#Vampire Eddie
deadgirlhawkins · 4 months
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well, i'm afraid i'm not qualified to do any of these things for you!
- Kilojoules, Vampire Weekend
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boltedfruit · 7 months
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Vampire Eddie and more-than-willing Steve commission for @eddiethehunted! Thank you so much again!
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vivalski · 2 years
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Vampire Slayer 💥🦇
(Available on INPRNT)
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kkpwnall · 1 year
wanted: pool boy at the vampire mansion
for my darlingest louseph @cheatghost who a few days ago sent me the words "pool boy steve at eddie's vampire mansion" at 6 in the morning and immediately got my brain whirring. like 0 to 60, dead asleep to wide awake and writing. so here's less than 1k words of pure ridiculous fun.
[also on ao3]
It’s not a bad gig, really. Even if it stipulates in his contract that he has to be shirtless while he’s on the property. But Steve also signed the contract in his blood so he’s not sure how legal it is. 
Plus the pay is insane. He quit his other jobs, and he’s basically got free reign of the pool all day. So he takes his time with the skimmer fishing out all the leaves and dead bugs, swims laps for a while. Spends the rest of the day in a lounger before adjusting the chemicals so it’s perfect by morning.
What do vampires need with a pool anyway?
The four guys stay in the house whenever Steve comes by, but they're friendly enough and wave at him through the dark tinted windows. 
One guy ogles him the whole time he works. Not that he really minds. So what if Steve gets to work early, just to put on sunscreen? Who’s gonna know if he puts some extra flex in his muscles while he works? And who cares if they’ve got the cleanest pool in all of Indiana? It’s not hurting anyone. 
But Steve's drawn to him the same way he was drawn to the ad in the first place, with his long dark curly hair and unending collection of black band shirts. His crooked smile and dimples and shining brown eyes.
It's just... they've never once spoken. And Steve is dying to get to know this guy who makes the goofiest faces at him. Who was pissed when Steve laughed the first time he did, hands up like devil horns, tongue lolling and eyes crossed. Until Steve made his own face back. 
This guy, who plays elaborate charades with Steve through the glass, trying and failing to do the classic walking-down-stairs bit. Who went boneless when one of the guys in his band (? coven? pod? Ask Dustin what a group of vampires is called.) dragged him away while Steve mimed crying, waving an imaginary hanky at him. This guy, who clutched his heart and fell over when Steve lowered his shades and winked at him one day.
And it's because of those shades that Steve has to drive all the way back to the mansion late one night to retrieve them from his usual chair.
When he gets there, someone’s floating in the pool. Someone, with long curly hair spilling all around their head. Someone, wearing all their clothes, and Steve can't tell from the weak pool light if they're face up or face down, but they sure as hell aren't moving. 
His lifeguard training takes over between one step and the next, as he bolts for the pool, launching into the water, and throwing himself forward with broad strokes. 
Except when Steve gets to him, the guy isn't drowning, he’s sputtering and swearing and pushing away from him in the water. “What are you doing here?!”
“You're not drowning...” Steve says blankly, trying to catch his breath as he treads water. 
“No! And thank you for the rescue, Lancelot, but you need to get out of here.” His long hair streams over his face as he spins while Steve paddles around him to make sure he’s really alright. 
“Lancelot?” he asks, just to keep the guy talking, to hear more from his honeyed voice. Better than anything he could’ve ever imagined. 
“A knight in shining armor,” the guy mumbles, trying to hide his face. “A hero rescuing fair damsels and slaying vile beasts.” 
Steve chuckles, but doesn’t miss the venom in his last words. He catches him by the upper arm to stop his spinning. “No, I know who Lancelot is, it’s just–”
It’s just he’s even prettier close up. It’s just his skin is freezing cold in the sun-warmed pool water. It’s just he’s looking at Steve, caught somewhere between a grimace and a grin, and his teeth are so so sharp. 
“I’m Steve,” he says, moving closer. Entirely entranced by the pool light, the moonlight, the starlight, glimmering in his eyes. Steve’s hand has a mind of its own, rising out of the water to cup the guy’s cheek with a wet palm, “And you’re…” 
Gently traces his lower lip, runs his thumb over the sharp canine, careful not to touch the pointed tip. 
“You’re beautiful,” Steve breathes. 
The guy surges forward, reeling Steve in with a hand on the back of his neck, and kisses him fiercely. Steve kisses him back just as fervently, wraps his arms around his waist and kicks out with his legs to keep them afloat, as his tongue slides past the guy’s teeth to swirl and dance with his. 
It's messy and uncoordinated and they sink and bob in the water as they move against each other. The guy's fingers tangle in the shaggy hair at the base of his neck, twisting and snagging. Steve groans and stretches a broad palm up between the guy's shoulder blades, pressing further into him, drinking all of him in.
“It’s Eddie,” he says, pulling back and panting when they finally part. “I’m Eddie.”
Steve grins at Eddie and kisses him again, pushing them through the water towards the edge at the shallow end of the pool. He can think of better uses for his legs right now.
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bettyfrommars · 8 months
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Death Becomes Us
Part 9: Heads Will Roll
vampire!eddie x supernatural!reader
18+ONLY, vampires, werewolves, mention of witches and ghouls, a pet demobat, a car accident, no smut in this, but definitely next chapter (the kind of non-dream vampire sex you've been so patiently waiting for), reader is taken.
summary: There's a new monster in town, and you are their target. An unlikely trio decides to join forces to get you back. The character Jareth in this is meant to be Jamie Campbell Bower.
word count: 3.6k
author's note: I almost put this on hiatus, but I need to find out how it ends, for my sanity, and I would be more than pleased if some of you wanted to ride it out with me, only a bit more to go. This is not as long as I initially intended, but the next part needs to be all one piece, so I had to split it up. Much love, hope you enjoy.
This chapter takes place right where part 8 left off
“Excuse me?” You balked, looking Jareth up and down there in the alleyway behind Main Vein. “I’m not going anywhere with you.”
Who did he think he was? 
A thousand year old vampire, probably.  Stronger and faster than Eddie or any vampire you’d met so far.
Jareth smoothed a thick strand of blonde hair behind his ear.  “That’s the problem you see. I wasn’t asking.”
A fog settled in among the cold, winter darkness, crowding in like doom.  Your eyes darted from side to side, trying to understand what you were up against.  Was Jareth alone? Where were those finicky “powers” when you needed them? Even if the superhuman strength you’d been touched with made an appearance, could you take on a vampire?
Did you have a choice?
But then, a wave of fear burned like thorns in your chest and your voice cracked.  “Is Eddie okay?  Did something happen to—-?”
The smile that spread across Jareth’s face was condescending.  “No harm has befallen your trailer park Romeo.  Not at my hand, for that matter.”
Not sure how to feel about that answer, you adjusted your bag on your shoulder and took the first step away from him, on the way to your hearse.  
“Tsktsk,” he had black gloves on to match his long, leather coat.  “Now, I don’t want to take you by force, but I will if you give me no choice.”
You met his eyes with a defiant softness that made him realize, not for the first time, why Munson was clearly so enamored with you. “Are you going to kill me?”
“Truthfully, I haven’t decided what to do with you yet,” he wet his top lip with the tip of his tongue, making eyes at the blood pumping in your throat.  “But I wouldn’t mind a taste.”
 You shrugged away from him. “Why should I go with you?”
“Because I said so,” he arched his brows, and then leaned forward. “And because I’ve had word that there’s a Ghoul in town looking for you.  I’m only interested in your safety.”
You glared at him.  “You’re only interested in yourself.”
“Feisty, I like it. Now, come on, this way,” he inclined his head.
You took a few steps and then stopped short.  “Wait, a ghoul?”
“Servants to the regional monster government, yes,” he said, like everyone should know that already.
You thought about Steve, waiting for you at the bookstore.  You thought about Bela waiting for you to let her out for her nightly fly.  
“How long will I be gone?”
“Until my people can figure out what the ghoul wants from you.”
“Why are you protecting me?” You shuffled in front of him.  
Jareth sniffed, unable to meet your gaze.  “On that note, I am not entirely sure,” he stepped a bit closer then, making you shuffle a step back.  “Call it curiosity, perhaps. You fascinate me, and very little keeps my interest these days.”
When his stare finally locked onto yours, you tried not to show fear under the laser focus of his natural intensity.  
You slipped into the passenger seat of his Porsche, smelling the leather and expensive cologne, and waited for him to get in beside you.  Just as he was about to start the engine, there was a loud bang and crash from above, like something heavy dropped hard and fast onto the roof of his car.
You couldn’t help the scream you let out, peeking up to see that there was, indeed, a dent caving in the metal as if a boulder had crashed into it. A figure leapt to the ground, landing in a crouch between the headlights.
Jareth’s lips peeled away from his teeth with a growl at the sight of Eddie standing there.
Eddie swiped his hair away from his face, expresion softening when he locked eyes with you. He cocked his head and mouthed the question, “are you okay?” 
You were just about to click your seatbelt on, but you threw it off with a thwack against the window and stepped out of the vehicle, ignoring Jareth’s protests.
Eddie’s mind raced. He’d been wanting to talk to you about the not so subtle layers of vampire etiquette, but the time was never right.  Then he was parking another stolen car in the bay at the chop shop and he’d felt your discomfort, the spike in your adrenaline.  Without any vampire claim on you, your blood and your body were fair game to others.  If he could make the claim that you were his, the rest of them would have to stay away.  Even the older, stronger ones like Jareth.  
Eddie went around to your side of the Porsche and met you there, searching your face to see if you’d been hurt. 
“Where did you…how did you?” You stammered. 
He came to your side, so close that his hand brushed the back of yours.  He was breathing heavily, staring at your lips, aching to touch your cheek, to kiss you.
Jareth slammed his car door. “You’re going to pay for the repair, Munson,” he sneered, taking stock of the obvious dent made from his landing.
Eddie licked his lips and moved his jaw as if he were about to say something to you, but then his face tensed when he turned to Jareth. 
