their chair; a smile made its way to their face.
 “Time to start your training, dearest.”
Convincing Asriel had been easier than they had anticipated, the human Prince did not even have to use their prepared speech.
“I understand. The sooner they will know how to defend themselves, the better.” Asriel had sighed when Chara announced him they intended to train Frisk to fight, taking them by surprise. “We don’t know what kind of human could fall next, and it could be sooner than we think… I don’t want Frisk to be unprepared in any case, I wish they will never have to use their skills into a fight but-“ he had then stared at his husband intensely. “Just like I said the day I gave you your knife: if it saves their life, it’s worth having it.”
Chara had felt their heart raced slightly at this declaration and planted a gentle kiss on their Prince’s cheek, both pleased and proud of how wise he had become.
 “Frisk, you do not have any class in the afternoon today, do you?”
 Frisk looked at their mother and shook their head as they were chewing on their toast.
 “Today is Wednesday, we never have any class in the afternoon on Wednesdays.” they precised after swallowing. “But I have a training with my team from two to three, why?” the child seized their bowl of hot cocoa and started drinking from it, their eyes on their parent.
 “Three? Then you should be home around half past three.” Chara mused with a short hum. “Good.” They put their cup down to stare at Frisk with a smile. “Following the recent events in the laboratory, your father and I have taken an important decision.”
 The youngest Dreemur blinked, glancing from one of their parents to the other. This seemed serious. Worry raised in the child when they noticed how tensed their father seemed to be, almost grave. Was it because they had acted recklessly in the lab?
 “Am I in trouble?” they asked in a small voice.
 It was their mother’s turn to blink, Asriel and them exchanged confused looks.
 “No, not at all.” the two replied together.
 “Unless you have something to hide.” Chara added with a raised an eyebrow.
 “No, no!” Frisk quickly shook their head. “I thought you were mad because I put myself in danger when I tried to stop that rocket.”
 “Well, you certainly did.” The adult human remarked, joining their hands under their chin. “But you also successfully helped saving us all from it. Which leads to our point.”
 There was a short silence.
 “Frisk, you know Mom is the Caretaker of the Ruins, our protector against any potential evil humans.” Asriel gently patted his child’s head. “Well, someday, you will have to help them in their duty. And for that, you need to be trained.”
 Asriel gazed at their spouse, Frisk did the same.
 “We are going to teach you how to fight.” Chara straightened their back. “And I wish to give you your first lesson today.”
 “Fight?” Frisk repeated in a whisper, tensing slightly.
“This is not a game, Fragana.”
Frisk tensed. When their parents called their real name instead of the usual nickname, it was always in serious talks.
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(* insert timeskip*)
Frisk gasped at the clothes their parents were handing them.
“B-but, is that?...” they sputtered, their eyes going from Dad to Mom.
 “Take them and see for yourself.” Mom encouraged them with a nod of their head while Dad snorted.
Their hands shaking with expectation, the child took one of the garments and let it unfold.
It was a beautiful purplish-blue tunic on which the delta rune adorned the chest, with thin white stripes at the end of its short sleeves; it reached somewhere between their thigh and their knee. Frisk looked up from it and stared at the belt and legging Dad held proudly out to them.
“Surprise sweetie!” he beamed at them.
The child’s smile was still a bit shy as they took them, but they did not forget to kiss their father’s cheek with a thanks. Not sure what to say anymore, they turned to their mom.
 “You’ve proved you were ready during your training.” Chara smiled as they leaned in. “So from now on, you will come with me in the Ruins once per week and learn everything you need to know as their future caretaker.”
Frisk was now smiling widely and started bouncing excitedly. They had certainly not been expecting this! Not so soon! Mom and Dad had only started giving them fight lessons and the plans of the Ruins last year!
 “Really?” they cried out at last.
 “Yes, as long as you do not neglect your homework!” the two Regent Princes precised in a same voice, one holding out a finger in warning, the other with a laugh.
 “I promise I won’t! Thank you!!”
 Frisk rushed to their room to try their new outfit, so excited they did not notice that their grandparents had been recording the whole thing. They quickly put them on and admired their reflection in the mirror, both proud and moved.
 “Just like the two of them!” they chirped and twirled.
 A pair of boots Grandpa and Grandma had given them were matching just fine with this new ensemble; after putting them on Frisk smoothed their short hair and put small white elastic clasp on their longer hair strands -similar to their Mom’s- then the final touch: the pendant.
 Whereas Asriel and Chara’s pendants were silver, Frisk’s was gold and had a special shape: like a human soul outside with a smaller -and in a lighter gold- heart inside, like a monster’s. Two souls for one, human in appearance but a heart like a monster’s: full of love and hope. A “heart of gold”.
 After a last glance to their reflection, satisfied with it, Frisk pranced back to the living room where their family was waiting. Grandma immediately turned her camera on again at their arrival.
“Look at our little princess!” Grandpa exclaimed and held out his arms for them.
Frisk ran to him and laughed as the old King swung them up in his arms before going to their Dad who did the same but kept them against his chest, holding back tears.
“My baby angel is all grown up!” He whispered tearfully as he nuzzled their foreheads together. “You are so beautiful!”
Frisk kissed his cheek again before turning to their mother, who had their hands joined together in front of their mouth. They embraced them both before kissing the Princess’ forehead.
 “Oh Frisk, let me look at you.” They breathed.
 Asriel put the child down and watched with emotion Frisk standing at their full height and outstretching their arms so Chara could fully see how much the clothes fitted them. He could swear his spouse’s eyes were gleaming with repressed tears, which made him smile wider while Frisk spun happily, the hem of their tunic flowing as they did.
