#Valentina Grande
cujus · 1 year
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philosophenstreik · 9 months
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was wäre logischer, als ein porträt der im titel stehenden person auf den einband zu bringen? eine schöne und angenehme gestaltung von fabian arnet. auffordernd und streng schaut die protagonistin dem betrachter entgegen - kaufe das buch! man sollte es tun (rezension zur graphic novel im vorigen beitrag)
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queerographies · 2 years
[Gertrude Stein e la generazione perduta][Valentina Grande][Eva Rossetti]
Gertrude Stein e la generazione perduta di Valentina Grande e Eva Rossetti è la nuova graphic novel su una donna poliedrica e dalla grande personalità che ha raccontato l'Europa delle avanguardie artistiche
Questa graphic novel racconta l’anello di congiunzione fra arte e letteratura, fra America e Francia durante le avanguardie del Novecento, fra amore, passioni personali e questioni di genere. Gertrude Stein nasce negli Stati Uniti da una ricca famiglia ebraica di origine tedesca. Agli inizi del Novecento si stabilisce a Parigi dove vive con il fratello Leo e poi con l’inseparabile Alice B. Toklas…
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fromthestacks · 2 years
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The Women Who Changed Art Forever: Feminist Art- the Graphic Novel by Valentina Grande and Eva Rossetti
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Grand Duchess Olga Nikolaevna with her crush, Dmitri Shakh-Bagov
“And plus a letter came from Shakh-Bagov—Olga Nikolaevna threw all her things around from delight, and threw a pillow up on a top shelf. She felt feverish and she jumped around: "Can someone have a stroke at 20 years old? I think I am having a stroke!" But Varvara Afanasievna declared: "Young blood is warm; the years pass, and the blood cools off.”
— Valentina Ivanovna Chebaotareva, friend and fellow Sister of Mercy to Grand Duchess Olga and Tatiana Nikolaevna, February 1916
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Day 914
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(Art by @the-belial )
It's the twins' birthday!!!!
Today, on September 24th is the twins' birthday! And to celebrate, here they are with their partners, Valentina and Manuel, feeding them some birthday cake! Hope you guys like the art!
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@chaldeamage-neo @hasbbdoneanythingwrong @haskamadoneanythingwrong @hasnightingaledoneanythingwrong @haskiaradoneanythingwrong @exmeowstic @averaillisa
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figureskatingcostumes · 9 months
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Valentina Andrianova's short program costume at the 2022 Junior Grand Prix events in Riga and Gdansk.
(Source: kissncry_pics 1 and 2)
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yourtrashcollector · 2 months
È anche così che diventi adulta: imparando a provare tenerezza per chi sei stata. Sei tu, tua madre.
Valentina Mira, Dalla stessa parte mi troverai
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dixt · 2 years
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view from grand hotel timeo in sicilia, italy ⋅ ph. valentina barabuffi 
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digitalinterfacer · 7 months
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odetolovers · 1 year
For the ask game : fern, steel, lilac, lemon and mint 💫
U LOVE ME SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!
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theboyznmotion · 2 years
i want a boyfriend to wear like an accessory
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philosophenstreik · 9 months
gertrude stein
und ihr salon der künste
graphic novel von valentina grande und eva rossetti
erschienen 2023
bei knesebeck
isbn: 978-3-95728-732-8
in drei akten erzählen und zeichnen valentina grande und eva rossetti das faszinierende leben der gertrude stein, einer intelektuellen vordenkerin, die aber eher durch ihren salon der künste in die geschichte eingegangen ist, als durch ihre eigenen künstlerischen projekte.
