#Varric x Lavellan
urrone · 1 year
fic: beyond heroes
back on my lavellan/varric bullshit
 None of this shit makes any sense to me. Is this the end of the world? Did Andraste send you through the breach? I have no idea.
Fallwyn slicks poison along her blades and moves to what she hopes is Corypheus’s blindside to jab her very pointy daggers into his back. The techniques that Heir taught her in a sunny courtyard months ago all slip from her grasp as her reserves run completely dry, nothing left but anger and a grim determination.
It’s been hours of hacking their way up the ruins. Rocks floating in the sky like they’re already in the veil, the sickly green shining all around them. They’d conquered the Maker-cursed lyrium dragon from Adamant, though Bull had almost lost a horn and Varric had taken at least one direct hit of his lyrium breath.
She hates that she brought Varric, that she hadn’t even had to ask, really. He was already grabbing his crossbow when she skidded into the main hall from the war room. She couldn't have left him behind if she'd tried. She hates that this quest might kill him, might kill any of them, but especially him. But if this is her end, she wants him by her side.
read on ao3
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medu-inthefade · 11 months
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If I don't see all of them in the next game, I'm quitting.. (just kidding but please?)
Also? Long hair club, yay!
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iridescentmemoria · 8 months
A ( Dragon age ) tik tok edit i made, featuring Brenna, my inquisitor. Kudos to the maker of the original tik tok compilation.
Dorian the SlayBabe 💅🏼
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wolfvow · 11 months
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oh viscount
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lgvalenzuela · 11 months
I interrupt your very important scroll for a very necessary publicity stunt
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mogwaei · 1 year
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[Codex: The Liar’s Table]
“What do you suppose he’s saying now?“
“I dunno, last night it was somethin’ about ‘his days as an Antivan pirate’. I thought that was debunked with the ‘secret Nevarran Thief Prince’ though.”
“Thief Prince? You’re too gullible. Or you’ve had one drink too many.”
“You sort of have to admire it though, aye? In a way. Alas, we might want to leave early - I think he an’ the dwarf are talking about...shoving things into the rift in his hand?”
“Maker, has he not had enough of explosions?”
Inquisitor Yin Lavellan telling increasingly tall tales with his (earliest) closest friends - Solas, Varric, and Maordrid! This could be any part of the timeline :’3 (from the fic Dragon Age: Ouroboros)
Inspired wholly by one of my favourite DAI concept arts done by Matt Rhodes who inspires me in so many ways with his incredibly storytelling ability through art. The original is below for comparison!
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haverdoodles · 2 years
Some sketches :)
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Varric & Hawke ☀️🍂
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Sebastian Vael 💫
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Ellana Lavellan ⚔️
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lavellanhell · 4 months
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Cassandra pulled me towards the Temple of Sacred Ashes and along the way we encountered a huge number of demons. I'm a mage, so I've dealt with a few demons in my life, but this is on a whole other level. And just when I thought we couldn't handle a bigger onslaught, a pale, handsome elf took my hand - and pointed that hand directly into the rift.
Turns out I really can close rifts. Although I have no idea how that is possible. And obviously no one knew it, not even the unknown dwarf behind us.
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Divinely Unlucky (Iron Bull x Levellan reader)
Summary: your lover died in the conclave. Iron bull has just come forward saying that he wishes to form a relationship with you. Yours terrified
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You stared at Iron Bull from your desk, shocked at the words that flew from his mouth. "Bull, what?" You asked. "I... I don't know I just.. I can't get you out of my head. You're always in there. Just... I feel something for you Y/n, something strong." He admitted.
You could hear Viktor's voice. "I love you."
"No." You breathed, putting down your papers. "Bull I-I can't. I can't I'm sorry." You said. You seemed weirdly freaked out. "I can't." You repeated. You left him alone, him standing there. Under normal circumstances, he'd be crushed. But there was something about your reaction that seemed... off. It wasn't like you were rejecting him. It was like you were saying that, to yourself.
