#they’re banned from 3 different pubs
kissmefriendly · 2 years
The Dracula Take Down Team would be an absolute nightmare at quiz night
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beebzly · 3 years
I wanted to do something for Murdoc’s birthday, so I decided to jot down a few random head canons!
I wanted to make this a lot longer but my brain is not working anymore today 🙃
Some 2doc and some NSFW mixed through out, just a heads up!
If you liked these, send in some prompts and I’ll try to get more added to this!
-doesn’t care about his birthday but absolutely uses the day as an excuse to make everyone do everything for him “…but it’s my birthday 🥺” (not that that’s different from any other day)
-keeps clothes he likes to wear a lot in a pile on the floor, if they aren’t super rank, he’s wearing it again
-speaking of laundry, he sends his wash out to a professional but forgets a lot so he buys new clothes more than he washes the ones he already has
-has a sex toy addiction. Buys way more than he uses, he just likes to know they’re there.
-definitely tried to get a mold of his dick made to sell, but Gorillaz management vetoed.
-asks everyone inappropriate questions that he doesn’t expect an answer to anyway. Shit like “you ever nut so hard your balls ache?”
-hates waking up before 2pm. He will literally scream at the top of his lungs if you wake up anytime before that
-won’t even think about ending his day before 3 am.
-may or may not have tried human meat before.
-leaves a large trash bag in his room that he uses to ‘clean up’ but ultimately just sits and festers until someone in the house can’t stand it anymore and throws it away. God forbid it’s forgotten about before a tour.
-back when Gorillaz first got big, he used to go to industry events and get shit-faced and start fights. He’s gotten into a brawl with all five members of the boyband Five at the same time.
-is banned from no less than 200 nightclubs across the globe
-95% of them are in the UK
-hates to cuddle until he’s fast asleep, then he’ll spoon with whatever is closest. The others have taken photos of him snuggling everything from cute stuffed animals to his blow up doll.
-carries a flask everywhere he goes. He’s collected hundreds from all over the world but has a couple favorites.
-after his liver transplant, doctors advised he cut back on drinking drastically, but of course he didn’t listen.
-He and Noodle have phone number contests out at pubs. Noodle always wins.
-gets into funks from time to time and will drink alone in his room for days on end
-has been known to fill a large recycling bin from bottles kept in his room. He tries to hide his binges but storing empty bottles in his closest
-misses the hell out of quaaludes
-hasn’t washed a single dish since leaving his father’s home.
-When he thinks no one is looking, he likes to play with 2D’s hair
-communicates love by touch. Even if he and 2D are fighting, he’ll pinch his butt or something so he knows he’s still there.
-wraps his tongue around 2Ds when they snog. 2D hates it so that’s why he does it.
-loves bruising 2Ds ass with hand spankings.
- 2Ds ass is one of his top 5 favorite things (#1 is cracking open a fresh bottle of liquor)
-prefers to be choked with a belt cos “2D is weak”
-whenever 2D says ‘I love you’ he replies with “yeah, yeah.” And waves him off
-it’s not uncommon for them to bed hop, but it annoys and wakes 2D when Murdoc comes to sleep in his bed because he falls asleep hours before Murdoc.
-If he ever asks 2D to play something on his keyboards for him, it’s a sign that he’s down in the dumps
-big fan of sucking on 2Ds neck.
Happy birthday, Murdoc! You’re disgusting and I love you.
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platypus-mcslothman · 3 years
‘Well, at least we’re not America’ is a common phrase said by most people when political/racism issues or crises occur in UK. A phrase I am coming to discover is telling of how well the propaganda machines in our country work. The UK is wayyy more dysfunctional than America and allow me to detail but the surface level of known issues in our political sphere.
1. U.K. media ecosystem is… corrupt. Seriously, the older I get the more realise how not too dissimilar our media is to North Korea’s, except our media doesn’t work for the state primarily and will turn on it if it benefits them. You can look at how our media recently attacked Boris Johnson and then started pushing out puff pieces when he won a landslide in our local election for perfect proof
We’ve had phone hacking scandals, invasions of privacy, been accused of Nazi like language by the UN, have a state owned media outlet with political leaders heading it, anti-vaccine and now anti-lockdown narratives being pushed forward, think tanks owned by prominent right wing politicians and advisors being treated as unbiased think tanks, and more.
Our media landscape is predominately owned by 5 people. Rupert Murdoch (owner of Fox News) being one of the most prominent and also the closest to government.
The media in the UK is basically an attack dog for politics. It’s often been said no government will ever get into power without Rupert Murdoch on side.
It gets significantly worse when you begin to discover many prominent journalists are friends, god parents, spouses, and family members to our political elite. Heck, Boris Johnson (our Prime Minister) was originally a journalist for the spectator and telegraph (and an appalling one at that).
2. our police are well… corrupt. They’ve been involved in murdering civilians, brutally killing protestors and lying about killing them, feeding lies to the press about officers being hurt by protestors, assaulting journalists, and are involved in numerous conspiracies, and coincidentally were the only public service that didn’t receive defunding during and after thatcher’s era.
The most recent conspiracy involves the media too. A private detective called Daniel Morgan was suspect to have been murdered by two police officers with axes, who were originally investigating the crime, after he started investigating corruption in the police force. This case happened in the 90s and is now resurging after renewed interest. Strangely enough, the case Morgan was investigating later became known as the Phone Hacking scandal in the early 2000s.
Essentially the phone hacking scandal was the reveal that newspapers were hacking phones, wiretapping houses, and paying or blackmailing police officers to give them information about criminal cases. During this scandal it was also revealed newspapers were hiring PIs. More specifically the firm that Morgan worked for and even more specifically the suspected murderers who were fired from the police forces and were hired by Morgan’s old PI firm. You couldn’t make this up.
3. this is gonna be a running theme, but our politicians… corrupt. In a slew of scandals over decades, our politicians have been revealed to spend their work expenses on personal expenses (one politician bought a draw bridge for their manor, and many used them to buy second homes in London before selling them off at a profit during a housing crises), they accept other ‘jobs’ for private businesses (essentially a politician is payed thousands for a couple hours in an ‘advisory’ position), they’ve used tax havens (David Cameron, one of our prior PMs, is the most prominent example), they’ve lobbied after leaving their post (essentially they’re paid a lot of money to push for legislation changes that will profit a company which is quite easy to do when you have political connections, yet again David Cameron is a prominent example), and in the most recent disgusting display I present to you: the ‘my little crony’ model. A model that visually shows you the corruption in our pandemic expenditure.
During the pandemic, our government bypassed competition laws to directly award contracts for PPE (Personal Protective Equipment), and test and trace. 25% of these contracts at minimum have since been deemed as questionable. They were awarded to businesses owned by politicians, politician’s family members, neighbours, friends, and political donors. Dyson was even revealed to have directly messaged Boris Johnson to change how taxes work so he could provide profitable ventilators when we were desperately short (which is worse when you consider Dyson didn’t deliver a single ventilator despite these changes). That’s not even an isolated story. There is a backlog of stories of strange and not suited businesses not providing PPE, not providing useable PPE, and being payed to make PPE at inflated costs. We’ve had sweet wrapper makers, jewellers, pubs, and a finance company that was only set up weeks before the contract being given these essential jobs in making and delivering PPE. The amount of money spent on these contracts is not yet fully known because documentation hasn’t been published fully, which is unlawful according to our Supreme Court’s findings.
In the pandemic we spent 37 billion on our test and trace app. The app was a failure and still is. It doesn’t contact people, a lot of data was lost because they were using an outdated Excel program to store data (which it didn’t store because Excel is not designed for that amount of data and severely outdated), and a lot people haven’t downloaded it because of trust issues caused by poor communication and initially designing the app to store data in a centralised location instead of in a means where the data can’t be accessed at a later date (as almost every other country did for trust reasons).
Now, 37 billion pounds is a very abstract number. Many don’t fully understand how much money that really is. Well, it could nationalise our entire electric grid in the UK. It’s 10% of the amount needed to end world hunger. It could end our housing crisis in the UK. and it was spent on an app that doesn’t work! Not to mention, the leader of test and trace is now being rumoured to be appointed the head of our national health service…
Heck, our PM was paid by one of his political donors to refurbish his temporary flat in Number 10 (our version of the White House). He spent £200,000 whilst he claimed our entire country didn’t have enough money to feed poor children during the pandemic. And even after he lost two fights with a footballer over the issue (yes, you heard that right), our government contracted a private company that provided inadequate amounts of weekly food. Below isn’t even the worst example.
Tumblr media
(Note this a contrast between the amount you could actually buy with money allocated by the government and the amount given by the private companies hired by the government. They took may as well have literally have took candy from a baby.)
Summary: the U.K. is worse than the US exactly because the people of our nation and kingdom don’t see the ridiculousness and corruption that takes place daily and historically.
We’ve had governments spying on trade unions and activists, we’ve had kids being brutalised by police officers because they attended or were thought to have attended a protest, we have a bill that now is trying to ban protest, we have a media ecosystem so disgustingly inadequate they don’t hold government to account, and we have politicians who claim they could live off minuscule amounts provided by the state to the poor and disabled whilst gourging on state paid meals at fancy restaurants where they spend more than that minuscule amount in a couple hours.
There’s so much wrong with my nation and kingdom, I honestly don’t have enough words nor the ability to accurately articulate how disgustingly corrupt it is. We are not the United Kingdom, we are the Corrupt Kingdom. I could go on and fucking on about how unjust, untruthful, and immoral my nation is. I don’t like that, but I also am not going to be patriotic about a nation that kills the poor and disabled by not providing support, allowing a virus to ravage our society by not putting the needs many before the needs of the few, and who claims we can’t spend money on society whilst spending lucrative amounts on idiotic selfish things.
Further reading/references:
(this is my blog, I haven’t posted here in a while)
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captain-aralias · 4 years
META ASKS!!! 1, 7, & 17. Also hoping you’re having a lovely weekend 💖
<3 <3 <3 thank you!! i would be delighted to answer these asks. my weekend is... ok. i’ve enjoyed the asks part, otherwise... i tried to make some space on my bookshelves to get more stuff off the floor. that part wasn’t so good. (was this an ask? i’ve answered it anyway. i’m in the zone) (hope yours is going well.)
1. Tell us about your current project(s)  – what’s it about, how’s progress, what do you love most about it?
i think the real you, not the interviewer, knows the answer to this 😂 but i’ll tell you anyway. for posterity. 
i have two carry on exchange things. so both are secret.
one of them i’ve mapped out in my head enough that i think i can start writing it. i should have started today, but i didn’t want to because my brain needed some distance from writing.  it’s about [REDACTED]. 😂 what i like about it so far is nothing because i haven’t written it, but i think the prompter gave me a cool thing to write about that i’m excited to ... have written. i think it will be good. 
the other one, i have no idea what i’ll write and so need to get this first thing done. 
the OTHER thing i’m writing is for you 🥰 but it’s not a secret. it has no title yet, but it’s about baz joining the coven where simon works about 10 years after they last saw each other at watford (because they didn’t get together). i really wanted to write a ‘getting together later in life’ fic because i love them, and i wanted to write it for you because i know you do too and you wrote two really recently. (my other favs from this genre are Recapture the Magic by rainbowbaz and newkid on the block Could It Be Magic? by @arca9 )
what i like about mine .... is that it’s a chance to write both of them as more-assured and confident versions of themselves, and to write something a bit more like what i wrote for blake’s 7 and doctor who (and ‘keep calm’) where to be worthy of simon’s love baz has to actually do some good stuff - acts of service, gotta love them. plus, they’re awkward colleagues and go to the pub, and simon gradually realises he likes him. which i like!!
i dont like that i have literally written about 400 words of it. it’s a long way from being done.
7. What do you think are the characteristics of your personal writing style? Would others agree?
just answered this one (possibly rather boringly) here. 
17. Do you think readers perceive your work - or you - differently to you? What do you think would surprise your readers about your writing or your motivations?
this is a hard one to answer. i know that you once told me you thought i was tall 😂
er.... i mean, the answer is almost certainly yes. i perceive my work in a certain way because i wrote it, and i read it and think ‘WTF was i thinking with this paragraphing?? why is everything on a different line??’ and probably no one else cares. 
i think it’s possible that ‘carry on’ fandom thinks i’m kinkier than i really am - in fact, i’ve just been in fandoms for a decade, so i’ve become much more comfortable with writing smut.
occasionally i say that i dont want to become a professional writer, and that surprises people because often fandom people do! i think i’d really like to be a writer, to be fair - i’d like to be known for writing and to have written characters people love, but i can’t invent my own worlds or characters and that’s not what i enjoy doing. plus, i find it really hard to write on command, and the idea of having to be creative to earn money is genuinely terrifying. 
i feel like i’ve said a lot of the other things about my motivations before - like a lot of what i write is driven by my relationship with my partner, who i recently banned from reading my fic because i know she hates the canon and that really upsets me because i write fanfic a) because i love the canon but also b) that is about as bound up in the canon as possible. if you don’t know the canon, i’m not sure what you’re getting out of it. you’re not getting the jokes, and you dont know whether this is good characterisation, or why it was clever to bring X in - or that i didn’t invent Y, it’s from the canon. 
but then i also felt bad about banning her because so much of it is about her - the depression and the politics definitely, and she’s the one who’s obsessed with victoriana so. it would have been difficult to write ‘Tyrannus’ without listening to her for the last decade. plus, we’ve often been in the same fandoms before, and have written for each other a lot. (she’s better than me.)
maybe it would surprise people to know i don’t think i’m actually that gay. but i have also only been in one relationship ever, and it’s with another woman. i love gay romance, though. M/M or W/W - both in fandom, and in literature, film, etc. 
maybe i answered that question ok in the end!
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medea10 · 5 years
Medea Rambles...It’s Reality
I would really love to put up a review today. Really, I would. And I would love to talk about the latest Pokemon episode, really I would...But, I'm not in the mood. Because of certain events, I'm not in any mood for my usual Sunday shenanigans.
Whenever I pick up my phone and see that damned CNN Alert message, I think one of three things has happened.
1. Trump said or did something incredibly stupid, illegal, or dickheadishly stupid.
2. A celebrity from my childhood died.
3. A massacre has occurred and was caused by gun violence.
And in the past seven days, that third option has come up more often than not. Now, by no means am I fully against guns. It's not my thing, if you like hunting, by all means. If you feel you need it for protection, I don't give a flying fig. However, there are certain guns that really shouldn't be in the hands of anyone. Period! And each time I hear about what a gunman uses, it's usually an AK or an AR-15 or some other monstrosity that really shouldn't be in the hands of (what it seems like) very unstable men. And in a lot of these massacres including the last three prominent tragedies, these very unstable men are under the age of 25.
That is fucking frightening.
Why would anyone want to go to an open place like a school, a Walmart, a gay nightclub, a concert on the Vegas strip, a church, a mosque, a synagogue, a local pub, a college campus, or a garlic festival to shoot up innocent people?
Oh yeah, all of these places have been shot up in the last couple of years. And again I need to say, THREE OF THESE HAPPENED JUST THIS WEEK ALONE!
I remember being in middle school when the Columbine shooting happened and in shock over what I was witnessing. Now it’s by no means the first gun massacre in our country and sure as fuck wasn’t the last. But the mere fact that this was a high school and these were students being slaughtered raised a lot of eyebrows. Now not much action was taken at the time, but there were plenty of back-and-forths over who was to blame for this. Being in middle school, they pretty much blamed all the things I liked including video games, South Park, and Marilyn Manson. Seriously, just because Dylan and Eric listened to Manson, all Manson listeners were going to go on a killing rampage? Fuck you then and fuck you now!
Then I remember 12 years ago with Virginia Tech and freaking out because, hey, I’m a college student. Who’s to say UNM wouldn’t end up on the national news one day because of a tragedy involving gun violence? Then again, I’m just a paranoid, autistic person and I worry over everything.
But then it wouldn’t just be at a school...it would be in places you wouldn’t expect. A strip mall in Arizona. A theater in Aurora, Colorado. And even an elementary school in Connecticut.
Yes, I have to talk about Sandy Hook! Twenty 1st graders and their educators were gunned down. That should have been the final straw in taking some freakin’ action! These were six and seven year olds going to school. AND RIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS FOR CORN SAKE! Because of this, my cousin has a quiet room in his home where his daughter used to play and sleep.
Yeah, not-so fun fact about Medea. I have a relation to one of the victims in Sandy Hook.
So imagine my disgust with pukes like Alex Jones attacking these families, calling them out for faking their children deaths. Alex Jones can just drop from the face of the earth and I’ll sleep like a baby at night. But like with Columbine, not much action was done. Even though President Obama tried, he couldn’t get Congress and Senate to pass any kind of gun regulation laws.
I would like to blame it on the fact that both the house and senate were Republican-led at the time and whatever the black president wanted to happen, they told him to sit and spin because fuck your needs! Yeah, I want to say that they’re all a bunch of racist crackers, but most of them are still kinda lobbyed by the NRA. And when I say kinda, I mean, these guys are willing to lick boots for the NRA and screw the safety of the people.
So, no gun regulations happen and more tragedies continue happening. It wasn’t really until the San Bernadino tragedy that lawmakers wanted to do something. But not about gun regulation! No, because in that particular tragedy, the people causing the mayhem were part of ISIS (or so they claim). If the shooter is someone from a different place other than the U.S., they hate us for our freedom and this is terrorism. But if a white guy from Ohio does it, it’s just a sad day in America.
Now there are many of factors to these killers. Mental health is a big factor played in many of these tragedies. Yes, that is a biggie in general. Because people suffering from mental illness are statistically more likely to be a victim of gun violence than to commit one. People only bring up mental illness if the shooter is a white, American-born boy and soon enough, they’ll drop the subject of helping folks with this problem. How about we talk about gun regulation?! Have weapons of war off the streets and out of our homes! No one needs guns that can turn a body into swiss cheese in a matter of seconds given to a regular joe. Oh and once again, nothing happens. Even after we get some of the worst shootings after Sandy Hook! Because while 20 1st graders being gunned down in a classroom was pretty fucked up, we ended up with more obscene tragedies.
Just to name a few, the Pulse Night Club shooting in Orlando, FL where 49 people lost their lives (during Pride Month no less), an outdoor concert on the Las Vegas strip where 58 people died, and another high school shooting in Parkland, FL where 17 students lost their lives. At least with the last shooting I mentioned, the surviving students had ENOUGH and demanded action. In some ways, change did happen. We have a new generation ask the questions my generation didn’t and the generations before ignored it all.
With the swearing-in of a new Congress in January (the first time it was Democratic majority since 2010), the first issue they took up was on gun regulation. And it passed the house! The only problem is that the leader of the senate has refused to let ANY of these bills pass. He just let’s it die. And then you have that same sonuvabitch send out thoughts and prayers? The Congress is trying to do something so we wouldn’t have to go through these horrible tragedies time and time again! Fuck you Mitch! No seriously, fuck you and shove those thoughts and prayers up your ass because we know what you’re all about! We saw you during the days of Sandy Hook!
And so we continue with this wave of gun tragedies! Only now, a lot of these recent shootings seem to have a certain, controversial thing in common. All of them either liked Donald Trump or praised his rhetoric. I know I shouldn’t tie any tragedy to any serving president. I didn’t blame Clinton for Columbine. I didn’t blame Bush for Virginia Tech. And I never blamed Obama for Aurora, Phoenix, or Sandy Hook. But Donald Trump is a whole ‘nother level of blame.
It’s safe to say we’ve NEVER had a president quite like this. Someone who would rile up his supporters in some frightening ways. I don’t want to repeat ANYTHING of what this fool says. He carefully words his statements to his base and watch these fringey people go off the deep-end. When you have a president blaming Mexicans, banning Muslims, and criticizing African-Americans, there’s a lot of toxicity to absorb. And I am sick of it!
A lot tragedies in the past two years have had the essence of Trump lingering around it. The man who sent bombs to Trump’s enemies last fall was a staunch Trump supporter. The man who shot up a Jewish synagogue last year, also believed in Trump’s words. As did the Parkland shooter! Oh, let’s not forget the man who shot up the mosque in New Zealand earlier this year, he believed in Trump too. And same with the two of the three shootings that has happened in the last 7 days. People trying to enjoy themselves as they eat garlic-flavored foodstuffs in Gilroy and families buying things they need for the upcoming school year in a Walmart in El Paso...all of them taken out by white supremacists guided by words of a lunatic leader who believes black and brown people are the enemy.
His words are not helping. His words are damaging.
I know gun violence has been a major issue way before Donald Trump became president. But this recent onslaught of violence is too much to bear. If he was a decent person, he would put an end to his disturbing rhetoric. No more of these “Go back to where you came from” tweets. That means calling out white supremacy when you see it! And cut the shit about good guys on both sides! When you have one side marching and shouting, “Jews Will Not Replace Us” and the other side finding offense to those words, this shouldn’t be a fucking debate!
This country needs to fucking change and change now. Whether it’s through legislation, replacing political representatives with people willing to give a damn, or overthrowing a dictator. Do it and do it now!
Sorry for this rant, but...I’m just tired of this happening over and over again. I’m almost to the point of being numb by these tragedies. And that shouldn’t happen.
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katbot · 6 years
Jessie’s Girl
This week’s Thirsty Thursday is a back-to-back feature after a two month hiatus. It consists of two men with the same name and polar opposite experiences.
“I can't work out tomorrow— or the rest of the week. I’ve got back to back dates."
I’m at impromptu gym sesh with my friend Dom before we head to our weekly pub meetup.
“Okay no problem? Switch machines?"
"Yeah. But wait-- get this…” I pause for dramatic effect
“Both guys— are named Jesse.”

