#Valentine Pelka
vintagetvstars · 2 months
Sean Bean Vs. Valentine Pelka
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Sean Bean - (Lady Chatterley, Sharpe (Seasons 1-2)) - Sean Bean is a Sheffield born actor known for his TV appearances in the iconic Sharpe series, as well as Lady Chatterley. He's best known for his syrupy voice and especially his great physical performances. Both authors and directors are so in love with Sean's Sheffield accent that they often make adjustments to the characters he plays and set their hometown to Sheffield as well! Bernard Cornwell, author of Sharpe novels, was so impressed with Sean's work he changed the hair of the main character from black to blonde to match the actor's hair, and set his hometown to Sheffield as a tribute.
Valentine Pelka - (Highlander, Crossbow, Queen of Swords) - I think it's his eyes that stand out to me, but he's also another one of those "watch him in a role and you'll understand" actors. You see him once, he leaves an impression, and then you're delighted when he pops up again in another show you're watching.
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Sean Bean:
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“Another story — and this really is an index of the real man… I met him in LAX (Los Angeles airport), he’d come direct from New Zealand. We were both going to London. He was carrying what seemed like 20 bags and he’s got this old man and old lady there. I asked Sean if I could give him a hand. After waiting a few minutes, I asked whether he was going to introduce me to his friends. ‘Is this your Mum and Dad?’ He said he’d love to introduce me to them but he didn’t know their names. The rather dazed old couple introduce themselves…they were just an old couple who had been on the plane and had been struggling with their luggage, he’d decided to help them out. They had no idea who he was. We get to Heathrow and I’m running for a connection and out of the corner of my eye, I can see Sean very patiently taking their bags off, stacking them and steering them through customs. I don’t believe, to this day, they had any idea who he was. The man is pure gold. I love him to death. He’s just a thoroughly good man and a marvelous actor.” ~John Rhys Davis on Sean Bean
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naoa-ao3 · 6 days
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movie--posters · 2 years
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More Highlander memes!
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The Horsemen Reunion Part (5/?)
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xian-moriarty · 1 year
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A la pointe de l’épée (Tessa à la pointe de l’épée)(Queen of Sword en VO).
1 saison.
22 épisodes.
Synopsis :
Après la mort mystérieuse de son père, une jeune femme, Maria-Teresa Alvarado, rentre chez elle en Californie, où elle devient un symbole, la Reine des épées, luttant pour la justice et essayant de réparer les torts du colonel Montoya et et de son homme de main, le capitaine Grisham.
Casting :
Tessie Santiago, Anthony Lemke, Paulina Gálvez, Valentine Pelka, Elsa Pataky, Peter Wingfield, Tacho González.
Plaisir de visionnage :
J’adore, mais soyons honnête, y a rien qui va.
Épisodes clichés, voire racistes, à gogo.
Héroïne fadasse.
Les méchants ne méritent pas de perdre ; ils sont les points forts de la série.
Note : 4 chats
Historicité :
Je ne possède pas les connaissances nécessaires pour juger, mais je pense que ce n'était pas un aspect rechercher par ses auteurices.
Note : 2 chats.
Disponibilité :
Difficilement trouvable en support matériel.
Disponible sur des sites de streaming.
Bonus Point Chat :
Pas de chat. Snif.
Note : 1 chat.
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celestial-alignment · 2 years
Deleted scene from the DVD Alternate Cut of “Revelation 6:8.” A flashback of Methos and Kronos in ancient Greece. 
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vintagewarhol · 3 years
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youtwitinmyface · 4 years
Best TV Show You've Never Watched: THE QUEEN OF SWORDS
Best TV Show You’ve Never Watched: THE QUEEN OF SWORDS
Earlier this month it was announced that Sofia Vergara was teaming with Robert and Rebecca Rodriquez to produce a new ZORRO TV series for NBC. The twist is that this wouldn’t be the classic version of the character:Zorro centers on Sola Dominguez, an underground artist who fights for social justice as a contemporary version of the mythical Zorro. READ MOREPredictably there are critical comments…
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avaantares · 5 years
Wow. The things you discover when you get into a discussion about the weird, obscure, or terrible shows you watched just because you adored certain actor(s) in them, and then start randomly looking up those old fandoms on AO3 to see who else shared your plight...
