gachagachaart · 2 years
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artwithatlas · 1 year
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We are one in the same.
Every day I pretend to be you,
But I don’t know who you are.
You only exist in snippets of the past.
I wish I could remember,
What it’s like to be myself.
I don’t think I can ever go back.
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freshcephs · 3 months
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A few paper doodles I’ve done over the years, mostly featuring Marco.
I draw on my phone so often that when I draw on paper it’s always real small.
Anyway the guy Marco is beefing with is Ty, who is Sai’a biological brother (both my friends OCs)
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bodyalive · 10 months
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“According to Eastern medicine be it Indian, Chinese, Tibetan or Thai, the left side of the body is totally different from the right side. Even some Buddhist monastic traditions include within their precepts for monks to sleep on their left side. Although it sounds weird resting and sleeping on the left side has many health benefits.
The lymph drains to the left.
The left side of the body is the dominant side of the lymphatic system. Most of the lymph drains down to the thoracic duct which is located on the left side. In its path the lymph transports proteins, glucose metabolites and waste products that are purified by the lymph nodes to be drained to the left side.
Derived from the above it is common to deduct in Eastern medicine that the diseases of the left side of the body may be due to chronic congestion of the lymphatic system.
The priorities of the body.
According to ayurveda congestion occurs in the body following certain priorities. If the lymphatic system is digested, the liver and blood are subsequently saturated with toxic substances. Primary symptoms of congestion present on the left side of the body before moving to the right side where they make their later appearance.
Feeling bored after a meal?
The Indian suggestion is that if you take a break after eating, do it lying on your left side. The rest should not exceed 10 minutes and is different from the evening nap which is usually 20 minutes or more.
Stomach and pancreas hanging to the left side. When you lie on your left side both naturally hang allowing for optimal and efficient digestion. Food is driven to move naturally through the stomach and pancreatic enzymes are secreted in a paulatin way and not in a single stroke, which happens if you lie down on the right side.
Laying on your left side your liver and gallbladder hang from your right side. Resting on the left side allows them to hang and secret their precious enzymes into the digestive tract, emulsifying fats and neutralizing stomach acids.
When the digestive system is stimulated this way your digestive cycle is shorter and doesn't leave you stranded for the rest of the afternoon. Try resting 10 minutes on your left side after eating.
Feel energized and not tired after eating.
Try to eat in a relaxed way mid-day and don't forget to rest on your left side and check that you will feel more energized and with better digestion.
Sleeping magic from the left side.
Best elimination.
The small intestine flushes toxins through the ileocecal valve (VIC) on the right side of the body at the start of the large intestine. The large intestine travels down the right side of your body, crosses your stomach and descends down the left side.
Through the VIC, sleeping on the left side allows gravity to stimulate bodily waste into the large intestine from the small intestine more easily.
As the night passes and continue sleeping on your left side the debris moves more easily toward the downward column and morning removal will be easier.
Best cardiac function.
More than 80% of the heart is located on the left side of the body. If you sleep on the left side the lymph drained to the heart will be driven by gravity taking work out of your heart while you sleep.
The aorta, which is the largest artery in the body, comes out from the upper part of the heart and is arched left before going down to the abdomen. By sleeping on the left side, the heart pumps blood more easily into the downing aorta.
Sleeping on the left side allows the intestines to move away from the cava vein that brings blood back to the heart. Noticeably the cava vein rests on the right side of the thorn, so when you lie down on the left side the viscera move away from the cava veina. Again gravity makes the heart job easier.
The sparrow is on the left side.
The spleen is part of the lymphatic system and is also on the left side of the body. Its function is that of a large lymph node which filters the lymph and additionally filters the blood. When you lie on the left side the fluids return to the basin is easier and is more easily produced by gravity.
The lymphatic system drains all cells in the body through contractions and muscle movement and not by heart pumping. Helping the lymph drain into the pelvis and heart with gravity is a simple way to purify your body.
And while there are no scientific protocols on it, sleeping on the left side does make sense. Understanding ancestral wisdom based on knowledge of modern anatomy clears up many doubts about the reasons that exist in the east to sleep a certain way.”
