#Veneers Essex
mindthegapnights · 11 months
Patio Gazebos in New York
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fairdig · 11 months
Patio Gazebos in New York
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bikerfish · 11 months
New York Stone Exterior
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Large two-story brown stone gable roof image
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sevendevilsinwesteros · 11 months
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Infinity in New York Ideas for a mid-sized, contemporary backyard renovation with a shaped infinity pool fountain
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fymikeness · 1 year
Patio Gazebos in New York
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Patio Gazebos in New York
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dansnaturepictures · 24 days
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Eight of my favourite photos I took in August 2024 and month summary: Baby steps into the shift of the seasons
The photos are of; view with a moody sky at Lakeside Country Park, young Mute Swans at Keyhaven, Jersey Tiger moth at Lakeside, Chalkhill Blue at Stockbridge Down, Common Darter at Lakeside, Roe Deer at Acres Down, harebells at Shipton Bellinger and King Alfred's cake at Fishlake Meadows.
August is a time to enjoy high summer sights including butterfly filled meadows and darting dragonflies but also a time to prepare for change into an equally exciting wild season, as subtle signs like the drawing in of the nights and emergence of berries hint at the imminent baton exchange of summer and autumn. I have really enjoyed this August to the full for wildlife, walking and photos.
In the early days as the Big Butterfly Count drew to a close I ended triumphantly observing a big increase in species such as Meadow Brown, Common Blue and Speckled Wood being around. There were some stellar additions to my butterfly year this month with Essex Skipper, Silver-spotted Skipper, Chalkhill Blue and Brown Hairstreak seen. Other standout species of a fantastic butterfly month included Brown Argus, Wall Brown, Small Heath, Small White, Brimstone, Comma, Peacock and Red Admiral. I had a marvellous month of moths centring on a phenomenon over a week or so seeing a fair few Jersey Tiger moths at different locations a species I’d only ever seen three times prior to that, a really exciting influx of this resplendent moth. I was captivated by a splendid Swallow-tailed moth at home at the month’s start, with Double-striped Pug, Wavy-barred Sable, my first ever Purple Bar, Grass-veneer, Silver Y, Small Dusty Waves and Six-spot Burnet also enjoyed. As the month went on butterflies rather made way for dragonflies to take centre stage a little, with mesmerising times watching Migrant Hawker, Southern Hawker, evocative of late summer for me Common Darter and Black-tailed Skimmer, with Beautiful Demoiselle and Blue-tailed Damselfly good to see too.
Shift in the year was evident in my birdwatching month too which was another brilliant one with some migration movement. I loved seeing Whinchats at Hook-with-Warsash, Little Stint and Curlew Sandpiper at Pennington and Osprey at Fishlake Meadows. I got some splendid views of the Peregrines at Winchester Cathedral this month, very much enjoyed the new Great Crested Grebe chicks and young Moorhens on regular walks at Lakeside Country Park and was thrilled to see adorable Mute Swan cygnets well a few times at Winnall Moors and Keyhaven in a strong year I’ve had for seeing young birds. Other highlights this month included Ravens, Jay, Red Kite, Buzzard, Marsh Harrier, Kestrel, Sparrowhawk, the last Swifts, Swallow, House Martin, Sand Martin, Stock Doves, Stonechat, Bullfinches, Great Spotted Woodpecker at Lakeside and Green Woodpecker there and heard elsewhere, Chiffchaff, Long-tailed Tit, Blue Tit and Goldfinches including young at home, a few Kingfishers, Cormorants including notably at Lakeside and Winnall Moors, Grey Heron including notably at Lakeside and in Winchester, Little Egret, Great White Egret, Spoonbills, Knot, Grey Plover, Ringed Plover, Avocet, Common Sandpiper, Dunlin, Snipe, Whimbrel, Curlew, Eiders and some Tufted Ducks including ducklings.
