#Val! moots!
lucysarah-c · 7 months
Hello lovely Lucy 🫶
It's been a while since the last time I stopped by! How are you?
For the writer's asks, I'm curious about 5,8 & 11.
Lots of love 🫶
Val! how have you been? How is your family doing? I hope everyone is alright <3
I'm doing rather good, thank you!
5. Would you ever collab with another writer for a fic?
Yes! Absolutely, I adore brainstorming ideas, so I would love to write something in collaboration with anyone, as long as we are both having fun. I would love it!
8. Which fic or hc do you feel most proud of?
Uhhh may sound silly but... probably "Backfire" my fic about Levi giving a sex education class with Y/N. I was so scared of writing that request but I'm so proud of how it turned out! like it's funny BUT also trully educational! I felt like I personally had the responsability to teach a bit there, you never know when a kid may be reading!
Being able to capture Levi's nature in such a difficult scenario and turn out funny and entretaining was something that made me so proud!
11. Post something from a current wip or concept
Sure! This is a piece from the Levi, Farlan, and Isabel survived and now live on the surface as thugs. I know it doesn't sound like it yet, BUT you know how I am with intros; they are complicated! lol
My idea is that it would be a prologue and three chapters. The title would either be "Suburban Legends," "'‘tis the damn season," or "Wildest Dreams." And because people basically added with capital letters to be tagged on it, eh… I'm tagging them in this small sneak peek. Why? Cause I can lol… @elisaj313-blog @vampirelladarkness @leviackermansgoodgirl @imlevisoneandonlywife @nube55
Eyes carefully followed the darker shiny shade running smoothly over their lips, curls softly bouncing around their face. The matching color of the nails, the shine on their lids, and the forever blushed cheeks. The pinned-up hairs allowed exposed necks and swinging earrings. The white shirts with brand names on the edges and slicked-back hair. White skirts of medical field uniforms to protect from potential stains, yet all matched with high heels that seemed undoubtedly painful. The sweaters with big arms, coats, and matching pinafores underneath. There was a particular air for those enveloped inside the tea shop. It made Levi gulp uneasily as he watched his calloused hands around the expensive porcelain teacup in deep jade green with golden edges. He started to question why he decided to wait there. Everybody was in their own universe, getting ready for the day, and yet he was there, waiting for his end. There's a lingering feeling of unresolved tension when you stay awake all night, as if the new day hasn’t truly begun yet. Lost in the forever time loop of society moving on, but you’re still there. The murmurs between MPs as they secretly passed each other small packages, their expensive clocks. The chair was elegant but made him uneasy; the place overall did, as if he was scared of making the wrong move and screwing up the rest of his life with debt. A stranger in his own walls, the walls he had protected multiple times. He reminded himself that the first picture he got from the surface was, indeed, Mitras, and yet there was no place inside the walls that felt more foreign than that. The thought that calling that place home once felt so distant, belonging to a different life, a past one perhaps. While he had never thought of himself as an appearance man towards women, suddenly the soft, sweet perfumes, painted lips, exposed necks, suspiciously long and dark eyelashes, flowing skirts, and accentuated waists all felt shamefully arousing. His mind tried to recall when was the last time he saw such elegant and polished women. The military had strict appearance rules, and the scouts were surrounded mostly by small country towns, with women busy either with harvest or kids. Reminding himself not to stare, his mind was definitely not its usual lately because on other occasions he wouldn’t have paid it attention.
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youre-ackermine · 4 months
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Postwar Levihan
It's been three years since the war ended. Against all odds, Hange survived & lives with Levi. They found an abandoned cabin in a remote area near Liberio, miraculously spared as well as the bunch of trees that hides it from sight.
Day after day, they fixed up their new home as best they could. It’s not much but it’s their safe, shared home & it’s all that matters.
Once settled, none of them could stay out of the action. Hange works in what remains of Liberio, in a makeshift hospital occupying the ground floor of a half-destroyed building. They help treat sick or injured people several days & nights a week.
