#Tony stark blurb
buckyshairstylist · 11 months
Aww, your tony is so precious, can you write a very happy dad tony spoiling his pregnant wife?
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Tony Stark x Fem!Reader
Summary: Tony is truly the best husband Y/N could ask for.
CW: pregnancy, mentions of food, fluff. Not edited.
WC: 1,348
AN: Sorry it’s taken so long to get this done! College classes and work has taken up all of my time and I finally found a free moment to finish this. I hope you enjoy it and I’m so sorry for the wait, anon!
To say that Tony was surprised to find you sobbing in the middle of your bed was an understatement. He’d left you alone for fifteen minutes — long enough to shower to wash off all the dirt and grime that came with his occupation — and now you were on your bed, sobbing.
“Honey, what’s wrong?”
You sniveled miserably, looking at him with tear-filled eyes. “I just love you s’ much, Tony.”
Tony ducked his head to hide the small laugh, masking it with a cough. He made his way to the bed, climbing onto it and gently pulling you against him.
“I love you too, dear.”
One hand rubbed up and down your arm, the other resting on your swollen belly. You sobbed into his shirt, clinging to him.
“Don’t leave.”
“I would never leave you, honey,” he assured you, pressing a kiss to your hair.
Tony hummed in acknowledgement.
“Will you rub my back, please?” you requested, wiping at your eyes. “God, I’m such a mess.”
“It’s normal. Just… lie down for me.”
You huffed but did as you were told, awkwardly maneuvering to where you could lie down. Tony helped as much as he could, one hand pressing against the small of your back. Tony laid directly behind you, his hands instantly moving to your shoulders.
“You’re the best, y’know that, Tony?”
Tony smiled at you. “Of course I am, baby. I’m Tony Stark.”
“Rhodey says you’re Tony Stank.”
“He is never gonna let that die,” he huffed, working at the tight muscles in your back. “God, honey.”
“What?” You turned your head slightly so you could hear him better.
“Your muscles. They’re so tight. Stress isn’t good for you, you know.”
“I know, baby, but stress is normal for me,” you reminded him.
“Honey, stress isn’t good for you or the baby. Heck, it’s not good for you even if you’re not pregnant! Don’t make me install a protocol where Friday has to snitch—“
“Don’t you dare, Anthony Stark.”
Tony giggled. You huffed, gently (or rather, lazily) swatting at him.
“I can’t believe you’d even suggest it.”
“Alright, since the protocol is a no, how about I find someone to keep you company?”
“Tony, I swear—“
“Just someone to keep you company when I’m gone.”
You hesitated, thinking about the potential victim of that scheme. Realizing who Tony would volunteer for the position (and who would happily take it if asked), you sighed.
“Tony, do not bring Peter into this.”
“I never said Peter. You did. And it’s a brilliant idea.”
“Hi, Mrs. Stark!” Peter chirped as he entered the penthouse, waving.
“Hey, Peter,” you smiled kindly at him. You took in his appearance and quirked a brow. “Lab day?”
“Yeah. Mr. Stark wasn’t in the lab, though, so I came up here.”
You hummed, grabbing a second mug out of the cabinet.
“You want some hot cocoa?”
“If it’s no trouble, Mrs. Stark.”
“It’s no trouble at all, Peter. And you don’t have to call me Mrs. Stark. Y/N is fine,” you reminded him, though you’ve nearly given up on him ever using your name.
Peter smiled cheekily. “Okay, Mrs. Stark.”
You groaned playfully, earning a laugh from the boy that had stolen both yours and Tony’s hearts. Peter had one of the strongest support systems in the world — you just weren’t sure he was aware of that.
“How have you been?”
You placed a mug in front of him as you huffed. “I’ve been okay. Emotional, but only Tony gets to deal with it.”
Peter snickered.
“How about you?”
“I’ve been great, Mrs. Stark! Aunt May—“ Peter launched into a rant, rambling about everything that had happened since the last time you saw him. You listened attentively, interjecting where appropriate and responding to the conversation.
Tony stepped out of the elevator around the time he started to tell you about the new Lego set he’d been working on with Ned.
“Underoos, kid, I’ve been texting you for the last twenty minutes.”
“Oh! I’m sorry, Mr. Stark. I’ve been talking to Mrs. Stark.”
“I can see that,” Tony smirked. “Change of plans, kid. It’s now movie night.”
“Oh, okay! I, uhm, are you sure, Mr. Stark?” Peter asked uncertainly.
“Positive, Pete. What are we thinking for dinner? Pizza?”
“That’s fine, Tony,” you smiled at him. Tony smiled softly, giving Friday the order to order the pizzas from your favorite pizzeria.
“Hey, Pete, why don’t you go grab some blankets?”
Peter nodded and took off down the hallway.
Tony moved to where he stood beside you, pressing a kiss to your cheek. “C’mon, Mrs. Stark. I think some cuddles are in order, don’t you?”
You ducked your head as you felt your face heat up, a smile flitting across your lips.
“I think so, Mr. Stark.”
“You know, I went out today. It was supposed to be just to get a part for the car I’m working on, but I ended up seeing some things that I thought you would like and some things for the baby.”
“Let me finish. They’re already in our room, they’ve been put where they won’t bother you. You can look at them whenever you want, you don’t have to do it today. But I think you’ll like it.”
“Tony, I’m happy with you just being here. You don’t have to buy me things to make me happy—“
“I know that,” he sighed. “I like to buy you things. You’re important to me. You should have everything that you desire, even if it’s something as ludicrous as the moon.”
“—and you know we have more than enough baby stuff, Tones.”
“This—you are the greatest thing that’s ever happened to me, honey. And our baby? That’s the best gift. I’m so grateful for you and for our baby, I’ve just—I’ve got to spoil both of you. So let me spoil you, and let me spoil our baby. It’s not gonna break me.”
After a few seconds of silence, the two of you merely watching each other as the silence dragged on a few seconds too long, you smiled at him.
“Well, I certainly wouldn’t be opposed to you spoiling me a little bit. But don’t spoil the baby too much, Tony.”
“I would never do such a thing,” he denied instantly. You scoffed. “What, you don’t believe me?”
“Not really, no.”
Tony snorted. “Fair. C’mon, I wanna show you this really quick. It’ll take Pete at least another five minutes to find the best blankets.”
You giggled, knowing that Peter would probably find every blanket he could before deciding which ones were appropriate for movie night.
“You know… I know that you purposely sent Peter up here.”
“I did not.”
“You did, Tony. You’re testing the theory you mentioned last night. Don’t bring Peter into this.”
“Peter’s already involved, Y/N,” Tony reminded you dryly. “He’s our unofficially adopted son, remember? Therefore, he’s our child’s unofficial older brother.”
You hummed as you followed Tony down the hallway, fingers entwined. Tony gently tugged you into the bedroom, where you noticed several bags dropped in one corner.
“Don’t worry about those. Some of it is genuinely for the lab.”
“It better be, Tony, or I swear—“
“It is, I promise. Now would you come over here? I want to see how these pajamas look on you.”
“Pajamas?” You raised a brow. “Like really soft pajamas?”
“The softest for my beautiful wife,” Tony beamed at you. “I saw them and I thought you would like them. I’ll show you the crib I bought later.”
“Tony, I thought we promised to do that together.”
“Baby, trust me, you’ll love it.”
He handed you the pajama set he’d mentioned, desperately hoping to take your mind off of the crib. You ran your hands over the material — soft, fluffy, and warm. You wasted no time in changing, much to your husband’s amusement.
“There’s my pretty girl,” Tony murmured, pressing a kiss to your lips. “C’mon. I’ll rub your back while we watch the movie with Peter. I’ll show you the rest later.”
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crazyunsexycool · 1 year
First and foremost....happy birthday to one of my favorite writers and mutual 😘🎂🎉
I am participating in your celebration by requesting a blurb with the following prompt with any of the amazing Avenger men of your choice
oh it's nothing it's just. you sing when you're happy and the place has been so quiet for so long, and I heard you- nevermind,
Lots of love 💗
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Kris thank you so much, you’re so freaking sweet!!!
A song in a quiet places
Pairing: Tony Stark x Reader
A/N: love that prompt!! I hope you like it. I’m going out of my comfort zone and writing for Tony!
The compound had been eerily quiet for months. Some team members were on the run, others were retired or under house arrest but you were still there. People still needed help and you just couldn’t turn your back on them. The first few months were the worst, you missed your friends and knowing they were on the run saddened you. Knowing that the team as a whole was gone and would most likely never get back together broke your heart.
The only other person in the compound was Tony. He mostly kept to himself when he isn’t out in the city but he can’t stand much of that either. People tend to be cruel because they’re divided on the accords. Everyone saw the videos of the fight at the airport and they’re very opinionated on the matter.
Now you’ve settled into a routine. You take the missions you can or you work on what you have in the lab. Projects that you had started with Tony but never finished. New suits for the team, updates for Sam’s wings and updates to Tony’s suits. On the bad days the pit in your chest that aches with loneliness consumes you. You kissed Tony most of all. The flirty back and forth and they way he would do whatever it took to cheer you up. There were a lot of reasons to be happy too. You still had a way of helping others, and you still managed to work on what you loved. On the good days you sing.
It’s what you were currently doing. Working on fixing your weapons and humming. It had started like a hum, then a murmur and then full blown singing at the top of your lungs. The guns long forgotten as you used the screwdriver as a microphone. Memories of late night jam sessions with Tony played vividly as you lost yourself in the music.
You scream when you turn toward the door as you realize someone was standing in the doorway.
“Tony! You can’t just sneak up on people like that.” You placed a hand over your chest trying to stop your heart from beating wildly. “What’s that smile for?”
“Oh it’s nothing it’s just… you sing when you’re happy and this place has been quiet for so long. And I heard you- never mind.”
“Wait. Don’t go, you just got here.” You moved to stand in the door so he wouldn’t leave just yet. “How have you been?”
“Just peachy.”
“Wow, I’ve never heard the Tony Stark with nothing to say.” You try to joke.
Tony pulls you close. Closer than you’d ever been before and your breath hitches.
“How about this for something to say. I’ve missed you. You have always been my favorite part of coming into the lab but for the last few months I didn’t have the nerve to come in here when you were so heartbroken. And that was my fault. But today when I heard you singing I thought that maybe you wouldn’t turn me away if I showed up.”
“Why would I turn you away?” You looked up at him confused.
“Because I was afraid you’d blame me for everything and I can have everyone hate me but not you.”
“Tony I could never hate you. I mean it, I care about you way too much.”
“Really?” His eyes lit up in a way you hadn’t seen in so long.
He smiles and leans in and presses a soft sweet kiss on your lips. Then he rests his forehead against yours.
Maybe now you had a new reason to sing.
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yagrldariv · 2 years
The Big Reveal
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Tony Stark x Photographer!Reader
Warnings: Mention of light alcohol consumption, light fluff.
Request: tony stark dating pepper's little sister, reader who is a Photojournalism for the New York Times
A/N: Sorry for the delay, made this a bit longer than I would a regular one-shot. So I hope you like this anon. Just to make the story flow a bit better, Pepper and Tony never dated. Set around the first Iron Man. Sorry for any typos!
When you first applied to the New York Times, you sort of did it as a joke. At least that’s what you told yourself when you were prepping for absolute rejection. But when you got the offer letter you were sooo excited. This was going to be your opportunity to be a part of history. While you were picturing your photos in the Met, you never knew it would be those kind of photos.