im paris der 20er jahre gingen größen der kultur wie ernest hemingway, pablo picasso, henri matisse, francis scott fitzgerald und noch andere ein und aus im hause der amerikanerin gertrude stein und ebenso ging sie bei ihnen und in ihren ateliers ein und aus. als von den schönen künsten besessene dame, war sie war eine der ersten käuferinnen eines matisse-werkes. erzählt wird die geschichte interessanterweise von einem fiktiven freund von gertrude stein, der sich wünschte, sie würde sich seiner schriftstellerkarriere ebenso sehr widmen wie der des nch nicht wirklich bekannten ernest hemingway, dem sie immer wieder großes talent bescheinigt.
diese graphic novel belebt mit ihrer geschichte und den zeichnungen ein stück kulturgeschichte in wunderbarer weise und wirft ein licht nicht nur auf ihren salon, sondern eben auch und vor allem auf die person gertrude stein, der der ruhm vieler ihrer freundschaften zeitlebens verwehrt blieb, auf ihre ambitionen, ihre große liebe alice toklas, ihre ideen und an sich auch die frage, warum sich auch posthum die verdienten lorbeeren nocht nicht eingestellt haben...
eine weitere absolut lesens- und sehenswerte und unglauglich kurzweilige biographische graphic novel einer person der künste, die knesebeck mit "gertrude stein und ihr salon der künste" herausbringt.
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conandaily2022 · 8 months
Valentina Martinez biography: 13 things about Miss Grand Venezuela 2023
Valentina del Pilar Martínez Landkœr is a Venezuelan journalist, model and beauty queen. Here are 13 more things about her:
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cento40battute · 2 years
La Rivoluzione di "Cometes Collective"
La Rivoluzione di “Cometes Collective”
Una nuova squadra di creativi improntata alla diversità Cometes Collective, un gruppo di talenti emergenti di diverse nazionalità che entrano a far parte dello Studio di Creazione Maquillage della celebre Maison Chanel è da sempre sinonimo di eleganza e rappresenta una garanzia per qualunque donna desideri esaltare la propria bellezza. Fin dalle origini si caratterizza per una forte impronta…
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lilghostiequinni · 13 days
Times & Turns
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Main Masterlist Lando Masterlist
Pairing: F1 Champion!female oc (Valentina;Val) x Lando Norris
Warnings: Fluffy, Established relationship, previously mentioned Pregnancy, Engagment
Summary: She's the first female driver in F1 to race in a whole season, and she's the first to win more than a handful of race, let alone the World Champion, she's done it once, at the beginning of Red Bull dominance, can she do it again as it's dominance diminishes?
Requested: NO / yes
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In 2018, history was made when Valentina Norr signed for a full season as a Red Bull driver rather than a extended contract of a reserve driver for McLaren or Mercedes.
It was in 2020, when she made history again, when she became the first woman to win the World Championship, having taken Lewis Hamilton on for most of the season to win the championship and won by a mere 3 points.
It was speculated for months that after her win she would move to Mercedes then it was Ferrari, then McLaren. Also being speculated that after a mere two years of racing full time she was going to retire as it was only a 2-year contract with Red Bull.
But in the end it was announced for a contract extension to the 2022 season, a 2-year extension.
Then in 2022, there were more speculations of her moving from Red Bull to McLaren to be teammates rather than rivals with her boyfriend of six years Lando Norris.
Having met at McLaren in late 2016 and later in October 2017 starting to date.
But again stayed in Red Bull with both her and Max being announced to stay until the end of the 2028 season, a 6-year extension.
But it was just before the start of the 2023 season that it was announced that Sergio Perez would be taking the place of Valentina Norr as she would be unable to compete in the 2023 season.
During the season it was speculated many times as to why she was missing the entire season as no injury could make her stay out that long.
It wasn't until the 7th race of the season that she could be seen in the garage on the pit wall of Red Bull seemingly helping out her teammate Max Verstappen.
Again fans went crazy, speculating what could possibly be wrong, she seemed fine with no injuries.