There isn’t enough room at the hospital so they managed to set up a lab at home where they can do some research, mostly about new medications or even prosthetics. Levi stays at home most of the time, taking care of the house, growing a vegetable garden, cutting wood & planting more trees around their cabin. In his glass house, Levi enjoys raising flowers, but he also sowed medicinal herbs for Hange’s experiments. Every once in a while, he goes to Liberio to help refugees, mostly children who lost their parents during the war.
Valentine's Day
A couple weeks ago, Gabi & Falco told Levi about Valentine’s Day, a tradition unknown on Paradis Island. As much as it seemed futile at first, Levi couldn't stop mulling over the idea.
After several days of wearying work, Levi convinced Hange to rest properly for once.
Sitting on the bed next to them, he takes a few moments to gaze at Hange’s sleepy face. He finds them beautiful, despite the burns. Or maybe he loves them even more because of these scars, a testament to their bravery. He’s so grateful they’re here with him, brightening his days with their cheerful, beaming smile, the very smile he fell in love with.
Meanwhile they sleep in on their day off, he busies himself getting tea ready for breakfast, packing some food & a blanket in a basket, slicing vegetables for the stew simmering in the pot over the fire. 
Levi is waiting for Hange in the hall while they put the bouquet of snowdrops he picked for them earlier this morning in a vase. They blushed & stammered a shy thank you when he drew it from behind the basket placed on his lap.
He promised himself today would be special. Nothing fancy, but a few hours for themselves without work or chores.
Hange would push his wheelchair along the paths nearby, blabbering about their research, asking him a million questions about the garden or the herbs he grows, about the pain in his leg. From time to time, they would lean down to kiss him on the cheek, giggling like a shy teenager. They would find a nice place to spread a blanket on the grass & enjoy their picnic. They would spend the afternoon watching clouds, Levi listening with fondness to Hange’s explanations about their shapes or how they form. When the sun would start to set & the breeze to be too cold, they would go back home & take a bath to warm themselves. 
Hange would stuff their face with the most delicious stew they ever tasted. They would settle with a contented sigh & a glass of wine in front of the fireplace, snuggled up against Levi under a warm blanket.
Levi would say he's not good with words. Levi would draw a little box out of his pocket & simply give it to Hange. Levi would gently slide the jewel on Hange's finger, not a proposal but rather a promise.
The promise to spend the rest of their lives together.
Happy Valentine's Day ❤️
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Moodboard, header & dividers: @youre-ackermine
Requested by: Flo @littlerequiem 🌹
A/N: Snowdrops are a symbol of hope, new beginnings, renewal, comfort, capacity to triumph over challenges, beauty & purity// English is not my usual language // Click on the moodboard for better quality
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yourtwistedlies · 7 months
aka. my favorite people on the internet
@mxnkeydo - rithi! 🌸
@swans-chirping-in-the-distance - bee! 🐝
@fish-ofishial123 - fishy! 🐟
@that-multi-fandom-hijabi - nova! 💗
@aylin-hijabi / @moondust-on-the-hijabi - aylin! 🌙
@hijabi-desi-bookworm - raven/esme! ♟
@itadori-yujiii - leta! 🍬 (left 😭)
@loife1m - loife! 🎬
@/queenie-blackthorn - queenie! 👑 (left 😭)
@/tinadablackthorn - tina! ☘️ (left 😭)
@nerdy-girl3791 - lola! ☂️
@your-localjesus - ✨
@theslytherinskin - 🐍 (slytherin bestie)
@riordanverseaddict - aether! ⭐️
@ssavinggrace - thalia! ⚔️
@dark-blue-diamond - 💎
@lucyshypemaster - nav! 🪁
@labaguetteisdabest - nyota (ny)! 🌌
@summersblooms - seph! 🌺
@notyourlegacygirl - lana! 💕 (left 😭?? kinda just disappeared)
@callas-pancake-tree - autumn!🌳
@the-princess-fangirl - alice! 🎩
@stvrlighhttt / @moonlightt444 - maliha/mare! 💌 (the best That Annoying Tumblr Mutual ᵗᵐ)
@reyna-obsessed - mini! 🔮
@the-ultimate-bookworm - v! 🎶
@queenpiranhadon - kae! 👑 (fellow cabin 13 member bunkmate 🥰🥰)
@inluvwithremuslupin - inara/ara! 🎈
@violet92959 - violet! 👾
@tastetherainbow290 - aeylis! 🌈
@svnflowermoon - lucy! 🌻
@leaskisses444 - lea! ☕️
@mqstermindswift - nicky! 🦚
@skeelly - kristen! 📚
@zoesim5 - zoe! 🫐
@pigcot - piggy! 🐷
@rachellelizabethdares - april! 🦋
@stop-ur-losing-me - kellie! 🪩
@the-bookish-bitch - 🪴
@book-girl4eva - bea! ❄️
@4114yunique - yuna! 🌟
@nqds - nad! 🎹
please tell me if i missed someone!!