Other nice sightings this month included of Roe and Fallow Deers on wonderful afternoon of deers at Acres Down in the New Forest, Grey Squirrel, Common Red Soldier beetle, my first ever Tawny Longhorn beetle at Shipton Bellinger, ladybirds, pondskater with especially lots at one point at Lakeside sticking in my mind, sawflies, charming Hornet mimic hoverfly at Stockbridge Down, Yellow-haired Sunfly, other hoverflies and bees, Ichneumon wasps, Fox and Cinnabar moth caterpillars, crickets/grasshoppers including Roesel’s bush cricket, Long-winged Conehead and Common Field Grasshopper, snails at home on wet nights and gorgeous Ambersnail at Winnall Moors, Common Lizards at Magdalen Hill and Grey Silverfish and spiders at home.
Onto plants and I saw some more thrilling wildflowers this month including fairy flax, water speedwell and another speedwell, St. John’s-worts, fleabane, ragwort, bird’s-foot trefoil, forget-me-not, scarlet pimpernel, water mint, sundew, bog asphodel, hemp agrimony, purple loosestrife, great willowherb, rosebay willowherb, small-flower hairy willowherb, marjoram, wild basil, tufted vetch, vetch, viper’s-bugloss, scabiouses including fine devil’s-bit scabious, wild carrot, upright hedge-parsley, sea aster, scentless mayweed, pineappleweed, dock, self-heal, sainfoin, creeping thistle, spear thistle, woolly thistle, horseweed, common mallow, musk mallow, marsh mallow, golden samphire, nightshade, broad-leaved enchanter’s nightshade and some of my favourites centaury, restharrow, common toadflax, eyebright and endearing nodding harebells. It was amazing to see sunflowers at home in the garden a stalwart of August with the fuchsias and black-eyed Susans coming on nicely too. The aforementioned berries I really enjoyed seeing this month included loads of blackberries and hawthorn, blackthorn sloes, rowan, guelder rose berries, nightshade berries, cuckoo-pint berries, elderberries, wild service tree berries and wayfaring tree berries with apple, acorn and chestnut seen too. There were some nice mushrooms seen this month as well including King Alfred’s cake and panthercap and I took in some stunning views at various locations and habitats with epic sky scenes including moody scenes, the moon and sunsets observed. Have a great September all.
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violetthekiller · 4 months
Whats the lore?
basically Joey Essex was on an iconic reality show called TOWIE back in the day and has gone on to be on nearly every reality tv show you can think of
he was known for being very clueless and even had a whole show called Educating Joey Essex based around how stupid he supposedly was. also he would always have an awful orange spray tan and had horrific veneers which was sort of his ‘thing’
he’s a british reality tv icon and it’s just hilarious that he’s rocked up on Love Island as his next mission remain relevant…and it’s working bc i’m tuned in lol
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wickedslip · 21 days
❛ I hate it here. ❜
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❛ I know the place seems old and haunted and full of old spooks, but there's plenty of things to do once you get past the creepy veneer. ❜ Rosethorns had its moments to shine, but that dulled exponentially since its ornate beginnings in New Salem 1692. It technically wasn't put to use until the following year of the town's haunting incorporation, and scores of Aldens, Sibleys, and Blacks had dominated the massive Victorian dwelling ever since.
❛ We can always go on Essex, do you want to go to the mall? ❜ She needed a break away from the ridiculousness going on inside of the ivy covered walls. Max was proving to go quite restless, and in veracity she couldn't quite blame her for it.
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Transform Your Smile with Cosmetic Tooth Restoration in Essex
A radiant smile can enhance your confidence and transform your overall appearance. For many individuals, cosmetic tooth restoration offers a pathway to achieving that perfect smile. In Essex, cosmetic dentistry has become increasingly popular, providing various treatments designed to address aesthetic concerns and improve oral health. This article explores the different types of cosmetic tooth restoration available, their benefits, and what you can expect throughout the process.
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Understanding Cosmetic Tooth Restoration
Cosmetic tooth restoration is a branch of dentistry focused on improving the appearance of teeth, gums, and smiles. Unlike traditional restorative dentistry, which primarily addresses functional issues, cosmetic dentistry emphasizes aesthetics. Whether you’re dealing with discolored, chipped, misaligned, or missing teeth, cosmetic restoration can offer effective solutions tailored to your needs.