Original article written by Dr. John Doull
[Leila L'Abate]
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sleepyveena · 1 month
you wanna know about me don’t chu
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“i’m not perfect So i try everyday to grow a little bit”
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sometimes we fall in love, love is always in us
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Hey suga call me Veina, Got it from my middle name Anneva ˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
About Me
Here’s sum abt me love: i’m 18, favorite color is gray and jade, i’m a fashion designer and i write when im feeling lonely or based on songs. I’m jamaican and i love anime and racing and etc
Ask me questions hun, I don’t bite
Anime characters I love: hangenzuka, gto onizuka, huey, inosuke
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
Sims 4
What I write
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luckyshotwrites · 1 year
Ch. 68 // The Suntouched // Day xxx
Contents (Warnings): What is a Suntouched Fae? (Angst, vore mention, character and monster info as always). Read full chapter on - A03
Song I listened to on repeat for this chapter: Ship in a bottle - Fin [Steffan Argus]
Side note: This will contain experimental writing; first person (Lynette's view) will be implemented alongside third person for the two other essential characters, (mostly) Alexander and (occasionally) Drake. All their text will be italicized for those third-person moments, with the characters' names in Bold at the start and their thoughts in Bold. There may be other characters I write for using this.
(Diomwava. 31st)
Fae's are born at night. They are collected from the red soil to which the mother gives their body. It's broken when they are buried, split into pieces, and reshaped within the world with their magic, hoping to create at least one or two worthy heirs to their mother's sacrifice. 
Afterward, a caretaker is left to collect, train and raise those younglings on the morals and ways of the coven. However...if a fae is born during the time of the fairies, the day, they are suntouched. The coven marks those newborns as accursed, disgusting omens. They are immediately buried away from the red cave garden and sealed into the earth to become fauna. A waste of their mothers' efforts.
Though, the coven kept one alive. The leader of the collection, a group of individuals that searched the forest and beyond, had given up her body. 
When the mother gave up their body like this, some of their memories and techniques were passed on, so they couldn't afford to lose this child. Yet, the accused suntouched perturbed them all. 
But, they still named the youngling. Urtsi, meaning useless or lame.
Her watcher and mother's previous partner, Theieo. He kept her away from the rest of the other younglings and was forced to teach her anything he knew out of the sight of the others. She'd only be free to roam when sent on a collection outside the coven.  
"Another journey?" His lips quivered into a scowl. The dark gray cover over his face stared up toward the tallest building, marble white and columned at every thirty feet tall ring/level. The coven leaders sat atop the red garden at least 100 feet up. 
"They can't keep sending you out." Theieo hissed in their native tongue.
His eyes, hidden behind the "visor," coasted over her body. Urtsi was missing one of her spare limbs, only wielding three on her back, and her once beautiful curled horns were stripped from her head. Her hair had grown over to hide the cracked scars.
Urtsi's face stared up at him. "I must do it. They said so."
They wanted her dead. They both knew that. Theieo didn't want her to stay, but he couldn't leave and assumed she'd be too young to venture alone.
He sat with her under two large, crumbling pillars on flat bundles of plush leaves. "I know, Urtsi, you always do so well." His smiled through his sour voice.
She curled up in his arms, the Suntouched Fae. Even after spending time with her, it scared him to touch her. His instilled instincts told him to squeeze the life out of Urtsi to protect himself and the coven. 
He shut his eyes, swallowing the urge. He held the quiet child until she got ready for her journey.
Theieo brushed his hair back and put his two main hands out to her. He clamped his hands over hers and lifted them to her face height.
"Let Veina watch you," he brought them back down, "Esidos protect you," then he swung them very high up, nearly pulling her off the ground, "and if you don't make it," he brought her hands to his face. He touched them to the crack of his mouth under the faceplate. "know that I love you." 
Urtsi had received his blessing. She always did before she left. He let her hands go, and Urtsi kept them pressed flatly together, then bowed forward. "Returned."
Every tree was well over one hundred feet. It made Urtsi feel so small. She was still growing, but Fae only got to about fifteen to eighteen feet at most. These weren't even some of the tallest trees; some were nearly three hundred feet tall. 