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chrollohearttags · 1 year
nah i please i have it in my head that zeke is such a narcissist, sarcastic, smug bitch but because he knows he fine and because he knows his piping work is immaculate he always acting out. people think he aint as bad as eren but they’re different ends of the spectrum bad!! erens a toxic mf but zekes a manipulative one 🥴🥴🥴🥴
yesssss!! val, see you get it bae!! That man ain’t a bit of fucking good but that dick? yeah, top tier. He comes off as docile, laid back and even a little nerdy at first but that’s only to lure you in. Get you with that charm..the type to take you on dates that his ass knows he can’t afford, tells you he’s into this and that business venture to make you believe he’s got it going on. When in reality, that bum is living in Grisha’s basement because he’s a habitual liar and scammer! But you won’t know anything about that..not when he gets you back to your place and starts drilling your shit like a jackhammer to concrete. Putting your legs on his shoulders, folding them up into a mating press when you start to move but can’t hold them in place; constantly telling you how pretty you look, saying you’re taking him so well.. “it’s like you’re made for me..” not to mention the bastard holding your hands and talking you through it! also be letting you wet his beard up as he seats you on top of his face. Making you climax like five times in one night. He is everything you could’ve ever imagined. Too bad the fantasy comes crashing down when you see Zeke for who he truly is. A scumbag that tells you whatever you want to hear, meanwhile he’s telling ten other women the same thing! Gets evasive when you ask him about making things official or going over to his place. “It’s not a good time for me right now. We’re both professionals at the height of our careers, you understand how it is.” And you will, as long as he keeps fucking you as good as he does and saying he loves you. Knowing he doesn’t mean a word of it!
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l3visthighs · 3 months
Hey lovely Alyssa ✨
I hope you're doing well!
The Leviana fanarts you post are always amazing & I wondered if you could tell us more about your OC Ilyana? I'm really curious about this cutie!
Smooches 😘
Val, hi! 💕 how’re you doing?
Thank you so much for your question about Ilyana. It makes my heart so happy when people show an interest in her.
I have a little story I’ve been working on for a while for her & Levi. It’s just never seen the light of day because I don’t have a lot of confidence in my writing/storytelling. So it’s been more of a project just for me. :’)
I’ll insert a few paragraphs of it here though just to give a little more insight about her (her background, her personality, etc) <3
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Year 843: 
That day had finally come; the day that Ilyana Hoover dreaded every single day since her adopted brother, Bertolt, had told her that he wanted to become a warrior. Today was the day she watched him inherit the Colossal Titan.  She couldn't believe it, she didn't want to. Thirteen years. Thirteen years is all she had left with him. For years she had tried to talk him out of it. But here she is now. Watching him train for his upcoming mission in Paradis with the now Armored Titan and Female Titan. She's going with them on their mission. She had already decided that long ago; she told herself no matter what the outcome was today that she would be there for him. She knows her brother. He's emotional, sometimes weak, and anxious. No matter what role they decide to give her in the mission, she would do it, she would go. If only to protect him. 