“Wait Frisk, there is one last thing I must give you.”
Frisk turned back to their dad, who held out a small metal stick to them.
“What is it?” they asked in curiosity, inspecting the object.
“Please be careful!” Asriel held his two hands out, looking concerned. “First, push this button.”
The young princess blinked and did as told, then jumped as the small stick suddenly expanded -becoming as big as their baseball bat- with a discreet clink.
“Asriel?” Chara called out in disbelief. “Did you make this?”
“No, I had it made by one of the new engineers.” The monster Prince scratched the back of his head awkwardly. “Since Frisk is pretty good with a bat and at fighting with stick, I thought it would be best for them to have one when going to the Ruins. But a stick is not very discreet, so I had this idea and asked if it could be made…”
Frisk rotated their new weapon carefully and swung it like they had learnt to do it. It was well balanced and did not slip through their hands.
“It’s great! Thanks Dad!”
“Wait, it’s not all. Now, there is a smaller button underneath…” he gently seized his child’s hand, preventing them to push it at once. “But it’s only for emergencies, and by that, I mean for you to use it at very last resort! You shouldn’t have to use it since Mom will be going with you, but I asked for this addition, really just in case…”
The two humans exchanged a bewildered gaze, Asriel stepped asides and then Frisk cautiously pushed the odd button. The sound was not loud, but the shlink resonating teared the silence. Frisk’s eyes grew wide at the blade coming out from the opposite side of their weapon. They were now holding on a spear.
The child’s attention turned to their mother who had tried to muffle their gasp behind their hands, but while they did seem shock, it was nor fear or worry that glittered in their eyes. But Frisk could not tell what it was, too stunned.
“Oh Asriel!”
Frisk startled when their Mom pounced on their Dad to kiss him in a way they had never did in front of them. The child was now smiling sheepishly, quite astonished by their parents’ sudden public display of affection and binked in surprise when it was their turn to be embraced; and as Chara loudly kissed their cheek, they realized their mom was crying.
“You will do wonderfully, my dear. I am sure of it.” they beamed as their arms tightened around Frisk. “Freedom is near.”
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miasma-of-fear · 4 years
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[ anonymous ]
[ Yeah, definitely! They're pretty much the same across all my blogs tbh. ]
🧡 Mun is 20, NB, uses she/he/they, and goes by Kirby.
🤎 I don’t care much for extensive plotting, rather preferring a basic idea for the beginning and going from there.
💚 As far as my style of formatting goes, I write how I would a story- both for comfort and keeping the theme, sometimes with actions and sometimes without- and rarely use icons outside of memes. That being said, I have no problem if my partner uses them, or formats considerably different from me, so long as I can read their reply.
🧡 I’m not too terribly picky about partners, but I am a bit of a stickler for literacy. Not multiple page long replies, of course- brevity can be used just as well in some scenarios- but I lose interest in poorly written one liners quickly. Spelling and grammer aren’t too much of an issue for me- I make my own fair share of typos and I’m usually good at filling in the blanks or making mental corrections- but again, it can become frustrating if my partner doesn’t seem to be making an effort.
🤎 I’m relatively experienced in RPing (~5 years), but I haven't been doing "serious" roleplay on Tumblr for long (less than a year.) I’m learning as I go, and I welcome any feedback or tips, but I’m also prone to doing things my own way. This blog is for fun, after all.
💚 I’m not comfortable with NSFW RP - dirty jokes and asks about such topics that aren’t too graphic or invasive are fine, as are fade to blacks (though I ask that you ask me first before your muse makes any advances.) I’m fine with sexual headcanons and will post some (along with related memes) every now and again. All will be tagged suggestive or nsfvv depending.
🧡 Duplicates and AUs/different universes are welcomed! I think it’s to be expected, given this is my personal version of Scarecrow. Subsequently, other DC characters will be regarded as separate Earth’s (i.e. Earth-3 Riddler versus Earth-1, etc.) Additionally, while I do have Jon already with my version of Bookworm in my main verse, I am 100% willing to fudge the timeline for a different ship with our muses. Feel free to hit me up and we can discuss!
🤎 Please refrain from godmodding. I know it’s sometimes necessary to briefly take control of another’s character (in the sense of anticipating their movements, timeskips, or their being somehow unconscious), but try not to be too controlling.
🧡 Always feel free to contact me OOC. Communication is important. It may take me a while to respond, and I may forget- which goes for threads as well- but I always try to. Granted I can be a little awkward and shy, but I don’t mean to come across rude.
🤎 That being said, I don’t mind and even appreciate a reminder every now and again if I haven’t replied to a thread in a while, but please don’t pester me incessantly about it.
💚 As with any Batman rogue no matter how prone to levity, there will be dark themes- not constantly, but certainly on occasion. I’ll do my best to tag appropriately, but don’t be afraid to give me a gentle heads up in the event I overlook something. I can say upfront that needles, religious (mainly Christian) themes, demons, violence/murder, drugs, alcohol, smoking, death, past child abuse, psychological abuse, manipulation, physical/mental torture, and blood/gore will be common.
🧡 I hope this goes without saying, but Jon's thoughts and opinions are not indicative of my own. If he’s being a horrendous, cruel bastard, that doesn’t necessarily mean I hate your character, etc.
🤎 As of the present, I will not be taking any m!as unless I reblog a meme, and I might veto some of the given options for my own comfort.