“You’re kidding.”

“Nope... and I gotta admit...” I slide onto the seat and adjust the machine for my short legs.


“My mum’s name is Jessie.”
It’s Wednesday, and I’m making my way to Hell’s Kitchen.
Tonight is Jesse 2— the self-proclaimed Miller lite alcoholic.

I’m judging slightly but let’s be honest, I’ll take any kind of alcoholic.

It’s been a while since I’ve been on a date. I did a two-month stint with K, which was more awkward than fun.

It ended amicably. Sometimes someone falls asleep during a screening of THE HOLY MOUNTAIN, and you just know not they're not the one.

Also, fuck the outdoors.

I’m meeting J2 at On the Rocks, an intimate bourbon bar with great lighting.

He arrives a minute after me, in fact I’m pretty sure he was right behind me on the sidewalk.

He’s cute— very nerd chic. But extremely nervous.

He orders an IPA, I get a Hendricks double.

He’s so shy. We’re twenty minutes in and he can barely look me in the eye.
I feel like a zoo keeper, prodding for conversation.

Where are you from?


How long have you been here?

Two years.
What do you do?

J2 finally seems to relax around his third beer, he's going on about the difference between hardcore and punk music

It’s a scene I’ve dipped my foot into, but never really cared for. It’s a relief that he’s finally passionate about a topic.
He pays the entire tab when I’m in the bathroom
I’m aching to end my dry spell, so I’m contemplating fucking him when he suddenly suggest going to another bar. 
This time I pick a semi fratty pub around the corner. We grab a booth with a Ms.PacMan arcade table.
I’m entering tipsy when J2 is basically drunk.

He refuses to believe that I’ve never been shy or insecure.
I’m rolling my eyes when he tries to “catch me in a lie.”

J2: My worst fear is public speaking. What’s yours?

TV: Fire.

J2: No way.  I don’t believe that
What’s up will all these insecure guys?

TV: Okay. Fire and my parents dying soon.

He’s trying to argue with me when I cut him off.
“Listen I get the whole anxiety thing but not everyone is built like that. I acknowledge and recognize you. But personally, I just don’t get it.”

He seems to accept it after two more minutes of back and forth.

We tumble into video games and he seems to relax again.

Mid-Chrono Trigger spiel, he asks “Would you like to go home with me?”

“Yeah sure. Why not. Are you good for it though?”

  I’m referring to his pint of water sitting next to my Brooklyn Lager.
“Yeah! I promise!”
The train ride is unbearable and when he asks if I’m a PDA person I wonder if I made a mistake. It’s nice that he asked but so very Post #Metoo.


His apartment is old but cute. His room is a bit bizarre. It’s looks as if he’s just moved in, but he’s been in New York for 2 years.
He’s making out with me like a teenager boy, and when he frantically starts taking of hiss clothes I ask, “When was the last time you had sex?”
He doesn’t even need to open his mouth to answer, he’s blush does it for him.  

He begins to go down on me and after 3 minutes I sternly hiss-whisper, “Will you just fuck me??”

It last about four seconds when he suddenly says he can’t

Who does whisky dick hurt?

He’s apologizing the whole time as I get dressed.

“It’s not you. You’re not the prob-“ 

I scoff before he can finish the word.
“Yeah, of course I’m not. Listen...”
 I’m slipping my boots on telling him it’s normal.
“Whiskydickhappenstoeveryone.It’s nothingtobeashamedabout.Don’tworry.”
It comes out in one entire breath like a memorized speech, I’ve entered my sex educator mode also I seriously don’t care
I’m mapping my way back home while he seems to be having a mental dick breakdown on his couch
I don't have time for this.
“Yeah... I’m just gonna... gooooooo.. sooooo” I let myself out and hit the sidewalk laughing.

Good god. What a waste of a condom.