"I really don't think you should come along, Ilyana. It's going to be dangerous. We don't know what these island devils are capable of. Stay here and look after mom. She needs you." He pleads with her that evening. 
"You're really lecturing me over it being dangerous? Bert, you're scared of your own shadow most of the time" She sighs. "If I don't go with you and something happens to you, I wouldn't be able to live with that. I already made up my mind. I don't trust Reiner to protect you, either. You and I both know how hot headed and emotional he can be at times. Mom will be just fine. She's got dad here to watch over her. You know he'd never let her roam the streets alone." 
He shakes his head and pinches the bridge of his nose. She's right. He knows she is; and he knows there's no convincing her otherwise. His sister has always been stubborn. A bit hot headed herself at times. He knows she just wants the best for him. She's always been protective of him. But he can't help but wish she'd believe in him, just this one time. He knows he can handle himself. He's been through the training, he knows what to expect; what he's getting himself into. 
Ilyana always knew she was different from the others of her kind. Born a Marleyan but adopted at a young age by an Eldian family; the Hoover family. They’d found her alone on the street one evening and decided to take her in; a few years later came Bertolt. She never knew her real parents, nor what had happened to them. Every Marleyan here was disgusted by the Eldians. She had watched her family be talked down to, pushed around and spit at walking down the streets. But growing up and living in an Eldian family made her feel much differently towards them. She had read the history books, heard all of the rumors; But she refused to believe they were all as bad as the people of Marley had made them out to be. She loved the Hoovers. They had always treated her like their own. The least she could do in return for everything they'd done for her is watch after their son, her brother; blood relation or not. She would protect him with her life. 
TLDR: Ilyana Hoover is a Marleyan; she was adopted by the Hoovers at a young age. She’s extremely protective over her brother, Bertolt. She finds herself feeling super sympathetic towards all Eldians; including the ones on the island. Shes confident, not afraid to hold her own ground/speak up for herself; but can also be extremely hot headed & rash. (Which causes for some bickering with Levi later on in the story) she travels to the island with the Warriors as a spy.
(Also all artwork of them is done by the lovely @/catyypss)
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ihearnocomplaints · 6 months
Feliz Cumpleaños, mi media naranja!!! Kissu kissu
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You’re probably asleep but I finished this up… kissu!
Hey what if I kissed you right now. right on the mouth. no shame, sloppy style.
Cuz I will. I’ll do it. c’mere. c’mere and i’ll give you every ounce of my love, you fuck. I love you. I adore you. Biting you so hard (but i am slime so it doesn’t hurt.)
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celestemona · 1 day
Uncle sethos playing w cyno's twins
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"Sethos where did you take my kids?!" is a phrase Mama reader says a lot 😨
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70snasagay · 2 months
beatles moots please help me, what is this???
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i don't know where it's from, my parents have had it for as long as i can remember, if you need different images let me know i just want to find out wtf this is
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dont-f-with-moogles · 10 months
Terra Darling ✨
For the smut prompts, I'd like to request 2: "Open your mouth for me" for Levihan 👀
Love you so much ❤️
Smut Scribbles 2: “Open your mouth for me.”
Sweet Torture (NSFW) Characters: Levi x Hange Word Count: 406 words Levi’s head writhed against the bedclothes, dark dishevelled hair sticking to his shining face. Hange lingered over his stomach, their cool breath fanning a trail of goosebumps across Levi’s bare skin. Loose strands of their hair tickled where they touched him. A shiver ran through him as Hange planted a kiss just below his navel. The hands which had been gripping their forearms weakened. The feigned murmur of protest died in Levi’s throat. Feebly, his arms fell to his sides as Hange kissed lower, lower. They stalled, teasing, lips brushing his abdomen. Gentle. Soft as silk on skin. Levi stifled a tremor of breath as his muscles clenched. Still, Hange continued their path of kisses, their mouth just above where Levi wanted them to be.