As you quickly learned, interning at the New York Times was not quite the same as being a full time photojournalist. You though you would be taking on the heavy-hitter topics like crime, houselesness, corporate greed, arms dealings. And yet, here you were taking photos of potholes for someone else’s 20th page column about infrastructure. But at least you got paid for it (if you were speaking technically).
After your session uptown, you started heading for the subway towards home when your phone starting ringing.
The screen lit of bright with a photo of you and your big sister and you swiped to answer, “Pepps!! Heyy everything ok?”.
Between you schlepping around the city and her being an assistant for the worlds wealthiest businessman, your schedules never seems to line up.
“Everything is great, I just wanted to see if you were free”, Pepper yelled something to someone in the background before continuing, “I’m gonna be uptown for a few hours at an event, I’d love to see you”.
You stopped on the steps toward the subway, contemplating her proposal. “Ya know Pepps, those really aren’t my thing”.
Pepper groaned on the other end, “C’monnnn Y/N. I miss you, plus there’s free food drinks”.
You hesitated, you couldn’t pass up on both your sister and free food, but you were tired and the idea of laying in bed was sounding better and better as time ticked on.
“You can even bring your camera and take photos if you want”. She knew exactly which buttons to press.
“You said you this was uptown right? I can be there in 10 minutes.”
*Later that evening*
What you thought was going to be some A-list event with lots of opportunity to get a story, turned out to be a private board event for some financial company you’d never even heard of. And you hadn’t even seen Pepper yet. At least she was right about the champagne and the hors d'oeuvres.
After another hour of random applause and squirreling away mini quiche at the back of the room, you were ready to leave. You started packing your camera bag when you heard some rustling on the table behind you.
“Ya know all night I was looking for the waiter that had the spinach ones and low and behold, they were being hoarded back here.”
You turned around and your cheeks got hot. Not only did your mini stash just get raided, you also had to explain to your sister that’s how you met her boss.
Tony Stark stood in front of you in all of his tailored glory, pointing to the quiche as you just stared. You were trying to find the right words to respond but all you could muster was ‘You’re way more handsome in person’, and you definitely were NOT saying that.
“Well I’m taking the ‘standing and staring but not saying anything’ as code for these are free real estate, so thank you”.
You finally snapped mustered up the ability to think and finally responded “Yeah sorry, they’re all yours, I was actually heading out”.
“So soon? You mean to tell me the musing of a bunch of old geezers isn’t the hottest place to be on a Friday night?” Tony teased, popping a mini quiche in his mouth.
You laughed, “Please, this is way too cool for me. I just came here to meet my sister, but she never showed, you probably kept her pretty busy”
His jaw dropped, “No way! Potts is your sister? I didn’t know she had family around here”.
Tony grabbed the plate of quiche in one hand, extending his free one in your direction, “I’ll take you to her. On the way you can answer my questions,” he paused and looked you straight in the eye, and you could feel your back start to sweat “I have about 100”.
Tony led you towards the elevators and up to the top floor , the whole time he was actually asking you questions about Pepper, not realizing he was actually serious. You struggled to focus on answers as the heat from his hand was all you could think about.
“Ok ok last one, are you absolutely certain Pepper is was a human child at some point and was not a factory built android”
A voice shouted from down the hall “I heard that Tony!” and a yellow stress ball came flying right after. Pepper poked her head out from an office a few doors down to see Tony catch the ball that was headed for your face.
“C’mon Pepper, what happened to aim? We almost had a civilian casualty here.”, he teased.
The two of you made it to her office where she had been typing away at something. Tony moved his hand to the small of your back as he stepped out of the door way, letting you enter first.
“Pepps when will you be done? I thought I was coming to see you?” You approached her desk, hugging her shoulders from behind as she worked.
“We’ll thank Mr. Stark over there, someone just had to cancel appearances we had already agreed to months ago and now I’m sending out apology emails.”
“To be fair, those things are a total snooze fest. Case in point, the senior citizen meetup happening downstairs ”, Tony chimed from the corner.
“We’ll then I guess I will just head home, there’s not a single news worthy story down there I could present to my boss and not get laughed out of the room”. You gave Pepper one last hug, thanked Tony for walking you up and heads back towards the elevator.
Before you got halfway there you heard rapid footsteps coming up behind you. You turned and Tony was there.
“Hey Y/N let me make it up to you. I kinda feel a little bad you came all the way here and didn’t see your sister. Since she’s working, can I at least drive you home?” For once it was sincerity and not sarcasm in his tone.
“It’s not big deal, I’m only about 15 minutes away if I take the subway”. You clicked the ‘down’ button on the elevator.
Tony reached, lighting touching the back of your arm. Heat instantly rushed to your skin where his fingers were lingering.
“I’ll give you an exclusive. Stark Industries is about to make a pivot and I’ll let you drop the story. How’s that sound?”.
You could not contain the smile on your face. Breaking a story like that, would literally change the trajectory of your career.
You brain was rapid firing as you were trying to form sentences “What-wh-why would you do that for me?”
Tony grabbed the camera bag from your hand, walking into the elevator that just arrived “Well because your Potts sister, first of all” he held the door for you as you entered the tiny space. “And I can’t let such a beautiful girl like yourself walk home alone at night when my driver is just right downstairs”.
You opened your mouth to object but Tony cut you off, “I’m only giving that story if I can make sure you get home safely”.
And so of course you obliged. You climbed in the back seat of his car, cheeks red as your mind lingered on Tony’s comment. You’d always found him attractive, as most women probably did. But there was something about knowing that attraction was reciprocated. It gave you butterflies watching him slide into the adjacent seat.
“So, Y/N, where to?”
In the first 15 minutes of the drive, Tony upheld his end of the bargain. He let you photograph him a few times, and answered all of your questions fully in depth. But then Tony started asking you the questions. You obliged at first, thinking it would make him more comfortable to keep talking about Stark Industries. But after awhile it felt less like an interview and more like a conversation with an old friend. The topics getting more and more personal.
So much so that you didn’t realize you had already parked in front of you apartment building. And had been for the last 2 hours according to the time on your watch. You also didn’t notice how close he had gotten. Your thighs were flush against one another and you could see the flecks in his brown eyes.
Your throat was suddenly very dry and you barely squeaked out, “Well I guess I should head upstairs”.
“You sure you want to?” Tony’s eyes bore into yours and you couldn’t look away.
You definitely didn’t want to, but you felt like you should. However you made no effort to move, it felt like you were frozen in your seat. Tony never took his eyes off you and you gulped. The proximity and sudden silence was making it the car hot.
“You’re doing that ‘staring but not speaking’ thing again” he chuckled, “It’s cute”.
If it was even possible you cheeks got even hotter, “Sorry I’m just trying to think here”.
Tony smiled, “Well here’s another option since you don’t seem ready to go home,” he slid his hand into your, kissing the back of it, “We can get a drink, keep talking”.
Tony lent forward, close enough that you could feel his breath fan across your face. Your breath hitched as his free hand cupped the side of your face.
“How’s that sound?” You nose filled with the sweet smell of mint as he spoke.
Still at a loss for words, you did the only thing you could think of in that moment and kissed him.
You thought he would’ve pulled away, but he leant in even more. He removed his hand from your and placed it on the other side of your face.
You two sat this kissing for what felt like forever, but it was just until you ran out of air.
Tony still had his hands on your cheeks, his thumbs rubbing circles against the soft skin, “Well I’m just gonna take that as a yes”.
*5 Months Later*
You and Tony were sitting at the back booth of one of his favorite places in the city. The two of you had decided it was best for you and your career that the topic of your relationship stay private.
Your palms were sweaty and you kept fidgeting and Tony noticed. He placed his hands over yours, making you look at him.
His brown eyes were soft, not a lick of worry to be found.
“What if she hates me?” Your voice laced with worry.
“If there’s anyone to hate here it’s probably me.”
The last few month have been absolutely amazing and not just with Tony.
The article you wrote using your conversation on that night really impressed your boss. It ran front page that Sunday on both print and online. You were finally offered a full time position after a month of busting your ass to prove you had more to say.
Tony, of course had been so ecstatic. He cancelled all his appointments and took you on a week long vacation to Greece to celebrate your promotion. It was there you really got to see Anthony, not Tony Stark the billionaire. That sarcastic facade he puts up was just for protection. He was extremely caring and noticed the smallest of details.
Once you two got back into the real world, you thought things would change, that he would be too busy to see you. But somehow he always always made the effort. He always managed to treat you to a date night at least once a week, sometimes as much as your schedule would allow. He’d surprise you with giant bouquets of flowers at work, making everyone in the office jealous. Eyebrows always raised at who the secret admirer could be.
You tried to keep your thoughts positive as you sit in the familiar restaurant but stress creeped it’s way in.
“I don’t know Tony, maybe we shouldn’t tell her. I think you still might have time to run out the back”, your eyes scanning the room for any signs of her.
Tony laughed, a sound that always soothed you. You took a deep breath and realized you were being a little ridiculous.
Tony lent across the table, taking his hand from your and placed it on your chin, “Hey look at me, you got nothing to worry about”.
Just as you calmed down you spotted her enter the restaurant. You waved her toward you table and stood as she approached. You met her half way and wrapped your arms around her.
“Y/N!! It’s been so long! I’m so happy to finally see you. That new job has been keeping you busy it seems”, she squeezed you tight and you chuckled nervously.
“I know Pepps, it’s been crazy. Why don’t we sit and catch up. There is someone I want you to meet”.
Pepper glanced toward the table you got up from and eyed the brown haired man “Oh, you didn’t tell me there’d be a plus one”.
You arrived at the table and your back was sweating profusely.
“Hey Pepper” Tony stood and pulled her in a hug.
You expected to see surprise or concern on her face but it was the opposite. Pepper was smiling profusely and your anxiety turned to confusion.
“Well finally, god it took you long enough” she said as she slid into the booth.
“What do you mean”, your asked.
“You two are finally being honest. I’ve been waiting for this ‘big reveal’ for months” she explained.
Tony on the other side of the booth laughed, “Well cars out of the bag I guess”.
You still were confused, you two had been so careful. Never walked out together. Tony paid off any paparazzi that happened to get a photo of the two of you together. He even had Jarvis routinely scour the internet and purge any photos that might’ve leaked.
“What? You thought you were that discreet?”Pepper spoke, noticing you still looked confused she continued, “I make Tony’s schedules for Gods sake. How many months doe you think it takes of the two coincidentally being unavailable at the same time for me to put two and two together”.
“Plus Tony never his his flower receipts, I called and got the delivery address and knew that was your apartment building”, She said before taking a sip of water.
It now clicked for you, realizing you hadn’t been as discreet as you thought. And you just laughed, for a good 30 seconds before they other two joined you.
“Why didn’t you say anything?” You questioned your sister.
“I don’t know, seems like it was something you wanted to tell me in your own time, and it got Tony out of my hair” she laughed.
You nodded and the table fell silent.
Tony was the first to pipe up
“Now that we’ we gotten that over with, who’s hungry?”