Queen of Swords/Highlander the Series crossover fic, I fully expected. I mean, the two shows shared not only a producer, but multiple cast members (Peter Wingfield and Valentine Pelka reprised their roles as sarcastic badass with a guilt complex and scenery-chewing villain, respectively), so there's considerable fandom and character overlap. Everyone I know personally who has actually seen QoS learned of it through Highlander fandom, so that one's a gimme.
Queen of Swords/Doctor Who crossover, on the other hand... This I did not anticipate. Especially the Jack Harkness/Robert Helm ship. O_o Sure, Jack is practically his own Rule 34 and has been paired up with everything and everyone, but... Doctor Helm? Really? Well, Peter Wingfield is originally from Cardiff, and we know how Jack feels about those Welsh vowels...
Then there are the Queen of Swords/Forever crossovers, which I think actually outnumber the Doctor Who ones?? and are even more unexpected, since there is literally no connection I can think of between a nil-budget Saturday afternoon Zorro knockoff and a prime-time network police procedural, other than the fact that they each only ran for one season. Oh, and... Ioan Gruffudd is also Welsh.
Wait a minute...
Immortal characters.
Welsh actors.
I think I'm beginning to see a pattern here.
also boy howdy do I have a type or what
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tzigone · 2 years
Queen of Swords - 1x04 - Vengeance thoughts
Well, one person actually commented on my one other post, so I thought I’d dig out the ones I had left from a rewatch I did 9 years ago to post. I actually did another rewatch this week, but I still pretty much agree with what I wrote in this one.
Montoya had some good lines in this one: The woman has a good heart; I shall keep in a jar on my desk. I am sure that we can work something out.  If you would just be so kind as to run your sword through the young lady behind me? Helm got one too: No, Colonel, you and I understand each other perfectly.
Now, this is a good episode for Helm insights and details and for Tessa learning more about him. It is interesting to look at the relationship between Tessa and Ramon. I really bought them as old friends in this ep.  They were very comfortable with each other when dancing and chatting.  And the sincerity when she follows him after Helm doesn't tell him his father will make it is nice.
Now, Tessa does play the flake or the child to Helm a little in this ep.   When she goes on about the Ramon's agony and honor, she sounds like a ridiculous child. But she didn't use that act in the beginning, when she kept her cool, and was there because she was Ramon's friend.  Even when she asks about the crossbow, she comes off as an intelligent adult. But I don't really think Helm thought about the disparity.   I really don’t think Helm thinks about Tessa Alvarado much.
Montoya is interesting here because he seems to be hosting a party for kids to suck up the Dons.  I'm not used to him sucking up. Usually he makes a deal or he threatens. Do we see another instance of this type of behavior from Montoya? I don't remember any but I'll note in the future.  He usually seems to just barely have a balance in power Also notable is how overt Montoya is with Fuentes. Just checks to make sure Fuentes is discreet if has anyone killed.  And I know it's for dramatic effect, but there really is no reason for Montoya to cut the head off a flower when the flower has already been cut at the stem .
The scene where the Queen confronts Helm with the evidence is fantastic. Good drama. I like his "so he's still alive" comment - it's mean, but it's good tv.  Helm has far stronger feelings about this matter than the Queen does.  But, IMO, he's also completely wrong.  He's all about it not being his responsibility.  And while no, he wouldn't be guilty of murder, there is a basic responsibility that one person might have to their fellow human beings to correct someone's misconception when that misconception is likely to lead to someone dying.  Contrast that with Tessa's actions in freeing Churri or what she how she wanted to help Enrique.  Helm is so much running away in this episode.  It doesn't fix anything, it doesn't solve anything, and it doesn't help anyone, including himself.  But Tessa, as herself and as the Queen, gets him to at least try to set things straight before he runs away.  And he (in various eps) tries to keep her from going down the road that hurt him so much.  
On a separate note, I do think that Helm admires in the Queen that she takes action.  She tries to help people, does help people.   He does not like the killing, but he does like that she doesn't run away, she doesn't keep her head down, but instead she helps people.  She sees injustice and works to right it.  I think it appeals to that black-and-white, right-and-wrong sense that he had and lost regarding war.  I think her idealism might respark some of his. 
