#Vergil dmc reboot
draymon-r0 · 3 months
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I downloaded the mod.. It suits him.
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4dmc · 9 months
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our-reb00t-boi · 1 year
Here's a meaty one; What would happen if Reboot Vergil met John Kramer (Jigsaw for the saw movies)
A very meaty one indeed!!
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It'll be the goriest psychological horror to be ever seen. Where we see Vergil trapped by the Jigsaw demon, playing with his psychosis and testing his Nephilim "anatomy" to the limit!
It's Vergil's Downfall but like with deathtrap puzzle rooms, choices of sacrificing someone or trying to survive physical torture to do one kind thing for another trapped soul. The enemies that spawn wear Dante's or Kat's face, and even a shadowy figure that resembles Vergil lurks in corners, cackling at every attempt to free.
Vergil asks if these chambers are even real. But as he looks at his broken hands, shaky cold breath and unable to tell day from night and for how long, Vergil realizes it doesn't matter if it's a dream. These are all nightmarish.. 💀
If Jigsaw is human he can just do this again
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animelovelover123 · 1 year
DMC Boys x Reader – Taking Your Virginity Headcanons
Parings: Dante, Reboot Dante, Vergil, Reboot Vergil, Nero, V x Reader
Synopsis/Author's Note: Headcanons for how the Devil May Cry boys would treat you if you were to offer them your first time.
Disclaimer: Some of these stories have moments that should not be replicated. Not all of these guys handle the situation the best and, if applied to real life, it can result in some hurt feelings, anger, and/or sadness. You all be safe, use your wits and gut feelings out there when you have your first time/give someone their first time.
Science Fact I Learned For This: A girl's hymen is NOT some wall/barrier that is broken through. It is a tissue that naturally has a hole in it big enough to let menstrual blood through. The whole idea of it hurting and/or bleeding the first time a girl has penetrative sex is because it may not be used to being stretched that far and can tear, not because it is punctured/broken through. There are, of course, exceptions to this but this is the general idea. Some people may have known this but in case you didn’t, you just learned something today like me! ^^
His reaction and treatment will change a bit depending on his age (aka what game time you are in) but many things will be consistent.
He always understands how much trust and courage it takes to give someone your first time and it means a lot to him that you want to choose him.
Whether he is in his late teens and gives you a shocked expression then a giddy smile as he says “Wait, really? Thanks! I’ll be sure to give you the time of your life.” or in his early 40s where he pauses for a moment to process before giving you a patient and gentle smile, saying “Of course, I’d be honoured to.”, he appreciates the gesture and does not take it for granted. Although, the older he is the more touched he is that you wanted to do this with him of all people.
This is not to say he isn’t going to make jokes and be silly about it. He takes the moment with all due respect, but he can’t help cracking jokes as that is just who he is. Secretly though, he is also trying to get you to lighten up about the idea. He knows how stressful losing your virginity can be, hell he went through it himself, and he hoped that by making light of it he could offer some levity to what he knows is going to inevitably be an awkward and uncomfortable time. If you can laugh at the mishaps instead of curling up and dying a bit inside, then his jokes have done their job.
Though not all of his jokes will land and may seem a bit insensitive at times, know that he is never laughing at you or mocking you, just trying to make you smile and relax.
When the night comes, he does what he can to make you feel secure. He locks all the doors and unplugs the phone to avoid interruptions. He offers you food and a bath before you start, and takes a shower himself. He makes preparations, like getting water, condoms, and lube, and lays them out so that you can see them and feel secure by their presence. And he will have a conversation with you beforehand.
If you try to fight the conversation, he will dip into his hardly ever used mature-adult mode.
“Hey now, no hiding from this babe.” Dante chuckles lightly as he gently pulls the pillow away from your face. “I know it’s embarrassing but we gotta talk about this, at least this first time, okay?”
He needs to make some things clear, define boundaries, and try to explain what to expect. He continues to throw in jokes to lighten the mood or will otherwise smile at you sympathetically, inwardly finding your bashfulness endearing.
He takes things nice and slow, verbally asking for consent and telling you what he intends to do so as to not catch you off guard.
He also takes into account what makes you feel secure. For example, do you feel better being covered by his body, whether he kneels over you or partially lays on you? Does the pressure and closeness calm you? Then he will do that. Or, alternatively, would that freak you out and make you feel trapped? If so then he will stay sitting up or lying beside you to give you space and so you see that you can escape if you want, not that he was holding you there, but it is an unconscious thing.
If your hymen does end up tearing it is not quite as panic-inducing as it could be thanks to Dante warning you beforehand that you might feel pain and that he stays calm, acting as an anchor while you settle from the sting.
He will stop. Not pulling out or pushing forward, just sit inside you and coddle you until you are ready. And if you have any questions like “What happened?”, “Am I going to be okay?”, and “Why does it hurt so much?”, he will patiently answer them with little to no jokes as he knows this is probably the most emotionally and physically intense part of a woman losing her virginity.
If at any point you panic and tell him that you want to stop, he will stop but not retreat. He will hold his position for a moment, let you breathe, and then ask how you are feeling. Do you really want to stop, because he will, or are you just anxious? After dating you for a while, he has gotten really damn good at knowing when you are overwhelmed and just need a break.
If you do truly want to stop though, or are generally not enjoying yourself, he will stop. He won't be upset or take it personally. He knows losing your v-card is a lot to handle and sometimes, no matter how sexy and skilled your partner may be, you may just not be into it. He can relate. He will even tell you of some of his sexual misadventures if he thinks it will make you laugh.
Either way, he will want to push aside any negative emotions you are feeling as soon as possible and bring back your smile. And maybe tomorrow you two can talk about what you didn’t like and how to make things better for you in the future.
He finds you and your flustered reactions adorable. He has done this dance quite a few times and some of the sweet intimacy feelings have faded over the years, but seeing you get bashful or excited warms his heart.
And when, if everything goes well, you do cum, Dante just wants to watch you flex, twist, moan, and enjoy your first orgasm.
He isn’t picky about whether he finishes this first time around or not. He will try of course so you can feel the full extent of his desire for you. But if you are completely tuckered out, he can settle without, and maybe even make a joke about it.
As you drift down from your high Dante lays beside you with an at-peace smile, playing with your hair, basking in your happiness.
Once you are down on earth again though he is back to his talkative self. Mostly making jokes and asking if you’re hungry.
“How about we order pizza, turn on some trash TV, and cuddle the night away.”
He does not ask how he did as your clear pleasure was plenty enough for him to know he was treating you well. If you do take the time to praise or thank him though, you’ll get to see a softer version of his proud smile paired with a rare blush as he thanks you in return.
Reboot Dante
It depends if you are a random person he met at a club or his partner.
If you are random and you tell him you have never had sex before, he will want to back out. Not because he finds that gross or a turn-off, it’s more so that he himself regrets how he had his first time and doesn’t want someone else’s to be like this.
Dante probably had his first sexual experience far younger than he should have, like 13-14 yours old, with an older woman, out of a desire to act older than he actually was, his street kid lifestyle, and fuck-authority mindset. As an adult, and as he gains more stable and healthy relationships through Kat and Vergil, he is starting to realize how that negatively affects him.