Iron Bull went to a source he knew would help him. Your best friend in the Inquisition who seemed to know the details of your life. "Dorian, can I talk to you?" He asked. Dorian looked over his shoulder. "No, I don't want to- what was it Y/n said: 'Ride the bull'." Dorian stated before going back to his book. "No, not that. It's about Y/n though." He sighed. Dorian put down his book. "What about her?" Dorian asked. "I really like Y/n. And I told her this. I'm not exactly a man who likes to beat around the bush here- but Y/n had a really strange reaction. She seemed... terrified." He explained. Dorian nodded knowingly. "She could be grieving Viktor still." Dorian said. "Who?" Bull asked.
"Viktor." Varric said, walking over. "He was the man that went with her to the conclave. Her lover." Varric said. Iron bull blinked. "She lost someone?" He asked. "Ever since Adamant... she's blamed herself for it all. She's been having god awful nightmares. Half of the time, she sleeps in my room because she needs to feel something real when it happens." Dorian explained.
Iron Bull was aware that you had nightmares. He used to share a tent with you when you were back in Haven. You wouldn't be too loud, you'd simply wake up and stay that way. Iron bull discovered though that when he touched you in that state, you'd calm down. You'd sleep again.
"What did she say anyway?" Dorian asked. "She said no. That she couldn't." Iron Bull said. Dorian frowned. "She what?" "Didn't you hear him Sparkler, she rejected him." Varric said. "Y/n is crazy about- Give me a moment." Dorian sighed getting up.
You had gone out alone, sitting in the Dales by a river. Dorian knew you had a tendency to do that when you needed to think. You heard someone sit next to you as you pulled your legs to your face. "Iron Bull said that he confessed his feelings to you." Dorian said, looking at the water. You didn't say anything. "He also said that you rejected him." Dorian added. You didn't say anything, putting your head against your knees.
"Y/n, darling. Talk to me." He said. "I break everything I touch." You whispered. Dorian looked at you confused. "What?" Dorian asked. "I kill everything around me, I'm like a fucking wildfire that's out of control! I caused a massacre, I got Hawke killed, Viktor is dead because of me!" You cried, tears slipping down your cheeks. "What happened at the Conclave is not your fault Y/n!" Dorian said. "You saw the vision! If I hadn't gotten involved-" "Then Coreypheous would've won." Dorian halted. "You did not cause that explosion." Dorian insisted. "But we saw-" "Y/n, Viktor would not want you to dwell on this! You didn't do anything wrong- fuck I'd argue you actually did the right thing by trying to save the divine!" Dorian said. You closed your eyes.
"Hawke wouldn't want you to feel like this either." Dorian added. You looked at Dorian. "I might not have known him. But I could tell how fucking stubborn that man was from the beginning. There was no changing his mind. It was him or Stroud." Dorian said. You let out a shaking breath. "Varric hates me." You muttered.
"He does not hate you. If he did, he wouldn't be behind us at the camp." Dorian said. You looked behind you seeing Varric and Bull sitting at a campfire. "Y/n, you are a blessing in all of our lives. You said you were like a fire. You are but you're not out of control. You burn so fucking bright it's almost inspiring in its own way." Dorian said. You looked at him. "It's time to move on. It's okay." Dorian assured. "What if he gets hurt?" You asked quietly. "Then it won't be because of you. Damn oaf is rather clumsy. Watched him get stuck in a doorway yesterday." Dorian said making you let out a small laugh. Dorian wrapped his arm around you and you laid your head on his shoulder.
"You realize you spent the past five minutes complimenting someone other than yourself." You said. "Oh yes because I'm worthy of Sainthood." He insisted making you laugh.
When you finally moved from your spot, you approached Iron Bull. "Can I talk to you?" You asked. Iron bull nodded, getting up. "Back in Skyhold-" "It's okay, I'm fine-" "I didn't mean it. Bull I... I care for you too." You admitted. He felt relieved. "But it's hard for me right now. I just uhm... I don't know how to do this. I used to but it seems I've got a lot to learn." You admitted. "If it helps, I don't know a damn thing about relationships outside of sex. So..." he said. You chuckled. "I'd say you actually have things figured out." You admitted. "How so?" Iron bull asked.
