#Van Helsing can do math and geography
kissmefriendly · 2 years
The Dracula Take Down Team would be an absolute nightmare at quiz night
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fakesurprise · 7 years
Gloaming: school faculty
Principal Martin Schwit. Schwit is trying to run a school without funding and is well aware of what the future/purpose of it is. Which is information he tries to hide from everyone else. He is on mandated government drugs to ‘hide his thoughts’ that likely do poor things for his sanity.
Ms. Thompson. Human teacher who accepted assignment to Midvale voluntarily. Genuinely wants to help her students and make them better people. Technically teaches English but is infamous for wild digressions and asides that last for weeks.
Professor Rupert Van Helsing. Mr. “no relation” is a single-joke teacher who also IS hunting vampires. He has never found one but is certain they must exist since other preternaturals do. He eats a lot of garlic and is amazingly twitchy. Teaches geography and history.
Jeff Koon. Science teacher. Given preternaturals, he is also a heavy drinker who is struggling to reconcile science with the supernatural, which is far harder when you deal with it daily. He is doing so quite poorly. And taking it out on the students with vicious grading.
Edwina Bell. Psychic (in hiding) teacher who can sense something of the future. Remarkably well-composed as a result. Given time, she can Batman her way out of situations. Mostly deals with computers and math.
Paul Randolph. The languages teacher, who is at the school because he is a) a genius with languages and b) loathes students and teaching them.
Miriam Wells. The band/music teacher who has no students in her class. To say she is bored would be an understatement but her attempt to insist students be in the music class and sing went so badly that she is still in therapy over it.
Eshu: death walker/waker. A necromancer striving to become a ‘god’. Also the janitor. Is very good at hiding their nature.
Ichabod McHale (aka Michael). Fae teacher, known to be fae. Looks to be pot-bellied, few wisps if white hair, wrinkled. Has looked the same age for sixty years. Real age and identity unknown. Teaches social studies.
Nicola / Nicole Avina. Lizardperson gym instructor.  Goes by Avina.
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