#Val’s 1000 follower celebration
crazyunsexycool · 1 year
Val! Heya love.
So, for your birthday ask game. I was gonna choose a trope from the office relationship, but it got out of hand when I liked more than 5🥹.
Can we please have something for Steve and Reader, where at SHIELD they’re incredibly close and have feelings for each other?
Lots of sticky notes on laptops, doodles on briefs, texts to one another under the table about coworkers, fixing ties and hair, and maybe sporadic texts about something to do with“work/meetings” when they really just want an excuse to talk to the other?
Sab, darling!!!
A/N: I loved this request so I hope you like what I wrote for it. Also send in all the other request I promise I don’t mind!!
Between sticky notes, meeting rooms and elevators.
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Warning: pining and fluff, some America puns (I’m so sorry they’re only like two but I couldn’t help myself)
You were late and your boss hated when you were late. It didn’t help that when you finally got to the briefing all eyes were on you when you got to the only available seat.
“Thank you for gracing us with your presence, Ms. Y/L/N. Now we can finally get started.” Your boss announces.
You take a deep breath as you look up to find Steve sitting right across from you. He raised an eyebrow at you and shook his head in mock disappointment. You rolled your eyes and smiled before your eyes landed on the disposable coffee cup in front of you. There was a little smiley face with your name on it in Steve’s handwriting. You mouth a thank you and he winks at you before turning his attention to the front of the room. Those pesky little butterflies that made your stomach their home since the day you met Steve took flight again.
“Hey Y/N,” Steve calls out to you as soon as the meeting is over. The sea of people in the hallway parts for him. “So how was your morning?” He smiles, the mischief behind his eyes lets you know he’s just joking.
“It was wonderful. My alarm didn’t go off, traffic was horrible and I had this meeting right at the beginning of the day with the most annoying of my boss.”
You hear someone clear their throat behind you. Steve is already holding his laughter as you turn around with a horrified look on your face. Your boss glares at you for a moment.
“Don’t let your tardiness become a habit Ms. Y/L/N.” he states before walking away.
Steve just gives a long whew as he watches your boss walk away. You cover your face behind the files you’re holding before Steve pulls them away in order to hold them for you.
“Did you know he was standing behind me?” You look up at him with a pout.
“Absolutely not. I would never let you embarrass yourself like that even though it was entertaining.”
You just glare up at him, mostly playfully. He laughs as you both get on the elevator. As others get on you’re pushed back more until you end up back to chest with Steve. His free arm comes up and around your waist to keep you up right. You hope he can’t hear your heart beating faster the longer you stand that close to him.
Once you are on your floor you get out while Steve stays on the elevator. Neither of you would really look at each other so you couldn’t see the pink tint on his cheeks and the sheepish smile that played on his lips.
“I’ll-uh I’ll send those reports to you as soon as I can.” You say.
“I’ll be waiting for them.”
“I’ll see you later.”
“Yeah, see you later.” He says and then the doors close.
Just as you said the reports were ready for Steve. With a pep in your step you go up to his office to drop them off even though there is someone that can do that for you. You frown when you get to your destination as you see that the lights are off. Grabbing a post-it you always carry with you and a pen you write a quick note and leave the file in his drop box.
A few minutes later you get a text.
Steve: Thanks for the vote of confidence.
Attached to his text was a picture of the sticky note. It was a drawing of a stick figure saluting and it says. ‘I know you ameriCAN do it.’
Y/N: You’re welcome. ☺️☺️
Y/N: let me know you make it back safe!
Steve: Always do. 😉
You smile at your phone before putting it away and working on the next set of reports.
Steve: This guy’s voice is so monotonous that he's making himself fall asleep.
You try to hide your laugh behind a cough while Steve has the nerve to send you a message shushing you.
Y/N: not fair! Don’t make me laugh like that.
Steve: 🤷🏼 it’s true though… don’t look now but I think Linda from accounting is asleep with her eyes open.
You slowly look over and you watch as one of her coworkers nudges her. She starts slightly and then sinks into her chair further.
Y/N: 💀💀 oh maybe you should recruit him for the avengers. He could just give this speech to any bad guy and they’ll turn themselves in just to avoid hearing him anymore.
It was Steve’s turn to huff a laugh and try to cover it by clearing his throat. You were seated in different sections because of your jobs but still managed to be in each other's line of sight. Every time you looked over he would pretend to be nodding off, you shook your head every time before looking away.
“I thought that guy would never stop talking.” You say as you meet Steve in the hallway.
“Yeah, that was painful.”
“Oh, here are those analyses you requested.” You hand him a few folders. “Everything is arranged from what I thought would need priority down to low grade issues.”
“Thanks. Here are my completed reports.” He hands you a folder. “Everything is signed, all it needs is your review and it can be filed.”
“Thanks. I guess I’ll see you later.”
“Yeah, see you later.” He smiles at you. That boyish grin that makes your knees weak.
When you get to your desk and open the first folder you laugh. Paperclipped to the first report was a doodle of the speaker from earlier except Steve has made him look like a sloth. You take the doodle out of the folder and place it in the small box you keep all of the doodles Steve gives you.
“Hey Steve,” you say as you look over some information that he needed. “I have that report you requested but you aren’t in your office.”
“Oh yeah, I was called back to New York for a mission with the avengers.”
“Oh, I didn’t mean to interrupt.”
“No,” he shakes his head even though you can’t see him. “You’re never an interruption. Is everything ok?”
“Yeah I just wanted to know what you wanted me to do with the report , you know, since you’re not here.”
There was a protocol in place for this occasion. You knew that and so did Steve. Still neither of you could wipe those dopey grins on your faces as you spoke to each other.
“Why don’t you hold on to them and I’ll get them once I get back?”
“That works.” There’s a small silence before you break it. “Well I’ll leave you to it. Please-“
“I don’t have to hang up yet. I mean if you have time, we can talk.”
“I’d like that.”
“Have I missed anything in the office since I left?” He asks as he sits back in his bed at the tower.
“You mean in the three hours since you left?”
“Of course you did. Now you didn’t hear it from me, but rumor is that Linda from accounting is having an affair.”
“Yes. And you’ll never guess with who?”
“Who?” Steve asks excitedly.
“Sloth man.”
“There’s no way.”
“It’s only what I’ve heard, it hasn’t been confirmed.”
“I wonder what she sees in him.”
“A good night's sleep.” You murmur.
Steve throws his head back and laughs. Once he calms down he starts giving you theories about the supposed rumor. Then the conversation turns into other topics. Before you know it you’ve been on the phone for at least two hours when he needs to leave.
“Please be safe.”
“I will. See you in a day or so.” Steve says before hanging up.
The day had dragged on. Maybe it was because you didn’t have much work for the day. But you had a sneaking suspicion that it had to do with a certain blond haired, blue-eyed super soldier not being around.
It wasn’t until late in the evening and you were working extra hours that you received a very long overdue break. There’s a little knock at the end of your desk. You push yourself a little bit to turn your chair around. Words die on your tongue when you see a bruised up Steve standing there.
“Oh my god what happened?” You raise your hand to lightly touch a bruise on his cheek.
He wraps his fingers around your wrist and you immediately realize how inappropriate it is. When you go to pull your hand away he doesn’t let you. His thumb is drawing a lazy circle on your wrist as he brings both your hands down.
“Just some bad guys. Nothing I couldn’t handle. Why are you still here?”
“I think my boss is still mad that I called him annoying and I’m stuck doing more paperwork.” You shrug your shoulders.
“Well I hope you haven’t had dinner yet.”
“Good.” He smiles at you and then pulls a bag from behind his back. “Because I brought your favorite.”
“My hero.” You beam before turning and clearing a spot on your desk. Steve places the bag down and pulls a chair from an empty desk and sits down with a bit of a grunt. “So spill it.” You motion to him.
“Just a mission.”
“I need a play by play. Come on please. I read all of your reports, they’re basically a book at this point and I need the next chapter.”
He huffed a laugh. “Fine. But it’s rather boring.”
“You could never bore me.”
“Could I get that in writing? I’d like to have proof for Tony.”
“Sure, I’ll even have it notarized.”
He laughs again and shakes his head. Then he starts talking about the mission. You could sit there listening to Steve talk about anything. After he finished that story you moved on to other topics, work now long forgotten.
As much as you hated it, Shield was requiring a certain number of their employees from each department to attend a gala. Because your boss still had it out for you, you were selected to attend.
You were fiddling with the necklace you’d paired with your dress as you walked through the already crowded venue. Someone grabs you by your forearm and pulls you into an empty hallway while you try to throw a punch.
“Woah calm down, it’s just me.” Steve said as he let go of you.
“Why would you grab me like that?”
“I’m sorry I just didn’t want anyone to realize I was here. Please don’t be mad.”
“I’m not mad, it’s just I thought I was being kidnapped.” You frown a bit.
“I’d never let that happen.”
Heat rushed to your cheeks, you knew he meant it as a friend but sometimes you wish it was more than that.
“Is everything ok?”
“Honestly, I’m kind of nervous.”
“You are nervous? Why?” You ask incredulously.
“This function is for World War Two vets. I don’t know it’s not the same as if I was dealing with someone that didn’t fight in it. They ask questions and I can play it down a bit but with the vets… It makes me feel exposed.”
“Is there anything I can do to help?”
“I have to give a speech. If I find you a seat closer to the stage would you take it?”
“Of course.”
“Thank you .”
“Don’t mention it.”
His large hand takes yours and he pulls you down the hall with the intention of leading you to the seat he mentioned. You tug on his hand so that he stops and turns to you. Pulling him a bit closer you reach up and fix the bow tie. Then your hands instinctively run across his shoulders and down his chest in order to smooth out his tux. He smiles at you then. His eyes light up when he sees you return it. The moment is far too intimate for two friends to be sharing but it feels right nonetheless.
Steve graciously walks you to an open seat and heads to the stage. Just like you knew it would, the speech was a success. Still every once in a while he’d look down at you and you’d return an encouraging smile.
“May I have this dance?” Steve had his hand stretched out in front of you.
“Why yes you may.”
You place your smaller hand in his and he leads you to the dance floor. Steve places one hand on your waist and the other takes your hand. As a slow song starts playing he begins to lead, the scent of his cologne is intoxicating in the best ways.
“I thought you didn’t dance.”
“Only with the right partner. Besides, Sam bet that I wouldn’t dance with the most beautiful woman here. I had to prove him wrong.” He says just as he turns both of you and Sam comes into your line of sight, raising a glass of champagne and smiling.