Lessons learned:
Pull out my condoms on the second round to avoid waste.
Anyone that only drinks light beer probably isn’t for me
Encounter Rating: 4/10
App: Tinder
Jesse1’s opening line hits 2/5 of my check boxes.
Bumping into natives on any dating app is a mutual fresh breath of air.
An oasis in the transplant dessert.
We spit a few bars about hockey, growing up in Queens, and the scripted dates we've had with newbie New Yorkers.
"I'm so tired of having the same damn conversations about their so not unique experiences"
Good god. That hits too close to home. Lately, I've been dating so many foreigners.
It's Groundhog Day with different accents.
I decide to pull the trigger and invite him out to the first Islanders/Rangers game of the season. He picks a Rangers bar by my office, saying he'll meet me at puck drop.
I'm barside in front of BIGGEST tv I have ever watched hockey on. It's incredible to be able to see the puck without squinting.
The Islanders are tied with the Rangers when someone comes up behind me.
He's cute, blonde, and channeling a very lumberjack look.
It isn't until intermission that I actually get involved -- in fact I'm kind of annoyed he's doing more talking than watching.
At the end of the first period, I flag down the bartender to refill my gin. As I put my finger up, J1 cuts me off with a "Can you put that on my tab please?"
Through intermission, we find out that we have a lot in common.
We’re both alumni’s of the catholic school circuit.
When he tells me he knows my school AND his sister attended both my alma maters...I absolutely lose my shit.
We swap stories about fucked up school experiences, and about each other’s school reputation.
“Do you remember when they banned skirts?”
“Yes!!!! It just made everything worse. Girls tailored their pants to show off every curve of their butt!!”
Being able to make references to old bars, obscure landmarks only relevant to natives, and deep Queens bus lines is refreshing. It’s like talking to an old neighbour.
We’re squealing and laughing straight through the last ten minutes of the third period.
Meanwhile, the Islanders have been murdering the Rangers.
“Fuck. That wasn’t supposed to happen.”
“You want to go drink that off?”
Weather Up is busier than expected despite the snow piling up outside.
We grab a table in the back and he tries to guess what cocktail I’ll get. A challenge my friends like to play a lot. We get the same drink with different spirits.
Me gin.
Him vodka.
The conversation continues to flow naturally and when the waiter comes back and I’m laughing too hard to order— I know I’m drunk.
How did this happen?!
“Ooh! Oh gosh.” I finally get a breath out between bounds of laughter “I’m having such a great time. I would love to see you again if you’re down.”
He agrees, “I’m just talking so much. I want to hear more about Tessie next time!”
We’re smiling at each other like idiots when the waiter comes back with our check.
“I would love to see you again too...I’m going to my friend’s show on Sunday. It’s in Gowanus, would y—“
I cut him off before my brain can process all the details “YES!”
It isn’t until he ask me if I’m sure that I truly realise what I’ve agreed to. “Are you sure? That’s a long commute for you.”
The fact that he knows that and ask to confirm makes me extra sure.
“Yessss. It’ll be fun. I’d love to go.”
We fight over the bill and who will walk whom to the train. I eventually win because his walk  grants us more time together.
The wind is so intense, J1 links arms with me keep me from falling over.
When we make it to his station, the warm lights from my office building paint the street like a spotlight.
“I didn’t expect that have so much fun tonight.”
“Yeah. Me too...like that was great.”
We’re staring into each other’s eyes AND I’m Still surprised when he pulls my scarf away from mouth and leans down to kiss me.
I don’t know how much time passes when I finally pull away.
I DO have to be here in less that 6 hours.
“Text me when you’re home.”
He descends down the stairs and I’m swooning.
Nobody ever ASKS ME to do THAT!
At 1am, I’m tucked into bed and shoot a I’m home text. He surprises me, texting back immediately.
Thank you! I had a great time, glad you got home safe.
It’s three am when I can finally will my giddiness away. My eyes are just about to close when the reality sets in.
Holy shit, I’m going out on a Sunday….TO GOWANUS.
Lessons Learned: N/A Encounter rating: 9.8/10 🏆 Trophies earned:
First Queens Native
First Subway Station kiss
First time a 2nd date was planned during the first.
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wilbursootstore · 3 years
The 5 Best Wilbur Soot Hoodie
New Post has been published on https://wilbur-soot.store/the-5-best-wilbur-soot-hoodie/
The 5 Best Wilbur Soot Hoodie
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It’s difficult to think of any item of clothing that has had quite as colorful a history as the humble hoodie. Over the past century, this sportswear staple has gone from playing field to the runway, stopping off at every conceivable urban subculture along the way. It’s been name-checked by prime ministers, designers, and has even been banned in some parts of the western world for brief periods of time, all thanks to its street associations. 
Today, the best hoodies are enjoying a golden era of acceptance. They are truly a wonder garment. They’re functional, comfortable, and stylish in equal measures. And now, thanks to fashion’s ongoing steamy love affair with streetwear, it’s also banging on-trend. Are you looking for the best Hoodies to keep you warm this winter? Check out our top picks for Wilbur Soot lovers.
1. Wilbur Soot College Pullover Hoodie:
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You will love the graphic design on this dark grey hoodie. You can also feel proud of your new wardrobe addition when it arrives, safe in the knowledge that not only will it look great, it’s doing good too. 
This high-quality unisex Hoodie made from organic cotton. It fits true-to-size, washes well, and feels so comfy you won’t ever want to take it off. Pair with dark jeans and white canvas sneakers. It also has two pockets, elasticated cuffs and is made from 100 percent cotton, which is easy on the skin. Wear it to the park or your local pub, no questions asked.
2. Wilbur Soot Graphic Black Hoodie:
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For those who are on the lookout for a basic hoodie that won’t cost a bomb, look no further than this Wilbur Soot Hoodie. Though its clobber isn’t exactly made to last the test of time, they fit fairly well and look the part.  It’s super-soft, holds up pretty well to colder conditions and has plenty of pockets for all your stuff. Don this with a pair of light jeans and some crisp, white Nike Air Force One sneakers for a laidback look.
3. Wilbur Soot Autumn Hooded Sweatshirt:
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This hoodie is a soft cotton-poly blend that looks and feels like your favorite vintage sweatshirt, and it features a double-lined hood and a reinforced kangaroo pocket. It is essential for jaunts around town, and get-togethers, too. This Hooded Sweatshirt doesn’t lean too hard into sportswear, making it something you could pair with casual outfits. Plus, it’s cut from reverse-weave cotton that won’t shrink or pill.
4. Wilbur Soot White Hoodie:
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Skater boys or those who like wearing bright hoodies that look remotely skater-esque, we’ve got just the pick for you. This fresh hoodie is ideal for the all-season. It’s very white, so perhaps not one to wear at a boozy barbecue with ketchup kicking around. It’s a classic hoodie with Wilbur graphic design on the front that’s versatile and easy to pair. Pair it with your favorite dark jeans and black or white shoes is perfect.
5. Wilbur Soot Minimal Graphic Hoodie:
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With so many different options out there, finding the perfect hoodie can be a little challenging. Fabrics, colors, fit, drawstring, and zippers all play a role in the appearance of the coveted top, but in the end, it’s a performance and comfort regardless of the day of the week. So, this is the best choice for you, a simple Wilbur Soot Graphic Hoodie for every style. It’s one of the bestselling items in our store, made from cotton plus soft fleece with highly wearable colors. Wear this any time you feel like layering up casually.
Above are the list of top 5 best Wilbur Soot Hoodie from our store. Which will be your choice? For more Wilbur Soot Merch, visit our store!
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it-goes-both-ways · 7 years
Over the last few years I've been posting more and more of my actual views, which I'm not exactly ashamed of but realise they're not so much unpopular opinions as downright rejected ones. I pretty much know why I have them, I'm aware of my biases and make every effort to restrict them to words, not allowing them to affect my relationships or treatment of others, restricting the hyperbole and rants to this blog and my long suffering partner. Unfortunately I seem to attract the worst kind of women in real life, which is not at all helping. Every time I reveal something I worry about being rejected, told I'm a monster, a failure, a disgrace, an embarrassment, but each and every time I've gotten nothing but acceptance. I am greatly honoured by your support thus far, for tolerating my increasingly frustrated outbursts and hope I won't push you away with this, but it's been all consuming for almost my whole life, and part of “cleaning up my room” is putting all that baggage out there to be scrutinised and hopefully understood, sometimes all that is needed is a willing ear, suppression only breeding resentment and isolation.
All the bullshit feminism has caused, from protesting the male pill and shutting down shared parenting efforts to the Duluth model and erasing men who are raped by women or by counting them under "violence against women" stats to boost the female victim numbers. Mary Koss, the progenitor of the 1 in 5/4/3/-69/ π r2 stat claiming that it's "inappropriate" to consider male victims of forceful envelopment by women as they are merely ambivalent about their own desires. Lobbying for laws that regard mutually drunk sexual encounters as automatically rape by men, underage consensually sexually active couples (even if they're months away from age of consent or the girl is older) as child rape on the part of the boy, guilty until proven innocent, accusation is the evidence, kangaroo courts, sentencing discounts on top of the preexisting bias which causes a 63% disparity and difference in treatment to the point where if you take every step of the justice system into account the crime rate is pretty damned even (with women often using proxy violence so they have plausible deniability, and avoid responsibility/physical risk). Treating women as the definitive victims of prostitution no matter which side of the transaction they're on. Banning men from charity fundraising events, transpeople only allowed if they provide evidence that they are biologically female. Having the NHS class women choosing to have genital piercings as being victims of female genital mutilation, while male genital mutilation performed at birth is not so much as frowned upon let alone illegal by any single country on the entire twatting planet. In fact you can buy some baby foreskins if you want to, or rub them on your face, the target market being protected from the very process that brought them their anti-ageing face cream, complaining that it costs more than men's moisturiser.
The innate gynocentrism of humanity has always led to women being their top priority, now even above children, it tries to pander, and acquiesce to their every demand while being told it hates them. The cases like the woman who filmed herself raping her own baby and getting the oh so harsh sentence of community bloody service and house arrest. The "poor, neglected" woman whose husband had become distant from her (wonder why) so she raped her son's friend, whose punishment was being banned from his school, which she considered too harsh as she missed her son's graduation. An audience of hundreds of normal regular women cheering and celebrating a man being drugged by his wife, who then cut off his penis and threw it in the "garbage disposal" permanently destroying it, just for asking for a divorce (can't think why he'd want to leave), despite no further context it was declared "fabulous" to the ecstatic jubilation of the empathetic sex. There's the idea that men commit the vast majority of rapes while calling female teachers "seducing" their students mere trysts, shameful liaisons that do not deserve prison, female prison guards committing the overwhelming majority of rape of male children and youths in juvenile detention (89%), among other women who rape men and boys (my own mother being one of them), this in addition to the rape rate among female prisoners being 3 times that of male ones, not a single damned thing is done about the propagation of the bullshit narrative. Somehow the fact that female rapists tend to target children is irrelevant because male ones target adult women, and "you don't see women going around raping adult men" (even though the stats are still around 50/50 because it's a human problem, unless those women are exhibiting toxic masculinity or something). There's the 10,000 men and boys slaughtered in their schools by Boko Haram while girls were released and allowed to go home, the boys being set on fire, their throats slit, or shot if trying to escape, no one giving the slightest hint of the merest ghost of a toss, until they realised that they weren't getting the attention they craved so they kidnapped girls, causing an international outcry and the media/celebrities changing their motivation from "eradicate western education" to "oppress women and stop them getting an education". There's the refusal by both the left and the right to look beyond the plight of women when it comes to Islam, they not only ignore the laws which oppress men, but declare those men the "real" misogynist patriarchal oppressors and innately sociopathic rapists. There's the refusal to recognise that women are a part of society and have far more influence than anyone wants to admit. There's Muslim men's obligation towards women, the segregation in Saudi where they have many public places from which men are banned unless accompanied by a female family member, where they'll be arrested for accompanying a woman to whom he is not related while the woman is merely sent home, where men face potentially fatal consequences for the same "crimes". Where homeless boys in Pakistan are pretty much guaranteed to be repeatedly raped day after day.
Then in my own life, being 6 or 7 years old, my sister 8 or 9 and told to stay put as our Reliant Robin went up in flames, having to be pulled out by a stranger, a man, because we were more afraid of disobeying than of burning to death, mother not even sparing us a glance as she grieved the loss of her car, later keeping it in the garden like some sort of shrine. Around the same year, at an LRP event (Lorien Trust's The Gathering), being left in the tent alone late at night and going to look for her, finding her on top of an unconscious man, she at least picked up on the fact that I was revelling in her severe hangover the next morning. Sneaking downstairs one night to see the aftermath of one of her "encounters", the man was broken, so started my extreme protectiveness of men and distrust of women, to the point of being called a gender traitor for the first time at around 7 years old by my 60+ year old year 1 teacher (who also wouldn't allow me to use left handed scissors or to write left handed, unwittingly making me ambidextrous. Being left with a violent babysitter who made me sleep under the table, or on the floor beside her bed (despite having 4 bloody beds), who wouldn't let me eat since burning the toast, beat me for asking for a glass of water and wouldn't even allow me to drink out of the tap, she once threw me in a wheely bin and poured dishwater over me, mother was in the garden just a few doors down, yet did nothing. She’d always try and get her boyfriends to beat us but they always just laughed it off (they’d put up with abuse themselves but never lasted long after she started bringing us into it), one in particular was into BDSM and later got mother a job as a dominatrix (she was disappointed by our complete lack of surprise), and even he had to draw the line at demonstrating how sexual intercourse works to his girlfriend’s 6 and 8 year old daughters.
My sister and I as little more than toddlers, mother putting our onesies on backwards so we couldn't take them off, having to go to the loo with them still on. Having the door handles put on upside down so that we couldn't reach up enough to open it to get to the loo so we ended up pissing ourselves. Having a daily diet of four slices of bread and the cheapest of generic vegetable spread as we weren't allowed mother's butter, being starved as punishment or just because she felt like it (having won custody of us only to spite dad), leading to malabsorption and osteoarthritis at the grand old age of twenty bloody six (3 years ago now), once a week we got an actual meal. Being around 8 or 9, visiting my auntie who was in hospital after having a stroke, having already had MS she was left paralysed, just 23 years old, granddad put together a system for her to speak by grouping letters and having her blink once for the stated grouping or letter or twice for basically undo. I gave her my only teddy which I carried everywhere, a stuffed donkey I got from Spain, she kept it. Staying in her house, continuing my habit of accidentally setting fire to the toaster, being left alone most of the night and going to look for mother in the village pub, finding her in one of her drinking competitions, walking in and vagblocking her, much to her frustration and anger. Being treated like a replacement husband, even trying to talk me into having a sex change despite only mild dysphoria, which was later greatly lessened by having an implant which stopped periods, eliminating most of the feeling of wrong (most cases of sex change regret are people who were abused, either treated like shit for their biological sex, treated as if they are opposite sex, or sexual abuse). Hearing about how the only way she'd get any when she was with dad was when he was asleep. Why did he end up dying a slow, agonising death while she gets to carry on regardless? Asking me about who I liked, later discovering exactly why she wanted to know, a man I care about was raped because I didn’t pick up on her ulterior motives. Having mother and her friends try to teach me to manipulate men, get them to pay for me, trying to turn me into a gold digger, only making me hate them even more. Coming of age (16), no longer eligible for child benefit, mother having been visiting friends more and more often until she didn't come back, only finding out that she'd been gradually moving out when we got the eviction order.
I'd been training myself to eventually join the army from the age of 5, once when I was 6 mother had asked me to go to the supermarket to get a bag of potatoes, she usually got a 20kg sack, must have taken me an hour to get it home, a man helping me carry it some of the way. When I finally enlisted I had to stop taking codeine for the malabsorption, it wasn't as much of a problem if I was eating every day (I usually forget as my body had been conditioned by neglect, not even bothering to remind me to eat any more), my hips had always made crunching and cracking sounds when I move, but as my body adjusted to the lack of codiene the pain became unbearable, upon being diagnosed with osteoarthritis I had to give up any hope of ever being a soldier, I've lost my purpose, and have nothing to replace it with, couldn't even work a whole shift when I got a factory job, humiliating, I'd informed the woman of my condition and she'd assured me that it was just a machinist job. It wasn't. It was everything you shouldn't do if you have any sort of hip problems. I'd never felt such agony and I'd fractured my bloody skull (at an LRP event). The woman was such a nasty bitch about it, she went from compassionate and understanding to mocking me for being upset that I was so damned useless now. I offered to forfeit my pay but her colleague, who also had arthritis and could no longer work the floor, was obviously far more genuinely empathetic than the woman, my brief boss was also sympathetic and even paid for a taxi to take me home after I refused an ambulance. The pain didn't subside for days.
I've never had a female friend who hasn't betrayed me, my "best friend" in school found it hilarious to punch me in the back in the middle of class, causing me to yell inadvertently as the air was knocked out of me. In year 8 the other kids stepped up their game and went from throwing stones to a house brick, when I got back to school she asked where the stitches were, just so she could punch me and reopen the wound. I was never allowed to retaliate, it would always be me who would be threatened with expulsion even if I only snapped after years of beatings which everyone knew was happening. Every birthday the other kids would falsely accuse me of something so I'd have to spend break times stood outside the headmaster's office, the equivalent of the stocks. Whether it was asperger's making me so unlikeable or if I genuinely am just a massive thundercunt, I never found out what I did to provoke them. Every time I put my trust in a woman it gets thrown in my face. My neighbour decided she was my best friend for life and would call at all hours of the day and night to get me to pick up her bloody methadone twice a bloody week, go to the chippy at 11 o'bloody clock at night, she's always trying to get me to take the pills she buys off a disabled neighbour. There are three things I refuse to take, hormones, anti-depressants, and sleeping tablets and she's always trying to get me to take them. The last straw was when her husband, who I got on very well with and whom she abused constantly, died, I told her to be careful what she wished for. When I finally called her out on using me she leapt immediately to the "after all I've done for you" bollocks.
Time after bloody time it's the same damned story, even regular everyday normal women will talk about things that would get a man arrested or at least publicly lambasted, that erections equal consent, that MGM is not at all a violation of the right to bodily autonomy, that it's absolutely fine and dandy to hit your male partner only to call the police if he defends himself, that female paedophiles shouldn't be punished because boys always want sex no matter what age they are but girls mature younger, right the way back to "We should have the vote but not have to pay with our lives as men had to in their millions while we shamed men and even underage boys into doing the same". What terrified me as a child was women's ability to completely turn off their empathy, the "woman scorned" is seen as karmic justice, there are people defending even the most brutal crimes:  assault, murder, rape, mutilation, over something as minor as rejection, or an accidental drive by fart, or just the crime of being a man who wanted a divorce. Empathetic sex my absolute arse.
A fellow MRA publicly humiliated Adam on a livestream when we went to the men's day march and conference, we were staying in an air B&B, Adam and Will Styles still riding the high of giving their first speeches, only for the woman to dredge up shit that was no one's bloody business and ruin the whole mood for no bloody reason, she also attacked 6oodfella on one of the hangouts. Another one was giving private information, with a vicious twist, poisoning the community against one of our group, Paul Elam didn't want to get involved and Janice Fiamengo immediately cut ties, treating him like a bloody criminal, what the hell did the woman say to her? I could see the Woolly Bumblebee thing coming a mile off, I worry whenever youtubers I like get girlfriends because they seem to either completely change or disappear, like Spino and Bread and Circuses respectively. I'm suspicious of female MRAs, I don't want to be but often even the sane ones are just tradcons. If it weren't for the Honeybadgers and you lot I'd have no hope at all.
The constant stream of "toxic masculinity", oppression, patriarchy, of women complaining that their air conditioned (which is also bloody sexist somehow), seated jobs at a till are paid less than the men (and women but they're not going to mention that) carrying heavy boxes, driving forklifts, working in a cold warehouse, and risking serious injury or death infinitely more than they ever will. The selfishness, solipsism, and sociopathy is too much. Throughout history women have never cared about men aside from ones they have a bond with, have never appreciated a damned thing men have done yet they demand that men prioritise them. Why should they?
I’ve seen and experienced the worst examples of female nature in action, “toxic femininity” if you will, and the difference in reaction to it, never being believed as a child no matter how many times I begged other family members and even strangers to please let me live with them instead, I’ll sleep in a tent, look I brought it with me. Pathetic, but you’d have thought someone would have cottoned on. I'm not going down the anti-women route as my sister has, given her own treatment of her partners and her own admission, she’s not so much pro male as anti-female, but it’s increasingly difficult not to resent them even if everything has a biological explanation. I still defend women if the facts bear it out, even if I don’t necessarily agree on a personal level, reals over feels, the people I agree with most also being female has definitely helped me not fall over the edge, one of whom feels very much as I do to the point where she doesn’t consider herself to be a woman due to her own observations and experiences. But the longer this goes on, the more laws are changed, media is poisoned, speech is suppressed, how the hell do I stop myself from just giving up entirely? How on earth can I stop myself from becoming an all out misogynist? Because it is women, not just feminists. It’s female nature being allowed to go unchecked, even when the same happens with male nature women are still prioritised. There are exceptions on both sides but it’s not enough to change the overall trend. There’s never been a balance, and because of human nature there never will be, which is where the problem lies. I know there’s no hope, that it’s utterly futile, completely pointless, and it’s driving me more towards extremism. I completely understand why we’ve lost so many MRAs to suicide. But I’m still going, even if the only way to make even the slightest change is to appeal to female self interest I’ll still do it. Everything I’ve been passionate about throughout my life is a pointless endeavour, I can’t stop myself from caring or change my fundamental character, it’s a downward spiral and there doesn’t seem to be anything I can do about it.