They drew lower still. Lower, until their fingers wrapped themselves around his cock. Here the skin was at its most delicate, pulled taut over straining flesh. Hange pressed a kiss against him and Levi’s abdomen flexed again. Whilst their head remained bowed, Hange’s eyes moved to his face. They gazed at him; hooded, sultry, penetrating. The look of one who knew they had a man at their mercy.
They flicked their tongue across the tip.
“Fuck-” The syllable caught in Levi’s throat. A thrill surged through his body so intense it left his nerves singing. Levi’s mouth dropped open in silent anguish, his face flooded with colour.
Slowly, tantalisingly, Hange ran their tongue from the base of his cock to the very tip. Levi’s breath left him in a low hiss. He screwed up his eyes. Beads of sweat clung to his forehead.
Their hand tightened upon him, pulling back the skin in measured strokes. Hange’s tongue swirled against the tip again. Their mouth, their lips, their breath. Levi uttered a shaking gasp. He was desperate, undone. They would ruin him like this. His fists clenched at the bedcovers fit to tear them apart. He wanted - needed - more. Levi longed for friction; for the pressure of their lips closed around him. He wanted nothing more than to fuck that beautiful mouth. 
“H-hange…” he stammered.
Hange stopped again, a knowing smile creeping across their face. Levi hated the plea in his voice. As the words left him, they were little more than a faint moan.  
“…open your mouth.”
Satisfied that they had tortured him enough, Hange’s hand slid down his length. They brought him to their parted lips, only too willing to oblige. … HAPPY BIRTHDAY VAL! 💚💚💚 Hope you enjoyed your present 😘 Go on, send me not so SFW Ask. You know you want tooo~ 👉 Smut Scribbles
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postwarlevi · 3 months
✍️ Fic authors self rec!
When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to other writers you know. Let's spread some self-love! 💛
Val!! I'm finally here for this hehe thank you for sending it to me! Now, let's see...
I must include Santa Levi one of the holiday stories I wrote the first year I was on tumblr, about Levi stepping in as Santa for kids with the help of reader and the rest of the time who make sure the kids have a wonderful holiday. I got to feature Gabi and Falco!
PCOS is one dear to my heart that I tried to make NOT sound like a PSA while writing it for myself and others with this condition and how nice it would be to have such a sweet supportive partner.
Another holiday one! Kindness at Christmas told in a large flashback of reader and Levi's first year of marriage and how things might not always go right and be hard but it's okay to accept kindness from those close to you and others who may want to help.
I don't think it's cheating to include a fully fledged outline of a royalty AU I might never get around to writing. Arg! It's an idea I had and still have about nobleman Levi and amnestic reader who fall in love only to discover she 'belongs' to another kingdoms prince. Takes place over the course of about 20 years.
And for Jean fics it's Dancing on My Own what I wrote one evening when my wifi went down. It's very friends to lovers (my favorite trope with this guy) during what starts as a night out with heartbreak that turns into one of realization and having a sleepover with someone who will always take care of you.
That was hard and it could change at any moment haha but that looks about right :)
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sixpennydame · 1 year
Hello my Beautiful Best Bestie ❤️
For the Drunk Drabbles vol.2, may I request 11 "Don't you dare"?
Have fun!!
Lots of love ❤️❤️❤️
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Drunk Drabbles, Vol. 2
My loves @youre-ackermine and @wanderlustqueen-writes , thank you for the asks! I based this drabble on role play conversations I had with @botheringlevi - I hope you enjoy. 💗
11. Don’t you dare
Word Count: 879
Content: Levi x reader; love confession, fluff
Today was the day, you could feel it.
How long had it been now since Levi had first walked into your tea shop? You remember spring blossoms and a warm wind coming through the door, a man with a scowl on his face as he perused the tea canisters. You took a chance and recommended a black breakfast tea blend, brewing a small cup for him to try. When his lips touched the caramel colored tea, his entire demeanor changed and his face softened.
