#Vegas Grand Prix 2023
lestappenforever · 10 months
Maxsplaining and Leclerifying ft. Their Friend Steve (Carlos)
🎶 I can’t believe that it’s finally me and you, and you and me, just us, and your friend Steve.
Du-du-du-du-du-du-du Steve. 🎶
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formulalfc · 10 months
i can't stop thinking about lando coming back home after a race and he's just soooo tired and he doesn't want to speak or anything he just wants to cuddle with you. like as soon as he comes in your in his arms and he's just wrapping himself around you and refusing to let go. you're trying to ask him how his flight was and if he was hungry and he's just mumbling into your neck. when he finally unwraps himself from you its so he can pull you upstairs to your room, suitcase forgotten by the front door all he wants is to be with you after being away from you for so long. you guys get to your room and he's stripping down to his boxers and pulling you down onto the bed with him. your back is pressed against his front, his hands have crept up his shirt that you have on, stroking your stomach with one hand while the other is pushing you further back into him. and he's falling asleep so quickly cause he just feels so safe with you and you don't even mind despite not being tired at all cause you're just so happy he's home so you're just enjoying his snuggles.
inbox is open send me some ramble requests <3
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red-prince · 10 months
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you can see they’re already married
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vanilasky · 10 months
I usually don't believe gossip but this makes so much sense and puts everything together
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makeagif · 11 months
OH MY GOD this is going to be so chaotic
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dreamauri · 10 months
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yukyuki · 10 months
A Drunk Inc(h)ident CL’16
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summary- Charles and Y/n broke up, maybe without reason and they both can’t seem to move on, they are just one cute and inseparable couple 🌷
warnings- language, angst, slightly suggestive (not really), cute, fluff ☁️ this is LONG but it’s worth it! not revised sorry!
a/n- it felt inspired for this after Charles said he went to Vegas to party and I just think this is so cute and funny ❤️ enjoy!
“Come on Y/n! It can’t be that bad! You can hang out with me in the Williams garage!” Lily insisted hugging your arm.
“I don’t know Lily…you know…um I don’t really want to bump into Charles…” you say as he came to your mind. You haven’t moved on from that break up and seeing him again might not do any good to you.
Yours and Charles relationship broke as you both became more successful and the internet got involved along with incidents in his life that made him take the decision of breaking up with you.
That night your heart shattered to pieces, you loved him and understood him and were willing to help him fight with whatever problem he was facing. Yet you never really understood his reason for breaking your 5 year relationship.
Present day you have focused on yourself after 1 year since the breakup you have been busy with your career it didn’t allow you to think back to him, or even cry about it anymore. You were a mess the first few weeks but after Lily and Kika helped to pick you up and become the women you are today.
“You don’t have a reason to bump into him Y/n…I won’t leave your side I promise…I’ll defend you if he gets close” Kika said laughing as you swung the extra pit pass in-front of me making me sigh with a smile.
“Ok…fine I guess it would be really lucky of me if I did bump into him” you said sarcastically as you girls giggled and headed to the hotel so they could meet with their boyfriends, you went with Lily and Alex.
• • • •
Making it in the Williams garage with Lily, you sat at the back scrolling through your phone. The news was quickly spread.
Breaking News: “Y/n L/n arriving at the Las Vegas Grand Prix”
Some comments were negative which brought back memories and reasons for the split with Charles. Not letting it bother you, you slowly smiled at the cute and nice comments from those fans that loved you and Charles as a couple wishing you two would comeback.
After a few comments you look up seeing Lily arrive.
“Let me just tell you I do not enjoy third wheeling” you say playfully to Lily making her laugh.
“Oh don’t worry there’s maybe another guy around here…we can find one” she said playfully winking as you rolled your eyes.
“I need to use the restroom…I’ll be right back” you whispered to her getting up walking to the back. Walking down to the bathrooms you looked around taking in the cool air of Las Vegas, your thoughts were gone when two little girls approached your. The number 16 adorned their Ferrari caps.
“Oh hello…” you say softly as the giggled and shy asked for a picture you thought they were so cute and accepted the picture with them. You smiled and suddenly…
“Y/n please get back together with Charles!” one of the girls said as the other one agreed. You just followed along and smiled nodding.