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babyjakes · 2 years
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[disclaimer: this blog posts content not suitable for individuals under the age of 18. minors are strictly prohibited from viewing, sharing, or interacting with this blog. for more information on this blog’s commitment to protecting minors, read our full statement here.]
event masterlist
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prompt | asking for help
pairing | t*ny stark x assistant!reader
warnings | T*NY STARK TW!!!, me not knowing how to write tony at all lmao/maybe ooc tony bc i don't know if he'd act like this, tony's a science/tech guy and i am NOT so all of the math computers inventing jargin is pure and utter bullshit like i literally pulled it out of my ass, i don't expect this piece to do well (especially with my demographics) but i don't really care bc it's for my bestieeee<333
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an | the way i just wanted to troll the shit out of this fic but i couldn't bc i want to be a good friend to @starksbabie lolol- so here it is!! my first and probably last tony piece ever. when i had the idea of dedicating a few pieces through whumptember and kinktober to close friends, nyx was the first gal i thought of. and if you know our relationship at all, you KNOW our (pretty much only) point of conflict is tony lol. so as an ode to her, a favor to the tony fans, and a brutal therapy exercise (lmao), i made myself do this. and it's probably shit, but hey. i did it.
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"Yeah, yeah- we know. We've practically got a cap on it already. Y/n's just gonna run over some finalizations here with me; we'll have the prototype over to you by the end of the day."
Chewing on the end of your pen, your eyes ran for what felt like the millionth time over the jumble of notes in front of you. Zeroing in on the lame attempt of a diagram you had managed to scribble out, you tried to hold in your groan as you heard your boss ending his call.
"Alright smarts, better give me what you got. The team over there's been riding my ass all day- they're not in the mood to be patient." When you shot the dark-haired man a look, he chuckled lightly at you. "Oh- what's with the face? Don't tell me you're grumpy. I told you to take lunch like an hour ago."
"Whatever. No time to eat," you sighed, clicking your pen shut.
"Nope, but apparently enough to make a snack of the stationary," he nodded at the chewed end of your writing utensil as he rolled his chair over from his desk to yours. "Wanna show me what you came up with?"
"Not really," you mumbled, keeping your gaze lowered as the man peeked over. Raising an eyebrow at you, Tony studied your work.
"Doesn't look half bad, they're gonna like the specs. It's a good thing you're doing the drawing and not me. But I thought we discussed this part..." Reaching a finger up, he pointed at the box you had left empty. Setting down your pen, you let out another huff of air, running a hand over your hair to smooth it back as you finally let out a long-overdue groan.
"I couldn't figure it out," you admitted, crossing your arms in defeat. "You can check my math, but I did it over. Twice. The model won't run, when I plugged it into the simulator I got an error code. We can't send it off like this."
"Oh?" Tony asked, eyes glossing over the notes and calculations you had written out in the margins of the page. "Well that's fine, it must be something in the-" His finger moved to point to a table, only earning a shake of your head as you sighed again.
"Tony," your voice was soft, almost approaching vulnerable as you finally lifted your eyes to look over at the man. "It's the whole thing. I made a mistake somewhere back in the beginning, and I can't figure it out. And now I... whenever I look it over, I just... everything..." To your surprise, as you stumbled over your words, he only appeared to listen patiently as he leaned back in his chair, crossing one leg over the other. "Tony... can you help me? I really don't fucking get it."
Sucking in a breath, you waited. Knowing your boss's usual disposition, you weren't exactly expecting a compassionate response, so you were surprised when he simply offered a nod. "Sure thing, smarts. D'you have your original drafts? That'll probably be where we need to look if you're thinking it was something way back."
You paused for a second, blinking. "What," he asked, "do I have something on my face? That cupcake Pepper brought me in was more frosting than it was red velvet."
"No, sorry," you tried to snap yourself out of it, shuffling through the mess of papers in front of you until you found your original outline, gingerly offering it over. "I just... I don't know. I was expecting some disappointment, maybe."
"Nah," he shook his head as he took your papers, "to be honest, I have no idea what the hell's going on with this thing, either. I've been following your lead, and you've done a pretty bang-up job, minus whatever this hiccup is. No disappointment here, I'm sure between the two of us, we'll find the error."
Trying not to get too hung up on your surprise, all you could do was nod as Tony began to read through your notes. "See? Brilliant stuff you've got here," he commented, waving the paper in his hand. "Even the cat doodles at the bottom, this stuff's the work of a pure genius."
.・。.・゜ ✫ ・.・✫・゜・。.
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Irondad Or not
Thanks to the wonderful @bolontiku for sending me this amazing post and putting the words "Tony" and "Daddy" in a sentence together.
“You’re going to go back to work.” It wasn’t a question. Tony heard the resolute sound in your voice as he moved toward the elevator. 
He paused, “No.” He waggled the protein bar in his hand. “I’m going to sit down and enjoy the post-workout bliss with you.” His knees hit the back of the couch, and he plopped down; taking a bite out of the bar and leaning back prepared to prop his arm up and recline. 
“Oh.” Shit, he actually needed to go to the shop to check on the progress of the remodel. He’d had it pulled up this morning when you and Nat had bombarded him with training; dragging his half-awake ass out of the shop and into the gym with a pair of sweats tossed into his arms. 
A cabinet closed behind him. “Oh, what?” 
“I have to check something.” He took another bite. “luckily though-” He waved his hand through the air. Jarvis pulled up the specs surrounding Tony with several views of the suit, the arc reactor, and even Ironheart’s remodel as well. Tony almost forgot. 
“When is RiRi coming for training?” There was a schedule — somewhere. Clint would know. 
Your voice was closer. “Why?” A bottle of water was sitting down in front of him, your hand going right through the projections. “Ah, okay. I think she’s here tomorrow, but don’t hold that to me. I don’t run their training; ask Clint. Wait, why are you running new specs on Ironheart? I thought you gave her an update last week?” 
Tony froze, his neck tingled. This was too close to the ‘Spiderson and Irondad' conversation you had the other night. 
He shrugged, tossing his hands, the waggling in his fingers, “Noticed an improvement that needed to be done when I was going over my suit. Thought’d get started on it.” There. That was sufficient. He looked over at you, watching the way your head tilted, lips quirking up in a smile. He flushed, ducking his chin down to hide the reddening of his check and hoped you’d drop it. 
“Okay Daddy.” 
His mouth dropped. 
Did you - wait no - no that’s not fair!
Peeking a look up at you, Tony gaped to see you walking back into the kitchen your shoulders loose as if you hadn’t just exploded several neurons in his mind as well as sent him teetering into a deep gutter that involved safe words and teeth. 
Casting one more look at the projections of Ironheart’s specs, Tony waved his hand until they collapsed away. 
“Hey now,” He stood up, one hand propped on his hip the other pointing his protein bar your way, “Thats no way to end a conversation.” He hoped the parental bravado he thought he’d slipped into his voice wasn’t as clear to you — but the laughter that answered back said otherwise. 
“Come back here!”
Little short thing for my friend and the rest of you guys! I finally got an at-home job and woo boy learning more medical jargon is kicking my ass
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luciantapes · 2 years
The forgotten child
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Pairing's : fem! reader x peter parker, tony stark daughter! x tony stark, tony stark daughter! x peter parker
Warnings: really sad angst, jealousy, daddy issues, neglect, lmk if i missed anything! :)
Summary: dad of the year award? surely isn't going too him
a/n : I know the gif doesn't really match the theme of this story I just really liked it. I did not reread this so please ignore any grammar mistakes. Also, I'm not sure if i wrote a panic attack correctly but I wrote based on what their like for me. hope you all enjoy!
you really tried not to become the forgotten child, always tried you're very hardest to live up to your father expectations, trying to make him proud in hope's he'd show some form of attention.
always studying to get straight a's even through countless anxiety attacks from fear of failing and disappointing your father.
all you ever wanted was reassurance, and if you ever got lucky enough a "You did a good job" after getting a high score on a test.
but it never came, it would forever be something you longed to hear. he would usually just mumble a small, quiet "congrats" as his mind stayed focused on his work and his eyes stuck to the blueprint laid out on the table Infront of him.
you always tried you're best not to feel jealous whenever your father held morgan, you had no ressentiment towards morgan whatsoever, in fact she was the one that kept you smiling most days. although you couldn't help but feel your heart tighten from jealousy as you watched them have daddy daughter time
you really did try you're best to be happy for your younger sister, but you couldn't ignore that aching feeling. all you wanted was the attention she had that your heart ached so desperately for, but it never came despite your countless attempts.
you we're astound to hear a new avenger had been recruited, you always enjoyed meeting new people. mainly because they gave you attention they didn't even know you craved.
you always seeked to see the best in people, no matter what the circumstances we're. including peter parker, there was nothing wrong with him, he wasn't a bad person in fact quite a good one, and if you weren't so envious of him you possibly could have been friends with the boy. but you watched how peter and your father clicked so easily becoming like father and son.
it made the knots in your stomach tighten as you watched them spend time together, it made you feel as if something was wrong with you, like maybe if you tried harder or changed, he'd give you the attention you deserved.
your mother, pepper always said he loved you just as much as he loved morgan or even peter, but you knew the truth as much as you ignored it you knew. but oh, how you wish he did.
"Mom, I'm home" you called out knowing if father was home, he wouldn't answer you. after not receiving an answer, you decided to look through the house in search of your mother, after a couple of minutes searching you still hadn't found her and decided she probably went out and took morgan with her. you heard talking but it sounded like your father, and peter?? "what's peter doing here?" you wondered. you decided to peak you're head through the door and saw peter and tony standing with their backs faced away from you, working on some upgrades for peter's suit.
"you're a pretty great kid peter" tony told him as he smiled at him patting his shoulder. a wave of jealously hit your chest as you watched them, your throat tightening. "Thank you, Mr. stark," peter smiled cheekily as your fingers clenched into a fist at your side.
"Becoming like my son."
once those words left Tony's lips, your mouth went dry, your head aching as you backed away from the door as quietly as possible, you're breathing picking up rapidly. you quickly made your way to your room, tears forming in your eyes, you walked into your room and shut the door softly as your hands started shaking as you paced around your room quickly, trying to stop the tears from rolling down your cheeks. you never liked crying, it made you feel weak.
you're breathing came out in heavy gasp as you struggled to breathe. you leaned against the wall coughing as you squeezed your eyes shut as you tried to stop the words from replaying in your mind.
"Becoming like my son" continuously echoed through your head as soft sobs left your lips, you didn't want to feel this way, envious of what your father and peter had. it's not peter's fault about what your father feels about you so why hold him accountable. he'll never love you, at least not like he loves peter. you can't figure out why? you always tried you're best to impress him, but nothing seemed to be enough for him, it's like he didn't even care about your existence.
you stumbled over to your bed, taking deep breathes as your body grew exhausted from crying. you plopped down on your bed tiredly as you snuggled up against your blanket that was where your pillows we're supposed to be, you grabbed a pillow and hugged it too sleep.
you didn't want to put the blame on peter because it wasn't his fault, but a little piece of your heart blamed peter parker.
a/n: CLIFFHANGER!?!? I decided to leave it for now because I haven't come up with an ending that I thought fit the way I wanted so if you guys have ideas, please let me know. reblog's are highly appreciated, thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed!
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vbecker10 · 6 months
Laundry Day
How Could This Not Fit?! (Loki x fem reader Y/N)
Loads of Fun (Bucky x fem reader Y/N)
Pairing: Loki x female reader (y/n)
Summary: You and Loki are living together in the Avengers Tower and you've asked him to help you with the laundry. You decide it's the perfect opportunity to prank him but that might not have been a good idea... not if you wanted to sleep tonight that is.