"You said you knew what you were doing because you simply give your partner what they need. It seems I need to learn that." You said. "I don't need anything." He halted. "Well-" "Outside of your support, I don't need you to do anything Y/n." He assured. You smiled at him. "Bull." You breathed. "I love you." You said.
He didn't kiss you. Instead he hugged you, simply holding you for a while. "I love you too, Kadan." He said softly. You pulled away, looking at him confused. "'Kadan'? What's that?" You asked. "My heart." He said softly. You could've melted on the spot with how sweet he was. "And for the record, I agree with Dorian. You don't break anything. You fix it." He said. You let out a small chuckle. "I'll believe that when I see it." You muttered.
He rose a brow, lifting you up. "What the- Bull what are you doing?" You asked. "Look at the plains. What do you see?" He asked. "Nothing- Maybe a few Halla, seriously Bull what are you-" "exactly" he said, setting you down. You looked at him confused. "When we got here, you couldn't take a single step without something trying to kill you. But now, you can see nothing. You can explore because you fixed it. Like I said. You fix things. Not break them." He said.
You looked back at the Plains, a breeze brushing your face. He was right. You had fixed it. "Can I... Have a moment before we go back?" You asked. He nodded, kissing your head before walking back to the camp.
You exhaled. "I never do this so... okay." You muttered. "I miss you Vik. More than anything, sometimes it's unbearable. I'm finding that it's easier to live now without you here and that scares the fuck out of me... but I know you and I know your philosophical ass. I know you wouldn't want me to hold on like this.... so I guess the reason I'm talking to air right now is... because I'm letting you know that I'm moving on." You spoke. Another breeze caressed your face and you closed your eyes. "I'll always keep you with me. I just can't keep driving myself crazy with what might've been." You muttered.
You felt at peace all of a sudden. You were met with the odd sensation that let you know that you'd be okay. You were going to be okay.
You opened your eyes turning back to the camp to see the three friends waiting. "I love those idiots. All of them." You muttered before walking with them.
You felt someone looking at you though for a moment and you turned. For a brief moment, only a second... you swore you saw Viktor one last time.
Iron Bull put a hand on your shoulder and you looked up. "What do you wanna do boss?" He asked. You looked back at the spot, nothing being there. You looked back at your group.
"Let's go home"
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imdoingaokay · 2 years
if you’re doing dragon age requests: dai companions reacting to an inquiz asking if they need a hug. bonus points if it’s because they (inquisitor) noticed the companion was looking sad or tired, or because they’ve just been through something difficult (say, after one of their personal quests). thank you :)
Oh my dear anon.
I been waiting for this one.
I have spent literal nights working on this bad boy and lemme tell you if you don't like it illliterallystartcryingohmygod
Anyways, here you go babe <3
Blackwall/Thom Rainer: It was strange, honestly. Being Thom Rainer again. It felt almost wrong. He was thankful for the Inquisitor, their kindness. They could’ve left him, let him pay. But they didn’t. Somehow, they even forgave him.
It made him feel, free, in a way. Not just physically, with all the chains being taken off. But there was a metaphorical weight taken off his shoulders. Just now, he felt guilty for his lies. 
“Blackw- I mean, Rainer.” A familiar voice called for him, pulling him away from the wood he worked on.
“Ah, Inquisitor-”
“Please, call me by my name.”
Rainer paused, before letting the name of the Inquisitor fall from his lips. 
“Thank you, I like my name, I’d like to keep it.” The Inquisitor smiled, and Rainer smiled back.
“It suits you.” Rainer chuckled.
“I could say the same to you, Rainer.” The Inquisitor responded, catching him off guard.
Before Rainer could respond, the Inquisitor spoke quietly, “I’ve forgiven you, you know.” 
And soon enough, Rainer was wrapped in a tight hug. And while he still felt as though he wasn’t worthy of such care and affection, he was going to make himself worthy.
But for now, he’ll be fine with the hug, wrapping his own arms around the Inquisitor.
Cassandra: It started when Cassandra snapped at the Inquisitor. She wouldn’t admit it, but she was still upset. Upset about the betrayal of her superior, upset about the death of her comrades. And she had taken it out on the Inquisitor.