Common Types of Cosmetic Tooth Restoration
Cosmetic tooth restoration encompasses various procedures, each designed to enhance your smile in distinct ways. Here are some of the most common treatments available in Essex:
Porcelain veneers are thin shells custom-made to cover the front surface of teeth. They are an excellent option for those looking to correct issues such as discoloration, chips, or gaps between teeth. The process typically involves minimal tooth preparation and can drastically change the appearance of your smile.
Veneers are durable and stain-resistant, making them a popular choice for individuals seeking a long-lasting solution. They can provide a natural-looking result that enhances the symmetry and brightness of your smile.
Teeth Whitening
Teeth whitening is one of the most sought-after cosmetic treatments. Over time, factors such as diet, smoking, and aging can lead to tooth discoloration. Professional teeth whitening treatments offered by dental practices in Essex can significantly lighten the shade of your teeth, providing a brighter, more youthful appearance.
There are various whitening options, including in-office treatments and take-home kits. In-office whitening typically yields immediate results, while at-home kits allow for gradual whitening at your convenience.
Dental Crowns
Dental crowns are custom-made caps placed over damaged or decayed teeth to restore their shape, size, and function. They can also be used for cosmetic purposes, such as improving the appearance of misshapen or severely discolored teeth.
Crowns can be made from various materials, including porcelain, ceramic, and metal. The choice of material often depends on the location of the tooth, the extent of restoration needed, and your personal preferences.
Dental bonding is a quick and cost-effective way to correct minor imperfections in your teeth. This procedure involves applying a tooth-colored resin to the affected area, which is then hardened with a special light. Bonding is ideal for repairing chips, gaps, and even discoloration.
One of the significant advantages of bonding is that it typically requires little to no tooth preparation, making it a less invasive option compared to other treatments.
Dental bridges are used to replace one or more missing teeth, restoring both function and aesthetics. A bridge consists of two or more crowns placed on the teeth adjacent to the gap, with a false tooth (or teeth) anchored in between.
Bridges can be made from various materials, including porcelain and metal. They provide a natural-looking solution that helps maintain the structure of your mouth and improve your smile.
Dental implants are a permanent solution for missing teeth. They consist of a titanium post surgically placed into the jawbone, which acts as a root for a replacement tooth. Once the implant has fused with the bone, a crown is placed on top, restoring both function and appearance.
Implants are known for their durability and natural look, making them an excellent option for individuals looking for a long-term solution to tooth loss.
The Benefits of Cosmetic Tooth Restoration
Cosmetic tooth restoration offers numerous benefits beyond merely enhancing your smile. Here are some of the advantages of pursuing cosmetic dental treatments:
Improved Aesthetics
The most obvious benefit of cosmetic tooth restoration is the enhancement of your smile. Treatments like veneers, whitening, and bonding can significantly improve the appearance of your teeth, boosting your confidence and self-esteem.
Enhanced Functionality
Many cosmetic procedures, such as crowns and implants, not only improve aesthetics but also restore functionality. These treatments can help you chew more effectively, speak clearly, and maintain proper oral health.
Long-Lasting Results
With proper care, many cosmetic dental treatments can provide long-lasting results. For instance, porcelain veneers and dental implants can last for many years, making them a worthwhile investment in your oral health.
Customized Solutions
Cosmetic dentistry offers personalized treatment plans tailored to your specific needs and goals. Your dentist will work with you to determine the best options for achieving your desired results, ensuring a more satisfying outcome.
Boosted Confidence
A beautiful smile can significantly enhance your confidence and overall quality of life. Many individuals report feeling more self-assured and willing to engage in social situations after undergoing cosmetic dental treatments.
What to Expect During the Cosmetic Restoration Process
If you’re considering cosmetic tooth restoration in Essex, it’s essential to understand what the process entails. Here’s a general overview of what you can expect:
Initial Consultation
Your journey begins with an initial consultation with a cosmetic dentist. During this appointment, you’ll discuss your goals, concerns, and treatment options. The dentist will perform a thorough examination of your teeth and may take X-rays to assess your oral health.
Treatment Planning
After evaluating your needs, the dentist will create a customized treatment plan. This plan will outline the recommended procedures, costs, and timelines. It’s essential to ask any questions during this stage to ensure you fully understand the process.
Pre-Treatment Preparations
Depending on the chosen procedures, certain preparations may be necessary. For example, if you’re getting veneers, the dentist may need to remove a small amount of enamel from your teeth. This is a crucial step to ensure a proper fit for the veneers.
