sweettiktoks · 7 months
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miss-chunli · 3 months
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long overdue jersey shore post
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joey12304 · 11 months
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oranqeart · 1 year
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allay-j11no · 2 months
𝒮𝓀𝒾𝓅𝓅𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒮𝓉𝑜𝓃𝑒𝓈
!!NOT A SHIP POST!! ----------------------------------- TW: Blood, Weapons, cussing. CW: Olderbrother!Stone and Youngerbrother!Skipp, my own AU/my OC for Ramshackle is used in this ------------------------------------ "ɪ'ᴍ ᴘʟᴀɴɴɪɴ' ᴛʜᴇ ɴᴇxᴛ ꜱᴄᴀᴍ…" ------------------------------------- A scam gone wrong causes Skipp to be injured for the time being and Stone to care for his younger sibling.
Using promps in @promptsbytaurie injury prompt list! (Prompts 11, 6, 29 are used!) --------------------------------------- Photo board by me!
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vinnie had a scam planned out, a failure of one I may add, she never thought things through like this, Skipp was injured, being carried by Allay, Allay was missing her bandana scarf, Vinnie was missing one of her earrings. "Stone wheres ya cigs?" Allay stated, "dunno, not too worried now luv..." I muttered, "kay, Skipp I’m goin' to lift you up now, 'kay? Tell me if it hurts." Skipp nodded as I slowly lifted him into my arms, he kept quiet as Allay ruffled his hair around his hat, he smiled up at her. Vinnie seemed worried with finding her earring more then us escaping, Allay kept comforting Skipp as Vinnie finally found the earring as we were running past the people we failed to scam. "hey bud, your gonna be ok, just keep pressure on that cut yeah? We’re gonna fix you up, brand new when we get home. I promise, Skipp" Skipp nodded at Allay's words, she ruffled his hair again before telling Vinnie to hurry up. No matter what though, we still look out for one another, no scrap left behind, Vinnie and Allay would say. Once we got back to our little alley, I put Skipp in mine and Allay's tent so she could patch him up. "alright, Skipp, Tell me where it hurts, and be specific." she said softly to him, he pointed out to his cuts and bruises, she would patch them up as gently and as fast as she could, giving Skipp a lil forehead kiss, "There ya go!" "Thanks Allay!" Skipp beamed, hugging her, "alright scram lil goober" she chuckled. I watched as she went to the back of our tent, walking back to the front and sitting with me, resting her head on my shoulder. "I found these on the ground on out way back, s'just sittin' there all lonesome." she handed me a pack of cigs, "I found this in a scrap's back pocket." I handed her a red bandana scarf, we both smiled, she put the scarf on and Iit a cig. she rested her head on my forehead a bit before going to sleep in our tent. Heres to hoping she wakes up early enough to change Skipps bandages. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1609 words! I'd gladly write more Ramshackle things due to there being a lack of it!
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tomlinsgn · 2 years
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ㅤㅤ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Más gano más, más gasto. ㅤ
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ask-a-vinny · 10 months
More Vinny lore (:
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His sibling 💀👍:
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sephir0b · 2 years
Vinny playing Crisis Core in 2016 vs Vinny playing Crisis Core Reunion in 2022.
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payphoneangel · 7 months
For the ask game 1, 11, 24, 23 :))
what are 3 things you’d say shaped you into who you are?
Oh boy, starting off with a bang! Uhhh this question is very broad so I guess I'll interpret 'things' as like, events. I could go media but ehhh i think events are more interesting.
1.1 I had a rare and severe disease as a child that deeply impacted how I view mortality, comfort, and the field of medicine. Luckily, I have essentially 0 lasting health impacts from it so it's all just emotional stuff! Hooray!
1.2 My parents split in my early teens, changing not only my living situation but also how I viewed the concepts of home, family, and romance/marriage. It also was the catalyst for which started repressing all of my emotions, something I had to work hard to unlearn in my late teens/early twenties. It was a good life lesson, to say the least.