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cactusnotes · 4 years
Change and Continuity in Doctrine
Change and continuity in doctrine: liturgy, the eucharist and the Bible; doctrinal disputes as reflected in the Ten Articles and the Bishops’ Book; the King’s Book and the Six Articles.
July 1536 - Ten Articles
Articles related to doctrines: 1. That Holy Scriptures and the three Creeds are the basis and summary of a true Christian faith. 2. That baptism conveys remission of sins and the regenerating grace of the Holy Spirit,and is absolutely necessary as well for children as adults. 3. That penance consists of contrition, confession, and reformation, and is necessary to salvation. 4. That the body and blood of Christ are really present in the elements of the eucharist. 5. That justification is remission of sin and reconciliation to God by the merits of Christ; but good works are necessary. Articles related to ceremonies: 1. That images are useful as remembrances, but are not objects of worship. 2. That saints are to be honored as examples of life, and as furthering our prayers. 3. That saints may be invoked as intercessors, and their holydays observed. 4. That ceremonies are to be observed for the sake of their mystical signification, and as conducive to devotion. 5. That prayers for the dead are good and useful, but the efficacy of papal pardon, and of soul-masses offered at certain localities, is negatived.
It was partly aligned with the schmalkaldic league’s beliefs, but not entirely: Henry wanted to show he was his own man. The three sacraments found themselves in their Catholic form (only one baptism). Similarly, the Eucharist: ‘under the same form and figure of bread and wine, the very selfsame body and blood of Christ is corporally, really, and in the very substance exhibited, distributed, and received unto and of all them which receive the said sacrament.’ 
Justification is mixed between Catholic and Lutheran: sinners attain this justification by contrition and faith joined with charity but it is faith which is the most important. 
As for ceremonies, he’s good with images and saints, as long as they’re not prayed to. Ceremonies too, are useful but none of these ceremonies have power to remit sin, but only to stir and lift up our minds unto God, by whom only our sins be forgiven. He ends by saying the Bishop of Rome cannot deal with these purgatorial prayers.  
August 1536 - Cromwell’s Injunctions
Cromwell clarified how people worshipped in this injunction, rather than introduce new beliefs. It stressed forming religion through education, preaching scripture, and it also encouraged the rich to support these efforts. It required the Pater Noster, Creed and Ten Commandments be taught in English, and an English Bible, accessible to all, available in each Parish. In regular sermons through the year, the Bishop of Rome must be dismissed. 
They had to maintain some ceremonies to maintain order. It restricted pilgrimages and images, and all clergy had to live holy lives, away from pubs, play houses and the like. Every year, money has to be distributed to the poor, education and churches by honest means. 
October 1536
Pilgrimage of Grace. Religious motives could be due to the Dissolution of the Monasteries, or Act of Supremacy, but also some of the more protestant changes seen above
January 1537 - Great Council Called
Mainly in response to the Pilgrimage of Great, this council of nobles and higher clergy discussed doctoral issues in attempt to rectify the evident inadequacy of the Ten Articles. The council overall did little, which could explain why Bigod’s rebellion occurred, as Aske promised this council to be useful to them, when it wasn’t. 
February 1537 - First Synod of the Church of England 
The First synod of the Church of England was called by Cromwell, similar to Papal Legates, but this was without the Pope. The Synod began with a fierce row over the number of sacraments, due to the exclusion of four in the Articles. None of the Bishops invited represented any of the standing monasteries, nor were there many monks or friars, just scholars, demonstrating how Cromwell saw the Dissolution as successful. This Synod was to become a basis for the Bishops’ Book. 
September 1537 - Bishops’ Book
The Institution of a Christen Man, commonly known as the Bishop’s Book, was doctrinal statements from English Bishops. It was generally more conservative, with the seven sacraments partially restored and links to purgatory. However, there was still a Lutheran influence, with no mention of transubstantiation, a Protestant view of justification and images, and rejection of the Bishop of Rome. In the 10 commandments, the one against images was first. Of course Henry hadn't read the book, so hadn’t fully approved of it. 
1937 - Matthew’s Bible published
Matthew’s Bible is produced by John Rogers, under a pseudonym of Thomas Matthew. The New Testament translation was from Tyndale, and parts in the Old Testament were translated by Coverdale, as Rodgers was caught and killed before he could actually complete the Old Testament. There were 2000 notes to help ordinary people understand it better. It was dedicated to the King and was licenced to be distributed, with 1500 copies shipped to England. Cromwell definitely knew a lot of the Bible was based on Tyndale’s translation, which would give it a much more Lutheran bias. Tyndale’s name was outlawed in the nation, and if the King knew of Tyndale’s influence, it would’ve been banned immediately. 
Henry VIII read through the Bishops’ Book, and corrected it much, making it much more conservative. Cranmer opposed it privately (how he survived I really don’t know).
June 1538 - Nice Truce
Pope Paul III, Francis I and Charles V agreed a ten year truce, though their hatred meant the two kings sat in two different rooms, the Pope moving between them. This meant their primary targets were not each other, but could be England, especially with the Pope present.
September 1538 - Cromwell’s injunctions
Cromwell’s second royal injections were published. To outline what these asked: all the King’s injunctions are to be kept; all Churches to have a large print, accessible version of the English Bible; nobody to discourage the reading of the Bible; every Sunday the creed has to be recited; have confession every Lent; sermons clarifying scripture coming first, not images or pilgrimages; every birth, wedding and death must be registered and fast days may not be changed by anyone by the King. There is clearly a Protestant influence in this. 
September 1538
Gardiner returned to England. He was one of the biggest conservative influences to Henry, so this return allowed him to further interact with the King.
November 1538 - Lambert’s execution
John Lambert was Cromwell and Tyndale’s mate. He was tried because he got into a theological debate, where he denied transubstantiation. He even wrote a paper on it, which was passed to Cranmer, who tried him for heresy, ironically. His trial was personally attended by Henry VIII, Cranmer and Cromwell, where he stuck to his view. Henry defended transubstantiation, demonstrating his return to the idea of the ‘Defender of the Faith’. He also wished for Lambert to die horribly as a warning. He was to have a low flame consume his legs, before being stabbed with pikestaffs and chucked on the ground, still alive.  His final words were ‘None but Christ! None but Christ!’. Cromwell wept when he watched Lambert, his friend, die. 
January 1539
An attempt for an  alliance to the Schmalkalden League: theological disputes prevented this.
March 1539 - Great Bible
The Great Bible was the first English Bible allowed to be read aloud in Church, prepared by Myles Coverdale, employed by Cromwell, though he still had some of Tyndale’s work still. It was to be stocked in every Church. The front depicted Henry in the centre, Cranmer and Cromwell besides him. More than 9,000 copies had been printed by 1541. It was more popular than the increasing romance novels around: people were buying and reading it. 
April 1539
Cromwell remains confined to his house until 10 May, after falling ill.
19 May 1539 - Dissolution Act
The Act for the Dissolution of the Greater Monasteries was passed in this year: ‘the King our sovereign lord shall have, hold, possess, and enjoy to him, his heirs and successors for ever, all and singular such late monasteries’. This granted the king’s right to all monasteries not included in the 1536 legislation, that is to say, all of the rest of the monasteries in England and Wales. Between 1536 and 1540 he took over 800 monasteries, abbeys, nunneries and friaries, which had been home to more than 10,000 monks, nuns, friars and canons.
May 1539 - Statute of Six Articles
Known formally as ‘An Act Abolishing Diversity in Opinions’, informally as ‘the bloody whip with six strings’. The House of Lords attempted to examine religious doctrine, and after a lot of argument, the Duke of Norfolk decided that they should examine six key questions. They seemed to Catholic doctrine on matters of: transubstantiation, the reasonableness of withholding the cup from the laity during communion, clerical celibacy, observance of vows of chastity, permission for private masses and the importance of auricular confession. Anyone who refused faced the death penalty. It is as follows:
First, that in the most blessed Sacrament of the altar, by the strength and efficacy of Christ's mighty word (it being spoken by the priest), is present really, under the form of bread and wine, the natural body and blood of our Saviour Jesus Christ, conceived of the Virgin Mary; and that after the consecration there remaineth no substance of bread or wine, nor any other substance, but the substance of Christ, God and man.
Secondly, that communion in both kinds is not necessary ad salutem, by the law of God, to all persons; and that it is to be believed, and not doubted of, but that in the flesh, under the form of bread, is the very blood; and with the blood, under the form of wine, is the very flesh; as well apart, as though they were both together.
Thirdly, that priests after the order of priesthood received, as afore, may not marry, by the law of God.
Fourthly, that vows of chastity or widowhood, by man or woman made to God advisedly, ought to be observed by the law of God; and that it exempts them from other liberties of Christian people, which without that they might enjoy.
Fifthly, that it is meet and necessary that private masses be continued and admitted in this the king's English Church and congregation, as whereby good Christian people, ordering themselves accordingly, do receive both godly and goodly consolations and benefits; and it is agreeable also to God's law.
Sixthly, that auricular confession is expedient and necessary to be retained and continued, used and frequented in the Church of God.
Evangelical bishops Latimer and Shaxton resigned their sees. Cranmer debated furiously with himself, but remained Archbishop of Canterbury.
May 1539
Due to clerical celibacy, Archbishop Cranmer sent his German wife abroad.
March 1540
Waltham, the last surviving monastery, surrendered: the end of the dissolution.
June 1540 - Cromwell’s downfall
Thomas Cromwell arrived for a Privy Council meeting late, where Thomas Howard  shouted ‘Cromwell! Do not sit there! That is no place for you! Traitors do not sit among gentlemen.’ Howard ripped off his chains. He was arrested there. The reasons could be association with heretics, Anne of Cleves, or Gardenier’s whispers into Henry's era, growing awareness of his beliefs. He was charged with treason, heresy, felony and corruption. He was sentenced to be hung, drawn and quartered. Who wrote to Henry, admitting ‘I have meddled in so many matters under your Highness that I am not able to answer them all’, and ended with ‘Most gracious prince I cry for mercy, mercy, mercy.’ Henry still sent money to him in prison, and had his sentence changed to decapitation, despite Cromwell being of low birth. On the same day, he got married to Katherine Howard. He was cheerful on his day of death, and on the scaffold, likely ironically talked about being Catholic, but more meaning ‘universal’ than the religion. He maintained innocence until the end: ‘Many have slandered me, and reported that I have been a bearer of such as I have maintained evil opinions; which is untrue.’ His execution was a botched, awful job, a nasty end for, in Henry’s words, ‘the most faithful servant I had ever had.’
July 1540 - Barnes’ execution
Robert Barnes was a bright scholar and Lutheran preacher, and Augustinan Friar. He used his house arrest in London to help distribute Lutheran texts. Ten years before his death, he fled to Wittenburg, where he studied under Luther too. His writings made him known to Cromwell, who used him as an envoy for messages between Luther and Henry, and later Princes and Henry. He was extremely loyal to Henry despite his protestant preaching. Once Cromwell had fallen, Barnes lost his protector, and ended up burnt as a heretic. 
August 1541
Three Windsor Martyrs’: burnt for refusing Easter Eucharist, denying transubstantiation.
March 1543
Cranmer was accused of heresy, but lived due to accepting Henry's change to the Bishop’s book and a parliamentary statute that restricted Bible reading to gentry and nobles. 
1543 - The King’s Book
Henry finally wrote something for himself, entitled ‘The Necessary Doctrine and Erudition for Any Christian Man’ or the ‘King’s Book’. It was a revision of the Bishop’s Book, which continued attacks on images, and stressed royal supremacy but supported and backed the six articles, defending transubstantiation, good works involved in justification, free will, prayer to Mary, and educational sermons. Overall, it looked like he was straining Catholicism without the Pope. 
1543 - Act for the Advancement of True Religion
Parliament enacted that ‘no manner of persons, after the first of October, should take upon them to read openly to others in any church or open assembly within any of the King's Dominions, the Bible or any part of the Scripture in English, unless he is so appointed thereunto by the King ... on pain of suffering one hundred month's imprisonment.’ Those who were unable to read it ever were ‘women nor artificers, journeymen, serving men of the degree of yeomen or under husbandmen nor labourers’ Those who could read it could only do so privately. This was in fear that they may misinterpret the text. Many other books were banned in an attempt to unify thought. Basically it was just Chaucer  and autobiographies left.
March 1544 -Third Act of Succession
Mary and Elizabeth were restored to the line of succession, with Edward and his potential descendents first in the line, and then after, Mary and Elizabeth. He also reserved spaces for his own potential future kids...haha. 
June 1544- English Litany
This was published to be used in processions, especially in troubling times, such as in famine. Henry noticed people were unable to respond due to language barriers, so he wanted something in English. It was drawn up by Cranmer, using sources both from Luther and Greek Orthodox Litanies. In conservative Milton, Kent, they refused to say this in Church, so said it outside, in Latin. Overall, the piece seems neutral, but there is an anti-Catholic favour in some parts, like, ‘From all sedycion and privey conspiracie, from the tyranny of the bisshop of Rome and all his detestable enormyties’.
May 1545 - King’s Prymer
This Prymer, edited and authorised by the King, listed the Calendar, the Creed, the Ten Commandments, the Lord's Prayer, the Salutation of the Virgin, the seven penitential psalms, a litany, and prayers for various occasions, the only one authorised for use in England. It was a shift again from Latin to English, and had removed certain Catholic ideas. Every young person had to learn some of the prayers in English. 
January 1546
'Creeping to the Cross' added to the list of forbidden practises. It involved approaching the cross barefoot and on your knees, a sign of reverence and humility. It was particularly despited by Protestants. Henry didn’t fully authorise it in his old age, but his son certainly didn’t mind doing so when he inherited the throne the following year.
Doctrinal Disputes: A Summary
‘England was starting to become a Protestant country and a series of radical religious changes were implemented from 1536 to 1540, in particular the dissolution of the monasteries which started in 1536. This was followed by the Ten Articles of 1536 which rejected Catholic doctrine and they were followed by the Royal Injunctions. In 1537 the Bishop’s Book continued the drift towards Protestantism, which was followed by the publication of the Matthew Bible. In 1538 Cromwell issued further Royal Injunctions to the clergy to impose greater religious conformity in England. In April 1539, the English Great Bible was published which endorsed the authority of the King over the Church in England. However, Henry VIII remained a conservative and the Six Articles, published in 1539, confirmed this. Many Catholic beliefs remained. Transubstantiation, clerical celibacy and masses for the dead remained. The final religious changes under Henry VIII were the King’s Book of 1543 which confirmed much of the Six Articles. Images and relics remained and the Bible was afforded little importance.’ (Source : eGUIDE // History)
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monstrousthingsrp · 7 years
Time Period Quick Reference:
Courtesy the lovely Erin (@incre-et-painture) we now have a handy-dandy little reference to help us all “flow with the times” without having to struggle between either spending precious time researching or winging it and hoping for the best! She actually lived in England during the period in which our game is set, so if you have additional questions about the setting she’ll be happy to help you out--
Although keep in mind that this is an alternate universe. As such, specific individual facts and historical events may be different. So don’t worry about getting bogged-down in the details; after all, this is a world in which The Cold War was replaced by The Worldwide Witchunt Wars. There probably was no Cuban Missile Crisis; there may not have even been a Space Race! We’ve left particular historical details vague enough that we can tailor them to suit whatever plot-points we all decide to develop.
So just as with the timeline, view the following as a reference guideline, not a checklist to obey!
This is probably the most important one for us, as unlike most Potterverse games we’re actually playing in a world where your character very well might have access to the sort of technology that we take for granted in our current lives -- albeit several generations older than what we’ve got on hand now!
Most computers operate using ethernet cords to connect to the internet, laptops weigh an extremely portable 52 pounds, basically, and camera phones are cutting edge technology. The pictures taken with them are notoriously grainy at this stage and definitely not the crystal clear video we’re used to.
Most mobile phones operate on a “top up” method where you pay for minutes. They’re called track phones in the U.K. Also, most people are paying per text message sent, but it’s still a popular method of communication. You can top up your minutes in most convenience stores and by calling into your provider’s number. There aren’t any smartphones, apps, and other things like that. Public payphones still exist, although they are fading out by this point.
Travel is done by taxi, bus, and tube. Lyft and Uber do not exist. Londoners love the Tube and definitely travel that way frequently. For frequent travelers, Oyster cards are refillable cards that are similar to the Metro cards we use in the US. In fact, 2004 was the first year that Oyster cards existed. They can also be used on the bus and train, but not on taxis.
Please also remember that trains are a popular method of travel for Europeans. They’re also very reliable and a great way to get around. (As for whether people would be comfortable sharing a carriage with someone who’s got stars by their eyes, well...)
Pop Culture: Sport
As much as it breaks my heart, Manchester United won the FA cup in 2004. (Mod Note: her Erin, maybe in this messed-up world West Ham isn’t a total lost cause? I mean, sport doesn’t have to have happened the same as it did in reality, and we’ve got so many crazy things going on here already -- wealthy Weasleys, werewolf-friendly Blacks, a living Regulus...stranger things could happen, right?)
For those of you interested in talking football, here are the league tables for that season. Please keep in mind that different teams are in different leagues so, if your character follows a team, make sure you know who they play. :)
Pop Culture: Telly
The Television lineup in Britain in real 2004-2005 contained the shows:
Little Britain
Still Game
Dr. Who (the new series had just started, but the reruns were still extremely popular and well-loved by a majority of British people)
The Doctors
Holby City
River City
Blue Peter
Strictly Come Dancing
And news is broadcast on the BBC News
For a comprehensive list, please see this article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_television_programmes_broadcast_by_the_BBC
Please pay attention to the years listed for each program to make sure that it’s applicable...and feel free to make up shows of your own that might exist in this reality! Just keep in mind that TV in England was a much smaller, lower-budget, more contained entity than the overwhelming glut of channels going on in America.
Pop Culture: Music
This will be a painful trip for some of us. After all, I think we’d probably all rather forget that Kelis ever proclaimed that her milkshake brings all the boys to the yard. However, it’s a sad fact that she did, and this is the time when it happened!
Now again, we are living in an alternate reality here, so feel free to make up other songs and singers and groups -- both mundane and magical; maybe the Weird Sisters and Celestina Warbeck don’t exist here (and maybe they do) but there are surely still some magical musicians (maybe some taking advantage of the “dangerous” aura their magic grants them, while others might try and downplay it) so please, let your imaginations run wild! Maybe this Brittany Spears never sang Toxic but rather Cursed...maybe this Goldie Lookin Chain wrote Wands Don’t Kill People, Rappers Do. Who knows, have fun! The following list is for reference so that you know what kind of music and what kind of bands (probably) exist in this world and this time. And, maybe, to give you all a trip -- pleasant or otherwise -- down nostalgia lane. Enjoy!
Here are the Top 100 Songs of 2004 in the UK:
01 Eamon ~ F**k It (I Don't Want You Back)
02 Eric Prydz ~ Call On Me
03 Anastacia ~ Left Outside Alone
04 DJ Casper ~ Cha Cha Slide
05 Usher featuring Lil' Jon & Ludacris ~ Yeah!
06 Frankee ~ FURB (F U Right Back)
07 Kelis ~ Milkshake
08 Mario Winans featuring Enya & P Diddy ~ I Don't Wanna Know
09 3 Of A Kind ~ Baby Cakes
10 Michelle McManus ~ All This Time
11 Britney Spears ~ Everytime
12 Michael Andrews featuring Gary Jules ~ Mad World
13 Destiny's Child ~ Lose My Breath
14 The Shapeshifters ~ Lola's Theme
15 Outkast ~ Hey Ya!
16 LMC vs U2 ~ Take Me To The Clouds Above
17 O-Zone ~ Dragostea Din Tei
18 The Streets ~ Dry Your Eyes
19 Busted ~ Thunderbirds / 3AM
20 Usher ~ Burn
21 Britney Spears ~ Toxic
22 Natasha Bedingfield ~ These Words
23 Ozzy & Kelly Osbourne ~ Changes
24 Boogie Pimps ~ Somebody To Love
25 Kelis ~ Trick Me
26 The Rasmus ~ In The Shadows
27 Band Aid 20 ~ Do They Know It's Christmas?
28 Nelly ~ My Place / Flap Your Wings
29 D12 ~ My Band
30 McFly ~ 5 Colours In Her Hair
31 Girls Aloud ~ I'll Stand By You
32 Cassidy featuring R Kelly ~ Hotel
33 Jamelia ~ Thank You
34 Peter Andre ~ Mysterious Girl
35 Maroon 5 ~ This Love
36 Eminem ~ Just Lose It
37 Rachel Stevens ~ Some Girls
38 Khia ~ My Neck My Back (Lick It)
39 Christina Milian ~ Dip It Low
40 McFly ~ Obviously
41 JoJo ~ Leave (Get Out)
42 Deep Dish ~ Flashdance
43 Lemar ~ If There's Any Justice
44 J-Kwon ~ Tipsy
45 Will Young ~ Leave Right Now
46 Sean Paul featuring Sasha ~ I'm Still In Love With You
47 Brian McFadden ~ Real To Me
48 Girls Aloud ~ Love Machine
49 Katie Melua ~ The Closest Thing To Crazy
50 2Play featuring Raghav & Jucxi ~ So Confused
51 Twista ~ Sunshine
52 Sam & Mark ~ With A Little Help From My Friends / Measure Of A Man
53 Robbie Williams ~ Radio
54 Blue ~ Breathe Easy
55 The Black Eyed Peas ~ Shut Up
56 Twista ~ Slow Jamz
57 Busted ~ Who's David
58 Ice Cube featuring Mack 10 & Ms Toi ~ You Can Do It
59 U2 ~ Vertigo
60 Girls Aloud ~ The Show
61 N*E*R*D ~ She Wants To Move
62 Christina Aguilera featuring Missy Elliott ~ Car Wash
63 Nina Sky ~ Move Ya Body
64 Anastacia ~ Sick And Tired
65 Maroon 5 ~ She Will Be Loved
66 Ja Rule featuring R Kelly & Ashanti ~ Wonderful
67 Goldie Lookin Chain ~ Guns Don't Kill People, Rappers Do
68 The 411 ~ Dumb
69 Usher ~ Confessions Part II / My Boo
70 Special D ~ Come With Me
71 Kelis featuring Andre 3000 ~ Millionaire
72 Keane ~ Somewhere Only We Know
73 Duncan James & Keedie ~ I Believe My Heart
74 Jamelia ~ See It In A Boy's Eyes
75 Natasha Bedingfield ~ Single
76 The 411 featuring Ghostface Killah ~ On My Knees
77 Franz Ferdinand ~ Take Me Out
78 Gwen Stefani ~ What You Waiting For?
79 Basement Jaxx featuring Lisa Kekaula ~ Good Luck
80 George Michael ~ Amazing
81 D12 ~ How Come
82 Kylie Minogue ~ I Believe In You
83 4-4-2 ~ Come On England
84 Jay Sean featuring The Rishi Rich Project ~ Eyes On You
85 Avril Lavigne ~ My Happy Ending
86 Rachel Stevens ~ More More More
87 Enrique featuring Kelis ~ Not In Love
88 Ultrabeat ~ Feelin' Fine
89 Jennifer Lopez ~ Baby I Love U
90 Green Day ~ American Idiot
91 The Streets ~ Fit But You Know It
92 Sugababes ~ Too Lost In You
93 Victoria Beckham ~ This Groove / Let Your Head Go
94 Ronan Keating ~ She Believes (In Me)
95 Shaznay Lewis ~ Never Felt Like This Before
96 Britney Spears ~ My Prerogative
97 Ashlee Simpson ~ Pieces Of Me
98 Busted ~ Air Hostess
99 Outkast featuring Sleepy Brown ~ The Way You Move
100 The Black Eyed Peas ~ Hey Mama
For the rest of 2004 in music in the real world, please go to this wikipedia entry: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2004_in_British_music_charts
Random Stuff:
Since the standard closing time for a pub is 11 PM, that’s when “Needles” closes. There are after-hours nightclubs, and people probably go to them, but Needles does its last call at 10:45.
Prostitution is not illegal in Britain, but running a brothel is. Basically, a person can sell themselves, but you can’t sell other people. (I just feel like this is useful information.)