There weren't any low-hanging branches with them either, just burrows for animals or the species Urtsi was after. 
"Escora's (fairies)?" Urtsi reminded herself.
Though Fae's ate Escora's, they generally stayed away from colonies. The Elder Escora's were no joke. When they reached a certain age, they became giant creatures, hideously so, but protectors of the other younger Escora nonetheless. 
Then as a giant shadow cast over her, something blocked the sun. Her visored face looked up and saw the shimmering midnight scales of the giant flying monster. A drakin. Urtsi wondered how free it must have felt to fly up so high. She couldn't pull her eyes away, and the farther it got, its scales seemed to change to red. Until she no longer saw it. Urtsi's head didn't drop for a while. 
Why would they send me out after an Escora or two? Wouldn't they come themselves? She finally questioned. Her head dropped, and she continued her search. They would never trust her to bring back something most Fae found precious. You eat an Escora, and you get a wish. The thoughts swirled in her head. What would I wish for? Urtsi asked herself. She couldn't ask for anything. It wasn't her right. 
She searched for several more hours; the taps of her thin, agile feet stopped on the dirt floor. She stopped before the dead beast at least twice her size, as she was only ten feet tall. She approached the body and gave it a light kick for good measure. 
It was a fuzzy one, quite big and with needs embedded between its fur. Urtsi could feel the magic of the one who slayed it, a signature left by an a-Escora. She searched the area, knowing this might mean a colony was nearby. Her mission for the coven leaders would be a success, and she didn't lose anything this time, not a back arm. She didn't want to lose another as she was down to three. 
Her antenna twitched, thinking they caught something again. Though it was really the light of the sun dwindling. Escora would never stay out at night; it was risky for them as more dangerous creatures were nocturnal. 
The brown-haired Suntouched Youngling, Urtsi, crawled under an abandoned burrow. Her pale, bleached pink skin shined too brightly at night. It'd attract the creatures; that's what the coven told her.
She huddled up. Though she was a child, mentally that of a twelve-year-old, she held not an ounce of anger toward her coven like Theieo did. She knew she was a crutch on Theieo; they reminded her of that every day. 
She almost considered this to be the time she'd run away. Not out of fear or sadness but simply to preserve herself. 
Urtsi had watched repeatedly, Suntouched Fae like her, babies, reburied after they scrambled out, sealed away to die in blood-stained soil, and bound to remain still by their name. 
Her thoughts went quiet. She heard shuffling. Things were moving by her, but she could not see them. 
She ignored it and remained still. 
Urtsi listened. It sounded close, and she swore she saw a bit of dirt. 
And soon, a few things entered her site; they were quick. They grabbed her body firmly and yanked her from the tree. She recognized them as arms from her own people. 
She readied to protect herself.
Her body stopped, and the hands got her without a fight. 
Fae weren't allowed to use each other's names. They held power behind them. If a being more powerful than the Fae said it, they would leave them helpless. 
Urtsi's body hung limp, and she witnessed the few coven leaders that sent her. She did not speak to them for prolonged periods, she only saw them when they had a request, and that was it. 
Their face plates no longer covered their faces; they had removed them for the night. The plate can only be first released by the one who lifted them from the soil. They must allow you to see clearly; after their hands print over the Fae, they can forever remove it yourself. 
Their eyes were entirely colored, with little white in sight. The color of their hue said what they were, and the rarest had two, such as the leader that held Urtsi. 
They didn't say a word to her, nor could Urtsi say a word to them. The one that held her with one eye of crimson red and forest green had not an ounce of pity behind them. 
The other two, with this one, had the pit behind her ready. 
A hole. Urtsi's body trembled, and they need not call her name again. Urtsi couldn't even beg, only desperate, faintly whimpering with rapid breaths.  
And they dropped her down the deep hole. It allowed her to hazily look up, seeing the figures far above her. She could hear their chants. 
"Return to the soil, accept your impurity, and beg for forgiveness while washed with blood." 
And the soil piles at the edges began to move over her, dropping onto her body. Each pile felt heavier and heavier; an indescribable weight befell her.