1.3 Also around my late teens, I figured out I was genderqueer! This has changed a lot, both the intricacies of my gender itself, and how it's impacted my life. Everything from the way I look/speak, how I navigate interpersonal relationships, and how I conduct myself in public are impacted by my complex relationship with gender. It's fun and exciting and freeing and enlightening, but it's also frustrating, isolating, confusing, and downright scary sometimes. I wouldn't have it any other way.
11. what do you consider to be romance?
Tbh, it's something that has been on my mind quite a lot recently! Short answer: I have no clue 😅
Long answer: I have only recently just had the revelation that I cannot tell the difference between platonic and romantic attraction. I'm not even sure romantic attraction is something I'm capable of experiencing. I can recognize (and enjoy) romance in fiction, I sing along to all the love songs, I do my best to understand the feelings of those around me when they talk about romance. But for me? I don't know. I know I've loved people, deeply and earnestly-- I love people now. But every time I try to enter a romantic relationship with someone, I feel like I'm just doing what's expected of me; going through the motions of 'what romance is supposed to look like' without actually feeling it. It's hard to say though, it's hard to identify the absence of something. How do I say I can't feel these feelings if I don't know how to identify them? Or is that in and of itself my answer? To me, there isn't anything I'd only do exclusively with a romantic partner. I don't know what romance looks like because I'd happily do anything passionate, caretaking, or intimate with a friend. But I'm told there's supposed to be extra feelings, so... here I am.
23. say 3 things about someone you hate
YESSS TIME TO BE A HATER. Okay uhhhh 1) expected me to be responsible for an entire dnd group's happiness despite my own joy becoming less and less frequent when playing (exacerbated by playing become a literal obligation) 2) assumed he knew my own needs and solutions to my problems even when I DIRECTLY STATED OTHERWISE 3) decided i had daddy issues because-- and I cannot stress this enough-- I played a warlock in his stupid campaign. Then he tried to therapize me about it. thru dnd. Needless to say I did not stay in that campaign (despite his best efforts to not let me quit)
24. what’s one thing you’re proud of yourself for?
Ahhh I could connect this to any of the earlier questions but I suppose since I'm answering these on here I'll say this: My improvement in writing!!
Spn really got me into writing fic. Outside of taking a creative writing class in college, I haven't done any writing outside of scientific writing since I was a teen. I had a lot to learn and relearn! It's been really rewarding to send my drafts to my beta reader, and watch the amount of edit suggestions lower with each project as my writing skills have strengthened. Of course, I still have more to learn, but honing my writing skills is something that brings me a lot of joy; and it's been very fun to write fics that other people enjoy too!
ask me some stuff
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Round 1: Match 146
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From the Combine Overwiki,
It is a red-eyed sphere with a shrunken pupil that twitches and shakes around madly, growling and snarling incoherently like a wild animal all the time. This core may be the source, or at least part of the source, of GLaDOS' fury.
From the Official Dota 2 website,
“A life of adventure is the only life worth living,” the exploits of Donté Panlin still manage to raise the eyebrows of even the most hedonistic of swordsmen. There is no monster he won’t slay. No creature he won’t woo. No tyrant he won’t stand against. And no noble immune to his silver tongue.
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gaygryffindorgal · 2 years
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asoiaf au; vinnie wakefield as a flowers, a bastard from the reach
idea by @gcldensnitch
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neoriots · 2 years
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sweettiktoks · 7 months
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nebuvoid · 10 months
what will arrive first, my copy of ffx or ever crisis. the battle for my hand in marriage begins
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snowwybear · 7 months
𝗣𝗢𝗩: 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗱𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘃𝗶𝗻𝗻𝗶𝗲 𝗵𝗮𝗰𝗸𝗲𝗿 | 𝘃𝗼𝗹 𝗜𝗜
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Warnings: fluff, suggestiveness, nudity
Over the last few days Vinnie has seemed upset, his texts back were dry and whenever you called him his voice just seemed emotionless. You decide to visit him in person to make sure he was okay and if he needed anything. Walking into the apartment you noticed how quiet it was. Normally there was music in the background, Vinnie screaming or just the sound of his keyboard. But nothing, it was dead quiet.