He does not fully understand how it messed with him, he isn’t emotionally mature enough for that yet, but he does know that he doesn’t really want to ruin someone else’s first time if he can help it.
He can’t really articulate this though, still too attached to some toxic masculine pride traits and the aforementioned lack of emotional maturity, so he will say some things like “You sure? Don’t you want to pop your cherry with someone you love or some shit like that?”
If you are his partner, he will think the same thing but probably won’t say it out loud.
Either way, he is going to have a tough time. He knows he should be slower, gentler, and comforting but that’s not really his style, so he is out of his element.
If he has advance warning, as in you are his partner and told him at some point that you were a virgin, and the time grows close, he will awkwardly go to Kat for advice. And, if he really loved you (and he was a bit drunk), he may just work up the nerve to ask his brother how to be a gentleman for you.
No matter what though, he is kind of awkward about it.
He doesn’t want to make a big deal out of it because that is stupid, cheesy, and would put more pressure on you both to perform well. This helps in the beginning, making it so the lead-up of kisses, gropes, and rubbings are casual and playful.
As soon as you start to grow nervous and hesitant though, the switch is flipped and Dante is not the same. He will do his damnedest to keep up the cool and confident aura on the outside, but the nerves on the inside will leak out eventually.
He spends the whole time flipping between holding himself back, worrying about how he is doing, and agitation. He is so strung up that he honestly cannot really enjoy it, especially not in a sexually satisfying way. But he at least understands that this is not about him or his pleasure.
This first time, and probably the next handful of goes, it is about you. That does not stop him from jerking off later to get it out of his system and to make sure he doesn’t lose control on you.
He does, however, gain some satisfaction if you are able to enjoy yourself. Even if he is not able to be sexually gratified due to preferring rougher sex and not being able to have that with you this first time, to see you cum and be overall pleased by the end makes it worth all the struggle he went through.
On the other hand, if you are dissatisfied or request to stop in the middle, he is upset. He isn’t angry with you, he is angry at himself for fucking up so bad, though he can’t communicate this properly in the moment so it may come off badly.
If things go that wrong, he may just want to split up for the night.
If you are someone he just met that night at a club, he will send you home. He won’t be a total ass and just kick you out. He will at least walk you home or somewhere where you can make the rest of the trip yourself/with friends safely, but he can’t stand the awkwardness and emotions of having you stay the night after that.
If you are his partner, he will suggest that he just leave, even if you are at his place/in his room. You can convince him to stay, though he doesn’t have the heart to simply cuddle after he, as far as he is concerned, ruined things, so you would have to do something else like watch a movie to get your minds off of it.
If applicable, you can try to assure him all you want that he did nothing wrong and it was your own nerves/insecurities, and Dante may say he understands, but it is easy to tell that he 100% blames himself.
This guilt is even worse if your hymen ends up tearing because holly shit. He knows it can happen to some women, but he is not properly educated on this stuff and he has never seen it. To him, a bit of blood, even during sex, was not unheard of and never really bothered him. But if you start to cry, scream, and/or panic, he freaks out. He pulls out of you right away and starts asking what's wrong, even if somewhere in his racing mind he knows what is wrong. You can convince him to continue but he is rattled after that.
Post sex, assuming everything went well, he will be on edge. He is used to long nights of multiple rounds of foreplay and sex, sometimes with multiple people. So, going just one round, which possibly didn’t bring him to orgasm, at least not a fully satisfying one, left him with a lot of pent-up energy.
Depending on how wound up he is, he may try to gently encourage you to keep going by lavishing your neck in kisses, licks, and little bites, and grinding against you. But if you make it clear that you are done, he will back off.
He will cuddle you until you fall asleep, then probably slip off to a shower to finish himself. He will come back though and fall asleep wrapped around you, finding himself oddly satisfied. Not sexually satisfied, nor satisfied in the idea that he got to take a virgin. Instead, it was a satisfaction in making you happy for your first time, something he secretly wishes he was with his own, and you having chosen to share it with him.
Vergil is maybe not be the best pick to have your first time with. He is proud, straightforward, and is also lacking in tact. This can make him come off as cold, unsympathetic, or even cruel.
He does care about you and does not want to hurt you, physically or emotionally, but he can’t communicate this well and his usual way of telling people there is no need to worry is by asserting that they are foolish and are wasting their breath on needless indecision.
This is first seen when you let slip that you are a virgin. He blatantly asks why you are telling him this.
“I care for you; you care for me. At some point we may consummate our bond through physical means. What does it matter how much experience either of us have in such things?”
If he were to articulate his thoughts and feelings better, he would further explain that he does not see sex as anything that special or as a requirement in a relationship. It is simply another, more primal and physically gratifying, way to express affection and trust. And to eventually create spawn but that comes further down the line.
He may need to have someone, whether it be you or his brother or even a mutual acquaintance like Lady, explain to him how emotionally taxing it can be for someone to have their first time. He will take note of it and be more conscious of your possibly complicated emotions on this, but his actions won’t really change.
He does not press you for it; he just waits until the moment feels right and then whisks you away to his bedroom.
If you show hesitation, he will push you to make up your mind. Again, he is not intending to make you feel pressured or like he does not care. He wants you to make a decision and follow through with it.
Do you want to stop here? Then say so clearly so you both do not waste time fanning the flames of passion just to snuff them out at their hottest moment and regret it after.
Do you want this now? Do you want him now? Then take him. Don’t concern yourself with the trivial restrictions of human societal limitation or personal doubt on how one of your gender, situation, or age should act. Grab hold of the moment by the reins, charge forward, and take what you both desire.
Vergil is not overly gentle with you, even if it is your first time. What point is there in treating you like you are made of glass when it will not properly prepare you for truly passionate lovemaking?
Besides, considering he has inhuman speed and power, can transform into a demon, and has an innate desire to breed, he is showing restraint.
If you start to panic and ask him to wait, that it’s too much, slow down, or something to that extent he will scoff. He’ll assert that you are fine and that there is no need to worry. Despite his verbal dismissal, he will stop or slow down as you requested and give you space to adjust.
If he does end up tearing your hymen, he is considerate enough to stop for a moment but will soon get back into it. In his mind, if you dwell on the pain it will only make it worse.
Besides, he believes you to be an intelligent woman so you should be well aware of what dangers lie in being penetrated for the first time. If you don’t, well you are more naïve than he thought.
Similarly to before though, despite what he says he will indeed halt his movements if you believe it would be better or you fall into distress. And while you come to terms with the pain, he reassures you of your strength in ways that may seem a bit harsh, but he means it to be motivating.
“This hurdle is nothing you can’t handle.”
“Do not falter at this small inconvenience.”
“This pain you feel is nothing in comparison to what you have conquered before.”
And when you do push past this, his lips quirk up into a proud smile. He does not praise you out loud though. Instead, he rewards you by lavishing attention on one of your multiple sensitive spots he has already identified and memorized for later use.
He will finish. It doesn’t matter if it is alongside you or if he has to keep pistoning into you while you tremble and whimper in overstimulation.
He claims that it is the price to pay when you have relations with someone. If either participant is left unsatisfied then it is a failure on both ends, the satisfied being a dishonourable thief and the unsatisfied being too weak to fight for what is owed to them.