Warnings: ... um nothing really, alluding to sex but not much
A/N: I finished my laundry and was folding (trying desperately to fold) my fitted sheet and I came up with this silly little thing so... enjoy 💚
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You take a bottle of water out of the fridge in the common kitchen, laughing to yourself as you shake your head.
"Something funny in the fridge?" Tony asks from the island, looking up from his tablet.
You turn to him and open the bottle. "No, I was just laughing about something that could possibly get me in a lot of trouble with Loki," you barely explain.
"I have no idea what that means," Steve says as he and Bucky join the conversation.
You take a sip of water and set the bottle on the island. "I was tired of being the one who did our laundry all the time so I told Loki he needed to help me with it today," you start to tell them.
"Still not seeing the funny," Tony says sarcastically.
"I'm getting there," you wave away his comment and he chuckles. "So anyway, I told him to help and he did... an okay job of it. I mean, the dryer and him got in a bit of a fight but we finally got it done," you continue.
"Did he break the dryer cause I've gotta do like four loads of laundry tonight?" Bucky asks concerned as he pulls out the stool next to Steve.
"How could you possibly have to do four loads of laundry?" Tony turns towards him. "You own one hoodie and three henleys at most," he adds.
"Can we get back to my problem?" you pull their attention back to yourself. "I might not have much time left," you joke but you aren't actually sure how long until Loki comes looking for you.
"What did you do to him?" Steve asks, sounding concerned for your safety. Loki would never hurt you of course, he loved you too much, but when you annoyed him you always found it hard to walk the next day.
"Well, he put all the laundry away using his magic but I told him that was cheating. He said it wasn't and we went back and forth for a bit until I made him a bet," you smile. Loki could never resist a wager, especially since he always assumed he would win, and he usually did. "I bet him... something," you suddenly realize you don't necessarily want the guys to know the dirty things you promised Loki and they all look away awkwardly for a moment as if they understood that.
"Right, whatever... so the bet was for him to make the bed himself, without his magic," you tell them.
"Look, I still don't like him very much but, give him a little credit. I think he's smart enough to figure it out," Bucky says.
"Yeah, that doesn't really seem like a bet you're going to win, Y/N," Steve agrees.
"Well... I might not have except for one teeny tiny little bitty detail," you assure them.
"Which is?" Tony asks with a mixture of curiosity and agitation that the story is taking so long.
"I switched the sheet set," you say, they all stare at you confused and you sigh. "I gave him a full size set... and we have a queen bed. There's not a chance in hell he's going to be able to get the fitted sheet on and if he does manage it, I'll know he used his magic and still win," you smile broadly, proud of yourself for tricking the trickster God.
"Well that's a dangerous game to play," Steve says and before you can respond you hear Loki coming down the hall.
"Y/N," he says when he enters the kitchen. You swallow as your mouth goes dry, he does not look happy. "You cheated," he says without question.
"No, I was just..." you try to explain but he walks towards you, keeping his eyes locked on yours.
"You... cheated," he says slowly as he backs you into the counter by the sink.
"I mean, only a little," you say with a smile but he doesn't smile back. "And I only did it to make sure you didn't use your magic," you quickly try to explain.
"Um, I think we should go... literally anywhere else," Steve says as Loki grips your waist with both hands and keeps you pressed between himself and the counter.
"Don't worry, we're leaving," Loki says with a smirk, still looking only at you. Without warning he picks you up and throws you over his shoulder. You gasp and the suddenness of it and he uses one arm to hold you in place by the back of your legs as he turns to leave the kitchen. He pauses and picks up your water bottle. "You'll need to keep hydrated, it's going to be a very long night, love," he says as he carries you down the hall towards your room.
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I hope you liked this!! Please like, share and comment if you did 💚💚
@soubi001 @michelleleewise @harlequin-hangout @ace-of-gay @xorpsbane @mochie85 @sheris532 @lokiswife-dark-fox-queen @kkdvkyya @animnerd @peaches1958 @peachyjinx @theaudacitytowrite @lokiandbuckysdoll @winterfrostlovetriangle @high-functioning-lokipath @winniewings @pics-and-fanfics @cabingrlandrandomcrap @icytrickster17 @lokisgoodgirl @mischief2sarawr @stupidthoughtsinwriting @mjsthrillernp @holdmytesseract @holymultiplefandomsbatman @lulubelle814 @crimson25 @goblingirlsarah @janineb86 @chantsdemarins @foxherder @tonystank8
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Sleepless in the Compound.
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Wanda Maximoff x Avenger Stark fem!reader.
A/N: I hope you enjoy and I apologize for any mistakes! Also comments, reblogs, shares and likes are super appreciated, thank you! :)
Word count: 944.
Wanda had just made it to the compound after a week long mission, exhaustion clearly present on her entire being as she walks from the hangar to the bedroom she shared with you.
It being well past midnight she expected nothing less than for you to be sleeping. Heart soaring at the prospect of being to able to be in your arms once again after being apart for so long.
But as the redhead makes it to the hall of your sleeping quarters, she hears thuds coming from inside the room and her eyes turn red, wisps of magic coming out of her fingers in cation.
As she nears the door slowly, she continues hearing the ruckus coming from inside and she sends the door flying open only to see you dancing around the room, occasionally attempting to do a cartwheel, music blaring from the large headphones you’re wearing, the sight causing amusement to Wanda.
Slowly as to not startle you, your girlfriend approaches. “Hello?” Wanda begins as you continue moving about, too quickly for you to even notice another person in the room. “Baby? Y/N?” The redhead says, as you stand with your back facing towards her, letting Wanda put her hands on your shoulders to get your attention.
“Jesus Christ!” You exclaim, pulling the headphones into your hands as your turn around, jumping up in fear, the scare causing you to light the object on fire.
“Oh my god, babe! Put it out!” Wanda exclaims as well, startled by your powers.
“Sorry, sorry, it’s just- you scared me,” you say, slightly panting as ice shoots out of your hands to extinguish the fire.
“I called you, but you were doing, well honestly, god knows what,” Wanda chuckles, “what are you doing up anyway? I expected you to be asleep by now.”
“Usually I would be asleep but, you know how my brother always likes to complains about being the only Avenger that doesn’t sleep well and how even when something comes up no matter how sleep deprived he is he always manages to have the complete focus that I lack and all that bullshit, you know how it goes. Well… while you were gone he was getting on my nerves, so to shut him up, we sort of made a bet,” you say grinning widely, bouncing on your toes as your arms encircle Wanda’s waist.
“Oh no, what did you do?” The redhead asks, an amused smirk on her face as she places her hands on your shoulders to stop your movements.
“Sorry,” you mutter sheepishly, “I’m like really energized, but also really tired because well I haven’t slept. But anyway, I made a bet with Tony!” You grin, Wanda tilting her head so you can provide more information, “I bet him that I could last awake longer than his record of 36 hours in exchange for an all paid, week long trip to Hawaii for our anniversary next month!” You say, bouncing in your spot once again in excitement. “We’ve been dating for almost 3 years and we hardly ever have time to do something this big. I love the beach, you love the beach and if I win we get one week of no interruptions, paid by Tony, so I'm trying to win here baby,” you smile, “also I was like, you’re so on, you know, cause I can never back out of a bet, but isn’t it great?” You ramble and Wanda chuckles.
“That's great babe, but how much longer do you have to be up? Because this mission was exhausting and I was really looking forward to relaxing with you. I want nothing more than to get into that bed with you and sleep my love,” the redhead pouts.
“Uh, sorry, but I can't do that just yet Max, I have to stay awake.” You say, pressing a quick kiss to her pouty lips, “but don't worry once Friday hits, I win and I'm all yours. We can relax and sleep all you want! Then we get ready to go on a vacation next month, for a week, for free,” You beam and Wanda’s eyes widen.
“Y/N/N,” she begins slowly, “when’s the last time you slept?”
“On Wednesday it’ll be 48 hours since I’ve been awake,” you reply, moving away from Wanda as you now attempt to do a backflip.
“Y/N, what the fuck!” The redhead exclaims in shock, “you need to get some sleep now! It’s Friday, detka! Oh my god! You won, now get some rest!” Your girlfriend says, eyes full of worry.
Wanda’s outburst and the revelation of the day has your body thudding on the floor and you look up at your girlfriend with wide eyes, “wait, are you serious?” You ask, smile wiped off your face, “I’ve been awake for 4 days?” You say slowly as Wanda cautiously nods. “Oh my god,” you whisper and your girlfriend kneels down beside you.
“Hey baby, are you okay?” The redhead asks, green eyes inspecting your features as you lay on the floor.
“Am I okay?” You begin slowly, “am I okay?” You repeat a little louder, suddenly jumping up with a smile on your face. “Of course I’m okay, I beat Tony! Holy shit, we’re going to Hawaii baby!” You exclaim pulling a surprised Wanda off the ground to pull her into a happy kiss, “I have to go tell him and rub it in his dumb stupid face!” You say, pulling away from a still shocked Wanda to run out of the room your voice booming through the compound as you yell, “oh Tony, you big loser, where are you?”
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bookishtheaterlover7 · 7 months
Captain Handsome
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a/n: A blurb inspired by this post that my friend sent to me 😁 I don't read a lot of the comics... But I'm so sorry I missed out on this GOLDEN moment 😆
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...the post in question...
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Tony made the whole system. This genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist not only built a working suit of armor in a cave, he also the AI and security system the entire team relies on, for anything and everything.
And having made the system, means that he has full control over said systems. Meaning... Codenames and security passwords are his to make as completely impenetrable and ridiculous as he wants.
"TONY!!! I THOUGHT YOU WERE KIDDING..." Steve groaned, frustrated that he couldn't set the security measures of the tower, no matter how many times he tried.
"I'd rather die, or go back into the ice for another 70 years, than say, that..."
"Exactly why it's effective! No bad guy could ever make you say it. So, it's full proof." Tony grinned, spinning around in his chair, utterly amused.
After some careful consideration...
"Fine... This is Captain Handsome ordering you to Rock and Roll on that 45." Steve said through gritted teeth, resting his head against his arms, leaning against the wall in defeat.
FRIDAY's confirmation was a small comfort to Steve's situation. Made even worse by the sound of a certain Avengers Trainee, trying and failing to contain her laughter. It growing louder until they were full blown fits, that made her stomach hurt more than sparring with Nat, and spill the coffee she had prepared for after the Briefing, all over the floor in front of her.
"Worth it!" Tony yelled as the doors closed and Y/N collapsed on the nearby sofa, unable to control her laughter.
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Steve Rogers Masterlist
Chris Evans Characters Masterlist
Main Masterlist
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buckyshairstylist · 1 year
Marriage proposal with tony and fem reader? Please please
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Only You
Tony Stark x Fem!Reader
Note: Sorry it took so long to get this request written! I hope you like it, anon!
Summary: Tony's been acting weird. You doubt him, questioning if he has started to live up to his reputation when he asks you about it. It’s both a relief and a shock when he proposes.
CW: not proofread; suspicions of cheating, light angst, fluff.
WC: 1,145
Tony was acting weird.
Normally this wouldn’t be a cause for alarm — your boyfriend was nothing if not eccentric. He was weird in his own way and you had gotten used to it.