“Not bad.”
For some reason, that small, simple phrase felt like the greatest compliment.
After that encounter, he started coming monthly to the shop during his supply runs. And if he couldn’t, he’d send one of his squad members with an order. No matter what, you always made sure to add an extra bag of tea, although he would often scold you and insist he never takes anything for free. “Consider it a free sample,” you’d reply, and when you smiled at him, he’d acquiesce with a sigh.
Sometimes you’d send baked goods to Survey Corps HQ for him and his squad. That’s when you both started exchanging letters. You were curious about the world outside the walls, and he’d warn you not to entertain those thoughts. “It’s dangerous out there,” he wrote, “and it’d be a waste to lose someone like you.”
Why did those words make your heart skip a beat?
When winter’s chill had the Survey Corps grounded for the season, you invited Levi to your home for Yule. Watching him play with your three lively kittens, you saw Levi not as Humanity’s Strongest Soldier, but as a man with a big heart that was often heavily guarded.
He agreed to take you horseback riding when you’d admitted that it was something you’d never learned to do. He brought you books from the HQ library. He helped you create new tea blends for the new year.
And the more time you spent with him, the more you realized that your heart was yearning for him. You hoped for the winter to never end.
But all good things must come to a conclusion, and as Levi spent his last free evening with you in your small apartment above the tea shop, you wrestled with your emotions.
Finally, you stand up and face him.
“Levi..I care for you deeply. I’ve realized it’s more than just a simple crush.”
He sits quietly listening, one of your kittens on his lap.
“I love your passion for tea and your admiration for hard work and diligence. But even more so, you challenge my views and help me see the world in a new way. I’m better because of you.”
You move toward the fire, hoping he doesn’t notice the blood rushing to your cheeks. “I realize you’ve made a commitment to the Survey Corps and that being in a relationship might not be at the top of your list of priorities, You don’t have to feel the same way I do. But just know that there will always be someone here in Trost who will always have a warm place by the fire and a cup of tea, whenever you need it.”
There’s silence, then Levi places the kitten on the floor and walks over to you.
“I do have a list of priorities, and you rank highly on that list.”
He takes your hand and looks deep into your eyes. “But someday, I won’t return through that gate. What will you do then? Has that ever crossed your mind?”
You can see the conflict in his dark eyes. You place a gentle hand on his cheek and you notice that he flinches at first at your touch, but doesn’t back away.
“Oh Levi..it crosses my mind every time I see you ride out of that gate. I wonder if it will be the last time I’ll ever see you. If the last time we talked will be my final memory with you…”
“…but I can’t stop loving you now.”
His eyes widen. You grab his other hand. “Because none of us are guaranteed tomorrow. The only time that is sure is now, this present moment. And whatever time we have in this world, I want to spend it with you.”
It is quiet for what feels like an eternity. You search his face for a response, and then he looks away and says your name.
“I’m sorry,” you interrupt. “That was too abrupt of me, to just throw all my feelings at you.” You let go of his hands. “God, I feel like an idiot.”
You turn to leave and he grabs your hand. “Where do you think you’re going?”
“I’m so embarrassed..I just need to get out of here.”
He pulls you closer. “Don’t you dare.”
The next thing you know, you feel his lips pressed against yours and his arms move around your waist. He’s so warm, you think.
It’s over in an instant, but he doesn’t let go of you. Your forehead against his, you sigh. “Levi..”
He smiles, then gives you a look. “And just where were you going to go anyway? This is your house, you know.”
You both laugh as he pulls you in tighter for another kiss.
Send me a Drabble Challenge!!
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youre-ackermine · 6 months
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Under the Mistletoe
Pairing: Levi Ackerman x Fem!reader
Wordcount: 1360 approx.