“You don’t have to say anything. I just thought it was time I told you how I really felt. It’s ok if you don’t feel the same but I learned my lesson the hard way.” He spins you around and pulls you back in. “I like you as more than just friends. Seeing you makes my day, I can literally be having the worst day and you make it better. If it weren’t for you working at Shield would have been a nightmare. You saw me for more than just Captain America and I don’t think you realize what that means to me. It’s never bothered you to have to do things differently or having to spend time teaching me something because I just don’t know about all of the new technology. Most importantly you don’t mock me for it, you accept me as I am. And I’m so grateful you’re in my life.”
Steve dips you and as he pulls you back up all you can do is stare up at him with wide eyes. He smiles fondly at you as he takes your hand and presses a kiss to your knuckles.
“I have to go on a mission. But would you be willing to talk about this some more when I get back?”
You just nod, all words had escaped you at the moment. How were you supposed to respond? You adored Steve but never in a million years did you think it was reciprocated. Steve leans down and kisses your cheek before walking towards Sam. Then you watch as they both walk out. By the time you leave the gala you’re still reeling and trying to figure out how to respond.
Steve didn’t get back until Tuesday. It had been four days since the gala and since he told you how he felt. He was supposed to be back today. You knew for a fact he was because some of the people on your team had mentioned seeing him. Without being able to take much more you rush to the elevator and press the button for his floor.
Everyone around you rushes out but you are glued to your spot. Standing at the doors is Steve, looking as handsome as ever. His eyes light up when he sees you even though there’s a really bad bruise on his cheek and it’s obvious the mission was worse than expected. Still he steps into the elevator and no one dares walk in, leaving the two of you alone. The elevator starts to ascend but Steve pushes the stop button.
“Hi.” You manage to squeak out.
“Hi, I am free tonight by the way.”
“Oh, good.” You say as you try to hide your smile.
“But another America joke really?” He holds up the post-it note you had placed inside a folder for him to find.
It simply reads: on a scale of one to America, how free are you tonight? With a few stars drawn around it.
“You are Captain America, I have to use that to my advantage.” You giggle at his fake huff of annoyance. “Since you’re a superhero does that mean you’re super free tonight?”
Steve genuinely laughs this time before he turns to you. He finds that you’re already looking up at him with a soft smile.
“You’re lucky you’re so cute.”
“Oh so you think I’m cute.”
“Yup.” He takes a step towards you, forcing you against the wall. His hands rest on the small handrail, effectively caging you in.
“How cute would I have to be to get you to kiss me?”
“I think you’re there already.” Steve says before his lips are on yours.
It was better than what you had imagined. His lips were soft, the kiss was sweet. Unfortunately it was short lived.
“If you two are done holding up the elevator, I’d really appreciate seeing Captain Rogers in my office. Now.” Director Fury’s voice came through the speaker and you pulled away quickly.
You giggled at the fact that you had been caught. The butterflies in your belly were in full flight as Steve smiled at you. When the elevator came to a stop he pressed a kiss to your cheek and stepped out.
“I’ll see you tonight.” You smile at him as the doors close. A few seconds later you get a text.
Steve: It's a date. 😉
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notyour-valentine · 2 years
Hello Val! I’d love to send you a request for your 1000 celebration (congrats again! 🥂)
I’d like to go with a blurb for modern!Tommy and the following prompt: “It is a common phenomenon that just the prettiest girls find it so difficult to get a man.”
Thanks ❤️
The Prettiest Girls ~ modern!Tommy Shelby x Reader (Fluff)
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[Celebration] [Celebration Masterlist] [Masterlist]
Warning: Mention of sexism in society, patriarchy, some swearing (18/21+). I do not consent to my work being translated, copied or posted elsewhere on this platform or any other.
Words: 1480 words
“Oi!”, she snapped as Tommy reached for the packet of still warm falafels and pulled them towards him without even sparing her a glance. 
“Those are mine!”, she hissed, snatching them right back.  For that, she had to get up and lean all over the polished black chrome table.
His head shot up and he glared at her with nothing but annoyance and impatience - as if she had insulted him.
“Seriously?”, he hissed, “You drink and eat here for free, the least you can do is give some of me own fucking food!”
“It’s not your food!”, Ada reminded him. “Its from that new vegan place around the corner.”
“We’ve got vegan food!”, Arthur argued, always quick to defend his establishment. “Chips and sweet potato chips and salad, I think?”
“If I eat nothing but chips all the time, I will break out worse than a freshers flu!”, she argued, dipping another one of her deliciously crispy fried falafels into the hummus. 
This was becoming a weekly thing, actually it was becoming almost normalcy. Ever since the Shelbys had moved into London too, it was more than convenient for her and Ada to spend their evenings here. Groceries was expensive and here they could practically drink them dry and even if they ordered food more to their taste, they could put it on Arthur’s tab. 
He didn’t mind in the slightest, not when it came to his sister and their childhood friend. 
Usually it was actually quite fun, with John in town too and Tommy actually having time to join them for a change, or so they had thought. 
But instead of a few rounds and some fun stories for old times sake, he was sitting in the corner of the private room, hacking away at his phone with such ferocity, she could have sworn he must’ve drilled holes into it by now. 
Always busy. Always occupied. 
As if that wasn’t enough, he cleared his throat and swiped. 
“Yes?”, he demanded to know, bringing his phone to his ear. “Is he for real now?”, Ada demanded to know as Tommy began to have a full on conversation with no regard to them and their talk. 
“Oi, at least put it on speaker!”, she offered with a chuckle. 
He threw daggers at her and got up, but on his way out, he swiped the bag with the remaining four falafels from the table. 
“Hey!”, she argued, but the door only fell shut, separating her from the rest of her dinner.
“Arrogant git.”, she hissed. 
“Don’t be harsh on him, love!”, Arthur insisted. “He’s busy with the business.”
She only shrugged. 
It was bothering her more than it should. She had left Birmingham to go to college, and had moved in with Ada so that they could share the costs. Then, before long, Tommy had bought them not only a house but a car, not that they needed it in central London, but it was nice to have.
She had thought him buying a house would mean he was around a bit more, but no. 
Only once had she passed him in the hall when he had been on his way out, and he had greeted her with a small smile and a meaningless “All good?”, but he was already on the run.
She missed Birmingham, she missed them all, but with Tommy it felt like the only place she yet held in his life was on a list of expenses - and that stung. 
But what was there to be done?
Tommy was his own man and she was her own woman. Besides, she was his little sister’s friend, hardly anyone of much importance in the busy life of Mr. Thomas Shelby. 
She still had Ada, and Arthur and John, so she needn’t mourn too much. 
Ada of course, had decided to enrol in the same university as she had, taking on Sociology, Politics and Gender Studies all in one go.
She was well suited for it and burned to share her knowledge with her, and now her brothers too. 
While (Y/N) could only contribute anecdotal evidence, they were certainly in agreement of many things. Especially in regards to the differences between men and women in society. 
And before long they were on a roll, with John blushing and Arthur paling with every word. The door behind her clicked open again, as Tommy returned - without her falafels. 
But that didn’t stop her from making her point.
“Women constantly get underestimated and reduced to their looks.”, she insisted, throwing her hands in the air. “It is just so exhausting!”
Ada nodded ceremoniously, impatient to get her own point in. 
 “Did you know Marilyn Monroe was actually really smart?”, she asked.
“If she was so smart why did she stand over that subway vent and have them take pictures up her skirt?”, John asked. 
“That was for a movie!”, Ada hissed, glaring at her brother. 
“Speaking of movie stars - everytime you turn on music in your car, that’s due to Hedy Lamar - the one with the stars.”, she insisted, waving around the back of her head. “She invented Bluetooth, or rather the technology behind it.”
“So far more than looks- but history remembers them as pretty!”
Ada said the word as if it was a slur, or at least a taint. 
“Anyway, back to the original problem. Women get reduced due to their looks so much that it impacts every aspects of their lives!”
“But isn’t that also a good thing?”, John asked. “I mean, there is pretty privilege, right?”
That made her stomach coil. 
“Wanting to sleep with someone isn’t the same as listening or valuing them!”, she snarled, considering if she should try to aim for his shin under the table. 
“Besides,”, Ada added, “most men are intimidated by both attractive and intellectual women. Combine the two and 99% of men run to the hills.”
She leaned back and sighed in dramatic fashion, giving her a lamenting look. “It is a common phenomenon that just the prettiest girls find it so difficult to get a man, one who is not intimidated or even fells insulted.”
“My words exactly!”, she added with a nod. 
Across the table, Tommy scoffed. 
“You got something to say?”, Ada hissed, as always ready for a fight, especially with her favourite sparring partner. 
She loved to argue, but arguing with Tommy was the rarest and most favoured pastimes for her. 
And he didn’t care to back down from a fight and so met his sister’s gaze with that barely-there knowing smirk of his, as if the universe had laid bare all the secrets it contained in front of him and him alone. 
“Maybe?”, Ada asked, “Go on then.”
He shrugged in dismissal once more.
“I think you’re making things too complicated.”
“We? We are making things too complicated?”
Ada’s cheeks began to flush and she could practically see the speech beginning to form. 
“Yes. I’m not exactly saying that society’s perfect but it’s not the cause of everyone’s problems.”
“It kind of is, though!”, Arthur argued.
Tommy shot him a dark glare, all playfulness he had in his eyes when he had faced Ada gone at the sight of his brother’s betrayal. 
“If (Y/N) can’t find a man, it’s hardly the patriarchy’s fault. Perhaps she’s just looking in the wrong places.”
She choked on her drink, feeling the liquid climb up to her nose as she coughed, barely managing to cover her mouth with a napkin as Arthur hit her back. 
“Wait what?”, Ada asked, staring at her brother in utter disbelief.
“When did this discussion become about me?”, (Y/N) managed to croak out, her eyes burning. 
“Yeah, what are you on about, Tommy?”, John demanded to know, before his face split into a wide grin. “Hang on-”
“Shut up!”, Tommy hissed, as his ears began to turn red. “I must’ve misheard, alright. Nothing to get stuck up on.”
He fidgeted with his cufflinks. 
John threw his head back in laughter and even Ada giggled.
“Did he just call me pretty?”, (Y/N) asked, bracing her elbows on the table as she leaned forward, having recovered from her drink mishap. 
“Pretty and intellectual!”, Arthur added for formalities sake, earning more throaty chuckles and giggles, as Tommy’s ears turned the shade of ripe tomatoes. One could even see the colour sneak up his neck. 
“What do you want me to say?”, Tommy hissed, “You’re not ugly, are you?”
His anger only made her giggle more as she leaned back. “I should put that on a t-shirt.”, she suggested with a smirk. 