However, when he started acting weird toward you, you began to worry.
It had started earlier with him getting touchy when you’d moved his phone from the coffee table to clean it. He’d snapped and taken his phone, leaving you in a state of shock as he left the room, going down to his lab.
When dinner time came around, you waited a few minutes before sighing and taking his dinner down to him. Only the door was locked and he was sitting at his workbench, scrolling on his phone. And when you’d knocked, he told you he wasn’t hungry.
Now, sitting in the living room, knees brought up to your chest, you wondered if there was something else going on. Tony did have quite the reputation, but in the three years you’d been dating him, he’d never once given you a reason to doubt him or believe that he’d never give up his playboy ways.
“Hey, honey.”
Tony pressed a kiss to your head. You tilted your head slightly, looking up at him, finding that he had oil smudged on his cheek. He’d been in his lab again.
“Hey, baby,” you murmured. “You’ve got some…”
You reached out, gently swiping your thumb across his cheek. Tony grinned at you. It did nothing but smear.
“Thanks, honey, but I’ve already tried. I’m gonna have to wash it off.”
You nodded, smiling at him softly as he made his way to the kitchen. Once he was out of sight, you let the smile drop, going back to your previous position.
Tony wouldn’t do that to you, right? He wouldn’t go back to being a playboy after all these years, after loving you wholeheartedly and promising you the life of your dreams. (Somehow, over the last three years, the life of your dreams became the life with Tony in it.)
Tony wouldn’t do that. He wouldn’t give up the happiness and love that the two of you share just to go back to partying and one night stands.
But what if he doesn’t love you like you love him?
“Y/N? Y/N, baby, answer me.” Tony cupped your face, knelt in front of you with concern shining in his brown eyes.
“Mm?” You lifted your gaze, meeting his eyes. He gazed at you, his brow furrowing ever so slightly, just as it did whenever he was trying to figure something out.
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing. I’m fine, Tones. I just zoned out,” you forced a smile.
“Y/N, you can’t lie to me. Something is bothering you.”
“What did I do?” you blurted.
Tony recoiled in shock. He didn’t understand where this was coming from, and he was honestly a little scared to ask. Still, if he wanted to get to the bottom of this, he had to get you to talk to him. “What do you mean?”
“You—you snap at me if I touch your phone or your tablet, you keep the door to your lab locked all the time, you won’t even eat with me anymore. I just… I don’t know what I’ve done and I’m sorry for whatever it is.”
You thought he was pushing you away because of something you’d done. You thought the little bit of distance he had created between the two of you was to push you away from him because he was angry. It was actually the opposite.
“Oh God, honey, no!” Tony rushed to fix the situation. “I just… baby, that’s not it. That’s not it at all.”
“Then tell me, Tony! Why did you push me away?”
“Y/N, all I did was—“
“Avoid me. You avoided me, Tony.”
“I know, honey. I know. But I had to.”
“You didn’t have to avoid me, Tony!” you all but yelled, clearly offended.
Tony winced. Okay, he could admit that he could have worded that better.
“No, no, that’s not what I meant. Well, I mean, it kind of is, but it’s also not,” Tony struggled to fix the situation. You raised a brow. “What I’m trying to say is… I was trying to keep a secret from you. But not for the reason you think.”
“Then what’s the reason?”
Tony sighed, reaching into his pocket. He was obviously not prepared, but he would do anything if it meant you were happy. Even if it threw off his plans.
“I couldn’t let you see it before I formed a good plan to ask a very important question. And I knew that the only way to do that logically was to distance myself a little. I can’t plan the perfect proposal if you’re right next to me all the time, honey.”
Your breath hitched.
“And this isn’t what I planned at all, by the way, but I want you happy. And if you being happy means I propose to you in the middle of our living room, then that’s what I’ll do. You are the best thing that’s ever happened to me. There’s no doubt about that. It’s gotten to the point that I can’t picture my life without you in it; and it’s been that way for a long time. I just didn’t want to propose too soon and scare you away. So, will you marry me?”
You stared at him wide-eyed, almost identical to a deer staring into headlights. Tony, who was kneeling in front of you with an engagement ring, looked hopeful and a little frightened when you didn’t answer. Once you realized you hadn’t answered, you silently nodded your head.
“Y/N, baby, I need to hear you say it.”
“Yes. I—yes, Tony.”
Relief flooded both you and Tony. He slipped the ring onto your finger, moving to where he could easily connect his lips with yours in a sweet, loving kiss. You hummed, arms slipping around his neck as he placed kisses all over your face.
“I’m sorry for how I acted. I’m sorry for making you think that I would do anything like that to you,” he murmured.
“I’m sorry I ever thought you’d do that to me,” you mumbled. “I feel ridiculous.”
“I wish you would’ve just talked to me, honey. Never keep anything bottled up if it bothers you. That’s my thing.”
You spluttered a laugh, taking his face in your hands before peppering kisses on his cheeks.
“I’d rather you just talked to me.”
“And horrify you with everything I’ve seen and experienced?” Tony raised his brows. “No. My job is to protect you, not traumatize you.”
“That’s a bit dramatic, Tony.”
“Well, I’ve always been told I have a flair for the dramatics.”
“You’re insufferable,” you groaned.
“Obviously not or you wouldn’t have said yes.”
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spidergrotto · 4 months
peter who deconstructs and reconstructs random pieces of technology when he needs to calm down, may and ben learned to keep old pieces of equipment scattered around the house in case he has a bad day and needs the world to stop for a few hours.
sometimes he doesn’t even remember starting— he’ll blink and it’s finally quiet and he’s surrounded by random parts of an old computer that he didn’t even know they had in the apartment.
three days after ben died peter had completely deconstructed and reconstructed the fridge and was half way finished with the dishwasher.
after tony’s funeral he’s given full access to the lab and spends weeks taking apart and restoring iron man suits and unfinished projects— he barley remembers working on half of the things he had done but refused to leave any of tony’s projects unfinished.
weirdly enough he never really messed with the spiderman suit, any urge to take it apart, improve it— add changes or upgrades was quickly squashed down and thrown aside. after the spell he never found himself wanting to touch it anyways.
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missacidburn928 · 9 months
"It hurts, okay! It hurts because things will never be the same again. That bright eyed girl full of sunshine and hope. She's gone. A woman fortified with brimstone and ash has taken her place now. 
All you had to do was not play games with my heart. The fickle thing loves to hold a grudge. And your transgressions can not go unpunished. 
I didn't want it to be this way. I truly thought I might not ever have to release this side of me again.  But I was wrong. 
Enjoy all the destruction your betrayal hath wrought."
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spideysbruh · 1 year
Gone Now
im a slut for flashbacks im sorry lol
tony stark's daughter (and peters gf) blip while they're on the planet and she's at home.
This can be read as y/n i just cant write in second person sorry lol hope you guys like the name riley.
"I like this dress the most, you would look great in it, Pepper!" Riley said as she flipped through wedding magazines in the compound.
All day today, Riley was trying to occupy her mind and not think about where her dad and boyfriend were doing right now. Peter had webbed her hand to the school bus they were on earlier and told her to stay there and get home as soon as possible. 
Riley was resting her head on Peters shoulder when he shot up and looked out the window, “Holy shit.” He mumbled and Riley looked up and over at Peter, “Stay here, okay baby?” He said quickly and turned around and told Ned something, but she was too busy staring at the giant circle spaceship in the sky.
“Pete, wh-”
“Stay here!” He exclaimed over all the commotion that Ned had caused, Riley watched as Peter opened the window and climbed out, “Just- let me know when you get home, okay?” 
Riley went to get out, considering her dad made her a suit as well, just in case, he had told her. “Peter you ca-” She was cut off by Peters web hitting her hand and making it stick to the bus.
“I’m sorry! I love you!” He yelled before swinging away.
“God damn it. Ned, can you help me?” 
So now she was here, trying to not think about her dad and boyfriend fighting some weird aliens. “Do you want to get married?” Pepper asked while pulling out more wedding ideas from a box she had.
Riley blushed and shrugged, “I dunno. To the right person, y’know? Just- one and done.” Pepper gave her a teasing smirk and they both giggled.
“Like to Peter? Is he the right one?”
Riley smiled and felt her heart tug at the mention of Peter, hopefully he’s okay. “I mean… yeah, he’s perfect! But- we’re still so young.” She replied and raised the magazine to cover her face.
“You guys do seem perfect together, but what do I know? It took me and Tony took forever to get together.” She laughed, Riley smiled and thought back to when her and Peter first met.
“Riley! Hey Riley!” Peter yelled, running up to her in the halls of their school.
Riley turned around, “Hi… Peter right?” She smiled and Peter nodded, his cheeks turning pink. She knew who he was.
“Y- yeah! I saw we had English together, I was wondering if you were willing to help me with my essay?”
“Why? Cause i’m Tony Starks kid? Honestly, just because he’s a genius, playboy- whatever the fuck, doesn’t mean I am too.” She joked, but Peter seemed to think she was serious.
“Uh, no no! I just saw that you had finished yours! I thought-”
“I know, Pete. I was joking… it came off serious- god I don’t know how my dad does it.” She sighed and Peter chuckled. “You can come today over after school? Is that cool with you?”
“Uh, y- your place?”
“Yeah. Or yours, wherever you like! Just let me know.”
“...Are you scared of my dad?”
“.. A little!” He answered honestly, Riley laughed and started walking to her next class.
“So my place it is. You can rip the bandaid off and maybe I can get you an internship with him!” She smiled, sending him a wink.
She knew he was Spider-Man. 
"Oh shit." He mumbled.
"I always thought we were weird together." She said honestly, "Like we don't make sense, y'know?"
"No way! You guys are both adorable little nerds who love to geek out over Star Wars and… hot celebrities! I don't know,  whatever you guys like." She smiled. Riley laughed and watched as Pepper reached for her glass of water.
"You think they're okay?" She asked, the mood switching to a more serious one. 
"I know they are. They'll take care of eachother. Don't worry, hun." Pepper reassured her, "I actually have something to tell you… um, now is probably not the right time, but-" She was cut off by her phone ringing, she sighed and picked up her phone. "Tony?"
Riley quickly sat up and motioned for her to put the phone on speaker, Pepper did it quickly and they both listened to the silence on the other end.
"Dad? Is everything okay? Where's Peter?" Riley asked, her heart hammering in her chest.
"God, kid. It's always about your spider boyfriend. What about your cool dad?" He joked, and the girls sighed in relief. "He's fine, by the way. Um- Thanos is- he's not here anymore. We think he went to Earth. So, here's what I need you to do-"
"Thanos?" Riley whispered and Pepper shrugged.
"I can't… lose you guys, not now. I need you two to promise me that you won't go to… wherever the team is and fight. I need you guys to stay home. Safe. Okay?"
"Tony, what is going on? Who is this Thanos guy?" Pepper questioned and Riley thought about how Peter is still out there. "And where are you?"
"I'll explain when I get home, I promise. Just please do what I asked. I gotta go okay? I love you girls." 
As fast as he had called, he hung up. 
About an hour later, the girls are still waiting for literally anything from any Avenger. 
"That's it! I'm gonna-"
"You're not leaving." Pepper said, flipping through a magazine, "Oooh I like these flowers."
Riley scoffed and walked towards her room, "I'm gonna try something." She called out and quickly typed something onto her computer. About a minute of typing led to her seeing where Peter and her dad were. 