Secretly though, Vergil was also quickly getting hooked on the sensation of you clinging to him, inside and out, and so he could not stop himself.
If he senses any dissatisfaction from you, he takes it as a personal insult. He will dive back in, no matter your flustered reaction or lack of energy. His ability to pleasure you shall not be questioned so if it takes an hour of pounding into you or burying his face into your core then so be it. Neither of you will rest until you are completely satisfied or your mind and body are numb from pleasure.
When all is said and done, he is quiet. It may seem like he is unhappy or uninterested, but in reality, his mind and body are still buzzing and he is struggling more than he ever has in his life to relax and focus.
Once he does find some clarity he gets up without a word and lifts you into his arms. He is able to hide how weak his legs are at the moment as he carries you to the bath so you may cleanse yourself and relax your muscles in the hot water.
He has no intention of joining you as he would rather address the inconvenient consequences of lovemaking. Condoms need to be thrown away or packed up. The bed sheets need to be removed and thrown in the wash, and then new ones dug out to replace them. Sleeping attire needed to be gathered.
He explains this to you matter-of-factly. But if you look up at him with those pleading, hopeful, beautiful eyes and ask him to stay, he can’t find it in himself to refuse you.
Reboot Vergil
When you first tell him you are a virgin as he briskly types away at his laptop, he initially responds with the same level of interest as if you just told him your favourite colour. Firstly, he is busy with work, as he always is. Secondly, being around Dante has desensitized Vergil so much that any mention of sex and its many facets would pass through his head like a gentle breeze while he keeps his focus on what he is doing.
It could take minutes, it could take hours, but eventually it will click. It hits Vergil like a truck when he realizes what you, his girlfriend, were trying to insinuate when you told him you were a virgin.
He feels stupid.
He feels excited.
And he feels a rush of pride and superiority at the implication that you want him to take your virginity. Out of all the people you have met before, or would ever meet, it was he who won your heart and would be gifted the treasure of taking your innocence.
He casually and calmly brings up the topic again the next time he sees you just to clarify. And when you do, his heart is sent racing while his mind starts formulating the perfect plan.
Thoughts of you quickly take over his mind. He can still focus on work when he needs to, but if he finds himself stuck with a particularly tedious or uninvolved task, such as watching security footage or waiting for his specially made virus to copy and send him all of the data in a company’s database, his mind wanders. And though his thoughts had occasionally drifted to you before, now that he knows what is to come in your relationship, you are all he can think about. This results in him planning a date for your first time together rather than letting it happen naturally.
He will make an event out of it. You two will spend the whole day together, or longer if he has the free time to whisk you away to a vacation, where he gives you his undivided attention and affection. And at the end of the day, he will take you to a luxury suit he booked both because he wanted to keep the dreamlike feeling of the day going and because he did not want to spoil your first time by having you somewhere dark, cold, and crawling with people demanding his attention like The Order headquarters.
He won't throw you down on the bed the moment you step through the door though, no. He will want to spend some time lounging in the suit with you, maybe drinking a bit, eating, talking, all with soft music playing from somewhere. And sprinkled throughout will be tantalizing touches and eye contact to build anticipation.
You two could be talking on the couch and his hand will slide onto your leg, hold still or give a couple of squeezes until he knows you have noticed, then run up and down your leg. Maybe he’ll pull you into a slow dance where you are either forced to look at one another, faces so close your warm breaths mingle together, or you are pressed together so close that you can feel each other's heartbeats. Or he will simply watch you lovingly, not saying a word, until you notice his lack of response and turn to him. He’ll hold your gaze for an agonizing few seconds, then his smile will twist into a grin, his tongue will peak out to lick at his lips as he looks down at yours, or he will bite his bottom lip while raking his eyes over your body. Then he’ll suddenly return to the conversation like nothing happened while secretly reveling in how frazzled he made you without speaking a word or touching you.
He will give you, through just trying to have a good time and directly offering, alcohol and medication beforehand. Nothing that could impair you, only enough to dull the possible pain. He will respect your decision if you decline, but he will have still bought numbing lubricant.
When it comes to actually doing it, he is more of a sensual lover so he is used to a slower and gentler experience.
He is intent on being in control, as he always wants to be, so he will insist that you don’t have to do anything but lay back and enjoy yourself while he takes care of everything.
For example, he will gracefully peel away your clothes and soon after strip himself for you so that you can both bear yourself to each other without any more barriers. This way he can: feel the trust you have in him, and he can show you that it is well placed; enjoy the slow, tantalizing reveal of your body; and get to feel the boost of pride at how you marvel at his body, which you have not yet seen due to his inclination to wear full pants and his coat or long sleeve shirts.
If you start to fuss for whatever reason he will hush and shush you in that gentle, soothing way. With a hand lightly caressing your face, an expression of mature reassurance, and voice in a soft whisper, he’ll say things like “shh, it's alright. I’ve got you; I won't let anything bad happen to you as long as you are here in my arms” and “hush darling, none of that self-doubt, you are doing perfectly”.
This is also his approach to if your hymen tears. The pain will be less severe due to one, or multiple, of the ways he has numbed you and that area, but he knows there is always a chance that the pain will be too great to fully abolish. So as you cry he will hold you, caress you, and assure you that you are fine. Nothing is wrong, this is natural, and that it will be well worth it. You just have to trust in him and his promise to take care of you.
If you demand to stop or are unsatisfied somehow, he will pointedly ask you what he did wrong. He will keep up a calm, patient, in-control demeanour as he fishes for information and reasons, but on the inside he is furious.
He had worked so hard, done so much research, meticulously guided the experience, and yet you are unhappy? Where did he go wrong? Why is he such a failure to the one woman he truly loves? Of all the ways he could have screwed up in his life, this was the most precious and delicate of moments and by ruining it he may have left a permanent scar in your relationship. It is a guilt and self-anger that will hang over him for years. Perhaps even to the end of his days.
Assuming everything goes perfectly, as he is sure it will, he has a plan for after everything is done. He will whisk you away to a bath, or the private hot tub he made sure came with the suit he booked, and feed you food and drinks to lavish you in luxury.
And he will still do that if you want. But when the moment finally comes and you are snuggled up against his heaving chest, hair tousled, clinging to him, eyes closed in exhaustion, and expression that of a gentle, pleased, and at peace smile… all of his plans and train of thought disappear. All he sees, and all he needs, in this moment is to hold you.
You being a virgin was both a good and bad thing.
On the positive side, Nero felt honoured that you are considering giving your virginity to him and it makes him more secure in telling you that he will be giving you the same.
The bad part is that neither of you knew what the hell you were doing or how to go about things. And in a town run by an old-fashioned religious group that implored their people to wear hoods and full-length clothes, you can bet that they are not about premarital sex so there were not exactly resources on teaching this sort of thing to people his age. Even Nero’s family (as far as he knew pre-DMC4) couldn’t really help since the only ones left were his brother and sister who had not done anything of the sort themselves.
Thank Sparda they were at least willing to help a little. They were both unsure about the idea, being super committed to their religion. Credo in particular would pull Nero aside and try to dissuade him, but he knew that his little brother was a spitfire who would not listen and did not follow the Order’s morals as closely as he wished he did.