💚 Though he may acknowledge time based events like birthdays, holidays, and anniversaries, Jon exists in a purposefully vague point in time because, frankly, I’m horrible at timelines. I’m always willing to do threads that take place in the past or future, or even seperate timelines, but outside of those Jon will always be 38 regardless of what time has passed.
🧡 I don’t mind if you want to torment or attack Jon- physically, mentally, etc.- but I ask that it not be an all the time thing. Angst is lovely, but it becomes draining when it’s the only thing I do.
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let's get those Multiples Of Four for the lihn asks
Thank Yoy here i gooo
4) Favorite exchange(s)?
i like the conversation when sheila stays behind with susannah while the latter gets changed into the uniform skirt or whichever costume piece lol and susannah is clearly like trying to Fit In as she would with the girls as a whole group re: just sheila but that's not really what sheila herself is about so it's not going anywhere at first. it was very funny when judith just smacks susannah's lunch tray straight down onto the floor rip. and of course i love kitty Addressing susannah leading into masochist
8) Favorite costume(s)?
hmm not great at noticing these details (especially the first time around and in non-hq footage lol) but i Did notice (and appreciate) how all the characters were costumed quite differently in a very Personal Style sort of way, v helpful to characterize them each and help distinguish them earlier on. i did like susannah's costumes a lot with the yellow / purple and patterns and vests and carefully styled hair and her post-timeskip look was fantastic as well
12) Favorite background moment(s)?
again i was pretty focused on the foreground stuff really lol and i don't really remember anything where i was noticing something happening only in the background. but a more Literal background moment, i too really enjoyed the silhouettes of the girls striking poses being projected onto the bg behind susannah at the beginning of the show, very effective and Dramatic
16) Underrated moment(s) in the show? 
i don't think i have a real answer re: what's Underrated mostly b/c i've already seen so much good analysis & appreciation from people about pretty much everything........so a vaguely tangential answer is about wishing it was just a Little more evident that Kitty And Dorothy Have Their Own Thing Going On, which like, yeah maybe it's easier to tell in person watching the show, but......and i Do like that kitty's connection to susannah is so clearly more general than their Relationships (or potential ones / wanting one) b/c of course susannah's dilemma around goes beyond Just the particular forbidden romance with this particular person
i also found judith's character like, nonzero engaging, which is just like i hadn't heard much about her  prior i don't think. not as though she's at all Likeable in the sense of like if you were in the show you would not like this character who is both a bully and a narc but it's still like, good for her eventually realizing the error of her ways even if it'd've been good to realize it Before miss asp made it clear she was only ever intending to use judith, and like, maybe if your snitching on a girl had indirectly led to her death you'd stop narcing on everyone instead of just setting up the same situation again. but at least she comes around and threatens francis and even her awfulness can be funnier than the awfulness of other characters who are being awful
20) Headcanon(s) for what happens before the show?
oof that's tricky since so much stuff in the show is unveiling ppl's Backstory / what's happened prior.....idk i was gonna say i wonder how kitty got makeup kits into nation but maybe they're allowed / it's allowed for her b/c her parents are paying so much. not very exciting
24) The Other One or Oh Well?
did have to confirm which one The Other One is but i guess that one lmfao i just have a great time with sheila going off on those verses and it's fun how it's this playful song about them bonding over being rejected.....the "and i guess i don't know how to feel about it" delivery is v funny. much respect and appreciation for Oh Well though of course
28) Something you like/have noticed about the show that you haven’t seen anyone else mention yet?
i'm not sure there Was much that i noticed that i hadn't heard about prior......tbh i think there were just a few Plot Points i hadn't already heard discussed but they weren't exactly Fun ones so i was like hm yeah i can see why ppl wouldn't necessarily specifically address this for kicks
32) If only one could happen, would you prefer a cast recording or an Off-Broadway run?
i agree w/ p much everyone, gotta love the increased availability of a cast recording.....will be around for more than a few weeks, will cost less to obtain the experience, and around here Who Knows what cast recordings will spark. love how plausible it is that lihn Will get a cast recording, here's hoping
36) Favorite song(s) off the Hits of Nation/character playlists?
seeing as i forgot these playlists exist, f, and i have never heard music i just checked for which songs i know i know off the top of my head lol. s/o to each of the girls having iko iko by the dixie cups on their playlists, guess that's some required listening
[susannah: l.e.s. artistes by santigold], [rat: one way or another by blondie, i got a rocket in my pocket by jimmie lloyd (which i've only partially heard b/c it plays in the bg of a The Iron Giant scene lmao so this only counts like 1/3 of the way)] [kitty: diamonds are a girl's best friend by marilyn monroe, la vie en rose by edith piaf, anthems for a seventeen year old girl by broken social scene] [ya-ya: sugar sugar by the archies] [miss asp: i THINK i've heard "straighten up and fly right" and "if i knew you were comin i'd've baked a cake" but i don't especially wanna look them up and confirm lmao. know "i'm proud to be an american" and "god bless the usa" lol ew. "comfortably numb" by pink floyd and "whatever will be will be" by doris day et al and "my heart will go on" by celine dion] [first of all interesting that francis and buzz share a playlist but i guess really all of the roles by The Guy are pretty functionally similar lol. accentuate the positive by perry cuomo, blowin in the wind by bob dylan, i Think i've heard hang on to your ego by the beach boys but i think i forget how it goes]
40) What does LIHN mean to you? 
hmm well classic iconis content around here with the shows celebrating misfit weirdos and him always trying to write a show about people who usually wouldn't get a show written about them and creating this material for an all-girl show with only one token The Guy and the Lead specifically being a black girl and there being a specifically trans role as well.....love how much people have been enjoying it even as it took me ages to get around to Consuming it myself, and it's been v cool for it to be so like, here's Totally New Material. even prior to me having actually seen it, it was also definitely nice to have This in the wake of august to interrupt the [lying facedown], and again it was fun to even secondhand have ppl having a great time w/ the show and getting to appreciate the Content and Analysis happening hell yea
44) Favorite non show/cabaret performance of a song?
oop i might've only seen the non-show video for "oh well" so guess it wins! fine by me
48) Favorite time Francis was wrong?
it's pretty classic / all-encompassing when he very strongly implies that susannah has no choice but to marry him / no Hope for her Future otherwise
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shadowsong26fic · 5 years
Coming Attractions!