She was thankful for the quiet camp that followed, and how spaced out the tents were. She didn’t know if she could face the Inquisitor just yet.
“I hope you know I’m not upset with you.” It didn’t matter if she could or couldn’t.
“Wh-Oh. I do apolog-”
“Cassandra, it’s okay. You’ve been through a lot in the past few weeks.” The Inquisitor comforted her, placing a hand on Cassandra’s back.
“I-” She had hesitated, wondering if she should pull away or stay. In her turmoil, the Inquisitor wrapped an arm around her shoulders. Cassandra turned to look at them before enveloping them in a hug.
“Thank you.” She said, and she meant it.
Cole: Cole was quiet, his thoughts had been more mixed up as of late. Sometimes he was quiet, sometimes he was loud. But he felt more at peace. It felt better to be out of limbo, but was he on the right side?
“Cole? I was looking for you, I wanted to check in.” The Inquisitor said as they climbed the tavern stairs.
“Oh, h-hello.” Cole responded, “I think I’m okay.” 
“Really? That’s good.”
“Grey, muddled, furrowing your brow… you don’t believe me.” Cole looked down, a little dejected.
“I guess it’s hard to believe you’d be doing okay after everything that had happened.” The Inquisitor frowned, “I just want you to know, I’m here. And I wanted to ask if you wanted a hug.”
Cole paused, lifting his gaze to the Inquisitor. He opened his arms and they did the same.
“Warm, protected, so small, still young? I deserved more. I must be protected.” He said, reading the mind of his Inquisitor.
“Hey… just enjoy the hug, alright?” The Inquisitor replied.
Cullen Rutherford: Scribbling down more missives, Cullen’s head throbbed. Lyrium or no lyrium, life was not easy for the former templar. He was so entrenched in the paperwork, he didn’t notice the door slowly open.
“Cullen?” The Inquisitor asked, curious about their friend.
“Ah, Inquisitor, I apologize. I was… busy.” Cullen looked up, sighing at the heap of papers littering his desk.
“I could always get a soldier or two to help you.” The Inquisitor suggested.
“Maker, no. They never do it right, and their handwriting is awful.” Cullen sighed, his fingers pinching the bridge of his nose, “Regardless, is there something I can do for you?” 
“I just wanted to check in on you, after everything.” The Inquisitor asked, “I know we talked but…” 
“Me? I am fine, doing much better.” Cullen smiled at the Inquisitor’s concern, he stood up to meet the Inquisitor infront of his desk.
“Good, I need my commander in tip-top shape.” The Inquisitor playfully punched Cullen’s shoulder.
“I’ll try…” Cullen laughed gently, gazing at the paperwork he still had to do.
“Why don’t I help? I’ve done this before.” The Inquisitor smiled, Cullen hesitated, wanting to say no, that the Inquisitor deserved rest, but the offer of help was too tempting.
Luckily, he did say yes. And no less than an hour later, the pair was done with the remaining papers.
“Do you mind doing all my paperwork from now on?” Cullen asked, the Inquisitor standing up and stretching. 
“Not really, but I think you’ll mind more.” The Inquisitor joked, “But… I wanted to tell you… you work so much, I want you to know… how much I appreciate it.” The Inquisitor spoke gently.
“Oh, you don’t need to-”
“No, I need to. You deserve that much.” The Inquisitor spoke, and wrapped their arms around Cullen.
Cullen felt strange, a good type of strange. Being a templar meant… not many hugs. The last one he had gotten… was it from his family? He hadn’t seen them in ages… perhaps…
“Cullen. Stop overthinking this.” The Inquisitor ordered, and the commander quickly wrapped his arms around them.
He liked this.
Dorian Pavus: He was reading some cheesy Orlesian drama, and he heard footsteps climbing up the stairs, he had expected it to be one of the many messengers of the Inquisition, and was surprised when he saw the Inquisitor instead.
“I… I wanted to check up on you.” They said.
“What is there to check up on? I’m alive, aren’t I? Downed a few bottles of wine, but hey, don’t we all?” Dorian retorted.
“Dorian, I know you aren’t okay. I just wanted to make sure if there was anything I could do. You’re my friend. Probably one of my closest friends.” The Inquisitor responded.