Both Kyrie and Credo, knowing that this was going to happen eventually no matter what, did at least go out of their way to covertly gather materials like condoms, lubricant, and maybe some debaucherous books that had been confiscated by the Order as that was the closest to experience any of them could get.
Nero is impatient in getting to experience this with you. He was a healthy young man and he could not help his urges. He had the self-control to not push you into doing things you were not comfortable with, but that did not mean he didn’t push you a bit.
It wasn’t like he was trying to convince you or badger you into it, it was more so that he got ahead of himself sometimes. It’s just that when he would have you close, he couldn’t help but notice how pretty you were. You fit in his arms so perfectly. You were so warm, so soft, so squeezable.
Often, he wouldn’t even realize what he was doing.
“What? Oh, sorry. My bad.” He says with a flustered look as he yanks his hand back after you pull away from the kiss to tell him he was grabbing your butt in a public park.
These urges would not stop when you left. Though he would never tell you, out of embarrassment and a sense of guilt for doing it, but he masturbated to thoughts of you regularly. It began before you two even started dating and were in the bashful flirting stage. He didn’t even mean for it to happen the first few times. He tried to keep you out of his thoughts in those moments out of respect but when he was lost in the moment, his mind foggy and his mental filter was down, while searching his mind for thoughts that could energize him to chase that finish line you inevitable popped up, and that’s often what got him. And this habit only increased the closer you two got and the more he had to wait to have you.
When the moment finally came, you two got to have the house to yourselves for the night and you were giving those signs, Nero was almost too excited. His heart was beating faster than normal and his hands were a bit clammy the whole time in anticipation.
He does his best to act confident and in control, as is his usual MO, but you can occasionally catch slipups where he fumbles and curses a bit under his breath. His excitement also gets the better of him sometimes where he suddenly and unconsciously goes a bit faster or a bit rougher than maybe he should. He will stop and slow down if you ask, but it will definitely happen a few times. He can’t help it, he is just so happy, so excited, and you feel so damn good.
There is a good chance that he will tear your hymen in all of his excitement.
Nero is a bit lost in the sensation of finally feeling you surround him that he does not fully register you’re discomfort until you start telling him to stop.
“Fuck. What is it?” Nero grumbles as he feels you trying to push him away. His shallow thrusts stutter to a stop and he fights to hold his position, a primal part of him demanding that he keep grinding into you.
“It hurts.” The moment you say that Nero pops up onto outstretched arms.
“What?” When he sees the distress in your expression and pulls out enough to see blood coming from you, he starts to panic. “Holy shit, what happened? Are you okay? Fuck, shit, wait.”
His panicking causes you to panic which makes him more panicked and this spirals. He pulls out fully and tries to assure you that “I can fix this, just relax”, but that’s an impossibility at this point. He does not understand what is happening or how to deal with it. He races to grab you a towel and maybe pain medication? A hot water bottle? What does he do?
In the end, he calls Kyrie for help. She doesn’t really know much more than you two about sex but she is able to stay calm and relax you two enough to talk about things and maybe call a doctor. She will even take the bullet and call the doctor herself claiming she is the one who tried to have sex just to save you the embarrassment if you can’t bring yourself to do it.
In short, it is an absolute mess and makes things awkward between you two for a bit. He will avoid getting too touchy or intimate with you for a little bit out of guilt. You can even catch him mumbling apologies at seemingly random times because he thinks back to what he did and feels the need to.
When you two do finally have a proper, satisfying experience, whether it be after getting over the first mishap or if the first time went well because your hymen was already open enough for him, Nero feels a sense of giddiness.
He was not used to this post-coital bliss, instead often having post-nut clarity and maybe feeling a bit bad about it, so it kind of catches him off guard. He curls around you and nuzzles into your hair with a pleased smile. He peppers you with occasional kisses, tells you how good it felt, and asks you if you liked it too.
He is awash with renewed energy and can't seem to settle down. He will need something to calm down like a bath, food, music, or even a little game. And the whole time he can’t keep his hands off of you. Not so much for sexual reasons, though there was a tiny bit of that, but just out of the need to be close in this moment and show you affection.
And when you two do finally fall asleep, you are unable to escape his vine like embrace until the next morning.
V can, and will, play the long game with you. That is to say, he will spend weeks, possibly months, preparing you for the main course.
When you tell him you are a virgin and hint, through words or actions, that you are considering having your first time with him, his plan is set into motion.
He has no intention of simply waiting for the right time and then trying to take you all the way in one go. Instead, he builds up to it over multiple days.
He will start with kissing you a bit longer than the usual pecks or goodnight kisses you are used to. Once you get comfortable with that, will move to the next step.
He won't simply release you after a kiss, instead encouraging you to give him 1, 2, or however many you are willing to, more. As you pull away, he will chase your lips or gently pull you back to him by cupping your cheek or threading his fingers through your hair to hold your head. Once you are receptive to that he will proceed to the next step.
As you two kiss, or even just hold each other with the right mood set, V’s usually stationary hands start to wander. At first, he’ll avoid your more private areas and stick to rubbing your back, shoulders, and arms. Then he will start caressing them. Then he will move to more sensitive areas, like your legs, hips, and neck. Then, he will start gliding his hand over your rear, chest, and lower stomach just above the most sacred of areas. He may even try to hold his hand there if you will let him. He won't grope and grab, just hold and maybe caress those spots to let you grow comfortable with him touching you there. And once you are comfortable with that, he will take things further.
So on and so forth. And between every attempt and step, there is a break of hours, a day, or more.
He knows that committing to something like making love for the first time can be overwhelming with all of the new experiences, sensations, and emotions that come with it. So, instead of compressing all of it into an evening, he will separate these to make the ascension into full-blown passion as unjarring and natural as possible.
Even when you two do get into a bed and start touching under your clothes, V still takes things agonizingly slowly.
The first time you cum because of him had you sitting in his lap with your clothes still on and his hands down your pants. With one arm supporting your back to keep you in a semi-laying position while he held you up, and his face pressed into your hair, so you are not embarrassed by his staring and he can whisper into your ear, he pleasures you with just his hand, showering you with praise and offering reminders.
“You feel wonderful my dear.”
“You are so beautiful.”
“You are doing so well.”
“Please don’t hold your breath, let yourself breath and allow me the pleasure of listening to your sweet voice.”
“Move, flex, twitch, cry out, close your eyes, do whatever it is you desire. I will be here with you no matter what to take care of you. To guide you. To love you.”
“Focus on my fingers and how they glide betwixt your flower petals, how they spread your slick until it coats you completely, how they circle your bud, how they slide in easily as if they were made to bring you to ecstasy.”
He will get you to finish like this, held on his lap and in his arms, without pushing you to reveal your body to him. And this is where the sexual escapade will end for the night. V can see that you are tired out by this first sexual interaction, whether you see it as losing your virginity or not, and he simply wants to enjoy caring for you and soaking up the warmth radiating from you in your afterglow.
What’s that? You’ve noticed that V is still hard and did not actually cum? “Do not worry yourself over such things my songbird.” He assures you as he lays you down on the bed and begins stroking your hair. “Though I truly appreciate your attention to me despite you being the star of this moment, I must confess that not even reaching a physical climax can outmatch the pleasure I feel in seeing your ecstasy, so there is no need for you to overexert yourself on me when you have already satisfied my heart and soul.”