The Cosmetic Procedure
The actual cosmetic procedure will vary based on the treatment you’ve chosen. For instance, teeth whitening may take a couple of hours, while dental implants may require multiple appointments. Regardless of the procedure, your dentist will ensure you are comfortable throughout the process.
Post-Treatment Care
After your cosmetic treatment, your dentist will provide care instructions to help you maintain your new smile. This may include advice on oral hygiene, dietary restrictions, and follow-up appointments. Adhering to these guidelines is essential for the longevity of your results.
Maintaining Your New Smile
Once you’ve undergone cosmetic tooth restoration, maintaining your new smile is crucial. Here are some tips to help you care for your teeth post-treatment:
Practice Good Oral Hygiene
Brushing twice a day, flossing daily, and using mouthwash are essential practices for maintaining oral health. Good hygiene helps prevent decay and gum disease, ensuring your restored teeth remain in excellent condition.
Regular Dental Check-Ups
Scheduling regular dental check-ups is vital for monitoring your oral health. Your dentist can assess the condition of your restorations and address any concerns promptly.
Avoid Staining Foods and Beverages
If you’ve had teeth whitening or veneers, be mindful of foods and beverages that can cause staining. Limit your consumption of coffee, tea, red wine, and dark berries, and consider using a straw for beverages to minimize contact with your teeth.
Wear a Mouthguard if Necessary
If you engage in contact sports or grind your teeth at night, consider using a mouthguard. This protective measure can help prevent damage to your cosmetic restorations.
Cost of Cosmetic Tooth Restoration in Essex
The cost of cosmetic tooth restoration can vary significantly based on the type of treatment and the complexity of the case. Here’s a Many dental practices in Essex offer financing options and payment plans to make cosmetic treatments more accessible.
Transforming your smile with cosmetic tooth restoration in Essex can be a life-changing experience. With various treatments available, individuals can address aesthetic concerns, improve functionality, and boost their confidence. Understanding the different types of cosmetic procedures, their benefits, and what to expect throughout the process is essential for making informed decisions about your dental care.Whether you’re considering veneers, whitening, crowns, or implants, consulting with a qualified cosmetic dentist is the first step toward achieving your dream smile. With proper care and maintenance, the results of cosmetic tooth restoration can last for many years, enhancing both your appearance and quality of life. Embrace the journey to a brighter, more confident smile, and enjoy the many benefits that come with it.
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basraiuk · 2 months
Chafford 100 Dental Care
We are a private dental practice that serves the local community of Chafford Hundred and surrounding areas. We offer teeth whitening , composite bonding , composite veneers , dental crowns , dental bridges , TMJ pain , composite fillings, dentures , full dentures , inlays , root canal treatment , hygiene services , Invisalign, clear Aligner therapy , Facial aesthetics like Dermal fillers with Profilo , Juverderm, Restylane , Intraline, Teosyal , Anti wrinkle injections etc…
We work 8.00am to 5.00 pm Monday to Friday and weekends by appointment only .
Website: https://www.basrai.co.uk/
Address: Drake Road, Grays, Essex, RM16 6SE
Phone Number: 01375481000
Contact Email: [email protected]
Business Hours: Mon - Fri:08:00 am to 05:00 pm Sat - Sun:Appointment only
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NY / &&&2
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&&&2 January 6, 2024 – February 18, 2024  Opening Reception: Jan 6, Saturday 6-8PM  A talk with the artists will be scheduled in February
Tiger Strikes Asteroid New York is pleased to present &&&2, a bi-coastal exhibition that serves as both a survey and sequel to the collaborations of Ethan Greenbaum, David Kennedy Cutler and Sara Greenberger Rafferty.
Ten years ago, the artists initiated a series of meetings to talk about materials and techniques, based on their mutual interest in using photographic imagery to destabilize traditional art categories like painting, printmaking and sculpture.
The meetings resulted in an artist’s book titled &&&, in which the three artists imagined themselves as a fictional industrial supply firm. For Greenberger & Greenbaum & Cutler &, the fictional company had a veneer of prestige. For these capitalist outsiders, a corporate symbol of joint commercial enterprise was almost tantamount to success.