"What the fuck?" She whispered, "Pepper?" 
"What is it, honey?" 
"Um… you gotta see this!" 
Pepper rushed to her room and looked at her computer. "How did you learn this?"
"Do you know who my dad is?" She smirked, Pepper let out an exhale and looked back at the screen.
"This says they're on an entirely different planet… I-"
"Well I mean, it could be wrong- it's not- but it could be." Riley shrugged and quickly typed some more before getting two earpieces from her drawer. "Only one way to find out." She said and handed one to Pepper. "Put that in."
"What- you're gonna connect to them and we'll be able to talk to them?" Pepper asked, watching the girl type so many codes and overrides.
"Mm yah. And it should work… right now." She said and pressed enter. "Hello? Peter? Dad?"
There was some static and then Tony's voice, "Oh my god, Riley?!" 
Pepper smiled and left the room to talk to Tony without interrupting Riley.
"Ri?! Oh my god- are you okay? How-” RIley smiled and felt her eyes water at Peters voice.
“C’mon, my dads a genius, I can hack into your guys earpieces.” She replied and Peter chuckled. “I’m so glad you’re okay, Peter… I- you left so quick-”
“I know, I’m sorry I just didn’t want you getting hurt, you didn’t have your suit and Mister Stark would’ve killed me!”
“Damn right.” Tony said and Riley laughed.
“When are you coming back?”
“I- I don’t know, baby. Thanos is- I almost had the gauntlet off but then- well, he left. He’s down there we think.”
“What’s gonna happen if the guys down here don’t defeat him?”
“Don’t worry about that, sweetie. We’ll figure it  out.” Tony said, Riley sighed.
“Talk to me about something else! What did you and Pepper do today?” Peter asked, he sounded cheerful but Riley knows it was just a front. He was just as scared. And he knew more than her. Riley exhaled and opened her blinds, letting the sunset hit her room, giving her room a nice orange glow.
“Well, we mainly looked at wedding magazines, saw some cute dresses.”
“Yeah?” Peter smiled, his heart swelling.
“Yeah,” Riley giggled, and leaned forward, staring out the window, “Just wedding planning, I have a whole pinterest board for the wed- what the fuck?” 
“What?!” Peter exclaimed.
“Oh my god! Pete, there’s something happening…”
“Oh, f- Riley, baby what do you see?” Peter asked, tears already coming down his face as nothing but fear overtook his heart and mind.
“What is it, Riley?” Tonys voice came in.
“It… looks like… dust?”
That made Peters heart stop, it happened. He looked behind him and saw as Mantis slowly disappeared, he choked on the air and 
“Dad?... What’s happening?” Riley whimpered, watching as people disappeared on the streets below her, she heard a crash but didn’t dare look up at the sky.
“Riley, honey, it’ll be okay- j- just breathe, like I taught you, remember?”
Riley took in one deep breath and held it for a few seconds before letting it out.
“Dad, I’m scared.” Riley cried and looked at her legs, they were still there. Then her arms, all good.
“Don’t- it’s okay, Riley, you’re okay.”
“Peter?” She whispered, like she was afraid it would happen to her if she spoke any louder.
“Y- yeah, Ri?” Peter sighed, trying to focus on Rileys voice.
“You remember the first time we hung out?” She giggled, looking down at her legs again.
It started.
No pain.
“Yeah, baby.” He laughed, wiping at his face and nose. He felt something was off with her, he knew it was happening.
“You needed help with your essay, but we just ended up arguing over which Star Wars movie is the best?” She smiled as it spread up to her waist, she was half gone.
Peter chuckled, “Yeah. I just had to get to know you better. You were too cute. I didn’t care about the essay.” He replied softly, Tony smiled at their conversation.
Riley giggled, “Peter?... I love you. I know I don’t tell you that enough but- I do. I really love y-” 
She was gone. All that he heard now was static and the eerie wind behind him. Tony walked up to him and pulled him in for a hug. All while also letting himself cry.
“Fuck!” Peter yelled, falling to his knees and gripping onto Tonys arm.
“We’ll get her back, Parker. I promise.” He mumbled, his hearing zoning out as heard Pepper walk into Rileys now empty room. He could hear faintly, “Oh my god!”
“Pepper! You stay there, alright? I can’t lose you t-”
“Uh, Mr. Stark?”
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jackiequick · 1 year
Ex in the flesh | Pre-Marvel Phase 1
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Uncle-Nephew: Jason Underwood & Tony Stark
Ex-romantic pairing: Jason Underwood x Sophia Trace
Summary: There are some faces you don’t expect to run into, in the middle of the day and sometimes it’s a feels a odd memory loss in the water.
Timeline: Pre-Iron Man (2008)
Character mentioned: Godson Rei Stark, Tony Stark, Pepper Potts, Maria Stark, Peggy Carter, Maria Winter and etc.
Note: Jason’s alias here is Thomas Logan Mitchell
It was early one afternoon when it happened. Their home in Malibu staying high on the rise as the windows were open bringing in the cold September breeze. Tony was in his lab as always tinkering with his toys as Pepper was given the afternoon to do some stuff for herself.
She definitely deserved it.
The household was mess. Goodness gracious how did they like that happen? Well that answer was the little menace, aka Anakin Skywalker Jr, Rei Stark. He was only 6 years old. But he was a little cocky dramatic tornado of a child.
The boy had so much energy it bewildered anyone who walked by him. He acted like he owned the whole house, technically he did due to it being his property one day, but that’s not the point—he didn’t care to do much. Always sending a tiny glare and a real cheeky grin to whoever he sees unfit to be in his area. He can could sense either a person’s attitude and godly annoyance from a mile away.
Thankfully he had people who he actually liked in his life, so it easier to find a comfortable ground with the kid.
Jason was in the kitchen sipping a glass of water and trying to figure out what to make for lunch.
He was thinking fries and chicken nuggets would work for his godson. Until he realized they were out of animal chicken nuggets and Rei favored those one than the normal nuggets. He couldn’t blame him, he liked those one too.
“Bubba?” Jason called out, hoping he would take the normal ones today, “Come here for a second!”
The pitter patter of sandals can be heard, the brunette came to stop and yelled in return, “What?!”
“You want chicken nuggets for lunch?”
“Yes. With fries. Extra crispy fries!”
“Haha. I got good news and bad news for ya, bubba. We’re all out of the animal nuggets.”
“Noooo! I want the animals ones.”
“We don’t have them, bubba.”
“Please. Just go to the store, pops!”
“Rei. It’s late and it seems like Pepper forgot to buy them.”
“No it’s not. It’s early. Mommy says the store is not far away.”
“Fine. We will go the store.”
“WE?! I don’t want to go papa..”
“Yes, we. Now come on, I’ll let you get a toy from vending machine and—”
The second those words hit Rei’s ears he went racing to the front door to remove his sandals and change into his street clothes until he realized he needed some help with his jacket. His godfather rolled his eyes, fixing the kid’s jean jacket and tied his shoelaces correctly. He told JARVIS to let Tony know they’re heading out before he left with the boy.
He let Rei choose which color car they would ride in. Black one with the gold accent seemed to be his favorite. Jason rolled his eyes and nodded as he strapped him into his car seat. One the way to the store, they played some more. A mix of pop, hip hop and rock.
In resulted into a jamming session on they’re way there.
It had Jason smile seeing Rei enjoying himself. He tends to forget about the fact that he’s just a kid sometimes due to how smart he tends to be and cleverness he holds onto. He sometimes fights with Tony to share more time with his son and let him just be a kid, reminding how on he single-handedly help Maria raise his nephew more often than not.
And he’s glad he wins that argument. Because the more time Tony spends with Rei the better.
Rei Stark may be a little distant from other kids, wanting to play alone at times but when he’s in his element—which is building things and just be a creative kid in general—he shines like a diamond. It’s incredible to witness how his mind tinkers in ways, he doesn’t even understand.
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Once they reached the store, it was a different type of thing.
The aisles were nicely decorated with eye catching items from cereal to pretzels. Along with the section of fruits was nearby the pastries.
He first let Rei explore. Let his sweet tooth get a look at the delicious offer and his favorite fruits. He got to pick out some to take home. It was good, he seemed like he was enjoying himself. He told his godson to stay close meanwhile he looked at the cereal options before they grabbed the animal chicken nuggets.
But Jason should’ve known better because the second he turned his face to reach for Captain Crunch cereal, Rei scurried off to other end of the aisle to find god knows what! His eyesight zipped through the hall looking for him until he heard it.
“You’re not the boss of me lady!”
Yup. There he was at the corner of the aisle holding up bag of tootsies rolls and sending a tiny glare to the women, who was trying to reason with him. It sounded like the women was asking where the heck his parents were. Jason slide down, placing a hand on the kid’s brown fluffy hair and racing his fingers crossed to calm him softly.
“Bubba, why did you leave me standing?” He asked, looking down at him.
“I saw one lady holding a bag of tootsies rolls and I wanted one.” Rei told him like it was obvious.
“You had to ask me first before going off into the store.”
“I wasn’t that far!”
“You left me hanging bud.”
Then the women spoke with a smile and light scoff, “Hanging, huh? Sounds about right. No offense but the kid was just messing around.”
“Look sweetie, thank you for standing here and wondering about his parents. I can it from here.” Jason replies, raising his head to finally registering the woman but stopped surely.
Both adults stood there quickly examining one another faces in the store lights. The bright warm lights brought up every the women’s face. From her deem eyes to makeup nice reaching her lips. Her bouncing pushed back curls were set in place by a low ponytail as she held close a worn out bomber jacket that hung over a burgundy shirt.
Out of the people he would’ve expected to see today. She wasn’t one of them. He would’ve loved to be caught up in the aisles by an old friend or that lovely short lived ex girlfriend from years ago.
But not her! Anyone but the blind date he agreed on going to get out of the house and stop the protests from the ladies in his life to actually have a social life. It was one date or something like that, in which he cut short rather quickly.
Nonetheless here stood that ex-something of his.
And honestly he sorta regretted it. He was a jerk and he knows it.
“Wow, didn’t expect to see you here today.” Said the brunette with a small smile, decided to stay civil.
“Yeah well, it was an emergency to stock up on food.” Jason replied with a nod, a tiny smile curled his face.
“I can see that, nothing to worry about. You look…good.”
“I am good, Trace. Real good.”
Rei watched both adults thinking, he recognized her voice from a phone call and spoke up, “Wait who are you? You uh sound familiar.”
“I’m Sophia. An..old friend of your pal here—” He replied with a smile looking down at the kid, finding calmer down.
“He’s not my pal. He’s my pops, lady.”
Sophie paused trying to register what she heard thinking, ‘Mitchell has a kid?! He moved on fast!’ and sighed. The boy looked nothing like him, but the glint of wanting to be somewhere else like at home and not in public, was absolutely similar to the man. Other than that, he looked more like he possibly resembled the mother than him.
Strong enough genes.
“He’s your pops? Wow Mitchell, uh congrats.” Sophie said with a smile, feeling a little bitter wishing it wasn’t his son.
“Relax, Trace!” Jason repiled noticing the story on her face as he picked up Rei deciding to fix his glasses and teased, “I’m not with the mother. So you still have another shot with this.”
“You’re hilarious. That train left the station. It’s fine, you look content and that’s actually kinda cute.”