This also continues for a while, where he will bring you to completion through his hands, mouth, or some other means without asking for anything in return. Though, if you ask him if you can touch him, he will gladly welcome it. But your pleasure is paramount and whether he reaches his own orgasm or not is irrelevant.
It goes without saying that if, at any stage, you ask for things to slow down or stop, V will without hesitation. However, one slightly negative effect is that he tends to take even things like “slow down” and “wait” as hard stops, pulling away and ending the moment there. You may have to stop him from just giving up right away. He finds it unexpected but endearing and arousing when you ask him to continue.
When he does, finally, go all the way, things are just as slow, sensual, and focused on your experience as everything leading up to this.
Having your hymen torn by V is extremely unlikely considering how carefully he had trained and molded your body for this moment. But, hypothetically, if this were to happen he would be frustrated.
He does not blame it on you in the slightest, nor does he show any sort of negative emotion outwardly. He pulls out and showers you in affirmations and comfort in any way he can with a gentle, sympathetic smile. On the inside though he is fuming.
He had been so careful, worked so hard to avoid this, and done everything he could to prepare you. And yet now his precious songbird was in pain and there was nothing he could do except offer moral support and maybe offer pain medication or natural pain relief like a bath.
He will insist you stop here for today and will take a few steps back in his plan to ease you back into trying that again.
After the eventual successful try, V is in a state of bliss as he enjoys the fruit of his labor. To experience the most intimate of connections with the one he loves and have you lay in his arms feeling satisfied, safe, and secure after giving him something so precious was a joyous moment he would carry with him for the rest of his life.
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fallowfrog · 6 months
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did u know im the #1 DmC fan. you'll never meet anyone who's more of a fan than i am (happy april fools day)
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kiiriie · 7 months
I'm so tired of doing this.
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randevu-01 · 11 months
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2023. DmC x CoD crossover for fun :D
Funker Vogt - Let`s Go to War
Funker Vogt - Kill on Command
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arkminimini · 24 days
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tiri5459 · 2 months
I had to make this. And so I present to you my collection taste in men.
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And some exceptions.
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Plus this one i've found not so long ago, but he already meets all my standards.
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paigeyssims2004 · 2 months
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First time posting some 3D stuff
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draymon-r0 · 11 months
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D: — Welcome to hell, baby.
V: — Shall we the blood moon dance?
/Хэллоуин закончился, а клоуны остались/
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4dmc · 9 months
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our-reb00t-boi · 2 years
Picture Reboot Vergil getting into a twitter beef w/Elon Musk 😁😆🤣
No beef 💀
Reboot Vergil would've nuked Twitter already💣💥
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animelovelover123 · 8 months
Devil May Cry Boys During Threesomes
Parings: Dante, Reboot Dante, Vergil, Reboot Vergil, Nero, and V x Reader
Synopsis: Short snippets of three-ways between you and two of the boys, because why have one man when you can have two?
Sequel here with added Urizen, Credo, Sparda, Nelo Angelo, and Kat.
Trigger Warnings: These stories have the boys focusing on you, and maybe you subscribed to the “it's not gay if it's in a three-way” idea, but just in case, Spardacest warning. There is only one moment when any of the boys show interest in pleasing the other man (I’ll put that part first so you can skip it if you have a problem with it) and another story where… well let’s just say there is a double-ended dildo involved.
Also bondage, edging, overstimulation, implied double penetration, blindfolding, sex toy, collar and leash, a little sacrilegious talk
Nero & Dante
As soon as you start to lose momentum, your legs losing strength and your body growing tired from the rhythmic bouncing, Nero picks up the slack. With his hands on your hips, he holds you up while he thrusts up into you. Or, if he is really feeling it, lifting and lowering you onto him. This meant that the sound of slapping skin and squishing liquid mingled with the three heavy breaths never let up. That’s the one distracting thing though, the third voice. Nero may be engaging with you, not just with his shaft but also with his lips and fingers that just can’t seem to stop marking your perfect skin, but the third person in this ensemble who seemed content to sit back and simply watch.
“You know, this isn't supposed to be a show.” Nero shot over your shoulder at Dante who was sitting in a chair a few feet from the bed you and Nero were on. “Or are you waiting for your Viagra to kick in old man?” He joked despite it being clear that Dante needed no assistance in getting excited. Dante even chuckled at the remark.
“No, I just didn’t want to steal the show from you kid.” Dante teased right back, his hand still slowly stroking his cock to keep it ready but not too stimulated. Getting off alone wouldn’t be much fun now would it? “But I can wait my turn, makes the pay off all the better don’t you think?” Dante leaned back in his chair, spreading his legs a bit more, and shooting you a wink.
“Ya maybe, but the whole point of this was to properly satisfy this little vixen. Right baby?” Nero asked as he gave one of your ass cheeks a solid smack. Nothing that hurt, but the sound was sharp and the jiggle was enough to make Dante groan quietly at the sight. “So come on,” Nero turned his attention back to Dante. He pulled on your upper back to make you lean forward a bit so that your butt stuck out more. Nero then grabbed either cheek and spread them so Dante had a clear view. “Join the party.”
Dante’s eyes scanned over your body as Nero offered it to him and for a second he seemed to consider something. Then his lips twisted up into a mischievous grin.
“You know, you’re right.” Dante stood from the chair, releasing his cock to instead grab the bottle of lube off the bedside table. “But you know, there is still one more problem. Which one do I go for?” Dante asked but before either you or Nero could say anything, Dante grabbed one of Nero’s legs. In one swift motion, Dante yanked on Nero, making Nero fall back onto the bed and you to fall forward over him. With you two in this position, Dante had access to both Nero’s and your back entrances. Dante’s tongue flicked out to lick at his lips. “On second thought, going back and forth might be even better.”
I tried to avoid having the boys focus on each other since it would just turn into a ship fiction and that’s not the point. But I thought of Dante being his usual confident, out-of-pocket self and doing this and I wanted to use it.
Dante & V
“Songbird~” V moaned in your ear, his chest flush against yours while his hips alternated back from sharp thrusts to sensual grinding. His hands held your hips gently. He would usually wrap you in his embrace, but right now another body blocked him.
“Look V, their legs are shaking.” Dante said, his tone a mix of amusement, desire, and sadistic excitement. Dante could feel your legs every movement as you were sat in his lap, your legs spread on either side of his own. Your back was pressed up against his chest, acting as a backboard of sorts to hold you in place while V picked up speed again.
They both fell quiet, watching you intently. They knew your signs, the tells of when you were just about to reach your peak. And just as the rush was about to kick in, everything stopped. No matter how you protested, it went just the same way as it had done the last two times. Dante had his arms wrapped about your middle, holding your arms and hips down, while V pulled out and away. However this time, unlike the first round, it seemed a lot harder for V to will himself away. He was shaking a bit too and his hands clenched and flexed in an attempt to control himself. He was still aroused, painfully so in fact, just like you and Dante. But there was a thrill in that discomfort and a rush of desire when you protested your third denial.
“Alright V, time to trade.” Dante announced, somewhat impatiently as he released you only to flip your quivering body around.