Modern AU / SFW / Friends to lovers / Love confession / Fluff
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Joining Levi to celebrate New Year's Eve was the best decision you had made in a long time. Life was so boring and dull since your best friend had left for France to study. No more talking over coffee between classes, no more late night studying together at the library, no more banter and silly jokes. And above all, no more movie nights cuddled up on the couch, wrapped together in both a cosy blanket and his comforting scent. You felt lonely and miserable. In short, you missed your best friend sorely.
Of course you caught up on each other’s life during your weekly phone call, but it’s his presence you missed the most. Your heart had skipped a beat when he had called you a few weeks ago, clearing his throat before blurting out the invitation in a hoarse tone. Hanging up, you couldn't help but giggle with eagerness at the idea of ​​seeing him again after months apart.
As the reunion day drew near, you had felt the excitement revealing itself in each of your gestures, in each of your thoughts, your mind racing with the silliest scenarios. Past the first few days, busying yourself buying your ticket, packing your suitcase, choosing the evening dress you’d wear for the party, your mood had changed. You had lost your appetite. You could barely sleep. Nervousness was taking the best of you. You couldn’t wait to go to Paris.
Reuniting with him had thrown you into emotional turmoil. Despite the “Mlle l’Emmerdeuse" sign he was holding as a joke, despite the familiar smirk plastered on his face, the moment you had seen him waiting for you at the airport had made you stop in your tracks, palms sweating and throat tight. Something about the way he looked at you seemed different, something yearning and intense.
Regardless you had thrown yourself in his arms and, as he had pulled you closer to him, you had nuzzled into his neck and taken in his comforting scent, the very scent you had missed so much on countless sleepless nights. Tears of relief had welled up in your eyes and your heart seemed to have swelled in your chest. You had shivered under his touch and clung to him for a while before letting him go as the heat of embarrassment flushed your cheeks.
You could no longer conceal the obvious: you were deeply, hopelessly in love with your best friend.
The hour that followed was nothing more now than a blur of disjointed chatter, clumsy gestures and awkward silence. Levi had dropped you off at your hotel, giving you some time to get ready. You had struggled to calm down, your whole body still reacting to the unexpected realization of your feelings. You couldn’t figure out yet how to behave around him. Seeing your best friend in this new light had left you confused and, to be really honest, a little ashamed.
When he picked you up later to go to the soirée, he looked so good in his black tuxedo that you almost missed the sparkle in his eyes and the startled gasp he had let out when you had reached the bottom of the stairs and crossed the lobby to join him. Your evening gown fitted perfectly, smoothly hugging your curves. The light touches of makeup here and there discreetly highlighted your face. You were breathtaking.
Uneasiness lurked into the confined space of the car as you both remained silent. Levi’s attention was stubbornly focused on the road while you admired the city Christmas lights through the window, thinking about how your silly crush on him would muddy your friendship. Luckily enough, it was a quick drive to your destination and you couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief when you finally got out of the car.
Your first glance at the impressive beauty of this hôtel particulier near the Tour Eiffel left you speechless for a while. Elegant garlands of warm white lights hung on the front wall, bathing the garden in a festive glow. A few candle lanterns lined the stairs, tracing the path up to the front door. Apparently Levi’s new friends were ridiculously rich.
As soon as you stepped inside, heat slapped your face and music filled your ears. The house was soberly decorated, a few shining ornaments and tinsels were placed here and there and a bouquet of mistletoe hung from the ceiling in the hallway. In the main room, people were already dancing under strobe lights. Levi helped you take off your coat and you shrugged the tension off your shoulders as you followed him across the packed room to the buffet. The fancy display of mouth-watering delicacies helped you snap out of your thoughts for good.
Levi introduced you to his group of friends who stood next to the bar on your left, laughing and raising their glasses to the last remnants of the year and the appealing promises of the new one. One of them poured some champagne in a flute for you while another shoved a plate of appetizers under your nose. They did their best to make you feel welcome.