Gun Control Laws had banned both automatic and semi-automatic weapons. Rifles were still allowed for those with hunting permits.
Courtesy Millie @theinvisibleboi: 2004 is also the year Facebook launched (although at that point it would have still been restricted to school e-mail accounts) and the Olympics were held in Athens, in case anyone wanted to feel old! (Probably wix would not be allowed to compete...but if anyone wants to create some kind of controversial Olympics history or event for this world, or otherwise alter history to conform to to AU, please feel free!)
Again, please use this wonderful collection of data that Erin has so helpfully provided us with for as general reference, not uncompromising and stone-set facts that you must know, utilize, and memorize! None of us are expert historians and unless you do something really obvious like reference an iPhone or One Direction, we aren’t going to call you out on it -- especially when an “error” might just be a difference between this world and our own. This is just to help you get in the “vibe” of the time period, not information that you’ll be tested on later. So don’t panic, stay loose, and feel free to get creative!
Thanks once more to Erin for putting this together for all of us, and remember that if you have questions about anything else regarding England in 2005, please feel free to message her and she’ll help out as best she can!
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oathkeptroxas · 7 years
Hi girl! Have you received acephobic hate,or is it "just" shit happening on Tumblr in general? 😒
I haven’t received any on tumblr directly. I tend to be cautious with who I follow, and tend to unfollow people who post things that are upsetting and hateful. Up until this point I’ve managed to avoid online drama, because in general I simply reblog a couple of informative or positive ace posts and that’s it.
I’m not out in real life. So no one knows that I identify as ace (or bi, but that’s a newer thing for me that i’m still figuring out), even so people who have known me personally have noticed my lack of interest in pursuring people and my lack of participation in sex-centric conversations.
I was at the pub with a group of friends once and my friend Charlotte was talking about how difficult it has been for her to find a girlfriend and asked if I knew anyone I could set her up with, she’s a really fun, confident and forward person who’s comfortable with herself and she made a quip about wondering if she’d ever lose her virginity, which then spiralled into a sex topic within our group. And my cousin had recently come out as gay and was becoming a lot more comfortable sharing his sexual experiences within the group so the conversation was something that everyone was engaged in and it was really animated and positive, one of the straight girls in the group had previously tried anal so her and my cousin and another gay male friend were jokingly “swapping notes”, just being drunk friends mostly and joking around.
I listened intently but I didn’t want to participate personally because it’s not something that I’m comfortable with. I’m sex-indifferent. So i am not averse to sex and have had sexual encounters in the past. But sometimes it just gets a little too much and makes me uncomfortable and i’m not open to sharing my personal life like that.
So when they noticed my lack of participation Charlotte asked if I was okay and like….before I could respond my cousin just jumped in “Jodie doesn’t need sex like the rest of us.” And then pretty much continued speaking like I wasn’t even there and said it in such a way that it made me feel fucking worthless, like I was defective and less than they were and I wasn’t worth participating in their conversations. It literally ruined my mood for the whole night. And he didn’t even know I identify as ace.
My sister is nasty. She was a bully in school, she’s a proud self-proclaimed “bitch” and she fights dirty. She says things she KNOWS will hurt you, just to get a reaction. The word fat was literally banned from our house when we were kids because she’d call me it so often. Despite the fact I’m one size above national British average and me and my sister now SHARE clothes. She used that against me because she knew it fucked me up. To be honest, most of my self harm and self hatred probably stems from that, nothing triggers me like the word fat does.
And once she was bragging about how much sex she’s had and how her tampon fell out ‘cause she’s so lose? And 1) she’s my little sister I do not wanna know. 2) the vagina is a muscle that contracts back after childbirth, self-lubricates and loosens when aroused, and tampons come in different sizes and women have different set vaginas? Sex has very very little to do with it.
So, anyway, i just suggested that maybe the wrong size tampon had been brought (she came on abruptly in public and ran to a store toilet whilst my mum bought her tampons - and my mum has poor eyesight and can’t read without glasses and its very likely she picked up the first she could find without trying to read the box).
Anyway, after making that suggestion my sister got like? Irrationally pissed? As if I was like? Calling her a liar or whatever? And started screaming about how “JUST BECAUSE NO ONE WANTS YOU! YOU’LL UNDERSTAND ONE DAY IF SOMEONE ACTUALLY WANTS YOU” and basically implied/assumed that my seeming lack of relationship/seeking out sexual encounters was because people didnt want me and i’m fat and undesirable, basically. My sister regularly makes fun of people who are celibate. We watch shows where people have abstained for personal or religious or political reasons and my sister scoffs and belittles and acts like these people are lesser. There’s no way I can tell her I’m ace.
Everytime I go to a house party people want to play Never Have I Ever, which literally makes me so uncomfortable I can’t breathe. And they all try to pressure me into it anyway and I often end up drinking alone in another room so they can play. Luckily, over the last year my friend Jack (who usually hosts the parties) has been dating this great guy James. And James doesn’t like the game either, he’s just a bit more private than the others and doesn’t know Jack’s friends well enough for them to know those things about him, and he thinks the game’s a little tacky. So me and him just go for a smoke and gossip while they play.
But i feel like i’m suffocating under this all the time. Looking for “plausible”/socially acceptable reasons for not wanting/thinking the way my friends do.
I can’t pursue the guy I like who’s interested in me because I overheard him drunkenly telling his friend how he hasn’t had sex in 3 years and I’ve been panicking ever since because I don’t know if that’s something I can give him and I fear I’m not desirable without it - or worse case scenario, he tries to force himself on me to “prove” that I just “haven’t met the right person/had the right experience yet”.
I just feel like I’m choking on this thing all the time because I know if I told anyone they’d never take my word for it, they’d assume something happened to “make me this way”. They’d say I was a “late bloomer”. And my homophobic parents and possibly some of my friends wouldn’t believe I’m ace but would think i’m just gay and in denial. And i know a lot of gay people have previously identified as ace because they were dealing with internalized homophobia and maybe it was easier to accept they felt no attraction than it was to realize they felt the “wrong” kind by society’s standards. But that’s not the fault of ace people. It’s the fault of a toxic society that hates everything that isn’t the cis straight white default that it has the rest of us turning on each other. It’s also common for gay people to initially identify as bi because they’re dealing with internalized homophobia and think bi is easier because they can retain the illusion that they still also feel the “right” kind of attraction. But bisexuals arent to blame for that anymore than ace/aros are.
And i hate that people say they support aces as long as theyre not cishet and it’s like???? I’m bi so i’m not het but what those people are basically saying is “i accept part of your identity”……that’s not supporting me. That’s just gonna fuck up my mental/emtional state even further. And if someone is aro/ace its literally impossible for them to be het? If they experience no romantic or sexual attraction then they feel none of those things for the “opposite” sex, and cannot be het. So calling them that is insulting and invalidating their identity.
And i don’t understand the whole “we accept and welcome actual cis and straight identifying allies who wish to support our cause but aces can choke”? I get that allies are important because closeted lgbt youth can attend events under the guise of “ally” BUT ally and closeted are not synonymous, because if they became so it wouldnt be a cover at all.
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sinesalvatorem · 8 years
How Discrimination Works (Copied From Chat)
I mean, I think racial discrimination and profiling as they now exist are mostly a side effect of living in a huge, atomised population where you can’t keep track of everyone you’re going to meet individually.
So, different groups of people are going to differ on averages for how they act - whether because of culture or incentives or w/e - but this doesn’t affect how you behave toward them under a certain number of people.
You don’t care about averages when you know every life detail of individuals.
Like, imagine you’re hosting a dinner party and you have 15 friends. Based on your years of interaction with them, you know Dave and Maria are going to start fights with the other participants, so you don’t invite them.
It doesn’t matter that Dave is a white guy or Maria is a Hispanic woman. You know them personally and, from knowing them, can predict what they, specifically, will do.
At this level, the demographic characteristics of people don’t matter /at all/. You’re using actual, individual knowledge to discriminate on who’s allowed at your event.
This is also the situation with the least false positives and negatives. Discriminating against groups will always leave you with a lot of false results because, while the groups may differ on averages, there’ll always be people in the tails you wanted to keep or exclude who you couldn’t.
So, why would anyone use a courser, looser, stupider proxy for figuring out if someone is actually an asshole? Well, costs.
I am told that people who aren’t me often have a hard time cultivating deep friendships with a hundred people which allow them to judge the character of every soul. IDK /why/ you guys aren’t on my level and think you should git gud, but I am accepting of your frailty.
But, anyway, that means the costs of personally tracking that many people are too high for you to discriminate on character. Instead, you want to discriminate on something that /correlates strongly/ with character.
It’s only a proxy, but it’ll still let you keep out a lot of the bad folks and keep in a lot of the good folks. Hopefully.
So, say you run a pub. You have a few regulars that you know things about and who’s character you can vouch for. Sometimes one of them has a bad day and yells at someone, but you know that this is a rare occurrence, so you just give them a stern talking to and leave them be.
The next day, a rando comes in. He’s had a bad day and he yells at someone. You ban him from the pub.
Why? Because /most/ people who randomly start yelling at other patrons are assholes. In the case of your regulars, you know them well enough to be aware that they aren’t personality-level assholes, even if they act like assholes once in a while.
Meanwhile, you have no way of knowing that this rando off the street is a firefighter with three cats and a heart of gold who just learned that his mother died.
You just don’t have that background because you can’t pay that much attention to that many people. Kicking anyone who becomes verbally abusive is a rule that /usually/ works, so it’s worth the costs when it fails. The rules are the rules (if you have nothing better than rules to work with).
This also means that a group having explicit rules is a sign that its members don’t know each other well enough or can’t agree well enough that they don’t need coarse-grained methods like these. Friend groups rarely have written rules; corporations usually do.
As you ascend the ladder of number-of-people-to-deal-with, you notice that the main constraint is how much time and attention you can spend on each person.
The dinner party host could spend hundreds of hours on each guest over the course of their friendships. The pub owner may have been able to watch the rando customer for half an hour before he started making a ruckus. What happens if you have five seconds?
Imagine you’re a bouncer for a club and have to decide who to let in and who to keep out. You’re the most important gatekeeper, so it’s on you to keep out as many assholes as possible - but you have to wave people in or tell them to fuck off /quickly/.
So, with just a few seconds to make your decision, you have to default to an even more visible proxy than the pub owner did.
Unfortunately, as proxies become more visible, they also tend to work less well, so you’ll be even more imperfect than before.
As you’re only human and have to work fast, you look people up and down and judge their hair and face and clothes. You form an intuitive impression of whether this person looks like The Right Sort.
Of course, this is going to be somewhat divergent from who is and isn’t an asshole and /notably/ correlated with social class. Whoops. But, well, you had five seconds, dude. What did you expect?
However, it’d be even /worse/ if you had effectively no seconds. When you get big enough for a bureaucracy with forms to fill out, you can’t even /look/ at people. You can only discriminate based on features someone can write down on a form.
So you exclude all the black men on the assumption that they’ll start fights. This is /ridiculously/ lossy. This is a false positive extravaganza. But, above a certain size, this is all you’re gonna get.
So, the obvious response to arriving at level 3 or 4 and realising that this profiling thing is out of control is to ban discrimination. However, I think that misses important facts about the situation illustrated above.
The first is that the discrimination is serving a purpose. Sometimes that’s avoiding fight-starters, but it could really be anything. It doesn’t matter much /why/ people value it, just that they do so strongly enough that they clearly put a lot of effort into it.
But something that falls out of that is that /people don’t stop/. As the proxies for discrimination become more stupid and useless, people /keep using them/. 
They seem to be pretty desperate to find some way to filter who they let into their homes and pubs and clubs, so you should expect them to be willing to swallow a lot of costs to keep doing so.
So, when you start banning discrimination, what actually happens? What do people do?
Well, they seem to find the one method of discrimination that hasn’t been banned and can’t be banned: Price.
Most notably, in urban housing markets, zoning laws that make construction difficult and drive up prices until the poors move out. They aren’t a bug; they’re a feature.
“Has enough money to buy a house in San Francisco” is a very lossy proxy for someone’s propensity to start fights, get drunk, break windows, or otherwise be a bad neighbour. But there are too many people to filter to use a proxy that /isn’t/ super lossy.
Of course, this is a filter that’s way more costly than the others, because it comes with a massive deadweight loss - you’re paying a $300k premium to not live around poor people, with “poor people” being itself a proxy for the actual set of people you want to avoid. It’s not enough to /say/ you have this much money - you have to /actually pay it down/.
And that’s why I basically don’t think the Bay Area’s housing crisis is going away, unless there’s another white flight and suburbanisation becomes a thing again, which would /also/ be shit.
Like, there are people who want to go back to a time when houses weren’t ridiculously expensive, so they want zoning to go away. Meanwhile, there are people who want to go back to a time when cities didn’t have no-go areas, so they want to Zone All The Things.
I think that, as long as price discrimination is the order of the day, this tug of war isn’t going away.
No, I don’t have suggestions. I’m just the person who waves at problems suggestively and hopes someone else will solve them.
I can say that allowing people to discriminate on wealth-in-the-bank as its own metric would lead to basically the same distribution of “rich people /here/; poor people /there/” that we currently have without the massive deadweight losses.
But that’s still “making the current situation suck a little less”. We still have the problem of how all discrimination got super coarse-grained. If we could get as fine grained as the dinner party host, then we could bring salvation to the realm.
But, until then, we’re still haggling over ways to become marginally less fucked.
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bookstoreromantic · 8 years
Took My Love (took it down) 2/3
Summary: The tight-knit town of Storybrooke isn’t exactly the world’s most ideal place to be licking one’s wounds, but even a town where everyone knows everyone else (and their business) can still provide the odd surprise. (Or, the Tortured Musician fic featuring ex bartender Emma Swan.)
Rating: M (overall)
Part One
Also available on FFnet and AO3. With thanks to @swallowedsong and @initiala.
          He takes a cab home and makes for the kitchen as soon as he’s in the door, pulling open all the cupboards until he finds what he’s looking for — the full bottle of whiskey he picked up the last time he re-stocked his liquor supply. Killian takes it with him to the couch and doesn’t bother with pacing himself, willing the alcohol to do its work. He’ll get no rest otherwise, his mind an angry mess of Milah’s screams and Emma’s moans and bloody hell.
          It’s takes nearly half a bottle before he passes out and the sun is bouncing off the flat’s greige-ish walls by the time he finally rouses.
          He feels like shit. His head is pounding and his throat is dry but it’s not enough to make him forget any of the night before. To wipe away the memory of the stunning blonde he’d held in his arms, the way she’d kissed him like she was trying to prove a point, how he’d been so close to losing himself in her.
          How it had all gone to shit once he’d heard the ambulance.
          Killian gets himself some water and re-settles on the couch, stretching out and resolving to wait until the nausea passes before he figures out how to get his car back to town. He’ll probably wind up paying the garage to tow it back but he can’t even think about setting anything up just yet. It’s not like he’s in a rush. He’s quite certain that he’s not going to leave the couch until he has to open the store on Monday.
          He spends the afternoon alternating between napping and watching old movies on tv. Killian knows he should shower but he can still smell her — Emma — on him and he can’t bring himself to wash it away. Kissing her was the most alive he’d felt in ages. Perhaps all this time he should have been trying to fuck his pain away instead of drowning it.
          When Liam lets himself in sometime in the evening he startles awake, jolting up and pushing the hair out of his face.
          His brother just stands and regards him from the doorway. “You missed dinner.”
          Killian scowls as Liam enters the flat. He’s in no bloody mood for another lecture. “I’m sorry,” he drawls. “Did your culinary skills improve in my absence?”
          Liam frowns at him but heads for the kitchenette with a tinfoil-wrapped package that he assumes are leftovers. “You’d better hope so,” he says. Closing the fridge door, he looks around the apartment with disdain. “Bloody hell, Killian. I gave you this place so you could have your privacy, not so you could trash it.”
           “You gave it to me so I’d be out of your hair,” he argues, standing from the couch as his brother starts rinsing out the empties that litter the counter. If they’re going to have this fight again, best to get it done with quickly. “I only came to this sodding town because you asked me to. You want me to leave? Say the word.”
          “I don’t want you to leave. I want you to try.”
          Killian rolls his eyes. “Are you never going tire of giving the same bloody speech nearly every week? You asked me to come and help with the store and that’s what I’m doing. The rest of my life is none of your damn business.”
          “Of course it’s my business!” Liam explodes, slamming a bottle down on the counter so hard he’s surprised it doesn’t break. “You’re my little brother, it’s always going to be my business!”
           “Worry about your wife, Liam,” he sneers. “Worry about your son. Don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine.” Killian yanks open the fridge door and grabs a beer, twisting off the cap. “Always am, eventually.”
          His brother watches him as he takes a swig with the same look on his face that he used to see on their father all the time. Anger mixed with just enough disappointment to make you feel like it’s your fault. The difference being, of course, that it is his fault now, whereas their father was an abusive shit who blamed his sons for the crumbling state of his marriage. Liam is twice the man that Brennan ever was; if anything, it’s Killian who inherited the Jones temperament, his anger getting the better of him more times than he can count. Which is probably why it’s always a shock when he sees flashes of it in his brother.
          Killian stares down the ghost of their father like he used to do the man himself and eventually Liam’s shoulders drop. Shaking his head and turning away, he takes another beer from the fridge and walks over to the couch. Killian hesitates a moment but follows, sitting down next to him but keeping his eyes on the television while his brother rests his elbows on his knees and sighs.
           “I asked you here because I wanted us to help each other. I need to believe that we can get through this.”
          Killian shuts his eyes for a long moment after the admission. “Jones boys can get through anything,” he says finally, resigned. “It’s just rarely pretty.”
          Liam snorts. “Cheers to that, brother.”
          He tips his beer to his and they both drink, a more comfortable silence settling between them.
           “I saw Michael Tillman bring your car back earlier,” Liam says after a minute or so. “You get kicked out of another pub last night?”
          He is never going to bloody live down getting banned from Granny’s.
          Killian shakes his head. He was in no state to drive but his brother doesn’t need to know that. “Didn’t even get drunk,” he answers. “Just didn’t want to risk a ticket from the good Sheriff Nolan.”
          “When you didn’t come to dinner I assumed you were hungover still.”
          “Oh no, I got home, then I got drunk.”
          “Pretty raven-haired lass hit on you again?”
          “A blonde, actually. And I’m fairly certain I started it.”
          Liam’s brows pop up in surprise. “Aye, blondes are dangerous,” he says, leaning back into the couch cushions. “They sneak up on you.”
          Emma takes her seat at the table in the loft and wonders from looking at the feast just how long Mary Margaret has been itching to do a real Sunday dinner. It’s the middle of June and the loft doesn’t have any air conditioning, but that hasn’t stopped her future sister in-law from making a pork roast complete with gravy, mashed potatoes, and three different veggie options. And if the rumours are true, there’s blueberry pie stashed away for dessert.
          She hasn’t had a meal like it since Ruth passed away and Emma quickly shoves a forkful of meat in her mouth to cover up the pang in her chest. Her foster mom had started family dinners when Emma came back from Phoenix in an attempt to make their lives normal again for Henry’s sake — although she’s still not sure what it is that infants are supposed to gain from everyone else eating a roast for dinner. Still, the tradition had stuck for almost nine years. She hadn’t realized she’d missed it when they moved to New York.
           “So, Emma,” Mary Margaret says, passing the beans and carrots over to David. “How was your night out with Ruby?”
          Emma sputters on her wine and sets the glass down to wipe her hand on her napkin. “Uh, it was fun. I think she met someone, so it was good.”
          “Oh, that’s nice.” She waits a beat and then, “Did you?”
          Emma bites her tongue on, do you mean did I almost have sex in the back seat of the bug until the guy freaked out and suddenly couldn’t get out of the car fast enough, to the point where he literally ran away from me?
           “Nope!” she squeaks, smiling brightly in hopes that it’s enough to hide her flush of embarrassment. “It’s a little quick to be looking right now, don’t you think?”
          “Speaking of looking,” David says, too casually for it to be anything but a segue into her breakup. He knows she knows it too, because next thing he’s holding up his hand in concession. “I’m not going to ask what happened with Walsh. You don’t want to talk about it, that’s fine. But do you guys have a place to stay when you go back to New York? Do you need any help finding something?”
          Emma’s eyes drop to her plate and she forks a carrot, dragging it through her mashed potatoes to buy some time. She’d made promises to Henry on the drive up of this being the start of a new adventure but they hadn’t really talked about it any more since then. And as far as her son or anyone else knows, she still has a job in New York waiting for her when they get back.
           “I… I was thinking we might go someplace else actually. Maybe Boston, or Philly, or someplace a little warmer?”
          She glances over at Henry to gauge his reaction in time to see him go from slouched and shoveling food in his mouth to sitting ramrod straight in his chair within an instant. Emma smiles and watches all the gears turn in his head while he chews.
          Finally he swallows and sets his fork down on the edge of the plate before turning around in his chair so that he’s facing her. “What if we just stayed here?”
          Emma’s brows pinch together and a nagging feeling takes hold in her gut. Henry had been so excited about moving to New York a few years ago — had called it a heroic quest and given it one of his secret codenames. And he’d loved exploring the city with her whenever she had time off. She’d thought for sure he’d be just as excited about moving now as he had been then.