“Of course.” Even though V’s body was just as wound up as yours, he still carried himself with grace. “Come to me, my dear.” V held you a lot gentler than Dante, more like a cradle to his chest rather than a restrictive hold. He did slide his hands down your arms, gently grabbed your wrists, and lifted them to wrap around his neck, creating a closer bond and making it easy for him to grab and hold you back if need be. You could feel his length, just as hard, poking at your back. But that was paid no mind as Dante settled himself between your legs, his own cock standing tall and eager for attention.
“Alright baby, let's take a few deep breaths and then we can go again.” Dante instructed, his hands messaging your tense and strained thigh muscles. “Forth time the charm, right?”
For my friend and editor who wanted some edging. Feel lucky that I used the idea on my two favourite boys to self-insert romance. Tis an honour you know? lol
V & Nero
Nero collapsed against your back, his weight pushing you down onto the mattress that you had been pressed against and crying out in pleasure into, for the last few minutes. His chest heaved as he dragged in desperate breaths, creating an airflow that you could feel through your damp hair. The sudden movement caused his dick to slide out of you, unplugging you so that his third shot of seed dripped out to join the wet patch caused by his last two rounds.
“Well done~” Purred the silky smooth voice of V who was sitting on the edge of the bed. He reached over and ran his fingers through your hair both as a soothing pet and to brush your hair aside so he could look at your face. “How are you feeling my songbird? Tired?” He guessed as he gazed at your expression and how limp your body lay at this point. Suddenly though, Nero stirred.
“So good.” He practically moaned between panting breaths. He began to grind against your ass and his hands ran down your sides. “You feel so fuckin’ good baby.”
“Such an impatient boy.” Teased V, moving his hand away from your head to grab Nero’s shoulder and gently pull to encourage him to move away from you. “But it would be best if we give our beloved a break. We wouldn’t want to completely ravish her, not so quickly at least.” V more so ordered than suggested as he was calm enough to see how exhausted you were, but Nero didn’t listen. All Nero could hear was the hunger inside him demanding that he keep chasing that blissful high of filling you.
“More.” Nero growled as he pushed off the bed so he sat back on his legs. “Just a bit more.” He ignores any gentle protest you try to make as he grabs your hips and lifts them. He then lets go with one hand so he can grab his cock and drag its head up and down your folds, spreading his escaping seed. The sight of you already marked by him making his desire burn hotter. “Come on baby, you can give me another one right? I’ll make you feel soooo good.” Nero stared at your flexing hole as it tensed in anticipation, a part of his brain telling him it was a challenge. However, just as he started to push in, he was suddenly yanked back by the collar around his neck.
“My goodness Nero, I expected you to be better trained than this.” V criticized, though the smile curling his lips showed how he found Nero’s actions more amusing than bothersome, as he tightly gripped the end of the leash line. Nero’s leather collar had a matching leather leash that was wrapped around a ring on the wall above the headboard of the bed. When V pulled back on the other end, it forced Nero closer to the wall and away from you. “You need to learn to restrain that hunger of yours, then maybe we wouldn’t have to tie you up like this.”
“Please, no.” Nero struggled against the collar, though it was imbued with magic so he could not break it even with his demonic strength. Still, his mind was so clouded by lust that he clawed at the collar with one hand and used the other to attempt to grab you and pull you closer. “I need it. I need you baby.” Nero’s words came out almost like demands. They were deep and sharp, and you could see the primal demonic energy reach out a bit through his eyes that started to shine. V could tell that Nero couldn’t be reasoned with anymore, and that also meant that he was easier to set off.
“If you aren’t going to behave, then you’ll just have to be punished.” V’s smile turned mischievous as he hooked the leash to the post at the foot of the bed, meaning Nero was held right up against the wall where the ring was. V then scooped you up into his arms and away from Nero, who growled under his breath as you were taken further out of his reach. V’s hands slowly roamed your body, his touch a lot gentler than Nero’s, almost soothing to your worn muscles, but were also sensual in their caressing and messaging. V turned his head and whispered in your ear loud enough for Nero to hear while his eyes watched for Nero’s reaction. “Let me show you how to properly treat our sweet songbird.”
I don’t know why I am so into ferial beast Nero. Maybe it's how he looks in DMC5, making him more rugged, dirty, and aggressive-looking. It is a nice contrast to V though, imo.
Nero & Vergil
(Here is a link to a video giving examples of BPMs. You might need it for reference.)
Nero could hardly believe it and he was sitting there watching it happen. It was like something out of a porno, but unlike the actors who could only hold that pace for a few seconds, Vergil’s stamina had you breathless for minutes on end. If Nero, with his love for music, had to describe it he would say Vergil was pounding into you at a consistent bpm of 300-500. You didn’t even have the time to cry out or moan, only gasp and squeak between each thrust. It was almost worth the interruption and insults as it boggled Nero’s mind while being undeniably hot watching you barely hold it together. Even with you bent over and gripping a stool, that shook and scrapped against the floor harshly as if it was about to give way under the assault itself, you would not be able to stay on your feet if Vergil wasn’t holding your hips with a grip that would definitely leave small bruises aligned with his fingertips. Your fingers were white with strain in holding the stool, at least when your hand wasn’t smacking the stool in excess stress or reaching back towards Vergil. Your hair and body sook and jiggled harshly, especially when you kept shaking your head as if trying to communicate that it was too much and that you would not last but Vergil did not give you the ability to speak even if you wanted to.
Vergil, for his part was focused in a way Nero had never seen before. The way his lips tightened into a line, his brows knit in consideration, and the glistening sweat sliding down his face was different than his usual stoic demeanour, even when fighting, yet matched him perfectly. Even though this all started with Vergil’s determination to showcase his superiority, instead of looking to Nero to make sure he was watching, Vergil’s focus was on you. And even as he felt his own climax approaching he would not settle for a one-sided satisfaction. He let go of one of your hips to wrap his arm around your upper chest. His arm muscles flex as he pulls you to his chest, his arm acting like a bar that held you in place and took the brunt of your grabbing and clawing at it as your body reacted to the intense stimulation. Your body jerked and spasmed as Vergil ramped up towards 1000 bpm to properly fuck you through your orgasm. He slowed a bit as his own hit before suddenly dropping you. You try to catch yourself on the stool but your legs collapse like paper under you, bringing you to your knees as you cling to the stool to not fully hit the ground. You can feel the last few spurts of Vergil’s cum hit your back, adding to the almost degrading feeling.
“There,” Vergil said, sounding barely out of breath and still completely in control. “You better have learned from this boy.” Vergil said to Nero like a mildly upset teacher. “I hope for their sake,” Vergil motioned towards your limp body desperately dragging in breaths. “you do better next time or I will have to keep giving you this lesson.”
I don’t know why, but the mental image of Vergil fucking to the beat of Spoiler from Cyberpunk 2077 has been in my brain for the last year. Hopefully, it will leave me alone now. I don’t even like OG Vergil! I know Nero was barely part of this but I had to get the image out of my head and there is also something kind of hot about Vergil having to teach his son how to do it right~
Vergil & Dante
“I can’t believe your lack of tact brother.” Vergil sighed in frustration.
“Tackt? The hell do you know about tack in this situation?” Dante rolled his eyes.