The scene with Tessa and Helm is interesting.  She's manipulating him with all her talk of Ramon, but she's sucessful, and I guess that's what counts.  Love the look on his face when she says Ramon will die trying. And him giving her sugar water and telling her it's sugar water is fun.  He's too distracted to care to make an excuse.  She does keep her persona up all through the conversation.  I guess because  he knows Tessa is friends with Ramon, he doesn't really think about her being the one to provoke his reactions.  I really don't think Helm ever really thinks about Tessa when she isn't in the room with him, and barely thinks about her when she is.  He wants her gone because of what she saying, but her words bother him enough that he doesn't think about who is saying them. Unfortunately, I don't find Wingfield's performance in the scene where he tells Ramon he was the target that strong.  The dialog definitely has a lot to do with that, though.  Not the best scene.  It's very overdone, IMO. Fortunately, Helm's followup scene with the Queen is much better.  He's running away, and she's stopping him.  Or at least trying to delay him long enough that he changes his mind.  At least it reminds him that someone cares if he leaves.  I like the back-and-forth and I like her quick comeback with "I asked first."  I don't actually think Helm wants to know who is under the mask.  He just wants to make her as uncomfortable as she's making him. Didn't work, though. 
That seemed like a really small slap to cause the horse to rear to me.  Poor Helm, that didn't turn out how he planned.  Oh, I love them trying to save each other.  Pretty typical of what they'd each do for anyone, but still awesome when it's mutual. 
I like Montoya's "as soon as I have the Queen of Swords" line, but why is Latham a son of a bitch?  I mean, what's he done to annoy Montoya so much?  He didn't introduce himself, and that's about it, isn't it? I don't think Montoya cares about  Aguilera's death.
I wonder how Latham knew Montoya would be receptive to the murder of the Doctor and let agree to let him go?  Did I miss a scene where he found out how crooked a law enforcement officer Montoya is?
The Queen almost got herself killed because she was watching Helm instead of her enemy.  And then Helm kinda did the same thing.   
Here's a question: do you believe Montoya honestly thought he had even a 33% of Helm actually killing the Queen?  If not, then why do you think he said it? Certainly I don't think Montoya thought Helm would kill him, since he just spared Latham. Then they're both so casual about having threatened each others lives.   Montoya can be said to simply be being pragmatic, not sure what to say about Helm.
Okay, we know Tessa is interested in Helm.  She definitely, when visiting as the Queen, was hoping he was going to say something other that what he did when he said he was glad she came - she was getting ready to be all flirty for a second.  Do you think Tessa's greeting at the beginning is part of her interest too, or just politeness?  
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unsaltedsinner · 7 years
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Perfectly perfect skin.
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vintagetvstars · 2 months
Hot Vintage TV Men's Bracket - Round 1 - Part 1/2 (Polls 1-99)
Round 1 (All Polls)
Ted Bessell Vs. Dick Van Dyke
Jonathan Frid Vs. William Hartnell
Claude Rains Vs. William Hopper
Eric Idle Vs. Peter Tork
Henry Winkler Vs. Tom Smothers
Martin Kove Vs. Tom Selleck
Jeff Conaway Vs. John de Lancie
Dave Foley Vs. Michael J. Fox
David Hyde Pierce Vs. Tony Shalhoub
Jason Bateman Vs. Rob Lowe