As it filled, Urtsi felt a chance arise. Only babies received this treatment, never someone as old as her. She placed a cloak over herself to take away the immense strain. 
It wouldn't matter, as Urtsi could not move or see; she was trapped, unable to escape as she knew they had dropped their blood onto the soil above. Because she heard the snake of roots. The slow slink through the dirt before it crashed into her cloak. It came at her from all sides, trying to crush it and absorb her body. 
Urtsi gasped, trying to hold out against it in the darkness. Unable to see, only felt the bends to her cloak. The thorns await to prick past her skin. She refused to accept this fate; she wouldn't even though Urtsi knew she deserved it.
Had it been an hour? Her barrier weakened so severely that her legs had partially succumbed to some of the thorns. They were taking every bit of her energy. 
She knew she wouldn't last much longer; she felt her breath slowly siphoned, the dirt barely held back by her barrier, much like the squeezing thorns.
Then the roots exploded in a burst of screeching, colorful fire. The dirt felt lifted enough from Urtsi so she could safely break her own barrier. The three hands at her back, desperately clawing away, and the hands at her front. 
The moonlight shined from above as she got to the edges and yanked her body up, weakly, trying to heal her twitching legs.  
She didn't care who saved her. Her biggest concern was getting far away from the hole. 
She couldn't see anyone nearby. Who saved me? She asked. She knew she wasn't her own guardian.
Then she felt the signature, the same as before, and though blurry, she could make out through the hazy visor a flutter of tiny wings.
She shouted, and it stopped. They twisted in their flight, spun backward, and perched upon a tiny burrow in a tree higher than Urtsi.
"Quiet, young Fae. You shouldn't call my species out so loudly." They warned, sending their voice into Urtsi's head. Urtsi could barely make them out, except for the green at, which seemed to be their hair, outfit, and eyes.
Urtsi stared up, "was it you who helped me?"
The Escora didn't answer.
Urtsi repeated it.
The little Escora spoke, "Yes. Out of pity."
The fact that it was pity didn't bother Urtsi. She curiously turned her head, "You have pity for Fae? We eat your species."
"I'm aware of the actions your kind take towards us." The Escora replied flatly. "There was a possibility that you would attack me, not that I don't think I can best you."
Urtsi said, "I'm quite gifted for my age."
"As am I," she retorted. Her judgmental hue scoured the dirtied Fae. Besides the bleached color, Urtsi's body looked mangled.
"You're tiny," Urtsi said to the ten-inch tall Escora.
She sighed and gestured to Urtsi, "Clean yourself, little fae."
Urtsi glanced down at herself. It was nothing new, then back to the soil. 
No one climbs out when they are made to return to the soil. You accept it. Urtsi fought the idea. She didn't want that.
"Don't you dare, Suntouched." The Escora's voice echoed into Urtsi's head.
"The coven leaders did it; I can't-"
"If you save a fae, that fae owes you a favor, correct?" 
This made more sense to Urtsi. She had been warned by Theieo about those that wait for a chance to help a fae. 
"Yes," Urtsi said.
The Escora left the hole in the honeyed tree.  
Urtsi waited for more with the Escora's request, but that was it. "What do you mean?"
"I request that you continue to live." The Escora said, "and that you don't waste this second chance I gave you." Urtsi watched her small arm point to the left, "The path to Oria, a large city, is easy to find with the illuminated strobes."
"Is that really what you want of me?" Urtsi asked.
"That's what I want." There wasn't a moment of hesitation in their voice. 
Urtsi put her hands out, then looped her thumbs together. Her palms faced her. She then curled her hands into fists while keeping the thumbs remained looped. She pressed it back into her chest. "Then I will live."
It made no sense to Urtsi, an Escora, helping her and sending her off without a proper favor. They gained nothing from letting Urtsi go. After her promise, the Escora left into the night. 
I think Theieo can finally be at peace. Urtsi thought to herself. It wasn't that she was ignorant. She understood the tight clutch from Theieo and his lust to kill. She still cared for him and would remember his blessing. Though, she knew she would never see him again.