“We could start a clothing line, make it Shelby Company Limited official and Tommy can write off a bit of tax, that would be nice, wouldn’t it, Tom?”, Ada teased, giving her brother a playful shove. He was hacking away at his phone again, pretending he didn’t hear, while his ears seemed to glow so brightly they couldn’t have lit the entire room on their own.
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Thank you so much @flyingjosephine-blog for requesting and participating in my celebration and for requesting modern!Tommy - I had such fun with this and I hope you like it!
Thank you everyone for reading and as always, I hope you enjoyed and would love to hear your thoughts!
If you want to participate in my celebration, click here!
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@knowledgefulbutterfly  @signorellisantichrist @lespendy @geeksareunique @look-at-the-soul
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theultimatefan · 10 months
Terminator, Star Trek Franchise Fans Get Big Boosts with Celebrity Additions at FAN EXPO New Orleans
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Already brimming with guests from the science fiction world, FAN EXPO New Orleans took another leap into the future (or perhaps the past?) with the additions of several standouts from two of the most iconic genre franchises at the convention, January 5-7 at Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, as announced today.
From The Terminator, Michael Biehn and Lance Henriksen from the original 1984 film will be joined by Robert Patrick and Edward Furlong from the sequel Terminator 2: Judgment Day, as well as the previously announced star of both, Linda Hamilton, making this one of the most significant “Terminator” reunions ever.
And as far as sci-fi universes go, it’s hard to beat “Star Trek” for variety and longevity, and FAN EXPO New Orleans brings several of the iterations together, adding Michelle Hurd (“Star Trek: Picard”) and Jonathan Frakes (“Star Trek: The Next Generation,” among others) to a roster that already includes Sonequa Martin-Green (“Star Trek: Discovery”).
And rounding out today’s announcement is Juliette Lewis, currently a regular on the Showtime drama “Yellowjackets” and a veteran of more than 100 movies and TV shows.
Biehn, best known for his role as “Kyle Reese,” sent back through time to defeat the Terminator character in the eponymous film, went on to star in other James Cameron movies Aliens and The Abyss, launching a career that has seen him appear in hits like Navy Seals, K2 and Tombstone opposite Kurt Russell, Val Kilmer and Sam Elliott.
Henriksen co-starred in The Terminator as LAPD police officer “Vukovich,” but he’d already acted in more than 20 TV shows and films, from Close Encounters of the Third Kind to The Right Stuff to “The A Team.” His roles got bigger following his turn as Vukovich, and the prolific Henriksen has been in more than 250 productions, most recently the Sundance selection “Bring on the Dancing Horses.”
Patrick took his turn as the “bad guy” (or “bad android”) “T-1000” in Judgment Day, earning accolades including Saturn Award and MTV Movie Award nominations for the portrayal. It was the first significant role in a career that has spanned five decades and shows no signs of slowing down, as he has been seen in no fewer than six productions in 2023, notably the Paramount+ original “1923” and Netflix drama series “The Night Agent.”
Furlong has long been a convention favorite of fans, for many because of his young “John Connor” portrayal in Judgment Day, which represented his acting debut, and for his dozens of other parts in films like Detroit Rock City, American History X and The Green Hornet, spanning youth and adult roles. The personable Furlong plays the lead character “Billy” opposite Shelley Duvall and Dee Wallace in this year’s feature horror film The Forest Hills.
Hurd has appeared in a wide array of films and TV shows, from sci-fi hits like “Star Trek: Picard” (as “Raffi Musiker”) to dramas like “Blindspot” to network series “90210,” “Gossip Girl” and “ER,” on which she had recurring roles, as well as longer runs on “Leap Years” and “Law & Order: SVU.”
Frakes has made “Will Riker” one of the most iconic characters in the “Star Trek” universe, bringing him up the ranks all the way to Commander from “TNG” through the current Paramount+ series “Picard.” Frakes has directed more than 75 episodes in and out of “Trek,” and appeared as an actor in everything from his first role as “Tom Carroll” on the classic soap opera “The Doctors” through to this year’s Hallmark holiday film A Biltmore Christmas.
Lewis first caught the attention of the entertainment world as a teen star in “I Married Dora,” National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation and Cape Fear, parlaying that early success into dozens of memorable roles. Her current run as “Natalie” in “Yellowjackets” has earned her Hollywood Critics Association and other award nominations.
This impressive group of newcomers are now part of a standout celebrity field at FAN EXPO New Orleans that, in addition to Hamilton and Martin-Green, boasts the Lord of the Rings “four hobbits” Elijah Wood, Sean Astin, Billy Boyd and Dominic Monaghan, plus Bruce Campbell (The Evil Dead, “Burn Notice”), Danny Trejo (Machete, The Book of Boba Fett), the "Daredevil" tandem of Charlie Cox and Vincent D'Onofrio, Katee Sackhoff (Star Wars’ “The Mandalorian”), Jon Bernthal (“The Punisher,” “The Walking Dead”), Sean Gunn (Guardians of the Galaxy, “Avengers: Infinity War”), the “Charmed” duo of Holly Marie Combs and Rose McGowan, Peter Cullen (Transformers), Jason Lee (Vanilla Sky, Almost Famous), Peter Weller (RoboCop, The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension), Felicia Day (“The Guild,” “Supernatural”) and many others. Fans can see the full list of celebrities at fanexpohq.com/fanexponeworleans/celebrities.
FAN EXPO New Orleans features the biggest and best in pop culture: movies, TV, music, artists, writers, exhibitors, cosplay, with three full days of themed programming to satisfy every fandom. More guest news will be released in the following weeks, including line-up reveals for comic creator guests, voice actors, and cosplayers.
FAN EXPO New Orleans runs January 5-7 at the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center. Show hours are Friday 3 - 8 p.m., Saturday 10 a.m. - 7 p.m., and Sunday 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Tickets start at $28 during the advanced prices window until December 21, and begin at $38 from December 22 through the end of the show; 3-day passes and VIP packages also available at fanexpohq.com/fanexponeworleans/buy-tickets. More information and updates can be found at fanexpohq.com/fanexponeworleans.
New Orleans is the first event on the 2024 FAN EXPO HQ calendar; the full schedule is available at fanexpohq.com/home/events/.
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random-mha-thoughts · 4 years
Here we are
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Honestly, I never thought I’d get here.  I thought I’d come here, write some stuff that I thought would be fluffy and cute and the rest of the fandom might enjoy reading too, and maybe get a few hundred followers in return.  I didn’t expect that I can say there are 1000+ people who have read at least one of my posts and waits for more because they like what I put out.  I have trouble wrapping my head around it.
I’m gonna pause right here for a sec because I wanna take this time to wish you guys Happy Easter and Happy Passover for those who are celebrating as I am with my family.  My university sucks and doesn’t give the religious holidays off anymore because they don’t wanna be skewed towards any particular religion anymore even if the President is a Jew ffs so I haven’t been able to spend Passover with my family in LA for the past 3 years, but this year really hit harder because of the virus, and it’s the first year my parents decided to do the seder ourselves instead of with my larger family.  Although I’m upset about that, I appreciate my immediate family for coming together and making great memories because of it, and I really hope you guys also come to appreciate that as well, even if you’re not celebrating a holiday this week or anytime soon.  Sometimes we take for granted what’s right in front of us because we think it’ll conveniently be there forever, but be conscious of that for even a brief moment.
Anyway, I really can’t thank you all enough for following me.  It’s been a fun 3 months with this blog so far and I’ve made some great friends, written some great stuff, gotten amazing requests that i’m still writing sorry T.T and I can’t express how much I’ve appreciated you.  I read every notification, scroll through every reblog, smile at every like, and love every reply/comment.  I’m really happy that there are people out there who I can reach with my content and make your day a little better as we share our fandom.  My heart is so full 💖
I’m gonna take a few moments to call out some of special people I’ve met here:
@lovingshoto Angie, you’re such a sweetheart and one of my closest friends here, I really hope you go far and gain your own following on this site for your writing because you deserve it 😘💖 I’ll always be here for you~
@tokoyamis-luv Zara you lovely bean you! I enjoy all your little messages in my ask. You’re my little baby who I want to protect forever and ever, thank you for lending me your mind for when I’m in a rut with writing. I love you 😘💖
@todorokiakina1​ my darling, we talk almost every day, I hope you get your writing juices back up and running, I believe in you! Thank you for always chatting with me 💖
@sunshhinnee  I remember you as the first few follower who took the time to like and reblog everything I wrote in my early days, and for that I’m so thankful for you 💕
@rintomoj @xi-i-i-whatsyouremergency @estrellitaaart @aurora-vorealis @imconfusedanditsok @shoujo-roki  @cyanide9602 @uacrack ik we’re mutuals on my main and we don’t talk often but hmu?? tag me in shit?? idk lets interact more and talk
All the admins at @bnhaclaimedmysoul​ for being so nice and inspiring me to start my writing blog in the first place, my heart especially goes to @evnscntspul for being a sweetie moot on my main
@evielament @soulily0 @musically-inclined-fangirl @fandomfreak1000000 @zyxys1 @multifandom-fanfic @fucking-super-yikes @the-lonely-pie @roeroeroeyourboet I don’t have the time to go through every single person who’s liked/reblogged every single thing/most things I’ve written (there are a lot of you, i see you guys, trust me) but I definitely notice you guys the most 
@bnhaloser my precious little sweetheart thank you for your love and fanfic readings on your youtube channel, please get some sleep and I hope you’re not burning yourself out too much! I’m still looking after you from the shadows 👀
@birds-have-teeth Ashi my precious senpai who noticed me 🥺 i love you, thank you again for putting me on your author recs list, i’m so grateful for you 🙏🏻
@shoutodoki @justshotoswifeisall my senpai friends Val and Kayla, you’ve both inspired me and you already know how much i love and appreciate you, but i’ll say it again for good measure l love youuuu 💖💖💖
Special shoutout to @adainelartz​ @boomboombakugou and all the anons who have ever sent me all the lovely requests! I’m finishing them up, I’ve been busy with school stuff and I’ve been burnt out, but I’ll hopefully finish a few more this weekend into next week! 
And one more big thank you to every person reading this post, whether you’re a brand new or old follower, if you’ve only read one of my posts or you’ve liked my entire masterlist, whether you’re a quiet reader or a vocal one, I really do appreciate you all and I’d like to give you all warm hugs.  You guys keep me going and I couldn’t have gotten this far without every single one of you, and I can’t express my gratitude enough 💕💘
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So! I’ll be doing requests this weekend, BUT I’m gonna be opening a 1K followers special event this weekend for anyone who wants to participate!  It’ll be mostly ask box stuff with a little something for the creatives to try their hand at as well.  I might even extend it to next week or until I hit 1,100 just for fun.  I look forward to talking to you guys then!