“You? Friends with some devious little boy from the Imperium? My, what would Mother Giselle say?” Dorian deflected, but he was still touched by their declaration.
“Dorian.” The Inquisitor spoke sternly, causing Dorian to look up. 
“I… Thank you… I… I appreciate your friendship.” Dorian spoke, turning towards the Inquisitor.
The two looked at each other for a moment before The Inquisitor opened their arms, and wordlessly, Dorian entered the warm embrace of his friend.
Iron Bull: The tavern was full, but it still felt lonely.
He cursed himself for looking to the Inquisitor for judgment, he should’ve decided. The chargers were his men, but so was the Qunari. Had he failed them?
Iron Bull could hear approaching steps and distinctly recognized them as the Inquisitor.
“Hey, Boss.” He smiled, only to see a sad smile on the Inquisitor’s face. 
“I wanted to talk with you.” They said, and Iron Bull followed them out of the tavern.
The two rested on the Battlements, luckily, there weren’t any soldiers around to disturb the two.
“I wanted to let you know I’m here.” The Inquisitor said, “You lost someone today, lost… a part of yourself.” The Inquisitor spoke.
“Oh, you don’t need to worry about that, Boss. I’m fine.” Iron Bull smiled. But the Inquisitor saw right through that.
“Still, I’m sorry. I wanted to offer you…” The Inquisitor opened their arms, holding them out.
Iron Bull was confused for a moment, before hesitantly wrapping his arms around the Inquisitor. It was a gentle hug, one Iron Bull wasn’t entirely used to, but he felt some sort of relief when he relaxed into it.
The Qunari would eventually wage war on Ferelden and Orlais, and Iron Bull felt a sad pity in his heart for his oblivious Inquisitor.
But, he didn’t need to think of that. Not at the moment.
Josephine Montilyet: Another letter from Yvette, detailing how the family had been getting on without her. Josephine had been successful for the most part, with the assassins now off her back, she was happily able to begin rebuilding her family’s trading empire.
“You look pleased.” Josephine heard the door to her office be opened.
“Oh, yes! I cannot thank you enough for your help with the House of Repose, it is a relief knowing I won’t need to worry about assassins anymore. Of course, rebuilding the Montilyet name will be difficult, but not impossible.” She got up from her chair, smoothing her skirt before moving away from the desk. 
“I don’t think I properly thanked you, all I did was ramble about my time as a bard.” She sighed, “It must’ve sounded, odd to you.”
“Quite the opposite, Josephine, and I wanted to apologize to you if I gave you that impression.” The Inquisitor said, their hands moving to Josephine’s shoulders, “You know I care for you right? When you talk about things, it makes me happy.”
Josephine didn’t know what to say, she found herself wrapping her arms around the Inquisitor as a response. Josephine was someone who rarely found a person who wanted to hear her talk. Who wanted to hear her ramble.
The Inquisitor was that person… she liked it.
Leliana: A quiet prayer to the altar in front of her, she almost didn’t hear the Inquisitor behind her. Luckily, she’s a spymaster for a reason, so she turned to face the Inquisitor right before they have begun to speak.
“Are you okay?” They said, leaning over to get a view of the altar.
“I’m fine, you don’t need to concern yourself with my state,” Leliana responded, standing up and walking over to the railing, watching the birds flap their wings.
“You’re my advisor, I have to worry about you.” The Inquisitor crossed their arms, looking up at the birds themselves.
Leliana paused, turned to The Inquisitor, and smiled, “I suppose I’m happy that it was you who became our inquisitor. You’ve done an excellent job.” She spoke.
“I feel like you need to hear that too.” The Inquisitor said, earning a silent Leliana. Leliana turned to The Inquisitor, hesitant to continue speaking, when was the last time she had been this vulnerable? The two stared at one another before the Inquisitor opened their arms, and the two silent began to hug. The pair said nothing, the two remaining silent while they hugged, but strangely, more was communicated than they expected. Words of praise, appreciation, sorrow, and just a little bit of platonic affection.
Sera: She was working on her arrows, angrily wrapping the twine around the sharp point. A knock at her door caught her off guard. She didn’t respond, allowing her silence to be an invitation.