“You need to know that she is mine,” his throat dried up when he caught the side glance of your head swiveling to get a better look at the words that were coming out of his mouth. Fully expecting to have you cut him off and disagree, he continued.  “I claim her as my mate.”
Your first urge was to challenge the sentiment, but Eddie pinched the side of your hand and pulsed there a few times to let you in on his intentions.  
“Is this true?” Jareth’s stare bore into you.
You decided to trust your friendly neighbor. “Um, yes, I’m with him,” you were sure that any and all lies would be instantly detected, but the truth was, you didn’t mind saying it.  
“Well, that is unfortunate,” Jareth cleared his throat. “Nevertheless, I advise you to come with me.”
“What’s going on?” Eddie took his chance and snatched your hand in his.  You liked the feel of it, so you let him. “Where are you taking her?”
Jareth’s eyelids fluttered as if he were bored to death. “If you must know, there is a Ghoul named Brenner in town who's been asking questions about your…mate.” He bit the final word out sarcastically.  
At the mention of Brenner’s name, Eddie stiffened. It was familiar to him, more familiar than he wanted to admit. He shifted uneasily to interlace his fingers with yours.
“And a witch, a very powerful one,” Jareth confirmed.  “Possibly even a necromancer.”
You weren’t certain what that meant, but realization seemed to dawn on Eddie’s face. 
You turned to get a good look at Eddie, to search his eyes as if he had the perfect answer for how you should answer that, but his milk chocolate orbs only mirrored your search for answers.
There was also something else behind his eyes, a type of silent pleading that you couldn’t put your finger on.
The truth was, you had no idea you were special.  Not even after that day back in your hometown when you were able to push a man out of the way and stop a moving truck with your bare hands so that it would not crush the both of you.  He’d been going way too fast, about to run a stop sign.  The driver told people your eyes were all white, void of iris or pupil, and there were two indentations left in the metal grill where your hands had been.  
Your father had not explained the weight of your new gifts before he passed.  You liked to think that he hadn’t known, how could he? 
While you’d stood there talking, the fog had grown more substantial, it had weight and texture, so much so that you had to squint to see Jareth on the other side of the car.
“Wait,” Jareth held his hand up, squinting into the haze around him.  “Did you hear that?”
No mistaking, there it was again, a whooshing noise, along with the soft timber of chanting voices.  
You watched in horror as Jareth’s body seized, trembling where he stood as if being controlled by puppet strings, eyes rolling back in his head.  His jaw went slack and his head bent back.
Someone or something was controlling him, possessing his body.
“What is happening?” You gasped, clinging to Eddie.
“I don’t know,” Eddie was already on the move, pulling you toward him to take you into his arms and run. “But I don’t want to wait to find out.”
But he wasn’t fast enough
You felt his body go rigid, too, hand falling limp in your grasp
You turned to find him in a similar state; eyes quivering back into his head, body stiff and vibrating as if he were caught in the grip of some strange, upright sleep paralysis.  
“Eddie, no!” You cried, reaching up to take his face in your hand. Every muscle in his body was tense and his breathing shallow.  
“Eddie, you’re scaring me!” You choked on your fear, tugging at his arm.
But then there came another sound, one that made your blood run cold.
“I control the dead,” a soft, feminine voice said.  “And it just so happens that your sweetheart and his friend are no longer living, if you hadn’t noticed.”
You spun around in a circle, seeing no one.  “Who are you? What do you want?”
She appeared to you then, like a vision.  Long, ebony hair and a dark purple velvet cape, her sharp green eyes were familiar to you in a way you didn’t understand.   
“I want you, Dove,” she said with a sly grin.
The woman said something else, in language you didn’t recognize, and she blew some type of dust into your face from the palm of her hand. 
You were able to let out the first part of a scream for help before your knees buckled and you were falling into an inky abyss.
Since you were late, Steve was on his way over from the bookstore to check on you when he heard your broken, shrill cry.
He called your name and started to jog, peering in through the blanket of fog that was finally beginning to dissipate.  
He vaulted over the hood of one of the cars, pouncing into the street just in time to see the SUV with the tinted windows speed away from the curb, tires squealing.
“Hey!” With a growl, and a red glow to his eyes, he ripped his clothes off as he ran, turning into wolf form along the way.  He was sleek and dark gray, so fast and agile, wearing the night like a cloak.
He chased the vehicle into the night, eventually keeping pace with it through the forest, no matter how much it picked up speed.
In the shadows of an abandoned building near the tracks with broken out windows and a crumbling roof, Eddie gave a few tight blinks of his eyes; they felt dry and itchy, like someone had thrown salt in them.  There were slabs of broken concrete and a metal beam in front of him from the half-demolished structure.  The air smelled like rat feces and urine, and he was seated on the ground with his hands behind his back.
He shifted to test the strength of his restraints and hissed in pain as the silver chain around his neck and wrists burned him, making a sizzling noise like eggs in a frying pan.
“It’s no use,” the deep voice behind him said.
“Jareth?” Eddie turned his head and cringed in pain again.
Both of them were secured to a thick, cement pillar, facing away from each other.
“Are we alone?”
“As far as I can tell,” Jareth said in his typical, monotone voice. 
“What the hell was that?”
“The witch I warned you about would be my guess,” Jareth returned flatly. “And if you hadn’t slowed us down, we might have had a chance to escape her.”
Eddie went silent, trying to concentrate on the magic force that connected him to you through the sharing of each other’s blood, but he couldn’t hear you…couldn’t feel you, and that worried him more than anything.  
“What is she going to do with her?”
“I am ancient, but I am not a psychic,” Jareth drolled. 
Just then, a huge wolf with red eyes leapt through the gaping hole on the side of the building and trotted over to them, panting, huge tongue lolling out of its mouth of jagged teeth.  Both Eddie and Jareth bared their fangs as the beast closed in on them, sniffing the air as it went. 
Steve morphed back into his human form then, and stood before them completely naked.
Eddie retracted his fangs and tried to look anywhere but at the package on the new arrival. “Jesus christ, put that thing away, man.”
“Where is she?” Steve looked around at the empty expanse, trying to get a glimpse of you.  “I can’t smell her anymore.”
“That’s because she’s not here, you mongrel,” Jareth sighed, annoyed. 
“Did you see where they went?” Chain link welts formed on Eddie’s neck.  “The ones who brought us here?”
Steve worked his jaw, angry with himself.  “I kept up for as long as I could, but then I lost them on the freeway and had to find the scent again.”
Eddie threw his head back against the concrete pillar with a curse.
“Well?” Jareth interrupted the moment of silence. “You could help us out of these restraints if you wanted to make yourself useful.”
“I’m thinking about it,” Steve gave him a glare, his breath like smoke in the frozen air.  “Or I could just leave you to rot.”
“I will spend the rest of my immortal life making you regret that decision—” Jareth’s voice began to raise.
“Enough,” Eddie grunted. “We will be stronger in numbers,” his eyes met Steve’s with a sincere urgency. “She’s in danger.”
“We’ll need to find shelter before dawn,” Jareth reminded him. He looked up at the opening in the concrete with a view of the stars.  In a few hours, the sun would turn them to ashes.  “Or we will perish.”
Steve tucked his chin, willing to set aside his loathing of fangers long enough to get you back, and squatted down to get to work unraveling the massive chain that pinned the two vampires together.  
You could feel yourself drifting in and out of consciousness, or whatever type of spell they had you under, watching the lights from the freeway cut by through half lidded eyes. Inside, you were screaming at yourself to move, to wake up.  
Propped up in the back seat, seatbelt across your lap, your forehead against the window.  You couldn’t see the person driving, but in the passenger seat was the woman with long black hair.  Every time your eyelids fluttered open on an inhale, she was watching you over her shoulder.  
“Dr. Brenner will be pleased,” a man’s voice said, possibly from behind the wheel.  “Why he is so desperate to have her, I will never know.”
“He wants her because she is the only one of her kind,” the woman gave a sarcastic cough of a laugh, as if your value should be obvious.  “Reanimated tissue fused with gamma radiation and witch magic?  If he could bottle her strength and regeneration capabilities, he'd be unstoppable.”
“The vampire boyfriend, is he going to be a problem?” the driver asked.
You drifted awake to see the woman’s profile, stoic in the moonlight.
“They’ll be dead by the time the sun comes up,” she sniffed.  “For all the bragging they do about immortality, all it takes is a bit of silver and sunlight to eliminate them.”
Your heart rate picked up, alarms going off inside of you.  A scream caught in your throat but wasn’t able to form a complete sound.  
Something clicked in your brain, and a shift began to take place.
Electricity buzzed under your skin, licking all of your nerves and cells awake.
A change was happening.  
The driver glanced at you in the rearview mirror.  “You sure we don’t have to worry about her waking up?”
The woman scoffed.  “She’ll be out for at least another hour, and then she’s Brenner’s problem.  I didn’t just put any old spell on her, that one could put down a team of elephants.’
There was nothing but the sound of tires on the pavement for a few seconds and then the SUV swerved and the man behind the wheel cursed.
“What the hell was that?” He huffed, struggling to get back into his lane. Something huge had swooped down from the sky in front of them, something with the wings of a bat and legs like an octopus.  
Headlights came toward the window and someone honked for them to move out of the way. 
“I didn’t think there were any demobats on this side,” the woman mused, wondering if that was what she saw, or if her eyes were playing tricks on hre.  “They hate humans.”
There came the sound of scratching on the roof
And then an animalistic yowl, like the caw of a prehistoric bird.
Bela dove again, but this time, she attached herself to the windshield, obscuring the driver’s view of the road.  
He swerved again, tires catching in the loose gravel of the median, and she flew off the glass.
“Don’t you have any magic to get rid of this thing?” The guy whined.
“I can’t control demobats, no one outside of the Upside Down can.”
“When that fucker comes around front again, I’m gunning it.  Splatter the thing all over the road.”
Behind them, you moaned, brow furrowed, fingers clawing at nothing.  Your muscles throbbed like they were being pulled apart.  
Bela flew into the side window opposite you with a thump, making a spiderweb crack and the glass, and then she rammed at it again.  
“This fucking thing is gonna get in here,” the man spat.