Ted Cassidy Vs. Boris Karloff
Eddie Albert Vs. Russell Johnson
Bobby Sherman Vs. Micky Dolenz
Robin Williams Vs. Fred Grandy
Kevin Smith Vs. Bruce Campbell
Brad Dourif Vs. LeVar Burton
Seth Green Vs. Brandon Quinn
Matthew Perry Vs. Tim Daly
Mike Farrell Vs. Judd Hirsch
Matt Bomer Vs. Timothy Olyphant
Larry Hagman Vs. Kent McCord
Fred Rogers Vs. Bobby Troup
David Cassidy Vs. Luke Halpin
George Takei Vs. Richard Hatch
Ricardo Montalban Vs. John Forsythe
Richard Dean Anderson Vs. Bruce Willis
Anthony Head Vs. Paul McGann
Thorsten Kaye Vs. Michael Horse
Darren E. Burrows Vs. Dana Ashbrook
Adam Brody Vs. Milo Ventimiglia
Adam West Vs. Richard Chamberlain
Randy Boone Vs. Dean Butler
Clint Walker Vs. George Maharis
Erik Estrada Vs. Paul Michael Glaser
Billy Dee Williams Vs. Rock Hudson
Ted Danson Vs. Jameson Parker
Sylvester McCoy Vs. Armin Shimerman
Joe Lando Vs. Spencer Rochfort
Ben Browder Vs. Keith Hamilton Cobb
Richard Ayoade Vs. Kevin McDonald
Patrick McGoohan Vs. Robert Vaughn
Chad Everett Vs. DeForest Kelley
Jon Pertwee Vs. Mark Lenard
Darren McGavin Vs. Peter Falk
Terry Jones Vs. Alan Alda
Michael Tylo Vs. Timothy Dalton
Sean Bean Vs. Valentine Pelka
Ioan Gruffudd Vs. Colin Firth
David Tennant Vs. Robert Carlyle
Jason Priestley Vs. Tom Welling
Martin Milner Vs. James Garner
David Soul Vs. Lee Majors
Derek Jacobi Vs. Andrew Robinson
David Hasselhoff Vs. Stephen Nichols
Jimmy Smits Vs. Hal Linden
Brent Spiner Vs. Ted Raimi
Patrick Troughton Vs. Andreas Katsulas
Miguel Ferrer Vs. Mitch Pileggi
David James Elliot Vs. Andre Braugher
Blair Underwood Vs. Mark-Paul Gosselaar
Don Adams Vs. Cesar Romero
Bob Crane Vs. John Astin
Walter Koenig Vs. Davy Jones
Tom Baker Vs. Jamie Farr
Woody Harrelson Vs. John Schneider
John Goodman Vs. Joseph Marcell
Danny John-Jules Vs. Marc Alaimo
Michael Praed Vs. Kevin Sorbo
Mark McKinney Vs. Colm Meaney
Neil Patrick Harris Vs. David Schwimmer
James Arness Vs. Robert Fuller
Clint Eastwood Vs. Robert Conrad
Jonathan Frakes Vs. Michael Hurst
David Duchovny Vs. Michael T. Weiss
Luke Perry Vs. Jeremy Sisto
Matt LeBlanc Vs. John Stamos
Reece Shearsmith Vs. Alexander Siddig
Eric Close Vs. William Shockley
Daniel Dae Kim Vs. Robert Beltran
Scott Cohen Vs. Scott Patterson
Dick Gautier Vs. Michael Landon
Wayne Rogers Vs. Alejandro Rey
Gerald McRaney Vs. Robert Wagner
Simon Williams Vs. John Cleese
Brian Blessed Vs. James Earl Jones
Noah Wyle Vs. Kyle MacLachlan
James Marsters Vs. Paul Gross
Paolo Montalban Vs. Robert Duncan McNeill
Garrett Wang Vs. Nate Richert
Christian Kane Vs. Michael Vartan
David McCallum Vs. David Selby
Leonard Nimoy Vs. Colin Baker
Randolph Mantooth Vs. Michael Nesmith
Demond Wilson Vs. Tony Danza
Ron Perlman Vs. Mr. T
Ron Glass Vs. Dirk Benedict
John Shea Vs. Michael Ontkean
Jeffrey Combs Vs. Rowan Atkinson
Tim Russ Vs. Bruce Boxleitner
Round 1 Polls 100 - 128
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naoa-ao3 · 9 months
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This book is honestly one of the greatest gifts any fandom I've ever been part of has received. My copy is a prized posession.
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kwebtv · 7 years
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Tacho González, Elsa Pataky, Peter Wingfield, Anthony Lemke, Tessie Santiago, Paulina Gálvez and Valentine Pelka in “Queen of Swords”. 
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The Horsemen Reunion Part (3/?)
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celestial-alignment · 2 years
Deleted scene from the DVD Alternate Cut of “Comes a Horseman.” This is the opening scene for the episode.
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