“um well…we’ll see what happens okay?” you say keeping up with the little girls fantasies but older fans started to crowd around you hearing what you had said.
“are you here to get him back Y/n?” one fan asked as you stayed silent soon it was a full mob of questions and pictures without consent and a few mean comments yelled at you. Suddenly someone grabbed your wrist and feeling scared you try to pull away but it was Charles. He quickly pulled you to him covering your face from all the flashing and breaking through the crowd of people helping you to an emptier area.
That was going on the news in a few minutes. Finally in a quieter place you rushed in your bag taking out your inhaler. Anxiety had been building up on you more and more this days but nothing you couldn’t manage. You look up meeting those two eyes again, those eyes that you loved staring into and getting lost in them.
“Um…I got to go…thank you for…helping me” you say wanting to leave as quickly as possible but he moved his arm blocking your way as he slowly opened his mouth.
“wait…um I was wondering—“
“Charles!” a mechanic yelled making both of yours heads turn.
“Your race is starting you should go get ready” you said making a run for it into the bathroom, going into a stall you take a deep breath and try to process what had just happened. You didn’t want to feel like this crazy teenage girl but your heart was beating like crazy. After calming yourself down and fixing some of your makeup you return to Lily.
“Hey girl…woah you look like you saw some things” she said laughing handing me my headset.
“I…I did…starts with C”
“ends with S”
“most definitely”
“Oh god”
Telling the whole story to Lily had her giggling and fangirling over you two.
“Oh my god Lily be quiet…the race is starting we”ll talk about it later” you said putting your headset on watching as the race began. Charles was starting from 2nd and the start of the race had you so nervous.
Through half of the race within you, you were hoping that Charles could get the win but the power of Max’s Red Bull was making it difficult. You bit your lower lip gently, close to the end you cover your mouth worried when he had lost control of the car and was close to losing it all. You watch him get back but he was down to 3rd.
On the last lap he soon got his 2nd place back and finally crossed the finish line you smiled happily and wanted to run into his arms like old times but you soon realized that wasn’t going to happen anymore. Turning your head you see Lily already looking at you,
“W-what?” you asked nervously
“Congratulations on your man’s podium” she said giggling as you shushed her and noticed the cars of the top three parking as the drivers got out and ran to their teams. Your eyes then caught Charles, he looked so happy and you were too.
• • • •
You had left Lily and Kika to go party and explore Vegas with their boyfriends while you took a walk by the Forum Shops, looking at the pretty bags and dresses you were distracted when your phone started ringing.
Why was he calling? I couldn’t really process what was going on or why would he be calling me at this time. As much as you tried to ignore the call your heart betrayed you and you swiped to accept the call.
“Hello?” you answered.
“Y/n? Thank god you answered we need you to come and grab Charles, he’s drunk and won’t stop talking about you…and no one can take him to his hotel at the moment…” You heard Carlos voice come from your phone as you widened your eyes.
“I…me? I…but why me? Call one of his—”
“Just this once Y/n…he could get in trouble for drinking too much” Carlos explained making you sighed.
“okay…where are you?” you asked starting to walk as he gave you the directions and hung up hurrying to that party.
After rushing through the casinos and finally arriving you saw Charles gambling as Carlos was next to him with Rebecca looking out for you.
When you got to him, you smiled at both of them and looked at Charles.
“Um…okay…is he staying in this hotel?” you asked grabbing his jacket.
“Yes, 37th floor, room 1586” Carlos said as you said goodbye to them and they wished you good luck, you approached Charles slowly grabbing his arm.
“Charles…stop we need to go…” you said pulling him away as he fought it.
“No! Just one more! I…Y/n?” he said quickly looking at you drinking another shot which you quickly took away.
You looked at him and started to walk him out soon he wrapped his arms around you resting his head on yours.
“Ah…Charles stop it you’re drunk…we need to get you to your room before anyone sees you like this” you say as he laughed and started rambling things that you didn’t quite understand, maybe french words.
Reaching the elevator, you walked Charles inside and pressed the button. Once the doors closed Charles placed more of his weight on you making you hug him from his waist, his eyes were half open but looked at you.
“Shhh…god I was so dumb you know?” he said softly as his hand slowly touched your soft curls. You tried to not fall for his touch and turned your head away letting go off him as he fell on the floor making you gasps.