Then at the 9th race of the season, ahead of race weekend Valentina took the social media to address rumors on why she was not participating in the season saying, "I have personal reasons to not race in the 2023 season, I want to be in the races and on the podiums so badly with Max, but my world changed over break and now revolves around more things than racing. I know so many of you miss me on that track, I miss being on the track too. But rest assured, I should be fine and ready to race next season. I look forward to seeing you all. But for now root for Max and Lando."
It captioned photos of her that where taken on the put wall and throughout the races she had been at during the season.
Then from the 10th race of the Spanish Grand Prix to the 17th race of the Italian Grand Prix fans noticed that she seemed to not appear at all in the Pit Wall or garage of Red Bull.
But when she returned in Singapore for the 18th race, she wasn't seen in Red Bull, but in McLaren all decked out in McLaren merch, having been seen watching from the Pit Wall.
She was seen at the rest of the races for the season, never straying far from McLaren, leading many to speculate that she would be moving to McLaren in 2024, taking Oscar's seat.
But when it was announced that Valentina Norr was going to be returning to Red Bull in the 2024 season, fans loved that she would be returning.
Though over the break before the 2024 season there was many rumors on why she left and opted out of the 2023 season so close to start, but with the speculations of why also came the paranoia of if it would happen again in 2024.
Which it didn't, Valentina was there from the first race of the season in Bahrain, getting P2 on the podium with Max and Lando.
In Saudi Arabia, she got P1 just milliseconds before Max.
Australia, she got P2 ahead of Lando and Charles, behind Carlos.
Then came Japan, and her getting P2 again behind Max and ahead of Carlos.
In China, she got P1 ahead of Lando and Max, P2 and P3 respectively.
In Miami, Valentina got P4, just under the podium, but still celebrated for Lando's win.
At Imola, she got P1 just milliseconds before Lando, who got P2.
With Monaco, she got P5 behind both Ferraris and McLarens.
In Canada, she got P1 with Lando and George following.
The Spanish and Austrian races having the same result of P1.
In Silverstone, she got P2 behind Lando, but got fastest lap.
At Hungary, she again got P1.
Belgium, Valentina got P2 and fastest lap.
The Dutch Grand Prix resulted in her ending in 2nd behind Max and ahead of Lando.
The Grand Prixes of Italy, Baku, Singapore, and the United States all had her ending P1 with two fastest laps.
In Mexico, she pitted at the wrong time losing her P1 place to Max and P2 to Lando, but she got fastest lap.
The three races of Brazil, Las Vegas, and Qatar, she ended P1 with fastest lap in Brazil.
At Abu Dhabi, she got fastest lap and P1, making history again by winning a second World Championship with 526 points.
On the podium, Valentina stood on the 1st place podium with Max in P2 and Lando in P3.
After the champagne spray and podium celebration, no one in the podium platform moved as Valentina went to get off of the podium stage, but Max pointed behind her to her boyfriend.
When she turned she found that Lando was on one knee.
"Valentina Norr, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife and making the happiest man alive by adding is to your name? You are the mother of my children and took a break from your career to be the best mom ever and you still are, but you could also be the perfect wife. So will you, Valentina Norr of Peru, marry me, Lando Norris of England?" Lando opened the ring box in his hand.
Valentina had tears in her eyes and quickly nodded her head, as Lando stood up and put the ring on her finger, leaving her speechless.
When she finds her voice all she can say is, "I love you, so so much."
She does find her voice seconds later, "You are the best father to our children and will continue to be and you are going to make the most amazing husband."
Then their three kids were brought out onto the podium, two boys and a girl, one of the boys seemed to be older than the other and the girl.
"It's your turn to win next year," Valentina says to Lando.
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A/N: I just want to say the last name of Norr was not the original plan of Noor, but I looked up Norr name meaning and it means north with Norris meaning northerner and I though it was funny and kept it. Shall we finish all of the 9 that I have to do? This is 2 of 9. I changed it from 12 because a two for today are collections that I'm still finalizing some things, and one I'm thinking of making it into two parts.
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