First Monday of the month, woohoo!
(And also kind of a NaNo roundup post because that was last month, after all…)
Sooooo I didn’t finish, lol. Not that I was…super expecting to, exactly, but I was hopeful! I think I just missed too many days in a row and lost all my momentum.
In terms of my goals, I was hoping to write:
1. 20-25k on Precipice 2. 20-25k on our faces like a mirror 3. 10-20k on Other Projects. 4. 50-70k total
In terms of what I actually accomplished:
1. 9,241 on Precipice (Sooooooo....about half of what I’d hoped, a little less. But I still got a fair amount done/prepped for upcoming chapters, plus a couple chapters actually posted, even while doing other stuff, so...go me!) 2. 9,043 on our faces like a mirror (Again, a bit less than half of what I’d hoped for, but I got enough done for the story/etc. to take a real Shape in my head. ...ish. See the specific OFLAM stuff later on in the post...) 3. 10,601 on Other Projects (Hey, I actually met this goal! ...barely, but still! Mostly thanks to the Nikita/Rebels crossover, lol...) 4. 28,885 total
Original Fiction:
I got a decent chunk of a big backstory piece for Lux done (in the form of a “then” and “now” set of scenes/vignettes for the five Archangels)--that being said, I’m not sure I actually like what I have there, lol. I know more or less what I need to cover, but the details are fiddly. Also not sure whether I should refer to Lux by her current name, for consistency’s sake, or use a different name (either Lightbringer or just Lucifer) since she does technically reshape her name after being released when the main Apocalypse storyline kicks off…also debating whether Lux should be/present as female way back when--angels don’t really do gender the way humans do in this ‘verse, but the closest human term for Lux would be genderfluid, sooooo IDK. Also also, for the ‘Now’ part…ehhh, I’m not sure I should have this be the first thing I post involving Trixie…but I’ll keep poking at it and see what comes out.
(I’d also planned to work on the big Kesshare character study saturation for The Farglass Cycle this month, and maybe go back to my untitled first-contact story, but neither of those happened, lol.)
We’re in the home stretch! Kinda. So to speak. Probably three to four more chapters in Arc Seven, which I’m hoping-fingers-crossed I’ll finish by the end of the calendar year??? (But given how much other stuff I hope to work on (see Other Fanfic Projects for more details…)
At that point--and I know I’ve said this before, and I’ll probably put it in an A/N in the next chapter or so, but following the end of Milestones, I’m planning to break off into a second/sequel fic, working title Protectors. This is at least in part because length (over 200k wtf I was anticipating 50-75k, maybe 100k, for these seven arcs @.@), but also was sort of planned even without the Length issue, due to some thematic/structure shifts following a six-year timeskip. Which, if you do the math, you can probably figure out where that’ll land us and why I might be structuring it this way…
Anyway, I’ve increasingly realized that there’s some stuff I should probably set up that I’ll need for later arcs in Part 2 involving some Rebels characters, more with the Last Batch, plus a Sith Apprentice who needs to turn up and die (although the gap between Infernalis and the next apprentice I actually care about/have a name and some kind of Plot for is only about four years in my mental timeline, so maybe there isn’t an active Apprentice in that period*…hmmmmm…), some background about the Hands, etc. But I feel like it’s all a little too disjointed for an entire additional arc. So, Arc 7.5, tentatively titled Preludes, is also going to be a thing XD I don’t think I’ll have a fixed schedule for that vs. the main storyline--and, honestly, it’ll probably work more like a collection of one-shots taking place during the timeskip than a proper Arc, but a little more Relevant than stuff that goes in Bonus Content, if that makes sense? It’ll probably be posted alongside at least arcs 8 and 9. Which, incidentally, take place more or less back-to-back and cover a fairly short period of time, but there is A Lot of plot/setup that goes into them. Like. If I tried to do it all as one arc, it’d be at least twice as long as any of the other arcs I’ve done, possibly including Arc Four--certainly over twenty chapters, I think--plus there’s a good (and by good I mean Horrible) place where I can split the arcs, so…we’ll see how that goes.