“Oh my god! Charles get up!” you say grabbing his hand but he only sat down with his eyes closed. As the elevator stopped the doors opened and revealed an elderly couple.
It was a miracle they didn’t seem to recognize the famous Charles Leclerc drunk on the floor with Y/n L/n trying to pick him up. He leaned on you and you struggled to get him out, apologizing to the elderly couple you walked out into the hallway and Charles moved away stumbling through the hallway.
“I can’t believe Y/n is taking me to my room…god…” he mumbled reaching to his door almost falling.
“Charles do you have your room key?” you say looking in his jacket but he got closer looking at you. You look up and his breath hit your lips.
“Can you stay with me tonight?” he asked softly slowly cupping your cheek with his hand, it was cold.
“Um…I don’t know…please just tell me where your key is…” you say sighing “god I’m sorry for this” you whispered as you stick your hand into his pant pocket and took out his wallet looking through.
“got it…” you say opening the door helping him inside to his bed, letting him fall on it he pulled you down with him by your waist, squealing softly you look at him in shock his eyes were closed and your were panting for air.
“Fuck…you’re so heavy…” you say getting up pushing your hair back and started to fix his stuff before going to him taking his shoes off and grabbed a blanket putting it on him.
This was so bad, you shouldn’t be here with him. Tomorrow he won’t remember anything and this might’ve been a mistake, as you thought all this you found yourself seating on his bed watching him sleep. You gently move some of his hair off his face and gently brushed your thumb over his eyebrow admiring his features.
“why do you do this to me?” you whispered glancing at his soft pink lips shaking your head not wanting to fall into temptation. Yes you missed him but you wouldn’t kiss him just like that. Getting up, Charles grabbed your hand and you fell back to the bed, next to him facing him.
“my head hurts…” he whined softly looking at you with half open eyes and your hand slowly touched his cheek feeling his facial hair against your soft palm you felt him move closer.
“come back to me Y/n…I was so stupid…I…I miss you more everyday…”
his words reached to your heart and you didn’t know what to do. Your heart went crazy but you wanted to fight it and not fall so easily.
“I can get some soup tomorrow for your headache”
“Y/n listen…I can’t live without you…” he said meeting your eyes, as you kept changing the subject he pulled you close and shut you up with his lips on yours. You started to push on his chest and fight him, but his strength was much stronger than yours as he held your hands to the side he deepened the kiss, to which you gave in, returning the kiss and closing your eyes, he moved your arms around his neck and his hand slid down your arms to your waist, seeing him starting to reach for the hem of your shirt you stopped him.
“Charles…no…not yet…you’re drunk and…we don’t know if you actually…have consciousness for this” you say sitting up.
“I’ll stay until you fall asleep…” you say getting him to lay down again, but you sat down on the couch trying to forget about what had just happened and what could have happened.
• • • •
Little did you know you didn’t leave the room last night. Charles woke up, rubbing his face gently he looked around the room trying to make out what happened. Until his eyes widened seeing your small frame on the couch in an uncomfortable position. Getting up quickly he picked you up slightly laying you down making sure to not wake you up he placed the blanket on your cold body.
“god Y/n…what are you doing here?” he whispered to himself groaning softly at his headache starting to kick in.
Your phone rung and he quickly grabbed it putting it on silent. But he couldn’t help and read the texts from last night and the most recent ones, even though he tried to not get into your private life.
Kika 🩷
3:07 am
- what do you mean he kissed you??
- he wanted to fuck??? OMG—
8:47 am
- did it happen??? 😏
- girl answer!!!
Lily 💙
9:00 am
- wake up Y/n!
- Alex told me what happened last night!
- Are you w Charles rn??? OMG 😏
- You better explain!!
Charles eyes were widened and he didn’t know what to do. He saw you move and quickly put back your phone.
“Charles…what? Oh my god” you mumble realizing you had fallen asleep. Apologizing you start getting up but he held you down.
“no no please…I…I’m so sorry I must have given you problems last night…I don’t remember much but…um” he said his mind drifting off to the text messages he had just read.
“no! I mean…um Carlos called me to come get you…so I…I guess I got myself in this…” you say massaging your neck from the uncomfortable position you had slept in.
“I have to go through um…I would get some warm chicken noodles soup for the headache and it’s nice for the cool weather” you say smiling at him trying to make this situation less awkward.