“Just drive faster you moron! It can’t keep up with us.”
He yanked the wheel, pulling the vehicle to the side to try and hit her, but she was already in the air and off again. 
You rolled back in your seat as the speed increased with a jolt, and for a moment, there was peace.
The driver checked the rearview mirror again.  “I think we lost it,” his attention snapped to the woman with the inky black locks.  “What the fuck was that about?”
She was mid-shrug in response to his question when Bela charged the windshield, landing with enough force again to splinter the glass.
This time, there was no wiggle room when he swerved as a semi truck was barreling down on them in the opposite direction, blaring its horn.
The SUV jerked right, tires catching at the lip of a dry irrigation ditch, and then they rolled.  There was the sound of shattering glass and the sickening crunch of twisted metal while the two in the front seat let out shrill screams.
And then everything was quiet.  
Back at Eddie’s trailer, Jareth paced outside while Eddie found Steve something to wear.  
“These good enough? I think they’ll fit,” he tossed a few things on the couch. Eddie changed out of his leather and slipped on a black hoodie, in case he needed to hide his hair and be in disguise for some reason. 
Still in his birthday suit, ass on full display, Steve’s expression was bitchy as he pinched the material to lift it up for a better look.
“A ratty jean vest?” Steve raised a brow.
Eddie popped a cigarette between his lips, crinkling up the empty soft pack of Camel’s in his hand.  “Sorry the maid hasn’t come to do laundry today, Princess. Those are the only two things I have that are clean.  Take it or leave it.”
“Fine,” Steve rolled his eyes. The jeans he was borrowing had ripped holes in the knees and the shoes were white Reebok high tops.  “I’m usually able to plan better when I shift,” he mumbled, stepping into the pant legs, gently tucking his cock inside to avoid the teeth of the zipper.
Once they’d been freed from the restraints at the abandoned building, Eddie hotwired a cement mixer from a nearby construction site, and then they swung by downtown to see if any of the clothes Steve had worn earlier were salvageable in the street, but they’d been obliterated like a bomb went off. 
“Just do me a favor and take that off before you bust out of it in another transformation, cool?”
Eddie turned away to take a drag from his smoke while Steve inspected the patches on the battle jacket with a frown.
And that was when it happened.
Like the ringing of a phone in his head
A spasm in his chest
He could feel you calling to him
“This is it,” he screwed his eyes shut, trying to zero in on the emotions you were radiating. 
“This is what?” Steve stood in front of the mirror under the clock, adjusting the collar of the vest and raking a hand through his hair.
Eddie’s eyes snapped open, tip of his tongue resting between his lips.  He sprang behind Steve on his way to the door, clapping him on the shoulder.  “It’s showtime.”
thank you so much for reading xoxox
Taglist: @trixyvixx@sllooney@writinginthetwilight@sidthedollface2@atomickaratel8dy @probablyin-bed @kiyastrf94@briamunson92 @joannamuns9n @jasminelafleur @@bellalillyrose @dashingdeb16 @alba8688 @corrodeddeadlydoll@brassreign@likedovesinthewnd @ilovetaquitosmmm @skrzydlak@onegirlmanytales@angietherose@probablyin-bed@reidsbtch@moonbeamsandmayhem@eddiesxangel@hideoutside@secretdryrose@nailbatanddungeon@thorfemmes@corkadymu@kellsck@mrsjellymunson@poofyloofy @dream-a-little-nightmare
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ladykailitha · 1 year
Well Met By Moonlight Part 1
Hi!!! So...I know I don't usually put out stories until they're a lot further into the story (side-eyes soulmate AU and Boy With a Bat), but this one is begging to escape confinement and I have fallen in love with the story so...
The title is a play on the line from Midsummer's Night's Dream, "Ill met by moonlight, Titania." In which Oberon is not pleased to see her. So I twisted it a bit to make it more romantic.
You can read the world building here!
Also if there are weird tense changes I'm so sorry!!! I tried to find all of them but I'm not sure I caught all of them!!!
Steve ran blindly through the trees, branches and roots raising to slow his progress to safety. He stopped for breath behind a tree, his leg aching and bleeding from the bullet wound.
"Fuck!" he cursed under his breath. He had been hearing the rumblings from the high school and beyond. He had heard that there were certain people in town picking up metaphorical pitch forks and torches against the supernatural community. He should have listened more carefully, but more than one of his pack had dismissed it as baseless rumors.
Steve closed his eyes as he fought back the tears that sprang up in the sheer agony he felt. He bit back a groan through clenched teeth. He couldn’t shift due to the silver and because of that, he couldn't heal either.
He could hear them getting closer, crashing and stumbling through the underbrush like a newborn deer. He scoffed in disdain, at least he was wounded, what was their excuse?
He tried to slow his breathing, this was no time for snarky commentary. For the first time in his life, he felt real fear. Not the jittery nerves of asking a girl out or the thrilling danger of fighting older and stronger wolves for the title of alpha. No this was true fear.
Steve opened his eyes slowly as he weighed his choices. He could either keep going and hope he made it to the pack compound, or he could make a break for the trailer park as it was closer.
He squeezed his eyes shut and ran for the tree line. He was almost there when... SNAP!
He screamed as his wounded leg got caught in a foothold trap. He tried to wrestle the trap off his leg, but the trap like the bullet was silver. A twig snapped to his left and he looked up.
He was surrounded by five men. Even in the dim light he could make out who they were. Jason Carver, Patrick McKinney, Andy Miller, Chance Nelson, and Josh Bentley. All wannabe hunters.
Jason was the worst. He had thought his pretty little girlfriend Chrissy Cunningham was human and she turned out to be a vampire. He was so disgusted he started trying to stir up the town against its supernatural population. And from the looks of it, he was succeeding.
And then his world went black.
When Steve came to, he could feel the pain of silver all over. His head, his neck, his wrists, and ankles. He lifted his head and realized that they were more than just five punk kids with too much free time on their hands. They were sick fuckers.
He was completely naked, his neck, hands, and feet were bound to a cross with thick silver cord and on his head he could feel the sting of silver thorns pressing into his scalp.
Andy whistled and all five of them stood up.
Jason picked up a metal baseball bat and dragged it behind him as he sauntered up to Steve. “Well, looks like the pup is finally awake. Hey little doggy, want a treat?”
The other boys laughed.
“This attempted murder, you assholes!” Steve spat, spitting blood in their faces.
Jason wiped off his face with a grimace. “No, it’s hunting. You’re monsters, all of you. The vampires and the werewolves. It’s time the humans rose up and took our town back. And we’re starting with you.”
Jason readied his bat when suddenly there was a snarling sound.
Steve could hear the flap of giant wings, but his captors could not.
Patrick screamed when something big and dark landed in front of him. In the dim light of their distant fire, they could only make out the shape.
It stood on pair of digitigrade legs, that ended in large cat-like paws. It’s giant, leathery wings were unfurled to its massive fifteen foot span. Its red eyes glittered with malice and rage. From what they could see of the hands, the ended in long claws or talons and the fingers were tipped black.
The beast in front of them roared.
Andy was the first to turn to tail. “You said werewolves! You didn’t say anything about vampires!” he screamed over his shoulder.
“Get back here!” Jason hissed. “We have silver you moron! He can’t hurt us!”
The vampire chuckled darkly and took a a step toward Jason, cocking his head to side, just before he lunged right at him.
Wayne smelled the blood of a wounded werewolf first. He straightened up in his comfy recliner and scented the air. Eddie, who had been preoccupied playing his guitar, stopped.
He tilted his head toward the direction Wayne was scenting.
Wayne made a face. “Silver. I told Sheriff Powell those boys would be trouble.”
Eddie nodded. Even before Wayne changed him into a vampire, he knew that Jason Carver and his ilk were bad news.
“Go!” Wayne growled. “I’ll inform the authorities.”
Eddie grinned. He was finally going to get a little payback for the bullying in high school tonight. He leaped from the trailer and had transformed before he even reached the arc of his jump. His wings extended and with two mighty beats he was airborne.
Now that he was in the air he could smell what Wayne had. The cloying scent of werewolf blood. It was richer and darker then human blood with a kind of spice to it, like clove or cardamon.
And it was absolutely tainted with silver.
Those idiots! Eddie snarled. Not only had the hunted a werewolf just yards away from their compound they had also hunted so close to the trailer park. It was like they were asking for hell to be brought down on their heads.
He ran his tongue over his fangs as he sought out his prey. He swooped down about one yards feet from Forest Hills and caught sight of the trap the hunters had used to capture the werewolf.
A chill ran down his spine. Those types of traps were considered inhumane to animals he couldn’t imagine someone wanting to use it on a sentient being for fuck’s sake.
Eddie quickly dismantled the trap and disposed of the pieces safely. He didn’t want anyone to get hurt on it, human or supe.
After he was done he noticed that some of the blood of the werewolf had gotten on his hands. He brought one finger to his lips for a taste and god it tasted divine.
It also told him he had a much bigger problem on his hands then a wounded werewolf on his hands.
The bastards had taken Steve. The Harrington pack alpha.
Fuck, fuck, fuck! Eddie thought as he kicked at the forest floor.
This was bad.
Having tasted the blood, all his senses were filled with the scent of Steve Harrington. Eddie had to stop and narrow in on one sense. His sense of smell. He blocked out everything else.
Eddie launched himself back into the air again. This time he was able to sense were they had taken him.
It led him to a small clearing with a lit fire and the scent of blood was all over the camp site and everywhere else for about one hundred yards in all directions.
Eddie had to begrudgingly give them that one. If Steve hadn’t been the alpha, that would have confused anyone trying to find him. But it seemed like these idiots didn’t realize that being the alpha came with a shit ton of perks.
Being able to change someone into a werewolf, the ability to banish people from the pack, the ability to bond with a mate (other werewolves mated, but it was more like a marriage to humans), and the ability to have the whole pack know where you are based on your scent.
Eddie wasn’t completely sure about the magics on that, but it fascinated him deeply.
And then he saw Steve and a growl was ripped from his throat against his will.
They weren’t leaving anything to chance. Either Steve died from the blood loss and not being able to heal because of all the silver or he would suffocate from being fucking crucified.