(…still not sure what to do with Maul, lol. He may just be Sir Darth Not-Appearing-In-This-Fic, or he might turn up in arc 10/11/13, which are the sort of vaguest of the next seven arcs which make up Protectors, in terms of how much I have planned out…)
(*On a semi-related note, I’ve been asked about Inquisitors a couple times in comments lately, and…well, I’ll probably mention this when I reply to the commenter in question, but I figured I’d set it out here as well, in case anyone else was wondering the same thing but doesn’t read other peoples’ comments. Like I’m pretty sure I mentioned at the start, when I plotted out** the bulk of this fic, I hadn’t seen Rebels yet. I’ve since decided to integrate a few characters/plot points (Kallus and Zeb will feature prominently in a subplot in arcs 13 and 14, for example), but, as a rule, characters and plot points from Rebels haven’t been taken into account unless I Really Like Them and/or they’re a good way to fill in a plot hole in a later arc, as with Kallus and Zeb. So, for example, when I include Thrawn, I’m writing more towards Legends!Thrawn in terms of personality, though the two have blended a bit in my head and I do reference specific events in Disney!Thrawn’s personal timeline; and b) more relevantly, I hadn’t made any plans to include Inquisitors, and that…hasn’t really changed. So, I might have them in Preludes, but they almost certainly won’t show up on-page/be super-relevant in the main arcs of the fic, sorry :/ )
(**Loooool I say “Plotted Out” like I’m the kind of author with a Master Plan or at least an outline. But I did have a general idea of the Major Plot Points going in, such as when Rex and Ahsoka would turn up, Luke’s storyline with Lavinia, how many Apprentices I would need to make them work, etc., and I’ve had parts of Arcs 8, 9, and 14 written for like at least two years now, so I know more or less where I’m going--though they’ll be edited once I have more of the connective tissue in place, in case I’ve accidentally Jossed myself…or I change my mind, which is becoming A Possibility with a major event set to happen in Arc 14, so…we’ll see.)
Aaaaaanyway. Exciting times ahead, I hope!
Other Fanfic:
This month, I finally posted another AU outline, woohoo! …I mean, it was a super-niche Nikita/Rebels crossover with a handful of OCs thrown in but who’s counting XD (I do actually intend to finish Let’s Go Steal a Crossover and update the Ventress one at some point but…yeah).
I also put out a Kallus one-shot that I think turned out really well. May do more of those at some point, who knows…
I made some significant progress on our faces like a mirror, as mentioned above! But now I’m waffling a little bit over structure. Basically, the fic covers Bo-Katan’s backstory from the time Satine becomes Duchess, through the Civil War, and eventually leads to Bo’s eventual break with her sister to join Death Watch. It comes in two pretty distinct halves--what I call the Fugitive arc in my notes, which covers the Civil War, and the Breakdown arc, which is everything after her return to Sundari.
So, my original plan was--prologue covering at least part of the final Epic Screaming Match that leads to Bo’s departure; jump back to the Fugitive Arc; and then follow through until we catch up to the prologue, with a coda/epilogue with her and Pre Viszla. The problem is, there’s…really not a lot to connect the two halves??
I’ve got a couple options on what to do about this, but I’m not sure which would be best.
Option One: Keep the structure as-is and just let it be episodic.
Option Two: Keep the structure as-is and find some way to connect the two halves (i.e., a recurring antagonist; I do have an idea of who this could be, but the problem is, it takes away a good chunk of the focus from Bo and Satine’s relationship for the Breakdown Arc…which I don’t really want to do.)
Option Three: Remove the framing device and focus on the Breakdown Arc, and include the Fugitive Arc as flashbacks, since the Breakdown Arc can’t really stand on its own. (The main issue I have with this one is that, if I want to actually write out future chunks of Bo’s life later--meaning, her time with Death Watch, and getting her from TCW to Rebels--I won’t have these flashbacks and I don’t want to change the structure too radically for any eventual sequels? Also, I’m not sure how I feel about a flashback structure for this fic in general…)
Option Four: Remove the framing device and focus on the Fugitive Arc, ending the story with Bo’s return to Sundari. (Two issues with this one--I really do want to go into the Breakdown Arc; that’s where my interest in this story started. Also, due to the constraints of setting and so on, Bo interacts with…like…two canon characters over the course of the Fugitive Arc? And while I don’t really have a problem writing a story that’s essentially a Backstory Epic for a tertiary character, populated by about 90% OCs, I’m not sure anyone actually wants to read that, except as the lead-in to the Breakdown Arc??? But maybe I’m overthinking…)
…so, yeah. Any thoughts/opinions on which option would be Best? (I may make a separate post asking the same question later, but figured I’d lay it all out here, too!)
Also, I’m working on a Secret Santa project, and probably not going to use OFLAM for SWBB, which means I need to come up with and write a different plotline of some kind, so back to the drawing board on that one…
Also also, I do genuinely plan to get Distaff off hiatus At Some Point, especially since I’ve gotten some new comments/responses lately…but given how much else I have on my plate, writing-wise, that probably won’t happen until next year, alas.
Anyway, the long and short of it is--lots of writing planned for this month! Now let’s see how much I actually get done XD
What about the rest of you? What’ve y’all been up to/what do you have planned for next month?
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teambaahubali · 5 years
Challenge Three: Samay
For those of you keeping score, the last two weeks have been themed around Who and Where, so now it’s time for When! While we’ve looked at the past for many of our previous challenges, now it’s time to consider the future. We are still open for signups, though, and feel free to join in as you please, as long as the teams are still even! Here are the categories for this week’s contributions–create as many or as little as you want! (Remember, you need to complete all four for a Hat Trick!)
Fic: Write a fic that is a sequel to an existing Baahubali fic, whether your own or someone else’s (note: if you are using someone else’s--and that is very much encouraged!!--just make sure that they’re okay with it first). For those who prefer to explore the canonverse, write something that takes place in the years following the final battle!
Art: Create an aesthetic for any of the characters in a different time or place from canon (just for this week, modern AUs don’t count) -- or create a gifset or graphic that explores older or younger versions of the characters!