After a few bites of delicious food, Levi, always the life and soul of the party, stuck with his friends while you hit the dance floor. Mingling with the partygoers released most of the tension building between the two of you so far. You felt his eyes linger on you at first but soon you were so absorbed in the music that you forgot about your turmoil for a moment.
And now, after dragging yourself to the bar all sweating and panting but somewhat relaxed, here you were trying your best to talk with his college friends over the deafening music, slipping a few words of French you vaguely remembered here and there into the conversation. You got along pretty well with Levi’s roommates and you would enjoy the party more if your best friend hadn’t left a while ago, vanishing into the crowd.
Around midnight, you couldn’t help but glance around to find him until you felt a warm hand settling on the small of your back.
“Je peux vous la voler un instant?” Levi asked his friends before taking you away.
He slipped his hand into yours and led you through the crowded dance floor, weaving his way out of the room. Feeling the warm skin of his palm against yours, the reassuring squeeze of his fingers, made your heart race faster and a delicious sensation spread through your body, as if you were floating in the air.
He stopped as he reached the hallway and turned to you, taking both of your hands in his and locking eyes with you. Something between worry and determination showed on his face and for a moment you couldn’t help but take in his handsome features, the sharp line of his jaw, the plumpness of his lips.
“I…I have, er…I have something to tell you,” he stammered. “Something, er. Something I want to tell you for a while now, but. You know, er…Shit...You know I'm bad with words, right?” He squeezed your hands on the last word.
You nodded, not sure if you wanted to hear what he was about to say. Your heart sank at the thought that he had realized what you felt for him and wanted to put your relationship to an end because of how disturbing all of this was. But, maybe because of the changes you had noticed in the way Levi looked at you, a teeny, tiny part of you, the one that allowed the butterflies to flutter in your chest, the one that allowed your skin to shiver under his touch, that part couldn’t help but hope.
The hubbub of the party starting the countdown suddenly turned into a blur when Levi leaned in, his face so close to yours that you felt his warm breath on your skin. Your heart pounded in your ears and you finally let the butterflies deliciously flutter in your chest. Leaning even closer, he whispered “je t’aime“ against your lips before kissing you softly.
Your first kiss.
Under the mistletoe.
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Requested for my 300 followers event by Suki @suukee @sckerman 🩵
I hope you'll like it!
A/N: Kissing under the mistletoe is a New Year’s Eve / New Year’s Day custom in France rather than a Christmas custom as in other countries // English is not my usual language
Proofreading @sixpennydame thank you so much my lovely Bestie <333
Mlle l’Emmerdeuse >>> Miss Annoyance
Hôtel particulier >>> Mansion
Je peux vous la voler un instant? >>> Can I borrow her from you for a sec?
Je t'aime >>> I love you
Header: @youre-ackermine
Star divider: @saradika-graphics
Fireworks divider: @firefly-graphics
You can find the event masterlist (in progress) HERE
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yourtwistedlies · 5 months
aylin’s back aylin’s back aylin’s back aylin’s back aylin’s back aylin’s back aylin’s back aylin’s back aylin’s back aylin’s back aylin’s back aylin’s back aylin’s back aylin’s back aylin’s back aylin’s back aylin’s back aylin’s back aylin’s back aylin’s back aylin’s back aylin’s back aylin’s back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
we missed u so much aylin!!
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thehangetomylevi · 10 months
I'm not as good as you are for mood boards but this is a little gift for you Val @youre-ackermine 🤎
Happy Birthday 🎂
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I hope you'll like those cute LeviHan moments 🤎
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dolloie · 30 days
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how r u doing pooks? i js wanted to stop by ur pretty blog n say hi keke☺️
is this ur true intention... jk hi my loml 🙈🙈 im doing just fine hbu!!
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levmada · 6 months
💙✨Happy New Year Kane ✨💙
I wish you all the best for 2024!
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HAPPY NEW YEAR VAL!!❤️ i hope you’ve had a good start to ur year and so sorry i’m late, pls forgive🤲
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