If you’ve reached the end of this long, mushy note, you’re a real trooper 👍🏻 Please take care of yourselves mentally and physically in these rough times.  I wish all of you health, safety, and calm in your social-distancing/quarantining.  Stay on top of your work/school but remember to take breaks when you need it 💙
With lots of love hugs and smiles
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150 Favourites for 1000 Followers
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As promised, to celebrate 1000 followers, here is a list of lists of my favourite things. (Yes, that’s what I meant to say.) I thought about doing 1000 favourite things, but OH MY GOD. It was getting tedious and no one would’ve wanted to read that many, so I just went for a nice, even 150. Cool?
Some categories were my idea, others were requests, all are things I am happy to bond with you over. We’re such a large group now. Let’s not be strangers.
My 5 Favourite...
Disney villains:
Madam Mim
Captain Hook
Serpent headcanons (requested by @cherylblossom-komwonkru):
Fangs and Sweet Pea live in the same trailer and sleep in a bunk bed
Sweet Pea and Toni were each other’s first kiss
Toni, Fangs, and Sweet Pea were watchfully accompanied on their scrappy childhood adventures by Hot Dog (think Nana with the Darlings)
F.P. is afraid of needles and had to be held down to get his tattoo
Tall Boy is somehow two Serpent children in a trench coat (don’t ask me for logistics)
hot chocolate
Scotch mints
Fanfics I’ve written:
Sweetwater Boundary: A Riverdale Western
Home Fires Burning
Finally, Finally (The Hunger Games)
It Ain’t Over Easy
Every Minute (Varchie)
‘70s films:
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh
Riverdale ships (requested by an anon):
Archie/Valerie (Valchie? Archerie?)
Rosie (Josie/Reggie)
smoked Gouda
aged cheddar
Riverdale episodes and why (requested by an anon):
1.01 - just a great setup, eerie and atmospheric
1.04 - who doesn’t love a night at the drive-in? Plus the reveal of Jughead’s dad, and Kevin and Joaquin’s kiss
2.02 - retro night at Pop’s was such a fun idea and great nod to the nostalgia the show frequently flirts with. Also my favourite Pussycats performance
2.16 - the Jughead vs. Archie showdown that had SO MUCH POTENTIAL before they decided to resolve it in about five seconds, and Fred’s decision to run for mayor
2.21 - I loved the apocalyptic tone this episode committed to. Utter madness and a total-town riot
20th Century novels:
Islands in the Stream
The Outsiders
The Hours
The Things They Carried
Acts/things/etc. (lol) in smut fics (requested by @theheavycrown)
a character becoming clumsy because another character is giving them The Look™
well-described kissing (I like the simple things, ok?)
morning sex
accurate vocalization
Personal holiday traditions:
watching White Christmas every Christmas Eve
carving pop culture jack-o’-lanterns every Halloween (last year, I did Steve Harrington with his bat o’ nails)
childhood Easter egg hunts in my uncle’s yard
Canada Day fireworks at the park during my teen years
everyone being together for Thanksgiving
Quotations between Riverdale couples (requested by an anon):
not an official couple at the time but... Alice [to F.P.]: “Is it true what they say about men who’ve just been released from prison, F.P.? That they’re incredibly sexually frustrated?”
Toni: “I usually do the honors.” Cheryl: “Not today, Cha-Cha. I was born for this moment.”
Hal: “Alice here, she’s been redecorating the Register. The other day, she threw a brick through the window.” Alice: “Keep talking, Hal, and the next brick I throw may not be at a window.” (so maybe not the most loving exchange, but I do adore Alice Cooper)
Archie: “I just wanted to say, what if we made a mistake?” Val: “First of all, we didn’t do anything. I broke up with you because I thought you were a hot mess. Clearly, I was right.” (are you sensing a pattern here?)
Jughead: “I didn’t think you were the American Werewolf kind of girl.” Betty: “Oh, that’s where you’re wrong, Jughead Jones. I’m all about the beast within.” (I based an entire story off this exchange lol)
Shakespearean plays:
Much Ado about Nothing
Richard III
King Lear
Henry V
‘60s songs:
“Do You Love Me” - The Contours
“I Can See for Miles” - The Who
“Wouldn’t It Be Nice” - The Beach Boys
“Paint it Black” - The Rolling Stones
“Bang Bang” - Nancy Sinatra
Fanfiction tropes (requested by @norhernserpent):
the boy/girl-next-door
enemies to lovers
friends to lovers
falling for the best friend’s sibling
historical AU
Methods for organizing my bookshelves:
book height
continent (based on the story, not the author’s nationality)
year of original publication
Least favourite Riverdale couples, canon and non (requested by an anon):
Chuck and Veronica
Nick and Cheryl
Penelope and Claudius (Really, Penelope? Your child-murdering dead husband’s dastardly identical twin who resurfaces just in time to get a chunk of that Blossom fortune? Ew.)
Polly and Jason
Hiram and Hermione (good characters, terrible marriage)
Items in The Parent Trap (1998):
the luggage set Annie brings to camp
Annie’s tin (containing the torn photograph)
Hallie’s (as Annie) pale blue suit (the great material desire of my childhood)
Annie’s (as Hallie) inner tube
Elizabeth’s second wedding dress
Desserts (requested by @village-skeptic):
pumpkin cheesecake
pumpkin pie
mint chocolate chip ice cream
sticky toffee pudding
raspberry pie
Things to say “no” to:
lite mayonnaise (give me regular or give me death)
department store perfume samples
email subscriptions
having my hair straightened at the hair dresser’s
trips to furniture stores
Roles of actors who also appeared in the Hunger Games series:
Paul Child (Julie and Julia, portrayed by Stanley Tucci)
young Ellie Arroway (Contact, portrayed by Jena Malone)
Mr. Bennett (Pride and Prejudice [2005], portrayed by Donald Sutherland)
Bernard (Westworld, portrayed by Jeffrey Wright)
Laura Brown (The Hours, portrayed by Julianne Moore)
Colours (requested by an anon):
Kelly green
seafoam green
Board games:
Ticket to Ride
Trivial Pursuit
Canadian novels (because I, myself, am Canadian):
Half-Blood Blues
The Book of Negros
The Englishman’s Boy
‘80s songs:
“The Way You Make Me Feel” - Michael Jackson
“Every Little Thing She Does is Magic” - The Police
“Dancing in the Dark” - Bruce Springsteen
“Crimson and Clover” - Joan Jett and the Blackhearts
“Call Me” - Blondie
Over-40 celebrity crushes:
Adrien Brody
Simon Pegg
James Marsden
Oded Fehr
John Cho
Things in “My Favourite Things” from The Sound of Music (let’s get meta):
warm woollen mittens
brown paper packages tied up with string
crisp apple strudels
sleigh bells
silver-white winters that melt into springs
Fictional female friendships:
Vivian and Kit (Pretty Woman)
Bliss and Pash (Whip It)
Carmen and Tibby (The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants)
Katniss and Johanna (The Hunger Games)
Jo and Beth (Little Women... yes, they’re sisters. Still counts)
Clubs/teams I was involved in during high school:
student athletic association
service club (collecting for food drives, community involvement, etc.)
grad commitee (planning the prom, essentially)
badminton team
band (junior, senior, and even, very briefly, jazz band)
TV shows:
Stranger Things
Dawson’s Creek
Gilmore Girls
Parks and Recreation
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italiasoloitalia · 6 years
Days 3,4: agriturismo viaF and Pienza
Today we are making our way to the Agriturismo Passalacqua, where Glenn stayed one night whilst doing the Via Francigena walk. This had been a particularly memorable rest point as he had done about 48kms that day and after asking a man where was the place he was looking for and the man had pointed to far-off hill town. Glenn’s blood ran cold as he pondered doing another 10-15 kms and the man said why don’t you stay here at my daughter and son-in-law’s agriturismo? Oh bless San Francesco said Glenn and within the space of 15mins he was sitting at a table overlooking the valley with a large, icy beer in hand! A fabulous meal followed and the genial Elena and Matteo added to a fond memory of how a very tough day turned into a blessedly welcome restpoint.
We choose a route that also takes in another of Glenn’s stops along the Via - the Abbazia Di San Salvatore, an abbey dating back to 12th century. It’s Sunday and the town is celebrating a religious event as well as First Communion ceremonies in the Abbey. We watch the festivities and are just as fascinated by the family rituals of the First Communion as the religious ritual of the procession. Everybody has donned their finery and the children of honour are kissed, hugged and pinched and obviously feel much love. We walk through and down to the crypts - a beautiful space of intricately carved marble columns, cool and quiet of the festivities above.
As we drive away and see a few more of the ViaF waymarkings, I am struck by the enormity of the walk and turn to Glenn to say “you know, it’s blowing my mind that you walked all this way!” and he replied, “you know, I’m thinking the same thing?”
A pleasant stop at a little roadside trattoria for a break under a vine-covered patio and enjoy watching a couple of adult family groups enjoying a casual Sunday lunch. The food looks amazing, no fuss or pretension, the waitstaff so on-the-ball yet low-key. We want to pull up our seats and join in but a few minutes later arrive at Passalacqua. A young man approaches and Glenn calls “Matteo!?” “No, io sono Francesco” 😳🤔 thinks Glenn. We’re shown to our rustic yet comfortable room (actually huge apartment) and within an hour are sitting at a table in the garden under a huge pinecone-laden tree, with a million-dollar view, chin-chinning with Aperol and Prosecco aperitivos.
Dinner will be in the garden says Francesco, what time would you like? The ‘tramonto’ (sunset) will be lovely and will not be dark till after 9pm? So, in the garden we sit, at a red-checked cloth table with flowers and candle as Francesco serves us crostoni of ricotta and wild onion, pici (Tuscany’s specialty pasta) with tomato, sweet garlic and basil, homemade sausage with raw artichoke salad, green salad and simple steamed potatoes studded with mint and olive oil, washed down with a wonderful house red. Coffee and cantucci with vin santo to sweeten the dream!
Elena has been the cook extraordinaire and has greeted us warmly...”Leh-daa!” and has filled Glenn in on the departure of Matteo and how good it is to now have Francesco (so strong!) by her side. Ah-ha! all is explained.
Francesco once again serves our simple yet perfect breakfast - yoghurt and berries, small pots of scrambled eggs, tomato bruschetta and the lemon cake he’d made himself. Strong, I’ll say! Another warm farewell after Elena shows me some antique botanical prints she’d discovered and we talk of their trip to Australia to satisfy their passion for diving. Once again, we feel the warmth of friendship.