And then Eddie folded his wings and dropped to the forest floor in a dive.
Steve watched in utter fascination and admiration as the vampire played with and chased his prey.
He was in too much pain if thought it was sexy as hell. He was lightheaded and nauseous from the blood loss and the silver burning into his skin. He chest hurt and he was starting to struggle to breathe.
He lowered his head to his chest, trying to catch his breath, but he felt it rattle around his chest.
Suddenly there were flashing lights and shouts from men other then the hunters.
Steve must have blacked out again, because in front of him was a terrified Sheriff Powell and very angry Eddie Munson.
“This is the price of your inaction!” Eddie was snarling.
“They are just kids!” the sheriff hissed back.
“Not if they can do that to the alpha of the largest pack in the county,” Eddie snapped. “I will make sure that coven is made aware of this as well as the pack.”
Sheriff Powell gulped. “You wouldn’t!”
Eddie leaned into his space. “You should have thought of that before you did nothing!”
Sheriff Powell hung his head. He looked back up at Steve and then he nodded. He walked back to the other police officers and cars.
Steve suddenly felt cool hands touch his face gently.
“Hey, Stevie,” Eddie murmured. “You awake, babe?”
He lifted his head and Eddie hissed in sympathy. “They beat you good.”
Steve didn’t even feel the pain in his face not when everything else hurt as much if not worse. “I’m dying...”
Eddie cursed. “Let’s get you down from there before that can happen, okay? Just hold on, I’ve got you.”
Steve heard a crack and suddenly he was being lowered gently to the ground, face first.
“Sorry about the dirt in your face, Stevie,” Eddie murmured, “But this is the easiest way to get the silver off of you.”
Steve tuned his head and nodded the best he could.
The wood splintered and he felt the wood and silver band slide off his left arm. He wanted to immediately tuck it under his chest to protect it from further harm, but he was too tired to even so much as twitch his wrist.
Slowly, one by one, Eddie broke the cross around him until Steve was free.
Eddie rolled him over and pulled him into his embrace.
Steve reached up and stroked Eddie’s cheek. “Thank you.”
Eddie blushed. “You’re okay now.”
He reached down and tried to break the chain across Steve’s neck. But it sapped his super-human strength and no matter how hard he tugged, it remained firmly in place.
“Sorry,” he told Steve. “I can’t break it, but I can at least get the crown off, so it doesn’t muss your pretty hair.”
Steve laughed. “It’s okay, this isn’t the first time I’ve had a silver collar and I’m sure it won’t be the last.”
Eddie winced at that because who the fuck would do something like that to him.
Eddie tenderly propped Steve up against a tree and tore several ribbons from the bottom of his shirt and gently wrapped Steve’s neck in the soft black cotton. “I hope this will help keep it off your skin so that you can heal enough not to die before I get you to the compound.”
“How are you going to get me home?” Steve asked. “Won’t the silver sap your strength?”
Eddie chuckled. “Only if it touches my skin, but even if that wasn’t the case, I’d still be able to carry you from here to there, no problem.”
Steve threw his head back and laughed. “You been bench pressing behind everyone’s back there, Munson?”
Eddie scooped him up without effort and cradled him to his chest. “You aren’t any heavier than a drum kit, sweetheart, and I’ve hauled those plenty of times. Plus I was in stage crew in high school. Those backdrops aren’t lightweights let me tell you.”
“All right, you win,” Steve conceded.
Eddie looked down at Steve and could already tell that even with the bullet in his leg, Steve was looking better.
He walked all the way to the compound, afraid of flying because he hadn’t flown with someone before and was terrified he’d drop Steve. Steve and he murmured to each other whole trip, growing fonder with each step.
Steve felt safe again, wrapped in the arms of this metalhead vampire. When he ran from the hunters he never thought he’d feel that ever again.
In a time that was far too long and not quick enough at the same time, they arrived at the entrance the pack.
“Okay, Stevie,” Eddie said gently placing him on the ground. “If I walk in there, your pack is going to rip me to shreds.”
“I know,” Steve mumbled. “I’m grateful you got me this far. Thank you.”
“I’ll check up on you tomorrow when you’re all healed, though,” Eddie promised.
Steve cupped Eddie’s cheek again. “I look forward to it.”
Eddie blushed a dark red in the moonlight. “Get well, alpha.” And then he took off into the night as three keepers came rushing to the line of trees to help Steve.
He smiled ruefully and then set off for home.
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20
Tag List: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @artiststarme @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 @pyrohonk @renaissan-vvitch @goodolefashionedloverboi @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @messrs-weasley @val-from-lawrence @a-little-unsteddie @i-must-potato @danili666 @carlyv @rozzieroos @wonderland-girl143-blog @itsall-taken @justforthedead89 @emly03 @bookworm0690 @bookbinderbitch @littlewildflowerkitten @vecnuthy @redfreckledwolf @scheodingers-muppet @mira-jadeamethyst @just-a-tiny-void
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rogueddie · 2 years
Steve turns, holding his bat ready, confused and terrified. He'd only turned away from the group for a second, glancing back into a room they were passing, double checking that the shadow he'd seen move was just the dead tree outside the window.
Yet, when he turned back to the others, they were long gone. He's alone in the middle school hallway, the vines of the Upside Down seeming to shift towards him in small increments.
There's a chirping noise.
He flinches, almost tripping with how fast he turns. He raises his bat again. It takes a moment for him to realise that nothing is coming at him. Instead, a familiar face slowly peaks out from the main doors.
"Eddie?" Steve isn't sure his eyes aren't playing tricks on him.
The chirping noise- it's Eddie making that noise. He looks… curious. A little excited. Something about him seeming oddly childlike.
"Eddie, man, what-" Steve cautiously takes a few steps towards him. Eddie seems to brighten up, chirping again, before darting out of sight. "Eddie?!"
He quickly jogs to the doors, cautiously peaking his head out. There's another chirp, Eddie crouched at the corner of the building. When Steve tries to slowly walk over to him, he just as slowly stands up straight. He backs up, carefully. Glances behind him, then looking back to Steve. He's leading Steve somewhere.
A trap? No. Something in Steves gut knows that, whatever Eddie is, he's safe. Something about the way he almost bounces in childlike excitement whilst huddling close to the darker areas, hiding… something… its so genuine.
Eddie leads him into the closes house. Steve isn't sure who's it is but he is sure that whoever lived here didn't leave it like this.
There's pillows and duvets and blankets all piled carefully in the living room, furniture moved to form a nest. Eddie is perched in a corner and, with no shadows left to hide in, Steve can finally see that the dark shadows that followed him aren't shadows. They're wings. Wings that twitch under his attention, curling outwards when Eddie tilts his head.
"This is… safe? You're safe here?" Steve finally asks.
Eddie perks up again, making a different chirping noise. It sounds almost… happier? Pleased? His wings twitch too, taking up more space and fluttering.
Steve carefully puts his bat down, leaning it on the wall just next to the doorway. Eddie only glances at it, focused more on Steve as he steps further into the room. He's careful with what he touches, not wanting to ruin anything unstable.
Eddie makes another chirp, carefully moving out the corner. He stops, hesitating at some points. It takes Steve a moment that he's waiting for a reaction from him, some sort of signal.
"It's ok, man," Steve tries. He slowly steps a little closer. "Eddie?"
He slowly holds a hand out, palm up. He glances from Steve to his hand, giving him a pleading look until, uncertainly, Steve takes his hand.
Eddie gently tugs him over to the big pile of blankets and duvets, pulling Steve so hes stood in a specific spot. He pushes Steve before he can ask, sending him into the pile. There covers are thick and piled high enough that his landing is soft.
Eddie chirps a little anxiously when Steve yelps though. Gently and nervously touches his arm, relaxing when Steve huffs a little laugh.
"Could've asked, man," Steve complains. He frowns when Eddie shuffles away, crouching in the doorway. "Uh... what are you doing? Eddie? Do you even understand me?"
Eddie turns to glance at him, frowning when he sees Steve sat upright. He makes some more chirping noises at him.
"Come on, Eds, give me something to work with."
Eddie bounces up, looking like he's had an idea. He disappears around the corner for a moment, something creaking then banging. Eddie comes back in a second later looking pleased.
He gently pushes Steve onto his back, shuffling around before laying down too. He manhandles Steve onto his side, curling up behind him, arms curling around his waist and shifting so he can cocoon them both in his wings.
Steve stays frozen for a moment. But Eddie nuzzles into his neck, chirping quietly. He gently rubs circles on Steve's arm, clearly trying to be comforting.
It's comfortable though. Warm. It feels safe too, hidden away. And, whilst Eddie doesn't seem able to talk, he seems happy to listen. Does little things, makes little noises, doing his best to encourage Steve to keep talking.
It's almost easy, a couple hours later, to fall asleep.
He's confused when he wakes up slowly, feeling warm and comfortable. None of the usual exhaustion or nightmares. He feels safe.
Arms tighten on his waist, body trying to press closer even though they are already fully pressed up to Steves back. A sleepy snuffle, a yawn.
Steve turns, slowly and carefully. He's still half asleep, which is probably the only reason he doesn't yell or anything. It takes him a moment, still half asleep, to remember the previous night.
"Eddie?" Steve mumbles, rubbing at one of his eyes.
Eddie blinks awake slowly, smiles small and soft when he sees Steve.
Steve laughs a little. "Yeah, it's good to see you too."
Eddie grins, leaning forward to press their foreheads together for a moment. He looks pleased, fingers coming up to brush the pink in Steve's cheek.
He grimaces a moment later, face scrunching up in pain.
"Eddie?! What is it? What do you need? Eddie? Shit, can you... show me or something?"
He chirps quietly, a little sad. He gently grabs Steve's hand, pulls Steve's wrist to his mouth. He's trying to say something, but Steve can't quite figure out what exactly. He's giving Steve a look that tells him that, whatever it is, it's important.
"Uh... yeah? Ok?"
Eddie chirps again, a little apologetic. He shifts so his mouth hovers at the back of his forearm, away from his veins. Then, he bites.