Reaching the door handle his voice said your name making you turn around.
❤️ There will be a part 2!!! ❤️
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racingheartstopper · 10 months
And another crumb
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hollandwhore · 10 months
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jellycrusher · 10 months
Come Hell or High Water
Years in the making, Formula 1 has finally arrived... in Las Vegas!
Charles Leclerc x fem!REDBULLdriver
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Genre: One-shot, Romance, slight angst, fluff
Summary: Las Vegas Grand Prix is your ticket to getting the coveted Driver's Championship against your biggest rival, Charles Leclerc. Rivals on the track but Lovers off the track basically sums up your relationship with Charles. However, you've been clashing way too much lately with him off track that it's messing up your game. Not to mention all the other things that could go wrong... went wrong.
Word Count: 4.4k
A/N: You're replacing Checo as the 2nd Red Bull driver. Also, this is my first ever F1 fic. I would love to know what you guys think 💖
If he wins this race, he's gonna get a big advantage in points and he'll win the championship. ... I have to win. I have to do everything in order to win. Come hell or high water.
It's not that easy to say to yourself when you're running a 38 degree Celsius fever and slight nausea come FP1. You've already popped a paracetamol during your break and somehow, it made you feel a bit better.
The chilly and windy weather doesn't make it easier for you. Imagining driving your car at this hour of the night going around at top speeds of 250 to 300 kph while being sick makes your head burn.
You stood just outside the Red Bull Garage as you wait for Free Practice 1 to start. From your periphery, you spotted a gentleman in a Ferrari red racing suit slowly walking towards the garage. You turn your head and you see your boyfriend, Charles Leclerc. You try to click your tongue just a bit and press your fingers to your temple in annoyance.
"What is it that you want, Leclerc?"
You shot a stare causing an abrupt stop to his steps when he acknowledged your displeasure. "I just want to talk. Can you give me a few minutes? Please."
"For the last time, I said no. I have lots of things to do. I don't —"
"I am stupid. I didn't mean anything that I've said last night. just so tired. I still want to work things out between us. I still want what we have... or whatever's left of it." A slight pang in your chest hits you hard as you listen to the words Charles uttered ever so gentle and sweet. He slowly steps forward to you.
"We... ummm.. We can talk more about it after sunday. I just need to concentrate and give my all this weekend. Is that okay?" He slowly reaches out for your hand and wraps his fingers around your pinky finger.
Charles knew the mistake he made. An honest mistake just brought out by exhaustion. You were excited to make plans with him here in Vegas right after the Grand Prix. You show him a list of places that you could go visit and activities that you can do together.
He was so stressed out with the concerns regarding his car and his performance for this track that he was not really paying much attention to you despite your eagerness to make this whole date plan.
When you got too excited and carried away, he snapped to call out your name and to tell that he didn't care what you'll include in your short list of itinerary. You didn't expect the sudden loud voice. You froze in place and Charles quickly took note of this. In a panic, he tried to assure you that he's sorry and he didn't mean it.
He never raised his voice to you. Ever. This was a first. Among all the things you're worried about your relationship with Charles, him possibly falling out of love for you was one thing. You took this a sign that your instinct might be right.
You slowly turned around to head for the door of his hotel bedroom. You dragged your heavy footsteps out that door, along with a heavy heart.
"Radio check please, y/n"
Your race engineer, Hugh, checks in on you as you wait in your car still situated in the garage for confirmation. Once the go-ahead was given as you calmy watch the mechanics taking the blanket off your tires, you carefully roll out on track. Roaring crowds in the grandstand and paddock somehow energized you.
"Track action is finally upon us. What are you most looking forward to?" David Croft starts up the commentary that is being heard through the screens on the track.
"Seeing cars on track and of course, the championship battle between Leclerc and y/n" says Martin Brundle.
"Street Circuits do throw up some jeopardy. Take Singapore as an example. But this is a very different track to Singapore. Very high speeds. The 2nd fastest track on the calendar after Monza."
"The temperature also is down at 19 degrees track temp. It's really chilly and very very cold. A track temp that low is gonna be very difficult for these tires and the drivers."
"Y/n has always been very good at street circuits, hasn’t she? If she continues to show domination this weekend, this is gonna be her 1st world champion title. The first ever woman to do so in Formula 1."