The book was released at Printed Matter’s NY Art Book Fair in 2013 in both a mass market paperback and a boxed, limited special edition print series based on swatch sample catalogs. The intention of the project was lost on nearly everyone, but a few key people became aware of the artists’ positioning themselves as a small movement.  This included the photography curator Dan Leers, who organized a show and catalog of their work, Beyond The Surface: Image as Object, at the Philadelphia Photo Arts Center in 2014. 
To commemorate the 10th anniversary of &&&, Sun You has invited Greenberger & Greenbaum & Cutler to mount an exhibition at TSA in Brooklyn, NY. There will also be a simultaneous version of the show at Ditch Projects in Springfield, OR.  The exhibitions at both artist-run spaces feature a backdrop that wraps the gallery with deconstructed pages from the original &&& book, over which the artists have installed works from 2013 and 2023.  The original book is also exhibited, as well as a new portfolio of prints (&&&2) to celebrate ten fruitful years of collaboration, hand wringing and friendship 
Ethan Greenbaum is a New York based artist. Selected exhibition venues include KANSAS, New York; Derek Eller Gallery, New York; Hauser and Wirth, New York; Marlborough Chelsea, New York, Higher Pictures, New York; New York; Marianne Boesky, New York, Circus Gallery, Los Angeles; Steve Turner, Los Angeles; The Suburban, Chicago; Michael Jon & Alan, Miami, The Aldrich Museum, Connecticut; Socrates Sculpture Park; Long Island City and Stems Gallery, Brussels. Recent projects include a solo presentation with Lyles & King and solo exhibitions at Galerie Pact, Paris and Super Dakota, Brussels.
His work has been discussed in The New York Times, Modern Painters, Artforum, BOMB Magazine, ArtReview and Interview Magazine, among others. Ethan is a co-founder and editor of thehighlights.org and his writings have appeared in the Brooklyn Rail, Wax Magazine, BOMB, Paper Monument and others. He has also curated and co-curated multiple exhibitions at venues including The Suburban, Chicago; Lyles & King, New York and Super Dakota, Brussels. Greenbaum is the recipient of the Queens Art Fund New Work Grant, the Silver Art Residency, The Keyholder Residency at the Lower East Side Printshop, Dieu Donne’s Workspace Residency, LMCC’s Workspace Program, The Robert Blackburn SIP Fellowship, The Socrates EAF Fellowship, The Edward Albee Foundation Residency and The Barry Schactman Painting Prize. He received an MFA in Painting from Yale School of Art.
David Kennedy Cutler is an artist, writer and performer who lives and works in Brooklyn, New York. Cutler received his BFA from The Rhode Island School of Design in 2001. He has had solo exhibitions at Derek Eller Gallery, New York; Halsey McKay Gallery, East Hampton; Essex Flowers, New York; The Centre for Contemporary Art, Tallinn, Estonia and Nice & Fit, Berlin, Germany. Cutler has performed in various spaces in New York including Klaus von Nichtssagend Gallery, Essex Flowers, Printed Matter, Halsey McKay, Derek Eller Gallery, and Flag Art Foundation, and internationally at the Center for Contemporary Arts Estonia, among others. His works are included in the permanent collections of the Wellin Museum at Hamilton College and The RISD Museum, and his artist’s books are included in the libraries of the Whitney Museum and the Brooklyn Museum. He has been reviewed and featured in The New York Times, Artforum, Art in America, The New Yorker and Modern Painter, among others. Cutler is represented by Derek Eller Gallery, NY and Halsey McKay Gallery, East Hampton. 
Sara Greenberger Rafferty produces image-based works in paper, plastic, glass, metal, fabric, and video. Her work is driven by an ongoing examination of contemporary and mid-20th century visual culture and considers the ever-changing implications for photographic images in the digital era. She’s also into comedy. 