           “I don’t know, kid,” she starts, knowing she has to try and dampen the idea but Henry leaps in before she can dig up an argument against it.
           “What about just for the summer? Choosing a new city, that’s a big decision. We should do research together and find a place that’s perfect.”
           “That’s not a bad idea actually,” David chimes in and Henry spins in his chair to face his uncle. “I’d sure sleep better knowing you’ve got something set up wherever it is that you go.”
          Emma hasn’t had to deal with her son and foster brother ganging up on her for three years and she’s unprepared for the full weight of their puppy dog eyes turned on her. She turns to try and appeal to Mary Margaret — even the scales a little bit —  but the other woman just meets her eyes with a knowing smirk that makes Emma suspect this ganging up is a regular occurrence during Henry’s visits.
           “I can’t just take the whole summer off work,” she argues. Very reasonably, she thinks.
          David waves a hand and goes back to systematically stabbing his green beans. “You’d quit your job to change cities anyway and I have the budget for an administrative assistant at the sheriff’s station.”
          I’ve already quit my job, she thinks. Going back to New York has never been in her plan. “Preferential treatment for your foster sister could work against you in the next election, you know.”
          He shrugs. “It’s just for the summer. I’ll clear it with the mayor, she owes me one anyways.”
          “Please, Mom?”
          Emma still wants to argue. David’s done enough and given up enough for her in his life, he doesn’t need to be calling in favours now too. But Henry’s so earnest and excited and she doesn’t… She’s uprooted their lives so abruptly. And it’s her fault for not seeing what Walsh was doing behind her back, for bringing him into their lives in the first place. Maybe she owes it to her son to plan their next steps a little more carefully.
           “Okay, fine. But I’m not working at the station. If I can find something else to tide us over for the summer, then we’ll stay.”
          There’s a yellow bug parked in front of Granny’s.
          Killian stares at it for far longer than he should. But it’s hard to look away when for the second night in a row his dreams featured flashes of blonde hair and a woman who was always just out of reach. He stands for so long — there’s no way it’s hers, it must be a coincidence — that he forgets he’s stepped into the road until Leroy honks, swerving to avoid him as he drives by. Cursing under his breath and shaking himself out of his stupor, Killian forces himself away from the little vintage car and sprints over to the bakery across from the shop.
          His mind must still be comparing the bug to his memories from Saturday night though, because as he pulls open the door to Storybrooke Country Bread he practically collides with a boy around his nephew’s age.
           “Henry! Watch where you’re going!”
          “No worries, lad,” he says reassuringly, smiling down at the mop of brown hair before his eyes move up to the mother and — Oh.
          She’s dressed casually, just jeans and a t-shirt paired with some little black boots, but she’s just as gorgeous as she was in the leather dress and bloody hell he is so screwed.
          Emma’s eyes go wide in recognition and he winces, scratching uncomfortably behind his ear. Whatever chance he might have had with her he surely blew when he panicked and fled and yet he can’t bring himself to regret suggesting they step outside.
          “Um, hi.”
          Killian wets his lips and puts on a tight smile. “Hello.”
          He’s never felt so awkward in his life and the boy is looking between the two of them with an expression that says he knows far more than he should and maybe Killian should just turn around, get his lunch someplace else. He can call Liam — no, his brother would tease him mercilessly if he found out that the Great Killian Jones had run away from a lass not once but twice. He’ll bribe Erik into bringing him a sandwich instead. Eleven year-old boys are always interested in taking bribes.
          He’s so caught up in his escape plan that he doesn’t realize he’s blocking the exit until Emma takes a step forward and gestures to the door.
          “We’re just going to, uh —”
          “Right!” he says, jumping out of the way. “Right, sorry. I just… sorry.”
          If she realizes that he’s apologizing for more than being in the way, she doesn’t comment on it, just shoots him a bemused sort of look as she ushers her son out of the bakery. Killian groans as soon as the door clicks shut behind them, closing his eyes to block out the absolute fuckery that is his life.
          Twice now he’s bungled run-ins with the only woman who’s piqued his interest since Milah. That is, of course, if you can call what they did in her car two nights ago a “run-in.”
          (God, that car. She must be staying at Granny’s and he can’t help but wonder how long it will be parked there, next door to where he lives and works, torturing him.)
          “She bought bear claws.”
          He’s startled out of his thoughts by Tink, who’s watching him from behind the counter with a face that says while she’s not outright laughing at him, it’s a near thing.
          “I’m sorry, what?”
          “She bought bear claws. Said they were her favourite. Just in case you were wondering.”
          Killian blinks even as he tucks the information away. “I wasn’t.”
          “Right,” she drawls, clearly not believing him. “So, the usual then?”
          He fell hard for the bakery’s ready-to-eat quiche back when he was first exiled from Granny’s and manages to make it through the transaction and back to the store without embarrassing himself further. Part of him itches to find out more about his new neighbour — Storybrooke isn’t exactly known for its bustling tourism industry, after all. But that would mean either inserting himself into the small town gossip machine that’s so enjoyed picking him apart these last few months or asking his brother, both of which are abhorrent prospects. Liam can be a dullard at times but even he would be able to put the blonde at the bar together with the blonde from the bakery.
          Worse still would be if Elsa found out. Killian may be a miserable drunk half the time, but not even he has the heart to turn down his sister in-law’s more gentle brand of matchmaking. The fact that’s he’s actually interested only makes it worse.
          No, there’s nothing to do but suck it up, accept that she probably thinks him a fool, and pray to God that he doesn’t trip over his own feet should he see her again. It sounds great, as far as resolutions go. And if he could get her out of his mind for even just an hour it would sound a lot more convincing too.
          It takes Emma all of two days to land a job as the interim manager at Any Given Sundae. She’d scooped icecream back as a teenager the first year she came to Storybrooke and hadn’t exactly been looking to get into it again. But when Ingrid finds out that she’s looking for a job she practically falls over herself to offer Emma the position. Apparently she was supposed to spend two months in Norway visiting her sisters but her planned replacement got sick and pulled out and she was afraid she’d have to cancel the trip. Emma spends a couple days re-learning how to scoop the perfect ice cream cone and getting a feel for the business side of things and then she’s on her own.
          Somehow, very quickly, she’s wound up committed to this whole ‘Storybrooke for the summer’ plan… and everything that goes with it. So when Henry begs to be signed up for the house league soccer program even though the registration deadline was a month ago, she makes it happen. And when Mary Margaret requests (more like coerces) her help with wedding shopping, Emma goes along. Which is how she winds up following her future sort-of sister-in-law through each ribbon and bead and silk flower packed aisle of the local Crafts ‘n More on her lunch break.
          The school teacher’s plan to send each of her guests home with a handmade birdhouse is nice and all, she supposes, but if she gets roped into a favour decorating party later on she might have to reconsider staying in Storybrooke after all.
           “So this must be a little weird for you. Helping with wedding planning.”
          Emma stops running her fingers through the trays of tiny beads and frowns. She’s helping plan a wedding now?
          “Not really,” she answers carefully. “Walsh and I never got to that point.”
          “It’s okay if you had cold feet, you know. I know we only met Walsh the one time and that David can be… protective. But his heart’s always been in the right place and we only want what’s best for you and Henry.”
           “It’s not his heart that I’m worried about,” Emma says, half under her breath. Really, it’s a miracle that her foster brother ever got elected sheriff, given how many people he’s threatened to punch in the face.
          Mary Margaret has made a profession out of instilling life lessons in others and she’s half expecting to get one now but when the other woman doesn’t push any further Emma just sighs. The truth is she doesn’t know what’s best for her and her son. She’s never been able to see further than the problems that were always right in her face. The foster system doesn’t exactly create dreamers and long-term planners.
          “I didn’t want to get married,” she confesses. “I thought it was too soon. But I was happy and I didn’t want to lose him so we compromised. I would wear the ring, Henry and I would move in, and he’d never pressure me to set a date.”
          “But that changed? Once you were all living under the same roof?”
          “No, nothing changed. It was great. It was even better than it was before because I had someone to pick up after me. I started to think, y’know, maybe we should get married. Not, like, immediately, but — we were going to go away for a couple days, while Henry was here with you guys, and I thought… maybe I could surprise him by picking a date.”
          “What happened?”
          It’s just them in the aisle and Mary Margaret has closed the distance between them but Emma still drops her voice to barely above a whisper.
          “When we moved in, Walsh told me that he’d already given post-dated cheques for the rent, that I could just give him my share in cash each month for now and then when the lease came up we’d put my name on it.” She fiddles with the stem of one of the fake flowers that Mary Margaret had been holding and takes a deep breath. “The day I left, the landlord came by looking for rent. He said that we were four months overdue. There were never any post-dated cheques, he’d just been stealing from me all that time.”
           “Oh, honey.” Mary Margaret takes her hands but doesn’t try to pry the flower from her grip, just gives her fingers a reassuring squeeze before saying the most stereotypical thing a small-town elementary school teacher can say to someone who’s been living in New York for the past three years. “Was it… drugs?”
          Emma can’t even begrudge her for it, she just shakes her head. “Gambling. It didn’t take much digging to find out and once I did I just — I had to get out of there.”
          Mary Margaret wraps her in a hug immediately and Emma takes a moment to make sure she’s not crying before pulling back.
          “Promise me you won’t tell David,” she says. “He never approved of Henry and I moving to New York. I don’t want to give him any more reason to —” Emma stops short of finishing her sentence, and takes a moment to reset and blink away the still-threatening tears. Get a grip already, Christ. “I just don’t want it to be a big thing again when we leave at the end of the summer.”
          “I won’t tell David, even though you know how I feel about keeping secrets. But, Emma, you should. Your brother loves you, he’s not going to judge you for this.”
           “I don’t want anyone to know,” she insists. “Telling him’s not going to do anything but keep me thinking about it and I am so tired of thinking about it. I just need to find a way to… I just need to put it behind me.”
          Mary Margaret squeezes her shoulder and takes the poor mutilated silk flower out of her hands. “I think this summer is going to be good for you,” she says. “I think it might be just what you need.”
          He’s been dreaming of Milah lately. Actually of her, not just of her death. Killian dreams of her laugh, of the way her hips moved when she sang, how her face lit up the first time he let her steal the pickle from his sandwich. He dreams of Milah and when his alarm goes off in the morning it doesn’t sound like sirens. It’s been almost a week now that he hasn’t needed rum to blanket the sound of twisting metal and screaming at night. He’s not sure what’s changed, but God, he’s willing to give almost anything to keep it from going back.
          It’s made his days easier too and while he may have so far escaped unsolicited commentary from his brother he knows the shift has not gone unnoticed. Still, there’s some hesitancy on Liam’s part to trust it, which is how Killian finds himself having a very different argument with him come Sunday afternoon.
          “Honestly, brother, it’s fine. I can take the lad.”
          “It’s not just taking him to the field, Killian. You have to stick around for the game. We’re on orange and popsicle duty this week.”
          “I think I can manage two coolers and an eleven year-old.”
          “You’re sure?”
          He sighs and picks up one of the ice chests from where it’s sitting on the table between them. “Go take your wife to the hospital, brother. I’ve got this.”
          Elsa and Erik come down the stairs and Liam nods, stacking the second cooler in his arms. “Uncle Killian’s going to take you to your football game,” he says to Erik, wrapping a shawl around Elsa’s shoulders and guiding her to the door. “Score a goal for your mum, okay?”
          Elsa kisses her son’s forehead and the door closes behind them and then it’s just Killian and his nephew for the first time, really, since he came to town, watching each other from across the house.
          “Well, lad,” he says, resting his chin atop the two coolers. “I’m going to need you to either take one of these or open up the car for me.”
          Elsa was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia back in February on what was, to hear his brother tell it, the coldest, most miserable day of any winter he’d ever seen. Milah had died a few months before and Killian’s not sure which Jones had been more of a mess when Liam hunted him down and brought him Storybrooke a few weeks later. He’s never prodded for details on his sister in-law’s treatment, but he knows that the initial induction therapy she’d gone through before his arrival had been successful and that the chemotherapy she’s been undergoing every month since is to try and stop it from coming back.
          It’s not his first bone marrow biopsy day, in other words, and he knows from experience that test days always put his nephew on edge. The first round of chemotherapy had been a difficult ordeal for everyone, and Liam had struggled mightily with Elsa in the hospital. Summer sporting events might not be in his regular job description but the entire reason Liam brought Killian to Storybrooke was so that the elder Jones could try and keep things as normal as possible for his boy. And in the summer, normal means football.
          It’s killing Liam to not be coaching this year on account of Elsa’s illness, and his brother has not taken the demotion to honorary assistant coach well. It’s only the second game of the season and Killian’s already sick of his brother’s grousing every time the new coach calls it ‘soccer.’ A far worse offense, in his opinion, is the team’s name. While neighbouring towns get to be Dragons and Knights and Gorgons, his nephew is stuck playing for the Storybrooke Snowmen — which doesn’t fit the theme at all, no matter how many ‘abominable’ adjectives are thrown around by parents attempting to soothe their children’s pre-pubescent egos.
          The high school field that’s been adapted for 9v9 play isn’t far and ordinarily he’d suggest they walk but with the two coolers the car is a must. The pitch brings back memories of Killian’s own youth and makes him think that he almost wouldn’t mind sticking around for another year to see Liam coach a fleet of lads as they adjust to the full-size playing field. He’s not set any plans beyond staying through the course of Elsa’s treatment, isn’t even sure if his presence would be welcome once Liam’s able to return to a regular work week. He’s not exactly been pleasant to be around, after all.
          But perhaps orange and popsicle duty will start to make up for that. Erik’s out of the car and joining his friends almost as soon as Killian pulls into the spot which means he gets to unload the Snowmen’s half-time and post-game snacks on his own. The chests aren’t heavy but they are cumbersome — Liam probably couldn’t have found bigger ones if he’d tried. He’s still trying to adjust the bulky coolers when he trips on the curb, nearly crashing into someone as he recovers his footing.
          “I’m sorry!” he calls out around the load in his arms. They’d swung wildly in his attempt to avoid a collision and he lifts them a little higher, trying his best to shuffle them back into position.
          The top one is removed from his hold and with his field of vision clear he suddenly finds himself staring at the very woman whose car has taunted him all week.
          Killian knows — very well, thank you — that his mouth is hanging open and yet he can’t think of a single non-idiotic thing to say. A stammered “Uh...” is about all he manages.
          Emma seems as surprised as he is because almost immediately the cooler is placed back on top of the other one — nice and straight this time, mind you.
         “Don’t worry about it,” she says brusquely, snapping him back to earth.
         “Right,” he says. “Well, thank you.” Killian gives himself to the count of three before lowering the coolers to look but she’s already gone. He didn’t really expect otherwise given how she’d stared at him like a deer caught in the headlights but it stings nonetheless. He knows he let his issues fuck up their first encounter, but how much longer is he going to have to suffer through fumbling embarrassment over what was supposed to be a one-time thing?
          Killian shakes his head to clear it and makes his way towards the field, barely avoiding tripping over the curb a second time.
          David, Mary Margaret, and Ruby all tag along to watch Henry’s first soccer game and Emma manages to get through it without asking for the scoop on Killian, but it’s harder than she’d like to admit. She resists though, because she knows how Storybrooke works. The town loves an Emma Swan gossip and any amount of curiosity expressed on her part will get the whole rumour mill churning. She’s got a lot of suspicions, but all she’s sure of is that Killian’s been in town for less than a year and that’s only because Henry had no idea who he was when they bumped into him at the bakery.
          She’s got no business being curious. Except for the fact that the guy kissed her like his life depended on it last weekend and then ran away like she was about to kill him rather than suck him off. And really, if she’s going to be bumping into him all summer she should probably know what his deal is, if only so she can try and avoid sending him running into oncoming traffic next time and —
          Yeah, okay, fine. She’s curious. What can she say? Ruby was right. Going out the week before had gotten her mind off Walsh. Gotten her off, period. Really, really successfully. Who could blame her for wanting a round two? Or three. Or just plain trying to finish round one, for that matter. A meaningless summer fling would be the perfect distraction from the rest of her personal life.
          Killian, on the other hand… mostly Emma just wishes she could tell if he’s nervous or terrified around her.
          “Hey, what’s Other Jones doing on popsicle duty?”
          Mary Margaret looks up from her crochet project and frowns. “Elsa must have a doctor’s appointment.”
          Well, that’s interesting, Emma thinks. The Joneses moved to town around the time that she and Henry left so she doesn’t know all that much about them, but it gives her something to go on. (She’s heard about Elsa’s cancer diagnosis through the grapevine of course — she’d been Ingrid’s original replacement at Any Given Sundae so it’s a hot topic with her customers.)
          And if the way David is glaring across the field is any indication, Killian is not the same upstanding citizen that his — brother? Cousin? — has turned out to be.
         “Are we sure it’s popsicles in that cooler?” her foster brother grumbles.
         Neither of her friends answer him but Mary Margaret hums and Ruby flips one of her pigtails dismissively over her shoulder. (She’d put mini pom-poms in them to come cheer Henry on and it’s the very definition of a look that only Ruby could pull off.) Before Emma can ask what town gossip she’s clearly missed out on Henry comes bounding over to the bleachers, sticky red popsicle juice only half wiped off his chin.
          “Hey, Mom, can I go over to Ava and Nicolas’ for dinner? Mr. Tillman said it was okay.”
          “What, you’re tired of Granny’s cooking already? I’m gonna tell her you said that, you know.”
          Henry rolls his eyes at her and she shoos him off with a laugh. Her kid is obviously lapping up their extended stay in Storybrooke and as much as she might long for the buffer he provides she can’t begrudge him all the time with his friends that he wants.
          What Emma wants, on the other hand…
          Well, she’s never been very good at answering that question.
          She winds up going for a walk on the beach after dinner, the setting sun lighting up the town behind her in reds and oranges and golds. Out on the water twilight is taking hold, turning the sky a deep shade of cerulean. Someone further up the beach has brought out a guitar, and curiosity has her making her way towards the familiar strains that she can’t quite place.
          She wants to make a choice. Emma fell into her relationships with both Neal and Walsh more by happenstance than anything else. They seemed like good ideas at the time but neither one was her idea. If there’s one thing she’s ever chosen for herself it was moving to New York. But at the time running away from everything David had given her and everything she’d taken from him in return seemed like the only idea there ever could be. She’s missed him, she’s finally admitted to herself this past week, but she left for a reason. Storybrooke is better off without her.
          It’s Killian on the guitar, — of course it is — and she slows down to buy herself some time to decide whether or not she should let him know she’s there. He’s sitting on some rocks under the pier with his eyes closed, playing the same notes over and over like he’s both trying to purge them from his memory and commit them there for good. Emma’s just about to turn and start heading back the other way when he starts the song over to add vocals and his voice sends goosebumps down her arms. She was so sure he hadn’t seen her, but suddenly she’s compelled to stay, like somehow he knows and is singing the song just for her.
          But then, everyone who’s ever heard Landslide thinks that it could be about them.
          “That was beautiful.” He jumps when she speaks just like every other time they’ve run into each other in town and she winces. “I’m sorry,” she says, crossing her arms over her chest even as she tries to keep the hair out of her face. “I didn’t mean to interrupt.”
          Killian shifts to face her, taking the guitar strap off and laying the instrument across his legs. “It’s fine. Thank you.”
          She should probably leave him alone, she thinks, but instead she steps closer and joins him under the pier. “You should be playing for people instead of waves. You’re good.”
          His fingers are tracing idle patterns on the body of the guitar and Emma’s eyes follow the swirling patterns as he shakes his head. “I was, once.”
          “I’ve heard a lot of average acts over the years,” she says. “Trust me, you’re still good. Fleetwood Mac, right?”
          Killian nods. “My, uh, my ex,” he explains, “She loved Stevie Nicks.”
          “She left you?” The question is out of her mouth before she can pull it back and she bites her lip to keep from prying further.
          “In a manner of speaking.” He meets her eyes finally and his shoulders drop. “She died. Car crash about eight months ago.”
          “I’m sorry,” she says, so much of what she knows about him finally clicking into place. “It’s not easy being the one left behind.”
          “Your boy’s father?”
          Emma huffs out an exhale at the thought that she could be so easy to read and flips her hair back over her shoulder. “Yeah. I mean, he didn’t die but… he’s gone.”
          It’s weird talking about Neal to someone who doesn’t already know how it ended — even Walsh only got the bare bones of the story and she’d known him for almost a year before finally giving in and telling him. So it’s strange and yet it somehow makes perfect sense, that they would jump from trying to undress each other in the backseat of her car to trading heartbreaks on the beach.
          “Listen, I wanted to apologize for the first time we, uh, met,” she says, kicking at the wet sand with the toe of her boot. “If I did anything to make you uncomfortable —”
          “Wasn’t you, love,” he cuts her off, grabbing his case from where it’s sitting behind him and carefully tucking the guitar away. “That one’s all on me.”
          Emma smiles a little, one more thing making sense, and tilts her head as she studies him. “You haven’t been with anyone since her, have you?”
          He barks out a laugh and runs a hand through his hair. “Was it that obvious?”
          “Well, y’know…”
          Killian chuckles again and she grins back, lifted by the change in mood. “Are you headed back to town?” he asks, climbing down from his perch and pulling the guitar with him.
          “Yeah, I probably should be,” she says.
          “May I walk you?”
          She raises an eyebrow at the question. “I’m a big girl, Killian. You don’t need to go out of your way.”
          “You’re staying at Granny’s right?” Emma nods and he tucks the thumb of his free hand into his pocket, gesturing with his guitar case up to the road. “I live next door. It’s hardly out of the way.”
          She watches him for a long moment, pulled between how much it feels just like that night at the bar and how it also feels very, very different, her thoughts of a meaningless summer fling quickly feeling like they’re being taken out by the tide.