Meta: Figuring out the timeline of the movie universe can be frustrating, so that, participants is your challenge this fortnight! Take any of the questions regarding the canon ‘verse and its sense of time (i.e., “How many months apart are Baahu and Bhalla in age?” “How old is Devasena?” “How many time goes by in the timeskips between scenes?” “When does [Event X] happen?”) and try to come up with your best guess as to what the answer is. (Note: even if we get repeats on the questions answered, that’s all right! I think everyone will have slightly different answers and explanations for them :)
Fandom: Make 3 resolutions for your Baahubali fandom future, of any sort at all! (For example, the mod’s/ @avani008′s are 1. To watch and review all the episodes of the Sivagami prequel once it comes out, even if it’s just me whining on. 2. To finish at least five of my Baahubali WIPs by the end of the year. and 3. To comment on at least 50 fics by the end of the year. They can include any goal at all, big or small -- whether to finish a fic, complete a prompt challenge, create art projects, write reviews/comments/fic recs/meta--as long as it has to do with the Baahubali universe, and can be for the next month, or year, or few years, as necessary). Once you’ve posted these on your Tumblr, so we can all hold ourselves accountable to actually finish, your team gets 1 point! 
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belzinone · 6 years
Hello RPC! ♡
I redirect my peripheral blogs to these rules because I consider Bel my primary muse. If you came here from Eren, my sapphic multimuse hub, or Angel, thanks for taking the time to go through all my stuff. It means a lot to me ~ ♡
      ♡ Things you should know before becoming mutuals ♡
My name is Sal (they/them/theirs; 25+) & I write an OC blog because although I love SnK, I’m an original content creator at heart & blending my own ideas into an existing universe is a happy medium for me. I’m also a queer studies scholar, future paramedic, & C-PTSD / domestic violence survivor, so support, community, & freedom of expression is very important to me.
As a mod, I’ll do my best to encourage your creativity as well as be a supportive friend/writing partner on & off the dash. That being said, here’s a bit on how I like to roll. These guidelines are not only meant to steer my interactions, but also contain resources to potentially help you as well.
First off, here are my hard No’s: I don't tolerate severe ooc ignorance or bigotry. Minor offenses & honest mistakes I understand since we’re always learning, but severe & repeated instances warrant an unfollow &/or block from me. I don't have the energy to entertain these situations nor is it my sole responsibility to make every act of ignorance I come across a teaching moment. I strive to maintain an enriching environment here for myself & others in my orbit. It is also my right to do so as it is yours.
༺ I’m particularly intolerant of offenses towards my identities. These are sensitive issues I don’t appreciate taking lightly unless I’m comfortable with you enough as a person to know where your real sentiments lie. Furthermore, intersectionality’s a real important concept. If your instinct is to downplay the severity of these issues, take the time to learn about them instead of harassing people for the ways they respond to their abuse. It’s tiring & I don’t fuck with it. Neither should you.
༺ That being said, I understand  mun ≠ muse & author ≠ narrative. With sensitivity, communication, content warnings, & consent, these things can certainly coexist. I roleplay for community, enjoyment, & healing while also understanding that everyone processes things differently & silence is damaging.
༺ I ask that if you encounter content not to your taste, please don’t police the internet & instead respectfully ask op to tag, blacklist, block, or unfollow. I’ll extend this respect to you so we can all navigate the rpc safely, as uninformed content policing has serious legal consequences as well as interferes with real justice. 
Now that my hard No’s are out of the way, I’m very eager to fulfill wishlists. Please send as many inboxes, write as many starters, & start as many threads as you like. There’s no pressure to keep all the threads we start, so please feel free to follow your inspirational whims. I’m happy to follow them too if I can.
༺ I love interactions of all kinds & write threads of all lengths, but I enjoy writing multi-para/novella threads most & shippy/angsty/sapphic interactions are my favorite. Though Bel is on the asexual/aromantic spectrum (& is a dysphoric nonbinary woman) she is nonetheless eligible for shipping & sexual encounters with all genders under the right circumstances. However, I prefer our muses to be close in age & would rather not write heavy power dynamics without equally heavy plotting. A quick info post is here. 
༺ I enjoy & thrive on ooc communication. This doesn’t mean we have to be in contact all the time, but I do love getting to know you & your muse(s) because it makes interactions all the more personal and fulfilling. You can also check the status of our thread(s) whenever you like here, as my activity can be a bit capricious.
༺ Please cut your replies & include active responses in your writing. I will have trouble writing off of neutral &/or vague replies. I’d much rather we drop threads & start something new rather than continue writing one that no longer sparks joy.
༺ Please don’t godmod or excessively use me as a meme/musing source. This includes long / unplotted timeskips & practicing karma if we don’t have much development. If your muse is relating to our posts a lot, we should be able to make something out of it.
༺ Severe mischaracterization of my muse is a huge turnoff. Please don’t make assumptions. Please don’t fetishize her. Please don’t mistake her fanon for a hospital nurse. She’s a soldier. Please do gloss over her info (everything under central navigation) & ask me questions if you need to. I understand she’s an intensely developed character, but understanding the unique portrayal of your muse is important to me so please extend the same courtesy. I’m happy to learn as well as explain.
This is an explicit blog & triggers will be present (as well as tagged by request). Please don’t interact if you’re a minor & please ask for consent before writing sexually explicit content with me. More often than not it’ll be an enthusiastic YES, but please give me the heads up as well as your preferences so we can do the dirty in a way that’s fun for both of us. ♡
As a result of the 2018 purge, i’ll be circumventing this god awful policy using the following tags:
current nsfw tag: #FREE THE FEMALE PRESENTING NIPPLE . nsfvv
old nsfw tag: #FREE THE FPN . sfw // only it’s not
Unfortunately, what I cannot tag are spoilers, as many are key aspects of Bel’s character & plot devices in threads. If you’re an anime only fan of SnK, aren’t caught up with the manga, &/or aren’t familiar with other parts of the series (such as acwnr & smartpass releases), I’m sorry I won’t be able to keep spoilers out of Bel’s pages &/or off the dash.