Ditch Projects is a nonprofit artist-founded, artist-run studio, exhibition, and performance space providing contemporary art experiences in Springfield, Oregon. As a collective of artists and professionals committed to exhibiting experimental artists from diverse backgrounds, Ditch Projects provides opportunities for cultural exchange between experimental contemporary art and our local community, acting as an integral voice within contemporary art discourse in the Pacific Northwest. Since its founding in 2008, Ditch Projects has featured over 145 exhibitions and 275 artists. Growing organically out of the concerns of its artist members, Ditch provides contemporary visual arts practitioners with an opportunity to test out new ideas, processes, and approaches they might not otherwise attempt in a comparable urban center. Over the past decade, the primary focus of the artist collective has been on the production and presentation of new works by regional, national and international artists, with a consistent 10-12 solo, two-person or group exhibitions per season. Past exhibiting artists have included internationally renowned practitioners such as Amy Yao, Diana Thater, Scott Reeder, Laura Owens, Jessica Jackson Hutchinsons, and Vito Acconci, along with regionally acclaimed artists such as Ralph Pugay, Amy Bernstein, Lisa Radon, Tannaz Farsi, James Lavadour, and Kristen Kennedy. Exhibitions at Ditch Projects have been reviewed in Art Forum, Frieze, Art in America, and the New York Times. Ditch Projects has received grants from the Andy Warhol Foundation, The Miller Foundation, the Ford Family Foundation, the Oregon Arts Commision, the Oregon Cultural Trust, Oregon Community Foundation, and the WLS Spencer Foundation.
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dentalkind · 3 years
Dental Veneer Essex
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DentalKind offers Dental veneers in Essex, Billericay at an affordable cost that suits your pocket and a consultation free.
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simplyteethessex · 4 years
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How to get best results using Invisalign braces
Invisalign Braces are now one of the most popular and exciting methods of teeth alignment. If this is something you have been looking into, and then go through the top 5 tips and checkout how you can use them to get the smile of your dreams. For more information visit https://simplyteethessex.co.uk.
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dansnaturepictures · 1 year
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Six of my favourite photos I took in June 2023 and month summary 
The photos are of: Red Squirrel at Newborough Forest, Anglesey, Stonechat at RSPB Valley Wetlands in Anglesey, evening view at Cemaes on Anglesey, Lulworth Skipper at Durlston in Dorset, evening view at Lakeside Country Park, Hampshire and pyramidal orchids at Durlston. 
I often say things about June being the or a key month of the year as since I left education we’ve had a wildlife holiday in all but two Junes (one of them was 2020 when we had to postpone a holiday until 2021 due to the pandemic and still had a week off of day trips) which often contains some of our best experiences of a year and everything wildlife wise at home is packed and in terms of insects and flowers especially going at quite a pace into summer. This June was no exception, and was a phenomenal month. Starting with birds where I had a fantastic birdwatching month, with a few more species seen for the first time this year putting my year list into an unbelievable position with Sunday’s Pig Bush Spotted Flycatcher sighting taking my year list to 207 to make it my highest ever. There were some incredible species seen this month, from Arctic Tern, Manx Shearwater, Chough, Black Guillemot and Little Ringed Plover key birds of the amazing holiday on Anglesey and wider north Wales, to Peregrine at Winchester Cathedral and Durlston and Great Crested Grebes at Lakeside excitedly seeing chicks for both this month. Jay, Common Guillemot, Razorbill and Puffin and Marsh and Hen Harrier were other key birds this month. It was a brilliant month of mammals, headlined by the exquisite experiences seeing the Red Squirrel to ensure I’ve seen them in England, Scotland and Wales this year and also Grey Seals amazingly on a boat trip around Puffin Island on Anglesey. 
It was a blissful month of butterflies as we sailed into summer, I was amazed to see species such as Meadow Brown and Large Skipper firstly at Lakeside, Silver-studded Blue, Common Grayling, Dark Green Fritillary and Ringlet firstly in the amazing set we saw in North Wales, Small Skipper, Essex Skipper, the Lulworth Skippers, Gatekeeper, Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary with Small Copper and lots of Red Admiral other highlights. I am in a strong place in my butterfly year compared to my other years. Silver Y, enigmatic Hummingbird hawk-moths, the emergence of both Five-spot Burnet and Six-spot Burnet into my year and new ones for me like Brown Silver-line, Rosy Wave, Large Yellow Underwing and Garden Grass Veneer as well as Straw Dot seen were key species of a strong moth month.