On the third day, Urtsi tried to do what she saw others do go into a building and get food. They told her she needed coins to purchase things. She was willing to trade what she collected, little trinkets and small critters, but they did not accept it. 
On the fourth day, she tried to ask for coins, got a few, and brought snacks. She ate them ravenously in her corner, under a small tent she made of leaves woven with one another. 
A voice pulled her attention. She stuffed what she could in her mouth to ensure it was hers to enjoy.  
"Anubis, look at that thing!"
Urtsi froze, meeting eye-to-eye with the lad who crouched to stare into her hidey-hole. His hue was bright orange, swirly, as they observed Claudia. A trait she recognized amongst Magus's that came back to life after dying. She only knew this because she stumbled upon what she believed to be a corpse before. She saw the long stitch of tattoo trailing down the front of his neck. 
The other male accompanying him kept a distance. He didn't fully turn his body. His hazardous yellow eyes seized her. They widened with surprise, and a smile followed. 
"You're a very bright Fae," Anubis remarked. A heavy yet smooth tone, one at which, Urtsi understood. He knew "whisper." 
The swirly one that Urtsi didn't understand spoke to Anubis. "They don't speak simple?"
Anubis nodded and continued, "You should be with your coven; where are they?"
Urtsi looked over the being. The amount of magic tied to Anubis frightened her. 
"I'm a part of no coven," Urtsi replied timidly.
Anubis grinned, then glanced back at who Urtsi assumed was a mate or fellow member of something, as why else would they be with one another.
Anubis moved closer to her hut, "So you've got no home, no income, and can't speak the native tongue?" He asked. 
Urtsi agreed.
He turned back to the other male and flipped his head up. The excitable one popped up and dug into his pocket. 
"He wants to play a game with you, fae. A coin flip." Anubis gestured for the pumpkin orange-eyed male to show her the coin. He did so happily and shook his light, fluffy pink hair afterward.
"The side with the sky beast is Ray's," Anubis said as the zombified Magus showed one that looked like a crow with several eyes, "the side with the horned one is soil." It was a horse-like creature with several horns on its head.
"He'll flip the coin, catch it and put it on the back of his hand. You call what you think it is; if you are right, you win; if you are wrong, we win."
"What do you desire if you win?"
"Kalin thinks it'll be best if you join the family." Anubis eyed the male with the coin and gave him the nod to flip it. Anubis continued, and Urtsi watched the sly curl at his mouth, "And if you win, Kalin said he'd give you his right eye."
It flipped in the air for a few moments before landing on the back of his hand.
"Rays or Soil, little fae?" Anubis asked. 
Kalin waited, staring up at her too. 
Urtsi, for a moment, took them both in through the hazy visor. They were the first she had spoken to besides the store clerks, both seemingly different than her people. If she refused, she would gain nothing. 
Hey, you, thank you so much for reading. It means a lot that I put out a story that people can enjoy! So, I hope you continue to enjoy it as WE have a LOT more to go! YOU BETTER KEEP PROSPERING! (Nonnegotiable).
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Catch up, see some maps/art, or check the latest release dates down below  ↓ ↓ ↓ 
What I’d do for a Livable Income (Synopsis/Chapter - List)
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hydralisk98 · 2 years
Utalics' LibreVast "DataProcessingSystem"
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"Fantasy" computer system inspired by the SEGA DreamCast, StarDragonModels' Cosmos, the Sanyo 3DO TRY, the OUYA, the Famicube and the Nintendo 64DD.