The commentators continue to mention that you and Charles were everyone's favorite F1 couple. You both got everyone glued to their seats with your rivalry and also your sweet relationship outside F1. People keep track of your social media accounts and they also love your interaction during any Grand Prix.
You had 8 laps in and you continue to struggle with the car and this nauseating sensation. The tires had little grip on the track and the G force on your body during turns is making you more sick by the second which was normally never the case because you were trained for it. You were reminded by Hugh to just relax after noticing on the datas relayed back to the pit wall that you were a bit aggressive at the start. Probably because of Charles and how much you want to throw the mere piece of paper with all the lists for dates at his face, you thought.
You were slowly starting to get to the top of the standings then suddenly, you felt something hit your car very hard.
Your car was making this loud screeching sound. You look at your mirror and see sparks flying through the rear of your car. The back of your legs suddenly became slightly numb. A short panic overcame you but you keep calm.
Turns out, a loose drain cover completely destroyed the bottom of your car. Red flag is being waved around. Something lights up on your steering wheel screen stating to stop the car and to turn off the engine.
Marshalls started to tow your car off the track after a few minutes. You took a quick glance on the underside of your car and there you see the carnage. The knot in your stomach hits you like a truck. This is not good.
You know how much this is gonna cost your performance, and also affect the team. The chassis, battery and other important components are gonna be replaced. You had an inkling that you might be given a grid penalty due to the replacement but you hoped you wouldn't.
You painfully wait in your room as everyone is advised that Free Practice 2 is delayed because they're gonna fix the track issue. Your physio is helping you with the concern on the sensation on your leg. Slowly getting better but there is slight discomfort when moving your feet up and down.
Press conferences are being held here and there about the ongoing issue. You were informed by Christian that the FIA is gonna give you a 10-grid penalty on race day. You didn't argue about it because honestly, you were getting too sick to care. You just want this weekend to be done with. You were focused on racing. Unfortunate to be bumped down the grid but you were determined to do better on qualifying day.
When you were called for a press conference with a few drivers about the issue, you drag yourself to the room and the sight of Charles on the sofa sitting beside Max surprises you. You were not prepared to interact with him.
Views between the drivers were exchanged regarding the penalty. Charles was the most vocal and angry against the decision. But you knew too well that their team was the one to veto the decision to forego the penalty. This was not disclosed to the drivers but it was an obvious fact since this is an advantage for them for the championship. Politics, of course.
You wonder at his action, trying to defy the decision of his own team.
"I think the rules have to change for that. Also, teams should not be allowed to have a say in these kinds of things. For sure they are going to vote against it. Every team thinks about themselves."
You are thankful that he's sticking up for you but what if it's really Ferrari who vetoed on the vote, then he better shush it.
"I also want to say that we should've learned from past mistakes. We had a few loose covers before on other street circuits. This track should've been inspected extensively and prepared properly up to race week," Max follows up on the topic. "It's a huge safety concern. The entire car is fucked. Y/n also said she couldn't feel anything in her leg for a few seconds. The accident could've been way worse."
With Max's comments, Charles quickly turned his head towards you with this worried look on his face. Brows slightly raised, wide eyes, and slowly sat straight in his seat.
You were in a hurry to get out of the room after the press conference not just because there has to be another press conference right after yours but also, you want to avoid your boyfriend as much as possible.
Familiar footsteps came running to your direction and the next thing you know, you were spun on your heel by a gentle and warm hand on your wrist only to face your boyfriend.
"Are you okay?! How are your legs?"
He was much more in a panic now than a while ago in front of the cameras. He doesn't need to hide his concern and panic from you. He took a quick look at you from head to toe, his hands scanning every part that might be injured.
"Charles... I'm okay. My legs... it's getting better" You try your best to keep the knot in your stomach in. You were still very nauseated. The quick movements from Charles turning you around and checking to make sure you're okay is getting you nauseous and a bit out of balance. "Honestly, i'm okay, mon chéri."
He wrapped his hands in yours and quickly noticed something different. He couldn't quite pinpoint what it is but holding your hand feels slightly warm. It was not something unusual for you. Whenever you're nervous or excited or even cold from the weather, your hands are the first to be extra warm. He didn't push any further but he was still quite concerned about what he heard from Max during the conference.