Steve hisses at the pinch, instinctively trying to pull away, but Eddie holds tight. He only takes a few sips of his blood before pulling back, rubbing the spit into the bite almost absentmindedly.
He looks a little dazed, confused, blinking slowly. He looks up after a moment, frowning. "Steve?"
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jellyfish-confetti · 1 year
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Just bros being dudes
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rindecision · 6 months
So Hungry...
You guys wanted Vampire Eddie back, so here he is.
Made for @steddiemicrofic
Prompt | Pin Words | 388
Rating | Mature CW | Stalking, Mention of blood Tags | Vampire Eddie, Stalking, Bloodlust
The night was dark, and Eddie's bloodlust was getting the better of him. His eyes had gone solid black, missing their usual red irises, and his whole body felt weak. He stalked the city streets with his hood up and a medical mask covering his face.
He'd found that bars near closing time were the best way to find those who wouldn't remember anything come morning. The trouble was that he couldn't always tell what they were hopped up on. Anything that got in the bloodstream got to him as well.
In his hungry haze, Eddie ended up following more of an ass than a person, just watching it swing back and forth like a juicy pendulum with every step. It wasn't until the man got his car keys from his back pocket that Eddie remembered he was stalking the dude.
He took a quick glance around and once he was confident that the coast was clear, he used what little energy he had left to activate his speed and strength to drag the man into the nearest alleyway.
"What the fuck?!" Steve grunted after he was pinned to the wall with enough force to knock the wind from his lungs.
"My apologies, but—" Eddie froze when he got a good look at the man. He was stunning. "I—" he swallowed, staring into a pair of large brown, pouty eyes that had his knees going weak.
Once he got a look at his attacker's eyes, Steve froze in fear. He'd never seen solid black eyes before, and it made his blood run cold. He shifted the arms that were being held against the brick wall, finding that they wouldn't budge under the impressive grip.
Eddie blinked off his daze and used his shoulder to pull down the medical mask. "Sorry, I just need..." he sighed hazily as he leaned his mouth towards the beautiful man's neck. "So hungry..." he muttered, his vision going.
"I don't have any food," Steve fought, trying to squirm out of the inhuman hold. "What do you want from me?" He gasped when he managed to break free. "Shit," he hissed, catching his attacker before he hit the ground. The man's hood fell back as his eyes fluttered close. "Eddie?!" he exclaimed in disbelief, staring at the old classmate passed out in his arms.
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Vampire Eddie ig
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himbosandhardwear · 4 months
Vampire Eddie fic where Steve volunteers to feed Eddie first, because of course he does, but it's so erotic and horny, he's like "omg wtf was that I'm not even gaaaayyy! Not doing that again!!! 😤" But then immediately is like "But I have to because it would make anyone else super uncomfortable, so I guess I'll make this sacrifice 🫡" and then the first time someone offers to relieve him he's like "BACK OFF BITCH, THATS MY CREATURE OF THE NIGHT! 🔪 THATS MY BOYFRIEND!"
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thefreakandthehair · 11 months
@eddiemonth prompt, oct 29th:  Trick or Treating | I Put A Spell On You - Screamin' Jay Hawkins | Skeptical ao3 masterpost | tumblr masterlist
October 1978
It’s cold. 
October in Indiana swings in one of two directions: unseasonably warm or ungodly cold and there’s seldom a middle ground. And tonight, it’s cold. 
“You ready, kid?” Wayne asks, popping his head into Eddie’s bedroom. 
Eddie looks in the mirror and adjusts the fangs that sit on his teeth. For the first time that he can remember, Eddie has an actual costume. Not a paper bag over his head, not a white sheet with a few holes cut through the fabric, not a blanket tied around his shoulders as a cape. It’s a real costume that Wayne bought him from the wall at the costume store. 
“Definitely,” he replies around the plastic in his mouth and whips the cape in front of the bottom half of his face. “I feed on blood and candy.” 
Wayne chuckles and shakes his head, tapping on the doorframe as he leans away. “Meet ya outside then, Count Dracula.”
He’d chosen a vampire immediately, drawn to the sharp teeth, velvety cape, and allure of the undead and immortality. There’s no way he could’ve known how prophetic that choice would one day be. 
October 1986
Everyone tells him it’s cold but Eddie can’t feel it. Temperatures don’t change anymore, not to his static form anyways. If he needs to find a bright side to the whole Eternal and Unchanging Life thing, it’s that the sudden shift from summer to autumn in Indiana doesn’t touch him anymore. That, and he never needs to buy a Halloween costume again. 
“Very convincing this year, Eddie!” Nancy jokes, nudging him in the ribs. He barely feels it. 
“Ha ha, very funny,” Eddie rolls his eyes and subconsciously runs his tongue over his teeth. 
His fangs aren’t as sharp as they make them in the movies or costume stores, at least not at rest. When he needs to feed, they expand, constricting back into his mouth when he’s had his fill. Robin’s theory is that it’s an evolutionary thing to trick humans into thinking they’re safe. That if Eddie were more predatory, he could lure them in under the guise that he’s just like them. 
Thankfully, he doesn’t need to do that. Not with a very willing, very consenting partner in Steve. Steve, who he knows has bite marks littering both thighs, some old and some from just this morning when Steve reminded him of how long it’d been and how many people he’d be around tonight. As they round up the kids to head out into the neighborhood, Eddie tosses Steve a grateful glance. 
“You ready?” He asks, his voice an octave lower, his question carrying double meanings. 
Eddie catches a glimpse of himself in the mirror– another myth that’d been disproven when he came out of the Upside Down a vampire– and bares his teeth, checking to ensure his fangs are properly retracted. 
With a curt nod, he smiles and gestures toward the door. “Let’s go get the little monsters some candy.” 
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emchant3d · 9 months
also mythical exes for the wip game cause 👀
MYTHICAL EXES my beloved i haven't worked on this one in months but i think about it every day. the gist of it is: Mythical exes to lovers au where siren Steve and vampire Eddie broke up several hundred years ago and haven't seen each other in centuries until they become the frontmen of two different famous rock bands in the modern era. here's a little snip!
But that voice - oh, that voice. Eddie would recognize it in the great beyond, at the ends of the earth and time itself. Never mind that it's been years - been centuries. Ethereal and haunting, rich and beautiful, the sound of it snakes its way through him, ensnares around his heart and demands his attention. He turns from the bar, leaning his elbows back against it, and there he is.
Tall, but stronger than he'd been. Hair that same dark chestnut shade, eyes that same warm brown. The way he wraps his hands around the mic stand is obscene, and his lips, petal pink, have a sheen to them - he'd always loved the cosmetics of his era, it's no surprise he'd been drawn to the pretty, shiny things this day and age have to offer too.
His liner is thick and dramatic, his lashes long and dark. Glitter sits high on his sharp cheekbones, catching the dim lighting of the bar that casts him in beautiful pinks and blues and purples, reflecting off the gems that seem to drip from his frame. Some kind of harness, Eddie thinks, but done in thin, spiderweb-like chains rather than leather, strings of pearls and shiny stones hanging from them and concealing absolutely nothing of the tan chest beneath it. They throw prisms across the bar as he moves, hips swirling in a hypnotic spin to the guitar.
Steve's eyes cut upwards, sliding over the crowd as if he's searching for something before coming to a stop directly on Eddie. He doesn't miss a beat of his song, but a slow, pleased smile slips its way onto his pretty face. He cocks his head, eyes hooded, and Eddie wonders if he'd been summoned here by this creature, by the one being he'd never quite learned how to say no to.
He lifts his glass in a toast and a greeting all in one and watches that smile turn sharp.
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vivalski · 2 years
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Thump thump
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djdangerlove · 1 year
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Spooky Season Eddie 🩸
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bettyfrommars · 1 year
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Death Becomes Us
Part 5: The Baptism vampire!Eddie x supernatural!fem!Reader
Summary: You venture into the Upside Down for the first time ever to go to a vampire bar called Sacrament, owned by an older vampire named Jareth (inspired by Jamie Campbell Bower & Eric Northman of True Blood), and end up being recognized by one of the employees. Hints to your past are revealed, and you end up with a new protector. wc: 6.8k
18+Only, mature content, vampire sex, vampire orgy,mention of being covered in blood, mention of someone dying in a car accident, mention of a dead body in a morgue, demobats, wielding a knife, visions of sex, vampire!Eddie.
A/N: A few things to keep in mind while you (hopefully) enjoy this chapter: the Upside Down is a place, but does not exist in the same way as in the show. Eddie's vampire origin story is different than the kas!Eddie origin story. All of the ST characters in this story are not acquainted in the same way they were in the show.
pls no minors beyond this point
Part 5: The Baptism
Windows open, music blaring, Eddie shifted gear on the GTO and motioned for you to strap in. You noticed that he wasn’t wearing his, but then again he had the immortality thing on his side.
“Mind telling me exactly where we are going?” You asked, clipping your lap belt and adjusting the strap.
“I told you,” Eddie cleared his throat. “A vampire bar.”
“But, I work at a vampire bar,” you added. “It’s not exactly new to me.”
Eddie barked a laugh, clamping his hand way up high on he steering wheel. “Those geeks who go to Main Vein are babies, they are all fairly new to the life. No self-respecting vampire with any real years under their belt would go in there.”
“So, you don’t have any self-respect, I assume?” You chided, being that Eddie had been a frequent flier at Main Vein.
Eddie shrugged. “I’m a baby vampire compared to most. I’m talking about vampires who were turned hundreds of years ago. Maybe even thousands in some cases,” he corrected.
A thought crossed your mind as you looked around at the polished and detailed interior of the vehicle you were in, eyeballing the guitar pick necklace dangling from the rear view mirror. “You’re not taking me somewhere in a stolen car, are you?”
Eddie licked his teeth. “Nah, Princess. This baby is all mine.”
The downtown area of Hawkins turned into suburban houses, and then opened up to a long highway flanked by thick forest as the muscle car zoomed along and you watched it all fly by from your window.