“Sorry for intruding.” Sera heard the Inquisitor say, closing the door behind them.
“You don’t need to be,” Sera grumbled.
“Well, I know you’re upset, I assume it’s about the-”
“Prissy pants noble arse? Yeah, I ‘ppose you could say I’m pissed.” She snapped, turning around to face her friend. Her angry look melted, and her eyes dropped from the Inquisitor’s face to the floor. 
It was silent for a while before the two spoke in unison.
“I’m sorry.” They said, only to look at each other before the two broke into a laugh.
“No, but seriously. I feel bad about how everything went…” The Inquisitor said.
“Sorry for snapping.” Sera sighed, she was surprised she was apologizing to Inky, as she had rarely apologized to anyone.
“Can I sit?” The Inquisitor asked, getting a nod in response.
“I didn’t mean for all that shite to happen, I thought sometin’ else.” Sera said, shrugging.
“It’s not your fault, you know?” The Inquisitor responded, wrapping an arm around Sera. Sera tensed up for a second, but when her friend began to pull away, worried they upset her, she pulled them back in. 
Hugging Inky was nice, she thought.
Solas: Solas mourned his friend quietly, like he did most things. He sighed as he sat in his oversized chair, watching the tea in front of him. He was angry at the world he woke up into, mad at the mages for hurting the spirits he cared for, and mad at himself for not stopping it sooner. He wondered if he should be mad at the Inquisitor too, he could’ve gotten there sooner had they hurried up-
A quick curse and he stood up, how could he blame someone else? Someone who had actively helped him? How could-
“Solas?” He heard, turning to the door that led from the great hall to his rotunda.
“Inquisitor.” Solas breathed, it was almost like the Inquisitor had read his mind.
“I apologize for intruding, I just… wanted to check on you, after everything that happened…” The Inquisitor spoke slowly, fiddling with their hands.
“Inquisitor, you don’t need to” Solas began, only to be cut off.
“Solas, I should’ve- I should’ve been faster. Maybe if we didn’t take that trail, if we didn’t get so distracted by the halla, your friend… they… they would’ve been.” 
Solas sighed if he felt bad before, but he felt worse now.
Walking over to The Inquisitor, he attempted to comfort them, but he found himself stopping short.
“I know this must be hard for you, losing a friend. I want you to know, I’m here for you.” They said, smiling at him. Solas was surprised, and before he knew it, he was wrapped up in a bear hug. 
“Thank you… my friend.” He responded.
Varric Tethras: Cleaning Bianca should be like therapy, but it felt like torture at the moment. He was angry, hurt, and betrayed, it felt like the world was crashing on his shoulders. He kept asking himself about Bianca, the “real” Bianca. Why did he keep going back to her? Why did she keep coming back to him? Why does Red Lyrium keep coming into his life? 
“Hey, Varric, you okay? You’ve been scrubbing that spot for an hour at least.” Varric heard a familiar voice behind him.
“Uh, yeah, I’m fine.” He said, quickly moving to another spot on Bianca.
“Normally, you’re a good liar.” He heard the Inquisitor laugh. Varric chuckled a little in response, turning to his friend.
“I guess I’m off today.” He shrugged.
“You’ve been off ever since-” The Inquisitor stopped themselves, “Varric, do you need a hug?” 
Varric paused, he had to think about it for a bit, but he found himself nodding. 
He wished in Inquisitor knew how strange they were, how they seemed untouchable but down-to-earth. They were a rare breed. 
But he stopped his thoughts, stilling the words in his mind for just a moment while he held and was held by his friend.
Vivienne: A response from Bastien’s son; “Thank you” was the most straightforward summary. There were flowery words, but Vivienne knew what Laurent had meant. 
“You look upset.” Vivienne heard behind her, and her gaze lifted from the paper to the balcony in front of her. She plastered a smile and waved her hand as if she were batting away whatever negativity hung around her.
“Oh of course not. I’m perfectly fine, darling.” She had begun, turning around to face the Inquisitor. But, the second she locked eyes with them, she faltered. 