          “Let me be a gentleman, love,” he says softly.
          He’s waiting for her and she so badly wants to roll her eyes at the word ‘gentleman’ but he’s being so fucking sincere that she has to take a breath.
          He hasn’t played in months, not since the crash took Milah from him, but the guitar feels as familiar to him now as it did when Liam presented it to him for his 16th birthday. Killian’s not sure what made him dig it out of the back of his closet and bring it down to the docks but it’s like an itch under his skin. He’d been watching Emma at the soccer game, wanting so badly to just go over and talk to her like an actual human being and not the fumbling sod that he apparently turns into when sober. But she hadn’t been sitting alone, had been with the sheriff of all people, and he just… never summoned the nerve. By the time he’d taken Erik home and gotten back to the flat he’d needed something. Anything that might break him out of this damned holding pattern he’s been stuck in.
          Landslide was one of Milah’s favourites and it was a standard on their old set list. He knows that she put it in his head, and when he finishes the song to find Emma standing on the beach just a few feet away he can’t help but wonder what if she sent her to him as well. He didn’t think Emma was going to accept his offer to walk her back to town — she didn’t look like she was going to and he worried he might have pried too much when he asked about her ex — but as they leave the beach walking side-by-side a sense of surety settles in his chest. Like this is right. This is what he’s supposed to be doing.
          “So, how long have you been in Storybrooke?” Emma asks as they cut through the alley next to the old cannery.
          “Since the spring,” he replies. “My brother, Liam, asked me to come and help with the shop when his wife got sick.”
          “Wow, sick sister in-law, dead girlfriend… you’re just sunshine and rainbows, aren’t you?”
          He gives her a mock incredulous look and she bumps his shoulder with hers in response. He’s not offended — if anything, he finds her playful sarcasm refreshing.
          “Alright, what about you then?” he counters. “What brings you to this lovely seaside town?”
          “I dumped my fiancé after I caught him stealing from me.”
          Killian snorts at her candour and she flashes him a smile.
          “I’ve got family in town, sort of,” she adds by way of explanation. “My son, Henry, comes for two weeks every summer. I just tagged along.”
          Two weeks, he thinks, but catches himself before disappointment can set in. She signed her son up for soccer and has taken over the icecream shop for Ingrid. She must be planning on staying longer than that this time around.
          “And where’s home when you’re not visiting?” Killian asks, choosing not to prod at this mention of a different ended relationship in favour of safer small-talk.
          A flicker of something passes over her face, but it’s quickly replaced. “Not sure yet.” She tucks her hands into the pockets of her jeans with a shrug. “Where’s home for you? When you’re not selling bait and tackle to grumpy fishermen, that is.”
          They’ve turned onto Main Street and Emma comes to a stop next to her ubiquitous yellow bug.
         Home was his mother, once. Then it was wherever Milah was. Liam is all the family he’s got left, but the town where his older brother settled down with a family of his own has always seemed like it’s missing something for Killian to consider it home. Still, it’s the best he’s got at the moment. And this moment, with her, is one he’s not willing to tarnish with his malaise.
         “Above all the bait and tackle, of course,” he says easily, nodding over to the shop.
         She rolls her eyes but smiles and Killian can’t help but turn so that he’s standing in front of her, raising an eyebrow and swaying just a little bit into her space. She’s right on the edge of the curb, the curve of her ass resting against the door that he tumbled out of not even a week ago. But he’s not thinking about how he fell apart at the sound of a passing ambulance. Not when he can be thinking about how easily they fell together instead.
          Emma’s eyes flick between his and he shuffles closer, setting his guitar down and leaning it up against the car. There’s a slight hitch in her breathing as he straightens and it keeps him from doing the honourable thing and stepping back. Killian remembers, vaguely, what it’s like to kiss her but all the drinks he’d had before and afterwards clouded his memory and this… this he wants to appreciate.
          When her tongue darts out to wet her lips he breaks, closing the last bit of distance between them. Their lips fuse on a sharp inhale and Killian crowds her up against the bug, cupping her face with his hand so he can brush his thumb against the apple of her cheek. Emma tugs him even closer and he goes eagerly, one hand landing on the car for support while the other snakes under her shirt to pull her in by the small of her back. She makes a sound in the back of her throat and her fingers are tugging on his hair and God, he thinks, why did he ever stop kissing her the last time? She tastes faintly like ketchup and he chases her lips when they break for breath, wanting more.
          “Come up for a drink with me.”
          His voice is wrecked even to his own ears and he presses his head to hers like it might keep the earth from spinning.
          “I, um,” Emma starts, her face flushed pink. It might be the prettiest colour he’s ever seen and he has a sudden, vicious regret for not having been able to see her properly when she came around his fingers. “I don’t know.”
          Killian bows his head, his breathing still heavy as he takes a step back. “Aye, of course. I shouldn’t have presumed, I—” He cuts his rambling short. He will not look the fool in front of her. Not this time, at least. “Have a good evening,” he says instead, pasting on a tight-lipped smile.
          She stops his retreat with a hand on his arm and he looks up to meet her eyes. “Maybe, maybe I could take a rain check? It’s just… I’m not sure either one of us is actually ready to…”
         Emma trails off, though her hand gesture completes the sentence well enough. Killian understands, of course. His life is still mostly a mess, and falling into bed with someone is only ever uncomplicated in theory. She’s got her own troubles, plus her boy to think about...
          “It’s not a problem, love,” he says, managing to make his smile a little more genuine this time. “A rain check it is.”
          Emma gives him a pleased little smile, and he gives in to the urge to tuck away a stray piece of hair, letting his fingers trail down the shell of her ear before forcing himself to take another step back and turn to leave.
          “Hey, Jones?” she calls out as he’s about halfway to the shop. Killian turns to look back at her and she shifts on her feet a little before raising a hand in a half sort-of wave. “Don’t be a stranger, okay?”
          “I wouldn’t dream of it.”
          After the week he’s had, he doesn’t think he could not see her if he tried.
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purplegurlhq · 8 years
TEENAGE RIOT Who is Danielle Bregoli? Dr Phil guest and Cash Me Ousside girl who now ‘charges £32k for public appearances’
The 13-year-old has been involved in numerous spats so far this year
Source: https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/2999990/cash-me-ousside-girl-danielle-bregoli-dr-phil-guest/
Ah, it’s been a while hasn’t it folks? Sorry for being gone for so long- I’ve been focusing on school and exams and...life I guess! Well, I’m back and guess what! I’ve got one hell of a rant and I think you already know what it’s going to entail based on the title (which I found on The Sun website lol). 
So...Who the HELL is Danielle Bregoli? Well just in case you don’t know, Miss Bregoli is a 13 year old girl who acquired some unnecessary social media attention for doing nothing more than acting like a little brat on television :) That is honestly the most polite way of putting it folks. 
After appearing on Dr Phil’s talk show in September 2016, Bregoli made herself a ‘household name’ based on her famous catchphrase “cash me ousside, how bout dah?”. The grammar Nazi within me is seething. I didn’t bother to research the reasons for her appearance on the show, however I think it may have involved staging an intervention in order to tame her disobedient tendencies towards her mother...however she was certainly not shy in expressing her thoughts by referring to the audience as a ‘bunch of hoes’ and telling them to ‘cash her ousside’. Don’t forget the ‘how bout dah?’. 
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The website source also revealed that the teen charges around £32k for public appearances (WTF?). So...you’re telling me that this unknown girl from an unknown land is actually expecting people to pay 5 digits to simply breathe the same air as her? *stares into space with teary eyes*
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Look at the picture above. SHE does NOT look like a 13 year old girl. Can you imagine that just 3 years ago she was merely a decade years old? And now she has amassed a whopping 8MILLION Instagram followers as well as many endorsements and paintings and memes revolving around her. For what though? 
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I still don’t understand what she did in order to receive such a major support system from a bunch of strangers who probably can’t even decipher the difference between they’re, their, and there (lmao). Harsh, but true. Furthermore, it’s rather worrying that so many young people are viewing her as a role model because of her ‘bold’ character and ‘ghetto’ nature. BUT THIS IS NOTHING NEW. Countless young individuals have appeared on talk shows and had the same foul attitude yet they haven’t received this type of hyperactive media scrutiny. Is it the red, auburn or ketchup coloured hair that makes people so focused? Or is it the black spaghetti singlet that she shortened herself that makes people lose their senses over her? SHE’S 13 FOR GOODNESS SAKE! *screams internally*
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I’m struggling to comprehend why people choose to give attention to those who have nothing useful to do with it. Why aren’t there memes being made about the courageous Malala Yousafzai? Why aren’t people losing their minds over Amal Clooney and her consistency for human rights law? I’d rather have my Instagram timeline being ‘blown’ up by memes of courageous young people who are actually doing PRODUCTIVE things for the world than a talent-less and unruly teen who can’t even pronounce the letter T. But you know whose at fault here? THE PEOPLE WHO CONTINUE TO MAKE HER FAMOUS. 
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The website source also revealed that the teen was banned ‘for life’ from Spirit Airline after *coughs sarcastically* executing violent acts such as punching another passenger. What a perfect role model right....WRONG! GET OUTTA HERE.
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No, I actually mean it...get out. Leave.
Later the same month, on February 28, Bregoli was caught in a brawl outside a pub...OH GIRL. Yet social media puppets continue to fuel her vehicle of despair by praising her through memes and followings. GET A LIFE YOU GUYS. She’s 13, which means that she’d only be in Year 8 if she was living in England. She’s a child. 
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When I was 13 (which was while ago lol) I always had my nose in a book such as A Christmas Carol by Dickens or a cool Jacqueline Wilson book. I loved playing outside and watching insects crawl in the grass (ew). I loved Peter Pan (the cartoon film) and I would cry when I got reprimanded by teachers. That’s how cute and sweet I was (now I’m a saucy minx LOOOL joke). Yet 13 year olds in 2017 are too busy trying to desperately maintain Snapchat ‘streaks’ whilst juggling other social networking sites alongside their education which they have very little consideration for. 
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Yes,rightly said Kimmy. 
13 year olds of this day and age have probably already been through 10 breakups and are currently on their 11th relationship which is so..so...tragic. Don’t get me wrong, I know that not ALL 13 year olds are like this...however most of them are heading in that direction through the lack of guidance and appropriate parental concern. 
ANECDOTE TIME! The other day whilst I was taking my bus journey home, I overheard a bunch of young girls imitating Bregoli. One of them sheepishly asked the other a question along the lines of “can you say the cash me ousside thing? Pleaseeee”.*cringe* So the friend complied and bravely shouted out “CASH ME OUSSIDE, HOW BOUT DAH?” And then they all erupted into a fit of giggles like secondary school children. I couldn’t help but think “someone please stop these cash me ousside robots from breeding”. TRANQUILIZE IT BEFORE IT LAYS EGGS. 
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MORAL OF THE STORY? Don’t feed a stray cat or it’ll keep coming back. Or in other words, don’t give this teenager media attention and she won’t keep popping up on our timelines...errgh. 
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Have I finished the rant? Yes. Or have I? Um...I actually have. Hope you all enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. And before you get the wrong impression that I actually care...trust me, I don’t. I’m only writing about this issue (and yes, it is an issue) because I can’t just sit idle whilst a girl young enough to still watch CBeebies is roaming about creating a not-so-helpful impression for other young people to follow. Let’s wake up and do the right things. THINK...BEFORE..YOU...PRESS...THAT...FOLLOW...BUTTON. 
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beimanorthrun-blog · 5 years
Dota 2 afk matchmaking pc
Matchmaking Stops The Dota 2 community is enormously elitist—a sign of weakness is tantamount to blood in the water.  Even if by some miracle, said wall would mutate and bend a little differently If you yell hard enough at it, the reality of reaching the point where you have the anger and urge to do said yelling means the damage has already been done.  Si vos problèmes techniques persistent et vous conduisent à abandonner, n'oubliez pas que cela gâche aussi la partie pour les neuf autres joueurs.  Scripting Invokers aside, there are a few ways to deal with this popular hero.  Although the majority of custom games will be derived from Dota's basic systems, they're not committed to that: the potential for divergent experiences is huge.  There is so much that can be done with ease to yield massive quality increases and yet Valve insists on tiny, miniscule changes, being afraid that altering something too much will cause their fancy hourly tournaments to collapse utterly because people who play the game for money professionals have only aquired the necessary knowledge to compete through rigorious repetivity rather than inhabiting any actual talent.  Every week, Chris documents his complex ongoing relationship with Dota 2, Smite, and wizards in general.
Fix report,matchmaking, abandon system Despite the warnings, however, I'm taken aback by just how important Dota 2 Reborn feels.  Also keep in mind that one man's pleasure is another man's pain which can be bent further depending on what game you are associating what kind of fun with.  К слову сказать, поиграл я только 15 минут.  Maybe even indulge us a small chat.  While I prefer Smite's assortment of skins, Dota 2 does a fine job.  Comment supprimer une pénalité de basse priorité? If you never played a Moba before and want to start with an easier dumbed down version, play HotS.
Dota 2 Reborn and why the MOBA will never be the same again Valve knows who it is and does not stop them.  It's been ten months since Valve released the Source 2 toolkit for Dota 2 custom game mode developers.  However, this information can only potentially be revealed through a request to the Steam support.  Nobody wants to admit their mistakes, everybody wants to blame somebody else.  Community This has to be the biggest problem of them all in Dota 2.  Lots of free items earned simply by playing the game.  It is free to play but there are many many things to buy.
Hardest Dota 2 Heroes to Play Against in 7.08 Normal matches shouldn't have low prio.  Во-вторых - это какой-то кривой ремейк Warcraft.  Practice 1v1 This function matches you against another player in the.  Many of the heroes are not balanced.  We talked back and forth about combos we might try, settled one, and played.  Detto questo vi consiglio di provarlo con mano e invito chiunque a scaricarlo in quanto il gioco è free-to-play.
stupid low priority matchmaking system!!!!! :: Dota 2 General Discussions This is not a game that raises spirits as even when you lose a game, you continue you to play as you are addicted, then to get abused as you are on tilt.  The exact mechanics behind banning have not been disclosed by Valve, and are changed frequently to address community concerns regarding matchmaking.  Никогда не было так приятно в зоне прямой кишки.  Similarly, the potential for negative experiences is huge.  Invoker is consistently a top pick in pubs.  Combat Structure Dota 2 places you in a team of five to battle another five-person squad on an asymmetrical, three-dimensional map.
Dota 2’s matchmaking system no longer depends on your behaviour score Summed up, Dota 2 is bad cocaine.  After 300+ hours I still haven't played I've spent hours and hours on this game, And I don't even know how.  This mode picks two players to serve as captains.  For melee characters, these images deal 33 percent of your current damage output, and take damage equal to 350 percent of your health and armor.  Not worth it in so many ways as there are only very scarce cases of people actually starting to realize what the game is doing to them: This isn't just a coincidental thing.  And like I said since everybody is so focused on the reward at the end of the game, they don't bother reporting.  If you think you weren't check the replay.
Afk system in Dota 2. :: Dota 2 General Discussions I think if someone abandons a queue, they shouldn't be allowed to find a match for the next 60 min or something.  This is on top of the stat boosts that it awards, too.  That should help account for the occasional unforeseen circumstance.  As some guy wrote before me I get it this game has legendary status.  As attractive as it is to have several football fields of content, it's not going to matter much if the people playing it are not given enough meaningful choices from all the possibilities on your football fields or if it becomes too complex for someone to learn, reaching back to the learning curve section.
Dota 2 (for PC) Review & Rating And this dichotomy is perhaps the best descriptor I can attach to Dota 2.  I just got low prio because all 5 members of the opposite team reported me for killstealing during a greeviling match.  В игре невообразимый для обычного игрока входной порог.  The statement in question can be found across the Internet but here's a link to a random article about it: 3.  This kind of fun comes in conjunction with a story.  I'm reluctant to say that Dota 2 even has a match-making at all once you look at the facts and all the people creating new accounts just to stomp down the already bullied beginners while also showering you with several people that pack 2000+ more gameplay hours when you can just have a hundred or so while also entering match-making alone.  So, before getting into the actual gameplay, I should point out the characters and matchups.
Dota 2 AFK Matchmaking app for ios Once you know what they are capable of, it will be easier to fight them if and when you face off.  Ok for some reason I see people disconnecting after hero selection almost every game.  Main Article: Priority determines how quickly the player is matched with other players. ��Destroying Creeps has an equally important, secondary benefit: It weakens the enemy's defense.  Si un compte en basse priorité commet l'une des actions précédemment décrites, d'autres parties passeront en basse priorité sur ce compte.  It's already unpleasant, repetitive and boring because, as I said before, the roster of heroes is totally out of balance.  While a game's story may be weak or even predictable, a game that has a good immersion can easily make up for those faults.
Dota The game had so much hack but overwatch system is very beneficial for reports anybody get.  I really won't feel bad when the devs of Eternal crusade laugh at their office about you.  Account flags are represented as an integer value.  The downloadable file is original and it has not been modified in any way.  This feature is only available to Dotabuff Plus members.  Prepare for Battle Dota 2 has numerous items for tailoring your Hero to your liking.  I have like around 200 wins and used to have around 150 losses.
0 notes
Crowder didn’t debunk a thing. He’s just a smooth talking liar.
1:30 says mass shooting aren’t defined so it’s misleading…. Just because there is no standard definition doesn’t mean the report by Jaclyn Schildkraut and H. Jaymi Elsass did not apply the same standards to the US and Europe. If their report did not apply the same standard it is up Crowder to check the facts than simply claim it’s misleading. That is him being misleading, not the report or Vox.
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1:40 “They want to plant the idea that a rise in legally owned guns you see an increase in gun crime…” He wants to set his audience up to disbelieve their own eyes.
2:00 “They’re not using per capita. The United States has more population than the other countries” *Crowder shows the number of public mass shootings slide but LEAVES OUT the next Vox chart that states 2000-2014, number of shootings PER 1 million people* He’s just claiming people are trying to pull a fast one instead of admitting the video is going to make the same point 3 seconds later.
2:39 Then he complains that the per capita report is misleading because of fatalities vs injuries. So he’s moving the goal post from “they’re not dealing with per capita” and then pivoted to “fatalities matter more than the per capita” just so the audience doesn’t have time to notice what he said 30 seconds ago.
Also, if fatalities mattered so much he should go into why Finland shootings are more fatal. Maybe America has a better healthcare system.
2:45: VOX: “This tragedy seems to be happen more often in the US” *posts graph excluding gang, domestic violence* That actually deceases the number of mass shootings. Crowder: “It SEEMS to be happening because violent crime has decreased in the US.”  Here Crowder is intentionally ignoring that the topic is MASS SHOOTINGS not violent crime. Just because violent crime is decreasing does not change the fact that the number of mass shootings are still going up.
3:15 Crowder: “before she cherry picking data”
At no point did Crowder point out what data was cherry picked, the Vox report is still going off of the Jaclyn Schildkraut and H. Jaymi Elsass report which he has not proven was using two standards to define mass shooting between US and Europe
Crowder: “now she’s getting very specific” - The chart Vox is referring to now is the Mother Jones/Harvard (https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2014/10/mass-shootings-rising-harvard/  &  https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2014/10/mass-shootings-increasing-harvard-research/), that report’s standards are defined as ”attacks that took place in public, in which the shooter and the victims generally were unrelated and unknown to each other, and in which the shooter murdered four or more people.” And the graph specifically stated “excluding gang, domestic violence”, so it’s not misleading, Crowder is ignoring the standards placed by each report while refusing to inform his audience which standards are in place and which reports have higher numbers and why. If the variations mattered he would have told the audience by now what they were and which report applied to them.
Then he drags up “gun free zones” and “psychopathic outliers”, which are unrelated to his complaint to cherry picking, this is to prevent his audience from realizing the report is accurately portraying the assertion that mass shootings are on the rise while using a consistent standard similar to the FBI’s definition of mass murder. He knows he is doing this.
3:55 Crowder complains that Vox is dragging up Muslim extremists and claims that the video shouldn’t bring up Muslims because of the first chart that specifically excluded gang violence and terrorism. He’s intentionally ignoring that a chart does not dictate the direction of the discussion and the Vox video is about mass shootings and gun violence so terrorism should be included too.
4:15 Crowder says Obama is about taking away 2A, Obama never suggested that, he wants comprehensive background checks and that is a huge difference, so he is applying a straw man fallacy again.
4:40: Crowder “Real quick because we’ll come back to this “80% of those gun related homicides IN THE UNITED STATES are drug related. Let’s go.” *flashes article for 2 seconds that highlights the “80%” but the sentences state “In New Orleans, between 35-55% of homicides are classified as gang-related. In Chicago, an estimated 80% of homicides are gang-relate. And in Baltimore, the police commissioner states that 80% of homicides are drug-related. (But again, most of this depends on methods of keeping records, and , often, personal opinions.)”
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Here Crowder is intentionallly lying what that article said and hiding the truth by flashing the article, hoping no one stopped to actually look at what it said and realize that drug-related and gang-related are not the same and Chicago and Baltimore do not represent the US as a whole.
Crowder clearly thinks his audience is dumb and he might be right.
5:05 Vox: ranks suicide among the highest developed countries and how many were done with guns. Crowder: “She want to ignore that because we want to get to American suicides” HUH?
5:11: Crowder: “Suicide is a terrible thing but to use it as a political tool to remove law abiding citizens basic right to self-preservation is a terrible thing too.” He doesn’t know what Vox wants the government to do and there are other ways beyond guns to preserve oneself. In fact, asking for better regulations is about self-preservation too and he is wanting to deny that from us.
5:20: Crowder: “surprise these are unfree countries with highly regulated gun control” *lists other countries with higher suicide rates that doesn’t state what year it’s from and a map related to 2002*  He doesn’t list which countries regulated their guns or how nor does he delve into cultural attitude about suicide or if a wait period exists.