The SnK universe is a playground & this is my sandbox. I’m not interested in seeing or engaging with any discourse or villainization of its existence & am simply here for my personal enjoyment of the series (as well as yours if you’d like to join me. ♡ )
Thanks for going through this! Please feel free to let me know if there’s any way I can help make roleplaying a better/easier experience for you, let it be accessibility &/or communication issues. I experience some forms of dyslexia & understand the struggle very much. I also apologize ahead of time for any misspellings or strange word replacements in my replies. I do my best to proofread, but things fall through the cracks sometimes. Finally, you can find a quick and easy guide to starting an interaction with us here. If you’d like to add me on discord, mine’s sal#2446. Please send yours so I can associate your blog/muse(s) with your name.
Thanks again, & I look forward to getting to know you & your muse(s)!
Love, Sal (they/them/theirs) ♡
community credits
dash icon art by laffi
rp icon frame by shane
dash icon frame by carti
ooc jensen gif icons by magenta
theme by evie
༺ theme background & makeover by sage
༺ theme header graphic by vee
༺ music player by glen
༺ about muse page by rowan
༺ ༺ cinemagraphs by daria
༺ ༺ moodboard by shuuhuu
༺ verse page by raven
༺ community relationships page by index47
༺ npc relationships page by julia
༺ rules page by rowan
other original artwork & edits by yours truly
- - - - - anything unlisted, please ask ♡
- - - - - - - - - - you can find other resources i love on @bzresources 
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xfulmen · 6 years
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In this verse Laxus is still excommunicated from Fairy Tail. He did not appear in the Tenrou Island, hence this makes him seven years older than the canon verse. (seven years, adding two more years from the pre-alvarez arc and post alvarez arc timeskips). 
He had faced a long journey for a while. Wandering from city to city, from village to village. He faced a lot of situtions that changed his perspective of life, before he finally started to settle his life.
He never considered joining another Guild. He prefered solitude, notwithstanding that it was and still is, tough to handle. But he learned to manage. It is one of his own punishments for creating the infamous Battle of Fairy Tail, and one of the main reasons he never returned back. While there were many times where he wished to come back, he never did. He knew that he had to MOVE ON.
It was more than just surprising to hear what happened to Fairy Tail in the Tenrou Island. He even made a few attempts searching for the missing Fairy Tail members, but unfortunately, his efforts went to waste. Not even once he stopped thinking about them, during the many times he searched for them.
Not to mention the allevation he felt once he found out that they were back. And he discovered of such, during the Grand Magic Games. Whilst he did not participate, not even as a spectator, he found out about the lost ex-comrades from the broadcasting screens. He could even remember tearing up.
He definitely had helped everyone during the Dragon Festival, but nothing more about it in terms of reconnecting with his, once, fellow comrades.
He had nothing to do with the Tartaros Guild and the war between them and Fairy Tail, since he was unaware of such events. He was again, caught off guard hearing about Fairy Tail’ disbandment. He even attempted in reaching out to Makarov, but in the end, he was unable to trace his footprints. It felt like as if he disappeared.
At this point, he started showing less advertence or keeping an eye on them. Perhaps this was a way showing him that he had to move on, for good. Whilst a big part of his part still cared for them, he had acknowledged that he had to move on. And he truly, did.
He also fought against the Alvarez Arc, alongside with everyone else. He was able to take down one of them, known as Wall Eehto. He also fought against the spirit (or historia body) of Purehito.
Now, fast forward to this day, he is living on his own without any contact of his former allies. He is not against of such happening either. His personality and appearance have changed a lot.
In a summary;
He did not appear in the Tenrou Island nor disappearing with the rest. He did not participate in the Grand Magic Games. He did not take part in the war between Fairy Tail and Tartaros.
He is currently 34 years old and resides in a spacious apartment in Crocus.
He is not part of any Guild.
His appearance has changed. He does NOT wear his distinctive coat anymore. His attire would mostly consist of a simple buttoned shirt, or a sleeveless shirt, a casual pair of trousers and casual shoes. His body has a lot of prominent scars, and he also retains some facial hair. ( here’s an example X )
He is much more approachable. Less arrogant and rude. While he isn’t that good when it comes to conversations, it much easier to strike one than it used to be.
He still feels VERY GUILTY of what he has done, and the guiltiness will never leave him, no matter what. However, believes that being excommunicated from the Guild was his greatest punishment but also a gift. Not only he was able to grow from it, but he was able to redeem himself, albeit not in front of him. (Which he would gladly do, if given the chance). Not to mention that he was also able to become independent and a man of his own. Something that he truly wished for.
He is not as attached to the Guild as used to be. (or as much attached as he is in the main verse of this blog.)
More headcanons and information could be added in the future.
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scrcrow-a · 6 years
Want new-and-exciting plots for your character? Long to reach out to more of your followers, but don’t know where to start? Fear not! Fill out this form and give your RP partners both present and future all the of juicy jumping off points they need to help you get your characters acquainted.
Be sure to tag the players whose characters YOU want more cues to interact with, and repost, don’t reblog! Feel free to add or remove sections as you see fit. Template here.