The twins were fighting again, like usual. This was a daily occurrence, except usually you weren’t sitting sandwiched between them as they attempted to share you. But you all knew before this started that sharing was never an option, it was a fight over you.
“Have you ever stopped training long enough to even sleep with a girl before, you nerd?” Dante asked as he finally slid his hand out of your top to grab the neckline, intending to properly undo it, but then Vergil suddenly grabbed the other side.
“Unlike you, I don’t need to practice on insignificant fools just to figure out how to please a woman.” Vergil said smugly as he tugged on your shirt collar, signalling that he wanted to undo it.
“Or maybe you just don’t know how to get the stick out of your ass and pick up women!” Dante shouted back, the comment clearly getting on his nerves. As he did though, he yanked on the collar of your shirt, and with Vergil holding the other end firmly and them both having inhuman strength, it caused that article to rip open, which was a similar fate that your pants suffered not long before.
When you flinched at the loud tearing sound and the chill of the air hitting your now-exposed torso, the twins turned their attention to you.
“Are you alright?" Vergil asked, letting go of his half of your ripped shirt to run a hand up your torso, checking for any possible marks their rough treatment might have caused.
“Oops, sorry about that.” Dante said with a chuckle as he tossed his half aside and cuddled a bit closer to your side. “I’ll buy you a new one, promise.” He sealed the promise with a kiss to your cheek.
“With what money?” Vergil scoffed as he lifted your chin a bit to kiss your jaw, refusing to let Dante have anything over him.
“With the money I make from my business.” Dante answered before peppering your neck with kisses.
“The one that hasn’t gotten a job in weeks?” Vergil bites your neck lightly.
“At least I have income!” Dante bit down hard enough to make you jerk and to leave a mark.
“You can barely take care of yourself, how do you expect to care for her?” Vergil made a head gesture towards you while his hand dragged down your stomach and right into your panties. “I know how to treat this angle as she deserve.” Vergil said with a bit more sultry passion, which was aided by how two of his fingers slid between your slick folds. “Isn’t that right love?” Vergil whispers to you as he easily slips his fingers into you.
“And you think I don’t?” Dante shouted back with a sharp glare as he shoved his hand into your underwear as well. “I make her feel like she is in heaven.” Dante turns to you, his scowl softening into a determined and almost pleading look. “Right baby? I make you feel better than anything you could imagine.” He shoves his own pair of fingers into you alongside Vergil’s. With the doubling up the sensation was a bit more intense.
“Love.” Vergil called quietly as he curled his fingers.
“Baby.” Dante called as well as he began to pump his fingers in and out at a steady pace. “I make you feel better than him, right?” This makes Vergil tear his eyes away from you to glare at Dante with enough intensity to strike fear in a mortal man.
“You wanna bet?” He asked, pulling his fingers out of you to grab the belt of his pants.
“You’re damn right I do.” Dante's smile was smug as he also reached for his own belt buckle.
I HAD to have them bicker the whole time, it is like, the law. I picture this taking place when they are DMC3 age. Imagine, instead of fighting and ruining their relationship, the twins banded together to make sure you drown in love and pleasure. Fuckin’ yes please!
OG & Reboot Dante
Dante was so close, yet nowhere near close enough. The older Dante that is. The younger Dante was doing good, his hands pawing and messaging your chest at a satisfying intensity and rhythm while his lips worked up and down the back of your neck. The other Dante, though, was taking his damn sweet time.
He was kneeling between your spread limbs, his hands caressing your legs and hips while his lips trailed along the sensitive skin of your inner thigh. He would kiss, nip, suck, and lick his way up towards where you need him most. Then he would go back down towards your knees. You may think he was just a fan of longer foreplay, but if you watch him carefully you can see how pleased with himself he got when you whined and whimpered each time he pulled away from your core, the teasing jerk.
“Dante… more…” You requested, but it was not the older Dante that answered.
“Sure thing baby.” The younger Dante’s soft lips on your neck were replaced with a sharp bite of his teeth. He stopped the messaging of your chest to instead pinch your nipples, giving them a good tug.
“Wait, Dante, stop!” You interject.
“Right, sorry.” The older Dante fully pulled away, sitting back and lifting his hands up. Despite his apology like he had thought that you were talking to him, the smugness of his grin and quirked brow told you that he knew exactly what you had meant. And quickly you were shown that the younger Dante knew too because when you start to complain they both laugh.
It was going to be a long night.
The only reason I have the twins and their Reboot versions working together is so I could make this stupid joke of the Dante’s being little, pleased with themselves shitheads. I love them both. <3
Reboot Dante & Vergil
“Fuck, stop it!” Dante shouted, his body spasming in reaction to the stimuli which only made things worse. “Stop moving!”
“You’re the one who won’t stay still.” Vergil shot back in a tone sharper than he would like. He always did his best to be the more composed of the two, but at this point, he could barely keep his breath steady. And every incessant wiggle, jerk, and fidget Dante made would cause a ripple effect onto, or should I say into, him.
“Can you take this shit out already?” Dante turned his anger, caused by strain and embarrassment, towards you.
You were circling around the two men, gazing down at their glistening backs and watching each muscle twist and roll. You had both their amulets draped around your neck, the obvious reason being to limit their ability to fight back. But it was also a mark asserting your dominance and their places’ as yours. They were both on their knees, respective hands bound behind their backs with a third rope linking them together a foot apart, facing away from each other. Between them, disappearing and appearing at random intervals as Dante kept fidgeting and Vergil did his best to follow the movement to minimize the effect, was a double-ended dildo. Something that they both claimed they wanted away from, not that they could get away with how you had bound their calves to each other’s and the rope tethering their wrist together, yet the way their cocks dripped precum onto the floor told a different story.
“Haven't we had enough?” Vergil added when he noticed your mind had drifted from Dante’s crassly worded request. When you did not answer right away, Dante got more restless.
“God damn it.” Dante began to thrash a bit against his restraint, but soon the jerky motions transitioned into something smoother. “Just… fuck!” Dante’s hips started to unconsciously roll and bounce backward, making the dildo thrust into him.
Dante may not have realized what he was doing, but Vergil certainly did. He tried to hold his breath to stop a moan from slipping out, still trying to deny how good he felt. His body, like Dante’s, betrayed his resolve though as, instead of pulling away from Dante’s thrusts that forced the dildo in and out of them both, Vergil strengthened his stance and held his position.
It takes quite a while, both men being prideful and stubborn, but eventually they break.
“Please, I’m begging you.” Vergil murmurs, cheek pressed to the floor, his usual prim hairstyle flopped over and askew.
“Baby… baby I can’t fuckin’ take it anymore.” Dante’s chest heaved with each breath and drool dripped from the corner of his lip as he looked up at you.
Eventually, you release them, maybe after a bit more begging and them calling you a special title if you feel like it. You untie their legs but not their hands or the rope that links them together. This gives them the space to get the dildo to slide out of them both but not enough to separate so they instead sit back to back with each other on the floor. In the midst of trying to catch their breath though, you call to them.
You sit yourself on a plush chair and finally invite them to you, opening your legs. However, with your positioning and how they are tied together, only one of them would get to have you first. It was a ploy to have them fight a bit. You knew this. They knew this. But they were so on edge from the previous experience that they still fought with all their strength to have the pleasure to get to feel your velvety walls around them first.