He blames himself for not checking up on you as soon as they were informed the FP1 will not be resumed. His team did downplay the situation and he thought that it was just a normal race weekend where something goes wrong with the car. When he saw you through the screens in their garage, you carefully stopped the car at the side of track. It didn't look quite serious like a crash. The mere thought of a crash made his chest tighten. Never a good scenario for both of you in any way and he doesn't want that to happen to you ever.
He didn't push you any further and lets go of you to proceed back to your garage to rest and wait for the next practice later in the evening.
You look forward to lying down on your small but comfortable couch in your room, wrapped up in a fleece blanket. Your warm Red Bull hoodie to keep you company. You wish it was Charles' embrace keeping you warm but your pride could never.
You succeeded to take pole position in your qualifying session. Following you in the positions were Charles then Max. Unfortunately, Charles is to be pushed to the front of the grid on race day since you will start on 11th due to the grid penalty for the part replacement.
Pushing through all shitty things that happened to you for the past two days, it's finally race day.
Just before all the cars and teams are to be on standby on the track, Charles paid you one last visit in your room. He noticed that you were more quiet today and didn't expect that you didn't hesitate when he came up and hugged you. He whispered good lucks in your ear, his head nestled in your neck.
"Mon amour, i don't like it when we're fighting. I'm excited to battle it out on track but I want us to fix this after. okay?" He cooed.
You were grateful for the warmth his hug is giving you. You could never stay angry at him. You conceded and gave him a peck on the cheeks. He looked at you and admired your sweet small blushed face.
The kiss was anything but ordinary. It was amazing. You felt like he was sucking all the air out in your chest. Your legs were almost out of strength. His hands wrapping you and writhing around you. If it wasn't race day, you could've had him there. All bare and almost animalistic. But you stopped. It was going take you everything to focus on this race.
Charles noticed that you were extra warm today. It seems like you were getting warmer each day since the start of this race weekend. You noticed this on Charles and quickly responded ahead of what he was about to ask or say to you.
"Yes, I have a 39 degree fever. Already took my medicines. I can do the race. It's just a common flu. I'll get over it." He was about to say more but you quickly cut him off. "Take some medicine later if you're worried. No, I don't regret kissing you and it was amazing. No, I won't back down on this fight."
"I know you won't. That's my girl." He placed a hand on your face, cupping your extremely warm cheeks. "Give me everything you've got, y/l/n."
You smirk, leaning your head against his hand. "Game on, Leclerc."
All of the teams are now on standby on the track. You slid yourself in the cockpit. You observe the mechanics who were surrounding you, making any last minute checks on the car. There were those who were patiently holding on to the tire blankets to keep the tires warm and in perfect shape. If only you could steal one. You were shivering in your seat which didn't go unnoticed by some mechanics present.
Nerves of steel and a strong heart. Lady luck, keep it going until the very end. This is it.
"Okay radio check, y/n"
"Let's get this one, Hugh. For the team!"
"Loud and clear. Bring it home, champ"
Engines were ready, tyres were warm. All the cars on the grid were revving up. Crowds going crazy. Two drivers to battle it out for the championship. The deciding match.
"It is showtime. Our saturday night fight. It's five lights away and Formula 1 goes racing on the streets of Las Vegas!"
You were nearing Turn 1 and you could feel no grip on the soft tires. Charles was about to cut on the outside but you knew if you defended and turned despite no grip, your car could slide. You turned the wheel in a calculated manner but the both of you were pushed out of the track. You need to get back and not let Max overtake you.
You and Charles successfully defended your positions from the pack. There is pandemonium in the stands and in the commentary box.
"She needs to give that position back. She pushed me wide."
Charles radioed in his race engineer.
"It looks like Y/n Y/l/n will be given a 5 second penalty for forcing another driver off the track"
You did your best to babysit the tires in this harsh condition but to no avail. Charles was gaining speed on you and was just around 0.8 secs behind. He aggressively pressured you, keeping close distance, for almost 10 laps.
The cold weather is no joke. Every time you go out of the straights, you feel less grip. You almost curse at the reminder that you weren’t able to get a lot out of practice due to the damage on the car. If maybe you did, there was something you could’ve done. Possibly the engineers could’ve gained a lot of data on graining, tire temperature, and optimum strategy.