It was a dazzling month of dragonflies and damselflies with so many seen. Golden-ringed Dragonfly, Four-spotted Chaser, Emperor, Southern Hawker, Black-tailed Skimmer and Broad-bodied Chaser were strong dragonflies to observe, with Azure Damselfly which I’m having a great year for, Beautiful Demoiselle, Blue-tailed Damselfly and Common Blue Damselfly fascinating and stunning damsels to enjoy. It was a great month for other insects with Swollen-thighed beetle dominating the month with loads seen probably more than I have before this year. Great Green Bush-cricket, Rose Chafer beetle, Chrysomela populi beetle and Black-spotted Longhorn beetle were other creatures I was so fascinated and thrilled to see and for many learn.
June was a fabulous month of flowers too of course as I was captivated by orchids seeing the pyramidals, bee orchids a flower I love so much, and marsh orchids including early marsh orchid. Marsh helleborine, self-heal, argimony, English stonecrop, sheep’s-bit, marsh cinquefoil, yellow-horned poppy, meadow crane’s-bill, bird’s-foot trefoil, red campion, foxgloves, yellow rattle, chamomile, pineappleweed, yellow iris, thrift, knapweed, thistle, mallow and oxeye daisy were other key flowers seen with the flowers seen at Lakeside regularly and big times in the year for flowers in Anglesey and Durlston sticking in the mind. Finally it was a great month for just enjoying being outdoors and seeing the outdoors in so much bright sunshine, I took in many breathtaking views at many wonderful places enjoying summery sunsets, sun going down scenes and the moon. Have a nice July all. 
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smilesofmidtown1 · 3 years
Cosmetic Dentistry - Improving Your Smile
Cosmetic dentistry is typically used to describe any dental procedure that improves the look of gums, teeth and/or bite. It focuses mainly on the improvement in the dental aesthetic in appearance, color, size, shape, position and overall smile look. The field of Smiles of Midtown aims to make the smile more appealing by correcting the faults and enhancing the looks. Cosmetic dentistry deals with fixing broken or crooked teeth; straightening teeth; filling in worn out or broken teeth; straightening the gums; removing plaque and tartar from the teeth and restoring missing teeth. Cosmetic dentistry can also be used for improving the facial features of a person.
Cosmetic Dentistry in Essex is one of the fastest growing sectors in the country. Most cosmetic dentists are trained on the advanced level and use advanced equipment. The leading cosmetic dentists offer state-of-the-art cosmetic dentistry services that give you the perfect smile that you always desired. Smiles of Midtown have gained a good reputation over the years because of their skill and expertise that is evident in the quality of the service they render. If you are looking for a dentist that can provide quality service then you need to check out the practices of the best in Houston.
One of the popular forms of cosmetic dentistry in Houston is veneers. Veneers are made up of porcelain or composite material that is adhered to the tooth. There are three types of veneers that you can go for: bonding, composite laminates or porcelain veneers. Bonding and composite laminates are recommended for those who have chipped or damaged teeth and they need their tooth's surface to be smoothened; meanwhile porcelain veneers are recommended for those who need to have whitened their teeth and have small cracks or chips in them.
Another form of cosmetic dentistry in Houston is teeth whitening. Although many people might think that these procedures are only for Hollywood stars, they actually have practical application. Teeth whitening in Houston offers many people the chance to get back their original smile. There are many procedures available nowadays and most are covered by dental insurance. A professional will apply a special gel, known as whitening gel, on the teeth. After a while, after the process has been completed, the person will see immediate results and his or her smile will look white and bright like it used to.
Smiles of Midtown can also perform other restorative procedures that are aimed at addressing aesthetic problems. These restorative procedures can help you achieve whiter more radiant smiles. There are many people who don't like the way that their smile looks. Cosmetic dentists in Houston can assist you in improving the overall appearance of your teeth and face.
If you are considering veneers, you should first consult a cosmetic dentist in Houston. There, your general dentist will take an impression of your smile. This will then be sent to a lab where the veneer will be made to fit your teeth perfectly. Once this is done, you can go and visit your general dentist to get your new smile.
Contact Us:
Smiles of Midtown Address:3600 San Jacinto St, Houston, TX 77004, US Email:[email protected]
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