“I’m sorry. I… I wish I could’ve done more for him.” The Inquisitor began.
“There’s no need to say such things,” Vivienne responded.
“Then… maybe I could just…” The Inquisitor sighed before taking a step closer to her, holding their arms out. Vivienne was taken aback, she couldn’t recall the last time she hugged or was hugged. She chalked it up to her pitying the Inquisitor for their soft heart. But as the Inquisitor wrapped their arms around her, Vivienne did the same. She melted into the embrace, having forgotten the feeling of safety.
She wouldn’t mind it happening again, but she would never ask for it again.
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bellamer · 1 year
Oretta: Alright big boy, time for a nap, you've been working your ass off on this red lyrium shit, my knight commander needs rest.
Cullen: But Inquisitor-
Oretta: We can do this the easy way or the hard way. You decide.
Cullen: I'm sorry but I have to get this done.
-Five minutes later-
Josephine: W...What is The Inquisitor doing to Cullen ?
Oretta, carrying Cullen over her shoulder like a sack of potatoes: I warned ya Cully-Boy, but you wanted to do it the hard way.
Cullen, blushing profusely: INQUISITOR, PUT ME DOWN THIS INSTANT !
Oretta: Nah, you wanted to do this the hard way, ima do it the hard way.
Oretta: First of all, that was only the option if you went the easy way, second of all, your mattress is way too hard and is probably fucking up your back, so I'm taking you to my room. We just have to walk across Skyhold in front of EVERYONE to get there.
Cassandra: My, I didn't know that the Inquisitor was so strong....
Iron Bull: Oh yeah, I work out with her sometimes. Boss says she can't solely rely on her magic to defend herself so she's been working out vigorously. It's scary how swole she's gotten so fast but I think her muscles are made out of mostly spite and the need to destroy Coryphyus.
Varric: Wow... look at her... she's actually climbing those tall ass stairs with Cullen over her shoulder...a dainty looking elf like her lugging around the knight commander like he's nothing and she's not even breaking a sweat.
Cole, appearing from nowhere: But it's okay. Cullen actually secretly likes being manhandled by her, so we shouldn't be alarmed.
Varric:.... I always knew he was freaky.
Iron Bull: Dorian owes me a drink.
-In the Inquisitors Quarters-
Cullen: That wasn't funny, Oretta ! Everyone saw ! I won't be able to show my face around Skyhold for weeks ! Do you know how hard that is since I'm knight commander ?!?
Oretta: I'm pretty sure that I heard you moan when I grabbed your waist tighter to make sure that you didn't fall when we went up the stairs, so was it really that bad for you ?
Oretta, opening her arms: Now let me hold you some more.
Cullen, crawling into her arms: Alright.... I really could use a nap...
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ayannaaki · 1 year
I don't normally make posts BUT:
Calling all Solavellan shippers, I HIGHLY recommend this fic.
If you like (kinda) dark Solas, but also (very) sad Solas, smut, getting lost in a massive fic, Lavellan having a connection with wolves and being a powerful mage, and getting very emotional over fictional characters, then this is the story for you!
Please check it out and leave encouraging comments for the author! 🥰
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yourgamerwife · 19 days
What would my favorite boys look like in the real world?
Varric, Cullen and Solas.
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anim3-g33k25 · 9 months
Dragon Age Masterlist
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I haven't seen anyone post anything about Dragon Age for a while, so here we are! I do the first game, second and third. If you are interested in requesting, please dm me or use the 'Ask Me Anything' button.
I accept requests for smut, angst, fluff, etc.
Forbidden | Cullen RutherFord x fem! reader
This story will have smut, angst, and fluff, along with all that good shit. This was on my Wattpad but it didn't get a lot of reads so I am going to be posting it here. I hope that you will enjoy it!
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
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mass-effect-galaxy · 11 months
Dragon Age Inquisition Cinematic 2: In Hushed Whispers
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The only way to close the breach seems to be to get help from the rebel mages. But how to do that in the middle of a war?
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nelkenbabe · 2 years
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losing a bet: 🤐🤢🤧😤😠
losing a bet to your 4ft7 crush: 👀🤭😁🫶🥰😌💯
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