Charles locked up at around the 12th lap, widening the gap between you but he got closer to Max. Max almost passed him on the outside but he recovered well. He quickly regained his distance from you and continues to chase you. You also locked up but recovered quickly. As a result, you noticed a flat spot, further causing damage to your tire.
"My tires are now finished!"
"Copy that, y/n. Box now, box."
Around lap 18, you've been called to the pit. As you slow down, Charles took this opportunity to go through the inside and takes the lead of the race. Your team waited for 5 seconds before they could touch the car. 5 seconds may be short but it felt like forever. You knew when you come back out, you could lose a lot of positions. Thankfully, it was a quick stop for the team at around 1.8 seconds. All in all, 7 secs up until the pit lane exit.
As you exited the pit lane, you noticed that no matter how hard you press the throttle, cars were passing you one by one. There was something wrong with the car or maybe...
"Update on y/n's position please." "Charles, she's now P15. She pitted for hards." ---
"HARDS? Are you kidding me, Hugh?! Everyone is either on softs or mediums. Charles is on softs!" "Y/n, there are still 37 laps left. There's still a way around this." "There isn't! But if there is, i'll be fucking damned and push everything i've got." "Be careful, y/n" "I know what i'm doing. Just try me."
"Looks like Red Bull gave y/n a wrong set of tyre compounds. Was it a mistake or just a wrong strategy. This may be a deciding factor on the championship but you heard y/n's radio. Sounds chilling, isn't it?"
It was now or never. No excuse to back out on this.
As if someone had flicked the light switch, the crowds watched as car number 11 fly through track. Your driving technique was masterful. You rose up through the grid, passing every driver with ease. Tight and slow corners were a breeze to navigate through. Your car looked like it was launched by a slingshot through the long straights.
The commentators were going crazy at the spectacular sight of you breezing through everyone with hard tires. This was supposed to be a disadvantage to you on this particular track but you didn't let that stop you. Being on harder tires were a pain in the ass but you knew that these could last longer. You were able to push without worrying much on degradation.
Not long after, Charles could already see you on his mirrors through the straight. Just Max and Russel between the two of you just after 10 laps. Surprised but not really. He knew what a fantastic driver you are. Relentless and fearless.
"Good job there, y/n. Maximum push!" "Thanks. Also, I almost vomited in my helmet but still okay to push through!"
Concerns were shared on the pit wall of Red Bull. Hugh turned to look at Christian Horner, your team principal, also tuning in to your radio. They knew you were sick and couldn't do much about it. You were adamant to continue with the race and not let a reserve driver to drive in your place.
In turn 8 of lap 48 as you were to overtake Russell in front of you, he understeered and not noticing that you were about to pass him. He caused a collision with your front wing with his rear tire. Debris were flying around but you were still able to continue on after checking it with Hugh. A safety car was brought out as advised by Hugh and your team took this moment to call you back to the pit to change the front wing. Everyone was thinking the same thing on pitting as to take advantage of the yellow flag.
You exited the pit lane with a new front wing and fresher softer tyres. Charles stayed out and quickly saw you chasing behind him.
"That's my girl. Give me the best you've got, mon amour" He smirks to himself.
Now noticing the new set of tyres on your car. He knew he pitted way before you. His team decided to stay out and not pit to stay in the lead.
"Are those new soft tyres on y/n? Can we still pit?" "Negative, Charles. Save your tyres until the end. Extend your stint." "Ughhh.. that's gonna be hard but copy."
Your fever is now catching up to you. You occasionally sneeze through the radio when Hugh checks in. Christian radios in to cheer you on through the last laps of the race knowing full well that you're at your limit.
5 laps until the checkered flag and you were successful to keep a 3 second distance between Leclerc. He was ready to defend his lead.
You finally got within DRS range of Charles, closing the distance between him much easier. You were about to take the pass but Charles frustratingly defended his position well. There was a wide turn and you finally took the lead. You kept your position just until after the long straight and Charles went back in front.
You stayed behind him for 3 more laps finally noticing a break on the chase. Charles now wondering why you were not as aggressive during the turns.
"Maximum push, y/n. 3 more laps until the checkered flag." "I got this Hugh. I have a plan. Let's just see how much his tyres could handle."