Francesco recommends a few ‘don’t miss’ stops on our way to Pienza and the first is Bagni Vignoni, medieval thermal springs which ingeniously made use of water via a huge rectangular tank for milling grains. Very pretty. On to San Quirico d’Orcia, located in the centre of the Val d’Orcia, with more than a 1000 year history with ViaF. Stunning Renaissance Horti Leonini gardens, fortified walls, quartieri flags labeling their boundaries in preparation for festivities. Moving onwards through more of that landscape: endless golden wheat fields, undulating green hills, avenues of cypress trees along curving roads. Enchanting.
Montecchiello, Francesco’s favourite is indeed a gem. Medieval borgo village with ramparts dating back to 943 with a fascinating history, another of the hamlets caught up in the ongoing wars between Florence and Siena for supremacy. A spot of lunch at La Porta cantina and if you go, try for a table on the terrazza with superb views back over the valley.
Pienza, an Unesco world heritage site is our overnight and pleasingly it’s a rare hilltop town in that it’s mostly flat! Lovely piazza, Duomo, palazzi and as you stroll, thrilling glimpses, through arches and walkways, down on to the valley and surrounding mounts.
Lucky to score a table at Francesco’s recommended Da Fiorella and it’s wonderful. Coniglio! 🐰 🙋‍♀️🙊and Glenn has perfect gnocchi.
More Pienza exploring and see a marble plaque in a city gateway to the Pienzanesi who lost their lives when it was bombed in 1944 with a postscript honouring the children killed whilst playing when a hidden incendiary exploded a few months later.
Spend some time sitting in the park reading up on our next destination, Montepulciano.
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fanfoolishness · 8 years
Masterpost: First and Commander
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 A reluctant Dalish first, Namira Lavellan, finds herself at the head of the Inquisition.  Loving a shem was never part of the deal.
the scent of crystal grace, Namira’s first foray out as Herald.***
The First Laugh, art and drabble.  Cullen and Namira’s first laughter together.***
No Sign of Weakness, 1700 words, early Cullen/Lavellan.  Namira Lavellan finds Cullen a comfort after dark dreams.
Little Things, 1100 words, Cullen/Lavellan, flirting.  Cullen likes to spend time with the Herald — is that such a bad thing?
Fine Orlesian Crafts, 4500 words, Cullen/Lavellan. FLUFF. Cullen and Namira discover the joys of each other and fine Orlesian crafts on their second date of sorts.
Dirthara-Ma (May You Learn), 3500 words, Cullen/Lavellan, angst.  Clan Lavellan perishes and Namira is forced to reconsider her choices.
In Waking Sleep, 600 words, Lavellan character piece.  Lavellan returns home.  Angst.
Echoed a Vast Silence, 1200 words, Cullen/Inquisitor.  Dark dreams in the night, and an empty bed.
Of Birthdays, 1900 words, Cullen/Lavellan, fluffy.  The Dalish don’t celebrate birthdays the way shems do, and Namira goes into research mode when she realizes she’s missed Cullen’s birthday.
Letters, 660 words, Cullen/Lavellan, fluff.  Long distance doesn’t have to be a bad thing.
A Letter from Cole, who learns how to write, or remembers again; sharing how he sees Namira.
Out in the Elements, 900 words, Cullen/Lavellan, fluff.  Rainy days and mud fights.
To Work?, 900 words, Cullen/Lavellan, smut, NSFW.  An evening diversion.
Caves, Namira’s experience of the Deep Roads.***
Scars, 600 words, Cullen/Lavellan. Mild angst.  Lavellan has new scars; Cullen worries.
Through the Paths of This World, 7400 words, Cullen/Lavellan, angst with a happy ending.  After the assault in the Arbor Wilds, the Inquisitor disappears without a trace — and Cullen is beside himself.
What Needs Doing, grieving the losses of the Inquisition.
Kiss Meme, three kisses for Cullen and Namira.
Chicken Soup, fluff.  Namira’s got a cold.
And the Stars Stood Still, Cullen/Lavellan, 1230 words.  Stars have always been a comfort to Cullen, despite the things that have befallen him.  Angst with a happy ending.
Together, 1500 words, Cullen/Lavellan, fluff, canon-mostly-compliant AU.  Namira has been feeling under the weather lately and the diagnosis from the healers will change everything.
At the Market, drabble, the differences between Denerim and Val Royeux.***
Run Away with Me, angst, drabble.  Trespasser spoilers.
In the After, WORK IN PROGRESS. Post-Trespasser, angst, figuring out how to get back to normal.  Most recent chapter here.
Nostalgia, Cullen and Namira have grown old together.
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Stories about Cullen, many of them if things with Namira had gone differently. AUs and angst.
flash, drabble, angst, AU.  A sudden and terrible attack.  Death TW.***
Towards Another Day, 3400 words, Cullen character piece.  The man who leaves Kirkwall and the man who arrives in Haven are two very different people.  How did Cullen’s uniform come to be?  Some angst, some lyrium, a lot of promise, and Cullen’s hair.
Small World, 1000 words, Cullen character piece.  Did he used to know Leliana before the Inquisition?  Yes and no.  Angst.
Last Rites, 950 words, Cullen/Inquisitor, angst, dark.  Even for the Inquisitor the Rite of Tranquility is final. two by two, hands of blue, 4300 words, Cullen/Trevelyan.  ANGST. The Inquisitor begins taking lyrium, despite Cullen’s misgivings.  When lyrium withdrawal proves too painful, he reluctantly follows suit.  DID I SAY ANGST BECAUSE THIS DOES NOT GO WELL.
If You Asked It, 1300 words, Cullen/Lavellan unrequited, angst.  He tries to endure, but there are some things that canot be borne. Champion of the Just, 680 words, Cullen/Inquisitor, angst. Cullen is asked to take lyrium, and he does, but something’s missing.
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Namira and her first display of magic, doodle.***
Cullen and the mabari and Varric; a sudden realization.***
Namira and nightmares, art.***
A hug from behind.***
What Namira was allowed, as a First.***
Items Namira would drop in battle.
We can’t keep doing this, Cullen/Namira, NSFW.
Mini sexy times with Cullen/Namira.
Namira’s favorite possession.
Cullen tries to teach Namira to knit, fluff.
Namira and anniversaries, memefic.
Caught in the Storm, fluff with Cullen, Namira, and a friend.
Hypnagogia, Namira can’t sleep and Cullen is concerned. Pre-Trespasser.
What the Well Brought, Cullen/Lavellan, Lavellan drank from the Well of Sorrows, and - spoilers - sorrow happens
Scrub-a-dub-dub, Cullen bathes his mabari. Fluff.
Minific, “I trusted you.”  Cullen x Lavellan angst, Sera x Cadash fluff.
Love interest Tresspasser angst, a little dose of sadness for everybody
Waking Up, Cullen/Lavellan, fluff.
Advisors in the Fade, evil evil headcanon, ANGST
Namira ask meme + doodle.
Namira and Brinda as companions instead of Inquisitor.
Part 2.
Part 3.
Dwarven cups and Cullen.
Boys with swords and shields and scars, Cullen/Inquisitor, Alistair/Warden.
Cullen headcanon: where he got the lip scar.
Cullen headcanon: if she were to fall, no one could save him from himself.
Cullen headcanon: that silly rope belt he wears.
Cullen headcanon: why he always wears his gloves.
Cullen headcanon: comforts for both him and the Inquisitor.
Cullen headcanon: waking up to her.
Cullen headcanon: falling asleep.
If Dorian and Sera saw Cullen and the Inquisitor gettin’ busy.
Namira headcanons with appearances from Sera and Cullen.
Namira realizes she has a crush, drabble.
Tiny, smutty Cullen musings
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META: Perserverence and Cullen’s body language
META: Pathophysiology of Lyrium Addiction
Update with info on how to safely withdraw from lyrium use
META: Biology and Life History of Lyrium, and Dwarven Physiology
META: Pathophysiology of the Blight and Red Lyrium
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crazyunsexycool · 1 year
Hehe okay so I saw this prompt:
my love is your arm stuck in the claw machine. you were going to steal that prize for me?? oh my gosh. let me rescue you and also show you how to actually do this
And my mind immediately went to Kissing Booth!Steve - maybe it’s the next years fundraiser/fate and he tries to win her a toy but is failing so he ends up trying to steal it 🥺
Ok but this is such a cute prompt!!
Warning: fluff
A/N: I changed the prompt a little bit but it still works!
Arcade games
It was a get together to celebrate the end of the semester. It just so happens that the date was close to your one year anniversary with Steve. It was a fantastic year being at his side and what better way to celebrate than with the friends that helped get you together. They had chosen the bar and arcade not too far from campus. Everyone had been bouncing back and forth from the bar to the arcade games. You and Steve had gotten separated but it was ok because most of the time you could look around and see him.
But now he was nowhere to be found. You asked the girls and they said they saw him with Bucky. When you asked him he said he saw Steve with Sam and Thor. Finally Thor directed you to some game toward the back of the room. The last thing you expected to find was your 6’2 boyfriend kneeling in front of the claw machine with his hand trying to reach a prize.
“What are you doing?” You asked as you finally walked around to where he could see you.
“Baby, oh thank god. I can’t get out of this.”
You wanted to laugh and he could see it in your face. He went beet red when you pulled out your phone and took a picture.
“Why is your arm in there anyway?”
“No reason.” He answered way too quickly.
“My love, why is your arm stuck in the claw machine? We’re you going to steal a prize for me?”
“Maybe…” steve gives you a sheepish smile.
“Aaww. Let me rescue you and then I’ll show you how to actually to this.”
You leaned down and pulled his arm free. Steve sighed as he moved his arm around a bit.
“Come on golden boy. Let me show you how it’s done.”
Steve happily stands behind you, hands on your hips as he looks over your shoulder. You put a few coins in and begin to explain how you can win something every time.
“Ok, if you’re so good at it try getting that stuffie right there.” He pointed to a simple brown teddy bear with a ribbon in your favorite color.
“Is that the one you were going to get for me?”
“Yup.” He stands to the side this time and watches as you expertly maneuver the claw around.
After a minute or so the bear is being lifted and then dropped into the collection area. Steve pulls it out of the machine and inspects it.
“Will you look at that. It has an extra gift.”
Around the teddy bears neck is a beautiful necklace. Steve is grinning in your direction.
“Happy anniversary baby.” He says as he hands you the bear.
“Steve it’s beautiful. Wait, were you even stuck?”
“Nope coach would kill me if I hurt my arm. I just wanted to surprise my girl.”
“Will you put it on for me.”
Once he’s done you turn around and kiss him. Steve pulls you closer and only pulls back once you need air.