“What? Life a little miserable once I left?”
“If I’m correct, you didn’t exactly return my calls. And no, it’s not miserable. I’m better off without looking for a someone else.”
“Aww, you’ve got a lot better things to do than worry about me, i bet..”
“Yeah, but you wouldn’t be so bad either.”
The way Jason and Sophie smiled at that last comment, a hint of blush carried onto both cheeks.
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Rei joked in his signature tone, “Aw, a compliment and a smile. Can we go please?”
“Yeah, Bubba. You wanna go grab the cart for me?” He asked, with a little smile only for him.
The boy simply nodded as he was put down, scurrying away toward the shopping cart not without sending another glare to the women. Once both of them were sure the kid was gone, they dropped the awkward moments to send a gentle glares deeply to one another.
Almost concerned glares if you asked anyone who can sense the unfinished tension between them.
“Where the heck have you been?” Sophie asked, leaning in with light smirk attached to her glare.
“Oh please. Last time I check sweetheart, you’re didn’t even come straight to me for answers.” Jason added with a match look.
“Really? That’s your play? You’re the one leaves behind a trail off unwanted promises for a date! I called, I texted and asked around. Nothing.”
“Did it ever occur to you that maybe we weren’t even able to get anywhere, with our whatever we had? You were way out of my league in the first place and sat high on your little cloud that you needed to be brought down a peg.”
“Ohhh funny you say that, cause you needed a little push to realized your not the most interesting man in the room or did you forget that? Our first date, you decided to take it as a favor for a friend but afterwards you liked it! You liked it a lot!”
“I did not! I was being nice, a gentleman with you because you seemed pretty alright in my books.”
“Pretty alright?”
“Yeah you’re half bad.”
“So you liked it?”
“I would say I didn’t hate it.”
Both grinned at that last comment, as a smirked laced their faces. They found each other rather attractive after everything.
The real reason, Jason didn’t follow up on that date was because he felt stupid, insecure and didn’t want to let himself be heartbroken again after so many times. He was just defending himself with an act.
That he cut it off too early but he also knew it wasn’t gonna last in the first place.
He was a complete idiot, a jerk and terrified of starting something new. Especially with the life he lives and the things he had done, he feels like he doesn’t deserve it. None of it.
It was a gut wrenching guilt he carried that made him feel that way, like it’s better to be alone sometimes.
Most importantly he didn’t want to bring anyone into this life either. But he should’ve gone about it a different way than he did, he regretted how he ended it. He wants a second chance.
A small push.

“You left sorta me hanging around for a bit afterward. It actually bothered me.” She admitted with a sigh, dropping the act.
He sighed and nodded, “And you left me questioning, you know that? Uh look, I’m not good at this..”
“Yeah well me either, I got busy. Real busy with my classes and students.”
“I can tell. The eye bags underneath your eyes. You should rest, I mean it.”
“I know I should rest..and I’m sorry too for not taking the initiative to come to you for answers…I wasn’t exactly ready for it..”
“Look, it was something I wasn’t ready for either..I was busy too. I’m sorry, I was complete jerk and I apologize for my inconvenience..and just my attitude towards this point..”
“But you did it. We both did.”
“Yeah I know, I don’t know why we did it but we did it. By all accounts, I think I owe you a second date..”
“Oh definitely you do haha! Yeah and it was—”
Both were cut off by Rei’s racing toward them almost slammed the wheels of the shopping cart against Sophie’s shopping cart. He did it on purpose, Jason was sure of it and he sigh, kinda not proud of him for that.
Yeah, Rei was trying to save him from having this conversation to try and explain himself to Sophie. He’s always thankful for the saves from the kid, but he wished his godson didn’t save him this time.
However he was definitely getting dino nuggets today for at least coming with him to the store.
Rei yanked his godfather’s arm, dragging him down the aisle as Jason shrugged sending ‘I apologize for him’ look to Sophie. She just shook his head chuckling and walked away. They pair turned around waving at each other as they separated into different aisles.
The rest of the trip went somewhat smoothly getting everything they needed from the store and more. The ride home however was quiet, with the radio station blasting music and the bit of traffic up ahead. It was mostly small talk made in the car anyways.
Until Rei said something that confused the blonde.
“She was pretty.” Said the boy, playing with his action figure that he left behind earlier.
“Who was?” Jason responded, looking at the rear view mirror.
“The lady. She was pretty.”
“The same lady you were being a little rude too? Which wasn’t nice by the way, I should’ve corrected you on that.”
“I’m sorry..I will be nicer. But yeah that lady! I was just testing if she can handle us.”
“Wait what? You were testing if she could tolerate your rudeness? Rei.” 
“Sorry! And yeah, she passed. Did you dump her? Who set you up?”
Jason chuckled at his questions like he was being interrogated by the kid. To be honest, he knew he would ask him eventually. He was a smart kid and he could tell something was up even if he admitted it or not.
He sighed and answered him, “First, it was your mother who set us up. I did it was a favor when you little, she wanted me to head out of the house and have a night off to myself. It was a blind date.”
“Ohhhhh! It was mommy?! Wow what did you do, that she set her up with you?! She is way too pretty!” Rei exclaimed with a surprised look.
“Ouch!” Jason joked, “If you like her so much why don’t you date her?”
“Nahhh!” Rei replies giving him a grossed out, goofy smile.
“But to answer your second question, yes. I did dump her. I should’ve been nicer when I did.”
“Daddy says that’s kinda a dick move, JJ! You dumping her is mean.”
“Rei watch your language! Don’t say that word again, alright?”
“…okay. Sorry I won’t say it again, but that was kinda mean though! Mommy wanted you to date her! Why stop?”
“Bubba, you don’t get it. You’re too young.”
“Tell me! Please!”
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He sighed knowing he always tries to tell him everything depending on what it is. Even if it meant dating. Rei was wondering and it was something innocent that every kid wants to know. They want to be part of conversation, even if they don’t understand it all.
Jason took a deep breath and told him, “Alright, alright I will tell you. Your uncle JJ is a dummy, okay? A bit dummy for not going along for more dates. She was nice, but I thought she was out of my league and way too good for me. I was thinking I wasn’t good enough.”
“And? So what? You were scared?” Rei asked like it was the most obvious thing in the world, but his tone had confusion.
“Yeah I was scared, and it’s a normal feeling to be scared. I lived and loved a lot of people, buddy. I didn’t know if I could go try it out again.”
“I think you should try it out. She got good taste in food, I saw she got Oreo cookies in her shopping cart and gummies too!”
He chuckled, “You only care about food, do you?”
“Yup! Food is always welcome in my mind.” Added the boy with a shrug.
Jason then asked something that was more of a honest question for his godson. Something that added to why he refused to date. His life and family he created. It was a hard way to put into words what he meant but he still tried.
So he asked, “Do you think she would be good enough to be with us for a while? Good for us, i guess? You know, handle our lives?…My life? I don’t want to bring her into this crazy world of ours..”
Rei thought for a second, he snorted at his way of wording everything and how he tried to water down what he meant.
His godfather watched him for a moment before he made a turn into another lane. Rei had a cute little thinking face where his nose would wrinkle a little like his father, Tony, but his eyes would narrow down like his mother, Maria. It was something Pepper and Peggy pointed out recently every-time they saw him think of something.
“I think she’s okay, for now. She is pretty, looks smart I think and uh, she is friends with mommy.” Rei said with a shrugged, trying to piece together his thoughts.
“Plus she got some attitude like you..” Jason added with a smile.
“I do not have attitude!”
“Yes you do, bubba.”
“Okay bubba. Whatever you say, you want to watch a movie when we get home?”
His eyes light up hearing that, “Yes please! And give me your phone, please.”
“Haha—wait why?” Jason asked with a chuckle.
“I’mma call her for you! ‘Cause you are always busy and said you are dummy.”
“Rei, you are not calling Sophie.”
“Someone gotta do it duh! You say it is okay to be scared but we gotta be brave sometimes, right JJ?”
“Don’t use my logic and words against me, child!”
The boy laughed knowing he won today as the phone was tossed over to him with the contact open to the girl in question. There was a mutual conversation between the two, because it was true.
Sometimes you need a little push to do something, even if it doesn’t always turn out well. If you ain’t gonna do it for yourself, sometimes will always do it for you. It’s something the blonde used to preach a lot, even though it wasn’t advice he didn’t always take for himself.
It was the sad part about advice but it was the truth. Sometimes you don’t take your own words too heart.
Moments like this, he knew Rei was the one of the coolest and smartest kids in the world. But he wouldn’t exactly tell him all that too often because according to Peggy, they’re godson’s ego would grow two sizes too big if they did.
But they love the Stark boys nonetheless.
As he left to enter the road leading to the house, he could hear Rei’s voice talking with Sophie on the phone. He could’ve sworn he heard a chuckle or two escape his mouth as his tone tried to remain calm. There were moments he heard Rei give a snarky or rude comment and joke about something in his signature tone of voice.
It was a little out of character for the kid since he didn’t like anyone very often, always giving a rude attitude towards the person that crossed his path and always liked to stay in his zone. Be a homebody and be around people he already knew instead of meeting new people.
Jason blamed himself for that, it was like Rei inherited that part of him.
But this side of Rei, where if determined he will find the confidence within himself and talk to the person, make conversation with them if it meant he got something in return.
That was something he inherited from his mother and grandmother. Maria Winter and Maria Stark.
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Because Rei knew if he got his godfather a date with this girl, come Christmas time, he will get extra presents from both adults. Plus he might have another person who makes his Pops somewhat happy for a little while.
He may not always show it, but he very much appreciated Jason and grateful for having him in his life. The least he can do see him enjoy himself every once in a while with someone else, but not too much because at the end of the day that was his pops. No one else’s.
The rest of the car ride was pretty nice. Music blasting from the radio, the sun shining through the clouds and the small noise the came from the car after Rei finished his small chat with Sophie. According to him, he liked the girl and Jason chuckled at his nod of approval.
The duo were just chatting, even after parking in front of Mansion and walked inside with grocery bags, they kept discussing topics. More like Rei kept rambling on about the movie he wanted to watch, what he wanted for dinner and the idea he had for the garage. Jason just chuckled nodding and responding announcing to Jarvis they’re back home.
As Jason was putting away the groceries and getting started on lunch time, Tony walked in ruffing Rei’s hair. Tony turned to face the two and raise an eyebrow as he asked, “Okay your a good mood. Spill.”
Rei rolled his eyes and shrugged, “Nothing, dad. Relax.”
“Yeah bubba, we just went out to go some shopping. You hungry?” Jason added with a smile.
Tony nodded replies that he’s starving, sitting down next to his son. Jason told them lunch would be started soon, he just needed to change his clothes into something more comfortable, walking out of the kitchen.
Rei smiled leaning back waiting for him be out of hallway and upstairs as Tony grinned taking out the chicken nuggets and fries from the freezer with ease. Once Tony made sure his uncle out gone, he whipped his head towards Rei and asked, “Okay kid, what do you know?”
“I ain’t telling.” Rei replied with a matching grin waiting for his end of the bribe.
His father sighed, “Alright, two weeks at Disneyland park next month.”
“And?” His son added with a tune waiting for more.
“Ice cream after dinner while Pepper is asleep.”
“Much better!”
“Now spill, squirt.”
“JJ saw his ex girlfriend at the store.”