This was your chance. You kept pressuring him in the corners and on the straights. He was advised by his race engineer to get ready to defend. He's in deep trouble now. His tyres are now starting to give up, not sure if he could bring it up to checkered flag while being constantly pressured by you. He was starting to get intimidated by the sight of your car.
The last 3 turns and a straight until the checkered flag. You kept your position behind him up until the the last turn. Taking advantage of the slipstream when he was in view of the flag.
People were screaming and jumping. Ferrari and Red Bull fans are now standing up from their seats. The commentators were going crazy in their box.
Your vision was now dangerously hazy. Panting like crazy in the cockpit. It was crazy chilly but you were sweating like a bucket in your race suit. Your fever now definitely reaching top temperature. Just as you were reaching top speeds in your car as you take the slipstream.
"and look at that! That was an exciting last lap. Blue overtaking the Scarlet Red. Red Bull mechanics are at the pit wall. The crowd is running wild. Hold on to your seats. And that's driver number 11 and she sees the checkered flag! For the first time ever, Y/n Y/l/n is our 2023 world champion! The first and only woman to ever do so in the history of Formula One! and this is just on her 2nd year in F1. What a woman!"
"P1, mate. That's P1"
"y/n, you're world champion. A world champion!"
Hugh and Christian were shouting in your ear through the radio. Fireworks were seen blasting on the top of every hotel, painting the Las Vegas skyline in amazing colors. You couldn't keep it in and you started crying. Face hidden by your helmet, your celebratory radio with the team is now broadcasted through the screens as you pass by it.
You park your car in the parc ferme behind the number 1 sign and slowly crawled out the cockpit to throw your hands in the air. Red Bull mechanics are shouting your name. You ran to them and throw yourself in their arms. They pat your helmet like crazy and shout congratulatory remarks at you.
You removed your helmet and turn around to see Charles also celebrating with his team. You ran to him and he welcomes you with open arms. Reveling in the fact that you are now world champion, you couldn't care less about doing PDA in front of people and the cameras.
You, Max and Charles stood on the podium. Your eyes were watery as you hear your country's national anthem. Normally, it doesn't make you cry but tonight was different. It means different. You now hold a few records to your name.
Max was the first one to open the champagne bottle, and Charles followed. Both of them directing the mouth of the bottle at you to spray you. Instead of reaching for your bottle, you took Charles' hand and pulled him to the podium.
You whispered something in his ear. "I know how you'll make it up to me." He breaks his distance from you and stared at your sparkling eyes, both of you still getting sprayed with the champagne.
You pulled his collar and your lips met. A sweet kiss after all the crazy events of the weekend. Max was equally surprised, along with everyone on the stage, around the grandstands, and paddock. Everyone watching it on the screens of their television were also screaming. Cameras were flashing non-stop right and left. Both of your respective team principals and PR managers were just laughing below the podium.
"I could get used to that. Maybe i should get you angry every before race" he chuckles.
"Don't push it, Leclerc."
"Just joking." He continues to admire the radiating woman in front of him. "You were amazing. I couldn't have asked for a better rival on track and you're the best partner a man could ever have. I'm so lucky to have you."
"A sentiment not evident from you last Wednesday."
"I apologize for that. To make it up to you, I think I owe you hundreds of dates. I hope you still have that piece of paper."
"Dates and a lot more kisses."
"Roger, world champ! I love you, mon amour."
Both of you smiled at each other and shared one more kiss to fully cap off the celebration. You reached for your champagne bottle and aggressively sprayed Charles. The three of you on the podium are now having a champagne spraying battle.
You and Charles Leclerc were made for each other. You bring out the best in each other and you stood together through the worst. Everyone knew that this is just the beginning. You may be rivals but both of you makes racing much more exciting to watch.
You were now world champion but you know Charles would never fail to make the next season much more exciting.
Bring it on Leclerc. I'm always ready to give everything I have. Here on track or wherever the wind might drop us. Come hell or high water, I am yours.
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formulalfc · 10 months
mick shumacher is everywhere he isn't supposed to be and i love that for him
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red-prince · 10 months
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a love story
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makeagif · 10 months
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chyofucar · 10 months
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That's all I cared about after the race. Such a good ride:).
Lestappen for soul.
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racingheartstopper · 10 months
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F1 is at it again 🙈👀
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hollandwhore · 10 months
new location for the verstappen podcast
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