Entering his bedroom you saw him sitting on his bed gently stroking Hera, his face was expressionless.
“Hey”. You said quietly while slowly sitting on the edge of the bed.
“Hey” He sighed out not looking up at you.
“Are you okay?” You tilted your head at him hoping to catch his gaze.
“Not really, I just feel upset”.
You moved your legs up onto the bed and started also patting Hera in hopes to connect with Vinnie.”Do you wanna talk about it”?
He shook his head no and sighed deeply. He stopped stroking Hera and lay down on his back. He put out his arms and made grabby hands towards you. You got the message and crawled your way over to him, snuggling up to his chest.
“I just wanna cuddle you until I feel better”.
“Okay”. You giggled, kissing his jaw.
You stayed cuddled up in his arms for a few minutes until you realised something was missing. You sat up (much to Vinnie’s dismay) and looked towards the end of the bed to find Hera chilling. You moved towards her and picked her up, hearing a little ‘meow’ as you moved her. Once in your arms you moved Hera to Vinnie’s chest and lay back down in his arms. “There. Now we can cuddle you better”.
Vinnie chuckled before muttering a ‘thank you’ and placing a kiss on the top of your head. He rubbed up and down your back and occasionally gently caressing your butt before switching over and patting Hera for comfort. You stayed in his arms until he felt better, and eventually he did.
ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
You entered the bathroom, closed the door behind you and turned on the shower. Within a matter of seconds you hear the swing open revealing your boyfriend standing in the door way.
“Are you having a shower?” Vinnie asked slightly out of breath as he just ran over to the bathroom as soon as he heard the water running.
“Yes” You laughed at how ridiculous you boyfriend is.
“Can I join you?” He smirked making his way over to you.
You shook your head and placed your hands on his chest stopping him from whatever he was planning. “No, I’m actually planning on showering”.
He pouted. “Why? I promise I’ll be good”. His hands found your waist
“Babe every time we shower together we almost always end up having sex. I need to was my hair”.
He rolled his eyes and groaned. “Excuses, excuses”. He moved his face into your neck and started leaving small kisses.
“I promise I’ll keep my hands to myself”. He said into your neck.
Ugggh, you hated the effect he had on you.
“Fine, you can shower with me”. You groaned. Vinnie smirked and removed himself from you. “But only if you promise to keep your hands to yourself”.
“Promise”. He replied
You undressed and stepped into the shower under the water. You let the water fall onto your body, the warmth soothing your muscles. You felt a slight cold breeze hit your legs before noticing Vinnie’s presence in the shower. You peaked over your shoulder to have a quick glance at your now naked body. Naked Vinnie is always a sight.
You were still basking in the warmth of the water when Vinnie placed his hands on you waist. You jumped a little when his cold hands touched your skin but settled once you realised it was just Vinnie. Vinnie started kissing your shoulder before making his way towards your collar bone.
“Vinnie”. You warned. He continued to place kisses on your body and move his hands settling them dangerously near your core.
“Vinnie!” You squealed while moving his hands. Vinnie just laughed and placed another kiss on your cheek.
“I’m joking calm down”. He said.
He moved his hands off your body, turned around and grabbed the shampoo from behind him. He gave a quick slap to your ass before squeezing the shampoo into his hand and gently massaging the product into your hair. “See. I’m just trying to help”.
You moaned at the feeling of Vinnie’s fingers gently massaging your scalp. Vinnie slapped your ass again. “Don’t do that”.
You just laughed at him. He stopped massaging your head for you to wash the shampoo out of your hair before repeating the same thing with conditioner. Once your hair was all washed you turned around to face Vinnie. You wrapped your arms around his neck and gave Vinnie a sweet kiss.
“Thank you baby”. You say before giving him another kiss.
“You’re welcome. Now can we have sex?”
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sephir0b · 2 years
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