48-bit RISC-V-like Juniper6 SDPm (symbolic data processor module) x2-x6
Using 12-bit words as most fundamental computer unit (the smallest four binary digits )
Twelve generic 12-bit registers ( A,B,C,D,E,F,U,V,W,X,Y,Z; )
Four special-use registers (48-bit program counter, 24-bit storage accumulator, links 4-bit register & 20-bit scientific notation coefficient )
Includes a deque data structure component that can store up to ~64 12-bit elements
A RISC-like ISA { Load value to register, Load from register to register, Load from memory to register, Store register value in memory, Compare register to register, Compare register with value, Branch if equal, Branch if less, Branch if more, Branch unconditionally, Add value to register, Add register to register, Subtract value from register, Substract register from register, Bitwise Shift right, Bitwise Shift left, Bitwise Rotate left, Bitwise Rotate right, deque INJECT, deque PUSH, deque POP, deque EJECT, deque PEEK, deque DROP, deque DUPLICATE, deque SWAP, deque OVER, deque ROTATE CLOCKWISE, deque ROTATE COUNTERCLOCKWISE, deque ROLL, deque BACKPEEK, deque REVERSE ROLL, deque REVERSE DUPLICATE, deque BACKSWAP, deque UNDER, deque BACK ROTATE CLOCKWISE, deque BACK ROTATE COUNTERCLOCKWISE, deque REVERSE DROP, deque PAD, deque REVERSE PAD;), NOT, NOR, NAND, AND, OR, XOR, Carry, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, Halt, Noop; }
64-bit wide instructions { 8-bit opcode, (6-8 extension?) 4-bit register, 48-bit data }
Expanded UTF-8 encoding
480x288p RGBA 12-bit/channel screen resolution at 60 FPS
144MW Unified Memory
48MW Video RAM for 48-bit programmable opacity display
48MW Audio RAM for 8D audio
4MW SRAM for libre bootloader & machine-level utilities
48GW Storage (using the last 16GW as swap)
DirectMemoryAccess feature
32-bit stereo sound
SAM= Symbolic Analog Monitor, secular overseer system daemon that handles much software time-sharing functions in a transparent and empowering manner
MAM= Magickal Agent Mentor, group of utilities for spiritual esoteric and user guidance
WAX= Wirebox Analog eXecutive, low-power analog processor for timeless processing
ZeraDPS (ZealOS-like operating system)
VeneraDIS (Linux-like desktop environment / window manager)
Sasha (Fish-like programmable shell)
Nucleus496 (Microkernel with Linux-like reliability)
Brainstorm for Angora
Programmable Autonomous Organizations (eq. to DAOs)
Mesa (multimedia and hypermedia utilities)
Macroware Veina (rich media editor with cell editing & multi-user wiki editing support, between LibreOffice and NVIM)
4Kard (cardfile / hypercard bulletin board and session time-sharing server system)
Fidel (high-level programming language quite similar to the likes of F#)
Matra (OpenXanadu equivalent as global information system / public-access wiki)
Prospero (multi-player game series by Vixen softworks aka Valve)
Solarmonk (single-player game series by Magnata softworks aka Bethesda)
Milix 3D modelling libre software similar to Blender and AutoCAD
INMOS (Assyrian/Morocco own competitor to ITS & CLADO, from '68)
CLADO (first popular operating system in Angora, developed in '59)
ITS (competitor to CLADO, developed in '63)
Perseus (successor / half-merger between most operating systems, timestamped in 1970)
COS-5 (COS-310 DIBOL environment wth Tmux windowing, TAKO Emacs text editor & Bish shell)
SASS (early Windows equivalent from EBM and Macroware, not very popular)
Van (Win98/ME/ArcaOS-like, still not very popular)
Synod (Ring-0 Microsoft Bob equivalence with very cute graphics and successful with the youth)
Nomad (Uxn / Plan9 / Inferno)
Tiger (C-like programming language, similar to Nim, Lobster, Python and Lua)
Chateau (OpenIndiana / Haiku / PhantomOS / macOS)
Arbav subsystem { affirmation-based emulation, voice-operated system and analog GAI modular section }
Symbolic Algebra system { Fractions, soviet balanced ternary operations, simplifier, garbage collection, arbitrary precision arithmetic, mathematical algorithms & special functions, polynomials, artificial neural network emulation alternative, mathematical constants, optimizations, linear & non-linear equations, integral transformations, series operations, matrix operations, statistical computation, plotting graphs, charts/diagrams?, differential equations, signal processing, sound synthesis, SIN/COS/TAN, constraint logic programming, API library of addon functions; }
FastMath Co-Operative Processing Unit { Multiply, Division, Floating Point Arithmetics, Random Number Generator, POSIX-compliance, optimized code generation, string manipulations, base converters, bitwise logic operators?, square roots, exponents, logarithmic, trigonometrics; }
PacoLisp (tiny & versatile low-level) & MiraLisp (much infrastructure & documentation)
HaxelN (virtual memory editor)
Hixi (powerful scripting spreadsheet editor, not by Macroware)
Nao (open media document specification like DolDOC)
Maskoch, disk / partition / physical media editor
Zira I/O, bus, drivers and card expansions
PETSCII-like graphical primitives set
Athena (JVM eq.)