A corner of your brain flashed to a daydream just then. One where Eddie’s hand came over to grab your leg, squeezing it, and when you looked over, he’s licking his lips, eyes roaming your body. “Pull over,” you whisper to him, and he immediately obliges, peeling onto the side of the road, tires spitting up gravel, and whips it into park. Eager mouths meet in the middle, over the console, and his hand darts up to cup your breast and thumb your nipple over your shirt. You reach over to palm his erection, your pussy already throbbing and trickling between your legs. It isn’t long before you’re straddling his lap in the driver’s seat dry humping, bare breasts bouncing, begging him to bite you as his eyes go black.
“Did you hear what I said?” Eddie asked.
“No, I--” you swallowed to wet your dry mouth. “What was it?”
He rested the side of his hand on the dash to point in the direction of a green and white street arrow pointing down at a paved street that curved to the right. “It’s a little jarring at first if you’ve never been, but you’ll get used to it.”
Indeed, you’d never been to the Upside Down, but you had heard the stories, and forgot to exhale a breath stuck in your chest as Eddie fishtailed around the corner and a dust cloud enveloped the car. There loomed a big, white church with round windows and a large bell at the very top; it was enormous but also quaint, with flower baskets hanging from the porch and a well kept lawn. Up ahead, you could see a bridge; an old, covered wooden bridge at the end of a narrow, paved road, with a path leading directly to it, a crescent moon stamp in the dark blue sky.
“You ready?” Eddie asked, slowing down to hit the lip of the road with a bounce.
“Sure,” you replied, eyes ahead, getting closer to the bridge and further from the church.
You tried to fix your eyes when you realized the other end of the tunnel appeared to offer nothing but a pitch black void, and not a glimpse of the other side of the woods, as you would assume.
“What the---” you whispered the partial question to yourself just as the tires met the wobbly wood planks and you were under the shelter of the bridge, heading into a big, gaping nothing.
Eddie turned to get a glimpse of your face as you took in what it was like to go to the other side for the first time, and he tried not to smile, but lost the battle.
“Here we go, Princess,” Eddie mumbled, continuing to keep his foot on the gas without any aid of the break as the GTO met with the inky blackness.
Your our eyes closed reflexively at the way the car seemed to meet air and fall, gravity pulling it down, but only for a second or two before the wheels met with the ground again.
You opened your eyes to find that you were somehow on the same road, but it was also, very different. The grass on either side was dead and the dirt was dry; all of the surrounding trees were just bare limbs and jagged trunks jutting out of the earth. The sky was the color of a purple bruise, and you spotted a few large, odd-shaped birds soaring above.
“Demobats,” Eddie said on an exhale, following your line of sight, answering a question you hadn’t asked.
“Demobats.” You repeated the name as you watched a few loop lazily in the sky while Eddie followed the road and headed back toward the old church. “Do vampires turn into Demobats?”
“Damn, I wish,” Eddie snorted a laugh. “Now, that would be fun. But no, we don’t get to do any of the cool shapeshifting stuff of legends, and let me tell you, I felt robbed when I found that one out.”
Now, your focus was on the old church that you’d passed earlier, mouth slightly agape at the transformation. Matte black exterior instead of white, it loomed like bad news with bars over the round windows and a human skeleton hanging from the top rafters where the old bell used to be. Golden light filtered out from the double story building, and there was a large parking lot to the left filled with cars and motorcycles. A few enormous demobats perched along the roof; waiting and watching.
“The Demobats are a part of a hive mind, but they have free will,” Eddie continued filling you in on the set of Dracula that you had just landed in. “If a vampire bonds with one, the creature becomes a companion or protector.”
“Do you have one?” You asked right away, realizing you surely would’ve spotted a demobat hanging around the trailer park.
“Nah,” Eddie shrugged. “I’m not really a fan of them myself. Plus, it only works if you reside in the Upside Down, I think. Demobats don’t care much for humans.”
You were staring at the ones on the roof as they turned their heads to maintain eye contact with you. “That’s good to know,” you said under your breath.
The front door to the church opened as you passed it and you got a glimpse of the red light spilling out, and the crowd of bodies inside, loud music thumping in your chest.
Eddie waited for two tall, pale vampires with platinum hair in black trench coats to cross the parking lot in front of him before he continued in to park.
“Stay there,” he told you. You watched an abnormally tall and muscular, bald man with tattooed lines down his face get off the motorcycle a row ahead of you while Eddie came around to your door.
He opened it and extended his arm as if showcasing the parking lot. “Shall we?”
Although fascinated by this new peak into the odd world of vampires, the fact that this was not at all “on the way” to the trailer park made you a tad suspicious. What did vampire Eddie have planned for you?
The air was thick—humid without being warm or wet—and it smelled like burning firewood with a tang of metal. “Do you want to take my arm or hold my hand?” Eddie asked, running the tip of his tongue over his top lip, letting his eyes flick down your body. “It’s up to you, but we need to send a message that you are with me. It’s for your safety.”
“Arm is fine,” you swallowed, hooking your elbow with his, bare skin on the leather of his jacket. Behind the church was a dense thicket of forest, and the air looked like someone had just blown the fluffy bits off of a big dandelion. You palmed his bicep, feeling the bulge of muscle there, and he tucked your arm close, pinning it to his side.
From the few vampires you’d already seen in the parking lot and on the steps of the church, they were, indeed, physically much different than the vamps who occasionally popped into Main Vein. A group of guys rolled up on their motorcycles; long hair, earrings, bone jewelry, dressed in all black.
“I think that’s a human,” you noted, whispering to Eddie as you spotted the guy who worked in the produce section of the grocery story you frequented.
“Humans are welcome here, “ Eddie shrugged. “But it’s a huge risk because most of the vampires around these parts don’t follow Mainstreaming rules, they don’t like the peace pact that was made with Hawkins. They’d like it to go back the way it was: all of just hiding down here and coming out to feed in the shadows of night like feral animals.”
He squared his shoulders and stretched his neck as you both made it up the stairs. You passed a huddled group of three vampire women in latex outfits sprawled on the steps who seemed to hiss at you as you walked by.
There was a short line to get in the door, and a tall, dominatrix looking woman in a leather bustier with red hair and knee high stiletto boots was checking ID’s and apparently getting a read on people. You noticed her eyeball you a few times as you waited, zipped close to Eddie’s side.
She framed her hips with her hands and took an intimidating step toward Eddie; the two sized each other up with a serious lock of their eyes, but you noticed Eddie had a small smirk lifting up one side of his mouth.
“Edward,” she arched an eyebrow, the extremity of her heels making her just as tall as him.
“Maxine,” Eddie returned. You were so transfixed by the vampire woman in front of you, you barely noticed when Eddie slipped your arm down and took your hand in his. He squeezed it once, quietly reassuring you.
“Only Jareth calls me Maxine, you know this,” and then all of her attention went to you. “You can call me Max,” she said, looking you over from head to foot.
“She’s with me,” Eddie told her.
“I can see that,” Max inclined her head. “Welcome to Sacrament. What brings the two of you to our little corner of hell this evening?”
“She’s never been to a real vampire bar,” Eddie pumped his hand on yours again; it was smooth and cool, dotted in rough callouses. “Or to the Upside Down, for that matter.”
“A virgin, how sweet,” Max cooed sarcastically. “So, what is this? A date?”
“No!” You said it so fast, it made Max chuckle.
“Wait, what is that smell?” Max sniffed the air, got closer to you, and sniffed some more. She got so close, your noses were almost touching. “I can smell your blood, sweetheart, and damn does it make my mouth water.”
“Max—” Eddie warned.
“I know, I know,” she took a step back. “Okay fine, she’s yours. But I won’t be the only one who wants a taste, I hope you know.”
Eddie knew from the moment he met you that you were special. Not just because of the cotton candy electricity in your blood, but also the way you’d looked at him with those white eyes that first night out between the two trailers. You were human, but you were also something else, and he intended to find out what.
Max stepped back, allowing the two of you to continue on through the main door. Inside, the lighting was dim; all deep red and tangerine hues. From large speakers in the back, the song ‘In darkness you will feel alright’ by Horror Vacui filled the air. A long bar to the right, a few chairs and tables scattered around the middle of the room, and then a large dance floor where vampires writhed, some dancing at lightning speed, as if you were watching a video being fast-forwarded. There were two platforms on either side of the floor where dancers worked their bodies on a pole, slithering and spreading their legs wide. At the far back was a stage of some sort, and you could see a drum kit and a microphone.
You slipped your hand free of Eddie grasp, and he let you, but he stayed close; close enough that his arm was always brushing yours. “Drink?” He asked, shouting a bit over the music.
At the bar, you surprised Eddie by ordering straight whiskey, and then he ordered one of the synthetic blood substitutes called NuBlood. The vampire bartender stared at you with blank eyes for a long time as Eddie made the introductions; his name was Craven and he had long, black hair and a wash of dark tattoos over his chest and arms, exposed under the leather vest he wore.
“I see you brought a snack,” Craven flicked his eyes to you as he handed over the drinks. Vampires had the ability to retract their fangs, but Craven’s were out and long, cutting down into his bottom lip
“If that’s what you’d like to call it,” Eddie gave Craven a final nod and palmed both of the tumblers, determined to carry yours as well, and you followed him to a table.
Taking a sip of your whiskey, you chanced a longer look at Eddie. He had one elbow hooked behind the back of the chair, neck muscles tight as he grazed his full bottom lip with his teeth thoughtfully, his stare fixed somewhere in the distance. But then he looked at you and you lost your nerve, dropping your chin, lowering your glass.
You noticed a middle-aged man dress like an accountant in the middle of the dance floor grinding with one of the male vampires. The accountant had two sets of fang marks on his neck and the two seemed like they knew each other intimately.
“That’s a Fang Banger,” Eddie apparently knew exactly where your attention had gone, and now you were both trying to watch without making it obvious.
You’d heard the term before, but always had your questions to what exactly it meant.
Eddie continued. “Most of the humans who come here like to have sex with vampires and let them drink their blood,” he worked his jaw as he turned the glass in his hand. “And then of course there are humans who like to ingest vampire blood for it’s euphoric highs and healing benefits.”