6:00 “Sorry Poland, Korea, Japan, apparently you’re not developed countries” Again Crowder is making a straw man fallacy by ignoring that she stated UN stated top ten developed countries. He does this to confuse his audience about how suicides relate to the countries we relate to the most.
6:35: Vox: *lists facts to point out that most people who attempt suicide but fail do not die from suicide, guns don’t offer a second chance, and mostly white men die from guns. Crowder: “now we get into the personal stories that hit you right in the feels.” No, they stated facts and that is all they are doing. Then he starts going into culture which he should have brought up around 6:00. But he doesn’t want to. Because talking about white men dying from suicide with guns is important to white men and people who care about white men. So again he’s derailing.
6:49: Crowder: “look at Australia, no change in gun related suicide after the gun ban.” *quickly shows graph that shows decrease of gun suicides while suicide spiked between 1996 (when the ban started) and 1998. There is no gun ban, there were two buyback programs and 26 uncompensated amnesties, and people have to have a license to own a gun.
7:55: Crowder goes back to the 80% of homicides are DRUG related *Flashes a headline claiming there’s a gang problem then flashes an article and zooms in so audience can not read it.*  
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Even The Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank, disagrees with his assertion and claims that the Department of Justice’s National Gang Center says 15-33% of gun-related homicides are linked with gang and drug activity. (https://www.heritage.org/crime-and-justice/commentary/here-are-8-stubborn-facts-gun-violence-america)
But that site's citations don’t offer that information.
However the US Department of Justice cites in their 1980-2008 report (https://www.bjs.gov/content/pub/pdf/htus8008.pdf): page 26 “involving adult or juvenile gang violence increased from about 220 homicides in 1980 to 960 homicides in 2008. Gang violence accounted for 1% of all homicides in 1980 and 6% of all homicides in 2008.” The chart on homicides (categorized by felony, argument, gang, other, and unknown) shows homicide by gang remaining between 220 and 1000 deaths each year. Drug related deaths were lumped in with felony related murders. Even though gangs use guns the most out of all the categories (92% in 2008) but that still is not 80% of all homicides.
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The % of drug related homicides range from 3.9% out of 14,831 (578) in 2007 to 7.4% out of 18,954 in 1989  (https://www.bjs.gov/content/dcf/duc.cfm)
So it is obvious that Crowder is intentionally lying about gang and drug related homicides making up 80% of homicides. Gangs use guns the most out of all the categories (92% in 2008) but that still is not 80% of all homicides.
8:00: Crowder says the US is nothing like these other countries when it comes to homicide *Shows a map pointing out cities world wide along with only Chicago and Baltimore in the US..* This is misleading because the US ranks #90 out of 230 with a homicide rate of 5.35 per 100000 people in 2016, so pointing out two cities isn’t give a clear picture on how we compare to the countries with similar socioeconomic situations like us.
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8:25: Vox: *Displays speech of a mother who lost her son to a man who had a gun illegally* Crowder: “She’s yelling at me like I shouldn’t have a gun… again anecdotal information to emotionally manipulate you anyway.“
He’s making a joke to avoid a simple truth that crimes are happening by people who illegally have guns. He is trying to kill any discussion of gun control with emotional manipulation himself by lightening the mood rather than letting his viewers take a moment to contemplate consequences for lack of gun control. He is also emotionally manipulating his fans to take angry people’s speeches personally rather than objectively accept that they are angry and think of ways to solve the problem.
8:30: Crowder: “It’s sad this lady’s son got shot BUT he was shot by gang members. Statistically gang members aren’t buy their heat at Walmart… one of the shooters was already a criminal and could not legally buy a gun.” He is pivoting his audience away from empathizing and understanding her point where she made it clear a criminal shot her kid by implying that she didn’t make that point at all by reiterating what she said and giving more info.
8:45: Crowder points out that Chicago has strict gun laws but the highest homicide rate and then smiles, shrugs, and moves on. Who in their right mind would smile over that? He clearly doesn’t want his audience to be angry with reality or consider that other states are supplying the guns. He is only smiling to distract people.
9:00 VOX: *shows charts on burglary and assault from 2013 that show the US is not the highest with burglary and assualt* Crowder brings up Britain % of hot burglaries and compares them to the US, but doesn’t mention stats on per capita of burglaries. He then proceeds to claim Vox is manipulating their audience by switching topics even though that is exactly what he just did by bringing in unrelated information to confuse his audiences form understanding that Vox is explaining why they are bringing up burglary and assault to make a solid point that US is more lethal despite having less crimes per 100,000 people than other countries that have more gun regulations than the US.
He knows what he is doing.
9:45: Crowder “…manipulated. Because yes the US has more gang on gang crime where as Europe has more predator victim crime.” This is why he lied about gang and drug related homicides making up 80% of all of the US homicides. He wants to keep people ignorant of the fact that gang and drug related homicides make up 13.4% of all homicides so people will ignore the burglary and assault stats.  
Also note, he doesn’t give any stats on gangs-related homicides in Europe.
10:09 Vox: compares number of deaths from 2000-2013 caused by AIDS, ODs, Iraq and Afghanistan wars, terrorism, and guns. AIDs the the second leading cause of death in that graph. Guns was the highest. Crowder: “Why did she bring up AIDS? AIDS is not a serious problem for most Americans unless they’re involved in specific activities” *shows stats on how people get HIV*  Aids killed over 150,000. Guns was near 400,000. He is intentionally trying to manipulate his audience into ignoring that guns kill a significant amount of people compared to other issues we consider important. Then he switches the topic to how people get HIV, even though we already know, just to bring out prejudices against gays and drug users to dull our concern about the spread and prevention. That is also why he is trying to push the 80% drug-related gun homicides lie. He wants to encourage people not to care by bringing out their negative reactions to drug-users.
10:30 Crowder: “Why would you add drugs to that list even though 80% of gun homicides are drug related?” Because ODing on illegal drugs is a justifiable issue to be concerned about and has a significantly high number.
He is pushing that lie that 80% gun homicides are related to drugs when in truth he’s only talking about Baltimore. Considering that Gun homicides in 2007 was 10,129 (https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2011/crime-in-the-u.s.-2011/tables/expanded-homicide-data-table-8), while the total homicides ranges between 14,831 and 14,916 based on the source. So it’s obvious drug related gun homicides do not make up 80% of all gun homicides since 578 is 3.9% of 14,831 and that is only 5.71% (578/10,129) of gun-homicides.
Crowder is lying and you should find another person that respects the truth and their audience.
10:38 Crowder: “How are war casualties not gun related?” Crowder wants the audience to not see the difference between our troops dying to fight extremists and civilian homicides.
10:50: Crowder: “I’m also imagining that this would be skewed considering San Bernardino would be included in gun deaths and not in terrorism.” San bernardino happened in 2015 while the graph for 2000-2013. Even if it was included in either or both categories the numbers would make any significant difference. He just wants to complain about little things because he has nothing better to say.
11:07: Crowder notes that the bar on gun deaths is including accidents, homicides and suicides in an attempt to counter the narrator who said “IT SHOULD BE CLEAR BY NOW, that this level of gun violence is a uniquely American problem among the developed world…“ She didn’t imply the bar was only homicides, but assuming the audience is smart enough to make the distinction between gun deaths and gun homicides and keep up with the other graphs.
11:10: Crowder: “That’s important because when compared to homicide rates world wide, the US ranks number 28….” *briefly passes over a list that does not show where the US ranks it just shows a list of stats relating to gun homicide* Others state we rank at 90 with the highest homicides. The countries above are not all developed so her statement is not misleading in any way.
“This is a pivotal sleight of hand here because this includes total firearm deaths right before she pivots.” Again, she did not imply that bar was only gun homicides.
11:14 Crowder tries to confuse his audiences’ train of thought by lying that the next graph Vox shows is going to lead people to conclude that legal gun ownership is the reason why gun homicide are so high, but the graph is adding addition information to add to the fact that people inbox the US have less restrictions to own guns. Crowder emphasizes on LEGAL GUN OWNERSHIP so people don’t consider that these other countries also offer legal gun ownership but with more regulations than the US.
11:50: He brings up the 28th rank again but still is ignoring that countries suffering with homicide rates are still less developed while Vox wanted to keep the standard on developed nations because the US has more in common with them.
12:07 Crowder: “It also ironically unravels her own point, if gun ownership is so drastically higher in the US but we’re only 28th rank an overall gun homicide rate that means proportionally legal gun owners in the US are committing less crimes.“ He is ignoring her point that gun access is easier to obtain which allows people to stockpile weapons with ease.
12:40: Crowder rather focus on the chart pointing out that the US is the only developed country to grant citizens the right to bear arms. He says this is a negative things, but when you look at how other countries force their citizen to earn the privilege it is obvious that simply having a right does not make a country safer.
12:47: Crowder: “which is tipping their hand because that’s ultimately their end goal and they’ll tell you your crazy if you say leftist just want to take your guns away.” He’s not crazy he’s an intelligent fear monger and a liar.  He doesn’t want to show his audience the polls where people say they want background checks, adding people with mental illnesses to the gun background check system, raising the age, banning bump stocks, basing high capacity ammo mags, banning assault-styled weapons. https://www.npr.org/2018/03/02/589849342/npr-poll-after-parkland-number-of-americans-who-want-gun-restrictions-grows
No one talks about having the government invade homes and confiscate weapons. It’s not something anyone talks about. And you can ask any person and they’ll all agree it would be ridiculous to have guns confiscated or end all sales of firearms. We accept guns are necessary since other people have them, we just want to end the escalation of guns’ lethal capacity.
12:53 Crowder: “Brief history lesson the US has 2A because of a very different history than other countries… the US decide to fight for freedom and keep that freedom and hang on that right to ensure we were never taken over by a tyrant like Hitler” *points out that those other countries were taken over by Hitler including Germany* Germany was stripped of their guns after WW1 but they voted him in and assassinating him wouldn’t have ended the Nazi movement. He doesn’t go into depth on which countries had what regulations in place during WW2 , which is a shame. But still those regulations did not deny citizens the ability to own guns.
13:13 He is still pushing that lie that 80% of gun homicides are drug-related. Then he goes on with saying that most gun crime happens in populated areas, urban cities and then adds that bureaus say it’s nearly impossible to compare crimes across different countries. His point about comparison has no place to be added with population density because the problem is that different countries have different definition to define crimes. Also his point does not relate to the Vox’s graph.
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13:53: “You can’t trust someone who can’t spell Obama’s name right.”
You can’t trust someone who intentionally lies over and over.
13:55: Describes Obama making valid points about getting background checks as “demagoguery” is like complaining about people getting a licenses before driving. We shouldn’t let dangerous people buy guns legally.
14:03 “Hence the background checks. Oh wait that’s a bad thing now.” Vox never described the background checks as bad or causing problems. Crowder only wants to confuse his audience on the position Vox is taking.
14:15 Crowder points out that gun homicides have gone down by 39% then adds “this steep scary graph is designed to plant the idea in your head that more legal gun owners equals more gun crime.” He only pointed out homicide but gun crime is more than homicide and he doesn’t look at large US cities, he’s looking at the general population in the US. Other studies, but not all, have seen a positive correlation between gun prevalence and homicide rates. https://www.rand.org/research/gun-policy/analysis/supplementary/firearm-prevalence-violent-crime.html
14:40 Crowder: “this unravels her argument because regardless of background checks the amount of gun crime committed by legal firearm owners is either the same or very likely lower than before rendering this graph irrelevant.”
He does not state the amount of gun crime committed by legal gun owners. But if you look at Pittsburgh (https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2016/07/27/new-evidence-confirms-what-gun-rights-advocates-have-been-saying-for-a-long-time-about-crime/?utm_term=.4c1da631629a) the Fabio study says that 79% of perpetrators carried a firearm owned by someone else, while 18% legally owned the gun themselves. The study showed that 30% of guns that were at a crime scene were stolen and of that 40% of those guns weren’t reported by the owners as stolen. 62% of the gun owners did not know where the gun was lost. One reason for gun owners not noticing that they lost their gun is that they have too many guns to notice when one goes missing. So what many legal gun owners are doing is being negligent with their weapons or selling them on the black market. Thus legal owners are breaking laws or being reckless with their guns and that should be a felony because they are enabling gun crime. It doesn’t matter if legal gun owners are not committing nearly as much gun-crimes as illegal gun owners because they still are part of the problem that causes gun crime by not taking responsibility to ensure their guns do not get stolen and reporting the theft when it happens.
14:50 Vox: *shows graph of gun death rate on a point chart. The US has the most guns and the highest death rate* Crowder: “See the slight-of-hand? We were just talking about homicide, and gun purchases, now we’re back to gun deaths, not homicide or violent crime because those would include suicides or violent intruders or criminals being killed by law abiding gun owning homeowners.”
He’s not making a coherent statement but he’s trying to say that Vox is flip flopping between death rate and crime rate, which can be confusing, but to people familiar with the subject can make the distinction. He’s ignoring that the countries on the point chart are the same countries listed in the suicide, assault, and burglary stats: Netherlands, Denmark, New Zealand, Australia, Switzerland, Germany, Ireland, Canada, and Norway.
Despite the Netherlands, Denmark, New Zealand, Australia, and Switzerland having higher burglary rates, than the US, while Germany, Netherlands, Australia, Ireland, and New Zealand having higher assault rates, it’s obvious Crowder is doing the sleight-of-hand by trying to make his viewers forget that the crime rate is higher in these countries despite having lower gun deaths. He also wants his audience to ignore that suicides with guns is probably why the US has a higher number of suicides than other countries listed.
15:45 Vox: *Points out suicide rate in the US by states and gun homicide while pointing out Idaho have lots of guns but lower homicide rates. Then backs up the graph with a separate study that takes poverty, unemployment, and crime into consideration when showing that gun homicides positively correlated to gun prevalence.*  Crowder: “Actually no, those outliers can be explained because there’s a strong correlation between gun deaths and big populated cities and gang violence.”
He didn’t point out any outliers, granted the point chart does not specify which state each point belongs to. New Orleans is what he was referring too, but that still doesn’t change the fact that the correlation is clearly there. Nor does it explain away why Mississippi is so high while Massachusetts is so low.
And him simply dismissing the study did a control on poverty, unemployment, and crime is not a valid argument. Every time he points out sleight of hand he is the one making it by dismissing Vox’s point while not using any substantial evidence to back up his dismissal.
15:52 Crowder: “… and IF this particular study doesn’t include big cities, but poverty, it renders it irrelevant…” Crowder admits he did not read this study and does not know if it includes cities or not. Even if it did not do a control for city size it does not matter because the study did a control for crime which he based as a urban city problem.
15:55 Crowder: “…because poverty is the biggest indicator for violent crime far more so than mere gun ownership.” He is trying to make his audience forget that Vox just stated that the study did a control for poverty.
16:09 Vox: “the correlation between gun ownership and gun suicide is strong. It makes sense.” *shows point graph of suicide rates for each state that shows a positive correlation between suicide and % of household gun ownership.* Crowder: “no it doesn’t, none of it does, look behind you there’s what made sense.” He rather make a contrarian statement than explain why it doesn’t make sense. So he’s using the sleight of hand to confuse viewers.
16:24: Vox: “depression with a gun is more dangerous than depression without one.” Crowder: “this again? This brings us back to the fact that the US does not have an abnormally high suicide rate….” Just because the US has a similar suicide rate to the listed countries does not change the fact that guns are used in most suicide attempts in the US more than other countries.
16:26” Crowder: “…so now she wants to blame the conjoining of guns and depression but earlier she admitted that middle-aged white men make up an abnormally high percentage of the suicide rate even though women are more likely to suffer from depression….” *briefly flashes a headline*
Crowder doesn’t want people to understand that men and women handle depression differently and use different methods to kill themselves and men are more effective at killing themselves because they use guns more often than women. Women are 73% less likely to use firearms compared to men. Methods are correlated with different situations. Overdosing is more common with long term depression while firearms are more common with reactions to acute mental health crises.   (https://www.verywellmind.com/gender-differences-in-suicide-methods-1067508)
The fact that she is pointing out that guns and depression are a more lethal combination does not disprove that there is a correlation between gun ownership and suicide rates since, as previously noted, guns are a more lethal method.
16:35 Crowder: “so again the mind trickery, we’ve gone from blaming the gun to now blame depression and the gun which counteracts her previous statement on suicides to begin with”
Technically no, she originally said temporary crises was where suicide stemmed from and here she is reiterating that guns and mental health are still a lethal combination.
17:07 Crowder: ”So here’s the big takeaway this video has equally represented mass shootings, suicide, and gang violence as though they proportionally contribute to the gun related problem despite the fact 80% of gun homicides in the United States are drug related…” He will not stop pushing that lie. The percentage is 5.71%
17:21 “…despite the fact that the biggest indicators of gun crime are big populated areas and poverty…” Dragging up cities and poverty does not change the fact that America still has a gun problem, nor does he bother to provide stats on showing a correlation between poverty or population to the rate of gun homicides. He just states it, expecting his viewers to take his word for it, while ignoring that other countries that Vox compared America too also have poverty and dense populations.
17:25 Crowder: “Despite the fact that the United States is not even in the top 25 in firearm related deaths.” Comparing the US to other countries less like itself is not a way to counter the success of gun control in countries more like the US.
17:30: Crowder: “Despite the fact the US does not have an abnormally high suicide rate.” He is ignoring that guns prevalence and suicide correlate strongly among the states and since guns are used more in crises than depression, less guns would likely decrease the suicide rate.
17:36 Crowder: “Despite the fact that was increased legal gun ownership, gun crime has actually steadily declined.” He is ignoring that mass shootings are increasing and despite standards being different the increase is still apparent among all studies. Just because gun crime is decreasing does not mean crime will not go up in the future.
17:41 Crowder: “Despite the fact that Vox had a beautiful canvas to work with at the outset by using the relative umbrella term “mass shooting” which was completely undefined and even included acts of terrorism like San Bernardino.” He is assuming the authors of the first report he is referring to did not use the same criteria for the US and other countries. He is also assuming where San Bernardino was placed and ignoring that the graph did not include incidences in 2015.
17:54 “It’s one thing to get your information wrong, it’s another to deliberately mislead people because the facts don’t stack up with your narrative. When you look at the actual statistics and data that WE’VE presented here…”
What he presented were a few quick glimpses of articles, headlines, lists, and maps. Nothing substantial that refutes Vox’s stats. He intentionally lied about one article supporting 80% drug-related claim.
He is only saying this because he is applying Goebbels, a Nazi propaganda minister, advice by accusing the opposition of what he is guilty of, since he keeps telling people that 80% of all of the US’s gun-homicides are drug-related while only flashing an article stating that Chicago and Baltimore gun homicides are gang and drug related, relatively.  
The fact he touted the 80% lie 4 times while accusing the Vox video of deliberately misleading multiple times shows he knows what he is doing.
He is a slimy pos sealed in a veneer of civility.
18:08: Crowder: “there are some solution where we could find common ground…”
If he is willing to tout a lie four times, he is not interested in common ground. Especially when he shows a headline of one proposal: Meet “Project Exile”: the proven, effective anti-gun crime proposal that LIBERALS HATE. He is not interested in liberals agreeing with him, he wants to “own” them. Project Exile has not received much attention from liberals so his title is to influence his viewers to think liberals do not believe in harsher penalties to stop gun crimes.
Maxim Walters, Bobby Scott, some black leaders, Larry Pratt of Gun Owners of America, Angel Shamya of Keepandbeararms.com, former NRA director Russ Howard, Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership, Law Enforcement Alliance of America, and Libertarian Party president candidate Harry Browne oppose the projects but that isn’t simply just liberals.
By the looks of Project Exile, the stats show a significant decrease in homicides and robberies when controlling for other variables. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Exile) But that still doesn’t prevent criminals from getting guns illegally and that should be addressed even if Project Exile is implemented across the country because gun homicides still happens and theft of weapons will still occur.
18:30 Crowder: “Let’s assume for a second that you believe everything Vox presented here to be true that the US had a staggeringly high suicide rate…” The stats don’t lie, and it was never implied that the US had a higher suicide rate than others. It was pointing out the US has a higher number of suicides by guns compared to other countries.
18:35: Crowder: “… abnormally high homicide rate.” It is abnormal to other developed countries that are the most similar to the US by being developed. Pointing out other countries with higher homicide rates that are undeveloped is not a fair comparison because of socioeconomic issues.
18:37: Crowder: “That there was a correlation between legal gun owners and gun violence.”                          The stats don’t lie there is a correlation in the US and since there’s more guns people are more likely to loss them or sell them on the black market.
18:43: Crowder: “How do you fix that problem? That’s important, they’ve already shown you. It wouldn’t be some kind of an arbitrary assault weapons ban which really these weapons don’t comprise of most of this gun violence anyway. It wouldn’t be some kind of limitation on magazine capacities. It would have to be of course an all-out gun ban. Declaring that you legally do not have the right to self-preservation which is in fact what several Supreme Court justices argued before the High Court. That none of you have the right to own firearms period for any reason unless your jurisdiction deems it so, but don’t worry, you’re just crazy…”
He isn’t crazy, he is intentionally lying about liberals’ intents and ignoring polls. He’s probably being paid by the NRA to spout the 80% lie and “liberals want to take your guns” rhetoric.
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