“I love you.”
“I love you too, Baby.”
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notyour-valentine · 2 years
Congratulations once again on hitting 1000 followers, Val - that’s such an amazing milestone, and I don’t know of a person who deserves it more than you 🥳💕
I am most certainly going to be creating something for your celebration, but I also wanted to send something in. I absolutely love the promoters that you’ve created for this. They’re so good!!!
Could you write something with this prompt “I live, which is the main point.” and Tommy Shelby? I feel like that’s definitely something he’d say.
Thanks so much in advance, and congrats again on 1K!! ☺️
Red Lies ~ Tommy Shelby x Reader (Angst/Fluff)
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[Celebration] [Celebration Masterlist] [Masterlist]
Warning: blood, mention of injury, menstruation (18/21+). I do not consent to my work being translated, copied or posted elsewhere on this platform or any other.
Words: 2239 words
It was like thunder, although there had been not a single strike of lightning to warn her. 
She flinched so hard at the pounding on her door that she nearly dropped the kettle. 
Her first instinct was to run upstairs and hide, but she was the one responsible here tonight- she couldn't hide. What if it was important?
And so she crept to the door, her breath caught in her throat. 
All her hopes that it had been but a fragment of her imagination were shattered when the pounding resumed, more feverishly this time. 
Her hands trembled as she glanced out through the tiny window, seeing the familiar slender frame with a lowered head, his face obscured by a peaked cap. 
Every man, woman and child would have recognised that particular frame, even without her own family’s ties. 
It was during the third round of pounding that she finally opened the door. 
Thomas Shelby pushed passed her immediately, before slamming the door shut and locking it, as if he was master here. 
Only when he was sure it was secure, he turned to her, the least of his worries. 
She had retreated to the foot of the stairs, her fingers clutching the bannister and her eyes wide as she watched him. 
"Your brother home?", He demanded to know, wiping his mouth with his sleeve. 
"H-he's gone with my father to the country. He'll be back in two days."
Tommy Shelby nodded, ripping his cap off of his head and running his fingers through his hair as he glanced out once more. 
Her brother had one just like it, razor blade and all. 
"Your mother home?", He asked without averting his gaze. 
"Out. Mrs Clark on Greet Lane is having her baby. She's helping."
Slowly he turned, giving her look that was the mixture of shock and disappointment, as if it was her fault no one was here to receive him. 
"S-sorry.", She mumbled, her fingers twisting in the fabric of her nightgown. 
"All on your own then?", He asked. 
"The little ones are asleep upstairs."
If he hadn't woken them with his banging that was. 
Tommy nodded and glanced up as if he wanted to look through the walls to confirm her statement. Perhaps he was. With him, one could never be too sure. 
"Alright.", He mumbled, wiping sweat from his brow once more. "Yeah- you go up. I'll - ah. I'll stay here for a bit. I'll be gone in the morning."
She didn't move, her lips parting at the sight. 
"Go. It's fine.", He assured her once more, shooing her up the way he would a horse
Only it wasn't fine. 
"Tommy,", she began unsure of what how to say it. 
"Yeah?", He asked impatiently, his pale blue eyes wide. 
"Tommy you're dripping."
And it wasn't water from the rain. 
He glanced down, seeing the crimson stains on the floorboard. 
With a curse, he wiped at it with his shoe which only ever served to spread the red. 
"Fuck- ah. Have you got a towel? Or a rag? Something you can throw away after?"
His other hand found his arm and pressed down. 
Now she really did run- all the way up the stairs to where they kept the medical supplies and bandages. 
When she came down again, he had taken his coat off and she could see that the whole sleeve of his shirt had been soaked with blood below the cut on his upper arm. 
Oh no. 
She bid him to follow her and dumped it all down on the kitchen table before taking the washing cloth and running back to the corridor before it would stain permanently. 
When she returned she saw that he had removed his shirt and was using the balled up fabric to soak up the blood. 
While doing that, he was standing by the stove, with nearly all the cupboards ripped open and a pot of water heating up. 
"I've got warm water in the kettle.", She told him after surveying the chaos. 
"Oh.", He mumbled almost apologetically. 
She chose one of the porcelain soup bowls, a dark one that wouldn't stain and filled the water which she had boiled for the tea she had hoped would help her to sleep inside. 
There was no way that would happen anytime soon. 
"Thank you. You can go.", He told her, doing that nagging little wave again. 
"I've got to clean up first.", She mumbled. 
How he had caused so much havoc in the two minutes she had been cleaning the hall was beyond her. 
But he had. 
"And I can help you."
He only hummed and sat down by the chair closest to the window. 
She dipped a clean cloth into the water before bringing it to his arm. 
The cut was long but not too deep. 
He still hissed as she dabbed along the gash. 
"Sorry.", She mumbled, trying to ignore the warmth that radiated from his body. 
While focussing on the cut, she made sure not to let her eyes wander to the dark marks on his pale skin. She had never seen any man with a tattoo bar that one sailor they had passed in the streets, but he had been from the Southern Isles. 
Then again, neither her father nor brother had one and which other man would she ever get to see without his shirt?
Apart from the Thomas Shelby who had invited himself in their home in the middle of the night. . 
"You got some liquor?", He asked. 
She swallowed and glanced over her shoulder. 
"Well, Patrick has some, but I'm not allowed to touch his things.", She admitted. 
Tommy's lips twitched at the mention of his comrade. 
"If he gives you trouble, tell him it was on my orders, eh?"
He wouldn't argue with that. 
So she quickly made her way to her brother's not to secret hiding place in her drawer. It had been his idea to hide his things in a box there because in case the police came, they wouldn't suspect it as much in a girl's room. 
She tried very hard to ignore the gun and bullets as she pulled the half empty bottle of white rum out, making sure it was all in its place before she went back down. 
"Good.", Tommy said as he noticed it. He took it from her hands and opened it with a hiss, before taking a big gulp. 
Her eyes widened, but she had little chance to think as he shoved it into her hands again. 
"I-I don't drink.", She argued. 
"You don't have to drink.", He said, "just take the cloth, soak it and dab it on."
Idiot, she cursed herself. Of course he wasn’t asking her to drink it. Why would he?
She shouldn't let him distract her so. It wasn't right. 
While taking the bloody cloth up again, she did as she was told. 
He hissed in pain and almost buckled over, the longer strands of his hair falling into his face and sticking to his sweaty forehead. 
"I'm sorry.", She insisted, as she pulled back, the once white cloth between her fingers. 
He waved it off although she could see how clenched his jaw muscles were. 
Just as he was about to say something, there was more banging on the door, making her head snap around. 
"Police- open up!"
She stared at Tommy, silently pleading with him to tell her what to do. 
He brought a finger to his lips. 
"We can see the light- open up or we will break the door down. 
Her mind was racing at a thousand miles an hour. She couldn't send him up the stairs without them being able to see his shadow. 
"Open up!", Came the order once more, making her flinch. 
"I'm coming!", She argued as she pushed against the wall, in that spot which wasn’t seen from the door or corridor. 
Her hands trembled as she undid all the locks he had put in place earlier. 
But she didn't have to be afraid. 
After all, she was a law abiding citizen with nothing to hide. To them. 
Or at least she had to seem like that. 
"What is going on?", She asked as she opened the door to see four policemen in front of them. 
They tried to glance over her shoulder. 
"Anyone else here?", The chief officer demanded to know. 
"Just my younger siblings, but they are asleep, officer.", She lied. 
Thankfully she was only wearing her nightgown, which was a good excuse for her trembling body and voice. 
"Did you see anyone pass by? Or let anyone in?"
She shook her head. 
She hadn’t seen him pass and technically he had let himself in, so it was not entirely a lie. 
"Then why are you up?", Another asked. "It's the middle of the night."
Her mouth went dry. But she had been up before, hadn't she?
Just say that!
"I-I couldn't sleep.", She admitted. It wasn’t a crime, was it?
They all stared at her for a few seconds and where already retreating, making her breath a sigh of relief. 
"Wait, why do you have blood on that cloth? And on your hands?", The officer to the right of their leader demanded, grabbing her arm and pulling her hand up for them all to see. 
For a moment she thought all was lost. 
They would arrest her and Tommy for whatever he had done. They'd take her to a prison and then her siblings would be all alone. After all, what reason could a girl possibly have to be up in the middle of the night with hands and a piece of cloth covered in blood- wait!
The idea came to her in a cloud of panic, otherwise she would have thought of something more suitable. But it was the best she had. 
"It's because of my monthlies, Sir!"
The words burst out of her before she had a chance to think them through. They startled her into silence just as they did with the officers, but she couldn't be silent for long, not if she wanted them to believe her. 
"Yes. My monthlies. A-and that's why I was up too. The pain, the cramps…they get so bad I couldn't sleep. People think it's just the stomach, but it's the back too. I could barely move, so bad did it get. And-"
"That's quite enough!", The officer said while the other dropped her hand as if he had burned himself, staring at her with disgust and horror. 
"Lock the doors and take care.", Their leader insisted as he ushered the other out. 
"There's all sorts of vermin outside."
She nodded and closed the door, watching them leave. Only then, did she breath a sigh of relief, only to almost cry out when she saw him waiting in the way to the kitchen. 
The fact that he must have heard made her cheeks burn. 
"That was clever.", He admitted, the hint of a smile playing on his lips. 
"Let's just finish the bandages."
He had been watching her before but now there was something different in his gaze. She didn't like it very much. 
"So…", she finally said, only to rid herself of this suffocating silence. "Coopers?"
And to make them both think of anything but her embarrassing lie!
He gave a single nod. 
"Much trouble?"
"Not enough to worry you."
She put the scissors down with a sharp inhale. It was far from the first time she had heard that, but somehow she felt he didn't really have the right to put her down like that. 
"I let you in in the middle of the night only to have you bleeding out over my floorboards. I clean your wound. I bandage you up. And hide you and I lie to the coppers. I could be arrested for that, you know?"
He scoffed and took a sip of the rum. 
"Some trouble. It's personal, nothing to do with the business."
Nothing to do with Patrick was what he meant to say, but it was only half an explanation. 
"And I wasn't bleeding out. It's just a little cut."
Her lip curled in disapproval. 
"I live,", he assured her, sounding almost amused, "that's the main point, that and the fact that it has nothing to do with you or your family. Tomorrow it'll all blow over."
When she realised she would get nothing more, she sighed and put the kettle on again. 
It began to heat up while she collected the clothes and sorted them between ruined and salvageable, pouted out the dirty water and scrubbed the bowl. 
His hawkish eyes followed her every move, making her skin crawl. 
As the water stopped boiling she prepared two cups, placing them down on saucers with a spoon. 