You turned to face him. “Am I a Fang...Banger now that I drank your blood?”
“Not technically,” Eddie smirked, but shyly, gaze landing on his glass. “But if you’re interested I think I know a guy.”
For some reason, that little flirtatious moment gave you butterflies and you bit your lip, turning your attention back to the dancers on the floor.
“Didn’t you say you had to come here for work?” You were flustered to change the subject.
“I need to pick something up from a guy here,” he answered, ever so vaguely. “Finish these drinks first and then I’ll deal with it.”
That was when you saw him. Or, he saw you---you weren’t sure which happened first.
On the back stage, there suddenly stood a tall, blonde vampire with hair to his shoulders, slicked back from his face. His features were beautiful; perfect almost to the point of being surreal. Black shirt unbuttoned down to his navel, leather pants, fingers and wrists adorned in jewelry, and lips that were almost ruby red against his pale skin.
Max was on stage too, right next to him, talking as she continued to glance in your direction.
The tall blonde vampire’s gaze never strayed from you as he took in whatever information Max was giving him with a tilt of his head.
“Who is that guy on stage that keeps staring over here?” You tried not to look too obvious, leaning closer to Eddie.
Eddie grumbled. “That’s Jareth. This is his club.”
The vampire named Jareth had a very ancient, even otherworldly look about him. Confidence literally oozed from his perfect posture.
It wasn’t long before Jareth and Max were exiting the stage, and parting the crowd, headed in your direction. More like, the crowd parted for them; they were all in awe of his presence.
‘Aw shit, here we go,” Eddie said under his breath, fingering the rim of his glass.
“Well, well, well,” Jareth said with a velvet voice. He kept his arms to his side, and Max had hers folded across her chest. “What do we have here?” He had the lilt of an accent; British, perhaps?
With an air of reluctance, Eddie introduced you, and you followed his lead, getting to your feet, so that the two men would be eye to eye.
Jareth made his way around to your side of the table, sinking in as close as he could without breaching your personal bubble, and took your hand. “The pleasure is all mine,” he told you, bringing the back of your hand up to brush his lips against your knuckles, maintaining eye contact with you. His eyes were so blue, they were almost purple. You didn’t have to glance over to notice the way Eddie stiffened.
“You’re right, Max,” Jareth cooed. “She does smell good enough to eat.”
Eddie moved up closer to you, body flush against your arm. When Jareth finally released your hand, you turned to check in on Eddie, not realizing his mouth would be mere inches from your face, his hand snaking around the back of your hip.
“This is her first time,” Max reported with an air of amusement on her face.
“I’m glad we could be your first,” a smile warmed across Jareth’s face to show that his teeth were perfectly beautiful and white. “You’re just in time for The Baptism.”
You couldn’t have been more confused.
“That is,” Jareth continued, inclining his head at Eddie. “If it’s alright with your babysitter.”
“Only vampires can receive the Baptism,” Max added, smugly. “But you’re welcome to watch, sweetheart.”
In a flash, Jareth was face to face with you, right in your bubble this time, and you flinched a bit as his hand came up to cup your jaw, smoothing his thumb along the scar on your cheek. In a dreamy voice he said: “I do so love a girl who looks like she has stories to tell.”
Eddie seemed to be playing along for the sake of appearances, but you could hear him growl in reaction to the unwanted touch; you could feel it vibrating in his chest. You got the idea that Jareth knew exactly what he was doing by the way he winked at Eddie.
“You go with Max,” Jareth told you. “While Eddie and I finish up some business in my office.”
You gave Eddie a tentative look over your shoulder, wondering if this was a bad idea.
“I promise no harm will come to your little pet,” Max’s voice dripped with boredom and sarcasm. “And I won’t even take a nibble.”
You stayed close to Max, making your way through the sweaty crowd on the dance floor, checking over your shoulder only once to find that Eddie and Jareth were already nowhere to be found. Max’s shiny latex corset laced up with ribbon in the back, and on the exposed skin above was the top of some sort of large tattoo; it almost looked religious in nature like a Mother Mary motif. She led you down a wide stairway lit with red bulbs from above and the walls were painted black. You heard more music thudding below; you could even feel it in your feet.
“Watch your step,” Max warned as you took the final stair in to a hallway that was so dark you had to squint. Then there was another windowless door made of heavy metal, and it was guarded by that scary vampire with the bald head that you’d noticed in the parking lot.
He immediately stood up, flustered at Max’s presence.
Max patted his arm. “We’re just here to watch, Ronnie,” she told him, and he only glanced at you briefly before opening the airtight door with a loud clack and stepping out of the way.
Once you crossed the threshold, you’d be permanently separated from Eddie, and locked behind a bulletproof door. You only had a second to consider this before it clicked shut behind you.
In front of you now was a large room with a DJ spinning music inside a plexiglass box at the far end. The group of vampires who were already there were all too lost in their own world to notice or even care that someone had just come in. You continued to follow Max as you took in the fact that there were yoga mats and shower drains lined up along the floor.
“In here, sweet cheeks,” Max guided, opening another door and flicking a light on. The light was another deep red crimson color, so not much light at all, but you could see that there were three tiers that went up in elevation, and a row of chairs along each level, all facing a large picture window; the window faced the spacious room with the drains on the floor and the yoga mats.
She told you to take a seat, and you found one in the first row, lowering yourself into it with a noted level of hesitancy. In the seat next to you, Max patted your thigh. “It’s a guilty pleasure of mine to expose virgin eyes to the Baptism. I know you’ll love it.”
Again, you couldn’t tell if Max was being serious, or if she was still being flippantly sarcastic.
Over the speakers, an electronic female voice announced “2 minutes until The Baptism” and it was then you heard the rush of footsteps upstairs; vampires coming down to be a part of...whatever this was. The DJ behind the protected enclosure had green and black hair as the dark, pulsing music played, and a bit of fear hitched in your chest, mouth dropping open at the way the bodies flooded in through the doors. They were making out with each other and swarming in one large mass.
The energy down there was different than above. There was something more primal and… hungry. Perhaps a side of these monsters that they didn’t want to or couldn't let other humans see. You were too focused on the scene in front of you to notice the way Max kept glancing over, deeply amused by you.
The feminine, electronic voice began to countdown the seconds from 10, as the vampires danced and undressed each other, eyes black and fangs out. One of the women you recognized from the from steps earlier seemed to be looking directly at you, sneering, licking her pointed teeth, her short black hair spiky around her face.
“We can see them, but they can’t see us,” Max offered.
Your eyes followed the sound of the click: shower heads popped out from the ceiling. The mass of vampires tilted their heads back and opened their mouths, and then a red liquid you assumed was blood shot out of the sprinkler heads like water, raining down on everyone there, soaking them.
That was when the debauchery really started, and you realized what the yoga mats were for.
The blood shower worked them into a frenzy and they began to lick it off of each other, undressing each other as cocks and breasts were exposed, everyone reaching out to fondle their neighbor with unbridled enthusiasm. Some fell to their knees to orally please, and others were flat on the ground, a puzzle of fucked holes and faces, drinking the blood as they also used it for lubrication. Vampires had no fear of contracting STD’s or getting pregnant, so reasoned that it was all fair game. One of the vampires with long hair, wearing an enormous, lifelike, strap-on dildo, flicked her head back and a splash of blood flecked the window in front of you. A few continued to dance around, lost in the music and you had to look away from the fornication, bashful suddenly, but Max found your eyes.
“Have you ever done this?” You asked her. She was poised in her seat, legs crossed and fingers laced over her knee.
“No, never,” she admitted, to your surprise. “But I do so love to watch.”
While two naked vampires fucked doggy style on the floor right in front of your eyes, and the one on their hands and knees sucked another vampire off, you wondered if Eddie had ever done this. You wondered what it would feel like to see him standing out there, watching you, beckoning to you, while naked and covered in blood. The part of you that had ingested his crimson gift whispered that you would let him split you open right there in front of everyone, begging for his fangs sink into your throat.
It took all of your strength not to run into Eddie’s arms when you finally made it back up the stairs with Max. There were only 10 or 15 people on the main floor at that point, most of them human familiars, as the rest of the clientele were still downstairs breeding. The sprinklers were only on for five minutes or so, but it was enough to drench all of them as they fucked each other with insatiable hunger.
Eddie pushed off the bar when he saw you, eyes lighting up with wholesome relief.
“How was it?” He asked, taking note that Max was close behind you.
“Traumatizing,” you answered, even though a part of you had enjoyed it, but that was a part of you he didn’t need to know about.
“It was a pleasure to take your girlfriend’s Baptism virginity,” Max batted her eyes a few times.
Simultaneously, you and Eddie both:
“She’s not my girlfriend.”
“I’m not his girlfriend.”
“Whatever you say,” Max goaded, hands on her hips, waiting to see you both out. Craven was not too far behind her, both hands braced on the bar, staring you down with an intensity that seemed unnecessary at the time.
Eddie extended the crook of his elbow to you. “Let’s get you home.”
“I know that girl,” Craven told Max once you and Eddie were long gone.
Max tilted her chin up, regarding him down the end of her nose. “I’m listening.”
“I read about her in an Unsolved Mysteries forum I belong to, it was a really odd story,” he wiped his hands on a towel as he talked. “At least, I’m pretty sure it’s her. That scar on her cheek, it’s unmistakable.”
Max gave a roll of her eyes. “Spit. It. Out. Craven. For fucks sake, I’m rotting internally over here.”
Jareth walked up beside Max, standing close, working his jaw.
Craven leaned forward, resting on his elbows. “There’s more than one story about her, both equally strange. First, supposedly, she was in a car accident, dead by the time the paramedics got there,” he paused for a beat.
Jareth looked out the bars of the front window just in time to see the taillights of Eddie’s GTO glow bright in the distance, on his way back to the crossing.
Craven spread his fingers on the bar as he explained, his face dire. “But, her body was stolen from the morgue, and it was never found.”
Max and Jareth exchanged a look. “So, she’s a ghoul? A zombie? What? I didn’t see any rotting flesh,” Max pushed. “She smells too good to be dead.”