Mun name: ai OOC Contact: DMs! i tend to give out my discord after we’ve gotten to know each other and we’ve interacted a bit, but don’t hesitate to ask for it!
Who the heck is my muse anyway:
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hideyoshi nagachika is one of the human characters in tokyo ghoul/:re. he is the best friend of kaneki ken and was long believed to be dead in the series but has made his reappearance in recent chapters.  one of the deciding factors in bringing humans and ghouls together, he currently serves as a leader in helping create peace in this chaotic world against those who wish to destroy it. ultimately, he, among many others, wants to help create a world where humans & ghouls can live in harmony.
Points of interest:
hide suffers from MAJOR bodily trauma. it spans from his mouth, throat, and down to his shoulders from where he was eaten ( by his own volition ) by his best friend. because of this, he was mute for about three years before the ccg manufactured a device that enabled him to speak. he wears a scarf/mask normally from the middle of his face down to hide the scarring.
his voice ( after the surgery ) does not sound natural. it has a sort of robotic and static feel to it. without it, it is hard for him to speak and it is a pain. he turned to writing to communicate.
while hide isn’t physically imposing, his intellect is what saves him most of the time. he isn’t the strongest person out there, but can account for his well being by being a step ahead of whoever he has to fight against, using wits rather than brawn. quite often, he is underestimated by people.
affectionately, nicknamed as a terrorist by marude who served as a partner to him during his days of hiding away from the world. in a way, he is one, dismantling the corrupt ways of the ccg alongside of him. he doesn’t look like it because of his cheery personality that he presents, so it’s easy to miss this about him!
two main verses: scarecrow & current. scarecrow is his ghoul persona that he uses to hide out from the people who are trying to get him killed. a sort of anonymous mask if you will. this takes place during the 3 years timeskip from tg & re. he is heavily disguised as a ghoul so much so that most people will assume. current, he can speak with the aid of his device & is no longer disguised.
What they’ve been up to recently:
current: leading ghouls & humans in fighting back against those who disrupt peace from happening in tokyo. before it was simply an effort to stop the massive force that was ‘dragon’ but now it is to try and figure out the chaotic happenings of the battle before him and the rest of the conjoined forces. 
scarecrow: gathering information on the washuu, kanou, any organization that seems to have shady ties in suppressing the general public from knowing the truth about what really goes on. currently hiding and many people do not know that he is even alive. 
Where to find them:
current: ccg main headquarters, in the control room with division II. also likely to find him wandering the streets of tokyo on his own. he also frequents rooftops, it’s a good place to think and to clear his mind away from all the chaos from below. he does a lot of people watching on his free time!
scarecrow: a wanderer, he never stays in one place too long. it’s easy to get caught. always hiding in the depths of tokyo, traveling in between wards to avoid being found and killed by those who have it out for him. many forget he even exist, only giving him a low ranking bc he is often times seen with ghouls.
Current plans:
modern verse: still needs to be fleshed out but a modern verse where ghouls don’t exist. timeline is dodgy but hide is university student and would work part time at a investigation department ( ccg equivalent ) as time goes on. he would still have his injuries but the reason is still not concrete and he’ll learn how to use jsl/asl/other forms of communication in the future.
Desired interactions:
hide needs more friends! he is a very social person by nature but he is really lacking in deep friendships where he can show his thoughts and emotions sincerely. someone needs to be there where he can lean on rather than be the one who is always supporting.
on the flip side, more relationships too. hide is such a lovely and loving person, he loves with all his heart. i want him to have someone who he can be devoted to and have that devotion shared. its hard having a one-sided love... 
sunlit garden verse that i would love to have some threads in. that verse is my version of tweaking canon to make a lot of hide’s character make sense, especially in the way of how he was able to figure out what many couldn’t. it also gives him a backstory that he is severely lacking in canon. 
fake relationship plot. simple. i just love the slow burn of it all and the dynamic that any muse can bring to the table. give me it pls
hide during his recovery time in any verse, its hard to imagine him bearing all that pain on his own so i would hope someone would be there to accompany him. he’s lonely deep down. 
someone to beat hide’s ass ... like honestly? i want to see him hurt and suffering, someone overpowering him in a way he can’t escape from wit alone and he has to deal with being vulnerable and extremely hurt. ( just eat him please )
Offered interactions:
need a shoulder to cry on? hide is there, he’s extremely empathetic and would always offer his comfort better than anyone else can. 
 need someone to eat? ( if ur muse is a ghoul or a eats ppl... ) if hide thinks your cool enough then sure? why not. he’s already offered his body up one to literally be eaten so why not... make sure to ask permission though!
an intellectual. he’s smart and knows how to make battle plans. he knows he doesn’t look like it but his intuition is the best out there and can figure out troublesome leads and do it fast. he’s also a sneaky boy so he can do some shady work if you need it!
need a friend? hide always is there to have new friends. he is total dad tho so be ready for a lot of dotting and being cared for. 
Current open post/s:
anything that is tagged with “IC” is open for mutuals to reply to, no matter how silly it is!
Anything else?:
quick pet peeves.  pls don’t water hide’s character down to being the ‘happy sunshine’ character. he is complex and has these feelings even if he doesn’t show them often. i would also rather him not be the third wheel to anything. it’s alright if your muse believes it but it just makes me a bit annoyed seeing him boiled down to that constantly when he is so much more. 
also hide is not str8 im just saying it now do not test me on that. thx :^)
Tagging: honestly please just steal it! i want to know everything about ur muses thank u 
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barxlupin · 2 years
IC / OOC / General Tags
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