I was struggling a bit with forming an idea for this one since I didn’t want it to be just a repeat of OG Dante and Vergil. Then I realized that none of the other parts had YOU being dominant over the boys, so here we are.
Reboot & OG Vergil
You were almost done. It had been 3 agonizing hours but you were almost finished. But why did this guy have to keep talking?
“And I also believe…” The person continued, unaware of your struggle as you sat silently biting your lip and hovering just above your chair just in case.
This was an important meeting and would aid in your collective cause greatly. But it was hard to keep that in mind when at random intervals your specially made undergarments would spring to life, vibrating in either a slow burn or a harsh jolt of sensation. And the worst part was, you didn’t know which of your lovers to shoot a glare or desperate look towards since they both had controllers tucked under the table. Your two Vergils may be different in a lot of ways, but both were masters at poker faces, the younger Vergil’s being a polite smile while the older Vergil’s was bordering on a scowl constantly. So there was no way to tell which of the two suddenly cranked the intensity. They didn’t even seem to notice the way you jolt or the little noises that shot from your lips before you could catch them, unlike the third party who would occasionally glance at you in concern but kept being waved off and told to continue, but you knew better. You have been with them long enough to know that the Vergils were taking a sadistic kind of pleasure in having you at their mercy, making you squirm and turning your body and mind to mush under the on-and-off assault for the past few hours.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the meeting wraps up and the man leaves. As the younger Vergil was seeing them off, the older Vergil watched you carefully. He didn’t say a word, just studied you, the corners of his lips twisted up into the faintest of smiles. Once you both could hear the younger Vergil approaching the meeting room, he stood and approached you.
“Yes, you can head home for today. We will lock up.” You could hear the younger Vergil say to the last of his workers who were hanging around the complex still through the door before he slipped inside with a sigh. “Well that took longer than expected, but this is another step closer to securing our control.” The younger Vergil said as he locked the door. “Now…” He moved to stand on one side of your chair, effectively boxing you in as the older Vergil had positioned himself on your other side. “we can deal with you.” The younger Vergil’s voice dropped a couple of octaves as he gazed down at your slightly trembling form.
“Stand.” The older Vergil ordered, arms crossed as if ready to discipline you if you hesitated.
You slowly brought yourself to your feet, struggling as your legs were tired from flexing in reaction to the sudden burst of vibration and the fact that you spent the last half hour of the meeting hovering an inch above your seat to avoid any attention-grabbing noises. Neither of the Vergil’s helped you up, only waiting patiently while enjoying the blatant effects their medaling has had on your body.
“I must admit, I am impressed.” The older Vergil continued once you were standing. “You held yourself together well, even when that fool kept droning on when he wasn’t asked.”
“And the fact that you put on the lingerie we left for you without even being asked~” The younger Vergil added, scanning your body from head to toe as if he could see your undergarments through your clothing. The lingerie had been left out for you, spread out atop your bed for you with no note. When they did this you knew it was not simply a gift, but an order, so not wearing it was not really an option. Still, the two men were pleased. “I think our dearest deserves a reward.” The younger Vergil hummed as he stepped closer, one hand gliding across your shoulders and moving aside your hair so his hot breath could glide across your neck.
The older Vergil joined in, also stepping closer. His hand started at your middle back and slowly sunk lower. His head leaned in so his lips brushed against your ear as he whispered, “I couldn’t agree more.”
I was originally going for a rich sugar daddy kind of thing where they keep and control you (think Jumin Han from Mystic Messenger) but I worried that that might be a bit much for people. It got diluted into this which isn’t bad, but I feel it is a bit generic. Oh well, still hot though.
Vergil & V
You couldn’t see anything. The silky blindfold wrapped snuggly around your head and the darkness of the night made you completely blind, which both strengthened and discombobulated your other senses. You can reach out for things but you didn’t know where anything was, how close or how far, meaning that if you do finally find something it is sudden and a shock. Worst though was that the things you wanted to touch most would purposely evade your reach. You could hear, but you didn’t. They were circling you, you could feel their eyes on you like a sixth sense, but they were practically silent. If you were lucky you could catch the creek of the floor, but other than that the only time you got to hear them is when they spoke to you or each other. But even then they would go back and forth, still moving, making it hard to nail down their position.
“You are a stunning creature.” Vergil said, his eyes racking over your nude form.
“A beauty that rivals the most awe-inspiring of art pieces.” Came V’s voice as just the tips of someone's fingers glided along your collarbone before disappearing, leaving you wanting for more, just unsure where to reach to get it. “I just want to stare at your visage all day my dearest songbird.”
“Watching can be nice,” Says Vergil as hands grab your shoulders. You might assume Vergil grabbed both, but you were being held by two right hands. Which belonged to which man was unclear. “But isn’t there something alluring about defiling art?” One of the hands, which seemed to come from in front of you, moves up into your hair. The other, coming to your side, wrapped around your neck in a gentle hold. “Perverting it, making it completely our own?”
“To dirty such an immaculate creature such as our love… one could call it a sin.” Both hands on you tighten a bit. Then the hand in your hair starts to pull you forward while the one on your neck slides to your back, between your shoulder blades, and pushes. “But we were never welcome in the pearly gates, were we?”
“How foolish.” Vergil scoffed. The two hands work together to guide you into bending over. “There is no need to concern ourselves with anything outside of this moment.” The tip of something hot, warm, and slick pressed into your cheek. Without your sight, you couldn’t tell whose it was, but if you reach out to grasp it or take it into your mouth you could figure it out. And soon you felt a similar heat nestle itself between your legs, encouraging you to squeeze your tights together around it. “Because there isn’t anything in heaven or hell that can stop us from taking what is ours.”
This was another one I had a bit of trouble with. I came up with the base idea of them blindfolding you and doing the brief touches then disappearing right away, but I couldn’t decide on specifics. Like, are you tied up? Are you being led around the room or are you still? How long? In the end, I am really happy with what I made, though I did not expect to get a little religious there.
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(Divider by @frenchkisstheabyss)
I need to practice writing sex scenes. I have told myself this again and again but I always struggle. If you have read a lot of my stuff you may have noticed that I tend to skirt around the actual sex, either writing general bullet points or leading up to it and then skirting around the action itself. This thing is, and I know it is wired, but I can openly be like “ya, Vergil’s DT in DMC5 has a dragon dick” but trying to actually write, in some detail, sex makes me all embarrassed. I can call someone “a dick” jokingly, but trying to say or write “dick” in a sensual sense just makes me… geagehgeshvdggsrshdwit, I can’t take it! I need to get over it though because I have all these spicy ideas and can visualize them but can’t write them down for other people to enjoy. Also, sex is full of repetitive motions and sounds and I don’t know how to make that interesting yet. So I wrote these, hoping that I could write more blatant sex scenes and I still beat around the bush a bit but I think this is better, right?
Also, anyone notice what I did with how I ordered these? We worked real hard on it. ^^
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bleedingivorydraws · 6 months
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I am your shelter of silence
I am the summer sinking through
The cold December of your soul.
You know your words taste like violence
Your lips like animals of war
Against my skin, I lose control
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kiiriie · 5 days
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