Craven held his hand up. “Okay, but get this---apparently her grandfather ran a funeral home, and she lived there with her dad in the same house with all of the coffins and the embalming and whatnot. The rumors were that her dad, Dr. Wesley, was a complete nut job. He was some kind of genius, flew through medical school, became a surgeon.”
Max took a few steps closer, balancing her hip on one of the stools.
“But then his wife found out she had cancer and passed away 6 months later, when Eddie’s girl was just a teenager. After her mom died, her dad went off the rails. Became a real reclusive mad scientist, had some kind of laboratory in the basement where he brought road kill back to life and returned them to the woods.”
“That brings us back to her being in that car accident and disappearing from the morgue,” he paused for dramatic effect. “In the forum I belong to, a bunch of people suspected that he brought her back to life somehow, because---now listen to this---when he died a year after that, several witnesses said they saw her standing on the porch, clear as day.”
Max rolled her eyes. “If you’re fucking with us, I’m going to be very upset.”
Craven put his palms out as a sign of surrender. “Not fucking with you at all. But, I haven’t gotten to the best part yet.”
Jareth smoothed back his hair, waiting.
“In his will, Dr. Wesley left the house and all of his belongings to a woman by the name of “Dove”, and everything monetarily was handled through a third party. That was just a few months ago.” He took a sip of NuBlood and rolled his neck. “Jump ahead to a few weeks ago and, did you hear about that bus that got t-boned and then flipped over onto the train tracks, pinning all those kids inside?”
Max shook her head, but Jareth nodded slowly, eyes narrowing with his full attention, nostrils flaring slightly.
“And how somehow, miraculously, the bus was pushed off the tracks and out of danger just before the train came? And then the bus was flipped back onto it’s tires so that the kids could get out? Well, about ten of the kids described our new friend to a T, right down to that cheek scar.”
“Of course, no one believed the kids,” Craven shrugged. “And it wasn’t a vampire because it was still daylight out. But those of us who’ve been following this story think she’s reanimated, like Frankenstein’s monster, and somehow it gave her superhuman strength.”
“This is a stupid story,” Jareth intoned. “Of course this is all rubbish. Myth, legend, a ghost story for children.”
Max looked over at the door, as if you might be standing there.
“You mean, like vampires?” Craven offered with a lift of his eyebrow.
Max squinted, remembering how uneasy you had been earlier. “She doesn’t seem very strong to me.”
Craven brought a beer to a human at the end of the bar, and then continued when he came back. “We don’t think she understands her strength. I personally believe it has something to do with lightning. There was a lightning storm the night she died, and there was also lightning the day of the bus crash.”
“What would lightning have to do with it?” Max asked. Her curiosity was piqued, but she didn’t want to seem too eager. “That makes it sound so dramatic.”
“I have no clue,” Craven shrugged. “Maybe the electricity in the air makes her powers stronger, maybe she becomes some kind of lightning rod? I’m not sure, but I would like to find out.”
“She does smell different,” Max mused.
“There are people looking for her. Bad people,” Craven added.
“What kind of bad people?” Jareth smirked. “Certainly not worse than this lot.”
Craven wiped the bar with his rag. “People who think they know what she is, and want to study her. To harness a way to give humans insane strength without turning them into vampires? She’s not in Hawkins because it’s such a great town,” he snorted. “I think she’s trying to hide in plain sight. No one would think to look for her in a place like that.”
Max flicked her attention from Jareth to Craven. “Do you think Eddie knows? About her?”
Craven licked one of his fangs. “He has been known to do freelance bounty hunter work. I wouldn’t put it passed him. Maybe someone is paying him to be her watchdog until they can know for sure.”
“Interesting,” Max smoothed her lips. “I wonder if there’s some kind of reward out for her?”
“I can find out,” Craven wiggled his eyebrows mischievously.
“You two fiends will stay away from her,” Jareth spoke up, eyeballing both of them. “Until I figure out exactly what it is we’re dealing with.”
“Oh shit,” Max flashed an uncertain grin. “You’ve got a thing for little miss monster mash.”
“Don’t be ridiculous,” Jareth frowned.
On the way out of Sacrament in the GTO, rounding the corner along the sparse forest that would head you back toward the bridge, you and Eddie were painfully quiet. There was the soft hum of At Night by The Cure coming from the orange and green lights of the stereo, and you absently noticed a few demobats swooping down close.
The images from the Baptism were still flashing every time you blinked, and so you rested your head on your fist and kept your eyes open until they dried out.
“Thank you,” Eddie cleared his throat. “For, being cool about all of that tonight.”
He really hadn’t given you a choice. “Um, you’re welcome.”
Internally, Eddie was kicking himself for ever taking you to Sacrament, or the Upside Down in general. He should’ve known Jareth and Max would notice there was something different about you and take an invested interest. Jareth was a much older, stronger vampire, but Eddie wouldn’t let him get close to you without putting up a fight.
“Did you take care of whatever business you came to do?” You wondered allowed, assuming that he made some clandestine exchange with Jareth.
Eddie sighed. “Yep. It’s all good.”
You were about to be nosey and ask exactly what it was he went there to do, when something banged into the grille of the car, making Eddie curse and swerve, slamming the breaks on before the GTO careened into the dead forest.
“Fucking bats,” Eddie hissed, throwing the car into park with a grunt.
The erratic swerve made your adrenaline surge and sent a wave of heat over your flesh. Dust pooled up around the windows and you struggled to see what was out there in the misty, purple gloom. Out in the middle of the street, in the glow of one of the GTO headlights, face down and wings wide, tendrils spread out, was one of those big, spooky demobats you’d seen perched on the eaves of the church.
You noticed it’s wing twitch, and one of the octopus tendrils curled up slowly as if it was trying to move but couldn’t. It didn’t matter what kind of horrifying, killer beast this was---you hated to see any animal suffer and, before you knew it, your hand was on the door handle, cranking it open.
“Wait!” Eddie gripped your arm. With the door open a crack, you snapped a look at him over your shoulder. Eddie checked up through the front window to see if there were any more demobats close by. “What are you doing? Those things are dangerous.”
“It’s hurt, Eddie,” there was an unmistakable determination in your eyes. “I just want to move it out of the street. Maybe its just stunned.”
Eddie’s stare got hard. “That thing out there will eat your face off and not think twice about it.”
Eyes locked on each other, the both of you realized at the same time that your lips were close, noses only mere inches from touching. Eddie’s eyes flicked to your lips, and then back up again, taking in a sharp sip of air.
Be it the bleeding heart you’d inherited from your mother who was always taking in stray pets to nurture and raise as her own, or from watching your father try to save and resurrect every bit of road kill he stumbled across in that last decade of his life, but you couldn’t let it lay out there vulnerable and in pain. Eddie recognized this determination in your countenance, and released your arm.
On a frustrated exhale, he reached across your legs to open the glove box. “Just wait for me, okay?”
He pulled out a butterfly knife, flipping it open with a few deft flicks of his wrist.
“What’s that for?”
He made a stabbing gesture. “If it’s mortally wounded, I’ll have to put it out of it’s misery.”
You stepped out of the vehicle, waiting for Eddie to come around the front of the car and meet you there.
The demobat lifted another tentacle, making a shrill, squealing noise, and then went still again.
“We can’t take it home with us,” Eddie warned. “That is out of the question.”
You had no idea what you were doing. It was face down, but you knew the thing had a mouth of teeth and they seemed incredibly strong and fast.
“Just help me...move it off the road so it doesn’t get squished by another car.”
Eddie did not like this. This thing wasn’t a kitten or a turtle; it was more of the crocodile/shark variety with no real motivations outside of killing.
You knelt down next to it, Eddie positioned above you with the knife, ready to execute if it reared up and tried to bite you. The thing made a little, sad mew noise, and it compelled you to make the nurturing choice to run your fingers along the spine of its wing to comfort it.
“Shhhh,” you coaxed. “You’re going to be okay. We’re not going to hurt you.”
The demobat jerked at your touch, but was still too stunned to do any more than that.
“Okay, you grab one wing and I’ll grab the other---” but just as you said it, one of the slimy, jellyfish tentacles wrapped softly around your wrist.
Eddie bolted forward, thinking maybe he’d need to cut the fucker off, but you stopped him with your other hand. The tentacle gave you a little squeeze before slipping loose again, falling to the pavement with a smack.
“Okay, let’s get this over with,” Eddie huffed. You both pinched a fleshy wing at both ends and were just about to lift up when the demobat screeched louder than ever, flapping free of your grasp and up into the air.
It spun around mid-flight and shrieked like a siren, exposing the jagged teeth in its gapping maw, dripping with tendrils of saliva. The demobat did not look happy.
Eddie dove in front of you, his eyes black and his fangs out, ready for battle, but the bat only screeched again, this time with less heat, and turned to hobble away; one wing not working as well as the other.
Your shoulders sank and your forehead fell to Eddie’s arm, sighing with relief.
“Yeah,” Eddie watched the thing go as it flew low to the ground for a while before scooting higher up in the sky. “Please don’t ever do that again,” he mumbled to you around the fullness of his ejected fangs. He didn’t move though, because now your cheek was resting on his arm and your hand was on his lower back, and he wanted to turn and kiss you so bad. But then you moved and the moment was over.
Back in the car, as Eddie stuffed in behind the wheel, you clicked your seat belt on and said, “I think I’ve had enough excitement for one day.”
“That makes two of us,” he returned, checking the sky for more low-flying creatures before he got back on the road.
Exiting the Upside Down through the old, covered bridge gave you a deep sense of relief. For the first time, you couldn’t wait to get back to your shitty trailer and your wholly ordinary life. Maybe you weren’t ordinary, but you really wanted to be, and the people and places of Hawkins were helping you to embrace that title more and more every second.
The two of you did not return to Hawkins alone.
Your secret companon flew low behind the GTO in the bridge, and then coasted high above in the sky once it was free from the Upside Down, reveling in the cool night air that did not burn her throat. The demobat you’d helped in the road kept pace with the roof of car as a shadow, following out of sight, and darting in through the trees when necessary.
She was your demobat now, and she wanted to keep you safe.
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