sparradile · 2 years
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Don’t have anything distinctly Halloween-y to post today but I have been picking at a Halloween AU for a certain set of characters all month, and made it a goal to draw them before the month was out. Against all odds I made it! Life’s been crazy but doodle time still happened. 
It’s pretty straightforward: Hollis is a recently turned werewolf, Clem a vampire, Aimee (Amity but I’ve been trying to rename her) is a Master’s student that would just really like to finish and be free but now everything is chaos. 
Gonna be my silly little project for NaNoWriMo this year! 
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tmkosonwrites · 9 months
Akhenaten, Heretic Pharaoh
Many years ago and seemingly another life ago I did a bunch of research on Ancient Egypt Pharaohs as I've always been enthralled by them. I came across Akhenaten where then I assumed he and his coffin hadn't been found yet making it perfect for the role I wanted to be filled. One of the "Firsts" vampires in my world manifests the need to consume blood in order to survive and thrive. I've always known that there were four of them, two of them are "lost" and the Pharaoh and another character I've had and written very little about is the other. This one is integral to the Pharaoh's grandsire and depending on the story/plot, the MC of Nano2019. Just over the past few days, I sensed Akhenaten's character coming into the picture, baking as he formed in my mind. This is rather exciting and thrilling for me and a little amusing for me since I'm not confident writing the type of character I feel he would be. I was at a workshop yesterday where 3-5 people were art journalling and one of them said something along the lines, that art should be fun which has stuck with me. If I had the courage I would have liked to talk with him more and I remembered I've seen him at other creative workshops in the area. In the past, I've made it so crucial that all things and art I create must have a purpose in one way and that's been detrimental and all but sealed this artist burnout I've been in for nearly eight years. Doing these little posts has also been helping, if not for, no one else but myself and my future self and what little remains of my sanity. I stumbled upon the artist of Royalty Now on Etsy, I believe, to her rendition of the Pharaoh. And down the rabbit hole, I went with her work keeping an eye on her over time and dreaming of having a print of her work on Akhenaten. <3 I feel I need to define, once and for all, the innate abilities of the Firsts and use the other awakened character as a basic example. Then do that for each of the Shifter families. Especially addressing the politics and the so-called policing or disciplining officers that have been rolling around in my head so that I know what sort of wiggle room I have if this attempt to write a book is completed this year. I'm sensing this is going to be pushing my confidence as long as I do not get overwhelmed by the big picture and big white screen! So there. These are my tasks for the next few weeks at least. Something to do. #prayforme if you would.
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sparradraws · 2 years
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Went into this without any real plan so it’s pretty random but it’s fine, the weevil feels noticed and loved
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writingisbae · 5 years
3276 words left
10 hours to go.
I can do this!
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nohshinwoos · 4 years
After a family vacation Phil ends up in Iceland instead of London.
prompt: Phil gets the wrong flight instead of the one back home (somehow) and has to consult Dan, once he's landed in this unfamiliar airport, over the phone of what to do and if he'll be able to make it back home
words: 1.8k chapters: 1/1 rating: general audiences relationships: dan howell/phil lester tags:
 angst, fluff, happy ending notes: i know this one isn’t completely realistic, but this is one of the things i wrote during nanowrimo 2019. based on a prompt from @tarredion. thank you - i had much fun writing this!
also a huge shoutout to sari, @phastelpink, for betaing this for me, you’re always a huge help to me 💖
[read on ao3]
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homesteadchronicles · 5 years
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If you are participating in this year’s NaNoWriMo (”National Novel Writing Month”) challenge, then consider yourself invited to enjoy a daily dose of encouragement from yours truly!
“No Fear NaNoWriMo” is a mission I am embarking on to spread a word of encouragement to all those involved every day throughout the month of November. For every day you are writing a story, I will be writing an inspirational message - just for you! These messages can range from humorous to serious, from stories to exhortations, but will always remain brief so as not to detract from the participants’ dedicated writing time.
If you know anyone in the Writeblr or NaNoWriMo communities, please be sure to tell them about this project so that they can remain motivated throughout the coming month! If you, too, would like to join in on this journey, be sure to spread the love and positivity to everyone you know. 
For those of you seeking a community for this event, or an easier source of finding my daily encouragements, feel free to join the Homestead Discord server! In addition, I can create a tag list for these posts, if you all so desire.
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nitr09-productions · 4 years
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It took six hours, but I finally finished my drawing of morally grey tentacle monster Great Sage Dei, a minor villain from the story I’m never going to finish. 
 Dei’s whole deal is that they are a disillusioned religious leader experiencing compassion fatigue, committing atrocities in misguided dedication to their culture’s ‘deific manifest’. I guess some people destroy planets and then wear vast amounts of tacky costume jewellery to cope. 
 I kinda abandoned this writing project after nano last year, but I’m trying to pick it back up and make something out of it. 
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vernaun · 5 years
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𝖜𝖎𝖕 𝖎𝖓𝖙𝖗𝖔𝖉𝖚𝖈𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓
nano | wattpad | wip page
Five students. Five murders — Engelmann University hides a sinister secret, one uncovered by the wrong group of students; students with an insatiable thirst for power, notoriety, and wealth.