"Tea?", She asked, not because she actually wanted to know his response but because she didn't know what else to do. 
He wasn't very talkative, nor the best company but she couldn't just leave him sitting here on her own. Gangster or not, he was still her guest, in a way, and it would be rude to leave him to his own devices. 
"Ah no.", He said, tapping the whisky with the ring on his little finger. 
So she sighed once more, pouring it only for her. 
"But I won't mind one of those biscuits."
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Dear @runnning-outof-time, thank you so much for your kind words and your continued support. My time on this platform wouldn't be nearly as fun without you! I am glad you like the theme and the prompts. All the themes are based off of things that have happened to me/that I have done, i.e. my own midnight escapades, and all the prompts are either from my favourite work of poetry (Onegin) or by my favourite poem, the legendery menace that was is and will be Heinrich Heine (couldn't miss my chance to plug the main man)
I hope you enjoyed what I wrote for you!
Thank you everyone for reading and as always, I hope you enjoyed and would love to hear your thoughts!
If you want to participate in my celebration, click here!
@lilyrachelcassidy @jyessaminereads @chlorrox @watercolorskyy @books-livre @quarterpastmidnight  @lilyevanswhore  @polishcrazyone  @zablife  @just-a-harmless-patato  @stevie75 @flyingjosephine-blog @runnning-outof-time @babayaga67 @butterfly-skinnylegend
@knowledgefulbutterfly  @signorellisantichrist @lespendy @geeksareunique @look-at-the-soul
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jenmedsbookreviews · 7 years
So. Funny old week. Started off in a rather unspectacular fashion. Went to work. Did work type stuff. Got bored. Rinse and repeat on Tuesday. Well, Health and Safety meeting on Tuesday so I was mainly depressed by lunchtime, but still relatively uneventful. Flying visit to Dublin on Wednesday (literal as it’s a long walk from my house) in which I managed to set the Irish budget (mostly). Go me. On the plus side I got a lot of reading in at the airports and on the plane so it wasn’t all bad.
Thursday… what to say about Thursday? Well, first up, I was only in work for half a day which is always nice. I had the afternoon booked off to attend the book launch of Lloyd Otis’s debut novel, Dead Lands. Great book which I’ll be reviewing very soon and which, coincidentally, I was actually reading on my way to London. Arriving in London, me and my sister decided to treat ourselves to some wonderful Danish pastries at Ole & Steen on Haymarket. If you like Danish pastry (and I mean the real deal not the soggy stuff you find festering in the cake department fo supermarkets) then you could do worse than visit this place. I’m not being paid to say this, not at all. I just happen to think their food is lush and very reasonably priced for a central London Cafe/Restaurant.
So, one lovely toastie and cake fest later, Mandie and are are headed to the nearby (overpriced) giant sweet shop so that she can buy her friend a stick of pink rock. It’s a thing… Don’t ask. While I’m loitering in the entrance trying not to get enraged by the prices they are charging (£10 for a box of Oreo cookies!!!) I decide to check my emails. Oh my giddy Aunts. I won’t lie. I know I must have looked like a complete div. I know this as while I was reading one particular email I was stood staring out at Piccadilly Circus literally opened mouthed in shock, waiting for Mandie to join me and check that I wasn’t actually seeing things. Please note – I am getting very old and I wasn’t wearing my glasses so I could quite honestly have been reading anything. But no. I wasn’t seeing things. What I was reading was real.
I had received an e-mail from The Writer Awards, telling me that I had been named as one of the top nominated book blogs. Apparently they had been seeking nominations and from 1000+ recommendations, my little old blog had been selected as one of the best. Now, being honest, and being blind, I hadn’t read the whole email and I am always cautious about selecting links in emails as you never know if it’s a virus. I’d seen mention of top 33 so I figured number 30 wouldn’t be bad, but being the sceptical soul that I am, I googled The Writer Awards rather than followed the link. Sure enough a site showed up a the top of Google and I clicked through to find the Blogger Awards near the top of teh site. As I started clicking through the list, I really expected to be scrolling through for hours. Imagine my surprise when at No.10 I found Jen Med’s Book Reviews. No. 10!!!
I double checked the e-mail and sure enough there it was. Ranked no. 10. Of 1000+ blogs. And why – well apparently this little weekly mind melt is one of the reasons. Who knew. I thought it was just a good way to fill a gap in my blogging diary 😀
For those of you reading this on a phone, what this says is
This blog nicely weaves in the author’s own adventures through weekly recaps. It’s like you’re following a bookish journey from book tours to recaps to the reviews themselves. The creator’s personality really shines through!
Now personally I believe that they missed the word disorder out of the above statement but let’s look at the facts: Weekly adventures from book tours (Dead Lands – check), recaps (look below – check) and the reviews themselves (see the bottom of the post for links to all of last weeks posts – check). Well. Yep. That’s me then.
All joking aside, I am still rather stunned to have received the email. I’ve only been blogging for around 15/16 months, and in all honesty, only really been pushing myself to take it seriously since last November (a post a day for months now excluding Christmas) so this is absolutely amazing. Whoever it was that nominated me, thank you. It really means a lot. I knew nothing about this, can’t really understand how I got here, but at least I know that all of my hard work (well reading and occasional rambling) does mean something. I often feel that although I have a bias towards crime fiction, my blog is neither one thing or another, and so it feels like it’s harder to build a following that it might be for a dedicated crime fiction or Sci-fi/fantasy focused blog for example. And anyone who knows me will testify that being recognised for my ‘personality’ has seldom been a good thing in the past. 😉 So, for a gal without a gimmick I’m feeling kind of proud.
Enough of the fluffiness… Back to Thursday night. What an evening. So great to see Lloyd again and to be able to help him celebrate his success. I have no doubt that Dead Lands is going to do really well and that he has an amazing future in front of him. I first met Lloyd at Crimefest which seems forever ago now – long I’m sure for Lloyd – but it is so good to be able to support him on his journey, even if it’s just by way of a review. Good luck, Lloyd.
So. Back to my week. Friday was all work. Boo hiss… Any way. Moving on.
Book post wise – well Monday saw my last Mr Men Christmas book arrive so I am all set for Christmas month on the blog. Sort of. And, you know how Thursday was a pretty awesome kind of a day? Well what I didn’t mention is that when I popped home at lunch before catching my train I was greeted by the Post Man bringing me a parcel. A bookish parcel. A very exciting bookish parcel. It was only Now We Are Dead by Stuart MacBride which I’ll be reviewing for First Monday Crime in November. Stuart will be appearing alongside authors Vaseem Khan, Simon Booker and Elodie Harper, with the panel charied by Barry Forshaw. I was lucky enough to attend October’s panel and I’m sure as heck going back for the next one. Maybe I’ll see you there.
Book purchase wise – well aside from the signed copy of Dead Lands (whoop whoop), I’ve been a very good girl. I only bought 4 books. Just 4. 2 preorders, Helen Phifer’s Dying Breath and Susi Holliday’s The Deaths of December, and two books recommended in Ann Girdharry’s recent Book Love post as they sounded right up my street, LaRose by Louise Errdich and Red Blood, Yellow Skin by Linda L.T. Baer.
Netgalley saw me downloading two titles again, both for blog tours. First up Stephen Edger’s Dying Day and also Kierney Scott’s Now You See Me. I also received an ARC of Jennifer Gilmour’s new book (more on that tomorrow).
  And aside from some teeny tiny audible purchases, namely Elly Griffiths’ The Chalk Pit, Val McDermid’s Insidious Intent and B.A. Paris’s Behind Closed DoorsBehind Closed Doors that is absolutely it.
B.Reading wise, I read just the four books this week. Been busy and in schock 😉
Books I have read
Zenka by Alison Brodie
Devious, ruthless, and loyal.
Zenka is a capricious Hungarian with a dark past.
When cranky London mob boss, Jack Murray, saves her life she vows to become his guardian angel – whether he likes it or not. Happily, she now has easy access to pistols, knives and shotguns.
Jack discovers he has a son, Nicholas, a male nurse with a heart of gold. Problem is, Nicholas is a wimp.
Zenka takes charges. Using her feminine wiles and gangland contacts, she will make Nicholas into the sort of son any self-respecting crime boss would be proud of. And she succeeds!
Nicholas transforms from pussycat to mad dog, falls in love with Zenka, and finds out where the bodies are buried – because he buries them. He’s learning fast that sometimes you have to kill, or be killed.
As his life becomes more terrifying, questions have to be asked:
How do you tell a mob boss you don’t want to be his son?
And is Zenka really who she says she is?
I read Alison’s last book, Brake Failure last year and really enjoyed the blend of humour and action. Based around an East End crime boss who is trying to get to know his son for the first time, this book is packed full of laughs, action and the odd body dump. It had me chuckling all the way through at the series of mishaps and misunderstandings. And god help Olga!!! You can see my review next week and in the meantime you can order the book here.
Dead Lands by Lloyd Otis
The stunning debut from thriller writer Lloyd Otis. 
When a woman’s body is found a special team is called in to investigate and prime suspect Alex Troy is arrested for the murder. Desperate to remain a free man, Troy protests his innocence, but refuses to use his alibi. Trying to protect the woman he loves becomes a dangerous game – questions are asked and suspicions deepen. 
When the prime suspect completes a daring escape from custody, DI Breck and DS Kearns begin the hunt. Breck wants out of the force while Kearns has her own agenda and seeks revenge – and a right-wing march provides an explosive backdrop to their hunt for Troy. 
Lloyd Otis brings a startling account of the past back to life over a burgeoning ’70s landscape, and delivers a thrilling piece of crime fiction that will excite any fan of the genre.
What a debut. Full of suspicion, tension there is a ruthless and brutal killer on the loose but is he the man the police suspect? Set in 1970’s London I loved the freedom that this brings to the narrative as well as adding to the tension as you know that the police cannot rely on the forensics to get their man. So will justice prevail? Well – read for yourself to find out. I have and I’ll be reviewing in a little over a week for the blog tour. However, the book is available now and you can bag a copy here.
A Cosy Candlelit Christmas by Tilly Tennant
All singleton Isla wants for Christmas is to be left in peace, but a surprise trip to the Alps means there’s a chance for romance in every snowflake that falls…
It’s the week before Christmas and Isla McCoy has just received an unexpected gift: a letter announcing she is due a life-changing inheritance, but only if she’s willing to make amends with the father who abandoned her. 
She has absolutely no intention of forgiving him, but who could resist an all-expenses-paid trip to the French resort of St Martin-de-Belleville? 