Argdown (extended LaTex / Markdown specification)
Witness (Swift-like)
Mao (visual programming language between Fortran, Turtle graphics and AGAT Robic)
Ruin (very advanced debugger & cryptoanalysis utility suite)
Monada (a famous code poem written in the seventies, similar to a benchmarking "Hello, World!" program for synthetics)
SMall-Talk (professional programming language for databases and parallelist mainframe operations)
Adwa (Multilingual symbolic programming system layer similar to IPL)
'Maniac' operating system (MUSIC/SP eq.)
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theviridianbunny · 10 months
Bunny!! I missed you ;; I hope you had a nice break? But I'm also really glad to see you on my dash again 🥺💕
AKIRA MY ANGEL -! hello hello! Thank you for dropping by -! I hope you’re well and having a fantastic day/night (depending on where you are in the word / your time zone !) I missed you tooo! ;w;
Technically I’m still on my break- am about to log back off again for a few days (just hopping on to post commissions and did a quick run through the dash for a moment) it’s been really nice disconnecting for a bit, been trying to have less screen time just for a bit… - but equally as nice coming back and seeing some of the beloved blorbos again (veina i am looking at you and waving- viridian is too <3 !)
Sending lots of love and virtual hugs my friend - also virtual cups of tea Ehheehhehe! See you soon !
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ladyfantasy-art · 6 months
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Tengo planeado que Veina una mujer de 5 brazos sea una acróbata/trapecista
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trekpanama-blog · 6 months
Escape to Paradise: Discovering the Beauty of Portobello and Veinas Azul...
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artwithatlas · 1 year
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hello folks! after my post from a couple days back I thought I'd write down a bunch of stuff about Marco. I probably should have typed it up but writing it felt better.
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freshcephs · 3 months
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Ive also taken the time to try and draw some of my OCs swim forms
Not perfect but I’m pretty happy with them
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444names · 1 year
Names generated from Icelandic and Russian forenames, excluding the letter "R"
Abdam Abetlaug Adebel Adeljubovi Adiya Agaben Agapav Aghils Aglút Agnel Agnices Alaug Albenana Aldia Aleboya Alenjóaki Alexí Allfhéði Allgafilda Alliya Allíná Almdísman Aloui Alves Alíeldi Amild Amvenín Andísa Annhildea Atanz Aughelmaj Autheba Authentý Autin Auðbet Auðfindís Avani Avdegnel Avdika Aveiða Avgathún Avgunna Avinn Avvann Avvaní Aðalea Aðaleódós Aðína...