{GENRE} ; dark academia, thriller, paranormal
{NARRATOR} ; first person — hugo gianfranco
{SETTING} ; deep within the forests of washington + engelmann university
{THEMES/MOTIFS} ; manipulation, privelege, power struggle, deceit, masculinity, academia, immortality
{STATUS} ; outlining + preparing for nano2019
send me a message or comment to be added!
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ofbrokenwords · 5 years
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genre: literary fiction/mystery
POV: first person
status: outlined/planned
themes: found family, secrets, addiction, death, art, feelings, loss of innocence, revenge, religion, sexuality
In Alexandria secrets don't exists, and nobody expects them to, every soul grown up drinking coffee and gossip for breakfast since they were little children. Except for one thing: Eve's father is dead and nobody knows what happened to him.
At least, this is what her mother told her the morning of her 8th birthday, its presence replaced by empty frames and whispers that run faster the cars through the narrow streets of the town.
Fifteen years since her father disappearence, Eveline Morrow is a sleepless artist who knows not to ask questions when you're afraid of what the answer might be. All her childhood friends lost, and one of the few she cared about hung himself seven years before. And the last thing she wants to do is going to the memorial in Wes' honour, a ridiculous attempt by her fellow citizens to purify themselves from their sins. And she thought she did a pretty good job avoiding to face all the people of her past, at least up until she finds herself stuck in the Library of Alexandria with all her old friends and something else.
Something that unmistakably smells like blood.
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raevenlywrites · 5 years
Ya know what? Todays nano doc may only have 300 words in it, but my 2019 nano folder has a doc for EVERY DAY this month and I'm pretty proud of that
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cabaretofwords · 5 years
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Words are going very good. So much good words happening here
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firesidefantasy · 5 years
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some fun, friendly bullshit to start off the nano season
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sparradraws · 2 years
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For my birthday I took the day off work and drew pictures of Clem. A good time
Will probably still make a few adjustments to this but it’s the start of a larger project and I’ll make sure it’s all matchy when I’ve got more done. Will make my own height chart at some point too, at the moment I’ve got this one by ParallaxAbomination standing in. 
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writingisbae · 5 years
I did it!!!!!
I won!
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I don’t know how, but I actually won.
Thank you so much to everyone that’s sent me encouraging messages, I wouldn’t have made it without all the support here on writeblr.
I’m so happy right now! I was already getting used to the idea that I wouldn’t win this year, but today I somehow did what I thought was impossible.
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nohshinwoos · 5 years
mel’s nanowrimo prompts 2019
for national novel writing month (nanowrimo) this year i wanna try and do something different than i did last year. instead of focusing on one long story, i wanna challenge myself to write several short stories from prompts as i’ve never done prompts before. (to find out more about what nanowrimo is follow this link!)
however, to pull this off i’d like some help. i need some prompts to write and i’d really appreciate some help coming up with them! 
my goal is to write one prompt every day in november, each being at least 1.6-1.7k long because that’s the least amount of words per day you need to write to “win” nanowrimo is 1 667 words per day - the goal is 50k words in a month. this may vary, though, depending on the prompt, my creativity and how much time i have.
some general info before submitting any prompts
i don’t really have any triggers so anything goes - fluff, smut, etc.
if you wanna submit more than one prompt that’s totally fine too, there’s no limit so fire away!
you can choose to leave your tumblr url and ao3 username in the form, which means i will tag you if i post your prompt, but if you wanna remain anonymous that’s cool too.
this may be obvious but prompts need to be dan & phil themed as that’s the only pairing i’m currently writing.
disclaimer: i will do my best to do all prompts i might get, but if the prompt for some reason doesn’t “fit me” or if i’m not comfortable writing it for whatever reason i might choose not to write it.
click here to send a prompt
the form will be open from now through november 30.
as for publishing, i’m thinking i’ll write through november and then start editing the stories. hopefully i can start publishing in december, but i’ll see as we go!
reblogs are very much appreciated so this hopefully doesn’t fail 💖
any other questions? just shoot me an ask!
thank you in advance 🥰 – mel
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homesteadchronicles · 5 years
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Welcome, one and all to the sixth day of “No Fear NaNoWriMo” - a daily mission to send a message of encouragement to all those participating in National Novel Writing Month for November 2019! ___
Today’s Encouragement: Has anyone told you that you can do this? You can. Whether you choose to or not, you can. Any voice that tells you otherwise is a lie. If you shouldn’t? Don’t. But if you should, you can. You are equipped to conquer that which you’re called to overthrow.
Don’t forget to tell someone else that they can do it, too! ___
If you would like to participate in this daily activity, be it to receive or distribute encouragement, please feel free to ask! I am willing to tag anyone interested, or you can follow our tag: “#no fear nanowrimo”. If anyone else begins to spread positivity throughout the community, be sure to tag me in it so I can reblog it here and further our reach!
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