There she meets smooth-talking Justin and nerdy glaciologist Sebastian; two very different men, with two very different agendas. Torn between her head and her heart, Isla finds herself utterly lost in a winter wonderland of her own feelings. 
Surrounded by twinkling candles and roaring log-fires, Isla’s resolve finally begins to melt. But will she learn how to reconnect, not only with a whole new family, but with herself and her heart?
A gorgeously heart-warming festive read to help spark a little romance in those long winter nights. Perfect for fans of Jane Linfoot, Debbie Johnson and Jenny Colgan.
The difficult situation of meeting her estranged father is what greets Isla this Christmas. But maybe that’s not all. In an idyllic ski-resort setting, with crisp white snow and beautiful scenery all around, could love also be on the cards. Released on 26th October, I’ll be spilling the beans on this book really soon, in the meantime you can order a copy right here.
The Lost Child by Patricia Gibney
They placed me in here and threw away the key. I look down at the gown they’ve put on me. I want my own clothes. I don’t know how long I’ve been here.
An elderly woman is found murdered in her own home, and Detective Lottie Parker and her partner Detective Boyd are called in to investigate. When they discover that the victim’s daughter is missing as well, they start to fear for the safety of the whole family…
Two days later as a nearby house is set on fire and with the body count rising, Lottie and her team begin to unpick a web of secrets and lies, as the murders seem to link back to a case investigated by Lottie’s father before he took his own life. 
With little knowledge of what really happened to her father, Lottie knows this is a case that could give her some answers. But how much does she want to know? And how far is Lottie prepared to dig to uncover the truth?
The Lost Child is a thrilling page-turner from the bestselling author of The Missing Ones and The Stolen Girls that will have you guessing right to the very last page. Perfect for fans of Rachel Abbott, Angela Marsons and Robert Dugoni.
Book three in the Lottie Parker series sees our troubled Irish Detective investigating a murder and brutal attack which could well have links back to her own father. With her personal life as complicated as ever, can Lottie keep her head clear enough to get to the truth? You can find out when the book is released on 27th October if you preorder the book right here.
I’ll take that as I’ve been busy this week. Blogging wise, another really full on week of reviews and book love which you can follow right here.
The Unexpected Inheritance of Inspector Chopra
#BookLove: Anne Williams
Snowflakes, Iced Cakes and Second Chances
#BookLove: Ann Girdharry
Cover Reveal: Conrad Jones
Press Release: Heywood Hill Competition
Her Last Secret by Barbara Copperthwaite
The Fallen Agent by Oliver Tidy
Snare by Lilja Sigurdardottir
The week ahead is just as busy with a mammoth number of blog tours. First up today is Zoe Sharp’s Fox Hunter; on Wednesday is The Second Son by Andy Blackman, Thursday is Lily Graham’s Christmas At Hope Cottage and Friday is Sharon Maas’ The Girl From The Sugar Plantation. I’ll also have book love posts from Joanne Robertson of My Chestnut Reading Tree and Meggy Roussel of Chocolate’n’Waffles and my second Inspector Chopra review. Busy, busy, busy – just how I like it.
Adventure wise – well nothing bookish but I’ve got to travel to Manchester and Edinburgh this week to deliver some project training so who know what I’ll listen to along the way.
Have a fabulous week of bookishness all.
JL  (award winning book bloggist  )
Rewind, recap: Weekly update w/e 15/10/17 So. Funny old week. Started off in a rather unspectacular fashion. Went to work. Did work type stuff.
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crazyunsexycool · 1 year
First and foremost....happy birthday to one of my favorite writers and mutual 😘🎂🎉
I am participating in your celebration by requesting a blurb with the following prompt with any of the amazing Avenger men of your choice
oh it's nothing it's just. you sing when you're happy and the place has been so quiet for so long, and I heard you- nevermind,
Lots of love 💗
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Kris thank you so much, you’re so freaking sweet!!!
A song in a quiet places
Pairing: Tony Stark x Reader
A/N: love that prompt!! I hope you like it. I’m going out of my comfort zone and writing for Tony!
The compound had been eerily quiet for months. Some team members were on the run, others were retired or under house arrest but you were still there. People still needed help and you just couldn’t turn your back on them. The first few months were the worst, you missed your friends and knowing they were on the run saddened you. Knowing that the team as a whole was gone and would most likely never get back together broke your heart.
The only other person in the compound was Tony. He mostly kept to himself when he isn’t out in the city but he can’t stand much of that either. People tend to be cruel because they’re divided on the accords. Everyone saw the videos of the fight at the airport and they’re very opinionated on the matter.
Now you’ve settled into a routine. You take the missions you can or you work on what you have in the lab. Projects that you had started with Tony but never finished. New suits for the team, updates for Sam’s wings and updates to Tony’s suits. On the bad days the pit in your chest that aches with loneliness consumes you. You kissed Tony most of all. The flirty back and forth and they way he would do whatever it took to cheer you up. There were a lot of reasons to be happy too. You still had a way of helping others, and you still managed to work on what you loved. On the good days you sing.
It’s what you were currently doing. Working on fixing your weapons and humming. It had started like a hum, then a murmur and then full blown singing at the top of your lungs. The guns long forgotten as you used the screwdriver as a microphone. Memories of late night jam sessions with Tony played vividly as you lost yourself in the music.
You scream when you turn toward the door as you realize someone was standing in the doorway.
“Tony! You can’t just sneak up on people like that.” You placed a hand over your chest trying to stop your heart from beating wildly. “What’s that smile for?”
“Oh it’s nothing it’s just… you sing when you’re happy and this place has been quiet for so long. And I heard you- never mind.”
“Wait. Don’t go, you just got here.” You moved to stand in the door so he wouldn’t leave just yet. “How have you been?”
“Just peachy.”
“Wow, I’ve never heard the Tony Stark with nothing to say.” You try to joke.
Tony pulls you close. Closer than you’d ever been before and your breath hitches.
“How about this for something to say. I’ve missed you. You have always been my favorite part of coming into the lab but for the last few months I didn’t have the nerve to come in here when you were so heartbroken. And that was my fault. But today when I heard you singing I thought that maybe you wouldn’t turn me away if I showed up.”
“Why would I turn you away?” You looked up at him confused.
“Because I was afraid you’d blame me for everything and I can have everyone hate me but not you.”
“Tony I could never hate you. I mean it, I care about you way too much.”
“Really?” His eyes lit up in a way you hadn’t seen in so long.
He smiles and leans in and presses a soft sweet kiss on your lips. Then he rests his forehead against yours.
Maybe now you had a new reason to sing.
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crazyunsexycool · 1 year
So not a future series, so I hope this is okay, but you know I absolutely ✨adore✨ is it a crime, and would love to know if you have anything specific planned for that series, or if you have a sneak peak you could share?
It’s absolutely ok!
I do have something specific planned for this series. The latest chapter has been kicking my butt which is why it’s not out yet but I ven definitely give you a sneak peek. This chapter will focus on some of the things Bucky was doing in those 10 years reader was gone:
Those are the only things he was able to capture. Everything is hazy and far away. Whatever pain medication they're giving him is the best thing he’d ever had. Bucky swears he can hear your voice, see your face and feel your hand on his face before he’s unconscious again.
When he fully wakes up the first thing he does is ask for you. Winnie and Becca are at his side reminding Bucky that you aren’t there. Bucky cries over the fact that he imagined you but not so much at the news that he lost his left arm. He looks at Becca who is beaten and bruised and all he wants to do is get back out there and destroy Pierce.
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crazyunsexycool · 1 year
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Feel free to send me something from the list below! Please be respectful any hate/rude asks will be deleted!
Get to know me: select any question/s from this list and send it in an ask or you can ask me whatever you want
Future series: here are some of my future series ask me what you want about them
Pick a prompt: select a prompt from one of the lists below along with a character you want (any I’m currently writing for or a new character I haven’t written for yet)
Bickering like a married couple
Fake dating
Grumpy sunshine
Office relationship
Shake things up
Suggestions/requests: if you have an idea for a series or if there’s a character you’d like to see me write for send it in. I can write a one shot for them or consider writing a series for it.
Please feel free to reblog!
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crazyunsexycool · 1 year
I’m so obsessed with My Little Love and excited to see what’s next!🥰 Bucky and his girl are always so sweet to each other and I’m curious what it’s like when they bicker or have arguments?
Omg I was just thinking about this the other day. Get out of my brain! 😂
I feel like there is day to day bickering that would be like Bucky not putting his towel back or not putting the toilet seat down. Reader leaving her make up all over the bathroom after she gets ready. Either of them forgetting to move the clothes from the washer to the dryer. They would just be like
“Yeah, I forgot sorry. I won’t do it again.”
One of them rolling their eyes at the other because it happen again.
Now their arguments would have to be about something serious. Like going on a mission, doing something reckless on a mission or something to do with the kids.
They would start getting loud before realizing the kids can hear them or once they get really frustrated most of the time Bucky would step away or kind of shut down.
However they would never got to bed angry. Once they’ve had time to calm down they sit down to talk and figure out what the issue is and how to fix it (if it can be fixed)
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crazyunsexycool · 1 year
Hi Val!
First and foremost, Happy Birthday sweetheart! I hope you have a lovely one! 🩵
I’ve had this question in mind, and I’m really intrigued to know, if you could substitute with any one of the Female MCs in your stories, which one would you chose and why?
Thank you so much! 🥰🥰🥰
This is such a hard question!!! Right off the bat I would have to say my little love. At this point Lottie and Henry feel like actual kids to me! (Channeling my inner scarlet witch from Dr Strange) 😂😂😂 this is easily my favorite series I’ve been writing.
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crazyunsexycool · 1 year
HAPPY BIRTHDAY WEEKEND VAL 🎊🎊🎉🎂!!!My question from the get to know me would be “papyrus”, and for the future series of A Love for the Ages, would the reader be plus-sized? I hope you have a wonderful weekend full of joyful celebration and fun!!
Thank you so much darling!! 🥰🥰
papyrus ⇢ if you put your ‘on repeat’ playlist on shuffle, what’s the first song that comes up? what do you like about it / associate it with?
The first song that came up was die for you remix by The Weeknd ft. Ariana Grande
It’s a song I found recently and I am obsessed. I love the music it’s kinda sexy and the song talks about two people trying to deny their feelings for each other and how they shouldn’t work together but they love each other very much. whenever I listen to it for some reason I picture two people maybe at a club, lights are low and they’re trying to find someone else to get their mind off of the person they want to be with but they just end up together by the end of the night… (maybe I should make it a fic)
A love for the ages (Thor x reader soulmate AU)
I hadn’t really thought much about it other than the main plot points of the story but I do love Thor x plus sized reader so it’s definitely a possibility!!
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