Balmug Belma Belvanlaug Belía Belíeta Benatý Bettunný Bilja Bjalíus Bjansa Bládía Blæla Blæni Blína Blómí Bylaut Bylauthún Bótustin Challína Cæsigdís Dagangi Dagnhilí Daldeggey Daldíses Dalín Dalís Danni Daðall Diami Dosylug Dólöðma Dómon Dósefey Efnlís Ekatý Elbes Elgans Elinn Ellvilya Elmín Elsteinn Elvavdika Emelín Emena Emili Emína Ensabín Entía Entín Esibja Essunn Estea Evalbjöf Evanna Evenstin Eðvall Finas Finbja Finía Finón Fjóney Flína Fólmímet Gafninn Geika Geimminfi Geingi Geingin Geinhai Geinn Geivy Gellanný Genell Genikh Glauðleig Gleig Glóka Gnýja Gotya Guðfily Gylka Gylvana Gídellaug Gýgja Haddvalges Haelix Hafann Halda Halenta Halianný Halta Halíasigda Halín Halívesall Hanatta Handís Hannía Hanný Hanstía Hanúelvís Heigun Heina Heiney Heinói Helalda Henghild Heódísall Hildel Hildens Hildi Hilheonsý Hillya Hleinan Hlían Hlíann Hlíelía Hlöfn Holavda Holína Humaliya Hylady Hylía Hálhilía Hávann Hængi Hólmín Hólís Hödda Högnea Hössadína Húnel Húsíta Inbja Inbjöf Ineyn Infimunn Ingena Inghvanta Inguni Ingunna Inguðley Inika Inkegauðna Inniddísa Jalín Jesefán Jesey Jessig Jetta Johaliya Jubba Jákaelín Jállid Játta Játtý Jólfþalen Jónmundía Jónmóna Jósig Jósvetheit Jóðmanhil Júddís Júlín Kafný Kakatena Kalís Kapionya Katas Kateig Kateisteif Kelía Kitons Kjála Klakkaka Klaug Kleif Kobínaelía Kolaug Kolli Koney Kvisteinna Leinna Lemía Lenjafnia Lexand Lingvilís Linný Livil Ljóníka Lofin Loftiley Lokta Lonika Lubbal Ludofindís Lydís Ládísla Láslia Lástela Líana Lífda Línadey Maelki Magall Majalía Malinna Manieta Manna Matla Matlías Melíus Mentímunn Mesalbeim Meyhilomi Miðald Mjalmkel Mábildís Málfatey Mánia Míólvía Móhafnael Móndeld Móðný Múelína Nikki Noleinka Novikalía Nátma Níana Níanya Nódís Nónata Obína Oddanzisí Odell Odottía Odynhil Okaltana Októna Olmaími Olína Osiesísóla Osylten Paníassý Patla Pattal Pedvann Pethugunn Polida Polom Pálaus Sabogi Salipla Sallafn Sefía Seiktólaug Sestamin Sifus Sigafna Sigauðný Sigbenney Sigdómanea Sigfúsa Sigmalkata Sigmug Signúelin Sigunna Sigus Siguðkels Sigva Sildi Sildís Siley Siljóði Siloddý Sines Sinnlaug Sinía Skaellka Skell Skína Skítapittó Skúlíanías Skúteina Snolld Snæboya Snæflóa Snæla Snævana Solana Soliyelín Sonhall Soplent Steinela Stekka Stelís Steustía Sthill Stianfídea Stina Stinlaði Svaldia Svalenz Svalges Svalinna Svaltas Sveig Sveinfín Svena Sveneif Svinn Sválfi Svápniktó Sæmundamy Símunna Sólimmý Sólma Súlfinn Tandís Teina Teinka Thaniild Theinn Thensý Thililbjói Tophéði Tígmunn Tómund Undílskull Vademey Vakelía Valgelf Valíf Vanna Vanta Veina Veneikka Vimik Vinna Vinnlöð Vinns Vinom Vivalína Volfanna Vophéði Vífandi Víkug Vínann Yefimmana Zistjaki Zophug Ágúlía Álexí Álflja Álmel Ámund Ásbens Ásgibenna Áslauðsea Áslinn Áslni Ásmekug Ásmelína Ásmías Ásteif Ásteim Ástel Ástemingi Ásthía Ástli Ástmagaus Ástna Ástya Æsóli Ævils Ævöggi Ídesses Ísaleikold Ísóla Ólbjanika Ólfona Ólmgeinn Ólmundus Óstein Ögnedi Ölvönnas Öndís Úlfinna Úlías Úlíus Úlíðunna Þjóhalilía Þjólmkell Þjóna Þolgý Þolvichan
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singingbun · 5 years
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"The elven yawn" is almost as good as "Stay a while and listen" 🤣🤣
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epefoammachinery · 3 years
Veinas EPE Foam Compressed Recycling Machine, EPE/EPS/XPS/EPP Foam Recycler, Compressor (Huasu)
Used for different types and status of EPE, EPS, XPS, EPP recycle, compression and packing.
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Most recommended varicose veins doctor in Jaipur Dr. Nikhil Bansal
Varicose veins doctor in Jaipur, Dr Nikhil Bansal provides interventionaly treatment of varicose veins at his clinic Endovascular Expert.
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