“He did?! And what happened?”
“They talked and whatever. She’s pretty much a nice girl.”
“You met her?”
“We talked for like less than 20 minutes. She is one mom’s old friends.”
Tony thought for a moment trying to remember of ex girlfriend’s Winter friends as his eyes shined, “You mean the one that looked like Disney princess with some attitude that came that last year’s New Years Eve party? Always wears a ponytail and a cute burgundy shirt?” 
“Yeahhh? That one. How did you know? Don’t tell me you dated her? Gross!” Rei asked millions of questions with a weird face.
“No of course not! Not my type, I remember her cause she brought us ticket to the Mets game last year. I think your mom and her always get their nails somewhere close by when you were a little.”
“Ohhh! Oh—that was her?! ‘Baseball girl’ you called you?”
“Yup kiddo, that’s the one. I didn’t know JJ liked her.”
“I guess so! He was a chicken and dumped her, I had to call her and see what she is like.”
“You set your godfather up on a date? You’re definitely my kid!”
That was when Jason walked back in the kitchen wearing sweatpants and his favorite t-shirt noticing how they sorta got quiet when he walked inside. Seeing them getting along very well and grinning towards one another.
It was a nice surprise to see them acting like silly gooses but it was odd even the faces they were making.
He gave them a confused look waving his hand in the air and asked, “What you guys talking about?”
Both of them looked at one another then back at them as they replied, “Nothing!”
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marvelsfavoriteuncle · 5 months
We will never go back.. / Endgame Blurb 🌧️
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Pairing: Jason x Elizabeth
Featuring the chillest godson, Rei Stark
Extra characters mentioned: Tony, Natasha, Pepper, Steve, Carol Danvers, Morgan, Ava and etc
Thanos snapped.
We lost.
Now we’re stuck in Avengers Compound watching the panels of people who were dusted off or body not found yet.
There were immediate reports of casualties among the country and civilians running wild.
But at the moment Jason couldn’t care less about that. Half of his family were lost in space, for weeks now, with no signals communication from any kind of satellite or aircraft.
Natasha placed a hand on his shoulder as he gently half smiled, as he hasn’t been seen moving from his seat in the main area in hours. Bruce and Thor were off somewhere in the house, Steve was in the bathroom and god knows where the others are.
He felt a little numb. And who can blame him? He had been punched repeatedly by aliens just a couple of weeks back, his body aching from misery, his eyes swollen from starvation.
He just needed to know they were alright…
Suddenly a rumbling sound was felt across the whole compound, blaring lights from above the ceiling windows and gasps from the hallways. Jason rushed to his feet following Natasha out the door onto the yard, noticing the others just behind them. As he looked up, he saw it. An aircraft being carried down by a blonde beacon of light.
An instant sensation of fear and relief came over him as the ship landed then opened up, watching Tony stumbling out, as Rei followed behind him just as weak and tired. Steve rushed over to Tony and Jason did the same for Rei.
The young brunette fought him off being held upright, as it seemed he was battling a serious wave of thoughts, but it was evident that Rei was basically going to pass out, despite fighting the urge to give up. After a moment of muttering and grunting a few words, he fell into his godfather’s arms like when he was a child whimpering softly as Jason held him close.
His mind didn’t even register that one Stark was missing from the mess.
His wife, as he assumed she was behind Tony and being held upright by Steve for support. But she wasn’t, he didn’t need to think twice about it to know she was dusted like the rest of them…
He spent the next couple of hours, playing physician with Rhodes, cleaning up both Stark’s wounds properly, getting them something to eat and replacing their IVs regularly.
They needed rest.
He was only half listening to the radio, he was barely paying much attention to his fellow teammates talking to catch every word or whistle given. He rolled his eyes at Tony’s wordsmith of a tongue, Rei shared the same sentiment apparently.
He didn’t even given himself a chance to properly defend or process the fact that his wife was gone. He lost her twice, once to the damn ice block and the other to a damn mad titan who looked like some rotten plum.
Great going Underwood…
Rei brought him out of his thoughts.
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Jason was sitting on the edge of the young man’s hospital bed, playing with his thumbs after delivering him a bowl of orange slices. He looked up to see his godson eating his fruit, poking him with his foot to catch his attention.
“You’ve been awfully quiet since I got back.” Rei said softly, his voice still a little heavy.
He scoffed, “No kidding. I was worried about you.”
“I am 23 years old, I can take care of myself, thank you very much.”
“Yeah, right, sure.”
“…okay i did not expect to be stuck in space with some blue girl and dad for half of the time..but still.”
“Or getting our ass handed to us by some ailen freaks.”
“Since when did you fight ailen freaks? Your retired!”
“While you were space, I had to suit up..”
Rei looked up from his bowl once again as it clicked, seeing the bruises and scab cuts on his godfather’s face. He was fighting with his bow and arrow against some of Thanos’s forces, in his green suit once again. He only seen the suit come out once during 2015 Ultron attacked but seen it hung up over the years.
He would never admit it but when he was a child, he even played around with the green mask he wore for the custom piece of clothing. A part of him wishes he got to see it again in action and roast his godfather for it later.
“Don’t start.” Jason said, pointing a finger toward his face.
“I wasn’t thinking about it..” Rei replied quickly, “…are you still hurt?”
“Define hurt.”
“Bullshit answer.”
“Heh yeah..we all lost something here when Thanos freak face showed up..”
Rei and Jason were similar when it came to traumatic events in their lives. They will always chat about it and use humor to deflect the thoughts, but most of the time keeping the conversation neutral. And with the recent turn of events, they didn’t even needed to talk about it too much. Only that it hurts.
Jason knew he lost Peter and his younger sister, Olivia. As of right now, he only got Ava at the moment when it came to siblings, as she was somewhere in the compound doing god knows what. Yet, he still had his friends in a way.
“..I uh, I’m sorry about Ma..” Rei said after a brief pause, referring to his godmother, “..she um..”
“It’s okay..I will deal with it later..” Jason said stopping him midway, knowing when it came to approaching a subject like this, it wasn’t natural for his godson.
“..you sure? I mean..you kinda lost her twice here.”
“Thanks for the sucker punch to the gut, bud.”
“I’m not good at this, you know that…well you should know she kicked some serious ass.”
“I bet..was she mad at any one of us?”
“No. I don’t think so..she was mainly mad at the wizard guy and the blue girl’s friend..uh, Star Lord.”
Two of them let out tiny chuckles at the thought of Elizabeth Stark coming up with snarky remarks and give out her iconic glares in annoyance as if they were free handouts. It didn’t last long, because soon enough their faces returned to the neutral tones of pain and frustration.
But at least there was some kind of humor in the affair of this whole situation.
5 years later…
To say Jason was a little better was an insult to his own heart. Yes, he was outright heartbroken and closed off from half of the world, as his depression was higher most day than others. The thought of losing his wife and friends still haunted him.
What was he thinking?! He missed his wife so god damn much! The night he found out she was dusted, he pushed it all down and threw himself into working on helping the others instead. It ate away at him for days, not sleeping nor eating as much as he should have been, sitting around looking out at the window with a glimpse of hope in his eyes that she was still alive, was gone.
He cried himself to sleep that week. He made it worse for himself listening to her voicemail and any conversation in his inbox. Twice he lost her, twice he got the message that she was gone with no body to burn or funeral arrangements given for her.
You would think with all the people he lost, Jason would be used to it by now, but no.
Everytime he gains something, he loses something in return. Or vise versa. It was this unfortunate circumstance that played in his head.
He did have some lights in his life though. He still had Pepper, Tony, Rei and Ava. And his latest addition being Morgana H. Stark.
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Morgan was everything he wanted and missed when it came to his godchildren. He missed them being little. He knew Tony missed it a lot! She was the only one who called him, ‘Grandpa’ and he allowed it. She acted like Tony in her eating habits but so kind like Pepper with the way she treats others. Her older siblings loved her to death. Somehow she inherited Rei’s sassy attitude.
He could see features in her face that somehow reminded him of Liz for some reason. Her dark loose hair, her soft shaped nose, and even the way she giggled. She was pure Stark.
He would sometimes wake up to Morgan sitting on his chest and saying a soft ‘Good morning!’ As he slowly open his eyes and smile, tickling her belly and putting her down on the floor for she can go to the bathroom and he can get five more minutes of sleep. He knew Rei would handle his baby sister for a little while longer before the other adults got ready for breakfast.
His morning would start with him wearing his sweats all day, drinking coffee and donuts, sometimes he forgot to eat an actual breakfast until Pepper reminded him. He got better, having breakfast every day, but kept his coffee habit and watching Saturday morning cartoons as a comfort for him. Then he would crawl back into bed around 11am to nap.
And wake up around 12:35pm that afternoon.
Laziness would take over, as he would spend his time on the bench outside the front porch and just sit there in silence. Sometimes he would change out of his sweaters and sometimes he won’t. Jason would bring out a set of pens, pencils and other items to doodle in his notebook. Sometimes Pepper would join as she watches the kids play with each other.
Tony was either at work or at home tinkering in the garage with some new item he bought up from his mind.
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Other times his mind would wonder off to Lizzie, especially if Morgan asked. She was 5 years old and never met the woman, unlike her older siblings have. Jason would hear Tony saying that she reminded him off Grandma, Elizabeth Stark, as the little girl would giggle.
If Jason was caught watching old videos tapes or looking over old photographs (mainly Pepper’s idea to keep him out of bed for the day, god bless her soul for trying!), Morgan would somehow find him and ask so many questions.
The man would at first hesitate to talk about or even retell the background story of the video tapes Morgan would point to on screen. He never had to explain anymore, since most people in the family knew as much as possible about him. But then he would remember she was only 5 years old and didn’t know any better.
So like anything in Jason’s life he would suck it up like he always did, take a deep breather and smile, before talking about the topic at hand. Even if he wasn’t in spirits to do so, he did it.
And in some way, it helped, telling his younger granddaughter—goddaughter, about her grandmother/godmother. As Morgan would giggle, point to things he didn’t caught onto before and go on a mini rant about what she newly discovered.
It made him forget about the fact that he lost so much weight and time theses last few years. It felt like someone click the rewind button on his life story and allowed Jason to breathe in the fresh air.
Yes, it hurts as the world feels bleak and the pain of losing someone feels like a burden, an open wound that no one took time to sew back together…but sometimes it wasn’t so bad.
Again, he will always lose more than he chew and gain something entirely different in return…
Let me know what u think in the comments section below!
Tags: @missstrawbs2001 @purpleprincessonfyre @meiramel @gcthvile @ask-starrk @rickb-chaos @gaminggirlsstuff @wizzzardofoz @cherrysft @luna-d-marsh @elzabeth-stark @savemewattpad etc
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preciousbarnes · 2 years
Okay so hear me out imagine that Morgan stark has grown up looking to Peter as a father figure (of course he never replaced tony and worked to keep his memory alive for Morgan) and of course Morgan is just as intelligent as her father ever was so she finds a way to bring her father back and Peter walks in to see Morgan standing in front of Tony with tears in her eyes as says “dad?” And of course tony is dumbfounded because last thing he remembers is snapping Thanos out of existence and pepper telling him they’ll all be okay and now he’s here standing in front of his now adult daughter and Peter who is now in his early 30s walks in to talk to Morgan about a new lab thing or something related to stark industries and is shocked to see his mentor standing there among the living again
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